007 Agent under Fire

007: Agent under Fire

30.09.2013 00:25:06

James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire Walkthrough

Version 1.3 completed by Odge (djgaunt86@hotmail.com)

1) Introduction
2) Version History
3) Frequently Asked Questions
4) Walkthrough
5) Legal Stuff and Credits

1) Introduction

To be honest, I was pretty impressed by Agent Under Fire, even though I’m
not a huge fan of shoot-em-ups (as you may have noticed from the FAQs I’ve
written, I’m more of an RPG person.) There is so much variety in the
missions (you don’t just go around shooting people, you get to drive really
fast cars, and use tanks and weird tunnel vehicles), the graphics are pretty
good, the plot is well constructed, and the multiplayer mode is excellent
fun despite the lack of bots (due to the Q-Claw and Q-Jet, mostly.) Indeed,
up until recently, my copy of Jak and Daxter has lain, unplayed, on my
shelf, because I’ve been playing so much AUF (well, there are other reasons
why it lay there – largely because it wasn’t that good, to be honest.) Anyway, I thought I might as well make a walkthrough for this game since
there aren’t many of them for this game at the moment. There also aren’t
many that give you a step-by-step walkthrough of the game, and tell you just
how to get those gold medals, which is what I hope to do in this
Well, here we go…

N.B. At the beginning of each mission, I have included all the available
weapons, plus their clip sizes, which are included in brackets. Also, if
you’re going for the platinum medal, you should look out for the numbers in
brackets (such as (1)) that can be found in places in the text. Upon finding
such a number, you should look at information given after the corresponding
number, in the ‘Location of 007 tokens’ section that is located at the end
of every level walkthrough. This information tells you where the 007 tokens
are located within that area.

2) Version History

Version 1.3 completed 18/02/02

-Walkthroughs for all levels complete.
-Locations of 007 tokens added for every level.

Version 1.2 completed 13/02/02

-FAQ section added
-Walkthroughs for Evil Summit and Forbidden Depths completed. Only three
levels left to complete.

Version 1.1 completed 07/02/02

-Walkthroughs for all normal missions completed except for Evil Summit
(which is coming soon.) The walkthroughs for the later missions are taking a
little longer than expected (due to the fact that they are so vast.)

Version 1.0 completed 22/01/02

-Walkthroughs of the first five normal missions completed. Aim to finish
walkthroughs for normal missions in the next few days (hopefully.)
Walkthroughs for driving and rail missions are coming soon (the trouble is,
its difficult to remember the layout of the driving and rail missions,
because most of the time, you’re not really focusing on where you’re going.)

3) Frequently Asked Questions

Out of all the questions I’m asked about Agent Under Fire, there are several
that seem to come up a lot more often than others do. Before e-mailing me
with a question, check that it isn’t in here, since it most likely will be:

Q: I’m stuck on the last part of Forbidden Depths! I just seem to be going
round and round while my view gets cloudier and cloudier, and I lose more
and more health. What am I supposed to do?

A: Switch to the RCH-1 that you should have picked up, and look up. Near the
ceiling, you should see three black lights with red stripes on them. Shoot
rockets at the lights, and use the left analogue pad to steer the rockets
into them. When all three have been destroyed, the central structure will be
destroyed, Bloch will fall into the volcano, and you’ll have completed the

Q: How do you jump the river in Streets of Bucharest? I keep falling into
the river and getting ‘Mission Failed.’

A: You need to activate the Q-Booster (that you should have picked up near
the entrance to the path leading to the river) just as you hit the bottom of
the stairs that serve as the ‘ramp’ that you use to jump the river. If you
activate the Q-Booster right at this time, and hold a steady course, you
should fly safely over the river.

Q: How do you destroy the tanks standing under the bridge in the tank
section of Streets of Bucharest? I can’t seem to destroy them.

A: Switch to the cannon (alt. fire or D-Pad up/down) and target the supply
train, which is running along the bridge above the tanks. What you need to
do is hit one of the red petrol carriages that appear every so often. I
advise just to keep shooting at the train until you, by chance, hit a red
carriage. Once you hit a red carriage, it will explode, destroying the
bridge and the tanks underneath it.

Q: In Evil Summit, how do you defeat Bloch?

A: At the start, let rip at him using the D-17, strafing left and right if
he starts firing missiles at you. If he runs away, run after him, firing.
Eventually, he will have had enough, and will jetpack up onto one of the
platforms on the network of catwalks that run along the edges of this room.
Switch to the SSR 4000, and run under the platform he is currently standing
on, to force him to jetpack off the one he is currently standing on. He will
make for the next platform clockwise in the room, so, using the scope
function of the SSR 4000 target the middle of, and just above that platform,
in the position where you expect his head to be when he lands. When he does
land, if your crosshairs are not pointing directly at his head, move them
slightly so that they are, before firing. Immediately run under the platform
he is currently standing on, to avoid his rocket launcher fire, and to force
him to move to the next platform on clockwise. If, at any time during the
battle, your health gets low, then you can find Armour in wall mountings
that are on the wall to the left of the compressed air containers (which you
use to refuel your Q-Jet.) Keep repeating this process until he flies right
up to the top of this room, blows up the catwalk that used to be around that
ceiling support (so that it now hangs at a 45° angle), and then escapes
through a porthole.

Q: In the very last part of Evil Summit, I’m on a moving platform, with
Bloch hovering in front of me. I just keep dying! How do I complete the

A: Don’t panic. Just stay absolutely still, and you will quickly pick up an
MRL-22 on the floor, which you will automatically switch to. Just point the
MRL-22 at Bloch, and shoot a rocket at him. A well-placed rocket will blast
him through the window, and to his death.

Q: Have you got any cheats for Agent Under Fire? What about Gameshark codes?

A: No. None of the push button codes that you may have seen for this game
actually work, and I have not seen any Gameshark codes for the game.

4) Walkthrough

Mission 1: Trouble In Paradise

Available Weapons:
P2K (6)
MRL-22 (1)
Grenades (1)
KS7 (30)
Frinesi (8)
SSR 4000 (5)

At the start of the level, open the main door using your Q-Decryptor, but
back away before the camera can see you (first Bond Move.) You can now
Q-Claw up to the perforated vent above the entrance to the main door, giving
you your second Bond Move. Run to the end of the walkway and drop down (1).
When you turn round you should see a bloke typing on a computer – drop down,
and use your fists to knock him out to obtain a Keycard. Now use the
Q-Decryptor to open the door in front of the desk (another Bond Move.) Now
open the armoury using the Keycard, and grab the MRL-22 and Grenades inside
(fourth Bond Move.) Now go back into the room with the desk, head towards
the boxes, and take the lift on the right.
Quickly shoot the guard behind the desk as you descend to the next floor (if
he escapes behind the box, blow up the barrel behind him by shooting it.)
(2) Pick up his gun and then Q-Laser the gate behind the desk (fifth Bond
Move). Follow the path until it opens out into an area with guards
patrolling. Shoot the guard that you can see and then head into the open
area. After Bond makes his fairly obvious hint as to what you should do
next, follow his advice, manually target the red petrol tank on the back of
the Forklift, and then blow it up to eliminate the guards (sixth Bond Move).
Look up, and to the right you should see a crate. Shoot the rope holding it
to snag your seventh Bond Move. Now follow the passage to the right. After
the cut scene, hide behind the box with the armour, and shoot the soldiers
as they run past. Collect their ammo, and head down the passage to enter the
next stage.
In the cultivation area, run forward, and immediately duck down as the
lights go off to avoid the flak. Keep low, and get reasonably close to the
enemies at the end of the room, hiding behind the plant pots all the time.
Now is a good time to use some of those MRL-22 rockets, or lob some grenades
– just hold down the button for a couple of seconds so that they go a
reasonable distance. Eliminate the guards by popping up from behind the pots
and using your KS7/P2K to gun down the guards – just watch out for the guard
throwing grenades at you, and the guard with the Frinesi (a shotgun) that is
hiding behind the right hand desk. Once everyone is eliminated, pick up
their weapons and the grenades (3). In the room behind the room containing
the desks, there is another guard hiding behind some boxes on your left. Lob
a grenade in his direction to dispatch him with minimum fuss. Pick up his
gun, the armour there, and the vials, and exit through the door by pressing
the green button.
You should now enter the submarine pen. (4) Walk up onto the raised path and
follow it until you see a cut scene. Now take the right hand path towards
the sniper. Do not shoot him, however, until he sees you and takes out a
different gun, otherwise he will fall off the walkway, and you won’t get the
SSR 4000 (the Sniper Rifle.) After you’ve killed him, pick up the SSR 4000
(he dropped it before he took out his other gun) and his other gun, and take
the stairs down to the mezzanine. You should now see loads of guards taking
up positions below you. You can easily take them all out from here, which
makes getting to the submarine a lot less dangerous. Any guard that is
hiding near a barrel can be eliminated by blowing the barrels near him up
(which can be fairly easily achieved using a low accuracy weapon like the
KS7 or the P2K.) Now pull out that SSR 4000, and kill any of the enemies
that you haven’t destroyed already by using the scope function of the SSR
4000 (Alt. Fire), and popping their heads off.
Once you’ve pretty much cleared the area, you can use the lift to get down,
and start running towards the submarine where Zoe is held captive. Use the
Frinesi (that you picked up in the cultivation area) to pick off any guards
that remain, before walking onto the submarine, and freeing Zoe using the
Hopefully, if you’ve got all the Bond Moves, killed all the enemies, and
finished the mission in time, the gold is yours, and you can now use the
Golden Gun (instead of that crappy P2K.)

Location of 007 tokens:

(1) There is a 007 token on the walkway here.

(2) In this room, there is a 007 token standing on top of some packing
crates. Jump on top of the packing crates to reach the token.
(3) There is one in the first area of the cultivation room, near the back
left of this area.

(4) Before going on to the walkway, turn left, and you should spot the 007
token in a small area.

Mission 2: Precious Cargo (Rail Shooting Mission)

Available Weapons:
KA-57S (40)
Shotgun (12)
CH-6 (6)

This is your first rail shooting mission, a mission where you are defending
yourself from the top of a moving vehicle, without any control of that
moving vehicle. This mission is actually quite easy to get a Gold Medal in,
and I managed to get a Gold Medal the first time I played it. Just shoot
every enemy you encounter, and try and pick up as many Bond Moves as
At the start, a helicopter should appear from behind you, and eventually
draw level with you, to your left. Use the scope feature of the KA-57S to
target the gunman leaning out of the side of the helicopter, and shoot him
out of the helicopter (first Bond Move) before destroying the helicopter
itself. Now turn right until you’re facing forwards, and shoot the
helicopter in front of you shooting missiles at you. It may be hard to hit
the helicopter due to the fact that the car’s swaying from side to side –
use the CH-6 to finish the helicopter off quickly.
As you progress onwards, a car should now appear on the road behind you.
After destroying the helicopter, turn round 180° (press L2 to do this
quickly) and wait until a car appears behind you. Shoot the car using the
KA-57S until it explodes (for all cars in this mission, you can also shoot
their tyres, which makes them spin out of control. However, this is
difficult to do, especially in Operative mode, where the auto-aim is so
strong that as soon as you get vaguely near the car, the auto-aim pulls the
crosshairs to the centre of the car. Nevertheless, if you manage to shoot
the tyres out of enough cars then you’ll be rewarded with up to four Bond
Moves.) Now turn back so that you’re facing forwards again. Very soon,
you’ll spot a red armoured van appear in front of you from a road to your
left. Since the van’s armoured, the only way that you can destroy it is to
blow out its tyres. Quickly target its tyres, and blow the tyres so that the
van crashes (if you manage to do this before Zoe tells you to shoot out the
van’s tyres, then you’ll be rewarded with a sixth Bond Move.) Now turn round so that you’re facing the road behind you. Two cars will soon
appear from side streets, and will start tailing you, and firing at you. The
best way to destroy these cars is by shooting the road in between the cars
using the CH-6, so that the blast damages both cars. Destroy both cars as
soon as possible to stop them dealing you too much damage. Eventually, Zoe will say ‘There’s a roadblock up ahead, and you will spot
two cars on the road ahead. Before your car turns left, use the CH-6 to
destroy the cars (1). After turning left, switch to the KA-57S, and take out
the lone rocket-launcher guard in front of you. Soon, the car should stop in
a square area, with roadblocks on all sides. With each roadblock, look for
some barrels positioned near the roadblock. Target the barrels using the
KA-57S, and shoot them to destroy all the guards on that roadblock. Destroy
the left-hand roadblock first, then the one in front of you, and lastly the
one on the right, by shooting the barrels near them (if you destroy all the
roadblocks only by shooting the barrels, then you will receive a seventh
Bond Move.) When all the roadblocks have been destroyed, then you can leave
through the exit to your right. Immediately after entering the next area, a
park, you will spot a helicopter flying above the road just in front of you.
A few shots from the KA-57S will finish the helicopter off (but beware – you
don’t have long to shoot the helicopter before its obscured by trees.) (2)
Your car will now plough through the park, and will soon be followed by
another car. Spin round, and take out the car as soon as possible. After you leave the park, turn around so that you’re facing forward again,
and when you spot a lone gunman in front of you, shoot him using the KA-57S
as soon as possible. If you do this fast enough, instead of turning right,
your car will go straight on, allowing you to pick up some extra Body Armour
(3). Now spin around and take out the car behind you using the KA-57S. After a short while, you should come up against a major roadblock, and Zoe
will stop the car a short distance in front of it. Firstly, shoot the gunman
out of the helicopter using the zoom function of the KA-57S (seventh Bond
Move.) Now target the petrol pumps that you should spot just behind the
armoured van, and shoot them to destroy a large portion of the roadblock
(ninth Bond Move.) Lastly, destroy the helicopter, before destroying the two
cars on the left of the roadblock to clear a way through.
After turning left, you will now start to approach a large building which
has several guards standing around the entrance, and one just above it. Use
the KA-57S’s scope function to target and kill the guards from a long
distance (4).
Upon entering the building, your car will stop, and several guards will
appear on various gantries in front of you and to your left. Below you and
to your left you should spot some barrels, which can be blown up to kill
guards standing nearby (tenth Bond Move.) Using the CH-6 to destroy the
pillar in the middle of this room will also destroy some guards (5). Once
you’ve destroyed all the guards, your car will start moving again, and you
should look up in the next area to spot two rocket launcher guards on a
gantry above and in front of you. Destroy both guards to get an eleventh
Bond Move. Now look to your right, and you should spot three fans and a
guard on a gantry. Shoot out all three fans and the guard (6). You should eventually stop in an area with loads of crates and barrels in.
Look to your right, and use the scope function of the KA-57S to target the
barrels near the forklift. Exploding the barrels will kill most of the
guards, and will get you your twelfth Bond Move.) Now clear up the rest of
the guards just using the KA-57S. There is one standing just on the right
edge of the closed door in front of you, and there are several behind you.
In addition, you should also see a large red light on a generator behind
you. Shoot this, and it will make a crane bring its load just above the
generator. Shoot the red block on the crane to make it drop its load on the
generator (thirteenth Bond Move.) When you have done this, the door in front
of you will open, allowing you to collect the vials and complete the
A Gold Medal in this mission will reward you with the Golden CH-6, which is
a much more powerful version of the original CH-6.

