Stinkoman 20X6

Stinkoman 20X6

17.10.2013 10:37:24

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Stinkoman 20X6 FAQ/Walkthrough By TripleJump
Copyright (c) 2005 Michael Guidi

|Table of Contents|

0.Version History
| Level # | Guide Status |
|a.Level 1.1 | *Completed* |
|b.Level 1.2 | *Completed* |
|c.Level 2.1 | *Completed* |
|d.Level 2.2 | *Completed* |
|e.Level 3.1 | *Completed* |
|f.Level 3.2 | *Completed* |
|g.Level 4.1 | *Completed* |
|h.Level 4.2 | *Completed* |
|i.Level 5.1 | *Completed* |
|j.Level 5.2 | *Completed* |
|k.Level 6.1 | *Completed* |
|l.Level 6.2 | *Completed* |
|m.Level 7.1 | *Completed* |
|n.Level 7.2 | *Completed* |
|o.Level 0.1 | *Completed* |
|p.Level 0.2 | *Completed* |
|q.Level 9.1 | *Neither* |
|r.Level 9.2 | *Neither* |
5.Glitches/Cool Stuff

|Version History|
March 8th
-Change of Email

Febuary 5th
-Worked on 0.2, and sort of "Abandoned" 9.1 and 9.2

December 31st
-Happy new year! Finished level 0.1

November 11th
-Added Level 9.1 and 9.2, really need to stop procrastinating and work on the

August 1st
-Added Level 0.1 and 0.2

July 25th
-Finished all Levels, from 1-7. 0.98. I just need the cutscenes

July 24th
-Almost Done Entire Guide, worked on it more

July 21st
-Worked on Guide
Fully Completed 4.1 & 4.2

July 20th
-Worked on Guide
Completed 5.1, 5.2, 6.1 & 6.2

July 19th
-Worked on Guide
Completed 2.1-3.2
Half Completed 4.1 & 4.2

July 18th
-Worked on Guide
Completed 1.1-2.1

June 18th
-Started Guide
Completed Enemies, Bosses and Glitches



Left-Move Left
Right-Move Right
Up-Climb Ladder
Down-Climb Down Ladder

Fist Stinkoman

Left-Move Left
Right-Move Right


Left-Move Left
Right-Move Right
Up-Climb Ladder
Down-Climb Down Ladder
Left or Right and Kick-Whirlwind Kick
A and S-Jumping Whirlwind Kick.

S- Shoot
A- Shield


Boss battles are technically 1.3 or 2.3 etc.

In Planet K, Stinkoman
Is always looking for
a fighting or a
challenge. In 20X6, he
can usually find one!

Stinkoman: Are you Inquiring about a challenge??

Stinkoman: You are tall, but..

Stinkoman: That won't stop me from...


*Robot explodes*

Stinkoman: And another victory for Stinkoman!!

Stinkoman: Killing that robot makes me wanna go home!!

(Like my star wars opening?)
| |
| Level 1.1 |

Move Forward past the wreckage and shoot the robot, keep going and kill the
second. Kill the Blue robot and jump up two levels. Shoot at the top robot
then quickly turn your back. Go to the top if the hills and jump on to the
floating platforms. Shoot the robots and continue. There is a shortcut here.
It is optional. Climb up the ladder and if you want kill the browntant.
Continue and kill the blue robot. Shoot the robot and turn away. Avoid the nail
and kill the robot. Drop down at the last part. Continue and hop up onto the
platform. Kill the robot and make your way through the nails. Kill the

Now hop up on the small bits of land. Make your way to the floating platform.
If health is needed, hop to the left. Get the health and make your way back up.
Drop down the gap. Kill the robot. Get onto the platform and climb the ladder.
Avoid the UFO. Go Across and avoid the nails. Go forward and climb up the
ladders. Kill the Browntant. Continue. Kill the enemies here and collect the
health (if necessary). Go Forward to the flag.

| |
| Level 1.2 |

Kill the Robot. Climb up the ladder and blast/turn away to kill this robot.
Avoid the nail and climb the ladder. Hop over the cactus. Destroy the Browntant
and hop down to the platform. Kill the blue robot through the wall. Drop to the
floating platform and kill the blue robot. There is health below if needed.
Move up the floating platforms to the top and head forwards. Kill the robot.
Keep Going and destroy the browntant while dodging the UFO. Go across the
falling platform bridge. Do the shoot and look away combo on the robot and head
down the ladder. Hop across and kill the robot. Now take out the browntant. Go
up by jumping off of the very edges of the platforms (it may take a few trys).

