Rainbow Six - Eagle Watch

Rainbow Six - Eagle Watch

07.10.2013 22:12:14

By - MHulbert
10 - 21 - 00
Version 3.2
< rocky1328@aol.com >
Revision History
1.0 - Created
1.1 - Changed some statistics ( this is the version at Gamefaqs )
Final Version - Finished up everything that was left to be done.
2.25 - I decided to grammatically update it, and decided that a walkthrough is
needed and in the works.
2.35 - Added and internet guide.

Jeff Veasey - We cannot say enough about him. He is the sole runner of
Gamefaqs, an enormous job by itself, and then he even writes some FAQ's too. I
mean, the guy even works when he has Pheunomia.

Michael Mason - He helped a lot with the whole FAQ. Me play R6 together a lot,
when we have the time, and he shows me a lot of stuff I would have missed
otherwise, so he deserves some credit.

Dingo Jellybean - The most prolific contributor ever to grace GameFAQs.com, as
well as a pretty good friend. He helps a lot, and is always ready and willing
to answer a question or give his opinion when asked.

Dallas - Another one of the greatest ever, he was a big help when I was brand
new, and I would like to thank him for that. He and Dingo were the only ones
who would ever help me out with sending in a FAQ.

Dan Mason - He is a great multiplayer contender and always loves to play
internet games with me. He helped a lot with some of the tricks and strategies
in the game, as well as playing it with me.

Myself - I typed it.

This document is the property of the author, Matthew Hulbert. It may not be
posted at any web site or single web page, by anyone, without the permission of
the author. This document may only be recreated electronically, because is for
your personal and private use only. This document may not be altered or
modified and then distributed in anyway, and it may not be given away as a gift
or bonus for buying something. Pieces of this document may not be copied and
pasted into another document without the permission of the author, and even
then credit must be given, and the copied section must remain unaltered. I have
heard rumors about certain companies, especially Game Cave and Brady Games
stealing FAQs, copying FAQs, and also giving FAQs away as bonuses for buying
their products. That is not allowed, and if it is done, it will be in breach of
this disclaimer. All of the information in this document was compiled by the
author, unless separate credit is given, and in order to use those certain
sections which were not compiled by the author, but contributed by others, you
must contact the actual author of that certain piece of information. That is
all I ask of you.

copyright(c) 2000 THIS DOCUMENT; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MHulbert.


This document may not be posted at any site other than Gamefaqs, without the
expressed written consent of the author. It may not be posted at any profitable
sites, just letting you know in advance.

If you have any questions about this guide, or need help with any a section or
Need more in depth help than is given in this guide, please feel free to email
Me at the address listed above. If you have any comments about this FAQ or you
Believe you have found something that is incorrect or wrong in this guide, you
Should feel free to email me for that too, and it would be greatly appreciated
Because if the information is wrong, this guide is useless. Now, if you happen
To have something that you would like to contribute, a list or tip that I just
Happened to have missed or don't have, please email it to me, and I would love
To put it in and make this guide even more complete, and you will be given the
Proper credit in the credits section - those kinds of emails are fine, but the
Author of this FAQ would greatly appreciate it if you do not email him just so
You can say how much you dislike this game because that type of immature email
Will be disregarded and never responded too, that is what the reviews are for.

This FAQ tells about all of the new additions to Eagle Watch from Rainbow
Six. Eagle Watch is the sequel to Rainbow Six, so it has all of the same guns
and operatives your used to.
But, there are some new operatives and guns, this is a guide that will tell
you all about them. This is not a walkthrough, only a new character and
equipment guide.
Please do not email me asking for a walkthrough, I have not written one yet,
because I am half way through my walkthrough for Rainbow Six.
So with that said, on to the new additions.

