Avernum 2

Avernum 2

17.10.2013 19:47:15
Avernum 2 Editor Guide

Index [a2eg_indx]

Index [a2eg_indx]
Version History [a2eg_vrhs]
Legal Status [a2eg_stff]
The Guide [a2eg_desc]
Edit Statistics [a2eg_edst]
Do Healing [a2eg_dohl]
Energize [a2eg_dohl]
Identification [a2eg_iden]
Edit Gold [a2eg_edgo]
Uncurse Items [a2eg_unit]
Take Out of Town [a2eg_toot]
Reset Hostile Towns [a2eg_rhtw]
Reset Boats [a2eg_rebo]
Return Party to Start [a2eg_rpts]
Edit Reputation [a2eg_edre]
Reunite Split Party [a2eg_resp]
Add Weapon [a2eg_adwe]
Add Armor [a2eg_adar]
Add Jewelry [a2eg_adje]
Add Tool [a2eg_adto]
Add Wand [a2eg_adwa]
Add Artifact [a2eg_adat]
Advanced Features [a2eg_adop]
Add Special Item [a2eg_adsi]
Set Stuff Done Flag [a2eg_ssdf]
Give An Item [a2eg_gait]
Reset Portal Timer [a2eg_rspt]
Turn Off Character Editor [a2eg_toce]
Save Changes [a2eg_save]
Load Saved Game [a2eg_load]
Contact Me [a2eg_cnme]
Credits [a2eg_cred]

Version History [a2eg_vrhs]

Version 0.0.1: * Started work on guide.
* Layout Made

Version 0.0.5: * Add Special Item Section completed up to Number 20.
* Add Special Item Descriptions completed up to 14.

Version 0.1.0: * Add Special Item Section Finished

Version 0.2.0: * Set Stuff Done Flag Section Completed

Version 0.2.1: * Give Item command progress started.

Version 0.9.5: * Most of Guide Completed
* "Give An Item", 243/398 items completed.

Version 1.0.0: * All Sections Complete

Version 1.0.1: * Http://www.neoseeker.com/ can use my guides on their
website. www.neoseeker.com added to allowed list.

Version 1.0.2: * Typos, fixes made

Legal Stuff [a2eg_stff]

Copyright 2005 Universe_JDJ (universejdj@gmail.com)

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and
a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

I take no responsibility to any damage caused by using the Avernum 2 Editor
or by using this guide.

Sites that can use my guide:


If you wish to display this guide on your site on this guide, please email
me at universejdj@gmail.com

The Guide [a2eg_desc]

Ever wondered about the Avernum 2 Editor and how to use it? Just look
through this guide.

Edit Statistics [a2eg_edst]

This option will allow you to edit the statistics of the chosen character.
You can edit skills by pressing the Up/Down Buttons next to each skill.
Clicking the skill will give a description of that skill.

Character Traits can be modified by clicking on the boxes next to each
skill. Please remember you cannot have more than 2 of each trait and for
every equipped trait you will either need more or less experience to gain
a level.

Known Potions can be changed by selecting/deselecting the box next to each

Mage/Priest Spells can be edited by clicking on the box next to each spell.
When the spell is a level one spell there will be one rune next to the box,
when the spell is level two there will be two runes and so on. If there
are no runes it means you haven't learnt the spell yet.

Do Healing [a2eg_dohl]

Clicking on this option will heal the character.

Energize [a2eg_dohl]

Clicking on this option will restore the character's Spell Points.

Identification [a2eg_iden]

Clicking on an unidentified item in a characters inventory will cause
that item to become identified.

Edit Gold [a2eg_edgo]

This option will allow you to change the amount of gold you have. Please
note that the maximum amount of gold is 30,000 and typing in a higher
number will result in the gold being set to 0.

Uncurse Items [a2eg_unit]

This option will uncurse all cursed items that the party is carrying
allowing the item to be removed.

Take Out of Town [a2eg_toot]

If you are inside a town, this option will take you to the outdoors. Please
note that this might mess up or ruin the game plot.

Reset Hostile Towns [a2eg_rhtw]

Any towns angry with you will now be friendly and anyone you have killed
will be resurrected.

Reset Boats [a2eg_rebo]

This option will reset all boats in Avernum to where they originally were.
Please note that this might leave you stranded. This option will not affect
boat ownership meaning that any boat you owned will still be yours.

