Septerra Core

Septerra Core

17.10.2013 21:29:16
Welcome to [ Zephyr - Miasma ]'s Septerra Core FAQ

Version 0.1 - 17th December 1999
Version 0.2 - 22nd December 1999
Version 0.3 - 24th December 1999
Version 0.4 - 25th December 1999
Version 0.5 - 28th December 1999


- Introduction
- Information on the secret birds and their locations.
- Information on Fate Cards and their locations.
- Full Walkthrough
- Credits


This FAQ is a none spoiler, none of the story will be revealed. As it will
only contain the most important events.
considering the difficulty of this game so i'll try to help out anyone thats
in need of some assistance on Septerra Core.


First you have to Get Some Bird Seeds in World Shell three at South Farm
Speak with the old lady thats feeding some birds with Grubb and you will
get 10 Bird Seeds.

Every time you locate a bird, that bird will appear in the Tower in the north
of World Shell Three (the ??? area).
If you found all ten birds, the door to the tower will open up, but bewarned as
the enemies inside are the toughest enemies that you'll ever meet, as they can
wipe out your whole party in one shot. but it's worth it as the items inside
are the best in the whole game. Including the best Armor and Weapons.

locations on the birds:

bird one - in World Shell three, in the north of the graveyard.

bird two - in World Shell Five, in the Upper right Corner of Gregor Town.

bird three - World Shell Five, inside Mesa Canyons.

bird four - World Shell Four, World Bazaar, in the Bounty Hunter District.

bird five - World Shell Seven, along the path in the Dark Lake.

bird six - in Shell Six, in the north of Pranno Town.

bird seven - in Shell Six, in the East Marsh.

bird eight - World Shell One, inside Outlaw Canyon where you found Tori.

bird nine - World Shell Six, inside the Chosen Ruins, at the first right path
from the entrance.

bird ten - World Shell Four, Lost City of Marduk.


Water magic works best on fire based enemies
Fire magic works best on plant and insect enemies
Heal magic works best on Undead enemies
Air magic works best on Robotic enemies

Water Fate Card
Heal Fate Card
Rock Fate Card
Barrier Fate Card
Air Fate Card
Summon Fate Card
Fire Fate Card
Cure Fate Card
Slow Fate Card
Bless Fate Card
Law Fate Card
Resurrect Fate Card
Affect All Fate Card
Achilles Heel Fate Card
Chaos Fate Card
Cloak Fate Card
Speed Fate Card
Vampire Fate Card
Curse Fate Card
Mirror Fate card
Joker Fate Card

Fate Card Conjuntions:

Water + Summon
Air + Summon
Fire + Summon
Rock + Summon
Heal + Summon: Summon Kyra
Law + Summon: Summon Marduk
Chaos + Summon: Summon Gemma
Resurrect + Summon
Joker + Summon: Summon Dogo

Water + Barrier
Air + Barrier
Fire + Barrier
Rock + Barrier
Slow + Barrier
Chaos + Barrier

Water + Barrier + Affect All
Air + Barrier + Affect All
Fire + Barrier + Affect All
Rock + Barrier + Affect All
Slow + Barrier + Affect All
Chaos + Barrier + Affect All

Affect All + Slow
Affect All + Barrier
Affect All + Bless
Affect All + Cure
Affect All + Heal
Affect All + Achilles Heel
Affect All + Law
Affect All + Water
Affect All + Air
Affect All + Fire
Affect All + Rock
Affect All + Chaos
Affect All + Cloak
Affect All + Speed
Affect All + Curse
Affect All + Vampire

Water + Summon + Affect All
Air + Summon + Affect All
Fire + Summon + Affect All
Rock + Summon + Affect All
Heal + Summon + Affect All
Law + Summon + Affect All
Chaos + Summon + Affect All
Resurrect + Summon + Affect All

Chaos + Law

Chaos + Law + Affect All: Big Bang


World Shell Two

When you are first in control of Maya, head towards Azziz's Temple
after your lesson, you will recieve your first Fate Card (water).
Now head back to your uncle and you'll find Tori
there. Speak with your uncle and he will ask you to head to the
water pumping station. When you enter the Water Pumping Station,
you will fight some holy guards, so make sure you are fully healed
and equiped. When you killed them you will recieve the Heal Fate Card

