

29.09.2013 21:12:20

Clive Barker's Undying
A Walkthrough by:Xylanic
Copyright March, 2001.

Version 1.1
Table of Contents:

1. Author Information, Contact Information, FAQ.
2. General Game Information
3. Walkthrough Part 1- Opening to Gardens
4. Walkthrough Part 2-Gardens to Monastery Past
5. Walkthrough Part 3-Monastery Past to Monastery Present
6. Part 4-Monastery Present to Lizzbeth.
More To come as FAQ is updated.

1. About Myself, Contact Information, FAQ.

A. Contact Information:
You may contact me at Xylanic@aol.com, or through AIM by Xylanic or
Zylnor. Please title your mail with the Heading: UNDYING FAQ. I will
give credit to anyone who has items to add or take away from the FAQ.
The newest version of this FAQ is always at Gamefaqs.com, don't ask me
for it. Once again, I'm not perfect. I don't need to hear you bashing
me for bad grammar or one small mistake. Although the majority of
feedback has been great, one individual can ruin a day.

B. Who am I?

As for Myself, I am a professional writer who writes fantasy and
horror in my spare time. This will be my first FAQ for this type of
game, and the first I have posted to major websites. I decided to write
this mainly because so far, nobody else has taken the initiave to write
anything intriguing or new for this game, and many people are stuck and
looking for answers. So, being the type of guy I am, I decided to help
out. If you would like to have this FAQ on your site, please contact me
for further info. Also, I am not perfect. I know I make mistakes, and I
may have missed things I would appreciate you contacting me to make
this as complete as possible however.

C. What's in this FAQ?

This FAQ is designed to get you through the game as completely as
possible, with all secrets, spoilers, items, extra health packs, and
amplifiers. It will not have a complete rundown of the weapons, enemies
or of how to use the weapons, and the key commands, as that is already
written in the manual for your enjoyment. I will note things I find
interesting however throughout the majority of the game. This
walkthrough is written in the NORMAL mode, which is not that different
from the other modes. One day in the future, I may write one for the
Nightmare mode. This Walkthrough is written in sections through each of
the major portions of the game, with Letters marking individual parts
of the main sections for easier reading.

D. Where can I get the latest Version?

Currently, this walkthrough should only be at the following websites:
www.Gamefaqs.com-home of the walkthrough.
Also, the latest version can ALWAYS be found at www.Gamefaqs.com
If you would like to post this on your site, Mail me at
Xylanic@aol.com. I'm pretty leniant as long as you ask. If you locate
this walkthrough at any site not listed above, shoot me a mail please,
I would appreciate it. Note:I have given permission to some smaller
sites that I will not list here, but send me a mail just in case.

E. Version Update Information:

02-28-01-Released Version 0.1

03-01-01-Updated to 0.2. Updated Contact Information, Added to Onerios
first part.

03-02-01-Updated to 0.3 Added up to the Gardens, finishing part 1 of
the walkthrough.

03-03-01-Updated to 0.4 Fixed Several mistakes, changed some of the
format, and added Characters section.

03-06-01-Updated to 0.5 Changed some formatting, Added Gardens to the
Old Cemetary, added a FAQ section, added Thanks section.

03-07-01-Updated to 0.6 Changed some problems in the FAQ section, added
some detail to some sections, Added Old Cemetary and Cove to Tunnels.

03-08-01-Updated to 0.7 Fixed all spelling errors, added spaced
formatting so it is easier to read due to popular demand, Added a bit
more to tunnels and started the most requested section, Monastery.

03-09-01-Updated to 0.8 Walkthrough is now up to the Catacombs entry
after you use the dynamite.

03-12-01-Updated to 0.9 Completed Boss FAQ in the FAQ section,
including the Undying King. Updated the Catacombs section.

03-14-01-Now Version 1.0 Completed all the way to Monastery past,
added a few alternate ways to do things throughout the FAQ.

03-18-01- Now Version 1.1 Monastery past completed. Fixed some
punctation errors. In the catacombs there is an optional puzzle in a
hidden room with symbols and blocks you shoot. If anyone knows the
proper soloution without releasing poison water, mail me.
F. Thank Yous

Thanks to my girlfriend, Robin, for patience while I write this.
Thanks to Mike T for the Keisinger Trick in Onerios part 1.
Thanks to Tran for tricks on using the stone on Tentacles.
More always coming....
Thanks to the Guy who felt he needed to take the time out of his day
to bash the FAQ for having a couple grammar mistakes. That's really
important in my opinion so a big Loser of The Day goes to this fellow,
who out of respect I will not name.

G. Most Frequently Asked Questions

This section will be devoted to the questions flooding my email
currently. As the walkthrough is not yet completed, this is primarily
full of stuff that is not yet in the actual walkthrough. Read at your
own risk. Most of this will be covered later in the full walkthrough
section. Also, much more detailed boss walkthroughs will be in the main

Q.How do I beat Lizzbeth?
A. Either take care of the skeletons yourself with Invoke, or let her
take care of them as she tends to do. Avoid her stones for a while,
firing at her with ectoplasm or your war cannon. When she stops for a
moment and glows, and her head turns around, use your scythe on her
head to behead her. She is not difficult if you keep your distance and

Q.How do I beat Ambrose?
A.Avoid his attacks by strafing for about a minute. Wait until a
Hound, or werewolf, whatever you wish to call it, appears and distracts
him for a few moments. While he is distracted, use your pistol, move in
close to him, and aim at the jewel on his axe, popping it out. When
the jewel has popped out, he will shrink to a normal size. Scythe him,
like his sister, and you have won.

Q.How do I return to the present in the Monastery?
A. Once you get the gold key and the lights go out, proceed forward
to the open window where the monk lies dead on the floor. Jump THROUGH
the window, and head to your left and up towards the top of the
building, until you reach a small chimney, and just above you can see
an amplifier. Jump onto the chimney, from there do a careful jump to
the next part of the roof. Climb to the top after getting the amplifier
and leap into the window in the tower to get into the main Monastery.

Q.How do I beat Aaron?
A. First note, The true battle with Aaron is the basement of Bethanys
room. The other times you meet him, he haunts you as a ghost in the
house, merely use an ether trap to get rid of him. Start by giving him
his jaw back when he is hanging there in chains. Then, he will begin
to lash out at you and be a rather pain. First you will chop off his
hand with your scythe. Use various attacks for a few minutes, using
shield to defend yourself. Eventully, you will manage to dispatch his
hand. The easiest way to have this happen? Have him jump at you and
strafe aside, and he will run into a wall and fall down. Use your
Scythe on the hand. At this point, Aaron will back into a far corner
of the room and use his wonderful chains to attack you from a distance.
Stand behind one of the hanging chains in the room and wait for his own
chains to get stuck on them. When he is stuck, move in with the Scythe
and take care of him.

Q.How do I get to the catacombs below the monastery?
A.When you have found the dynamite, proceed to the front of the
monastery, where you entered, not inside which is what confuses most
people. There is a spot here where Patrick says he can see below into
chambers. If you look down over this area, you can see rooms below
stone blocks. This is where you use the dynamite and drop below.

Q.In Onerios, I have just killed the Hound behind the energy barrier,
and I am stuck needing energy key and theres a lever that I cannot pull
all the way. What do I do?
A.Use a Molotov Cocktail, Skull Storm, or Dynamite to light the
cauldron in the room.

Q.How do I beat Keisinger?
A.He is easy. In fact, you can beat him in seconds. Arm yourself
with ectoplasm and Scythe, and as soon as you start, RIGHT after the
loading screen ends, hit him with an ectoplasm which distracts him for
about a second. Rush in and Scythe until he drops into the center hole.
Follow him into the center hole, using your flight to avoid falling to
your death. Merely follow him around the room, strafing and using
Scythe. Should take 2-3 minutes. If you let him go in the start, he is
very difficult, and you will have to hide behind the pillars to take
care of him. He cannot be hurt when his shield is up.

Q.How do I beat Bethany?
A. Very, Very simple. Take care of her witches that surround her in
the start, they take a simple Skull Storm to take care of. Once they
are dispatched, fly to Bethany ASAP and use the Scythe on her head
while she is about to summon more creatures. Can take less then a
minute if you do it this way. She can only be hurt while summoning.

Q.How do I beat the Undying King? (final boss)
A. When the battle starts, run to your left and behind you and pick
up extra dynamite and Phoenix Eggs. Equip your eggs, dynamite, and
Skull storm. Have skull storm amped to max if possible. Begin by
launching multiple dynamite at his mouth that opens and attempts to
suck you in now and then. After a few dynamite blasts, the legs will
go, and the mouth will begin to open to suck you in. Stop being sucked
in with a quick skull storm. Concentrate on the head above, which opens
to a pink brain after the mouth is closed. Use skulls, Phoenix, and
Dynamite together on the brain. Try to keep one skull up at all times
so that you can take care of the mouth any time it opens to attempt to
suck you in. Keep backed up roughly at where you started the round to
avoid tentacles around the island. If you use the Phoenix, Dynamite,
and Skull together, he will take about 7 minutes. Hang in there.

Q.Who is that in the boat in the end cutscene?
A.Keisinger, in his normal form. Can you say Sequel?

Q.Your FAQ is great, you should be a writer!
A. I know.

Q. You suck. Why do you even bother writing?
A. To join my fanclub, send me an email, and you can be a charter

Many more coming...

2. General Game Information

A. Characters in Undying

Although I have stated I shall not create a guide on the individual
weapons (at least at this time) or the key commands and enemies, I did
decide to create a description of each of the main characters in the
game, and what you can expect from them. This is not a spoiler section
on how to defeat the bosses, as that is listed in the actual
walkthrough. This is more of a get to know your friends and villians

Patrick Galloway-The main Hero of our adventure, the individual who
you portray. Patrick is a man who specializes in the occult, due to an
encounter with a Trsanti Shaman during World War One. During that
battle, he obtained a curious green stone, and since then has majored
in exploring and devoting his life to the occult. During the war, his
friend and Squad leader Jeremiah Covenant saved his life. In doing so,
Patrick believes that he owes the man a life debt. As our story opens,
Jeremiah has hesitantly decided to call on Patrick and take advantage
of the debt that is owed.

Joseph Covenant-Father of the Covenant family. Devoted his life to
studying magic and other supernatural doings. Reliazed what had
happened to his children far too late. Killed by his rogue son Ambrose
in the game hall with a Pool cue. Letters of his still litter the
house, as the cleaning staff has not bothered to get rid of them and
his other books.

Evaline Covenant-Mother of the Covenant family. Died giving birth to
the youngest of the Covenants, Lizzbeth. Letters lying around the
Estate reveal her to be a reflective, thoughtful woman with concern for
all of her children. Using scrye in a few spots in the game will give
an eerie showing of what happened with this lass.

Lizzbeth Covenant-Youngest of the Covenant family. Referred to as the
beautiful member of the family, the housing staff always doted on her.
Until she discovered a nasty biting habit and enjoyed teething on the
house staff. Using scrye in several spots on the game will flashback on
this habit. Died at the age of twenty from a wasting disease that
caused her to wither and die. It is said she spent her final days in
the family crypts, reading through such novels as Dante's Inferno and
spending her time conversing with the dead. You will encounter
Lizzbeth's afterlife form several times throughout the game, and she
will be the first sibling you will confront.

Ambrose Covenant-Referred to as the Black Heart of the Covenant
family. According to the game's journal, he has always been a hellion,
fighting and hurting others for the shear pleasure of doing it.
Shortly after killing his father and lying about the truth, he left the
Estate and became a pirate, sailing off the shore of the Estate and
across the sea to other continents. He became involved with the Trsanti
clan eventully and their magics during his pirate travels. Eventully,
returned the year before the game starts to claim his inheritance. He
confronted Jeremiah and the constables and other police showed up. Lept
off a cliff off the side of the mansion. Presumed dead, suicide. Don't
count on it, as he makes his home in the Pirates Cove near the Estate
with his friends.

Aaron Covenant-The artist of the Covenant family. During his time at
the manor, he drew most of the portraits that you will see throughout
the game. Always had a dark, gruesome way of painting, which most
people did not see for what it actually was, another world he was
working on painting entirely. During life, he got into several
arguements with Bethany while Jeremiah was at the war, and was a manic
depressive, subject to severe emotional problems. Dissapeered a few
years back, presumed dead. Of all the Covenants, Aaron will cause you
the most trouble throughout the game.

Bethany Covenant-Power. Her whole life, even as a child Bethany has
sought power, and sought ways to make herself more powerful. Having a
private cottage on the Estate and a greenhouse where she worked
horrific experiments, Bethany has always let magic be her true passion,
wheras the others had their reading, art or strength as passion. Her
entire life she has contacted the most powerful Magi and Wizards in the
world to increase her power, doing anything to learn from them. Sadly,
Bethany was killed by Keisinger, who proved to be her better. However,
The curse affects even her, and of all the covenants, she has grown to
be the most powerful.

Jeremiah Covenant-Eldest member of the Covenants. Only surviving
member of the family, or so he thinks. Bedridden, dying from a wasting
disease similar to the one that killed Lizzbeth. Jeremiah is an old
friend of Patricks, having saved his life during the war
and....ahem...narrowly advoiding dying himself. Seems very genuine in
wanting to have Patrick solve the problems on the Estate, and solve the
curse, but He has many secrets....

Otto Keisinger-Reputed to be the most powerful Magi on Earth. Worked
his way into the family by getting close to Bethany, pretending to
teach and help her learn when his true purpose was to develop himself
even more by tapping into another realm that has it's gateway directly
below the Covenant Estate. When he finally managed to tap into this
otherworldly power, he killed Bethany. However, he continued to stay on
at the Estate, keeping a guest room in the house while he worked on his
magic. Keisinger has indeed grown very powerful bleeding off of the
Covenants. Will his confidence be his downfall?

Sedgewick-The old, yet friendly Lighthouse man, who has run the
lighthouse off the coast of the Estate for years. Has a deep dislike
for Trsanti and Ambrose, as the Trsanti killed his only son years ago.

The King-Who, or what is the King that is referred to by the twisted
Covenant children? You will find out. Oh yes, you will find out.

Butler-Although not a main character, he is quite helpful in giving
information and somehow staying alive and on staff at the mansion
throughout the game.

Gardners-Several Garden workers throughout the game will also help
you although in smaller ways then the butler.

Maids-The housing staff is very good at getting killed. That is about
it, sadly.

3. Game Walkthrough Part 1:Opening to Gardens

A. Game Opening-Outside.

Undying begins with a opening in game movie, in which some
background information is established and it is revealed that you have
been called by your old War Commander, Jeremiah Covenant, to perform
him a favor at his estate. Evidently, he is very sick, and as you owe
him a life debt for him saving your life during the war, you oblige to
travel to his Estate in Ireland. Little do you know what awaits you
When you first get control of your character, you face the large,
Imposing Covenant Estate, where lightning strikes down in the distance,
and generally adds to the grim decor of the Estate. Press F3 to open
your journal and read some information about both why you are here, and
about your current inventory and what you can do with it. Equip your
Revolver, and get ready for a journey into ultimate Horror.
Head forward, and keep an eye out for small rats that will come up to
you and bite you for a point of damage or so. To use bullets on these
rats, is, in my opinion, a complete waste of time. Turn around and
walk over to the gate that you used to enter the Estate. You will see
your first glimpse of several small Howlers, then a much larger
creature, race across the field behind the gate. Obviously, this will
not be a normal visit.
After you witness this scene, head towards the front door of the
Estate and use your Scrye spell while looking towards the Entry. You
will witness a scene that took place in the past, as a person hangs
from the lamp to the right of the door, further letting you know that,
Dorothy, your not in Kansas anymore. A neat little detail of this past
scene is the rats drinking the blood from the foot of the lamp. How
If you wish, you can head to the left of the doors to see a man
working in the Garden. I kind of found it somewhat odd that this man
would be pulling weeds and trimming hedges with the current conditions
and with rats running around that seem to enjoy human flesh...However,
to each their own I suppose. However, he has nothing special to say,
so it's inside of the Estate you go.

