Sims 2 - Nightlife, The

Sims 2 - Nightlife, The

14.10.2013 11:11:18
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Author: Warfreak
Version 1.4
Day Started 23/9/05



Table of Contents
[1] Introduction
[1.01] Expansion Pack
[1.02] New Stuff
[1.03] Version History
[2] New Lots and Areas (Still community lots though)
[2.01] Restaurants
[2.02] Nightclubs
[2.03] Bowling Alleys
[2.04] Graveyards
[2.05] Photo Booths
[2.06] Downtown
[3] New Sims
[3.01] Vampires
[3.02] Mrs. CrumpleBottom
[3.03] Gypsy Matchmaker
[3.04] Diva / Mr. Big
[3.05] DJ
[3.06] Slob
[3.07] Host
[3.08] Server
[3.09] Grand Vampire
[3.10] Restaurant Chef
[4] New Cars
[4.01] Cars
[4.02] The Smoogo Minima
[4.03] The Smord P328
[4.04] The Landwhale by Heaveola
[4.05] The Yomoshoto Evasion
[4.06] Hunka 711 by Hwang Motors
[4.07] Alarms
[4.08] Building Garages
[4.09] Naughty Stuff
[4.10] Owning a Car
[5] Making and Spending Money
[5.01] Being a DJ
[5.02] Gypsy Matchmaking Services
[6] New Food
[6.01] Crepes Suzette
[6.02] Uncookable Food
[7] Aspirations
[7.01] Pleasure Seeker
[7.02] Grilled Cheese
[7.03] ReNuYu Porta-Chug
[7.04] ReNuYuSenso Orb
[8] Dating
[8.01] Finding and Starting a Date
[8.02] Turn Ons
[8.03] Turn Offs
[8.04] Chemistry
[8.05] Attraction
[8.06] Scope Room
[8.07] Date Meter
[8.08] Dream Date
[9] Groups
[9.01] Forming a Group
[9.02] Managing
[9.03] Going Out
[9.04] Gifts
[9.05] Super Outing
[10] Post
[10.01] Food Coupons
[10.02] Love Letters
[10.03] Hate Letters
[11] Sneaking In
[11.01] Good Gifts
[11.02] Flowers
[11.03] Flaming Bags of Poo
[12] Stratagies
[12.01] Getting a Dream Date
[12.02] Getting a Super Outing
[12.03] Being a Vampire
[13] Dining Out
[13.01] The Menu
[13.02] Paying or Skipping the Bill
[13.03] Options
[14] Removing Sims
[14.01] Vampires and Sun
[14.02] Hunger
[14.03] Electrocution
[14.04] Drowning
[14.05] Cow Plant
[14.06] Eaten Alive
[14.07] Disease
[14.08] Satellite
[14.09] Old Age
[14.10] Scared to Death
[14.11] Fire

[--] Q&A
[--.01] Q&A

[A] Contact Information
[B] Webmaster Information
[C] Credits
[D] Sites FAQ is on
[E] Copyright

[1.01] Expansion Pack

Wow, my forth FAQ in under one year. This expansion pack is Nightlife, for the
Sims 2. If you have University, this guide would be fully understandable for
you. If you don't, you should read the FAQ for the general gist. Also read my
base FAQ for the instructions to stop those stupid questions. In a way, I am
making you buy University because I'm me :)

[1.02] New Stuff

There are lots of new stuff in the Sims 2 Nightlife. I'll go over them in more
detail later but here are the major things.

Dream Dates
Social Outings
Bowling Alleys
Easier Community Lot Access
Mrs. CrumpleBottom
and so on

[1.03] Version History

Version 0.1 [23/9/05]
Started my forth FAQ. I'm thinking of covering the whole series. Imagine that,
the Warfreak's guide to the Sims 2 and all the expansion pack. I'll have a
monopoly of Sims 2 guides. MUAHAHAHAHA

Version 0.2 [25/9/05]
Submission pending, anyway, this will be worked on for the time being. It will
grow really large if it keeps going at this rate. I'm working of the table of
contents and planning out the order of my future work.

Version 0.3 [26/9/05]
CJayC hasn't seen all the contribuations yet so this guide isn't public. Guess
this guide will go under change till then.

Version 0.4 [27/9/05]
It guide is finally online but it is an old version. This one will be
submitted to update the old FAQ. I think it is still version 0.1.

Version 0.5 [28/9/05]
This guide is flowing smoothly to say so myself. I'll keep the updates coming
as soon as I have some more spare time.

Version 0.6 [12/10/05]
Been a while now. I'll update in about a few weeks since I have some exams to
cover. Exams are probably more important than you I guess.

Version 0.7 [26/1/06]
Out of the dead and typing again. Ascii art added.

Verison 0.8 [7/2/06]
Typing again. Second period of typing. Best finish the guide before Open for
Business comes out.

Version 0.9 [21/2/06]
Third spout of typing, should sustain this one longer.

Version 1.0 [23/2/06]
Another update, won't be getting OFB for another 15 days. Can't wait.

Version 1.1 [26/2/06]
Added a new section on death.

Version 1.2 [1/3/06]
Open for Business is out. Getting it next week. 7 days. I CAN'T WAIT. THIS IS
a large update to make up for my impatience.

Version 1.3 [2/2/06]
Another update. Getting closer to finishing.

Version 1.4 [3/3/06]
Betting closer still. Finished aspiration and started other sections.

[2.01] Restaurants

"From the '50s diner to upscale fine dining, we've got all your Sim's noshing
needs covered. Drop in for a quick bite while out on the town or take a date
for some candlelit romance"

"You're Sims no longer need high cooking skill to enjoy fine gourmet dishes.
Take them out to the restaurant and ask a server or host to BE SEATED, then
they can relax and chat while they are waited upon by servers and chefs. If
they play their cards right, they might not even have to pay for it."

Yes, there are restaurants. You can get restaurants in this game. You get
food but at a price. However, the food is top notch and is the best, as in
better than what you can pull off. This is how the restaurant works. There are
normally four NPC's that are in charge of the restaurant

Host - This elder will be behind the podium at most times. They will answer
the phone from the podium, show you to your table and take money from your
bank account to pay for the bill. You can have a better relationship for a
discount. They normally dress in black. There are two waiters, a male and a
female. More some strange reason, I see the female more often.

Waiters - There are two waiters that will take your order when you are seated.
Only one of them will take your order. To order, just click on them and order
from the options. Have a better relationship with these two guys for a lower
chance of food being dropped from a tray

Chef - This guy is always at the oven. You cannot talk to him, but he will
make your food, just after your order has been taken. Maybe the waiters have
walkie-talkies, I don't know. This is another elder. Getting him a better
relationship will not do you any good though.

First of all, there will be a podium at the restaurant. There will be a person
behind the podium at most times. On the podium, there will be a book and a
telephone. To get a seat, click on the podium and select be seated. If you
want to be at a counter, click be seated at counter. After that, you will be
seated by the host.

Second, the waiter will come. The waiter will take your order so click on the
waiter. There are several options that you can choose from the waiter. You can
have chef's choice. This is just a random choice for you. It can be anything
from a hamburger to a lobster. But be prepared to pay a large bill if you
choose this option.

You can choose yourself from an extensive range of foods if you order
yourself. You can also order for other people, like your date, and you can
order for all the people in your group.

You can find out what you date wants with the speech bubble over their heads.
This will give a bigger boost to the date. If you don't have the bubble to
guide you, just order something expensive to impress them. You can order some
dessert to wash down the meal. Just click on the waiter again and order a
dessert. Use your imagination to create a course. Mains, entrees and desserts
along with some water.

You can interact will eating food or dining. Click on your date or friends and
look for a chair symbol. This chair symbol means that you can do this
interaction while sitting down. This is how the ad was made that is on the
Sims 2 website where a man was proposing. That is possible, as long as you
have the necessary relationship with the person.

You can give up your seat by clicking on the podium and choose give up seat.
You can just click the Dining button to cancel it. When you finish your meal,
you can pay your bill or skip it. Skipping your bill will give a negative
relationship with the host and the waiters. If you leave the restaurant before
you manually pay the bill, the moment you go into your car, you pay the bill.
You don't lose any relationship with the host if you do this. You do not gain
any relationship with the host either. Paying the bill yourself is a great way
for you to gain some relationship points with the host and the date.

Also, the better relationship you have with the host, the better the discount
when it come to paying the bill. If you have a very good relationship with the
host, then you may not have to pay any money (§) at all. This is just a thing
to do in your spare time though and you cannot really talk to them while on
the community lot itself. And another thing, waiters can drop food on your
pants as well. This will go down as a negative memory. You can improve your
relationship with the waiter to reduce the chance of your pants being spoilt
by food that was meant to go in your mouth.

There is a large range of foods to choose from. These include different areas
so you can order an omelette at the middle of the night.

Breakfast Foods
Omelette - This is a morning dish, the best of the morning foods. It costs
you §11 at default.

Lunch Foods
Chilli Con Carne - This dish will warm you up with speed. It is a great lunch
food and costs §15.

Chef Salad - This dish is made of vegetables and no meat. Despite popular
belief that it is a salad, you can still get fat. It will cost you §16 for
this dish.

Hamburgers - A grill dish that can only be made from a BBQ at home. Too bad
they don't serve it with fries. It costs §17 (WTF) for a hamburger.

Dinner Foods
Mac and Cheese - This popular dorm food makes a comeback in a restaurant. Just
come yellow stuff in a bowl. Not very filling. It costs §9.

Spaghetti - Another dorm food makes a comeback. It is just some white strands
with some red sauce. It also costs §9 and is not very filling.

Ribs - Want some ribs from a pig? Well this grilled item is sold in the
restaurant as well. Quite filling and costs §18.

Salmon - This fish, which is tasty by the way is a good way to fill up your
hunger bar. This is very filling and costs §21.

Pork Chops - This meal is about the same as the salmon as in hunger relief
but looks better and will impress your date more. It is very filling and costs
you §23.

Lobster Thermidor - The king of the foods, the lobster. This is the most
filling food in the game and requires 10 cooking to obtain this recipe. It is
so filling, that it is most likely that you will have excess fat afterwards.
It costs §35 for this massive meals.

Cake - A big slab of cake. Not very filling but is a good snack after a big
or not so big meal. It costs §8.

Baked Alaska - A whitish cake, like a slick of a wedding cake. But more
filling than the cake and costs §10.

Crepes Suzette - A few crepe rolls, drenched in a source. A new type of food
in this game. It costs you §13 for this filling dessert.

Uncookable Foods (Obtainable in the Restaurants)
Nectarine Tartlette - A tart with the flavour of nectarines. It is quite
filling and costs §12 for this. I'm thinking it is a dessert.

Lime Seared Prawns - This is a great meal. It is the favourate food of one of
the producers of the game, according to the Sims 2 website. Anyway, it is
prawns infused with the flavours of lime. It costs §19. I think it is a dinner

Filet Mignon - This is a very filling meal. It is a thick slice of beef from
the tenderloin. Very tasty. Because it is beef, it costs §25.

Fried Chicken - A nice meal, crunchy and all. This is basically some chicken,
killed and fried. Tasty for a modest fee of §18.

Glass of Water - Just a glass of water. Nothing more, nothing less. Does not
do anything. As it does not do anything, it costs §0.

There are several things you need when building a restaurant. First of all,
you will need to podium. This is where the host can stand and greet people. Of
course, you will need a SPECIAL oven for the chef. It will be found under the
appliance section of the dining section of the buy catalog. Next, and the
most important thing, is, chairs and tables to dine with. Where else are your
guests going to sit?

[2.02] Nightclubs

"Dance until you drop at any of the myraid of trendy clubs littering the
downtown area."