When you enter Oasis some workbots will stop you, just keep talking
with them and they will let you through. Head back to your uncle,
and he will ask you to find Tori again, make sure you rest before
you leave. In the world map head south to Grubb's place, then he and
Runner will join you. Head back to Oasis if you want to buy some
weapons and Armor for Grubb and Runner. When Grubb is in your party head
to the junk pile area and examine some Junk in the upper left corner
to recieve a turbo engine, when you are done head for the Canyon in
the right of the world map to look for Tori.

Make your way through the Water Pumping station first, when you are
across, head south of the world map and you'll find a bar kind of place
go and rest if you need to. When you talk to the bounty hunters on the
right they will start to attack you, so be careful.

Now head for the Canyon. In the canyon you will find a lock door but
you can't do anything now, skip it. At the end of the Canyon, examine
the dead guard and take a ride. A FMV will follow.

World Shell Three

Note: In the upper right corner of the map, you'll find a (???) forest.
But don't go there now as you'll be facing some very tough enemies.
If you do kill them, you will have some very nice rewards.

When you arrive in world shell three, head towards the Farm and buy
some new weapons and armor, and buy a bottle in the item shop. Also speak
with the old lady who is near some birds, speak to her with Grubb and
you will recieve some bird seeds and rest in the bar if you need to.

Now head to the graveyard, and fight the zombie in the upper right corner
when you killed him, use the empty bottle you brought and fill it with
some zombie acid. Behind the acid pool and the fence you will find a item
and a bird feed the bird with some bird seeds.

Take the acid into wind city, and head for the library. Use the acid
and melt the iron collar to recieve Draxx's head. before you leave
wind city buy some swords and armor for Corgan as you can't enter the
city after the next event. Talk to a man in the upper
right corner and Grubb will help him fix his computer, you will
recieve a item. Now return to the graveyard and place the head on
the statue. Draxx will revive and attack you. When you killed him,
you will recieve another Fate Card (Rock).

Now enter the opened path. Head through the place and you will bump
in to Corgan and he will join your party and Runner will run away with
the rest of the holy guards temporally. leave the Carven and escape
in to the mountains.

When you arrive in the hiding place, rest to recharge your HP and Core
Energy. You can also replace Grubb with Runner if you want.
After your done head past the mountains to the town up north (Armstrong).

In the town head left for the supplies and if you want you can head
right for some items.

Now head back to the mountain hiding place and give the supplies to
Corgan's girl friend.

Now head back to the Farm and enter the weapon and armor shop and make
sure Corgan is in your party. Speak with the man on the left and he
will open up a passage, which leads to the library. Speak with the
Monk there to get a passport to leave this shell.

Head to the airport on the very left of the world map. Use the passport
and get off this shell. But during your flight, your plane will be
stuck down.

World Shell Five

You will now be in a house with out the rest of your party members
head out side and head to the very right and examine a broken robot to
recieve a item. Also head to the upper right corner of the town to find
another bird, feed it with some bird seed.
now head back down and talk to the man near a shop to recieve corgan's
sword. and buy some new weapons and armor on your way.
Head to the very bottom left corner of the town and you'll see
Corgan behind the fence. Hand him his sword and then go and fight the
cyborg guards to free him.

Leave the town and head right of the world map and enter the Canyon,
fight your way through and it's vital that you find a third bird in
this area. and pick up any items on the way.

Now head up to the broken air ship to find Grubb and look for some Items
here. You will also find a Hologram Disk here.

Now head down to the lower right base and play the Hologram Disk that
you found. You will also find Runner here as Led found him and repaired
him. Speak with the guard and you'll recieve dogtags.
also head to the bottom of the base to recieve another Fate Card (Air).
Speak with Led and she will ask you to get a item from the broken air ship.

