Tachyon - The Fringe

Tachyon - The Fringe

17.10.2013 16:48:02
Game: Tachyon:The Fringe
Game`s genre: Space Combat Simulation
Game developer: NovaLogic
Game publisher: NovaLogic
Game`s date of release: 04/19/2000
Author: Ales Krivic A.K.A. Kemphler
E-mail: maxdemobster@email.si
Guide type: FAQ/Walkthrough
Date started: 02/19/2006
Last updated: 06/28/2006
Current version of the FAQ: 1.4 f

***Table of contents***
1)Version history
4)The Fringe and regions
9)Weapons and ship upgrades
11)FAQ, misc information, general and multiplayer tips
14)Copyright information

1)Version history

Ver. 1.0: 02/21/2006
Story, Factions, Characters, Wingmans, Credits and Copyright information
sections are completed. Other sections need to be completed (Ships section is
nearly completed).

Ver. 1.1: 02/25/2006
Completed Weapons and ship upgrades, FAQ, ships section and General tips
section. Completed Walktrough for Sol region and for the Hub - but only to the
deciding missions (Withdraw From Independence and Taking Away The
Independence). Added secrets only for Sol and partially for the Hub region.

Ver. 1.2: 06/26/2006
Completed walktrough for Bora side, completely reorganized mission
classification in Walktrough section, added The Fringe and regions section,
major updates in Ships upgrades, General tips, FAQ and Secrets sections, but
have yet to be completed. Begun with GalSpan walktrough. Minor updates in Ships
section. Corrected some of the grammar errors in the whole FAQ/Walktrough.

Ver. 1.3: 06/27/2006
Completed walktrough for GalSpan side and finished Walktrough, Misc
information, general and multiplayer tips and Secrets sections. Checked the
entire document for grammar errors, misspelled words and other mistakes. This
FAQ/Walktrough is now fully completed.

Ver. 1.4 f: 06/28/2006
Made some small updates in Ships and Secrets section. This is the final version
of this FAQ/Walktrough; changes will be only made, if the information is very


This is my second FAQ and the first, that is relating the Space Combat
Simulation genre. This FAQ was created for Tachyon: The Fringe game on medium
difficulty mode; the only thing, that may change are a little changes in
tactics and strategy for defeating your enemy. If anyone wants to add something
to this FAQ, please, post this on my
e-mail, but you can also contact me at following
e-mails: maxdemobster@yahoo.de , sturmtiger@mail386.com , orion.45@hotmail.com
and you will be credited.
Also when you post an e-mail and if you want to be listed in credits, include
your name and e-mail (not necessarily); if you don`t include this, I will
assume that you don`t want to be listed. I won`t submit any of your e-mail
without your permission and will remove it at your request.
And if you have gotten that information from anyone else, CREDIT THEM.
And keep on mind, that wherever are SPOILERS, I have wrote a NOTIFICATION below
the title (i.e. there may be some spoilers in Characters section, so just below
the title, there is a notification).
No material was copied from other guides and walktroughs, unless directly
stated in Credits section.

There will be also many abbreviations in this FAQ, so I will list all of them
GS - GalSpan
Ind. - industry(ies)
Adv. - advanced
MC - megacorporation
Inc. - Incorporated
Lt. - Limited
RoF - Rate of Fire
Cr. - Credits (money)
ML - Medium laser
LL - Light laser
HL - Heavy laser
EW - Energy weapon; can also mean Electronic Wave
WE - Weapon energy
SE - Shield energy
AE - Afterburner energy
UT - Uranium-Titanium
EMP - Electro-Magnetic Pulse
Cpt. - Captain
SLU - Sub-Light Units
Spanner - member of the GalSpan (Bora`s sleng word)
The Fringe = the galaxy (known and habited space)
A. - Afterburner
e. - energy
w. - weapon
c. - colored
p. - pirates
etc. - et cetera = and so on
sys. - system
TCG - Tachyon-Coil generator Gate (allows travel between sectors)
MTCG - Mega Tachyon-Coil Gate (allows travel between regions)
TNS - Tachyon News Services
R. - Reserves
PP - Power Plant(s)
WP - Weapons Powerplant(s)
SG - Shields Generator(s)
l. - laser
Skavs/Voids/Demons/Bloodies = Skav pirates/Void p./Demon p./Blood Clan p.
Mantas/Orions/etc. = Manta medium fighter/Orion multirole fighter/etc.
Remotes = Remote Sappers
c. - colored
interceptor = intercept fighter

Note:- there are many spoilers in this story, so think well before you read it
- information, relating the events can be found in Misc section
- keep in mind, that this game is set in future, so I have written this
story, as the humanity would be living in that >> future <<

It is the 26th century and peace is prevailing in the Sol system after a long
and bloody war, named the >> Sol war of freedom <<. However, that may not be
true for The Fringe - an outer space of the Sol region. Inhabited by pirates,
criminals, fanatical colonist, megalomaniac corporations, seeking only the
profit and other powerful individuals, this space is more than dangerous and
offers more than a typical getaway.
However, the humanity would still be in the Solar system, if there wouldn`t be
2 very important things: in 2257 - Reed`s special theory of relativity: the
Tachyon coil and singularities and the existence of the ripstars: a special
classification of a singularity, found naturally in space, that is a vital part
of the TCG and enables faster-than-light travel.
You are Jake Logan, a contractor of AGT that has a nice job and a good
payment. Until something goes wrong on one mission and you get framed for the
crime, you did not commit and you are exiled from the Sol region.
Apparently, GalSpan has begun to take interest in The Fringe as a valuable
source of income. But this also includes to invade the Bora region, a home to
the colonist, that have jumped trough one-way jumpgate to unknown space (now
Bora region) and escaped the tyranny of the Sol government.
The question remains: will you join the GalSpan, help them defeat the Bora and
get back to your home as a reward or will you join the Bora, help them stop the
GalSpan aggression and find a new home, where everyone respects you and where
the freedom is on the first place?

4)The Fringe and regions
Note:- minor to major spoilers

The Fringe. . .two words, that can give you thinking for the whole day, but
you still wouldn`t come to conclusion, what it really is. Yet as much it is
complicated, it is very understandable.
Just an part of known and habited space, you may think at first. But it`s
more, much more: it`s alive. Just every day, hour, second, something is
happening. While at Sol region, Star Patrol and USG are maintaining peace and
tourists are going on trips every day, to view solar flare and planets, there
are gladiatorial battles at Fenris Arena in Frontier region, where everyone is
fighting for their own lives, to win some money for living
. Where pirates are raiding freighters in Frontier region, an illegal
experiments are undergo in Twilight region and various research for better
future are in progress in ripstar region. When everyone is somewhat optimistic
about the moto >> No more wars, only peace <<, a new war is arising between
Bora and GalSpan, one that would be the bloodiest yet. The Fringe has many
bright points, but has the dark ones as well.
The Fringe is composed by several regions, all of them being connected with
few MTCGS, that have many sectors, who are connected with normal TCGs: Sol,
Hub, Frontier, Galspan, Bora, Twilight and ripstar regions. Each of them is
very unique in it`s own way and is a story for itself.
Sol region has history of beginnings of humanity`s dreams of reaching the
stars. Sol system is the >> mother << of everything, especially native planet
Earth. Actually, everything traces back to Earth; everyone has his roots on
Earth. Successes, like Mars terra-reformation beginning in 2160, advent of
mega-construction technology in 2214, when massive space stations became
reality, evolution of relatively theory in 2257 are few successes, that
humanity achieved right in this region.
The democratic ruling body of this region is Unite Sol Government (USG), which
is a direct result from Sol War of Freedom, a terrible civil war in 23dh
century. The police force, responsible for maintaining peace is called Star
The Sol region is also the home of many corporations, such as Biolith, CMI,
AGT, Gate Industries etc.
The Hub region is actually industrial region, where business is everything.
Many corporations have production stations. Some sectors look like a
>> Rust Belt <<, because of large junkyards and unattractive station`s look.
Star Patrol is responsible to prevent conflicts, illegal business and guarding
important persons as well as helping in natural disaster or equipment
This region is also the starting point for independent star pilots, who are
seeking for jobs.
The Frontier region could be called Wild West. This is a region, where everyone
is it`s own master, where illegal things are legal, where life is nothing,
where money is life.
The safer locations are casinos at New Vegas sector, like Atlantic Casino,
where the most rich gamblers are, the Fenris Arena, where visitors can watch
gladiatorial combats, in which stronger lives and weaker dies and perhaps baron
Malkar`s art gallery, who has many famous, interesting and unique art pieces,
including Sistine Chapel.
Other sectors are owned by pirates, other asteroid barons and two opposing
military camps, Bora and GalSpan. Unless you understand the politics, you are
friend with one of them or you are considered powerful, you better stay off
that sectors
The Galspan region is the nexus of GalSpan military and economy power. Having a
number of military bases, research and other stations as well as production
facilities are one of the factors, how this company has arisen from industrial
company to megacorporation, of which the power should be feared.
The Bora region is the home, the previously unknown space, where the Bora
colonists jumped in 2378 from the tyranny of Sol government. Although the
stations, that are build there are not famous for their safety, they serve as
example, what can be done with hard work and feeling of freedom with minimal
resources and old technology.
The region is very rich in asteroids, that contain iron and other. Mining is
also a primary activity in this region, as many cities have been established on
big asteroids.
The Twilight region has always been one big mystery, that has yet to be more
explored. But 5 things are clear.
First, League Of Scientist have a base there and are the ones, who were the
first to explore this region; second, a mad scientist, actually a genius, is
living there who built a completely automated research station and shipyards
and has an army of drones and third, it is a home to ferocious pirates, called
The Demons, who only preserve their mankind.
The 4th thing is the fog: beautiful in it`s way but also an evil thing, that
causes life support malfunctions, radar jamming and is filled with deadly
The last thing is, that it has some of the most beautiful nebulas and natural
objects, such as Opaline crystal in Far Space sector.
The Ripstar region is the last region, that is the home of objects, of which
we would all be still stucked in Solar system without them: the ripstars.
Ripstars are a special classification of a singularity, found naturally in
space. They look like bright, red-purple-orange colored, star-like objects with
few meters in diameter. But as some says >> Poison is in the small bottles <<,
this is very true for a ripstars: they have so immense gravitational field,
that can rip any ships apart, that find itself close to it. A field of these is
a natural minefield. However, they are very important to humanity and are
required for all faster-than-light traveling and communication. The immense
radiation in some areas near ripstar fields have created special bright, white
crystals, designated KC2, who are used for protection against Ripstar effects.
The region is also called as disputed region, as major ammounts of fightings
happend here between Bora and GalSpan.
Also, a group of independent mercenaries, called Cinder Mercs have their base

Note:- (MC) = indicates, that this faction is actually a megacorporation
- (P) = indicates, that this faction is a pirate gang
- there may be small spoilers in this section
- information, relating the other factions, can be found in Misc section

Bora mining guild (A.K.A. Bora): After the >> Sol war of freedom <<, the
government wanted to unite all nations, that were involved in this war. But not
everyone agreed with this homogenized government. Those, who were outspoken,
joined together and in 2378, they jumped to the unknown space, later to be
known as The Fringe. Thus was formed the Bora.
They are the pioneers in mining technology, because mining was their way of
life. It is also amazing, how did they succeeded to establish their bases,
without having the much needed Sol technology. They had to piecemeal their
equipment out of what they could find. Despite those problems and many
inhabitable planets, many cities have arisen on the big asteroids.
Those people always keep one word in their mind: freedom. They wanted to
escape the tyranny of the Sol region and the capitalistic government. And they
succeeded. There is currently a hostile climate with the GalSpan.

(MC) Galactic Spanning Corporation (A.K.A. GalSpan): Originally found in 2368
as an industrial prospecting company, it has quickly grown to a megacorporation
with great military power.
This corporation has its own region, named the GalSpan region, which is their
base of operations. They have a highly skilled research and development staff
with some most advanced technology currently available.
The entire corporation was developed under the credo: >> Profit equals the
worth. <<, meaning that if you are good, you will get high pay but still, there
will be always a strong military discipline. Currently, they are seeking for
new places for an income and because of that, they have came into several
conflicts with others, including the Bora.
Subsidiaries includes GalSpan Propulsion systems, GS Enwiromax and GS
Executive Wear.

Star Patrol: This police force was formed in 2333, as a result, when a small
problems began erupting again after some time, when the treaty was signed and
when a Seven Planets Accord was formed. They have the best ships, highly
trained officers and have the authority to enforce the peace in any way
possible. The Star Patrol is the second, enforcement branch of the USG.

(MC) Advanced Ganymede Technologies (A.K.A. AGT): Distinction and quality is
their moto. It has the longest running underdog of adv. starship desing and has
expert contract pilots.
Subsidiaries includes Galileo Imports and Airtight Ind.

(MC) Biolith chemical products (A.K.A. Biolith): A company, that has a goal to
protect the galaxy and produce safety equipment from laboratory-produced
viruses, other forms of biological warfare or natural space dangers (i.e.
radiation). It is responsible for over 40% chemical products.

(MC) Core Mining Industries (A.K.A. CMI): Is specialized in producing low-end
resource mining equipment. It is also known as a rival for many larger
corporations, including AGT.

(MC) Gate Industries (A.K.A. GI): Is a privatized firm of USG and is charged
for everything, that relates the TCG.

(MC) Navigational Technologies (A.K.A. NaviTec): Their production involves
shipboard navigation and sensor systems. Their name can be found on almost
every ship.

(MC) Oberon Incorporated: One of the largest corporations. Subsidiaries
includes Lorian Industrial Technologies, Jovian Planets Robotics Inc. and Prime
Reality Distributor Mark.

(MC) Phobos Proprietary Systems (A.K.A. PPS): Is an offshoot of Oberon Inc.
They product superior scanning equipment, engine components and adv. weaponry

(MC) Turbon Enterprises (A.K.A. TE): This corp. deals exclusively with the
design and production of ni-military luxury vehicles and vessels.

Asteroid barons: Found only in Frontier region, those individuals should not
been underestimated. For many times, they will be answer to many things. Be
nice and polite with them and you will live. Do the vice versa and you are

(P) The Blood Clan: Is the most brutal of all clans and they have no self-
preservation. They enjoy in raiding the unsuspecting freighters.

(P) The Skavs: The are not so maniacs like the ones from the Blood Clan, but
they will not hesitate to shoot everyone, that enters their space or to take
away precious contrabands. They hate GalSpan even more than the Bora and are
ally with the Bora.

(P) The Void Runners: These man and women are pretty much hanging in their
space. They carefully choose their targets and are interested only in profit.
They have received a high payment from GalSpan and are allies with them.

Cinder Mercenaries: This is simply a group of neutral independent mercenaries,
that have escaped the Sol region. Many factions have hired them, especially
GalSpan, from whom the mercenaries received a high payment to take shots at any
Bora ship.

(P) Demon Pirates: One of the most dangerous outlaws in the galaxy. Found only
in the Twilight region, they are the victims of Cassitor`s twisted experiments.
Only the most courageous pilots should deal with them.

League of Scientists: Just a simple group of civil scientist, that are
currently exploring the Twilight region and analyzing it`s fog.


Jake Logan: This is the main character, that you will play thorough
the game. A contractor of AGT and a very talented pilot, possibly the
best one in the galaxy has made a daring rescue of the Tally-Ho shuttle.
He has has a reputation of a quick thinking pilot, that can stay cool in the
thick of the things.

Susan Bradley: She is the leader of the Bora people. Words like good pilot,
fierce warrior and brilliant tactician describes her the best.

Anna Highfall: She is the Bora Fringe operations job coordinator and will brief
you on any situation, where the Bora is employer. She is quite emotional and a
true friend.

regional director Gustav Atkins: All Fringe mining and military operations are
headed by this man. He has successfully lobbied for mining rights in several
Fringe regions.

Tricia Bales: She is the GalSpan Fringe operations job coordinator and will
brief you on any situation, where the GalSpan is employer. The classification
for her feelings is >> the robot <<. She is only happy, if you have completed
you job at 100% rate and ensures, that you get paid. Discipline and behavior
really pays off, as with the most GalSpan employees.

baron Anton Malkar: He is a newer one in The Fringe. He is the most polite and
graceful of the asteroid barons. He is also a serious art collector and has his
own art gallery.

baroness Mirham Onrald: She is rather a mystery. Since her family name wasn`t
on the good voice, she successfully lobbied for her own barony in the Frontier
region. Although her barony has suffered over the decades, she still stays
competitive with the other barons. It is rumored, that she has been forming a
strange alliances with various pirates and smugglers.

baron Hayod: He is renowned for his cruelty and temper. He fears no one and
laughs at USG laws. He commands the largest barony in Frontier region with
large number of slaves and two sectors, filled with thousands upon thousand
iron rich asteroids. You should try to be polite as much as you can, but if he
still persists to destroy you, then defend yourself by any means necessary.
React quickly.

Rory Denkins (A.K.A. Redship Rory): He was the first mate on a Sol exploration
ship, that has murdered its captain and escaped with the ship. He is twisted,
cruel and evil person, that will stop at nothing. Everything is for him
enjoyment and fun, including killing.

dr. Randal Cassitor: An exceptional good scientist and a madman. He
utilizes, has produced and developed many state of the art equipment and
technology, that is far more adv. than Sol technology. He is twisted and very
frustrated person, that will destroy any uninvited ship in his sectors with his
army of drones. Beware of him and if doing a job with him, don`t stick your
nose elsewhere but only there, where he tells you.