Nightclubs are where people start dancing and having a good time. An good
example of this is the Hub. This trendy club in the Downtown area is a great
place to have a party. Most nightclubs include restaurants. They are normal
restaurants like above but where you are seated is different. If you choose
to be seated at the counter, you are most likely to be seated at the bar of
the nightclub.

All nightclubs should come standard with some bars. There are two distinct
advantages of having a bar. One of them is that you can have some Sims having
a good time with some drinks. The second reason is more obsecure. It is
because that Mrs. Crumplebottom loves a drink, she can down about 5 drinks
before a purse hitting. With the pub keeping her occupied, you can have a
romantic slow dance or a normal dance. She doesn't like it either way so you
can have some me time while she is busy.

You have to have a DJ station as well. I mean, what are the Sims going to
dance to? Air rustling? Nah. A dance station is quick helpful to have a good
time because there more Sims can dance. And with several new interactions that
come equipped with Nightlife, you can be sure to have a good time. You can mix
some tunes and request different music, for your romantic purposes.

A jukebox is a great for a nightclub. Its like a stereo, you can change the
music of the area with it. You can change that horrible techno into classical
which is perfect for a date or hip hop for the more modern date. Its quite a
mix really. Then you need the karaoke machine, to watch those Sims sing a
really bad song, or a good one, depending on the Sim.

You have to have the dance sphere. If course, its a party attraction and a
want of Sims to dance in it. Also raises body and actually depends on body
either you are successful or not. It is a great way to gain some aspiration
points so you might as well get one.

Another must is some toilets. Well, you need the Sims to do their business
somewhere. and where else but a toilet. But be warned, some Sims have a fear
of using the toilet so want their aspirations.

Funky lights are a must. They spin lights with colours and look great. It
places the Sims in the mood by raising the Environment bar. A great way to
get the party started.

And thats about all you need for a nightclub. The rest is for your imagination
and like the former EA saying. Challenge Everything.

[2.03] Bowling Alleys

"It's not just the striking shirts that pull them in at the local lanes. It's
the crashing excitement of knocking those ten pins right off their feet."

Bowling Alleys are a great place for a group activity. Bowling is a group
activity, so have a good time. You might even see Mrs. Crumplebottom having a
good time as she likes bowling. Bowling is a great way for Sims to have fun.
If you decide to go bowling, have two Sims. Its more fun and you gain some
social points for it as well. Its another automated chat time. It is a great
social activity, better than poker and chess.

Bowling is a great place to make friends so you should start to build a
bowling alley as soon as possible. Let me remind you that a bowling alley is
quite long so make the building long or wide to accommodate this massive alley

What you will need in a bowling alley, well, the most important things, is,
well the bowling alley. You know, people cannot go bowling if there was no
bowling alley to bowl in. Put them side by side, make them cross, do whatever
you want to do with it.

You need some seat and some chairs as well, or where else are they going to
take a rest? After some seating, you need the decorative touch to the bowling
alley. You need the rack of bowling balls. Once you have this rack, it will
look more like a bowling alley.

Then you will need a grill so Sims can cook hot dogs, the classic bowling
snack. Some televisions, the one that hang in the air, would do quite nicely
as well.

A bowling alley should have a jukebox as well, to relive those old times.
Then you will need some pinball machines as well to give the kids some
entertainment along with some arcade machines.

A poker table here and there will not do any harm either. A bowling alley
needs some Sims who are willing to bet some money on a deck of cards. How else
is the house going to make money?

You know, a pool table would do nicely if you have Uni as well. Adds the nice
finishing touch on the topic of sporting balls. You have the bowling ball and
then the cue ball. Don't even think about what I think you are thinking.
Anyway, add a coffeehouse as well. To make sure those Sims that are bowling
don't fall down on the bowling alley. Might help them wake up as well. Add a
toilet if they are using the coffee house.

They give body points for bowling, mainly because you break a sweat trying to
lift a ball used to smash down few pins. Brings back the memory of me going
bowling but I accidently walked onto the shiny floor, slipped, hit my head
and get a strike as the ball rolled down the floor. So funny, I got a strike
for slipping. And I'm the worst bowler in history. I can average a measly a
score of about 80 on a day, about 100 on a good day. I plain suck. They
don't get really fit from bowling, because you don't get fit walking with a
bowling ball and rolling it.

This is a common aspiration want, to go bowling, with the Pleasure Seeker
more often than not. But they are nothing but a bunch of trouble seekers.
Just watch for the gutterballs, the strikes and such. Body skill plays an
integral part of bowling. The more points, the better the score. Low skill
points give gutter balls and the 7-10 split. Medium skilled players will
end up getting spare and at the peak of the body skill, they tend to get
strikes. Get a perfect 300 please!

And there you have it, your own bowling or not so bowling alley.

[2.04] Graveyards

You can make graveyards anywhere. You can make them downtown, in your regular
neighbourhood or if you really want to, place them in the University campus.
You start off with a large community lot and then you start to build up your
morbid business.

First of all, you need to select your grave or graves if you have been
purging Sims off the face of the Earth. Anyway, click on the grave and select
the move grave option, or if there is more than one grave, move all graves
option. Then, you can choose the cemetery that you have made and you just send
them over there. If you use the move all graves option, you will move all the
graves in the neighbourhood to the selected lot. Make sure you want to do this
or you can just send them one by one to avoid moving them everywhere.

Once you finish your grave moving, you can go into the build mode of the
community lot with the graves and arrange it to your liking. You can place
flowers of where the body will be, use your imagination. I mean, I don't think
I should tell you that, you play your game the way your like. Anyway, place
them the way you want, if you want, arrange them into the words Grim Reaper.
Give Mr. Death some more furfillment in doing his job.

If you want an example of a typical graveyard, go to Gothier Green Lawns. That
is the graveyard of the Sims that lived in the House of Fallen Trees. There
are also graves of that lot as well.

Do not forget that there are two graves. There is the grave stone and the urn.
If you place the remains of some one outside, it will be a tombstone and it
will stay like that. If you decide to place it inside, it will be an urn. On
another note, if you move a grave to a graveyard, you can resurrect them if
you know them or they used to be on your lot. But when they die, they will
have their remains on your lot, not the graveyard.

You cannot move the graves by placing it in your inventory. The only thing
you can do is take the graves home and place them on your lot via the
inventory. You cannot select your inventory while you are on the commerical
lots. Regardless.

Also, the grave will still produce some ghosts. But the ghosts don't seem to
attack the Sims that are still living that often. According to Maxis, the
ghosts of the Sims who have died are more peaceful when they in the graveyard
so be sure to place them there. And also, you can choose to place the graves
on a residential lot but I don't know why on earth you will want to put them
their, I mean, people live there. Unless they include a house full of the
living undead, I mean, how can dead people piss their pants?

There are some transcripts about the graveyards

Guest: Will there be an option to send Sims who have died before Nightlife
comes out to send them to the cemetery or will only the newly dead have that

MaxisLittleL: You'll be able to to move any existing grave to a cemetery now.
Your ancestors will happily rest in peace.

Guest: How do you go about making a cemetery? Is it a residential lot,
community lot, or something different altogether?

MaxisAmy: You can move graves to community or to home lots, so it is up to

Guest: Can you visit a cemetery at night and see a whole bunch of ghosts
floating around? (for those crazy knowledge sims who would love that)

MaxisLittleL: Ghosts can appear at a cemetery, luckily they are happier and
more relaxed there then they can be at home sometimes.

If you want a whole bunch of knowledge sims go to the graveyard, for, say a
"field trip" make sure you bring a few mortal enemies of the ghosts along.
This way, the knowledge sims get to see a ghost, the ghost gets his or her
revenge, its a Win Win situation. Well except for the poor fellow who saw
the ghost. He might want to, ummm, take a vacation for a while. For more info
on removing sims to place into the graveyard, read the [14] section for more
um, dastardly information.

[2.05] Photo Booths

I hate photos. I'm strickly anti-photo, because you look like a dork and dress
like a god dam jackass. They give photos in strips of 4, squared and framed
in the machine somehow. For the price of §10, you can get Normal or Goofy
Photos in the booth. You can get two people, just invite another person and
you can get Normal, Goofy or Romantic for the price of §10. I strickly hate
photots so I'm going keep this short and bitter.

When the photos are done, the film falls out, you pay the money and move on.
The normal photos are normal, the goofy are ones that are plain stupid and
the romantic ones show that the couple do not wish to be disturbed. Too bad,
I'm god here and there is nothing you can do about it. Of course, this is a
new place for you to WooHoo. Just invite a love interest and Woohoo. If you
WooHoo here, it counts towards the WooHoo in public want so yeah. It can only
hold two people, any more and it would be cramp. You can take photos at home
and still, you cannot have a family photo. How I wish for something like that
to happen. A mega sized photo booth. They are pretty common in shopping
centres in real life.

Note, this is a double edged sword. Although it is a want of some sims, it is
actually a fear of some Sims as well. So make sure you check the fears as well
before you so a photo shoot or the shrink might just some a take a nice visit
to you.

[2.06] Downtown

Downtown has everything you are looking for, from dancing, to dining, to
dating and so much more. Come visit our Downtown and find out what the
Nightlife has to offer.

That was the description of the offical downtown. There is much to talk about
downtown. Basically, downtown has brought life back into the community lots.
There are many things that the downtown system has improved on.

* The transport system, which is changed due to cars, is much better. The
loading time is much shorter since you don't have to reach the community
overview screen, this will help with a family full of sims. Below is a
question of how the system works.

Traveling to other lots has changed a bit since the introduction of cars and
the Downtown area.
To initiate travel without a car:
1. Click on a phone.
2. Choose Call then Transportation.
3. Choose Taxi or Invite depending on if you are traveling solo or want to
invite a friend.
To initiate travel with a car:
1. Click on your car.
2. Choose Drive to Community Lot.
If you have invited someone on a date or social group outing, you will be able
to take them with you. Once your taxi has arrived, or you have initiated
travel using your car, a window will appear asking Where would you like to
go?. On the left are the areas you can choose from (your neighborhood, and
downtown). On the right is a list of all the community lots in that area. You
will only have Downtown available if you chose to associate a Downtown with
your neighborhood.
To go Downtown:
1. Choose your Downtown area from the left menu.
2. Choose the lot you want to visit from the right menu.
3. Click the check mark and you'll be on your way!

* You don't have to call the taxi anymore, because you have your own car.

* You instantly save before you go to a community before all hell breaks loose
and that you can quit during the time you were playing.

Downtown is always dark by default, and you don't get mugged as often.
Residential houses and lots can be made downtown, but you should leave that in
the neighbourhood, downtown is more community lot based. This will still be
linked to those in the original downtown, other university campuses and the
other downtowns you might have created. If you ran out of room in your
original neighbourhood, which I find hard to believe since the map is really
huge and with load times the size of hell, you can stick them in Downtown.
Uni students from University will not come here unless you tell them to

Of course, since Maxis wants more money for EA, there is a reason that you
should have the University expansion pack and the Nightlife expansion pack,
because the people who benefit the most out of Nightlife, or rather, actually,
get anything out of Nightlife are the Uni Students, also known as (aka) young

Which do you want first, the bad news or the good news. Ok, bad news.

You cannot gain skill points on Downtown lots. No one can get skills from
downtown lots. Maxis explains why.

Why don't Downtown objects raise my skills?

Although Downtown objects used at your home will allow you to gain skill,
when these objects are Downtown they will not. These objects are meant only
to be interaction objects Downtown, but you can use them at home to 'practice'
for using them in public, thus allowing skill gain. Make sure to get a lot of
practice before using them Downtown, or you may find your Sim in an
embarrassing situation!

Okay, thats the bad news out of the way. Good news time.