B. Inside the Estate to Jeremiah.
You will witness another in-game cutscene in which you meet a Maid,
also apparently as intelligent as the guy picking weeds outside of the
Estate. She informs you that Jeremiah is in the living quarters, and
that most of the house staff was let go a while back. Also, as a
special bonus, seems most of the house is without electricity. Doesn't
it just get better and better? She will have you automatically follow
her through the Main Hall, which is somewhat Resident Evilesque, and
into the entry to the living quarters on the right, which is where you
once again take over.
Head down the hall and follow it to the right and witness your first
glimpse of a member of the Covenant family-Aaron. He will appear for a
moment, then glide down the hall away. Continue to follow the hall, and
witness a darker, more sinister form appear, which lashes out at you
briefly, but causes no damage, and disappears. Well, this is about the
point most normal people would leave the premises, but Then, we would
not have much of a game, would we?
Head to the end of the hall, pick up the health pack on the ground,
you will need it later, and head back to the door on your right. Open
it. That's one more thing about the Estate, is the damned doors seem
to get stuck, jammed, or just won't open. When in doubt, use WD-40.
Perhaps then they would not have so many problems with stuck doors.
You will now witness yet another cutscene, in which you discuss
current going ons with the only living member of the Covenant family,
Jeremiah. Seems he is wasting away from an old war wound, and has
called you to investigate odd happenings inside his estate that have
heated up since he came home. He mentions that the staff took most of
the most valuable belongings in the mansion when he thinned them out,
and that they fear the family curse.
Before you and your friend can further discuss current happenings and
which of his maids is the most attractive, you hear an odd growl and a
scream from downstairs. With great intelligence, you take out your gun
and go to investigate as Jeremiah locks the door behind you.

C. Investigating the Sounds to Jeremiah.

Head back the way you came, towards the Main Hall. As you enter the
top floor of the Main Hall, Aaron will fly across the hall, laugh at
you, and then fly below and disappear. This guy has a serious staring
problem it seems. Head down the stairs and note that the door to your
right is left open. Well, isn't that convenient. Also note that you
can walk behind the stairs, use your Scrye spell to light your way,
this area will be important a little later on. Go ahead and enter the
door to the next part of the house.
You have now entered the West Wing. (No, not of the white house, you
moron.) As you walk down the hall, the first door to your right will
open. Enter this room and watch as once again Aaron appears, says a few
words to you about the bonds of flesh, and then fades away after
revealing that he learned a few tricks from the film the Exorcist.
Pick up the bullets on the windowsill and continue down the hall to the
end, take a left into the next room.
Don't miss the health pack in the back of this sitting room, then
make your way forward, past the door you came in, into the next area.
Walk up to the mirror and pick up the bullets from the table, and watch
what happens in the mirror. At about this point, you feel as if you are
roaming the Haunted Mansion at Disney World, eh? Head into the next
room on your left. You will hear glass breaking, and a scream, seems
like someone has had some bad luck.
Continue through this room and into the next, where you will meet
your first Howler, viscous, fast creatures that usually travel in
packs. Luckily, they are not too difficult to kill. The first one will
come around the side of the small garden in the middle and rush at you,
just back up, aim carefully with your target in place, and two well
placed shots should take it down. Head around the garden and a second
Howler will rush at you. Repeat, and look around and reliaze this room
looks like it was taken directly from the Haunting.
Pick up the health pack lying directly below the hole in the glass
above, which is where the Howlers entered, and whirl around as a Howler
comes from the direction of the little garden. Aim quickly, and waste
it. Pity the poor maid lying on the ground, pick up the bullets lying
against the wall of the little garden, and head forward into the next
As you enter this next small room, another Howler will try to
surprise you by dropping from the roof. Back up, aim carefully, and
send it to Hell. Head down the small inset flight of stairs and
witness a Howler racing across the next room towards a large curved
flight of stairs, somewhat far away. Don't let it fool you. Back up, as
another will drop from just above the doorway. Waste both, backing up
into the garden room if you have to.
Enter the room with the large curved flight of stairs, gaze around if
you wish, as it is beautiful, with the pattern in the glass far above.
None of the bottom doors open, big surprise, so head up the stairs to
the Second Floor once again. Another Howler will race towards you once
you reach the landing, and you will hear Jeremiah yell for your help.
However, once you kill the Howler, don't respond to him right away, He
can wait a bit. Pass by the hall where Jeremiah called for help and
into the door at the far right, and enter a small study with a book on
the table.
Read the book, and it will reveal a bit more of Joseph, the
Covenant's Father, wanderings and explorations and just what the large
Tower and standing stones mean. Now, before you leave the room, push on
one of the bookcases set in the walls in the far corner to open up a
hidden passage to the balcony above the garden room. On this balcony,
you will pick up your very own, dandy, first Amplifier. Take it, and
head down the hall where Jeremiah still needs some help.
A Howler is attempting to beat down Jeremiahs door, which of course,
we cannot allow. Blow it away, it will not even attack you and should
only take a few shots to take down. Enter Jeremiahs room once again.
You will witness another cut scene in which Jeremiah will explain about
the Howlers, the ritual that may have caused this curse upon the
family, and that some of the Employees of the Estate have reported
seeing Lizbeth lately. I guess your spotting of Aaron doesn't mean
much, hm. Of course, this is odd, since Lizbeth is long dead. He will
also give you a magic scroll, which contains Ectoplasm, which you will
need later in the game. You agree to study it, and head to bed in the
Guest Quarters.

D. Day Two, Guest Bedroom to North Wing Lower.

As you wake up (Odd, unlike most Horror Games, seems you had a
perfect nights sleep with no disturbances during the night. Personally,
I would not sleep well if where I was staying the night had man-eating
dog like creatures prowling, however, I suppose Patrick is different.
Anyways, move forward and pick up the scroll that Jeremiah gave you the
night before, It is the Ectoplasm spell. I personally amplified the
spell with the amplifier we found earlier, to give myself more power,
but that is up to your discretion.
Move through your room, pick up the bullets lying on the table, and
proceed through the door ahead of you, leaving the Guest Bedroom. After
the loading screen, you stand in a Hallway. To your left is a statue
and a dead end, to your right is a short flight of stairs heading down,
obviously, this is the way you should go. As you head down the
hallway, A butler will pass by and inform you that someone broke into
Lizzbeth's room while you slept last night, and that it is quite a
mess. After he is finished talking to you, follow him down the hallway.
All other doors are locked, or jammed, as is per the norm here in the
Covenant estate. Although, take note of Bethany's room, although it is
locked, and the study. Proceed into Lizzbeth's open room after the
Butler. A maid will approach you. She will tell you a few interesting
details, including that recently the Groundskeeper claims to have seen
Lizzbeth somewhere. She will inform you that you can talk to this man
by entering the Garden through the Kitchen.
After this oh so exciting conversation, continue forward into her
room to snoop around a bit. Items of interest in her chambers include
a health pack in the bathroom, a diary letter she wrote about the
Monastery and how she wonders about what takes place within, and if you
use the scrye spell on the painting by her bed, you will see what
Lizzbeth has now become. Horrible and tragic, Indeed.
Head out of her Bedroom, turn left and start to head down the hall.
You will hear the sound of breaking glass, and a scream. The Butler
will rush past you, yelling for help and injured. Head back towards the
room, Ectoplasm and Gun at ready, and let loose on the two Howlers that
have just slain the maid that was so helpful before. Back down the hall
while firing if you have to. When they are also lying in a puddle of
their own blood, follow the hall that you had originally turned down,
where the Butler went running.
When you have almost reached the end of the Hall, two more Howlers
will come at you. Back up quickly and fire carefully, keeping out of
their range, and bringing them to the ground as well. Continue down the
Hall. You will pass the injured Butler, hiding in a corner, holding his
arm. Head out the door at the end of the Hall to enter the second floor
of the Main Hall. Looks familiar, huh? Notice that the large double
doors directly to your left as you enter the Main Hall are open. Go
ahead and go inside.
Entering this room, turn to your left and enter the bedroom. If you
wish, use your scrye spell to see what happened during the birth of
Lizzbeth. Very lovely. Pick up the bullets and the letter on the table
by the bed, and the health pack in the bathroom. This was a letter
written by Evaline a while back, involving her thoughts on her husband.
Very interesting. At this point, two more Howlers will be coming across
the room you entered these chambers from. Be ready for them, and slay
them as well. If you need to, use a health pack.
Exit Evaline's bedroom and cross towards where Jospeh's bedroom is.
Odd, they slept in separate beds it seems. Anyways, be prepared for the
Howler that will drop from the ceiling and attempt to surprise you.
Surprise it with a bullet to the head, and pick up the letter on
Joseph's bed, and get a better idea of just what is going on here. Go
ahead and exit these chambers and reenter the Main Hall.
You will hear Howler's somewhere below, and as you approach the
stairs to go to the first floor, you will hear Aaron's taunting laugh.
Go ahead and descend to the first floor. As you reach the landing and
are nearly to the bottom, you will clearly hear what sounds like flesh
being ripped from bones. This should not concern one as brave as you,
should it? Once you have reached the first floor, prepare yourself, and
head BEHIND the stairs that I mentioned earlier.
Here, three howlers dine on a recently slain maid. Take them out one
at a time, heading up the stairs if you have to to keep them at a safe
distance from harming you. I found heading up the stairs keeps them
coming more slowly. Once you have dispatched these three, head back
behind the stairs, and pick up the servants key lying by the corpse of
the maid. After you have picked up the key, come out from behind the
stairs and enter the door on the far right of the Main Hall if you were
facing the stairs.
Once you have entered this hallway, take a left and start walking,
turn right into the hall ahead of you as you hear Aaron laugh yet again
and the door you came in will slam shut behind you. Fantastic, eh?
Proceed all the way to the end of the hall and enter the door on your
left, as the one on the right is locked anyways. Note: If you had
turned right at the intersection when you entered this part of the
house, you can see a large family painting. If you use scrye on it, you
will see a grisly scene of what could be...Proceeding down the hall as
if you were going towards the east wing would result in the door
slamming shut to the East Wing and Lizzbeth appearing at the other end,
where she will release two howlers after you. This is not nessacary, as
you will return here later.

