Sid Meier`s Civilization 3

Sid Meier`s Civilization 3

04.10.2013 11:38:28

|_ _ _ _|
| | | | | |
Sid Meier's | | | | | |
Civilization | | | | | |
_| |_| |_| |_
The Complete Strategy Guide
Version 2.7
By Michael Sarich

Released: Monday 08th of May 2006
Copyright(C): 2003-2006 Michael A. Sarich


Table Of Contents

Part I: Welcome
[1]: About The Author
[2]: The Story Behind This Guide
[3]: Document Licence Agreement
[4]: Site Licence Agreement
[5]: Contact Me
[6]: Disclaimer

Part II: About This FAQ
[1]: FAQ Statistics
[2]: Version History
[3]: Other Works By The Author

Part III: The Walkthrough

Chapter I: Setting Up A Game
[1]: Welcome To Civilization III
[2]: Creating Your World
a. World Size
b. Land Mass And Water Coverage
c. Climate
d. Temperature
e. Age
f. Barbarians
[3]: Civilization Special Abilities
a. Commercial
b. Expansionist
c. Industrious
d. Militaristic
e. Religious
f. Scientific
[4]: Civilizations
[5]: Choosing A Civilization
[6]: Rules And Victory Conditions
a. Allow Domination Victory
b. Allow Diplomatic Victory
c. Allow Cultural Victory
d. Allow Space Race Victory
e. Allow Conquest Victory
f. Allow Civ Specific Abilities
Chapter II: Game Basics
[1]: How To Play
[2]: Keyboard Shortcuts
[3]: What Are Turns
[4]: Why Is The Screen Mainly Black
[5]: Building A City
[6]: Tiles
[7]: Resources
[8]: Putting Your Workers To Work
a. Worker Actions
[9]: Eliminating The Enemy
[11]:Unit Promotions
[12]:We Love The King Celebrations
Chapter III: Beyond The Basics
[1]: Trade Agreements
a. Peace Treaty
b. Mutual Protection Pact
c. Right Of Passage
d. Military Alliance
e. Trade Embargo
[2]: Science
a. Technology Tree
b. The Ages Of Man
[3]: Espionage
a. Embassies
d. Intelligence Agency
c. Espionage Missions
[4]: Governments
a. Types Of Government
[5]: Exploits
Chapter IV: Strategies
[1]: Domination/Conquest Strategies
a. The Steamroller Effect
b. Beat Them As They Grow
c. Be Patient
[2]: Diplomatic Victory Strategies
a. Get A Seat In the UN
b. Sleep Around
c. Win By Bribing
[3]: Cultural Victory Strategies
a. The Cultural Steamroller
b. Be Quick When Building
[4]: Space Race Victory Strategies
a. Defend The Launch Pad
[5]: General Strategies
a. Get Rich Quick
b. Artillery
Chapter V: Tips And Tricks
[1]: Check Your Opponents Wonder Progress
[2]: Cripple AI Research
Chapter VI: Frequently Asked Questions
Chapter VII: Reader Submissions
[1]: Questions
[2]: Strange Experiences
Chapter VIII: Appendices
[1]: Units
[2]: Small Wonders
[3]: Wonders Of The World
Part IV: Closing
[1]: Where To Next?
[2]: Special Thanks
[3]: Over And Out!

QuickTip: To find sections with specific information, use CTRL+F

Part I: Welcome
Welcome to my Civilization III FAQ. Thank you for choosing this guide, and I
hope it contains the answer to your question. If not, send an E-Mail to Please read the Contact Me section prior to E-Mailing

Section Contents:

[1]: About The Author
[2]: The Story Behind This Guide
[3]: Document Licence Agreement
[4]: Site Licence Agreement
[5]: Contact Me
[6]: Disclaimer

[1]: About The Author
My name is Michael Sarich, and I am 17 years old. I work full time in a local
franchise of one of - if not - the most popular computer goods retailers in my
country of residence. This job not only gives me an income, but an even more
in-depth look into the world of gaming, through trade events and access to
suppliers and reps involved in the industry.

[2]: The Story Behind This Guide
This was my first guide, and due to it's sucess, I have written more. My uncle
first introduced me to this game, and when he said "hey Michael come and watch
me play my new game", and I had a look I thought Meh. But I watched, and I
realised what a great game this was.

I am now a strategy game addict and have purchased several Turn Based
Strategies, and a handful of Real Time Strategies too.

| ~~~ ~| [3]: Document License Agreement
| ~ ~ | --------------------------------------------------
| ~~ ~ |_________________________________________________________________
|______| `.
| [Last Updated Saturday 06th of May 2006] |
| |
| If you wish to read this document, you must agree to the terms and |
| conditions below. |
| |
| 1. Anybody is welcome to look at this document, provide they agree to |
| these terms. |
| 2. You are permitted to copy this document onto your hard drive, a |
| disk, or print it out on paper, provided it stays in its exact |
| form, including this section. |
| 3. You may not distribute this guide to obtain any personal gain |
| without my written consent with 20% of proceeds going to myself. |
| 4. If you wish to publish or distribute this guide, or post it on |
| your website, please E-Mail me, following the guidelines in the |
| Contact Me section. |
| . |
| /___\ READ THIS GUIDE. |
| ~~~ ~| [4]: Site License Agreement
| ~ ~ | --------------------------------------------------
| ~~ ~ |_________________________________________________________________
|______| `.
| [Last Updated Friday 05th Of May 2006] |
| |
| |
| 1. The Document Licence Agreement must be followed. |
| 2. The site must not sell the guide, or offer it as a free bonus with |
| something else without my consent. |
| 3. The site must not edit the document, even spelling errors. Instead |
| E-Mail me, so I can change my master copy. |
| 4. If, accompanied by a suitable reason, I ask the site to remove the |
| guide, it must comply. |
| . |
| ______________________________________ |
| ,' Permitted Sites `. |
`._| --------------------- |________________________,'
| The following sites may post this | | |
| document in its original form. | | |
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| IGN FAQ's : |__________,' ,'
| Neoseeker : |____________,'
| D.L.H. : |
| Cheat Channel : |
| Cheat Book : |
| Super Cheats : |

_______ [5]: Contact Me
|\ @ /| --------------------------------------------------
| \___/ |________________________________________________________________
|_______| `.
| [Last Updated Friday 05th Of May 2006] |
| |
| I am more than happy to answer queries, help solve problems, or accept|
| contributions via E-Mail and/or MSN instant messaging. My main |
| contact details can be found below. |
| |
| E-Mail Address : |
| MSN Address : |
| Origin Of Address : I am not a rock fan; I am Hip-Hop / R&B |
| oriented. This is from a Family Guy episode. |
| |
| Feel free to contact me with any issues you may have, but please dont |
| waste my time with any of the following: |
| - Chain Letters; I get enough from my family as it is :( |
| - Relationship Advise; I'm single as well |
| - Spam Mail |
| - Viruses; I have a $4,300 machine, and virus protection to match, |
| so dont waste your time. |
| - Death Threats; Yes, this happened once. |
| |
| When composing your E-Mail, please keep the following guidelines in |
| mind to ensure the most prompt and accurate response. |
| - Please subject your mail appropriately. I will possibly delete |
| E-Mails with either blank or suspicious ("hi" etc.) subjects. |
| - Be descriptive. I can only effectivly answer a question if you |
| ask it in detail, and even add a screen shot as required. |
| - If you need to attach a screenshot, please do not zip it or i |
| will not look at it. |
| - If you dont like this guide, I am happy to hear why. However, |
| dont swear at me or make threats you can't fulfil. Tell me why |
| you dontlike the guide, and how I can improve it instead. |
| - I am very busy. I work a 56 hour week, and I am looking for a |
| second job. Unfortunately I make no income from FAQ'ing to feed me|
| and my gaming addiction, so I must look after my work first. |
| I will enndeavour to answer your queries as quickly as I can, |
| however you may be looking at a few days for a reply. |

[6]: Disclaimer
[Last Updated Sunday 15th of February 2004]

By reading this guide, you automatically agree to these terms.

1. All material in this guide is copyright(c) 2004 Michael Sarich. Any
material found used without my permission is plagiarism, and I won't
tolerate it.
2. If you wish to use all or any part or section of this guide, ask me, and I
will almost always let you, provided you give me credit.
3. THIS GUIDE WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS. If you read this guide, and it ruins the
game for you, you have been warned.
4. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. I am not
affiliated with any of the companies associated with this game, or any other
related indicia.

Part II: About This FAQ

Section Contents:

[1]: FAQ Statistics
[2]: Version History
[3]: Other Works By The Author

_,._____ [1]: FAQ Statistics
| |__ --------------------------------------------------
| | /________________________________________________________________
|________|/ `.
| Civilization III - FAQ/Strategy Guide |
| Author Name : Michael Sarich |
| Email Address : |
| MSN Address : |
| Website Address : None at present |
| GameFAQs Account : LightScribe |
| GameFAQs User ID : 3015769 |
| Contributor Number : 40145 |
| |
| Guide Version : 2.7 |
| Game Name : Civilization III |
| Platform : PC |
| Release Date : Unknown |
| Date Created : Sunday 14th of December 2003 |
| Last Updated : Monday 08th of May 2006 |
| Next Release Schedule : Saturday 10th of June 2006 (Version 3.0) |
| Version File Size : 184,320 Bytes |
| |

_________ [2]: Version History
| _____ | --------------------------------------------------
| |2.7 | |_________________________________________________________________
| |_____| | `.
|________,' |
| | Sunday 14th of December 2003 ###,### Bytes |
| Version 1.0 | Finished all of the basic sections of the guide. No |
| | reader submissions yet (obviously!) |
| | |
| |
| | Thursday 08th of January 2004 ###,### Bytes |
| Version 2.0 | Added Neoseeker, IGN and DLH to the list of |
| | acceptable sites. Updated the layout to my new style |
| | Also, look for my upcoming Simpsons Hit And Run guide.|
| | |
| |
| | Thursday 19th of February 2004 ###,### Bytes |
| Version 2.1 | Added the unit and wonders sections. Changed the |
| | layout because I realised how ugly the other one was. |
| | I have added a new appedicies section with a lot of |
| | new information. |
| | |
| |
| | Sunday 29th of February 2004 122,880 Bytes |
| Version 2.2 | Added more tips and tricks, and an FAQ section. |
| | |
| |
| | Tuesday 12th of October 2004 147,456 Bytes |
| Version 2.3 | A major change. Added a lot more stuff, including a |
| | whole heap of user submissions. The update I have |
| | been promising is here. |
| | |
| |
| | Tuesday 04th of January 2005 155,648 Bytes |
| Version 2.4 | The guide is now over a year old. Chnaged my layout |
| | again due to constructive advise over at the FAQ |
| | Writers boards. Updated a lot of visual stuff, |
| | including new art at the top. |
| | |
| |
| | Saturday 15th of January 2006 156,768 Bytes |
| Version 2.5 | Sorry about the delay. I stopped FAQ writing for a |
| | while over an issue between GameFAQs and myself, as |
| | well as all the exciting new game releases around |
| | (F.E.A.R., Civilization IV, Battlefield 2, Quake 4 |
| | etc.) I have now returned to FAQ'ing. Expect version |
| | 2.6 in a few days to a week with a couple more visual |
| | glitches fixed, and version 3.0 in mid March with |
| | around 150kb of content based in Conquests etc. After |
| | that, each revision will be a minor update |
| | (submissions and visual). |
| | |
| |
| | Saturday 06th of May 2006 163,840 Bytes |
| Version 2.6GU | No excuses this time. I really need to pay more |
| | attention to my FAQ'ing or pull out completely. I had |
| | a new FAQ idea, and I decided to go back over my other|
| | works for structure ideas. Every single one of my |
| | guides has a different visual look, and links to |
| | past try-and-fail sites. I was getting turned away |
| | from my inbox due to the amount of junk mail I was |
| | recieving. I have gone and got a new E-Mail address |
| | ( This Global Update is to |
| | go across all my works, and i will update each every |
| | 2 months from now on. |
| | |
| |
| | Monday 08th of May 2006 184,320 Bytes |
| Version 2.7 | My last three updates have basically been making the |
| | first two parts of the guide pretty, and I am very |
| | happy with how it is looking. However, I think that |
| | there are a few areas in the guide that need fixing |
| | too, and these are the sections you read. This update |
| | is mainly a visual on some areas which look poor. |
| | |
| |

[3]: Other Works By The Author

Section under construction/

Part III: The FAQ

By reading further, you automatically agree to the Document License Agreement,
and the Disclaimer.

Chapter I: Setting Up A Game

This chapter will take you through a brief introduction to Civilization III and
teach you about setting up a game. You will also be introduced to the
civilizations, special abilities and game rules.

Section Contents:
[1]: Welcome To Civilization III
[2]: Creating Your World
a. World Size
b. Land Mass And Water Coverage
c. Climate
d. Temperature
e. Age
f. Barbarians
[3]: Civilization Special Abilities
a. Commercial
b. Expansionist
c. Industrious
d. Militaristic
e. Religious
f. Scientific
[4]: Civilizations
[5]: Choosing A Civilization
[6]: Rules And Victory Conditions
a. Allow Domination Victory
b. Allow Diplomatic Victory
c. Allow Cultural Victory
d. Allow Space Race Victory
e. Allow Conquest Victory
f. Allow Civ Specific Abilities

[1]. Welcome To Civilization III

Civilization III gives you complete control of a civilization and you must
manage every aspect including production, trade, commerce, city improvements,
growth and science. Your decisions will affect how your citizens react to you,
whether they will hold parades in your honour, or riot, and destroy city
improvements. You will race other nations to build wonders of the world
including The Great Wall Of China and the UN Building. Your task is not an easy
one, but it is a possible one.