Go across the platforms and claim the health. Move forwards and kill the robot.
Land by the trees. Kill the Browntant and continue. Now for the boss.

*Robot's Brain Flys towards Stinkoman*

Stinkoman: Are you asking for a challenge?


Wait for him to dip low. Jump and shoot him. Then make sure you are on the
ground. His blasts should miss you. Now he will fly in the air and shoot at you
from there. Run away from him, when a gap opens up turn and jump through.
Repeat and he is in the bag.


| |
| Level 2.1 |
Note: For Every fat chick, there is a spot JUST out of range of the chick.

Kill the chick. Go across the burners when they go down. Go past the flames
when they go down and climb the ladder. Kill the bird. Now continue and kill
the chicks. Health is nearby if needed Climb the ladder, kill the Browntants
if you want. Continue to the top and dodge the bones while shooting the bird.
If you are hurt, and you didnt take the health, come back for it. Kill the
robot and hop onto the platform. Take the next two. STAY ON THE UP AND DOWN
one when the ufo comes. THEN continue. Destroy the chick and obliterate the
next fat one. This one can be destroyed by standing behind the platform and
shooting. You have better range. Get the health it drops (if necessary) and
go down the drop platform. Kill the robot and avoid the poison bottle. Now
hop/run over the stove. Make sure you land on the edge of the next one as not
to get burned. Now shoot the bird. Collect the health if needed and keep going.

Shoot the blue robot from behind the wall and climb up. Shoot the blue thing
and avoid the fork as you go up (jump). Shoot the last one, go to the edge and
jump up and shoot, you should see the browntant get hurt. Repeat. Now climb up.
Kill the Browntant here and climb down the robot cleared area. Now hop onto the
platform and avoid the UFO. Then jump over the blue flame. Destroy the
Browntant from just before the yellow floor, and the Fat Chick from a few steps
on the yellow floor. Get the health if needed and continue. Hop on the platform
and shoot the robot, get on the other platform and climb up the ladder. I
prefer to avoid the browntants here. Go Past the Lampshade Nails. On the second
to last one, stop just before the nail and shoot the chick. Continue. Fall down
to reach the flag.
| |
| Level 2.2 |

Kill the chick and dodge the burners. Climb the platforms and kill the chick
here. Kill the robot, dodge through the burners and kill the above chick and
robot. Hop onto the moving platform. Come up and kill the chicken. Leap for the
closest ladder, climb up near the top. If you need health climb up and jump
to the health. If not go to the top, press jump and fall to the other ladder.
Climb up it. Now jump from the ladder side and shoot the fat chicken, climb up.
Stand behind the ladder and shoot the chicken. Then hop on the platform and
kill the browntant.

Move forward and kill the browntant. Get the health if you need it. But if you
have 3-4 health dont because you might need it later. Kill the chicks as you
avoid the poison. Get the health if you need it, but you shouldnt if you just
stand by the ladder and shoot. Anyway, avoid the poison and climb the stoves.
There will be a UFO at the top, stand on the edges of each stove to not get
burned. Jump away and fall back to avoid the UFO. Get the health if needed.
Fall down the center hole. Kill the small chick, the fat chick and then the
other small one should come. Shoot the fat one from a safe distance. Now get
through the bottles. Stand under the last bottle, but not so as you can get hit
with poison. Now shoot the chick and get the health if needed. Get ready for
a boss fight.


Avoid his legs, keep moving. When the bird's head falls down, jump and hit his
eyes. Repeat until finished. It i probably the easiest fight so far.


| |
| Level 3.1 |

You have to collect 20 Gold Nuggets. Shoot the raindrops and wait for the gold
that comes out to touch you. Keep going.

| |
| Level 3.2 |

Collect Ten Bread. Each time you touch something else is -1 bread.


