

01.10.2013 22:01:27
(c) 2001 Tae Kwon Do Kicker 91288 e-mail:
00. Intro
About this FAQ
About the Game
01. Game Basics
Basic Controls
Controls in Battle
Bouncer Points
Screen Layout
Pause Menu
Story Mode
02. Controls in Battle
03. Character Analysis
04. Versus and Survival Modes
05. Story Mode Strategies
06. Walkthrough
07. Bonus Boss Battles
08. Survival Mode Walkthrough
09. Loading Dialogue
10. If You Need to Contact Me
11. Outro
*00. Intro*
-About this FAQ-
Welcome to my complete guide to Squaresoft's first title for the Playstaion 2:
The Bouncer. If you're a beginner in this game, before going to the walkthrough
of this guide, I suggest reading everything before it. These sections explain
basics and strategies you will need to use in the game and while reading the
walkthrough. Also, I suggest you play through the game before reading the
walkthrough and use it only if you're stuck since you may be confused as to
what's going on. Finally, the walkthrough contains spoilers so if you don't want
to know what happens, don't read the text under "Cinema."

-About the game-
The Bouncer is Squaresoft's first game for the Playstaion 2 game console. A
disappointment to those who like Squaresoft's RPGs but a near dream come true
for those who love to just beat others into oblivion. This game however, isn't
another Squaresoft RPG hit. There are no essential items you need to pick up to
progress, nearly no free exploration or navigation, no puzzles to solve, or
even items or weapons to help you in battle. This is more like another beat 'em
up game like Die Hard or Dynamite Cop but with better graphics and realism.
Basically what you do through the entire game is fight (sometimes with your 2
buddies and sometimes by yourself) and watch CG animation movies.

* 01. Game Basics*

-Basic controls- _____ _____
l L 2 l l R 2 l
l L 1 l_______________________l R 1 l
/ _____ ______ \
l __ lstartl lselectl /\ l
l _l l__ ___ ___ [] O l
l l_ __l /AL \ /AR \ X l
l l__l \___/__ \___/ l
\ / \ /
\ / \ /
\_________/ \_______/

note: units not on this chart are not used in this game.
Left analog control
stick................................................................. Move
Triangle button..................................................... High attack
(in battle) exit (in menu)
X button................................................................ Low attack (in
battle), select (in menu)
..... Middle Attack
....... Jump attack
Start......................................................... Bring up menu
(in battle) Select (on menu)
L1 button........................................ Activates extra skills when
combined with other buttons
................. Guard
R2 button....................................... Triggers the Trinity Rush
Attack when audio cue is heard
Direction Pad............................................... Move characters
slower than the analog stick

-Bouncer points-
Bouncer Points or BP are kind of like the scoring system of the game. When you
land the killing blow on an enemy, you will be told how many points you
received on the screen. The number of points you receive depends on the stats
of the enemy. But however, even if your character wears down the enemy, if
another bouncer lands the killing blow, your character will not receive the
points. Bouncer Points are either used to power up your character's stats or to
purchase extra skills. I suggest at first you level up all of your characters
stats twice and then buy extra skills. When you spend a certain number of
Bouncer Points, your character will go up in rank. The rank of the character is
symbolized by letters. The letters proceed in this order: G,F,E,D,C,B,A, and S.

-Screen layout-
On the screen during battle, your character and your partner bouncers' life
bars are displayed on the upper left hand side of the screen. The life bars
will decrease when you or your fellow bouncers take damage. Your enemies' life
bars are displayed on the upper right hand side. They also decrease when they
take damage. If there are multiple enemies, the dots under the enemies' life
bars represent how many enemies are left. When they're gone, the enemies are

-Pause menu-
Press start and you will be presented with these options
status=check your character's and buddies' health, defense, and power
extra skills=shows the character's extra skills and how to execute them
title screen=return to the title screen and start over
exit=exit the menu
skip=only available when watching the movies, select to skip the movie you're

-Story mode-
The story mode is the main game of The Bouncer. To clear it you must clear all
of the battles by beating all of the enemies. However, you will have to clear
it multiple times to unlock all the secrets and to get the complete story. In
Story Mode, the order the game play goes in is movie>>>character
selection>>>battle. The story of The Bouncer will vary according to what
character you choose as you will see the story through their point of view.

*-02. Controls in battle-*
-Heavy and light attacks-
What the difference between heavy and light attacks? Well, heavy attacks are
the slightly slower yet more powerful moves and light attacks are faster yet
have less power behind them. To execute a light attack, slightly tap the low,
high, jump, or middle attack buttons. To execute the heavy attacks, hold the
high, low, jump, or middle attack buttons for just a while longer.

When you guard, despite whether the attack is high or low, your character will
block it and take no damage. However, you can't block attacks from behind and
you can only block so many times. The reason is when you block, your defense
meter decreases and once it runs out, you can block no longer. To check on your
defense status, press start and go to status.

-Trinity Rush-
While in battle with all of your fellow bouncers you can also use the Trinity
Rush Attack that is a triple team attack from all 3 bouncers. When you hear the
verbal phrase or the whistle, press R2. If you don't press the button in time
you will miss that opportunity. Even though it looks like the bouncers attack 1
guy the attack affects all the enemies. Every bouncer has his own special
Trinity Rush. You can't use this if you don't have all 3 bouncers fighting
together. This is only available in Story Mode.

-Extra skills-
Extra Skills are moves that are more powerful than the moves your character
starts out with and can be bought with Bouncer Points. To execute the skills
hold L1 while pressing a button or other buttons. When you purchase a skill go
to extra skills and select the character that the skill is for and it will tell
you how to perform it.

*03. Character Analysis*
Before I start to explain this section I must explain the abbreviations I'm
going to use.
light high attack=h heavy high attack=H
light middle attack=m heavy middle attack=M
light low attack=l heavy low attack=L
light jump attack=j heavy jump attack=J
extra skill=ES (L2)
a direction=D

Age: 19
Height: 5'9
Fighting style: A personalized style of Kenpo and street fighting
Sion is a 19-year-old who works at a bar called FATE on Dog Street in the City
of Edge. Before he landed this gig Sion was a homeless orphan who eventually
ended up training with a man named Wong Leung when he was 6. One day while he
was training he met a girl named Kaldea who eventually became his girlfriend.
Life went well for a couple more years. Until one night Sion's master
mysteriously disappeared. A little while later, his girlfriend got a job at the
company Mikado and after a few days at work, died in an explosion. Sion then
wandered the streets of Edge constantly teetering on the edge of suicide
begging people to kill him. Until one day, a man leads him to the FATE bar
saying that there's a man there that could kill him. So Sion enters and starts
a huge brawlfest with the current bouncer there and loses. But the boss of the
place is impressed with his skills and hires him as a bouncer. One day while
going through his daily routine, he meets a lost, homeless girl named Dominique
Cross. Not knowing much about her past or where she came from, Sion gives her a
place to live and cares for her even if he doesn't show it. But after that his
life is never the same.
Sion's move list
NOTE: the letters in parentheses are the buttons you press. The moves with the
* next to them are extra skills.
Combo side kick (h,h,h) Sion throws 2 punches and then knocks the enemy down
with a turn kick.
Corkscrew punch (h,H) Throws 1 light right hand punch and a heavy left.
Dashing spin side kick (D,h) Sion jumps up, spins, and hits the guy with a turn
3 kick juggle combo (m,M,m) First kick hits the enemy into the air and 2 hits
them in the air.
Double uppercut (M,m) First uppercut hits the enemy into the air and the other
hits them in the air.
Dash kick (D,m) Sion jumps, turns, and kicks.
Critical Sweep (l,L) Side Kick to the knee with the front foot and a sweep with
the back leg.
Slide kick (D,l) Sion slides and hits the enemy's legs.
Double somersault (j,J) A forward somersault and a backward somersault.
Double air kick (D,j,,j) A hooking kick and a roundhouse in the air.
*Buster throw (costs 400 BP) (ES+h) A shoulder throw.
*Torpedo kick (600 BP) (ES+m) Sion rolls, turns on the ground, and kicks up
with both legs.
*Ground Sweep (1000 BP) (ES+l) A skipping sweep than can be repeated 4 times to
get a wide range.
*Floating Mine (1200 BP) (ES+j) Sion flips, twists in the air, and kicks
forward with both legs.
*Tornado Uppercut (1600) (ES+j+h) A powerful jumping uppercut.
*Double Knuckle (2000) (ES+m+l) Sion swings both hands and hits all around him.
*Hurricane Blitz (2800) (ES+l+j) An unblockable 3 hit combo using a spinning

Personal Comments: Sion is the all around character in this game all of his
stats are pretty well balanced, as is the cost for his extra skills and raising
his stats. Very good for beginners. The move that I recommend purchasing for
him is the Torpedo Kick. When you learn to use it well, you can blow by the
game without wasting Bouncer Points on other moves and you can use them to
raise stats.

Age: 27
Height: 6'4
Fighting Style: Pro wrestling
Volt was the first bouncer to work at the FATE bar. But before all of that he
worked as a bodyguard for the owner of the mega corporation Mikado. While he
worked there he met a woman named Aena Paula or Echidna as she likes to be
called. She and Volt had a sort of friendly rivalry while they were working
together as they always tried to be better than each other. However, the
jealousy inside of Echidna one day got the best of her and she plotted against
Volt. It's not exactly clear at first to the player what she did but it seems
as though she allowed Master Mikado to die and made up an excuse that she was
not as strong as Volt so she couldn't have prevented it. So Volt then started
throwing dirty words at her. Of course Echidna didn't take this lying down so
she ordered her troops to open fire on Volt. Volt fled and ended up on shore.
He woke up in a house that belonged to the owner of a bar and the owner offered
him a job at his bar. Volt accepted.
Volt's move list
Triple hook (h,h,h) Volt throws 3 powerful punches with his club like hands.
Crushing blow (h,H) 1 light punch and a powerful left straight.
Drop kick (m,M) A front kick and a flying double kick.
Lariat (D,m) Volts rushes and swings his arm.
Heavy low kick (l,L) A stomp and a roundhouse to the shins.
*Shoulder uppercut (960 BP) (ES+H) Volt crouches and shoots his body up hitting
with the shoulder.
*Hammer typhoon (1000 BP) (ES+M) A spinning lariat.
*Lift Slam (1200) (ES+L) A throwing attack when Volt lifts the enemy and lets
them fall.
*Power Bridge (1500) (ES+j) A throw that looks like a suplex.
*Cannonball Strike (1800) (ES+h+m) Volt picks up an enemy and throws him at
another enemy.
*Earthshaker (2400) (ES+m+l) Volt slams a guy to the ground twice.
*Giant Swing (3500) (ES+l+j) Volt grabs the guy, spins, and slams the enemy.

Personal Comments: Volt is a great character to play as but not for beginners.
Even though he starts out with the highest stats and is the most powerful
character, he's awfully slow and most of his moves are difficult to use
correctly. Also, he lacks an attack that hits enemies on all sides unlike Sion
and Kou. Once you get the feel of the game you'll wanna give Volt a try as most
likely he will be nearly unstoppable when you can use him properly. He has the
lowest costs for raising stats but has ridiculous prices for moves. The 1 move
I suggest purchasing is the Shoulder Uppercut. Learn to use this move well and
you won't have to rack up a whole load of BP to spend on more moves.

Age: 25
Height: 6'0
Fighting Style: Tae Kwon Do
Kou was the last guy to join the FATE bar. But unlike the other 2 guys, he
wasn't a street punk desperate for a job. The reason he's there is because he's
a secret agent that's supposed to watch over Dominique so she doesn't fall into
the hands of Mikado. He at one time was actually a member of the very wealthy
Hurst family and was considered a genius both scholastically and artistically.
However, as the years went by, he lost interest in his studies and began
studying Tae Kwon Do with his master. When his master died, Kou left the Hurst
family and lived on with his master's name: Leifoh. After some years he got a
job at a company called LUKIS where he got a full body tattoo and became a
secret agent.
Kou's move list
Triple jab (h,h,h) A 3 hit uppercut combo.
Double Uppercut (h,H) A light right uppercut with a powerful left uppercut.
Triple Roundhouse (H,h,h) A roundhouse, spinning hook, and another roundhouse.
Hell Snap (m,M) A front kick and an axe kick.
Reverse Trip (l,L) A roundhouse to the shins and a sweep.
Slider (D,l) A sliding roundhouse kick.
Double Side Kick (D,j,j) Kou jumps and does 2 side kicks.
*Heel Smash (320 BP) (ES+l) Kou lifts his leg up and brings it down quickly.
*Circular uppercut (400 BP) (ES+m) An uppercut that twists all the way around.
*Double Spin Kick (550 BP) (ES+j) Kou jumps, does a spin kick in the air,
lands, and does a sweep.
*Mountain Storm (750 BP) (ES+h) A shoulder throw.
*Lightning Smash (1000 BP) (ES+h+j) And upward and downward kick combo.
*Tiger Spin Kick (1200 BP) (ES+m+l) 1 sweep and 2 middle spinning kicks.
*Tiger Frenzy (1500 BP) (ES+h+j) Kou jumps and does 3 kicks in the air.
*Raging Tiger (2500 BP) (ES+h+m) Not a 1,2,3,4,5, or 6 but a 7 kick combo.

Personal comments: Kou is perfect for people who can learn to use moves well
early in the game. He doesn't have very high stats and most of his moves aren't
very powerful but he's the fastest Bouncer and has attacks with long reach that
can be devastating when used properly. Kou also must depend on his moves to
beat the game because he has the highest cost for upgrading stats but the
lowest for extra skills. All in all he's a great character whose moves can be
very easy to use. Purchase the Heel Smash and you can conserve your BP for
upgrades on stats.

