Nexus TK: The Kingdom of the Winds

Nexus TK: The Kingdom of the Winds

18.10.2013 03:32:08
Nexus TK: The Kingdom of the Winds
General Information
Unpublished work Copyright (c) 2005 Ryan Tracey
D.O.B: 02/02/1988
FAQ started: 13/11/05
Last Update: 08/01/06 - OOOHHHH My 18th in 3 weeks and 4 days!!! :D
E-Mail Address: linknightshade (at) hotmail (dot) com
Version Number: 1.0
FAQ Number: 3
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Prince Mhul

ASCII Provided by the awesome ASCII Generator.

- My Baby -
This is my FAQ which I slaved over and if any of you grubby little thieves are
out there then don't try and use this unless you have a written (typed ;D)
letter of approval from me Ryan T. linknightshade (at) hotmail (dot) com I hope
you will like this FAQ and find it useful, oh and you should check out the
acknowledgements, if you know anyone else who should be there e-mail me.

- Contents -
To skip to an actual section just input the title e.g. "1 - Introduction" for
now if I get good feedback then will make it even more user friendly :D.

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1 - Introduction

2 - Cave Requirements

3 - Quests

Jadespear and Ironhearts Quests
-Purchasing Armour
-Selling Meat
-Finding Items
-A Kingdom's Greeting
-To "Hammy" Ogres for some cider!
-Helping Chu Rua
-Deer Hunting
-Mica Expedition
-Missing Person
-Ice Beast

Class Specific Quests
-Warrior Shield Quest
-Warrior's Tiger Mail
-Warrior's Scalemail / Mail Dress

-Poet Whip Quest
-Poet's Robes / Gown

-Rogue Dagger Uniform Quest
-Rogue's White Moon Axe Quest
-Rogue's Waistcoat / Blouse

-Mage Spirit Stone Quest
-Mage's Garb / Dress

Neutral Quests
-Leviathan Quest
-Nagnag Shield Quest
-Totem / Dog Sub-Path Quest (Not Finished Yet)
-Staff of Elements (Not Finished Yet)
-Geomancer's Orb (Not Finished Yet)

Very Minor Quests
-Faerie Light (Not Finished Yet)
-Wisdom Test
-NPC Subpath Weapons (Not Finished Yet)

San Power Rank Quests
-Il San
-Ee San
-Sam San

4 - Minor Quest Locations

5 - Nexus / FAQ Lingo

6 - Clan Sign Up Sheets

7 - Contributor Central

8 - Acknowledgements

9 - Version History

10 - Legal Stuff

/ | /exus TK 1 - Introduction
Well hello there fair reader, my IE alias is Accendo so please when you email
me feel free to use either my real name or alias.

My Nexus TK alias used to be Accendo too but I didn't play for awhile and my
character got purged and currently I am seeing if I can un-purge (but it will
4 coupons just for one month 3 to un-purge :O)

Although I haven't played as Accendo in awhile I do have some Nexus knowledge
and felt like doing a FAQ for Nexus because there is only one FAQ on GameFAQs
at the moment.

I will also be getting alot of help from my brother who is known by three
aliases; ZellCendo, AfroSam and Mercator. His main character is ZellCendo named
in part from my Accendo character :D brotherly love eh, gotta love it!

What is this About?
This FAQ will be exploring lots of information that a few select people have on
their characters and I will also be gathering information about quests and
anyone from the Nexus community who wishes to add to this just send me an
e-mail to the address; linknightshade (at) hotmail (dot) com.

So basically this isn't purely my knowledge but a collection of years of work
from everyone who ever helped someone in Nexus and wrote about it. All in one
place though unlike mostly everywhere even the amazing NexusAtlas doesn't have
everything so as this is easier to upgrade I thought it was right I make it as
I enjoy helping people you should try it, it's fun.

/ | /exus TK 2 - Cave Requirements
In this section I will tell you the level requirement of every cave that I know
in existence from low level caves to VERY high level caves. I will list the
caves in three categories; caves you unlock by just being the right level,
caves you unlock by being 99 with the correct stats AND vortex caves. The
vortex caves is essentially the second section but that one would of been huge
had they been together!

Level Caves (Level 1 - Level 99)
In this section as some of the places can be hard to find I will also put in
the information of where the actual cave is!!! The layout will go as follows:
<> - <> - <> - <>

Level 4 - Rat Cave - Buya - 16, 78
Level 4 - Rat Cave - Kugnae - 47, 112
Level 6 - Rat Cave - Wilderness - 167, 181
Level 9 - Rabbit Cave - Buya - 112, 127
Level 9 - Rabbit Cave - Kugnae - 195, 138
Level 12 - Green Squirrels - Nagnang - 134, 155
Level 14 - Snake - Kugnae - 199, 69
Level 20 - Arctic Slush Ogres - Arctic Village - 16, 1
Level 20 - Fox Cave - Buya - 124, 144
Level 20 - Fox Cave - Kugnae - 19, 162
Level 20 - Iron Labyrinth - Wilderness - 55, 169
Level 25 - Rabbit Level 1 - *Mythic Nexus* - 49, 11
Level 28 - Sute Cave - Buya - 103, 23
Level 32 - Monkey Level 1 - *Mythic Nexus* - 44, 47
Level 35 - Arctic Snow Ogres - Arctic Village - 16, 1
Level 36 - Haunted House - Buya - 9, 65
Level 36 - Haunted House - Kugnae - 33, 62
Level 39 - Dog Level 1 - *Mythic Nexus* - 19, 24
Level 42 - Spider Cave - Kugnae - 79, 33
Level 46 - Rooster Level 1 - *Mythic Nexus* - 49, 29
Level 49 - HH Skeletons - Buya - 9, 65
Level 49 - HH Skeletons - Kugnae - 33, 62
Level 50 - Arctic Sleet Ogres - Arctic Village - 16, 1
Level 50 - Black Skeletons - Vale - 169, 77
Level 53 - Rat Level 1 - *Mythic Nexus* - 10, 11
Level 60 - Horse Level 1 - *Mythic Nexus* - 16, 47
Level 63 - Grim Ogres - Hamgyong Nam-Do - 21, 7
Level 63 - Deep Woods Mantis - Forest Crossroads - 2, 8
Level 65 - Arctic Hail Ogres - Arctic Village - 16, 1
Level 67 - Ox Level 1 - *Mythic Nexus* - 29, 44
Level 70 - Lobsters - Wilderness - 74, 1
Level 70 - Rabbit Level 2 - *Mythic Nexus* - 49, 11
Level 74 - Pig Level 1 - *Mythic Nexus* - 18, 38
Level 77 - Monkey Level 2 - *Mythic Nexus* - 44, 47
Level 80 - Polar Bears - Vale - 113, 160
Level 81 - Snake Level 1 - *Mythic Nexus* - 41, 24
Level 80 - Arctic Flurry Ogres - Arctic Village - 16, 1
Level 84 - Northern Ogres - Arctic Land - 9, 7
Level 84 - Dog Level 2 - *Mythic Nexus* - 19, 24
Level 88 - Sheep Level 1 - *Mythic Nexus* - 42, 38
Level 91 - Southern/Hill Ogres - Hamgyong Nam-Do - 10, 24
Level 91 - Rooster Level 2 - *Mythic Nexus* - 49, 29
Level 91 - Southern/Marsh Ogres - Hamgyong Nam-Do - 1, 2
Level 91 - Ghost Mantis - Forest Crossroads - 25, 27
Level 91 - Dark Mantis - Forest Crossroads - 19, 1
Level 95 - Arctic Blizzard Ogres - Arctic Village - 16, 1
Level 95 - Tiger Level 1 - *Mythic Nexus* - 11, 29
Level 98 - Rat Level 2 - *Mythic Nexus* - 10, 11
Level 99 - Dragon Level 1 - *Mythic Nexus* - 30, 18