E. North Wing Lower to Keisinger's room.

As you enter this small room, proceed forward into the second door on
your right and pick up a health pack on the table, you may need it
sooner or later. Leave this little room and enter the wooden door that
was not locked. You have now entered a small dining room, which
connects to the kitchens. Cross the dining room to the door on the far
right if you had just entered the chamber.
Walk around the barrels and other items in this storage room and turn
left to enter the main Kitchens, where a blazing fireplace sits in the
middle. On the far right hand side of the room is a health pack
sitting on a table, take it. To the right of where the health pack is
is the entry into the cellars, although it is locked. You can bring
down the small elevator in the wall, but it brings a Howler with it and
is pretty much useless. Proceed towards the room to the right of the
fireplace, where a large cook who has tasted too many samples from the
Kitchens waits.
She will inform you that although she stands by the door to the
Gardens, it is currently locked and she lent the key outside to one of
the maids, who is cleaning Otto Keisinger's guest room in the east wing
of the house. After this conversation, read your journal and discover
that you have a rather deep disliking for Otto, and if you encounter
him within the Estate it will not be a pleasant affair.
After you have finished reading this letter, proceed out of the
kitchens and back towards the little dining room that you entered the
kitchens through. As you reach this small room, Lizzbeth will come out
of the chamber where you entered the North Wing Lower through, and pick
up some stones to throw at you. Either strafe to avoid being hit, or
back up into the storage room and around the corner. She will then
disappear back into the house, unleashing two more Howler's at you.
Take careful aim, and get rid of them. Proceed through the door
Lizzbeth popped out of and exit this part of the House, getting ready
to head back to the East Wing.
Once you have reentered the hallway off of the Main Entry Hall, the
door across from you will automatically open, the one that was
previously locked. Spooky eh? Cross the hall and enter this room. You
have now entered a library, where Aaron's Ghost is flying around,
searching for a book. You will hear him yell in anger as he is unable
to find what he is looking for, until he floats to a top shelf and
discovers it. After leafing through some pages, he will leave the book
on a top shelf of one of the bookcases, and exit through a wall.
Now, use your pistol and fire AT the book. It will fall off the shelf
to the floor below, where you can read on just how sick Aaron is, and
learn a little bit about Eternal Autumn, for much later in the game.
After this fascinating reading, and wondering why Aaron never became
the next Stephen King, exit the room back into the hallway and head
towards where the locked East Wing Door is that I mentioned earlier.
Upon entering the hall, two Howlers can be seen at the opposite end,
towards where you need to go of course, yet they will run off in the
other direction, away from you. Keep walking. Prepare yourself, for
just as you pass the locked door to the Main Hall, these two Howlers
will drop from the ceiling, attempting to surprise you. Back up and
take them out one at a time, and you should avoid damage that them
surprising you would have caused. Continue towards the hall with the
large painting of the Covenant children and the door to the East Wing.
Just past the family painting, your old buddy and pal Aaron is
floating and will speak for about a minute, about how HE will rise
again, and how the ritual continues through the Covenant blood. After
this heart-warming, milk and cookies discussion, he will float away and
through a wall. Continue to the door to the East Wing.
You have now entered the East Wing of the house, and stand in a
small room with two chairs at one end, and another door at the other.
As much you would love to marvel at these chairs for a few hours, go
ahead and head through the door at the other end. Go ahead and walk by
the Knights in Armor on the wall in this small room, don't worry, they
don't jump out at you =). Go down the little flight of stairs into the
next hallway.
Ignoring the door at the far end of the hall for now, enter the
door almost directly across from you. A short cutscene will take place
in which you talk with a maid. It appears that this room was formerly
Bethany's office. There is not much to see here, however there is a
letter on a small tablestand that reveals Bethany's craving to be a
world-class Mage, and if you use Scrye on the picture of the Baby on
the wall, you will witness something rather disturbing. Leave the
office, holding back the temptation to blow the maid to bits for
staying and cleaning a house full of monsters and ghosts, and enter the
door I mentioned above.
Aaron is at the end of the hall, but he does not do much and once
again he disappears. However, from the small door to the right further
down the hall, two Howlers will come out and race towards you. For some
fun, back up into the office where the maid is, and watch them rip her
apart, then take them out with your pistol and Ectoplasm. Proceed back
to the hallway. Enter the door in the alcove where the Howler's came
out at you, the other doors at the end of this hallway are locked or
jammed, as usual.
At the very end of this hall, you can see some more Howler's
enjoying a meal of another maid. Wonderful. Prepare yourself, as you
are about to face a total of FIVE Howlers. Begin by taking careful aim
and taking care of the one eating the body of the maid. After you kill
this one, the other four will come around the corner. BACK UP through
the other halls if you have to, always keeping them at least ten feet
away from you, as you take them out. Concentrate on one at a time
rather then the whole group, and you will have success. Then, after
you have taken care of them, head back down the hall, passing the
locked door on your left, and pass the corpse of the maid they were
feeding on, turning left.
Head up the stairs and into a hallway where curtains blow in front
of the open windows. The atmosphere here is fantastic. Pass through the
hall and enter the door at the far end. You have now entered the East
Wing Lower, proper. Go ahead and walk into the door directly across
from you, into the children's playroom. Pick up the health pack behind
the toy chest in the right hand corner, and read the journal on the bed
to understand that Lizzbeth has a biting fetish. Kinky. If you wish,
use Scrye to hear the children breaking things and a maid crying as
they torment her. Wonderful family, aren't they? Exit the room.
Head LEFT, not right just yet as soon as you have left the
playroom. Turning the corner, be prepared for a Howler to drop from the
roof. Since you know it is coming, take care of it without a problem,
and proceed to the door at the end of the hallway. Enter it, and go
through another short loading scene. You have now entered the chapel.
Yes, that's right, the Covenants have their very own, handy dandy
church in the house. Pass through the sitting room without incident and
down the little flight of stairs into an antechamber where two open
arches are on your right and left. Both lead to the same area, but for
the sake of keeping this walkthrough in order, we will go left.
Once you enter the chapel proper, notice the short flight of stairs
going up to the priests room, and the key lying on the rafter above.
Climb the stairs, jump onto the BANISTER of the stairs, and use this to
jump towards the priests key, and grab it. Pick up the health pack on
the table in the priests room, but DO NOT open the dresser in the
corner with the key yet, as it brings several ghosts to attack you. You
do want to open this, eventually, but wait for now. Leave the room and
head towards where the Amplifier is glowing on the cross at the end of
the room.
Use your pistol and fire at the Amplifier, and watch as it falls to
the floor in front of you. Pick it up, and use it how you wish, or
conserve it. Now, head back to the priests room and towards the dresser
I just talked about. There are several ways you can do this, however, I
found this to be the easiest way. Pick up the four ether traps and the
bullets, I'm sure your running low on ammo by now, and run down the
stairs and towards the exit of the chapel, heading back to the East
Wing. As you run, you will hear the voice of the dead priest yelling,
Who dares to rifle through my belongings, Guards, At Once!
Use Scrye as you run which enables you to see the ghosts of the
dead monks better, and run right by them. Although you could use an
ether trap and send them to another dimension, I preferred to save them
for later, and run by the monks by using Scrye to see them better.
Conserve your health, ammo and possibly a death and run back to the
East wing, safe and sound. Proceed down the East Wing hallway, past the
playroom, and activate Scrye again, then switch back to Ectoplasm. Your
going to need the light, trust me.
As you pass by the playroom and enter the next hallway, bam, the
lights go out and two Howlers come from one direction, and one from
another. Although, if you used Scrye like I suggested, you will be able
to see them fine. Take aim at the two first, moving past them if you
need to, and bring them down. Then whirl and take care of the third,
which should be close to you by now. Use a health pack if you need to,
but I took no damage here due to being prepared. Continue down the
darkened hall, using Scrye to light your way, and enter the door at the
end on your left.
You now stand in a dimly lit room with a painting of a female on
the wall opposite you. Turn to your left and pick up the health pack
lying in the corner, then enter the door that you have not been through
yet on the other side of the chamber. In this well lit room, with two
paintings on the wall, another pair of Howlers will attempt to get the
drop on you. Laugh at them, as they are pathetic in trying to scare
you, and take them both out with your pistol and Ectoplasm. If you have
used the amplifiers on your ectoplasm, as I suggested, you should be
able to down them with a couple shots of ectoplasm now without a
problem. Enter the next door in this room, in the upper left hand
corner if you had just entered.
You now stand in a small antechamber with a billowing curtain.
Proceed forward and stare down the hall to your right, full of curtains
blowing in the wind. The Covenant family has some problems keeping the
windows intact and keeping the curtains from blowing, obviously.
Prepare yourself for another battle, and begin down the eerie hallway.
The first door to your right is jammed, so continue forward slowly,
enjoying the breeze. Hehe. As soon as you hear the howl of a Howler,
whirl around and take care of the one behind you first with a bullet to
the head. Down it quickly, and turn around again, facing the hall of
billowing curtains, where two more race at you.
Take care of these two however you please, backing into the
antechamber if you must, then continue down the hallway. Open the door
on your right, where two more Howlers feast on a maid. Enter the room
and strafe around it, firing and using ectoplasm on them at will until
they die. Pick up the bullets on the seat in the corner, but do not
enter the door on the other side. Retrace your steps into the hall with
billowing curtains and proceed to the end of the hallway. Pick up the
health pack in this sitting room, and proceed through the double doors
into a small chamber with stairs going to the second floor.
In this chamber, sits an Amplifier in plain view on a table, almost
seeming to say, take me. Well, you can take it, but be careful. See
that large chandelier directly above the table? As soon as you take the
amplifier, it comes crashing to the floor. So, line yourself up across
from the table, run and jump over it, grabbing the amplifier and
avoiding the lamp crashing below, which would kill you otherwise. Now,
once again, the lights are out. Avoid going upstairs, there is nothing
worth doing there except more creatures which can cause more damage and
make your life more difficult. Cross back into the room where you
picked up the bullets on the seat and proceed to the door on the other
After passing through another doorway, you stand inside a large
marble floored room with a grand statue in the center, and a stairway
heading up. Go ahead take these stairs, as the door on the other side
of the first floor is jammed. Once you have arrived at the landing on
the top of the stairway, take the door directly to your right for
another loading sequence.
Allright, now you have entered the Care Bear's realm. No, not
really, but I just decided to divert your attention for a moment. You
now stand in yet another small room, however we are now close to our
goal, Keisinger's room. Take the open archway to the right and hear
muttering and chanting in this large room of paintings. If you use your
scrye in this chamber, you will see what Keisinger has now become
through the usage of his magic. Well, you never liked the fellow
anyways, so does it really matter?
Proceeding through this room, you will pass a tiny chamber on your
left. You can go inside if you wish, but as far as I could tell, there
was nothing of interest inside. Proceed up the stairs and turn right.
There are some doors at the other end, but both of them are stuck. Go
up a tiny flight of stairs and hear more chanting. You are now VERY
close to the room you have went through so much danger to get to. Enter
the chamber on your right as you go down the hall through the open
door, and witness a room that, quite frankly, is rather odd.
Go through the living room and into the back left-hand corner of
the room, into the attached Bedroom. Notice to your right a door where
from what little you can see, something VERY strange is going on.
First, however, pick up the journal from your bed and read through it.
Spoiler:The person he killed was Bethany, when he first arrived at the
Estate, since he seeks all the power for himself. After reading the
letter, head towards the door to the left of the bed.
Watch as the door floats away, and it appears you are looking into
another realm. Well, you are. Enter the door, and proceed to the next
section of the FAQ =).

F. First Visit to Oneiros

Welcome to the Dream City of Forgotten Souls, as the game refers
to it. Oneiros is a floating, changing world between ours, another
dimension, full of magical power. Keisinger has tapped into the power
of this realm to make himself more powerful, and you should not be
surprised to find him here, somewhere. As you arrive, read your journal
to learn a bit more about this city, then begin your journey through
the otherworldly hell, which is not as difficult as it sounds.
As you enter Oneiros, you stand with your back to a great red
void. Shapes and stones float through the sky with magical power, and
lightning crackles through the distance. To your upper left is an
archway, leading to open ended stairs that go down to another small
island. Take the stairs, preparing ectoplasm and be careful not to fall
off, as that would be the end of you.
Once you almost reach the bottom of the stairs, a new creature
will appear in front of you, with long tentacles and a curved, worm
like body. It has the ability to shoot poison like mind currents
towards you, and even teleport through the ground to different areas.
Luckily, with ectoplasm, it is not too difficult to defeat, especially
if you have amplified your spell. As the first of these begins to rise
out of the ground, fire nonstop at it, until it fades away.
After the first is dead, make haste and step onto the island, and
look to your right for another Tentacle (I do not have the actual name
handy, nor does it matter, you get the idea of what the creature is.)
to come out of the ground. Strafe to avoid it's mind shots and destroy
peer through the archway leading to another part of the island, where a
third Tentacle is coming out of the ground. Destroy it as well. Note:
If you have taken too much time, these could be anywhere, having
teleported around. If you are fast enough, you will catch them in this
Once they are defeated, ignore the open archway and head up the
tiny flight of stairs into the ruined building to the right of where
you came down off the first stairs. From this building, head out to
the right hand side of the island, then follow the edge around a short
ways until you locate a health vial in the niche of a small broken wall
jutting out of the ground. Directly to the left of this broken wall,
over a ways, is a crypt lying on the ground. Push against it, and it
shall open for you.
Go ahead and use the lid you pushed aside as a stepping stool to
drop down into the crypt, ectoplasm at ready. You stand in a tiny room,
and ahead of you are three stones floating in midair across a void,
leading to the next room in the crypt. Time your jumps carefully
across these stones, too fast and you will end up falling to your
death, and make your way into the next room. As soon as you enter the
chamber, turn to your right and let loose on the rising Tentacle coming
out of the floor, taking care of it before it can take care of you.
Remember to strafe to avoid it's mind shots.
There is nothing else of interest in this crypt room, not even a
dancing Care Bear to keep you company. Allright, enough of the Care
Bear thing. About where the Tentacle came out of the floor is an open
arch on the right and stairs heading down to a landing, where yet
another health vial is just sitting, waiting for you to pick up. Do so.
Continue through the arch on the left, make your way over the floating
stones to the next landing carefully, it is possible to fall here, and
as I have mentioned before, falling is not fun.
Head down the stairs off of this landing, avoiding falling into
the little gap just before the stairs turn to the right. At this point,
you are looking out over a large central island, with an arch at the
far end in the remains of some ruined buildings. Take note of this
arch, and the arch you can see a distance behind it, as you will need
to head this way very shortly, and very quickly.
Proceed to the bottom of the stairs and onto the island. Watch as
Keisinger himself, the bastard, appears in the sky, informs you that he
will show you some real magic, and creates a shield about himself. At
this point in the game, without cheating, there is no way to beat
Keisinger. However, if someone has somehow figured out a way to take
him down, even for a short while, mail me and let me know. UPDATE:You
can use an ether trap to cause Keisinger to disappear, although it will
not kill him. Thanks to Mike T. END UPDATE. Otherwise, as soon as the
cut scene ends, head for the arch that I previously mentioned. If you
time yourself quickly enough, he will be unable to let off a
devastating spell that will destroy you. Once you go through this
first arch, you will see a single island off in the distance, and some
silver stones in the air. Run towards these silver stones, and keep
running out towards the island. The stones will continue to appear in
front of you all the way to the next floating Island. Run to the center
where the glowing Tibetan War Cannon, a weapon that can freeze your
foes with an icy blast, awaits. Fall through the hole in the center to
reenter the beloved Estate.

