Peasant's Quest

Peasant's Quest

17.10.2013 07:34:25
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___________|FAQ Information|___________ _______|Game Info|______
|Title: Peasant's Quest Walkthrough | |Title: Peasant's Quest |
|Author: TripleJump | |System: Online/Web Only |
|Last Update: June 11th, 2006 | |Genre: Action/Adventure |
|Version: Final | |Players: 1 |
|Size: 46.1KB | |Release Date: 08/02/04 |
|Contact: | |Language: English |
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You may find this game at:
Please Do Not Add My Email to Contacts lists or on MSN.

|Table of Contents|

Press CTRL+F and type the Number you want to Instantly Go to that Section

|..4.Cool Stuff.............................................|004|
|..7.Point List/Non Spoiler Walkthrough.....................|007|
|..8.Map of Peasantry.......................................|008|
|..9.Frequently Asked Questions.............................|009|
|..11.What I Accept.........................................|011|
|..12.What I DONT Accept....................................|012|
|..14.Things To Look At.....................................|014|
|..15.Things To Get.........................................|015|
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000 0.Introduction | | |__ \
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YOU are Rather Dashing, a humble peasant living in the kingdom of
Peasantry. You return home from a vacation on Scalding Lake only to find that
TROGDOR THE BURNINATOR has burninated your thatched roof cottage along
with all your goods and services.
With nothing left to lose, you swear to get revenge on the
Wingaling Dragon in the name of burninated peasants everywhere.
You head east to the mountains which atop TROGDOR lives.
Thats A Nice looking Lake.
You can start playing in a second now.
Okay go for it.

Lol anyway im TripleJump and that was the opening to the Peasant's Quest.
This Is My FAQ for Peasant's Quest, the Ultimate Online Game! I hope you
enjoy it, now without further ado, here it is!
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001 1.Updates | | |__ \
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Febuary 5th, 2005
Percent Complete: 101%

: Username is changed to TripleJump. I never liked Nick34 anyway :P

September 18th, 2005
Percent Complete: 101%? o_0

: Added and Credited a correction.

August 6th, 2005
Percent Complete: 100%

: Added Game Descriptions
:: Added Cool Stuff
::: FAQ is Now Temporarily Final, updates will only occur if I receive/find
more information.

July 19th, 2005
Percent Complete: 100%

:Added more Cool Stuff
::Found out my Control F Code Chart was old, updated it
::: Added Extra Characters to make things Neater
:::: Changed Stuff at the top

May 22nd, 2005
Percent Complete: 100%
: Made the FAQ more Reader Friendly
:: Added Some Cool Stuff
::: Changed Email
:::: Now Taking Other Webmasters requests to use this FAQ.

April 30th, 2005
Percent Complete: 100%
Notes: Fixed It Up A Bit

December 21st, 2004
Percent Complete:100%
Notes: Added Some More Cool Stuff and minor corrections. Got an New email for
you, my fellow readers to use.

December 19th, 2004
Percent Complete:100%
Notes: FAQ is completed, but that doesnt mean I wont update my FAQ anymore,
you can email me and everything about a mistake or give me something to add.
Talking completed!! :):):):):):)

December 14th, 2004
Percent Complete:99.999999999999%
Notes: Added 2 new sections and such a few cool things and blah blah blah.

December 1st, 2004
Percent Complete 99.9%
Notes: Added A Few Deaths and 2 New Sections And more Questions, Made
Some Changes to the Controls. Also a Few Cool Stuff

November 14th, 2004
Percent Complete: 99.9%
Notes: I totaly revamped the Items Section and added a Quick Jump to Thing.
Who doesn't? Its in about 53232423 FAQS

August 26th, 2004
Percent complete: 99%
Notes: Added a Credit, made some ASCII art for the Headers and Title

August 25th, 2004
Percent Complete: 99%
Notes: Added a Death and some more Cool Stuff. Converted File to .TXT
to make for easier Updates.

August 10th, 2004
Percent Complete: 99%
Notes: Made the Updates Easier to understand, tweak controls a bit.

