Quest for Glory 5

Quest for Glory 5

13.10.2013 04:10:06
Version 1.3 29th December 98 by Ack

Do not read if you don't want to know the plot and happenings of this
game. Okay, that out of the way.. spoil yourself silly now.

A couple of stuff to do:
- Any character should go to the right of the screen once they visited
the Hall of Kings and talk to the lion Rakeesh and he will give you
either a grapel, ring of truth option, and a katta pin.

- Save often. And don't stay up too late playing it. hehe.

- Buy a pair of magic magnets from magic shop when you start the game.
And place one in your room, in the box.

- Time limit for rites changes with difficulty settings.

Little something I like to point out first:
Different methods of playing can be achieved. This IS NOT the only way
to play this game.. but i'm just a maniac and like to use force. Do
try other methods.
SKIP to the botom for HINTS, TIPS, CHEATS, and BUGS bypassing most of
the spoils if u don't want a total spoil. Btw, some info might not be
correct due to my bad memory. hehe. And also don't mind the typos..
Some info here aren't mine, so i will point them out for their credits.
When I say stuff like wack him silly, or blow them away i mean you will
have to play for yourself and figure out how to beat them. I dont have
to tell you to use Protection spell, use a particular weapon, or use
Zap spell. I figure you are smarter than that.. hope i'm right!

Quest 1: Rite of Freedom
There are five villages.. i suggest you complete them all as you can
gain stuff and boost skills. The item you want is the village sigils,
it's in the biggest house usually in each village, inside a large box.
Give the village sigils to the guards to complete the rite. Just hack
them all to death, Paladins can try to peace the area and go to big
building and get it.. no death involve. If u are behind, save all
villages for a tie.

Quest 2: Rite of Conquest
The island is south west, the small one next to big one. You need to
rent the boat in the morning from Andre.
You can either climb up the the drain pipe as a thief and blackjack the
general. You must not sound the alarm on your way in if u want to do it
thief style. Blackjack everyone and try to go into the upper doors, he
will come out. If that dont work just blackjack everyone and kill the
magician.. he will come out, run far away from him and turn on
stealth. He won't see u and starts peeing near the corner next to
toilet or just stand around. BlackJack him there. Pick up stuff and
As a fighter just belt everything up and kill him. Paladins do the
same, don't bother doing it honorably, the general doesn't deserve it.
Magicians just load up on reversal spells and when the centaur starts
shooting spells at you, use trigger on him.. kaboom! Or you can do it
the harder way with firebolts or throwing.. though i prefer kaboom
instead! :) If you didn't kaboom the guy then check his body for a
neat spell..

Quest 3: Rite of Valor and Science Island
You need these items, BEESWAX (pillar north of town), FEATHERS
(pegasus place on top of island, look below for info), SPEAR,
throwable items, one PIZZA the Artichoke, some ANCHOVIES from Andre
talk to him about small fish, and one AMPHORA from wolfie.
Combine the pizza with the fish. Then go to science island break the
brake handle, replace it with spear. Jump on the gondola, throw items
at brake or use force bolt spell on it. Go to science island, do the
test (the small glowing square next to big gear), enter and give the A&A
pizza to scientist. Use beeswax on the wings, and then use feathers.
Once on Hydra island use amphora on green/yellow liquid. Then fight
the hydra, accept Elsa's help..(if u don't it's bug time!) you fight,
let her torch, or vice versa.. torch the heads by using firebolt or
torch from thieves guild. Enter the cave, take EVERYTHING. Use magnets
and go home.. give guards the hydra's tooth and Salim (zonked out
healer dude) the scales.