G. Back to The Gardens

Well, you have now made it of the hellish other-world Oneiros
safely, however Keisinger still lives. Nevertheless, you shall most
likely return later to deal with this chap, and find out what exactly
his purpose is at bleeding into the Covenant family and Estate. Until
then, it is now time to head out to the gardens with your nifty new key
and meet with the groundskeeper who has some information considering
the long dead Lizzbeth walking again. Now, a note for this next
part...throughout this run to the gardens, Tentacles will rise up
seemingly at random throughout your return. I will not provide a
specific fighting strategy for every instance, so it's your choice to
run or confront them. I will provide strategy for planned instances
when I know they pop up.
As you arrive, you find that the Oneiros portal has now returned to
a simple closet, and the maid that was sent to clean Keisinger's room
is lying in front of you, bleeding into the roof. Rather odd, have to
see it for yourself. Lying by her crippled corpse is the key to the
Gardens. Do I really have to tell you to pick this up before leaving
the closet? I didn't think so =).
Now, attempt to leave the bedroom and his adjacent living room via the
door you came in, and it slams shut. Laughter echoes in the shadows, and
Tentacles will begin to pop up in the living room. No matter how many you
get rid of, they will continue to come, and continue to wrack havoc on your
health supply. So, rush back into the bedroom as soon as the door slams
shut, avoiding the rising Tentacles. In the bedroom is a fireplace, now no
longer blazing. Duck and go THROUGH the fireplace into a room on the other
side. Quickly, rise and grab the health pack on the fireplace top, and head
to your left from coming out of the fireplace tunnel and to a door. Most
likely, a Tentacle will pop up directly in front of the door on your way out.
Be prepared, and use an ice blast and an ectoplasm to get rid of it. Go
through the door.
You now stand in the hallway you were in previously, except now it is
infested with random teleporting Tentacles, which I advise you to avoid due
to sheer numbers at some times. Ignore the passage to your direct right, as
it leads to a dead end and most likely a confrontation with more lovely
Tentacles, and rush down the hall, straight ahead, past Keisinger's now
locked and jammed doorway.
Once you pass his doorway, head down the little flight of stairs, but do
not enter the portrait room to your left yet. Head to the end of the hall and
open up the right hand door. Pick up two much needed health packs lying in
the room. Piece of advice, strafe throughout here, as the Tentacles are
everywhere and will continue to spawn relentlessly. Leave the room and head
into the portrait room I mentioned earlier, avoiding more tentacles.
Rush across this room to the open archway on the right (not the closed
door) and enter. Take the door in this room to exit Keisinger's chambers and
return to the East Wing Lower after a brief loading screen. As soon as you
enter this chamber, you are on the second floor landing, and a Tentacle will
pop up directly in front of you. Be prepared for it, use your Ice blast from
the War cannon and a few ectoplasm shots. Only one will appear, as they no
longer relentlessly spawn. Yay!
Head down the stairs to the first floor. Halfway down the stairs, a
Tentacle will pop up in front of you. Don't let it surprise you, dispatch as
I stated above. Whirl around and deal with the one that tries to surprise you
from behind as well in the same manner. Aren't these things pissing you off
now too? I felt like taking a Tentacle and serving it at Red Lobster.
Proceed to the bottom of the stairs. The door to your left is now jammed,
time for some WD-40, so head around towards the door on the other side of the
statue. Enter the doorway and your back inside the hallway with the curtains
blowing in the wind. Coming out of the room with the stairs, go right all the
way down the hall, rather then left, the same way you went earlier to get the
amplifier. Although, there may or may not be a Tentacle popping up to your
direct left, so take care of it first.
Go all the way to the end of the hall, to the little sitting room, where
another health pack is on the table, probably left by a thoughtful yet stupid
butler or maid. Pick it up, THEN head back down the hall to the other side.
Once you pass the doorway you came through to reenter this billowing hall and
enter the little room with the paintings on the wall and the wooden floor, be
prepared for a tentacle to come right out of the floor directly in the path
of the open arch. Use your war cannon and ectoplasm and send it to hell,
proceeding through the arch before more can pop up in this room.
You have now entered the room with the marble floor and two gigantic murals
on the wall that you passed through earlier. A Tentacle will pop up behind
you, take care of it so it does not cause you trouble later, and proceed to
the open arch at the other side of the chamber. In this next tiny wooden
room, another Tentacle will appear, either kill it or avoid it and head to
the room on your left.
You are now in the carpeted hallway that connects to the playroom and the
chapel, which are both now locked. Rush down the hall, and take out or run
past a Tentacle coming out of the top of the tiny flight of stairs at the end
of the hall. Follow the hall to the left and take the door you entered the
East Wing through to your right, and exit the East Wing proper, alive. A
Tentacle will pop up directly in front of the east doors, but avoid it and
taking more damage and head through the door.
Well, this hall should look familiar. Your back at the hall where five
howlers attacked you earlier after feeding on the maid on the floor. Well, it
doesn't get any better this time either, tentacle wise. Walk forward going
past the blowing curtains and head down the short flight of wooden steps. A
Tentacle will come out of the ground directly in front of the stairs, Use
your war cannon and dispatch it with ease before it can even come out of the
ground entirely.
At the bottom of the stairs, turn right first and grab the health pack
tucked in a corner on the other side of the stairs, that most people would
miss had they gone right and headed back the main way. Now, with yet another
health pack in your arsenal, turn and be ready for quite a confrontation.
Now, although you can run past your next challenge, chances are you will take
more damage with poison mindblasts by running then by confronting the
Tentacles head on. So, here is the best way to conquer this part I have
After the health pack, whirl and be ready for the first of a group of
tentacles to appear, if it has not already. Get close and freeze it, then use
an Ectoplasm. Turn towards the little flight of stairs you came down and take
care of the one or two that have now popped up there in the same way,
strafing the whole time. Proceed down the hall towards what's left of the
corpse of the dead maid (awwww, shes been gnawed on) and one tentacle will
appear close by her. Move in and take care of it as well. Continue forward
towards the door at the far end of the hall, and be ready for two Tentacles
to come out of the floor together, ready to tear you apart. Move in close to
one, freeze it and ectoplasm it. Then, back up and using strafe, take care of
the other. Although theres many ways you can handle this large group, I
found this to be the easiest way. It's not over yet. Continue down the hall
to the door at the far end and enter.
You will go down another tiny flight of wooden steps and will now be back
in the hall with the knights. Head left first, although the door you came
through when you first traveled this way is now locked, there is a health
pack on the left wall near the door. Take it, adding to your collection, then
turn around and continue to the other end of the hall. Two or more tentacles
will most likely pop up during this, take care of them by moving in close and
using the war cannon and ectoplasm as before, same old, same old.
Head through the open double doors at the end of the hall, up a tiny flight
of wooden stairs (what the hell is it with all these wooden stairs, It's
horror on the feet, I recommend Dr. Scholls.) and enter a chamber with a
spiral wooden staircase in the upper right-hand corner going towards the
second floor. Since the way you originally came is now closed, looks like
this is the only way to proceed. Head up the stairs towards the second floor,
and enter another pair of double doors, which should bring you into a
familiar area.
That's right, your back in the general area where Lizzbeth and Bethany's
room are, and the study, all locked. First, take the hallway to your left
that leads back to where your Guest Bedroom is. In the corridor leading to
the bedroom, a single tentacle will pop up, attempting to surprise you.
Surprise it with an Icy Cold Mountain De...Er...War Cannon blast. Head all
the way to the end of the hall, where the statue of a head that was there
before is now knocked down, and in it's place is a health pack and two ether
traps. Take them, and head out of this hall and past where you reentered this
part of the house, as your guest room is locked.
Proceed down the hall and turn left when the option presents itself, as
continuing to the end of the hallway only results in Bethany's locked door. A
Tentacle will most likely evolve from the woodwork near the intersection, so
take care of it with friendly smile and service. The door into where
Lizzbeth's quarters and the study are is locked, so instead head left through
an open door and watch another loading screen as you pass into the next part
of the house.
There is nothing of interest in this entire rather large room, not even any
creatures to attempt to surprise you. Go down...you guessed it....another
flight of wooden stairs and cross past the couch to the door. Going through
the door, is a tiny hallway with another door at the opposite end. Walk
through the hall to the door. Passing through here, you will be in a larger
hall, with a door with rather odd designs on your right side as you continue
your tour. This would be Aaron's room, however it is locked and you will be
unable to visit it until much later in the game. Proceed past the bedroom and
through the doorway at the end of the hall.
This next room is a carpeted study with a burning fireplace, pictures of
birds on the wall, a bookcase, an amplifier on the bookcase, and Aaron
standing directly in front of the amplifier. You will find that any attempt
you make to take the amplifier results in Aaron laughing and pushing you
backwards rather forcefully. Yes, there is a way around this. Change your
inventory to an Ether Trap, and run forward to directly in front of Aaron,
then trigger the trap. With the right timing, you will cause Aaron to be
sucked into the Trap and unable to bother you for a while. Yay =). Take the
Amplifier and proceed through the door at the other side of the room.
Remember, you can pick up any traps you used that did not catch him.
Entering this next room triggers a neat sequence in which doors slam shut
behind you in unison, possibly scaring the hell out of you in the process.
This next area also brings back the endlessly spawning Tentacles, so beware.
As soon as the little scene ends rush to the end of the hall to a closed
door. Either avoid or fight the first of the spawned Tentacles until the door
opens automatically, which will be just a few short seconds. Yes, it CAN feel
like an eternity. Once it opens, run to the end of this hall to the Mirror
and a doorway with a purple force shield on your left. Hmmm, appear to be
stuck do you? Well, your not. Leap THROUGH the mirror. That's right, into the
looking glass Alice.
You have leaped into a tiny chamber with a door on your right. Pick up the
health pack lying on the wall banister to your left, then enter the doorway
and you have entered a secret room that Aaron used for magic in the Covenant
Estate. Marvel at the Star Shaped Decoration in the ceiling, then proceed to
go from torch to torch in the room. You will automatically set fire to the
torch with your nifty occult abilities. Once you have lit all the torches, a
spell scroll will appear in the middle of the room. This is the Dispel spell,
which, you guessed it, you are to use on the purple force barrier back in the
hall. So, return to the hallway, jump back through the mirror, and use the
spell on the purple force barrier.
This next part can be a bit difficult, as ever spawning Tentacles are
present. Run through this small sitting room, strafing and avoiding the
Tentacles. You can kill them, but more will continue to take their place.
There is a door in the far right hand corner of the room, take that doorway
to enter a small four way antechamber. Head left, and use the Servant's Key
that we picked up a long time ago to go pick up some goodies. Run down this
hall, go ahead and kill the Tentacles that pop up in front of you here, as
they can be a real hindrance in this narrow Servant's hall.
Pass the first door on your left in the Servant's Hall, as it is locked,
and enter the second one. Here, you will pick up a total of 18 Silver
bullets on the ground by the beds in this small sleeping chamber. What a
servant needed them for, I do not know, but they will definitely come in
handy for you later on. Leave this room and continue down the Servant's hall.
Enter the last doorway on the left into another small sleeping chamber. In
here, grab the health pack on the dresser and jump onto the small table to
take the bullets, which you sorely need as I am sure you are currently short
on them. Go ahead and retrace your steps back down the servant's hall,
killing any Tentacles that pop up in front of with your cannon and Ectoplasm.
Once you reach the Antechamber again, take a left into a room with two
doors and the tiny servant's elevator that I mentioned far earlier in the
FAQ. You could go straight through the antechamber, but it leads to a
Workroom that you need a key to enter, which is not until far later in the
game. With both doors locked in this room, duck down into the Elevator and
ride it down into the Kitchens.
After another loading screen, you Stand inside the entry of the room where
the elevator is in the Kitchens. Somewhere nearby, you can hear Howlers.
Seems as if they have managed to enter even this portion of the house. Leave
this room through the open double doors to your right. As soon as you enter
the room with the Giant Fireplace, you will notice a few changes. For one, a
table is pushed against the door in the far left hand corner, as of someone
trying to block out creatures within the house. For two, A howler will rush
at you. Take careful aim with either the Cannon or the pistol, and take care
of it.
Since the other exits are blocked or jammed, Head into the upper right
corner and through the archway, where you first met the cook earlier. Sadly,
as you enter the room with the door to the Gardens to your left, turn to your
right and see the overweight cook lying on the floor, dead, being tended to
by a Howler. Door's lie all over the floor and the door to the cellar is
busted down, apparently from the inside. Seems the poor cook tried to
barricade herself in the kitchens but they got to her anyways. After
mourning, enter the room where the dead cook rests in peace (well, it
probably isn't too peaceful, ah well.) and before entering the broken down
door to the cellar, turn to your left and open that door.
This room is very eerie looking, a large wine barrel storage chamber. It
almost looks like a cave. Go ahead and enter and be prepared for one Howler
to leap at you from the top of the barrels and another to rush from the other
side of the barrel storage area. Back up into the room where the cook lies
and use your pistol and ectoplasm to carefully take aim and dispatch them as
they attempt to reach the door. Taking them on in the wine barrel room would
most likely cause damage to yourself. Once you have taken care of them,
reenter the room for exploring. Inside, is a locked door and a health pack
lying close to some wine barrels. Take the health pack, and return to the
open Cellar doors.
Well, although it sure does look eerie down there, what lies below is
worth getting before a trip to the gardens. Go ahead and take a deep breath,
and make your way into the cellar, heading down the stairs into an eerie
darkness, using Scrye to light your way if you wish. Once you have reached
the bottom of the stairs, you will have entered the downright creepiest
portion of the game so far, an odd fog and ambient lit wonderland where howls
echo across the stone walls. Quite excellent and bone chilling.
Anyways, upon reaching the bottom, you will be in a room with some wine
barrels and a large open area to your right. To your left, is a smaller door,
left open. Prepare for a Howler to come out of this doorway, don't let it
surprise you as it first did me. Take care of it quickly and carefully, then
enter the room it came out of. In here are four handy dandy molotov
cocktails, which WILL come in handy later on in the game. Pick them up, then
exit this chamber and cross to the large open area. Now it's time for some
real fun.
You have now entered a central chamber of the cellar of the Covenant
Estate, and it appears it is slightly flooded, with water all over the floor,
adding even more to the spooky effect. Fantastic, isn't it? As you first
enter this large central chamber, use your scrye, if you have not already, to
spot the two Howlers across the room. Using Scrye to locate their exact
location, target them with your Pistol and take each of them down before they
can reach you and rend you apart in the eerie darkness.
Now, from the doorway entry, head straight ahead to the back wall, where
you will begin to hear the familiar sound of an amplifier. Hiding in the
water near the back wall is another amplifier. Run back and forth by the wall
until you manage to run over top of it. From here, proceed to the archway
that you have not yet explored on the other side of the room that you can see
rather well from this spot. This room is slightly raised, and above the
water level. In here are three doors, yet all three are locked. Don't worry,
you'll return later in the game. For now, pick up the health pack in the
corner and open the chest.
Inside the chest are more bullets, which from fighting the Howlers you are
once again in need of. Speaking of Howlers, one is most likely on it's way
towards you right now from the central chamber since you picked these items
up. Stand in the doorway and dispatch it with ease, then head through the
central chamber and towards the stairs of the cellar. Head up the stairs and
once again walk over the dead body of the maid. See, you made it through the
cellar without major incident after all.
Now, after getting all of your goodies, prepare yourself and enter the
door to the Gardens to go meet the groundskeeper to speak about Lizzbeth. You
won't be returning to the Estate for a while, so I hope you won't miss it.
(Yeah, Right.) Use the key on the door to the gardens, pass on through, watch
the loading screen and proceed to part 4 of the FAQ. Congratulations.

4. Game Walkthrough Part 2-Gardens to Monastery Past.

A. Gardens through Mausoleum

As you enter the lush Gardens of the Covenant Estate, first notice the
archway with two lamps to your upper left. Go ahead and head this way,
equipping your pistol and your ectoplasm. You will enter a middle garden with
stone benches and a small stream in the middle with a bridge going over it.
Across the stream, A Gardener is running for his life from a Howler. RUN and
jump across the water, rather then going across the bridge as it takes too
much time, and get in between the running garden worker and the Howler. Fire
both pistol and ectoplasm at the same time to take down the Howler, it will
take a few shots. Your reward for saving the Garden Worker? A sweet dropping
of silver bullets to be tucked away for later. With your newfound loot, leave
the man who has returned to working (idiot) and head left out of the archway.
Note: If you had gone right, you could speak to another gardener about
Bethany's hobbies as a youth, but there is nothing else of interest there.
Continuing on, pass by the kitchen door and a large gated door and proceed
into a small area with a gazebo and several doors. Here also, you will speak
to the man who claims he saw Lizzbeth perched on a hill by the family
Mausoleum a short time ago off in the distance. He will also warn you to
stay away from the Standing stones, as they are an area of evil. After
speaking with him, you decide to investigate his claims by going to the
family crypts as he unlocks the gate to the outer grounds straight ahead of
you. Enter the gate and you will travel to the family mausoleum.
Once you have arrived, take in the sights of the sun setting in the
distance and the bats flying off of the roof of the mausoleum. Once you have
admired the outside, head off towards the left, following around the side of
the gates of the building until you reach a small gate, where lovely Lizzbeth
stands on the other side, watching you. She will tell you that you appear to
be more of a meal then a man, have a good laugh, then races off around the
side of the building. Since the front gate is jammed and locked, continue
around the left side of the building, towards an open gap in the gate in the
Entering the gap in the gate, you will now be on the far left side of the
Mausoleum, inside it's grounds. From the back of the building, two howlers
will come racing at you. Aim with your pistol carefully, a good shot can take
them down with no problem. As long as they stay at a distance, you will be
uninjured. After you have taken care of Lizzbeth's pets, proceed towards the
back of the building, staying away from the cliff's edge.
Near the middle of the back of the Mausoleum, two more Howlers will come
sprinting at you from across the hills. Repeat process as before, and if you
need to back up, keep an eye on where the cliff drops off. Continue walking
forward, behind the building. Eventually, reaching the right hand side of
the Mausoleum, proceed towards the front, passing a closed and locked gate to
your left. Just past this gate, a Howler will come from behind you, rather
silently. Be prepared for it, whirl, and take care of it with a quick pistol
to the head before it can take care of you. With that done, proceed towards
the front of the Mausoleum.
Nothing else will pop out at you, and disappointingly, there are no hidden
health packs or anything else hiding around the side of the building. Go
ahead and enter the front door, taking a final deep breath to prepare
yourself for what lies within the family crypts, then prepare for another
short loading screen as you enter.
You have now entered the family Mausoleum proper. Note the blowing red
curtain in the doorway directly across from you and the two closed gates to
your left and right. The one on the right has two health packs that you can
see, however you will not be coming back here to fetch them until later. The
one on the left has an amplifier, and you will be opening that shortly. Grab
the bullets in the alcove next to the gate with the health packs, then
proceed towards the red curtain.
As you enter the room with the red curtain, look up heading up the little
flight of stairs. A howler is hiding up there and will drop down to attempt
to surprise you. Take care of it by backing up and firing, letting the
element of surprise be in your favor. You now stand in a small crypt, with
two tombs in the middle, and two levers on either side of the room. The lever
on the right, as you enter, will not budge all the way, don't worry about it.
Before you pull the lever on the other side, enter the open crypt and get the
Invoke spell, which is handy for dispatching skeletons for good.
Now, pull the lever on the other side of the room, then go back into the
open tomb where you got the Invoke spell, and jump onto the lid. Three
Howlers will race into the room. From your safe position on top of the tomb,
take care of them, they cannot hurt you if you are quick at firing at them as
they approach. When you have finished with them, jump down from the tomb and
head back out into the central chamber, going through the gate where the
amplifier I mentioned earlier is.
Pick up the amplifier and look into the passage on the right, two Howlers
are feeding on the corpse of a man who is obviously not an employee of the
Estate. This is a Trsanti. Anyways, dispatch of them from a distance, it
should not be a problem. Also, I amplified my Invoke at this point, however,
it is up to you what you wish to amplify. Go ahead and enter the crypt where
the Howler's were feeding on the man.
Walk over his bloodied corpse and enter the open tomb door, marked
Covenant, of course, in the left hand side of the room. Follow the little
stone passage to the end, go through the opening in the left hand wall. You
have now dropped into the caves beneath the Mausoleum, lovely aren't they?
Reminds me of the basement of the Estate. Keep your invoke handy, you shall
need it shortly, and proceed forward into the foggy, ill-lit cave ahead of
Follow the cave for a short ways, moving out of the way of a pack of bats
that will fly over your head and may take a few points of damage away from
you. Keep your eye on the ceiling of the Cave, eventually, you will spot a
Howler hiding up above. Aim with your ectoplasm or pistol, although ammo is
getting low now, and take care of it. Proceed deeper into the cave, invoke
still ready. Most likely, shortly after the Howler drops from the roof,
another will come from deeper in the cave. Swiftly dispatch of it as well.
Proceeding forward, almost near to the end of going deep into the cavern,
you will see two skeletons, or decayed saints, rise out of the ground ahead
of you. With your invoke ready (if amplified this is a lot quicker, due to
the amount of mana it takes) run forward to them and use the spell. They
will burst into a puff of smoke. Were you to attack them with a different
weapon, they would have merely returned to continue to er...haunt you from
the grave. Heh.
Just past these two boneheads...ok, ok, bad joke...You will enter a
chamber with two coffins within. No, Dracula will not pop out of the coffin,
although in this place it is expected. The passage will also begin to slope
upwards. Take a breath, heal if you have to, then proceed upwards this time.
Pass by another unattended coffin, turn right, still heading up, until you
reach another stone wall and an opening within it. That's right, enter the
opening =). Should use scrye here as well, as it is rather dark.
Going through the opening, you will eventually drop down into the other
side of the mausoleum, and put up with another loading screen. You know,
they should really fix that lever, the walk around is quite harsh on the
feet. First, go left and pick up the two health packs you spotted earlier,
as you will need them eventually. Then, return to the crypt room that you
dropped out of and head to the last crypt on the right hand wall. Use your
war cannon to blast it open, and then head inside. You will need to duck.
After a brief crawl, you will once again drop into another cave, full of
the ambient fog effect. Having fun yet as an amateur spelunker? Head down
through the cave, passing some more coffins just lying around. I tell ya, the
way people treat the dead these days. No wonder they keep rising. Two more
skeletons will come at you a short way down, use your invoke as before and
they will be no problem. Continue. Eventually, you will see light ahead.
Proceeding towards it, you reach a ladder and yet another coffin just lying
around. Go up the ladder. Congratulations, you have now reached the old