Location of 007 tokens:

(1) If you destroy both cars forming the roadblock here, a 007 token will
appear in the passage when you turn left
(2) Shooting down the chopper here will make another token appear on the
road in front of you.
(3) The 007 token will appear near the armour here. Note that you have to
have shot the lone gunman earlier to access this area.
(4) Shooting the men around the entrance to the final building will make a
007 token appear just inside.
(5) Upon destroying the pillar here, a 007 token should appear in front of
(6) When you’ve shot all three fans here, a 007 token will appear on the
road in front of you.

Mission 3: Dangerous Pursuit

Available Weapons:
Machine Gun

Getting a Gold Medal on this level is quite tough, and you might need to
boost the difficulty up to Agent to get yourself some more points. The key
to this level is to Q-Pulse the van as quickly as possible – that way, you
get the maximum points for the time, and the enemies get less of a chance to
take any of your health off. To keep your accuracy and ammo efficiency
scores up, try to use missiles and rockets rather than machine guns to
destroy enemy cars.
(1)At the beginning, follow the road in front of you, picking up the Q-Smoke
that is under the crane. When you are approaching the roadblock, use a
couple of rockets to explode the barrels that are just in front of the huge
pile of crates to the left of the roadblock. This destroys the roadblock,
allowing you to get through (first Bond Move.) Now proceed through the
destroyed roadblock, picking up the rockets as you go through. (2) Follow
the road again until you reach a tunnel with lots of people shooting you
from a raised platform to your right. You should spot a barrel that is
standing on the road just to the left of the raised platform. Shooting that
barrel will blow all the others in this area up, killing the men (second
Bond Move.)
When you come out of the tunnel, turn left, and keep on the left-hand road,
picking up any gadgets or weapons that you can see on the road ahead, until
you see a large building on your left. It should be connected to a building
to your right by an overhang, which goes above the road in front of you. (3)
Here, turn left, and there should be a road just to the right of the main
building, which has a Q-Pulse power up on it. Pick up the Q-Pulse, and then
turn right at the end of this road to rejoin the main road. Keep on this road until you spot a petrol pump to your right, with a gunman
standing just in front of them. Shoot the petrol pumps with a rocket to blow
them up, and destroy the gunman (third Bond Move.) (4)
Continue on again, and now make for the flashing green dot that you should
spot on the map, using pretty much any road you choose. (5) Once you reach
the van, your objective is basically to catch up to the van, and Q-Pulse it
to deactivate it without destroying the vials within. You mustn’t lose sight
of the van, however, or you’ll fail the mission. As you chase the van,
you’ll also have to deal with the cars that frequently appear from side
roads to tail just behind the van, and guard it. The best way to deal with
the cars is by using rockets, or missiles. Rockets are best for when you’re
reasonably near the car, and are on a straight piece of road where the enemy
car isn’t likely to suddenly swerve off in a different direction. Missiles
are best for roads with lots of turns – just make sure the missile is locked
on before firing. If you ever manage to accelerate past a car, or know that
there’s one behind you (look behind you using L2 to check) then you can use
the Q-Smoke to confuse the car, and make it slide out of control. If you
manage to destroy a car using this method, then you’ll be rewarded with a
fourth Bond Move. One of the best places to do this is in the subway, since
the confined space means that any car behind you is bound to run into the
smoke (also, note the Armour halfway along the subway, which you should pick
up if you’re low on health.)
Just by tailing the van you’re unlikely to catch it up, since both you and
the van travel at roughly the same speed. There are two ways that you can
lessen the distance between you and the van. One is by cutting corners (i.e.
where a road turns, cut across the pavement to lessen the distance.) A good
place to do this is when you get near the petrol pumps, which should be on
your left as you come to the corner. Instead of following the road around
the corner like the van, go in between the pumps to cut the corner and get
some Armour. You can also do a similar thing at the large building with the
overhang. The van goes all the way around the building before joining the
main road again. If you just wait on the main road, and then accelerate just
as the van joins the main road again, then you can get really close to the
van, and even in front of it! If you ever end up driving in front of the
van, do not cut the engine completely, since the van will just zoom ahead,
while you’re still trying to accelerate back to top speed again. Simply slow
down a little until you can see the front of the van just at the bottom of
your screen. Then speed up a little again, to keep your position relative to
the van constant, and then select and use the Q-Pulse to immobilise the van. The second way to catch up to the van is by using the gadget ‘Q-Booster’
which you should find on the road in several places. The Q-Booster basically
makes your car go much faster, which allows you to catch up with the van,
and so immobilise it using the Q-Pulse. However, you have to make sure that
you’re on a fairly straight piece of road, with no side streets that the van
might turn off into, since the fact that the car’s going so fast often makes
it less controllable. If the van suddenly turns off into a side road while
you’re going flat out, you may not be able to react in time, and may lose
the van. Also, try and pick a road, which doesn’t have many obstacles to hit
in it. If you smack into a car while using the Q-Booster, you’ll almost
inevitably completely stop, or even turn the car over, allowing the van to
Make sure that you’re level with the van before pressing R1 to charge up and
activate the Q-Pulse. Once the van has been hit by the Q-Pulse, it will be
deactivated, allowing you to collect the vials from within it, and complete
the mission. If you manage to Q-Pulse the van on your first attempt, without
the van taking any damage, then you’ll get the fifth and final Bond Move. A Gold Medal in this mission will reward you with infinite Missiles for all
driving missions, which makes getting Gold in Streets of Bucharest a little

Location of 007 tokens:

(1) Right at the beginning, turn around, and go up the alley behind you. The
007 token is at the end of the alley.
(2) After the destroying the first blockade, you should spot a lone crate on
the path ahead. Shoot it – the 007 token is inside.
(3) At the large building with the overhang, go around it until you see a
path going straight through the middle of it. Go through that path, and you
should see a 007 token inside.
(4) After blowing up the pump station, drive through the space between one
of the pump stations and the building wall. The 007 token is hidden there.
(5) Instead of taking any old route here, stay left. When you spot the
scenery on the left changing from buildings to trees, look left, and you
should spot a 007 token on the pavement there.

Mission 4: Bad Diplomacy

Available Weapons:
Dartgun (3)

This level is fairly simple to get the Gold Medal in, since you’re forced to
use a pistol in it (which pushes your Ammo Efficiency up) and there’s not
much available ammo for it (so you need to be accurate with it.) However, I
advise upping the difficulty to Agent just in case.
At the start, don’t move, or the guard directly in front of you will notice
you. Just aim right of him, and when he moves into your crosshairs, take him
out. Now open the door, and go through the passage. Don’t take the lift yet,
go round the corner, and shoot the guard before he notices you. Go into the
room to your left after shooting the guard, and pick up the Darts lying
round the corner (1).
Now retrace your steps back to the lift, and take it up to the next level.
Immediately run through the passage to your left and shoot the guard before
he sets off the alarm (2). Now you can take the passage to the right. Go
through the doors into the kitchen.
Notice those boxes lying around on the floor? Well, if you walk near them
then they’ll be knocked over, alerting the guard in the next room. Jump over
the boxes to avoid this happening. Now take the door in the far right corner
of the room, and slap the guard that is just behind it in the back of the
head. Now switch to your Dartgun, and shoot the guard at the end of the
passage before he has a chance to set off the alarm.
Before continuing, don your Q-Specs and look to the wall on your right,
where you should see a small panel. Press Square to open it, and use the
Q-Laser to disable the trip-laser (first Bond Move.) Now go down the
passage, and you should see an open window to your left. If you’ve got any
Dartgun ammo left, side step until you’re facing the open window, and shoot
the guard just outside it.
Now do a 180° turn, and disable the trip-laser that you can see in the
passage using another panel in the wall (this time on the left-hand side –
second Bond Move.) Go to the end of the passage, where you should see a door
marked private. Don your Q-Specs once more, and you should spot a hidden
door on your left. Open it using Square (third Bond Move) and collect the
Darts and Body Armour inside (3). Now go back to the window, shoot the guard
if you haven’t done so already, and jump out. Walk to the edge of the
balcony, turn around, and look up. You should see a perforated hatch on the
ceiling above the ledge above you. Q-Claw up there (fourth Bond Move), and
enter the next floor using the open door.
Your next job is to find the access code for that computer on your left. But
first you’ll need to pick up a Keycard so that you can move around in this
restricted area. Go into the first door on your right, upon which you’ll see
a cutscene, and get your first glimpse of Malprave. When you leave, you’ll
have the Keycard, and the fifth of those elusive Bond Moves. Now open the door on your left, which contains some Darts, and use the
Keycard to open the door on your far right. You’ve finally found Griffin,
and he appears to want to kill you. Ah well. More fool him. Just to rub it
in, switch to your bare hands, and slap his ugly ass to death. Besides being
funny, it allows you to pick up your sixth Bond Move.
Now you’ll need to go back, and hear what’s on the computer. After this, go
back into the room with Griffin in, and use the Keycard to open the unopened
door. Run down the stairs on your left, and position yourself in front of
the alarm button so that you can shoot the guard as he runs for the alarm
(4). Now walk down the passage, and you should see another laser, which is
now moving. If you can see a guard, disable him before fiddling around with
the laser. As always, there’s a hatch to disable it, this time on the right
hand wall, before the painting (seventh Bond Move.) Now run forward, and
position yourself in front of the alarm button so that the two guards in
this area physically cannot get to it. As they run up to you, you can easily
pick them off using the Dartgun. Now take the elevator down, and run for the
main door, subduing the guard as it opens. Run through the door to freedom,
and the Gold Medal.
A Gold Medal for this level gives you the Golden Accuracy, which makes your
Golden Gun fire much more accurately. This may not sound too hot, but
believe me, its useful for killing far away enemies such as snipers.

Location of 007 tokens:

(1) The 007 token is just in front of the darts in this room.
(2) After shooting the guard here, follow the path out onto the rotunda. The
007 token is on the far side of the rotunda.
(3) There is a 007 token in this secret area, as well as some darts and
(4) After subduing the guard here, look behind the showcases full of urns
here – there is a 007 token there.

Mission 5: Cold Reception

Available Weapons:
Golden Gun (6)
KS7 (30)
Frinesi (8)
Defender (6)
MRL-22 (1)
Grenades (1)
SSR 4000 (5)