Mythic Stat Caves (Level 99+)
Vita / Mana - Cave Type - Level

20,000 / 10,000 - Rabbit -=3=-

30,000 / 15,000 - Horse =2=

40,000 / 20,000 - Monkey -=3=-

50,000 / 25,000 - Ox =2=

60,000 / 30,000 - Dog -=3=-

80,000 / 40,000 - Pig =2=

100,000 / 50,000 - Rooster -=3=-

110,000 / 55,000 - Snake =2=

140,000 / 70,000 - Rat -=3=-

140,000 / 70,000 - Sheep =2=

170,000 / 85,000 - Tiger =2=

180,000 / 90,000 - Horse -=3=-

200,000 / 100,000 - Dragon =2=

220,000 / 110,000 - Ox -=3=-

260,000 / 130,000 - Pig -=3=-

300,000 / 150,000 - Snake -=3=-

340,000 / 170,000 - Sheep -=3=-

380,000 / 190,000 - Tiger -=3=-

420,000 / 210,000 - Dragon -=3=-

Vortex Caves (Level 99+)
Vita / Mana - Cave Type - Level

32,500 / 16,250 - Assassin -1-

38,000 / 19,000 - Magus -1-

47,000 / 23,500 - Hunter -1-

61,000 / 30,500 - Hillmen -1-

76,000 / 38,000 - Anchorite -1-

114,000 / 57,000 - Wind -1-

135,000 / 67,500 - Assassin =2=

159,000 / 79,500 - Shadow -1-

178,000 / 89,000 - Magus =2=

195,500 / 97,750 - Bandit -1-

225,000 / 107,500 - Hunter =2=

230,000 / 115,000 - Dread -1-

250,000 / 125,000 - Hillmen =2=

280,000 / 140,000 - Grey Hand -1-

280,000 / 140,000 - Anchorite =2=

302,000 / 151,000 - Earth -1-

320,000 / 160,000 - Wind =2=

332,000 / 166,000 - Water -1-

351,500 / 175,750 - Shadow =2=

365,000 / 182,500 - Assassin -=3=-

382,100 / 191,050 - Bandit =2=

400,000 / 200,000 - Magus -=3=-

416,100 / 208,050 - Dread =2=

434,000 / 217,000 - Hunter -=3=-

450,000 / 225,000 - Grey hand =2=

467,000 / 233,500 - Hillmen -=3=-

484,000 / 242,000 - Earth =2=

501,000 / 250,500 - Anchorite -=3=-

518,000 / 259,000 - Water =2=

535,000 / 267,500 - Wind -=3=-

552,000 / 276,000 - Shadow -=3=-

569,000 / 284,500 - Bandit -=3=-

586,000 / 293,000 - Dread -=3=-

603,000 / 301,500 - Grey hand -=3=-

620,000 / 310,000 - Earth -=3=-

640,000 / 320,000 - Water -=3=-

/ | /exus TK 3 - Quests
In this section I will put information about almost all quests from the game
and also how to beat them. I will begin with the beginner quests for any new
player to Nexus lucky enough to check out this FAQ! ;)

/ | /TK Jadespear and Ironhearts Quests
If you get lost just return to 88, 147 in Kugnae and 55, 122 in Buya.

Purchasing Armour
To purchase armour you just have to go to the co-ordinates 60, 123 in Kugnae
and in 18, 103 Buya. Then get to the shop enter and double-click on the scruffy
looking man there and click on peasent clothes and then scale-mail and you will
of just made your first purchase, then make your way back to your teacher for
an experience award of 100 points thats 20 Rabbits or 10 squirrels.

Selling Meat
To sell the rabbit meat you have to go to the butcher and she is at the
location 41, 131 in Kugnae and 39, 129 in Buya then enter the shop click the
woman and then sell the five rabbit meat by selecting them and then input the
number. When they are sold go onto buy and then buy a "meat scrap" just 1 and
head back to your teacher and speak to him again for an award of 100 experience

Finding Items
You now have to find items for your teacher first a rose in Kugnae go to 139,
192 and in Buya. He also wants 5 chestnuts go to around 108, 149 in Kugnae and
25, 35 in Buya. Return and you will get an experience bonus of 150 points.

You now have to catch your own dinner. Go to 28, 170 in Kugnae and 109, 88
in Buya and you will be able to start catching fish if you shout out "fish".
When you have a "minnow" return to your teacher and he will give you 50 exp.

A Kingdom's Greeting
You now have to go to the library for the kingdom which in Kugnae is at 89,
112 and at 55, 73 in Buya. You have to say a tutor's name out loud whichever of;
"Jadespear" or "Iron Heart" and when you return to the tutor you will get 150
experience points.

To "Hammy" Ogres for some cider!
You now need to venture to a different land for some "Ogre Cider" which you
will find in Hamgyong Nam-Do (Ogre Country!). When you get to Hamgyong go down
and it is the first cave on your right. Buy some Ogre Cider and return to your
tutor for 150 experience points.

Helping Chu Rua - Time for a REAL Quest now ;)
When you have accepted by way of your tutor go a little bit north in this new
place and double-click on the turtle. Move north and when you see the rabbit on
the next screen say "ginseng" to him and he will tell you his story and then
head north and turn left at the fork in the trees.

When you see the tiger speak "rabbit" and he will ask which way you him say
the "forest". When the tiger has left move to the top left and you will get the
root then leave and go to Chu-Rua to speak to him and give him the root.

Your reward is 400 experience points, a karma boost and a magical ring! Good
haul eh considering you did none of the work eh? ;) You also get 200 exp.
points from your tutor.

Deer Hunting
You just have to go and kill 12 deer (the one's WITH antlers not without!)
and when you have finished return to your tutor. My favourite place to hunt
deer is north gate Buya then just a little bit east. When you return you will
get an experience bonus of 200 points.

Mica Expedition
Go to 47, 112 in Kugnae and in Buya to find the rat caves. Search the caves
for a white rat and then kill them all until they drop a mica (black rock) then
return to your tutor and you will get 500 experience points.

Your tutor will tell you about getting around to travel. Your tutor will
mention about horseback being faster than walking. He will then tell you to
find a horse and ride it back to him (to ride a horse press ). You can find
horses in north-west Buya and north-west Kugnae. When you are mounted, ride
back to your tutor and you will get an experience bonus of 500 points.