B. The Old Cemetery

You are now standing outside of an open crypt, where you just climbed out
of. Ahead of you are several gravestones...well, it is a cemetery after all.
Looking up, you can see an odd green item on the top of a cross. That is an
arcane whorl, which will allow you to replenish mana even faster. However,
you can not get to it from this part of the cemetery. So, equipping your
invoke spell, which is your best friend here, proceed forward. The skeleton
on the ground directly to your left will not pop out at you, however, the one
near the archway into the rest of the cemetery will. Use invoke, take care of
Proceed through the archway and you find yourself on an island surrounded
by the ocean. Turn left, moving around the side of the building, which is in
shadows and a bit darker. Following the side of the ruined building, another
skeleton will come out of a gravestone. Use invoke once again, and proceed
forward with no worries. Eventually, you will reach the far right hand side
of the building, where the wall is open once again. Go into this part of the
ruins, invoke ready as two more skeletons will erupt from their sleep to
attempt to take care of you. Instead, dispatch them.
Head into the corner of this ruined room, and by the far gravestone in
the corner is a box of much needed bullets and a health pack. However, there
is more here. Turn towards the giant cross shaped grave near where you got
the health pack and do a jump to land upon the bottom portion of it. A note
here, you need to stand on the fallen gravestone on the ground to be able to
land on the larger stone. From this stone, do a careful jump to the regular
gravestone next to it, which is a bit higher up. You need to land on the very
top, raised portion of this grave in order to be able to make the next jump.
Now, standing on the regular gravestone, turn back to the large cross
gravestone you were just on. Jump ONTO the cross this time, as it is within
your jumping distance. Now that you have landed on the cross, jump onto the
wall of the ruined building. Head left on the wall, passing between the two
large remaining walls of the building, continuing to where you saw the green
arcane whorl earlier. When you have lined yourself up with the whorl, jump
onto it and rejoice, as you just got a rather difficult item to retrieve.
You will now be back within the room that you entered the graveyard
through. This time, turn right going out of the archway. Head straight ahead,
towards the water. Further to your right are more gravestones and skeletons,
however there is nothing worth getting here. If any skeletons do attempt to
slow you down, feel free to use invoke. At the edge of the island is a dock
and a small canoe. Climb into the canoe and you will automatically row to the
next area.

C. Cove to Tunnels

As you appear from the loading screen, you are standing by water, on a
sandless beach where green hills stretch upwards to two rocks leaning against
each other, with a narrow passage in between. Behind you is your canoe, now
left unused, and you can hear thunder in the distance. Seems like a storm is
coming. Equip your pistol and your ectoplasm, do not be overly concerned
about ammo, you will have it replenished soon to a far greater supply.
Head forward, approaching the stones and the small entry they form ahead
of you. Once you pass underneath the stones, you will hear a Howler and if
your quick enough, see it a ways ahead, on a large rock. Continue up into the
hills, pistol ready. You will pass one rock on your right, theres nothing
hiding there, so continue towards another larger one in the distance.
Just as you reach this second rock, from off to the left a ways, three
howlers will come rushing at you. Aim carefully and dispatch them with the
pistol and/or ectoplasm. Then, proceed towards the direction where they came
propelling towards you from. Off in the corner here is the corpse they were
feeding off of, a Trsanti. The dead Trsanti also has a health pack lying by
him, take it. Look off towards the upper right and you can just see what
appears to be a building. Continue in that direction.
Continuing up the path towards the tower in the distance, if you look into
the sky to your left, at the very top of a large hill, a pack of howlers race
down the opposite side from you. Don't worry about them though, as they will
not be a problem as you shall see shortly. Heading up into the hills, you
will pass by the bottom of the large hill where you just saw the howlers and
turn into a clearing where you see the tower ahead of you, and a group of men
fighting off the Howlers.
These men are NOT your friends, as I first thought when entering this
section. Equip your pistol, and head towards the men and the carnage. Let the
men take care of the howlers, they will not attempt to attack you until they
kill the howlers. Take care of them at close range with the pistol, and you
will not take any damage. They both drop much needed bullets. With your new
ammo, continue forward past the tower, ignoring for now the path through the
hills going up to your left.
Directly next to the tower is the dead corpse of one of the Trsanti's
companions, he left a health pack and bullets. Take both, and follow the
trail through the hills straight ahead of you, the tower is locked.
Eventually, you will see a small valley to your right with a donkey in the
distance. Enter this valley. At the end of the valley is a corpse and a book.
Reading the book, you will learn more information about the Monastery where
Lizzbeth is currently hanging out.
It seems that there is a legendary weapon called the Scythe of the Celts,
that can destroy evil. However, it disappeared and is no longer present in
our age. There is a solution though. Although, there is a time portal within
the monastery according to the journal, that can bring you back to the time
where the Scythe was present within the monastery walls. However, you will
need three items in order to open up this time portal:A golden medallion, A
mercury potion, and an ancient scroll with the incantation to open the
portal. The medallion is nearby according to the journal.
Well, seems it's time to do a little searching to get this weapon, to
assist you in taking care of the Covenant's. Leave the valley and turn right,
continuing towards a rock in the distance. You will approach a ruined
farmhouse and barn, where a cutscene will take over. It appears that the
Trsanti are using this farmhouse as a refuge. You see three of them chatting,
then one breaks off and runs into the farmhouse, closing the door behind him.
You watch as Patrick runs forward and jumps and rolls behind a wall in the
far left hand side of the farm property.
Was the roll really needed? I felt like I was watching Galaxy Quest with
Tim Allen, where he felt the compelling need to do a flip roll as well.
Anyways, when you regain control, you are behind the wall and looking at the
two Trsanti. This is one part of the game that I found sneaking saves you
from damage. From the wall you are currently behind, sneak towards them,
ducking, where another wooden wall is. At the wooden wall closest to them,
pop up, and unseen, kill the one on the right. The one of the left will run
the other direction generally, take care of him before he comes after you.
One of them will drop the Tower key and some bullets. Take both, then pick
up the bullets from the other fallen Trsanti. You are almost completely
restocked on ammo now. At this point, two more Trsanti will come at you from
the direction of the hills you entered at. If you have to, duck behind a
wall to avoid their shots, and because the walls seem to sometimes give them
difficulty moving past. Take care of them with some pistol shots, as
ectoplasm is not that effective.
Picking up their bullets if you need them, proceed back the way you
entered, where the Trsanti just came from. You can walk around the outside
of the farmhouse and the barn if you want to, but at this time you cannot get
on. So, it's back towards the Tower with your key. Head all the way back, and
approach the Tower door. Three Howlers will come rushing down the path from
the hills, the path you have not yet taken. NOTE: You can, if you wish take
this path, but at the end you will only find some silver bullets on a corpse.
It's up to you, there are lots of Howlers. END NOTE. Back up and take care
of them with the pistol, avoiding taking any damage in the process. Enter
In an alcove in the right hand corner of this small room that is all that
remains of the Tower, pick up a chest key and the Sun medallion. See, it was
close. Now, two more parts to find. Head to the exit of the Tower. Once you
exit, begin to make your way back towards the farmhouse, keeping an eye for
possible random Howlers. Just by the rock that signifies the approach to the
farmhouse, you will be ambushed by four howlers. Two will come behind you,
two forward. Back up past all of them and pick them off one at a time,
retreating back as far as you need to. Then proceed forward to the farmhouse.
Nothing else will attack you directly on the grounds, so head towards the
rotting barn on the right hand side of the farm. As you get close to the
barn, the doors are blown out by two Howlers, one that will rush at you and a
larger gray one that will go for the nearest donkey. As usual, back up and
take out the little one, which is easy, then move in close and take care of
the larger Howler while it is distracted with eating the donkey.
Approaching the barn, you see blood dripping from the top floor above you.
Lovely, eh? Use your scrye if you need to, as the barn is very dark inside.
Pass over the blood, entering the barn proper, and proceed to the center,
where a ladder leads to the loft above. Prepare your weapons, as another of
the tougher Howlers is above you, dining on a meal in the loft. Climb the
ladder, and reaching the top, turn to your right immediately.
Take out the Howler with a combination of ectoplasm and bullets, then if
you want you can see that it was dining on a Trsanti. However, this Trsanti
has no goodies for you. Proceed to the right hand corner of the barn, where a
gap in the roof has some boards and planks. Get on top of the plank and
proceed to the open gap, where you look out on the ruins of the farmhouse
below, and a large open area that used to be a window. Line yourself up and
jump out and through the open gap into the farmhouse.
You will hear a menacing howl, but nothing scares you now, except for
Galaxy Quest like rolls. Moving forward to the hall ahead and to the right
of you, you will see a Howler cause some boards to drop in a small room
ahead, then race off across the roof, out of the reach of your bullets. Enter
the room where the Howler just caused some boards to drop, listening to the
eerie creaking of the rotting planks throughout the farmhouse. In the corner
of this room are some more bullets, which you probably can use.
Leave the room and turn right, down the hall. The Trsanti you saw earlier
comes rushing at you. This one can be rather tough, as he has a shotgun and a
knife. Head backwards the way you came, firing the pistol and ectoplasm
together, until he goes down. Pick up a Shotgun from his corpse, which will
be very handy in the monastery, and some bullets. It's about time you got a
new weapon. Then, proceed down the hall that you were before the Trsanti came
running at you.
Reaching the end of the hall, turn left, using Scrye if you need to as
the shadows are plenty. Pass by the room on your left for now and continue
forward, following the bend. Turn right after the bend, proceeding to the end
of the hall would just cause you to reach a dead end. To your left and right
are two chambers. Enter the one on the left and pick up three molotov
cocktails. Leave and head to the room at the end, where you see many wooden
boards and the main entry to the house. Open the main door, unlocking it,
then head back the way you came as you cannot go past the wooden boards.
Head all the way back to the room I said to pass by for now in the last
paragraph. As you enter, two of the tougher Howlers will leap from the roof
above towards you. Take them out with the shotgun and ectoplasm, backing
through the house if you need to, then proceed through the room to the
archway on the other side. You now stand in a room where you can see some
stairs going up to what used to be the second floor of the house.
Take a left. Right would lead you to the stairs to the basement, but you
don't want to go there just yet. Going left, pass through a small room and
an antechamber and climb the stairs to the roof. Theres not much left of the
second floor, is there? Walk the planks forward from the stairs to the wall
and the window, then walk on a very narrow plank against the wall until you
reach a gap between the plank and the top of a section of wall. Note: You may
want to go into sneak mode using K to make the little jumps so you don't
overcalculate and jump back onto the first floor.
Jump over this little gap and land on the wall proper, turning to your
right and heading to where more planks cover the remains of the second floor.
Facing this direction, proceed onwards, passing by the large open space to
your left. Pass between the ruins of two walls, but do not turn left just
yet. Proceed forward, over a narrow section of wall, and towards the back of
the farmhouse. Here, turn left and notice in the distance the room where the
Howler originally caused the boards to fall. Following the planks, make your
way carefully towards this chamber. In the far corner, you will pick up some
more shotgun shells and regular bullets. Return to where I previously said
don't turn left yet, and follow the boards.
You now look out over the entire front of the house, and what remains of
the second floor is nothing but boards. You guessed it, your heading towards
where the wooden wall was earlier. Make your way forward, following the
boards on sneak mode so that you do not overestimate and fall to the ground
below. At one point, you will have to walk on the narrow wall of the chamber
across from the one that had the molotovs to reach another board. Don't fall
yet, your almost there buddy =).
Cross this final board and drop behind the wooden wall into a chamber
with a dead skeleton and a chest. Well, since you have the chest key, go
ahead and open it. Inside the chest is the trapdoor key. Remember the
basement I mentioned earlier? It's time to head back that way. Climb the
plank in this walled in room to drop to the front part of the house. Make
your way back towards the stairwell to the basement. In the hallway, another
two Howlers will come at you, Use your combination of ectoplasm and shotgun
or pistol to take care of them.
With them dead, proceed without delay to the stairs, turn right this time
and you will find a stairwell going to the basement beneath the stairs that
went to the ruins of the second floor. That's right, it's time to go down.
Down here is a gauzy curtain, where a health pack lies behind it, and the
trapdoor. Open the trapdoor and drop down. You have now entered the Tunnels.