Note:- HR = hire cost
- WA = weapon armaments

Neutral wingmen (you have access to them, no matter on which side are you):

Pixie Kerral: Is renewed for her easy attitude an a huge sense of humor. Her
skills are acceptable but if you want something better, don`t choose her. In
other words, you get what you pay for.
HR: 500 Cr.
Fee: 5%
WA:- Heavy Mining laser
- EMP Projector
Ship: Dart light fighter

Dorwin Kincaid: If you want to know something about science-fiction, ask him.
He has been continually hacking into ship`s computer and his employer didn`t
liked that, so he has newer achieved higher status than a wingman. He also
talks sometimes too much. He is better than Pixie.
HR: 2650 Cr.
Fee: 12%
WA:- Boron ML
- Heavy Mining laser
Ship: Dart light fighter

Mishka Shaw: She has worked for many factions in the past. Grateful for your
timely assistance, she is now only interested in flying with you. Doesn`t
posses quite good skills, but still, she can save your life in the thick
HR: 1350 Cr.
Fee: 7%
WA:- Deimos HL
- Heavy Mining laser
- Tiger missiles
Ship: Piranha medium fighter

Cpt. John Rand: He is good, when he is sober. He has a big record of completed
missions, meaning that he can handle pretty good on his own.
HR: 3550 Cr.
Fee: 12%
WA:- Pulsar laser
- Hunter torpedo
- Distruptor torpedo
- Spire rockets
Ship: Gar multirole fighter

Bradford Brixx: He is the largest and the most reliable pilot for the money
currently available. He hasn`t been on any faction for long time. Anyway, his
former superiors have recommended him highly, because of his will to fulfill
his objectives.
HR: 3750 Cr.
Fee: 15%
WA:- Pulsar laser
- Hunter torpedo
- 2x Spire rockets
Ship: Gar multirole fighter

JASPer 100 series: This is the first variant of JASPer and has. It has embedded
FighterX version 1.0 Combat Computional Program and it doesn`t have exceptional
skills, but it still represents a challenge for enemy ships and can greatly
help you defeating your enemy.
HR: 1100 Cr.
Fee: 10%
WA:- Flare ML
- Pulsar Laser
- Spire Rockets
Ship: Piranha medium fighter

JASPer 500 series: With his FighterX version 2.0 Combat Computional Program, he
represent a formidable opponent for enemy ships and has higher performance and
better equipped ship.
HR: 2200 Cr.
Fee: 10%
WA:- Pulsar laser
- EMP Projector
- Spire rockets
Ship: Piranha medium fighter

JASPer 1000 series: He and his FighterX version 3.0 Combat Computional Program
represents the latest in the anroid wingman. He is a very though target and has
the best ship and armaments of all 3 JASPer wingmen.
HR: 4400 Cr.
Fee: 17%
WA:- Pulsar laser
- Hunter torpedo
- Swarm missiles
- Spire rockets
Ship: Gar multirole fighter

Bora wingmen (you only get access to them, if you join the Bora):

Cathy Keels: She is relative new to the game, but still has a potential of a
good fighter. More important that her skills is her will to continue her
father`s work.
HR: 1100 Cr.
Fee: 7%
WA:- Pulsar laser
- Spire rockets
- Railgun
Ship: Cutlass multirole bomber

Nolt Lieber: Originally from New Gaia colony, he is a true fighter and can
inspire other pilots. He constantly denies to pass any kind of test, saying
that skills don`t come from Spanner tests, but from >> inside <<.
HR: 3350 Cr.
Fee: 12%
WA:- Pulsar laser
- Spire rockets
- Inertia sappers
- Phase sappers
Ship: Mace interceptor

The Demon: She was given this name, because she escaped the maddening effects
of the Twilight fog. She is fanatically divorced to the Bora cause and wants to
keep her high status among the pilots. Many Spanner pilots have seen her and
turned around.
HR: 6635 Cr.
Fee: 22%
WA:- Pulsar Laser
- 2x Spire Rockets
- 2x Helios Rockets
Ship: Warhammer heavy assault fighter

Ryan Saril: His best description would be The Barbarian. Destroying his
opponents with ferocity, he is the wingman, that you want to take it on
difficult missions.
HR: 4100 Cr.
Fee: 20%
WA:- Pulsar laser
- 2x Spire rockets
- Plasma rockets
- Helios rockets
Ship: Claymore heavy bomber

GalSpan wingmen (you only get access to them, if you join the GalSpan):

Lakita Ramos: An excellent pilot, that can cover your six very good. However,
she has made her own opinion about the men and isn`t very happy to fly with
you. But money is money and so, she will destroy your enemy with decent
HR: 4675 Cr.
Fee: 17%
WA:- 2x Deimos HL
- Tiger Missiles
Ship: Pegasus

A.J. Fresh: This Spanner pilot has climbed to this status faster that any other
pilot. He is very polite and always says, what the superiors want to hear. But
anyway, his skills are not that good.
HR: 1600 Cr.
Fee: 7%
WA:- 2x Deimos HL
- Tiger Missiles
- Swarm Missiles
Ship: Posedion multirole bomber

Tora Embers: All that she cares about in her life is money. She isn`t
exceptional pilot, but when a money is in the question, she will complete her
objectives admirable. She also has access to more adv. GalSpan weapons.
HR: 3125 Cr.
Fee: 15%
WA:- Deimos HL
- 2x Swarm missiles
- Tesla EMP missiles
Ship: Orion multirole fighter

Bernardo: He is a legend among the GalSpan pilots and will accomplish his task
with speed and precision. He is very quiet person and only talks, if he needs
to. There are rumors, that he is a pinnacle of bio-engineered human.
HR: 6125 Cr.
Fee: 20%
WA:- 2x Deimos HL
- Hunter torpedo
- Solaris torpedo
- Blast torpedo
Ship: Phoenix heavy bomber

Note:- RC = regular cost
- SP = sell profit (how much money do you get, when you sell it)
- SWA = standard weapon armaments (the weapons, that friendly or enemy
ships always carry)
- (x) = indicates, that this is one of the 11 ships, that you will be able
to pilot in the game
- Heavy Mounts are generally for energy weapons (there can be exceptions)
- Rack Mounts are generally for rockets, missiles, torpedos and sappers
(there can be exceptions)
- Special Mounts are reserved only for Tractor Wave, Corona Device and
Railgun (Railgun can sometimes also be mounted on other mounts)
- be aware, that 2 CPU Slots are reserved only for Afterburner and A.
reserve and on the other ones, anything else can be placed
- a rare thing is, that on Heavy or Rack Mount, there can be mounted 2
different weapons (for instance Cutlass: in the >> nose rack <<, 2 different w.
Can be placed - like Boron ML and Remote Sapper)
- a speciality of Posedion and Pegasus Spanner ships is, that they also
have Medium Mounts: their difference from the Heavy Mounts is, that the Chatter
Cannon can`t be mounted in these mount types and only lasers can be mounted
(Glint LL, Flare ML and Deimos HL)

Bora ships: The Bora ships may not have good shields or may not be so agile as
GalSpan ships, but they have strong, robust hull, meaning that those ships are
truly for die-hard warriors, who like destroying everything around them. Bora
ships can also carry a lot of weaponry and ammo and have good energy
generators, which makes them even more dangerous.

Ship role: Multirole Bomber
Top speed: 510 SLU ~ average(5)
Acceleration rating: average(5)
Performance rating: average(5)
Energy rating: average(5.5)
Hull rating: average(5) ~ stressed nickel-iron ally
Shield rating: average(5) ~ passive charge deflector screening
Heavy Mounts: 3
Rack Mounts: 2
Special Mounts: 1
CPU Slots: 10

The most common warship in Bora fleet, that can deliver a heavy punch to
everyone. It is somehow fast for a bomber and can`t handle on its own in larger
RC: 49000 Cr.
SP: 29400 Cr.
SWA:- Heavy Mining laser
- Plasma rockets

BATTLEAXE ~ (converted Cutlass) (x)
Ship role: Multirole Fighter
Top speed: 550 SLU ~ good(6)
Acceleration rating: good(6)
Performance rating: good(6)
Energy rating: excellent(7) ~ converted fusion cores
Hull rating: superior(8)
Shield rating: good(6) ~ defensive habdome shielding
Heavy Mounts: 3
Rack Mounts: 3
Special Mounts: 1
CPU Slots: 10

This is actually an augmented Cutlass design for use in heavy battles. This is
the best example of an all-around type fighter and because it has experimental
power couplings, that makes him the most energy efficient ship in the galaxy.
RC: 81250 Cr.
SP: 48750 Cr.
SWA:- Pulsar laser
- Spire rockets
- Railgun

MACE (x)
Ship role: Intercept Fighter
Top speed: 607 SLU ~ excellent(7)
Acceleration rating: excellent(7
Performance rating: good(6.5)
Energy rating: average(5)
Hull rating: good(6) ~ reinforced nickel-iron armor
Shield rating: good(6)
Heavy Mounts: 2
Rack Mounts: 4
Special Mounts: 1
CPU Slots: 6

A popular exploration craft, that can achieve tremendous speed. Despite its
role, it is relatively still though to destroy. Maces are often seen as
couriers, scouts and companions to larger vessels.
RC: 64000 Cr.
SP: 38400 Cr.
SWA:- Pulsar laser
- Spire rockets
- Railgun

CLAYMORE ~ The Dreadnought (x)
Ship role: Heavy Bomber
Top speed: 458 SLU ~ below average(4)
Acceleration rating: average(5)
Performance rating: below average(4)
Energy rating: below average(4.5)
Hull rating: superior(11) ~ four independent layers of pressed steel and
polycarbon difilament armor
Shield rating: average(5)
Heavy Mounts: 2
Rack Mounts: 6
Special Mounts: 1
CPU Slots: 12

This behemoth has a large size, many space for weapon armaments and has the
strongest hull of any ship in The Fringe. If a squadron of these is left
untouched, you can rest assure, that the Capital ship will be annihilated in
seconds. However, his bad turning rate and slow speed means, that it must be
RC: 110000 Cr.
SP: 66000 Cr.
SWA:- Heavy Mining laser
- Plasma rockets
- Helios rockets

Ship role: Heavy Asssault Fighter
Top speed: 515 SLU ~ average(5)
Acceleration rating: average(5)
Performance rating: average(5.5)
Energy rating: good(6) ~ forced-fusion generator array
Hull rating: superior(10) ~ thick polycarbon difilament armor
Shield rating: average(5) ~ quasi-reactive shielding
Heavy Mounts: 2
Rack Mounts: 5
Special Mounts: 1
CPU Slots: 12

While not having excellent shields, it has a strong hull. The diverse arsenal
of heavy weapons and its big size can make this fighter in the hands of a
skilled pilot the deadliest of the deadliest.
RC: 130000 Cr.
SP: 78000 Cr.
SWA:- Pulsar Laser
- Spire Rockets

Ship role: Medium Bomber

This bomber carry also a heavy payload of ammunition, but still doesn`t have so
many weapon armaments nor shields or hull.
SWE:- Heavy Mining Laser
- Plasma Rockets
- Helios Rockets

Ship Role: Light Fighter

This fighter doesn`t present a great threat, but still, it can be a terror to
any unarmed military vessel and are often seen as assassins.
SWA:- Boron ML
- Arc LL
Capital ships: All Bora Capital ships are always armed to teeth, but sometimes,
they have minor problems with engines and energy generators.

Note:- DlT = Deimos laser Turret(s)
- PlT = Pulsar double Turret(s)
- AAClT = Armageddon Anti-Capital laser Turret(s)
- PP = Power Plant(s)
- WP = Weapons Powerplant(s)
- SG = Shields Generator(s)

- PdlT: 2
- AAClT: /
- PP: 1
- WP: 1
- SG: 1
It primarily serves to place mines for defense, but can also defend itself

- PdlT: 2
- AAClT: / (sometimes 2)
- PP: 1
- WP: 1
- SG: 1

Bora`s frigate is unusually small, but is bristling with dozen of turrets and
is often used for special undercover operations.

- PdlT: 4
- AAClT: 2
- PP: 3
- WP: 1
- SG: 1

Better than frigate, it is a very though foe for any ship. Its weaknesses are
many >> zero points << - an expert bomber or fighter pilot can hide in the
empty spaces of the ship` hull and can deal some serious damage.

- PdlT: 11
- AAClT: 4
- PP: 4
- WP: 1
- SG: 1

Highly feared by both the smaller vessels and the capital ships, this Bora
cruiser is the primary defense line. It`s unique design allows it to fire at
the enemy from every angles and has virtual no weak points.

- PdlT: 3
- AAClT: 4
- PP: 6
- WP: 1
- SG: 1

The biggest warship of the Bora fleet. This mothership can house many fighters
and bombers within its hull. However, it has been sometimes lost when fighting
GalSpan ships in superior numbers and weaponry. But still, it represents a
great danger to everyone.

GalSpan ships: GalSpan ships have sleek design, excellent shield technology and
are very agile. These ships are not for Rambo-style pilots but rather for smart
pilots, that can keep a good balance of AE, WE and especially SE and can use
the speed and maneuverability to maximum potentials. If that is achieved, then
they become deadly.

Ship role: Multirole Bomber
Top speed: 470 SLU ~ below average(4)
Acceleration rating: below average(4)
Performance rating: below average(4.5)
Energy rating: good(6) ~ low-interrupt power cells
Hull rating: average(5)
Shield rating: average(5)
Medium Mounts: 2
Heavy Mounts: 2
Rack Mounts: 2
Special Mounts: 1
CPU Slots: 10

This is the dominant bomber in GalSpan fleet and is the most energy efficient
and the slowest warship in GS arsenal. It can roll around long enough to make
some damage to the capital ship or to destroy some fighters.
RC: 60000 Cr.
SP: 36000 Cr.
SWA:- Deimos HL
- Flare ML
- Swarm missiles
- Solaris torpedo

SF-014 ORION (x)
Ship role: Multirole Fighter
Top speed: 540 SLU ~ average(5)
Acceleration rating: good(6)
Performance rating: average(5)
Energy rating: average(5)
Hull rating: below average(4)
Shield rating: good(6)
Heavy Mounts: 4
Rack Mounts: 2
Special Mounts: 1
CPU Slots: 10

This fighter is a result of a collaboration between GS and PPS. Maneuverability
and shields are his bright points and is superior in 1-on-1 dogfighting.
However, when it comes to heavier fighting, this fighter can`t last on his own
for a long time.
RC: 44800 Cr.
SP: 26880 Cr.
SWA:- Deimos laser
- Chatter cannon
- Tiger missiles

SF-155L PEGASUS ~ Thruster with Wings (x)
Ship role: Light Interceptor
Top speed: 615 SLU ~ excellent(7)
Acceleration rating: excellent(7)
Performance rating: excellent(7)
Energy rating: below average(4)
Hull rating: weak(2) ~ titanium hull
Shield rating: good(6) ~ passive reflex shields
Medium Mounts: 2
Heavy Mounts: 1
Rack Mounts: 2
Special Mounts: 1
CPU Slots: 7

A very small, sleek and maneuverable fighter, that can be extremely annoying
for the bombers and is extremely fast. Best used for hit-and-run tactics, to
quickly destroy drones, shuttles etc. and to represents a small terror to
larger ships. If his shields are nullified, it`s destruction is imminent.
RC: 70000 Cr.
SP: 42000 Cr.
SWA:- Flare ML
- Chatter Cannon
- Tiger Missiles

AF-391H PHOENIX ~ Dragon of Space (x)
Ship role: Heavy Bomber
Top speed: 475 SLU ~ below average(4)
Acceleration rating: average(5)
Performance rating: below average(4)
Energy rating: average(5) ~ twin fusion generators
Hull rating: excellent(7) ~ layers of adaptive matrix crystal
Shield rating: good(6)
Heavy Mounts: 5
Rack Mounts: 4
Special Mounts: 1
CPU Slots: 12

This GalSpan premiere bomber wasn`t given the name Dragon of Space without a
reason: it has twice the weapon parts of any ship and can deliver deadly punch.
Shields and hull are quite strong, but his bad turning rate and slow speed are
his weaknesses. Escort may be necessary.
RC: 150000 Cr.
SP: 90000 Cr.
SWA:- Deimos HL
- Flare ML
- Swarm missiles
- Helios rockets

Ship role: Heavy Assault Fighter
Top speed: 580 SLU ~ good(6)
Acceleration rating: good(6)
Performance rating: good(6)
Energy rating: average(5) ~ adv. anti-proton power storage
Hull rating: average(5) ~ uranium/titanium matrix alloy
Shield rating: excellent(7) ~ redundant shield emmiters
Heavy Mounts: 4
Rack Mounts: 3
Special Mounts: 1
CPU Slots: 10

Chief heavy defense vehicle for GalSpan, the Archangel is highly feared in
space. Albeit it is large, it is very maneuverable and fast. It also has the
best shields of any bomber or fighter in The Fringe.
RC: 180000 Cr.
SP: 108000 Cr.
SWA:- Deimos HL
- Chatter cannon
- Swarm missiles

Ship Role: Multirole Fighter

It is very similar to the Gar, but even more tougher. If faced with group of
these, concentrate on one ship at a time - in this way, you will destroy them
much faster.
SWA:- Heavy Mining laser
- Spire rockets
- Distruptor torpedo
Capital ships: GalSpan Capital ships are not so well armed as Bora ones, but
have superior energy generators and engines.

Note:- DlT = Deimos laser Turret(s)
- PdlT = Pulsar double laser Turret(s)
- AAClT = Armageddon Anti-Capital laser Turret(s)
- PP = Power Plant(s)
- WP = Weapons Powerplant(s)
- SG = Shields Generator(s)

- PdlT: 3
- AAClT: /
- PP: 1
- WP: 1
- SG: 1

It primarily serves to place mines for defense, but can also defend itself
admirable. It is somewhat weaker in terms of the weaponry than the Bora

- PdlT: 8
- AAClT: /
- PP: 1
- WP: 1
- SG: 1

A very common capital ship in the GalSpan fleet. It is relative very fast and
is often assigned to guard duties. It has its own weak points in the back

- PdlT: 8
- AAClT: /
- PP: 2
- WP: 1
- SG: 1

Much better than the frigate it has virtual no weak points and can put a
serious firestorm to smaller warships. But if compared with Bora destroyer, it
lacks in AAClT turrets and is there for not suitable for fighting the other
capital ships.

- PdlT: 9
- AAClT: 4
- PP: 4
- WP: 1
- SG: 1

The GalSpan cruiser is has superior scanning equipment and anti-capital
weaponry and can annihilate enemy forces. Sometimes it is also used for special

- PdlT: 8
- AAClT: 4
- PP: 6
- WP: 1
- SG: 1

The biggest warship of the GalSpan fleet. This mothership can house many
fighters and bombers within its hull. Better than the Bora carrier in terms of
Capital ship fighting, but also has its empty spaces in the hull.

- PP: 1
- WP: 1
- SG: 1

The best mining complex in The Fringe. Billions upon billions of credits has
been put into this machine. It has a lot employees working on it, can mine and
process any kind of natural fortune (ripstars, metal, etc.) and is heavily
armed. It lacks of the AAClTs and has weak points in the front and back
section. It has unusually strong hull and shields, so support fire from capital
ships may be needed.

Ships of the Cinder Mercenaries,
corporations and independent star pilots:

Ship role: Light Fighter

This fighter is only useful as an escort or as a rear attack force. It is not
very fast and is weak in terms of shields and hull. It has however, a more
sleek design and can be little hard to hit it with weapons like sappers.
But for a skilled pilot, it is a target practice.
SWA:- Boron ML
- Heavy Mining Laser

Ship role: Medium Fighter

Being a more serious threat than the Dart, it was often seen as main attack
force of any faction, that is using it. Whenever a squadron is assaulting a
Capital ship or going into large dogfighting, it can put a serious damage. But
when it comes to escape or evade something, they simply fail: they don`t have
great speed nor have good turn radius - but this is a trade for good weapon
SWA:- Flare ML
- Boron ML
- Swarm Missiles

Ship Role: Multirole Fighter

This is a much tougher fighter over the previous two, that can be compared with
Orion or Battleaxe. It has great speed, a formidable shields and hull and good
weapon armaments. It is sometimes seen attacking the capital ships.
SWA:- Heavy Mining laser
- Spire rockets
- Distruptor torpedo

MAKO (x) - Note: nothing expect the speed is listed in the stats, so this is my
best estimation, when I compared with other stats of the ships
Ship role: Economy-class Light Fighter
Top speed: 550 SLU ~ good(6)
Performance rating: average(5)
Acceleration rating: average(5)
Energy rating: good(6)
Shield rating: below average(4)
Hull rating: poor(3)
Medium Mounts: 3
Heavy Mounts: /
Rack Mounts: /
Special Mounts: /
CPU Slots: 4

Originally from Oberon Inc., this fighter was bought out by CMI and started a
mass production of these ones. It has minimum specifications to fly in the
space and all pilots (expect the >> green << ones should avoid it because of
its lack in weaponry and relative weak hull and shields. It has however
impressing energy capabilities and is quite fast.
RC: 17500 Cr. (my opinion, because it is actually unknown; it is automatically
gained after your exile from Sol region)
SP: 8750 Cr. (automatically sold, after you join either Bora or GalSpan)
SWA:- Flare ML
Capital ship:
Note:- DlT = Deimos laser Turret(s)
- PP = Power Plant(s)
- WP = Weapons Powerplant(s)
- SG = Shields Generator(s)

- PP: 2
- WP: 1
- SG: 1

A very fast and weak frigate. It is used as armed mobile control center for spy
probes, but can be used as a minelayer.

Skav pirates ships:

Ship role: Medium Fighter

Skav Mantas often presents a very dangerous foe to everyone with their good
shields, hull and weaponry but are not very maneuverable and are somewhat slow.
SWA:- Boron ML
- Spire rockets

Void Runners ships:

Ship role: Medium Fighter

Void Maraunders often presents a very dangerous foe to everyone with their good
shields, hull and weaponry but are not very maneuverable and are somewhat slow.
SWA:- Boron ML
- Spire rockets

Demon pirates ships:

Ship role: Ultra-Heavy Fighter

An extremely dangerous ship. Superior weaponry, hull, shields and speed but
lack for the special weapon. They are shielded from the Twilight fog radiation
but have a little akward turn radius and have a robust design. They are even
dangerous for the Capital ships.
SWA:- Pulsar laser
- Heavy Mining laser
- Plasma rockets

Cassitor`s drones:

Drone role: Adv. Defense Drone

A cannon fodder of the Cassitor`s drone army. They have somewhat strong hull
and shields for the drone and are shielded from the radiation. Can posses a
great threat when in numbers but are slow and have bad turn radius.
SWA:- Deimos HL

Drone role: Adv. Mainteance and Repair Worker Drone

These drones have much more superior technology over the Sol one and are also
armed. They are very small and may be hard to hit but have no A. A good tactic
is to ram with them if faced with less than 5 of them - they will be quickly
destroyed because they don`t have good shields and hull and you will take only
small ammount of damage.
SWA:- Arc LL

Star Patrol ships:

Ship Role: Heavy Interceptor

A police ship with great speed, maneuverability, weapons and shields. When
those ships will help you, you have nothing to fear about. However, if they are
your enemies, you better run away. But a skilled pilots will notice, that when
the shields are down, it can be blown up pretty quick.
SWA:- Pulsar Laser
- Swarm Missiles

- PdlT: 9
- AAClT: 4
- PP: 4
- WP: 1
- SG: 1

Star Patrol cruiser was rarely seen in action, but it was quite enough to say,
that it is one of the best armored and armed capital ships in The Fringe. It`s
firepower will make pirates and others thinking twice, before trying to attack
it. It is an angel, that will guard against the die-hard fanatical pirates and
enforce peace with maximum firepower.