The Missing Person
The tutor will tell you about his missing brother. He tells you where he
lives and asks you to investigate for him. You now have to go to the Sanhae
valley and then the Sanhae hall to visit the mayor. Go to the Arctic lands and
then exit to the East. When in the new area go out through the north exit and
then go to the co-ordinates 33, 19. When you have the mayor on the screen say
"Sanhae Mayor?" and he will reply and you should select Jadespear / Iron
Heart's brother. Then select "Dark Forces" and then "Du Mountain".

You must now make your way back to the "Arctic lands" and go to the co-ords
10, 1. Speak to the man and then venture to the top of the mountains by
navigating through the caves just go to the one you didn't first enter then
make your way to the top and then you will have to kill 6 of the wolves then
return to the man and he will reveal he is brother to the great tutor's then
return to your tutor for an experience reward of 500 points.

The Ice Beast
This is a fun "REAL" quest if you want to try on your own by all means
otherwise read-on.

You must go to KaMing's Encampment then go to the co-ordinates 12, 46 when
you enter speak to the man by saying "Ice Beast", "Ice Heart" and "Frost Sabre"
and the man will start to talk about the frost sabre. He will then ask about
100 gold.

Now you must go to Kugnae then to east gate and to the co-ordinates 197, 200
and buy some "Aged Wine". Then exit out of the east gate and when you are on
the new screen walk left until you reach the co-ordinates 1, 60. When you enter
the new area find the "Nameless Hermit" and trade your "Aged Wine" for his
"Travelling Shoes". You should then walk over the lava until the large monster
the "Ice Beast" dies then pick up the "Ice Heart".

Make your way back to Blood in Kaming's Encampment at 12, 46. When there say
"Ice Beast", "Ice Heart" and "Frost Sabre". You will attain a magical sword
2300 experience points and a legend mark. On your return to tutor you will gain
5 exp. points because of the great stuff you already gained.

Your First Skill and the Begining of the End and the End of the Beginning......
When you speak to your tutor you will set off to make your student cap. This
is almost the end now you are making your own graduation hat.

You must gather 1 wool and to do this go to the center of the wilderness and
(to get to wilderness go out Buya South gate or Kugnae North gate) then make
your way to the center. When you have 1 wool make your way to the co-ordinates
44, 30. When in this shop say "Weave" and you will make some wool then return
to your tutor.

Make your way to East gate Kugnae and then to the co-ordinates 29, 1 and then
on the new screen to to 26, 4. Make your way through the museum looking at the
sites if you want (I did on my first time I loved it!). You can also see the
gods a rare thing but still they are there!

When you reach the end click on the old man and select "Student Cap" and he
will create your student cap for you and then you should make your way back to
your tutor for 2000 experience and your final goodbye to your tutor!

/ | /TK Class Specific Quests

Warrior - Shield Quest
======= ============
To initiate this quest, you must head to Nagnang and find the Warrior Guild
29, 57 ((North Gate then down to the bridge then cross the bridge then down
again)). Click on the Guildmaster, Shield and select Shield. He will ask you to
slay a Green Squirrel, which is easy enough to do. Gate to East Gate and head
due south. At 124, 154 there is a field full of Green Squirrels. Collect
a pelt and return. He will tell you that you are ready for the Cave of Trials.
Head to the cave at 10, 50 ((West gate and up)).

"To complete the Warrior trial alone, just follow these simple steps originally
outlined by Coronus the Barbarian:

This works best when nobody else is completing the quest, so try in off-peak

Head in to the cave, and travel all the way to the last room, noting the
name of each room as you walk through:
Kill all you need to on your way through, your goal is not to get your shield
yet... just to get to the end.

I forget the name of the first room, but...
2. Havoc
3. Maelstrom
4. Crystal Path
5. Formatoins
6. Jeweled Rows
7. Objective.

When you reach the room called "Objective", turn around and walk back in to
Jeweled Rows. Now, kill what you need to to lead most of the creatures over to
the west wall. After you and 90% of the animals are bunched on the west wall,
stand still a minute and wait for respawn. Let Respawn come to you as well,
and then gate.

Now, walk back in, killing any you need to until you get to
room 5 "Formations"... and do the same thing. Line up all the animals you can
along the west wall, and then stand and wait for respawn to move toward west
wall... then gate.

Keep walking in... completing room 4....
then room 3...
then room 2..
then room 1. and then gating after each.

Now, walk back in, straight to the end, past all your lined up creatures,
and get your shield :)

Good luck!" - Taken from the Warrior Guild board

If you want you could just do it with someone else and they kill everything for
you while you get to the end.

Warrior - Tigress / Tiger Mail
======= ====================
You must go to the coordinates 128, 120 and say "Chongun" to the tiger there.
For each armour you must have a certain set of items, a certain level and you
be willing to give some experience. You also have to bring back you previous
armour e.g. for Jade Tiger Mail you need your Tiger Mail.

I will now list the items needed and information attributed to each armour:

Tiger Mail / Tigress - Level 1* ((You have to be level 5 to become a warrior))
War Platemail (Use the Peasant Clothes option!!!)
664 Exp.

Jade Tiger Mail / Jade Tigress - Level 10
Tiger Mail
Mountain Ginseng
Jade War Platemail
2,556 Exp.

Royal Tiger Mail / Royal Tigress - Level 20
Jade Tiger Mail
Fox Blade
Royal War Platemail
11,200 Exp.

Sky Tiger Mail / Sky Tigress - Level 30
Royal Tiger Mail
Sky War Platemail
34,784 Exp.

Ancient Tiger Mail / Ancient Tigress - Level 40
Sky Tiger Mail
Moon Blade
Ancient War Platemail
70,344 Exp.

Blood Tiger Mail / Blood Tigress - Level 50
Ancient Tiger Mail
Blood War Platemail
178,032 Exp.

Earth Tiger Mail / Earth Tigress - Level 60
Blood Tiger Mail
Earth War Platemail
428,544 Exp.

Warrior - Scalemail / Mail Dress
======= ======================
To begin your celestial armour quest you must have been blessed by the stars to
achieve this you must obtain a white amber and go to the coordinates 29, 31 in
Mythic Nexus and drop the white amber.

Make Sure you read these tips carefully!
1. Items have to be 100% Durability. If you have the items equipped, they can
and =WILL= be removed. Therefore be very very cautious!

2. Make sure you have ALL the items for each step or else the NPC may take
the ones you have and not give you any of the credit!

3. Make sure that you say the armour type each and every time you complete one
of the tasks. For example saying "Star" after you complete each of the tasks in
the star armour quest!

4. When you have to go after an enemy, make sure you are ungrouped, get full
experience and have that enemy as the last thing you killed! Just gate don't

Star * - Level 66 - Rabbit Karma
Beginning - You must say "star" to the Kugnae or Buya Guildmaster of your
respective guild.