[2]. Creating Your World

When you select the New Game option from the main menu, a screen will appear
asking you to customise your world. I will suggest an option for an easy, but
challenging game, but this is just my opinion.

[2]a. World Size

One thing you will be confronted with is choosing the size of the world you
wish to play on. You will have to choose between Tiny, mall, Standard, Large
and Huge. Each map will allow you to have a different number of
civilizations on the map.

Table 1: Map Sizes
/ Map Size | Max Number Of Civs \
| Tiny | 4 (3 opponents) |
| Small | 6 (5 opponents) |
| Standard | 8 (7 opponents) |
| Large | 12 (11 opponents) |
| Huge | 16 (15 opponents) |

/ Maurice A. Spiewack ( writes... \
| The size of the world has a direct impact on some aspects of the game. For |
| example, the number of cities you need for the Forbidden Palace is greater |
| on a huge map, than on a tiny one. The most noticeable aspect is corruption,|
| though; on tiny maps, even cities 'close' to your capital (that is, about |
| one screen) tend to have corruption so high that they become pretty useless |
| for anything but growing settlers and workers. |

My Suggestion: Huge (7 opponents)(leave the rest on the next screen as "none")

[2]b. Land Mass And Water Coverage

You will be able to choose from three types of world, Pangea, Continents and
Archipelago. Each has three different land coverage diagrams. Choose the map to
suit your play style. If you want to be able to have a large empire and trade
early in the game, choose Pangea. If you want a game where your empire may span
over 2 or more islands, choose Archipelago. This however will make the game more
difficult. If you want a happy medium, choose Continents. The three water
coverage diagrams allow you to choose how much of the world is covered by water.
The more water, the less land. i.e. (land% = 100 - water%). Your choice
will also influence the ease of war.

My Suggestion: Pangea (Middle Option)

[2]c. Climate

The climate affects how much of the land will be desert, and how much of the
land will be rich green land. An arid climate will make desert squares an
abundance, and hence make the game harder. If the climate is wet, more
grassland squares will appear, and the game will become easier. Choosing normal
will produce a happy medium.

My Suggestion: Wet

[2]d. Temperature

The temperature determines how much of the world will be tundra. The cooler the
temperature, the more tundra squares, the harder the game becomes, especially
if your civilization starts in a tundra area.

My Suggestion: Warm

[2]e. Age

The age of the world will determine how rough or smooth the terrain is. If you
choose 5 billion, the world will be substantially flat, with few mountains.
Choosing 3 Billion will give you a rugged terrain. Choosing 4 Billion will even
it out. When choosing, remember that Mountain and hill squares produce more
shields, but take longer to mine and traverse.

My Suggestion: 5 Billion

[2]f. Barbarians

Barbarians are small, unorgranised tribes of ancient era units. They normally
gather in encampments around the map. These encampments can be distinuished by
the thatched rooves and that they are almost always fortified by a warrior, as
well as sometimes up to 10 other units. There is a good side to this. Slaying
Barbarians can increase your unit's experience from anywhere up to Elite
status. Defeating Barbarians does not offer you the ability to become a Great
Leader, so fortify your Elite units until you need them, and get some other low
level unit to rank up to.

Not to be confused with barbarians is friendly cities. Thanks to the advise of
Scottie_theNerd it has been suggested to distinguish clearly between the two.
These friendly encampments can be distinguished by mushroom shaped huts and
yurts. These normally contain random sums of gold, maps for small regions,
a Settler, Warrior or sometimes a Technological Advance. Sometimes though, you
can disturb 3 warriors which will attack you. These are very similar to
Barbarians, except they will not multiply and do not fortify in encampments.
Instead they walk the map preying on helpless cities and units. It is best to
kill these units straight away.

You can set Barbarians to Sedentary, Roaming, Restless or Raging. You can also
select random for a surprise.

My Suggestion: Random
Thanks to Scottie_theNerd for helping me clarify this section.

[3]. Civilization Special Attributes

Each civilization has two special attributes. These attributes enhance the
civilization's performance in a certain area. Below is a description of each
of these Traits.
,' `.
| [3]a. | [Starting Tech: Alphabet] |
| Commercial | If you are aiming for an economic victory, a Commercial |
| | Civilization will give you bigger boxing gloves. The |
| - English | Centre city tile produces extra commerce, and each city |
| - French | experiences less corruption. These both give you more |
| - Greeks | money to spend on the more important things like defense |
| - Indians | and science. If you have trouble managing your finances, |
| | a Commercial Civilization may help you out a bit in that |
| | Department. Commercial Civilizations get a boost in the |
| | direction of establishing Embassies, as their starting |
| | tech (Alphabet) leads to Writing. |
| | |
| |
| [3]b. | [Starting Tech: Pottery] |
| Expansionist | Expansionist Civilizations have an advantage over the |
| - Americans | rest of the world at the start of the game. They are |
| - English | supplied with a sxout at the dawn of time, and are also |
| - Iroquois | granted the ability to train more. With a movement rate |
| - Russians | of 2, the scout is the fastest unit to begin with. The |
| - Zulu | scout can explore the map at a faster rate, and in doing |
| | so, grace your civilization with the wears of friendly |
| | villages (Gold, Techs etc). Once your Civilization knows |
| | the entire map, this unit is rendered useless, so you |
| | have to either Garrison or Disband all of your scouts, |
| | making the trait the least useful of them all. |
| | Expansionist Civilizations start with Pottery, which |
| | lines them up for Map Making in the early game. |
| | |
| |
| [3]c. | [Starting Tech: Masonry] |
| Industrious | Choosing an Industrious Civilization gives you a |
| - Americans | significant advantage over your opponents. The cities of |
| - Chinese | an Industrious Civilization recieve extra shields. In |
| - Egyptians | addition, Workers work 24% faster, which helps greatly in|
| - French | City Infrastrucure, connecting resources, and of course |
| - Romans | establishing a road trade network. With the extra shields|
| | in the city, and the mines built quicker by your workers,|
| | you can build units, improvements and even Great Wonders |
| | faster. |
| | |
| |
| [3]d. | [Starting Tech: Warrior Code] |
| Militartstic | Militarism is one of the most beneficial traits to have. |
| - Aztecs | Not only will you be able to build Military Improvements |
| - Germans | slightly faster, the units they produce have a slightly |
| - Japanese | higher chance of advancing after a skirmish. Militaristic|
| - Romans | Civilizations can build Archers from turn 1 as they begin|
| - Zulu | the game with Warrior Code. The game manual states that |
| | Persia is a Militaristic Civilization, but they are in |
| | Industrious and Scientific. |
| | |
| |
| [3]e. | [Starting Tech: Ceremonial Burial] |
| Religious | Religious Civilizations benefit by building religious |
| - Aztecs | improvements faster. This - in turn - leads to both more |
| - Babylonians| content citizens, and more culture for the city. |
| - Egyptians | Religious Civilizations do not experience any Ararchy |
| - Indians | period between governments. You can also build Temples |
| - Iroquois | from turn 1 with the Ceremonial Burial advance. I would |
| - Japanese | reccomend a religious Civilization for use with a |
| | Cultural Victory. |
| | |
| |
| [3]f. | [Starting Tech: Bronze Working] |
| Scientific | Scientific is one of the most useful traits. The |
| - Babylonians| Scientific trait will grant you with a free technology |
| - Chinese | each time you advance into a new era. You also get the |
| - Germans | ability to build Educational Improvents faster, which |
| - Greeks | boosts your research. As a bonus, these structures will |
| - Persians | also contribute to your Civilizations Culture. This also |
| - Russians | helps you on the exploration front by making the |
_|___________ | Collosus available for construction on Turn 1. You may |
|_ _ _ _| | also build Spearmen from the word "GO", which helps you |
| | | | | | | Defend your nation. The scientific trait definately has |
| |Civilization | the most to offer. |
| | | | | |_____|____________________________________ |
_| |_| |_| |_ Note `.___________________,'
|_____________| |
| The Industrious and Scientific abilities work very | When choosing a
| well together. Try playing as the Persians. As well | Civilization, the
| as having the strongest unit in the Ancient Age, | traits are a big part
| you will be able to build up you economy, and shield| of the choice. They
| production, which will help you protect your cities | cam affect the entire
| with spearmen from turn 1. | game, especially at
`.___________________________________________________,' the beginning. It is
good to have a favoured
civ, however, if you do not try out different civilizations and traits, you may
get caught out if you play online and cannot select your Civilization if choice.

Thanks to Scottie_theNerd for pointing out 3 areas of questionable and possibly
misleading information.

[4]. Civilizations

This section contains information on all 16 civilizations.
,' `.
| Americans - President Lincoln (M) |
| Industrious (Masonry), Expansionist (Pottery) |
| |
| Favoured Government: Democracy Governor Builds Often |
| Shunned Government : Communism - Air Units |
| - Growth |
| Unique Unit : F15 - Production |
| Replaced Unit : Jet Fighter |
| AI Agression: [||| ] |
| |
| Aztecs - Chief Motezuma (M) |
| Militaristic (Warrior Code), Religious (Cermonial Burial) |
| |
| Favoured Government: Monarchy Governor Builds Often |
| Shunned Government : Democracy - Offensive Land Units |
| - Happiness Improvements |
| Unique Unit : Jaguar Warrior |
| Replaced Unit : Warrior |
| AI Agression: [|||| ] |
| |
| Babylonians - King Hammurabi (M) |
| Scientific (Bronze Working), Religious (Cermonial Burial) |
| |
| Favoured Government: Monarchy Governor Builds Often |
| Shunned Government : Despotism - Science Improvements |
| - Culture Improvements |
| Unique Unit : Bowman |
| Replaced Unit : Archer |
| AI Agression: [|||| ] |
| |
| Chinese - Chairman Mao (M) |
| Militaristic (Warrior Code), Industrious (Masonry) |
| |
| Favoured Government: Communism Governor Builds Often |
| Shunned Government : Monarchy - Growth Improvements |
| - Production Improvements |
| Unique Unit : Rider - Science Improvements |
| Replaced Unit : Knight |
| AI Agression: [|| ] |
| |
| Egyptians - Queen Cleopatra (F) |
| Industrious (Masonry), Religious (Cermonial Burial) |
| |
| Favoured Government: Monarchy Governor Builds Often |
| Shunned Government : Republic - Growth Improvements |
| - Culture Improvements |
| Unique Unit : War Chariot - Production Improvements |
| Replaced Unit : Chariot |
| AI Agression: [||| ] |
| |
| English - Queen Elizabeth (F) |
| Expansionist (Pottery), Commerical (Alphabet) |
| |
| Favoured Government: Democracy Governor Builds Often |
| Shunned Government : Despotism - Wealth Improvements |
| - Trade Improvements |
| Unique Unit : Man-O-War - Naval Units |
| Replaced Unit : Frigate |
| AI Agression: [||| ] |
| |
| French - Saint Joan d'Arc (F) |
| Industrious (Masonry), Commercial (Alphabet) |
| |
| Favoured Government: Republic Governor Builds Often |
| Shunned Government : Monarchy - Happiness Improvements |
| - Culture Improvements |
| Unique Unit : Muskateer - Trade Improvements |
| Replaced Unit : Musket Man |
| AI Agression: [| ] |
| |
| Germans - Chancellor Bismarck (M) |
| Scientific (Bronze Working), Militaristic (Warrior Code) |
| |
| Favoured Government: Republic Governor Builds Often |
| Shunned Government : Communism - Science Improvements |
| - Culture Improvements |
| Unique Unit : Panzer - Offensive Land Units |
| Replaced Unit : Tank |
| AI Agression: [|||||] |
| |
| Greeks - King Alexander (M) |
| Scientific (Bronze Working), Commercial (Alphabet) |
| |
| Favoured Government: Democracy Governor Builds Often |
| Shunned Government : Despotism - Science Improvements |
| - Culture Improvements |
| Unique Unit : Hoplite - Trade Improvements |
| Replaced Unit : Spearman - Naval Units |
| AI Agression: [||| ] |
| |
| Indians - Mahatma Ghandi (M) |
| Commercial (Alphabet), Religious (Cermonial Burial) |
| |
| Favoured Government: Monarchy Governor Builds Often |
| Shunned Government : Despotism - Growth Improvements |
| - Culture Improvements |
| Unique Unit : War Elephant - Trade Improvements |
| Replaced Unit : Knight - Wealth |
| AI Agression: [| ] |
| |
| Iroquois - Chief Hiawatha (M) |
| Expansionist (Pottery), Religious (Cermonial Burial) |
| |
| Favoured Government: Communism Governor Builds Often |
| Shunned Government : Monarchy - Happiness Improvements |
| - Exploration Improvements |
| Unique Unit : Mounted Warrior |
| Replaced Unit : Horseman |
| AI Agression: [|| ] |
| |
| Japanese - Shogun Tokugawa (M) |
| Militaristic (Warrior Code), Religious (Cermonial Burial) |
| |
| Favoured Government: Monarchy Governor Builds Often |
| Shunned Government : Republic - Happiness Improvements |
| - Offensive Land Units |
| Unique Unit : Samurai - Naval Units |
| Replaced Unit : Knight |
| AI Agression: [|||| ] |
| |
| Persians - Emperor Xerxes (M) |
| Industrious (Masonry), Scientific (Bronze Working) |
| |
| Favoured Government: Monarchy Governor Builds Often |
| Shunned Government : Democracy - Trade Improvements |
| - Offensive Land Units |
| Unique Unit : Immortals - Wealth |
| Replaced Unit : Swordsman |
| AI Agression: [|||| ] |
| |
| Romans - Emeror Caesar (M) |
| Militaristic (Warrior Code), Commercial (Alphabet) |
| |
| Favoured Government: Republic Governor Builds Often |
| Shunned Government : Communism - Growth Improvements |
| - Production Improvements |
| Unique Unit : Legionaries - Offensive Land Units |
| Replaced Unit : Swordsman - Defensive Land Units |
| AI Agression: [|||| ] |
| |
| Russians - Czarina Catherine (F) |
| Expansionist (Pottery), Scientific (Bronze Working) |
| |
| Favoured Government: Communism Governor Builds Often |
| Shunned Government : Democracy - Growth Improvements |
| - Science Improvements |
| Unique Unit : Cossac |
| Replaced Unit : Cavalry |
| AI Agression: [|||| ] |
| |
| Zulu - Chief Shaka (M) |
| Militaristic (Warrior Code), Expansionist (Pottery) |
| |
| Favoured Government: Despotism Governor Builds Often |
| Shunned Government : Democracy - Offensive Land Units |
| |
| Unique Unit : Impi |
| Replaced Unit : Spearman |
| AI Agression: [|||||] |