Ships of the Hayod barony:

Ship Role: Light Fighter

Good in large numbers and can be a formidable foe for novice pilots, fling the
medium or light fighters. But for anyone else, they are target practice.
SWA:- Glint LL
- Flare ML

Ship Role: Heavy Fighter

Somewhat similar to Demons in terms of speed and hull, but have weaker shields
and are easier to hit due to their robust design. When you start shooting them
in their six, the will be defeated very fast.
SWA:- Pulsar laser
- Swarm missiles

Ships of the Malkar barony:

Ship role: Heavy Fighter

It has one of the strongest shields and hull of any fighter in The Fringe but
is very large and don`t has good energy rating. Has formidable weaponry and is
pretty fast.
SWA:- Pulsar l.
- Swarm missiles
- Spire rockets

Ships of the Onrald barony:

Ship role: Heavy Fighter

Also a large fighter with superior weaponary but very bad turn radius and
SWA:- Heavy Mining l.
- Spire rockets
- Railgun

Blood Clan ships:

Ship role: Light Bomber

A little stronger hull and shields than a Skav Manta or Void Maraunder, bad
speed and turn radius and heavy weaponry.
SWA:- Heavy Mining Laser
- Flare ML
- Distruptor Torpedo

Ship Role: Multirole Fighter

A though ships, that is dangerous for both the smaller warships and Capital
ships. It can be compared to Battleaxe, but has more sleek design. React
quickly and make your action in one deadly turn to destroy it fast.
SWA:- Heavy Mining l.
- Chatter cannon
- Helios rockets

Non-armed and civilian vessels:


Is used transport small amount of people and cargo. There are several versions
of these: GS, Bora, Hayod`s Barony, Star Patrol, civil large and civil small.
It has shields, has no afterburner and is non-armed.


A transport with quite strong shields. Designed to transport standard cargo.
Can be present in every faction.


Has very strong shields and is design, to transport large cargo.
Can be present in every faction.


It carries tourists. Favorite target for pirates, as much of them were raided
in the past (if you are tourist guider, say this to the tourists and they will
all faint - lol).


It is actually a big mobile lab with engines and shields. GalSpan has a high
number of those vessels.


A simple frigate, that can house about hundred of sick or injured people on-

Other space objects:


It serves to spy and gather data; it is controlled and is usually located near
the Spy Drone frigate. Immobile, easily destroyed and has no shields.


The satellite gathers, processes and distributes data to local stations.
Sometimes, it is also used as a jamming device. It posses weak shields, has a
little stronger hull than spy probe and is mobile.


Mine is an immobile object with no shields left in space, designed purely for
defense. When an enemy ship will get near it, it will explode like Blast
Torpedo. Some of them are also armed either with Glint LL or Pulsar Laser.

Drone role: Modern Defense Drone

Small drone, that is very hard to hit. It has weak shields, has A. and is
SWA:- Glint LL

Drone role: Standard Defense Drone

Has stronger hull than Atack drone, carries A. and has no shields. The turn
radius and speed are also very bad, so this drone will not be too much hard to
dispatch. It only has forward scanning cone.
SWA:- Glint LL

Drone role: Standard Mainteance and Repair Worker Drone

It`s role says it all.

9)Weapons and system upgrades
Note:- RC = regular cost
- SP = sell profit (how much money do you get, when you sell it)
- if there are more than one items to buy or sell (i.e. Spire Rocket
(40x)), then I have written also that; otherwise, there is always only one item
to sell or to buy
- missiles and rockets can also be destroyed, but that requires
exceptional skills
- !WARNING!: the ammo regular cost of missiles, sappers, rockets and
cannon, when extended by Ammo Hold is only my opinion; for instance, you can
only buy Tiger Missiles in a 12x pack - so the Ammo Hold can increase the ammo
by 3x missiles, but you can`t buy a pack of 3x of these missiles and there for,
you will have to buy another 12x pack: I have calculated and increased the RC
value, based on the increased SP, when you got Ammo Hold (i.e. SP for 12x=600
Cr., SP for 15x=750 Cr.; 250 Cr. of increase) - that is why I`m not sure about
the cost

Bora weapons:
Note:- Ammo Hold upgrade has no effect in increasing the ammo of Helios Rocket
and Remote Sapper

Arc Light Laser: This laser is a conversion from an CMI asteroid cutting laser.
It has high RoF and is effective on shields. However, it`s power is not
sufficient to destroy a hull and there for, it is recommended, that you have a
weapon, that can destroy hull easily (i.e. rockets). It is energy efficient.
RC: 800 Cr.
SP: 480 Cr.

Boron Medium Laser: Responding the critical need of having a better weapon, the
Bora engineers developed this energy weapon. In fact, it was so good, that many
factions prefer using it today. It has a balanced power against the shields and
hull, so it can be used on its own. It is even more effective against the hull
than the Flare ML.
RC: 1750 Cr.
SP: 1050 Cr.

Heavy Mining Laser: Is another EW, that was converted from the CMI asteroid
cutting laser. However, this one is much more powerful against shields than the
Boron ML, but not so much against the hull. Use it on shields and switch then
to Boron ML to finish off the target.
RC: 2650 Cr.
SP: 1590 Cr.

Pulsar Laser: Is a significant upgrade over the Heavy mining laser and it fires
an intense burst of x-rays instead of light. It has extremely high RoF, is good
against the shields and devastating against the hull. Its only drawback is,
that it drains your WE really quickly and there for, diverting power to weapons
may be necessary.
RC: 8650 Cr.
SP: 5190 Cr.

Spire Rocket (40x): Bora engineers have converted CMI`s mining rocket for
military use. It has moderate effect on shield and major to the hull. Good, if
used with a weapon, like heavy Mining Laser, who has high effect on shields. It
is unguided.
RC: 600 Cr. (for 40x); 690 Cr. (for 50x)
SP: 360 Cr. (for 40x); 450 Cr. (for 50x)

Plasma Rocket (20x): The warhead of this rocket consists of plasma, contained
within a ripstar-generated gravity field. It has major effect on shields and
moderate on hull. Best parried with Boron ML or Pulsar Laser.
RC: 1400 Cr. (for 20x); 1540 Cr (for 25x)
SP: 700 Cr. (for 20x); 840 Cr. (for 25x)

Helios Rocket (2x): This type of rocket was developed by PPS for use on bombers
against the capital ship. It`s nuclear warhead is powerful, but it costs a lot,
it is slow and unguided and can be shoot down easily: there for, bombers have
to get to capital ship very close, in order to score a successful hit. If a
fighter will get hit by this monster, it will be vaporized instantly. But with
that high cost, there are many cheaper ways to do that.
RC: 6000 Cr. (for 2x)
SP: 3600 Cr. (for 2x)

Inertia Sapper (12x): This sapper decreases target`s speed and turn radius for
15s. It is very effective for mobile targets (if caught by surprise), to
destroy them more easily or to slow the bombers, allowing the interceptors or
capital ship`s turrets to destroy them more quickly. As with all sappers, you
must have a steady aim in order to hit a target with them.
RC: 1300 Cr. (for 12x); 1495 Cr. (for 15x)
SP: 780 Cr. (for 12x); 975 Cr. (for 15x)

Phase Sapper (16x): It drains target`s shields for 20 seconds. Useful for
bombers or though fighters, to destroy them more quickly or to simply drain
their shield energy and disable them. As with all sappers, you must have a
steady aim in order to hit a target with them.
RC: 1500 Cr. (for 16x); 1725 Cr. (for 20x)
SP: 900 Cr. (for 16x); 1125 Cr. (for 20x)

Power Sapper (16x; 20x): Drains target`s afterburner and weapon energy for 30s.
If you hit an interceptor or any light fighter with him, he will become a
target practice. Also useful, if you want to nullify the offensive or es cape
capabilities of any fighter or bomber. As with all sappers, you must have a
steady aim in order to hit a target with them.
RC: 1000 Cr. (for 16x); 1150 Cr. (for 20x)
SP: 600 Cr. (for 16x); 750 Cr. (for 20x)

Remote Sapper (2x): These are actually sticky bombs. It will attach to target
and will wait for your trigger command (press the 2nd time the fire button for
2s and release). A very good tactic is to to attach a lot of Remote Sappers and
detonate them in one massive explosion. Use it on bombers or capital ships: to
be more specific, near the turrets or powerplants. As with all sappers, you
must have a steady aim in order to hit a target with them.
RC: 700 Cr. (for 2x)
SP: 480 Cr. (for 2x)

EMP Projector: This EW combines nuclear reactor with a modified laser weapon.
It is a non-lethal weapon and fires light EMP beams, that have a little effect
on shields and no effect to hull, but can cause significant damage to ship
systems. The use of this weapon may be necessary on some missions.
RC: 6500 Cr.
SP: 3900 Cr.

Railgun: This weapon is the most effective weapon against the hull. The uranium
slug, that is fired with the support of electromagnetic coils, has tremendous
speed and uses about 10% of the WE. 2 or 1 hits required to destroy a ship with
no shields and 4 to 5 hits to deplete ship`s shields. Has great range and the
effect is instant. It is also very useful against the Capital ships (1 shot to
destroy a powerplant and 1 or 2 to destroy a turret).
RC: 7200 Cr.
SP: 4320 Cr.

Corona Device: This special weapon turns your ship into a flying blast torpedo.
It uses a lot of SE (it completely depletes SE on Cutlass and Mace and leaves
some of it on Battleaxe, Claymore and Warhammer) and you have to be extremely
close to the target. Best used as a last resort in 1-on-1 dogfigfhting (energy
transformation will be necessary) or if you have a lot of SE, AE and WE, as
beginning of attack.
RC: 5250 Cr.
SP: 3150 Cr.

GalSpan weapons:- Ammo Hold upgrade has no effect in increasing the ammo of
Helios Rocket
- torpedos are rechargeable
- ammo of the Chatter Cannon is replaced for free after every
mission - there for, you don`t have to buy the ammo

Glint Light Laser: Although this weapon has been in service for a long time, it
has remained unchanged. High RoF, good power on shields and bad on hull says
all. It is energy efficient.
RC: 1000 Cr.
SP: 600 Cr.

Flare Medium Laser: An improved version of Glint LL and is favorite among the
corporate pilots. It has a balanced power against the shields and hull, so it
can be used on its own. It is slightly less efficient against the hull than the
Boron ML.
RC: 2200 Cr.
SP: 1320 Cr.

Deimos Heavy Laser: This weapon was designed by PPS for rack-mount on turrets.
However, it has shown, that it is very effective, when mounted on fighter or
bomber. It is the most powerful laser in the galaxy. His slow RoF and big
energy consumption means, that it must be mixed with other weapons.
RC: 2650 Cr.
SP: 1590 Cr.

Chatter Cannon (750x): Developed by PPS, this >> ship minigun << can rip
thought the ship hull with ease. It has a ultra-high RoF (10 rounds/s) and it`s
UT slugs have minimal effect on shields.
RC: 9100 Cr. (for 750 UT slugs); 10461 Cr. (for 937 UT slugs)
SP: 5460 Cr. (for 750 UT slugs); 6821 Cr. (for 937 UT slugs)

Tiger Missile (12x): Small and maneuverable. Think of it`s power like something
between a Flare ML and Deimos HL and you won`t fail. It is guided. It is harder
to avoid this missile, even with countermeasures, but it is still possible.
RC: 1000 Cr. (for 12x); 1100 Cr. (for 15x)
SP: 650 Cr. (for 12x); 750 Cr. (for 15x)

Sunspot Missile (8x): Developed by Oberon Inc,, this missile is slow but packs
heavy damage to the hull and moderate to the shields. Can be easily evaded with
countermeasures, so shoot it near the ship (not too close) and when you have it
in sight.
RC: 2250 Cr. (for 8x); 2588 Cr (for 10x)
SP: 1350 Cr. (for 8x); 1688 Cr. (for 10x)

Swarm Missile(4x): A weapon, developed by Lorian Industrial Technologies with a
goal, to produce a guided missiles, that would be harder to avoid and would be
more immune to countermeasures. Each Swarm Missile contains 4 smaller rockets,
that will fly in a spiral pattern towards the target and can make a very good
dammage to bothe the ship`s hull and shields.
RC: 3900 Cr. (for 4x); 4485 Cr. (for 6x)
SP: 2340 Cr. (for 4x); 2925 Cr. (for 6x)

Helios Rocket (2x): This type of rocket was developed by PPS for use on bombers
against the capital ship. It`s nuclear warhead is powerful, but it costs a lot,
it is slow and unguided and can be shoot down easily: there for, bombers have
to get to capital ship very close, in order to score a successful hit. If a
fighter will get hit by this monster, it will be vaporized instantly. But with
that high cost, there are many cheaper ways to do that.
RC: 6000 Cr.
SP: 3600 Cr.

Tesla EMP Missile (6x): Can be easily evaded with countermeasures, so shoot it
near the ship (not too close) and when you have it in sight.
RC: 4250 Cr. (for 6x); 4975 Cr. (for 8x)
SP: 2250 Cr. (for 6x); 2975 Cr. (for 8x)

Hunter Torpedo: This was one of the first fire-and-forget weapons in the
galaxy. It`s fusion warhed is useful for both the shields and the hull.
Recommended to use it before you fire your lasers or it is great, when combined
with other weapons (i.e. Deimos HL or Glint LL). As with all torpedos, it can
be destroyed by weapon`s fire.
RC: 1700 Cr.
SP: 1020 Cr.

Solaris Torpedo: Developed by PPS, this weapon is a ship killer. When fully
charged, it will vaporize any fighter or bomber, that it hits. Good choice for
bombers or fighters, to bombard the capital ship. But beware: it consumes a lot
of WE and it slowly charges - there for, a miss can cost you your life. As with
all torpedos, it can be destroyed by weapon`s fire.
RC: 3000 Cr.
SP: 1800 Cr.

Distuptor Torpedo: It`s warhead consist of magnetically-contained plasma, that
can fully deplete ship`s shields in one or two hits. This is a guided weapon.
As with all torpedos, it can be destroyed by weapon`s fire, so shoot it near
the ship (not too close) and when you have it in sight.
Can also be easily evaded with countermeasures.
RC: 4500 Cr.
SP: 2700 Cr.

Blast Torpedo: This torpedo is filled with dozens of micro-fusion warhead that
will trigger a massive radiation blast, when the torpedo hits something. As
with all torpedos, it can be destroyed by weapon`s fire.
RC: 3300 Cr.
SP: 1980 Cr.

Advanced Blast Torpedo: It is exactly same as the Blast Torpedo but only with
this difference, that this is a guided weapon (has tracking capabilities). As
with all torpedos, it can be destroyed by weapon`s fire. Can be easily evaided
with countermeasures, so shoot it near the ship (not too close) and when you
have it in sight.
RC: 3500 Cr.
SP: 2100 Cr.

Tractor Wave: This special weapon was designed by CMI as a cargo moving tool,
but was soon adapted for military use. It`s beam can slow target and it`s
turning radius, meaning that you can get a steady aim and fire with greater
accuracy or with little patience, to capture the ship (the beam slowly disables
ship`s systems).
RC: 7150 Cr.
SP: 4290 Cr.
Note:- (SC) = indicates, that this is a type of upgrade, that is mainly a
system card (i.e. Ammo Hold = sys. card (software) + extended magazine

Lead Target Assistant (SP): Developed by NaviTec, this is a must addition to
any starship. It calculates the optimal aiming point (crosshair) for unguided
weapons (i.e. rockets) and displays target`s velocity and distance.
RC: 1500 Cr.
SP: 900 Cr.

Combat Scanner (SP): This upgrade is a joint effort between AGT and PPS. It is
a very useful upgrade, which monitors target`s shields and hull status.
RC: 3250 Cr.
SP: 1950 Cr.

Afterburner: No smaller warship must be without Afterburner system: otherwise,
it is a sitting duck, even when flying. It give you a tremendous burst of speed
and drains the power from shields reserves. When completely drained, you will
return to your normal speed.
RC: 2500 Cr.
SP: 1500 Cr.

Lock-On Warning (SP): Developed by Navitec, the Lock-On Warning system will
show a light when someone has you targeted with a guided weapon. If you have
this card, then this is your first clue that you have been spotted by the
enemy. A warning noise is sent to the onboard communications system and a
visible warning light is displayed on the HUD.
RC: 3650 Cr.
SP: 1950 Cr.

Afterburner Reserves (SP): Designed by GS Propulsion Systems, this increases
your afterburner reserves (AE) by 25%. This is a must have for any good
strategist and can help you a lot in the battle.
RC: 2800 Cr.
SP: 1980 Cr.

Shield Reserves (SP): Developed by PPS, this increases you shield reserves (SE)
by 25%. This is a must have for any good strategist and can help you a lot in
the battle.
RC: 2300 Cr.
SP: 1380 Cr.

Laser Reserves (SP): A product form PPS, this increases your laser reserves
(WE) by 25%. This is a must have for any good strategist and can help you a lot
in the battle.
RC: 3500 Cr.
SP: 2100 Cr.

Burn-Off Device (SP): As we know, sappers have an ability, to drain the power
from key systems. NaviTec has developed a solution for this threat. This
upgrade will fire a concentrated burst of energy, disabling any kind of sapper
in the process.
RC: 4500 Cr.
SP: 2700 Cr.

Advanced Radar (SP): Do you hate the jamming technology? Well, NaviTec has
developed something very helpful to eliminate the jamming effects. A side
effects is, that it shields your radar system and there for eliminates the
scrambling effect of lighting strikes.
RC: 3250 Cr.
SP: 1950 Cr.

EW Jamming (SP): Yet another product form NaviTec, this card scrambles the
targeting systems of the enemy ships, so that it makes your ship harder to hit
with guided weapon (i.e. torpedos, missiles) and also jamms the radar - you
don`t appear on the radar of an enemy ship, if you are more than 40km away from
RC: 6500 Cr.
SP: 3900 Cr.

Lock-On Defense (SP): The only upgrade, that CMI has ever developed and a very
useful one. It is recommended it for every ship, because it can help you to
entirely evade dangerous missiles and deadly torpedos. It releases (press the C
button) a swarm of energized particles (countermeasures), that last only for a
small period of time.
RC: 5650 Cr.
SP: 3390 Cr.

Tracking Enhanchements (SP): This card is an recent breakthrought by Lorian
Industrial Technologies in tracking technology. It will speed up the process of
acquiring the target with a guided weapon by 25%.
RC: 3750 Cr.
SP: 2250 Cr.

Ammo Hold (SP): Lorian Industrial Technologies have developed this outstanding
upgrade to extend the ammunition by 25%. Useful for both the bombers and
fighters, if there are heavy dogfightings or extensive Capital ship battles,
then this can save you your life.
RC: 1200 Cr.
SP: 720 Cr.

Fog Radar (SP): Another great development by Biolith, this enchanches your
radar to cut trough the Twilight fog, allowing you to better navigate in the
fogy sectors. It is not very necessary, but will help you great, if you will
have to locate something.
RC: 3250 Cr.
SP: 1950 Cr.

Radiation Screen: Developed by Biolith, this is the only thing, that will keep
you safe from the radiation of the Twilight fog. This is a must addition to
your ship, if you are traveling in the Twilight region.
RC: 4850 Cr.
SP: 2910 Cr.

Smart Shield (SP): This is surely one of the best upgrades from NaviTec. It can
automatically diverse your shields to the front or back section and can
increase the required amount of shield`s power, based on the damage of the
shields. However, if you prefer changing and manipulating with power on your
own, this upgrade can become annoying and there for, don`t buy it.
RC: 4650 Cr.
SP: 2790 Cr.