August 8th, 2004
Percent Complete: 99%
Notes: Whoops! I forgot the Copyright Information, well this is my first
FAQ afterall!

August 4th, 2004
Percent Complete: 97%
Notes: Added last parts to the walkthrough so you can get 150 out of 150

August 3rd, 2004
Percent Complete: 90%
Notes: Walkthrough, Items, Ending Complete ___
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002 2.Controls | | |__ \
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Direction Keys Move your player
+ and - Speed up and slow down your Peasant
Type things to get stuff ex: ,



These Controls Are Kinda Sad, i know :(, but there isnt much to do in
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003 3.Walkthrough | | |__ \
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Anything that has an < > around it is what you type.

When you are able to play I would say to speed up your peasant. Go left one
screen and down two. the door.Go to the other side of the room and
. Leave the hut. When you get outside, go to each bush and
. The last one will get you the super trinket.

Go up one screen and walk to where the sand is. Then .
The man will catch a fish.Go left one screen and go to the little pebbles on
shore and . Go left one screen, go inside the wreckage of your
house and . Go upone screen and right another.

to the man behind the counter. Go left ascreen, up a screen
(go fast past the Kerrek if he is there) and right a screen. Walk up to
the well and . Then to get the maskus.

Go left two screens and walk up to the horse and . Go through the
gap the horse makes in the fence. Say and the archer leaves, go up to
the tree and . Go right three screens and down one.
to the man and play the game. Get three bullseyes. The flag represents the
way the wind is blowing.

If it blows left, aim more over to the right. If it is not moving at all,
aim dead center. Press space and press it again when the two arrows are
facing the red line, then when the other arrow is nextto the red line,
press space again. When you are done you get a bow. If you fail, to
get to play again.

Go left a screen and up one, if Kerrek is not there then go down 4 screens
and right one. The walk up tohim when he is dead and .
Then if he is at the location by the archery range then go down a screen and
jump in the mud. If you went down four screens then go left and up three.

Then go a screen left, and
. Go down a screen and . Answer to Jhonka. Go
right two screens and down one and take one more right and . Go to the
lady and , she runs and gives you the baby. Exit the building.
Go left a screen and up one. into the water, he will come out
with a drink.

Go Right two screens and . Walk up to the man and to get
the pills. Now go left two screens and down one. Go to the wall and Stone> then .Go inside and then . For extra
points . and up one.

the door to the inn. Walk up to the man and .
When you wake up go over to the pantry and , it will fall and get
stuck on your head so you cant see. The new controls are: Up=Right Down=Left
Right=up and down=left. When you are outside, you get normal controls again.
Go down a screen and walk under the lamp. Now go up left up left and
to the knight.

Go past. Press enter twice when the floppy thing comes up.
Now walk up to the wall and . Go up three screens (avoiding the fallin
rocks!)and enter the cave.Now you must answer 3 questions. Here are all the
questions i have gotten.

1st Question:

to skip

What do you get from the archery range game?
Answer: SuperTime FunBow tm

What does Mendelev have you tell Dongolev?
Answer: Haldo

What is the only creature Jhonka fears?
Answer: Kerrek
2nd Question: to skip

How Many Berry Bushes are there in Peasantry?

What is the pantry full of?
Answer:Old Man Rub

Which one of these is the letter C?
Answer: Option B

3rd Question

to skip

Who did the Robe you took belong to?
Answer: Naked Ned

Which way does Peasants River run?
Answer: Northeast to Southwest

What color are the tree's leaves by the well?
Answer: Orange


After answering each question, you get the Trog-Shield, Trog-Helmet and Trog-
sword. Enter the room to the left. to chuck your sword at
Trogdor. When he wakes up . Congratulations! you won!!

End Points:150/150
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004 4.Cool Stuff | | |__ \
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Type to the baby lady for a good welcome.

Go to the lake where you have to throw the baby in and it will say something
about Gamefaqs. Thanks The person who submitted this to Gamefaqs

Go to the other side of the lake and type throw baby when you have it to make
it say "You've already fed the fish"

Go to the Archery brothers. and , they will describe you quite

You are not Rather Dashing, that is your name.