[5]. Choosing A Civilization

When choosing a civilization, you must take into account many factors. For
example, you may be a player that likes to declare war on the first
civilization you come across. So, you would want Archers straight away. If this
is the case, choose a Militaristic civilization. You may want to obtain a high
cultural value, therefore making religious civilizations your best bet. There
are many other styles of play, that each has it's own abilities and
civilizations that cope best. You may also want to be lazy and choose Germany
so you won't have to face them in war, or Russia so you don't have them
ordering you for tribute. You may also have a particular type of unit you
prefer using, and choose a civilization with that type of unit as their unique
unit. If you like tanks, choose Germany. If planes are your style, then America
is your pick. The possibilities are endless, and each individual person is
stronger or weaker with particular civilizations, so you should try them all
before picking one to stay with permanently.

Just as a point of interest, civilizations that share the same cultural group
often start near each other. For example, if you are the Germans, you have more
chance of starting near the English than the Aztecs.

[6]. Rules And Victory Conditions

Below the civilization selection panel, there is a list of rules and victory
conditions. Each condition has its own strategies, which are discussed below.

[6]a. Allow Domination Victory

Simply put, the domination victory is what it says. You must control 2 thirds
of the map in order to win. In addition, you can also win if you are the only
civilization standing at any point in time. It's not as easy as it sounds,
especially if the size of the map is at the higher end of the scale.

[6]b. Allow Diplomatic Victory

To win through means of a diplomatic victory, a ruler must be elected secretary
general through a vote of the United Nations. This is one of the harder victory

[6]c. Allow Cultural Victory

Simply put, the cultural victory initiates a race to make your civilization
the unofficial capital of the world, much like America is in our world. All you
must do to win through the cultural victory is accumulate 100,000 culture
points, and at least double the person with the second highest amount.

[6]d. Allow Space Race Victory

All you need to accomplish in this victory condition is to be the first nation
to build and launch the spaces ship. It is easier than you think, because you
can build the ship in parts in different cities.

[6]e. Allow Conquest Victory

To win the game by means of a conquest victory, you must eliminate all of
the other nations on the map. This is the most challenging game play mode, and
I have only passed it twice on Sid difficulty because it takes a lot of
determination and coffee. To win, you almost definitely need to go beyond 2050,
but at the end, it is worth it.
/ Maurice A. Spiewack ( writes... \
| "This is the most challenging game play mode, and I have only passed it |
| twice because it takes a lot of determination and coffee." |
| |
| I would disagree with that. It depends on your style of playing. If you |
| play agressive, Conquest is not that hard to win. The strategy is simple - |
| crush everyone who is weaker than you, and ally with those stronger than |
| you until later. Of course, this is a pretty risky strategy at the least. |
| Still, you can either win the game pretty fast (late middle-age - early |
| industrial) or at least gain the upper hand quickly. Oh, and of course, |
| the size of the map has a huge impact on this strategy. On maps greater |
| than the default size, I would not recommend this, as the distances are to |
| long for a real blitz until railroads and tanks are invented, and at this |
| point in the game your opponents will be to strong for quick conquest. The |
| key is to keep them under pressure from turn 1 on, but this is not easy - |
| if not impossible - on the larger maps. |
| Response: |
| Sorry, that was supposed to read |
| "This is the most challenging game play mode, and I have only passed it |
| twice on Sid (C*) because it takes a lot of determination and coffee." |

[6]f. Allow Civ Specific Abilities

This button toggles whether or not each civilization will have their abilities
and therefore the rewards from them. Turning this off will mean you will have
to research the other 2 technologies your civilization usually starts off with.

Chapter II: Game Basics

This chapter takes you through the basics of Civilization 3. From humble
beginnings to the more advanced basics of keyboard shortcuts and workers. This
chapter is a must read for all beginners and could even have some handy tips
for advanced players.

Section Contents:

[1]: How To Play
[2]: Keyboard Shortcuts
[3]: What Are Turns
[4]: Why Is The Screen Mainly Black
[5]: Building A City
[6]: Tiles
[7]: Resources
[8]: Putting Your Workers To Work
a. Worker Actions
[9]: Eliminating The Enemy
[11]:Unit Promotions
[12]:We Love The King Celebrations

[1]. How To Play

To play Civilization 3, you need to use the mouse. Double click on cities or
units to activate them. Right click on a city, unit or rival unit to bring up a
menu. You will receive gold, and have to climb the tech tree. Good Luck.

[2]. Keyboard Shortcuts

Like most computer games, Civilization 3 has keyboard shortcuts, or hotkeys to
perform various actions. These are listed below. Some actions have multiple
configurations, which are separated by a slash "/"

Table 2: Keyboard Shortcuts - Unit Movement
/ Action | Key/s \
| Move East | Right Arrow / Keypad 6 |
| Move North | Up Arrow / Keypad 8 |
| Move South | Down Arrow / Keypad 2 |
| Move West | Left Arrow / Keypad 4 |
| Move North East | Page Up / Keypad 9 |
| Move North West | Home / Keypad 7 |
| Move South East | Page Down / Keypad 3 |
| Move South West | End / Keypad 1 |

|_ _ _ _|
| | | | | |
| |Civilization
| | | | | |__________________________________________
_| |_| |_| |_ Note `.
|_____________| |
| All of the letters are lower case (i.e B = b), so |
| just hit the key on your keyboard. Some hotkeys |
| require pressing a key and Shift simultaneously, |
| which is equivelant to typing the capital letter. |

Table 3: Keyboard Shortcuts - Unit Orders
/ Action | Key/s \
| Airdrop | A |
| Airlift | T |
| Air Superiority Mission | S |
| Automate Worker | A |
| Automate, Without Altering | Shift + A |
| Pre-existing Improvements | |
| Automate, This City Only | Shift + I |
| Automate, Clean Pollution Only | Shift + P |
| Automate, Clear Forests Only | Shift + F |
| Automate, Clear Jungle Only | Shift + J |
| Bombard | B |
| Bombing Mission | B |
| Build Army | B |
| Build City | B |
| Build Colony | B |
| Build Fortress | Ctrl + F |
| Build Mine | M |
| Build Railroad | Shift + R |
| Build Railroad To | Ctrl + Shift + R |
| Build Road | R |
| Build Road To | Ctrl + R |
| Build Road To, Then Colony | Ctrl + B |
| Clean Up Pollution | Shift + C |
| Clear Forest | Shift + C |
| Clear Jungle | Shift + C |
| Disband | D |
| Explore | E |
| Fortify / Garrison | F |
| Go To | G |
| Hold (Skip Turn) | Spacebar |
| Hurry Improvement | Ctrl + H |
| Irrigate | I |
| Irrigate To Nearest City | Ctrl + I |
| Join City | B |
| Pillage | P |
| Plant Forest | N |
| Re-Base Mission | Shift + R |
| Recon Mission | R |
| Trade Network | Ctrl + N |
| Unload / Load | L |
| Upgrade | U |
| Upgrade All | Shift + U |
| Wait | W / Tab |

Table 4: Keyboard Shortcuts - City Window
/ Action | Key/s \
| Add To Production Queue | Shift + Left Click |
| Contact City Governors | G |
| Hurry Production | H |
| Load Production Queue | Q |
| Save Production Queue | Shift + Q |

Table 5: Keyboard Shortcuts - Advisors
/ Action | Key/s \
| Domestic Advisor | F1 |
| Trade Advisor | F2 |
| Military Advisor | F3 |
| Foreign Advisor | F4 |
| Cultural Advisor | F5 |
| Science Advisor | F6 |

Table 6: Keyboard Shortcuts - Game Stuff
/ Action | Key/s \
| Centre On Active Unit | C |
| Centre On Capital | H |
| Change Government (Revolution) | Shift + G |
| Change Mobilization | Shift + M |
| Clean Up Map | Ctrl + Shift + M |
| Contact Rival Leaders | Shift + D |
| Demographics | F11 |
| End Turn Immediately | Shift + Enter |
| Espionage | E |
| Establish An Embassy | Ctrl + E |
| Go To City | Ctrl + Shift + G |
| Histograph / Score | F8 |
| Locate City | Shift + L |
| Palace | F9 |
| Plant A Spy | Ctrl + Shift + E |
| Spaceship | F10 |
| Toggle Map Grid | Ctrl + G |
| Use Embassy Or Spy | Shift + E |
| Wonders Of The World | F7 |
| Zoom In / Out | Z |

Table 7: Keyboard Shortcuts - Other Stuff
/ Action | Key/s \
| Change Preferences | Ctrl + P |
| Change Sound Preferences | Shift + S |
| Hide Interface | Del |
| Load Game | Ctrl + L |
| Main Menu | Ctrl + M |
| New Game | Ctrl + Shift + Q |
| Quit | Esc |
| Resign And Quit | Ctrl + Q |
| Retire | Shift + Q |
| Save Game | Ctrl + S |
| Show Game Version | Ctrl + F4 |
| Toggle Horizontal / Vertical | Backspace |
| Buttons | |

[3]. What Are Turns

Strategy games come in two categories, Real Time and Turn Based. Real time
games run at a constant speed. A common real time game is Age Of Empires. Turn
based games run in a similar, yet different way to chess. Each team, or in this
case, civilization, is allowed to move each and every one of their units once.
Workers are different, because they take several turns to complete a job. Also,
units, city improvements and even technology take a certain number of turns to
complete. Turns vary in the amount of years they consume in the game. At the
start, a turn is worth 50 years, but when approaching 2050, a turn is only 2
years. There are a total of 540 turns in a game.

[4]. Why Is The Screen Mainly Black

When you start a game, you are in a small area surrounded by black. This is
simply unexplored map. If you move a unit into the black area, the map will be
revealed. This is called exploring the map. When you are able to trade maps
with your opponents, the black in the area they have knowledge of will vanish.
After a while, the whole map will be visible to you.

[5]. Building A City

The first unit you will gain control of at the beginning of the game is your
first settler. The settler has the ability to found a city. Once you have built
a city, the settler becomes the first citizen. To build a city, just click the
Build City button. When you start the game, you are going to want to build a
city pretty fast, but you should look for a really good spot for no more than
10 turns, otherwise your civilization will be behind from the start. When
building an additional city, you should consider the following aspects:

-What type of terrain you are thinking of building on. Cities on Tundra squares
will not flourish anywhere near as much as cities on Grassland squares with a
few Bonus Grassland Squares.

-Proximity To The Ocean. If you want to establish overseas trade routes, or
build the seaside wonders early in the game, your city needs to be on a coastal
square, which means the actual city, not the radius must be on a square
adjacent to the sea.

-Resources. If a city has one or more resources within its border, the city
will experience bonuses. If there are strategic resources in the border, and
they are connected, the city and any other connecting cities will be able to
reap the benefits of the resource.

-Proximity To Other Cities. If you build a new city so the border touches that
of another city, when either city grows, that side will not be able to grow. I
usually leave 5 or 6 spaces between two smallest size cities.

The first city you build automatically becomes your Capital City. You can
change your capital city by building a Palace in another city. The capital city
is denoted by an icon, and is automatically changed if your old capital city is
razed or captured.

As a city grows, its borders can expand up to five times. On the first
epansion, the workable coty radius will increase up to two squares from the
city square. From there, the only expansion will be the cities borders. The
two reasons for increasing the city borders is to reach resources or to win
by a Cultural Victory.

Table 8: Tile Types
/ Expansion Stage | Culture Points | Radius | Borders \
| New City | 0 - 9 | 1 Tile | 1 Tile |
| First Expansion | 10 - 99 | 2 Tiles | 2 Tiles |
| Seond Expansion | 100 - 999 | 2 Tiles | 3 Tiles |
| Third Expansion | 1000 - 9999 | 2 Tiles | 4 Tiles |
| Fourth Expansion | 10000 - 19999 | 2 Tiles | 5 Tiles |
| Final Expansion | 20000 + | 2 Tiles | 6 Tiles |

Once your city expands a fifth time, you win the game via a Cultural Victory.
If Cultural Victory is disabled, the game will continue as per normal.