Okay, you’re gonna need to be quick at the beginning of this level,
especially on the harder difficulty levels, due to the fact that there’s a
timer in the bottom left, which gives you less time the harder the
difficulty. When this reaches zero, then its back to the start for you. But
don’t worry too much about the timer – even five minutes is ample time for
you to complete the timed section of this level.
Right, lets get started. At the start, turn around, and head up the stairs
behind you to the computers on the various desks. Hit the button on the
middle desk, and the middle door should open. Immediately hop down to ground
level, and take out the guards that appear through the door using the Golden
Gun. You should concentrate on the guy on the right first, because he’s got
a Frinesi, which is a nasty weapon. Don’t worry if the guy on the right
sounds the alarm – just kill them both as quickly as possible. If the alarm
has been sounded, head through the doors and into the passage that the
guards came out of. Turn around so that you’re facing the main room, and
select the KS7. Now you can take out the guards one by one as they rush into
your passage, picking up the ammo that they drop to take out the next guard.
Once all the guards have been subdued, pick up the Keycard lying in the
bookcase in this passage (first Bond move.) Now go back to the computer
area, and press the button on the left-hand table (it is on your left if you
are standing behind the desks, looking at the computer screens) to open the
door on the left. (1) Follow the passage along until you get to a door on
your right. Q-Laser the lock on the grate in front of you, duck, and walk in
a few paces to get your first Bond Move. However, we won’t be using the
ventilation duct route since its too easy for the guards to go out of range
and set off the alarm, which you don’t want. Open the door near the grate,
and shoot the guard admiring the painting in the back using your silenced
Golden Gun. Now change weapons to the Frinesi – there are two guards in the
next room, and if you don’t shoot them quickly, they’ll set off the alarm
and all hell will break loose. After opening the door, shoot the guard
patrolling on the left of you, and he should go flying. Now rush over to the
alarm button, and position yourself in front of it, so that anybody wanting
to get to the alarm has to get past you first. Shoot the guard that rushes
at you using the Frinesi, and then switch to the KS7 and take out the guard
in the next room. Once everything’s clear, select the Q camera, and
photograph the satellite imagery and the blue prints, both of which can be
found in these three rooms. One is in the room that had the guard in
admiring the picture, and the other is in the last room, which also contains
a similar picture of Malprave.
Now, in the room with the alarm button in, you may have seen an MRL-22 in a
display case, and may have been tempted to shoot out the glass to obtain it.
(2) Don’t do this – it makes an alarm sound, and more guards will come
running who you have to take care of. Instead, go to the last room, and
press Square near to the picture of Malprave. It will slide away, allowing
you to grab the MRL-22, as well as some body armour and ammo. Once you’ve finished all this, you’re ready to leave. Go into the last room,
open the doors at the end, and walk down the passage towards the elevator.
Select the Defender, and use it to kill the guard that is half way down the
passage, on your right. Pick up his ammo, and enter the lift. Once in the
lift, turn round until you’re facing the doors, and kill the unsuspecting
guard in front of you when the doors open. Head down the stairs on your
left, open the fire doors, and go around into the mainframe room. (3) Head
down the stairs, and go straight ahead. When you reach the end of the
corridor, turn left, and use the KS7 to eliminate the guard on your left.
Now walk back down the passage that you just came down, and walk along the
passage parallel to the wall that has the alarm button on it (you should
just be able to see the alarm button.) Sprint over to the guard that is at
the end of this passage, and shoot him down before he can push the alarm
button. Now that the guards in this room are eliminated, you can focus on
downloading that mainframe information. Select that Keycard you picked up,
and insert it into the slot near the computer that you should have spotted
before when you eliminated the first guard. This will disable the data port
alarms, and will earn you your third Bond Move (believe me, you need to do
this. Having an alarm sound every time you download some information from
the data ports is excruciatingly annoying.) Now go and visit all three of
the data ports (which can be found in the passages in the middle of the
room) and download the data from them using the Q-Decryptor. Before leaving this room, and going on to the next part of the mission, go
back to the place where you shot the guard, and go up the short flight of
stairs onto the raised platform. Follow the path round, and you should see a
table with a rig model on it. Use your Q-Camera to take a snap of that,
which should give you your fourth Bond Move, and pick up the Grenades lying
in the open cardboard box. Now jump over the railing, and take the door you
should see in front of you. Follow the path, and take the lift down to get
to the next part of the level.
After the lift stops, run down the path until you see a door. Don’t take the
door, but look up and you should see a perforated hatch. Q-Claw up there,
and crawl along the vent, until you see a grate below you. Crawl just beyond
that, and then turn round and Q-laser the hatch so it falls open. Use your
Defender to take out the guard patrolling underneath you, and then drop down
onto the pathway. Switch to the MRL-22 (I hope you haven’t been using it
yet!), run down the pathway towards the alarm button, and then turn right
with the path into an open area. You should be noticed by a guard, who
immediately runs for the alarm. Target the alarm, and shoot a rocket at it.
As the guard just reaches the alarm, the rocket should impact with the
button and blow the guard to pieces just before he can hit that button. Now
turn right, and run down the passage towards the blast door. Switch to the
grenades, and lob a few into the blast door area, which should flush most of
the guards there out. Just in case any of them are running for the alarm,
run to the end of the passage, and take a look at the alarm button. If
anyone is about to press it, take him out using the MRL-22 (from a
reasonable distance, of course.) Then spin round and see if anybody is left
in the passage, who hasn’t yet run for the alarm. Once they’re eliminated,
the area should be secure, and you can pick up a few goodies lying around in
the sunken areas here. In a sunken area to your left now (if you’re just in
front of the alarm, facing towards the open area) is Body Armour, which you
can pick up if you’re running low on health. In a small sunken area, which
is just off the main open area, you can pick up some more Grenades (4). And
in a sunken area just in front of the door that you could have used to get
in here, there is another Body Armour, if your health is really poor. In
this area, look up, and you should see a perforated vent. Q-Claw up to it,
and crawl along the passage you should now see in front of you to glean your
fifth Bond Move (5). At the first vent you come to, Q-Laser it and drop back
down into the main open area. Now walk back into the passage near the blast
door. Even if it is open, I would still advise you climb up the ladder on
the pillar in this passage, and climb along the vent system. Soon it should
come to an end, but don’t drop out just yet. Look down, and you should see
an enemy standing guard, but unaware of your presence. Shoot him in the
back, and drop down.
To your left you should see a program emitter. Collect this program using
the Q-Remote (sixth Bond Move) and just have a quick look out of the opening
in front of you. Immediately, all hell will break loose, and a load of
people will start firing at you. Duck back into the alcove that you just
came out of, and wait for a guard to run up the stairs, and start running
towards you. Quickly gun him down, and then go back outside. You should see
a guard below you, to the left, and another below you and to the right. Walk
slightly further forward on the gantry, and take these two guys out. The
first can be taken out by shooting the steam valve that is on his right
(which also gives you your seventh Bond Move), and shooting some barrels
that are on the other guard’s left can kill the other.
Now turn around, look upwards, and start slowly walking backwards, until you
see a sentry standing on the level above. Kill him as quickly as possible
before he can do you too much damage (using the MRL-22 if necessary.) Now
you can go down the stairs, where more guards should immediately begin
pouring out of the entrance in front of you. Kill them using the KS7 as they
come out, and walk into the passage that they emerged from to pick up some
KS7 ammo, and Body Armour. (6) and (7) Now walk out of the passage, and pick
up the KS7 ammo and Armour lying on the boxes in front of you, before
climbing the stairs right up to the top level, and collecting the SSR4000
and Defender ammo that the sentry you dispatched earlier dropped. Walk along
the catwalk on the top level, and eventually you should see a security door
with a panel on the right that is emitting green pulses. Go up to it, and
use your Q-Remote to open it (gaining you your eighth Bond Move.) Now switch
to Grenades, and lob one in, so that it bounces off the walls and goes down
the passage. Hopefully, it will blow up near a super thug, who will
immediately start running down the passage to see who was the perpetrator of
the crime. Just as he runs out of the door, blow him up using the MRL-22,
and take the Frinesi he drops. Now enter the passage that the super thug
came out of, and walk down it until it turns left. Switch to the MRL-22,
turn left, and walk up to the wall. Now side step to your right, and you
should now see a super thug at the end of the passage. Shoot him once using
the MRL-22, then back away and walk backward down the passage until the
super thug appears after you. Shoot him once again with the MRL-22 to defeat
him. Now follow the passage once more until you reach an open door, with a
guard standing to the left of the door and facing the other way. Target the
ground just to the right of him, and shoot it to dispose of this guard. There is a sniper just beyond the open door, to your left. If you have any
rockets left, you can simply rush out, target the sniper, and destroy him
before he can get a lock on you. However, if you’ve run out of rockets, you
may need to run around to your left, along the walkway, through the two
doors, and kill him at close quarters using the KS7.
Once the area is clear, go into the room with the computers in, and you
should spot a ladder just right of one of the entrance doors. Climb up it,
and walk towards the tram hook. Once you arrive at it, press Square to clip
it onto you, and complete the mission.
Phew, well that’s that level completed. If you’ve done it fast enough, and
collected all those Bond Moves, then you should be able to gain the Gold
Medal, and the Golden Clip for your Golden Gun, which allows your weapon to
hold 12 shots, as opposed to the normal 6. Great, eh?

Location of 007 tokens:

(1) If the right hand door here hasn’t already been opened, go over to the
right hand computer and press the button on it. Shoot the guards that come
out of the right hand door, and go into the passage that they just came out
of. Inside is a 007 token.
(2) In this room with the MRL-22 in, you should spot a 007 token behind one
of the grates in the room (the grate that is lying just to the left of the
exit door to this room.) Q-Laser the grate open, and crawl in to grab the
(3) As you enter the mainframe room, go down the stairs, and immediately
turn right. The 007 token is in a small niche to the right of the stairs.
(4) In the sunken area with the Grenades in, you should also spot a 007
(5) In this duct, you should find a 007 token.
(6) There is a 007 token you should spot above one of the water containers.
Jump onto the mound of earth opposite to the water container, and then jump
across to the top of the water container to snag the token.
(7) Walk around in this ground floor area until you spot a ladder leading
up. There is a 007 token to the left of the ladder, behind a water

Mission 6: Night of the Jackal

Available Weapons:
Golden Gun (12)
Frinesi 12
KA-57 (30)
Ingalls (40)
SSR 4000 (5)
Grenades (1)
FSU-4 (40)
MRL-22 (1)
Viper (6)
Fixed Gun #1 (Limited Ammo)

The missions are starting to get tougher, and in this mission you’ll meet
your first real boss. However, you’ll also get to use your first assault
rifle (I bet you’re hugely excited.) Hmm. Anyway, let’s get this level
walkthrough underway…
At the start, you’ll be standing in an alleyway, with the embassy fence on
your right. In a short while, a bus will come in from a road to your left,
crash into the fence, and a whole load of terrorists will pour out and start
besieging the building. Walk forwards until you get to the corner of the
embassy fence, and quickly shoot the two terrorists that come out from
behind the scenery a distance in front of you. If you’re not quick enough,
one will run behind a flower bed and start shooting at you from behind a
cover, so try to get close enough so that the guards are enticed to run
towards you rather than running for cover, where you’ll never get at them.
Once these guys are disposed of, pick up their KA-57s, and walk along the
pavement around to the right, where you’ll see a grenadier. Shoot him a few
times with your Golden Gun to get rid of him. Now, before you advance, look
to your right, where you should see a couple of terrorists hiding behind a
fountain, and shooting at the embassy. Shoot one of them to alert them of
your presence, and then duck to avoid their shooting. Hopefully, both guards
will run round the cars to appear where the grenadier was, and you can pick
them both off using the KA-57. However, although one of them always does
this, the other can either run off into the distance, and hide behind a car,
or come around the cars the other way, and shoot at you from behind. So
after you kill the first terrorist, if you don’t see the other, stand up,
and retreat into a corner so that you can see where the other is. If he is
coming at you, pick him off quickly before he has a chance to shoot. Now pick up the grenades and the gun that the grenadier left earlier, and
proceed along the street in front of the embassy. To avoid the sniper, take
a short detour up the passage to your left, before resuming your normal
course. Run up the street ahead of you, and in two shop windows, you should
see both some Body Armour, and a Frinesi (1). Stand on the park benches to
get up to the windows, and smash through them to get to the goodies. Now leave this street, and make a hairpin turn around to your left to end up
in another street, with an archway to your right. An enemy should appear
through the arch – he should be no problem for your KA-57, except that he
rolls about a lot. Now run through the arch to lure two guards out from
their hiding places, before retreating back into the street. You can easily
pick off the guards as they rush through the arch.
Go through the arch once more, and detour to the left to avoid the laser
sight of the sniper. Once you’re just underneath the sniper, switch to the
grenades. Look up, until your cross hair is focused on the ceiling just
above the sniper (if you can’t even see the balcony that the sniper is on,
then you’re too far underneath – back up.) Now press X, and count to three
before releasing it. If you’ve done it right, the grenade should land right
in the sniper’s nest, and blow him up spectacularly (I know that doing this
is not entirely necessary, but it looks excellent when you pull it off
successfully.) Now look right of the sniper’s den, and you should see a
perforated hatch. Q-Claw up to it, and land on the platform. Now turn so
that you can see the sniper’s nest, and you should see that you could just
jump onto it. Do so, and collect the SSR 4000 lying there (doing this will
reward you with a Bond Move.) (2) Do not use this weapon just yet – you’ll
need all the shots for this weapon that you can get to have a chance of
collecting another Bond Move at the end of this mission. Now use the Q-Claw
to get back onto the platform that you were originally on. Now turn right
and follow the ledge around the corner, and you should see glass doors to
your left. Go through them to get your second Bond Move. Now that you are in
the safe house, follow the pathway in front of you, and take the door on the
left leading into the bathroom. Watch the cut scene, and collect the Q-Card.
Now go along the path that was behind R, and you should spot a perforated
hatch on the embassy wall. Q-Claw over there to collect your third Bond
Walk along the edge here, and drop off. The gate is locked, so turn around
180°, and go up the steps until you spot a door with a card slot. Use the
Q-Card to gain access, and you’ve completed the first part of the mission. Inside the embassy, there is Armour under the stairs. Your health is
probably not all that bad, so you may want to come and collect it later when
it is. Climb the stairs until you reach the door. Now duck, and keep the
duck button held as you open the door. A woman will run out screaming, with
a gangster running after her. As soon as you see the gangster, let rip with
your KA-57. Your crouched position will reduce the chance of the enemy
hitting you, if he opens fire, which is unlikely. He should die just before
reaching you, and you can pick up his ammo, and continue on your way. Walk a
small way down the path to your left, but stop before it turns off to your
left. Turn so that you are facing the direction of this pathway, and side
step right until a man holding a hostage comes into view. (3) Quickly shoot
him before he has a chance to react, and run down the pathway he was
standing in, turning right with the path. You should see a room, behind
glass panels, where some terrorists are holding various Embassy staff as
hostages. Creep up on them, and make sure you have good cover behind that
overturned table. Then pop up, and start shooting at one of the guards. Then
all of them will notice, and you’ll need to duck down. Keep popping up,
shooting guards, and then ducking down to avoid fire to defeat all of the
guards in this room. Do not throw any grenades, since any thrown will blow
up hostages as well as terrorists, and do not jump through the window until
you get a message explaining that you have freed the hostages, and you
collect your fourth Bond Move. If you have not yet got such a message, and
you cannot see any guards, it may be that one is hiding behind the wall, to
your left. If this is so, slowly side step right, with your view focused on
the left of the room, until you can see the remaining bloke. Quickly gun him
down, using the file cabinet as cover if necessary, to free the hostages.
Now jump through the window, and collect the ammo, before leaving through
the entrance on the far wall. Follow the passage around, until you reach the
windows of the Embassy. The second set will blow up spontaneously on your
approach, so approach with caution. Use your Ingalls to defeat the guard you
can see outside the window.
Now stay on the path until you reach the kitchen door, in which there are
loads of guards. Open the door, and defeat the guard that you should be able
to see hiding behind the workbench on the far side of the room, in front of
you. Just keep firing until he stops shooting. Now select the grenade, and
rush for the kitchen table you should see just in front of you from the
door, crouching behind it to avoid fire. Now turn so that you’re facing the
underside of the table, and the majority of the guards, whose head’s you
should see poking above the level of the table. Press X to charge up your
throw for a second or two, pop up briefly, and throw it in front of you to
eliminate the bulk of the guards. When the smoke has cleared, quickly pop
your head back up to see if there are any remaining guards. If there’s one
hiding behind the table far in front of you, do a long grenade lob (i.e.
hold down the button for longer) to eliminate him. Now collect all the ammo
in this room before leaving through the other door from the one you used to
get in.
Now follow the pathway round, until you get to the windows again. Crouch
down, facing the pathway, and pull out the Frinesi that you’ve hopefully
been saving just for now. Two guards should run out from the pathway on your
far left. Shoot them quickly using the Frinesi, and then follow the path to
the rotunda, shooting the guard there using the Frinesi before he has a
chance to act. Now turn to your right immediately, and press Square near the
Union Jack to open the secret door (and obtain a fifth Bond Move.) Walk down
the secret passage, and you should meet Damascu (sixth Bond Move.) Now pick
up the Armour, and use the Q-Card to get into the elevator. When the elevator opens, look up and to your left, and blow up the barrels
to avoid taking too much damage. Blow up the barrels directly in front of
you to reveal Armour and some Viper ammo. Pick up the Viper ammo, but don’t
take the Armour – you may need it in the upcoming boss battle. Now open the
doors that you can see in front of you and a battle with Carla the Jackal
will begin.
Immediately run for cover, and shelter behind that first group of wooden
crates to avoid taking damage from the Jackal’s FSU-4 assault rifle. When a
volley of shots stops, stand up again (that is, if you’re crouching behind
one crate) or side step (you can only do this if you’re shielded by two
wooden crates one on top of the other.) Now move your targeting cursor so
that it is on the Jackal, and start letting rip with either the KA-57 (which
is your preferred weapon, due to its improved accuracy) or the Ingalls. Once
she starts firing again, side step back behind cover again, or crouch. Do
not move your targeting cursor, so that when you stand up again, or side
step out, your targeting cursor will still be on the Jackal, and you won’t
have to waste time targeting her each time.
Each time a crate in the group explodes (that is in front of you) you’ll
need to run for cover behind another crate in that group. Watch out for the
grenades that Carla shoots, since they can do immense damage, and blow up
huge amounts of your cover.
Once you’ve shot Carla enough, she should run backwards, and will stand near
a huge pile of barrels. Simply shoot the barrels behind her to move her on
to her next stopping point, which is to the right.
Just keep ducking while she shoots, and jumping up and shooting her while
she reloads, to move her right until she is standing right over that vat of
chemicals. If she blows up the whole of the first group of crates, run to
the one you should see in front of you and to your right, and shelter behind
that. If your health gets low, run into that previous room, and snag that
Armour that you saved just for this moment. If your ammo gets low, then
there are a few ammo clips in places around the room – its just a bit risky
to get to them, since they’re in open areas with no cover.
Once she’s over the vat of chemicals, then you should press a switch, which
is on the right of the second group of crates, and is on a small pedestal,
which is sandwiched between the group of crates and the right-hand wall.
This switch will knock Jackal into the vat, defeating her, and giving you
your seventh Bond Move.
Now climb up the ladder, and walk along the catwalk, collecting the FSU-4
ammo, and the Armour up there, before leaving using the door at the end.
Climb the stairs, and open the other door at the top of them. After watching
a small white and blue helicopter take off, a huge great black one will
appear, armed to the teeth with rocket launchers and a machine gun. (4)
Although the machine guns are extremely inaccurate, the rocket launchers
are, and can cause massive amounts of damage. To finish the helicopter off
quickly, and gain your final Bond Move, you need to target the pilot using
your SSR 4000 (that you saved just for now right…?) and shoot him while he
is hovering in mid-air. If you run out of SSR 4000 shots (which you
hopefully shouldn’t, since the pilot stays still for quite a long time in
this mission) then there is an MRL-22 and some ammo for it placed in the
four corners of the level, as well as four fixed guns.
Once you’ve hit the pilot, it should spin momentarily in the air just above
you, before crashing into the building behind you. Hopefully, if you’ve
collected all the Bond Moves, and not gone too slowly through this level,
you should snag the Gold Medal for this level, and the Golden Grenades,
which are great due to their large blast radius and increased power.