Head back there and use the dogtags to open the door on the right
of the ship. There is another lock door in this area, skip it for now.
when you found the item, return to led, Now Led and Runner will
be leaving with you to find his father.

Now you will arrive on the base, search around for some items. When you are
done, head to the upper right entrance. After a sequence, you will be
on in a under ground passage. Go through the passage and you'll end up
in a canyon. Now head North - East, and you'll arrive at Led's father's
base. After a sequence, a FMV will follow.

World Shell Four

Now you will be located in the world bazaar. With the rest of your party
members, after a sequence, Selina will join your party and you'll receive
the Summon Fate Card. Use this Card with another element card and you'll
be able to summon that element's monster, including Heal.

Now have grubb in your party. When you are done, head out side of the bar
and examine the crate and lower it with Grubb. Head back inside the bar.
Then head up stairs and speak with the bounty hunter. Now you'll e in a
fight with him. During the fight, use one of your party members to hit the
crate, and the fight will end, allowing you to recieve a key to a secret
passage. Now choose any character of your choose and rest in te bar if you
need to. Now Search around the World Bazaar (not the slum area) to buy new
weapons and armor. You can also search around for another bird. It's located
in one of the rooms in the World Bazaar, but becareful of bounty hunters.
Also buy a key item from the item shop.

When done head to the Bounty Hunter District and head down stairs to enter
the secret passage with the key you just found. Go through the mini maze
and free Araym. Now head back to the bar and Ararym will join your
party. Don't forget to equip some new weapons and armor for him. But also
Selina will leave your party, so remove all her equipment before entering.
Now head to the air port area, and speak with Araym's friend (Araym must
be in your party to have access to world shell seven), he will
allow you to have access to world shell seven.

Note: you can also head back to world shell three and use led to fix the
septerra core model, which is located in the library area. You will
recieve a soul stone.

Also you could Head back to the Catacombs via the graveyard to collect the
Resurrect Fate Card.

World Shell Seven

When you land on world shell seven. walk north on the world map, and skip
the bone circles. Then enter the mountains. Walk North-West through the
mountain passage and you'll end up in te oter side. walk north to enter the
mine area. Obtain a bomb from here and a empty bottle. If Grubb is in your
party, have him examine trash pile to recieve a item. Now walk west in the
world map to the swamp. Now use the bomb here. and a path will raise from
the waters. Head through the swamp and you will end up in a bone pile area.
Find a small bone from here and leave.

Now head back to world shell three and enter south farm. go to the item shop
and speak with the man on the left and have him carve a flute out of the
small bone you just found. On your way buy three earplugs from the item

Head back to world shell seven, head pass the mountain passage. Now head
south from the world map to enter the forest. In the forest, head to the
upper right exit. In the next area, keep heading north-east until you have
found a large plant. Now use the flute on it and the plant will open up.
Then fill the empty bottle with the glowing yellow liquid.

Now equip all three earplugs, and head back to the mountain passage, and
exit through the south-west exit, continue down. When you enter the next
area a fire monster will attack you, it's not that hard, just summon the
water creature a few times and his a gonna. So buy some core refilling items.

When you killed him, you will recieve the fire fate card. Now head back to
the bone circles, and use the yellow liquid on one of the bone circle. Now
the underlost will allow you to enter their village. speak with the village
chief and a blue underlost will join your party. He is a very powerful ally,
so have him in your party in the next event and also leave Araym in your party.

When you finish speaking with the chief, he will give you the cure Fate Card.
Now Head back in to the mold forest and head north to the entrance of the gate.
Your new blue freak friend will open the gate for you. Exit this area and you'll
enter the mine.

Go through the mine. Nothing special here except a metal knuckle. At the
of this area you will face a giant mining Helgak. This guy is very tough.
you have to keep hitting his mouth until it opens. When it opens poison it
with Badu's attack. and then attack it with level three attacks.

Now you will be in a chosen ship. Quickly past this area. It's pretty easy i

World Shell Six

Now you will be in a crash site. pick up the lens piece and head for the
town up north (scumm town). Buy new weapons and armor here. Also buy some
Meat (key item). Now to to the shipping port and pick up the drill and
speak with the fat guy at the end of the path with Araym to some documents.
Now give them to the guy thats guarding the gate. (if Araym is not in your
party skip this part for now.