- Matt Hulbert
1). Basic Controls
2). New Characters
3). New Weapons
4). Old Characters
5). Tech Support
6). Gear/planning
7). Internet Guide
8). Closing Thoughts
Basic Controls

Planning Controls
Left Button Click: Move Forward ( mouse )
Right Button Click: Move Backwards ( mouse )
Delete: Delete selected waypoint, Advances to next waypoint
Backspace: Delete current waypoint, go to previous waypoint

Map Controls
Up Arrow: Move map up
Down Arrow: Move map back
Left Arrow: Move map left
Right Arrow: Move map right
Home Button: Zoom in
End Button: Zoom out
Page up: Rotate map right
Page down: Rotate map left
[ button: Change level up
] button: Change level down
S button: Toggle 3d view

Action Controls
Delete: Change Magazine
0,/,0,KPD,middle click: Change Environment
Left Click: Use item
1: select primary item
2: select secondary item
3: Extra item 1
4: Extra item 2
.: Change rate of fire

Recon Controls
/: Toggle through recon groups
>: Next recon entry
<: Previous recon entry

Movement controls
Left ---------- Right

Steering: While holding a direction arrow, use the mouse the steer your
Character, and to aim your firearm as well.

End: Crouch
Shift: Shuffle

Team / Al Controls
Page up: Previous team
Page Down: Next team
Home: Toggle team
S: Status report
Insert: Advance ROE mode
Backspace: Advance ROE Speed
Q: GoCode 1
W: GoCode 2
E: GoCode 3
R: GoCode 4

Communication Controls
": Toggle chat
Enter: Toggle team Chat
Space: Transmit message

View Controls
Ctrl: Sniper Mode
N: Night Vision
M: Full screen map
F1: Toggle Camera view
+: Expand Cinema
-: Shrink Cinema
]: Zoom in on map
[: Zoom out on map
/: Watch next guy in map

Optional Controls
A: Toggle auto aim
F2: Screen shot
F12: Activate server Dialogue
F3: Target Reticule
New Operatives

Johnston, Homer

Personal Information
Identification Number: RCT0047-B0381
Nationality: American
Specialty: Assault
Date of Birth: 23 August 72
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 73 kg
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Brown
Gender: Male

Born in Boise, Idaho, USA. His father was a logger, and his mother was a
secretary at the lumber mill. He was brought up like a true mountain man. He
shot his first deer when he was ten years old, and he was once a Green Beret
and Delta Force member. He was part of the 101st AirMobile
at Fort Campbell Kentucky. In 1989 he started in the Black Ops. He is a
Definitive distance runner, and an expert with all types of rifles.

Johnston is one of RAINBOWS best snipers. He has excellent firearms and stealth
statistics which allow him to perform this silent task. He uses the HK G3A3
rifle the best from very long distance.

Aggression: 89
Leadership: 83
Self-control: 87
Stamina: 98
Teamwork: 88
Demolitions: 55
Electronics: 50
Firearms: 98
Grenades: 70
Loiselle, Louis

Personal Information
Identification Number: RCT0013-B5928
Nationality: French
Specialty: Assault
Date of Birth: 06 June 1968
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Gender: Male

Born in Paris, France. He has been married for three years to Elaine.
His father was a commercial pilot, and his mother was a clerk at a local
department store. He is a former member of the French parachute division. Part
of action group service 7. He began training recruits in 1985. On assignments
he's a team player, who is almost impossible to rattle. He spends most of his
free time with his wife.

He is a good choice for an assault team support role. He is an excellent
marksman with both pistols and rifles. He is also good at covering your back
during hostile fire situations.

Aggression: 90
Leadership: 85
Self-control: 100
Stamina: 85
Teamwork: 89
Demolitions: 49
Electronics: 70
Firearms: 94
Grenades: 70
Stealth: 78
Price, Eddie

Personal Information
Identification Number: RCT0049-B4197
Nationality: British
Specialty: Assault
Date of Birth: 21 September 1958
Height: 186 cm
Weight: 84 kg
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Gender: Male

Born in London, England. His father is deceased, and his mother is a retired
nurse. He is a former color sergeant, before being spot-promoted to sergeant
major. He served in the twenty second SAS at Hereford. He spent time in
northern Ireland with the fourteenth intel
Company. He is an expert in espionage and surveillance. Involved in a hostage
rescue in 1984, an extremely physical fit marksman. He enjoys reading and
smoking his pipe.

Price is the first sergeant of Chavez's group in the book. He has more
experience than any of the other operatives, probably because he is one of the
very oldest. He also has very good leadership skills.
Weber, Dieter

Personal Information
Identification Number: RCT0017-B7682
Nationality: German
Specialty: Assault
Date of Birth: 09 July 1971
Height: 191 cm
Weight: 98 kg
Hair: Blond
Eyes: brown
Gender: Male

Born in Munich, Germany. His father was an iron worker and his mother is
deceased. He graduated from one of Germanys Berger Fuhrer ( mountain Leader )
schools, one of the worlds toughest, physically. Came from CSD-9 team, part of
the former border guards, the federal republics counter terrorism organization.
He is fluent in German and English. He is an excellent marksman, one of the
best ever. He spends his free time hunting, he is Price's best friend.