*-04. Versus and Survival Modes-*
-Versus Mode-
Versus mode is basically the 1 on 1 part of the game. Up to 4 players (with the
Multitap for the PS2, sold separately) can compete. When you play through story
mode, you can unlock bonus characters and battle areas once you have cleared
that level. For example, when you beat Dauragon I in the Crystal Dome, you can
now use him in Versus mode and you can choose to fight in the Crystal Dome. The
stats of the unlocked characters depend on what your character stats were when
you unlocked him or her. Such as, if your character is at level F when you
unlock Echidna, Echidna will have her level F stats in Versus Mode. The stats
of your starting characters are what their stats were in Story Mode. Versus
mode consists of two games. Battle Royal, which is a huge brawlfest with up to
4 competitors. The last man (or woman) standing is the winner. Team Battle is
when up to four players choose to be on 1 of 2 teams. Once you have chosen the
3 characters to be on each team, the battle will start and once all the members
of one team are gone, they lose.
-Survival Mode-
Survival mode is like the mini story mode. Like Versus Mode, you can use
unlocked characters here and the stats for all characters works the same. It
consists of 10, count them 10, huge battles with a total of 50 opponents that
need to be taken down. You get no health or defense refills either so it's a
good idea to come into this with a powerful character. When you've cleared the
9 stages and defeated 49 enemies, you'll be transported to a level where you
face off against a hooded figure. He's the boss of Survival Mode and believe it
or not he's actually Sion in a black hood. He will always be at level S so you
definitely want to come here with a powerful character. I will give a
walkthrough of the 10 stages in the "Survival Mode Walkthrough" section.
*05. Story Mode Strategies*
Before I go to the walkthrough I have to explain something about the story
mode. Since you have 3 characters to choose from, even though it's very
tempting to raise 1 character's stats and move on to another character and so
on, that's an extremely bad idea. If you can get through the game by doing this
I want to hear how you did it immediately. Unlike many action games the enemies
don't merely get harder as you move on in the game. Their stats get powered up
as you spend Bouncer Points. In a way you power up your enemies when you power
up your character. If you spend a cartload of BP and move on with a character
at level G the enemies will wipe the floor with you. If you absolutely must
switch characters try not to spend too much BP and the enemies won't be powered
up. However, as you get up to higher ranks the enemies will rank up slower as
you spend your BP. For example when only 1 bouncer is at level S the enemies
will only be at C. Here are some strategies I have developed to help you beat
the game. Keep in mind every strategy has it's advantages and drawbacks. Which
one you use is up to you.

1. One strategy is to play through the game as 1 character leveling up only
him. This way you will hold 1 really pumped up character. The disadvantage is
that this doesn't give you much flexibility. This is a problem because to
unlock certain things and to get the best perspective of the story sometimes
you do need to switch. Also, there's a good chance that your partners will be
beaten real badly and real quickly.

2. Another is to have your characters take turns in battles. Have 1 character
fight a battle and another fights the next one and so on. This way you can keep
up with the enemies' stats and you have even character stats. The drawback,
when you fight alone, the BP you spent on the other bouncers would've been for
nothing as they won't help you but your enemies will get more powerful. Also
you'll never have a level advantage because when the game collects all the BP
you spent on all 3 bouncers it'll stay the same level as your team.

3. When you have to switch characters to uncover something, here's what you can
do. Since it's very hard to explain, I will use an example. To uncover an
alternate ending for Sion, you must play through the level after you defeat the
third boss using a character other than Sion but you must beat the final boss
as Sion. Well, here's what I did, I played as Sion until the part when i had to
switch. I collected BP but only spending a small amount (800). Then the level
after the third boss wasn't very hard and I was able to beat it quite easily.
Then I switched back to Sino and I spent all the BP I had saved up. The
disadvantage is it may be very hard for some to play through the to the part
where you have to switch without upgrading much.

4. Here's something to consider, why not spend no BP? Well, you can spend a
small amount about 2400 or around 800 each bouncer. This way you have
flexibility and you can level up your bouncers without making the game so
powerful. How hard do you want the game to be? The drawback is you'll have to
learn to get by only with either only your starting moves and a little powered-
up stats or a weak extra skill and low stats and this can be very hard.

*06. Walkthrough*
Cinema: Prologue
At the start of Story Mode a T.V will turn on and a newscaster will talk about
the launch of the Solar Power Generator Satellite that is headed by Mikado. She
then goes on to explain about how the satellite works, which is, collect
sunlight, turn it into microwave radiation, and send it back to the ground base
which will then convert into electricity. The newscaster then expresses the
public's concerns about how the radiation will affect the people on land and
the high cost of the form of electricity. Then your attention is diverted to a
woman in a bathrobe typing on a laptop and you will see a young girl on the
screen. She is Dominique. The woman then seems to be worried and hurries out of
the room. Then the scene cuts to a helicopter flying and then the copter drops
their "attack units" through the roof of a house. These guys are recurring
enemies in the game. They're called MSF's or Mikado Special Forces. The men get
up and their armor retracts and falls off. Then they bust through the window of
the house and go outside. Later, you're diverted to see Dominique running
through the streets. After a while of running you then see a guy standing on
the outside of a bar. He's Volt. Then you're turned back to see those strange
men that were dropped from the copter running along the roofs of houses. After,
you see Dominique greet Volt and the two head inside. Dominique will enter the
bar and go to the second floor. There you see 2 guys. The guy sleeping is Sion
and the guy with the beer is Kou. So Dominique wakes Sion up and gives him a
pendant because it happens to be Sion's first anniversary as a bouncer that
day. Shortly after, the men that you saw earlier will break through the windows
of the bar and the first battle shall commence.

-Battle: FATE bar-
The battle starts off on the second floor of the bar where there are 3 MSF's.
There are chairs scattered on this floor and they can stop you from moving and
hitting your the MSF's. Once you've killed off the 3 MSF's, go downstairs and
you'll see 2 MSF's. If this battle is hard it should be because the MSF's are a
wee bit more pumped up but if you get knocked out the game still goes on. The
MSF's are very quick and agile and they like to back flip a lot so it may be
hard to hit them so when they do his use a rushing attack such as Volt's Lariat
or Sion's Slider. I've listed strategies for the characters below.

Sion: When you play as Sion you start near the right side corner of the second
floor behind Volt. Because the MSF's are most likely looking at Volt you can
sneak up behind them and use your Spin Kick (H) to knock the 2 there down. When
surrounded use the Tornado Kick (J). When multiple MSF's are in front of you
use the Spin Kick (H) and while going against 1 MSF use the Combo Side Kick

Volt: Since Volt immediately has 2 enemies in front of him, start this battle
with either a Lariat (D,M) or a Body Slam (J) to knock those 2 down. Use these
2 attacks to hit multiple enemies in front. Unlike Sion or Kou, Volt lacks an
attack that hits all the enemies surrounding him. So if you are surrounded, use
the Lariat to get yourself out of the circle. When going against 1 use the
Triple Hook (h,h,h) or the Rolling Savate (M).

Kou: Kou starts this in front of 1 MSF so use the Rolling Stomp (j) and drive
the MSF to the corner. Kou has many long range kicks so don't worry about
getting close. You do want to worry about getting too close as some kicks might
go over the MSF's heads since they crouch so low. To hit multiple enemies use
the Spinning Axe Kick (M). When surrounded use the Spreading Air Kick (J).

After the battle is over, regardless of whether you survived or not, you'll see
Dominique hiding along the wall. Then you'll see a guy stalking her. He's the
leader of the MSF's. His name is Mugetsu. He'll leap from a ledge and grab
Dominique by the neck. Then you'll see Volt and Kou get knocked off the second
floor falling to the bottom. Sion will kick an MSF and try to get to the second
floor but another MSF will cut him off and hit him down the stairs. Then
Mugetsu, with Dominique in his arm, will leap out of the window followed by his
MSF. Then the wounded bouncers will climb up the stairs. Sion will ask who they
were and Volt will say they're from Mikado. Sion will suggest to go to Mikado
but Kou says he should check into it first so he makes a phone call. If you
played through the past level as Kou you will be able to hear the voice of the
woman who Kou is talking to. After the phone call Kou will say that there's an
MSD Cargo Train leaving for Mikado in 30 minutes so Sion hurries out and the
other 2 follows. After a bit of running our 3 heroes end up in the Central
Square of the City of Edge and 5 MSF soldiers ambush them and all the doors
shut. It looks as though they'll have to fight their way through.

-Battle: Central Plaza-
This is the largest fighting area of the game. It has basically a large field
with steps to the front and 2 huge staircases that lead to a fountain area.

All characters: I'm not going to list strategies for all 3 bouncers because all
of their strategies are similar and it would waste my time to type it and waste
your time to read it. Since you're fighting MSF's again you should use the same
strategies as you did when you were in the bar. When you arrive in a situation
just do as you did when you were in the bar. The only difference may be that
since the square is so large you might want to pick out 1 and hack away at
their health.

After you've beaten all the MSF's your characters proceed to exit the plaza but
before they do Sion sees a mysterious panther but Kou snaps him out of his
trance and they hurry to the station.

-Battle: Train Station Entrance-
When you reach the station, you will be confronted 3 security guards. These are
the weakest enemies. This area is basically a square. You can't descend down
the stairs and you can't go through the barrier.

Sion: When you start the battle, the guard that's facing you should go after
Volt so this gives you the chance to sneak up behind them and nail both of them
with your Spin Kick (H). You most likely won't be surrounded so there's no use
for the Tornado Kick. When hacking away at 1 guard use the Side Kick Combo

Volt: At the start the guard facing Volt should go after Sion so you can nail
him with a Lariat (D,M). Going against 1 guard you should use the Triple Hook

Kou: Unlike the other 2 guys the 1 facing you will go directly for you. So
start the battle with a Rolling Stomp (j). There should be no use for the
Spreading Air Kick. When going against 1 use the Triple Uppercut (h,h,h).

After you've beaten the 3 gaurds the 3 bouncers will hop over the barrier and
see that the train will be getting ready to leave. Just when this is happening,
the heroes will be jumped by 5 more security gaurds.

This battle area is much like you last one you fought as this area is also a
square but it's much larger and there are poles that could get in your way.
Since this area is a sort of rectangle battle you may just want to hit anything
that stands in front of you and press forward the whole time. This is the first
time you're actually required to finish in a certain amount of time but you
really should have no problem finishing in time.

Sion: Sion starts this battle closest to the action so you'll probably get the
first licks. Since the guards stand very close to each other nearly all the
time you'll wanna use your Spin Kick (H) a lot. When fighting 1 guard use you
Side Kick Combo (h,h,h). You may be surrounded so use the Tornado Kick (J) when
that happens.

Volt: You should first spot a group of enemies lined up or close to each other
and if you're close enough use the Body Slam (J) but if you're far away use the
Lariat (D,M). When fighting one use the Triple Hook (h,h,h).

Kou: Kou will start the farthest so move in close and start with a Rolling
Stomp (j) and use it again when they're on the ground. Then knock enemies into
each other using the Spinning Axe Kick (M). Also use this when going against 1

If you finish in time the bouncers will board the train casually and will have
to hurry to get on if you don't. Nevertheless the train will leave the station.
After a short loading sequence you'll see Kou expressing how cold it is and
you'll hear an alarm sound and the captain of the train will send out a call
for help to get rid of the bouncers. Then the game cuts to see a woman
confirming the order and will send her security guards out. She's Echidna. Then
you'll see the guards running along the cars and the bouncers will face them.

-Battle: MSD Cargo Train-
This 1 battle actually consists of two battles. When you beat the first 3 men
on the first car you progress onto the next car to face the next 3. There are
no health refills or opportunities to save, switch characters, or exchange BP.
You can't get knocked off the edge so don't worry. But you can't knock your
enemies off either.

Sion: As Sion you should first start with a Spin Kick (H) as soon as you get
close enough to knock down all the enemies. Then line up the guards and knock
out multiple ones using the same move.

Volt: When the battle starts, execute a Lariat (D,M) to hit all the guys down
and hit enemies into each other with a Rolling Savate (M).

Kou: Kou starts the farthest away from the guards so wait for your fellow
bouncers to knock enemies to you and hit them with a Spinning Axe Kick (M). You
can hit enemies into each other with that move too.

When you end up on the last car you'll see Echidna with 2 more security guards
there. She'll say, "If you don't have a ticket you're going to have to pay. And
this ride ain't cheap." Volt will then go to greet her in not exactly the
friendliest way and she seems to be surprised as though she met Volt before.
She then responds with the same nastiness. This is the battle for the train

*-Boss Battle: Echidna I-*
In this battle you only have to knock out Echidna it doesn't matter about the
guards. This battle takes place in a very tight area so it's very easy to knock
enemies into each other but most likely won't be able to attack from any angle
you want and Echidna and her guards can knock your buddies into you. It may be
better to kill off the 2 guards first you get BP and it isn't very hard as long
as you watch for sneak attacks. Make sure you keep the enemies that are looking
at you in front of you so can't get sneak attacked.

-Boss Analysis-
When Echidna blocks she ducks so low that most high attacks will pass right
over her so she doesn't lose any defense. So your best bet is to hit her with
the middle and low attacks so at least you can wear down her defense if she
blocks. She likes to use sweeping combos a lot so right when she goes toward
the ground block, wait for her to finish her attack, and counter. Block often
so she can't knock you down and cause huge damage with a sweep combo. Taking
her apart will be easier if you hit her from behind or when she's getting up.
This way you can avoid her damaging combos. Try to hit her away from the guards
so they can't take cheap shots.

Sion: Hit Echidna from behind with a Double Uppercut (M,m) and a Critical Sweep
(l,L) when she's getting up. When fighting the guards use the Side Kick Combo
(h,h,h) and hit them into each other or Echidna with the Spin Kick (H).

Volt: Start with a Lariat (D,M) to hit all 3 enemies. Volt is much slower than
Echidna so you'll have to rely on sneak attacking her with your powerful
attacks. Wait until she turns toward someone else and nail her with a Triple
Hook (h,h,h). You can hit her guards into her using the Rolling Savate (M).

Kou: Move in close to the group, use a Spinning Axe Kick (M) on a guard, and
he'll fall into everyone else. Then hit Echidna to the rear of the car with a
Spinning Axe Kick (M), wait for her to get up, and nail her with a Triple
Uppercut (h,h,h). If she blocks a hit make sure you block, wait for her to
throw an attack, and counter. Hit guards into her or her into guards with a
Spinning Axe Kick (M).

After you've beaten Echidna your character will question her. If you played as
Volt you will get some additional dialogue. Echidna will then warn them about
the next time they meet and will jump off the car and into the water. Sion will
climb into the front car of the train. Then Kou will ask what happened between
Volt and Echidna. However, you'll hear an engine roaring and Volt and Kou will
go into the car. Your attention will then be diverted to what was making the
noise, a sort of fighter plane. Then the plane will start shooting at the
train. If you played up to this part as Kou you'll have a better idea as to
what's going on. After some more shooting you'll hear an engineer say to the
captain that the brakes have been disabled. When the plane gets near the train
stop it'll shooting, make a tilt, narrowly miss the train, and fly off. Once
the bouncers have heard the brakes are disabled they realize they better detach
the cars that contain the rocket fuel or they're toast when the rocket fuel
slams into the station. Then they realize the coupler can only be unlocked with
a card key but they're blocked from other rooms by cargo. So they had better
find one in the room they're in.

