12.10.2013 23:29:53
Sera's SWAT 4 Weapon Guide

Written and Copyright© by : Sera Reskel

Version : 1.1

Just incase anyone who wishes to contact me due to errors in the guide, to talk
about SWAT 4, or even a clan invitation, here be my details. ^.^

E-mail : serareskel@msn.com

SWAT 4 Name : Sera

You can catch me in Barricaded Suspect games that have max players of 14 to 16.



Version 1.1 - Spelling mistakes corrected.

Visrion 1.0 - Initial release.



1 - Introduction
2 - Primary
- Submachine Guns
- Assault Rifles
- Shotguns
- Less Lethal
3 - Secondary
- Handguns
- Less Lethal
4 - Tactical
- Grenades
- Others
5 - Breaching
6 - Protection (Multiplayer Only)
- Headgear
- Body Armor


1 - Introduction

This guide was made just because, basically, I felt like making one, but soon
after there was one thing I noticed, is that there doesnt seem to be any other
gun guides for SWAT 4 around, or even ANY guide for SWAT 4, so I decided to
make one for everyone! Just something nice to do in my rather boring spare

For every weapon I will include a rating for accuracy, stopping power, rate of
fire, and recoil.

Accuracy : How accurate the weapon is when it is fired. 1 star is worst
accuracy, 5 star is best accuracy.

Stopping power : How much damage each round can inflict on the target. 1 star
is weakest, 5 star is strongest.

Rate Of Fire : How fast the weapon fires out each round. 1 star is low rate of
fire, 5 star is high rate of fire.

Recoil : How hard the weapon knocks up and how loose the crosshair gets when
fired. 1 star is high recoil, 5 star is low recoil.


2 - Primary

These are pretty much your main weapons of course, but which one to choose is
up to you, depending on what your tactics are. Each weapon is rated overall
from one to five stars, it's attributes will also be rated just so you know
what to expect if you have never tried the weapon before.

- Submachine Guns

Submachine guns are a lightweight primary weapon that provide decent stopping
power, you carry 4 clips with all submachine guns. A key advantage when using
one is that the crosshairs tighten the fastest out of all primary weapons.

.45 SMG

Overall : ***

Accuracy : ****
Stopping Power : ****
Rate Of Fire : *
Recoil : ****

Firing Modes : Auto/Semi
Rounds Per Clip : 25

A good gun to go around with if you are shooting from mid-range, and has some
good stopping power like an assault rifle. It's major downside is it's rate of
fire, and if someone with an assalt rifle shows up right infront of you, this
gun isn't going to help much, so it is best to use this gun in an open area.

Gal Submachine Gun (Multiplayer Only)

Overall : **

Accuracy : *
Stopping Power : **
Rate Of Fire : *****
Recoil : *

Firing Modes : Auto/Semi
Rounds Per Clip : 30

I don't bother using this much, due to it's weak accuracy, but for those who
like blasting round the corner with a light weapon at close range or even
sneaking up behind someone and pumping in a few rounds, then this gun should be
enough to satisfy your needs, but whatever you do, do NOT try using this at
long range, even though the crosshairs tighten the fastest out of every primary
weapon, it's recoil is just as bad. This Weapon doesn't have a flashlight.

9mm SMG

Overall : ****

Accuracy : ****
Stopping Power : ***
Rate Of Fire : *****
Recoil : *****

Firing Modes : Burst/Semi
Rounds Per Clip : 30

This is my favorite submachine gun, it provides great accuracy, though still
doesnt match it with the assualt rifles. It's rate of fire and recoil show no
problems either, a nice overall weapon to go around with, but don't bet on
winning if someone blasts round the corner with an assault rifle, unless you
manage to headshoot him or her quickly or that he or she is injured.

Suppressed 9mm SMG

Overall : ****

Accuracy : ****
Stopping Power : **
Rate Of Fire : *****
Recoil : *****

Firing Modes : Burst/Semi
Rounds Per Clip : 30

Pretty much the same as the 9mm SMG, only this one is silenced. There is one
thing that I haven't yet figured out, but I think the silenced version has a
slightly weaker stopping power, I'll have to research on it more.

- Assault Rifles

The big guns, the door shredders, the ultimate armor piercers, the... Bleh,
glazing off again, yup, these are the only weapons then can shoot through doors
which is very useful if someone is hiding behind one, and of course have the
best stopping power at mid to long range. The crosshair tightening speed is
pretty much medium. You only get 3 clips with assault rifles.