D. The Tunnels

When you first enter the Tunnels that lead from the farmhouse to the
monastery, you slide down a very long shaft, and land in a heap on the
bottom, staring ahead into an eerie, dark passage. Go ahead and get your
invoke spell ready, as you will need it down here. Then, follow the winding,
spider web laden passage forward until you drop into a large sewer like
passage that stretches off to the right and left, as bats swoop over your
head, but do not harm you.
Now, if you have not noticed already, there is something very odd about
this sewer. Piles of bones lie all around, and the walls are decorated with
human corpses. Almost like New York City. Anyways, turn left down the sewer
passage and proceed forward, following the winding sewer tunnel. Between the
first two piles of bones, two skeletons will leap out of the water,
attempting surprise you. Surprise them with an invoke, wait for your mana to
recharge, then follow the bend ahead through the sewer.
Continue forward, following the water towards a very large pile of bones
at the end of the passage. Skeleton's howls can be heard deeper within the
tunnels. When you reach this large pile of bones, two skeletons will leap
out. Once again, use your invoke to take care of them, then wait for it to
recharge before you continue to follow the passage forward.
You will reach a large well at the end of the tunnel, dropping into
darkness below. Do not fall into the well, as it leads to your certain
death. Instead, jump up onto the walkway and enter the archway on the left
hand side of the well. More bats will swoop over your head here, and if you
look up, you are walking underneath the floor of the monastery above. I
reccomend using scrye here, as this area is very dark and tough to see.
Follow the bends of the passage, listening to the Howlers on the floor
above you. You will eventually see a Howler run over the floorboards atop
your head, but it is out of reach of you currently and will not attack. Keep
going. As you continue onward, more bats will fly over your head and another
Howler will race across the floorboards above. However, this area is mainly
meant to scare you, not hurt you. Eventually, you will reach a left hand turn
where you can see the opening into the hills.
Proceed down this corridor, but just before the end, turn left and look
through a gate. You will spot Lizzbeth staring at you, then see her rush off
into the darkness, beyond your reach. Go ahead and head forward and drop into
the hills. Very short, very easy area to go through.

E. Monastery Exterior to Interior

You now stand on the edge of the tunnel that you just emerged from,
looking out over the hills that surround the front of the ancient monastery.
Personally, I would use your pistol and ectoplasm here, as there are many
howlers and quick reloading is a must. Proceed to drop forward out of the
tunnel and onto the ground below, getting ready for a romp towards the past.
Begin to make your way to the right of where you fell, following the
monastery wall. It is rather dark against the wall, so you may wish to use
scrye. Howlers will howl and moan as you walk, but will not attack you just
yet. Proceed forward, following the bends of the wall, until you see a raised
platform, a corpse of a Trsanti upon it, and a health pack on the corpse.
This platform is just behind a rather large bend of the monastery. Climb up
onto it, get the health pack, then whirl to prepare for a Howler to fall from
above. Take care of it.
Wait here for a brief moment, for another Howler to come from above,
saving you time later from being attacked from behind. Dispatch it as well,
then continue forward to where there are some steps leading further into the
monastery. Just before you reach these steps, turn again and look out over
the plain you just used to get here, two more Howlers are on their way. Since
they are at a distance, they should be easy to take care of.
Now, take note of the area to the direct LEFT of these stairs, where you
can see rooms beneath you and the blocks are spaced out. Patrick even says
to himself, How can this be breached, and enters a journal entry. This is
where, a bit later on, you will use the dynamite to blast into the catacombs
below. Take note of it, as this is one of the number one questions I get
asked. Now, go ahead and proceed up the stairs to a small midlevel. Take the
next set of stairs on the left and reach a larger area.
You now stand on a grassy area, where ahead and to your left is a large
building with some locked doors. If you use scrye here, you can watch a short
scene with some monks discussing matters. Head forward until you reach
another set of stairs on your right. Now, directly forward of you, is a large
clearing like area, and in the distance you can see the corpse of someone,
and an item. The item is shotgun shells, and you do not want to head out into
the clearing. Why?
Because, heading out into the clearing triggers about 9 howlers to jump
the wall by the corpse, one at a time, and is more trouble to deal with then
you need, especially for a box of bullets. Instead, take the stairs to your
right to the next level of the monastery. You are now on another grassy mid-
level. Turn to your right after going up the flight of stone stairs. Ahead
and to the left a ways is another short flight of stairs. Begin heading that
Just before you reach the stairs, most likely a Howler will leap at you
from above. One well placed pistol shot should dispatch it. Proceed up the
next flight of stone stairs. From off to your upper left a ways, a Howler
will come rushing at you. Since it is in the distance, it will not be too
difficult to take care of. Still standing at the flight of the stairs, go
right to a corpse lying on the edge of the cliff. Take the health pack on it.
If you look down, you can see the path you took to the monastery, your a ways
up now.
Now, turn and make you way back towards the stairs. Walk underneath the
collasped bridge connecting the Tower and building above you (don't worry,
you'll be there shortly.) and cross the grassy inner clearing towards your
upper right, where a stone wall narrows enough to allow you to the next
level. You now stand on a large, flat stone walk, which stretches to your
left and right. Use Scrye and you can watch some more monks in a
Instead of going left, the longer way, and the way into the Monastery
proper, take a momentary detour and turn right, towards the Tower. Walk
around the tower and you'll find an open window leading inside. Go ahead and
jump in. Use scrye as it is rather dark inside this tower. Notice stairs
going up and down. For now, you will want to go down, where you hear Howlers
dining on a meal.
Reaching the bottom of the tower, which is covered with grass, you may or
may not encounter some Howlers. Take care of them. Regardless, go around the
circular room and pick up a health pack left on a corpse of a Trsanti who was
snooping around in the wrong spot, eh? Now, proceed back to the stairs and
climb back up to the level you were just on. Be prepared for another attack,
as two Howlers are sometimes in this chamber, and usually come from behind.
Fire up from the basement if you have to.
After they are dealt with, ignoring going up for the moment, cross to the
open doorway on the other side of the midlevel tower room, which brings you
to the broken bridge we passed under earlier. Hop across the ruins of the
bridge and cross to the building on the other side. Proceed forward and
notice a large hole in the ground to your right, reached via an opening.
Enter the hole ::no, this is not a sick joke, heh. Pervert!!:: and on your
right is a flight of stairs leading up. Take this flight.
You are now on a small stone level, where another Trsanti corpse is
rotting away. This individual has a very interesting book to read, which
shines more on the Scythe, this monastery, and what happened within it's
walls in the past. Now, finished with your required reading course for the
day, drop back into the grassy clearing below and make your way back to the
tower window that you originally used to enter it.
This time, you are going...thats right, ya guessed it, up. Head up the
tower stairs, using Scrye to light your way. You now stand in a ruined
section of the tower, where several holes in the roof shine some light on the
situation. Proceed to a wooden plank falling from the level below and climb
up it to the next floor. You are now VERY high above ground, but you are not
done yet.
You now stand on a floor with a health pack and giant stone slabs falling
in from the floor above you. Pick up the health pack and head up the stone
slabs, jumping to get on top of them. Climb up to the remains of a wooden
floor, which is not much more then a small walkway along the sides of the
room. Notice on one side of this floor, a ladder hanging onto a wall, leading
to the top of the tower. However, the floor is gone and you cannot reach it.
What to do, what to do.
You guessed it. Line yourself up with the floor the closest to the
ladder, just before it falls into the space of the floor below. Run, jump,
and reach the ladder on the wall. Climb it to the very top of the tower,
enjoying the view. Your reward for going this far out of the way? A rotting
skeleton of an ancient monk lies on the ground, and next to his body...your
very first Mana Well. This enables you to increase your current available
mana. A very good find =).
With your prize in tow, head back to the ladder and climb down. Make
your way back to the window you used to originally enter the tower, nothing
will attack you. Just be careful not to fall anywhere and take some damage.
Jump out the window onto the large stone wall, and start going forward to the
very far end, scrying if you wish to watch the scene with the monks I
mentioned earlier. Note:You will have to use scrye quite a few times to
watch the whole scene.
Now, head all the way to the very end of the wall, and look to your left,
as there is a small entry going into the monastery. However, first turn
around and prepare for a Howler to drop from above. Take care of it, backing
away if you need to. Now, with it dead, use the stone blocks here to jump up
into the corridor above, and enter the Interior portion of the Monastery.

F. Monastery Interior to Dynamite

Welcome to the inside of the Monastery grounds. In this section, your
goal is to find some dynamite, which of course, just happens to be lying
around in here somewhere. As you come out of the loading screen, follow the
stone walkway forward, enjoying the ambient, foreboding music playing in the
background. As you continue forward, look to your left to look out upon the
inner grounds, and see a fantastic shadow effect on a far tower, and an odd
green light on a wall in the far distance. Keep going to the end of the walk,
where an opening is in the wall to your right.
Drop down through this opening into a grassy clearing, using the stones
to go down. Use scrye to watch a monk ask himself what was that, then
dissapeer. Very odd. Notice at the far end of this clearing, an amplifier,
just sitting there. Knowing amplifiers, this is not going to be as easy as it
looks. Make your way to the amplifier, take it, then turn around, looking up
to your left where there is an open arch on the top of the wall.
Three Howlers will come out of this opening, however they come roughly
one at a time. Get close to them and take each out with one pistol. Then back
up and wait about ten seconds, as three more are about to jump through.
Repeat the same process as before. If you let all of them gather together,
you are as good as dogmeat. With this threat taken care of, go ahead and head
back to the stone walkway, climbing the stones to leave this clearing.
Now, in the distance, see the green light? Head straight for it, nothing
will attack you crossing the open courtyard. Enter stage right, our old
friend Lizzbeth. After a brief discussion, she will proceed to start throwing
stones at her. Although you have the inkling to fire at her, don't, she shall
not die...yet. Instead, run around the base of the tower here to the right,
and keeping the wall of the monastery to your left, follow until you reach a
small corner with some more shells to add to your collection.
At this point, cross all the way to the opposite side of the courtyard,
strafing away from any rocks Lizzbeth attempts to throw at you from the
rooftops. Walk by the well, you cannot go down there yet, and head to the
very far wall. You will eventully reach a building with an open archway, go
ahead and go inside to enter a very small inner room, with no exits, and a
skeleton and a health pack. Use scrye to watch a very disturbing scene, then
use invoke on the skeleton as it rises from the ground. Take health pack,
then run out of the room as Lizzbeth will come in from above and fire at you
Exiting this room, turn to your right, and you will notice a small flight
of stairs going down to an open door. Go ahead and take the stairs down,
humming to yourself and enjoying a cold miller light on your way
down...er...scratch that =/. Entering the room at the bottom, notice the
door with rocks in front of it to your right, and a flight of stairs heading
up into this building. At this time, you cannot go through the door with the
rocks, so go ahead and climb up the stairs to the next floor.
Up on the landing, a darkened hallway leads straight ahead, and a more
lit hallway goes to your left. Take this lit hallway first, follow the bend,
and enter a large chamber with a ruined roof, where all that remains is
planks, a large fireplace (cold of course) and in the corner, a Trsanti with
a health pack for you. Notice the humming of an amplifier. You will get that
shortly. Start to cross the room to pick up the health pack, and prepare for
two Howlers to drop from above. Keeping the blocks covering the floor between
you and them, take both out with swift pistol shots and ectoplasm.
Pick up the healthpack, then return to the dark corridor I mentioned
previously, at the top of the stairs landing. Keep yourself well armed, you
will need it. Using scrye if you have to, go to the end of the dark hall and
turn right, climbing the flight of stairs towards the top, where you saw the
ruined roof earlier. When you are almost at the landing at the top, two more
Howlers (man, they breed like rabbits.) will race at you. Back up down the
stairs, as one of them is one of the tougher, green howlers, and take them
out. Keep as much distance between you and them as possible.
After you have dispatched of them, head to the top of the stairs and
notice a small hallway going to the right, with two rooms on the lefthand
side of the hall. The first room is empty, so pass by it, but the second
contains yet another health pack for you. Picking it up, leave the room
without falling through it's open floor, and head to the end of the hall and
a large, airy open room.
This is the room above the chamber you were just in below. The sounds of
the amplifer are very loud here. First, head towards the far right hand side
of the room, closest to the hall you just came out of and use scrye. Witness
another disturbing scene...then make your way to the fireplace up here and
turn on your sneak mode, default being the letter k. Line yourself up with
the top of the fireplace and look down. Lying on a ledge there is an
amplifer. Note:Without sneak on, it is very difficult to get this.
Taking very tiny baby steps, step out into the chimney of the fireplace
and if you were slow enough, you will land on the ledge and right on top of
the amplifer. If you wish, amplify a spell or save it for later, then drop
all the way to the bottom. To reward your progress, a Howler waits just
outside the fireplace. Don't keep him waiting, be a good guest.
After you have dispatched of it, proceed back to the second floor and the
open room you were just in. This time, head to the far left hand side of the
room, using Scrye again, and watch another discussion scene between two
monks. Now, notice on the wall opposite the fireplace, two doors. The more
center archway has nothing of interest within it, the one you want to enter
is the one closest to the far wall. Go inside, and carefully walk on what
remains of the wooden floor around the right hand side of the room to a
corpse, and a shotgun and Dynamite!
With the dynamite in hand, a Howler may or may not jump down from above.
Either way, it isn't much of a threat. Drop through the open window in this
room, where the corpse is leaning against, and you will be back in the main
entry where you came into the interior of the Monastery. Go ahead and return
to the Exterior, as for now you have completed all you can in the inner
After the loading screen, you are back out on the large stone wall. Now,
there are two ways you can return to where the floor is able to be
breached...crossing through the middle, where more Howlers will attack you,
or the easiest way, head straight forward to where a slope goes down the hill
to the bottom. If you head down this slope, you will reach where you
originally dropped out of the Tunnels, and end up avoiding as much danger as
With an odd sense of Deja vu, follow the wall of the monastery all the
way around to the first set of stairs, that was mentioned earlier in the FAQ.
Reaching the stairs, and without any Howlers or other creatures attacking
you, drop a stick of dynamite on the area to the left of the stairs, where
you can see through the blocks to the room below. Back up from the dynamite
so you do not blow yourself up, then watch as a hole is opened. Drop into the