Location of 007 tokens:

(1) In one of the shop windows in this side alley you should also spot a 007
token. You’ll need to firstly smash the shop window. Then jump onto the roof
of the car nearby, before jumping into the shop window and grabbing that
(2) There is a 007 token in the sniper’s nest here.
(3) After killing the gangster here, watch where the hostage runs. Go
through the door to the right of where she crouches, and you should find the
007 token just to the right of the door as you enter.
(4) Before shooting the gunship down, find the last 007 token behind one of
the sets of crates here.

Mission 7: Streets of Bucharest

Available Weapons:
(Driving Section)
Machine Gun
(Rail Shooter Section)

This mission is composed of two sections. In the first, you’re behind the
wheel of an Aston Martin DB5, and in the second, you are in a tank, complete
with chaingun and cannon. This mission isn’t too tough to collect a Gold
Medal in, as long as you collect all the Bond Moves, and get through the
mission as quickly as possible. You can also up your accuracy and ammo
efficiency in the first section by only using rockets and missiles against
enemies. If you’ve picked up the Infinite Missiles reward from Mission 3,
then you can just use missiles to destroy all the enemies, which makes the
first section a lot easier.
Note that in the driving section of this mission you can pick up a gadget
called the Q-Slick. If you ever manage to end up in front of an enemy car
(press L2 to check behind you) then you can use the Q-Slick to send the car
sliding all over the place. If you manage to slip up a car using this
method, then you’ll receive your first Bond Move.
At the beginning, follow the path of the main road, and you should soon spot
a car on the road in front, which you should quickly destroy with missiles
once they lock on. When the road splits in two here, take the left path (1),
go through the arch, and where the two paths rejoin again, you should spot
another car coming in from the right. Destroy this car with missiles, before
taking a sharp turn to the left. As you go through the next arch, you should
spot two cars up ahead forming a roadblock. Slow down, and fire a few
missiles/rockets at them to destroy the roadblock. Now skirt around the
battered cars and into the road that was behind them. As you drive along the
curved road, you should spot two armoured vans forming another roadblock
blocking off a side road to your right. Maintain your speed, and blast a
couple of missiles at them as you pass. However, you should ignore them, and
continue along the curved road until you reach a junction. Handbrake turn
around to the right (turn while holding down Square) and follow this road,
which should have a lot of arches on. Almost immediately an armoured van
will come in from the right. A couple of rockets/missiles should suffice to
finish him off. Pick up the rockets on the road ahead, and continue along
the road. A couple of arches later, you’ll spot another car which comes in
from a side road to your left, and which has a gunman leaning out of the
window. Again, destroy the car with missiles as you proceed along the road. You will soon spot a number of side roads to your left and right, but don’t
go down them – stay on the main road. Another car will appear on the road in
front, with the gunman on top this time firing missiles at you. It is
therefore essential to finish him off using missiles/rockets quickly, before
he has a chance to fire at you.
Ignore the side roads to the left and right after killing the car, but
follow the main road as it curves to the left. In front of you will be the
train station. Pick up the Q-Slick, and then head straight for the glass
doors you should see at the front of the station. Smash through them, pick
up the armour, and then smash through the other set of doors, (2) turning
left around the train when you get onto the tracks. At the left end of the
station, you should spot a helicopter. Use a couple of missiles to finish
the helicopter off, and then drive over to where he was. Handbrake turn
around the end of the train on your right to get onto the platform, and
drive along the platform to pick up the locator. From here, you should spot
another helicopter at the other end of the station. Shoot that with a couple
of missiles to get a second Bond Move.
Now you need to leave the station, and get to the chip. Drive back out of
the station, and follow the central road back to the road with lots of
arches on. Drive down this road, and you should soon be met by a limo, which
you might be able to get ahead of. If you can, use the Q-Slick on the car to
get that Bond Move. If not, just destroy it using missiles/rockets. As you drive along the road, you’ll also be hindered by a helicopter flying
above you, which fires rockets in your general direction. Just ignore the
helicopter and maintain maximum speed to evade the helicopter’s rockets.
Very soon, you’ll also spot a helicopter hovering to the left of the road,
which will shoot a rocket into the bridge in front of you, destroying it,
but making a small ramp that you can use to jump across the gap. Maintain
maximum speed and a steady course (if you keep veering left and right you’ll
lose speed) and you should fly across the gap and land safely on the other
side (third Bond Move.)
Ignore the first road to your left, and follow the main road. On the map,
you should eventually spot a curve in the main road to your left, and a
small, secret route (shown by a thinner line on the map) which lies to your
left just before the road curves. When you get near to this thin line, look
to your left, and you should spot an arch with a set of stairs going up
beyond. Drive through the arch and up the stairs into the secret route, in
which you should find some Armour (3).
At the end of the secret pathway, rejoin the main road, and follow the
armoured van that you should spot coming in from a road to your left.
Destroy it using a couple of missiles, before turning left just after the
arch that you spot (if you don’t turn left, you’ll smack into a dead end.)
Now follow the road upwards, and where the road splits into two, you should
spot an arch in between them. Go through the arch, and follow the pavement
to collect the chip.
Your next task is to escape from Malprave’s men. Continue following the
path, and just before the arch at the end of this park-area, you should spot
a white sign. Drive towards that and hit it with only the left side of your
vehicle, so that you go up on two wheels between the cars standing just
outside the arch (fourth Bond Move.) Now descend down the stairs into
another park area, and follow the path until you see the park sloping
upwards, forming a ramp. You now need to head at full speed, and on a
straight course, towards the ramp, making sure you don’t hit any of the
obstacles on your run up to the ramp. If you’re going fast enough, you’ll
fly across the gap (fifth Bond Move.)
You should now follow the course of the narrow passage before smashing
through some railings (4), and dropping down onto a lower path, which is
equally narrow. Follow this until it opens out onto the main road. Head
straight forwards over the grassy knoll, and pick up the Q-Booster you
should spot in front of you before going down the passage behind it. As you
head down this passage, ignore the helicopter, and pick up the Q-Booster
that you should have just picked up. Skirt around the fountain, and head for
the set of stairs that you should see in front of you. As you hit the bottom
of the stairs, activate the Q-Booster, and your speed should be sufficient
to carry you over the river, landing safely in a warehouse on the other
Coincidentally, Bond manages to land in a warehouse right next to a fully
functional Russian tank. Isn’t that lucky? Ah well, I’m not complaining,
since you get to play the next part of the mission from the cockpit of the
afore-mentioned tank. The tank is fully equipped with a chaingun (complete
with zoom feature) and a cannon (although the cannon is a bit lousy since it
takes ages to turn around, except if you use L2.) I advise that you use the
chaingun for most of the mission, except where I state otherwise. At the beginning, you’ll spot two cars come in and stop on the junction in
front of you. Use the chaingun to destroy both cars before they get a chance
to fire at you. As you turn to the right, spin round using L2, and destroy
the car tailing you when it comes in from a side road. When that car is
destroyed, turn back so that you’re facing forward. When you are moving
along the road with the tramline along the middle of it, use the scope
feature of the chaingun to spot and destroy a car that comes towards you
from the road in front. If you don’t manage to destroy him before he goes
past you, swivel round, and destroy him before he can fire any rockets at
You should shortly turn off into a small passage to the right, and should
eventually come to an arch, beyond which you should see a small courtyard.
Shoot the gunman just on the right of the arch as you go through. In the
courtyard, you should spot a small pile of barrels to the left of the
armoured van. Shoot them to blow up the armoured van (sixth Bond Move) and
kill anyone else left in the courtyard before picking up the armour and
leaving through another arch. After progressing through the arch, you should
stop, with two rocket-launching cars a little way in front of you. Use the
chaingun/cannon to rip the cars apart before they can start shooting rockets
at you, and continue on your merry way.
A helicopter should appear from around the corner, which you should destroy
using the chaingun (seventh Bond Move.) Continue looking forward, and you
should spot another car come in from a road to your left. Shoot this using
the chaingun, and as the tank turns right, spin round to look behind you,
and finish the car off before it can shoot at you from behind. Very soon, a cut scene will show a rocket-launching helicopter hovering
above a bridge. Look up, and shoot the helicopter down using the chaingun.
As it falls, it will destroy the bridge, and the car waiting under the
bridge (eighth Bond Move.) The tank will now progress over a flowerbed,
before turning right along a small passage with Armour in it. As you rejoin
the main road, you will spot several armoured vans on the road in front of
you, as well as an oil tanker. Shoot the oil tanker until it explodes,
destroying the armoured vans (5).
You will now turn to the right, and the tank will cruise along a seemingly
featureless road. However, two helicopters soon appear over the buildings to
your left and right. As they appear, shoot one of them with the chaingun
until it crashes, and then concentrate on the other one. As you go up the
steps to the hotel, swivel round so that you can still focus on destroying
the other helicopter. (6)
You will now smash your way through a hotel before going down some steps
onto the main road again. Shoot the guard standing on the ledge in front of
you before focusing on the car that should be swerving along the road in
front of you. You should now pick up the Q-Vision goggles, which will allow
you to spot the guards standing on ledges and on the pavement much more
easily. As you turn left, you should spot two guards, one on the left and
one on the right. Kill both of these before dealing with the helicopter that
comes in from the left. Swivel round so that you can hit it while it is
behind you. Then turn back so that you’re facing forwards. Shoot the guard on the ledge in front of you, and then the guard on the
ledge to your left. There is another guard on a ledge in front, who you
should kill, before turning around. As the van comes up behind you and
passes you by, shoot it using the chaingun until it smashes into the wall of
the building in front of you and explodes. As you enter the next road, kill
the two guards standing on the right hand pavement. A while later, you’ll
spot another guard to your left, and another couple of guards on a ledge to
your left.
On the next road, you should spot a man standing near to a car on the
left-hand pavement. Instead of shooting them, use the scope feature of the
chaingun to find some barrels standing to their left (they are quite hard to
see.) Blow them up to destroy both the car and the man (ninth Bond Move). Kill the man on the ledge to your left, and the car that appears from a road
on your left. Now look up, and destroy the helicopter that comes over the
buildings in front of you. After the helicopter has been destroyed, switch
to the cannon, and look slightly up as you go round the corner. A cut scene
will show two tanks standing under a bridge, over which the supply train is
moving. Note the red petrol tankers that appear every so often. What you
need to do is target the supply train. As the end of the carriage just
before a petrol tanker passes through your crosshairs, fire a shell, and the
shell should hit the tanker. The tanker will explode, destroying the bridge,
and the tanks underneath it, allowing you to complete the mission. A Gold Medal on this mission will reward you with the Lotus Esprit car for
all driving missions. The Lotus Esprit moves a lot faster than any of the
other cars, allowing you to complete them much more easily when you’re
trying to get a Platinum Medal on them.

Location of 007 tokens:

(1) Before going through the arch, turn right, and you should spot the 007
token in an area in front of you.
(2) After smashing through the two sets of glass doors, turn right, and
follow the tracks all the way to the end. You should spot a 007 token on the
tracks here.
(3) In this shortcut path, you should spot a 007 token just before the
(4) The token is hanging in mid-air just after the railings. Keep a straight
course, and smash through the railings to collect the token.
(5) If you shoot the tanker to explode the armoured vans the 007 token will
appear on the road in front of you.
(6) If you shoot both of the helicopters here, a 007 token will appear in
the hotel lobby.