Weber is tied for being RAINBOWS best sniper. He is not only a perfect scoring
marksman, but also a very stealthy one too. He isn't the best leader, but is a
good team player. His stamina is excellent for harder missions.

Aggression: 93
Leadership: 73
Self-control: 84
Stamina: 100
Teamwork: 90
Demolitions: 53
Electronics: 61
Firearms: 100
Grenades: 72
Stealth: 96
New Weapons
The game has three new guns. They are all different and very useful for
different missions. Choose them wisely, or you'll wish you had later.

Heckler & Koch G3A3

- This is the standard assault rifle, it fires 7.62mm rounds. Its ammunition is
the same of that which is used by NATO forces. This
is RAINBOWS most accurate rifle. This is the best gun for any long range
shooting. It is a snipers dream gun, give it to Weber, and have some serious
fun. The scope is especially large on this weapon.

Heckler & Koch G36K

- This is H and K's latest assault rifle. It's compact and easy to carry design
makes it a favorite for most RAINBOW operatives. It is extremely useful in
close quarters. Its 5.56mm rounds are very powerful, and will take down most
armor. Use this gun to blast your way through heavily guarded area's.

IMI .50 Desert Eagle

- This extremely powerful pistol is capable of getting through most body armor.
It is limited to a 6 round clip however, making it a nuisance to reload. It's
50-caliber round is the most powerful of any pistol in the game. Yes, this is
the really cool pistol from Tomb Raider 3. This is a very loud but reliable

Old Characters

Arnavisco, Santiago
ID Number: RCT0031 - A1044
Nationality: Spanish
Specialty: Assault
DOB: 1966
Height: 186 cm
Weight: 81 kg
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Gender: Male

He was born in Malaga Spain, son of a wealthy farmer. He attended the
University of Seville, from 1983-88. After that he joined the Guardia civil. He
was a Brigade Commander from 1994-1996, in the western European union. In
Bosnia he rebuilt the local police force, and the UEI recruited him in 1997. He
is very calm, but can become vicious while in heavy combat.
He is a very good marksman, with good self control. He is also a very good
team player.

Aggression 72
Leadership 81
Self Control 94
Stamina 83
Teamwork 92
Demolition 24
Electronics 34
Firearms 100
Grenades 65
Stealth 82

Bogart, Daniel
ID Number: RCT0047 - A1109
Nationality: American
Specialty: Assault
DOB: 1954
Height: 188 cm
Weight: 82 kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Gender: Male

Bogart was born in Keokuk, Iowa, USA. His father is a deputy sheriff. He
attended the University of Iowa on a track and field scholarship. He was a
patrolman for 3 years with the Keokuk PD. In 1980 he joined the FBI, hostage
rescue team. He his wife and two kids live in Maine. He has a very good sense
of humor and is well liked by the rest of Rainbow.
He is a very good leader, he has high score is leadership and teamwork. Plus
he can get the job done when it comes to guns.

Aggression 89
Leadership 96
Self Control 93
Stamina 97
Teamwork 95
Demolition 20
Electronics 20
Firearms 98
Grenades 50
Stealth 73

Beckenhaur, Lars
ID Number: RCT0031 - A1044
Nationality: Germany
Specialty: Demolition
DOB: 1953
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 87 kg
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Brown
Gender: male

Born in Chemnitz, near the Czechoslovakian border. In 1970 he was drafted
into the east German army. He specialized in bomb disarming and disposal. He
was discharged from the army in 1977, after suspicion of being a traitor, he
equited with a lack of evidence. In 1995 he married, and has two children.
He is the best Demolition man in the game. He is also decent with
Electronics, that's about it though.

Aggression 55
Leadership 78
Self Control 77
Stamina 81
Teamwork 74
Demolitions 100
Electronics 91
Firearms 76
Grenades 80
Stealth 72

Burke, Andrew
ID Number: RCT0049 - A2267
Nationality: British
Specialty: Assault
DOB: 1968
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 72 kg
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Gender: Male

Born in Manchester, England, the whereabouts of his father are unknown. He
joined the royal marines in 1986, and served two terms with the British special
air service, 1989-91 and 1996-99. In 1998 he received a Military cross.
Burke is an overall average operative, he has good stamina and is
Pretty good with a gun.