Now head south in the world map to an swamp area
now head to the south marsh and use Araym to speak with lobo and ask him
about the slave girls. Now head to the east marsh and collect some leeches
but first you have to put some meat on the first then pick them up. Another
bird is also in this area.

now head to the mountain passage on the right of the world map. In the
mountain passage, use the east exit to the snow area. In the snow search
for some eggs but it's guarded by a Helgak so be careful. you can head pass
the snow and pick up an item here. There is also a locked door here but you
can't do anything now. A similiar door is on the west side of the
mountain passage with another item. Now exit the mountain passage to the
North-East exit.

Now go South East in the World Map to a rench type of place. Go inside the bar
and you'll find te rest of your party members here. Selina will be back in
your partyRest and change party members if you need to. you can also find a
antidote plant here. Another bird is also located here. If you need to, go
back to Scumm Town to buy some new weapons and armor for them.

Now go back to the West Swamp to find a sleeping plant in a north-west direction
A strange Helgak is also located here in te waters. First use the drill on the
Egg to make a hole then put the sleeping plant in it. Then the leeches on the
Helgak. Now you'll have some Helgak blood.

Now go back to Scumm Town and Visit the Tatoo girl and give the leeches to her
and she will tatoo Maya.

Now go back to Lobo he will give you a key and a flare.

Now go back to Scumm town and head to the Shipping area. and use the keys to
unlock the door to their hide out.

In the pirate base make your way to the south east exit and use the flare to
signal your party. When your party has joined you head back in and make your
way through the maze and pick up any items on the way. At the end you will
fight Connor. Just hit the two machine guns and they will flip around to hit
Connor. And that is the only way to damage him. When the fight is over
you'll recieve the bless Fate Card and cell keys. Now examine his seat to
recieve some items.

Head back to the cells and free everyone. Then head back to where the ship
landed. Now you have free control over the airship. Doesn't that thing make
travelling a hell of a lot easier.

Things to do:

You can now head to world shell three and go to south farm to buy
some new weapons and Armor.

You can also head to world shell one in Outlaw Canyon and go unlock the secret
door with Selina. After a battle, go and collect the Armstrong seal.
Head to where you found Tori to get another bird.
Now head back to Armstrong in Shell three and put back the seal, but a boss
will attack, it's very easy just attack him with healing items. Now Selina and
Corgan will be friends.

Put Lobo in your party and head to World Shell five and go to the very
east door in the broken battle ship, where you can't enter before. Now
examine the dead body to recieve a access card.

In shell five put Grubb and Led in your party head to the Ankaran
Capital and use both led and Grubb to open the door.
After a Sequence inside, Choose to help Led NOT the Gadget.
Now both Grubb and Led will be able to perform an ultra powerful Combo.

World Shell One

Now head to the Chosen City. This is a very long area, so buy alot of supplies.
In the city head to the west district to get a red key. Now head to the east
district and use the red key to open the locked door.
In this area find a Tank Engine. Now head to the Main District, in this area use
the Tank Engine to move the Tank, and at the end of the path. You will speak
with Gunner.

Now you are in the Chosen Palace, a very long maze. There is a toneful of
goodies in this area so take your time and look around. First go to your
first left exit. And switch the two Switchs to get a Blue Key. Now return
to the main area and enter the Right Exit using the Blue Key. Make your way
through this maze and you'll fight your first Magi.

Just Attack those energy balls until it hits him. And he will drop the Red Key
and the Fate Card (Law). Now return to where you got the Blue Key and enter the
Red Gate using the Red Key. Now you'll fight the second Magi. Just use the Law
and Summon Fate card together to kill him. Now he will drop a Yellow Key and
the Slow Fate Card.

Now use the Yellow Key to Open the far right exit in the main hall. Make your
way through this area to fight the third Magi. He is not that hard, Just give him
everything you got.