Mission 8: Fire and Water

Available Weapons:
Golden Gun (12)
Calypso (80)
FSU-4 (40)
Defender (6)
SSR 4000 (5)
MRL-22 (1)
Golden Grenades (1)
Fixed Gun (Unlimited ammo)

Allegedly this is a really tough level to get Gold on, but I didn’t think
so. The key to getting the Gold medal is to get as many Bond Moves as
possible, and get through the level as quickly as possible. Therefore, I
will show you a route through this level that allows you to get through the
level extremely quickly, and get all those points for mission time.
Naturally, you should have the difficulty on 00 Agent, to bump your points
up as much as possible.
When you start, immediately run on to the pipes, and up the ladder. Shoot
the guard on this level (who, by the way, will point his gun at you for ages
before shooting), and climb up the ladder onto the next level, on which
there is another easy guard to kill. Turn around, and look up at the opening
onto the next level. After a while, you should see a man patrolling this
level, who you should also shoot quickly before he can run for the alarm.
Now ascend the ladder, immediately turn left, and you should see another
guard trying to hide himself (somewhat in vain) behind a box. Shoot him in
the head using the Calypso before he can emerge and project a huge volley of
shots at you. Collect his ammo, turn round and look up, and you should see a
helicopter hovering in mid-air. Unload just over one clip of Calypso ammo
into the machinery of the helicopter to explode it (this will save you
trouble later.) Now ascend the ladder on this level, and, while still on the
ladder, quickly shoot a guard (who you should see typing in a room at the
top of the ladder) in the back using your Golden Gun before Bloch starts
shooting through the window and the guard notices you. Now jump into the
room, and watch the cut scene, before running towards Bloch a short
distance, and then crawling the rest (this stops Bloch hitting you at all –
as soon as he starts letting rip, immediately duck to avoid his fire.) As
soon as you get near, Bloch will run off, leaving you in peace. Firstly you
should obtain the Crane Program from the computer in this room using the
Q-Remote (first Bond Move), and then go out of the door in this room that
isn’t locked, onto a ledge overlooking the rig. Look down, and you should
see two cranes with program receivers on them. Activate both cranes using
the Q-Remote (second and third Bond Moves), and grab the Armour standing on
this ledge of you need to. Now enter the computer room, and go over to the
window. Look up, and you should see another program receiver on the crane
outside, at the top. Activate this to collect another Bond Move, and blow up
the crate that the crane was holding, revealing some grenades. Now turn on
the spot, and cut the lock on the door on your left using the Q-Laser (fifth
Bond Move), but don’t go outside. Instead, duck behind the protective glass,
and watch two guards who have now moved behind the boxes just outside. When
then come out from their cover, pop up, and eliminate them using the
Calypso. You can now go outside (1), and collect the ammo those guards
dropped, as well as those grenades dropped by the crane.
Now proceed down the stairs on the left of the outside area. Jump down them
to get down quicker. When you get to the bottom, switch to your Q-Laser, and
look slightly upwards, as you proceed onwards towards Bloch, who is standing
behind that wire fence. Quickly cut the lock that you can see on the door in
the fence before Bloch opens fire, and as the gate swings open he should run
off. Now cut the lock on the grate you should see on your left (sixth Bond
Move) but don’t go through it (2, 3 and 4). Instead, cut the one on you
right (seventh Bond Move), crawl through it, and Q-Laser the lock at the
end. Climb up the ladder on your right, and as soon as you get to the top,
eliminate the guard there. Jump onto the gantry, and walk slightly forward.
Another guard should soon come running over, who you should easily be able
to eliminate before he gets a lock on you. Now run along the gantry towards
the sniper, and shoot him when you are quite close (this way, he’ll drop the
SSR 4000, and draw out a Defender, meaning that you can pick up both
Defender and SSR 4000 ammo that he drops when he dies.) You can now pick up
your eighth Bond Move by sniping the pilot in the helicopter that should now
be hovering in the sky, but this is risky, especially if you’re standing
above a load of barrels, and is also time consuming. My advice is simply to
run to the end of the gantry and hit the switch to the right of the door to
complete your objective.
Once in the pump room, walk past the crates in front of you, and shoot the
first guard as he emerges from some crates on your left. Continue forward,
and shoot the guard behind the crates directly in front of you, and also the
guard hiding behind the crates in the corner of the room. Now cross over to
the boxes to the left of the entrance door, and turn left. You should see a
guard patrolling a walkway, who you can kill using the SSR 4000. Before
leaving this area, charge up your Q-Jet using the canisters of compressed
air you should see near the wall. Go back to the stairs, and walk halfway
down. Access the scope on the SSR 4000, and shoot both the snipers who are
standing either side of that central pillar, before they spot you. Now head
down into the main room and over to the central pillar. A guard should
appear from behind a small pillar, who you should immediately shoot, and
there is another guard behind a pillar further in front of you, who you
should also gun down as soon as he ducks out from his pillar. Now cross to the other side of the room, and climb the left-hand ladder.
When you reach the top, quickly shoot the grenadier just as he switches to
the Defender, and then jump onto the ledge. Turn left, and wait, with your
FSU-4 on grenade mode. When you see a super thug and a guard in the opening
in front of you, project a grenade through it to (hopefully) blow up both
the super thug and the guard. If one or both escape the grenade, switch back
to the regular mode on the FSU-4, and shoot them down before they can do
much damage.
After the guard and the thug have been subdued, walk through the opening,
and follow the passage until you get to the computer room. Don’t touch the
button yet, but go out of the entrance on your left, and around the central
pillar, to collect two SSR 4000s and some Body Armour. Now go back into the
room, hit that button and the oil pumps should start moving up and down. Go
back onto the ledge leading up to the central pillar and you should see two
super thugs, one on your left, and another on your right, both below you.
Pull out the SSR 4000 and dispose of those thugs by sniping them in the
head. The one on the right is difficult to kill due to the fact that part of
the time, he is obscured by the oil pump when it is at its lowest point. (5) When the guards have been killed, walk past the central pillar, and get onto
the gantry that you should see in front of you by Q-Clawing the perforated
hatch that is on the ceiling just above the gantry (ninth Bond Move.) Now
walk along the gantry, and turn so that you are facing the end of the oil
pump. When it reaches its lowest point, jump onto it, and use your Q-Jet to
blast upwards onto the platform above when the pump is at its highest.
Immediately run for cover behind the lone block that you should see here,
and switch to the FSU-4’s grenade mode. Stand up, and shoot one grenade
through the gap close to the left of that central pillar, and another
through a gap just right of that central pillar. This should dispose of
every guard except one, who you can see right at the other end of the room,
just to the right. Use the SSR 4000 to target him and defeat him. Now pick
up all the ammo in this room before leaving through the door at the end, to
complete your objective. (6 and 7)
In this open area, immediately run forward and to the right, and then turn
left to see a ladder. Climb up the ladder, jump up onto the ledge,
immediately turn left, and take the guard there out using the Calypso. Now
run to the end of the ledge, switch to the FSU-4, and shoot the sniper
before he notices you. Q-Claw over to his platform (tenth Bond Move) and
pick up his SSR 4000 and some Body Armour, before Q-Clawing back, and using
the tram cable to reach the tower.
A load of guards will immediately appear. Quickly run and duck behind the
boxes just in front of you. Pop out to shoot the guard hiding behind the
boxes on your left, and the guard hiding behind the box in front of you (you
may want to use the grenade function on the FSU-4 to achieve this.) Now look
up, and watch the elevator coming down. As soon as it gets to the bottom,
shoot another grenade onto the elevator platform to eliminate the two guards
travelling on it.
Now walk right around the central pillar, and shoot the guard who appears.
Switch to the Q-Remote when you see the grenadier hiding behind the crates,
and activate the crane just above him to defeat him and earn yourself
another Bond Move. Gather any Armour or ammo that you need from this level
before you take the elevator up to the next level.
As soon as you reach it, blow up the crates in front of you, turn around,
and walk to the window. Switch to the SSR 4000, and use the scope function
to target the pilot. Attempt to shoot him, but this time he moves around the
tower, which can make hitting him difficult. You get a short chance at the
beginning and at the end of his chance to easily shoot him, as he stays
still for a while. If you manage to shoot him with the SSR 4000, then you
can collect your eleventh Bond Move. There is an MRL-22 hidden behind some
barrels on this level, just in case you run out of SSR 4000 ammo. (8) Before going up to the next level, look upwards in the area where you got
the MRL-22, and you should see a sniper standing on a platform supported by
a crane. Activate this crane to ‘give the sniper the drop.’ There is a
similar sniper’s platform above and to the left of the ladder, so activate
this crane as well to eliminate the threat of the snipers.
Now you can climb up to the next level. Shoot the barrels in front of you,
and then cross over to where they were. Turn round, and look right up to the
top platform. Looking through the scope of the SSR 4000, you should be able
to see a grenadier, who you should snipe from this safe distance. Now Q-Claw
up to his platform (there is a perforated hatch that you should be able to
see just above and to the left of the platform) and Q-Laser the lock on the
grate above you to complete the mission.
A Gold Medal in this mission will get you the Rapid Fire for your Golden
Gun. This means that, by tapping the X button repeatedly, you can make the
gun fire really fast. If only there were more ammo for the gun…

Location of 007 tokens:

(1) Immediately after you open the door here to get outside you should spot
a barrel directly in front of you. Blow up the barrel and you should spot a
007 token behind it.
(2) While you’re trying to get the platinum medal, you’ll need to take the
left duct here. When you get to the end of the duct, blow up the barrels in
the following room to kill both the guards. Now Q-Laser your way out of the
duct and into the room. In this room, you should spot a 007 token on top of
the packing cases.
(3) After getting 007 token number 2, open the door at the end of this room
using the button on the left of it. Now lower crane 2 and jump onto the
crate on the end of it. Raise crane 2, and lower crane 3 so that you can
jump onto the crate on the end of crane 3. Now raise crane 3, and jump onto
the platform in front of you. Climb the ladder, dispose of the guards, and
use the fixed gun on this platform to dispose of all the guards in this
area. Once the area is clear, you should be able to get 007 tokens 3 and 4.
007 token number 3 is just behind the bottom of crane two.
(4) This 007 token is on the rig floor just under the bridge Bloch raises to
make his escape.
(5) After killing the guards, drop down from the catwalk, and walk towards
the end of the room with the two ladders on it. Go towards the right hand
ladder, but don’t climb it. Instead, go right, around the glass, and jump
over the packing crates to get the 007 token.
(6) As you leave the pump room through the door at the top of the pump room
look right, and you should spot a pile of barrels. Stand well back, shoot
the barrels, and collect the 007 token behind them.
(7) This token is in the same area as token 6. Go forwards and to your left,
and you should spot a small gap underneath a metal platform. Crawl under the
gap that is underneath the sniper’s platform to collect the token.
(8) After destroying the helicopter here, blow up the barrels near the
packing crates, and you should find a 007 token between the packing crates
and the glass fencing.

Mission 9: Forbidden Depths (Rail Shooting Mission)

Available Weapons:
KA-57S (40)
Shotgun (12)
CH-6 (6)
RCH-1 (1)