Quest 4: Rite of Destiny & Balloon thingamajig ;-)
You need these items; bed sheets from inn, balloon picture from
Wolfie, goo from hydra island, brazier from Marrak, and a rope. Show
Ann the picture and then give her bed sheets. Show Marrak picture and
buy brazier. Go to science island and exit up the top left. Use the
small panel to raise the gondola, combos are 100 and 50 closed. Use
sowed up balloon on it then rope, then use goo. Use brazier and then
use tinder box. Houston, we have liftoff! Fly north west.. keep flying
to Delos!
I suggest you do this early in the day so there is enough time. Land
on the small island with those places, head north and enter the
Sibyl's Temple, pick up flower in water.. and oh, save regularly
within these quest. Throw a coin in water.. and then pick up item.
Give it to guard, quest done.
Note, Wizards can gain MAGIC WOOD here, just offer the Dryads (trees)
Hippocrene water from pegasus area.. pour on all of them, only needs 1

Quest 5: Hades: Rite of Courage
Get 3 amphorae.. fill one up with spoiled water near pillar. These are
items u need, all the types of foods from marrak.. including
chocolate. then head to the pillar north of tinos. The one on the west
of island, the place where it's serene and peaceful.
When u get there, move to the west of the screen all the way where
water flow into mountain. Pour amphorae with water into the stream.
Bribe the Cerberus with all types of foods. Get in, and load up on
protection spells..aura is nice here or potions and run, dont bother
fighting unless you are a paladin and use destroy undead spell and
they go kaboom! hehe. Run to the right of the screen, jump/levitate
down &
into door, run left of screen..again, dont bother fighting unless ur a
paladin. Exit the dragon's skeleton by going left of screen.
Run right all the way until you see intersection.. two paths, one up
one down. Pick up now, and run all the way right. Click on the
building you see.. make a choice i suggest Erana. Run all the way back
to intersection and take the other's hard to see it but it's
there.. run down next to whirlpool, use amphora on it.. run right..
use amphora on calm pool. Run all the way left and out. Now run back
to the exit place where you came in. But this time you exit to the
beginning so just run down and up and out.. home free baby!
Btw, don't forget to dip ring in Whirlpool as a Paladin.

Quest 6: Atlantis : Rite of Peace
If you pick to save Erana or Katrina then visit them and talk to them
about this rite, they will give you water breathing amulet. Put it on,
buy a magic spear. Then head off on balloon and go to South West of
map.. there land next to atlantis and walk to the sea.. you should be
swimming by now, if you haven't learnt it yet. Learn from a book next
to his desk in the FACS (the old man's place filled with books). Use
spear on the big gong thingy, and the door opens.. some tritons will
fight you. Just kick their butts! Enter it and kill everything IF u
wish.. then once that is done the queen will talk to you.. take the
gift and go back to town, give to guards and you finish this quest.

To get into the Throne room w/o killing everyone, go to the tower on
the left side and click on the panel that is above the edge of the
ledge, force it open, use picks, or use open spell on it. From the healers place, head up the stairs.. when u get halfway over,
use stealth and sneak behind the guard. Blackjack him, dispose of
body. And then use lockpicks on bank. Disarm trap, take money. Woo
hoo! Easy money!

Funny things: (you could call these Easter Eggs if u wish)
Drink lots of stuff from Dead Parrot Inn, and watch what happens. Try
to drink "Dragon's Breath" from there when you can.. save first though.
Also, if u wander town after midnight, Nawar will be on her balcony,
kinda like Gnomeo and Juliet.
Use your Lightning ball spell in the water.
If you use levitate near the windmill then it's mince meat. Give money to Cat musician (forgot name).
Give flowers and candy to Nawar or other women repeatedly
Find basket for Sarra
Sneak into Atlantis without killing a soul (stealth like) and tell
queen of paladin way.
Help Ann with her inn. Blackbird quest
Tell Ann about wolfie after you show her picture of balloon
Ring of Truth
Catch bank robber and ask healer to heal back arm. Then tell him
about doing good deeds.
Don't kill the General!!!
Heal every one that the assian hits with a dagger.
Arrest the scientists for drugging the wizards
If you want you could give elsa credit for killing the hydra
Give people drinks, every third one or so earns honour.

Chief Thief:
Show thief signs to Elsa, late in the game (Peace Rite) when you sleep
at inn she will enter and talk to you about stealing it. Go to minos
and steal the bird, just burst right in and kill everyhing or be
stealthy if u prefer. You can climb up wall as a thief and blackjack
them, use gropel. Go to top left door, enter and pick lock from the
top right bar door that seems empty. Then take any other stuff you
can. Exit the place, show bird to Arestes and win.