The University timer will now cease to pass when they are Downtown. Those
deans found out that all those students were pissed off because they didn't
get enough time off. So, when you are downtown, you basically stop all timers.
You don't have to go to class, don't have to do exams and the best thing, the
countdown to the next semester will not count down. Its like downtown is
another galaxy, where time is not spent out in the real world. This is where
the DJ booth comes in. Anyway you can make money, since the timer doesn't
count down, you basically have an age free gameplay. You can earn money, lots
and lots of it and earn some extra money while you are at it. With Open for
Business, you can basically get more money to fund your goods, even with a
new car. To go go back to your roots with a car. Since time doesn't to pass,
your relationship will stay the same, so you can make the shyest sim on the
face of the earth the worlds biggest socialite in no time, pardon the pun.

Since I mentioned earlier, the transport system is now in place, you can
actually bludge off to the nether regions of your original neighbourhood. Go
home, talk to your friends and family and watch that clock tick down. Since
downtown is now a timeless sink or void, however you want to look at it, you
can basically do whatever you want there. WooHoo in public, piss off Mrs
Crumplebottom, get married, or get ready to get married, make money without
actually using the time, make or break friends, go on dates and outings and
get the rewards, read section below, etc etc. With this said, the timeless
void, intentional or accidential, actually helped the already degrading task
of shoving your little young adults to a world of study and pain and give them
a little relaxation and a little TLC (Tender Loving Care) for those who care.

[3.01] Vampires

Vampires, the undead of nightlife. In the original Sims 2, the paranormal idea
in the game was the ghosts. In University, the paranormal turned into zombies.
In Nightlife, there are vampires. I think it fits perfectly. I mean, vampires
are told in stories that they live at night and sleep in day. I guess Maxis
made it the stereotypical vampire. Vampires are the masters of the night. No
one can have more fun than them at night. During the day, however, is a
different story altogether.

As I said before, Maxis made the stereotypical vampire. This includes, red
eyes (kinda like slits), fangs on their teeth, dead (or extremely pale) skin
and some very special powers that sets them aside from your average Sim.

You might be wondering, COOL! Vampires! How do I get one? Well, although I
will mention below how, I might just ruin it for you. To get a vampire, you
have to find the Grand Vampire. There are two, a male and a female. More on
them later. Anyway, build up a good, solid relationship with them and sooner
or later, they'll bite your neck. Then, you have joined the ranks of the
living dead. Of course, you could get someone to influence the Grand Vampire
to give them a ... little nibble on the neck. For the reasons that they are,
Knowledge Sims have a knack for being bitten. But then again, Knowledge Sims
are kind of crazy. They want to be saved from death, be turned into a zombie,
see a ghost and now they want to be turned into a vampire. I swear, the
paranormal was installed just for them. Of course, being knowledge Sim, they
don't want to be normal, that won't do. They normally have a fear of being
cured of Vampirism after they are a Vampire.

There are many benefits of being a vampire. They don't have to walk or run
anymore. They can either stalk or fly. By stalking, they cover their fangs and
sneak to the area they want to go to. Flying, no, they don't grow wings and
fly like that. They fly by turning into a small bat and flying. Pretty cool
when you see it for yourself. Flying is the speed of skipping I would think.
Its not just walking but they aren't at the speed of your average Sim running
around. Of course, being able to fly, they don't go around obstacles on their
path, they fly over the small obstacles in their path.

The biggest advantage I would think is that their mood at night will not
decrease at all. They is why I called them that they are the Sims of the
night. It is because that their moods doesn't decrease for 12 hours. Between
7pm and 7am, their mood stays the same. Environment does increase or decrease
but everything else can only go higher, not lower. Also, while they are in
their coffin, they mood doesn't decrease. Only energy and comfort increase
while they are sleeping. While at night, they can do whatever they want
without draining motives. Exercising, cleaning, anything they do, it will not
decrease mood. They only way it can drain mood is by "accidents" like
electrocution or being burnt alive. That will drain mood.

Another advantage is that they can make more vampires. They have the ability
to bite necks if they are at a high enough relationship level. This can get
rejected and most vampires will have the fear of being rejected for a bite
neck. They do have a want to bite someone's neck. You can bite the necks of
Sims that are teenagers onwards. They can spread their infections with other
Sims, how generous!

Another massive advantage is that vampires DON'T AGE! A vampire in this game
is immortal as long as their life grows. Their children can be long and truly
dead when the vampire is still an adult. It is by far the best advantage the
vampire has, besides the ability that mood doesn't drain at night. They can
make lots and lots of cash before they even age a single day. No need to put
on the aging cheat when you have a vampire. Although they might not be able
to age, they can die to other things.

Other minor abilities include a new irritate option, Bleh! to other Sims and
the ability to scare Sims that open their coffin and give a negative
relationship with them. Quite a fair amount of benefits of being a vampire.

Of course, with those benefits, there always has to be disadvantages. Well,
vampires that no shortage of those either.

During the daytime, from 7am to 7pm, they lose mood faster than regular Sims
do while inside. This is not as worse as the next effect. If your vampire
decides to walk outside during the daytime, they will lose their mood like a
train travelling at the speed of sound. They start to burn up and lose their
moods really quickly. You can see their motives drop dead within a few hours.
If they die while they are outside, they will die, they advantage of not
aging will not save them. Also, their ghost will be whitish / transparent. If
they get a day job, they have to move very quickly to avoid losing too much
mood. Anything that involves sunlight e.g., greeting guests, looking through
the telescope, getting the mail or the newspaper will all burn the vampire.
You can stop this by buying a coffin. This will protect them from all sunlight
and they will not lose mood. While sleeping, the coffin will have its candles
lit. They only wake up when it is 7pm, or someone decides to give them a ring,
another victim perhaps. You should watch the sound and animation for a sim who
awakes from the coffin. Very eerie.

Another disadvantage or advantage is that the vampire can get pregnant.
However, the child will not be a vampire itself. Will, think of it this way,
the vampire disease is viral, not genetic. Only genetic data will be passed
on to the child from the adult. Its your choice whether you want a vampire
kid or not. You can bite the child when they are the teenager level.

Vampires have no appearance or reflection until you decide to change their
appearance with the mirror. After you decide to give them a major change, as
in hair, eyes, their will have a reflection. Try primping with a vampire
without their reflection.

You can cure vampires with a simple potion. Get your vampire Sim to call the
Gypsy Matchmaker on the telephone under services. Buy the Vamprocillin-D
potion off her for §35. Then, click on the vampire Sim and make them drink the
potion. Then they will be cured from the point they drink the potion. Of
course, you can make a Sim become a vampire as many times you want.

Cost: §35
Dosage: 1 Flask
Directions: Drink entire flask for best effect
Not intended for use by children

Vampires can go to college as well. They will recieve the Undead Scholarship
because, well, they are undead. They is the only time that the vampire will
age. They will transition into a young adult and into an adult when they
finish their college education.

You can get a mix of an alien, vampire and zombie. First, get a child that was
born as an alien. When they transition into a teenager, kill them off somehow.
Then, resurrect them as a zombie. Then, bite them. Not you what a 3 way
undead, science experiment. It has light blue skin, alien features, red eyes,
fangs and shambles even when it stalks.

You cannot influence the townies to drink the vamprocillin. This is because
of a bug maybe? Also, if you are planning to resurrect the vampire what was
killed somehow, make sure they are not outside when you resurrect them or
their moods wills drain really quick outside if it sunny. I suggest you turn
the gravestone into an urn by placing it inside. They will allow you the
chance to clean up the vampire on a sunny day while it is indoors.

While you are downtown, during the day, it will fill up full with non vampire
sims. But, people have to go home so when it is dark, the vampires start to
lurk and the normal sims go home or turn into vampires when the Grand Vampire
comes along to start biting sessions after your Sims are Vampires. Of course,
you can just cure all your Vampire Sims and the Grand Vampires are a bit more
sedated in the field of biting necks. They will bite NPC's and having most of
Downtown vampires isn't such a good idea.

Also, please don't make the lady below into a vampire, bad things happen. Just
read below (Mrs. Crumplebottom) and why you SHOULDN'T turn her into a vampire
when everyone else wants to. It can seriously do bad things to your game.

When you go to work during the day, you are safe. Workplaces are vampire

[3.02] Mrs. CrumpleBottom

The old hag from Hot Date is back. And she has a hatred for any PDAs. Not the
PDA you organise things on, it not the one you connect to BlueTooth on. In
the World of the Sims, the acronym PDA stands for Personal Displays of
Affection. This means, that any romantic move played by you the player or the
other Sim will result in a bad thing, done with this old hag.

According to the Sims 2 BBS, she is just an old hag that annoys everyone, and
that is what she is used for. It is the intended function of Mrs. Crumple-
Bottom, she is just there to stop the public displays of affection in public
and doesn't get along with anyone. If you don't display any PDA's while she
is in the area, you will be fine.

Mrs. CrumpleBottom is only found on downtown lots. That being said, commerical
lots only. She will not appear on your residential lots. Thats a relief.
Imagine her face when you WooHoo in front of her. Although the location is not
important, you can say she is everywhere. She will appear in clothing shops,
bars, grocery shops, nightclubs, etc. However, many people have claimed that
she is most likely to appear in restaurants, mainly the fancy restaurants. The
people who say that they have never seen her on downtown lots are people who
haven't visited the downtown commerical lots a lot or they are extremely lucky
to avoid her.

When you display a public display of affection in public, she will do several
things to you. What she will do will vary.

* Hit you with her purse
This action will make her pull her purse out of her bag and smack you over the
head with it. It will hurt a fair bit I imagine.

*Lecture You
This action is the mostly like action. She will use this action as a follow up
on the last action or a seperate wave of annoyance altogether. You Sim will
get very pissed off and put their fingers in their ears and mimic the sign
that she is mental by swirling their fingers around their heads, like saying,
"Mental Nut."

If you are on a date, your date meter will fall with every whack and word
coming out of her. There are several things that she will do when you is not
annoying the hell out of your Sims.

She will pull out a sock or sweater or something out of her bag and knit it.
This action, while it may sound harmless, generally occurs in the room that is
the largest on the lot or the room your Sim is in. This of course, allows her
to see your every move and make sure that you do not show any PDA's.

For an old lady, she sure doesn't drink like one. In the nightclubs and bar,
she will often sit down at the counter and down about 5 to 6 drinks. For an
old lady, she sure drinks a lot. Think of the liver.

*Play Poker
Mrs. CrumpleBottom sure plays poker. Many all that annoying might have thought
her a few things about playing poker. Be warned, when you play poker with this
lady, make sure you have money to lose as she is a very good winner and you
are not likely to lose money because of her.

This lady goes bowling. Thats wierd, bowling is mainly a group activity, I
thought she hated people. Maxis is stuffing up there.

To avoid this lady, there is a way. When she is distracted or doing one of the
above actions, move out of the room. While you are out of the room, you can
perform as many PDA's as she cannot see you. I found this out when my Sims
were performing as many PDA's as they wanted when Mrs. CrumpleBottom was
having a few "beverages."

Mrs. CrumpleBottom has a very wierd description. There are several unique
features of her.

* She wears only one colour. This is like a lighter brown mixed with a little

* She is an elder. This is recognised from the white hair she has.

* She has a hat or cap. This hat will have a flower on the side. You can see
that it is a sunflower

* She has a pearl necklace around her neck. She wears this around her neck

* She has a bag that is the came colour as her clothing.

* Very thinish head. Green eyes, Long pointy nose and thin lips.

* On her coat, the buttons are made of a gold colour.

* Has two pockets on her coat.

Those are the most distinguishing features of this lady. Below are several
facts that you should read.