This level is a tough one to get a Gold Medal on, but it is possible. It
is quite difficult to get a lot of points for Accuracy or Ammo Efficiency in
this level, since you’re using a KA-57S for most of the level, so you’re
gonna need to kill all the enemies, and take little damage. You should also
be able to quite easily get the maximum points for the Bond Moves in this
level, since there are only four in the whole level. As usual, set the
difficulty to 00 Agent to bump up your points.
At the beginning, shoot the man who is standing at the end of the tunnel
in front of you, and he should drop some KA-57S ammo. As you go around the
corner, there is a gun turret on the ceiling (you can spot it because of the
flashing lights that are on the gun turret case.) Shoot that quickly using
the KA-57S, before descending down a slope, and taking a turn to the right,
where you should soon spot a tram moving along the tunnel in front of you.
As you head along the straight, keep shooting the tram until it explodes and
crashes into the tunnel wall. The tunnel should curve left, and then right
and you should soon see a change in the texture of the tunnel wall from a
solid, thick wall, to a transparent glass tunnel, and you should be able to
see the sea through the glass panels. Above the entrance to this new tunnel,
you should spot a small room behind a perforated vent. Shoot the two guards
in this room (1), before entering the glass tunnel, in which you should just
spot, at the end of the tunnel, two gun turrets on the ceiling. Shoot them
quickly, suing the zoom function of the KA-57S if necessary, before they
open and start shooting at you. When you get to the end of the tunnel, the
view will zoom in front of you, showing Bloch stopping at a junction, and
ordering a load of guards into the junction.
As your tram pulls into the junction, look to your left, and shoot as many
guards as possible as you slow down. As you stop, you should spot a row of
computers behind a desk to your left, with guards popping up from behind the
desk. Eliminate the guard standing in front of the Identicon symbol to make
the metal shield with the Identicon symbol on it rise up, revealing a red
computer screen. Before shooting this screen, look up to your left, and you
should see a blue panel near the top of one of the pillars supporting the
ceiling, with another Identicon symbol on it. Shoot this panel out, and then
look to your right, and you should see another Identicon symbol on the
pillar to your right. Shoot this out as well, and this will make a CH-6
appear near the exit of the junction. Now shoot the red computer screen to
make the exit door open, and your tram will begin moving again (first Bond
Move). You should pick up the CH-6 that appeared, and Body Armour that was
just behind the exit door.
As you leave the junction, you should spot a tram moving along the track in
front of you, before disappearing down a slope. Keep shooting at the guard
on the tram until he disappears down the slope, and then switch to the CH-6.
When you start going down the slope, you should spot the guard below you.
What you need to do is point the CH-6 at the track a little way in front of
the tram, and shoot. Hopefully, the tram will move onto that part of the
track just as the rocket reaches it, destroying the tram. (This technique is
quite difficult to do, and requires a great deal of luck, but it means that
you destroy the tram at a good range before the rocket launching guard has
the chance to take a pot shot at you.) If you don’t hit the guard, then wait
until you get a bit closer, and just blow him away using the CH-6 before he
has a chance to use the rocket launcher.
You should now enter another glass-walled tunnel, where you will just glide
along uneventfully. Switch to the KA-57S as you glide along, and destroy the
gun turret on the ceiling that you should spot as you near the exit to the
glass tunnel. As you leave the glass tunnel, you should hear a voice saying
‘Just you and me.’ Spin round using L2, and you should spot a tram speeding
along behind you. Quickly switch to the CH-6, and blow the tram off the
The next part of the track is uneventful, and nothing will happen until you
reach a door, which opens, allowing you to see a guard moving along the
track in front of you. Keep shooting him using the KA-57S until he veers
over to the right and blows up upon hitting a door, while you turn left.
Another door should open, allowing you to see another tram moving along the
track in front of you, with Bloch on board. You can’t kill Bloch at this
point, so just use short bursts of KA-57S fire to distract him from shooting
you. Soon, he’ll turn off to the left, and escape, while you turn off to the
right into another tunnel. As you turn to the left, look up, and at the top
of the slope you should spot a gun turret, which you should destroy before
it can open and fire at you. At the top of the slope, the tunnel wall
texture should change, you should spot a guard just to the right of the road
in front of you. Shoot that guard quickly, and he’ll drop a Shotgun, which
you can pick up. When you reach the end of this bit of tunnel, you should
spot another guard to the right, who you should easily be able to dispatch
before you start ascending another slope. As usual, there’s a gun turret at
the top of the slope, which you should quickly kill using the KA-57S before
it manages to open.
When you reach the top of the slope, you should spot the tunnel opening out
into another junction. As you slow down, look to your right, and you should
spot a load of guards clustered around a group of barrels. Use the manual
aim of the KA-57S to target the barrels, and shoot the barrels to dispose of
most of the guards (second Bond Move). Now turn your attention to the
catwalk at the back of this area, on which you should spot a guard. Finish
him off quickly before he can shoot any rockets at you. Now shoot the guard
on the right of your screen, before turning left so that you’re facing
forwards again. Shoot the two blue panels with Identicon symbols on that you
should see on the pillars in front of you (which makes another CH-6 appear
near the exit to this room). Then shoot the guard on the right of the
right-hand pillar, and the guard on the left of the left-hand pillar. As
soon as you see the door opening in front of you, switch to the CH-6, and
use it to eliminate the tram that is parked just behind the door, before its
driver can shoot any rockets at you. Immediately as you leave this area you
should look up and shoot the gun turret just above you before it can open up
and shoot at you.
In the next section of tunnel there are another three gun turrets, with
guards placed in between the gun turrets. As you spot each guard and gun
turret, quickly shoot them before they can get a lock on you. You don’t have
long to destroy each guard/gun turret, so try to be accurate. Soon, you should spot another glass tunnel, with a room containing two
guards above the entrance to it. Kill the guards using the KA-57S before you
enter the tunnel. (2)
At the end of the glass tunnel, you should spot Bloch’s tram join the path
again in front of him. Use the KA-57S in short bursts of fire to prevent
Bloch from shooting at you, until he accelerates away from you. He will now
start dropping land mines onto the track, which you need to shoot in order
to prevent yourself taking damage. Keep your crosshairs focused on the track
just behind Bloch, and when he drops a mine, the auto-aim will automatically
pull the crosshairs over to the mine, and you can simply shoot to destroy
the mine. The first two mines are easy to get, because he lays them on a
straight piece of track a long way in front of you. However, the others are
more difficult because he lays them around corners. The way to destroy these
is to focus your crosshairs on the track a little way in front of you, and
keep moving them so that they remain in the middle of the track. When you
hear Bloch dropping the mine, start firing at the track in front of you, and
when you get near the mine, the auto-aim will pull the crosshairs onto the
mine, and destroy it before you go over it. (3)
Immediately after you destroy the last mine, switch to the CH-6, and shoot a
rocket at the gun turret that should be on the ceiling a little way in front
of you (4). Bloch will again escape through a door on the left, while you
are forced to break through a grating to the right. When you get to the
fans, target the centre of them, and destroy them with a short burst of
KA-57S fire. Destroy every fan to get your third Bond Move. After the fans,
you’ll break through another grating into a section of tunnel with steam
vents in it. As you approach each steam vent, you should notice a red button
on the left-hand wall just before the vents. Shoot these buttons to shut off
the vents, and make it safe to proceed. If you shoot both of the red
switches before you hit the steam vents, you’ll receive a fourth Bond Move. After breaking through another grating, you will end up in a big circular
room inside a volcano, and should be seen a cut scene with Bloch running
into the big structure in the middle of the room. When the cut scene ends,
shoot the three guards that are standing on small platforms in this room as
you approach them. When all three guards are dead, Bloch will appear on one
of the catwalks protruding out from the central structure in this room, and
will start shooting at you. As you circle around the room, shoot Bloch when
he comes into view, using the KA-57S’ scope feature if necessary. Once Bloch
has taken enough hits, he will withdraw back into the central structure, and
three rocket launcher guards will appear in the places where the three
normal guards were earlier. Shoot these as quickly as possible, using the
CH-6 if you’ve got any ammo left, since their rockets are quite damaging. When you’ve killed all the guards, Bloch will shut off the fan in this room
in an attempt to kill you with the heat of the volcano. When the view zooms
back to you, your health will slowly get lower and lower, and your view will
slowly get more and more blurred. It is therefore essential that you finish
the mission as quickly as possible. Switch to the RCH-1, and look upwards,
and you should spot three lights (which look black, with red stripes on
them) above the fan. Every time you destroy a light it will plummet
downwards and destroy one of the central structure supports, and when you’ve
destroyed all three lights, the central structure will be destroyed, and
your mission will be complete. To destroy the lights, roughly target one of
the lights, and shoot a rocket. Your view will now switch to that of the
rocket. Use the left analogue pad to move the rocket so that the crosshairs
always rest on the light, and hopefully the rocket should impact upon the
light. If you just miss the light, then press X to explode the rocket
manually, and the explosion might just destroy the light.
When all three lights have been destroyed, the central structure will
plummet downwards, Bloch will fall to his death, and your mission is
complete. Bloch is now out of the way, allowing you to get on with
destroying Malprave’s evil plans. Or is he…
A Gold Medal in this level will reward you with Golden Armour, which
basically means that you lose less health when you’re hit.

Location of 007 tokens:

(1) Shooting the two men behind the first perforated hatch will make a 007
token appear in the tunnel ahead.
(2) Shooting the two men behind the second perforated hatch will make a 007
token appear in the tunnel ahead.
(3) If you manage to destroy all Bloch’s mines before you run into them,
then you’ll be rewarded with a 007 token, that appears after you destroy his
last mine.
(4) If you destroy this gun turret using the CH-6, and have destroyed all
eleven of the gun turrets in this level, then a token will appear just in
front of the fans.

Mission 10: Poseidon

Available Weapons:
Golden Gun (12)
UGW (40)
PS100 (50)
SSR 4000 (5)
Grenades (1)
Viper (6)

Getting the gold medal on this level requires speed and accuracy, and
although there are no major shortcuts in this mission (like there were on
Fire and Water), you should be aiming to be running through this level as
quickly as possible. It is also quite easy to get loads of points for not
taking much damage on this level, so try to avoid taking damage wherever
At the start, turn around so that you’re facing the smaller grate which has
the ‘Authorised Personal Only.’ (1) Cut the lock using your Q-Laser (as I’m
sure you’re accustomed to doing now), and climb inside (first Bond Move.)
Q-Laser the lock at the other end while you’re crawling down the vent.
Before you leave the vent, look around in the area beyond, and soon a
patrolling guard should come into view. Shoot him quickly (note how rapidly
the Golden Gun can now fire with the ‘Rapid Fire’ function you got from Fire
and Water) as he has a rather nasty Viper, which can cause a lot of damage
if it hits you. Now go up to the door in front of you and to your right, and
use your Q-Decryptor on the lock. As the lock is being decrypted, you should
stand in the middle of the doors, facing the doors. Hopefully when the doors
opening, your gun should be pointing straight at the chest of a guard typing
at a computer, and you can shoot him before he hides behind his desk. Walk
around this room, and as well as the PS100 the guard dropped, you should
also find some PS100 ammo and some grenades on the shelves in this room. Now
you should go back into the previous room, and press the button at the end
of the room to open the door, before backing away slightly. As the door
opens, you should spot a grenadier hiding behind some boxes, and to the
right of him is a guard with the PS100, who you may not be able to see at
the moment. To begin with, lob a golden grenade into the room with the two
guards in (you may need to hold down the X button for a couple of seconds to
get the distance you need.) If you’re skilful (or lucky) you may be able to
blow up one or both of the guards, but even if you don’t, you’ll usually
blow up their cover even if you don’t kill them. Before advancing into their
room, shoot any guards left in the room using the Golden Gun, and then walk
up to the lift, whose doors will open as you approach. Collect any ammo that
those guards dropped before entering the lift, and pressing the button to
leave this area.
When the lift doors open, you should see two pillars rising from the ground
to the left and right of you. Go towards the left one, and as the black
pillar recedes, you should see a super thug standing inside a hollow clear
pillar. Target him right in the chest, and start firing using the PS100 as
soon as the pillar recedes. Almost as soon as he starts moving, he should be
hit by a load of PS100 bullets, and immediately die. Now, as you may have
realised, that other black pillar contained a super thug, and he should now
be on your right, and heading straight for you. Quickly turn right, and look
out for the super thug. He is usually standing on the other side of the
shark container, in which case you should just target him, and shoot through
the glass, killing him quickly before he can react. Now pick up his ammo,
and take the door to the left of the lift. Follow the path around, until you
arrive at another door. Select the PS100, and quickly run through the door.
Unload a load of bullets into the patrolling guard before he even realises
you are there, and then eliminate the guy in the biohazard suit that is
standing in the room just beyond, and firing at you. Now select the Grenade,
start holding down the X button, and side step until you can see another
biohazard suit guy, standing in a room in front of you and to your left.
Target him, and release the X button, before running back to the left to
cover. Wait for the explosion, and if the firing stops, then you’ve
succeeded. Look in the rooms that contained the biohazard guys to pick up
their ammo, and some Armour (which is in the left-hand room.) After you’ve
got everything; leave through the double doors at the end of this room. You should now be in the lab. (2) Go forwards a few paces, and you should
spot a guard in front of you and to your left. Use your PS100 to shoot him
in the back a few times, and that should cause all the other guards to come
running. Therefore, you should crouch down, and turn to the left so that the
guards appear around the shelves to the right, and you can just gun them
down as they appear around the corner. After disposing of each guard,
quickly run forward and pick up their ammo before going back to where you
were before, and crouching back down again. This prevents you running out of
ammo. Once you can hear no more shouts, run forwards, around the shelves,
and into the middle of the room. Once you reach a certain point, you should
hear a load of voices, and three guards will appear from the entrance that
you came through (I must assume – they can’t have appeared from out of thin
air.) Turn round, and as each guard comes running around the corner, quickly
gun them down before they can do you much damage. If, after a while, they
haven’t come after you, pursue them, and shoot them down. Remember, every
second wasted means valuable points down the drain.
Now that you’ve subdued all the guards, you can pick up the Armour lying in
a corner of the room reasonably near to where you came in. You can also
obtain the Chemical Regulator, System Pressure, and Temperature Control
Programs from program emitters that you can pretty easily see near to the
huge tanks of chemicals (obtaining each program gets you one Bond Move, so
you can get a total of three Bond Moves here.)
Once you have the three programs, head towards the door at the end of the
room here (it is just past the huge chemical tanks.) As soon as you get neat
the door, it will open, and a super thug will appear, spraying all manner of
weaponry in your direction. As soon as the door opens, let rip using your
PS100, and he will be mown down just as he gets near to you. Enter the lift
that the super thug came out of, and take it to descend further down (by the
way, if your health is not too good, then just before taking the lift, turn
to the right, and blow up the barrels that you should see. Behind the
barrels is another Body Armour.)
As soon as the lift doors open, run down the stairs in front of you. (3) As
soon as you reach the bottom of them, drop down to avoid the gaze of the
guard inside the autogun room, and crawl towards the entrance to the left.
Once through the entrance, stand up again, and start running. Turn right at
the turning, and go through the entrance to your right. Immediately shoot
the guard in this room before he can run for the autogun button, and when
he’s been disposed of, hit that autogun button (fifth Bond Move), which will
immediately begin shooting at the guards in this room. Unfortunately, most
of them will no longer be in the main room anyway, and will now be running
to attack you. Quickly turn round, and watch the entrance for guards. When
they all appear in the entrance, lob a grenade towards the entrance to
eliminate all of them in one fell swoop.
It is not safe to leave this room until the autoguns turn off. To find out
whether the guns are off or not, look at the autogun button. When it starts
to flash, you know that it’s safe to leave the room. Before leaving, grab
the verification code (which looks like a sort of Keycard) from one of the
computer tables. Now re-enter the main room, and you should see a load of
biohazard guys protected by shatterproof glass. These guys are relatively
easy to beat – just stand so that there is just the edge of the pane of
shatterproof glass separating you and the guard, and then side step so that
the glass is no longer in the way, shooting before the guard realises that
you’ve moved. Once you’ve dispatched the guards, activate the three program
receivers which are all just behind the panes of shatterproof glass, and
this will destroy the cloning facility (just a note to those who think that
that is how cloning takes place – it isn’t. You cannot clone a fully-grown
man to the exact age of the original – you must grow it from the original
tiny egg, which makes most of the events of this game an impossibility. Ah
well, I suppose that’s what James Bond is all about – its primary aim is not
really to be realistic.) Now pick up the Body Armour in this room, before
using the Q-Decryptor on the exit door. As the doors open, you should spot a
super thug standing directly behind them, who you should eliminate quickly
without too many problems. Now proceed towards the stairs to finish this
part of the mission.
Your final objective is to get a submarine out of here, which is easier said
than done. You will start in a control room overlooking the submarine pen,
with a couple of laser beams passing backwards and forwards over the room,
as snipers check for intruders. If your health is low, then run over to the
right, and open the door on the right-hand wall. Inside, you should find
Armour and a few grenades (you may want to come back for this armour later –
however, remember, time means points.) (4) Now crawl over to the left-hand
side of the room, where you should see an opening out to a catwalk. Switch
to the UGW, and as you reach the opening, use the zoom function to look out
onto the catwalk. You should see a guard standing on it, who you should
quickly gun down before he notices you. Now switch to the PS100, run out of
the opening, and look to your right. You should see a sniper on a platform
as you turn to your right, and you should pump him full of ammo before he
manages to get a lock on you.
Now, the whole of that catwalk in front of you is in full view of the sniper
on the other side of the submarine pen, so you’re gonna need to run along it
to avoid being shot by that sniper. Firstly, run over to the sniper’s
platform, grab the SSR 4000, and hit that button in front of you to lower
the submarine bridge (ninth Bond Move.) Once this is done, immediately run
out of the other side of the platform, run along the catwalk past the
barrels and boxes, and across to the stairs. Once you’re on the stairs,
you’re safe from the sniper, so you can afford to go a bit more cautiously.
Walk down the stairs, and once you’re near the bottom, select the SSR 4000,
and, using the scope, find the sniper, who is on a platform high up on the
other side of the submarine pen. If you can’t see him, then take a few steps
forward, and then try again. Snipe him, and also shoot the grenadier that is
just to the right of him. (5)
Now switch to the PS100, and shoot the barrels you should see running along
the wall in front of you and to the right. This enables you to hide behind
the boxes near the barrels without danger of guards shooting the barrels,
and killing you in the process as the barrels detonate. Before running up
and hiding behind the boxes in front of you, there is Armour lying
underneath the stairs (just behind you now) so take that if you really need
it. Note that you can always come back to it later if you really need to. As soon as you run forwards to hide behind the boxes, a whole load of guards
should appear in the scenery in front of you. Shoot the first guard who
comes out from a pile of boxes near you. There is a whole load of barrels in
this area, so try shooting them to blow up guards hiding behind them. Also
throw a couple of golden grenades in the general direction of the guards to
attempt to blow them up as they attempt to hide behind various boxes.
Finally, use the UGW’s scope to see if there are any guards left, and shoot
them if you see any emerging.
Once the coast is clear, get out from behind the boxes, and start running
forwards. Another load of guards should appear, but don’t stop running, just
keep going, and attempt to gun down the guards, or throw a couple of
grenades, as you run. Turn left once you come to the submarine bridge, and
left again once on the submarine, jumping into the hatch to complete the
A Gold Medal in this mission will get you Golden Bullets for the Golden Gun,
which basically makes your gun a lot more deadly.