Go to the Archery Range and say before you know what to do for a
similar Thing to the "Throw Baby"

When you need to get the chicken feed type and it will say "ummmm
thats chicken feed"

Go to the pillow and hay bed in the Baby Lady's cottage and it will say "No
way, thats probably how it got there in the first place.

If you go off the edge of the map you will go back to the bottom.

If you look at your inventory, the map wont be there.

Go to the Kerrek Screen and , just like
Strongbad does in sbemail 110. The Kerrek will go really fast and chase you.

Kerrek is from a SBEMAIL. He was a sender.

Jhonka is from a SBEMAIL. He was a sender.

at the kerrek screen for a reference to sbemail

to exit the game

Zelda :) The best game ever, when you save hearts will be right
next to it.

Magic The Nerdening: The picture at the inn shows dogs playing
Magic The Nerdening which is a spoof of Magic: The Gathering TCG

Q Baby is from 007 Everything Or Nothing (GC,PS2,XBOX,?PC?)
which you use the Q Spider

will get you a "meh" which is how the cheat from H*R Talks

and you'll get a message

When the Knight says "Once you're done those 3 things" it is missing the

Gets you a "Scared me" message

ARROWED!! is from TGS 1

Thy Dungeonman: gives you a reference to Thy Dungeonman and
at the burninated trees you get another message and reference

after it is gone for a reference to multiple more SBEMAILS

to see a message "you search and search, nope no needles"

Examining the Kerrek Skeleton gives you a message "He wasnt fat, he was
big boned" Which could be from the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
(Aunt Petunia making an excuse for Dudley or from South Park the T.V. Show

Hugging the tree at the river gives you a message that says "It's Arbor
Day Charlie Brown" Reffering to the Arbor Day Special of Charlie Brown

To Find Out What Happened to Dan

, but you'd rather stand and soak in the scene.

, but for simplicity's sake you won't.

Tells you to use the arrow keys instead.

Before you get the map,

, Like a computer game.


, Mr Philosopher :P.

While the Kerrek is dead

For the Second Time

While the Kerrek is dead

when you have it

at Ned's door

(which is what it says in the

or You are very bored

for a funny message


If you havent bathed in 3 Fortnights does it matter?

, I will get the someday

after you got the sandwich and the maskus

after they are in the bucket

after Old Gary is gone, it will say he is still there

Flames on your head are gone when you get the TrogSheild

Fail a quiz, click restart and skip the opening, you will answer the question.

Thank You SO much for some of these Thalandor46

Sorry if there are repeats, email me if there are
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005 5.Items | | |__ \
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Here is a list, Items with a star are optional

Super Trinket
Chicken Feed
Supertime Funbow tm
Kerrek Belt
Meatball Sub*

** Doesn't appear in the inventory.


Found: Pebble Lake West
Used For: Weighing the Well's Bucket
Game Description: Woah! Gray chicken feed! Oh wait... those are just pebbles.
Heavier than they look, though.
Notes: Little Rocks found at the beach.


Found: The Well
Used For: Scaring Old Gary
Game Description: Man, those pagans sure can make a freaky looking mask when
they want to. It's like those theatre masks' evil uncle or something.
Notes: A scary looking mask. Could even scare a horse!

Super Trinket

Found: The Baby Lady's Cottage in a bush
Used For: Paying the Archery Brothers
Game Description: This super trinket is weird. It looks like it can either kill
you or make you the hit of your Christmas party.
Notes: Ooooooh Shiny!

Chicken Feed

Found: The Baby Lady's Hut
Used For: Attracting a fish to the man
Game Description: Woah! Gold nuggets! Oh wait...This is just chicken feed.
Notes: You used to eat this as a child. Can you believe that garbage?


Found: You start with it.
Used For: Nothing
Game Description: This has got to be your favorite T-shirt ever. Oh, the times
you had at Scalding Lake. Canoeing, fishing, stoning heathens. What a Blast!
Notes: Its your favorite t-shirt from your favorite camp!