Colt M4A1 Carbine

Overall : ****

Accuracy : *****
Stopping Power : ****
Rate Of Fire : ****
Recoil : **

Firing Modes : Auto/Semi
Rounds Per Clip : 30

This gun seems to be the most popular in most multiplayer games, because of
it's stopping power and accuracy, the problem with this though is it's rather
nasty recoil, which is pretty much the only problem with the M4, but a nice
overall weapon.

GB36 Assault Rifle

Overall : ****

Accuracy : *****
Stopping Power : ****
Rate Of Fire : ****
Recoil : ***

Firing Modes : Auto/Burst
Rounds Per Clip : 30

My favourite assault rifle, pretty much the same as the M4, but with less
recoil, and a little bit less stopping power. Can be quite popular in some
places, but if you don't care about the recoil, then stick with the M4.

AK-47 (Multiplayer Only)

Overall : ***

Accuracy : ***
Stopping Power : *****
Rate Of Fire : ***
Recoil : **

Firing Modes : Auto/Semi
Rounds Per Clip : 30

This is the assault rifle for raw power hungry shooters that care nothing about
recoil, accuracy, or rate of fire. Probably the most powerful, but everything
else about it just lets it down, even the crosshair takes forever to tighten to
get a good shot, but like I said, if you want raw power and prefer mid to close
range, then choose this gun. This Weapon doesn't have a flashlight.

- Shotguns

More raw power weapons, only these don't come in clips, only shells. The
shotguns are perfect for killing anyone at close range, but they are pretty
useless at mid to long range. Like the assault rifles, the speed of the
crosshairs to tighten is medium.

M4 Super90

Overall : ***

Accuracy : **
Stopping Power : *****
Rate Of Fire : **
Recoil : ***

Firing Modes : Semi
Rounds : 5 +25

The most powerful shotgun in the group and has the highest rate of fire. It's
downside is that it can only hold up to 5 rounds at a time, so make sure you
fill it up after every shootout to avoid getting in a mess.

Nova Pump

Overall : ***

Accuracy : **
Stopping Power : *****
Rate Of Fire : *
Recoil : ***

Firing Modes : Semi
Rounds : 8 +22

Pretty much the same as the M4 super90, only it has a less rate of fire, but
holds up to more rounds, nothing much else can be said really.

- Less Lethal

These weapons are only used for either stunning someone while others gun them
down or arrest them, or just for arresting people yourself. If you have a less
lethal primary weapon, be sure to have a secondary lethal weapon or get someone
who has lethal weapons to back you up.

Less Lethal Shotgun

Effect : Stuns for 5 - 10 seconds

Overall : ***

Accuracy : ***
Stopping Power : N/A
Rate Of Fire : *
Recoil : ***

Firing Modes : Semi
Rounds : 8 +22

The only weapon I ever used for single player mode against suspects, and it is
pretty effective in multiplayer aswell. It's downside is that it's slow rate of
fire can really be a problem in a mass shootout, so be careful where you go
around with this.

Note : Heavy Armor reduces it's effect by 1/2.


Effect : Chokes for 10 - 15 seconds

Overall : ****

Accuracy : ****
Stopping Power : N/A
Rate Of Fire : ****
Recoil : *****

Firing Modes : Semi
Rounds : 200

The pepperball is a fun weapon to use, there is almost no recoil so you'll have
no trouble keeping still when firing it rapidly, once again this is a less
lethal weapon, so be sure to have a lethal secondary weapon or someone who has
lethal weapons to back you up.

Note : Gas Mask reduces it's effect by 1/2.


3 - Secondary

The secondary weapons are pretty much your backup weapons, but you could use
them for your main weapons if you wanted to, but it is not usually recommended.

- Handguns

Handguns are your lethal backup weapons, usually when you run out of clips or
shells for your primary weapon, but as I said, you can use them as a primary
weapon if it suits you best.

9mm Handgun

Overall : ****

Accuracy : ****
Stopping Power : ***
Rate Of Fire : ****
Recoil : *****

Firing Modes : Semi
Rounds Per Clip : 17

The 9mm handgun has always been my favourite lethal weapon due to it's large
clip capacity, since I usually fire it rapidly. Pretty much the same as an 9mm
SMG, only it is a handgun and you can't fire it in bursts.