Her aspiration is Family. Not a secret aspiration, and not a PDA aspiration.
People on the Gamefaqs boards found this out. My hat goes off to them.

You cannot interact with this lady. If you talk to her, she will not talk
back. You cannot annoy her and as far as I am concerned, she cannot have any
sort of friendship or relationship with her.

This is very important that you know this. However much you may hate her, do
not turn her into a vampire. According to MaxoidTim, a Maxis worker,
Mrs. CrumpleBottom is an object in the games database. She is not to be
modified or turned into a vampire. If you do turn her into a vampire, you will
corrupt your game data and will have to reinstall. You have been warned. As
far as Maxis is concerned, Mrs. CrumpleBottom is an object, which explains
why you cannot develop a friendship with her.

Also, another piece of useless trivia, word is it that Maxis created this old
lady and named her Mrs. CrumpleBottom because it sounded catchy. Also sounded
interesting and funny. Its coincidential that Mrs. CrumpleBottom is in
Nightlife because Nightlife is like Hot Date from the Sims 1. They both had
more dating options, more things to do with romance, and the start of player's
annoyance at Mrs. CrumpleBottom.

You cannot really avoid her. She seems to appear more often at night. Also, if
you spend more than 3 hours at any community lot, 2 at night, (in the downtown
district / nightbourhood), she is bound to appear. You cannot really predict
when she will come. Try to be safe and do any romantic actions away from her.
Then you won't have to be whacked with a purse full of nickels and quarters.

When you see her, you have six options that you can interact with her. You
have the choice to entertain, talk, hug, flirt (wtf), prank and irritate. You
can choose any interaction but when the action queues up, it disappears, you
cannot interact.

And this lady is not the same Mrs. Crumplebottom as in hot date. I have been
digging through the chat transcriptions on the Sims 2 web site and found this
on the site. These are some interesting questions about Mrs. Crumplebottom
and answer a few questions.

Guest: Is this the same Mrs. Crumplebottom as in TS1 (although I thought she
died), or is it a distant relative or niece?

MaxoidLittleL: A distant relative, although she's frighteningly similar ...

Guest: Can we get rid of Mrs. Crumplebottom's distant relative in this
expansion. I don't want her hitting (with her purse I presume) my date?

MaxisAmy: Mrs. Crumplebottom loves to go bowling. If you keep her busy, she is
less likely to object to a little romance happening around her.

Guest: What is in Mrs. Crumplebottom's purse?

MaxisLittleL: Knitting, lint, some small stones and a portrait of her great

MaxisHunter!: Also, raw pork.

Guest: How is Mrs. Crumplebottom going to work? She's Mortimer's aunt and
he's nearly dead himself when the game starts.

MaxisLittleL: This is actually a distant relative of the original Mrs.
Crumplebottom. The family has strong genes...

Guest: Can you marry Mrs. Crumplebottom?

MaxisLittleL: She likes to hit people with her purse ... marriage isn't such
a great idea ...

Guest: Does Mrs. Crumplebottom do anything new since The Sims 1?

MaxisLittleL: I've heard she really likes to go bowling ...

Guest: What's in the purse of Mrs. Crumplebottom

MaxisLittleL: Magical mystical things ... and crochet

Guest: Oh! Oh! Can we marry Mrs. Crumplebottom?

MaxisAmy: I don't think Mrs. Crumplebottom is interested in your advances.

Mrs. Crumplebottom is a distant relative from the original Miss Crumplebottom
from the original Hot Date. This is proven when the Maxis employees state
that she is a distant relative of the original. This concludes that she was
not a child of Cornelia and Gunther Goth or else she would be the sister of
Mortimer Goth. And besides, since Gunther was the MALE and Cornelia is the
female, the bloodline would be changed to Goth as the surname of the name is
adopted, forcefully, by the female, therefore, not Crumplebottom. Anyway, the
original Miss Crumplebottom would be Agnes, Cornelia's sister. Being single
for your entire life can do that for you sometimes. Hell, I don't know how
the Mrs. part is there. If hacking her and killing her and resurrecting her
says that she has never even been kissed, well, how the hell did she get
married. I'm sure a marriage ceremony in the Sims 2 would involve at least
some kissing and to even get a crush, some PDA (public display of affection)
would have to be displayed. You can't just say, "I want you as my husband and
you will follow my orders" and expect someone to obey you, thats just stupid.
Enough of this, I give up.

Wow, that was a mouthful!

[3.03] Gypsy Matchmaker

This grand old lady will pop into your lot whether when you start a game with
your family and first started Nightlife or a new family altogether. Of course,
you can just give her a call over and its all good. Apparently, they are quite
uncommon in everyday society and basically extinct in modern and large cities.
Imagine a lady with a crystal ball rubbing it in the middle of Grand Central
Station, or on the Tower of London, or in front of the Kremlin, on top of a
Hong Kong apartment building or in the middle of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
They just "ain't what they used to be". What she does will be done in depth
later, if I ever get to it, which I will, eventually.

Her all seeing powers can make you the ultimate match, if you give her the
right amount if money. And she slipped the special one-time potion to everyone
who is a long time resident. You know what it is by now. Just call her under
service. You can't miss this lady. Look for a lady with a red bandana and a
necklace with a bluish dress and it is probably her. Not hard to find her is

[3.04] Diva / Mr. Big

Two new townies without the Pleasure seeker aspiration, but with the Richness
or if you like some political correctness, Foutune aspiration. For some rich
people, they are the opposites of the Slobs and they are pretty damn friendly
but watch out for the outdoing, because my Sim dates the Diva and well, she
can welcome herself anytime of the day. Pretty much makes me make a room
complete with a firing squad, but due to ethical issues, Maxis doesn't make
those kinds of items. They aren't too hard to date if you have the right
chemistry, because, like any other relationship, good chemistry between two
people can get the job done faster and with a bang. Like placing pure sodium
into water, bang. They have normal names, but of course, in true Maxis style,
if you decide to turn them into ghosts, marry them, feed them to a hungry cow
plant, burn them, drown them, strave them, scare the hell out of them or
however you decide to get rid of them, another will ironically take their

Mr Big will wear a purple robe with reddish outlining. It looks brand spankin
new and clean. It looks like a bath robe, except it isn't white. Damn, I like
white better, looks generic. You can buy several variations like that but none
will look like his suit. The Diva will be wearing a black dress and a red
scarf. Kinda cool. These clothes are like job clothes, unless they are in the
family, they don't get the clothes. This makes dating Mr Big or the Diva even
more exclusive. Kind of stands out. Of course, they have generic names and
mine one includes Pong and Emmy. You game will probably be different. When
you bring them into the family, they will have about 70,000 Simoleons and
about 10 items from the higher range of the buy catalog that you can sell for
full price. Excellent. They also get the Port O' Chug and basically can give
you a retirement fund for a long time. That is if you don't want to leave
anything for your children. But there is one thing has is reminant of the
Pleasure Seeker Aspiration on these guys. They are Professional Party Guests.
How can one become professionals at parties? Ask Maxis, they probably know,
they designed this game.

[3.05] DJ

These guys basically appear on commerical lots that have the DJ booth, one for
every booth. They are basically mute, like the chef below and they don't talk.
The only thing you an do is to get your Sim and take over the song requests.
You can force the DJ to get lost and spin some vinyl and let your Sim spin it
well or totally fudge up the entire operation. Of course, you get paid for it
but more on that later. Other than the fact they appear for every DJ booth,
they aren't so special. The clothing is funky though, I would like some
clothes like that. Of course, they aren't special and you can buy their
clothes at a store and mix and match. Being the DJ, he or she is open to
requests and you can get slow, medium, fast or house mix to dance to. You can
dance however you want buy other Sims will smustle or dance like they were at
home in front of the stereo that loves to lag my computer down to hell and

[3.06] Slob

The town slob is normally both a female and a male. They are wearing dirty
and torn clothing and normally aggressive to both you and your friends (Sims).
They are downright rude, dirty and other bad names which I perfer not to name
here. Sloppy Sims and Grouchy Sims love to be rude, but both of those put
together in a rudeness contest, they seem like the losers of the competion.
Their clothing, mentioned eariler that they were dirty and tacky, can turn out
that they put Nightlife to the extreme, wearing PJ's out on the street. I
think that that is too much. You find them long enough when you start to hang
around the Downtown area a lot.

The male slob will have dirty pjs with red and white stripe clothes, giving a
strange look, while the female slob wears a dirty tshirt with an animal on it,
can't tell, the pixellation on my comp is funny. Both have skills, not the
max of skills but not the worst. They both have slacker jobs as Gas Station
Attendants, which is pretty bad for their skill set, mainly due to the fact
they probably can't work with people due to their nature and their constant
problems with other Sims.

As the opposites of Mr Big and the Diva, they contribute to the Sim Family,
but how much. 14 Simoleons, and you lucky they didn't put a decimal point
between the 1 and 4. For people who work and live on the street, I would have
thought that they would be hoarding money, but nevertheless, I am wrong. They
will also give you a ReNuYu Port O' Chug, which is a limited but common item
so far but that is the length of the housewarming presents. If you want to
move them in, you are definately going to be forking out more than they can
give in. Take into account meals and everything. They are pleasure seeking
Sims, natural with Nightlife. Maybe Maxis should start a vileness contest with
a large prize, so you can get your moneys worth. They have the ironic ability
to get replaced when the current one is disposed of.

[3.07] Host

The host is an elder that is needed to run the podium at the restaurant. The
host is the some that will seat you at the counter or at a table. Also, the
host is the person that you have to pay the bill to. Often, the host is female
but I have witnessed some males as hosts too. There are only two hosts, one
male and one female. Both of the are elders and that actually have a good
purpose besides what I have just mentioned.

The host will be important in the factor of the bill. The better relationship
you have with the host, the lower the bill you have to pay. Sometimes, you
can have the best relationship with the host and you can get a free meal
without having to use a free meal voucher.

When you click on the podium, you have to choose where you want to be seated.
The host will then greet you and seat you. While the host is standing at the
podium, the host will take telephone calls. I think that the telephone calls
are from people in the neighbourhood and they reserve tables.

Watch out though, if you're group or outing group is bigger than the amount of
chairs at a single table, the host will say that there is not enough room or
the other tables are reserved and tells you to come back another time. Truth
be told, I think that it is their loss and they lose out on the profit that
they could have made on you.

[3.08] Server

A server is a person that will serve you food in the restaurant. They servers
will often wear some black vests over a white shirt. There are often one to
two servers in a restaurant and they can either be male or female. You can
talk to the servers while they come and help you order. You will increase your
social bar if you decide not to order and have a chat with them. However, if
they are standing next to you and you don't decide to order, they will get
pretty pissed off at you and move to another table.

Having a relationship with the server might prove to be important as well. The
higher relationship you have with the server, the lower the chance of the
server spilling food over you. This might sound nothing more than gaining a
bad memory but you can get an aspiration fear from servers dropping food on
you so beware.

You can have the server the seat you at a table if the host is too busy to
help. A better way to order is by clicking on the waiter and ordering food
whilst clicking on tbe server. This is because it will force the command and
ensure than the food is served. There is a glitch that fails to order food for
you if you decide to order in another method and your date might get pretty
upset with you for wasting his or her time.

[3.09] Grand Vampire

Grand Vampires, the head of all the vampires. They can only start biting your
Sims and NPC's if one of your Sims are bitten are join the ranks of vampires.
They are only found on downtown lots. There are two grand vampires, one
female and one male. They only show up on downtown lots, they definately do
not show up on regular or university lots. To get a normal vampire, you have
to make the Grand Vampire give you a nittle nibble.