-Free Roam-
This is 1 of the few times in the game when you play in a situation called free
roam. This means no life bars are displayed and you can't throw any attacks.
This is because the only thing you have to do is move around. There are no
enemies and you just have to reach get to a certain place. In this situation
you need to reach 3 boxes that are placed on 3 points of the room to find the
card key needed to unlock the coupler. I suggest Kou because he has the most
amount of time to do this, which is 25 seconds. As Sion you have 20 and Volt
you have only 15. In this level you have to search 3 boxes. It doesn't matter
which order you go in the card key will always be in the third box you reach.
If you can't reach 3 boxes in time huge damage is caused to the station and
this will give you a big disadvantage in the next level. When the level starts
immediately go to your right and you'll find the first box. Then head to the
upper left hand side of the room to find the next one. Then head down and once
you're next to the red box go left. This shouldn't be very hard. What kinda
idiot can't run around a small room in 25 seconds?

If you find the card key only the front car will slam into the station and only
the front station will be destroyed. The bouncers will leap out of the train
and once the explosion happens an alarm will sound and the bouncers will hurry
to exit this area. If you didn't then the only difference is a huge chain
reaction will take place and the station is completely totaled and seawater
will rush into the station. Anyway, moving on, the bouncers will run for a
while and the emergency shutters will start to close. So the bouncers have 1
choice: to keep moving. Then you'll see a group of security guards so do as you
do always: fight.

-Battle: Mikado Train Station (did find card key)-
If you found the card key it'll make this much easier. This is the path I
suggest you take. This battle takes place on 3 levels with no health refills or
opportunities to save, exchange BP, or switch character. Keep going straight
don't take those extra paths. The first 1 being a long corridor while you face
3 security guards and 2 security chiefs, who are security guards with prolonged
life bars. The second level is a mirror image of the last one. The next level
is where you face 2 security guards and 2 security chiefs with boxes in the
middle getting in your way. When you reach a wall turn right and go straight to
reach the exit.

All characters: There is really no need for a strategy on a level as simple as
this. Use combos on 1 enemy and use heavy single hits to knock guys into each

-Battle: Mikado Train Station (didn't find card key)-
If you didn't find the card key seawater will start to pour into the station
and the shutters will have to close in order to stop the station from turning
into an aquarium for humans. So if you get trapped, you're dead. There's only 1
strategy I suggest you use: run until you reach the exit. You don't have to
knock out the enemies in order to progress.

After you've made it to the exit, you'll find a door that can be opened with a
mere push of a button. After the door opens they wind up outside and there's
Air Carriers everywhere looking for the heroes. Then Sion will then have an
idea to jump onto an Air Carrier and hitch a ride. So the bouncers do. They
wind up on the Air Carrier but there were 3 Carrier Soldiers there first so
you'll have to beat 'em for a ride.

-Battle: Air Carrier-
The Air Carrier is a small fighting area and this can either work for you or
against you. It can work for you because this, just like on the train, makes it
easier for you to hit your enemies into each other. However, the Soldiers like
to use a kick that can knock your buds very far so watch out for flying

All characters: This is a simple level too so no need for individual
strategies. Immediately go after 1 with a combo but if he blocks stop
attacking, block, wait for their counter, and counter yourself. Make sure to
hit enemies into each other and this will be a breeze.

After you've killed off the 3 soldiers the bouncers take control of the air
carrier. Volt will tell the pilot to continue flying and the pilot has no
choice but to do just that. After some flying our heroes end up near the Mikado
building. Then your attention is diverted to a sort of dome where you see
Dominique. Kou will then say to stop there but the pilot jumps off the carrier
and parachutes himself down. Then Volt will try and pilot it but will pass the
dome and crash the thing. After that goes down, the bouncers luckily survived
and will be seen walking to the dome. However, they'll see some biogenetically
engineered watchdogs and hide in some bushes. Then you'll see some MSF's
sneaking in. After, the dogs will spot the guys and it's that time again.

-Battle Mikado Building Rooftop-
This area is a medium sized area, which has some trees that could get in your
way. The enemies are very scattered out so pick out 1 and hit away at him and
then pursue others. The dogs are new enemies and can only be hit with low
attacks. It's a good idea to take them out first even though they have little
health but can be dangerous if they sneak attack you. They're also worth more
BP than the MSF's.

Sion: First head to your left and do a Slider (D,L) to a dog and continue to
Critical Sweep (l,L) it. If an MSF comes up behind you turn to him and hit him
with a Spin Kick (H). If a dog comes up to you knock the dog down with a Sweep
(L) and Sweep the other one. Take care of the MSF's with a Side Kick Combo

Volt: As Volt, get close and Body Slam (J) a dog. If they try to tackle you
block it and counter with that. This is also good if another dog comes by. The
Rolling Savate (M) is good if an MSF sneaks up on you. The Triple Hook (h,h,h)
is good for assaulting MSF's.

Kou: Kou should move in with a Sliding Kick (D,L) and use the Reverse Trip
(l,L). The Rolling Stomp (j) is ideal for sneaking dogs or MSF's. Take apart
an MSF using a Hell Snap (m,M).

After taking out the enemies, the last thing you expect comes around. More
soldiers with the leader, Mugetsu. Mugetsu will leap out of a tree and taunt
Sion and what happens next you should expect.

*-Boss Battle: Mugetsu I-*
This battle takes place on the same ground as the last 1 so nothing should
surprise you. Don't go directly for Mugetsu as he will hack away at you with
his madman attacks. Wait for him to go to another dude and smack him.
Meanwhile, work on his 4 MSF henchmen. If he comes for you make sure you first
block and then counter attack. Mugetsu waits a long time between attacks so hit
him then. Since there are so many enemies here you could hit the guys into each
other. The 4 MSF's don't need to be defeated to move on.

-Boss Analysis-
Mugetsu is the leader of the Special Forces for a reason. He's a fast and
aggressive guy. He has absolutely the most insane and profound attacks you've
ever seen. Try not to let him get you in his sights so he can't use his moves.
He likes to use a flipping heel smash and a rolling kick. He also every once in
a while he'll get out of his fighting stance and wave his arms in a circular
motion while standing straight. Then he'll vanish and come down on you with a
drilling motion. A good time to hit him is before he vanishes as he will let
his guard down and you'll stop his attack. He does take a long time to get his
ground back after his attacks so block and hit him then. Your character should
have an extra skill by now so counter with that. Also, hitting enemies into him
shouldn't be that hard.

Sion and Volt: Both of these guys have the same strategy as both have similar
Extra Skills. Sion should have the Torpedo Kick (ES+M)(600 BP). Volt should
have the Shoulder Uppercut (ES+H)(960 BP). These attacks are good against
Mugetsu because Mugetsu usually attacks high and these moves have a low
starting position so you can duck his attacks and counter immediately. Don't go
directly forward when the battle starts. Move to the left or right and use the
Extra Skill on an MSF and send him shooting straight up into the air and
landing the cluster or at least on Mugetsu. Then hit Mugetsu with the Extra
Skill right when he's getting up or sneak up behind him and do that. Repeat and
this should be child play for you.

Kou: Kou should have the Heel Smash (ES+L)(320 BP). His strategy is different
because his Extra Skill is different. It doesn't shoot enemies up so you'll
have to hurry to find a guy close to Mugetsu and hit him with a Spinning Axe
Kick (M) so he falls into him. Even though the Heel Smash doesn't have a low
starting stance it can interrupt a rolling attack Mugetsu likes to use so much
and it can hit enemies over and over again when they're getting back up without
moving since the enemies stay in the same place.

After you've beaten Mugetsu, despite whether or not the MSF's are standing our
heroes will proceed along the path toward the dome. When they get there they
see a gigantic gap circling around the dome preventing them from getting to the
dome without falling the height of my ego, which is gigantic by the way.
However, a determined Sion climbs a tree and finds a ladder leading to the top
of the dome. If you played through this part you'll hear a song that Sion seems
as though he recognizes. Then the camera shifts to see a woman playing that
same song a piano. She seems to be struggling with a few notes and after some
unsuccessful tries she quits and to your surprise morphs into a panther and
walks down some stairs. Then you see Dominique lying down on a platform and a
guy standing next to the platform looking at her. His name is Dauragon, the CEO
of the Mikado Corporation. The older guy standing behind him is Wong, the
person who trained both Sion and Dauragon in marital arts. Dauragon will then
tell Wong to get Dominique onto his giant shuttle, Galeos. Wong will warn
Dauragon that this isn't a good idea but Dauragon will command Wong to. Then
you see the bouncers looking down on the 2 guys. Wong will then say his
allegiance belongs to Dauragon's father and that Dauragon is only abusing his
power to fulfill his selfish needs. So Dauragon will then dare Wong to stop him
by force. Dauragon will turn around and throw an incredibly powerful punch.
Wong will fall to the ground. Dauragon will walk a little bit and after some
smack talk; he will do a twirling downward kick to Wong's back. Then the
bouncers will come around and Sion will talk to Wong for a bit and Wong says
that Sion must stop Mikado and dies. After, Sion says that he'll take back
Dominique and will avenge his master. Dauragon will say that he'll take
Dominique because she's his sister. Sion refuses to believe this so Dauragon
will choose to fight all 3 guys and in addition, he'll tie 1 hand behind his
back. He sure is confident but is he competent? Time to find out.

*-Boss Battle: Dauragon I-*
In this battle, even though Dauragon says that the bouncers have all the
advantages, he has a panther that circles the fight and can sneak attack you
with a very damaging tackle. And if the panther hits you this leaves you open
to Dauragon's sweep combos. Your first priority should go after Dauragon but
the panther is worth more BP than Dauragon. This area is a medium sized arena,
which is composed of a circular area on the bottom floor and staircases, which
lead up to a smaller circular area. You should stay on the bottom floor because
there you have lots of room to stick Dauragon and move. Don't get trapped under
the staircase.

-Boss Analysis-
Even though Dauragon is a hand short that barely seems to stop him from having
a good chance to beat you into oblivion. He has tons of both powerful combos
and single hits with both his legs and hand. Never walk up to his face and try
to hit him because he'll only block it and hit you with one of his attacks. You
should use your buds as bait and sneak up on him and do a quick combo. If you
find yourself in his sights block wait for him to throw an attack and counter
with an Extra Skill.

Sion and Volt: Don't head straight for Dauragon wait and once Dauragon faces
another bouncer and hit him with you character's Extra Skill and if possible
shoot him into the panther. If you want to go after the panther line the
panther up with Dauragon and use your character's low combo to hit the panther
into Dauragon. When Dauragon wants to hit you block his hit and use your Extra

Kou: Going after the panther should be very easy as you can hit the panther
with your Extra Skill, the Heel Smash (ES+L) unlike the other two guys. But
however, you can't avoid his attacks when setting up for the Heel Smash. Like
the other 2 though, sneak up behind Dauragon and Heel Smash him. It will be
easier to Heel Smash Dauragon into the panther as the Dauragon will slide
across the floor and hit anything in it's way instead of having to land on the
enemy. Hit the panther into Dauragon with a Reverse Trip (l,L).

When you've proven Dauragon wrong despite whether the panther is still there,
your character will taunt Dauragon. Dauragon will admit he's underestimated you
but will then throw a heavy shoulder tackle to Sion and all the bouncers will
end up in the center of the room. Dauragon will snap his fingers and the floor
beneath the bouncers will drop from under their feet and the bouncers will fall
into the dark depths of the Mikado building. The panther will walk to Dauragon.
Then a flashback sequence will take place. You'll see a little boy with a girl
riding piggy-back pounding on the door of a hospital begging for them to open
up. Believe it or not, this boy is actually a young Dauragon and the girl is
actually Dominique. Then a woman will come out and Dauragon will say that
Dominique, his sister, is dying but the woman says that the doctor is out and
he'll have to go somewhere else. But Dauragon will just keep pounding on the
door. Later, you'll see Dauragon again walking along the road and a car will
stop by and take him in. Then you'll see Dominique lying down on a bed and
Dauragon will be watching over her. A younger Wong will say that the owner of
the Mikado industry has decided to adopt Dauragon as his son and will leave
Dauragon his business if he can prove himself worthy. Then you see Dauragon
looking at a tombstone. Wong will say that Dauragon has succesfully proven
himself worthy and will inherit his father's business. After that the flashback
is over and you'll see Dauragon in the present will just be standing there and
the scene slowly fades.

-Battle: Mikado Building-
Now it's time for a first in this game. This will be 1 of the 2 times you will
fight without the so called aid of your fellow guys which means, with only 1
bouncer. Now is the time to rack up a lot of BP and power up without worrying
about your buds taking away your kills. Which path you take will depend on
which bouncer you chose after you've beaten Dauragon.

Cinema (Sion)
After Dauragon's defeat, Sion wakes up in a storage area and he'll slam the
ground in frustration. He then goes up to the door and tackles it, breaking
out. Outside waiting is 2 Security Guards.

-Battle: Mikado Building Storage Area (Sion)-
This fight is very simple. Just make sure you don't get surrounded. Hit the
guys into each other using the Torpedo Kick (ES+M).

NOTE: This level is very different from levels in the past. Sion actually needs
to navigate his way around the Mikado building until he reaches the Executive
Floor. You won't be able to go through the same door twice so it's least likely
you'll get lost.

When you've plundered the 2 Security Guards, an MSF will come out of a door.
Sion will then pin him against the wall and demand to know where Dominique is.
The MSF will point to a door and Sion will throw him into the wall. He then
goes through the door.

-Free Roam-
You'll end up in a computer room go across the room until you find the door you
can go through. When you go through it you'll end up in a hallway. There will
be 2 doors on the opposite wall. The door right across from you will lead you
into an optional battle, which I shall explain later. The other door will lead
to another room. Going right down the corridor will trigger another optional

-Battle: Executive Office-
When you go through the door right across from you you'll encounter 2 new
enemies. One of them is called the Security Commander. For some reason this is
the only time you fight against this guy. The other new enemy called the P-101,
which is an orange R2-D2, like droid. The Commander is much like the Security
Guards only with more life and has a new attack, which is a shoulder tackle.
Watch out for this. The P-101 can be annoying. It can take tons of cheap shots
with its claws and can cause lots of damage with its tackle. Take out one enemy
at a time and I suggest the Commander first because the P-101 most likely will
move slower giving you more time. There will be a huge long table in the middle
of the room so keep that between you and the Commander and the P-101. Take out
both with a Torpedo Kick (ES+M).

-Battle: 65F Corridor-
When you go directly down the hallway you'll be ambushed by 4 MSF's. At the
start you'll be surrounded meaning 2 MSF's on each side. Hit then 1 by 1 or
into each other with a Torpedo Kick (ES+M). When you're actually surrounded use
the Tornado Kick (J). When multiple enemies in front of you use the Spin Kick

-Free Roam-
When you go through the door that's next to the one that leads to the P-101 and
Commander, you'll end up in a blue room. Walk through the opening of the glass
wall and go across the room to a door. When you go through the door opposite of
the glass wall you'll find yourself in a corridor with a small door that leads
to Emergency staircases. Go through that and Sion will automatically go up the
stairs. You'll end up on the 66th floor and you'll be in a hallway like the one
you just were in right before. Go through the double doors next to the door you
came out of. You'll end up in a control room. Going through the door next to
the one you came in will lead you into an empty hallway. Go into the other door
and you'll be in a wide rectangular hallway with 4 Security Guards and 2 P-

You'll start off in front of the 4 Guards. Torpedo Kick (ES+M) one guard
immediately and he'll fall into his comrades. The Spin Kick (H) works just as
well. Take out the guards first and go after the P-101 closest to you and keep
Torpedo Kicking it. Repeat for the other P-101.