Task 1. You must kill 18 "Spry Monkeys" if you are Monkey 1
You must kill 18 "Agile Monkeys" if you are Monkey 2
You must kill 18 "Fast Monkeys" if you are Monkey 3

Task 2. You must bring Two "Titanium Gloves" to the guildmaster (remember the
tips!). The guildmaster will take them both from you.

Task 3. You must now bring the guildmaster an "Electra".

Task 4. You will now have to give one point of Might and of Karma.

You will now receive your * Star * armour *!congratulations!*

Moon ( - Level 76 - Dog Karma
Beginning - You must say "moon" to the Kugnae or Buya Guildmaster of your
respective guild.

Task 1. You must kill a "Boar Champion" if you are Pig 1
You must kill a "Pig Champion" if you are Pig 2
You must kill a "Pig Avenger" if you are Pig 3

Task 2. You must kill 30 "Mad Dogs" if you are Dog 1
You must kill 30 "Crazed Mongrels" if you are Dog 2
You must kill 30 "Frothing Mutts" if you are Dog 3

Task 3. You must kill twenty grim ogres found in the most northwestern cave
in Hamgyong Nam-Do and bring him twenty "Ambers".

Task 4. You must now bring him three "Electras" and one "Titanium Glove". He
will also take two points of might and one point of grace. Remember
the tips!

Task 5. You will now have to give him your Star Scale Mail / Mail Dress. Any
armour will actually do for this even if it's not your bonded suit of
armour. You will also need to give two points of karma.

You will now receive your ( Moon ( armour *!congratulations!*

Sun O - Level 86 - Tiger Karma
Beginning - You must say "sun" to the Kugnae or Buya Guildmaster of your
respective guild. You must also have two carnage victories.

Task 1. You will have to kill sixty Frost Ogres and sixty Ice Ogres these are
found deep within the Northern Ogres Cave.

Task 2. You must now bring twenty "White Ambers", two "Titanium Gloves", two
"Corrupted Blades" and four "Electras".

Task 3. You must now kill 200 rabbits, the game has a kill information bank
of 200 kills I believe therefore everything that the game has to
remember you killed is just rabbits and NOTHING else BE CAREFUL!!!

Task 4. Same drill as task 3 EXCEPT 200 squirrels you also need to bring 14
gold acorns.

Task 5. You must kill a "Mythic Monkey" and a "Monkey Mauler" if you are
Monkey 1.
You must kill a "Divine Monkey" and a "Monkey Basher" if you are
Monkey 2.
You must kill a "Spirit Monkey" and a "Monkey Avenger" if you are
Monkey 3.

Task 6. For this final step you must give your Moon Scale Mail / Mail Dress
he will also ask for 20,000 coins, three points of might, two points
of grace, two points of will and three points of karma to complete
your final celestial armour quest.

You will now receive your O Sun O armour *!congratulations!*

Poet - Poet Whip Quest
==== ===============
This quest will consist of 8 tasks

Beginning - Travel to the Nagnang Poet Guild at 96, 100 which is a small
pagoda. It's best to go to East Gate as Nagnang has a tendency to help
people get lost over it's many bridges. Speak to the Guildmaster and there
will be a option called "Welcome Stranger" choose this. You will have to
click this to complete each task of the quest!

1) The Guildmaster will ask that you bring a Sonhi pipe to him. He will take
it as a donation.

2) Next, he will ask for a shard of wood that will last forever. This can be
found by walking around the area outside of the forever tree (19, 91), in the
wilderness. You usually will find this relatively quick.

3) After bringing this back to the guildmaster, you will gain the first legend
mark. ("Became Nangen Acolyte")

4) After receiving further instructions and your Sacred Water, head South into
the place that looks exactly like the Poet Guild (99, 112). (MAKE SURE NOT TO
QUEST) Sidenote: You can recieve only 2 Sacred waters from the Guildmaster,
so you only have 2 chances to do the quest successfully.

5) Follow the path north, and along the way you will come across magic rabbits,
these will not bother you. You will also see Evil presences, they don't hit
often, but hit extremely hard when they do. So watch yourself.

6) When you reach the last room called "Oblivion" walk around till you fall,
while trying to dodge Evil presences. It is rumored it is quicker to fall if
you walk around the center of the map around the big tree in the middle.

7) Now, once you fall in you'll see the Oblivion. He does not move or swing as
compared to in the past. So all you have to do to complete this part is just
merely drop your Sacred water next to the Oblivion. He will fade away and
you will gain experience for his death.

8) After his defeat, return too the poet guild to collect your whip and the
final legend mark.
-- If you can't finish the quest? Do this: --
-- --------------------------------------- --
-- 1) Walk into the Path of Choices --
-- 2) Kill one of the magic bunnies. --
-- 3) Return to Staff and select "Poet Welcome" --
-- 4) Head to each of the totem shrines in the wilderness and say "Forgive"--
-- 5) At each shrine it will say something like: --
-- -------------------------------- --
-- The Great Turtle blesses you. --
-- The Stealthful Tiger releases you. --
-- The Powerful Dragon pardons you. --
-- The Soaring Bird forgives you. --
-- -------------------------------- --
-- 6) Return to Staff and select "Poet Welcome" --
-- You'll be allowed to restart the quest from the beginning --

Poet - Robes / Gown
==== ============
To begin your celestial armour quest you must have been blessed by the stars to
achieve this you must obtain a white amber and go to the coordinates 29, 31 in
Mythic Nexus and drop the white amber.

Make Sure you read these tips carefully!
1. Items have to be 100% Durability. If you have the items equipped, they can
and =WILL= be removed. Therefore be very very cautious!

2. Make sure you have ALL the items for each step or else the NPC may take
the ones you have and not give you any of the credit for it!

3. Make sure that you say the armour type each and every time you complete one
of the tasks. For example saying "Star" after you complete each of the tasks in
the star armour quest!

4. When you have to go after an enemy, make sure you are ungrouped, get full
experience and have that enemy as the last thing you killed! Just gate don't

Star * - Level 66 - Rabbit Karma
Beginning - You must say "star" to the Kugnae or Buya Guildmaster of your
respective guild.

Task 1. You must kill 9 Nine-tailed foxes (81 tails in all :O) which are
found in either the Buyan or Korguryan fox cave.

Task 2. You will now have to bring two "Sen Gloves" and one "Titanium Lance".
remember the tips!

Task 3. You will now have to give one point of Will and of Karma

You will now receive your * Star * armour *!congratulations!*

Moon ( - Level 76 - Dog Karma
Beginning - You must say "moon" to the Kugnae or Buya Guildmaster of your
respective guild.

Task 1. You must be married for this task.

Task 2. You must now bring fifty "Roses" found in the same places as the
tutor quests, if you can't get them any other way ;)

Task 3. You must of mentored three people in your lifetime. (Not just from
when you stat this portion.)

Task 4. You must now give your Star Robes / Gown and two points of karma and
two points of will.

You will now receive your ( Moon ( armour *!congratulations!*

Sun O - Level 86 - Bear Karma
Beginning - You must say "sun" to the Kugnae or Buya Guildmaster of your
respective guild.