Found: Trogdors Outer Sanctum
Used For: Attacking Trogdor!!!
Game Description: The TrogSword is for real. Hands-down the coolest item in the
game. You can't wait to lop off that beefy arm of Trogdor's with this guy.
Notes: The blade of a true hero!


Found: Trogdors Outer Sanctum
Used For: Protecting you from Trogdor
Game Description: The TrogHelmet is not screwing around. It's a serious helmet.
It also protects against harmful UV rays.
Notes: The Helm of a true hero!!


Found: Old Gary's Glen
Used For: Killing Kerrek
Game Description: Boy, you sure know how to pick 'em! This arrow's kinda pointy
Notes: Pointy and dangerous.

Supertime Funbow tm

Found: Archery Range
Used For: Launching the Arrow that kills Kerrek!
Game Description: This is a pretty fancy bow. You're surprised those shady
archers give away such decent prizes. You half-expected gold fish in a bag."
Notes: TWANG!!


Found: Trogdors Outer Sanctum
Used For: Defending yourself from Trogdor!
Game Description: Behold the TrogShield! No seriously, behold it.
There's no way Trogdor's fire breath can penetrate this thing.
Notes: The sheild of a true hero!


Found: Jhonkas Cave
Used For: Paying the Baby Lady
Game Description: Riches, dude. Riches. That peasant lady totally has to share
some of this with you, right? At least that shiny, clawed sceptre thing.


Found: Pebble Lake West
Used For: Giving to a Trogdor Outer Sanctum Guard (optional)
Game Description: A full bottle of popular soda.
Notes: Mmmmm, Coca Cola!!


Found: Naked Neds Hut
Used For: Passing the knight
Game Description: A propa peasant robe. It smells freshly washed and has the
initials 'N.N.' sewn onto the tag."
Notes: Only a peasant would wear this.

Kerrek Belt

Found: Kerrek tracks 1 or 2
Used For: Smelling like a peasant
Game Description: Phew! This thing stinks like all getout. Why couldn't the
Kerrek have kidnapped a hot wench or something that you could have saved?
Notes: PHEW, only a real peasant would wear this!

Meatball Sub

Found: The Well
Used For: Giving to a Trogdor Outer Sanctum Guard (optional)
Game Description: A piping hot meatball sub fished from the bottom of a dingy
old well. All you need is a bag of chips and you've got a combo meal!
Notes: Mmm, Subway


Found: Inn
Used For: Giving to a Trogdor Outer Sanctum Guard (optional)
Game Description: The innkeeper's medication says it's supposed to
treat 'general oldness'. May cause checkers playing, hiked-up pants,
and overall pee smell.
Notes: Dont get high!!


Found: The baby lady's hut
Used For: Getting Meatball Sub, Soda, and Opening Cottage.
Game Description: Awww! Peasant babies are adorable. No wonder they
fetch such a pretty penny on the black market.
Notes: Deploying Q Baby!!


Found: Your Burninated Cottage!!
Used For: Finding your way around Peasantry
Game Description: No Description
Notes: Doesn't Appear in Inventory

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006 6.Deaths | | |__ \
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Here is a list of ways to die