After that huge battle, you'll end up in a computer terminal and the panther
you fought in the Crystal Dome will come out the door. It'll look at you for a
second and go back through the door. Follow it through the door.

-Free Roam-
You'll end up in a small room with a computer. Go to the computer and you'll
automatically end up looking at the files. There are a whole bunch of files but
the ones you need to look at are the last 2. Selecting the second to last one
will activate a flashback sequence where Sion will seem to have known the woman
shown on the screen. After that, go to Project A2. You'll see Dominique but
you'll need a password. Then 1 MSF and 1 Elite will jump you.

-Battle: Laboratory Prep Area-
This is very simple. Hit the guys into each other with a Torpedo Kick (ES+M).

You'll then end up coming out of an elevator in a hallway. Sion will then run
down the hallway and try to get to the Executive Room but the door will close.
Then the panther will come out of the wall and Sion's determined to teach it to
stop getting in his way.

-Mini Boss Battle: Panther-
The area you fight in is a very thin corridor so you may just wanna press on
and not attack from an angle. Like in the Crystal Dome, you can only hit it
with low attacks so the Torpedo Kick is useless. Use the Critical Sweep (l,L)
again and again. Since it doesn't block this should be easy. If you want to
know what happens next go down until you reach the Cinema (Sion) section.

Cinema (Volt)
This movie starts with Volt strapped to a sort of operation table turned
sideways. But Volt being the strong dude he is he gets loose and smashes the
door and breaks out. But waiting outside will be 2 MSF's. It's time to teach
them they shouldn't be so cheap about their restraining equipment.

-Battle: Surgical Enhancement Area (Volt)-
This battle is fairly easy. It pits you against 2 MSF's. Pick out 1 guy and
Shoulder Uppercut him (ES+H). Then walk over him so that both the guys are in
front of you and hit them into each other using the Rolling Savate (M).

Free Roam
When you've beaten the 2 guys you'll view a short Cinema sequence where not
much happens and you'll go into free roam. Head forward and go down the stairs
and to the door. You'll then view another short sequence.

You'll then end up in a room with 3 MSF's and 2 annoying P-101 robots which are
kinda like orange R2-D2's. You should take out the P-101's first by either
getting close to them and then Shoulder Uppercut (ES+H) or Shoulder Uppercut
the MSF's so they fall on the P-101's. After the droids are deactivated, go
after the MSF's with yet again the Shoulder Uppercut.

This is actually an easy fight despite the 7 to 1 numbers advantage goes to the
MSF's and the Elites. At first you fight 5 enemies. When the battle starts,
STAY WHERE YOU ARE. Don't go into the bigger area. If you do, the guys will
surround you. When the enemies group together use the Shoulder Uppercut (ES+H)
and hit them into each other. Then go into the area and walk to the short
catwalk. Walk up the stairs and face the remaining 2 MSF's. Most of the time
only one will attack you first and the other idiot won't attack you until you
hit him. You'll want to line them up and hit them into each other with the
Shoulder Uppercut.

Free Roam
After you've beat the 7 guys, you'll go into free roam. Across the room there's
a door that leads to a room with a beat up computer. Volt will then find a
disturbing report about the previous owner of Mikado's assassin. Then Volt will
come out of an elevator and you'll have to run down the hallway. To see what
happens next go down until you reach the Cinema (Volt) section.

Cinema (Kou only)
If you chose Kou after the defeat of Dauragon, you'll see him waking up in the
Mikado Football Team Locker Room. He'll complain about the horrid stench and an
MSF will come in and tell him to be quiet. Kou doesn't take this very well and
it's time to make the MSF shut up.

-Battle: Mikado Football Team Locker Room (Kou)-
If this battle is too hard for you then I suggest you return your PS2, get a
Genesis, and play Barney. Fighting MSF's should be second nature by now just
keep using the Heel Smash (ES+L).

After the easy victory, Kou will have an idea. He proceeds to undress the MSF
(which luckily we don't see) and puts on the MSF's costume. Kou will then walk
out of the room and see 2 MSF's. They seem to be communicating with some sort
of signals.

-Mini Game-
This is something different in the game. Instead of fighting, you'll play a
sort of game where you try to get to the designated place without triggering a
battle. Here's what you need to do: while playing this game you will notice
that the 4 buttons on the far right, that is the Triangle, Square, Circle, and
X now represent how to execute certain signals used by the MSF's. The Triangle
button executes the Old Man In Thought, the Square is the Unparallel
Friendship, Circle is Lady's Temptation, and X is Lonely Warrior. The signals
are shown to you at the beginning of the mission. When an MSF throws a signal
at you, match his signal. If you fail to respond in time or if you execute the
wrong signal you'll be identified and a battle will break out. I've divided
this part of the walkthrough into three sections.
-Mini Game: Mikado Building Mall Area-
The first floor is the shopping mall area of the Mikado Building. On this floor
there are 3 MSF's and they will never use the Lonely Warrior stance. They also
follow a pattern. The first signal you use won't be used in the next 2. For
example, if the Unparalleled Friendship was used the first time then it will
never be used again on this floor. If a fight breaks out do as you did when you
always fought groups of MSF. Heel Smashing (ES+L) them into each other is easy
and if you're surrounded use the Spreading Air Kick (J).
-Mini Game: Hanging Gardens-
This area is a gigantic garden area with catwalks leading to bigger circular
areas. The first guy you face will throw multiple signals at you. It doesn't
matter if you get all of them, a fight won't break out if you don't. If you get
it right the guy will send you to the left side and if you don't you'll be sent
on the other side. There's no difference between the 2 except on the right side
there's an extra guy who'll always throw the Lonely Warrior at you. On both
sides there's a guy who'll give you a roulette wheel of signals and you must
guess where he'll end up. It may seem hard but here's how you can bypass it.
The guy will always have a pattern, which is Triangle, Square, and Circle. So
just keep pressing those buttons as soon as the guy starts and you'll get it.
Battles that break out here should be fought from the catwalks. Throw a Heel
Smash (ES+L) and the MSF's will fall into each other.
-Mini Game: Executive Floor-
This floor will start with an MSF Elite. He seems to be just standing there but
you must give him a signal and he'll copy the one you throw him. Don't use the
Lonely Warrior though. Then you'll face 2 more Elites and each Elite will give
you a different signal. You must match both and it doesn't matter which
direction you go in (i.e. left to right or right to left). If a fight breaks
out here you have to fight 3 Elites and 1 little annoying robot called the P-
101. It looks a lot like an orange R2-D2 and it can either tackle you or jab
you with its claws. Make sure you keep the enemies in front of you. Heel Smash
(ES+L) the P-101 and Heel Smash the Elites into each other.

NOTE: After the character you chose is done with his run, you'll see this part
from their point of view. It will vary only a little bit and I will list the
variations right here.
Cinema (Sion)
After the panther goes down, it'll transform back into a woman and talk to Sion
for a bit. Then she'll be a panther again and go through the door and it'll
open. Sion will walk into a dark room and will see Dominique lying on a coach.
But then, Mugetsu will grab Sion from behind and put Sion into a sleeper. But
then you see a flying MSF breaking up the hold.
Cinema (Volt)
Volt will look into the executive room and see Mugetsu choking the life out of
Sion. Then Volt will see an MSF walking his way. So Volt grabs him from behind
and throws him into Mugetsu.
Cinema (Kou)
After Kou is done with the three floors, he'll overhear 2 MSF's saying that no
one is allowed in the executive floor because there's some kind of secret cargo
in there. I'll give you one guess as to where Kou is going While in the
elevator he'll encounter another Elite. After a while of riding, Kou's phone
will ring and the Elite will get suspicious. Kou will then throw some signals
at the Elite explaining that the ring was his wake up alarm. Luckily, the Elite
buys it. When Kou gets off the elevator he shuts off his phone. A little while
later, an elevator door will open to reveal more MSF and Elites. Kou will hide
along the wall and will fall in with the soldiers. Kou will walk in into the
room along with the other soldiers and will see Sion suffering in the hands of
Mugetsu. Kou will also see Dominique lying on a couch. So he decides to go
after her first. Kou will try and sneak his way across the room but Volt will
grab him by the neck and throw him.
Cinema (All characters)
After Kou goes flying into Mugetsu, Mugetsu will get real furious. Sion will
then get up and a disguised Kou will tell Volt how painful his ride was and
take off his MSF costume. Mugetsu will warn the bouncers he's dangerous when
he's angry and of course you should know that already. Now it's time to show
him you need some brain cells to survive.

*-Boss Battle: Mugetsu II-*
This fight pits our heroes against Mugetsu, 3 MSF's, and 2 Elites. There's a
very large area in the center with lots of room for you to get sneak attacked.
If you go after Mugetsu, hit him in the area behind the desk and most likely
Mugetsu's henchmen won't go after you and go after your buddies. You should try
to get at least some of the MSF's and Elites but only when you're sure Mugetsu
isn't after you. The battle will end despite whether the MSF and Elites are
left standing.

-Boss Analysis-
This Mugetsu is much like the last Mugetsu. He has the same moves but only
slightly powered up stats. Like last time he likes to use the Flipping Heel
Smash and the Rolling Kick. Also like last time he takes a long time between
attacks before he starts his engine again so block, wait for him to attack, and
counter. Another good time to hit him like last time is when he's setting up
for his downward drill attack i.e. when he's waving his arms. As I said before
try to get him into the area behind the desk. Hit him down and hit him again.

Sion: Sion starts closest to Mugetsu and that's not exactly a good place to be
right now. Go after the Elite on your right and Torpedo Kick (ES+M) him. You
should also use that move to make enemies land on each other and cause major
damage. When going after Mugetsu hit him behind the desk and just Torpedo Kick
him over and over. He will block it time to time so if he does block his
counter and counter with another Torpedo Kick.

Volt: Volt should start with a Lariat because Mugetsu most likely won't see it
coming. When he gets back up shoot him into his men with a Shoulder Uppercut
(ES+H). Use that to take out the other enemies. Hit Mugetsu to the rear of the
desk and Shoulder Uppercut him.

Kou: Kou should go after the henchmen either on his left or right with a
Rolling Stomp (j) instead of moving straight for Mugetsu. Hitting enemies into
each other should be no problem with the Spinning Axe Kick (M). When you have
Mugetsu in the corner Heel Smash (ES+L) him.

After the fall Mugetsu, Sion will then go check on Dominique and wake her up.
Then Sion will hug Dominique and you'll view a romantic sequence between the
two. Kou will break them up and say they need to get out first. Volt will then
suggest going to the rocket tower as that will supply them with the most cover.
So they do just that. When they're in the elevator they hear a guy say that he
suspects there are intruders in the rocket area. With the four of them together
they could be caught very easily. So Kou suggests that two of them will lure
away the guards and the other will protect Dominique until they reach the
Rocket Tower. Now you must choose who will go with Dominique. The next movie
will differ as to which bouncer you choose. If you choose Sion, Dominique will
be very happy. If you choose Volt she'll feel assured but will tell you she'll
be happiest with Sion. If you choose Kou she'll be very uneasy about it. But no
matter what character you choose the next level will be the same. So after your
character is chosen, you'll see a robot walking along. The elevator door will
open and a huge light from the bot will shine in. The other 2 bouncers you
didn't choose will go out and run along. Time for the biggest battle of the

Sion: Sion should just keep hitting every single enemy, with the Torpedo Kick
(ES+M) even the P-101, over and over again, not giving them a chance to

Volt: Against everyone, Volt should get just in range to use the Shoulder
Uppercut (ES+H) and then keep using the Triple Hook (h,h,h).

Kou: Against the P-101 and security guard and chief, keep using the Heel Smash
(ES+L) and against the other bots, use the Rolling Stomp (j) over and over.

-Battle: Mikado Building Rocket Area 6th floor to 2nd floor-
This battle will be the gnarliest yet. No matter which character you choose
this battle will be the same. It's actually composed of 5 battles where you
must descend down staircases until you reach the lift on the second floor. You
get no health refills or opportunities to save or exchange BP. Also, Dominique
has a certain amount of health too so if she runs out it's game over. She
doesn't get any health refills either. She's unable to block or fight so you
have to take out the enemies before they can cause damage to her or you. I've
divided the battles into 5 sections, 1 for each floor. I suggest reading the
character strategies before reading the area navigation sections. Most of the
enemies here are robots; they have a lot more health than the bouncers. Their
disadvantages are they can't block and once you've hit them you interrupt their
attack and they have to start all over. You don't have to take out every enemy
on a floor to proceed, just find the staircase and you can get to the next
stage. If you or Dominique runs low on health, stop fighting and head straight
for the staircase.
-Battle: Mikado Building Rocket Area 6th floor-
At the beginning of this floor you'll encounter a robot called a P-101, which
look a lot like an orange washing machine. They have 2 attacks: a tackle and a
jab with its claws. They can take tons of cheap shots with the jab attack as
they will use it over and over and is very fast so it'll most likely hit you
before you hit it. Even though they look relatively low, some high and middle
attacks can actually hit them. Then you'll see a big orange bot with gigantic
claws. This big guy is named the LD-15. They have 3 attacks: an attack where it
spreads its claws out and squishes you with them, an attack when it brings its
claws up and swings them down, and a quick right jab. Its weakness is the fact
that every one of his attacks, except the jab, can be seen from a mile away and
its attacks can be interrupted when hit. It's pretty easy to take out these 2
bots but knock them out quickly as there is another LD-15 moving in behind you
and being outnumbered by these guys is very bad. To reach the staircase
immediately, go forward and go left and you'll see a staircase that leads you
to floor 5.
-Battle: Mikado Building Rocket Area 5th floor-
At the beginning, turn left and turn again until you reach the bigger area and
you'll see a human size gray bot named the MC-07. It has 3 attacks: a 4 hit
combo where he hits you with its claws, a quick jab with 1 claw, and a huge
cross jab. Their disadvantage is they aren't as resilient as the other bots and
you can cause huge damage to them. Then you'll see another LD-15. Go up the
staircases to your left and you'll be lead to a huge platform and there'll be
another MC-07. After it goes down, go down the staircases on the opposite side.
You'll then be on a huge wide catwalk and there'll be another LD-15. Take him
out and go down the stairs.
-Battle: Mikado Building Rocket Area 4th floor-
This floor is relatively easy. At the start, turn to your character's left and
you'll find a security guard. Take it out and head down the staircases in front
of you and once you've gotten to the bottom, go to your right and knock out a
security chief go down the staircases. If you want, while you're on the part
with the security guard, head to your right and go across the catwalk and
you'll see an MC-07. Knock it out and another MC-07 will move in.
-Battle: Mikado Building Rocket Area 3rd floor-
When this level starts, head straight forward to face an LD-15. Go up either
one of the stairs, walk across the catwalk and turn to your left. There'll be 2
MC-07's and 1 LD-15. Make sure to take out the MC-07's first by going after 1
repeatedly before moving on to another. Once they go out go forward until you
see another staircase. Go across the catwalk and you'll see 1 LD-15 and 1 MC-
07. Don't fight this battle. Run across the catwalk and continue to run. Most
likely the bots won't hit you. Dominique might take a hit but she'll most
probably be fine. Turn to your left and go until you reach the staircases.
-Battle: Mikado Building Rocket Area 2nd floor-
This area can either be short or long. If you or Dominique are running low on
health, Don't go around the staircases, go forward and you'll go against an MC-
07. Take it out and keep going forward, you'll find a sort of lift, go on it
and the level will be over. If you and Dominique have health to spare, go
around the staircase, follow the path, and there'll be an MC-07. Deactivate it
and if you and Dominique still have plenty of health keep following the path
and you'll see an LD-15. Beat it up and go back to the staircases keep going
forward and go to the lift.