Now return to the main hall and use the exit at the very end of the hall.
Now you'll fight all three Magi together. They are very easy, they shouldn't
be a problem. You will recieve one of the core keys when you killed them.

Things to Do:

First head to the Ankaran Capital in World Shell Five and kill the very right
Bounty Hunter to recieve a Key to the research labs.
In the Research Labs you will find three Gas Masks and a Diamond Cutter.
Now Head to World Shell Seven to the Mining Ruins. And speak with Hermit
to have him use the Diamond Cutter on the Lens Piece from the crush sight.

Warning! don't give the Mold Antidote to him or you will be stuck in a later
quest. But you can undo this by using the patch version 1.01.

World Shell three

Note: if you think you are powerful enough, head to the upper right (???) forest
and face some enemies to recieve some nice rewards. The last stone will give you a
spirit guard as a reward, it protects you against all elements.

Now Head back to Corgan's girl friend in the Mountain passage, and she will
give you the Key to the resivour. Now head back to World Shell Two and
enter the junk pile area and fight Two Warbots. Now Search for a pipe and
a hook. Also buy some new weapons and armor on your way in Oasis.

Now head to World Shell Seven and return to the Helgak graveyard and use hook
on the Helgak Shell. Now head back to World Shell three and head in the
resivour. Put Lobo in your party. And use the Resivour Key to open the lock door.
Now place the Helgak Shell in the waters and head to the other side.

There is a lot of items here so use the tab button to look for hidden locations.
Switch the Switch up north and return down to the beginning and head left.
In the next area, head north and speak to the two holy guards, then head right.
Now use the lens on the large power cord. and return to the previous area and
head west.

In this area Switch two switchs to open the door on the lower left and exit
this area. Now you will be back in the world map.

Head back to Corgan's Girl friend and speak to her about the situation.

Now head to the libaray by using the secret path in South Farm's Weapon shop
(with Corgan in your party).
Speak with the Monk there and you will head to another huge maze. (don't you
just hate them)
There are a total of three large areas. As each of the areas you have to
switch different switches to open different doors.
After these three areas, you will enter the Chosen Ship.
Switch the two switches on both sides of the ship to open the door on the
end of the hall. In the next area you will fight a boss. It's not that hard,
just kill those two red guards first and then the boss. But be warned
he uses tones of spells. Now you will recieve two Fate Cards.

Return back to Wind City since it's free now go buy some new weapons and armor.
Also pick up a spray can (key item) near the item shop.

Things to do:

If you haven't done so, In Shell Five put Grubb and Led in your party head to
the Ankaran Capital and use both Led and Grubb to open the door.
After a Sequence inside, Choose to help Led NOT the Gadget.
Now whenever both Grubb and Led are together they will be able to perform an
ultra powerful Combo. Check it out for your Self if you don't believe me.

Another thing is that there are a few secret areas located in all the Shells
Each secret area is very Short and you'll get a reward in each location.
these areas won't show up when your mouse goes over it. But if you double
click on it. Your Ship will land. But be warned some areas have ultra powerful
Monsters, which could even kill your whole party in one Shoot.
Some of these areas are:
- West of the World Bazaar in Shell Four
- North of the World Bazaar in Shell Four
- West of the Chosen City in Shell One
- Southwest of World Shell Five, the (???) area

Note: Don't worry about the hell god now, there is a better time for that.
so skip it for now.

World Shell Two

Now head to Azziz's temple and a sequence will occur. You will now have the
key to the Chosen Sewer Ducts. So now return to World Shell One and enter
The Chosen Sewer in the north of the world map.
Badu is perfect for this area, with his strength he can kill anyone in this
area in one shot with his level three attack. As Runner is too slow.
Head through the Sewers and you'll end up back in the Chosen City where you
couldn't enter before. Find your way through this area and you'll be back in
the main hall.