Location of 007 tokens:

(1) Instead of opening that grate, turn round, and open the other. Inside,
you’ll find Armour and a 007 token.
(2) Immediately upon entering the lab, look right, and you should spot some
barrels. Behind the barrels is a 007 token.
(3)When you get to the bottom of the stairs here, turn right, and go round
to the back of the stairs, where you’ll find a 007 token.
(4) In this alcove, there is also a 007 token.
(5) When you get to the bottom of the stairs, go underneath the stairs, and
jump over a packing crate to find a grate. Open the grate, and crawl through
to find a 007 token.

Mission 11: Mediterranean Crisis

Available Weapons:
Golden Gun (12)
UGW (40)
PS100 (50)
SSR 4000 (5)
Grenades (1)
Defender (6)
Frinesi (8)

The key to getting the gold on this level is the Defender – using this
weapon will keep your Ammo Efficiency, and to some extent, your Accuracy
(because the Defender is a reasonably accurate weapon – more accurate than a
machine gun, anyway.)
>From the start, move forwards to pick up the Frinesi (1), switch to it,
climb up the ladder. At the top, you should notice a guard who runs for the
alarm, and you should quickly shoot him using the Frinesi before he can
reach the alarm. Run through the entrance to your left, and kill the guard
in the next room before he notcies you, using the Frinesi. Follow the path
around and down the stairs, and walk down the passage until you reach the
Brig. Open the door, and blast the guard using the Frinesi before he can do
anything about it. Collect his ammo, and get the Frinesi ammo lying on the
table in this room, before using the Q-laser to break the lock on the
left-hand cell, and this should cause both cell doors to open (2). Go into
the right cell, and you should see (slightly above you and to your right) a
grate, which you can open using the Q-Laser. To get into the grate, jump
onto the bed in the cell, before jumping into the grate, and crouching to
get inside (first Bond Move.) Follow the path of the ventilation duct, until
you reach another grate, through which you can see one guard straight in
front of you, looking the other way, and apparently guarding some barrels.
You should also see another guard, in front of you and a fair distance away,
walking backwards and forwards. Switch to your golden gun, target the guard
that you should see a fair distance away, and shoot him a few times to kill
him. Do this quickly, or he’ll walk out of sight, and he won’t come back for
absolutely ages. Oddly enough, the guy just in front of you does not notice
his buddy dying, and simply stands there, occasionally scratching his knee.
Shoot him in the back of the head to eliminate him, and continue on your
Keep creeping down the ventilation duct (3) until you get near the end, and
then, just before you reach the end of the duct, turn right, and go down the
small duct until you reach a grate. You should spot a guard patrolling round
some seats just in front of you. Target his head using the Golden Gun, and
shoot him in the head to finish him off. Don’t worry if you miss him, but
you’ll have to finish him off at a closer range. He will come running for
you, as well as a super thug, who comes out from behind a wall on your
right. Retreat a little way along the vent, and you should see the super
thug’s and the guard’s heads poking up above the line of the grate, as they
struggle to get near to you. This means that you can simply shoot the top of
their heads to kill them.
Once both of those guards are out of the way, Q-Laser the grate, and drop
down into the conference room. Collect all the ammo there, including a
Defender, which is lying just to the left of the grate as you drop down. Go
back to the room with the barrels, and pick up the ammo lying there, before
heading back to the conference room, and taking the door to the left of the
chairs. You should see a set of stairs heading upwards. If your health is
low, then you can go past the stairs, and find Armour and some grenades
under the stairs.
Head up the stairs, and turn right. Through the opening, you should see a
biohazard bloke typing at a computer. Shoot him in the back a few times to
kill him, which should bring a load of guards running. Go into the room,
which had the biohazard guy in, crouch to avoid the fire, and turn left to
face the opening to this room, which is on the left. As the guards appear in
the opening, take them out using the Frinesi before they can start shooting.
After all the guards have been eliminated, collect the ammo (that should be
lying just outside the opening) before using your Q-Laser to open the lock
that is to the right of the computers (in the room that contained the
biohazard guy.) Walk down the grate (4), and Q-Laser the grate at the end.
You should spot a guard patrolling just in front of you, who you should
shoot using the Defender, before dropping down into this area, and taking
his ammo. Now walk out to the walkway running along the side of the ship,
look up, and you should see a perforated hatch. Q-Claw up to the platform
above, which should earn you your second Bond Move. Go through the opening
to your left here, then turn left immediately, and then right, and in this
room, you should see another biohazard bloke, either typing at a computer,
or, if he has noticed you, shooting at you. Either way, shoot him quickly
using the Defender, and then move up to the computers, where you should see
a program emitter. Use the Q-Remote here to get the Harrier Program, and
your second Bond Move. Now go back to the platform.
Walk to the end of the platform here, and beyond some huge arches, you
should see a guard patrolling back and forth. Shoot him a few times using
the Defender to kill him, and wait to see if another guard comes out of the
arch. If he does, kill him using the Defender, and then drop down. If he
doesn’t, drop down, and turn to face the arch. Side step right until you see
him (he is nearly always hiding behind the wall to the left of the arch),
and shoot him using the PS100. Quickly run through the arch here, look to
the left and in front of you, and you should see a gate that would allow you
through the fence made of wire netting. Q-Laser the lock on the gate to open
it, which should earn you your third Bond Move, but don’t go through it.
Return to the walkway running along the side of the ship, look up again, and
you should see another perforated hatch standing on the ceiling above
another platform. Q-Claw up there to avoid the guards, and collect a fourth
Bond Move (5). Walk along this platform, and collect the Armour and grenades
before going through the door. Make your way along the passage here, and
open the door at the back-left of this room. You should spot yet another
biohazard bloke, who is, surprise surprise, typing at a computer. Shoot him
in the back using the Defender, and collect his ammo. A guard should soon
appear in the room that contained the biohazard guy – shoot him using the
Defender as well. Now crawl up to the computers, before standing, and
shooting the sniper using the Defender (or the UGW, using the scope.) Now
run out onto the catwalk (that had the sniper on.) As you run along the
catwalk, collect the SSR 4000 ammo the sniper dropped, and the armour near
the ammo, and then continue along the catwalk, turning left, and proceeding
through the opening (6). Ignore the guards that are shooting at you from
below. Once you are through the opening, proceed up the stairs, and you
should now be in a passage that turns to the left. Walk forwards, and look
left around the bend in the passageway, and you should see a super thug.
Quickly withdraw backwards after the thug begins shooting, and shoot the
valve that is pointing in the direction of the super thug. The super thug
should walk straight into the steam, and be killed, leaving you to pick up
his ammo, and walk up to the door that is at the end of the left passageway
to complete this part of the mission.
In the next room, there is Armour just to the left of you, which you can
always come back to later if you need it. Go up the stairs, and look to your
right, where you should see a guard patrolling back and forth, behind a pane
of glass. Quickly shoot him using the Defender, before he walks off. Then
crawl forwards towards the computers, and select the Q-Remote. Quickly look
up, find the program receiver on the harrier in front of you and below you,
and then press circle, before ducking again. The harrier’s jets will blast
the guards that were shooting at you, and will kill them, as well as getting
you a sixth Bond Move. Now turn around, and take the left entrance. Walk up
the stairs, and follow the path around and to your left, until you appear
out in the open air again. Just in front of you, you should spot a guard,
who you should shoot in the back before he turns around and attacks you. Now
walk along the catwalk, and turn left, until you reach the end of the
catwalk. Pull out the SSR 4000, look up until you see a perforated hatch,
and then go into the scope function. Look on the platform just below the
perforated hatch, and you should see a guard on the platform, either
patrolling, or shooting at you. One shot from the SSR 4000 should be enough
to deal with him.
Once he has been dealt with, use the Q-Claw to get up to his platform, which
should give you another Bond Move. Walk up to the wall of the control room,
which is just in front of you, and a load of guards should appear, so hide
behind the wall. As a guard appears through the door, which you should see
to the right of the control room, take him out using the Frinesi. Now turn
so that you’re facing the wall, and select the grenade. Side step to the
right until you’re standing in front of the opening to the control room,
stand up, and throw a grenade so that it lands directly behind that
conference table, behind which most of the guards are hiding. The explosion
should eliminate most (if not all) of the guards. If it doesn’t, hide behind
the wall again, before popping up and shooting the guards. Be careful,
because there may be a guard standing directly behind one of the windows,
just to your left.
Once all of the guards have been eliminated, enter the control room, and
pick up all the ammo in it. Take the door on the left of the control room,
and, in a small alcove, you should see some SSR 4000 ammo. After picking
this up, take the door on the right of the control room, go down the
passage, and then open the other door. When you hear the muffled message
from Zoe (7), quickly head up the stairs to your right, until you spot a
grenadier, and a super thug. Use the PS100 to quickly dispose of both of
these enemies. Before going up onto the platform that they were standing on,
and while you are still standing on the stairs, look up, and you should see
a laser moving back and forth, indicating a sniper standing in a sniper’s
nest above you. Remember what we did in Night of the Jackal, when we were in
a similar situation? Well, do the same thing again – look up so that your
targeting cursor is targeting the ceiling just above the sniper, select the
grenades, hold down the X button, this time counting to four, before
releasing it. This should lob a grenade onto the sniper’s platform, killing
him. Be sure that you are not too near to the sniper, because if you are,
then the grenade will just bounce off the ceiling and land next to you,
blowing up, and draining most of your health. (By the way, there is Armour
underneath the stairs, just in case you need any.) Keep trying until the
laser disappears, and you know that the sniper is dead.
When the sniper has been killed, go up onto the platform; collect the ammo
and grenades before heading up the next set of stairs. At the top of the
stairs, shoot the grenadier before he can take out his Defender (he may not
be there if he has been killed by one of the grenades you threw earlier.)
Now proceed towards the door you can see on this platform, and open it, with
your PS100 selected. Shoot both a guard that comes running in from the left,
and also a guard that pops up from behind the bench in front of you and to
the left. Now walk a few paces into this room, until you hear the words,
‘Rapid fire, move in’ and/or ‘Cover the flank.’ Now back out of this room
and back onto the platform, and look back at the stairs, where you should
see a guard running up them. As he reaches the top, quickly shoot him before
he starts his attack.
Return to the room that you just left, and proceed forwards until you hear a
man’s voice, and the sounds of a helicopter, which should appear outside of
the window in front of you and to your left. Before focusing on the
helicopter, switch to the SSR 4000, and look around the corner of the room
to the left, and you should see a guard hiding behind a table. Shoot him (if
you don’t, he’ll run up to you when you’re focusing on the helicopter, and
will kill you while you’re not looking.) Now focus on the helicopter. Try
shooting the pilot while the helicopter’s moving – target just to the right
of the helicopter, and hopefully the pilot should move into the targeting
cursor just as you press the trigger. However, if you want to kill him
easily, you can wait until he goes all the way to the right, upon which he
will pause for a while before going back in the direction he came. Killing
the pilot using the SSR 4000 will gain you your eighth Bond Move. Now head left through this room, briefly popping through the door on your
left to pick up the SSR 4000 ammo. As you reach the end of this room, you
should see the room bend around to your left. Walk cautiously forward, and
to the left of a big glass pane you should see a guard, who you should
immediately dispose of using the PS100. Now walk into the back-left corner
of the room, and you should hear voices (you don’t always.) If you do, turn
around, and you should see a couple of guards that have tried to sneak up on
you from behind. Dispose of these men using the PS100, and grab the armour
that is behind the table to your left. Now use the Q-Laser on the lock at
the top of the ladder in front of you. Climb up the ladder, immediately turn
left, and you should see a guard run out from behind the wall on your right.
Use the Defender to quickly dispatch him, then run around the corner, and at
the far end of this passage you should see a guard manning a fixed gun. Blow
up the barrels around the gun before the guard can start shooting – the
fixed gun is really quite damaging. Now walk over to the fixed gun, turn
right, and you should see a ladder leading up to a padlocked grate. Q-Laser
the padlock, and cautiously climb up the ladder, looking up slightly. When a
guard comes into view, shoot him using the Defender, and then jump up into
the room. Quickly turn right 90°, and shoot the guard standing to the left
of the captain. Once the room is clear, use the Q-Remote to obtain the
Missile Program (which gets you your ninth Bond Move.) When the captain
stops talking, cut her free using the Q-Laser (the padlock is hanging just
below where her hands are tied together) and she will deactivate the nuclear
warhead. She will also open the door at the back of this room to let you see
where Zoe is being held (you’ll need to stand next to the door for her to
open it.)
When you go through the door, walk over to your right to get to the tram
cable hook (do not fall down the hole to your left (8).) Engage the hook
with Square. However, if you want to get all the Bond Moves, you don’t want
to go all the way to the bottom – as soon as the hook has engaged, keep
tapping Square, and the cable will drop you off just before you reach the
bottom. When the hook reaches the bottom of the cable (hopefully without you
on the end of it) you will obtain your tenth Bond Move.
Now, look down at the platform below you, and hopefully you should see a
padlocked grate. Q-Laser the padlock, and fall down the shaft into a small
control room, with a large flashing button in front of you. Press the
button, and the crane arm will move forwards, carrying the quick-witted Zoe
with it (eleventh Bond Move.) Now that Zoe is clear of danger, you can go
out of the door to your right, and blow up one of the barrels (that the
super thugs are standing in front of) to set off a chain reaction which
blows up all the barrels, and kills both thugs (9). Now that you have freed
Zoe, your next objective is to destroy the clones of the eight world
leaders. Pick up the guns that the thugs dropped, before going through a
small opening that you should find on the starboard side of the ship. When
you get to the ladder going down, keep pressing up until you fix onto it,
and then press down to descend into the bowels of the ship. When you get to
the bottom of the ladder, turn around, and follow the passage around to the
left, picking up the Armour if necessary. Open the door to the right of the
armour, but don’t go through. Instead, walk cautiously forward until you can
see a program receiver flashing in a small alcove to your left. Use the
Q-Remote to activate the missile, which should take out a sniper standing on
a platform to your left (twelfth Bond Move.)
Once the sniper is taken care of, walk through the door, and turn left with
the path. You should see a super thug a fair distance away, who should start
running at you once he notices you. Use the UGW’s scope to eliminate him
before he can come near, and then run along the passage and up the stairs to
the fixed gun. It is important you reach that gun as soon as possible, so
that you have the greatest possible chance of destroying that helicopter
before it can escape. After the cut scene plays, activate the gun; target
the helicopter, and just let rip. Keep shooting at it until it explodes, and
your last objective is complete. Note that you can try and kill the pilot of
this helicopter using the SSR 4000, which gets you the thirteenth and last
of the Bond Moves in this level, but I wouldn’t advise attempting to do so,
because of the risks involved.
A harrier containing Zoe will now come into view, and to complete the
mission all you need to do is walk down the stairs to your left, and walk
right up to the edge of the balcony at the bottom of the stairs to end the
A Gold Medal in this mission will give you the Regenerative Armour, that
replenishes itself every so often during the level.