NOTE: The part that happens next will depend on which character played the
previous level. I'll tell the movie that happens for each character below.
Cinema (Sion)
If you chose Sion to protect Dominique, while he's on the lift with Dominique,
Dominique will ask if she can be with Sion forever. Sion will then ask why.
Dominique explains that she didn't like this place (well neither do I but you
don't hear me complaining) and that's why she escaped from here with the help
of Sion's master. She also says that when she started living with Sion, she got
a feeling of happiness and freedom that she never got before. She then asks the
question again. And in this kind of scene what would you expect Sion to say?
"Of course" of course.
Cinema (Volt)
If you chose Volt for the last level, on the lift, Dominique will ask Volt if
it would be a good idea to stay with Sion (Oh sure stay with him when I acted
like your armor for the robot hits). Dominique will then express her dislike
for this place and how it was her fault the bar got torn apart. Volt will then
say of course it is. He says that Sion needs her too. And he says that's why
Sion came here.
Cinema (Kou)
When Kou leads Dominique to the lift, on it Dominique will ask if it's okay
that she stay with Sion. She'll then say that she didn't like this place and
that the bar was left in shambles all because of her. Kou will respond that the
bar will be just fine because "Even though the boss looks cheap he has a
sizeable fortune." He'll also say that she has made Sion open up to them more
too so if she can do that of course it's a good idea.
Cinema (All characters)
No matter which character you chose, this movie will relatively be the same.
Your character will lead Dominique to a huge door but on the other side will be
a human like robot. This is an advanced version of the combat robots. It's
called the PD-4. If you played through the Mikado Building as Sion and read the
"Engineering Project" file, you'll know a little more about this bot. Then PD-4
will extend its arm and grab Dominique and lift her into the air. Dominique
will struggle for a bit and tell the PD-4 that she's gonna go home with Sion
but the PD-4 will squeeze Dominique's stomach and she'll pass out. Then PD-4
will put Dominique down and tell your character he "simply put her to sleep."
Then he'll threaten to put your character to sleep permanently. After a few
seconds of standing there, your fellow bouncers will show up and join you. Then
PD-4 will challenge the bouncers and say that 3 on 1 are acceptable odds.
Acceptable huh? Well I don't have a calculator brain so I can't figure out if
it is but I do know talk is cheap so let's see if his skill can back up his
*-Boss Battle: PD-4-*
This battle takes place in an area that has a huge floor in the center, a huge
wall in the back, railings in the front, and catwalks going around the wall.
You should fight in the center, as PD-4 won't be able to corner you.

-Boss Analysis-
PD-4 is a very aggressive enemy, as he will come straight at you with its
speedy and powerful combos. So what you should do is go straight at it with an
extra skill. Even though his combos are very quick, if you react quick enough,
you'll be able to block the most powerful hit or hits of his combo. He takes a
long time between attacks to start again so that's your opportunity to hit him
with your extra skill. His favorite attacks are a combo, which he does 2
punches and shoots his arm and a combo where he does a bunch of kicks over and
over again. He also likes to use an attack where he swings his arm like a whip.

Sion: Sion will have PD-4 in his sights at the beginning so immediately go
after it and do a Torpedo Kick (ES+M). When he gets back up nail him again. He
will block it from time to time so when he does, block his counter, and counter
with a Torpedo Kick

Volt: Volt may be too slow to hit PD-4 immediately with his Extra Skill,
Shoulder Uppercut (ES+H). So wait for PD-4 to go after another bouncer and hit
it with that move. Keep pounding it with it whenever he gets up. If you react
too slowly, PD-4'll block it and counter. Block when you're able to during its
attack and counter with another Shoulder Uppercut.

Kou: Kou should go after PD-4 and hit it with a Heel Smash (ES+L). However,
when he's on the ground, you should hop over him with a Rolling Stomp (j) and
then when PD-4's getting up it'll be facing the other way and makes an easy

After PD-4 gets deactivated, Sion will go to check on Dominique. But before he
can you see another door will open and about 5 PD-4s will come out. Once the
PD-4s have spotted the bouncers, they will surround them. It doesn't take a
genius to figure out these odds are against our heroes. But before a battle can
start, the camera goes to Dominique. She seems to have a headache and then
cries out for Sion. Then your attention is diverted to a satellite. The
satellite will start to shake and its panels will tilt so that they face
towards earth. Then you see Dominique. Her head snaps forward and to your
surprise her face kind of pops off partially and reveals a bunch of microchips
and circuitry. The chips seem to be rearranging and once they stop, Dominique's
face snaps back and she gets into a fighting stance. She runs toward 2 PD-4s
and ducks under their punches and hits both of them. She grabs one of them by
the neck and hurls him at another PD-4. She then does a huge back flip over one
and does a roundhouse kick to it. The bouncers then look at Dominique in
misbelief and her body starts to smoke and she falls to the ground. Then
Mugetsu comes from nowhere and snatches Dominique. He then says he must take
Dominique to Dauragon's giant shuttle, the Galeos and he'll take out the
bouncers after that. Then Mugetsu will leap out of their sight. Sion will fall
to his knees unsure of what happened. Volt will explain that Dominique was
Dauragon's sister until she died of a terminal illness. However, when Dauragon
inherited the Mikado industry, he spared nothing to bring her back to life. Kou
will be very suspicious as Volt knows a lot about this and Volt will admit he
once worked for Mikado once. Sion refuses to believe Volt but Volt says that it
doesn't matter whether he believes him or not. Right now they need to get
Dominique back. So our heroes head to the shuttle launching bay. When they walk
in Sion stops suddenly. Then you'll hear incredibly loud footsteps. And once
the footsteps stop you'll see exactly what was making that noise. 3 gigantic
bots that are composed of 2 LD-15s and a new bot, the LD-X1, which look like
black LD-15s. Time to see if the LD-X1s are more than a new look.

-Battle: Mikado Building Rocket Launch Area-
This battle area is basically a huge rectangle. This is an advantage because
you're able to hit the bots away from each other and 1 on 1 you'll have much
better odds if you take on the bots with all of them together. The LD-X1s are a
lot like the LD-15s. They have the same attacks. Only difference is that they
have a longer life bar.

Sion: Head immediately toward the LD-X1 and continuously hit it with a Torpedo
Kick (ES+M) and knock him out. Hit it away from its buddies though so that the
other bots can't sneak attack you. Repeat for the LD-15s.

Volt: Volt should sneak in toward the LD-X1 and first hit it with a Shoulder
Uppercut (ES+H). Don't continuously hit it with the Shoulder Uppercut because
the LD-X1s have a shorter recovery time than its orange brothers. Instead, hit
it with the Triple Hook (h,h,h). And repeat for the LD-15s.

Kou: Head toward the LD-X1 and keep on hitting him with the Rolling Stomp (j).
Make sure you push it away from the LD-15s. Keep using the Rolling Stomp on the
LD-15s too.

When the 3 bots go down, the bouncers continue to press forward until they hear
Echidna's voice. Echidna will then say that she's surprised that the bouncers
have made it this far and now that with Mugetsu and PD-4 out of the way, she'll
take over once all of our heroes are gone. Volt will then mock Echidna and
Echidna doesn't take this very well. She then says that Volt had always been
ordering her around ever since they have been working together and that she'll
take it no more. She then calls to her 2 LD-X1s. I guess there's no choice but
to settle this age-old rivalry right here right now.

*-Boss Battle: Echidna II-*
This battle takes place in an area exactly like the last one. It's a gigantic
rectangle. Like last battle you should knock away 1 enemy from the group. This
time Echidna has better back up with 2 LD-X1s this time. Use the same strategy
as last time with the LD-X1s.

-Boss Analysis-
It's been a long time since you've seen Echidna and not much has changed about
her. Both with her fighting style and personality. She has the same moves as
last time and still takes a long time to regain her ground after she executes
an attack. The only difference between this battle and the last battle with
Echidna is there's more ground to fight and Echidna has better backup. You
should take out at least 1 of the LD-X1s, as it will be easier if your team has
the numbers advantage even though you need to defeat only Echidna to progress.

Sion: Sion should immediately go after Echidna with a Torpedo Kick (ES,M) and
she should fall into the LD-X1s. When it's time to go after Echidna, go after
her directly because she doesn't block very often. Hit her away from the group
and keep hitting her with a Torpedo Kick.

Volt: Volt should use his Shoulder Uppercut (ES,H) and hit Echidna into the LD-
X1s. Then go after one LD-X1 with the Triple Hook (h,h,h). Once 1 LD-X1 falls,
go after Echidna, hit her away from the bots, and keep hitting her with the
Shoulder Uppercut.

Kou: At the start you'll have to use the Double Uppercut (h,H) to hit Echidna
into the bots. Then go after an LD-X1 using the Rolling Stomp (j). When going
after Echidna, a good way to hit her is to use the Reverse Trip (l,L) and once
she falls down, use the Rolling Stomp and if done correctly that's a 3 hit
combo. If you have trouble with that technique, hit her down with a Heel Smash
(ES,L), then a Rolling Stomp and you should go over her, and once she gets up
her back will be facing you so you can hit her from behind with another Heel

After Echidna goes down, your character will ask where the Galeos is. This
scene will make a lot more sense if you played as Volt. If you did play as
Volt, Volt will tell Echidna that it's over and to give up. Echidna refuses to
give up and still wants to fight. Volt and his buds will then walk away and
Echidna will tell Volt to kill her because she doesn't want to owe her life to
him. She'll also talk about how she assassinated the previous owner of Mikado
and framed Volt. Volt will refuse to stick around any longer and will tell
Echidna to quit and to lead a normal life. Just when our heroes are about to
walk away, Echidna will tell them that the Galeos is in the launching bay and
Dominique is on board with Dauragon. If you didn't play as Volt, your character
will ask where the Galeos is and Echidna will simply tell them launch
preparations are done. Then you'll view the Galoes being launched. After,
you'll see a bunch of those fighters that you saw earlier in the game when you
were on the train. And then they'll start attacking the Galeos. If you played
as Volt you'll see Echidna surprised by the attack. If you played as Kou you'll
see a woman calling Kou and telling him to use an air carrier to get aboard the
Galeos. If you played as Sion you'll simply see the fighters beat up the
Galeos. So after that happens, Kou will tell the other bouncers to get on board
the air carrier and they'll use that to catch the Galeos. If you played as
Volt, you'll see Echidna telling Volt not to die since he owes her a rematch.
So the bouncers get onto the carrier and launch it straight into the battle
scene. Once Volt gets ready to park the carrier on the Galeos, you'll see
Mugetsu literally standing on the Galeos out in open space. Mugetsu will then
take off his mask and start running on the Galeos until he lands on the carrier
(wouldn't it have been so funny if he missed the thing?).

*-Boss Battle: Mugetsu II-*
After Mugetsu's hard landing, a dilemma will take place. You have 3 guys but
you need 1 of them to drive the carrier. It's now time to choose who'll drive
the thing. Of course, the decent idea is to choose your weakest character so
your toughest guy is left to fight. This battle area is very small and being
trapped with a crazy guy doesn't help either. (If it were me I'd rather take my
chances and jump onto the Galeos than fight Mugetsu). Watch out for your other
buddy flying into you.

-Boss Analysis-
After a while of mind decay, you can expect Mugetsu now to have the craziest
attacks imaginable. He has gained tons of new moves and seems to have abandoned
his old moves. One of which is a 3-punch combo, which he likes to use a lot. He
also likes to use an attack called the Crazy Drill, which he launches himself
forward like a Torpedo. This is a very deadly and frustrating attack. And the
most powerful new move is an unblockable one called the Ran-Getsu, which is
when he curls up and spins horizontally for a while. Even with all these new
moves, he still takes a long time to regain his ground after his attacks.

All characters: No matter which character you chose, you should use one of
these 2 strategies: you should either wait for Mugetsu to attack you, block it,
and then counter with an Extra Skill. Or you can wait for Mugetsu to go after
your buddy and hit him from behind.

After Mugetsu falls, literally falls, you see him tumbling out of the air
carrier and to his luck he falls straight in front of the Galeos's thrusters
right when they're igniting and gets incinerated like a turkey cooked by my
mother. So after that goes around, our heroes drive the carrier to board the
Galeos. Then your attention is diverted to Dauragon on board the Galeos. He
then seems to be talking to an unconscious Dominique sitting in a chair. He
says that it's time to "begin" something. And that he'll start with "the
accursed hospital." This may not make a lot of sense but Dauragon is a man of
his word. So then you see the satellite that was supposed to generate the solar
power. The satellite then starts to open up a portion and reveals a cannon.
Then the cannon seems to be charging up. Back on earth, you see a gigantic
building, which is actually a hospital, in a quiet evening drizzle. But of
course, nothing lasts forever and before you can enjoy this a second longer a
huge beam erupts from the sky and obliterates the hospital like Pearl Harbor on
the day of infamy. After that's over, you see our heroes running along the
hallway of the Galeos. Just when they're about to reach the control room, the
panther you saw in the crystal dome and in the Mikado Building as Sion gets in
their way. Since there's no time to ponder what to do with it, it's time to do
what comes naturally.