There is a the wall above his head. Avoid the fists and shoot the wall.
Eventually it will get so small it blows up.


| |
| Level 4.1 |

You Must Protect 1-Up. Move forward and use your fist to stop the lava flow.
Next pound above the enemies. The fist will block the attack. Stop the lava and
block the attack. Kill the next enemies. Jump on the button until it is in
place. Kill the enemy and do the same, kill next and stop lava flow. Wait for
1-Up and stomp him across. Don't go to fast or he will die, wait till he is on
the arrow in the center. Kill the enemy and block the attack, then use the
fist to stop the lava flow. When 1-Up is through, dash to the tile. If it isnt
in place put it in place. When 1-Up is on it use your own judgement when to
jump. Stop the next lava fall. Kill the enemies and stop the fist. Stomp the
tile until it is in place then kill the next enemies and block the lava with
the fist. Kill the enemies and stomp on the platforms. You will have to stomp
on the platforms a bunch of time, use your own judgement. Stop the next lava
and kill the threats to 1-Up. There are two adjacent tiles ahead, stomp on
the farthest one from you, then the closest one.

Wait for 1-Up to reach the finish.

| |
| Level 4.2 |

Kill the enemies, stomp on the platform mover and block the lava fall and the
fist. Wait for 1-Up to pass under and kill the enemies nearby and block the
lava. Block the attack and stomp on the switch when 1-Up is on it. Kill the
enemy ahead, then the one behind. Do another stomp across for 1-Up. Block the
lava then kill the thing that shoots green laser blasts. Block the fist attack
and stomp 1-Up when he catches up. Eliminate the one enemy and bring 1-Up
through safely on the platform.

Now you have to jump up onto the platform. Quickly destroy the enemy and block
the lava in time to keep 1-Up alive. The next part you must block the lava and
move the platform at the same time. Continue forward and do a whole lot of
jumping on the switch. Destroy the couple of enemies here. Kill the enemies
and stomp 1-Up across for the next 6 times. Then block the lava flow. Hop on
the moving platform. Bring 1-Up across once more and then block the lava flow
to finish this level.


Dodge his laser blasters and Firey Hot, now try to pound his tail. Eventually
he loses his head.

| |
| Level 5.1 |

Move Forward and dodge the meteors. Kill the robot and climb the ladder, kill
the browntant and continue. You see an astromund, avoid it. Dodge the UFO and
collect the health if needed. Now go in, once at the no spike part, jump the
Astromund. Now just do a long Whirlwind Kick, that eliminates the robots. Now
Climb down and kill the Jaro. Avoid the rays and climb down. Avoid the meteor
and kill the Downtant. Now climb the ladder (collecting health if needed).
Climb up the ladder, press the side the robot is on then kick him off. Go to
the right, dodge or kill the astromunds. Now dodge the Downtants and continue.
Avoid the meteor and destroy the browntants. Get the health and quickly get
on to the next platform when the rays go down. Continue as you kill the Jaro
and climb the ladder.

Avoid the meteors and kill the robots as you descend the ladder. Avoid the
meteors as you get to the end flag.

| |
| Level 5.2 |

Avoid the meteor and climb up the ladders past the downtants. Health is to the
left, if not needed. Leap of faith off of the platform to the left, dodging the
spikes. Go forward and up the moving platforms. AVOID THE DOWNMUND AT ALL COSTS
, IF HIT YOU WILL FALL DOWN. Jump from the center platform up onto one of the
ladders, unless you want the shortcut. Go across all the moving platforms and
climb down or fall down the large ladder. Dodge the rays and UFOs. Pick the top
path and go through the obstacles. Jump down. Dodge the meteors and downtants
as you go over the gaps. Climb the long ladder. Dodge the Downtant shots as you
advance. Now there is a scenario where you fall down to the below platform, then
jump up on the other side of the downtant. Continue and dodge the rays while
collecting the health.

You come to a fork in the road. Take the top and jump down. Avoid the Downtant
and astromunds. Now get the health before touching the flag.


Avoid his fireballs and his big body. Jump and whirlwind kick his eyes. He
will attempt to blow you away, try not to get to far back. Kill one eye at a
time to win this battle.

| |
| LEVEL 6.1 |
NOTE: The plugs with cords are defeatable, ones without are not.