Boosters (SP): Developed by AGT, this upgrade increases your top speed by 25%.
This is especially useful for bombers, to escape interceptors and Capital
ships`s turrets, but is also great for fighters, to maximize their pursuit
RC: 3800 Cr.
SP: 2280 Cr.

Lateral Thrust (SP): Another great development from GS Propulsion Systems, this
upgrade enchanches your ship, so that it can strafe left and right. It is very
useful for engaging multipe enemies and to perform tactical attacks.
RC: 6250 Cr.
SP: 3750 Cr.

Note:- the payments for Ring Training Course are described near the end of the
Walkthrough section
- eml. = element
- l.a. = located at
- # = indicates mission, that will be present all time during the AGT,
Bora or GalSpan campaign
- (NW) = indicates, that there will be no wingman in this mission
- I have put the missions in order, that I have went through - this order
of missions will help you very good with your campaign and will make things a
lot easier
- when you will be in Sol region, every new item will only be available at
Europa starbase
- note for Bora and GalSpan side: all time during campaign, there will be
always present smaller missions, which are actually shiftings from one region
to another, i.e. from Frontier region to Bora region; you won`t get paid for
this and there will be no wingman with you; also, you will get access to
certain mega TCGs, when the main employer (Bora or GalSpan) give you the pass
- there will be no wingmen during the AGT campaign in Sol region


SOL REGION (AGT or USG are only employers):

# Combat Training Course:
Objectives:- Proceed to Venus Training sector
- Destroy drones
Employer: USG
Just fly to the Venus, shoot one of the 4 probes, that represents difficulty
(rookie, veteran, ace, elite) and destroy the 3 incoming drones.
Payment: 100 Cr. (you get those these 100 Cr., even if you don`t destroy a
single drone)
New things available: /

# Ring Training Course:
Objectives:- Proceed to Saturn Training sector
- Navigate the obstacle course
Employer: USG
Fly to Saturn and try to perform the best, as you can.
Payment: 100 Cr. (you get those 100 Cr., even if you don`t completed a single
New things available: /

Here are details for Saturn training course, including payment, bonus targets
and, time allowed to complete and more.

I I (YES or NO) I I TARGETS (#) I HIT (Cr.)
1 I 300 I NO I 2 I / I /
2 I 600 I NO I 2 I / I /
3 I 900 I NO I 2 I / I /
4 I 1200 I NO I 2 I / I /
5 I 1500 I NO I 4 I 30 I 1000
6 I 1800 I NO I 4 I 30 I 1000
7 I 2100 I NO I 4 I 30 I 1000
8 I 2400 I NO I 4 I 30 I 1000
9 I 2700 I NO I 4 I 30 I 1000
10 I 3000 I YES I 6 I / I /
11 I 3300 I YES I 6 I / I /
12 I 3600 I YES I 6 I / I /
13 I 3900 I YES I 6 I / I /
14 I 4200 I YES I 6 I / I /
15 I 4500 I NO I 8 I 60 I 2000
16 I 4800 I NO I 8 I 60 I 2000
17 I 5100 I NO I 8 I 60 I 2000
18 I 5400 I NO I 8 I 60 I 2000
19 I 5700 I NO I 8 I 60 I 2000
20 I 6000 I YES I 10 I / I /

TIME ALLOWED TO COMPLETE (No. of course-time (min:sec)):
[1-1:54 ] [6-2:00] [11-2:08] [16-2:00]
[2-1:55 ] [7-2:02] [12-2:08] [17-2:01]
[3-1:56 ] [8-2:03] [13-2:09] [18-2:02]
[4-1:57 ] [9-2:04] [14-2:10] [19-2:03]
[5-2:00 ] [10-2:06] [15-1:59] [20-2:05]

Note:- I recommend, that you equip your ship with Afterburner, A.Reserves and
Booster (if available) and a quick shooting weapon (like Pulsar L. or Chatter
Cannon): this way, you will have no problems with completing the courses 100%

* Instructor Training
Objectives:- Evaluate the novice pilot training course
Employer: AGT
A simple mission, where it is impossible to die. Follow the instuctions and
everyone will be happy.
Payment: 700 Cr.
New things available: /

* Security Breach:
Objectives:- Proceed to Kuiper Belt
- Destroy spy probes
Employer: AGT
Go to the Kuiper. When you enter, I recommend you first destroy 4 spy probes
(elm. Libra) and eliminate 2 Darts (elm. Banshee). Now concentrate on the
Weapons Powerplant on the spy frigate (elm. Griffon) and eliminate the next 2
Darts (elm. Sabre). 5 Orions (elm. Crow) will help you do destroy this frigate.
After it blows up, return to the starbase.
Payment: 4200 Cr.
New things available:
- New weapons: Chatter cannon and Hunter torpedo

* Escort Mining vessel
Objectives:- Proceed to Luna sector
- Escort Bukhart to Ganymede sector
Employer: AGT
Go to Luna and ambush 2 Darts (elm. Griffon) at the Ganymede TCG. Then destroy
next 6 Darts (elm. Black Rider, Calypso, Bansheee, respectively; every elm. Has
2 Darts). After the Bukhart 4192 jumps to hyperspace, go to Ganymede sector and
eliminate 2 Darts (elm. Centaur) and the next 2 Darts (elm. Dragon). After
this, you are clear to go to home.
Payment: 5600 Cr.
New things available:
- New weapons: Sunspot missile and Tesla EMP missile

* Investigate Mine Field:
Objectives:- Proceed to Kuiper Belt sector
- Remove all mines
Employer: AGT
For the second time, go to Kuiper and destroy 5 mines (elm. Rapier). Then, 3
Sharks will appear (1 Shark - elm. Styk and the other 2 - elm. Taurus). I
recommend that you eliminate the Styk elm. Because he will attack you. Don`t
wory about the Trimurti (luxury liner): either you will kill them or Star
Patrol Enforcers will decimate the remaining pirates. When this is done, return
to starbase.
Objectives:- Proceed to Kuiper Belt sector
- Remove all mines
Employer: AGT
Payment: 4900 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: A.Reserves
- New weapon: Deimos HL

* Quarantine Compromised
Objectives:- Proceed to Earth sector
- Escort Agroso to Neptune sector
- Mantain quarantine
- SPECIAL NOTE: It is recommended, that you outfit yourself with
Tesla EMP missiles.
Employer: AGT
Go to the Earth and then to Neptune. Fire some shots at Sekania and Delsemne,
after they take off and when the shields are down, fire 1 Tesla EMP missile.
After some time, 3 Darts (elm. Newburn) will appear. Do the same, like you did
with the shuttles or just destroy them. Wait again the suddenly, the station
will blow up, SP will arrest you and you will be banished from Sol region
(where is the justice?).
Payment: 11200 Cr. (you don`t get paid, because you are exiled)
New things available: /

Note:- you will be now a simple independent star pilot, until you join either
Bora or GalSpan

* Hub Escort:
Objectives:- Escort Venetian freighter to Independence sector
Employer: Alpha Control
Rendezvous with the Light freighter in the Star Patrol Farpost sector. Then
jump to the Scrap Yards sector. The captain of that freighter will cancel your
contract for a little time, because he doesn`t want to fly with murderer
(typical reaction). However, 2 Darts (elm. Envy) and one Piranha (elm. Shale)
will show up and start attacking the freighter. Destroy the Piranha first and
then finish off the Darts. The captain will thank you and you are free to
return to starbase.
Payment: 5460 CR.
New things available:
- NEW WINGMAN: Pixie Kerral

* Hospital Emergency: Go to the Scrap Yards sector and destroy the power plant
of the frigate. Then return to starbase.
Objectives:- Proceed to Scrap Yards sector
- Assist frigate Blackwell
Employer: Alpha Control
Payment: 11025 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: Lock-On Warning (l.a. Alpha, Freedom, Liberty,
Olympus, Deep Fringe Array and Hellas starbases)

* GalSpan Escort
Objectives:- Escort Hesperides to Heara sector
- Guard against Bora terrorism
Employer: GalSpan
Employer: GalSpan When both you and the freighter arrive in Hera sector,
destroy the 2 Daggers (elm. Grace). Now go back to Industrial sector, order
your wingman to attack on of the 2 Shrikes (elm. Scorn) and take care on of
next 2 Shrikes (elm. Disdain), that are attacking Mishka. When they are all
dead, return to starbase.
Payment: 4060 Cr.
New things available:
- NEW WINGMAN: Mishka Shaw (only if you save her from pirates)

* The Blockade
Objectives:- Escort Dromedary to Independence base
Employer: Bora
Rendezveous with the convoy in Star Patrol Farpost sector and after some
talking with commander Obulu jump to Scrap Yards sector. Now comes the fun -
about 9 GalSpan Posedion and 3 Pegasus will start to attack. I suggest, you
destroy first the Pegasus fighter (elm. Pictor) and then start blasting away
the Posedions, that are attacking the freighters (elm. Octans will attack
Traveler, elm. Mensa will attack Bold and elm. Ares will attack Dromedary).
Order your wingman to take care of one Posedion attacking the Medical frigate.
Concentrate on one enemy or more ships, if they are close with each other. If
it hits A., leave it and shoot the nearest one. When a hull of one freighter
will approach critical, Star Patrol will show up and help you destroy the
remaining ships. With little >> psycho << shooting, you will save all 3 ships
(but Medical frigate has the highest priority!). Jump after this to
Independence sector, wait for a little time, then return to home.
Payment: 8750 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: Afterburner (l.a. all starbases)

This next two mission missions, if you will join Bora or GalSpan. I recommend,
that you exit the game, copy the current saved game slot to the empty one. In
this way, you will not have to go from the beginning to decide, which mission
will you go.

* Withdraw From Independence (go this, if you want to join the Bora)
Objectives:- Head to Independence station
- Protect personnel evacuating the station
- Engage GalSpan ships if they attack
Employer: Bora
Renezvous with Bora force in Independence sector. Now ambush any incoming
fighter or bomber (when it leaves your vision zone, switch immediately to
another ship, that will come out from TCG). The 1st wave will consist of 3
Pegasus (elm. Pegasi) and 6 Posedions (elm. Cancer(3) and elm. Gemini(3)). Pay
attention to elm. Gemini, because it will try to destroy the fleeing Bora
shuttles. Order your wingman to engage Gemini-1, you take Gemini-2 and the last
one will be pursued by Bora ships. When all enemy ships are destroyed, the
shuttle will land with the carrier Inrepid, it will jump into hyperspace and
the mission will be complete. You can go home now, but if you feel as a
warrior, stay then. The second wave will consist of 3 Posedions (elm. Scorpion)
- not too hard to destroy. The 3dh wave will be the toughest.
It will consist of 4 Pegasus (elm. Serpens), 4 Archangels (elm. Caelum) and a
destroyer Pan. You and your wingman should engage Archangels first, but when
the destroy wil get near the base, break off your current offensive and destroy
it`s weapons powerplant as fast as you can. When you do that, it will be unable
to fire it`s turrets and the friendly Bora ships will fight with GalSpan much
more easier. Continue to destroy Archangels and Pegasus, destroy a WP on the
weapons platform near the TCG gate and blast that destroyer to hell. After
this, go home.
Payment: 9625 Cr.
New things available:
- New weapons: Arc LL (l.a. all starbases (except GalSpan ones)),
Spire rocket and Power sapper (l.a. Alpha, Freedom and Liberty starbases)
- NEW SHIP: Cutlass multirole bomber (you will get Cutlass for free, as your
Mako fighter will be sold for 8500 Cr.)
- NEW WINGMAN: Cathy Keels

* Taking Away The Independence (go this, if you want to join the GalSpan)
Objectives:- Rendezvous with the assault force in the Scrap Yards
- Help secure the Independence station
- Remove all Bora threats
Employer: GalSpan
Rendezvous with the GalSpan attack force in Scrap Yards. Then head to
Independence sector and start blasting away any enemy ship, that you see. But
first, you should go and destroy 3 shuttles. You can also disable the PP of
either the Pilgrim or Exception Light freighters, but only if you want to.
After you destroy the shuttles, clean the sector of Bora ships and then, you
are free to go home or you can destroy the rest of the mines (elm. Anvil), if
you really want to.
Payment: 9625 Cr.
New things available:
- New weapons: Glint LL (l.a. all starbases (except Bora ones)),
Tiger missile, Hunter torpedo and Tesla EMP missile (l.a. Alpha, Deep Fringe
Array, Olympus and Liberty starbases)
- NEW SHIP: Posedion multirole bomber (you will get Posedion for free, as your
Mako fighter will be sold for 8500 Cr.)
- NEW WINGMAN: JASPer 100 series

Note:- missions will be in random regions, but I have written above the
missions name also a region name
* list of all missions for this region, put in order of completion; note - some
other missions could also be at this time, but is somewhat not good to accept
the job of them immediately)


* Gate Blueprints
Objectives:- Head to Poranis Nebula
- Pick up blueprints from dr. McLean
- Return to base
Employer: Bora
Go to the Retribution sector, destroy the 8 mines (elm. Anvil), that will shoot
at you and land with the docking pad, to transfer the info to dr. McClean and
he will give you blueprints for TCG. After that, you are clear to return to
Payment: 9975 Cr.
New things available:
- New weapons: Remote sapper (l.a. Alpha, Freedom and Liberty


# (NW) Combat Training (Bora):
Objectives:- Proceed to Combat training sector
- Destroy GalSpan ship drones
Employer: Bora
Just fly to the Combat Training , shoot one of the 4 probes, that represents
difficulty (rookie, veteran, ace, elite) and destroy the 5 incoming ships: one
Posedion, Orion, Pegasus, Phoenix and Archangel.
Payment: 100 Cr. (you get those these 100 Cr., even if you don`t destroy a
single drone (ship))
New things available: /

# (NW) Ring Training Course:
Objectives:- Proceed to Letzer training sector
- Navigate the obstacle course
Employer: Alpha Control
Fly to Letzer and try to perform the best, as you can.
Payment: 100 Cr. (you get those 100 Cr., even if you don`t completed a single
New things available: /

Here are details for Letzer training course, including payment for each course
completed, bonus targets time allowed to complete and more.

I I (YES or NO) I I TARGETS (#) I HIT (Cr.)
1 I 300 I NO I 2 I / I /
2 I 600 I NO I 2 I / I /
3 I 900 I NO I 2 I / I /
4 I 1200 I NO I 2 I / I /
5 I 1500 I NO I 4 I 30 I 1000
6 I 1800 I NO I 4 I 30 I 1000
7 I 2100 I NO I 4 I 30 I 1000
8 I 2400 I NO I 4 I 30 I 1000
9 I 2700 I NO I 4 I 30 I 1000
10 I 3000 I YES I 6 I / I /
11 I 3300 I YES I 6 I / I /
12 I 3600 I YES I 6 I / I /
13 I 3900 I YES I 6 I / I /
14 I 4200 I YES I 6 I / I /
15 I 4500 I NO I 8 I 60 I 2000
16 I 4800 I NO I 8 I 60 I 2000
17 I 5100 I NO I 8 I 60 I 2000
18 I 5400 I NO I 8 I 60 I 2000
19 I 5700 I NO I 8 I 60 I 2000
20 I 6000 I YES I 10 I / I /

TIME ALLOWED TO COMPLETE (No. of course-time (min:sec)):
[1-1:54 ] [6-2:00] [11-2:08] [16-2:00]
[2-1:55 ] [7-2:02] [12-2:08] [17-2:01]
[3-1:56 ] [8-2:03] [13-2:09] [18-2:02]
[4-1:57 ] [9-2:04] [14-2:10] [19-2:03]
[5-2:00 ] [10-2:06] [15-1:59] [20-2:05]

Note:- I recommend, that you equip your ship with Afterburner, A.Reserves and
Booster (if ) and a quick shooting weapon (like Pulsar L. or Chatter Cannon):
this way, you will have no problems with completing the courses 100%

* Recoil
Objectives:- Head to Industrial Sector
- Pick up Tachyon Coil
- Proced to Frontier Gate in Scrap Yards
- Deliver the to Gate Industries technician
Employer: Bora
Go to Industrial Sector. This mission will be quick and little funny. When you
arrive there, the Drake Station and one of their employer will be quarelling
about his payment. The diplomatic efforts will fail and so he will activate his
drones to shoot at the station. Your objective now is simple - there are 10
mines (elm. Anvil) and you have to destroy the mine Anvil 1, because this mine
is actually the computer core: all other mines (are receiving drones. With this
quick action, all other mines will deactivate, the angry contractor will curse
you and the station and he will leave the sector. Land on the docking pad, get
the coil and proceed to Scrap Yards. In the middle of way, in Star Patrol
Farpost, Commander Obulu will intercept you and question you about the coil -
you don`t have to worry about this, because Jake Logan is master of convincing
the others. When you arrive in Scrap Yards, just land on the ship Tycho Brahe
to deliver the core. In the meantime, you and the technician will quarrel about
this coil, but anything will be good, the coil will be installed and you will
be able to return to home.
Payment: 5075 Cr.
New things available:
- New weapons: Boron laser, Plasma rocket (l.a. Alpha, Freedom and
Liberty starbases)

- New hardware: Lock-On Defense (l.a. Alpha, Freedom and Liberty
- NEW WINGMAN: JASPer 100 Series

* Advance With Courage
Objectives:- Escort shuttle Courage to Industrial Sector
- Protect shuttle crew until it retakes Intrepid
- Escort Intrepid back to Alpha Station
Employer: Bora
My advice for this mission is to equip your ship with Plasma rockets and Remote
sappers. Go to the the Industrial Sector and search for the 4 Darts (elm. Wyrm)
and launch the remotes on the two Darts. Now look at the docking pad: go there
and you will find a docked shuttle and a powerplant: damage it, until 1% will
remain to its destruction. Now, await the friendly shuttle`s report. When they
say to destroy the powerplant, do so and destroy the GalSpan shuttle near you.
Remember the remotes, that you placed them on Darts? Activate them and watch
the firework. All 4 will be destroyed by a big explosion. Enormous save of
time. Now intercept 8 Posedions (elm. Nergal) at Hera TCG and destroy them all,
one by one. In the meantime, order your wingman to protect the Carrier
(Intrepid). And when you are hitting those Posedions, hit them hard: launch
doubled Plasma rockets at each of them and finish them of with lasers. When
they`r gone and Intrepid escapes, go immediately home, because one GalSpan
frigate (Artemis), about 4 Pegasus and 4 Star Patrol Enforces will show up and
will be hot on your tail. Just escape
(Note: anyone, that is experienced, trigger-happy pilot, can eventually destroy
them all - I`ve done that multipe times, but then stopped, because killing
police officers was bad for me).
Payment: 6825 Cr.
New things available: /

* Deja Vu
Objectives:- Proceed to Industrial sector
- Pick up cargo from Drake station
- Deliver cargo to Wrecktown station in Scrap Yards
Employer: Bora
Go to Industrial sector, pick up the cargo and get to the Scrap Yards. Wait for
a moment and 4 Darts (elm. Marble and Amethyst) as well as 2 Piranhas (elm.
Emerald) will show up, trying to kill you. Order your wingman to attack
Piranhas, while you take care of all Darts. Finish then the Piranhas and
Emerald 1 will drop a cargo. Then dock with Wrecktown station and get the hell
out of there, directly to home.
Payment: 4860 Cr.
New things available:
- NEW WINGMAN: Dorwin Kincaid


* Core Weapon
Objectives:- Proceed to Onrald`s Barony
- Pick up Armageddon laser core
- Beware of Blood Clan pirates
Employer: Bora
Go to the Onrald`s Barony. In the middle of the way, you will have some talking
with Redship Rory, but he will leave you alone. But his companions won`t,
because they need target practice. Show those 2 Shrikes (elm. Death) the eror
of their ways. Go to the TCG, that is close to the base, because close to the
other TCG, a GalSpan cruiser (named Persephone) is disabled there. They will of
course call for help, but when they figure out, that you are Bora, they will
start firing on you. Anyway go to the next sector and destroy 4 annoying drones
(elm. Shakespeare and Degas), pick up the laser core, destroy 2 Nighthawks
(elm. War) in the pirate`s sector and return home.
Payment: 12600 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: Burn-Off Device (l.a. Freedom and Liberty
starbases), Shield R. (Alpha, Freedom and Liberty starbases) and A.Reserves
(l.a. all starbases)
- NEW SHIP: Battleaxe multirole fighter
- NEW REGIONAL PASS: Frontier-Bora