You have to build up a relationship with the Grand Vampire to make him or her
give you a little bite on the neck. The Sim you want to be bitten is that one
you have build the relationship with. After you get enough relationship points
for the vampire, they will soon give you a bite on the neck. The logic level
of your Sim is the deciding factor on how many relationship points that are
needed to give you a bite. If you have below 4 logic points, you can get
vamped in about 50 to 60 relationship points. If you have 5 or more logic
points, then you would need to have more relationship points. Say, for
instance, you have 10 logic points, you would need 100 daily relationship
points to be bitten.

There is another way to get a vampire, but only if you have University. For
the small price of 1,000 influence points, you can influence the Grand
Vampire to give another Sim a little nibble on the neck. Those are the two
ways to get a vampire. Either way, your Sim will turn into a vampire. I won't
spoil it, but the animation placed for bite a Sim is really cool, better than
making zombies.

Vampires, the Grand Vampires, are quite hard to find. They randomly pop up in
Downtown lots. There is no telling where you find them. If you are at a
Downtown lot for about 2 hours and you haven't seen but want to see the Grand
Vampire, then it is time for you to move onto another downtown lot. You will
see the vampire sooner or later. When I play in the Downtown lots, I find that
the vampires appear most often in Rodney's Hideout. Don't know why and its in
my neighbourhood, not yours.

The Grand Vampire names are different from game to game. But they have one
thing in common. There is a prefix before their name. For the male Vampire,
it would be Count *insert name here* and the female would be Countessa *insert
name here*. Once they infect one of your sims, they will start biting all the
downtown people and turning then into the denizens of the dark. However, if
you cure all the infected Sims, the vampires seem more normal. My sims talked
to the vampire, played pool with them, the vampire tipped the piano player
and the strangest thing, the vampire spent about 9 hours playing poker with
two other player. When the clock reaches 7 am, the Grand Vampire will stop
whatever they are doing. Then, on the floor, they act like they are saying,
argghh, the sunlight, must run. Then, the bolt out of the building and start
running. (However the hell they can run, I don't know.) While outside, they
will have smoke coming from them, like the Wizard of Oz, except that was a
wicked witch.

If you decide to "slay" a vampire, another one will take its place. I guess
there is a circle of vampires, and when the elder dies, the next in rank will
take its place. Or you can make them move in and make them give you some
money. Also, when you have the portrait for a grand vampire on your telephone
directory, they pose like they are about to attack someone. Real weird. Why
you want to remember someone like they are going to attack.

The Count will a gown, with a medal on his white shirt. Under the down will
be a black suit. The Countessa will wear a red dress, that looks like
something from the 1800's. Both will have red eyes, whitish - bluish skin
and look different to other NPC's. When they walk, they "stalk" where they
walk and cover their mouth with their hand. Strange. You will know a Grand
Vampire when you either see it or place your cursor over it.

[3.10] Restaurant Chef

This guy must really love his food or is really mute. He actually doesn't talk
at all and when you have a cursor over him, there is an blacked out cursor,
meaning you can have no interactions with him at all. I place him at the life
stage of elder because of the white hair.

The chef will always where a white apron and will be standing at a special
oven in the restautant. On the oven, there are pots and pans and many dishes
and pots with soup. When you order something, a pot suddenly pops up out of
no where and the chef will start stirring the pot, add some wine and have a
taste of the dish. When it is done, he will simply place it all on a dish and
have it on the counter on the oven set. Then the server will come and serve
you with whatever you ordered.

Note that the chef will have a French sounding name. Heres a little cooking
lesson. French chefs are among the best chefs in the world. If you decide to
visit Paris, you must have to go to a fine restaurant and taste the food, it
is simply the best. It is known that the best restaurants in the world are
from France and the best chefs, although they may not have to be French, they
must have some training in French cooking or experience in a top French
restautant to be a master chef. How do I know that? Stupid cooking shows that
have to be on in Primetime television on a weekend.

[4.01] Cars

Welcome to Nightlife, where cars can be used. Fans of the original Sims wanted
this in their game, but tough, Maxis gave out no cookie. But, probably due
to the intense nagging and whinging by fans, Maxis has responded swiftly and
invented cars. Sure cars are a great idea, but for those who have just shift
gears from San Andreas or Liberty City Stories and onto Sims 2, note a few
things. You cannot go drive by shooting those who are in your way. Sure the
Sim Godfather would like some, er removed, yes thats it, removed, Sims luckily
haven't found the pleasure of wielding an Uzi submachine gun unlike GTA has.
Second pointer, and the most disappointing of all, you cannot run people over.
Sims just refuse to run them over, so smart that the driver will even get a
Watch Out! action and so will the other person that could, and probably should
have gotten run over.

Anyway, to actually be able to have a car, one must have a driveway. If you
want to know how, read the manual, because they actually have a use. You know
that 8 page booklet that you get when buying the game? Use it. Once you
finished reading the manual and learn how to build a driveway, you can place
your car on it. The cars, can be bought ... wait, can't tell you that, you
should read the manual. Okay, maybe i'll cut some slace for those pirates out
there who downloaded the game of Bittorrent. Yea, I'm talking to you. Don't
pretend that you can download loads of stuff of bittorrent and not pay the
price. Okay, for those who have your manuals, whip it up and go to page ...
okay, Maxis screwed up there. So, go to buy mode and go to the misc section
and go to the newly added car button. Choose the car of your choice, which
will be listed below and choose a nice colour.

You cannot shove driveways into the secret societys, otherwise, it would not
be a secret that the secret society can afford secret driveways that they
can afford to keep secret. I'm getting secretly tired of secretly typing the
word secret. The car is basically the best form of transportation. Better than
the taxi, that yellow piece of ******* ****. There are five cars that you can
buy, each better than the last, and the last far better than the fourth. They
provide some energy, which is good on dates. Any teenager onwards can own a
car, so they can drive it to high school and such. You don't have to get some
learner plates to learn how to drive. Thank society I haven't even decided
to take the tests. I've played enough driving games to release that I know how
to use the accelerate pedal but just can't use the brake pedal in a safe
dosage, well its kind of hard to get a car from 200kph down to zero without
smashing a brand spanking new brick wall.

University students do not need cars to drive off to class, guess the petrol
to fuel the car is placing too much strain on the average University student's
budget. Community lots so far cannot use the driveways as of yet, no doubt
that open for business will fix that up. Which reminds me, I better get it and
FAQ that. I'll build a monopoly, no one can stop me, muhahahahahaha.

[4.02] The Smoogo Minima

Cost: §950
Motives: Comfort 1, Fun 2

"We know you've got money problems. Here at Smoogo, we have them, too. Sure,
other car companies think that throwing money away on things like genuine
steel bolts and welding lessons for their employees is the way to do business,
but at Smoogo we know that those things cost money. Thats why cutting corners
is what we do best. The Smoogo Minima: You don't want to pay too much, we
don't want to try too hard.

This car is basically the oldest car you can ever find. This is the cheapest
of the cars and basically, in essence, the worst you can buy. This car is also
one of the few that don't give the energy boost you want. It looks like
something that you pull from the 1980's, early 90's. Seriously, its old and
its cheap, so unless you have more of the dough, its back to the old cars for
you. By the way, Sims don't have learner plates, so, don't worry about car

[4.03] The Smord P328

Cost: §2,250
Motives: Comfort 1, Fun 4

"This baby can withstand anything. A cattle stampede. A trip to the lumber
yard. A ton of boulders. An atomic explosion. Built for maximum brawn, the
P328's solid adamantine frame is unyielding and can take on anything life
throws your way. Even the cup holder is designed to stand up to today's
massive beverage containers. So go ahead and maximize yourself. The P328 can
handle it. Smords makes it much bigger than it needs to be."

This is an old ute, old, rusty and damn strong. Or so they say. A two seater,
which amazes me how the hell it can hold the entire family, beats me. This is
one of those utes that people drive on work jobs. Damn strong and can take a
beating. This is the last car that doesn't provide an energy boost.

[4.04] The Landwhale by Heaveola

Cost: §4,250
Motives: Comfort 4, Energy 1, Fun 2

"Whether you're a soccer mom, a carpool dad, or just someone who really enjoys
picking up people from the airport, you'll appreciate the Landwhale's
comfortable seating for eight. Designed with your passenger's safety in mind,
the Landwhale's Steel Blubber Response System is truly state of the art. The
new Sippy Cup Stability feature tracks your toddler's movements to ensure
nothing sets spilled on the upholstry. If only you could get that in your
living room. Heaveola: the not-so-mini van."

This is the first that give an energy boost when you walk into the car. Its a
passenger van that can hold eight, which is much more logical when it comes to
taking people out on an outing. Much more logical. Its a nice van, that could
probably start a bus business. Its okay looking, a used van that holds people
instead of goods. A nice car. Not such a large fun boost like the Smord though
so don't relay on this for fun.

[4.05] The Yomoshoto Evasion

Cost: §6,250
Motives: Comfort 6, Energy 2, Fun 5

"Your kid failed the maths test. You caught your teenager sneaking out. The
neighbors are screaming because someone stole their gnome. Your father claims
he was abducted by aliens again. Your bills are overdue. If you're late for
work one more time, you'll lose your job. Life moves fast. You need to have a
car that can keep up. The Evasion is your quiet escape in this crazy world.
Sensible styling, affordable elegance, and a steering wheel to control the
vehicle's direction. From Yomoshoto, the company that drives you away."

This is basically your small ecomonical car. Its like the Toyoto of today,
which sort of fits because the word Yomoshoto is Japanese, for something or
another (not meaning is not something or another, its something I am not sure
about). Good energy, good fun boosts. Your sensible 5 seater.

[4.06] Hunka 711 by Hwang Motors

Cost: §11,950
Motives: Comfort 8, Energy 3, Fun 9

"Do you feel you're not measuring up in certain areas? That something in your
life is coming up short? Make it up with the revolutionary Hunka 711 from
Hwang Motors. The Hunka is more than a car, it is an extension of you. Your
friends will envy you. Your dates will swoon. In a world where bigger is
better, you deserve to have the biggest one of all."

This is a big increase from the last car. Comfort and Fun shoot up the roof
and the energy boost is larger. This is basically a sports car. It is a nice
convertable, the Ferrari, the Lexus, the Mercades, the BMW, the luxary car.
How is can hold 4 people with 2 seats and not getting caught by the police
still beats me.

[4.07] Alarms

Protection to the max. The Sims 2, along with its safety policies does not
want players breaking their Nightlife cds or burning their computers because
a thief decides to come along and pinch their car that they bought from their
hard earned money. So they introduced the car alarm. Unlike the real life
counterpart, the alarm sounds different. With the small price of §250 and the
lengthy period of 60 minutes or an hour, your car will be fitted with an alarm
to protect it. It will now be open and closed with a remote control. Don't
put the alarm on the Smoogo though. The alarm is about one quarter of the car

So, you pay your money, your hard earned §250 and you think, does it actually
do anything or is it basically a §§§ sink. Like the security alarm that you
can buy for the same price, this will sound when a robber comes along and
decides to pinch your car. Of course, being produced by Maxis, is defys the
law of physics and such, this alarm will sound from a long way away, unlike
my family's car, which only sounds when someone attempts to open the door.
When it sounds, the burglar will most likely head towards it, since it is
probably the most expensive thing on the block. Once the alarm sounds and all,
the robber won't take it. Obviously, the robber has played enough Grand Theft
Auto to realise that cops will eventually realise that if a car alarm is
sounding and you're in it, it means trouble. How can he pinch an entire car?
Well, there is a chance card than explains this. Due to Sim's endless
inventory, they can hold anything they want. Amazing isn't it?

If you want a robber to steal it, you can disarm the alarm. Of course, you can
rearm it. I think. I hope.