Aggression 91
Leadership 85
Self Control 75
Stamina 94
Teamwork 89
Demolitions 75
Electronics 53
Firearms 93
Grenades 67
Stealth 78

Chavez, Ding
ID Number: RCT0047 - X0566
Nationality: American
Specialty: Command
DOB: 1968
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 72 kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Gender: Male

Chavez was born in Los Angeles. He joined the U.S army in 1983. He served with
the seventh infantry division from 1984-87. He joined the CIA in 1987. His
record from 1989-90 are sealed, he is married.
Chavez is the best guy on the game. He is a great leader who can
Keep guys with low self control in line.

Aggression 95
Leadership 100
Self Control 92
Stamina 97
Teamwork 94
Demolitions 71
Electronics 67
Firearms 100
Grenades 74
Stealth 100

Dubarry, Allen
ID Number: RCT0013 - A5436
Nationality: French
Specialty: Electronics
DOB: 1967
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 66 kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Gender: Male

Born in France, the son of a manuscript worker. He joined Gendarmerie
Nationale in 1990. He is unmarried and in 1996 he was recruited by Frances top
anti terrorist unit. He is a whiz with computers and networks. He has 4 sisters
and 2 brothers.
Dubarry is the best electronic guy in Rainbow. But keep him out of battle,
there is only one other electronics expert you can use.

Aggression 72
Leadership 81
Self Control 76
Stamina 91
Teamwork 66
Demolitions 76
Electronic 100
Firearms 84
Grenades 81
Stealth 73

Filatov, Genedy
ID Number: RCT0069 - A1772
Nationality: Russian
Specialty: Assault
DOB: 1964
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 84 kg
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Gender: Male

He was born in the former Soviet Union. No information on his family is found.
Served in the soviet army 1981-1985. He directed operations at a private
security firm from 1991-96. He then returned to alfa in 1997. He is married,
but has no children, he is just your everyday Joe.
He is an average operative, he is terrible in electronics, so just send him
with the team that kills all the Tangos.

Aggression 82
Leadership 82
Self Control 87
Stamina 83
Teamwork 88
Demolitions 62
Electronics 36
Firearms 91
Grenades 85
Stealth 75

Haider, Karl
ID Number: RCT0007 - A3709
Nationality: Austrian
Specialty: Assault
DOB: 1975
Height: 196 cm
Weight: 117 kg
Eyes: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Gender: Male

Born in Graz Austria. He joined the austrian army in 1992. He transferred to
GEK COBRA in 1996. In Vienna, 1998, he single hadedly saved the lives of seven
hostages during a cobra raid on the headquarters. He hates to see the innocent
Haider is probably the toughest guy on the game, so when he snaps beware. He
is fanatical about protecting hostages, even with his life.

Aggression 100
Leadership 75
Self Control 71
Stamina 96
Teamwork 93
Demolitions 42
Electronics 55
Firearms 89
Grenades 71
Stealth 74

Hanley, Timothy
ID Number: RCT0005 - A1299
Nationality: Australian
Specialty: Assault
DOB: 1965
Height: 187 cm
Weight: 85 kg
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Hazel
Gender: Male

Born in Australia, he attended the Defense academy in Canberra from 1983-87.
He then joined the Australian special air service regiment.
He is unmarried, and has led counter terrorist groups on 3 different
contintents. He has also trained with U.S. Delta Force.
Hanley is a survivor, with a stamina of 100 he is one tough cookie, he is also
decent with firearms.

Aggression 93
Leadership 86
Self Control 84
Stamina 100
Teamwork 86
Demolitions 75
Electronics 65
Firearms 91
Grenades 84
Stealth 85

Lofquist, Annika
ID Number: RCT0030 - A3224
Nationality: Swedish
Specialty: electronics
DOB: 1966
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Hazel
Gender: Male

Born in Sweden, he father was a retired Navy Admiral. She sails with her
family avidly. She joined the Stockholm police as an expert in electronic
surveilance, after she got a B.S. degree in it. She hold 14 patents at her old
engineering company, and is an all out electronical genius. She is unmarried,
off duty she lives in a sail boat by herself.
She is the second best electronics specialist in Rainbow, she is also a decent
leader, so don't let her die.