Task 1. You must kill a Massive Scorpion from the Kugnae Spider cave.

Task 2. You must kill Sute.

Task 3. You must now bring him ten "Crafted White Ambers", one "Purified
Water" and six "Sen Gloves"

Task 4. This is very time consuming and easy to mess-up. If I was you I would
do this over a period of a few days in which you only have a small
amount of time spare. You must worship all of the totems beginning
with Chung-Ryong, then Baekho, then Ju-Jak and then Hyun MooFor each
(except the one you follow, you can use a gold acorn). You also have
to wait one week (In-game that is), that's 21 hours, that's why I
said time consuming! You must also keep your vow of silence during
this time of worship meaning that you can't talk to NPCs enter
carnages or ((this is the worst)) enter Mythic Nexus. Good luck...

Task 5. You must be Adept in a refining skill either; Tailoring, Smithing or

Task 6. You must give two "Titanium Lances".

Task 7. You must finally give a Moon Robe / Gown and five points of Karma.

You will now receive your O Sun O armour *!congratulations!*

Rogue - Dagger Uniform Quest
===== ====================
Requirements: Stardrop

Now to begin this quest head to 19, 140 in Nagnang ((West gate and down)).

Click on the Elder there who looks like a ninja. Click "Dagger Strangers" three
times on the 3rd time he will summon Assasins which are super hard so just run
unless your 99 plus and are hard yourself! He will now tell you to go see a
Blue Rooster which means looking around Buya for a Blue Rooster and then
clicking on it then return.

Now you must steal a Silver Acorn from Maro the Elder of Kugnae guild, so go to
Kugnae guild and do it! When you have stolen it will get stolen from you now
you must go to the north-east area of Dae Shore with the Stardrop and speak to
the bird that took the acorn.

Return to Dagger again now you must frame Elder Maro of Kugnae rogue guild. You
do this by giving Elder Maso of Buya the Maso scroll that Dagger gives you. Go
do as he says then click on dagger for the last time. You now have the
transformation spell and also the ability to do the Nagnag shield quest.

Rogue - White Moon Axe Quest
===== ====================
Requirements: You must be Level 70, have a Whisper Bracelet and 20,000 coins.

Now to begin this quest you must visit the rogue tutor of Buya, Maso. Say aloud
"Moon". You must have a whisper bracelet that is at 100% and he won't take this
off you so don't worry about that.

Say "Moon" again this time to prove how brave you are by killing 5 Pale
Scorpions which can you can find in the Spider Cave in Kugnae at 79, 33. When
you have killed all 5 return without killing anything else in between or after.

Say "Moon" again you now have to slay "Skeleton Ju" who is deep inside the
Kugnae Haunted house make sure he is the last thign you killed. Say "Moon"
again, Maso will ask for 20,000 coins once he receives the money, you will
recieve the White Moon Axe.

Rogue - Waistcoat / Blouse
===== ==================
To begin your celestial armour quest you must have been blessed by the stars to
achieve this you must obtain a white amber and go to the coordinates 29, 31 in
Mythic Nexus and drop the white amber.

Make Sure you read these tips carefully!
1. Items have to be 100% Durability. If you have the items equipped, they can
and =WILL= be removed. Therefore be very very cautious!

2. Make sure you have ALL the items for each step or else the NPC may take
the ones you have and not give you any of the credit for it!

3. Make sure that you say the armour type each and every time you complete one
of the tasks. For example saying "Star" after you complete each of the tasks in
the star armour quest!

4. When you have to go after an enemy, make sure you are ungrouped, get full
experience and have that enemy as the last thing you killed! Just gate don't

Star * - Level 66 - Rabbit Karma
Beginning - You must say "star" to the Kugnae or Buya Guildmaster of your
respective guild.

Task 1. You must kill 2 Slime Ogres or 2 Muck Ogres.

Task 2. Now bring 2 "Whisper Bracelets" remember the tips!

Task 3. Now bring a "Steelthorn" to the guildmaster.

Task 4. Now you will have to give one Grace and one Karma to complete your
quest and receive your armour.

You will now receive your * Star * armour *!congratulations!*

Moon ( - Level 76 - Dog Karma
Beginning - You must say "moon" to the Kugnae or Buya Guildmaster of your
respective guild.

Task 1. You must kill a "Dog Assassin" if you are Dog 1.
You must kill a "Dog Cutthroat" if you are Dog 2.
You must kill a "Dog Avenger" if you are Dog 3.

Task 2. You must now give two "Whisper Bracelets", two "Steelthorns", fifty
"Ambers" (Regular), ten "Dark Ambers", one "Lucky Coin" and 15,000
coins. Remember the tips!

Task 3. You must now of done the White Moon Axe quest and now bring the axe
to the guildmaster. It can be bonded or not.

Task 4. Now you must give a Star Waistcoat / Blouse two points of Grace and
two of Karma.

You will now receive your ( Moon ( armour *!congratulations!*

Sun O - Level 86 - Bear Karma
Beginning - You must say "sun" to the Kugnae or Buya Guildmaster of your
respective guild.

Task 1. You must kill twelve Ice Panthers and Citelam they are in a room
called Sacred Grove in the Northern Ogres cave. They are monsters
that only spawn when you stand on the right point. You can't use a
Warrior friend to help either because the room is no magic (That
means no Invisibility - you can run out of the room and put it on

Task 2. If you are Rat 1 you must kill a Mythic Rat and a Mighty Mouse.
If you are Rat 2 you must kill a Divine Rat and a Rat Lord.
If you are Rat 3 you must kill a Spirit Rat and a Rat Avenger.
These also have to be the last two things you killed! Careful!

Task 3. If you are Rabbit 2 you must kill a Divine Rabbit and a Rabbit Witch.
If you are Rabbit 3 you must kill a Spirit Rabbit and a Rabbit
These also have to be the last two things you killed! Careful!

Task 4. Remember the tips!!! You must bring five "Whisper Bracelets", eight
"Steelthorns", six "Corrupted Rings" and twenty "Gold Acorns"! like
omg! At time of print that would be about 1.4 mil gold to buy it all!

Task 5. For the final step you must bring a Moon Waistcoat / Blouse and give;
two points of Might, three points of Grace, two points of Will and
three points of Karma.

You will now receive your O Sun O armour *!congratulations!*

Mage - Spirit Stone Quest
==== ==================
Requirements: Level 55, you must have the spell "Vex" a "Zap" spell, a rose and
a piece of Ore [High].

Go to the Mage hall at 127, 35 in Nagnang. Go to East gate and then North. Now
speak to the guildmaster, and choose the option "Mage Stone". Go to 132, 23 in

When you enter, go to the top of the cave. There will be 3 doors; at the left,
there is Yin(Dark), then Yang(Light), and finally Void(Neutral). You will also
note there are rats above each door. To get the Prophets to speak with you, you
must cast vex on one of the rats, and zap it to kill it. You can now speak to
the Prophet.

When you speak with Yin, he will ask you to give him the Rose.

When you speak to Yang, he will ask you to give him the piece of Ore [High].