: Anytime
: at Old Gary
: Getting Hit by a falling Stone Or Birds
: Answering Question 1 Wrong
: Answering Question 2 Wrong
: Answering Question 3 Wrong
: Getting Pounded By the Kerrek
: Answering Yes to Jhonka
: Getting to Close to Trogdor (he will snore Fire on you)
: Not Answering Trogdor when he wakes up.
: Getting in the Way of Dongolev when he is shooting the Tree
: Get the stone, then then
: Put The Baby in the Well and walk away
: Just PLAIN WINNING THE GAME (Doesnt Count As Death)
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007 7.Pointlist/ Non Spoiler Walkthrough | | |__ \
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Getting Super Trinket: 2 points
Get Chicken Feed: 1 point
Putting Feed in Water: 2 points
Getting Pebbles: 1 point
Talking to Mendelev: 2 points
Putting Pebbles in the Bucket: 2 points
Scaring the Horse: 2 points
Haldo: 3 points
Getting an Arrow: 2 points
Giving Super Trinket: 2 points
Getting the Bow: 3 points
Killing Kerrek: 5 points
Getting Belt: 10 points
Jump in Mud: 2 points
Jump in Hay: 3 points
Getting Riches/Saying No: 7 points
Giving Riches: 5 points
Throwing Baby in Water: 5 points
Putting Baby in Bucket: 3 points
Turning Crank: 2 points
Showing Baby: 5 points
Moving Stone: 2 points
Deploying Q Baby: 5 points
Opening Drawer: 5 points
Getting Robe: 5 points
Putting Robe On: 3 points
Closing Drawer: 1 point
Getting a Room: 3 points
Getting the Pot: 2 points
Getting off Pot: 3 points
Arson Yourself: 10 points
Talk to Knight: 7 points
Climb to the Top: 3 points
Answer Question One/Give Sub: 5 points
Answer Question Two/Give Soda: 5 Points
Answer Question Three/Give Pills: 5 points
Chucking Sword: 7 points
Talking to Trogdor: 10 points

150/150 ___
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008 8.Map of Peasantry | | |__ \
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______ ______ ______ ______ ______
| | | | | |
| OGG | KT1 | W | R | WF |
| | | | | |
| HB | MP | AR | R2 | MOP |
| | | | | |
| JC | YC | PLW | PLE | I |
| | | | | |
| NNC | WT | KT2 | BLC | BT |

OGG: Old Gary's Glen
KT1: Kerrek Tracks 1
W: Well
R: River
WF: Waterfall
HB: Hay Bail
MP: Mud Puddle
AR: Archery Range
R2: River 2
MOP: Mountain Pass
JC: Jhonka's Cave
YC: Your Cottage
PLW: Pebble Lake West
PLE: Pebble Lake East
I: Inn
NNC: Naked Neds Cottage
WT: Wavy Tree
KT2: Kerrek Tracks 2
BLC: Baby Ladys Cottage
BT: Burninated Trees

| | To Old Garys Glen
| HG |--->

HG: Hidden Glen
| |
| |
__________________| |
| | | |
| CH | TOS | TPL |
|______|___________| |
| | | |
| C3 | | |
|______| |_____________________|
| |
| C2 |
| |
| C1 |

C1: Cliff 1
C2: Cliff 2
C3: Cliff 3
CH: Cliffland Heights
TOS: Trogdor's Outer Sanctum
TPL: Trogdor's Posh Lair

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009 9.Frequently Asked Questions | | |__ \
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Q.What is the Naked man for?
A.He owns the no doorknob hut, where you get the robe.

Q.Can I talk to the Naked Man?
A.No, but if you try he hides again.

Q.Is it possible to get more points by taking another arrow?
A.No, you will take the arrow but no points!!

Q.I cant speed my Peasant up!!
A.Hold shift and try

Q.Why wont it work!!
A.You need Flash 7 to run this.

Q.I only got 1 point from talking to Mendelev!! Help!
A.According to Thalandor46 and Muk1000 this occurs when you do not have
the mask or Super Trinket this occurs. I have done this before and it
is my belief that sometimes you get an extra point for telling Dongolev
'haldo' or winning the bow.
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010 10.Credits | | |__ \
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-Videlectrix for making the game
-A forum I found which helped me win.
-Me for writing this faq
-SA2Tails for the Cool Thing on the Gamefaqs mention.
-CJAYC for making Gamefaqs, The BEST gameguides site in the WORLD
-Thalandor46 for the Last Dieing ways, and a whole lotta references
-Brody C., for pointing out a mistake in the Talking Section.

This Document Copyright (c) 2004-2006 TripleJump


The Following Sites Have Permission to use this:

If you would like to use this, email me with a message that says:

"Hello, I have a guide site and would like to host your guide freely, and
will not make money off it."

Then Put this in:

-Your Site URL
-A Valid Email
-Some Text Describing Your Site

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011 11.What I Accept | | |__ \
...............................................................|_|......\ \..