Thanks to Scottie_theNerd for pointing out a big error in this section.

[6]. Tiles

If you turn gridlines on, you will see that the map is divided up into tiles.
The movement rate of a unit shows how many tiles it can move. There are
different types of tiles, each with their own specialties and weaknesses. Below
is a table showing all of the different tile types.

Tile Type: The type of tile.

Movement Cost: Each unit has a movement value. If the unit travels over a
square, the movement cost of that square is subtracted from the
total until the movement value is 0. The value is replenished
next turn.

Defensive Bonus: The unit on the square gains a bonus in the defensive value.
If a unit had 2 defence and a tile had + 10%, the total
defensive value would be 2.2 while on that tile.

Base Tile Yield: As mentioned before, each tile has a certain amount of food,
Shields and Commerce.

Possible Resources: Each tile has different resources that may appear on that
square. The resources are abbreviated according to the key below, and are
explained in more detail in the next section.

Al - Aluminium
Ca - Cattle
Co - Coal
Dy - Dyes
Fi - Fish
Fu - Furs
Ga - Game
Ge - Gems
Go - Gold
Ho - Horses
In - Incense
Ir - Iron
Iv - Ivory
Oi - Oil
Ru - Rubber
Sa - Saltpeter
Si - Silks
Sp - Spices
Ur - Uranium
Wa - Whales
Wh - Wheat
Wi - Wines

Table 9: Tile Types
/Tile Type | Movement | Defensive |Base Tile Yield|Possible Resources \
| | Cost | Bonus | | |
| Coastal | 1 | +10% | 1F, 0S, 2C | Fi |
| Desert | 1 | +10% | 0F, 1S, 0C | In,Oi,Sa |
| Floodplain| 1 | +10% | 3F, 0S, 0C | Wh |
| Forest | 2 | +25% | 1F, 2S, 0C | Dy,Fu,Ga,Iv,Ru,Sp, Si|
|Fresh Water| 1 | +10% | 2F, 0S, 2C | None |
| Lake | | | | |
| Grassland | 1 | +10% | 2F, 0S, 0C | Ca,Ho,Wh,Wi |
| Grassland | 1 | +10% | 2F, 1S, 0C | Ca,Ho,Wh,Wi |
|With Shield| | | | |
| Hills | 2 | +50% | 1F, 1S, 0C | Al,Co,Go,Ho,Ir,In,Sa,|
| | | | | Wi |
| Jungle | 3 | +25% | 1F, 0S, 0C | Co,Dy,Ge,Ru,Si,Sp |
| Mountains | 3 | +100% | 0F, 1S, 0C | Co,Ge,Go,Ir,Sa,Ur |
| Ocean | 1 | +10% | 0F, 0S, 0C | None |
| Plains | 1 | +10% | 1F, 1S, 0C | Al,Ca,Ho,Iv,Oi,Wh,Wi |
| Rivers* | 0 | None | +0F, +0S, +1C | None |
| Sea |f 1 | +10% | 1F, 0S, 1C | Fi,Wa |
| Tundra | 1 | +10% | 1F, 0S, 0C | Fu,Ga,Oi |

* Rivers are not actual tiles. They can run through any type of tile (except
water tiles), and give a bonus Commerce. They are like a free improvement.

[7]. Resources

As you can see from above, each tile has different resources. The purpose of
the next section is to explain each resource and outline its bonuses. The
resources yield is broken up by Food (Fo), Commerce (Co) and Production (Pr).

_ ___________________________________________________
`. ,' `.
| | Aluminum |
|___| Strategic Resource Fo Co Pr |
+0 +0 +2 |
Requirements : Research Rocketry |
___ Terrain Types : Hills, Mountains, Desert, Plains |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Aluminum is needed to build most Modern Age Ships and|
| | Rockets. Aluminum is a crucial resource if you want |
| | to win via a Space Race Victory. |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Cattle |
|___| Bonus Resource Fo Co Pr |
+2 +0 +1 |
Requirements : None |
___ Terrain Types : Grassland, Plains |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Cattle are a bonus resource and are available from |
| | the beginning. Cattle have a significant bonus - they|
| | yield 2 Food and 1 Production |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Coal |
|___| Strategic Resource Fo Co Pr |
+0 +1 +2 |
Requirements : Research Steam Power |
___ Terrain Types : Hills, Mountains, Jungles |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | After you research Steam Power, Coal will be |
| | Scattered around the Map. Coal is important for |
| | to upgrading both your trade route and Navy. |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Dyes |
|___| Luxury Fo Co Pr |
+0 +1 +0 |
Requirements : None |
___ Terrain Types : Jungles, Forests |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Dyes are a luxury which will allow your citizens to |
| | Dye their clothing with appealing designs. This will |
| | make your citizens happier. |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Fish |
|___| Bonus Resource Fo Co Pr |
+2 +1 +0 |
Requirements : None |
___ Terrain Types : Coast, Sea, Freshwater Lake |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Fish offer a reasonable bonus, which is handy for |
| | coastal cities with a lot of water surrounding them, |
| | which usually contributes little yield to a city. |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Furs |
|___| Luxury Fo Co Pr |
+0 +1 +1 |
Requirements : None |
___ Terrain Types : Tundra, Forests |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Furs are a luxury resource which make your citizens |
| | happy by providing them with warm clothing, and in |
| | later ages, coats for the wealthy. |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Game |
|___| Bonus Resource Fo Co Pr |
+1 +0 +0 |
Requirements : None |
___ Terrain Types : Tundra, Forest |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Game has a comparitively low yield, but considering |
| | the terrain they are based around, 1 Food will in |
| | fact be very handy, especially in areas of Tundra. |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Gems |
|___| Luxury Fo Co Pr |
+0 +4 +0 |
Requirements : None |
___ Terrain Types : Mountains, Jungles |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Gems give a staggering yield of 4 Commerce. If you |
| | find Gems on a Mountain tile, Mine and Build A Road. |
| | This will give you a total yield of 4 Pr; 5 Co. |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Gold |
|___| Bonus Resource Fo Co Pr |
+0 +4 +0 |
Requirements : None |
___ Terrain Types : Hills, Mountains, Jungle |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Gold does not add 1 Gold to your treasury per turn. |
| | It adds 4 commerce, which then adds a variable amount|
| | of gold; 10 or more per turn near the end of a game. |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Horses |
|___| Strategic Resource Fo Co Pr |
+1 +0 +0 |
Requirements : Research The Wheel |
___ Terrain Types : Hills, Grassland, Plains |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Horses are a must have if you wish to complete any |
| | military activity in the early years. Mounted Units |
| | have a superior movement rate, making war end faster.|
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Incense |
|___| Luxury Fo Co Pr |
+0 +1 +0 |
Requirements : None |
___ Terrain Types : Hills, Deserts |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Incense makes your people happy by providing them |
| | with a variety of fragrances that they can use in |
| | their homes. |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Iron |
|___| Strategic Resource Fo Co Pr |
+0 +0 +1 |
Requirements : Research Iron Working |
___ Terrain Types : Hills, Mountains |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Iron is needed for most units in the middle ages. |
| | Ships, as well as armour and weaponry for your units |
| | mostly use iron. Iron is also required for railways. |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Ivory |
|___| Luxury Fo Co Pr |
+0 +2 +0 |
Requirements : None |
___ Terrain Types : Plains, Forests |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Ivory is a luxury that makes your citizens happier |
| | by provideing them with jewellery and pianos, which |
| | in turn bring music. |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Oil |
|___| Strategic Resource Fo Co Pr |
+0 +2 +1 |
Requirements : Research Refining |
___ Terrain Types : Tundra, Plains, Desert |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Oil is needed to power most modern mechanical units, |
| | including tanks, planes and naval units. Oil also |
| | offers a reasonable tile yield bonus. |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Rubber |
|___| Strategic Resource Fo Co Pr |
+0 +2 +0 |
Requirements : Research Replaceable Parts |
___ Terrain Types : Jungle, Forests |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Rubber is needed to build late Industrial Age and |
| | Modern Era units. It is required in tyres, belts and |
| | even in the outfitting of some foot soldiers. |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Saltpeter |
|___| Strategic Resource Fo Co Pr |
+0 +1 +0 |
Requirements : Research Gunpowder |
___ Terrain Types : Hills, Mountains, Desert, Tundra |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Saltpeter is an essential component in all Middle |
| | Age Armies. It is required by all units equipped |
| | with firearms, including Cavalry and Musketmen. |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Silks |
|___| Luxury Fo Co Pr |
+0 +3 +0 |
Requirements : None |
___ Terrain Types : Forests, Jungles |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Silks provide nice clothing for your citizens, with |
| | various colors and patterns. This produces you a nice|
| | piece of Commerce (3 to be exact). |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Spices |
|___| Luxury Fo Co Pr |
+0 +2 +0 |
Requirements : None |
___ Terrain Types : Forests, Jungles |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Spices provide your citizens with a solution to the |
| | bland meals they were once used to. Spice sales will |
| | generate some Gold for your Civilization. |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Uranium |
|___| Strategic Resource Fo Co Pr |
+0 +3 +2 |
Requirements : Research Fission |
___ Terrain Types : Mountains, Forests |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Uranium is a resource that allows you to build all of|
| | the extreme units (Missiles etc.), as well as some of|
| | the most beneficial buildings in the game. |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Whales |
|___| Bonus Resource Fo Co Pr |
+1 +2 +1 |
Requirements : None |
___ Terrain Types : Sea |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Whales have to be the best resource all round. They |
| | contribute to all three yield types, and they are |
| | found on some of the most useless tiles in the game. |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Wheat |
|___| Bonus Resource Fo Co Pr |
+2 +0 +0 |
Requirements : None |
___ Terrain Types : Plains, Grasslands, Flood Plains |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Wheat does wonders for a cities food levels, and |
| | since it is available straight away, encourages early|
| | population growth. |
| `.____________________________________________________,'
| ___________________________________________________
| ,' `.
| | Wine |
|___| Luxury Fo Co Pr |
+1 +1 +0 |
Requirements : None |
___ Terrain Types : Grassland, Plains, Hills |
| | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| | Wines are a luxury, which will make your citizens |
| | happy, giving them that touch of upper-class living. |
| | Wines genrate Food and Commerce |
_,' `.____________________________________________________,'

[8]. Putting Your Workers To Work

As the game progresses, you will gat more and more workers. Workers can perform
various tasks. To tell a worker to perform a task, select the worker, and click
the task button at the bottom of the screen. Some tasks will only be available
after you research a certain technology or acquired a certain resource, and
others may only be done on certain terrains.

[8]a. Worker Actions

Build Colony
Requirements - None
Base Turns To Complete - 1

Colonies are useful when a resouce is out of your city borders, and is on land
that is etither on unuseable land, or too far away from your capital, and hence
too much corruption to warrant a city. A colony will claim that resource to your
Civilization, but you will not be able to make use of it until a road connects
it to your trade network.

Building a colony consumes a worker just as building a city does to a settler.
Just like cities, Colonies must be defended, or they risk attack and capture by
rival Civlization.

Note: Colonies are much like cities such that you must defend them. If you are
at war with another civilization, they will attack any colonies they come
across. This works the other way, because capturing a colony earns you the

Clear Forest
Requirements - None
Base Turns To Complete - 10

A worker can clear the forest from a square and contribute 10 shields to the
nearest controlled city. The resulting terrain will be Grassland, Plains or
Tundra, depending upon the base terrain beneath the forest.

Clear Jungle
Requirements - None
Base Turns To Complete - 16

A worker can clear Jungle from a square revealing either Flood Plains, or

Clear Pollution
Requirements - None
Base Turns To Complete - 24

A worker can clean up pollution in a contaminated square, restoring it from its
former production capacity.

Requirements - Construction
Base Turns To Complete - 16

Units within a fortress enjoy a 50% defensive bonus, as well as a zone of

Requirements - None
Base Turns To Complete - 8

Irrigation increases food production. Only squares adjacent to fresh water
(River or Lake) or to another irrigated square may be irrigated. After the
discovery of Electricity, you can irrigate a tile without proximity to fresh

Table 10: Irrigation Effects
/ Terrain | Normal Food Production | Food Production If Irrigated \
| Flood Plains | 3 Food | 4 Food |
| Grasslands | 2 Food | 3 Food |
| Plains | 1 Food | 2 Food |

Requirements - None
Base Turns To Complete - 12

Mining increases the shield production of a tile.

Table 11: Mining Effects
/ Terrain | Normal Shield Production | Shield Production If Mined \
| Grassland | 0 Shields | 1 Shield |
| Grassland W/S | 1 Shield | 2 Shields |
| Plains | 1 Shield | 2 Shields |
| Hills | 1 Shield | 3 Shields |
| Mountains | 1 Shield | 3 Shields |

Plant Forest
Requirements - Engineering
Base Turns To Complete - 18

After the discovery of Engineering, workers can plant forests in any Grassland
or Plains square. This transforms the square into a normal Forest square.

Requirements - Steam Power, Iron, Coal
Base Turns To Complete - 12

Units moving along a railroad expend 0 movement points and shield production in
a square containing rail is increased by 50%

Workers can build railroads after the discovery of Steam Power, but only if
your civilization has access to the strategic resources Iron and Coal.