[4.08] Building Garages

To stop people pestering me, the garage section is up. Unlike real life, this
garage has no real purpose, except for looks. Unlike Grand Theft Auto, your
car will not be stolen if they are left outside. Also, the garage is still
part of your house, so, don't think you can own like a safehouse to store your
cars that run over, I mean hit, I mean, bumped into a few people. Just forget
I said anything, Carl Johnson won't like me blurting out what he does.

Garages are the easiest things to build. Building a community lot is by far
harder than a garage. Its so easy to build a garage, so easy that Homer
Simpson could build one. Wait, he has enough trouble finding that elusive
"Any Key" to start up a computer. Okay, first, build a driveway for your Sim
to park into. Then, place an extension that is on the same screen. Its
slightly more expensive but not much. Then, add that garage door and plop some
walls around it. Add some windows, a few touches of wallpaper and paint, a
nice tile floor and some lights. Then there you go, a garage. You can add a
pool table or a fridge or whatever you place it in your garage. This adds a
nice dimension to building your own house in the Sims 2.

Place your car inside the garage so that your Sim know where the car goes next
time. You have to do this manually place your car inside for one reason, the
game has to memorise this and save it to memory when you save. Its not hard
if you only have a driveway, a garage and no car. Simple as pie. Anyway, if
you drive a car outside on the driveway and a car on the extension, the car
on the driveway will not have to move, thanks to the defy physics law. It will
not blow up the other car, it will not push it onto the street. All the Sim
will do is sit in the car and suddenly disappear. OMG, isn't that 1337 Haxor?

Wanna build a car empire as big as Batmans? Well you can, but I don't see why
you would want to build a massive parking lot, large enough to make your
computer implode and self destruct 10 times. It would cost you a helluva lot
of money, a large amount of it. Too bad you can't build one on a community lot
and charge some money for it. Like ticket fees, you park for 20 hours, you owe
me a helluva of a lot of money. That seems fair doesn't it?

Garages are useful for one time. Vampires. They basically reduce the decay of
the motives that vampires have to go through. They take far more damage
outside than inside, so you have to build a garage right next to the coffin,
so when the vampire has to go to work, he or she can wake up, get into the
car and speed into the sunlight. The work the vampire goes to is basically
entirely vampire friendly, they don't want public liability lawsuits filed
against them for discrimation against vampires and poor working conditions
that force vampires to end up in SimCity General Hospital. Not a good thing.
Have fun at work vampires. Just be careful as they back up into the sunlight.
What you should do is place another car, block its way so it disappears. The
motive loss overall should be less than going into the sunlight and getting
your ass burnt crisper than KFC left in the deep frier for over a year.

[4.09] Naughty Stuff

Of course, you can do some kinky things in cars. Woohoo is now available in
the cars now. Of course, you could do it in the photo booth, but thats not
fun. When you decide to woohoo in the car, the car goes all blue and the Sims
seem to be on Pluto because you don't see them anymore. If the couple in the
car have some... spectators in the car, they won't woohoo at all. WooHoo in
Car is a want on dates frequently for all aspiration types, except Grilled
Cheese and can net some large influence and aspiration points. Not that it
matters to me. I have about 300,000 Aspiration points for each Sim I have,
don't ask me how, seriously. It gives 3500 Aspiration points and 1000
Influence points. Large points for one date.

[4.10] Owning a Car

Owning a car can allow you to do many things. I'll list them in point form

Drive to Community Lot
This basically allows you to drive to a community lot instead of using the
taxi. You will be able to pick which lot without changing neighbourhoods or
to downtown, because it is much simpler if you have 50,000 downtowns and
you want to go to a specific one. If you aren't on the same neighbourhood, you
will have to load the neighbourhood you want, then the shop. So don't whinge
about the loading time.

Fit Car Alarm
Basically fits in your car alarm, see about for what to do and how to fit it.

Disarm Alarm
Turns off your alarm for some reasons. You can always rearm it can't you?

Sit in Vehicle
Basically, you sit in your car, seeing how good it is and how life is good.
In the car, you can turn on your stereo, which is basically the same as your
stereo that you can buy from the buy catalog, but you are too cheap to get it.

Take a Spin
This is going around the neighbourhood, driving around increasing your fun
bar without having to go to a community lot and load the screen. You don't
have to wait for any load screens, you don't even get to see what they do,
a perfect time for some sexual mischief and start a brand new soap opera.
If you go to a community lot and quit there without saving, you will get the
command of take a spin as what your Sim is doing next time you decide to play
that sim or her. Click the action and cancel to send the back home and end it.

WooHoo in Car
You WooHoo in car, how simple is that?

Change owner
You can change the owner of the car. You can choose your Sim that you want to
have the car. When you buy the car, the default owner is no one so you have
to click on the car, change the owner to whoever. Once you change the car to
that owner, you can basically use it instead of the carpool. You can drive to
work or school in it and forget taking the bus or carpool to work and school
and then on the way back home.

Drive to Work / School, Drive Kids to school
You can be late to work, because if you forget to go to work for don't set an
owner, you can be late, job performance drops and you might get fired. You
can send or drive your kids to school as well, forget the school bus. However,
they take the bus on the return trip to so home. Unlike getting to work, your
grades don't drop if you decide to be late to school because your parents were
too busy in bed doing god knows what. So basically, if you are late to work,
your job performace slips, not good. If your Sim parents are too damn slow or
lazy to take their Sim kids to school, their grades don't slip. Of course, the
kid just says, Miss, my mommy and daddy were in the bedroom making sounds and
groans so I was late to school. What a good story for show and tell.

[5.01] Being a DJ

Say you are short on money and want a better job than a barista or a bar
tender does. Something that can be of community service. Depending on your
creativity, you can earn a lot of money for being a DJ. If you have 8 or
below creativity, you will earn §15 for every ten minutes for being a DJ, but
at the peak of the chain, if you have maxed out the creativity skill or are
close, you will get §30. Thats double! You can make a really good living
living off that. Moreso in the case of those broke University students who
would make some downright low quality music to make a buck here of there.
There is a safety guard here though. If you have a peanut butter sandwich
for a creativity skill, you only get §5. Thats a sign of saying, come back
when you're ready.

The §30 is better than the measly money that you get from being a cafeteria
worker, a barista or a bartender. Unlike some other jobs, you gain fun from
burning vinyl and dancing to the rhythms. If you have a bad skill count, you
not only get a crappy pay, people get pissed off and have a thought bubble
with a cross over your DJ station. Be careful. It makes good money if you have
the capacity to make the good money.

[5.02] Gypsy Matchmaking Services

Well, you can basically get two services from her. You can by the Love Potion
#8.5 or the Vamprocillin-D. They both cost the same if you are her friend or
not, she wants the goddam money, not your friendship, something you should
tell the waiters. Of course, being a good Sim, she allows you to buy in bulk,
but overruling convention, it isn't cheaper in bulk.

Cost: §35
Dosage: 1 Flask
Directions: Drink entire flask for best effect
Not intended for use by children
This basically cures whatever vampire disease you have. Only useful when you
have actually been bitten by one, not when you dream of one.

Love Potion #8.5
Cost: §350
Dosage: 1 Flask
An ancient formula dating back to time before memory, capable of lending even
the most repulsive Sim an unparalleled aura of attraction. This potent tinure
contains such powerful elements such as bee pollen, oyster juice and essence
of llama, stirred with a violin string and then aged to perfection in
refurbished pineapple juice vats. Purity assured by International Gyspy
Matchmaker Association. Caution: contents are unstable.
This is for the extra boost in chemistry between two people dating. In simple
terms, this gives a netural or negative relationship a little boost in the
right direction.

Of course, the best service of a matchmaker is matchmaking. She basically sets
you up with another Sim, a townie most likely and depending on the amount you
give her, you get a good, or not so good date. As she says

"Ohhhhhh..... Only your cash can help my crystal ball pierce the mists of fate
that veil the inner nature of your perfect match... If you let your stinginess
cloud my vision, you'll have only yourself to blame!! Now then... how much
will you spend?!?!"

You have the option of spending from a measly §1 or a generous §5000. Of
course, a crappy giving of cash will give you the date from hell, having a
personality that absolutely clashes with yours, or if you give a §5000 wad of
cash, you get the date from heaven. Anything in between varies on the amount
you decide to pay. Once you pay your money, your date will fall from the sky
and land head first into the ground next to you. Ironically, being the Sims,
they of course don't die, otherwise, you don't get your moneys worth. Then,
the date starts. If you are lucky, you might get a good date. I ended up with
the diva with a §5000 payment and when she moved in, I got more than I paid
for, so nah, I'm better off.

Of course, being a game about relationships and what have you, once you are
on a date, all other possible loves in the community lot come and give you a
piece of their mind for your "behind the back" dating. Of course, I had to
learn this the hard way and it basically cost my Sim a promotion from General
Practioner to something like Specialist or something like that. Once your
date comes from the sky, well, the date starts and prepare for hell to break
loose. If the matchmaker is in love with you, well, your thrashing is much
closer and quicker than you can say "Let me explain" or "I think we have a
misunderstanding here." Once your date comes down, the matchmaker will beat
the living daylights out of you if you are in love with her. She set you up,
and you get beaten for it. What a country!

[6.01] Crepes Suzette

The fourth dessert to be served in The Sims 2. First came gelatin then the
Baked Alaska. Then the Crepes Suzette and finally, the Santa Cookies that came
with the limited edition party pack. Did I forget one? Yes I did, bonus points
to those who can guess it. Send you answer to your home address because you
win nothing, not a penny. The answer is the layer cake. Pity that I forgot
that. Anyway, this serving of crepes cost about §28 for a serving, which
serves six people. You need a cooking skill of 7 to be able to cook that but
that might not be enough. You see, this dish involves some fire and of course,
being Sims, they have a tendancy to either a) drop things or b) show off. Of
course, your Sim will do both, being smartasses they are, they will show off
how good they are that they made this dessert. But then, oops, and onto the
floor it goes. Simple as that. Of course, some sims will have fears of
dropping this and they lose some aspiration points and the aspiration meter
drops a fair bit. And there will be a mess to clean up. Of course, I could
mention in the core guide that you can drop the baked alaska, but thats not
fun, dropping a fiery dish, now thats fun!

[6.02] Uncookable Food

There were uncookable food that were gained from the restaurants.

Nectarine Tartlette
Ah, a nice dessert tart filled with the fruity goodness of nectarine. The way
this thing is produced is excellent and how the pattern is arranged is pretty
good compared with other things in the Sim world.

Lime Seared Prawns
Some seafood alternative other than the expensive lobster. Of course, lime
seared probably means lime infused flavour prawns. Bit bitter or sours, I
don't know but ask your Sims, they probably do.

Filet Mignon
Some meat, beef. This is by far the most expensive part of the beef I think,
judging by the cost and what my dictionary says. Its don't well if you have a
closer look at it.

Glass of Water
A glass of water. It can be cooked, just get a drink from the tap. There are
other drinks out there you know.

Fried Chicken
I love this mean, basically because I love fried chicken. This is a great meal
that I don't know why Maxis didn't place to be cooked. Turkeys, chickens, next
will be ducks. For a TurDucKen. Some of you Americans know what I'm on about.

[7.01] Pleasure Seeker

This is newest aspiration in the Sims 2 series. Their aspiration is basically
is to make those pleasure seeker enjoy the most out of their lives. They want
to live a life of comfort and luxary, so basically, most of their wants
involve "fun" things such as bowling, having dates, going out woohooing and
whatever. They have a dash of Foutune sims and Romance sims and their
respective wants and needs. Its about having a great time, making the most of
their life before dying and heading onto the great beyond. Their symbol is
some guy holding his hand up hailing Hitler something, or acting in a play and
getting really involved.