Aggression 80
Leadership 92
Self Control 77
Stamina 82
Teamwork 88
Demolitions 61
Electronics 97
Firearms 85
Grenades 69
Stealth 69

Maldini, Antonio
ID Number: RCT0023 - A2009
Nationality: Italian
Specialty: Recon
DOB: 1966
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Gender: Male

Born in Milano, Italy. In 1995 he joined the GIS, Italys elite anti terrorist
team.He was married in 1990 and he has 3 children. He is an amateur marathon
runner. He is very intelligent and well spoken. He is very cal and soft spoken,
and is in top physical condition.
Maldini is very fast, he is a good sniper, so have im go by himself with a
silenced gun and get enemy locations and stuff like that.

Aggression 50
Leadership 60
Self Control 80
Stamina 95
Teamwork 80
Demolitions 65
Electronics 65
Firearms 90
Grenades 50
Stealth 100

McAllen, Roger
ID Number: RCT0011 - A1932
Nationality: Canadian
Specialty: Demolitions
DOB: 1964
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 95 kg
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Grey
Gender: Male

Born in Toronto, Canada. His father is a senior officer with the Royal Bank of
Canada. He joined the Canadian army as a field engineer in 1981. From '81-85,
he received advanced training in combat and explosives, that is why he is such
a good demolition man. In 1988, he joined the Canadian mounted police. He was
married but is now divorced with one child.
Roger is very good when grenades, so use him to breach doors and Demo work, he
is also a great marksman.

Aggression 70
Leadership 70
Self Control 70
Stamina 98
Teamwork 90
Demolitions 97
Electronics 71
Firearms 96
Grenades 100
Stealth 70

Morris, Gerald
ID Number: RCT0047 - A0781
Nationality: American
Specialty: Demolitions
DOB: 1965
Height: 186 cm
Weight: 96 kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Gender: Male

He was born in Birmingham, Alabama. In 1982 he attended Rice university in
Houston, Texas. He joined the BATF in 1988 as an agent in their explosives
division. Since 1998 he has been in Korea, working for their top counter
terrorism group. His wife and two daughters also live
In Korea with him.
Morris is a lot like McAllen, use him for the same kind of stuff, though he
isn't as good with firearms.

Aggression 40
Leadership 72
Self Control 80
Stamina 79
Teamwork 89
Demolitions 99
Electronics 54
Firearms 80
Grenades 97
Stealth 71

Noronha, Alejandro
ID Number: RCT0009 - A1538
Nationality: Brazilian
Specialty: Assault
DOB: 1959
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 70 kg
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Gender: Male

Born in Brazil, he attended college at the Brazilian military academy.
He served two terms with the Brazilian army, before being recruited by the Anti
Terrorist branch. He has commanded one of CTD's squadrons, and has cross
trained with the U.S. Delta Force group. He is a well known CT in South and
North America.
He is a good team leader, with good stamina and firearms, he can protect the
specialists in his group.

Aggression 91
Leadership 91
Self Control 91
Stamina 82
Teamwork 87
Demolitions 50
Electronics 32
Firearms 94
Grenades 75
Stealth 73

Rakuzanka, Kazimiera
ID Number: RCT0027 - A2057
Nationality: Polish
Specialty: Assault
DOB: 1964
Height: 165 km
Weight: 61 kg
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Brown
Gender: Female

She was born in Poland. As a teenager she was part of a movement which later
got her severely beaten by police. In 1982 she was arrested at a street
demonstration, In 1990 she joined the reconstructed polish police force. In
1993 she joined Poland's newly formed Anti Terrorist group.
She is an average operative with good firearm skills and pretty good stamina,
use her in support role for protection.

Aggression 85
Leadership 85
Self Control 60
Stamina 96
Teamwork 94
Demolitions 50
Electronics 52
Firearms 96
Grenades 70
Stealth 80

Raymond, Renee
ID Number: RCT0047 - A1342
Nationality: American
Specialty: Assault
DOB: 1968
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 64 kg
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Gender: Female

Born in Kansas City, Missouri, her father is a retied army Colonel.
She attended the university of Oklahoma from 1986-89. In 1991 she joined the
United States Army, and was later recruited into the special forces branch. She
has trained with the first special forces Operational detachment Delta. She was
married in 1993.
She is good with grenades and guns, plus her stealth can make her a deadly
sniper, put her in support because of her teamwork attribute.