Requirements - None
Base Turns To Complete - 6

Roads increase the output of Commerce, and can be built in any terrain except
water squares. Also, units moving along roads expend one third of a movement
point regardless of terrain type.

Table 12: Road Effects
/ Terrain | Normal Commerce | Commerce If Road Built \
| Flood Plains | 1 Commerce | 2 Commerce |
| Grassland | 0 Commerce | 1 Commerce |
| Plains | 0 Commerce | 1 Commerce |
| Hills | 0 Commerce | 1 Commerce |
| Mountains | 0 Commerce | 1 Commerce |
| Forest | 0 Commerce | 1 Commerce |
| Jungle | 0 Commerce | 1 Commerce |

[9]. Eliminating The Enemy

To completely eliminate an enemy, you must destroy or conquer all their cities,
and kill any Settlers belonging to that civilization. If you have taken the
last town, but the civilization is still alive, check the following.

-The civilization may have restarted somewhere.
-The civilization may have a Settler somewhere on the map.

Do not forget to look for ships belonging for the civilization, because the
ship may contain a Settler.

[10]. Combat

When you attack, or are attacked by, an enemy, a battle is initiated. The
battle is divided into rounds. A random number is picked to decide which unit
loses a hit point. The odds of each unit losing depends on each units attack or
defence values.

Terrains give a defensive bonus, along with fortresses and cities. For example,
if a warrior (1 attack) attacked another warrior (1 defense) in grassland (10%
defensive bonus), there is a greater chance that the defender will win.

[11]. Unit Promotions

When a unit wins a battle, there is a chance that the unit will obtain an extra
hit point. There are different levels, and the odds are different. The odds
also depend on weather the civilization is Militaristic, and weather the other
unit is a Barbarian or not.

Non Militaristic Civilization vs Barbarian
Conscript to Regular - 1 in 4
Regular to Veteran - 1 in 8
Veteran to Elite - 1 in 16
Leader Created 0 in 16

Militaristic Civilization vs Barbarian
Conscript to Regular - 1 in 2
Regular to Veteran - 1 in 4
Veteran to Elite - 1 in 8
Leader Created - 0 in 16

Non Militaristic Civilization vs Normal Unit
Conscript to Regular - 1 in 2
Regular to Veteran - 1 in 4
Veteran to Elite - 1 in 8
Leader Created - 1 in 16

Militaristic Civilization vs Normal Unit
Conscript to Regular - 1 in 1
Regular to Veteran - 1 in 2
Veteran to Elite - 1 in 4
Leader Created - 1 in 12

[12]. We Love The King Celebrations

If you see fireworks above a city, it means the the city is celebrating We Love
The King Day (WLTKD). WLTKD lowers corruption in the city holding the
celebration. For a city to hold a WLTKD celebration, the following must be

- The city must be at least size 6 and growing.
- The city must have no resistors or unhappy citizens.

Chapter III: Beyond The Basics

You now have enough knowledge to play a game of civilization, and have a fair
chance of winning. If you want to define that chance, read the next section,
which will teach you everything about becoming an advanced player.

Section Contents:

[1]: Trade Agreements
a. Peace Treaty
b. Mutual Protection Pact
c. Right Of Passage
d. Military Alliance
e. Trade Embargo
[2]: Science
a. Technology Tree
b. The Ages Of Man
[3]: Espionage
a. Embassies
d. Intelligence Agency
c. Espionage Missions
[4]: Governments
a. Types Of Government
[5]: Exploits

[1]. Trade Agreements

In the trade window, various agreements will appear. This section will show you
what each does.

[1]a. Peace Treaty

This simply states that you and the second party are at peace. When you first
meet a civilization, you are automatically at peace. Peace treaties can be
re-negotiated when you and the second party are at war.

[1]b. Mutual Protection Pact

A Mutual Protection Pact lasts for 20 turns. Basically, a Mutual Protection
Pact forces you to go to war with anybody the other civilization is at war
with. The advantage is that the other civilization must back you up if you
engage in war.

[1]c. Right Of Passage

This agreement states that you and the second party may freely travel through
each other's borders, and over each other's land.

[1]d. Military Alliance

If you and a second party sign a military alliance against a third party, you
both go to war with the third party. This means, that the civilization you
signed the alliance with, will become your ally.

[1]e. Trade Embargo

A trade embargo means that you and the person you signed the embargo with will
not trade with a third party.

[2]. Science

Science is the research and discovery of technology. You designate a certain
amount of funds to science, and research technology. The more science funding,
the quicker you climb the tech tree.

[2]a. Technology Tree

The technology tree can be found on the Science Advisor screen. The tree shows
you which technologies lead to one another, and allows you to set goals.

[2]b. The Ages Of Man

In the game, there are four ages. The age determines how your cities, units and
even your own personal sprite look. The ages are as follows.

Ancient Times
Middle Ages
Industrial Ages
Modern Times

To advance to the next age, you must research every technology not marked with
a circle and cross. I still recommend you research everything, because the
non-essential technologies usually make wonders available, which in turn brings

[3]. Espionage

Espionage is the ability to check up on other civilizations, and find out what
they are doing.

[3]a. Embassies

When a civilization learns Writing, it can begin to build it's intelligence
network. The first step is to build embassies in rival capital cities. That
done, you can sign Right Of Passage Agreements and Military Alliances against
third parties.

To establish an Embassy, just right click on your capital city, and click
Embassies. Select the civliization you wish to develop an embassy with. Each
civilization has a different cost to create an embassy. I think that sie,
power and culture all factor into this cost, which is obviously much lower in
the early game.

When your empire has developed a sense of Nationalism, you can engage in Mutual
Protection Pacts and Trade Embargos against third parties.

Embassies cost gold from your treasury to build, and diplomatic missions cost
gold to execute.

Build an embassy by clicking the capital city icon after you have learnt

[3]b. Intelligence Agency

Once your civilization has discovered Espionage, you can build the Intelligence

[3]c. Espionage Missions
Investigate City: This allows you to choose a city and look at its production,
garrison and all other factors.

Steal Technology: Obviously, this allows you to steal a technology off another

Steal World Map: This allows you to steal the civilization's world map.

The following require you to have a spy within the civilization.

Steal Plans: This shows you the location of all the civilization's troops.

Initiate Propaganda: This makes the citizens of a rival's city want to join
your civilization.

Sabotage Production: This allows you to destroy all shields that a city has
gathered towards a project.

Expose Enemy Mole: If you think that an enemy has planted a spy in your
civilization, use this to expose it.

[4]. Governments

In Civilization III you must also choose what type of government your
civilization will operate under. This section is to explain all the different

[4]a. Types Of Government

Worker Efficiency - 50%
Hurry Method - None
Corruption / Waste - Catastrophic
Draft Rate - 0
Military Police Limit - 0
Unit Support:
Per Town - 0
Per City - 0
Per Metropolis - 0

Anarchy is not so much a system of government as the lack of one. Your
civilization can sink into Anarchy if the government falls from prolonged
civil disorder, or if you sanction a revolution. Anarchy seldom lasts longer
than a few turns, but during that period, corruption and waste are so high that
no production occurs and no taxes are collected; scientific research comes to a
halt as well. There is no improvement maintenance when a civilization is in

Worker Efficiency - 100%
Hurry Method - Forced Labour
Corruption / Waste - Communal
Draft Rate - 3
Military Police Limit - 4
Unit Support:
Per Town - 2
Per City - 4
Per Metropolis - 8

Under Communism, the government is under the hands of a ruling "party",
controlled absolutely by you, the Chairman. Although Communism allows greater
production than Despotism, the system restricts personal freedoms, limiting
commerce. One positive aspect of Communism is its effect on corruption and
waste: all cities suffer the same, limited effects.

Worker Efficiency - 150%
Hurry Method - Pay Citizens
Corruption / Waste - Minimal
Draft Rate - 1
Military Police Limit - 0
Unit Support:
Per Town - 0
Per City - 0
Per Metropolis - 0

You are elected by the people to rule with their interests at heart. And you
are rewarded by increased commerce and production. However, war weariness is a
significant problem and war must be entered into only after much

Worker Efficiency - 100%
Hurry Method - Forced Labour
Corruption / Waste - Rampant
Draft Rate - 2
Military Police Limit - 2
Unit Support:
Per Town - 4
Per City - 4
Per Metropolis - 4
In addition, any city production square which produces more than two food,
shields or commerce in a despotic government instead produces one less.

In Despotism, you rule with absolute power over your subjects, usually enforced
by the military. This system has a tendency to minimize individual freedom and
reduce the efficiency of production efforts.

Worker Efficiency - 100%
Hurry Method - Pay Citizens
Corruption / Waste - Problematic
Draft Rate - 2
Military Police Limit - 3
Unit Support:
Per Town - 2
Per City - 4
Per Metropolis - 8

Monarchs rule with absolute authority, severely limiting personal and economic
freedom of all citizens except nobility and the rich upper-class. However,
there is a sense among the populace that you rule by sanction of the gods (or
God) and this alleviates many of the production problems found in Despotism.
Corruption and Waste are significant, but are ameliorated to an extent by
loyalty to the king.

Worker Efficiency - 100%
Hurry Method - Pay Citizens
Corruption / Waste Nuisance
Draft Rate - 1
Military Police Limit - 0
Unit Support:
Per Town - 0
Per City - 0
Per Metropolis - 0

Under a Republic, you rule over autonomous city-states by consent of the people
through representatives. This allows the people substantial personal and
economic freedoms, producing an increase in Commerce. However, your government
is affected by war weariness, which can cause significant civil disorder
problems in times of war, especially if you are the aggressor.

[5]. Exploits

Exploits are similar to cheats in that they do not break the rules. Exploits
use unit characteristics and knowledge of the game, and are useful ideas.

Scout Resource Denial

If you choose an Expansionist civilization, and while you are exploring with
your scouts, see a resource that is close to enemy territory, you can fortify
your scout on top of the resource. As long as you are at peace with the other
nation, your scout will stay on the resource even when it is inside a city
radius. This will make it impossible for the other civilization to access that

Island Block

By placing units on each coastal square around an island, another civilization
cannot land on that island until the discovery of marines.

Right Of Passage Abuse

Sign a Right Of Passage Agreement with another civilization. Then, approach all
of their cities with strong units, and attack all at once. There is an adverse
affect to this technique. Once you have abused a Right Of Passage Agreement,
other Civlizations will be much less likely to sign a Right Of Passage Agreement
with you in the future.

God Mode

When saving a game, include the phrase "multi" without the quotation marks, and
reload it. You will be able to see the whole map, as well as alter cities
belonging to other civilizations. This was fixed in version 1.29.

Thanks To Scottie_theNerd for clarification of the ROP abuse section.
Chapter IV: Strategies

This next section includes strategies. More strategies will be added over time,
as well as reader submitted strategies.

Section Contents:

[1]: Domination/Conquest Strategies
a. The Steamroller Effect
b. Beat Them As They Grow
c. Be Patient
[2]: Diplomatic Victory Strategies
a. Get A Seat In the UN
b. Sleep Around
c. Win By Bribing
[3]: Cultural Victory Strategies
a. The Cultural Steamroller
b. Be Quick When Building
[4]: Space Race Victory Strategies
a. Defend The Launch Pad
[5]: General Strategies
a. Get Rich Quick
b. Artillery

[1]. Domination/Conquest Strategies

There are many strategies for domination and conquest victories. Some are
mentioned below.

[1]a. The Steamroller Effect

The Steamroller Effect is a commonly used term to describe how capturing cities
and defeating nations becomes easier as you progress. Most governments allow
you to support a certain amount of military units per city for free, so the
more cities you capture, the bigger army you can have, and therefore, it will
become easier to steamroll over the map.

[1]b. Beat Them As They Grow

If at the start of the game, you build several cities, and focus your
production on military units, you can assault enemy cities while they are
growing. Some cities have 1, 2 units or sometimes even none. This means, you
can assign two archers per city, and bring a few spearmen to defend your new
cities, and have eliminated a civilization in the first 50 turns.

[1]c. Be Patient

The problem with the Steamroller Effect is that progressing too fast leaves you
new cities defenceless. This is a big problem. The best way to fix this is to
bring several defensive units with each batch of soldiers, to guard your cities
once you have captured them.

[2]. Diplomatic Victory Strategies

The Diplomatic Victory is the easiest victory type. But, you won't win without
a strategy.

[2]a. Get A Seat In the UN

To win by Diplomatic Victory, you must have a seat in the UN. To do this you
must either:

- Be the nation that builds the UN
- Control 25% of the world's population
- Control 25% of the world's land

The easiest of the three is the first one. To make sure you are the
civilization that builds the UN, be the first to research Fission. Also, use
the Check Opponent Wonder Progress trick outlined in section V[I]. If another
civilization is beating you, sabotage their production (you do have an
Intelligence Agency right?)

[2]b. Sleep Around
This entire victory condition is about sleeping with every world leader and
making as many of them Gracious towards you. If you achieve this, they will
surely vote for you so you are elected Secretary General.

[2]c. Win By Bribing

A few turns before the UN is built, open the trade window, and tribute the
other players as much gold, resources and technologies as you can. Try to get
each nation's attitude towards you Gracious, or at least Polite. If you do
this, you will have a great chance at winning.

[3]. Cultural Victory Strategies

The Cultural Victory is simple if you know what you are doing.