Jump Across the first two vanishing clouds. Hop up two vanishing clouds and
dodge the saw and the blade (the end of the cloud is quite safe to wait on.)
Hop onto the moving cloud and then the next. Jump onto the top Vanishing Cloud
and make your way to the non vanishing cloud. Kill the plug by hitting the
cord, then the plug. There is health when you climb up to the right, but you
will have to fall down to get it. Go left otherwise and avoid the plug. Go up
and then right and make your way up the ladder. Go left once up and claim the
health down the ladder to the right if necessary. If not climb the ladder.
Kill the two Plugs the the right. Now climb up the ladder at the place you
came up and hop across. You will come to a dissapearing fork past the
lightning cloud. The right path has health where as the left one will let
you continue.

Pass all of the clouds and plugs. You have to move up now. Then go left past
the saws and plugs. Kill the plug and go down for health and up for the end

| |
| LEVEL 6.2 |

Go forward dodging the plug. Kill the plug and go right. Skip over the first
cloud then fall down the next past the big gap. Go right and down onto the
floating platforms. Hop the floating platforms and jump up and over the gap.
Go through the paralell clouds with the blades. Go across the bunch of
thunderclouds on the dissapearing ones. Go up the really long bunch of blue
clouds. Health is inside the bluetant (?) to the right here. Go through the
saw and clouds at the top. Kill the bluetant and go forwards. The flag is just
across the clouds.


Dodge his bubbles and shoot him when he is on one side of the screen, then
dodge him when he hops across then shoot him over there.


| |
| LEVEL 7.1 |
You will freeze if you stay still for too long.

Destroy the Three blobs and go past the ice vent. Shoot the ice block until
it shatters and climb the moving ladder. Shoot the ice block and climb up top.
Kill the flying banana when it comes and destroy the ice blocks and the mini
blobs. Destroy the next banana that appears when you move on, shoot the block
and then jump over the sharp ice crystals. Land on the moving platform and
get onto the next. Kill the banana and land on the platform above the ice vents
to avoid them. Kill the ice block to find some health and destroy the banana.
Kill the mini blob. Now remove the block from the falling platform.

Ignore the ladder as you eliminate the blobs to the right. Dodge your way past
the ice vents and jump the platforms. Eliminate the tank here and climb the two
ladders. Destroy the tank. Hop onto the platform and then jump to the end flag.

| |
| LEVEL 7.2 |

Health is located in the bottom ice block if you need it.

Remove the ice block to the right and collect a life. Hop across some
platforms and destroy the blobs. Now destroy the encountered tank. Hop to the
next platform and destroy the banana, then make your way past the ice vents
and kill the mini blobs. Hop onto the ice blocks then onto the moving
platform. Get to the next moving platform and onto the icy ground. Hop the
sharp crystals. Slide past the ice vents. Get to the moving platform and
slither up the moving ladder and then the next one. Be wary for the banana
then hop down the blocks. Remove the two to your right when standing on the
last one. Kill the robot and go to where he was. Climb the floating platforms
and kill all bananas. When you reach the platform at the top, kill the blob.
Climb down from the ladder to the bottom. Make sure to kill the bananas.
Climb onto the platform when it is at the farthest to the left by dropping
from above.

Hop onto the the left to reach the boss.

BOSS BATTLE: An Ice Machine

The beginning of the battle has nothing you can do. So dodge the ice cubes he
sends at you. When he stops his eyes open and the jet stops. Climb the ladder
that comes down and shoot his eyes. Shoot them ONCE ONLY. Quickly drop so you
dont get bother by the icicles as much. Repeat this process until he is


| |
| LEVEL 0.1 |

Move forwards and kill the number of enemies ahead. You will walk on thin air.
Just keep walking to fall onto solid ground. Jump up to the stone platform,
now up the ladder. Eliminate the Chicken Head and move on. The plug here won't
hurt you, so just ignore him. But take out the rest of the enemies. Get to the
cloud then to the ladder. Fall down to the platform below and kill the ice
block. Walk off the edge, avoiding the asteroids and land on top of the trees.

Kill the floating creature. Now be wary of this falling platform. When it has
fallen down, make your move on it. You will fall to your doom if you try and
jump while it is up. Quickly move across and eliminate the enemy. Get across
the many platforms. One of them is rapidly changing and one form is an enemy.
So be wary, watch the pattern and go. Climb the duck ladder and eliminate the
Chorch and company. Theres a present in the oven if you want it ;).