Now head to the upper left exit. go through the maze, there arn't any worth
while items here, so don't bother. At the end of the maze you will recieve
a green key.
Now return back to the main hall and head to the end of the hall and use
the green key and you'll find your self a boss to play with.
Just kill him with anyway you can.
You will now have the plans to the doomsday device

Now leave this place the exactly the same way that you came in by. Now
head back to Azziz's temple and hand him the plans for the doomsday device.
Now Head to World Shell Six and enter the rift of the doomsday device,
it's to the north of pranno town.

When you are inside, you will face another large maze. You will face those
large cords on the side of the walls to have access to other areas. So you
will have to search in all areas. At the end if the rift, you will face
the brain of the doomsday device. it has four parts in total.
After killing it you will have to face it again. At the end of the battle,
you will recieve another Fate Card (Chaos).

Now return to Azziz in Shell Two and ask him about Tori, then head to Oasis
and speak with Maya's uncle. And ask him about Tori again.
Now head to the north of the world map and enter the factory. But you will
need Corgan in your party in order to get inside. After speaking with
Tori out side the factory, use Corgan to examine the door.
When you are inside you will recieve a disk.

Now head back to Oasis and enter the smelting complex. Put Grubb in your
party as all enemies in this area are robots. At the end of the smeltng
complex, put the disk in the computer and you will recieve a key.

Now return to World Shell Four and enter the World Bazaar, then enter
the Shipping district. Now use the key to open the door on the lower left
corner. But just before you enter, Led's father will ask for your help.
ignor him for now.

Go through some mini Mazes and you'll end up in the lens forest, In this
area collect the optic vine and the healing plant, then leave this place
in the exact same way as you came in.

Now head to the Chosen Ruins in the north of Shell Six. When you enter the
Ruins use the vine on the panel to open the door. now head to your first
right path and you will get your ninth bird. Make your way through this area
and search for the Speed Fate Card. In the Ruins you will also find Draxx
look alikes so bewarned. Use healing items on them for a quick kill.
At the end of the Ruins you will recieve the Chosen Talismen and the Cloak Fate

In order to exit the ruins you have to reswitch the switches.
now return to the factory in Shell one. And give the Healing plant and the talismen
to the Watchers.

Now head to Wind City and head for the Cathedral and use Corgan to move the

World Shell Three

Now head to South Farm and speak with General Campbell in the Bar. Now head to
World Shell Four and enter the red light district and buy a mix bowl (Key Item)
and a Terrarium (Key Item). Now Mix the Antidote Plant from Pranno and the
Helgak flute on to the Mix Bowl and you'll end up with a Mold Antidote.

Now Head for World Shell Seven and Speak with Hermit then give him the Mold
Antidote and you will recieve some explosives.

Now Head back to World Shell Three and enter the Catacombs from the graveyard.
Before you enter you must have the Jinam Security Pass, if you don't Head back to
World Shell Six and have Lobo examine the dead body in the very east exit
on the Wrecked Jinam airship. Also Araym must be in your party for this event.

If haven't collected the Resurrect Fate Card, collect it on your way in the
Catacombs. Now head in a North-West direction and blow up the unstable wall
with some explosives using Araym. And the same with the following wall. After
this it's a Huge maze. You will also find Two Fate Cards (Curse and Vampire)
in the same Box so Search Carefully.

After wondering around the Catacombs you will end up in the Jinam area.
now head to the Control Lab and Find a Red Key here, then head to the research
lab and use the red key here to open the door.

Now find a blue key in the research labs. And finally head to the Main Lab.
You will now use the Blue key here, At the end of the Lab, use the Jinam
Security Pass to open the green locked door. Now you'll fight the Real Draxx

just kill him with Healing items, very easy task. Now you will have to
exit this whole place in the exact same way as you entered by.
Just as you exit the Catacombs, the best FMV yet will be revealed.

Note: Before Head back to Layla you will have to finish any unfinished Side
Quests first. As you be Split in to two groups in the next event.

Things to do:

If you haven't already done so, Put Led and Lobo in your Party and Use Lobo
to Examine the Cumputer in the east exit of the Wrecked Jinam Battleship.
Now Head back to the Gregor Town in Shell Five and have Lobo speak with the
man near the Shop. Now Led and Lobo will be friends.