* Strafing Run
Objectives:- Proceed to the Hajod`s Barony
- Eliminate fighters before they can take off
Employer: baron Malkar
Go to the Hajod`s Barony. When you arrive there, don`t destroy the fighters
right away. Look at these gun platforms: search the WP of each platform and
destroy it. There are about 7 of these. Then quickly destroy the landed
fighters (elm. Deuce and Dictator) and you`r done. Hajod will then crazy and
will order to activate the platforms. Unfortunately, they will not function,
because you have destroyed the WPs. Also, his patrol, containing 4 Midge
Protectors (elm. Sovereign) will try to stop you. Either have fun with them and
destroy them or just leave and get back to starbase.
Payment: 14875 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: Aim-Point Module (l.a. Freedom, Liberty, Olympus
and Hellas starbases)

* Risky Venture
Objectives:- Proceed to Venture sector
- Protect frigate Valiant
- Eliminate base`s defenses
Employer: Bora
Fly to Venture and when you arrive, start destroying the WPs on the base. When
you disable the 2nd weapons array (when you destroy 4 WPs), Valiant will
prepare to fire the Armageddon laser, but something will go wrong and they will
eject the laser core. Your objective will be to pick up the core and escape.
Also, 3 Pegasus (elm. Ares), 4 Orions (elm. Gemini), a cruiser Cephius and as
destroyer Dionysus will arrive. Just fight off the fighters and escape trough
the TCG. Dock with the starbase.
Payment: 5775 Cr.
New things available:
- New weapons: Heavy Mining laser (l.a. Alpha, Freedom and Liberty
starbases), Phase sapper and EMP Projector (l.a. New Vegas, Freedom and Liberty
- New hardware: Advanced Radar (l.a. Freedom and Liberty starbases)
- NEW WINGMAN: Cpt. John Rand

* (NW) Arena Qualifier Round 1
Objectives:- Enter Fenris Arena
- Defeat all challengers
Employer: Fenris Arena
A simple mission for you. Get to the Fenris Arena and defeat 6 Darts (elm. Ace
and Adder). Then return to base.
Payment: 250 Cr.
New things available: /

* (NW)Arena Qualifier Round 2
Objectives:- Enter Fenris Arena
- Defeat all challengers
Employer: Fenris Arena
Another simple mission for you. Get to the Fenris Arena and defeat 6 Makos
(elm. Alligator and Dragon). Then return to base.
Payment: 500 Cr.
New things available: /

* Illicit Pickup
Objectives:- Proceed to Foothold sector
- Locate contraband crate
- Return to New Vegas base
Employer: Arman Patrioli
You will have to go the Foothold sector. But before you arrive there, there
will be 4 Mantas (elm. Beetle), flying and looking around for freighters to
raid. They will ignore you, but destroy them all. Now proceed as objectives
say: get to Foothold, follow the buoy`s direction and pick up both crates.
Now return and you will meet another 4 Mantas (elm. Roach) waiting you to raid.
Remember the 3 Mantas you destroyed? You will have now a much easier work.
Destroy those 4 and return to base.
Payment: 12250 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: EW Jammer (l.a. New Vegas starbases)

* (NW) A Matter Of Virtue
Objectives:- Deliver cargo to Virtue station in Foothold sector
Employer: Bora
Do as the objective states. Ignore the 4 Mantas (elm. Dragonfly), that you will
meet on the way. When you will be returning to base, you will see that a Star
Patrol Enforcer (elm. Bolt 1) is in serious trouble: about 8 Mantas will try to
kill that police officer. You can freely go to the base, but a better option
will be to help her. Search for the 4 Mantas that are directly attacking her
and quickly shoot them down. Now got to the other 4 and destroy them as well.
You don`t even have to worry about the last pirate, because she will destroy
it. One warning: react and kill quickly, or you and the police officer will be
pretty quick dead. Anyway, this action will make everyone happy and Skavs will
forget this quick enough.
Payment: 4625 Cr.
New things available: /


* Bait And Switch
Objectives:- Head to Portcullis sector
- Eliminate all GalSpan vessels
- Help disable GalSpan frigate
Fly to Portcullis sector and wait for the friendly pirates, 3 Bora Battleaxes
and 1 Cutlass (elm. Claw) and GalSpan ships. When the pirates show up, GalSpan
frigate (named Orpheus) along with 2 Orions (elm. Lighting) and 2 Posedions
(elm. Lynx) will pursue the 8 pirate Mantas (elm. Wasp and Mantis). Of course,
the TCGs will close, Valliant station will jamm Spanner communications and they
will fall into trap. Bora fighter will tell you to engage enemy fighters but
ignore that. First go behind the frigate, where it has engines. Because enemy
will be busy with fighting pirates, Bora fighters and your wingman, you will
have no problem with destroying the power plant: the frigate will then be
disabled. Quickly destroy also the WP on the right side and then deal with the
rest of the enemy fighters. Return then to base.
Payment: 12250 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: Ammo Hold (l.a. Alpha starbase), Radiation Screen
(l.a. New Vegas starbase) and Fog Radar (l.a. Alpha, Deep Fringe Array, New
Vegas and Freedom starbases)
- NEW SHIP: Mace interceptor
- NEW REGIONAL PASS: Frontier-Twilight

* Regional Scouting
Objectives:- Investigate Champion Shipyards and Portcullis sector
- Eliminate hostiles, if encountered
Do as the first objective says and just follow the buoys. When you encounter
nothing in Portcullis sector, return to Champion Shipyards and again follow the
direction of that buoy. 7 pirate Maraunders will show up (elm. Alligator).
Destroy all of them, but wait for the last one, until he transmits the message.
Then destroy it and return to base.
Payment: 3750 Cr.
New things available:
- NEW WINGMAN: JASPer 500 Series

* (NW) Offline Mines
Objectives:- Proceed to New Dawn sector
- Investigate minefield
Equip yourself first with EMP Projector and go to the New Dawn sector, as first
objective states. When there, go further into minefield and you will 2 GalSpan
frigates, Apus and Aphrodite, along with the fighter escort, consisting of 4
Orions (elm. Athene). Destroy the first three Orions and disable the 4th with
the EMP Projector. Then carefully get close to Apus (not too close, mantain
distance of about 7km), where it has engines. Destroy the power plant, then
destroy two turrets on the right side, that are somewhat in the same line. That
will give you more safety to destroy the WP; just be close to the frigate and
they won`t be able to shoot you down. Do the same with Aphrodite. Remember that
Orion you disabled? Destroy it. Now a Bora carrier Fortress and its bomber
assault force along with fighter escort will show up. The frigates will try to
run away, but they won`t be able: you destroyed their PPs. Besides, you
destroyed their WPs, so they won`t be able to shoot. Destroy the SGs and they
will be totaly defensless: carrier with Armageddon laser and bombers with their
ordnance will make a big boom of these frigates. Just watch the firework and
then return to base.
Payment: 4625 Cr.
New things : /


* (NW) Arena Tier 1
Objectives:- Enter Fenris Arena
- Defeat all challengers
Employer: Fenris Arena
Now, that you are official combatant of this season, the hard fights will
start. Your opponents will be Cinder Mercs. Get to the Fenris Arena and defeat
all Piranhas there. Then return to base.
Payment: 1000 Cr.
New things available: /

* (NW) Arena Tier 2
Objectives:- Enter Fenris Arena
- Defeat all challengers
Employer: Fenris Arena
Your opponents in Tier 2 will be Blood Clan pirates. Get to the Fenris Arena
and defeat 5 Shrikes there (elm. Wight and Weevil; the last one doesn`t belong
to any of these). Then return to base.
Payment: 2500 Cr.
New things available: /

* (NW) The Posse
Objectives:- Head to Antlantic Casino in this sector
- Teach Skav pirates a lesson
Employer: Atlantic Casino
Looks like the pirates have been blackmailing the casino and you have to teach
them a lesson. And that includes killing them. Proceed to this casino along
with friendly independent star pilots and you will soon encounter 9 Mantas
(elm. Locust, Dragonfly and Aphid), that will try to attack the luxury liner.
Shoot down first the element Dragonfly and then take care of the rest. When
you`r done, retun to base.
Payment: 8925 Cr.
New things available: /


* Extraordinary Hunt
Objectives:- Search Twilight region for unique object
- Special Note: It is recommended that you equip yourself with a Fog
Radar cards
Employer: Bora
Proceed to next sector. There you will meet Ralph Lorson, famous explorer of
The Fringe. He will tell you many interesting things about this region and also
a clue. Go to Dusk sector and you will meet 2 Demons there (elm. Wraith). It is
good to leave them alone, but if you manage to destroy them, then good. Go into
next sector and you will see natural object along with beautiful nebula (if
this would be for real, I would like to be photograph). But your relaxation
will be ended because of another two Demons (elm. Shade). Destroy them and now
search for smaller asteroid field with crystals: it`s basically 90 grades on
the left side. There, you will quickly see a crystal, that is shinning brightly
white. Pick up that crystal and another two Demons will show up (elm. Lurker).
You can escape right away or have fun with them and vaporise them. Return to
Payment: 10675 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: Laser Reserves (l.a. Alpha, Freedom and Liberty
starbases) and EW Jammer (l.a. New Vegas; if you completed Illicit Pickup
mission, then EW Jammer will be nothing new for you)
- NEW WINGMAN: Nolt Lieber

* Lost To The Fog
Objectives:- Proceed with caution to Swarm sector
- Investigate distress call
Employer: League Of Scientists
Go to Swarm sector. There, you will encounter science vessels, Michelson and
Morley, under attack by combat drones. There are about 12 of them, but I
suggest you destroy first the elements, where 3 drones are in group ( Strain
Lambda, Strain Kappa and Strain Pi). After that, shoot down the rest of them
(elm. Strain Psi and Strain Mu). When the vessels escape, you can leave or
destroy some more drones or just escape. Just concentrate on the element Strain
Zeta, who has 3 drones and then destroy or leave elements Strain Xi, Strain Rho
and Strain Upsilon, each of them having 2 drones.
Payment: 6750 Cr.
New things available:
- NEW WINGMAN: Bradford Brixx


* (NW) Recovery In Good Faith
Objectives:- Head to Slaver Space sector
- Retreive art piece
- Special Note: To avoid damaging the art piece, it is recommended
that you take an EMP Projector
Employer: Bora
Turns out that Hajod has stolen something, that is important to Malkar above
anything else: the Sixtine Chapel. Go to the Slaver Space sector. There you
will see the brage, carrying the chapel, 2 Baracudass (elm. Punisher), 2 Midges
(elm. Despot) and two shuttles, Obedience and Oppression. First shoot some
turrets on the nearby base to disable them. Then choose EMP Projector as your
primary weapon a shoot both shuttles, until they are disables. Fly within 1km
close to the barge to upload new codes for flying. Then, destroy the Baraccudas
and then the Midges and get the hell out of there. After some interesting
talking between Logan and Anna, go to Malkar`s Barony. In the Fenris Arena
sector, you will meet another 2 Baracudass (elm. Disciple). How pitiful.
Destroy them, fly to your final destination, talk to Malkar and get back home.
Payment: 13090 Cr.
New things available:
- New weapons: Corona Device (l.a. Alpha, Freedom and Liberty
starbases) and Pulsar L. (l.a. New Vegas starbase)

* (NW) Arena Gambit - Malkar`s Champion
Objectives:- Proceed to Fenris Arena
- Eliminate Onrald`s champions
Employer: baron Malkar
Apparently, Malkar and Onrald had some serious quarrelling and they decide, to
put an end of this with gladiatorial combat. And you will be part of it. When
you arrive there and the battle commences, destroy first the 4 mines, that are
shooting Pulsar L. and then destroy the second champion, because Vladimir
Graczyk will be little harder to defeat. Anyway, when you`r done, return to
New things available:
- New hardware: Boosters (will be included in your inventory and
will not be all time, so if you sell it you won`t have access to it, until the
Bora grants you access to it)

* (NW) Arena Gambit - Onrald`s Champion
Objectives:- Proceed to Fenris Arena
- Eliminate Malkar`s champions
Employer: baroness Onrald
Apparently, Malkar and Onrald had some serious quarelling and they decide, to
put an end of this with gladiatorial combat. And you will be part of it. When
you arrive there and the battle commences, destroy first the 4 mines, that are
shooting Pulsar L. and then destroy the second champion, because Cezar Cotta
will be little harder to defeat. Anyway, when you`r done, return to base.
Payment: 2450 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: Smart Shields (will be included in your inventory
and will not be all time, so if you sell it you won`t have access to it, until
the Bora grants you access to it)

!!!!!Important note: Since you have done so much for Malkar, the fact that he
is Bora`s friend and strategically looked (Bora ships are more brutal, but need
close range for fighting and more speed for pursuing and you will have to wait
a long time for access to this kind of prize (Booster)), I always fought for
Malkar. But it`s your decision.

* (NW) Arena Tier 3
Objectives:- Enter Fenris Arena
- Defeat all challengers
Employer: Fenris Arena
You will be facing Bloodies again. There will be 6 Nighthawks to destroy (elm.
Boa, Beetle and Banshee). I suggest taking out element Banshee, because it will
be the most close to you. But decision is yours. Return to base, after you`r
Payment: 5000 Cr.
New things available: /

* (NW) Arena Tier 4
Objectives:- Enter Fenris Arena
- Defeat all challengers
Employer: Fenris Arena
You will be facing Skavs this time. There will be 6 Mantas to destroy (elm.
Wyrm, Wraith and two don`t belong to either). I suggest taking out element Wyrm
or Wraith, then destroy the two lonely Mantas. This way, either Wyrm or Wraith
element will be completely without support and they will be much easier to
defeat. Return to base, after you`r done.
Payment: 10000 Cr.
New things available: /

* The Messenger
Objectives:- Proceed to Hajod`s Barony sector
- Land on platform and deliver message to Baron Hajod
Employer: baroness Onrald
Got to the Hajod`s Barony. When you arrive there, do the same, as you did in
mission Strafing Run: destroy all WPs. The only difference is, that there will
be 3 gun platforms more. After you play the message and Hajod gets hysterical
and angry leave or destroy his patrol, consisting of 4 Baraccuda Protectors
(elm. Monarch). Return to starbase then.
Payment: 9000 Cr. (originally 8400 Cr. but was increased due to the high risks)
New things available: /


* The Attack
Objectives:- Patrol Bora region
- Fight off GalSpan assault
Employer: Bora
This one is big: GalSpan is throwing everything, they have. Patrol Champion
Shipyards, New Dawn and Mercy sectors. When you arrive at Mercy, wait because
the main attack force will show up, consisting of: 3 destroyers (named
Chiamera, Minotaur and Hydras), 1 cruiser (Arion) and the flagship, carrier
Zeus as well as 4 Orions (elm. Virgo), 4 Posedions (elm. Gemini) and 4 Phoenixs
(elm. Leo) will launch off the ships. All capital ships, except destroyer
Hydras will leave then. Also, a friendly cruiser Candor will show up and begin
fighting with the Hydras, Order your wingman to help Bora warriors fighting the
ships while you concentrate on the Phoenixs. After all of them are gone,
destroy the Posedions and at the end the rest of Orions. You don`t have to
worry about Hydras: it doesn`t stand a chance against Candor. When the battle
is over, return back to base. You can do nothing about the destruction of New
Dawn research station.
Payment: 17850 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: Boosters (l.a. Freedom, Deep Fringe Array and
Liberty starbases)
- New weapon: Inertia sapper (l.a. New Vegas, Freedom and Liberty
- NEW SHIP: Claymore heavy bomber
- NEW WINGMAN: Ryan Saril

* Sour Colony
Objectives:- Head to Haven sector
- Convice New Gaia colony not to secede
Employer: Bora
Take Nolt Lieber as wingman, if you want to fully complete this mission. Fly to
Haven sector and if you took Nolt with you, you will have to destroy only 4
Warhammers (elm. Merit) and then Nolt will talk with them. If you didn`t take
him, then you will try to convince them, but you will fail and you will have to
fight with much more ships plus you will get paid very low and nobody will be
happy. When you destroy and do what you have to, return to base.
Payment: 8785 Cr. (1095 Cr., if you didn`t take Nolt)
New things available:
- NEW WINGMAN: JASPer 1000 Series


* Magellan Shipment
Objectives:- Escort Magellan to Hera sector
Employer: Alpha Control
My suggestion is that you equip yourself with Remote Sappers. Fly to Industrial
sector. See that 6 Piranhas (elm. Jade and Amber)? They will attack the
Magellan convoy. Proceed to the element Jade, match speed with Jade 2 and
launch a Remote Sapper on it, the another one on Jade 3. When they will start
attacking, activate Remotes and at least one Piranha will be vaporised, while
other two will be heavy damaged. If you fail, don`t worry. Just kill them.
Order your wingman to take those two, while take a sudden and deadly action
against all Piranhas in element Amber, when they will be still relatively close
to each other. And ignore Leon`s ship. He is just a coward and will run away
from you and escape trough Alpha TCG. Don`t worry: his time will come. When the
coast is cclear, go to Hera sector, wait little and get back to starbase.
Payment: 5425 Cr.
New thing available:
- New hardware: Combat Scanner (l.a. Alpha, Olympus and Hellas
starbase; is actually already at Alpha, Deep Fringe Array, New Wegas, Liberty
and Freedom starbases)


* Descent Into Madness
Objectives:- Proceed to Dr. Cassitor`s station
- Await orders from Cassitor
- Special Note: It is recommended that you equip yourself with Fog
Radar and Radiation Screen cards
Employer: Bora
Go to Cassitor`s station and land on the docking pad. The drones will outfit
your ship with special sensors. Then go to Dusk sector. Destroy 2 Demons (elm.
Wraith). Then search for two pads, that are relatively close each to other and
search for two docked Demons (elm. Lurker): quickly destroy both of them and
you won`t have with them in the future. Land on the 1st and 2nd pad and then
proceed on 3dh and dock on it. When you do this, your mission is completed.
Naturally, more Demons will show up: about 6 of them (elm. Ghost, Shade and
Specter). You can just leave the sector or destroy them all.
Payment: 20825 Cr.
New things available:
- New weapon: Railgun (l.a. New Vegas and Deep Fringe Array
- NEW SHIP: Warhammer heavy assault fighter

* The Sightseer
Objective:- Escort the luxury liner, Sightseer
- Beware of legendary Demon pirates
Employer: Nebula Tours
Now this will be tough one. Autopilot to next sector. There you will rendezvous
will the liner. Head to Dusk sector. First, go close to the centre of the
station, find the 4 turrets and disable them. Take just a few shots on the
Demons and jump into Far Space. When the liner arrives, wit for a little time
near TCG and prepare for tough combat. 4 Demons will arrive (elm. Shadow and
Poltergeist). I suggest that you order your wingman to protect you and
concentrate on wiping out element Poltergeist, because it will attack the
Sightseer. Kill quick as much as possible, because 4 Demons more will arrive
(elm. Specter and Phantasm). Destroy them as well. When the liner will jump
out, 3 Demons more will arrive (elm. Spook). You can just leave them or destroy
them as well. Return again to Dusk sector. 1 Demon (elm. Wisp) will show up.
You can also leave destroy them or leave them. Your choice. When the captain of
liner says, that you are no longer needed for escort and that you have
performed extraordinary, return to base.
Payment: 12775 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: Smart Shields (l.a. Alpha, Freedom and Liberty

* Final Retribution
Objectives:- Escort Demon pirate to Dr. Cassitor`s station
- Protect her while she activates beacon
- Withdraw from sector before Demon force arrives
Employer: League of Scientists
Finnally, it is time to deal with that maniac, Dr. Cassitor. Head to Swarm
sector and ambush the 4 drones (elm. Wight), that will come out from Silicon
Hive TCG. Jump to Cassitor Station sector. When Cassitor will order his drones
to attack you and Barghest, destroy them one by one. About 2 drones will start
shooting already Barghest, but she will handle herself pretty good. After all
of them are destroyed, wait until Barghest lands. Demon force (about 12 of
Demons) will show up. Just escape and enjoy in fact, that you have done
something great for universe and stopped that technological terrorist. Return
to starbase.
Payment: 22750 Cr.
New things available: /