[3]a. The Cultural Steamroller

One way to obtain heaps of culture is to have plenty of cities. And a cheap and
hassle free way to obtain cities is to use the Cultural Steamroller. It works
quite similarly to the Steamroller Effect, but your rivals won't fight back.
When the map is full, build your outermost cities as much as possible. If these
large cities are close to small insignificant cities, the small cities will
want to become part of your culturally rich society. Then, you get a free

[3]b. Be Quick When Building

As soon as a wonder becomes available, you should assign it to a city. The best
way to do this is to be ahead technology wise. But, do not focus only on
wonders, but also city improvements. Nearly all city improvements will add
culture to your city. Also use the Wonder Status Check and Sabotage Production
method to win the race to build a wonder.

[4]. Space Race Victory Strategies

The Space Race Victory is one of the most interesting, but one of the most

Table 13: Space Ship Component Requirements
/ Component | Cost | Required Advance| Required Resources \
|Cockpit | 320S | Space Flight | Aluminium |
|Docking Bay | 160S | Space Flight | Aluminium |
|Engine | 640S | Space Flight | Aluminium |
|Exterior Casing | 640S | Synthetic Fibers| Aluminium, Rubber |
|Fuel Cells | 160S | Superconductor | Uranium |
|Life Support System | 320S | Superconductor | Aluminium |
|Planetary Party Lounge| 160S | The Laser | Aluminium |
|Stasis Chamber | 320S | Synthetic Fibers| Aluminium |
|Storage/Supply | 160S | Synthetic Fibers| Aluminium |
|Thrusters | 320S | Satellites | Aluminium |

[4]b. Defend The Launch Pad

When you begin to construct the Space Ship components, your rivals may start to
attack the city where the Apollo Program is built. To prevent this, simply
garrison plenty of defensive units, about 20 or 30.

[5]. General Strategies

This final section will outline some strategies that can be used in general
game play.

[5]a. Get Rich Quick

This is a cyclic function. All you must do is be the first to research each
technology by boosting your science rate, and then sell it to other
civilizations, which then brings in more gold. If another civilization does
beat you to a technology, buy it from them, and sell it to everybody else. This
way, you will have plenty of money to support a larger army, or buy resources.

Chapter V: Tips And Tricks

Section Contents:

[1]: Check Your Opponents Wonder Progress
[2]: Cripple AI Research

[1]. Check Your Opponents Wonder Progress

In the hotkeys section, I mentioned that the Wonders Of The World screen could
be accessed by pressing F7. Here, you can see the completed and partially build
wonders. When you see a wonder that is Being Constructed, take note of the city.
Now, investigate that city, and you will be able to see how many turns
before that city completes the wonder. If the city will complete the wonder
before yours, sabotage that cities production.

[2]. Cripple AI Research

Basically, each civilization makes x gold per turn, which they proportionalise
into y research where x=zy. Thus, decreasing x will proportionally decrease y.

To decrease x, trade the AI a lump sum of a gold, for b gold per turn. Make it
such that a=20b+1

For example, trade the AI 201 gold for 10 gold per turn. This means that you
lose 1 gold, but the AI loses research points.

By combining the formulae, assuming b = x, we see that b = zy, therefore

Basically what this is saying is that the more you give, the more the AI's
science will be affected.

Chapter VI: Frequently Asked Questions

This section is basically full of questions I have seen or been asked, and
their answers.

Section Contents:

~No Further Indexing Applies~

(Q) If I enter an era of peace after controlling my own continent I run into
problems when developing too much because the gold/maintenance/corruption
costs. Any suggestions?

(A) Depending on what era you are currently in, build any corruption /
maintenence reducing improvements or wonders. Also, play in a manner where you
purchase technologies from other civs, and sell them to anyone else without
them. If you recieve gold per turn, this can help you with your corruption, by
providing entertainment.

Dont forget:
Resources = Happieness
Improvements + Wonders = Happieness


(Q) When establishing a forgotten palace on another continent it takes forever
because these other cities develop much slower. How can I manage cross
continent corruption / gold loss better?

(A) Firstly, build your first city on a coastal tile, unless all of the coastal
tiles are Tundra, Desert or Mountains. Create a Harbour (rush build it), and
your citizens will become happier due to luxuries. If you cannot build a
coastal city, an Airport does the same trick. Then, build your Forbidden
Palace. It may still take 40 or 50 turns, but you can use a Leader to rush
build it.


(Q) What is the best strategy for launching a cross continent sea attack?

(A) I am assuming you have researched Magnetism. Build the best transport ships
you can, roughly 15. Load 7 of these with strong attack units, 6 with strong
defenders (to defend your new cities), and the other 2 with Workers (to build
roads and improve terrain. Next, send the boats over to your new city on the
other continent, and begin ro build more units in the same fashion as before.
DO NOT START A WAR YET. Fortify all of these new units in your city (make use
of the workers while you can). Then, send your transport ships back to your
main continent, and load them up again. Now, transport these units to your new

Now, start a war with a civilization without any allies.

You should have no problem capturing their cities. Once the war is over,
connect your new cities to your first city, and work the land for 20 to 30
turns. Now, your cities on this island should be doing almost as well as the
cities on the first.

Don't forget to send more units over from the first island.


(Q) When I am trying to find a spot for a settler to settle down on, do I build
on top of a resource or shield or do I always build around the resources or
shield? I am unsure if I lose the shield or item if I build my city on it.

(A) It is up to you. You do not lose the resource, and you still gain all of
the benefits. But, you lose the potential to build improvements thus enhancing
the production of that tile.


(Q) I irigated my Grassland and it's still only producing 2 food. Is this a bug?

(A) In Despotism, any production with a value of three or more gets cut down by


(Q) What is a Histograph Victory?

(A) If there has not been a winner by 2050, each civilization is ranked by the
average of their scores at the end of each era.


Civilization Score [1] Score [2] Score [3] Score [4] Average Ranking
Romans 250 400 550 1250 612.5 1st
English 240 420 540 1170 592.5 2nd
Zulu 260 450 500 1100 577.5 3rd


S[t] = Score
S[a] = Score in Ancient Times
S[b] = Score in Middle Ages
S[c} = Score in Industrial Ages
S[d] = Score in Modern Times

(Q) How can I prevent the AI from completing it's Spaceship?

(A) Destroying the nation's capital ruins their work on the Spaceship, meaning
they have to start over.


(Q) Why do capturable units sometimes get destroyed, and sometimes captured?

(A) You can only capture a unit if you have the required technological advance
to build them.


(Q) What is the formula determining how many units I need to prevent a Culture

(A). P=[(F+T)*D*H*(C/c)-G]

or rearranged:

P = Probability that it will flip this turn.
F = Number of foreiners(N) with resistors(R) counting as double [F=(N-R)+2R]
T = Working Tiles under foreign control.
D = 2 if foreign civilization culture is higher, 1 otherwise.
[Sample Code] - written in BASIC language.

If Fc > Lc Then
End If

Where Fc = foreign Culture, and Lc = Local Culture.
H = .5 for WLTKD, 2 for disorder, 1 otherwise
C = Total Culture of the foreign civilization
c = Total Culture of the foreign civilization
G = Required Garrisson.

This means the formula



(Q) How is the score calculated?

(A) Basically the score is calculated as follows

S = D(T+2H+C+S)

S = Score
D = Difficulty
T = Territory
H = Happy Citizens
C = Content Citizens
S = Specialists

There is also a bonus if you finish before 2050.

B = D(2050-F)

B = Bonus
F = Finish year, negative value if you finish in BC dates
D = Difficulty



Chapter VII: Reader Submissions

This section contains questions and strange experiences from readers. This
section will not work without YOU!!! Your questions and strange experiences
will be posted below. Also, you may send in strategies, and tricks. Don't
feel shy to include a long story.


NOTE: Sending contributors viruses or offensive e-mails will be treated as if
you sent them to me. I will take legal action on the contributor's behalf.

Section Contents:

[1]: Questions
[2]: Strange Experiences

[1]. Questions

_/Jim Fox ( writes... \_____________________
/ \
| Hello Michael, |
| |
| Your guide to Civilizations III is great! It sure made getting the game up |
| and running easy. I do have one question. I have a bunch of saved games |
| that I want to delete and I don't know how to do it. I haven't been able to|
| find anything in the user's guide that tells me how to delete old games. Can|
| you offer any suggestions? |
| |
| Thanks, |
| Jim Fox |
| ___________________________________________________________________________ |
|/ Response: \|
|| Hello Jim, ||
|| ||
|| Thank you for your E-mail about my guide. To delete your saved games, ||
|| simply go into the folowing folders. ||
|| ||
|| My Computer ||
|| C:/ ||
|| Program Files ||
|| ||
|| Then you will need to go into which ever folder you installed the game ||
|| into. (Usually Infogrammes Interactive) ||
|| ||
|| Enter saves, and you can delete your saves and auto saves from here. ||
| _____________________________________________________ |
\_/Dennis Yates ( writes... \_____________________/
/ \
| Hi Michael |
| I'm Dennis Yates I'm 73 years old and live in Leicester a city in the |
| Midlands in "The old country" and no computer expert or games player. I |
| found you on the internet. My granddaughter introduced me to Civ 2 which I |
| found fascinating she's now working overseas and I bought Civ 3 Wow isn't it|
| different...... and confusing. I've read your write up and found answers to |
| several questions. |
| |
| I started a game a while back and found there was no iron even though I |
| searched most carefully. I gave that game up after all how can you progres |
| at all without iron. In my current game I'm getting on much better now I've |
| read your explanations. I had saltpeter, fortunately more than one source |
| but then one disappeared.... a notice said it ran out. Do they run out??????|
| |
| I can only find one oil if that goes I'm in deep trouble. There is oil but |
| a strong enemy has it |
| |
| Thanks for info on getting rid of old saves. The little notices about |
| things that happen are very small and flash off very quickly and I can't |
| read them can anything be done to enlarge and slow down. |
| |
| You sound like a really keen computer man....... my best wishes to you |
| I wonder if we will ever manage to beat you at cricket????????? In all the |
| world my first choice of nation would be Australia ( after England of |
| course) |
| Kind regards |
| Dennis Yates |
| ___________________________________________________________________________ |
|/ Response: \|
|| Resources in Civilization III randomly run out. When they do, a new source||
|| is discovered, usually by asnother civ. There is more than one source of ||
|| each resource (Iron for example appears at a ratio of 1.25 per player. If ||
|| you do not find Iron, it is not that bad, because saltpeter units are ||
|| available soon after. Oil and Aluminum are must haves though. I think the ||
|| notices can be set to stay until you click them, but I'm not sure how ||
|| since my game had it set that way as default. ||
| _____________________________________________________ |
\_/Tina Boyd ( writes... \_____________________/
/ \
| Hi. |
| I'm very frustrated, and I hope that you can help me. I am quite proficient |
| with Age of Empires & Age of Mythology, so I thought I'd try my hand at |
| Civilizations... I've seen it at the store and wasn't sure about it so I |
| borrowed it from my public library to try it out. I've been playing it for |
| hours and keep running across the same problems. |
| |
| 1. I'm building workers to "farm" my community so that I can grow faster, |
| but instead of growing faster I end up with zero growth, civil unrest, |
| and frustration. This is in spite of building other cities. |
| Additionally, the number of workers that I build and add to the city |
| seem to vanish. Example, I just started a new game in the tutorial |
| (again). The settler was added to the town... then I built a worker, |
| who was added to the town. When I built my next worker and added them |
| to the town they don't show up in my city screen. With regards to civil |
| unrest, I will change a worker to an entertainer and the problem is |
| fixed... except that now I have reduced growth. I can't figure out how |
| to manage growth. |
| |
| 2. One game that I played required boats... I can't find anything in the |
| directions about how to build a boat. I even researched and got a |
| harbor, which allowed me to build a specific boat, but not transports. |
| |
| 3. I also can't figure out how to add embassies. I right click on the other|
| city, but adding an embassy is not one of the selections on the trade |
| menu which comes up. |
| |
| I understand the process of research, but before I can do enough research |
| to bring about an action I run across these problem. |
| |
| I look forward to any help that you can provide. |
| |
| Thanks, |
| |
| Tina Boyd |
| 35 year old female bowing to your superior knowledge of the gaming world! |
| ___________________________________________________________________________ |
|/ Response: \|
|| 1. Workers are used to build improvements on land. The citizens are the ||
|| ones who work the land. You need more citizens to work the land, and by||
|| building workers (which cost 1 citizen each), you are actually stunting||
|| your population, and hence your gain from the land. To make citizens ||
|| happy, build wonders, Happines improvements (Temple, Cathedral etc.), ||
|| and use the entertainment slider. ||
|| ||
|| 2. You need a coastal city (with the city touching the water - that ||
|| connects to the ocean) to build boats. Move a unit onto the same square||
|| as a boat to board it. The first transport ship is the Galley, and I am||
|| assuming that you have an expansion and are building the Curragh (sp?).||
|| This ship is only for exploration, and the galley can be built soon. ||
|| ||
|| 3. Right click on your capital city to create embassies. ||
| _____________________________________________________ |
\_/Troy Theisen ( writes... \_____________________/
/ \
| Hi! |
| I love your website, it's very informative and to the point! Anyhow, I have |
| two questions about Civ 3. First, I was playing as a Persian and after I |
| discovered Iron Working, I still didn't have the option to make Immortals, |
| why? |
| |
| Second, in the manual that came with the game, it says to double-click the |
| Foreign Ministry icon on my capital city to get a menu option for creating |
| embassies. Where is this? In my city screen there isn't anything at all |
| that even barely resembles a Foreign Ministry icon. Could you help me out? |
| I can't build Immortals and I can't establish embassies. Thank you very |
| much, Troy |
| ___________________________________________________________________________ |
|/ Response: \|
|| When you discover Iron Working, Iron appears on the map. Connect the Iron ||
|| to a city, and you can create Immortals in that city. Link all of your ||
|| other cities to that city, and you can create Immortals in those cities ||
|| (i.e. Any city connected to Iron can create Immortals. ||
|| ||
|| Right click on your capital city to create embassies ||
| _____________________________________________________ |
\_/ \_____________________/