When you speak to Void, he will ask you to go to the cemetary in Southern
Koguryo, and walk around. Keep doing so until you recieve a popup from one of
the spirits dwelling there. Listen to the spirit and then go back to Void.

To finish this quest you must go back to the Nagnang Mage Guildmaster, and
click on the "Mage Stone" option. You will recieve a new legend mark that reads
"Family to the Nangen Mages" and also a nifty Spirit stone!

You can now also do the Nagnag Shield Quest.

Mage - Garb / Dress
==== ============
To begin your celestial armour quest you must have been blessed by the stars to
achieve this you must obtain a white amber and go to the coordinates 29, 31 in
Mythic Nexus and drop the white amber.

Make Sure you read these tips carefully!
1. Items have to be 100% Durability. If you have the items equipped, they can
and =WILL= be removed. Therefore be very very cautious!

2. Make sure you have ALL the items for each step or else the NPC may take
the ones you have and not give you any of the credit for it!

3. Make sure that you say the armour type each and every time you complete one
of the tasks. For example saying "Star" after you complete each of the tasks in
the star armour quest!

4. When you have to go after an enemy, make sure you are ungrouped, get full
experience and have that enemy as the last thing you killed! Just gate don't

Star * - Level 66 - Rabbit Karma
Beginning - You must say "star" to the Kugnae or Buya Guildmaster of your
respective guild.

Task 1. You must kill the Skeleton Mage and Skeleton Warrior which can be
found in the basement of the Kugnae Haunted House. THey are the
bosses and both look alike - Blue.

Task 2. Now you must bring two Holy Rings. Remember the tips!

Task 3. Now you must bring one Star-staff.

Task 4. You must now give one point of Will and of Karma

You will now receive your * Star * armour *!congratulations!*

Moon ( - Level 76 - Ox Karma
Beginning - You must say "moon" to the Kugnae or Buya Guildmaster of your
respective guild.

Task 1. You must kill Li the large one-eyed guardian of sute's treasure.
Tip: While here kill sute for his key but don't use it you will need
this for task 3.

Task 2. You must now kill the White Wolf. Which is in the Buya fox cave.

Task 3. You must now collect a whole trigram key set consisting of keys to;
Earth, Fire, Heaven, Mountain, Wind, Pond, Thunder and Water. You
also need Sute's key.

Task 4. You must now bring a Star Garb / Dress and give two points of Karma
and two of Will.

You will now receive your ( Moon ( armour *!congratulations!*

Sun O - Level 86 - Tiger Karma
Beginning - You must say "sun" to the Kugnae or Buya Guildmaster of your
respective guild.

Task 1. You must kill 40 Thumps and 40 Fluffs there are other rabbits called
Hops that look like the thumps so be careful of your count. This is
for rabbit 3 only.

Task 2. You must now bring him three items with "Star" in their name. There
are four and they are; Star Powder (from the arena shops), a Star
Drop, a Star-staff and / or a Star Burst. You can't bring 3 of the
same items.

Task 3. You must now kill one of the creatures which has slow in it's name in
the whole of nexus they are; SkeLetOn Warrior from Kugnae Haunted
House Basement, WiLd hOrSe in Horse 1 and WiLd rOoSter in Rooster 1.
Remember just 1.

Task 4. Now you must bring twenty White Ambers, four Holy Rings, five
Star-staves and two Corrupted Staves. He wont take them all and
remember the tips.

Task 5. You must now kill a Massive Scorpion from the Kugnae Spider Cave.

Task 6. You must now kill 200 rabbits, the game has a kill information bank
of 200 kills I believe therefore everything that the game has to
remember you killed is just rabbits and NOTHING else BE CAREFUL!!!

Task 7. Same drill as task 6 EXCEPT 200 squirrels you also need to bring 14
gold acorns.

Task 8. You must now give a Moon Garb / Dress and two points of Might, two
points of Grace, three points of Will and three points of Karma.

You will now receive your O Sun O armour *!congratulations!*

/ | /TK Neutral Quests
Leviathan Quest
To start the leviathan quest go to south Nagnang and then to the co-ordinates
135, 155 and then the exit down and take the fork to the right and then
continue one screen more down for the ancient leviathan. Speak to him and say
that you would be honored to help him and you will receive a talisman. Kill a
green suirrel for a green squirrel pelt.

Now, Gateway to East gate and move to the guard so he is directly infront of
you and press and press the letter associated with the green squirrel pelt
to give the guard one. In this new screen go directly up onto a new screen. On
this new screen called "Worn Trail" go off the screen to the north. When on the
new screen head up to the leviathan cages and stand in the opening to free the

When that is accomplished make your way to the ancient leviathan again. You
can now buy fans from the hermit to the north-east of where the ancient
leviathan is on the screen before the ancient leviathan's. You also gain a
legend mark for freeing a leviathan.

Nagnag Shield Quest
Prerequisites: You must have completed your Nagnang quest; Warrior Shield,
Rogue Dagger Uniform, Poet Whip and Mage Spirit Stone quests. Compasses, Stilts
a Lantern and a Lockpick. You also need the items for what you are going to

How to make Compasses - Items; Soup Bowl, Fine Metal.
You must go to 17, 12 in Kugnae (north-west corner) and speak to Baek by
saying "Nagnag". You must now hand him the soup bowl and fine metal for a
return of 10 compasses. The compass will point you in the right direction but
using map direction so if you don't know what they are here:
North = Up
South = Down
East = Right
West = Left

How to make Stilts - Items; 10 Wool, 10 Ginko Wood.
You need some wool twine and to get this go to the weaver in the wilderness
with the 10 wool and say "Twine". She is located at 45, 30. When you have the
twine you must go to the Zibong Ghost with the twine and 10 ginko wood and he
will make you some stilts. This part will be explained later.

How to make a Hot Coal - Items; Coal, Flash Dust.
You must combine a Coal and a Flash Dust to make a hot coal. You get flash
dust from the arena shops (Kugnae Arena 184,130 or Buya Arena 126,74) and you
get coal from the smith in Sanhae who is at 24, 8. To get to Sanhae go to the
Arctic Land exit down to the "Northern Pass" now go out the south-east exit and
go out the north exit and you will reach Sanhae and then to 24, 8 to get to the
smith. When you buy the coal off him use the Shift + i feature to combine the
"Coal" and "Flash Dust" for a "Hot Coal".

White paper cost 100 coins from Kugnae Messanger Shop. Max you can hold is 1
per slot. Kugnae Messanger 94, 47.

Beef can be acquired from Mythic Ox or from Mud Bull inside of Kugnae Snake
Cave 199, 69 in Kugnae.

How to make a Lockpick - Items; Wood Scraps, Fine Steel Dagger.
To get some wood scraps ask a carpenter and to get a fine steel dagger if you
are not a smith buy one for around 1,000 coins. When you have the two items
head to the Rogue guild in Buya at co-ordinates 21, 89 and say "Lockpick" to
Maso in the top room.