There are several lifetime wants that I have seen. Some of them are pains in
the ass, others are relatively easy.

1. Become a Professional Party Guest
2. Become a Celebrity Chef
3. Have 50 Dream Dates
4. Have 50 First Dates

Well, the first one of becoming a professional party guest can be easily done
by working in the slacker career. One problem, you need a hell of a lot of
friends to get this far. Of course, being slackers, they don't need skills to
get the work done, they just slack around and bludge. Being a professional
party guest is becoming, well, a party guest, to any type of party.

Becoming a Celebrity chef is slightly harder. Less friends but you need to
develop onto those cooking, creativity and logic skills. It is quite hard but
getting 10 cooking points can benefits like better food and a better meal,
better than eating some mush.

Having 50 Dream dates might be hard, but you can have 50 dates with the same
person over and over and over and over and over again. This isn't that hard
if you have a solid relationship with the other Sim and can basically use any
romantic interaction over and over again, without failing. This will be able
to net you the dream dates easy. Of course, it takes persistance but you can
do it.

Having 50 First Dates is a different ball game. You have to go on date with
about 50 different people for the first time. Of course, if you have a nice
socialite sim with a extremely large contact book from the neighbourhood and
from university, 50 is easy. But, for those who can't, they can just get the
Matchmaker, pay like 20 Simoleons, end the date and finish. Do it 50 times
with a grand cost of about 1000 simoleons and a nice bunch of crap flooding
your mailbox. More on that later.

Since those Pleasure Seekers love to have fun, that involves money. If course,
you can just date the diva for the first time, get that dream date, marry her
and kill, errrrm, I mean, remove her, for her money. Just like a gold digger,
except you don't have to divorce. And its more fun. Or you can just get a
foutune sim in your family, get a nice paying job as a icon or a hall of famer
depending on your game, nice steady income then get the cars, poker tables,
pinball machines, etc that you want. Of course, if you are feeling lucky, pull
out some chance cards and see your daily odds.

Before creating a Pleasure Seeker Sim, there are some things that you have to
keep in mind. They are pleasure seekers, so they have to be playful. Really
playful. You must be able to get them a lot of money really fast, so no slack
jobs. Of you have university expansion pack, detour them through there to get
some better paying jobs and more skills. This will give them a little boost
earning in the money.

Some of the wants that keep coming back and forth are things like juggle.
Although your sim might not be playful enough to be able to juggle, you can
go to the fridge or the espresso maker and juggle the bottles and tumblers
respectively. They have annoy wants to have to go bowling and play the
pinball machine and that particually annoys me since my pinball machine is in
the back of the house in the upper floor, on a big lot, the massive 6 by 5

The more points of playfulness they have, the weirder their wants are. Of
course, like mentioned above, the best thing to do is to team them up with
Foutune Aspiration sims and kill two birds in one stone. Since both have
materialistic wants, some of them, like cars and entertainment, can be
shared with both aspirations, you can basically get more aspiration points
that way. Aspiration points aren't really important in the game to me anymore
since I have about 1.2 million points shared between four sims, a Pleasure
Seeker, 2 Fortune and one knowledge.

These sims love to stay home from work, play with the firejets while indoors,
which I must stress that it isn't safe. They will have want on anything that
is fun and get fears on things that aren't fun. However, since they like to
have fun though, it tends to get really annoying if their wants or their
actions while you have free will on get in the way. Sometimes, they spends
lavish amounts of time hogging the bathtub, playing with the fridge, playing
with their balls (their juggling balls, not the down there balls), hogging
that pinball machine, damaging your property. And since playful points are
normally considered friendly with outgoing, these guys don't hesitate to
walk into your lot, uninvited to your lot, become a guest and mess around with
out a care that it is your house and nothing else.

If you want the money, get the Diva or Mr Big to give it to you. Just find
them, date them, marry them, then dump them either by moving them out or just
plain murdering them, date the next one, get more money, and so on. This does
count to the dating system, so you might as well.

This is the table of aspiration levels

Platinum: Primo Pleasureseeker
Gold : Frolicking Freespirit
Green 2 : Hearty Hedonist
Green 1 : Common Comfortlover

Haven't found the ones for the reds. Anyone care to help?

[7.02] Grilled Cheese

The Grilled Cheese Aspiration is the result of failure of the ReNuYuSenso Orb
that is below. When you fail, the machine emits red smoke, and then you end
up with the almighty secret, the GRILLED CHEESE ASPRIATION. This aspiration
revolves around, well, around the grileld cheese sandwich. This aspiration is
strange in the way that it is. You can influence in Nightlife without having
to get University.

There are several wants for the wacked aspiration.

Talk to Sim about Grilled Cheese. All you have to do is to click on a Sim and
click on talk. Then, click on Grilled Cheese. Then, you talk to the Sim about
the Grilled Cheese Sandwich. It is really strange and crazy.

Make Grilled Cheese Sandwich. The funny thing about this aspiration is that
you can make the grilled cheese sandwich anytime you want. You can make it in
the breakfast and the dinner instead of just lunch. When you finish the meal,
you furfill this aspiration want.

Serve Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. This is like the former want, except that you
have to serve it instead of eating it. Really weird wants.

Make a Sim eat a Grilled Cheese Sandwich that you made. This one kinds of fits
into the former grilled chesse want. Serve it and your want should be
furfilled if a Sim eats it.

Influence someone to serve Grilled Cheese Sandwich. Influence someone to
serve a meal.

There are also several fears, not much.

Lose a Cooking Skill Point. This is hard to furfil. You can only lose a
cooking skill point via chance cards and electrocution. Or simvac but you
cannot lose it naturally. You have to intervene.

Fire. This one is more cooking relation. Just don't burn a food. You have to
really fail hard to burn food on a high cooking level. Just don't leave food
in the oven and have a good cooking level and you won't burn anything.

Make a bad grilled cheese sandwich. This one is that you don't over cook it.
As long as you have good cooking points, that you won't burn it.

Serve bad grill cheese sandwiches. This one is like the one above. If you
have good cooking, like at about 5, you won't have a high chance to burn it so
don't worry.

The Lifetime Want for all Grilled Cheese Aspiration Types are to
"Eat 200 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches". You have the amount of grilled cheese
sandwiches eaten in your memory bar. You apparently keep count of how many
grilled cheese sandwiches you eat. It might sound easy but 200 grilled
cheese sandwiches is quite a lot. Don't forget the Maxis saying,
"Grilled Cheese! Grilled Cheese! GRILLED CHEESE !!!!!

Aspiration Meter Level

Red 2 - Bumbling Bree Burner
Red 1 - Cheddar Lacking Chucklehead
Green 1 - Common Camembert Coveter
Green 2 - Gouda Gobbling Gourmet
Gold - Exceptional Edam Eater (Gold)
Platinum - Muenster Munching Maniac (Platinum)

To get it, use the ReNuYuSenso Orb while on an aspiration lower than gold. I
got it on my first attempt. This aspiration is quite easy to keep high. Think
because all you eat can be made at any time you like. Its quite easy to keep
your mood at platinum without furfilling the lifetime want.

Jsut keep sticking you head into the orb if you fail. You only fork out about
6 thousand aspiration points, not a lot. You'll get it eventually. This is
part of the challenge that is going all over the internet. Try to get a
vampire, zombie and alien sim with the grilled cheese aspiration.

[7.03] ReNuYu Porta-Chug

When you started Nightlife, even thought about why those guys with the black
hair turn you on? And how fat people turn you on but those skinny people turn
you off? Well, those turn ons and offs are included in nightlife and that will
be spoken about later. All sims created before the game will receive this
potion. This blue potion of vile goodness is basically used to change you turn
ons and turn offs. All townies have this porta chug, well, except those you
decided to kill in Uni and those decided to respawn themselves form the dead.

Anyway, this potion is a one off use only, so don't bother using it more than

Active Ingredients: 1, 3, 6 Hypnotransacetate, Polypropesteem, Egomutabate-80

Indications: For relief from the current world view and self image. Provides
complete reorganization of psyche and internal mental construction.

Direction: Drink entire dose for best effect.

Warning: Not for use by Children.

[7.04] ReNuYuSenso Orb

Wanted to change aspiration since the creation of your character? Want to
change the programming of your turn ons and your turn offs? Want to get the
Grilled Cheese Aspiration? Well, get this orb. Read below.

Senso Sima Sensalia, renowned brain neurologist kept the secret of the Simian
brain as closely guarded secrets. However, finally after years of careful
probbing and not so subtle bribery, Senso has broken down and provided the
average Sim with the ultimate in modern reprogramming techniques. A gentle
caressing of the scalp, a few lights, some soothing music and "TaDah!" a
whole new Sim emerges. Try it once, try it twice: we won't tell.

This thing costs 6,250 aspiration points. Relatively cheap. You can change
your turn ons and turn offs, change your aspiration at the same time. You
have two changes so basically, 5 uses and 2 changes. Pretty good value for
the measly price of 6,250 aspiration points. If you screw up though, you get
the grilled cheese aspiration, read above for more than that.

Some offical help from the Maxis website.

How can I choose Turn-On's and Turn-Off's for the Sims I had before Nightlife?

Sims created before installing Nightlife will have a mini version of the
ReNuYu Senso Orb in their inventory called a ReNuYu Porta-Chug. Just click on
your Sim and choose Drink ReNuYu Porta-Chug to use it. This allows you to
change Turn-On's and Turn-Off's; the Porta-Chug can only be used once. The
ReNuYu Senso Orb is a Reward Object that can be used to change your Sims's
Turn-On's, Turn-Off's and Aspiration if you want to do it again in the future.
You can purchase it in the Rewards list if you have enough Aspiration Points.
Simply click on the Orb and choose Reprogram Self to use it. Be careful how
many times you use it; you only have five charges.

How does the ReNuYu Senso Orb work?

The ReNuYu Senso Orb is a Reward Object that can be used to change your Sims's
Turn-On's, Turn-Off's and Aspiration. You can purchase it in the Rewards list
if you have enough Aspiration Points. Simply click on the Orb and choose
Reprogram Self to use it. Be careful how many times you use it; you only have
five charges. Sims created before installing Nightlife will have a mini
version of the Orb in their inventory called a ReNuYu Porta-Chug. Just click
on your Sim and choose Drink ReNuYu Porta-Chug to use it. This allows you to
change Turn-On's and Turn-Off's (since they could not be chosen when you
originally made the Sim), but not Aspiration; the Porta-Chug can only be used

[8.01] Finding and Starting a Date

[8.02] Turn Ons

[8.03] Turn Offs

[8.04] Chemistry

[8.05] Attraction

[8.06] Scope Room

[8.07] Date Meter

[8.08] Dream Date

[9.01] Forming a Group

[9.02] Managing

[9.03] Going Out

[9.04] Gifts

[9.05] Super Outing

[10.01] Food Coupons

[10.02] Love Letters

[10.03] Hate Letters

[11.01] Good Gifts

[11.02] Flowers

[11.03] Flaming Bags of Poo

[12.01] Getting a Dream Date

[12.02] Getting a Super Outing

[12.03] Being a Vampire

[13.01] The Menu

[13.02] Paying or Skipping the Bill

[13.03] Options

[14.01] Vampires and Sun

Ah, a new death section. I had one in my original guide but no one reads that
anymore so I'll just copy it here. Leave the old one in the old guide but this
one is updated with University and Nightlife deaths. Note, these don't include
download objects and hacks and what not. Note that Sims can only be, um,
removed from the face of the earth on residential lots, go if want to know
where a hitman is to go to, go to their home.