Aggression 75
Leadership 79
Self Control 90
Stamina 91
Teamwork 100
Demolitions 30
Electronics 23
Firearms 97
Grenades 85
Stealth 96

Sweeney, Kevin
ID Number: RCT0049 - A3964
Nationality: British
Specialty: recon
DOB: 1968
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 83 kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Gender: male

Born in Birmingham, England. He joined the local police force as a patrol man
in 1987. He was later promoted to Detective. He then spent five years working
as an under cover operative.In 1996, he worked against terrorism in a series of
underground terrorist raids.
Use him by himself, he is stealthy and good with electronics, which can be the
perfect mix for a sniper, especially with his self control.

Aggression 45
Leadership 65
Self Control 95
Stamina 85
Teamwork 90
Demolitions 30
Electronics 96
Firearms 90
Grenades 50
Stealth 99

Walther, Jorg
ID Number: RCT0017 - A1615
Nationality: German
Specialty: Assault
DOB: 1974
Height: 190 cm
Weight: 105 kg
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Gender: Male

Born in Germany, his father was a security engineer for a local airline. In
1990 he entered the German Federal border police. He was then recruited into
the top counter Terrorism group in Germany. He was assigned to Rainbow in 1998.
He is good with electronics and firearms, he can shoot his way in and disable
security systems and thing of that matter.

Aggression 76
Leadership 97
Self control 90
Stamina 96
Teamwork 98
Demolitions 71
Electronics 89
Firearms 96
Grenades 83
Stealth 97

Woo, Tracy
ID Number: RCT0047 - A2715
Nationality: American
Specialty: Recon
DOB: 1971
Height: 155 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Gender: Female

She was born in California, her mother a lawyer and her father a doctor. She
was an amateur gymnast, she then attended UCLA university.
In 1992 she joined the LA police department. She transferred to the Special
weapons and tactics division. She was commended for her bravery by the city of
Los Angeles.
She is good with electronics, and is good recon support, but everything else
is below average.

Aggression 50
Leadership 75
Self Control 85
Stamina 96
Teamwork 96
Demolitions 30
Electronics 85
Firearms 80
Grenades 50
Stealth 98

Yacoby, Ayana
ID Number: RCT0022 - A4242
Nationality: Israeli
Specialty: Recon
DOB: 1973
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 57 kg
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Gender: Female

Born in Israel, her father is a green Grocer. Her brother is a professional
soccer player, and her mother died when she was three years old. She was
recruited by Mossad in 1997, and later joined Rainbow in 1998. She is unmarried
and the master of silence.
She is not a very good leader, so put her with Chavez because of her self
control. She is very stealthy and good with gun.

Aggression 95
Leadership 65
Self Control 70
Stamina 95
Teamwork 75
Demolitions 30
Electronics 86
Firearms 97
Grenades 60
Stealth 97

Tech Support
* For Technical support for this game contact: 919 460-9778

Keep in mind that this number is for tech support only. Hints and tips will
not be given out to anyone.

Calling Schedule:

Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm Eastern Standard Time

This is for jungle operations, suited with level 2a armor which is capable of
stopping light pistol fire. It is light weight and used for stealth missions.

Level 2 waist length body armor, gives protection from rounds up to .40
Caliber as well as 9mm firearms.This is RAINBOWS standard jungle gear.
It is useful for operations in central and south America, plus Africa.

Level 3 body armor which reflects everything but higher powered rifles. It is a
little bit heavier than the other suits but it also gives much more protection.
This suit also comes with a black night cap/

Level 2a body armor, used in missions where speed is a major factor. It will
stop some pistol rounds, comes with Nomex balaclava and light weight desert

This is Rainbows standard desert uniform. It has level 2 armor capable of
stopping 9mm and other small caliber fire. It also come with light weight
desert boots.

Consists of level 3 body armor,which stops almost all small arms fire. It comes
with light weight boots and a black cap. It is hotter but gives a lot more
protection from bullets and the desert sun.

This is the urban camo uniform which has a level 2a tactical vest which stops
some pistol fire. It is used when stealth is a main priority, it has soft soled
rubber boots and is used mainly for recon.