* Arena Tier 5
Objectives:- Enter Fenris Arena
- Defeat all challengers
Employer: Fenris Arena
This is it. The final battle for Arena Grand Championship title. You will be
facing Cinder Mercs again, who are more than willing to preserve their title.
Enter Fenris Arena and defeat 4 Gars (elm. Caelum and Cancer) and show them,
what you are capable of. When the battle is over, return home.
Payment: 25000 Cr.
New things available: /

* Freedom And Humiliation
Objectives:- Head to Slaver Space
- Protect slave vessels escaping to New Vegas
Go to Slaver Space and quickly disable all turrets on that station. While you
will be talking with escaping slavers, destroy 4 Midges (elm. Discipline) and
then 3 Baraccudas, that will show up. After the 6 shuttles (elm. Tyrant) will
take off and will be escaping, ambush the 2 Baraccudas (elm. Punisher) and wait
until all shuttles jump to safety. Get back to New Vegas sector, wait a little
time and dock with starbase.
Payment: 12285 Cr.
New things available: /

* Arena Bonus Round
Objectives:- Enter Fenris Arena
- Defeat all challengers
Employer: Fenris Arena
Looks like baron Hajod doesn`t like to see you as the champion. He used the
Royal Upset rule and you will have to fight again for it. Go to Fenris Arena
and defeat 4 Demons (elm. Envy and Elite). After you`ve beaten them, you can
congratulate yourself, that you are still the best and that you have humiliated
that baron.
Payment: 50000 Cr.
New things available: /


* Saving Spike
Objectives:- Head to Ripping Fields
- Rescue minelayer Cobalt Spike
Employer: Cinder Station
Do as the first objective says. Then intercept and destroy 8 Piranhas (elm.
Diamond and Emerald) as well as the man behind this mess, a merc named Leon
(his ship is Gar, elm. Bloodstone). After you take care of every enemy, get
close to the Spike and wait until he jumps to your base. You`r done afterwards.
Payment: 5920 Cr.
New things available: /


* The Bounty
Objective:- Bring in Redship Rory or information on his whereabouts
Employer: Star Patrol
Go to Fenris Arena sector, destroy 4 Shrikes (elm. Lust) there and proceed to
Fury sector. Shoot and kill one of the 4 Shrikes (elm. Pestilence). The best
would be if you destroy Pestilence 1. Then, you can return home or deal with
the rest of 3 Shrikes.
Payment: 3000 Cr.
New things available:
- NEW WINGMAN: The Demon


* The Rory Sting
Objective:- Escort freighter Galluran to Independence base
- Alert Star Patrol when pirates attack
- Protect Galluran as Star Patrol capture Redship Rory
- Special Note: It is recommended that you equip yourself with EMP
Employer: Star Patrol
Go to Scrap Yards sector. Wait for some time and 3 Shrikes (elm. Famine) will
show up. Destroy them as quickly as possible, because another 3 Shrikes (elm.
Contempt) will arrive and start attacking the freighter. Eradicate this element
an then order your wingman to attack second Nighthawk (elm. Envy), while you
destroy Rory`s shields. When you do this, select EMP Projector and shoot him,
until his ship is disabled. After Star patrol shows up, you are free to go.
Payment: 12000 Cr.
New things available: /


* Aftermath Of Destruction
Objective:- Escort shuttle to Champion Shipyards
- Eliminate any GalSpan opposition
- Assist shuttle in retaking base from Spanners
Employer: Bora
Fly to Champion Shipyards. Eliminate 2 Posedions (elm. Aegipan) and 2 Pegasus
(elm. Mensa). Then wait for the shuttle Rover and it`s escort, 2 Maces (elm.
Jackhammer). The GalSpan will then bring in pretty big firepower: a frigate
Coronis. 2 Phoenixs (elm. Ixion) and 2 Posedions (elm. Asterion) will launch
off the frigate to attack the shuttle and escort. Order your wingman to attack
Ixion 2 while you take the first Phoenix Ixion 1. Don`t worry about Posedions:
the Maces will make short work of them. After the shuttles lands, retakes the
station and activates defenses, an enemy destroyer, Chiamera, will jump in and
two shuttles (elm. Centaurus) will take off to retake the base as well as about
5 Pegasus (elm. Agenor) to protect them. Chiamera will then jump out. Quickly
destroy the shuttles and you have completed your contract. You can go home or
have more fun. You can watch, how a friendly cruiser, Candor, will jump in and
decimate Coronis with it`s Armageddon laser turrets. When the ship will nearing
destruction, 6 Pegasus (elm. Antilia) will launch as their last effort. Help
Candor defeating those Pegasus, albeit the turrets will do the most job.
Anyway, the Pegasus will be like a flies against that cruiser.
Payment: 13125 Cr.
New things available:
- New weapon: Helios rocket (l.a. Freedom and Liberty starbases)


* Weasel In The Coop
Objectives:- Proceed with stealth to Leibnitz research station on Draconis
- Avoid security drones and infiltrate perimeter
- Make contact with >> Grey Weasel <<
- Obtain computer core and return to base
Employer: Bora
Head to Draconis sector. Now as you will see, there are about 6 drones (elm.
Cyclops, Medusa and Gorgons). As the drones only have forward scan cone, they
won`t see you, if you come to the station from the upper way: just fly high and
drop very fast and close to docking pad of station. The operative will eject
the computer core. Pick up and you will have to return to base. Unfortunately
for you, the gates will close and 12 more drones will show up (elm. Cupus,
Cetus and Cronus). To make things worse, 6 Pegasus, one carrier and a frigate
will arrive. But the good things is, that those capital ships and Pegasus must
have time to respond distress call from station and to arrive. So, my advice
is, to destroy as much drones as possible. When the cavalary arrives, destroy
those 6 Pegasus (elm. Nergal) and avoid capital ships.. After some time, the
gates will open and you will be free to go. Or you can stay and face 6 Pegasu
more (elm. Calypso) and both capital ships. But question is, if you dare to
want to really face them. Well, I always destroy them. How? Simple. Destroy and
remaining drones and eliminate Pegasus. Then wait, until your energy for all
three systems recharge and position yourself at a safe distance from the
carrier Ursa Major, on the side, where the WP is located. Now, I hope you have
Railgun or Plasma Rockets. Get speed to maximum and have in mind, that you have
to destroy the WP. If you do this, the carrier will be a sitting duck and you
will have a clear way to destroy this beast. However, if you will not do this
quick or you don`t have heavy weapons to destroy this powerplant, you are
toasted. Anyway, the frigate will be much more easier. Target the WP and it`s
Payment: 22750 Cr.
New things available: /

* The Grand Plan
Objectives:- Head to Draconis ripstar field
- Rendezvous with Susan`s Lance fighters
- Assist frigate Deliverance in destroying Hephaestus
Employer: Bora
First, make sure you are equipped with Railgun and Plasma Rockets. Fly to
Ripping Fields sector. Something weird will happen, as two satellites will
explode right away, when you show up. You will soon discover the meaning of
this: 12 Corvuses will jump in to eliminate; the gates will also close.
Apparently, GalSpan is cowardly, to take you out on his own and yet, they want
you dead really bad. Wait for a little and always be close to Liberty TCG: that
will be your safe zone. As you see, those Corvuses will be all have formation
by 2. Fire some shots at anyone and lure them away from main fleet to yourself
and your wingman and annihilate about 4 of them in this way. Be quick and hit
hard. Then, locate elements, that will have still 2 fighters: take out your big
guns and destroy them all. Also, Susan`s Lance fighters will show up and help
you destroying those mercenaries. When they`r dead, return to base.
Payment: 13475 Cr.
New things available: /

* The Final Assault On GalSpan
Objectives:- Join with Susan`s Lance fighters
- Escort frigate Deliverance to Hephaestus sector
- Destroy Hephaestus mining platform
Employer: Bora
This will be your last mission on Bora side and the hardest, so arm yourself to
teeth (Helios Rockets recommended. Proceed to Ripping Fields. Wait for Susan`s
command to destroy that scouts (4 Orions). Now prepare yourself for though
battle. When you arrive, quickly order your wingman to attack one Corvus. Your
pick up any other Corvus and destroy it. Also, search for element Colonae and
for Orions. They haven`t even started their engines, because this attack has
caught the off-guard. Destroy those ones quick and then finish the rest. When
the gates for Hephaestus sector opens, go there. This next battle will be
massive. Fight te Orions and destroy all of them, while Deliverance will bring
mining platform`s shields down. After they are down, go to the back of
platform, stop your fighter and launch all of your rockets, sappers, whatever
you got and constantly fire Railgun. The GalSpan flagship, carrier Zeus will
destroy Deliverance but don`t allow that distract you. Fire your weapons like
mad and the platform will eventually blow up. After a nice cutscene, you have
completed mission.

Congratulations on completing campaign of Bora side!
Payment: 46025 Cr.
New things available: /

Note:- missions will be in random regions, but I have written above the
missions name also a region name
* list of all missions for this region, put in order of completion; note - some
other missions could also be at this time, but is somewhat not good to accept
the job of them immediately)


# (NW) Combat Training (GalSpan):
Objectives:- Proceed to Combat training sector
- Destroy GalSpan ship drones
Employer: GalSpan
Just fly to the Combat Training , shoot one of the 4 probes, that represents
difficulty (rookie, veteran, ace, elite) and destroy the 5 incoming ships: one
Mace, Battleaxe, Cutlass, Claymore and Warhammer.
Payment: 100 Cr. (you get those these 100 Cr., even if you don`t destroy a
single drone (ship))
New things available: /

# (NW) Ring Training Course:
Objectives:- Proceed to Letzer training sector
- Navigate the obstacle course
Employer: Alpha Control
Fly to Letzer and try to perform the best, as you can.
Payment: 100 Cr. (you get those 100 Cr., even if you don`t completed a single
New things available: /

Here are details for Letzer training course, including payment for each course
completed, bonus targets time allowed to complete and more.

I I (YES or NO) I I TARGETS (#) I HIT (Cr.)
1 I 300 I NO I 2 I / I /
2 I 600 I NO I 2 I / I /
3 I 900 I NO I 2 I / I /
4 I 1200 I NO I 2 I / I /
5 I 1500 I NO I 4 I 30 I 1000
6 I 1800 I NO I 4 I 30 I 1000
7 I 2100 I NO I 4 I 30 I 1000
8 I 2400 I NO I 4 I 30 I 1000
9 I 2700 I NO I 4 I 30 I 1000
10 I 3000 I YES I 6 I / I /
11 I 3300 I YES I 6 I / I /
12 I 3600 I YES I 6 I / I /
13 I 3900 I YES I 6 I / I /
14 I 4200 I YES I 6 I / I /
15 I 4500 I NO I 8 I 60 I 2000
16 I 4800 I NO I 8 I 60 I 2000
17 I 5100 I NO I 8 I 60 I 2000
18 I 5400 I NO I 8 I 60 I 2000
19 I 5700 I NO I 8 I 60 I 2000
20 I 6000 I YES I 10 I / I /

TIME ALLOWED TO COMPLETE (No. of course-time (min:sec)):
[1-1:54 ] [6-2:00] [11-2:08] [16-2:00]
[2-1:55 ] [7-2:02] [12-2:08] [17-2:01]
[3-1:56 ] [8-2:03] [13-2:09] [18-2:02]
[4-1:57 ] [9-2:04] [14-2:10] [19-2:03]
[5-2:00 ] [10-2:06] [15-1:59] [20-2:05]

Note:- I recommend, that you equip your ship with Afterburner, A.Reserves and
Booster (if ) and a quick shooting weapon (like Pulsar L. or Chatter Cannon):
this way, you will have no problems with completing the courses 100%

* Picking The Stone
Objectives:- Proceed to Honor sector
- Scan Bora freighters for ripstar containment device
- Destroy freighter`s power plant
Employer: GalSpan
Head to Honor sector and destroy 2 Cutlasses (elm. Mutiny). Then go into next
sector. There will be a lot freighters, but the freighter, that you are
searching for has name Burrow. Get close to it and scanners will of course
confirm that. Now match speed and destroy it`s PP. When it is destroyed, 2 more
Cutlasses (elm. Valor) will arrive. You can also disable another freighter`s
PP, if you really want. My choice was freighter Traveler, who carried side-arms
and destroyed it, because it was the most moral. Other were things and stuff,
that even civilians would require. Anyway, you must first destroy that 2
Cutlasses. After you do that, you will have some talking with commander Obulu
and 3 GalSpan destroyers will arrive. You can now finish that freighter
(Traveler or any else you disabled, except Burrow) or return to base.
Payment: 14875 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: Burn-Off Device (l.a. Olympus and Hellas starbases)
- New weapon: Sunspot missile (l.a. Alpha, Olympus and Hellas
- NEW SHIP: Orion multirole fighter
- NEW WINGMAN: Dorwin Kincaid


* Hunting The Hunter
Objectives:- Proceed to Midas station
- Search Frontier region for information
- Return with identity of interfering ship
Employer: GalSpan
Proceed to Midas station in Venture sector. You will have to question virtual
all Frontier to get the answer, that the irritating ship is in Malkar`s Barony.
But I always went and questioned in this way: first I went to Skav sector: you
will meet the 4 Mantas (elm. Mantis and Aphid), that will want to destroy you.
Leave or destroy them. Now go to the Void sector, to meet friendly pirates.
Then, go into Slave sector and meet evil baron Hajod. If you go to Fury sector,
you will meet a horde of pirates ships, that will also try to destroy you. You
can either leave or fly to safety of friendly cruiser Persephone and watch, how
this beautiful ship will kill those pirates. Anyway, none of those four will
give you correct answer. The only option will be Arman Patrioli in Dark sector.
But anything I said you now was only suggestion to get know the Frontier region
better and to familiarize yourself with your enemies and friends. If you want
to skip all this, go to Malkar`s Barony and there you will find that vessel. It
will escape, but you will get the information. Also don`t fight with that
Treggs there: you won`t stand a chance. Return to base for your pay.
Payment: 19950 Cr.
New things available:
- New weapons: Flare ML and Distruptor torpedo (l.a. Alpha, Deep
Fringe Array, Olympus and Hellas starbases)
- NEW WINGMAN: JASPer 500 Series

* Strafing Run
Objectives:- Proceed to the Hajod`s Barony
- Eliminate fighters before they can take off
Employer: baron Malkar
Go to the Hajod`s Barony. When you arrive there, don`t destroy the fighters
right away. Look at these gun platforms: search the WP of each platform and
destroy it. There are about 7 of these. Then quickly destroy the landed
fighters (elm. Deuce and Dictator) and you`r done. Hajod will then crazy and
will order to activate the platforms. Unfortunately, they will not function,
because you have destroyed the WPs. Also, his patrol, containing 4 Midge
Protectors (elm. Sovereign) will try to stop you. Either have fun with them and
destroy them or just leave and get back to starbase.
Payment: 14875 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: Aim-Point Module (l.a. Freedom, Liberty, Olympus
and Hellas starbases)

* Illicit Pickup
Objectives:- Proceed to Foothold sector
- Locate contraband crate
- Return to New Vegas base
Employer: Arman Patrioli
You will have to go the Foothold sector. But before you arrive there, there
will be 4 Mantas (elm. Beetle), flying and looking around for freighters to
raid. They will ignore you, but destroy them all. Now proceed as objectives
say: get to Foothold, follow the buoy`s direction and pick up both crates.
Now return and you will meet another 4 Mantas (elm. Roach) waiting you to raid.
Remember the 3 Mantas you destroyed? You will have now a much easier work.
Destroy those 4 and return to base.
Payment: 12250 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: EW Jammer (l.a. New Vegas starbases)


* Missing Squadron
Objectives:- Proceed to Nereus Research sector
- Investigate for Bora
Employer: GalSpan
A squadron that is missing? Bora trash is surely behind this. Go to Nereus
Research and you will see them. 2 Cutlasses (elm. Prowless) will be attacking
the freighter there and 2 Battleaxes (elm. Resolve) will be fighting two
Pegasus. Those Battleaxes are actually the source of problems, otherwise, they
would be dead: they have jamming devices. Send your wingman to attack the
Cutlasses and you take care of the element Resolve. Once they`r gone, destroy 2
more Cutlasses (elm. Claw) and you are free to go.
Payment: 16625 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: Advanced Radar (l.a. Olympus and Hellas

Bonus Incentive Program
Objectives:- Proceed to Nereus Research sector
- Destroy 4 waves of drones
- Race back to Olympus base
Employer: GalSpan
Equip yourself with Tiger Missiles and go to Nereus Research sector. On the
way, you will see some of Lakita`s >> sisters <<, that will try to stop you
damn cheaters). Anyway, just go to Nereus, destroy all drones with Tiger
Missiles: if you miss, then fire Flare ML. Race back to Olympus and you will
win. You are done afterwards. Well that was expected, wasn`t it?
Payment: 11025 Cr.
New things available: /


* (NW) Arena Qualifier Round 1
Objectives:- Enter Fenris Arena
- Defeat all challengers
Employer: Fenris Arena
A simple mission for you. Get to the Fenris Arena and defeat 6 Darts (elm. Ace
and Adder). Then return to base.
Payment: 250 Cr.
New things available: /

* (NW)Arena Qualifier Round 2
Objectives:- Enter Fenris Arena
- Defeat all challengers
Employer: Fenris Arena
Another simple mission for you. Get to the Fenris Arena and defeat 6 Makos
(elm. Alligator and Dragon). Then return to base.
Payment: 500 Cr.
New things available: /

* (NW) Arena Tier 1
Objectives:- Enter Fenris Arena
- Defeat all challengers
Employer: Fenris Arena
Now, that you are official combatant of this season, the hard fights will
start. Your opponents will be Cinder Mercs. Get to the Fenris Arena and defeat
all Piranhas there. Then return to base.
Payment: 1000 Cr.
New things available: /

* Cracking Virtue
Objectives:- Escort Cephius to Foothold sector
- Dock with Virtue station and release sabo-drone
- Protect Cephius from Bora counter-attack
Employer: GalSpan
Wait for Cephius to jump to Skav space and then protect it against attack from
8 Mantas (elm. Hornet and Aphid). But shoot just occasional pirate, because you
have to save energy for next battle. Voids, your wingman and Cephius will take
care of them. Now, in Foothold sector, the Bora will launch serious counter-
attack, consisting of 12 Claymores (elm. Honor, Rebellion, Trident and
Ballista) and 3 Cutlasses (elm. Sword. Go first to the elements Honor and
Rebellion and start shooting like mad. Even if you don`t destroy them, your
efforts will distract them from launching their ordinance and help your friends
to destroy them easier. After the action is under control, land with the
containment pad and release sabo-drone. The pad will be destroyed and a lot od
ripstars will come out. The enemy will launch second counter-attack, composed
of 4 Claymores (elm. Catapult) and 3 Cutlasses (elm. Faith). Again, leave
Cutlasses to others and destroy Claymores. When everything is OK, return to
Payment: 23100 Cr.
New things available:
- New weapons: Deimos HL (l.a. all starbases) and Solaris torpedo
(l.a. New Vegas, Olympus abd Hellas starbases)
- new hardware: Ammo Hold (l.a. Alpha starbase)
- NEW SHIP: Pegasus light interceptor
- NEW WINGMAN: Tora Embers
- NEW REGIONAL PASS: Frontier-Galspan


* Prometheus Patrol
Objectives:- Proceed to Prometheus Production sector
- Guard tedt against Bora interference
Employer: GalSpan
Head to the Prometheus Production sector. Wait, until the over-watcher of the
test will say, that a strong jamming signals are coming from Ceriphillon
Production sector. Go there, destroy fist sattelite and the 3 others, that will
show shortly after this. Ignore the cargos, that contain organic wastes,
unstable and toxic compounds. A Bora carrier will jump in the vicinity of test
ground. Immediatly fly there to protect the Hephaestus module. The carrier will
jump out, but there will be 3 Daggers (elm. Insurrection), 6 Warhammers (elm.
Ballista and Rebellion), 3 Battleaxes (elm. Goldrush) and 3 Cutlasses (elm.
Punishment). Send your wingman to attack Cutlasses while you start destroying
the Warhammers. After they are dead, deal with others. The module will
successfully jump, but will destruct due to some malfunctions. Anyway return to
base for your pay.
Payment: 28000 Cr.
New things available:
- New weapon: Tractor Wave (l.a. Alpha, Olympus and Hellas
- New hardware: Tracking Enhacements (l.a. Alpha, Olympus and
Hellas starbases)
NEW WINGMAN: Cpt. John Rand
NEW REGIONAL PASS: Galspan-Ripstar