Anyway, onto vampires and how they hate the sun. Anyone play Dranjo? He uses
sunlight to defeat vampires. A intertextual reference is found in Megaman
Battle Networks, the recent ones. This one is only done if you control the
vampire, nothing else. Stick your vampire in the sun and watch the sunlight
fry him crisper than KFC. Of course, NPC's are a lot smarter for once and they
disappear when the 7am counter ticks. They run away and if they are trapped,
they teleport away to some dark, dank place. Just wait till their hunger bar
runs dry, which will probably finish within, oh say, 5 hours. Then they die,
leaving a tombstone and a pile of ashes.

[14.02] Hunger

When a Sim's hunger bar drops to zero, they will stuff their faces with food.
If there is no food, they will starve to death in one hour. Starvation will
kill teenagers, adults and elders but children, toddlers and babies will be
taken away by the social worker if that happens. This will take about 48 hours
since that last bit of the hunger bar thens to stretch a fair long bit. Not
recommended for those who want their sims to suffer a quick death. For a
quick death, choose something else.

[14.03] Electrocution

Electrocution happens when a lowly trained Mechanical Sim tries to repair an
electronic product but don't know how. Even highly trained Mechanical Sims
can get electrocuted like the Repair Man (I saw him get zapped 2 times in a
row) can get zapped. The electrocution won't kill you, neither will the
singed clothes you are wearing. Electrocution will drop your needs in half,
and if you have 3 or more needs at halfway points, you will die. Teenagers,
Adults and Elders can get electrocuted.

Also, being electrocuted will have a chance to make you lose a skill points as
it isn't good for your brain cells.

[14.04] Drowning

Drowning is a death that your can deliberately cause at will. Make your Sim go
swimming and when they are in, remove the ladders. Once hunger or energy drops
down to nothing, they drown. You can't plead with the Grim Reaper unless they
drown near the edge and the Grim Reaper is near the edge. After all, however
faulty your Sims are, they cannot walk on water (they are not belonging to a
highly God like power group) or meditate there even though it is possible.

The easiest way of murdering, I mean, drowning sims involves a pool, a diving
board and no exits. To no exit part is extremely important, because they can't
drown if they can get out of the pool can they? Drowning your own sims is far
easier than drowning NPCs, just like starving them to death and beyond. Just
don't place a ladder, watch then get in, watch their energy bar go to ground
zero and watch them die. Simple, effective, and painless (to you, the player,
not the Sim, drowning is the most painful way to die.)

[14.05] Cow Plant

In University, you can get the cow plant. The method is to unleash (yes
a good word) this ... thing on your neighbours and this plant will sort them
into breakfast, lunch and ... well not tea. This plant will get hungry every
12 hours. It places a cake on its tongue on lures the AI to come. Your Sim's
AI is not as stupid but the neighbours are.

Also, Sims that have a green stink cloud are not considered good eating as the
Cow plant decides that rotten food will not so. So low hygiene Sims will have
to have a shower before munch time. This includes zombies so wash and recycle
and save ... the environment.

[14.06] Eaten Alive

This cause of death is so rare, that the chances of it happening is equal to
a tsunami (no offence meant to the tsunami victims). This requires your house
to be very filthy. You need at least 15 plates with flies swarming over it.
The environment should be zero. Get your Sim to walk over the dirty plates and
on the rare chance of a tsunami, you Sim will get swarmed by flies and get
eaten alive. Gross.

[14.07] Disease

There are 5 diseases that your Sim can contract. Some are avoidable and can
be prevented but some are unavoidable and however elusive your Sim can get,
it will chase them. Teenagers, Adults and Elders can all contract diseases.
The five diseases are

Food Poisoning

A cold is the basic disease. You have a chance of contracting the flu when
your Sim goes to school or work go the only Sims who can't catch the flu
directly are unemployed adults and elders. You can tell when your Sim has the
flu when you hear the Sim cough and sneeze. The cold is easy to spread around
so any social interactions with a sick Sim can result in the other Sim
catching the flu as well. This disease is not fatal (it won't kill) but left
untreated, it will turn into pneumonia.

A flu is an uncommon disease, as it can only be caught if your Sim is near
some disgusting cockroaches. This roaches only appear if your house is filthy
so if you have a clean house, you won't have roaches. Your can tell when your
Sim has the flu when your Sim starts to cough and goes to the dunny as a
result of diarrhoea. Like the cold, the flu is contracted to other Sims via
Social Interactions but it will kill your Sim if left untreated.

Food Poisoning is a disease you can easily avoid. It will only become
contracted if you eat food that has gone off (which has a green cloud over it
and flies) or if you lick clean a plate which has a green cloud over it. It is
not contagious so don't worry about your other Sims' but if you see that Sim
going to the toilet a lot (even if it is a full bladder bar) it means that
they have constipation, and if they throw up, chances are that they have been
poisoned via food. This will kill you if untreated.

Pneumonia is the severe version of the cold. It is formed if you fail to treat
or too lazy to treat the cold. Signs of this disease is when you see your Sim
coughing and very tired (going to sleep a lot). It is contagious but not as
bad as the cold, but like the cold, it will kill you if untreated.

A virus will infect your Sim if your Sim screws up at using the Science Reward
Object, the SimSanto Inc. Bio Station. If your Sim has a low logic skill when
they use the machine, the vial of potion you make could be a virus. The darker
the vial of magic potion, the more dangerous the virus is. Your Sim and other
Sims can contract a virus from the vial and it is more contagious than the
cold and the flu put together. It will kill your Sim if untreated.

In order to cure a disease, your Sim will need 14 Sim hours of rest. This
means 14 hours of napping, sleeping, etc. Your Sim could pass out and the 14
hours will still be counted. After 14 hours, not consecutive by the way, your
Sim will be cured. If not, they will die. The second way to treat a disease is
to have a Highly Logical Sim produce an antidote from the Bio Station.

[14.08] Satellite

There is a rare chance that when your Sim stargazes without a telescope or
just watch the clouds, a satellite (decommissioned) will come down from outer
space and splatter your Sim into tiny bits. It is rare but it will happen. As
a bonus of getting your Sim splattered, your can sell the satellite for money.
You can sell the satellite for §1,999 and the tombstone for §150 to further
insult your Sim's death.

[14.09] Old Age

Well this one comes at the end of a Sim's life cycle. After about 15 to 25
days into the elder stage, they will pass on. You cannot prevent this and I
have yet to find out what happens of you decide to resurrect them. This is
the most peaceful and the one where you don't have to do anything.

[14.10] Scared to Death

When there is a ghost in the house, there may be the chance that the dead Sim
will perform the Scare option on a living Sim. If that happens, it will be the
same as electrocution, if there is 3 or more needs at halfway they die of
fright as their needs drop into half. This is rare and when it happens, your
Sim can piss their pants and run, or just plain run. Elders have a higher
chance of getting scared than other Sims.

[14.11] Fire

Fire is a common cause of death, as it can happen autonomously or by your
hands indirectly. Fire will start for several reasons.

* Your cooking level is low and your Sim uses a stove or microwave which has
a good chance of causing fire. I've heard of higher skilled Sims causing
fire but it is in the minority.

* You ruin food, which can start a fire

* Use cook food in the oven, microwave, walk away while is it cooking. The
longer you leave the food in there after the bell has rung, the more chance
there is of it catching fire. The more smoke there is, the closer it is
to catching fire.

* You get electrocuted while repairing something, which has a slight chance
of it catching fire.

* Try using the BBQ while indoors. Sure to start a fire.

* Place fire jets indoors.

When the fire starts, the object that starts the fire will be on fire. If you
are smart enough to put a smoke detector in your kitchen, the fire department
will always show up before the object is destroyed. Your initial reaction your
Sim will have will be to panic and they will come from all over the house.
Your Sim can extinguish the fire when you cancel their panic and clicking on
the burning object and then extinguish. They will put out the fire but slower
than the firefighter. You and the firefighter can shut down the blaze faster
if you two do it together. If the object does not get extinguished, it will
catch fire to other objects around it.

If the object is made of wood or uses electricity, the fire usually contracts
on that objects faster. If the fire can't find anything to consume, it will
burn out. The object will be a pile of ashes and reduce the environment score
a lot. If a Sim is next to a blaze, the Sim will catch fire. If they are not
extinguished quickly, they will burn to death. With university, there it came
to me the idea of placing food too long. But Nightlife came with the idea of
having flame jets. Basically, they burn and start fires with the floor while
indoors. Looks fun, but unless on the receiving end, not fun. Great for those
who want a cheap pyro toy.

[--.01] Q&A

Q. Where can I find this ...?
A. Read the guide. Next person who doesn't read the guide and sends this can
meet my nice flaming return with Strong Course Language with an ESRB rating
of mature or AO. Of course, if you get anything AO, please talk to Miami
lawyer and anti-game crusader Jack Thompson (JT).
[A] Contact Information

Hey, what do you know, it looks just like my previous legal things, cause I'm
too lazy to make another one. That block button is mighty fun to use.

Before you E-Mail me, read the guide first. If the answer is not in here, then
E-Mail me. If it is, don't bother as I won't reply.

To contact me, e-mail me at
hillsdragon13 [at] hotmail [dot] com

Replace at with @ and dot with .

Don't add me to MSN Messenger List because if I don't know you, I won't accept
you, simple as that.

E-Mail me (and anyone else you want to e-mail) with courtesy and respect as
we are living people like you. Have a title of what you are sending so I know
what is going on. If you try to send attachments, I won't open them so stick
the information in the E-Mail.

Please write in English or anything close to it. It can't understand foreign
languages so please don't give me a page long quite in Mexican or Antarctic
penguin language cause I don't understand.

Don't write in sloppy English. I mean, who the hell would understand "Hwo Od
Yoi Di Tjih Ni Tje Sdgs?" Don' be too formal, a question is not a freakin
business agreement so don't say "Dear Sir, In accordance to your Walkthrough
to the PC Game, The Sims 2, ..." it makes me wonder if I'm talking to a freak
the President of the United States of America or Bill Gates or Donald Trump.

I will credit you if your send me information about this game that is not in
the FAQ. I will also be grateful if you see this FAQ somewhere else other than
Gamefaqs or a site which has my permission. If you do, tell me so I can kick
their ass to Pluto and make them bounce off to the other side of the Universe.

I will not respond to:

* Spam
* Bill Gate's Spam (He gets spam of up to 4 million per day)
* Something not related with the Sims 2
* Something already covered
* Illegal stuff, like CD-Keys and Pirated Versions
* Technical Problems

Technical Problems will not be answer as they should be sent to Maxis not me.
I didn't design the game so I shouldn't know what's wrong with it, its your
game not MINE.

[B] Webmaster Information



[C] Credits

This section is where you see your name. It will be long. The names are either
Board Names from the Boards or your e-mail so if your name is Bob Rob and
another Bob Rob posted the message, the First Bob Rob will not be credited so
in short, someone around the world who shares the same name as you will not
be credited for your work.

CJayC for hosting this FAQ
Maxis and EA for developing the game
Me for making it
My heart for likeing someone of the opposite sex and keeping me STRAIGHT.
Chimpy4 on the Gamefaqs board for his FAQ
Sims 2 BBS for some help
Snooty Sims for their info
Hotmail for giving me the e-mail account for the ascii art

[D] Sites FAQ is on

Current FAQ is On will always have the latest versions

May be outdated

[E] Copyright

This game is Copyright 2005 Maxis and Electronic Arts. All Rights Reserved

This document is copyrighted by US and Canadian and Australian Laws. This FAQ
is for personal use only. This is not to be used for commercial or personal
gain. Websites publishing this guide without permission will face punishment
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The expression “literary and artistic works” shall include every production
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17.Octombrie 2013
Engl Leitfaden

14.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Octombrie 2013
Geldtrainer (für v1.2.0.337)

09.Octombrie 2013
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