How to make a Lantern - Items; Hot Coal, Beef, White Paper, Ginko Wood.
Lanterns do run out so make sure this is the last thing you make before you
set off on the quest. To make a lantern you have to combine; a hot coal, a
beef, a white paper and a ginko wood. In the previous step you made a hot coal.
You get white paper from the Kugnae messanger co-ords 94, 47. Beef is acquired
from the Mythic Ox in the Mythic Ox cave. Finally, ginko wood can be obtained
from woodcutting or simply from another player. Now combine the items using
Shift + i. You could ecen leave the combining until you are at Benitnath's.

Warrior Items
(11)War Amulet = Herb pipe, Bear liver(10), Earth War Platemail + 1k

(39)War Rune = Electra, metal(1) + 4k

(69)Bamboo Shield = Tall Shield, Titanium Glove + 12k

(97)Steel Shield = Tall Shield, Spike + 24k

(Il)Hide Shield = Tall Shield, Il San Spike + 48k

(Ee)Brass Shield = Tall Shield, Ee San Spike + 96k

(Sam)Titanium Shield = Tall Shield, Sam San Spike + 192k

Rogue Items
(11)Battle Amulet = Herb Pipe, Bear liver(10), Earth armor + 1k

(39)Battle Rune = Steelthorn(1), metal(1) + 4k

(69)Light Buckler = Scroll of Defense, Whisper Bracelet + 12k

(97)Basic Buckler = Scroll of Defense, Blood + 24k

(Il)Heavy Buckler = Scroll of Defense, Il San Blood + 48k

(Ee)Amber Buckler = Scroll of Defense, Ee San Blood + 96k

(Sam)Enchanted Buckler = Scroll of Defense, Sam San Blood + 192k

Mage Items
(11)Magic Amulet = Herb Pipe, Bear Liver(10), Earth Clothes + 1k

(39)Magic Rune = Star-Staff, metal(1) + 4k

(69)Magic Ward = Scroll of Invocation, Holy Ring + 12k

(97)Mages Ward = Scroll of Invocation, Surge + 24k

(Il)Enchanted Ward = Scroll of Invocation, Il San Surge + 48k

(Ee)Conjuror's Ward = Scroll of Invocation, Ee San Surge + 96k

(Sam)Mysticism Ward = Scroll of Invocation, Sam San Surge + 192k

Poet Items
(11)Love Amulet = Herb Pipe, Bear Liver(10), Earth Robes + 1k

(39)Love Rune = Titanium Lance, metal(1) + 4k

(69)Nature Charm = Lantern, Sen Glove + 12k

(97)Soul Charm = Lantern, Charm + 24k

(Il)Spirit Charm = Lantern, Il San Charm + 48k

(Ee)Love Charm = Lantern, Ee San Charm + 96k

(Sam)Life Charm = Lantern, Sam San Charm + 192k

The Quest
You have to go to the co-ordinates 70,0 in Nagnang and then enter the "Dark
Forest" use your compasses to point you in the right direction. The final room
is always the same but you must use a compass to get out, therefore you can
wander around until you find the exit to the forest as long as you know what
the last screen is but you MUST use a compass on this screen.

When you come out at the "Valley Farm" find the Zibong Ghost and speak to him
through all of the text boxes then you must go to the Dusk Shaman in Kugnae at
the co-ordinates 42, 90 and say "Majhum" and you can now speak to the ghost.
Now return through the Dark Forest to the Farm and speak to the ghost again and
he will make you the stilts using the twine and the 10 ginko wood.

With the stilts you can now walk over the water and head to 23, 8. Say
"Sewers" to the man and now equip your lantern and make sure that the Shadow
and Lighting option is on <>. This is a list of all the exits when in the

Room 1. 028, 017
Room 2. 010, 003
Room 3. 007, 008
Room 4. 014, 016
Room 5. 013, 018
Room 6. 005, 002
Room 7. 021, 002
Room 8. 002, 001
Room 9. 016, 023
Room 10. 022, 027
Room 11. 005, 028
Room 12. 003, 009
Room 13. 003, 002
Room 14. 006, 015
((With this list you should only need one lantern.))

Now that you are in the courtyard walk over to the eastern gate and you will
get a message about the lockpick. You should now be ON the wall, make your to
the north end of the wall. You will now enter Nagnag's courtyard and can enter
the palace make your way around and enter the door.

Now that you are in the palace time to remember what path you are for which
door to enter.

Warriors = Bottom Left
Rogues = Top Right
Mages = Bottom Right
Poets = Top Left

Continue through the rooms until you get to the end. Click the guy there and
he will now forge you items in exchange for the supplies for the item. Did you
think it was worth it? Well everyone does it so find a Mage friend to help
if your a Mage find a Warrior and a Poet around teh same level if your to high
you can't enter the same sewers cave! Be Safe - Good Luck!

These are the five different levels and what is needed to be in each just so
you know WHO to group with!

Level 1: 11-35
Level 2: 36-73
Level 3: 74-15k/7.5k stats
Level 4: 15k/7.5k stats - Il san
Level 5: Il san +

Totem / Dog Sub-Path Quest

Staff of Elements

Geomancer's Orb

/ | /TK Very Minor Quests

Faerie Light

Wisdom Test
Go into your path's guild hall (Warrior, Mage, Poet or Rogue) and go up into
your guild halls leader's room (sanctum) and say "Wisdom". These are the
questions and answers but if you don't know most of these you should learn from


"Will Nexon ever ask for your Password?"
Nexon will never ask me for my password.

"If you receive an n-mail asking for your password, what will you do?"
Ignore it.

"Will you ever download or accept unknown files from other players?"
No, never. They might contain viruses.

"Will you ever trade an item without using the Exchange feature?"
Never. Only a scammer wouldn't use Exchange.

"Someone you know a little asks to hold your rare item to take a screenshot.
What do you do?"
Politely say no.

"A trusted friend asks to hold your rare item to take a screenshot. What do you
Ask him a personal question first


"The lag we sometimes experience is caused by many players playing at the same

"Purchasing a cable modem will eliminate lag."

"A server crash is caused by an error. What is a server reset?"
A server reset is intentional server restart.

"A primary cause of server crashes is..."
New game features.

"Nexon resets the servers periodically because..."
The servers would crash if left running too long.

"You are fighting in a dungeon. You suddenly experience severe lag. Logging out
Probably result in your character's death.

"Sometimes you don't notice lag when using a web browser or using internet
utilities, but you feel lag whenplaying Nexus. Why?"
Your perception of lag is different for different software.
Your Connection quality is diiferent for different sites.

"There is nothing you can do to solve lag problems."

You have just completed the Wisdom test you can retake every fortnight for a
small amount of karma.

Subpath Weapons

/ | /TK San Power Rank Quests

Il San

Ee San

Sam San

/ | /exus TK 4 - Minor Quest Locations
Although these are techincally a quest I thought they deserved their own
section because it gives alot of directions it just didn't feel right in the
quest section.

I will arrange this in Alphabetcial Order with Mythic Animals getting their own
section at the end.