Return Party to Start [a2eg_rpts]

This option will return you to the starting point of the game, which is
Fort Ganrick. Use this if you become stuck. You must be outside to use
this option. If you are inside please you the "Take Out Of Town" command

Edit Reputation [a2eg_edre]

Your reputation in Avernum 2 affects many aspects of the game. Use this to
change your reputation. Reputation goes up to 100 but this option only
allows for it to be set up to 80.

Reunite Split Party [a2eg_resp]

If your party is split up, E.G.. The Vahnatai Tests, use this option to
reunite your party.

Add Weapon [a2eg_adwe]

Allows you to chose Blessed Weapons to add to a characters inventory.

Add Armor [a2eg_adar]

Allows you to chose Blessed Armor to add to a characters inventory.

Add Jewelry [a2eg_adje]

Allow you to add Jewelry to the characters inventory.

Add Tool [a2eg_adto]

Allows you to add useful tools to the characters inventory.

Add Wand [a2eg_adwa]

Allows you to add magical wands to the characters inventory.

Add Artifact [a2eg_adat]

Allows you to add powerful artifacts to a characters inventory.

Advanced Features [a2eg_adop]

Use the features here carefully. Always make a backup copy of the save game
before using "Advanced Features".

Add Special Item [a2eg_adsi]

The Add Special Item item add special items from the game into your
special items inventory. When this option is clicked on it will ask for
two numbers. For the first number you type in the unique number for the
special item (shown in the list below). In the second box you must type
in how many of that item you want (that's your choice).

Number 0:


Number 1:

Nepharim Chief Necklace - neph (unused)

Number 2:

Spider Egg Sac - This is an egg sac. From this delicate pouch of webbing
will soon come dozens of giant, intelligent, friendly talking spiders.
You bet that the spiders would really like to get it back.

Number 3:

Red Empire Pas - This is a parchment scroll with red trim, brought down
from the surface. The Empire army uses these passes to get around. With
it you will be able to pass low security Empire checkpoints.

Number 4:

Blue Empire Pass - This is a sheepskin scroll with blue trim, brought
down from the surface. The Empire army uses these passes to get around.
With it you will be able to pass medium security Empire checkpoints.

Number 5:

Gray Empire Pass - This is a vellum scroll with dark gray trim, brought
down from the surface. The Empire army uses these passes to get around.
With it you will be able to pass high security Empire checkpoints.

Number 6:


Number 7:

Soul Crystal - This vahnatai artifact can make tiny copies of creatures
you meet in its depths. When you have this item, you can cast Capture
Soul and Simulacrum.

Number 8:

Bronze Ankh - This is a bronze ankh. It's beautifully and carefully made.
Touching it makes you feel warm and happy.

Number 9:

Package for Dharmon - You found this package on a remote island west of
Cotra. It says "Dharmon" on it. It contains herbs in it, though not of
a variety you recognize.

Number 10:

Mica Tome - This ancient tome is etched on a dozen thin sheets of mica
held together with a length of wire. Despite your great efforts, you
can't understand any of the writing.

Number 11:

Crystal Soul: Vynas - This is the Crystal Soul of Vynas-Bok. It is
the spirit of a leader of the vahnatai, give physical form. When
you concentrate, you can hear the soft, gentle whisper of the being
in your mind.

Number 12:

Crystal Soul: Jekknol - This is the Crystal Soul of Jekknol-Bok. It
is the spirit of a leader of the vahnatai, give physical form. When
you concentrate, you can hear the angry, vicious muttering of this
tormented creature in your mind.

Number 13:

Crystal Soul: Caffren - This is the Crystal Soul of Caffren-Bok. It
is the spirit of a leader of the vahnatai, give physical form. When
you concentrate, you can hear the angry whispering of this being in
your mind.

Number 14:

Vahnatai Letters and Map - You found these papers in a rebel vahnatai
fort. They are evidence that one of the stolen Crystal Souls were
taken to someplace called Ornotha Ziggurat. The vahnatai Council at
Olgai would be very interested in this.

Number 15:

Empire Crystal Soul Scroll - You found these papers in an Empire
Fortress. They provide evidence that one of the stolen Crystal Souls
was taken to Pyrog's Fortress. The vahnatai Council at Olgai would
be very interested in this.

Number 16:

Orders for Fort Haledon - These are the orders from the vahnatai
Council at Olgai to Fort Haledon, to the west. You are to take
the orders to the fort, and they will help you reach Ornotha

Number 17:

Amber Charm - This is a small amber charm, carved in the shape
of a large Slithzerika warrior. You found it at the grisly
altar of a tribe of evil sliths.