G. Catacombs To The Past.

As you enter the catacombs, you have dropped from the Monastery above
into a narrow corridor. Proceed forward into a larger chamber, where to your
right is a flight of stairs heading up to a locked door. Although the door is
locked, duck underneath the side of the stairs to pick up a health pack.
Proceed through the only open archway at the other end of the room as
harmless bats fly over your head.
You have now entered a series of chambers with skeleton covered doors. If
you use scrye you can watch a monk....walk around in a circle. Exciting huh?
Anyways, head forward as soon as you enter this hall and the series of
chambers, to the wall and a closed door a few feet from the archway you used
to enter. Inside this room is a skeleton and a closed chest. Open the chest,
with evoke equipped, and get the health pack inside before you whirl to
confront the rising skeleton, or else the chest will close.
After you have dispatched the skeleton, leave the room, and head forward
into the hall, taking a right, and passing the gate on your left, which is
closed anyways. At the end of this hall are two doors. The one on the left
wall is open, however, there is only a corpse inside, and appears to be
nothing more. Follow the hallway to the right, passing the crumbled wall,
taking a brief turn, and eventully an open archway will be on your left,
leading into another area.
You can hear the sound of running water, and see a blue tint to this
chamber. Equip your ectoplasm and shotgun, and enter. You will watch a
short scene in which two Howlers are dining on the corpse of a recently slain
Trsanti. Afterwards, they will come for you. Both of these Howlers are
stronger then the normal ones. My suggestion is to back up into the crypt
hallway and take them out while moving backwards, to take as least damage as
Back inside the room, it is filled with water dripping from rafters
above, fallen barrels, and puddles of water on the blue stoned floor. At the
far end of the room is a closed doubledoor. Pick up the molotov cocktail and
the dynamite on the boxes here, and climb one of the two ladders on the
lefthand wall to the rafters above. Once you are up here, use your Scrye.
Scrye will reveal a series of boards with bloody footprints on them.
These are the ones ya should walk on, as the others will rot and fall,
sending you to the ground below in frustration. Follow the bloody brick trail
(ok, bad joke number two) across the boards to the other end of the rafters.
Against the far wall is a Trsanti sleeping on the job...for good...and a
lever above his head, where you hear an Amplifier happily humming away. Pull
the lever.
The wall will slide in and away, and reveal an Amplifier sitting in a
narrow passage. Pick it up, and follow the passage forward, ignoring a right
hand turn that leads to a dead end where some boulders fell. Instead, go
straight and drop down a hole onto a crate. Use Scrye in this room to see one
of the MOST disturbing scenes in the entire game so far. Pick up the shotgun
shells on the crate near you and then head out through the open arch, where
the door is lying on the ground.
You are now in another circular series of hallways, except in this one,
Howlers will continue to leap over the gates on either side and bother you
incessantly. Coming out of the room you dropped into, you will see a series
of stairs straight ahead of you, and passages leading off left and right.
The stairs lead to the bottom of the room with the rafters, so head right
from where you are, and begin to either fight the howlers or just run. Either
way, they will continue to jump over the gates. Follow the corridor, running
past the gates...one note:There is a door on the wall by the gates that opens
into a room with a chest with bullets. Although it can be somewhat dangerous
to get, bullets are in short supply.
Continue running, pass a well with crumbled blocks lying all around it,
and ignore the passage leading off to your right from here, it merely wraps
back around. Instead, head straight to a door at the end of the hall, which
opens into the next area, which is called the Saints Hall.
You stand in a small chamber at the bottom of a flight of stairs lined
with cobwebs to your right. Proceed up the flight, and at the top you will be
staring upon a hallway where two Howlers hang from the cieling just ahead.
Aim and drop them before they drop you, backing into the chamber at the
bottom of the stairs if you have to. Head forward a few feet, and watch as
Brad Pitt walks by in a towel. No, that doesn't really happen, come on now.
It's Britney Spears.
Anyways, there will be another flight of stairs on your right. Take them
down and you will go through yet another loading screen. You now stand in
the basement of a portion of the monastery. Crumbled and falling stones are
in the left-hand corner of the room, which you should climb up by jumping.
At the top of these stones you are outside once again, and there is an open
arch in the corner of this little area leading into more rooms. Equip your
weapons of choice and enter.
The voice that tells you to use Scrye speaks, but DONT. It takes seconds
away from having your precious ectoplasm equipped, and causes more Howlers to
come out. Instead, run forward through two empty stone rooms to a flight of
stairs going up. Head up the stairs and kill two Howlers on their way down.
These two are rather simple, and should not take much to defeat. A note, if
you were to wait below, you would have legions of endless Howlers come at
Now, use Scrye and watch as the Abbot comes up the stairs and turns a
corner, follow him onto a balcony, then through an open arch into another
small room with a door on the left. Equip ectoplasm and prepare for two more
Howlers, one being one of the tougher, Grey howlers. Back to the stairs if
you have to. After they are dispatched, enter the room through the left door.
You stand in a chamber with a chest, two ruined bookshelfs, and some benches,
now open to the sky. With your Scrye spell, you can watch the Abbot play with
the chest.
Proceed to the back bookcase and pick up a thick book, and go ahead and
read it. You will learn how the Scythe has fallen into the hands of evil,
and with great forethought, The Abbot has designed a way to go back in time
and correct that error, to bring it into the hands of an enlightened one.
Into your hands. Putting down the book, go ahead and open the chest against
the wall. Inside is the Time Incantation and the Silver Key. Good Job!
With two of the three items needed, return down the stairs, heading to
where you entered this part of the monastery below the ground. Nothing else
will attack you as you head back into the Saints hall by going up the stairs
below ground.
Coming out of the stairwell, turn to your right, heading to where there
is a crumbled wall blocking the way. From here, turn left, heading down the
hall like the gullible little hero you are. Continue to the end, where there
are some lovely skulls and ribcages stuck in the wall. Well, Martha Stewart
was never in this place, that's for sure. Follow a slight turn to your right
here, and continue forward. Halfway down this hall, you will begin to hear
Skeletons Shrieking. The wall on your left will explode and a skeleton will
come out, meaning to surprise you. Have invoke ready, and surprise it by
sending it to hell.
Continue forward to a flight of stairs going down into a room full of
bones. This is where it gets fun. I had invoke maxxed to full here, and it's
not a bad idea. Skeletons will continue to pop up forever if you stand in
this room of bones, so keep moving via a passage in the lefthand side of the
chamber, using invoke on any skeletons in your path or bothering you. At the
end of this little passage is another crumbled wall, turn right and pass
between two doors. Quickly, open the door on your right and pick up a health
pack and some dynamite, taking care of the skeleton inside.
Leaving the room, turn right, go to the end of the hall, then right
again. Run all the way to the end where you see a closed door with a silver
lock on it. A rather large Silver lock, even a blind, deaf and dumb person
could spot this. Here is where you use your silver key, and head into the
next area, which is the exit to the Catacombs.
As you enter this area, once again you are at the bottom of a winding
flight of stone stairs. Head up the winding stairs and you will be in
another series of tall, well-lit halls with bats flying around your head.
Dispatch of these bats with ectoplasm, as they will bite at you and cause
minor damage otherwise. Take the only hallway out of this room, yet proceed
slowly. Around about the second bend, a Howler will leap from a darkened
area above you. Whirl and dispatch of it.
Proceeding down the hall, passing some more bends, you will arrive at an
area with some skylights in the roof, shedding some light on a dark
situation. Continue following the hall with the skylights, listening to the
crickets outside. Once you reach the end, and to your left is a pile of
ruined blocks, turn around and kill the Howler running through the skylight
corridor after you. Continue following the hall, dispatching of some more
bats along the way.
You will arrive at another crumbled wall, and a flight of stairs going
down. Proceed down the stairs. You are now in a wine cellar. In the left
hand corner of the room from where you are standing, right next to a wine
barrel, are some red Phosphorus shells. Equip your shotgun and head forward
to get them. The barrel will explode outward, a Howler leaping out. One shot
with the shotgun will take care of it. Turn to your right and in the other
corner of the wine cellar is a health pack. Take it.
Now, leave the cellar through the open archway in the left hand corner of
the room. Entering into a hallway, to your left you will see a chamber with a
large pair of double doors and a large double flight of stairs. Use scrye
while standing at the door and watch the Abbot proceed to the door, opening
it in the past. Read your journal and discover that these chambers are where
Lizzbeth is most likely hiding currently, and where you should be looking for
a way in.
However, at this time, you cannot do anything in these chambers, so
instead, continue following the darkened corridor around a bend, through a
door, around another bend, and then watch a Trsanti get nailed by some spears
in the wall ahead of you. Knowing that this hall is trapped, proceed forward
to it, and use your Scrye within to help you better illuminate the red tiles.
Pick up the Trsanti's bullets, then go to the end of this hall, jumping over
the red tiles to avoid getting hit with some high damage spears.
Reaching the end of the trapped hall, feeling like Indiana Jones, follow
a new corridor to your left, open a door, and enter the Wind Chambers. After
a brief loading screen, you stand at the top of a rather small ramp in a room
with a beautifully decorated cieling. Arming yourself with INVOKE and
whatever weapon you wish to, head down the ramp, passing through the cobwebs.
You now stand in a long corridor with eerie wind drifting through it,
stretching to your right and left, lit only with torches. Piles of bones lie
Take a left, and follow the corridor around a bend. On your left is a
large darkened arch with a gigantic cobweb floating over it. Enter this
little alcove and pick up a health pack. Head back into the corridor, and
follow it to the end, turning right. Follow this hall for a little ways, and
then the torches, your only source of light, will go out. Now, RUN back to
where you entered this area, where the ramp is, and wait. Eventually, about
six-eight skeletons will come at you, slowly making their way up the ramp
towards you.
However, being up here, you are unable to be surprised. Take them out one
at a time with invoke. Once you have cleared them, head back into the wind
tunnle, invoke ready in case there are any stragglers. Using Scrye to light
your way, or lighting the torches that blew out by walking up to them, and
turn right this time, following the passage until there is another tunnle on
the right wall. This is merely a circle tunnle, yet enter it and wrap around
it, picking up the health pack in a corner.
After leaving this circular tunnel from the other end, take the first
passage on your right. If you had skipped the circular tunnel entirely, it
would be on your left at the end. Follow this quite a ways, killing the
straggling skeleton or two with invoke, until you reach a ramp on your right
hand side with a large cobweb hanging just before it. Climb up this ramp, to
another loading screen.
You are now in another ruined basement portion of the monastery. I swear,
allowing this place to fall into derelict, the management of this Monastery
has some answering to do. Anyways, climb the rubble out of the basement into
the next room. You are now in the old water room of the Monastery, where
they got their fresh water. In the upper left hand area of the room is
another hole into a different basement area, ignore this for now, pick up the
health pack by the stairs then climb the stairs nearby, ectoplasm and weapon
As you reach the top, you will notice three Howlers in the small landing
area. I noticed that standing on the stairs seems to cause them not to react
sometimes. Either way, take them out however you choose, although the Shotgun
works fine for quick disposal. If you have to, back up into the basement.
With them taken care of, climb the next flight of stairs in this small
antechamber to the outside once again. You will pass through a small door
here and enter a small, open roofed chamber with a health pack. Pick up the
pack, then enter the opposite door, taking care not to fall through the
This door leads to an area above the monastery proper, where you had
Lizzbeth firing rocks at you a while back. Follow the walkway up top here
around, and use Scrye to watch a monk tinkering with the wall. Grab the
phosphorus shells on the ledge, then tinker with the same wall that the monk
was. It will open a hidden hatch next to you, go ahead and inspect this
hatch. Inside, is the Mercury flask and the Monastery Key. Well, you now
have all three parts for the spell, now all you need to do is find the time
portal. Drop into the open area below you, and act as if your heading for the
door to the Monastery grounds.
When you are almost to the door, the floor will fall out beneath you and
drop you into the basement once again. NOTE: I found it IS possible to jump
over this hole before it falls beneath you and go out the door. However, for
what possible reason you would want to do this for is beyond me. End NOTE.
You will now be back in the basement, and by the hole you entered through.
Instead of going back this way, cross to the hole by the stairs, and head
down here.
You are in the catacombs, yet again. Wonderful. Enter the large corridor
entry, wait through a loading screen, then you are once again in a series of
tunnels. Follow the tunnel to the right hand wall, just before the hall takes
a left for a ways. Use your scrye to see and then open a door into a small
chamber. Open the chest, pick up some shotgun shells, then leave the room,
turning right and following the hall towards the torchlight at the end.
Lizzbeth will appear, giving you some nice chest views as she bends over
and laughs, and calls you an Interloper. She then sends two Howlers at you.
Back all the way down the hallway if need be to take care of them, then
continue to the light where she had appeared. The door to your right is
locked, so instead continue following the hallway to the left. The corridor
will wrap all the way around until you see another small door, with a VERY
large keyhole. Go through this door, using your Monastery key.
You are now in some very darkened chambers, where a very small, very
narrow hallway proceeds forward just ahead of you, filled with fog. Welcome
to the Twilight zone. Equip Ectoplasm, and the shotgun, and proceed through
the small hall. Just up a tiny flight of stairs, if you glance to your left
you will see the tiny hallway continuing off into the distance. First, enter
the chamber right ahead of you and pick up another health pack. Now, return
to where you just were and follow the tiny hallway to the end, entering
another chamber and passing by a small hallway on the right.
In here is a single Howler. Quickly kill it with ectoplasm and the
shotgun, then prepare to stake out this room for a bit. About six howlers
will come at you, but being inside this room you can easily hold your own
against anything entering, and have time to reload. You should make it
through this with no problems. When you have finished with these Howlers,
exit the room, turning left down the next tiny hallway from standing outside
this chamber.
You will climb another flight of tiny stairs and pass another tiny
hallway on your right, which appears to open out to somewhere. However, first
grab the health pack in the chamber at the end, then go into the tiny hall.
You find yourself looking out over a room with a ruined staircase and a dark
passage in the right corner. Drop into the chamber, ready for battle.
You drop into the room with the stairs, first, turn to your right and the
open passage and race that way. Two of the tougher howlers come from out
beneath the stairs, but have not followed me into the next room. In this dark
chamber at the end of the passage are three of the easy Howlers. However, for
some reason, they don't react very fast and are VERY simple to take care of.
Dispatch them, then pick up the silver bullets and molotov cocktails within
the room.
Now, head back into the room you dropped into, using a combination of
strafe and running, dispatch the two stronger Howlers. Back into the room at
the end if you have to. Dance the Macarena with them as well, it makes them
happy. When they are done, go underneath the stairs to pick up a health pack,
then climb to the top and go through a door into the next area.
You now stand in a room with a massive wheel on the right hand wall. Walk
up to the wheel and you automatically use it, and hear something opening.
Exit the room through the door, and you stand on a stone landing. To your
right is the room you gazed upon earlier, where the Abbot used the key to go
towards the deeper part of the Catacombs. Cross the landing to a broken down
door on the other side and pull another wheel. You have now opened the door
to the outside, which you reach from the flight of stairs going UP from the
Leaving this wheel room, head out to the landing and fight two Howlers
which come from the room below. They are simple. You can go down the stairs
to the room below if you wish, but you need the Gold Key, and can only get
that in the past. Instead, climb the stairs to the outside. Another loading
screen will commence.
You now stand in the ruins of the Monastery proper, the roof gone, gazing
into the sky above. Use Scrye, and watch the altar directly ahead of you, as
you witness a scene from the past. The Abbot and several monks seem to be in
ceremony. You can even hear snippets from the ceremony, which, small spoiler,
is over the Scythe. After enjoying this blast from the past, turn around
towards where you came in.
Go all the way to the end of the Monastery proper, to the double doors
which would lead to the courtyard outside if they worked. To your left is a
small flight of stairs which leads to some shotgun shells. Take them, then
proceed back towards the altar. From the altar, turn right, staying in the
Monastery for now. Off to your left is a lake with three podiums. This is the
time portal, you will go there shortly.
Just off to the right of the altar and the praying monks from the past is
a large flight of stairs going up. Climb these, pick up a health pack, and if
you wish, watch a monk there praying. Go down the stairs and head towards
the pond in the grass ahead of you, behind the ruins of the monastery proper.
Indiana Jonesish music will play. Walk to each podium around this pond, using
the Mercury flask, Sun Medallion, and finally, in the center podium, the Time
Incantation. They are used automatically.
A brief flash of light will take place, chanting music will play, and the
image of a perfectly good looking Monastery in Winter will appear in the
pond. After a deep breath, enter the pond, and you will be zapped into the
past, and the next portion of the FAQ. Congratulations for making it this