* Crystal Hunt
Objectives:- Head to Draconis Ripstar field
- Locate and secure KC2 crystal
- Be careful of Ripstars
Employer: GalSpan
Go to Draconis sector, proceed to one of the nav buoys and the to one of the
many ripstar clusters. There, you will find that glowing rock, KC2. Pick it up
and deliver it to Canopus research station. But before you go to Canopus
sector, look around you: about 170 Bora mine and 3 minelayers. I know it sounds
boring to destroy all this (I always destroy them all, but it takes a lot of
time), but I say this: this mission is excellent to train yourself with
weapons, that you don`t know well or haven`t mastered it yet. And minelayers
are excellent choice to train yourself for fighting against the capital chips.
Anyway, when your arrive in Canopus sector, there will be 15 Daggers (elm.
Fidelty, Faith, Stout, Mettle and Rectitude), waiting to destroy you. Just kill
them all and return to base.
Payment: 30000 Cr.
New things available:
- New weapon: Swarm missile (l.a. New Vegas starbase)
- New hardware. Lock-On Defense (l.a. New Vegas starbase) and Laser
Reserves (l.a. Alpha, Olympus and Hellas starbases)
- NEW SHIP: Phoenix heavy bomber


* Pirate Attack
Objectives:- Proceed to Apollo Research sector at top speed
- Eliminate Skav pirates
Employer: GalSpan
Do as the 1st objective says. You will see, that there are 9 Mantas, as well as
2 Cutlasses (elm. Claw) and 2 Warhammers (elm. Triumph). Destroy about 3
Mantas, send your wingman to attack Cutlasses, while you start attacking the
Warhammers immediately, because they will be downloading important codes.
Destroying the satellite will also solve problem, but you will get paid less.
After that, 3 more Mantas will arrive. Destroy any remaining hostiles and get
back to base.
Payment: 17175 Cr. (15175 Cr., if you destroy sattelite)
New things available: /


* Magellan Shipment
Objectives:- Escort Magellan to Hera sector
Employer: Alpha Control
My suggestion is that you equip yourself with Remote Sappers. Fly to Industrial
sector. See that 6 Piranhas (elm. Jade and Amber)? They will attack the
Magellan convoy. Proceed to the element Jade, match speed with Jade 2 and
launch a Remote Sapper on it, the another one on Jade 3. When they will start
attacking, activate Remotes and at least one Piranha will be vaporised, while
other two will be heavy damaged. If you fail, don`t worry. Just kill them.
Order your wingman to take those two, while take a sudden and deadly action
against all Piranhas in element Amber, when they will be still relatively close
to each other. And ignore Leon`s ship. He is just a coward and will run away
from you and escape trough Alpha TCG. Don`t worry: his time will come. When the
coast is clear, go to Hera sector, wait little and get back to starbase.
Payment: 5425 Cr.
New thing available:
- New hardware: Combat Scanner (l.a. Alpha, Olympus and Hellas
starbase; is actually already at Alpha, Deep Fringe Array, New Wegas, Liberty
and Freedom starbases)


* The Messenger
Objectives:- Proceed to Hajod`s Barony sector
- Land on platform and deliver message to Baron Hajod
Employer: baroness Onrald
Got to the Hajod`s Barony. When you arrive there, do the same, as you did in
mission Strafing Run: destroy all WPs. The only difference is, that there will
be 3 gun platforms more. After you play the message and Hajod gets hysterical
and angry leave or destroy his patrol, consisting of 4 Baraccuda Protectors
(elm. Monarch). Return to starbase then.
Payment: 9000 Cr. (originaly 8400 Cr. but was increased due to the high risks)
New things available: /

* (NW) Arena Tier 2
Objectives:- Enter Fenris Arena
- Defeat all challengers
Employer: Fenris Arena
Your opponents in Tier 2 will be Blood Clan pirates. Get to the Fenris Arena
and defeat 5 Shrikes there (elm. Wight and Weevil; the last one doesn`t belong
to any of these). Then return to base.
Payment: 2500 Cr.
New things available: /

* (NW) The Posse
Objectives:- Head to Antlantic Casino in this sector
- Teach Skav pirates a lesson
Employer: Atlantic Casino
Looks like the pirates have been blackmailing the casino and you have to teach
them a lesson. And that includes killing them. Proceed to this casino along
with friendly independent star pilots and you will soon encounter 9 Mantas
(elm. Locust, Dragonfly and Aphid), that will try to attack the luxury liner.
Shoot down first the element Dragonfly and then take care of the rest. When
you`r done, retun to base.
Payment: 8925 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: Shield Reserves (l.a. Alpha, New Vegas,
Olympus and Hellas starbases)
- New weapon: Chatter cannon (l.a. New Vegas starbase)

* (NW) Arena Gambit - Malkar`s Champion
Objectives:- Proceed to Fenris Arena
- Eliminate Onrald`s champions
Employer: baron Malkar
Apparently, Malkar and Onrald had some serious quarreling and they decide, to
put an end of this with gladiatorial combat. And you will be part of it. When
you arrive there and the battle commences, destroy first the 4 mines, that are
shooting Pulsar L. and then destroy the second champion, because Vladimir
Graczyk will be little harder to defeat. Anyway, when you`r done, return to
New things available:
- New hardware: Boosters (will be included in your inventory and
will not be all time, so if you sell it you won`t have access to it, until the
Bora grants you access to it)

* (NW) Arena Gambit - Onrald`s Champion
Objectives:- Proceed to Fenris Arena
- Eliminate Malkar`s champions
Employer: baroness Onrald
Apparently, Malkar and Onrald had some serious quarrelling and they decide, to
put an end of this with gladiatorial combat. And you will be part of it. When
you arrive there and the battle commences, destroy first the 4 mines, that are
shooting Pulsar L. and then destroy the second champion, because Cezar Cotta
will be little harder to defeat. Anyway, when you`r done, return to base.
Payment: 2450 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: Smart Shields (will be included in your inventory
and will not be all time, so if you sell it you won`t have access to it, until
the Bora grants you acces to it)

!!!!!Important note: Since you have distrupted his efforts to retreive
something important from Bora, the fact that he is GalSpan`s hater and
strategically looked (GalSpan ships are more elegant, can take enemies from
long ranges with their guided missile and torpedos, are quite fast but need
something to quickly control their front and rear shields and you will have to
wait a long time for access to this kind of prize (Booster)), I always fought
for Malkar. But it`s your decision.

* Hajod`s Bargain
Objectives:- meet with baron Hajod
- Retreive technology sample
- Special Note: It is recommended that you equip yourself with Tesla
EMP Missiles.
Employer: GalSpan
Go to Arena sector. He will order you to go to Onrald`s Barony. Ignore the
pirate ships, that you will meet on the way. When you arrive there, destroy all
Flares (elm. Amitie, Shrewd, Confiance, Libre) and leave the element Valor.
When you do this, then destroy Alexander`s guard and disable his ship. After
the baron will see this and will be happy, that he finally kidnapped Onrald`s
son, return to base. But before you return, close to Persephone to receive
distress call. You may also have fun and destroy all pirate ships. But it isn`t
Payment: 13125 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: Fog Radar (l.a. Alpha, New Vegas and Deep Fringe
Array starbases) and Radiation Screen
- NEW REGIONAL PASS: Frontier-Twilight

* (NW) Arena Tier 3
Objectives:- Enter Fenris Arena
- Defeat all challengers
Employer: Fenris Arena
You will be facing Bloodies again. There will be 6 Nighthawks to destroy (elm.
Boa, Beetle and Banshee). I suggest taking out element Banshee, because it will
be the most close to you. But decision is yours. Return to base, after you`r
Payment: 5000 Cr.
New things available: /

* (NW) Arena Tier 4
Objectives:- Enter Fenris Arena
- Defeat all challengers
Employer: Fenris Arena
You will be facing Skavs this time. There will be 6 Mantas to destroy (elm.
Wyrm, Wraith and two don`t belong to either). I suggest taking out element Wyrm
or Wraith, then destroy the two lonely Mantas. This way, either Wyrm or Wraith
element will be completely without support and they will be much easier to
defeat. Return to base, after you`r done.
Payment: 10000 Cr.
New things available: /


* Color Of The Nose
Objectives:- Proceed to Arteris Fleet Array
- Avoid contact with frigate Demeter
- Deliver report to the carrier Aquila
Employer: GalSpan
Take A.J. Fresh with you. Well, it looks like the captain Martines was
continually abusing corporate laws. And they decided to fire him. When you get
out of the base, you will see his frigate and the TCGs will be closed. If you
took Freh, he will talk with him very politely and he will open the gates. If
you don`t take him, he will open the gates, but will also send you his >>
escort <<. Of course the will turn hostile, when you arrive in Arteris sector.
But the carrier will take care of them. Anyway, dock with Aquila, return to
Olympus sector, destroy frigate`s PP and you`r done.
Payment: 16125 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: Afterburner Reserves (l.a. all starbases)

* The Review
Objectives:- Escort shuttles to Ceriphilon product facility
Employer: GalSpan
Equip yourself with Sunspot Missiles. 3 members of the Board of Directors want
to see, how the company is progressing. Waste of your time, you would think.
But you will see, that a Bora carrier will jump in and a lot of Daggers will
start coming out. Take them out with Sunspot missiles. If you run out of ammo,
use lasers. After they are dead, the carrier will jump out, the shuttles will
jump safely to Prometheus sector and you will be done afterwards.
Payment: 16125 Cr.
New things available:
- NEW WINGMAN: Bradford Brixx

* (NW) Final Payment
Objectives:- Usher Void pirates back to Frontier
Employer: GalSpan
Escort 6 Void pirates (elm. Boa and Cobra) to Ceriphilon sector. After some
time, they will want a freighter of credits or you will be dead. How pitiful.
Destroy them all to mantain corporate security and return to base.
Payment: 16125 Cr.
New things available: /


* Drone Abduction
Objectives:- Proceed to Cassitor`s production facility
- Disable worker drone
- Capture it and return to base
Employer: GalSpan
Head to Swarm sector, blow up 7 defense drones. One will be neutral to you, so
ignore him. Jump to Silicon Hive. Destroy one of the comm antennas. That will
disable the security chips of three adv. drones as well. Pick one drone up
(elm. Strain Chi) and return to base. You can also destroy all drones in
Silicon Hive and Swarm sectors, if you really want to.
Payment: 15785 Cr.
New things available:
- New weapon: Helios rocket (l.a. Olympus and Hellas starbases)
- NEW WINGMAN: JASPer 1000 Series
- NEW REGIONAL PASS: Twilight-Ripstar

* Lost To The Fog
Objectives:- Proceed with caution to Swarm sector
- Investigate distress call
Employer: League Of Scientists
Go to Swarm sector. There, you will encounter science vessels, Michelson and
Morley, under attack by combat drones. There are about 12 of them, but I
suggest you destroy first the elements, where 3 drones are in group ( Strain
Lambda, Strain Kappa and Strain Pi). After that, shoot down the rest of them
(elm. Strain Psi and Strain Mu). When the vessels escape, you can leave or
destroy some more drones or just escape. Just concentrate on the element Strain
Zeta, who has 3 drones and then destroy or leave elements Strain Xi, Strain Rho
and Strain Upsilon, each of them having 2 drones.
Payment: 6750 Cr.
New things available:
- NEW WINGMAN: Bradford Brixx


* Arena Tier 5
Objectives:- Enter Fenris Arena
- Defeat all challengers
Employer: Fenris Arena
This is it. The final battle for Arena Grand Championship title. You will be
facing Cinder Mercs again, who are more than willing to preserve their title.
Enter Fenris Arena and defeat 4 Gars (elm. Caelum and Cancer) and show them,
what you are capable of. When the battle is over, return home.
Payment: 25000 Cr.
New things available: /

* Freedom And Humiliation
Objectives:- Head to Slaver Space
- Protect slave vessels escaping to New Vegas
Go to Slaver Space and quickly disable all turrets on that station. While you
will be talking with escaping slavers, destroy 4 Midges (elm. Discipline) and
then 3 Baraccudas, that will show up. After the 6 shuttles (elm. Tyrant) will
take off and will be escaping, ambush the 2 Baraccudas (elm. Punisher) and wait
until all shuttles jump to safety. Get back to New Vegas sector, wait a little
time and dock with starbase.
Payment: 12285 Cr.
New things available: /

* Arena Bonus Round
Objectives:- Enter Fenris Arena
- Defeat all challengers
Employer: Fenris Arena
Looks like baron Hajod doesn`t like to see you as the champion. He used the
Royal Upset rule and you will have to fight again for it. Go to Fenris Arena
and defeat 4 Demons (elm. Envy and Elite). After you`ve beaten them, you can
congratulate yourself, that you are still the best and that you have humiliated
that baron.
Payment: 50000 Cr.
New things available: /

* The Bounty
Objective:- Bring in Redship Rory or information on his whereabouts
Employer: Star Patrol
Go to Fenris Arena sector, destroy 4 Shrikes (elm. Lust) there and proceed to
Fury sector. Shoot and kill one of the 4 Shrikes (elm. Pestilence). The best
would be if you destroy Pestilence 1. Then, you can return home or deal with
the rest of 3 Shrikes.
Payment: 3000 Cr.
New things available:
- NEW WINGMAN: The Demon

* Rescue Persephone.
Objective:- Head to Fury sector
- Deliver energy core to cruiser Persephone
- Defend Persephone as it escapes from Blood Clan pirates
Employer: GalSpan
Go to Fury sector, destroy 4 Shrikes (elm. Envy) and dock with Persephone to
deliver fresh energy core. Undock fro the cruiser and the real fun will begin.
8 Nighthawks (elm. Gluttony and Contempt) will arrive. Destroy them as many as
possible and try to shoot down their bombs. Some time later, 7 Shrikes (elm.
Disdain and Plague) will arrive. In that time, the turrets of cruiser should
begin to function, so you won`t have so many problems with pirates. Kill the
rest of them and escort the cruiser back to base.
Payment: 17955 Cr.
New things available: /


* The Rory Sting
Objective:- Escort freighter Galluran to Independence base
- Alert Star Patrol when pirates attack
- Protect Galluran as Star Patrol capture Redship Rory
- Special Note: It is recommended that you equip yourself with EMP
Employer: Star Patrol
Go to Scrap Yards sector. Wait for some time and 3 Shrikes (elm. Famine) will
show up. Destroy them as quickly as possible, because another 3 Shrikes (elm.
Contempt) will arrive and start attacking the freighter. Eradicate this element
an then order your wigman to attack second Nighthawk (elm. Envy), while you
destroy Rory`s shields. When you do this, select EMP Projector and shoot him,
until his ship is disabled. After Star patrol shows up, you are free to go.
Payment: 12000 Cr.
New things available: /


* Fleet Battle
Objectives:- Proceed to Ripping Fields
- Report to commander Young for battlefield assignment
Employer: GalSpan
I suggest that you equip yourself with Helios rockets and Solaris torpedo and
make sure, that your ship is bomber or at least heavy assault fighter. When you
arrive in Ripping Fields, friendly cruiser Pyxis will already deal with the
Bora carrier Gallant. Immediately proceed to the destroyer Fortutide, find it`s
WP and destroy it and then help blowing that ship to pieces. After that, about
8 Claymores (elm. Jackhammer and Insurrection) will arrive to attack Pyxis.
Destroy those bombers and the Pyxis will jump out. Help destroying the
remaining Bora fighters and return to base.
Payment: 25725 Cr.
New things available: /

* Saving Spike
Objectives:- Head to Ripping Fields
- Rescue minelayer Cobalt Spike
Employer: Cinder Station
Do as the first objective says. Then intercept and destroy 4 Piranhas (elm.
Diamond) as well as the man behind this mess, a merc named Leon (his ship is
Gar). But Leon will manage to escape. Escort Cobalt Spike to Canopus Research
sector and destroy first the 2 nearness Piranhas (elm. Quartz and Opal) and
then 3 other ones (elm. Emerald). Order your wingman to distract Leon in the
meantime and when you have finished with Piranhas, annihilate his ship and send
him to hell. After you take care of every enemy, wait until he jumps to your
base. You`r done afterwards.
Payment: 5920 Cr.
New things available: /

* The Identity Game
Objectives:- Proceed to Mercenary sector
- Identify undercover contract
- Escort data back to base
Employer: GalSpan
Finnaly a mission, which requires some intelligence to use instead of guns. Fly
to Mercenary sector. You will have a long talk between Cinder Mercs and the
spies. There are three of them: Obsidian in Mace fighter, Greyhound in
Warhammer fighter and Quasar in Battleaxe. But only Quasar is the real; the
other two are Bora counter-agents. Pick up her crate, destroy or just shoot the
other two, but anyway, Cinder Mercs will deal with them. When you arrive in
Draconis sector, concentrate on destroying the 4 Maces (elm. Amethyst) and then
finnish off the 4 Daggers (elm. Cobalt). Return to base.
Payment: 22750 Cr.
New things available: /


* A Bank Without Money
Objectives:- Rendezvous with destroyers in Dusk sector
- Protect destroyers from Demon pirates
- Special Note: It is recommended, that you equip yourself with Fog
Radar card.
Employer: GalSpan
Go to Dusk sector and rendezvous first with friendly Archangels (elm. Pisces).
Fly to the 3 buoys to reprogram them. Also, take out every Demon you see: ther
will be around 7 of them (elm. Specter, Spook and Banshee). When destroyers
jump in, 4 Demons more will show up (elm. Wisp). Because of fog, destroyer
Hydras will collide with the base and will blow up. There is nothing you can do
about it. When Cerberus picks the generator and jumps out, be so nice and
protect those Archangels against 3 Demons (elm. Lurker). After they leave, 3
Demons more will show up (elm. Phantom). Leave or destroy them. Return to
Payment: 15750 Cr.
New things available:
- New hardware: Boosters (l.a. all starbases)
- New weapon: Adv. Blast torpedo (l.a. Olympus and Hellas
- NEW WINGMAN: Bernardo


* The Final Plan Unveiled
Objectives:- Proceed immediately to Hephaestus sector
- Protect mining platform at all costs
Employer: GalSpan
The last and most important mission for you. Fly tho Hephaestus sector and
await for Bora assault. Order you wingman to attack any kind of fighter and
take care of every smaller vessel that comes into your range. Don`t worry about
enemy frigate Courageous: a friendly cruiser Lazarus will gun him down. When
everyone is dead, go to Liberty starbase and land on the docking pad. In
Ripping Fields, you will also meet 3 enemy Battleaxes (elm. Claw). Destroy them
as well. Anyway, when you undock from station, the base defenses will destroy
friendly cruiser Cassiopea. Time for plan B: go to Zeus in Draconis sector and
land with it. But you will have to evade incoming Bora force, the remainders of
the assault: 2 Maces (elm. Catapult), 4 Battleaxes (elm. Morning Star) and a
destroyer Integrity. Shoot down those fighters or just leave them. In next
sector, you will see another 4 Maces (elm. Sword and Valor) as well as 2
Warhammers (elm. Maul). Destroy them all. If you have bomber and good
ordinance, you can return back to Liberty sector and destroy Integrity, because
it will stop patrolling and moving around. Anyway, when you arrive in Draconis,
annihilate every enemy, dock with Zeus and that`s it. Mission accomplished.

Congratulations on completing campaign of GalSpan side!
Payment: 46025 Cr.
New things available: /

11)FAQ, misc information, general and multiplayer tips
Note: Q - question; A - answer

1.)Q: Why are there constant crashes; the game has frozen; my ship blew up?!
A: The most logical answer to this problem is, that you have a bad graphic
card. NovaLogic has created a very adv. graphics for this game and some years
ago, there were only few really good graphics cards, that could support this
kind of graphics. However, nowadays there shouldn`t be no more problems,
because there is a big chance, that you have already a good card. Another
option may be to turn down your gamma to 1.1 to 1.3 level. It is also
recommended, to play the game in software mode and not in the hardware mode.
Downloading newest patch may also solve the problem.