Number 18:

Deciphering Lens - You received this lens from Patrick, in his
tower. They have developed a special magical script in his
tower. When you look through this lens, you can read the script.

Number 19:

Giant Statue - This is a giant statuette of a giant warrior. It is
made of a strange material, like metal, but lighter.

Number 20:

Wrapped-Up Bug - This is the mummified husk of a large insect, about
eight inches long, wrapped up in a weblike material. It's very old.

Number 21:

Kothar Plans - These are several torn sheets of high-quality paper,
no doubt originally brought from the surface world. They describe
the strange magical experiments being performed in the fortress Kothar.

Number 22:

Blessed Athame - This is a tiny, razor-sharp knife, about two inches long.
This artifact is famed for its ability to cut through magical seals.

Number 23:

Onyx Scepter - This is a slender black scepter, three feet long and
ornately carved from a single piece of onyx. It posses potent and
mysterious magical power.

Number 24:

Soldier Clearance - Since you are a soldier in the army of Avernum, you
have soldier clearance. This means you are allowed to enter any of
Avernum's fortresses at will.

Number 25:

Magi Clearance - Your deeds in the service of Avernum have earned you
Magi Clearance. You can now enter all of Avernum's fortresses and locations
of magical research at will.

Number 26:

Crown Clearance - Your deeds in the service of Avernum have earned you
Crown Clearance. So trusted are you that you can enter even Avernum's
most secret or guarded places at will.

Number 27:

Black Drake Fang - You pulled this grisly trophy from the mouth of a drake.
It's a black tooth. It looks like it was carved from Onyx. Such teeth are
renowned for their value as a potion ingredient.

Number 28:

Borgia Toadstools - These are some nondescript looking dried toadstools.
You found them in the vahnatai lands.

Number 29:

Phoenix Egg - When broken, this remarkable artifact will create a cloud
of quickfire. (When you are in a good place to make quickfire, you will be
given the option.)

Number 30:

Blosk Spy Evidence - This is a charred piece of parchment. You found it in
an oven. You can't read any of the writing on it. Perhaps someone can do
something to help you reveal the writing.

Number 31:

Repaired Spy Evidence - This piece of parchment is evidence that someone
named Bruce is the spy in Blosk.

Number 32:

Surface Tools - This is a set of fine steel tools from the surface world.
They're suited to careful precision work. It's impossible to make tools
of this quality in Avernum.

Number 33:


Number 34:


Number 35:


Number 36:


Number 37:


Number 38:


Number 39:


Number 40:

Bronze Key - This is a roughly made bronze key, about as long as your hand.
You found it in the Nepharim's chieftain's lair.

Number 41:

Ivory Key - You found this key in the Tower of Elderan, with a note
indicating that it was supposed to be used in the Empire Archives, in the
Northern Islands.

Number 42:

Malachite Key - This beautiful key is made of green stone. You found it
in the offices of Empire soldiers in the lair of Sulfras.

Number 43:

Amber Key - You found this key in the Halls of Chaos, deep in the Waterfall
warren. It is carefully carved from a large piece of amber, brought from
the surface, complete with an insect trapped inside.

Number 44:

Steel Key - You found this key in the Halls of Chaos, deep in the Waterfall
warren. It is a very plain key, worked from steel.

Number 45:

Lich Key - This key was well hidden in the dark fortress Angierach. It is
carved from a large heavy bone, and has a tiny skull design at one end.

Number 46:

Vahnatai Key - Vahnatai keys are very strange. It is a bronze key, with a
strangely shaped piece of crystal at one end. This particular specimen was
hidden in a tree in Avit.

Number 47:

Feldspar Key - You found this black, glittering key in Osoth's chambers in
the Lair of Motrax.

Number 48:

Runed Key - This key was hidden in a walled off room in some ruins,
guarded by a demon and many undead. It is forged of iron, and runes have
been etched all along its length.

Number 49:

Glass Key - Although this key is made of glass, it's nowhere near as
fragile as it looks. It four inches long and very strong. You found it in
the Portal Fortress.

Number 50:

Key - (Blank)

Number 51:

Key - (Blank)

Number 52:

Key - (Blank)

Number 53:

Key - (Blank)

Number 54:

Key - (Blank)

Number 55:


Number 56:


Number 57:


Number 58:


Number 59:


Set Stuff Done Flag [a2eg_ssdf]

A Stuff Done Flag is a special flag used by Avernum 2 to record whether
you've done something or not. For Example: Before Killing Garzahd his SDF
might have been 100 10 0. After killing him it might be changed to
100 10 1. The game will use then use this information the next you enter
his fortress. If the SDF for Garzahd is 100 10 0, he will be alive but if
it's 100 10 1, the game will know he is dead, so he will not appear.