-Grammar, Spelling, COPS corrections
-Deaths, Cool Stuff ETC.
-The Helpful ASCII things
**-Positive Comments
-Something that says my guide is on another site than GameFaqs

If you send one of these you will recive a thank you Email and a spot
in Credits

**You Dont Receive a credit spot ___
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012 12.What I DONT Accept | | |__ \
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-Chain Letters
-Negative Letters
-Trash Mail
-Viruses ( I have like 8 Firewalls)
-Crap asking for my personal information


By the way, the reason that FAQ is all messed up is because I am to lazy to
Move the Sections around ^_~
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013 13.Talking | | |__ \
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This is a Section if you want hints you go to, it shows all the questions and
responses people make.

|Knight At The Pass|


You explain your situation to the knight. That Trogdor has burninated your
cottage and you've sworn revenge. You ask for passage up to the mountain to
settle your score. "Hang on there Trogdorkilla," says the knight. "I can
only allow actual peasants up the mountain pass to face Trogdor. And you
CLEARLY are not one." "Look, Dragonheart..." "You dont STINK like a peasant."
"You don't DRESS like a peasant." "And you're definatly not ON FIRE like a
peasant." "Once you're done those 3 things, come back and maybe we can talk."
"Be sure to LOOK around lots. TALK to everyone you see and ASK ABOUT stuff.
Type HELP if you get confused and INVENTORY to see your worldy stuff.Type
SAVE or LOAD to save or load your game. Duh."

Ask About Robe

"Peasants wear those brown robes. You know, with the rope around the waist.
Get yourself one of those."

Ask About Fire

"Well, whenever I see peasants, they seem to be on fire. So get yourself on
fire. I hear horse grease gives you a nice, controlled burn."

Ask About Smell

"I never met a peasant that didn't stink. If you wanna smell bad, Get the
Kerrek involved, that thing reeks."

Ask About Trogdor

"If I had a gold coin for every whining peasant's cottage that freaking
dragon burninated, I'd be rich as a Jhonka."

Ask About _____

"I don't know anything about that, short pants."

|Baby Lady|


"Hello, I'm-" you start but the lady cuts you off. "Okay, here's why i let
you in here," She explains "My husband got squished by Trogdor. And to make
matters worse, the insurance riches I got were stolen by the Jhonka. Go
Steal them back for us and I'll give you something great."

Ask About Robe

"You cant have mine, pervert! I'm not a nudist peasant like that weirdo over
in West Peasantry!"

Ask About Smell

"What smells is junior here's drawers! I gotta quit feeding him so much horse
." "And don't start asking me for his diapers, sicko!"

Ask About Fire

"You need fire? A couple trees over near the waterfall used to be on fire.
But now there's like a signal lantern there or something. "So should I ask
The Lantern or something?" "I dunno dont ask me"

Leaving House

The Baby Lady calls after you "Hey, you're on some quest right? Well, the
little squirt here lost something of mine in the yard the other day. It's
your's if you can find it."

Ask About Trogdor

"I hope you kill that stupid dragon, my 'Wives of Squished Peasants'
support group would bake you a Poor Gary pie if you did."

Ask About _____

"I dunno what you're talking about."

|Inn Man|


"If you're interested in staying the night, just type 'get a room'."

Ask About Robe

"I wear my robe-hood down so it's easier to trim my ear hairs. If you
need a robe, maybe find someone who's not using their's."

Ask About Fire

"I've always preferred being on fire at night. Looks prettier and
keeps the buttflies away."

Ask About Smell

Well, if you don't stink, maybe find something that does and wear it.
Like a dead carcass or summat."

Ask About Trogdor

"Are you talking about that young, green boy that lives up the street?
He's always tearing my roof off and eating my customers."

Ask About ______

"I don't know nothing about no whatever you just said."



"Oh, hi. I'm Mendelev," says the archer "I used to run a shooting range here
with my brother Dongolev. But we don't talk so much anymore. I haven't seen
him in a Jhonka's age. If you ever run into him, tell him I said 'haldo'."
"You mean 'hello,?'" you ask? "Oh, um. No. Shut up. I said 'haldo' and I
meant 'haldo.' Tell him I said 'haldo.'"