2.)Q: How can I change to software mode?
A: Open up your Tachyon.cfg file with WordPad and under the
[VIDEO] section, change USE_HARDWARE=1 to USE_HARDWARE=0, then
save the file.

3.)Q: Which graphics cards does this game support?
A: All major 3D cards, that are supported with Direct 3D,
including 3dfx VOODOO II & III, RIVA TNT I & II, ATI RAGE FURY and

4.)Q: Which side should I join? Bora or GalSpan?
A: There are many answers to this question, but generally, it goes like
this: if you want to be bad and have a lot of money, join the GalSpan. If you
want to be good and have some more friends and allies thorough The Fringe, then
join the Bora. This choice can also depend, what ships or weapon do you like
more, which character do you like more etc.

5.)Q: I don`t know, which ship should I take!
A: The first limitation is your money: some ships cost surprisingly low
while other very high. The next thing is, what you like doing in space: blowing
the big ships and relying on your piloting skills or escort for survival or
hunting down and killing other fighters and bombers as well as protecting
capital ships. I suggest that you take your time and think what suits you the
best, because that will affect your campaign for a long time.

6.)Q: There are so many weapons, that I don`t know, which one would I mount on
my ship!
A: First off, you must question yourself, if you like barbaric fights, were
firepower is everything or if you are a clever tactician, who can turn
seemingly ineffective and low power weapons to deadly ones. If you like the
first option, then choose weapons like missiles, rockets, Railgun, powerful
torpedos. . .in short, something that really kills. If you like the second one,
then choose weapons like Corona Device, sappers, Tesla EMP missile, EMP
Projector. . .well, weapons that don`t directly kill and require some more
skills and patience, but their effect will pay off, even if you have weak
The second question is, if you prefer bomber (heavy, slow and powerful
weapons, more ammo) or fighter (somewhat light, fast weapons and less ammo) and
also what type of it: for example if you will fly heavy bomber, it means, that
you will have ability to put really destructible weapons and weapons, that will
serve you well in battles against the fighters; if you will fly multirole
bomber, it means that you will have more speed, will not be able to mount so
many heavy weapons, so you will need to think, how to best equip your bomber
for fight against the capital ship.
After all, those 2 questions are even not necessary, if you like some weapons
and you are skilled at them: of course it is good to know other weapons, but
sometimes, it is not good to try right away. Learn step by step.

7.)Q: I`m totaly confused from those system upgrade for ship? Which one to take
A: There are 4 basic upgrades, that have to be present on any kind of ship:
Lead Target Assistant, Combat Scanner, Afterburner and A.Reserves. The first
two will give you basic information about other ship, which is quite important
and the last two give you speed, which is quite essential for survival and
conquering the others. Besides, the empty slot, where you will give the
A.Reserves, is only reserved for this upgrade.
The next upgrades are somewhat connected with your style of flying and ship:
for brutal fighting more energy reserves, for clever tactics jammers, special
radars etc.; for bombers more defensive upgrades, such as Lock-On Defense and
for fighters more offense upgrades, such as Aim-Point Module or Tracking

8.)Q: I have read your FAQ, but I still didn`t find the information, that I am
looking for!
A: Try finding it at the following websites:
- http://www.novalogic.co.uk - NovaLogic
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyon:_The_Fringe - basic information about
the game
- http://www.novalogic.com/games.asp?GameKey=TTF - OFFICIAL SITE
- http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/tachyon-the-fringe - GameSpy source of information

9.)Q: Who the heck are you?
A: I`m a hardcore FPS gamer, that has been on GameFAQs for a little while.

10.)Q: Will you make more FAQs? And for what games?
A: Certainly. Expect FAQs for the games like Half-Life 2, DOOM 3,. . .in
short, for FPS. But I will also try to make some of them for space-simulations
and RTS games.
Note:- moderate to massive spoilers

(SMC) Jovian Planets Robotics Inc. Was founded in 2385. It is the leading
developer and manufacturer of robotic pilot programs.

The reason for all tragedy in the Twilight region was dr. Randal Cassitor. He
was actually the former member of League of Scientist, but they suspended him,
because he was performing an illegal experiments on the humans. He escaped to
Twilight region and established his own research station and shipyards. Then he
began to his twisted and evil experiments on all unsuspecting scientist,
visitors, and even pirates. Thus the Demon Pirates emerged. Now having an army
of these psychos, he somewhat managed to order them to attack the Deep Fringe
Array starbase, despite their hostility towards the doctor.

GalSpan was behind the destruction of Halley Research station. They infected
the station with deadly virus and when they realized, that Biolith discovered
that GalSpan was somehow connected with this mess, they sent their cleaning
solution: the medical shuttle Agrosso 149, which actually had bomb aboard.
That`s way your ship`s scanner could recognize the Agrosso cargo: it was
unknown. Naturally, shielded from scanners. Also, even if that area was
supposed to be quarantined, someone was leaving trough Hub MTCG, right after
you and the Agrosso showed up. Any you was then the guilty donkey.

Tachyon-Coil generator Gates allows smaller ships to travel long distances.
Without them and the travel they allow, there will be no colonization of other
parts of galaxy.
Adv. designs of gate are powered by a specific type of singularity, ripstar,
which is used to form a warp in space. This allows a space ship to catch a ride
on a faster-than-light wave and instantly travel long distances. The wave is
made up by tachyons, which are sub-atomic particles, that can never slow below
the speed of light.
For enormous distances, such as between regions, a more powerful gates are
required: the mega Tachyon-Coil generator Gates, but not all ships have acces
to it. Capital ships and other larger vessels have their own interal TCG,
called Tachyon drive. Those drives are far too massive for mount on smaller
ships plus they need a lot of energy and time to activate. The ships also relly
on nearby TCG for proper guidance.

In Far Space sector, in Twilight region, ther are many crstals there. The least
worth is Garnet (red colored), then Citrine (yellow c.), next is Berly (green
c.), another is Covelline (blue c.), one of the most important is Tanzinite
(purple c.) and the last, rare as well the most precious is Opaline (bright,
glowing crystal, white c.).

The freighters in mission Picking The Stone (GalSpan side), were carrying:
- Traveler: side-arms
- Burrow: singularity containment device
- Exploration: robotic equipment
- Hope: electronic components
- Victory: refined metals
- Promise: deuterium fuel cells
- Inspiration: life-support equipment
- Exemption: carbon composites
- Pilgrim: reprocessed scrap metal
- Camel 47: water ice

The codes for mega TCGs are as follows:
Hub-Frontier: H/F-006-001
Hub-Bora: H/B-003-003
Hub-Galspan: H/G-008-001
Frontier-Hub: F/H-001-006
Frontier-Bora: F/B-001-003
Frontier-Twilight: F/T-006-002
Twilight-Frontier: T/F-002-006
Twilight-Ripstar: T/R-006-008
Galspan-Hub: G/H-001-008
Galspan-Ripstar: G/R-006-008
Bora-Hub: B/H-003-003
Bora-Frontier: B/F-003-001
Bora-Ripstar: B/R-008-001
Ripstar-Bora: R/B-001-008
Ripstar-Twilight: R/T-008-006
You can also see those codes on the contract picture (left upper corner). Those
codes are here just for information and will not help you cheating. As you can
see, the 6 number codes and starting letter only change their place, i.e. Hub-
Frontier code H/F-006-001 And Frontier-Hub is just the opposite, F/H-001-006.
Also, the irony is, that if you would like to go to Galspan region, you would
only need put the same number code as for Bora-Ripstar and change the letter
B/R with H/G and you would have direct access, even if you would be Bora! But
who would know that. . .

USG is composed by three branches: the first and social branch is The Ministry
of Peace And Wellbeing and is responsible for socio-economic stability of all
USG territories as well as attends the needs of law-abiding citizens; the
second and enforcement branch is Star Patrol: information about it can be found
in Factions sector; the third, judicial branch is Tribunal, that hands out
punishment to lawbreakers caught by Star Patrol: the most egregious cases are
taken by High Tribunal, which has ability to hand out sever punishments, like
permanent exile from Sol space and highly controversial genetic recombination.

In mission The Identity Game (GalSpan side), I said that Quasar was the real
agent. How did I found that out? And why she? Simple. Greyhound says, that he
reports straight to director Atkins. But the spy was supposed to be agent of
Mrs. Bales (your job coordinator). So he fell into a trap. What about Obsidian?
He reports to >> Trish <<. Quasar also. But there are two things, that are
wrong about Obsidian. First, only you call Mrs. Bales so and he speaks in free
style, while Quasar speaks strict and sounds as a real corporate employer.
That`s why Quasar is the real agent.
Also, do you remember the satellite, that was under the Canopus station? It`s
a trap. If you shoot it and destroy it, another satellite will apear about 30km
away from station. If you also destroy it, about 6 satellites will appear about
20km further away from you. Nothing serious, you would think. But if you
destroy any of that 6 satellites, two Bora cruisers will show up. Your only
chance is then, to run. But my opinion is to just avoid that, because some
could get panic and could actually die there pretty quick. This also proves,
how valuable, important and sensible is that information about Susan Bradley.


- learn to use every single weapon(!), because ever single one has its own use
- sappers can drain energy from key systems, but are hard to master
- torpedos are slow and cost a lot of energy but have deadly effect
- the difference between guided missiles and unguided rockets is, that you get
more rockets and less missiles and that missiles can be evaded via the
countermeasures, but are in general more powerful than rockets
- learn well the transfer system: it can save you a life
- master the slide maneuver: if you are using the A., use slide maneuver and
you will continue heading with the same speed with no cost of energy, but in
same direction; useful for many tactical moves
- it is good to know, how to use the reserve trust and match speed features,
especially when you are using Tractor Wave weapon
- don`t underestimate the special weapons: they can be very helpful in their
own way
- always watch your afterburner, shield and weapon energy reserves
- be careful, when selling things back: it can greatly increase your money but
buying them again can cost you more
- take your time and explore every area - you may find interesting things lying
around the starbases and asteroid fields
- TNS news are a great source of information about everything
- Galactic Map can help you with your strategy
- prioritize your enemy, based on their danger and importance
- be sure to use the right weapon in the combat: some weapons good against the
the hull, other against the shields, few of them affect only electronic systems
of the ship or just have gravity effect on the ship
- capital ship`s turrets can make a rain of lasers and may look, that it is
impossible to destroy it, but is actually very easy: unlike in other space
simulations (i.e. Freespace 2), just one turret was very dangerous, but fired
slower; in this game, those turrets fire very fast, there are many of them but
the laser bolts move slow and the power isn`t very high and all tend to
concentrate on one or 2 fighters: there for just two fighters or bombers, who
are fast, can make complete chaos with their defense, so it becomes very
- another weak points of capital ships are various powerplants, that aren`t
even shielded: for instance, destroy all powerplants and their engines will be
dead; destroy a WP and turrets will be disabled; destroy a SG and shields will
stop functioning
- starbases, gun platforms and stations have turrets and WPs, that are heavily
shielded (they also don`t have outer SG) and can`t be destroyed; but I have
noticed, that if you shoot the turret several times, it will stop shooting,
like it was disabled: I don`t know if this is glitch or is a result of an
impact between lasers and turret`s shield field, but it definitely works
- with chaining your primary and secondary weapon ans well as linking firing
mounts for primary weapons or for secondary weapons, you can give your enemy
deadly strikes
- it may sound barbaric, but ramming into others can be an effective
>> weapon << against others; but use this, if you are really in hurry to
destroy someone or the enemy is just a simple drone and make sure, you got your
shields recharged: there is no mild damage, such as in Wing Commander: Prophecy
- a few collides and you are dead (quite realistic)


Arena match:- before fighting, choose a ship, that you like the most and equip
it with weapons, that you master
- conserve your ammo and make every shot count, if possible
- operating like pirate will get your score high: wait in some
quiet and secret places and pick your enemies from afar or quickly vaporize
damaged and weak ships
- you have probably seen some colored holograms in space:
that are power-ups:
- the green one, that looks like a ball, will restore some
shields energy
- the yellow one will restore some afterburner power
- purely red, that looks like a cannon will restore some
weapons energy
- the blue one will repair some damaged hull
- red, that looks like a crate, will restore all sappers
- red with rocket look will restore all rockets
- red with whit sleek and missile look will restore all
- the red one, that is most sleek and looks like pipe will
restore Chatter Cannon ammo
- the green one, that has a look of nuclear warning sign will
restore partial energy to all three energy systems
- the red-orange one, star like hologram will restore all
energy systems to full
- never fly out with guns blazing: you will be vaporized pretty
- always make judgement, what is better: power or stealth: the ship
that has a lot of weapons will kill a lot of other ones but will certainly make
attention and the one that is silent, will kill others with guided, long range
or otherwise weapons, one by one and will not make attention; however, both
ways have their pros and cons

Base wars:- communicating with others, forming elements and developing strategy
with others can make your team very powerful
- every crystal or kill is precious for base: the more powerplants,
the higher level and with it, better hardware and weapons
- take note, that in higher levels, base defenses will begin to
function and you will get mines around the base for protection as well as
capital ships for support
- the higher your rank, the better bonuses (i.e. better hull
strength, energy recharge rate etc.)
- you gain more credits and experience by killing higher ranked
opponents; killing the lower ones will get you less credits and experience
- when your base reaches level 10, the other team`s life support
generator will become vulnerable to Helios rockets

Note:- * = indicates, that this secret is(are) a crate(s)
- $ = indicates, that this secret is a place, where to deliver a crate or
something else, that will give you some credits

Below are the payments for crates, that contain supplies, equipment etc.:

Food supplies - 700 Cr.
Medical supplies - 550 Cr.
Contraband (Illegal chemical compounds, weaponry systems or narcotic) - 850 Cr.
Lost artwork - 1000 Cr.
Mining equipment (GalSpan only) - 650 Cr.
Trade goods - 200 Cr.
Spare parts - 300 Cr.


$ When you accomplish all objectives in the Security Breach mission, fly to
Luna sector, wait and shoot down the shields of the light freighter Ontario,
when the shipyards control will request an emergency. You will get some money
for this.

$ The New Zurich orbital station in Earth sector will accept all trading goods.

* You will have your first cargo (trade goods) already in your possession. When
flying any of the missions in Sol region, go to Earth sector and land on the
landing pad of the New Zurich Orbital Station. They will pay you 200 Cr.

* Another cargo of trade goods is located in Ganymede sector. To find it
easily, go to the landing pad, turn for 180 degree and fly in narrow way into
the asteroid field. The crate should appear in your radar as a green dot. It is
landed on one asteroid. Deliver it to the station in Earth sector and they will
pay you 200 Cr. Information about this cargo can also be found in TNS news.

* The 3dh cargo is located in the centre of the station in Ganymede sector; to
be more specific, in the upper metal column of the station. It will fench you
100 Cr.


$ Crates with Spare parts cargo should be taken to Drake Station in the
Industrial sector.

* When you get out of Alpha starbase, turn left and look for the upper landing
pads. Now fly to the landing pad, that is the most right of your view. You will
find a crate with food supplies.

* In the Star Patrol Outpost sector, fly to the downside of the station. Near
the closed hangar door, there is a crate of medical supplies. Available only to

* When flying Hospital Emergency mission, there is a crate at the end of the
asteroid field in the direction, where the medical frigate was heading.

* In the Scrap Yards sector, go to the middle of the station. Near you, there
will be a crate with 250 Cr.


$ When flying Sour Colony mission, be sure to take Nolt with you and you will
receive a bonus along with the pay for the successful convincement.

* In the Poranis Nebula sector, search the station for docking yards. Search
each of them and you will eventually find a crate of Spare parts.

* In the Haven sector, fly to mining colony, just behind the TCG. On the each
of two docking pads, there will be a crate with food supplies.


$ Apollo research station will accept the superior Bora mining equipment for
research purposes.

* In Nereus sector, search the outer part of station and you will find a crate
containing food supplies.

* In Arteris sector, go to that array and you will find a crate with 5oo Cr.
near it`s centre.

* In Ceriphillon Production sector, fly to the centre of left production
facility. There will be a crate floating near the facility, containing spare

* Again in Ceriphilon Production sector, fly to the right facility and search
in the same place, as you would for the left one. A crate will be there with
spare parts.

* In Prometheus Production sector, go to the end of facility, near the small
tower. There will be a crate with mining equipment.


$ In the Dark Sector, there is a merchant ship of Arman Patrioli, that is
trading with illegal things. He will accept any kind of contrabands: from
illegal chemical compounds and weaponry systems to illegal narcotics.

$ When flying Illicit Pickup mission, be sure that you pick up also the
contraband crate, that contains surveillance equipment and at the end of the
mission, EW Jammer will become for you.

$ When flying A Matter Of Virtue mission, be sure to rescue the police officer
and you will get some more credits. Available to Bora only.

$ When flying The Messenger mission, just complete mission and you will receive
higher pay from baroness Onrald for the risk of life.

$ When flying The Posse mission, be the first to destroy the 3 Skavs and you
will receive 100 Cr. more. This is actually a bet with other independent star

$ Baron Malkar will accept all lost artwork on his station in Malkar`s Barony

* In Onrald`s Barony, in the outer side of the junkyard, there are two crates:
one containing Illegal chemical compounds and the other Lost artwork.

* When in Fury sector, get close to the base. Disable all turrets and look for
the other space hotel, in the lower section, where crafts are landing: there
will be a crate with Illegal narcotic.

* Again, when you are in Fury sector, look for the first space hotel in it`s
rooftop. There will be 5 crates, landed on the rooftop, each containing 100 Cr.

* Go to the Atlantic Casino and look for the farthest space hotel there. Fly
close to it and you will soon find a crate, containing 777 Cr. (slot machine

* Go to the Venture station and proceed to the active landing pad on station.
Near it, you will find a crate of medical supplies. Available only to Bora.

* Fly to Slave sector and directly under the base there. You will find a crate
with 13 Cr. there (is this another joke?).

* When flying Illicit Pickup missin, when you arrive in Foothold sector, don`t
turn left right away. Instead, fly directly into the asteroid field, that is in
front of you. You will find a crate, containing mining equipment. Available
only to GalSpan.

* In the Hajod Barony sector, fly to the lower and outer section of the station
and you will see a crate with lost artwork.


$ When flying The Sightseer mission, destroy as many Demons as you can, when
the luxury liner is near you and they will give you a bonus for spectacular
battle with Demons.

* When you just start mission, fly immediately to the left and search for the
broken part of the base. You will also see a derelict cruiser. Get close to it
and in it`s wreckage, you will see a crate with 5000 Cr.

* When on Silicon Hive sector, search every docking pad there. On one of them,
there will be a crate with spare parts.

* When in Dusk sector, go to the centre of station and you will find a crate
containing illegal chemical compounds.

* In Cassitor Station sector, fly to the upper half-sphere. Near it, you will
find a crate with lost artwork.


$ Cinder Station in Mercenary sector will accept any cargo with food supplies.
Just dock on their upper and active docking pad.

* In Mercenary sector, go to the centre of the base. Somewhere near the docking
pads, there will be a crate with illegal weaponry systems.

* Again in Mercenary sector, fly to opposite end of the station and you will
find a crate of lost art work.

* When you are in Draconis sector, go to the active landing pad on station and
the fly to the opposite landing pad, which is inactive. Fly about 6km in
direct line away from station and you will find a crate, containing 1000 Cr.


First off, I would like to thanks NovaLogic, for creating this amazing space

I also thank GameFAQs for hosting this FAQ.

14)Copyright information

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited. If anyone sees
a violation of copyright, report this at my e-mail: maxdemobster@email.si , and
I will take then a legal action against that violaters. If you want to host
this FAQ, also e-mail me. Only the GameFAQs, Neoseeker and SuperCheats,
Cheatbook,DHL.net and Cheatchannel sites are allowed to host this FAQ - the use
of this FAQ is strictly prohibited to any other website, that ALSO includes the
following website: http://www.cheatcc.com

Copyright 2006 Ales Krivic

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Engl. FAQ

17.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Octombrie 2013

14.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

02.Octombrie 2013

14.Octombrie 2013
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