There are many ways this options can be used to fix games. Say you cheated
in the game and you accidentally killed a character you needed to talk to.
Using this option will allow you to change the SDF, meaning the game thinks
he was never killed, making him alive!

Please Note: SDF means Stuff Done Flag. Please do not meddle around with
this option unless you know what you are doing.

Give An Item [a2eg_gait]

Each item in Avernum has a unique code. If you know this code, you can use
the editor to add that particular item to the characters inventory. The
items and their unique codes are listed below.

0 - Unused.
1 - Copper Coins
2 - Silver Coins
3 - Gold Coins
4 - Bread
5 - Mushrooms
6 - Greens
7 - Steak
8 - Dried Meat
9 - Weird Meat
10 - Lizard Haunch
11 - Fish
12 - Deli Sandwich
13 - White Tunic
14 - Red Tunic
15 - Green Tunic
16 - Cloak
17 - Cloak
18 - Pants
19 - Pants
20 - Shirt
21 - Shirt
22 - Robe
23 - Dress
24 - Cursed Leather Armor
25 - Poor Leather Armor
26 - Leather Armor
27 - Fine Leather Armor
28 - Drakeskin Armor
29 - Cursed Studded Armor
30 - Poor Studded Armor
31 - Iron Studded Armor
32 - Steel Studded Armor
33 - Blessed Studded Armor
34 - Cursed Chain Mail
35 - Poor Chain Mail
36 - Iron Chain Mail
37 - Steel Chain Mail
38 - Mithral Chain Mail
39 - Cursed Plate Mail
40 - Bronze Plate Mail
41 - Iron Plate Mail
42 - Steel Plate Mail
43 - Blessed Plate Mail
44 - Cursed Dagger
45 - Stone Dagger
46 - Iron Dagger
47 - Steel Dagger
48 - Blessed Dagger
49 - Cursed Short Sword
50 - Stone Short Sword
51 - Iron Short Sword
52 - Steel Short Sword
53 - Blessed Short Sword
54 - Cursed Longsword
55 - Bronze Longsword
56 - Iron Longsword
57 - Steel Longsword
58 - Blessed Longsword
59 - Cursed Greatsword
60 - Bronze Greatsword
61 - Iron Greatsword
62 - Steel Greatsword
63 - Blessed Greatsword
64 - Cursed Spear
65 - Stone Spear
66 - Iron Spear
67 - Steel Spear
68 - Blessed Spear
69 - Cursed Pike
70 - Stone Pike
71 - Iron Pike
72 - Steel Pike
73 - Blessed Pike
74 - Cursed Halberd
75 - Bronze Halberd
76 - Iron Halberd
77 - Steel Halberd
78 - Blessed Halberd
79 - Stick
80 - Ceremonial Dagger
81 - Kitchen Knife
82 - Staff
83 - Hammer
84 - Cursed Javelin
85 - Stone Javelin
86 - Iron Javelin
87 - Steel Javelin
88 - Blessed Javelin
89 - Cursed Bow
90 - Cavewood Bow
91 - Ash Bow
92 - Yew Bow
93 - Blessed Bow
94 - Cursed Crossbow
95 - Cavewood Crossbow
96 - Ash Crossbow
97 - Yew Crossbow
98 - Blessed Crossbow
99 - Cursed Arrows
100 - Stone Arrows
101 - Iron Arrows
102 - Steel Arrows
103 - Blessed Arrows
104 - Cursed Bolts
105 - Stone Bolts
106 - Iron Bolts
107 - Steel Bolts
108 - Blessed Bolts
109 - Rock
110 - Drakeskin Sandals
111 - Sandals
112 - Blessed Sandals
113 - Cursed Boots
114 - Boots
115 - Drakeskin Boots
116 - Cursed Cloak
117 - Blessed Cloak
118 - Cursed Robe
119 - Blessed Robe
120 - Cursed Buckler
121 - Wooden Buckler
122 - Iron Buckler
123 - Steel Buckler
124 - Blessed Buckler
125 - Cursed Small Shield
126 - Wooden Small Shield
127 - Iron Small Shield
128 - Steel Small Shield
129 - Blessed Small Shield
130 - Cursed Large Shield
131 - Wooden Large Shield
132 - Iron Large Shield
133 - Steel Large Shield
134 - Blessed Large Shield
135 - Cursed Leather Helmet
136 - Poor Leather Helmet
137 - Leather Helmet
138 - Fine Leather Helmet
139 - Drakeskin Helmet