M1911 Handgun

Overall : ****

Accuracy : ****
Stopping Power : ****
Rate Of Fire : ****
Recoil : ***

Firing Modes : Semi
Rounds Per Clip : 8

A good secondary weapon, only it doesnt hold as much as the 9mm handgun, and
it's recoil is slightly higher. Like the 9mm handgun being comparable to the
9mm SMG, the M1911 is comparable to the .45 SMG, thus making it a good backup

Colt Python (Multiplayer Only)

Overall : ***

Accuracy : ****
Stopping Power : *****
Rate Of Fire : *
Recoil : ***

Firing Modes : Semi
Rounds Per Clip : 6

The most powerful handgun you can use in the field, perfect for raw power
lovers, I've gotten one hit kills by shooting the torso or head, legs and arms
take two or three shots to kill. Although it's stopping power is unmatched, it
has the slowest rate of fire out of every weapon available, so it is not that
good for someone who is bad at aiming. This Weapon doesn't have a flashlight.

- Less Lethal

There is only one weapon in the less lethal category.

Taser Stun Gun

Overall : ***

Accuracy : ***
Stopping Power : N/A
Rate Of Fire : N/A
Recoil : ***

Firing Modes : Semi
Rounds : 1 +15

A very useful weapon to carry, if you like arresting everyone, then the taser
stun gun is a must have, it tends to shock anyone you hit for around 10 to 15
seconds, enough time to clear any close threats and make sure it is all clear
to arrest. Although the taser does have some drawbacks, you have to reload on
every shot, and it is only short range.


4 - Tactical

Another load of useful items at your disposal, the selection of tactical
weapons varies from grenades to all other forms of stuff.

- Grenades


Effect : Blinds for 5 - 10 seconds

I carry about two of these grenades they're only useful when fighting against
opponents with gas masks.

Note : Helmet eliminates it's effect completely.

CS Gas

Effect : Chokes for 10 - 15 seconds

These can get extremely annoying when you're not wearing a gas mask, especially
if one of your team or an opponent throws gas near you, but can prove very
useful if you know how to use them properly, even without a gas mask.

Note : Gas Mask eliminates it's effect completely.


Effect : Stuns for 5 - 10 seconds

These are probably the most useful of grenades since nothing kills it's effect,
it also has a bonus of being able to kill anyone who is close enough to it,
however are quite annoying when you get bombarded with them.

Note : Heavy Armor reduces it's effect by 1/2.

- Others

These are just tactical items that I can't seem to fit anywhere else.

Door Wedge

This is useful if you wedge the door closed and want time to escape, however
it is not that useful for anything else. It can either be blown off by
breaching equipment or taken off with the handy toolkit.


Pretty much used for stealth reasons, you can peer around corners and under
doors with this, which can help if you want to suprise someone, but you're in
trouble if someone comes blasting round the corner.

Pepper Spray

A useful little thing to have if you want to arrest people who are close around
corners, or even sneak up behind them and spray. It has short range like the
taser, so only use it if you are really close.

Note : Gas Mask reduces it's effect by 1/2.


5 - Breaching

Breaching equipment is used for blasting doors open.

C2 Explosives (3)

These are the more forceful way of opening doors, and the added bonus, if
someone is right behind the door, it can kill them.


The shotgun can break open the door, but unlike the C2 Explosives, you can
injure or kill anyone who is behind it, best used for single player mode rather
than multiplayer.


6 - Protection (Multiplayer Only)

This is a little guide to the protection at your disposal.

- Headgear

There are two types you can go with.


Protection : *****

This is the only headgear that can protect you from being shot in the head, it
also eliminates the effects of flashbang grenades. this is a must have for
anyone who prefers heavy defense.

Gas Mask

Protection : *

The only good thing about the gas mask is that it halves the effects of
pepperspray and pepperball guns, sadly though it gives no protection for the
head, and it also limits your vision.

- Body Armor

Like the Headgear, there are two types to choose from.

Light Armor

Protection : ***
Mobility : *****

This armor is good for moving around fast, but doesn't stop heavy fire that
much, so if you like to be quick on your feet, then choose this.

Heavy Armor

Protection : *****
Mobility : ***

I prefer to use this armor. Despite it's lack of mobility to run as fast as
people in light armor, it provides great protection against heavy fire. Whoever
prefers lots and defense and doesn't care about the speed, choose this armor.


7 - Thanks

This is just the list of thanks I decided to add.

Thanks to Sierra for making a great game.

Thanks to my beloved sweetheart for pointing out a few errors.

Thanks to my SWAT 4 buddy Hunter for checking it through.
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