[2]. Strange Experiences

There are currently 5 submissions in this area, but more would be great.
Feel free to send in:
- Strange AI reactions
- A clever way you accomplished a task
- A way you won a difficult war

or anything else you find interesting.
_/GameFAQ's User Sharkman8 writes... \_____________________
/ \
| Ok here's one of my weird experiences. It's really a blatant exploit of an |
| AI fallacy to win a war that would otherwise have been lost. |
| |
| I had two fairly well developed cities in the late industrial age, joined by|
| railroads. Aztecs declare war and move in a huge stack of about 120 |
| Infantry. Because I was running a Republic at the time, I only had a |
| skeleton army (foolish thing to do, but I wanted to save money). As a last |
| ditch measure I moved about 30 infantry (which was about half my entire |
| army) to the besieged city. I discovered that by leaving the other nearby |
| city totally undefended the AI would reason that it would lose too many |
| units (perhaps the entire army) attacking the defended city, so it moved |
| that entire big stack of Infantry square by square towards the undefended |
| one, and the turn before it got there I could then shuttle the 30 infantry |
| via the railroads on a roundabout route (they pillaged the intervening |
| squares) to it. The Aztecs would then trek their 120 units back to the first|
| city and again I could keep them occupied by shuttling the 30 Infantry back |
| again. This kept going about a dozen times and was really starting to test |
| the patience levels then I finally discovered motorized transport ahead of |
| everybody else (I was running republic with a skeleton army, and had the |
| funds to research it) and slowly but surely built up a tank army and |
| gradually wore down the Aztecs 120 stack. by the time it as gone, I had so |
| many elite tanks I could turn the tables on them (and of course the AI never|
| empties out all its garrisons and shuttles them between two cities by |
| railroads). |
| |
| I guess the way to make this possible is building as many workers as you can|
| and railroading every single square, even if it's not being used, you might |
| need the rail route if the AI invades with an impossibly large force and |
| starts pillaging certain squares, you can always shuttle your troops via a |
| roundabout route to keep him occupied if you've railroaded every single |
| square. |
| _____________________________________________________ |
\_/ writes... \_____________________/
/ \
| I was India, in a chieftan pangea game. I had already defeated 2 or 3 other |
| civs, and was well on my way to conquest. The only trouble was losing |
| captured cities to culture (a 10 on the annoyance scale, especially since |
| this was a chieftain-level, practice run sort of thing). The strongest |
| remaining civ was China, and I managed to buy all their cities except their |
| capital for about 60,000 gold (which I could afford, as I had no need for |
| more scientific research). Thus, I only had one city to capture, and I was |
| able to do so in one turn, not risking cultural assimilation. |
| _____________________________________________________ |
\_/Maurice A. Spiewack ( writes... \_____________________/
/ \
| Once you've researched Replaceble Parts, you can build Artillery. But as I |
| see it, many players ask themselves "Why should I?". In my opinion, it is |
| one of the most powerful units in the game. |
| |
| Consider this; When attacking cities, the defenders get a defensive bonus |
| of 100%. This means that Infantry gets a defensive value of 20! And that |
| means that only Modern Armor has a slight advantage when attacking such a |
| city. But you don't want to wait that long, or do you? The other |
| alternative is to sacrifice a good number of units in each single city. The |
| answer is Artillery (You don't want use earlier bombardment units, as |
| they are too weak and only have a range of one). You'll need a lot of them |
| (and with that, I mean A LOT), but it will pay of, trust me. Usually, my |
| attacks go on like this: |
| |
| 1) Large number af Artillery is moved near the city. You should leave them |
| two spaces away, and if possible, on a hill, as it will help you defend |
| the arty. Gather about ten units and defend them with some infantry (3 at|
| the least - you don't want your enemy to capture your guns, or you are in|
| for trouble). |
| 2) Surround the city with the rest of your army. This hurts the enemy more, |
| as the citizens of the city will starve, thus further decreasing the |
| defensive value. |
| 3) Destroy roads and railroads the enemy might use for reinforcements. This |
| is important, as it will pretty much isolate the city from the rest of |
| his country. Or even better - make a way for them to come, and ambush |
| them. |
| 4) Have fun with your Artillery. After 3 turns, the city should be reduced |
| to one citizen, and the defending units will be damaged. Invade with your|
| troops, and call yourself king of the graveyard. |
| |
| Some of the other, more subtle advantages may not be clear, but think of |
| this: |
| -If you kill most of the population, there will be fewer that go into |
| resistance. Thus, you'll nedd fewer units to guard the city. And if |
| you think of the destroyed improvements or the population - who cares?|
| The population will grow soon enough, and most improvements would be |
| destroyed anyway when you invade the city. |
| -If you can place your Artillery near the enemy supply routes, you |
| might be able to shell supporting troops he sends. The AI tends to |
| send reinforcements in a pack. Use this to your advantage: Shell them |
| to one hitpoint, then charge them into oblivion. Believe me, it works-|
| if you are lucky, you may be able to destroy large parts of the enemy |
| army in such an ambush. |
| -Finally, if the war goes bad for you, at least you've done a good deal|
| of damage. |
| The main drawback is the amount of time needed for this. Still, I find this |
| strategy incredible useful when assaulting cities with population 12+. |
| _____________________________________________________ |
\_/Maurice A. Spiewack ( writes... \_____________________/
/ \
| Once I had a pretty interesting end-game situation. The map was basically |
| divided in two big continents. On my continent, I was alone with another |
| civ. We were the two strongest civs in the game, and the continent was |
| divided pretty much in half. The other civs were on the other continent, |
| and pretty powerless, hence unimportant. |
| |
| I had build an arsenal of ICBMs - about 35 or so. When I decided to attack |
| the other guy on my island, I simply nuked all his cities and invaded. |
| |
| Oops, bad idea. |
| |
| Unfortunately, most of his army survived the strike, and even though he did |
| not posses more than two or three nukes, his army was still twice the size |
| of mine. As you might have guessed, the war did not go well after a few more|
| turns. |
| |
| I reloaded the game, and came up with a really mean plan. I nuked him as |
| before - but this time, I simply destroyed the border between our lands, |
| leaving only a single railroad leading from his country to mine. Then, I |
| gathered my army behind that road. The next turn, he send his whole army |
| straight to the ambush I had build for him. In my turn, I fired the rest of |
| my nukes on his assembled army. Needless to say, few survived. Those that |
| did were simply overrun by my forces, and this time, the war went much |
| better ;) |
| |
| Of course, this was a pretty unique situation, but it might be worth |
| remembering that the AI will always use the fastest route to you - and if |
| you can catch him there prepared, he'll be in for a hell of a surprise. |
| _____________________________________________________ |
\_/Yannis Zafeiropoulos ( \_____________________/
/ \
| Hi my name is Yannis (John) Zafeiropoulos. I am from Greece and I live in |
| its capital, Athens. I am mailing you in order to inform you of a cool bug |
| I've come across while playing this amazing game called Civ III. It works on|
| cities with population of 20+(even works when a city has fewer citizens as |
| long as it has no more vacant tiles for exploitation since a nearby city |
| uses some of their common tiles). Let's say the given city produces 60 food,|
| 40 eaten, 20 stored, and it is stricken by pollution on a tile yielding 3 |
| food (shields and commerce irrelevant). After clearing the pollution and |
| re-assigning a citizen to work on the tile you will notice that the food |
| total is now 63. Even Before clearing the pollution the food total remains |
| 60. This effect is nullified when your city grows (I suppose the game |
| re-calculates food/shields/commerce and resets the number). Anyway it's a |
| great way to keep your cities growing when they turn yellow (no growth) and |
| a great excuse not to build pollution -reducing improvements as long as you |
| have numerous workers fortified on stand-by to clear pollution in the very |
| turn it strikes. I should finally add that I play the game completely |
| unpatched. |
| |
| WRITER'S NOTE: The only problem with doing this is that any city with a |
| Nuclear Power Plant could be in great danger. |
| _____________________________________________________ |
\_/ \_____________________/

Chapter VII: Appendicies

Section Contents

[1]: Units
[2]: Small Wonders
[3]: Wonders Of The World

[1]. Units

This section gives a brief overview of all the units in the game. The
is broken up like this.

Cost - This is the cost of the unit in shields.
A/D/M(t) - The units Attack/Defence/Movement(transport capacity) values.
(B/R/F) - The units (Bombard/Range/Firing Rate) values.
Advance - The Technological Advance required to build this unit.
Resource - The required resource(s) to build the unit.
Upgrades To - The upgraded form of the unit.

AEGIS Cruiser
Cost: 160
A/D/M(t): 12/10/5*
(B/R/F) 4/2/2
-Advance: Robotics
-Resource: Aluminum, Uranium
Upgrades To: -

Cost: 20
A/D/M(t): 2/1/1
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Warrior Code
-Resource: -
Upgrades To: Longbowman

Cost: 80
A/D/M(t): 0/0/1
(B/R/F) 12/2/2
-Advance: Replaceable Parts
-Resource: -
Upgrades To: Radar Artillery

Cost: 100
A/D/M(t): 0/2
(B/R/F) 8/6/3
-Advance: Flight
-Resource: Oil
Upgrades To: -

Bowman (Babylonian)
Cost: 20
A/D/M(t): 2/2/1
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Warrior Code
-Resource: -
Upgrades To: Longbowman

Cost: 40
A/D/M(t): 0/0/1
(B/R/F) 8/1/1
-Advance: Matallurgy
-Resource: Iron, Saltpeter
Upgrades To: Artillery

Cost: 40
A/D/M(t): 1/2/3(3)
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Astronomy
-Resource: -
Upgrades To: Galleon

Cost: 20
A/D/M(t): 0/0/1
(B/R/F) 4/1/1
-Advance: Mathematics
-Resource: -
Upgrades To: Cannon

Cost: 80
A/D/M(t): 6/3/3*
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Military Tradition
-Resource: Horses, Saltpeter
Upgrades To: -

Cost: 20
A/D/M(t): 1/1/2
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: The Wheel
-Resource: Horses
Upgrades To: Horseman

Cossack (Russian)
Cost: 80
A/D/M(t): 6/4/3
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Military Tradition
-Resource: Horses, Saltpeter
Upgrades To: -

Cruise Missile
Cost: 60
A/D/M(t): 0/0/1
(B/R/F) 16/2/3
-Advance: Rocketry
-Resource: Aluminum
Upgrades To: -

Cost: 120
A/D/M(t): 12/8/5
(B/R/F) 6/1/2
-Advance: Combustion
-Resource: Oil
Upgrades To: -

Cost: 20
Movement: 2
Special: Explorers treat all terrain as Road.

F-15 (American)
Cost: 100
A/D/M(t): 8/4
(B/R/F) 4/6/2
-Advance: Rocketry
-Resource: Oil, Aluminum
Upgrades To: -

Cost: 80
A/D/M(t): 4/2
(B/R/F) 2/4/1
-Advance: Flight
-Resource: Oil
Upgrades To: Jet Fighter

Cost: 60
A/D/M(t): 2/2/4
(B/R/F) 2/1/2
-Advance: Magnetism
-Resource: Iron, Saltpeter
Upgrades To: -

Cost: 60
A/D/M(t): 1/2/4(4)
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Magnetism
-Resource: -
Upgrades To: Transport

Cost: 30
A/D/M(t): 1/3/1(2)
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Mapmaking
-Resource: -
Upgrades To: Caravel

Cost: 100
A/D/M(t): 0/2/-(1)
(B/R/F) 1/6/1
-Advance: Advanced Flight
-Resource: Oil, Rubber
Upgrades To: -

Hopilite (Greek)
Cost: 20
A/D/M(t): 1/3/1
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Bronze Working
-Resource: -
Upgrades To: Musketman

Cost: 30
A/D/M(t): 2/1/2
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Horseback Riding
-Resource: Horses
Upgrades To: Knight

Cost: 500
Range: Global
-Advance: Satellites
-Resource: Aluminum, Uranium

Immortal (Persia)
Cost: 30
A/D/M(t): 4/2/1
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Iron Working
-Resource: Iron
Upgrades To: -

Cost: 90
A/D/M(t): 6/10/1
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Replaceable Parts
-Resource: Rubber
Upgrades To: Mech Infantry

Impi (Zulu)
Cost: 20
A/D/M(t): 1/2/2
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Bronze Working
-Resource: -
Upgrades To: Musketman

Cost: 80
A/D/M(t): 4/4/4
(B/R/F) 4/1/2
-Advance: Steam Power
-Resource: Coal, Iron
Upgrades To: -

Jaguar Warrior (Aztec)
Cost: 10
A/D/M(t): 1/1/2
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: -
-Resource: -
Upgrades To: Swordsman

Jet Fighter
Cost: 100
A/D/M(t): 8/4
(B/R/F) 2/6/1
-Advance: Rocketry
-Resource: Oil, Aluminum
Upgrades To: Rifleman

Cost: 70
A/D/M(t): 4/3/2
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Chivalry
-Resource: Horses, Iron
Upgrades To: Cavalry

Cost: -
Movement: 3
Special: Requires victorious elite unit (see Unit Promotions).