140 - Cursed Bronze Helmet
141 - Bronze Helmet
142 - Iron Helmet
143 - Steel Helmet
144 - Blessed Steel Helmet
145 - Cursed Gloves
146 - Gloves
147 - Drakeskin Gloves
148 - Sack of Meal
149 - Bowl
150 - Bowl
151 - Pitcher
152 - Pot
153 - Pot
154 - Bolt of Cloth
155 - Bolt of Cloth
156 - Bolt of Cloth
157 - Cloak Clasp
158 - Pincers
159 - Tongs
160 - Spearhead
161 - Bucket
162 - Bucket of Water
163 - Flagon
164 - Horn
165 - Jug
166 - Jug of Cheap Wine
167 - Golden Goblet
168 - Plate
169 - Plate
170 - Candle
171 - Torch
172 - Lamp
173 - Spoon
174 - Lockpicks
175 - Fine Lockpicks
176 - Magic Lockpicks
177 - First Aid Kit
178 - Fine First Aid Kit
179 - Poor Fur
180 - Nice Fur
181 - Beautiful Fur
182 - Pillow
183 - Silver Drinking Cup
184 - Mortar and Pestle
185 - Papyrus Sheet
186 - Dice
187 - Scalpel
188 - Needle
189 - Thread
190 - Trowel
191 - Skull
192 - Bones
193 - Whip
194 - Pen and Ink
195 - Earrings
196 - Trash
197 - Trash
198 - Trash
199 - Bar of Tin
200 - Bar of Lead
201 - Bar of Iron
202 - Bar of Silver
203 - Amber
204 - Emerald
205 - Ruby
206 - Silver Ring
207 - Gold Ring
208 - Jeweled Ring
209 - Silver Bracelet
210 - Gold Bracelet
211 - Silver Necklace
212 - Gold Necklace
213 - Torc
214 - Healing Herbs
215 - Spiritual Herbs
216 - Energetic Herbs
217 - Graymold
218 - Toadstools
219 - Mandrake
220 - Healing Potion
221 - Curing Potion
222 - Strength Potion
223 - Energy Potion
224 - Poison Potion
225 - Haste Potion
226 - Invulnerability Potion
227 - Resistance Potion
228 - Healing Elixir
229 - Curing Elixir
230 - Strength Elixir
231 - Energy Elixir
232 - Poison Elixir
233 - Haste Elixir
234 - Invulnerability Elixir
235 - Resistance Elixir
236 - Knowledge Brew
237 - Restoration Brew
238 - Protection Brew
239 - Heroic Brew
240 - Graymold Salve
241 - Balm of Life
242 - Searing Balm
243 - Draining Brew
244 - Scroll - Bolt of Fire
245 - Scroll - Call Beast
246 - Scroll - Bind Foe
247 - Scroll - Slow
248 - Scroll - Ice Lances
249 - Scroll - Create Illusions
250 - Scroll - Far Sight
251 - Scroll - Lightning Spray
252 - Scroll - Dispel Barrier
253 - Scroll - Summon Aid
254 - Scroll - Fireblast
255 - Scroll - Repel Spirit
256 - Scroll - Summon Shade
257 - Scroll - Control Foes
258 - Scroll - Spray Acid
259 - Scroll - Paralysis
260 - Scroll - Web Spell
261 - Scroll - Piercing Light
262 - Scroll - Bitter Loss
263 - Scroll - Withering
264 - Ring of Vulnerability
265 - Ring of Illness
266 - Clumsy Ring
267 - Ring of Exposure
268 - Ring of Agony
269 - Ring of Blurred Vision
270 - Shield Ring
271 - Ring of Health
272 - Ring of Skill
273 - Resistance Ring
274 - Ring of Grief
275 - Flutter's Ring
276 - Armor Ring
277 - Ring of Great Health
278 - Warrior's Ring
279 - Immmunity Ring
280 - Ring of Discomfort
281 - Archer's Ring
282 - Wand of Bolts
283 - Wand of Ice
284 - Wand of Slowing
285 - Wand of Lightning
286 - Wand of Fire
287 - Wand of Acid
288 - Wand of Binding
289 - Wand of Carbons
290 - Rod of Arcane
291 - Rod of Minor Call
292 - Rod of Major Call
293 - Rod of Illusions
294 - Strength Bracelet
295 - Dexterity Bracelet
296 - Intelligence Bracelet
297 - Magi's Bracelet
298 - Priest's Bracelet
299 - Warrior's Bracelet
300 - Lucky Bracelet
301 - Monkey Bracelet
302 - Chill Charm
303 - Warmth Charm
304 - Health Charm
305 - Shielding Charm
306 - Basic Charm