5. Game Walkthrough Part 3- Monastery Past to Present

A.Arrival to Monastery Interior

As you arrive in the past a great blizzard will be taking place and the
chanting music of monks that you briefly heard earlier will be playing once
again. You stand in the frozen lake, now covered by snow. As you start, turn
around and approach the center podium. Behind this podium is a health pack
and some bullets, pick it up. Facing the podium and the monastery, begin to
head off to your left, where there is a fire and a monk.
I found the monks to be rather easy to take out, a shotgun blast or two
is enough to drop him to the ground. They do have some rather amusing
sayings, such as I shall kill you in the name of God, and I come oh Father.
After easily dispatching of the monk, pass by the fire and pick up another
health pack and bullets in the far left-hand corner of the building. A side-
note...Isn't it rather odd that here in 400 BC roughly, according to the
journal entries earlier, we have bullets and medical kits lying around? Heh.
Anyways, turn and be prepared for another monk approaching you from
across the snowy waste. Dispatch of him with a shotgun blast to the head as
well. Make your way forward, passing by the lake and podiums, wrapping around
the monastery past the second fire and around the corner of the building.
You will see the dead body of a monk lying on the ground just ahead, with a
book by his side. Before you head forward to pick this up, use your pistol to
take out the monk on the wall to the left of the corpse before he takes you
out, strafing to avoid his crossbow shots if you must.
Pick up the journal and spend some time reading about what has taken
place in this monastery. When you have finished proceed forward with the
power of knowledge. After a few moments you will arrive at the front door of
the Monastery, where a monk calls out his fellow brothers to arms. If you are
fast, you can take care of him before he reaches the front door of the
building and calls a second monk to his aid. Both are easily taken out with
the shotgun. With them dispatched, pick up the shotgun shells and the health
pack here, then continue down the snowy hill ahead of you.
At the bottom of the hill is a small ledge with a monk atop of it. Use
your pistol and ectoplasm to dispatch of this monk first. At this point, turn
and confront the brother on the ground who will be very close to you at this
point. A shotgun shell to the head will do the trick nicely. Finally, use
your pistol and ectoplasm to take care of the monk acting as a sniper on the
uppermost wall high above so he does not bother you later.
With all of them dispatched, take a side-trip for a moment. Turn around
and away from the monastery and follow the snowy path leading away from the
building behind you, to the gates where the ocean is. If you need them, pick
up the molotov cocktails here. With your weapons in hand, return to the
smaller ledge where you killed the first monk a moment ago. A small ladder is
on the other side of this ledge. Use it to climb up and take a health pack.
Jump down from the little ledge and continue to proceed around the right-
hand side of the Monastery. All the way around the building is an arch way
leading into a portion of the Monastery. A monk will come out of the archway,
take care of him with a shotgun shell. Enter through the archway into a small
courtyard and aim upwards at the wall high to your left, taking care of the
monk sniping at you.
Standing at the arch, head to the corner to your left, underneath the
wall where the sniper just was and pick up another health pack. Turn and this
time begin to head to the right of the arch. You will see an archway with
some steps, but ignore this for now and continue forward until you reach a
flight of steps going down to a small area near a large locked door.
NOTE:Interesting mistake by the Developers...the building here had a door in
the present, but has no door here in the past. Funny. END NOTE:: At the
bottom here is a fire and a praying monk. A single shotgun blast to the head
will kill the monk. Pick up the health pack and shotgun shells, then retrace
your path to the archway with steps you just passed.
Head up these steps, pass through a small snowy landing type area, and up
another small flight of steps. You will see a bridge ahead of you, this area
looks familar, no? A monk will be atop this bridge, take care of him before
he takes care of you. Just before the bridge, pick up some bullets hiding to
the right. Pass underneath the bridge and notice the stone wall to your
right, as before in the present, you have to go to the very end to get atop
First, turn and take care of the sniper monk hiding on a small balcony in
the left-hand corner. When he is dispatched, proceed onto the wall. Pick up
the health pack in the center area of this large wall, and use Scrye to watch
a suicidally depressed monk kill himself. With your health pack, continue
forward. When you are almost to the end, two monks will come around the
corner. A single shotgun blast at close range will take care of both.
Continue around the corner and through a doorway to enter the Monastery

B. Monastery Interior to Abbot Key

Well, Well, this area also looks very familar. Follow the stone walkway
here all the way to the end. Gaze out to your left if you wish, across the
Monastery grounds. At the very end here, take care of the monk with a shotgun
blast, then enter the door on your right. Another load screen will commence.
You are now inside the Monastery proper. Head up the stairs directly in
front of you, turn the corner, and enter the first open room here. Pick up a
journal that gives you a clue that there is a broken window somewhere in the
church. That is important later. Leave the room and proceed down the hall,
killing the monk pacing up and down. All four doors are locked so head all
the way to the end, to an intersection like area. A monk will come from
straight ahead, from a flight of stairs. Take care of him with shotgun.
Enter the room on your left before going down the stairs, where a monk is
praying to God in front of a holy cross. Heh. Approach him, and give him a
single shotgun blast to the head. Pick up the health pack. Now, before
leaving to the stairs, can somebody tell me what the writing on the wall says
above the dresser? It appears to be backwards, and could be an easter egg.
Leave the room and head down the stairs, hearing an amplifier in the
distance. You are now in a basement study room. Prepare for a battle and
enter an open doorway on the other side of the study room. An amplifier is
sitting on an altar here. Pick up the amplifier and prepare for a group of
very angry monks to enter the room. Take care of them with the shotgun, then
go back up the stairs and enter the room to the left of the top of the
A monk will most likely be standing right here, take care of him with
shotgun (getting old, huh?). Proceed through a small windowed room and into
a hallway with a fireplace. A monk stands by the fire. Give him some medicine
with your shotgun. In the room across from the fireplace, pick up two health
packs then head back to the hall. Follow the hallway around, and stop at the
first door on your right. There is a monk chanting something in latin inside,
but you can't get in there. A special prize to anyone who can tell me WHAT he
is chanting in Latin.
Proceed all the way to the end and go down another flight of stairs to a
stone landing area. Ignore the chamber on the right from this landing, as it
merely has two more monks inside which are not worth fighting. Instead,
proceed down another flight of stairs. The door at the bottom to your right
leads outside, but we do not want to go there yet.
Instead, head left and down a flight of stairs into the monks water
processing chamber, where a stream is full of water in the center. This room
will be VERY important in a moment. Head up the curving flight of stairs on
your left to another landing area. Enter the chamber here, ignoring the
stairs going further up for now. Just to the left of the door you entered
through is a lever. Pull this lever. Ignoring the two doors at the end of
this chamber, leave the room and proceed up the flight of stairs.
You now stand inside a small study with a locked door and no visible
items. Useless right? WRONG. Jump up onto the bench, onto the study table,
then jump onto the book on the shelf, knocking it over. You will hear
something open. Now, retrace your steps all the way back to the water
processing room at the bottom. The water has now stopped from the lever, and
because of the book, a secret room has opened at one side of the water
Enter the secret room and pick up a Mana Well, a health pack, and several
phosphorus shells and silver bullets. By the way, the shells are great fun to
use with the shotgun. Leave the secret room and go back up to the chamber
with the lever. Enter the door at the far left hand corner of the room, which
brings you back outside to a tiny bridge crossing to a Tower.
After a loading screen, cross the bridge and enter a very large study
room, with many benches and tables. Dispatch the two monks that were reading
in here before they can get to you. Proceed straight ahead and go down the
flight of stairs. Pick up the much needed shotgun shells and health pack and
ignore the double doors going outside. Head back up the stairs to the study
Head to the end of the room and up the set of tiny stairs to a landing
and the open door. Ignore the door for just a moment and go up the next
little flight of stairs. On this landing, pick up the bullets, two health
packs and if you need them, the molotov cocktails. Now return to the open
door and go through it.
Turn to your right in this next passage and pick up an arcane whorl.
Believe it or not, nothing will attack you. This is the easiest whorl in the
game to attain. Now cross to the other side of the hall and enter the closed
door at the top of the stairs. Open the door to go through another loading
You will now be atop another bridge leading to the tower that in the past
you used to pick up the hidden Mana well. Cross the bridge and open the
door. The winding stairwell that you remember from the present is here. Head
to the basement first by going down. Yes, there are some people who would go
up to a basement if I didn't tell them better. Heh. Some people.
Down in the basement are some more cocktails and even better, several
shotgun shells and bullets. With all of them in your pocket, climb the stairs
to the level above the one where you entered the tower proper. A bookcase is
here, and a ramp-like staircase to the next level. Climb this staircase. You
are now in a large empty room with windows looking out on an excellent view.
Climb the winding staircase around the corner of the room to the ladder and
prepare yourself for one heck of a battle. Use a health pack if your at low
Up the top of this ladder is the first Abbot of several. He has the
power to cast Skull storm for a LOT of damage. Climbing to the top, jump off
the ladder to the right or left and turn to confront him. I found the easiest
way to beat him was to use a shotgun with a phosphorus shell, took me one
shot up close. Make sure you don't have to reload or his skull storm could
take you out. When he drops, he will drop the Abbot key as well. Good Job!

C. Abbot Key to Gold Key

With the first Abbot defeated, head all the way back down the tower to
the little bridge crossing to the church. Go ahead and head back through the
door to the hallway where you got the arcane whorl. Head back into the study
room and go down the stairs in the center, where I told you not to head
through the double doors before. This time, go ahead and go through the doors
to the inner courtyard.
Just outside the doors will be a monk just wandering around in the snow.
What a smart fellow. Blow his arse away with the shotgun then turn to the
right of the door you came out of (towards the main doors of the monastery)
head forward until you reach the end of the wall on your right. Turn right
and pick up a health pack and several shotgun shells as well as cocktails if
you need them. From this alcove, cross towards the Main monastery doors. To
the right of the stairs leading up to the main double doors is a health pack
and more bullets.
Climb the stairs, but ignore the double doors as they are locked.
Instead, turn left facing the doors and follow the stone walk. Just a little
ways to your right is an open area leading to a snowy courtyard. Go ahead
and enter the courtyard. First, pick off the monk on the ground here with
your shotgun, sending him to hell. Then, use your pistol to take out the
sniper on the outer wall, strafing his crossbow bolts.
With them both dead, pick up the two health packs here, one on either
side of the snowy courtyard. When both are picked up, another monk will come
from the main courtyard. Take care of him with a gift from mother of a
shotgun blast, then head back out to the walkway in front of the double
doors, turning right towards the door at the far end. Ignore this door for
just a moment and head down the stairs on your left instead into the main
snowy courtyard once again.
Pass by the well, following the building on your right. You will go by a
locked double door, and then in a small corner there will be a health pack
and some more bullets. Get both, then go back to the door I just asked you to
ignore, opening it and heading inside. You now stand in a small chamber with
two bookcases.
Go through the open archway on your left entering a much larger chamber.
In the far lower lefthand corner of this chamber pick up the two health packs
and the shotgun shells sitting around a table and a bookcase. At this point,
have you pondered on why a monastery dedicated to God has it's decorative
windows covered with little demons? Isn't that a bit odd? Hmph.
Anyways, from where you got the health packs, cross the room to an open
archway leading into a small room with four bookcases and a closed door.
Open this door and you will automatically use your Abbot key to head into the
Abbot's chambers. You now stand at the bottom of a large flight of stone
stairs heading up. Go up the stairs and through the archway into a long
chamber with a fireplace and some more bookcases. There is nothing at the end
of this room, so prepare yourself for another battle and turn to your right
through another arch.
This chamber has a single bookcase and a table with some clutter. The
archway on the left here leads to a room with another Abbot. Prepare yourself
with your shotgun and health to full and enter the room. The easiest way to
take care of this Abbot is to strafe back and forth through the open arch.
When he is taken care of, enter the Abbots bedroom. Pick up the health pack
sitting next to his study table, then pick up the Gold key sitting on his
bed. The lights will go out, lightning will flash, you will hear a scream.
Head into the next section.

D. Gold Key to Scythe

The lights have just gone out and you now stand on the Abbots bed,
wondering what the scream was. Head back out into the study room, and then
into the longer room with the fireplace. A dead monk lies on the ground here
and the window is shattered. Now, in a moment that 90 percent of people seem
to miss, you will climb OUT the damn window. Thats right, climb OUT the
window. THROUGH the window. Atop the body and THROUGH the shattered window.
Sorry for the emphasis, but I am tired of fifteen mails a day on this =).
Once again, going OUT the window, you stand on the roof of the walkway
below. First things first. Turn to your right from coming out of the window
and notice two monks firing at you from the tower across the courtyard. Use
your pistol to snipe at them and take them out, as they can be quite an
annoyence while crossing the roof. If you have to, drop to the ground and
head closer to the tower to snipe at them, then climb back through the Abbots
quarters and back out onto the walkway.
Standing on the walkway roof, turn to your left and get on top of a very
narrow section of wall. Follow this wall towards the main monastery building,
jumping up a couple of stone blocks to reach the side of the building. Now,
follow the roof of the Monastery around the front, you will be right above
the main locked double doors to the building and will go right by a very nice
looking window with a dragon on it.
Descend down the other side from the window atop the double doors and
head around to where there is a flat area and a health pack sitting in the
center. Take the health pack then climb up the three small stone blocks to
the next part of the sloped roof. At the far end of this sloped roof, jump to
the next portion of roof, which is a little bit higher. Here, there will be
a chimney. You also notice an Amplifier sitting on the next sloped area of
roof above you.
Now, this jump can be frustrating. You have to be on the very center of
the chimney, and basically make a perfect jump to get to the next portion of
the roof. However, with practice, it can be done, and it has to be done.
Making the jump, pick up the Amplifier. Both Amplifiers that I picked up
here I have saved for use later, as you will need them in the future.
Feeling a bit better about yourself now, turn to your left from where you
got the Amplifier. See that tower over there? Cross towards it and notice
that it is missing one window. Remember the letter you read in the monks
quarters earlier? This is the window they were talking about. If they had
only repaired it, they could have been saved. Ah well. Jump through the open
window into the tower. You will notice a large hole in the ground in one
corner as the monks chanting music picks up a notch. Drop through the hole.
You stand in a stone antechamber, the hole high above you. An archway is
straight ahead. Heading towards it, a monk will come out of it. Blast him to
the past. Heh. Go through the arch and notice a giant cross-shaped window on
your left. You can peer through this to see the main church portion of the
Monastery, the Scythe on an altar, and an Abbot and many monks praying. Oh
Cross the room after watching all you want to and head down a long
winding flight of stairs. At the bottom, pick up a health pack just
underneath the stairs and take out a tougher then normal monk that comes
through the open door here. You now stand in the main chamber, and just
inside the main double doors that have been locked. Prepare yourself for the
battle for the Scythe. Now, you stand before a giant wall that wraps around
and seperates this entry chamber from the main Church. Go around to the LEFT,
if you were standing at the entry doors.
Pass the locked door on your left and go up the flight of stone steps,
ignoring the central chamber for a moment. Blow the monk away at the top of
the stairs, and pick up the health pack. Putting your health to full, head
down the stairs and enter the central chamber. Two monks and an Abbot stand
before the Altar, their backs to you, blessing the Scythe. Can you guess who
we should target? That's right, target the Abbot. Get as close as you can to
him without disturbing their ritual, and blow him away first.
Once you have downed the Abbot, the other two monks are simple enough.
Just strafe around the room, shooting at them with pistol or shotgun until
they fall. If you don't take out the Abbot first, your a goner usually.
When they are all dead, it's you and the Scythe. First, pick up the shotgun
shells on the raised platform and the molotov cocktails in the right hand
alcove if you need them. When you have taken them, passing by the Scythe,
cross to the small room to the right and go up a flight of stairs. Pick up
the bullets and pull the lever, lowering the platform with the Scythe.
Head down the stairs and get the Scythe. You will now watch the greatest
cut-scene yet. In this scene, you witness how the Monastery was destroyed,
and a rather humorous scene involving an Abbot praying to God. I won't reveal
all of it, but Patrick escapes through a window and automatically returns to
the present, with the Scythe, ready to confront Lizzbeth. Congratulations.

6. Game Walkthrough Part 4-Monastery Present to Lizzbeth

Coming soon.

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