Big bat Buya - Rat Cave (0016,0078)
Big rat Buya (0016,0078) or Kugnae (0047,0112) - Rat Cave
Black skeleton Vale - Skeleton Cave (0169,0077)
Blood mantis Kugnae - Rabbit Cave (0195,0140)
Blood tick Buya - Rabbit Cave (0112,0126)
Blood wolf Wilderness

Dark buck Buya Rabbit Cave (0112,0126)
Deathwish Vale Polar Bear Cave (0112,0161)
Deer(Buck) Buya or Kugnae

Fierce mouse Kugnae - (0047,0112) Rat Cave

Giant iron tiger Wilderness - Iron Lab/Gim Yi's Den (0055,0169)
Giant mantis Kugnae - Rabbit Cave (0195,0140)
Giant scorpian Kugnae - Spider Cave (0079,0035)
Giant spider Kugnae - Spider Cave (0079,0035)
Gim Yi Wilderness - Iron Labyrinth/Gim Yi's Den (0055,0169)
Golden lobster Wilderness - Lobster Cave (0074,0001)
Green squirrel Leviathan area south of Nagnang.

Horse Northwest corner of Kugnae or Buya usually.

Iron tiger Wilderness - Iron Labyrinth (0055,0169)

Large centipede Buya - Rat Cave (0016,0078)
Lava fox Buya - Fox Cave (0124,0144)
Lightning wolf Buya - Fox Cave (0124,0144)

Massive scorpion Kugnae - Spider Cave (0079,0035)
Mud bull Kugnae - Snake Cave (0199,0069)

Pale scorpion Kugnae - Spider Cave (0079,0035)
Pale zombie Kugnae - Haunted House/1st Room (0033,0062)
Polar bear Vale - Polar Bear Cave (0112,0161)

Radiant spider Kugnae Spider Cave (0079,0035)
Rat Buya (0016,0078) or Kugnae (0047,0112) - Rat Cave
Ravenous bird Kugnae - Rabbit Cave (0195,0140)
Red hare Kugnae - Rabbit Cave (0195,0140)
Rock lobster Wilderness - Lobster Cave (0074,0001)

Sand lobster Wilderness - Lobster Cave (0074,0001)
Seki Buya - Sute Cave (0103,0023)
Skeleton Ja Vale - Skeleton Cave (0169,0077)
Skeleton Je Vale - Skeleton Cave (0169,0077)
Skeleton Ji Vale - Skeleton Cave (0169,0077)
Skeleton Sa Vale - Skeleton Cave (0169,0077)
Snow beast Vale - Polar Bear Cave (0112,0161)
Sun fox Buya (0124,0144) or Kugnae (0019,0164) - Fox Cave

Trapdoor spider Kugnae - Spider Cave (0079,0035)

Warthog Kugnae - Snake Cave (0199,0069)
White wolf Buya - Fox Cave (0124,0144)
Wicked ghost Buya - Haunted House (0009,0065)
Witch Kugnae - Haunted House/Inner Rooms (0033,0062)
Witch shaman Kugnae - Haunted House/Inner Rooms (0033,0062)

Yachi Buya - Sute Cave (0103,0023)
\ /
/When you have to kill a Mythic animal it can be any in \
\ that cave! /
/Mythic dog Mythic Nexus - Dog Caves \
\Mythic dragon Mythic Nexus - Dragon Caves /
/Mythic horse Mythic Nexus - Horse Caves \
\Mythic monkey Mythic Nexus - Monkey Caves /
/Mythic ox Mythic Nexus - Ox Caves \
\Mythic pig Mythic Nexus - Pig Caves /
/Mythic rabbit Mythic Nexus - Rabbit Caves \
\Mythic rat Mythic Nexus - Rat Caves /
/Mythic rooster Mythic Nexus - Rooster Caves \
\Mythic sheep Mythic Nexus - Sheep Caves /
/Mythic snake Mythic Nexus - Snake Caves \
\Mythic tiger Mythic Nexus - Tiger Caves /

/ | /exus TK 5 - Nexus / FAQ Lingo

/ | /exus TK 6 - Clan Sign Up Sheets
In this section not really much help but I will contain most of the clans
application forms just use this little list to navigate to the correct clan.
There will also be a little bit of information to try and sell you on the
particular clan ;).


/ | /exus TK 7 - Contibutor Central
Poetry - That must be heard!
The Lag Song
The monster named Lag is quite a sly beast
Sneaks up on your world connection to feast
A public frustration to say the least
It will suddenly rise somewhat like yeast

Lag can be spawned in the darkness of night
Yet will still be seen in very plain sight
Crashing around to its twisted delight
Holding people up with all of its might

A vigorous bloodlust makes fighting rough
But Lag is mainly the one that is tough
Regardless of skills or who is more buff
The onslaught of Lag is never enough

Even one touch might just change everything
If it has to do with Lag's reckoning
When hopeful success ends up like a dream
Where the pitfalls of Lag are to be seen

One moment you are with the winning team
Lag appears to lower your esteem
You fall victim to a fatal smoke screen
The ambush seen here is truly extreme

Do not move too much or you will wake Lag
Feared mostly by all even worse than Slag
The faster you run the sooner you'll snag
Easily tricked but no treat in the bag

No one outruns it nor could any hide
All of us are doomed to fly a slow ride
No building is safe when Lag is inside
A harsh wind with all of us each a guide

Hunting with friends might meet a deadly end
If Lag is lurking just around the bend
Invitations to Purgatory are sent
A plight many know and never forget

The only true way to beat Lag's old curse
Is to leave fast before it gets you first
Fade out because Lag's a play so rehearse
Even if you miss things could still be worse

After reading this don't laugh your pants off
You need them to run from Lag's sudden cough
Escape from the pain of Lag it ain't soft
It will not flee it will still plague us oft


/ | /exus TK 8 - Acknowledgements

People Who Need Acknowledging
You - Thank you for coming to my FAQ and looking around if I helped you a
little or if you helped me thank you so much :D.

Me - For being a bloodhoud and checking all over to find good and correct
information for you lot :D.

~Limbo~ - For a great Poem - For being fantastic when I was playing
The Heavens Clan - For their minor quest guide

/ | /exus TK 9 - Version History
Version 1.0 - It is released, I wanted to get it out mainly for any user
feedback before I finished other stuff. There are unfinished
sections and the such but it had to be out here! So anything you
wish to add or state is wrong just say!

/ | /exus TK 10 - Legal Stuff
I will repeat this for any thieves out there.

- My Baby -
This is my FAQ which I slaved over and if any of you grubby little thieves are
out there then don't try and use this unless you have a written (typed ;D)
letter of approval from me Ryan T, linknightshade (at) hotmail (dot) com. I
hope you will like this FAQ and find it useful, oh and you should check out the
acknowledgements if you haven't already, if you know anyone else who should be
there e-mail me.

All the Trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are
owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders and if you use
them you in a whole lotta trouble. If you find my FAQ on any other
sites or in a magazine please email me with a link or name and I'll add you to
the credits.
Thanks for reading my FAQ
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