Arrest the Thief:
Go to Erasmus and show him lockpicks found at bank. Then go to Dead
Parrot Inn, then follow guy without hand (Arestes) and accuse him of
being thief then call for guards. He will follow u out if u tell him
how you busted his ugly butt! btw, do talk to him when you past the
prison afterwards.

Save Ann's inn:
You can get the papers for her inn from Ferrari late in the game..
give him the peace statue from rite 6 or the black bird. Give Ann her
papers. The black bird can be taken back in Ferrari's Mansion.. so
many people are having probs with this one i will have to include the
help. So here we go, don't give him the blackbird yet.. (if u want to
marry Nawar that is) wait until Nawar asks you to do stuff for her
then give him the bird. To rob his house you need so oil from thieves
guild, use oil on the bars, and then re-examine it, use toolkit on it
and you are inside, it it doesn't work do it again. Sneak down from
the ledge when you are inside, take the vase on table, black jack
guard and push table, replace real bird with fake one you bought from
Wolfie after showing him the real bird. Then magnet out.

Ring of truth:
Go to dragon pool and dip ring in dragon's blood pool. Use ring on
yourself. Dip ring on river in Styx River in Hades. I think that's it,
but if u need Paladin blood then you might have to be wounded.. (maybe)

Cure poisoned people:
Get water from Lathe river in Hades and give it to the healer. You can
also talk to them once you talk to the arrested thief and ask them to
help him. btw, you can cure Rakeesh and Ugarte by giving them poison
from healers. Give poisoned chocolate to them for hints and info.
You can also give the lotus from oracle to healers to make cure.
(thanks to Joe Black for that tip)

Dragon Fire spell, Whirlwind, and other spells:
Can be obtained from Katrina if u save her from Hades. Visit her on
the small island east of Town. Use balloon to get there. Only if u are
a Wizard.
First Aid is from Erana if u are a magic user and saved her.
Whirlwind can be obtained from Erasmus if u visit him at the start
several times.
Thermonuclear is from FA if u give him Hippocrene water, only if u a
pure Wizard without thief skills. Otherwise he will give you a Stealth
Augment can be found from the centaur mage in rite two, just kill him
for it.
Shrink is in the box in the Hydra's cave.

Do not use magnets when you are on the hot air balloon unless u can
pick it up later.. i had to reload cos i left it in the middle of the
sea once. hehe.

Help Ann & Wolfie paint her inn: (also from Joe but i knew it already!)
Talk to ann after showing her balloon drawing from wolfie, and then
come back later and Inn will be different.

Saving Kokeeno and Magnus:
There is no way to save them.. the game wouldn't work. These are just
myths. You can find Kokeeno's body after freeing Naxos, alert the
guards for points.

Hints for Newbies:
Buy stammina pills and go to adv guild and exercise, then take pills
and do more exercising. If you run strength will increase faster, if u
walk Vitality will increase faster. Shadow punching and kicking will
increase your stats, do everyday before you sleep and before you take
a meal.
Buy lots of magic pills and practice throwing spells around to
increase it's strength. I suggest rasing Boom, Protection, Zap to
around 400 and frosbite to more than 300, it will make the game easier
later. High level boom can kill in one shot, and most of the time i
can kill more than one at a time!
Don't bother practicing swimming once u learnt it.. if u want, it's by
the pier next to the boats.. click on water to swim.
You can learn Thermonuclear from FA if u give him water from pegasus
stream, but only if u are a wizard.
Minimum install works fine, don't bother with bigger ones..just waste
Get a map to make locations easier.
To get back to erasmus, kick the portal or use trigger on it. Note: You
can not get back there when erasmus is sick later in game, only once.
Becareful, stamina is needed for spell casting too! And talk to
everyone, at least buy everything from people except weapons. You can
gain weapons and stuff easy in this game during the quests.
Talk to people before each rite, and after for hints. Visit FA often.
And finally, whatever you do.. don't get addicted to this game!

CHEATS!! BUGS!: not recommended to use.
There's an item duplication cheat/bug in the game, throw something and
when it is still in the air, press "i" and then select that item and
throw it again and again.. works with coins too. But this is just
plain nasty and even you shouldn't resort to this method!

If you use lockpicks on the door at the top of the stairs outside the
Dead Parrot, most of your skills, except lockpicking, will increase,
even though it says it's a magic lock and can't be picked.

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