Go up the ladder (if you went down). Ignore the Robot. Now..... DASH TO THE
PLATFORM. Quickly eliminate the enemies waiting for you. The healing capsule
nearby will hurt you. So leave it be. Go up the ladder and onto the platforms.
Which leads to a couple conveyor belts. Pick one and make your way. Ignore all
enemies except for the fat chicken. And maybe a few after. You choose.

Okay, so for now. Quickly grab the health and get through enemies, a fake lava
flow, and a moving ladder. When you confront many ladders, pick the first and
scurry up. Stand on the ladder and jump to the invisible platform, then walk
until you find yourself by a ladder. Kill the enemy, then hop to the next.
Repeat. You can land on the air here. But watch out for enemies. Go down the
two ladders. Ladder #2 will have a platform try and squish you. Be wary.

Move ahead avoiding lightning. When you find nothing ahead of you, Jump onto
an invisible platform. The asteroids will attempt to clobber you. Move across
the changing platforms and the falling platforms. Remember, go when they are
down. Now kill the enemy you find and get what he leaves behind. Now go past
every last enemy and dangerous item to the invisble flag.
| |
| LEVEL 0.2 |

Stove Maze Solution

Kill the chicken as soon as you enter. Follow the Maze solution I put above to
get through. There is a UFO shooting, avoid him and move forward. Hop to the
next oven where the Old-School robot is. The next bit has a fake oven, so go
over. If you fall down, head left and kill the enemies and hop back up. The
oven next to the burner is fake, so you can slip under it. Go forward and jump.
Climb the moving ladder. Then get on the cloud then hop onto the Stone platform
whenever possible. Now bang the crap out of the stupid shooting machine. Then
scurry up the ladder.

A couple chickens await you. Punish them. The heal capsule awaits you. But the
platform hurts. Now onto the moving conveyor, disapeering cloud and to the
platform. Now hop on top of the enemies and ignore them. Ignore them all, as
you continue. Except for the burners. Wait for the end two to stop, then hop
the first two. Step on the switch ahead. Then get to the left one. Kill the
enemy and go to the right one. Then take the next two lonesome ones. Land on
the bottom teleporter-thing at the next section. Then the next one, avoid the
enemy and the next. Jump off of the cloud and over the chicken things. Take
out the enemies, and the asteroids won't hurt you here. Now take out the ranks
of the enemy. Watch out for the flying platform. Go up to the clouds. Walk
forward until you wall down through the floor to some health capsules. Get one
and then you fight the boss. Don't worry about the spikes.


Wait for Ekersby to open the ice machine part. Shoot it.


| |
| LEVEL 9.1 |

These two levels I am going to leave you to explore on your own, as there isn't
really a set way to win in these. So enjoy, the boss is still there though.

| |
| LEVEL 9.2 |

To beat him, shoot his open mouth.


Description: A Bouncing Cup
How to Defeat: Use the Fire Punch

Description: A Robot that is indestructible if you are facing towards it.
How to Beat: Punch, then turn away. Or if on a platform below, jump and punch.

3. Pooru Pooru
Description: A Cactus
How to Beat: You cannot defeat, it is invincible

Description: A floating Robot
How to Beat: Use the Fire Punch

Description: A Little robot with a Mecha Antenna
How to Beat: Shoot him multiple times

Description: A Baby Bird with no body
How to Beat: Shoot Them

7.Rose Blake
Description: A Burner
How to Beat: No way, wait for it to go down and continue

Description: A UFO
How to Beat: Invincible

Description: A Running Bird
How to Beat: Fire Punch

Description: A Stove
How to Beat: Invincible

Description: A Very Fat Chicken
How to Beat: Avoid his bones and punch him to death

12. Old Sage
Description: A Bottle of Liquid
How to Beat: Invincible

13. Tortan
Description: VERY pointy spikes
How to Beat: Invincible

Description: A Cloud
How to Beat: Invincible

15.Mr. Ubbers
Description: A Raindrop
How to Beat: Punch

Description: A Guy Who Punches
How to Beat: You Cant, you have to block his attacks