Location of 007 tokens:

(1) There is a token in front of you here.
(2) In the left-hand cell you should spot a 007 token.
(3) There is a 007 token in the duct here.
(4) There is another 007 token in this duct.
(5) There is a 007 token on this ledge.
(6) Instead of going left here, go right and down the stairs. The token
should be behind some barrels near the second Harrier jet.
(7) Instead of going up the stairs, look underneath them and you should find
some Armour as well as a 007 token.
(8) This time, do go down the hole on your left, rather than using the tram
cable. The token is just under the hole.
(9) After blowing up the barrels, go out into the area where the barrels
were, and you should spot the token at the back right of this area.

Mission 12: Evil Summit

Available Weapons:
Golden Gun (12)
D17 (50)
PS100 (50)
SSR 4000 (5)
MRL-22 (1)
Grenades (1)

This level is a real toughie to get a Gold Medal on, and you’ll really have
to be rushing through this level to get the time bonus for this level. You
can also get a load of points for accuracy and ammo efficiency by sniping
all the enemies at the start. Naturally you’ll need the difficulty level on
00 Agent to bump up your points as much as possible.
At the start, walk over to the door on your right. Open it, and shoot the
guard using the Golden Gun several times to kill him. Once he has been
disposed with, go around the corner into the back of this room, and you
should see a large metal toolbox, locked with a padlock. Q-Laser this box
open to reveal an SSR 4000, which you should pick up (first Bond Move.) Now
go back outside, and hide behind one of the boxes on your left, looking at
the tower.
Sadly, you only have two shots for your SSR 4000, and there are four snipers
on the towers, two on each tower. However, you only need to use the SSR
4000’s scope to target the snipers, and then kill them using the Golden Gun
(this is where the Golden Accuracy comes in useful.) First, use the SSR
4000’s scope, and move the crosshairs until they’re exactly over the
sniper’s body. Now leave the scope function, but don’t move the crosshairs
at all – if you do, then you’ll ruin the exact positioning of the crosshair
over the sniper. Now switch to the Golden Gun, and just shoot in the
direction of the crosshairs until the laser beam of that particular sniper
cuts out. Repeat this for every sniper to kill all of them, and make the
path to the tower safe. To kill the sniper on the right of the left-hand
tower, you may need to move slightly forward and to the right to get a
clearer view of his body.
Once the area is safe, walk along the path to the towers, and where the path
divides, head to the left, and up to the lift. As the lift comes down, look
down and to the left, and behind several panes of glass, you should see a
guard. If you have any ammo left for the Golden Gun, shoot him before he
starts causing a ruckus.
When the lift gets to the bottom, get on it, and press the button on it to
take you up to the top of the tower (1). At the top, collect the two SSR
4000s dropped by the snipers, and use the Q-Remote to collect the Access
Hatch Program from the program emitter from the control room in the middle
of the tower (second Bond Move). Down below, you should notice guards
starting to appear through the door that was behind you when you started.
Find the cable hook on this tower, and use it to ride to the other tower
(third Bond Move.) (2) On the other tower, collect the two SSR 4000s dropped
by the snipers, and the SSR 4000 ammo, Grenades, and Body Armour in the
control room of this tower. Now use the scope to target the alpine guards
down below, and zoom right in (right analogue pad up) so that you have
maximum chance of hitting their heads. Wait until a guard is hiding behind a
source of cover, and when he pops up, target his head, and shoot him to
finish him off. Don’t shoot the guards until they are popping up and ducking
down from behind a source of cover, because they tend to roll around all
over the place while they are not behind cover, which means that you tend to
miss them using the SSR, wasting your precious ammo.
It may seem that there are unlimited numbers of soldiers coming out of that
door, but in fact there are only about twenty, and you can kill all of them
if you make sure that every one of your SSR 4000 shots is a head shot.
However, if there are still a few enemies left when your SSR 4000 has been
emptied, then take the cable hook down to the control room, but don’t drop
down (fourth Bond Move.) Look down, and the remaining guards should run in
and stand directly below you, waiting for you to drop down. Switch to the
PS100 or the Golden Gun, and shoot them as they look up at you. Once the
last guard has been dispatched, drop down, and collect all the D-17 ammo all
the alpine guards dropped (and there is a lot of it – by the time that
you’ve collected it all, you should have about 400 rounds of ammo for the
weapon). If your health is low, then there is Armour scattered all over the
place (in the lower control room, at the bottom of each tower, to the left
of one of the piles of boxes on the landing pad, etc.)
Once you’ve collected all the D-17 ammo and your health is fully
replenished, find the program receiver that is on the floor on the right of
the platform leading up to the towers. Activate it using the Q-Remote, and
an access hatch to the left of the receiver will open up, revealing some
stairs down to another path below you (fifth Bond Move). If you didn’t shoot
that guard behind the panes of glass earlier, then he will soon appear below
the hatch and start shooting – finish him off using the D-17. Now walk down
the stairs, and up to the door at the end of this passage, to gain access to
the base and complete the first part of this mission.
At the beginning of the next mission, open the door, and head up the stairs
to your right up onto a platform. Go up to the edge of the platform, and
look down on this room, and you should see four of the world leader’s being
held hostage, with several guards patrolling the room. Use the D-17’s scope
to shoot all three of the guards. If you are still hearing shouts, but you
can’t see anybody, move around to another one of the platforms on this
level, and look around for the remaining guard.
Once all the guards have been sorted out, you will have rescued the four
world leaders in this room. Leave this network of platforms through the
opening on the opposite side of the room from the entrance door. Directly in
front of you, you should see a ladder leading upwards. Go around the other
side of the ladder, climb up, and jump off onto the catwalk. Move forwards,
and at the end of this passage, you should see a catwalk encircling a
slender pillar, which supports the holographic projector-pillar thing below
you. Pick up the SSR 4000 ammo and Armour on the catwalk that surrounds the
pillar (3), and then select the Q-Laser, point it at the support, and laser
the support until it breaks, and destroys a large portion of the floor below
you (sixth Bond Move.)
Turn around, go down the ladder, and down one of the ramps into the main
room (where the world leaders are standing.) Head forwards and to the right
over to the computer with the label ‘Silo 1.’ Use your Q-Remote to obtain
the Silo 1 Access program. Now go through the opening to the left, and
follow the path until you reach a sealed door with a program receiver next
to it. Use the Q-Remote to activate the receiver, and open the door. Walk
through the door, around the passage to the right, and go out onto the small
platform, which should be through an opening to your left. Note that in
every silo, there is usually Armour in a wall mounting somewhere in the
small passage on the way to the small opening. You should be in a circular
room with a rocket in the centre of it, and catwalks going halfway around
the room. Shoot one bullet in a random direction to alert their attention,
and as they run out from behind the rocket towards the door on your right,
gun them down using the D-17 (using the scope to get more accurate aiming if
necessary). Once both guards have been defeated, you will have rescued the
French PM (who is standing on the other side of the rocket (seventh Bond
Move.) (4)
Now leave this silo, and return to the main room. Go across the room over to
the computer with the label ‘Silo 2’ and the Silo 2 Access program emitter.
Collect the program, and go through the opening to the right of the
computer. Follow the path until you get to yet another program receiver, and
a sealed door. Use the Q-Remote on the receiver to gain access to silo 2.
Once inside, follow the passage (5) until you find an opening onto another
small platform. You’ll recognise the room as almost identical to silo 1,
except that there are a few barrels standing next to the closed door on your
right, and you can see one of the guards. Shoot the guard that you can see,
and the other guards should notice, and will start running for the closed
door. Target the guards using the D-17 scope, and finish them off quickly.
Avoid blowing up the barrels, since that also blows the door behind them up,
and allows any surviving guards to get to you. Once silo 2 is secure, the
German Chancellor is safe (eighth Bond Move.)
Leave silo 2, and return to the main room. As you may have guessed, we’ll be
going into silo 3 next. Go diagonally across the main room, skirting the
huge hole in the middle of the room, to get to the computer with the label
‘Silo 3’ and the Silo 3 Access program emitter. As usual, progress through
the path to the right of the computer, and use the Q-Remote on the program
receiver at the end of this passage to get through the locked door. Go down
the passage, and through the opening to get onto the customary small
platform. This time, the catwalk on the left joins onto a series of steps,
which go downwards, ending in a small platform. Move slightly to your left,
until you are standing right on the left of your small platform, and you
should see, in a small gap between the rocket and its supporting pillar, the
back of a guard. Zoom in using the D-17's scope, and shoot the unsuspecting
guard. As usual this will bring all the other guards running, and they will
all run down the stairs to the left of the rocket, and shoot at you from the
small platform at the bottom. Look down and to your left at the bottom of
the stairs, and shoot the guards with the D-17 as they run down. When all
the guards in this area have been disposed of, you will have rescued the UK
PM (ninth Bond Move.)
Right, only one more world leader to go, and I think that you can probably
guess where he’ll be. Head back to the main room, and cross the room over to
the computer with the label ‘Silo 4’ and the Silo 4 Access program emitter.
I think you know what to do by now: use the Q-Remote to get the program, go
down the passage to the left of the computer, open the sealed door using the
Q-Remote, and then follow the passage until you get to the opening onto the
circular room with the rocket in. This time, you are not standing on a small
platform, but part of the catwalk that extends all the way round the rocket.
On the far side of the room, the catwalk is higher up, and so there are
stairs to connect the two levels of catwalk. Look upwards, and standing just
to the left of the rocket you should see a guard, his back to you. Use the
D-17 to eliminate him. As usual, the other guard is alerted, and will start
running down the stairs to your right. As he comes down, use the PS100 to
kill him, and rescue the US President (tenth Bond Move.)
Now you’ve rescued all eight world leaders, but unfortunately you’ve been
locked in to silo 4. Walk to your right a little, and look down, and halfway
down you should see a platform. Leap down onto this platform, and then leap
off the platform to land on the floor of the silo, unscathed. (6) To your
right, you should spot a door that you can use to escape, so progress
through the door, and along the passage. Grab the Armour in the wall
mounting to your left before taking the lift out of here.
You should now find yourself back in the main room of the complex, in which
you’ll be reintroduced to one of your old friends – Nigel Bloch
(predictably, the Bloch you killed in Forbidden Depths was only a double.)
After a short cut scene, a battle between you and Bloch will begin. At the
start, let rip at him using the D-17, strafing left and right if he starts
firing missiles at you. If he runs away, run after him, firing. Eventually,
he will have had enough, and will jetpack up onto one of the platforms on
the network of catwalks that run along the edges of this room. Switch to the
SSR 4000, and run under the platform he is currently standing on, to force
him to jetpack off the one he is currently standing on. He will make for the
next platform clockwise in the room, so, using the scope function of the SSR
4000 target the middle of, and just above that platform, in the position
where you expect his head to be when he lands. When he does land, if your
crosshairs are not pointing directly at his head, move them slightly so that
they are, before firing. Immediately run under the platform he is currently
standing on, to avoid his rocket launcher fire, and to force him to move to
the next platform on clockwise. If, at any time during the battle, your
health gets low, then you can find Armour in wall mountings that are on the
wall to the left of the compressed air containers (which you use to refuel
your Q-Jet.) Keep repeating this process until he flies right up to the top
of this room, blows up the catwalk that used to be around that ceiling
support (so that it now hangs at a 45° angle), and then escapes through a
Charge up your Q-Jet using one of the compressed gas containers standing at
either end of this room, and then go and stand so that you are facing the
catwalk that used to encircle the ceiling support. Now you need to Q-Jet up
to this catwalk, land on it, and then walk up to its highest point. Turn
around, look up, and you should spot a perforated hatch just above the
porthole that Bloch used to escape. Use the Q-Claw to get up to the
porthole, and just press analogue pad up at the entrance to the porthole to
automatically crawl through, jump out, and land in a room with Bloch
hovering in front of a huge set of windows. You’ll probably recognise this
room as the room you started in for the mission Cold Reception. The floor will start moving underneath you, and a count will start, but
don’t panic. Just stay absolutely still, and you will quickly pick up an
MRL-22 on the floor, which you will automatically switch to. Just point the
MRL-22 at Bloch, and shoot a rocket at him. A well-placed rocket will blast
him through the window, and to his death.
Bond will jump out of the window just as the whole place goes up, and will
be rescued by Zoe in a harrier. Now that Malprave and her whole complex have
been destroyed, you have completed the mission, and finished the game. A Gold Medal for this level will reward you with Infinite Ammo for the
Golden Gun (and the Golden CH-6). This may not sound like much, but combined
with Rapid Fire, Golden Accuracy, and Golden Clip, the Golden Gun behaves
much like an extremely accurate and deadly machine gun. With Infinite Ammo,
it is possible to complete any level just using the Golden Gun, which makes
getting Platinum Medals for all the other levels pretty easy.

Location of 007 tokens:

(1) There is one on the walkway surrounding the left tower. Walk around the
tower to find the token.
(2) There is another on the walkway surrounding the right tower. Walk around
the tower to find the token.
(3) Besides the Armour and SSR4000 ammo, there is also a 007 token on the
walkway here.
(4) After rescuing the French PM, drop to the bottom of Silo 1, where you
should spot a 007 token.
(5) Before you find the opening out to the small platform, take the path to
the right, and you should find a 007 token at the end.
(6) There is another 007 token at the bottom of Silo 4.

5) Legal Stuff and Credits

All material © 2002 Odge

If you want to use this FAQ on your website, ask me first, and don’t change
anything! I spent hours writing this thing, so I want some credit.

If you have any further queries, tips, or suggestions, send an e-mail to me
at djgaunt86@hotmail.com.

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