-Mini Boss Battle: Panther-
This battle takes place in a rectangular area much like the one you fought the
panther in if you were Sion in the Mikado Building. The camera angle can work
to your advantage now because it now is an overhead camera angle. This is a
thin area indeed so there's a better chance for your buds to fly into you. You
shouldn't attack from an angle just press on. The panther does have an upgrade
this time; it can transform into a woman and throw tons of more attacks at you.
While the panther isn't transformed, you can only hit it with low attacks. It's
easy to take it out when you push it against the other side of the hallway. It
likes to use a sort of tackle attack a lot and that's a very damaging attack so
watch out for that. When it's a woman take advantage of her height and hit her
with powerful high moves. The woman likes to throw a bunch of combos so make
sure to block those.

Sion and Volt: Both of these guys should wait until the panther transforms and
then hit the woman with your extra skill (Sion's Torpedo Kick and Volt's
Shoulder Uppercut) as many times as you can.

Kou: This battle is easiest with Kou because he can actually hit the panther
with his extra skill, the Heel Smash (ES,L). Push the panther to the wall on
the other side of the hallway and keep hitting it with the Heel Smash.

What happens now will depend on a number of things. If you played this part as
Kou or Volt, your character will ask Sion if he knows the woman. Sion will say
she does resemble a person she knew but he doesn't recognize her. So the
bouncers head into the Galeos Control Room. If you played the Mikado Building
Level as Sion and beat this part as him, he will recognize her and realize he
did know her once. Sion remembers that her name is Kaldea. He then goes to talk
to her. Kaldea will explain how Mikado staged her death and she really had been
alive all these years. She looks older now because of an experiment that was
done on her by Mikado. She then goes on to explain how she pities Dauragon but
before she can finish her statement, a chain shoots from nowhere and impales
Kaldea. Dauargon will appear and say he needs not her sympathy. If you played
through the Mikado Building as Kou or Volt but beat this level as Sion, the
same thing will happen as when Sion played through the Mikado Building but the
conversation will continue longer and you'll get to hear Kaldea tell Sion he
must stop Dauragon's plan. After whatever sequence took place, the bouncers
will end up in the control room of the Galeos. Dauragon will then explain how
he will provide unlimited energy to those who will obey him and will destroy
all who oppose him. So in other (or Kou's) words "He's gonna rule the world
with the satellite." Dauragon will give a huge speech as to how humans want to
be controlled. Then Dominique seems to be having a nightmare and Dauragon will
ask her what's wrong. Volt will say Dominique doesn't agree with her. Dauragon
then says that Dominique is nothing more than a puppet to him. After Sion
refuses to believe that, Dauragon seems to have had enough and will challenge
the bouncers again. This time with both hands. Well, this is it. The final
battle. After hours of fighting and movies here's the battle you've been
waiting for. Don't pat yourself on the back yet you still have to make the
final lap and it's gonna be a doozy. So taking Kou's words again "There's no
turning back now. It's time to go all out."

*-Boss Battle: Dauragon II and III -*
This battle takes place in a simple circular area with Dominique sitting in a
chair and a huge screen to the front. (Can you believe this is the place the
last battle will take place? Can you say "lack of creativity?") Space is very
ample. This time Dauragon has no panther and it's just the bouncers and him
now. This battle is actually 2 battles against 2 stages of Dauragon with no
health refills or chances to switch characters but you do get to spend BP. When
you do spend BP, upgrade your power or use it on moves because the defense and
health won't refill, only the bar will increase. This can be 3 battles if
you've cleared the game 3 times in a row but I'll explain the third battle

-Boss Analysis-
If you thought the last fight with Dauragon was tough, wait until you see what
he's like when he uses both hands. Obviously he has more attacks and they're
more powerful. But you should use the same strategies against him as the last
Dauragon fight except you don't have a panther to watch out for. Whatever you
do, don't go head to head with Dauragon unless he's getting up. If you do,
he'll block everything and come back with some real heavy hits. Like all other
bosses, you should either wait until he goes after your fellows and hit him
from behind and when he gets up again, hit him down again. After you've
defeated Dauragon for the first time here, he'll take off his heavy jacket and
another round against him will start. As you may expect, Dauragon will be more
agile without his heavy contraption on and he'll gain some more acrobatic like
attacks. He also seems to be faster and more aggressive too. It may not be a
very good idea to wait for him to attack you, block, and counter because this
time, Dauragon has gained a quick and unblockable skill called the Jet
Uppercut, which is also his most powerful. But lucky for you, he doesn't use
that move very often.

Sion: Sion's the all-around bouncer so basically use the old stick and move
technique At the start, run away from Dauragon and wait for him to attack your
buds. Then sneak up behind him quickly and smack him with a Torpedo Kick
(ES,M). When he gets back up, smack him again. If he blocks it, block his
attack, and counter with a Torpedo Kick. Repeat for the next battle.

Volt: Volt should definitely not go directly after Dauragon because he just
lags behind when it comes to speed against Dauragon. Like the other guys, he
should wait for the him to go after either Sion or Kou and Shoulder Uppercut
(ES,H) him. If he blocks it, don't use the Shoulder Uppercut again though
because there's a big chance Dauragon will counter again while you're setting
up for it. Instead, use the Triple Hook (h,h,h) because it's faster. When he
gets up hit him again with the Shoulder Uppercut. Repeat for the next battle.

Kou: For both fights, Kou has to use his strategy because even though he's the
fastest bouncer, his Extra Skill, the Heel Smash (ES,L), takes a long time to
set up and Dauragon will most probably see it coming and will counter with one
of his speedy attacks. Instead, you should hit him from behind and once he
falls down, do a Rolling Stomp (j) and you'll go over Dauragon. When Dauragon
recovers, his back will be facing you and that'll leave him open and hit him
with another Heel Smash.

If you had followed my strategies, you should've had little problem taking
Dauragon down. Now that the final boss is out of the way, you're free to watch
your character's wonderful ending. The thing I love about The Bouncer is that
there are a number of endings. Which ending you get will depend on a number of
things: the character you used to defeat Dauragon, the character you used to
beat the Mikado Building Level, and the character you used to defeat the
panther in the Galeos hallway. I won't tell you what the endings are though,
I'll let you be surprised by yourself.

*-07. Bonus Boss Battles-*
Hey, the walkthrough for the average game may be over, but you haven't reached
the finish line just yet. There are extra battles that can be unlocked where
you fight bonus bosses. If you beat the bonus bosses, you'll be able to use
them in Survival and Versus Modes. Here are the three extra battles that can be
*-Bonus Boss Battle: Leann Cadwell-*
When you beat the first level as Kou, Kou will make a phone call to a woman and
you'll actually get to hear the voice of the person who Kou is talking to. If
you continue to play through the game as Kou you'll learn that her name is
Leann. If you play through the entire game as Kou, not switching characters at
any time, while you're watching the ending, you'll get a phone call from Leann
again. She will then tell you to go to the Central Plaza. So Kou does just
that. When he gets there, Leann will show up. But before a pleasant greeting,
Leann will say that she has orders from high command to fight him. Well, you've
obeyed her orders up to now; I guess you have no choice but to obey again.

-Boss Analysis-
Leann keeps her guard up very much and is quick to counter but she doesn't seem
to be very aggressive so you need to be the aggressor here. Your best bet is to
go right at her and just keep hitting her, not allowing her to counter and
you're bound to hit her eventually. Or you can block and wait for her to hit
you and then counter but she has a throw attack that can break the guard.

The game won't end if you lose to Leann, she'll merely tell Kou that he can no
longer continue to watch over Dominique because he couldn't beat her and that a
replacement will be sent for his assignment. If you won, Leann will tell you
that you passed and that Kou can continue his assignment. What happens next is
kind of funny though.

*-Bonus Boss Battle: Wong Leung-*
If you beat the Mikado Building Level and the panther in the Galeos hallway as
either Volt or Kou, but beat Dauragon as Sion, while watching Sion's ending,
Sion will have a flashback about training with his Master who you may recognize
was the old guy in the Crystal Dome. While in the flashback, you'll hear a
lecture from Sion's master and he will challenge Sion.

-Boss Analysis-
Wong fights a lot like Dauragon. He has many of the same moves only he isn't as
aggressive as Dauragon and his stats aren't as good. Unlike the fight with
Dauragon though, you don't have your buddies so you can't use them as bait.
You're much better off going directly after Wong, block and wait for his
attacks. He doesn't have the Jet Uppercut skill so it's safe yet again to
block. Once he hits you hit back with a Torpedo Kick (ES,M) and when he gets
back up hit him again.

Again, the game won't end if you lose. If you lose, Wong will tell Sion that
the reason him lost was because he has lived such a lonely life the past few
years and he hasn't accepted people. If you won, Wong will comment Sion on how
much power he's gained for someone so solitary. But Wong also says Sion can't
continue along this lonely path if he truly wishes to become more powerful. In
his quotes: "Only when you open your heart and accept others...will you become
stronger. The spirit is the key to your strength Sion."

*-Bonus Boss Battle: Dauragon IV-
To unlock the prince of punishment in his ultimate form, you must clear the
game three times in a row. On the third game when you defeat Dauragon III,
instead of coughing out his blood and collapsing, the battle will be extended
to a third round. He'll get right back up and take off the top of his overalls
so you can get a look at the awesome tattoo of a dragon on his back. But the
tattoo isn't the only thing that makes him bigger and better.

-Boss Analysis-
Unlike the other 2 bonus boss battles, the game will end if you lose. Since you
have no health refills or chances to switch characters, make sure you have at
least one-third of your health left after the preceding 2 battles because
Dauragon is bound to take a few shots on you. If you don't it's most likely
Dauragon will make quick work out of you. If you thought Dauragon was already
aggressive and fast enough. Check him out on this stage. He has gained a couple
of new skills. One of which being a lightning quick 10-punch combo called the
Rushing Beat. He also has gained much better stats. Also unlike the other 2
bonus battles, you have your 2 fellow bouncers with you so you can use them as
bait now.

All characters: All the bouncers have the same strategy against Dauragon. Use
the same strategy as you did against the last 2 forms of Dauragon and as long
as you have the majority of your health left, you'll be fine.

*-08. Survival Mode Walkthrough-*
Some people may think all that the Survival Mode is just another part of the
game where you beat up everything that moves. And it is. But like everything in
life, there is a strategy that you can use to do it. This part of the guide
will give you tips as to what to do in each stage and will comment on which
characters are best to use here. Please remember that the ranking is in my
opinion so which character you choose is entirely up to you. I'm just here to
point the way. -
-Bonus Character Analysis-
Age: 15
Height: 4'10"
Fighting Style: Custom
Dominique Move list
Side Kick (h,h,h)Two punches followed by a side kick.
Power Spin Punch (h,H) A jab followed by a spinning punch.
Spinning Body Blow (m,M) After first hook, winds up and delivers a spinning
hook punch.
Ground Spin Kick 2 (M,m,m) Front handstand kick, a low stance roundhouse kick,
and a powerful low stance hook kick.
Dominique Bounce (D,m) Jumps toward direction on the D-pad with her rear-end
first. Then does a back flip when she lands and sits down for a second.
Squat Kick (l,L) Begins with a high front kick and then drops her body to do a
sitting low kick.
*Spike Bomber (ES+j) A punch that comes down from a high jump.
*Linear Drive (ES+m) Throw enemy in a straight line with incredible momentum.
*Rolling Power Throw (ES+l) Throw technique building momentum to drive the
enemy into the ground.
*Destruction Uppercut (ES+h) Uppercut that does massive damage.

Strategy: Dominique has the worst stats out of anyone but she does have
extremely offensive and strong attacks so you should only choose her if you can
be very aggressive. Your best bet is to go directly after your opponents and
repeatedly hit them with some powerful strikes like the Spike Bomber (ES+j) or
the Destruction Uppercut (ES+h).

UGETSU~(w/ mask)
Age: 30?
Height: 5'11"
Fighting Style: Profane/Insane Arts

Heel Drop (h,h,h) Two punches followed by a crescent moon drop kick.
Final Stroke (h,h,H) Two punches followed by a powerful chop.
Side Kick (H,h) A high back kick to a jumping side kick.
Flying Kick (D, h) Mugetsu runs, jumps, and does a side kick.
Triple Reverse Chop (m,m,m) Two side chops followed by a powerful side chop.
Heart Stopper (Right) (m,m,M) Two side chops and a right punch to the gut.
Heart Stopper (Left) (m,M) A straight punch and another huge hit to the gut.
Cork Screw Kick (M,m) A somersault low kick and a double leg thrust kick.
Low Reverse Chop (l,l,L) Two low kicks and a low spinning side chop.
*Ren-Getsu (ES+m+m) Combo attack hitting both front and back. Lunges forward to
punch and then jumps back and delivers a backhand punch.
*Gen-Getsu(Hell) (ES+l)- Mugetsu disappears and when he reappears, executes a
running punch.
*Gen-Getsu (Heaven) (ES+h) Mugetsu disappears and comes from nowhere with a
downward dive.
*Hi-Getsu (ES+j+j) Mugetsu does a back flip and follows it with a high-speed

Strategy: Unlike most characters, Mugetsu has many moves that are both fast and
powerful at the same time such as the Ren-Getsu (ES+m+m) or the Hi-Getsu
(ES+j+j). The problem with him is that he takes a long time either to start or
finish his attacks. But when you can get the timing right you can catch enemies
off guard and totally destroy the competition.

MUGETSU(without mask) move list
Crazy Back Kick (h,h,h) Two punches and a high roundhouse kick.
Crazy Elbow Chop (h,h,H) Two punches and a powerful chop.
Crazy Uppercut (m,m) A punch leading to a powerful spinning uppercut.
Crazy Straight Chop (m,M) A straight punch and another powerful to the gut.
Crazy Drill (D, m) Mugetsu launches himself like a torpedo.
Crazy Sweep (l,L) A low kick and a low sweep kick.
*Shi-Getsu (ES+m+m) Combo attack striking both front and back.
*Fu-Getsu (ES+l+l) Feign death to surprise enemy with an inverted spinning
*Ka-Getsu (ES+h+h) A throw into in the air and an overhead kick.
*Ran-Getsu (ES+h+m) Super-fast spinning attack striking all surrounding

Strategy: Even though this is Mugetsu at the breaking point of madness his
strategy is still the same. You still should go after the enemies with powerful
and fast moves but the only difference is he has new moves. This time you
should come out offensively with the Crazy Drill (ES+m) over and over or if
you're surrounded use the Ran-Getsu (ES+h+m). You still need to work on your
timing because Mugetus still takes a long time to execute and finish attacks.