Legionary (Roman)
Cost: 30
A/D/M(t): 3/3/1
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Iron Working
-Resource: Iron
Upgrades To: Swordsman

Cost: 40
A/D/M(t): 4/1/1
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Invention
-Resource: -
Upgrades To: Swordsman

Man-O-War (English)
Cost: 60
A/D/M(t): 3/2/4
(B/R/F) 3/1/2
-Advance: Magnetism
-Resource: Iron, Saltpeter
Upgrades To: Rifleman

Cost: 100
A/D/M(t): 8/6/1*
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Amphibious Warfare
-Resource: Rubber
Upgrades To: -

Mech Infantry
Cost: 110
A/D/M(t): 12/18/2*
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Computers
-Resource: Oil, Rubber
Upgrades To: Swordsman

Modern Armour
Cost: 120
A/D/M(t): 24/16/3
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Synthetic Fibers
-Resource: Oil, Rubber, Aluminum
Upgrades To: -

Mounted Warrior (Iroquois)
Cost: 30
A/D/M(t): 3/1/2
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Horseback Riding
-Resource: Horses
Upgrades To: Knight

Musketeer (French)
Cost: 60
A/D/M(t): 3/4/1
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Gunpowder
-Resource: Saltpeter
Upgrades To: Rifleman

Cost: 60
A/D/M(t): 2/4/1
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Gunpowder
-Resource: Saltpeter
Upgrades To: Rifleman

Nuclear Sub
Cost: 140
A/D/M(t): 8/4/4(1 Tactical Nuke)
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Fission
-Resource: Uranium
Upgrades To: -

Panzer (German)
Cost: 100
A/D/M(t): 16/8/3
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Motorized Transport
-Resource: Oil, Rubber
Upgrades To: Modern Armour

Cost: 100
A/D/M(t): 6/8/1*
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Advanced Flight
-Resource: Oil, Rubber
Upgrades To: -

Cost: 30
A/D/M(t): 1/3/1
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Feudalism
-Resource: -
Upgrades To: -

Cost: 60
A/D/M(t): 2/1/3
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Magnetism
-Resource: Iron, Saltpeter
Upgrades To: -

Radar Artillery
Cost: 120
A/D/M(t): 0/0/1*
(B/R/F) 16/2/2
-Advance: Robotics
-Resource: Aluminum
Upgrades To: -

Rider (Chinese)
Cost: 70
A/D/M(t): 4/3/3
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Chivalry
-Resource: Horses, Iron
Upgrades To: Cavalry

Cost: 80
A/D/M(t): 4/6/1
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Nationalism
-Resource: -
Upgrades To: Infantry

Samurai (Japanese)
Cost: 70
A/D/M(t): 4/4/2
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Chivalry
-Resource: Iron
Upgrades To: Cavalry

Cost: 10
Movement: 2
Special: Only available to Expansionist civilizations.

Cost: 30
Movement: 1
Special: Settlers cost 2 population.

Cost: 20
A/D/M(t): 1/2/1
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Bronze Working
-Resource: -
Upgrades To: Pikeman

Stealth Bomber
Cost: 240
A/D/M(t): 0/0
(B/R/F) 8/8/3
-Advance: Stealth
-Resource: Oil, Aluminium
Upgrades To: -

Stealth Fighter
Cost: 120
A/D/M(t): 0/0
(B/R/F) 4/6/2
-Advance: Stealth
-Resource: Oil, Aluminium
Upgrades To: -

Cost: 100
A/D/M(t): 8/4/3
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Mass Production
-Resource: Oil
Upgrades To: -

Cost: 30
A/D/M(t): 3/2/1
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Iron Working
-Resource: Iron
Upgrades To: -

Tactical Nuke
Cost: 300
Range: 6
-Advance: Space Flight
-Resource: Aluminium, Uranium

Cost: 100
A/D/M(t): 16/8/2
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Motorized Transport
-Resource: Oil, Rubber
Upgrades To: Modern Armour

Cost: 100
A/D/M(t): 1/4/5(8)
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Combustion
-Resource: Oil
Upgrades To: -

War Chariot (Egyptian)
Cost: 20
A/D/M(t): 2/1/2
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: The Wheel
-Resource: Horses
Upgrades To: Knight

War Elephant (Indian)
Cost: 70
A/D/M(t): 4/3/2
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: Chivalry
-Resource: -
Upgrades To: Cavalry

Cost: 10
A/D/M(t): 1/1/1
(B/R/F) -
-Advance: -
-Resource: -
Upgrades To: Swordsman

Cost: 10
Movement: 1
Special: Workers cost 1 population.

[2]. Small Wonders

This section provides information on the Small Wonders in Civilization III. The
section is broken up like this.

Cost In Shields - This is the cost of the Wonder in Shields.
Culture Generated - Shows how much culture the Wonder generates per turn.
Maintenance Per Turn - The maintenance cost of the Wonder per turn.
Advance - The Technological Advance required to build this Wonder.
Resource - The required resource(s) to build the Wonder.
Becomes Obsolete - Shows when the Wonder's effects wear off.

Apollo Program
Description: Allows you to build the various components of the
ship. Thus, it is a vital stepping stone for the Space
Race victory.
Cost In Shields: 500
Culture Generated: 3
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Space Flight
-Resource: Aluminium
Becomes Obsolete: -

Battlefield Medicine
Description: Allows your military units to heal in enemy territory
provided your civilization has at least five hospitals
under it's control.
Cost In Shields: 500
Culture Generated: 4
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: -
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

Forbidden Palace
Description: Provides the benefits of a second Palace. Your
civilization must control at least eight cities.
Cost In Shields: 300
Culture Generated: 3
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: -
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

Heroic Epic
Description: Increases the odds of a leader appearing as a result of
victorious combat. However, you civilization must have
had a victorious army.
Cost In Shields: 200
Culture Generated: 4
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: -
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

Intelligence Agency
Description: Allows the civilizations to conduct Espionage
Cost In Shields: 400
Culture Generated: 1
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Espionage
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

Iron Works
Description: Increases the production of the city in which it is
situated. The city must have both Coal and Iron within
it's radius.
Cost In Shields: 300
Culture Generated: 2
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: -
-Resource: Iron, Coal
Becomes Obsolete: -

Military Academy
Description: Your civilization can build armies without a leader.
However, your civilization must have a victorious army.
Cost In Shields: 400
Culture Generated: 2
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Military Tradition
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

The Pentagon
Description: The capacity of your armies is increased from three to
four. However, to build The Pentagon, you must have at
least three armies.
Cost In Shields: 400
Culture Generated: 1
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: -
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

Strategic Missile Defence
Description: Grants your civilization with a 75% chance of
intercepting ICBMs.
Cost In Shields: 500
Culture Generated: 1
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Integrated Defence
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

Wall Street
Description: You gain a 5% interest return on your civilization's
treasury each turn, with a maximum of 50 gold per
Cost In Shields: 400
Culture Generated: 2
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Integrated Defence
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

[3]. Wonders Of The World

This section provides information on all of the Wonders Of The World in
Civilization III. This section is broken up as follows.

Cost In Shields - This is the cost of the Wonder in Shields.
Culture Generated - Shows how much culture the Wonder generates per turn.
Maintenance Per Turn - The maintenance cost of the Wonder per turn.
Advance- The Technological Advance required to build this Wonder
Resource- The required resource(s) to build the Wonder.
Becomes Obsolete - Shows when the Wonder's effects wear off.

The Colossus
Description: Can only be built in a coastal city, where each tile
already producing Commerce produces one extra.
Cost In Shields: 200
Culture Generated: 3
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Bronze Working
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: Flight

Copernicus' Observatory
Description: Scientific Research doubles in the city in which it is
Cost In Shields: 400
Culture Generated: 4
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Astronomy
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

Cure For Cancer
Description: Makes one unhappy citizen content in each city.
Cost In Shields: 1000
Culture Generated: 4
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Genetics
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

The Great Library
Description: Your civilization automatically obtains a technology
known by at least 2 other known nations.
Cost In Shields: 400
Culture Generated: 6
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Literature
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: Education

The Great Lighthouse
Description: The movement rate of all Naval units is increased by one.
Also, Galleys can travel safely over sea tiles. However,
The Great Lighthouse may only be built in a coastal city.
Cost In Shields: 400
Culture Generated: 2
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Map Making
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: Magnetism

The Great Wall
Description: Doubles the effect of all walls in cities which have
them. Also, the combat values of all units are doubled
when they are fighting Barbarians.
Cost In Shields: 200
Culture Generated: 2
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Construction
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: Metallurgy

The Hanging Gardens
Description: Makes one unhappy citizen content in all cities, and
three unhappy citizens content in the city in which it is
Cost In Shields: 300
Culture Generated: 4
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Monarchy
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: Steam Power

Hoover Dam
Description: Grants the effects of a Hydro Plant to each city.
However, the city in which you build Hoover Dam must have
a river within it's radius.
Cost In Shields: 800
Culture Generated: 3
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Electronics
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

JS Bach's Cathedral
Description: Makes two unhappy citizens content in each of your cities
on the same continent.
Cost In Shields: 600
Culture Generated: 5
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Music Theory
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

Leonardo's Workshop
Description: You may upgrade units at half price.
Cost In Shields: 600
Culture Generated: 2
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Invention
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

Description: When one of your cities grows, the population of that
city increases by 2.
Cost In Shields: 1000
Culture Generated: 3
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Genetics
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

Megellan's Voyage
Description: Naval unit movement rates are increased by one.
Cost In Shields: 400
Culture Generated: 3
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Navigation
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

The Manhattan Project
Description: Allows all civilizations to construct nuclear weapons.
Cost In Shields: 800
Culture Generated: 2
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Fission
-Resource: Uranium
Becomes Obsolete: -

Newton's University
Description: Scientific Research is doubled in the city of
Cost In Shields: 400
Culture Generated: 6
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Theory Of Gravity
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

The Pyramids
Description: Puts a Granary in each friendly city on the same
Cost In Shields: 400
Culture Generated: 4
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Masonry
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

SETI Program
Description: The scientific output of the city in which it was built.
Cost In Shields: 1000
Culture Generated: 3
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Computers
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

Shakespeare's Theatre
Description: Eight unhappy citizens are made content in the city of
Cost In Shields: 400
Culture Generated: 6
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Free Artistry
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

Sistine Chapel
Description: The effect of all cathedrals is doubled.
Cost In Shields: 600
Culture Generated: 6
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Theology
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

Smith's Trading Company
Description: Pays all maintenance for trade based improvements.
Cost In Shields: 600
Culture Generated: 3
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Economics
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

Sun Tzu's Art Of War
Description: Puts a Barracks in each city on the same continent.
Cost In Shields: 600
Culture Generated: 4
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Feudalism
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

Theory Of Education
Description: Your civilization receives two technological advances
upon completion.
Cost In Shields: 600
Culture Generated: 3
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Scientific Method
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

The United Nations
Description: Allows the diplomatic victory. For more information, see
Chapter I, Part [6]b.
Cost In Shields: 1000
Culture Generated: 4
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Fission
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

Universal Suffrage
Description: Reduces war weariness in your cities.
Cost In Shields: 800
Culture Generated: 4
Maintenance Per Turn: 0
-Advance: Industrialization
-Resource: -
Becomes Obsolete: -

Part IV: Closing

Section Contents:

[1]: Where To Next?
[2]: Special Thanks
[3]: Over And Out!

[1]. Where To Next?

Well now that the guide is uniform, It becomes time to tidy up the contents.
The following will be in V3.0
- FAQ area to look like Reader Submissions area
- Worker actions area given a layout
- Governments area tidied

[2]. Special Thanks
Special Thanks go out to the following people and corporations.

- HP, Logitech, LG, nVidia and my Work for all together resulting in me with a
nice PC and setup.
- Norton for Systemworks and Internet Security
- Infogrames Interactive and Firaxis for this game
- My Mother: Two words - Power Bill
- Scottie_theNerd; he seems to have read my entire guide and given me feedback
on areas he sees as being either worded wrong or missing vital information,
Thank you for that. I owe you one.
- Most importantly, you for reading this guide.

[3]. Over And Out!

Thanks again for reading this guide. If you have any info no matter how trivial
(even a typo), please e-mail me at (see Contact Me
section first).
_____________________________/ _____________ \_____________________________
/______________________________/ \______________________________\
/ Civilization III The Complete \_____________/ Copyright 2006 Michael Sarich \
| Strategy Guide _____________ |
\_______________________________/ End Of File \_______________________________/
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Government Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

04.Octombrie 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

04.Octombrie 2013
Trainer für Forschung, Spielerunden und Geld (für alle Versionen)

04.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

01.Octombrie 2013
Gold- und Produktions-Trainer (bis v1.29f)

03.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

04.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

03.Octombrie 2013
FAQ and Strategy Guide
Engl. FAQ

01.Octombrie 2013

03.Octombrie 2013

04.Octombrie 2013

04.Octombrie 2013
Dt. Strategie-Führer

03.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

01.Octombrie 2013

04.Octombrie 2013

04.Octombrie 2013

04.Octombrie 2013
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