Has a level 2 armor vest stretching to the waist, its Kevlar face mask /helmet
is capable of stopping low powered pistol fire. It is the alternative assault
gear for Rainbow, it to has soft soled boots.

Its level 3 body armor vest is capable of stopping all but the higher powered
rifles. Its Kevlar mask is preferred by demolition specialist because it stops
debris. This suit is useful for normal urban missions.

Has a level 2a waist length vest, and is used for stealthy and hot desert
missions because it is so light weighted. It can stop most lower powered pistol
rounds, and includes the standard desert boots.

This is the alternative desert assault gear for Rainbow team. It has a level 2
waist length armor vest which can stop most pistol rounds, plus some small sub
machine gun fire.

Its level 3 groin to shoulder armor vest is capable of stopping all but the
strongest of rifles. Its helmet is capable of stopping most small pistols and
again is a favorite of demo experts.This version is especially suited for
desert operations.

This is the uniform of a recon specialist,it has soft soled rubber boots.
Armor is strength 2a which can stop low powered pistol fire.
It is very lightweight, with Nomex and Kevlar gloves.

Level 2 waste length armor provides protection from all but higher powered
rifles. The kevlar helmet can stop most pistol fire. This is Rainbows standard
urban assault gear. It includes soft soled boots.

This uniform is prefered by demolition experts because the kevlar helmet
provides protection from debris. Its level 3 armor from the groin up stops most
gun fire except for high powered rifles.

Useful for forrest operations. 2a armor stops most pistol fire. Comes with a
camo cap as well as Nomex Balaclava, Kevlar gloves and Nomex gloves. Santiago
Arnavisca favors these kinds of uniforms.

Waist length level 2 body armor provides protection from up to .40 caliber or
up to 9mm. It is most useful for American and European operations. It is
completed by Nomex and Kevlar gloves.

This uniform comes with a level 3 armor vest which stops most gun fire. It
comes with a black night beanie cap. It is bigger and heavier but it give much
more protection than the other uniforms do.

This specially designed combat biosuit has level 2a tactical armor which stops
most small pistol fire, and level IV biohazard containment suit. The joints are
specially reinforced, but operatives must be very
Careful not to comprise the suits integrity.


Briefing: You will be given a basic out lay of the mission, and some backround
on the situation.

Intel: This is like the planning home page. You can select:
- People
- Organizations
- Newswire
- Miscellaneous

Operative Roster Selection: You will choose up to 12 operatives to go into the
mission with you, some mission do not need all 12, so plan carefully, you don't
want an un-needed man dying, cause he ain't coming back.

Bio Information:
- Tells the status of the operative
Ready - 100% ready to go
Fatigued - Can be selected, but not at 100%
Incapacitated - Unable to be selected
KIA - Dead

The operatives will also have statistics, rating them on their performances in
all the different categories.

_ You may also check their past history and medical records.

Here you will choose you outfit, guns , and what other objects you take on your

Kit Menu:

|------------| --------------------------|
| Uniform | | Primary Weapon |
|------------| |-------------------------|
| | | |
| | | |
| | |-------------------------|
| | |-----------| |-----------|
| | | Secondary | | Slot One |
| | |-----------| |-----------|
| | | | | |
| | |-----------| |-----------|
| | | Slot Two |
| | |-----------|
| | | |
| | |-----------|

Internet Guide
Eagle Watch was not quite as big a hit online as was its predecessor Rainbow
Six, but it is still a great game to play online. With a variety of weapons
larger than in R6, you have more ways to kill and to do it quicker and easier.
To log onto multiplayer, just go to MULTIPLAYER in the main menu of your game,
and then proceed from there. You may not be able to play on certain games
because of the version of the game you have, or they may be private or need a
password. Once in a game, stay there, because it can be difficult to find
another sometimes. Also remember, if you misbehave, the operator has the
control to Boot you out of the game.

Closing Thought
Well, I have decided to close this FAQ too, like a lot of my other ones,
because I have newer and bigger FAQs to compile. I can't stand having something
linger around like these unfinished FAQs do, so I am finishing a lot of them.
If there is anything drastic, you can still email it to me and I may submit it,
other wise, please don't send any more contributions.

- Matt Hulbert

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17.Octombrie 2013
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09.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

07.Octombrie 2013

10.Octombrie 2008
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