307 - War Charm
308 - Freedom Charm
309 - Crystal Charm
310 - Knowledge Charm
311 - Sticky Charm
312 - Harm Charm
313 - Mind Crystal - Bestial
314 - Mind Crystal - Spiritual
315 - Mind Crystal - Lay On
316 - Mind Crystal - Venom foe
317 - Mind Crystal - Berzerker
318 - Mind Crystal - Inner Might
319 - Mind Crystal - Shielder
320 - Mind Crystal - Blademaster
321 - Mind Crystal - Anatomy
322 - Mind Crystal - Gymnastics
323 - Mind Crystal - Pathfinder
324 - Mind Crystal - Magery
325 - Mind Crystal - Resistance
326 - Mind Crystal - Energy Pulse
327 - Empire Records
328 - Mushroom Merlot '91
329 - Hardonnay '85
330 - Almaria Yellow '91
331 - Archer's Cloak
332 - Dragonskin Cloak
333 - Pants of Power
334 - Pants of Sorrow
335 - Robe of the Magi
336 - Radiant Robe
337 - Rogue's Leather
338 - Mauling Leather
339 - Shadow Leather
340 - Icy Chain Mail
341 - Polished Plate Mail
342 - Assasin's Dagger
343 - Diamond Dagger
344 - Flaming Sword
345 - Icy Longsword
346 - Demonslayer
347 - Ghoulbane
348 - Giantslayer
349 - Jade Halberd
350 - Obsidian Spear
351 - Alien Blade
352 - Acid Arrows
353 - Bolts of Life
354 - Arrows of Light
355 - Acid Bolts
356 - Boots of Speed
357 - Nimble Boots
358 - Bloodthirst Spear
359 - Crystal Shield
360 - Serendipity Knife
361 - Nimble Gloves
362 - Gauntlets of Might
363 - Piercing Crystal
364 - Unshackling Crystal
365 - Recall Crystal
366 - Searing Crystal
367 - Shielding Spike
368 - Spidersilk Shirt
369 - Stoneshatter Crystal
370 - Slith Spear
371 - Fine Slith Spear
372 - Bag of Sugar
373 - Aranea Fangs
374 - Ore
375 - Historical Scroll
376 - Fine Meal
377 - Cheap Wine
378 - Orb of Thralni
379 - Cursed Waveblade
380 - Waveblade
381 - Fine Waveblade
382 - Cursed Razordisk
383 - Razordisk
384 - Fine Razordisk
385 - Vahnatai Cloak
386 - Crystal
387 - Fine Crystal
388 - Nephilim Map
389 - Fire Lizard Egg
390 - Drake Egg
391 - Bent Hexagonal Bar
392 - Hexagonal Bar
393 - Scrap of Vellum
394 - Scrap of Vellum
395 - Rope
396 - Bar of Uranium
397 - Pyrrhic Gauntlets
398 - Sixus Map
399+ - Thinking Cap

Reset Portal Timer [a2eg_rspt]

If you have activated the Empire Portal but don't have the means to close
it, use this to deactive the Portal meaning you will live.

Turn Off Character Editor [a2eg_toce]

This permanently disables the Character editor. It can be restored by
deleting Avernum2.dat in the Data Folder which is located in the Avernum 2
folder. (Usually C:\Program Files\Avernum 2). Please Note that doing this
may cause your game to become unregistered.

Save Changes [a2eg_cnme]

Saves changes made using the Avernum 2 Character Editor. Make sure you
have made a backup copy of the game first.

Load Saved Game [a2eg_cnme]

Load an Avernum 2 Savegame into the Avernum 2 Character Editor.

Contact Me [a2eg_cnme]

Thank you for reading this guide. If you wish to contact me my email is:


I will even accept minor spelling or grammar errors. Please tell me about
problems with the guide.

Credits [a2eg_cred]

* To Spiderweb Software for making Avernum 2.

* To GameFAQ's for hosting this guide.

* To Neoseeker for hosting this guide.

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Editor Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Octombrie 2013
Autor: MattP
Engl. Lösung

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