Killing the Hell God:

If you want to kill the Hell God, this is the best time to do so. As your
level should be well above 30 and there should be no problem. You should
already have all three Breather masks by now. Now wear all three Breather masks
and enter the lower right exit of the Mold Forest in Shell Seven.

there is also a bug here, if you didn't download the patch and upgrade your
version of Septerra Core to 1.01, then you simply won't be able to enter even
if you do wear all three breather masks.

Quickly past this maze and you'll end up underground. Head to the right exit
first to find a red key and then head back to the cave and move to one of the
exits from the left, and use the red key here, inorder to recieve te blue key.
Now go to the other exit of the cave and use the blue key. Now search for the
Hell God Claw here and exit the mold forest.

Now put the Hell God Claw with the Core key and dip it in lava where you
fought the lava boss. And show this to Azziz in Shell Two. Now head back
to world Shell Seven and enter the Mold Forest.

First head back to the mines where you previously did. And you will find a new
exit some where in the second to the third area. This is a very simple area
to solve. simply collect four coloured keys to open differen't coloured doors.

you will end up fighting the hell god, his really easy at this point, just use
the water and summon conjuction on him a few times.
when you killed him you will recieve the Mirror Fate Card, a very useful card

Now keep heading north and you will be in a sequence. After that you'll be
back in the mines. Now head back in the way arrived.

World Shell Three

Now head back to Layla and give her the secret weapon and you will have make
a party for Corgan but don't give him Lobo.

Also if you haven't done so, buy some new weapons and armor in wind city.
Now head to Scumm Town in Shell Six and head to the shipping docks and
ask him about Transport. And you'll recieve a key. There is also alot of
free items in the market area so search around for them.

now head to the mountain passage. and head to the east exit, head through the
snow and use the key you just recieved. You will find a light here
but don't look at it, but use the Paint spray from wind city on it. And you
will fight Draxx again. now pick up the pump key.

Now head back to the mountain passage and head to the left passage and use
pipe on the pump first then the pumpkey. now head back to scumm town
and speak with him again and he will give you the keys to the docks.

Now head to world shell four and enter the world bazaar. Go buy some new
weapons and armor here, you will need them. After your done, head to the
Bounty Hunter district and speak with the bounty hunters thats guarding
the entrance.

Now you will be switched back to Corgan and his party. And a battle will
begin. this fight Shounldn't be a problem.

When the fight ends, it will be back to Maya's party. And now it's her
turn to fight, just boost your party's stats, including their speed and
this fight will end in a zap.

Now you will have the Joker Fate Card. And also the other half of the Chosen
Seal. And Put them Together. Also don't forget to equip weapons and Armor
for Corgans party. Now return to Layla.

World Shell Five

Now head to Gregor Town and head to the north east corner of the town and
speak with the man their and he will give you a key.
Head to the Old Road in the south east corner of the world map.
At the Road enter the Underground passage and head for the right exit.

Continue heading right and you'll see a locked door. Open the door with the
key. And you will be at Connor's secret hide out.

First head to the upper right corner of this area to switch a switch, and
then head to the east exit to find a red key. And then head back to the
main area and head for the west exit to find a blue key.

When you have both of the keys, head back to the main area, and use it on
both of the doors. And Now be prepared to fight Connor again.
First kill the Two Bounty Hunters and then go for Connor. His Attacks are
very Powerful so keep casting cloak on your self. But also your attacks won't
be very effective no matter what you use. You will only be doing 40 to 50 hp
of damage on him every hit. But don't worry, he will fall sooner of later.

Now you will Recieve the Mirror Frame and show it to Layla.

Now head back to Shell Four and Head back to the Lens Forest via the Shipping

Currently still playing


i'll add to this FAQ every two or three days so stay tuned.
The most updated version of my FAQ is in


Some credits goes to The Core Factor Web Site.
Thanks to all those people who contacted me and supported me on this FAQ.

This FAQ is created and written by Zephyr-Miasma Copyright 1999-2000 Melbourne Australia

If you want more information on this FAQ, please contact me by



ICQ# 34604549

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