Talk Again

"Tell my bro I said 'haldo' if you see him." he says and goes back to



He refuses to speak with you. He just keeps firing arrows into that tree
and saying "stupid Mendelev, grumble mumble."


The archer stops arching and turns to you "My brother told you to tell me
haldo? He must want to start the old business up!"

|Mendelev and Dongolev|


"Haldo!" says the brothers. "Test your skill! Give us the right super item
from your inventory and you can give it as many tries as you need!"



Ask About Robe

"We wouldn't know. We only wear archer clothes. You just can't arch real
well in a robe, y'now?"

Ask About Smell

"That giant pig running around sure smells. Maybe talk to him."

Ask About Fire

"Trogdor just burned down some idiot peasant's cottage. You should ask
him," says Mendelev.

"Yeah, this jerk goes on vacation to some prancey lake and..."

They see you staring daggers at them and turning bright red.

"Oh. Nevermind," says Dongolev. "Um, yeah. Whats a fire?" adds

Ask About Trogdor

"Oh man, there was this one time I came THIS close to having Trogdor
ARROWED!" says Dongolev.

"Hey shut up! That was me!" Interupts Mendelev, "YOU almost arrowed
that blue baby!" Says Dongolev.

"Did not!"

"Did so!"

"Did not!"

(You see where this is going)

Ask About ______

"Either we don't know anything about that, or you're real boring."

Give Trinket

"That'll work," says Mendelev. "Just hit 3 bullseyes and you win the
Supertime Funbow TM!"

"The ARROW KEYS aim left and right and the SPACE BAR operates the bow.
You'll need to press it a couple of times to get a nice shot off but we
dont give lessons so you're on your own."



"The Kerrek is dead!" he cries and hops around some more. You wonder
why someone this primitive could have made that much dough.

Ask About Smell

"Kerrek smell! Now Kerrek dead!" screeches the Jhonka. So can you
infer from this that all smells are dead? You always sucked at the
analytical questions.

Ask About Fire

"Burninator make fire! Barbecue all peasants!"

Ask About Robe

"Filthy naked peasant! Stay away from my cave-hole!" Who's he calling
naked? HE'S the one wearing the string bikini.

Ask About ______

"Jhonka don't know nothing bout that!"

Ask About Trogdor

"All hail Burninator! Trogdor number 1! Beat Peasant Tech!" says the
grimy Jhonka.

|Naked Ned|


You startled him and he disappears!

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014 14.Things to Look At | | |__ \
...............................................................|_|......\ \..

A0 Hidden Glen: archer (before he leaves), tree, arrow (before getting one),
arrow (after getting one), fence, bush

This means that in Hidden Glen, map area A0 (based on my map, which is pretty
much the same as the game's map), you can "look tree", "look fence", "look
bush", etc. If there's a condition to how you can look at something, it's in
parenthesis. So, let's begin...