Age: 25
Height: 5'5"
Fighting Style: Brazilian "Capoeira"

ECHIDNA move list
Handstand Kick (h,h,h,h) A right hook punch, a spinning back fist, a left hook
punch, and finished with a high spinning hook kick.
Au Gatido (h,H) A hook punch followed with a one-hand handstand kick.
Headspin (m,M) One hand cartwheel kick and a spinning handstand kick.
Bencao (D,m) A powerful thrust kick.
Double Rasteira (l,L,l,l) Echidna goes to the ground and does four fast sweeps.
*Missile Kick (ES+j) Echidna jumps a huge distance and comes down with a
powerful dropkick.
*Cyclone Drive (ES+l,l,l) A unique spinning kick combo.
*Dead-End Carnival (ES+h,h,h,h) Rhythmic quadruple-flip attack. Echinda flips
forward, then backwards, and then does a cartwheel and another front flip.
*Double Slap (ES+m,m) A painful combination using front and back slaps.
*Ambush Strike (ES+h+m or ES+m+h) Feign injury to sneak in a surprise attack.

Strategy: Echidna has many quick and unique combos so make sure to use those to
your advantage. Come out aggressively with combos like the Handstand Kick
(h,h,h,h) or the Double Rasteria (l,L,l,l). A good strategy to use is to do the
Missile Kick (ES+J) to a guy and when they're on the ground, do a Double
Rasteria (l,L,l,l).

Age: Unknown
Height: 5'5"
Fighting Style: Transcendental

KALDEA move list
-Human form only-
Back High Kick (h,h,h) Two punches and a high backward thrust kick
Roundhouse Kick (h,H) A punch and a high spinning roundhouse kick.
Wing Punch (H,h) Two-hit combo using a over head punch and then a crane stance
Short Uppercut (m,m) A kneeling punch and a uppercut to the gut.
Griffin Launcher (m,M) A kneeling punch and a high front kick.
Low Reverse Chop (l,l,l) A low kick, a sweeping low kick, and a low back-hand.
*Griffin Talons (ES+j) Two front kicks.
*Meteor Storm (ES+h) An attack that rains down countless kicks from above
*Griffin Tail (ES+m,m) Undignified trick that attacks front and back.
-Panther form only-
*Spinning rush (ES+h) A rushing spinning attack.
*Wild Fang (ES+m) An unblockable attacks when the panther jumps into opponent
and bites them.
-both forms-
*Shape Shift (ES+l) Changes form. From human to panther and panther to human.

Strategy: Kaldea is my favorite person to use in Survival Mode. The mere fact
that she is 2 characters in 1, both of which have very offensive and quick
moves, make her extremely versatile. I suggest fighting most opponents as the
panther (ES+l to transform) because you have the ability to counter with
powerful attacks and at the same time you're immune to the most powerful
attacks which are the high ones. As the panther what I usually do is just do a
Spinning Rush (ES+h) to anything that moves and whittle down the numbers. When
the numbers dwindle I use the Wild Fang (ES+m). While going against the robots
I transform back to human and hack away at their health using Kaldea's powerful
combos like the Meteor Storm (ES+h)

Age: 26
Height: 6'2"
Fighting Style: Open-hand Dragon Prayer

DAURAGON (one hand) move list
Striking Blow (h,H) A palm hit followed by a more powerful palm hit.
Down Thrust (m,M) An uppercut to an low back fist. Sounds like a two-hit combo
but it hits only once because once a hit connects it knocks the enemy down and
you're unable to hit the guy after.
Double Sweep (l,L) A sweep kick followed by a spinning sweep kick.
Double Talon Kick (D, j,j) Two weak front kicks in the air.
*Whirlwind Kick (ES+m) High spin kick with long swipe and wide area of effect.
*Crescent Moon Slash (ES+j) Cartwheel kick with a wide range, both front and
*Triple Rave Kick (ES+h,h,h) A triple spin-kick combo.
*Elbow Spear (ES+h+m) An extremely fast dashing elbow with a really long range.

Strategy: There's nothing really special about this guy or any of the stages of
Dauragon. All of them have no advantages or special abilities so your best
defense is a good offense. Go directly after your opponents and be very
aggressive. The best move to use as him is the Elbow Spear (ES+h+m). When
surrounded use the Whirlwind Kick (ES+m).

DAURAGON (two hands) move list:
Dragon Frenzy (h,h,h) A palm hit, an uppercut, and a shoulder smash.
Striking Palm (h,H) A light palm hit and a heavy palm hit.
Dragon Wing (m,M) A two handed downward strike and a double handed palm hit
hitting both sides.
Double Sweep (l,L) A sweep kick followed by a spinning sweep kick.
Double Forward Kick (J, j) Two-hit combo using Two powerful front kicks while
in the air.
Double Talon Kick (D, j, j) Two-hit combo using two weak front kicks in the
*Whirlwind Kick (ES+m) A huge high spin kick with a huge range.
*Crescent Moon Slash (ES+j) Cartwheel kick with wide effect range, both front
and back.
*Dragon Claw (ES+h) Open-handed attack striking down from above.
*Dragon Blitz (ES+h+m) An extremely powerful charging attack with both the back
and shoulder.
*Wyvern's Sting (ES+h+j) Dauragon runs toward the enemy, grabs them, throws
them into the air, and hits them with a palm strike.

Strategy: As I said before, Dauragon's best defense is a good offense. Be very
aggressive and don't hold back. This Dauragon, though, has upgraded moves. I
suggest using the Dragon Blitz (ES+h+m). But when surrounded also use the
Whirlwind Kick (ES+m).

DAURAGON (overalls) move list:
Dragon Frenzy (h,h,h) A palm hit followed by a uppercut and a shoulder smash.
Striking Palm (h,H) A palm hit followed by a more powerful palm hit.
Dragon Wing (m,M) A double handed downward strike and a double palm hit hitting
both sides.
Lunging Strike (D,m) Leaps forward and does a punch. Extremely long range.
Double Sweep (l,L) A sweep kick followed by a spinning sweep kick.
Double Foward Kick (J, j) Two powerful front kicks while in the air.
Double Talon Kick (D, j, j) Two weak front kicks in the air.
*Sonic Elbow (ES+m) An extremely powerful rushing elbow attack.
*Dragon Spiral (ES+l) Inverted spin kick that looks like break-dancing.
*Launcher (ES+j) Dauragon goes toward the ground and shoots his legs up.
*Jet Uppercut (ES+m+l) A very powerful unblockable uppercut with long range.

Strategy: Like all stages of Dauragon, he has to use his strength and powerful
moves in order to be successful. Don't hesitate when it comes to attacking and
make sure you're the first to attack. Like all stages of Dauragon he gains new
moves. So as this stage I suggest using the Jet Uppercut (ES+m+l) to every guy
that moves as it is unblockable and it's his most powerful. Or you can use the
Lunging Strike (D,m) if your enemy is far away.

DAURAGON (shirtless) move list
Dragon Frenzy (h,h,h) A palm hit, an uppercut, and then to a shoulder smash.
Striking Palm (h,H) A palm hit followed by a more powerful palm hit.
Dragon Wing (m,M) A double handed downward strike and a double palm strike to
both sides.
Lunging Strike (D,m) A lunging punch with hugely long range.
Double Sweep (l,L) A sweep kick followed by a spinning sweep kick.
Double Foward Kick (J,j) Two powerful front kicks while in the air.
*Sonic Elbow (ES+m) An extremely powerful rushing elbow attack.
*Dragon Spiral (ES+l) Inverted spin kick that looks like break-dancing.
*Flying Dragon Kick (ES+j) Multiple kicks in the air.
*Rushing Beat (ES+m+l) A lightning fast 10 punch combo.

Strategy: Even though this is the final stage of Dauragon, he still has no
special abilities over his enemies so your strategy is still to have a good
offense on you. But since this is the most powerful stage of Dauragon, it's a
lot easier to use that strategy because he now has more powerful moves to back
himself up. And on top of that he has the best stats out of anyone. The Sonic
Elbow (ES+m) and the Rushing Beat (ES+m+l) are ideal moves to use as him.

Age: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Fighting Style: Open-palm Dragon Prayer

Dragon Rage (h,h,h) Palm hit to a punch and then to a double punch.
Striking Palm (h,H) Palm hit followed by a more powerful palm hit.
Dragon Wing (m,M) Two handed downward strike and a double handed palm strike
hitting both sides.
Double Sweep (l,L) A sweep kick followed by a spinning sweep kick.
*Step-In Elbow (ES+h) A quick charging elbow
*Vertical Smasher (ES+m) An uppercut that digs low and then flings the opponent
high up.
*Launcher (ES+j) Wong goes toward the ground and shoots his legs up.
*Cross Break (ES+m+l) Sudden attack that hits all sides at the same time
*Silent Exploder (ES+h+m) Extremely powerful but slow open handed strike.
*Wyvern's Charge (ES+h+j) Wong lifts a guy into the air and tackles them.

Strategy: Wong fights like Dauragon so his strategy is like that of Dauragon's.
He needs his powerful moves to help him succeed. His Silent Exploder (ES+h+m)
and the Step In-Elbow (ES+h) work very well. His Cross Break (ES+m+l) is
excellent for taking out multiple enemies. He lacks powerful combos so he may
have a hard time against robots since they have very long health bars.

Age: ?? (it's a robot it doesn't age)
Height: 5'11"
Fighting Style: Muay Thai (Thailand Kickboxing)

PD-4 move list
Arm Whip: (h,h,h,h,H) Two straight punches, two hook punches, to a unblockable
Right Cross (h,h,h,H) Two straight punches, a hook punch, to a powerful
overhead smash punch.
Cross Elbow (h,h,H) Two straight punches to a powerful elbow smash.
Uppercut (h,H) A straight followed by a powerful uppercut with the same arm.
Crescent Kick (H,h) A roundhouse kick leading to a spinning roundhouse
Straight Punch Combo (m,m,m) Two hook punches and a heavy hook punch.
Knee Thrust (m,M) A hook punch connecting to an knee kick.
Spin Kick Combo (M,m,m,m,m,m,m) A thrust kick followed by five shin kicks and a
powerful spin kick.
Double Trip Kick (l,L) A low kick followed by a heavy low kick.
Fading Knee (j, j, j) Pulls body back and then steps to the left side. PD-4
then executes a knee kick.
Flying Knee (D, j) A rushing knee kick
*Thunder Fall (ES+h) An unblockabe attack by repeatedly diving from above with
extended arms.
*Lightning Whip (ES+m) Hook attack that lashes like a whip.
*Elbow Spin Break (ES+l,l) Backward spinning kick and elbow hits that
repeatedly hit both sides.
*Lightning Viper (ES+h+m) Long-ranged unblockable straight punch.

Strategy: PD-4 is an excellent guy to use in Survival Mode. His many long-range
attacks and quick and powerful combos make him near unstoppable. The best move
to use as him is the Lightning Viper (ES+h+m) because it manages you to cause
big damage to enemies without getting close. Therefore, decreasing the odds of
getting hit greatly. When you do get close use the Spin Kick Combo
(M,m,m,m,m,m,m) to take off huge chunks of damage. The problem with PD-4 is he
takes a long time to regain his ground after attacks so that leaves him open
but as long as you hit the dude he won't be able to hit you because he'll be on
the ground.

Age: 24
Height: 5'4"
Fighting Style: Cutting Fist
Leann's move list
Triple Jab: (h,h,h) Three back hand punches.
Back Knuckle (h,H) A back hand punch and a heavy back hand smash.
Combo High Kick (H,h,h) A roundhouse to a spinning hook kick to a spinning
roundhouse kick.
Side Spin Kick (D,h) A spinning hook kick in the air.
Somersault Combo (m,M) A high front kick followed by a backward somersault
Jumping Side Kick (D,m) Leaps forward with side kick.
Waterline Spin Kick (l,L) A low kick followed by a spinning sweep kick.
Short Slide Kick (D,l) Slides forward and does a low kick to the opponents
*Shuriken Kick (ES+H) Powerful flying cartwheel kick that cuts the air.
*Rising Spinner (ES+j) Spinning high kick that rises into the air.
*Shoulder Slam (ES+m) Shoulder throw
*Somersault Edge (ES+h+j) Powerful high-flying somersault kick.

Strategy: Leann is really an all around character. She has very good extra
skills that are ideal to be used. The Rising Spinner (ES+j) or the Somersault
Edge (ES+h+j) work well. Also, throwing enemies into each other with the
Shoulder Slam (ES+m) is a good way to fight too. Really Leann has no strategy
since she is so well based. Just go out there and fight.

-Stages in Survival Mode-
Here are the 10 stages that are in Survival Mode. I shall explain only the
enemies and environment. Which character you use is up to you.

-Stage 1-
This battle takes place in a long hallway. Here you have 2 MSF's and 2 Security
Guards as your opponents. This should be relatively easy and no need for

-Stage 2-
Here you have to fight 3 Security Guards and 2 Security Commanders. The
environment is a mirror image of the last one. The Guards should be very easy
as you have faced them many times before. The Commanders you should play
defensively and wait for them to hit you and counter with your character's
suggested moves.

-Stage 3-
Here you've got to fight 3 P-101s and 3 Carrier Soldiers. First take out the
Carrier Soldiers by going to the path on your right. You should fight
defensively against these guys because they like to block a lot. Blocking and
countering isn't too good because you will get sneak attacked from behind. The
best way to hit them is to run away for a while, turn around quickly, then do
an attack that covers a long range. Behind the boxes that you saw in the
beginning of this stage are the P-101s. There's 1 behind the first box on the
right and there's another one behind the first box on the left there's another
P-101. The P-101s probably won't move until you've actually hit them so take
out one at a time so you can't get hit from behind. Take out these 2 and go
forward some more to find another one. Taking out the P-101s shouldn't be too
hard. Just keep them against a wall and they won't be able to recover and
counter fast enough.

-Stage 4-
This level consists of 3 watchdogs and 2 MC-07s. At the start of the level, a
dog will immediately come at you so make sure to block as soon as the level
starts. After the dog tackles you, counter with a heavy low attack and it
should go down quickly. First ignore the robots and take out all the dogs so
you can't get sneak attacked. Plus it's much easier to take them out. When
taking out the MC-07s, it's better to use attacks that start low when being set
up such as Dauragon's Launcher (ES+j) so they can't hit you because they're
unable to attack low.

-Stage 5-
This is when things start to get a wee bit difficult. Here you've got 2 MSF's,
an MSF Elite, an LD-15, and an LDX-1. First you see 1 MSF. Lure him to you and
dispose of him quickly. Follow the path and you'll find an LD-15. Be aggressive
with this guy and go directly at him with a powerful combo or single hit but
make sure to use attacks that quickly allows you to attack again once it hits.
Do the same when going against the LD-X1.

-Stage 6-
Here you have 2 P-101s and 4 MC-07s. When you start immediately turn around to
face a P-101. Beat it up, turn around, and go toward the path. Then you'll see
an MC-07. Use the same strategy as you did with earlier MC-07s. Head up to
another platform and you'll see 2 MC-07s. Take them out 1 at a time. Then head
to the next platform and you'll see 1 MC-07 and 1 P-101. Take out the MC-07
first because the P-101 most likely won't notice you until you hit it.