Description: A Throbbing Mass
How to Beat: Pound Rocks on him

Description: A Strange Floating thing
How to Beat: Pound Rocks on Him

19.Pink Cham Cham
Description:A Weird thing
How to Beat:Pound Rocks on Him

Description: The Same as a Gaspeau
How to Beat: Same Way

Description: Homestar's Japanese Cartoon Name
How to Beat: You Protect Him

Description: An astronaut with a sheild
How to Beat: Hit his Back

23.The Bendini Sisters
Description: A Bunch of Asteroids
How to Beat: Avoid them and they will blow up

Description: The Opposite of a Browntant
How to Beat: Same Way as Browntant

Description: A Ball that shoots Rays
How to Beat: Invincible

Description: A Blade
How to Beat: Invincible

Description: A Plug
How to Beat: Invincible

Description: A Cloud
How to Beat: Invincible

Description: An Outlet
How to Beat: Kill the Cord, then Destroy the Outlet

Description: A Saw
How to Beat: Invincible

31.My Benj
Description: A Bunch of sliding Blobs
How to Beat: Shoot

Description: Tank Robot
How to Beat: Shoot, Jump and Repeat (from Manual)

Description: Rocket Proppeled Banana?
How to Beat: Shoot

34.Seeper Mo
Description: Spikes
How to Beat: Jump over, Invincible

Description: Icy Cold winds
How to Beat: Dodge, Invincible

Description: Ice Blocks
How to Beat: Just shoot

37. Prudench
Description: Sort of a Shrimp... thing....
How to Beat: Shoot em up

38. Domerlay
Description: Robot Clam
How to Beat: Shoot it as it opens.

39. Roldhaps
Description: Robot Anemones, they can shoot
How to Beat: Just like a Downtant

40. Semulade
Description: A Mechanical Shark
How to Beat: Shoot it twice

41. Fundlake
Description: Coral
How to Beat: Shoot once, but it will reappear.

42. Sackastano
Desctiption: Schools of Goldfish
How to Beat: Shoot thrice, they are invincible after hitting for a little.

43. Quorvekts
Description: Robot Mantas, shoots you
How to Beat: Three hits

44. Broodacre
Description: A Volcano
How to Beat: Can't, just avoid it

45. Reid
Description: Robot Jellyfish
How to Beat: Two hits

46. ???
Description: Octopus, not in the Stinkomanual.
How to Beat: 3 Hits


Description: The starting Robot's Brain
How to Beat: Shoot him

Description: A Very Tall Bird
How to Beat: Hit the eyes

Description: A robot with fists
How to Beat: Hit the Wall above his big head.

Description: A Cool Looking guy with a fiery Friend
How to Beat: Attack his Tail

Description: A Two eyed freak
How to Beat: Kick him.

6.The Liekand
Description: A Dude with shades that shoots bubbles
How to Beat: Unknown

7.An Ice Machine
Description: An Ice Machine
How to Beat: Shoot his eyes

Description: A bunch of graphics from the game into a boss.
How to Beat: Attack the Fridge when it opens.

9. Harvax XVII
Description: A guy in a purple Jacket with a Machine Gun.
How to Beat: Shoot his open mouth.

|Glitches/Cool Stuff|


Click Below the Controls button at the menu screen.

Opening Scene

At the very start of the game, leave it running (where it says Press Space or
something to play)

Level Select

Click "Continue" with no saved data.

What Choked Him?

The description of Level two says "The chicken what choked him"

Keep Try Robot

In Level 5.2, kill yourself before the spaceship flys by. It will in the
Keep Try screen.


Q. Who is Stinkoman, 1-Up and Pan-Pan?
A. They are spoofs of Strong Bad, Homestar Runner and Pom-Pom from

Q. Who is the kidnapper?
A. Nobody knows, but it looks like the Cartoon version of Coach Z's Head

Q. There is a Level that you do not have!
A. 20X6 is being constantly updated, my guide for it will be updated soon

Q. This game is Frustrating!
A. YOU THINK YOU ARE MAD, I had to copy everything I did every so often
with no pauses.


The Stinkoman Manual For the Enemies
Videlectrix for making the game
Me for writing this
Homestar Runner Wiki for helping me with levels 4.1 and 4.2


The author of this FAQ has tried to make this guide as accurate as possible,
but does not guarantee the 100% truth. If you find an inaccurate bit, please
email the author so he may correct it at
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