-Anywhere: You can just type "look" to get a description of the area. Sometimes
it's the same as looking at a certain item. map (before you get the map), map
(after you get the map)
-A0 Hidden Glen: archer (before he leaves), tree, arrow (before getting one),
arrow (after getting one), fence, bush
-A1 Poor Gary's Glen: horse (before it leaves), fence (before it breaks), fence
(after it breaks), stump, flies, rings
-A2 Kerrek Tracks 1: kerrek* (before death), kerrek (after death), kerrek
(rotting), kerek (skeleton), tracks, arrow (after death), belt (before death),
belt (after death), bones (skeleton)
*Only if the Kerrek is (or was killed in) this area
-A3 Old Well: well, bucket, crank (before pebbles), crank (after pebbles), tree
-A4 Yellow Tree: tree, cottage
-A5 Waterfall: waterfall, tree
-B1 That Hay Bale: hay, fence, tree, (anything while wearing hay)
-B2 That Mud Puddle: mud (before rain), mud (after rain), rock
-B3 Archery range: archer (before you talk to him), archer (after you talk to
him), archer (after they're reunited), target, desk
-B4 River and Stone: stone, river
-B5 Mountain Pass: knight, sign, mountain, trogdor
-C1 Jhonka's Cave (before the Kerrek dies): door, note, fence, cave, lock
-C1 Jhonka's Cave (after the Kerrek dies): jhonka, club, door, riches (before
you get them), fence, cave, (anything while wearing hay)
-C2 Your Burninated Cottage: cottage, cave, rocks, paper
-C3 Pebble Lake West: lake, shore, pebbles (before you get them), bush, berries
-C4 Pebble Lake West (east): lake (before he leaves), lake (after he leaves),
shore, man (before he leaves), man (after he leaves), boat (before he leaves),
boat (after he leaves)
-C5 Outside Giant Inn: inn, window, sign, door (before man comes back), door
(after man comes back), note (before man comes back)
-C5 Inside Giant Inn: man, man (after dark), note, bell, desk, window, carpet,
bed, pillow, door, picture, pantry (after dark), candle (after dark), pot
(after dark)
-D1 Outside Mysterious Cottage: cottage, fence, stone (before you remove it),
stone (after you remove it), tree, hole (after stone)
-D1 Mysterious Cottage: dresser (before opening), dresser (after opening),
-D2 Wavy Tree: tree, man (after he appears)
-D3 Kerrek Tracks 2: kerrek* (before death), kerrek (after death), kerrek
(rotting), kerrek (skeleton), tracks, arrow (after death), belt (before death),
belt (after death), bones (skeleton)
*Only if the Kerrek is (or was killed in) this area
-D4 Outside Baby Lady Cottage: cottage, door, bush, berries
-D4 Baby Lady Cottage: lady (before she leaves), lady (after she leaves), baby
(before you get it), pillow, shelf, feed (before you take it), hay, chair
-D5 Burninated Trees: tree, lantern (before dark), lantern (after dark)
-Cliff Base: cliff
-Cliffland Heights: cave, bone, lightning
-Trogdor's Outer Sanctum: bones, curtain, openings, cliffs, doorway
-Trogdor's Posh Lair: trogdor (before sword), trogdor (after sword)

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015 15.Things To Get | | |__ \
...............................................................|_|......\ \..

-A0 Hidden Glen: arrow (before archer leaves), arrow (after getting one), arrow
(after using the first one)
-A1 Poor Gary's Glen: stump, flies (before scaring gary)
-A2 Kerrek Tracks 1: kerrek*, arrow (after death), belt (after getting it)
*Only if the Kerrek is (or was killed in) this area
-A3 Old Well: bucket
-B1 That Hay Bale: hay
-B2 That Mud Puddle: rock, mud (after rain), mud (while muddy)
-B3 Archery range: arrow, target
-B4 River and Stone: stone
-C1 Jhonka's Cave (before the Kerrek dies): note
-C1 Jhonka's Cave (after the Kerrek dies): club, riches (without hay)
-C3 Pebble Lake West: berries
-C5 Outside Giant Inn: note (before it's gone), note (after it's gone)
-C5 Inside Giant Inn: rug, pillow, bed, bell, note, picture, candle (after
dark), old man rub (after dark)
-D1 Outside Mysterious Cottage: stone (after moving it)
-D1 Mysterious Cottage: broom, dresser, robe (before opening dresser), robe
(after getting it)
-D3 Kerrek Tracks 2: kerrek*, arrow (after death), belt (after getting it)
*Only if the Kerrek is (or was killed in) this area
-D4 Outside Baby Lady Cottage: berries (in the same bush after getting them)
-D4 Baby Lady Cottage: baby, pillow, hay, potatoes, food, money, chair (before
she leaves), chair (after she leaves), feed (after getting some)
-D5 Burninated Trees: lantern, plague, plaque, fire (after dark), fire (after
becoming on fire)
-Cliffland Heights: bone
-Trogdor's Outer Sanctum: bones

************************************End Of File********************************
Thanks for Reading :)
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