-Stage 7-
There are 3 watchdogs, 1 Security Chief, 1 Security Guard, 1 Air Carrier
Soldier and 1 Security Commander in this level. At the start, lure the Security
Guard and Air Carrier Soldier towards you and when they're close enough hit
them into each other. Or, you can go up either of the stairs and take these
guys out 1 at a time. Then lure the dogs to you and hit them into each other.
Going further down the path, you see the Security Chief and Commander. Lure
them up to the stairs and hit them into each other.

-Stage 8-
Here you have a P-101, an LD-15, an LD-X1, and an MC-07. Take out the little
bots first and then move to the LD's. Make sure to push them away from each
other so you can't get hit from behind.

-Stage 9-
This level contains 3 MSF's, 2 Elites, and 2 watchdogs. Don't go straight at
the group of enemies or you'll be surrounded and you'll last about the time a
snowball has in a sauna. Instead, when the fight commences, head to your left
and go into the elevator so when the enemies come towards you can't get
surrounded and you fight against 1 guy and you'll hit them into each other.

-Stage 10-
Okay this is it. You've made it this far. Either you're really talented or
really lucky. There's only 1 guy left. The black hooded Sion. Depending on
which level you're on and how much defense and health you have left you may be
at a huge disadvantage. This Sion is always at level S no matter which level
you're on. The best strategy to use is the stick and move. Which is to run away
for a while, turn around quickly and execute a speedy single hit or combo.
Being aggressive may not be very good because you most likely will be low on
health and defense. But if you still have enough health and defense, go after
Sion and try to hit him with your character's recommended move over and over.
When you're running low use the stick and move technique.

*-09. Loading Dialogue-*
When the game is loading, you'll see some subtitles that tell you a little bit
about your character's past and how they ended up in the bar. But since the
game sometimes loads too fast for you to get all of them in, I have taken the
liberty to type them up here. Happy reading.

13 years ago...

Wong: Why do you follow me?
Sion: Will I ever strong as you?
Wong: That is up to you.
Sion: Hey, will you teach me?
Wong: It is my policy not to take any disciples. It is late...Go
Sion: I...don't have a home...

11 years ago...

Wong: Giving up already?
Sion: N-No...! I'm just hungry! Can't fight on an empty stomach!
Wong: are persistent...I'll give you that.
Sion: Wh-What do I
Wong: Jump off this cliff.
Sion: A-All right...
Wong: Whoa, whoa...I'm kidding! Come...It is time for dinner.

9 years ago...

Girl: What're you doing?
Sion: Can't you tell? I'm training!
Girl: Looks like a lot of fun.
Sion: No one's stopping you from doing it.
Girl: I get sick real easily, so...
Sion: ...What's your name?
Girl: Kaldea.

5 years ago...

Sion: I finally made my master use one of his hands!
Kaldea: Wow! You finally did it!
Sion: Yeah, but the geezer said it'd take me a life time to make him
use both of his hands.
Kaldea: You two really do get along, don't you?
Sion: Kaldea, your parents are always kind and caring to you, too.
Kaldea: I've never been scolded my whole life. I don't know if you'd
call that caring...

3 years ago...

Kaldea: What is it?
Sion: Master Wong...hasn't come home...
Kaldea: What...?
Sion: He said something weird a while ago...but I didn't expect him
to disappear so suddenly...
Kaldea: Have you notified the police? He could have been involved in
some accident...
Sion: No accident could kill him! Even if someone tried to murder
him...that old man wouldn't die...!

2 years ago...

Sion: Here, congratulations.
Kaldea: Are you sure?
Sion: Of course! You got that job at Mikado, right?
Kaldea: But...Can you afford this...?
Sion: Don't worry.
Kaldea: Thank you. I'll treasure it.
Sion: OK, but don't go locking it away in some box. It's a pendant.
You're supposed to wear it.

2 years ago...

Sion: What do you mean an accident?!
Father: There was an...accident at Mikado and...
Sion: And...what hospital is she in...?
Father: She...didn't make it...
Sion: Huh...?
Father: It was a...massive explosion...
Sion: You're lying...
Father: S-Sion!

2 years ago...

Sion: (Kaldea...)
Man: Hey, watch it!
Sion: (...)
Man: Who the hell do you think you are, running into me like that
without an apology?! What's with the pathetic look on your
face? What, did your girlfriend dump you?
Sion: Err...raaaaah!!

1 year ago...

Sion: ...
Man: Hey...Noticed you were looking at me, you got a problem with me
or something?
Sion: C'mon...
Man: What?!
Sion: Why don't you go ahead and kill me...
Man: What are you on?!
Sion: That is...if you think you got what it takes...
Man: You're asking for it, you little...!!

1 year ago...

Sion: Someone! Anyone! Come and kill me!
Sion: Anyone?! You can use a gun if you have to!
Young Man: Uh...umm...
Sion: You're going to be the one to kill me?
Young Man: I think I know a man...who could get the job done...
Sion: Who is he?
Young Man: A man who works at a bar called FATE.

1 year ago...

Customer: Ah-aaahhh!

Boss: Hey, hey, you're scaring my customers. Why don't you take it
someplace else?
Volt: I think that's my job, boss.
Sion: Those piercings make you look like a demon straight outta hell,
You think you got what it takes to get me there?

1 year ago...

Sion: I'm...not dead...yet...
Volt: Not bad...for a little kid...
Boss: What do you think about working for me, boy?
Sion: What...?
Boss: He works for me as a bouncer. It's your choice. No one's going
to stop you from leaving if you want to...
Sion: All right, I'll do it...But only until I can beat him...!

5 years ago...

Boy A: Dammit! We've been had!
Boy B: I told you we shouldn't have pushed it while he was away!
Boy A: D-Damn...!
A Voice: You're right about that.
Boy B: V-Volt!!

5 years ago...

Man: Guh...hua!
Volt: Giving up already?
Mob Boss: Impressive! Most Impressive!
Volt: !
Mob Boss: You just tore up one of my best men like a dog on a rag doll.
How 'bout you pull a job for me?
Volt: Why should I...?
Mob Boss: I need someone erased... In exchange for your services, I'll
keep my hands off your turf...
Volt: ...

5 years ago...

Agent: It's impossible...We can't stop him!
A Voice: Cease your attacks. He's far more than any of us can handle!
Agent: M-Master Mikado!
Mikado: It appears he has some business to settle with me.
Agent: Stay in the car, sir! It's too dangerous out here!
Mikado: It won't make a difference whether I'm in the car or not.
Volt: You...aren't afraid?

5 years ago...

Mikado: Have you ever thought about working for me?
Volt: I've come here to kill you.
Mikado: And thanks to that, I was able to meet you. Don't worry. I'll
have a word with that "organization".
Volt: Who are you...?

5 years ago...

Woman:'re the new rookie?
Volt: You're an agent as well?
Woman: The name's Aena Paula. Codename: Echidna.
Volt: Who would've thought they'd make a woman an agent.
Echidna: Hey, don't underestimate me. You know as well as I do that
you've gotta be damn good to work as a security agent here.

4 year ago...

Volt: Echidna, get Master Mikado to safety!
Echidna: What about you, Volt?
Volt: I can handle this myself just fine.
Echidna: Are you crazy?! You're going to get slaughtered!
Mikado: Let's trust Volt.
Volt: Get going, Echidna!

Echidna: ...!

3 years ago...

Echidna: I challenge you...
Volt: What..?
Echidna: I've always wanted to go up against you.
Volt: Unfortunately, I'm on duty protecting Master Mikado. And it's
against my principles to raise my hand against a woman.
Echidna: ...!
A Voice: I see that man is an eyesore to you...
Echidna: Huh...?

3 years ago...

Volt: (Master Mikado...Forgive Me...! I should not have taken my eyes
off you...)
Echidna: You seem to be in agony, Volt.
Volt: Echidna! You were with Master Mikado! How could you let him...!
Echidna: It couldn't be helped. I'm much weaker than you, I couldn't
protect him...
Volt: Why you...!

3 years ago...

Volt: What're you trying to say, Echidna?
Echidna: Now I'll be the one to move ahead...Once I deal with you, the
one who conspired in the death of Master Mikado!
Volt: What?!
Echidna: FIRE!
Volt: Echidnaaaa!

3 years ago...

Man: Looks like you've come to.
Volt: Where am I...?
Man: I found you out on the shore.
Volt: Why am I here..?
Man: I assume you wouldn't want the cops or docs involved.
Volt: ...
Man: I did a lot of crazy things when I was your age, too.

2 years ago...

Man: You got a place to go?
Volt: I don't want to trouble you anymore than I have.
Man: You interested in a job at my bar? It sure would be help if I
had a bouncer like you.
Volt: A bouncer, eh...?

2 years ago...

Volt: Well, if it's okay with you...I wouldn't mind working as a
Boss: But the gunshot wound on your forehead's gonna attract some
unwanted attention. How 'bout we cover it up with some body
piercings? But the only thing that would work on that spot
would be some horns.
Volt: Horns, eh...? That might actually be appropriate.

17 years ago...

Teacher: Your boy is a genius. Not only scholastically: he is also
musically and artistically very talented.
Mother: Indeed. I want him to bring honor to the Hurst family name.
Kou: I'd like to learn martial arts, too.
Mother: Absolutely not! What if something happens to you!

13 years ago...

Kou: Mother, I have a favor to ask you...I really want to learn Tae
Kwon Do.
Mother: No son of mine will learn martial arts! How many times must I
tell you?!
Kou: Then I will leave this house! I believe in order to be a proper
heir to the Hurst family, one must be strong, as well!
Mother: ...!

11 years ago...

Grandmaster: It is amazing. I never expected someone your age to be able to
go hand-to-hand with me. If I had my way, I would have you
inherit this dojo.
Kou: Really?!
Grandmaster: But that is not possible. You are the heir of the Hurst family.
Kou: ...

9 years ago...

Mother: You earned a doctorate at such a young age. I'm so proud of
you. You are indeed a Hurst...
Kou: I'm sorry, of today, I renounce that name. I
appreciate my birth into the Hurst family and I do appreciate
the education you have provided me. However, I've learned
something more important from Tae Kwon Do.
Mother: Wh-What are you saying?!
Kou: From now on, I will live on with my master's name: Leifoh.

4 years ago...

Sr. Officer: So you are the elite they've been harping about.
Kou: I'm not elite. I'm just here to do a job that's worth risking
my life over.
Sr. Officer: Heh...You passed. According to our reports, it appears you are
from the Hurst family. Depending on your reaction, I was going
to disqualify you.

3 years ago...

Sr. Officer: Allow me to introduce your partner for the next mission.
Kou: A...woman?
Woman: I've got a name and it's Leann Caldwell.
Sr. Officer: Her survival abilities may be higher than yours.
Kou: ...
Leann: Is there something on my face?

3 years ago...

Leann: I screwed up. I didn't expect them to have so many on
Kou: You can make it out of here alone, right?
Leann: Alone...? What're you going to do?
Kou: I'll draw their attention.
Leann: That's suicide!
Kou: Just trust me. And if we make it out of here alive, you owe me
a drink.
Leann: ...I'll think about it.

3 years ago...

Kou: Hey! Heard you were promoted! Congratulations!
Leann: I told the high-command that it was all because of you...
Kou: No, it was because of your talent. Oh yeah, by the way, you
still remember the promise we made?
Leann: Huh?
Kou: You owe me a drink.

1 year ago...

Leann: Did you call for me, sir?
Sr. Officer: Here...I knew Mikado's solar energy plan sounded fishy.
Leann: And there's also information about surgical enhancements in
Sr. Officer: This mission's going to be our toughest yet...
Leann: Rest assured, I'm confident he will be able to pull it off.

6 months ago...

Kou: A full-body tattoo what the hell kind of mission is this? I'm
supposed to watch over the girl, right?
Leann: That's not all. It's also your job to prevent her from falling
into the hands of the Mikado Group.
Kou: You mean that mega-corporation?!
Leann: If all else fails, you job is to eliminate her...

6 months ago...

Boss: You're an unfamiliar face.
Kou: Yeah, just moved into town...hoping to find a job.
Boss: This place used to be pretty busy thanks to Mikado, but lately
they haven't been outsourcing much of their work.
Kou: ...We've hit some bad times. Drinking seems to help the time
pass, though...

3 months ago...

Man: Agh...!
Boss: Not bad at all for someone like you.
Dominique: Boss, why don't you hire Kou as a bouncer too?
Boss: Hey, hey, you know how expensive it is for me just to keep two
Dominique: I'll help clean the bar!
Boss: Ahhh, fine, fine...It's only because you insist on it,
Kou: I admire your good taste, princess!

*-10. If You Need To Contact Me-*
If you have any further questions concerning the game that hasn't been answered
in this guide, e-mail me at If you have any
criticism, add-ons, corrections, tips, suggestions, weird comments, etc for or
about this guide I shall accept those too. However, if you do e-mail me I have
guidelines you must follow or I shall simply not reply to it and I'll block you
from sending any further messages. Also, if you have MSN Messenger, feel free
to drop me a line if I happen to be on.

1. Don't send me any kinds of threats, messages that don't relate to the game,
or perverted stuff.

2. Please type "questions for The Bouncer" as the subject on your e-mails so I
know that you're actually asking me a question.

3. Use correct English. That means spelling, word usage, and capitalization. I
made the huge effort to use correct English for this guide the least you can do
is do the same for me so I can actually understand what you're saying.

4. Make sure you are specific. Make sure to explain your question. Don't give
me questions like "How do I get to that place to get to that thing?" Tell me
what part of the game you're on, what's going on, and what your problem is. Be
sure to include specific names and places.

5. Don't send me questions that can be answered in this guide. It's not my
fault you were too lazy to look in this guide. I typed all this up, use it.

6. Please be patient because I have a girlfriend who loves me and I love her
and I have lots of hobbies and stuff I do in my spare time. And of course I'm
only human and I can get grounded. I'll reply when I have the time to.

7. Don't be rude. Like most people I like nice people who are courteous in
asking me a questions. This includes people who give me the "please and
thanks." Don't demand I answer a question or yell at me.

8. And lastly but most importantly, DO NOT SEND ME AN E-MAIL IN ANOTHER
LANGUAGE. I know no other languages but English.

*-11. Outro-*
Thank you for using my full and complete guide. I really appreciate all my hard
work is helping out people. Remember, anyone is always free to download this
guide and/or post it on your website if you have one. If you do choose to use
it on your website, please tell me beforehand and include the URL of the
website in the e-mail. It doesn't matter who you are or how many people visit
your site you're always free to put this guide on your site. However, all
contents are copyright of me (c) 2001 Tae Kwon Do Kicker 91288.

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