Eight Eyes

Eight Eyes

25.09.2013 18:30:03
8 Eyes

Version 1.0
Last Updated: 3/22/2002

Copyright 2002 by Tom Votava
E-mail: Strider0077@aol.com

# Version Information #

1.0: Original Version.

# Contents #






Level Order


Altar of Peace (Final Puzzle Solution)

Additional Quests


Game Genie Codes

Acknowledgements/Copyright Info.


# Introduction #

Hello and welcome to my strategy guide for 8 Eyes, an interesting game that
mixes traditional action-adventure gameplay with a twist of a puzzler.

This game has been labeled as simply a clone of Castlevania, probably due to a
similar makeup of the graphics (blocks, platforms, and staircases), as well as
a few gameplay elements (special weapons, items hidden in blocks).
Okay, so it is a lot like the classic series. However, there are enough
extra features in this game to allow it to stand on its own as well (Cutrus,
your bird partner, along with the multiplayer option). Along with that, it has
a nearly impossible challenge level, for those who don't know where all of the
items are located. Once you know where everything is, the game is at least
beatable. Hopefully, this guide will take care of this problem.

Shall we get started?

# Story #

(Copied out of the instruction manual)

After hundreds of years of chaos, mankind has finally emerged from the ruins
of nuclear war. This world of the distant future has once again flourished
under the guidance of the Great King, who harnessed the power of the 8 Eyes
to rebuild the planet.

These strange jewels of power were formed at the eyes, or centers, of the
eight nuclear explosions which nearly destroyed the Earth. In the wrong hands,
the 8 Eyes could cause untold destruction... and now, they have been seized
by the Great King's eight Dukes, in a desperate bid to gain control of the
world for themselves. They have banished the King to the nuclear wastelands,
and already their squabbling threatens to plunge the world into war once

The task of retrieving the 8 Eyes falls to you, Orin the Falconer, the bravest
and mightiest of the King's Guardsmen. With your fighting falcon, Cutrus, you
must penetrate each of the eight Dukes' castles. There you will face the
Dukes' soldiers, and battle strange nuclear mutants such as living skeletons,
giant wasps, and mud men. You must defeat the monstrous Boss of each castle to
retrieve the Jewel of Power he guards.

Then, to complete your quest, return the 8 Eyes to the Altar of Peace to await
the return of the Great King, so that he may finish the rebuilding of Earth.
Your reward will be the eternal gratitude of all mankind!

# Controls #

Regardless of whether you're playing with 1 or 2 players, you play a single
adventure. In a single-player game, controller one moves both Orin and Cutrus,
while in multiplayer, controller one handles Orin and controller two is for
Cutrus. There are a lot of different controls for each screen, so be sure to
make a note of this list.

* Game Options Screen *

Select Another Option: Select Button OR Up/Down
Enter Option: Start Button

* Password Screen *

Change Current Letter: Up/Down
Select Another Letter: Left/Right
Start Game: Start Button

* Level Selection Screen *

Select Another Level: A Button/B Button
View Clues Found: Select Button
Start Level: Start Button

* During Game-Orin *

Walk: Left/Right
Climb Steps: Up/Down
Enter Doorways: Up
Crouch: Down
Jump: A Button
Use Sword: B Button
Pause Game: Start Button
Select Weapon: Select Button OR Left/Right while Paused.
Use Weapon: Up + A Button

* During Game-Cutrus *

Release/Recall Cutrus: Up + B Button
Swoop Attack: While flying, Down + B
Control Flying: Player 2's Control Pad

Note: You can only control Cutrus' flight in a 2-player game. When playing
alone, Cutrus will fly back and forth across the screen in a wave
pattern that covers about half of the screen.

# Weapons #

You begin your attack on each castle armed with only Cutrus and your sword.
However, during the level you can find extra weapons by defeating a specific
enemy. The same enemy from the same place will always give you the same

Note that you can hold multiple weapons. Once you have more than one, just
use the controls in the above section to select the one you want.

You need item energy to use these weapons, and some require more than others.
The more energy it takes, the better the weapon. For the most part, the only
weapons worth using are the Ice Ball and the Boomerang, but feel free to
experiment with the others.

Item | Energy Cost | Use
Dagger | 1/2 Block | Throwing Knife.
Boomerang | 1 Block | Can pick up items.
Ice Ball | 2 Blocks | Stuns an enemy. Works against bosses!
Power Ball | 1/2 Block | Moves in a wave pattern.
Molotov Cocktail | 1/2 Block | Explodes on the floor and burns.
Gun | 1/2 Block | Your basic pistol.

# Power-Ups #

Hidden throughout each castle are important power-up items that will make your
journey much easier.

Cross: This is the normal item you get when you defeat an enemy. White
crosses give you item energy, while red ones increase your life.

* The rest of these items are hidden inside the walls *

Scroll: Contains a clue to help solve the puzzle at the end of the game.
There is one hidden in each of the first 7 levels.

"S" Bowl: Fills all energy meters AND increases their length by one block.

"S" Jar: Fills all life for either Orin or Cutrus, depending on who takes it.

Blue Jar: Increases the length of your energy meters by one block.

"G" Jar: Orin becomes invincible for a short time.

"Z" Jar: Doubles the power of Orin's sword for a short time.

"C" Jar: Restores a small amount of life power.

# Level Order #

Unfortunately, this game is a bit more complicated than simply recovering the 8
jewels from each of the evil dukes. You have a choice of what order you want
to play the first 7 levels (You must leave the House of Ruth for last) and the
order you choose is very important.

When you complete a castle, your sword is replaced with a "more powerful" one
from the duke you defeated. It isn't really stronger against the normal
enemies you encounter, but it does twice as much damage to one other duke.
Which one? That's the trick...if you pick the wrong one, you will have a
really hard time winning a battle against him. Even if you do somehow survive,
you will then get another new sword that will be effective against some other
duke, meaning that you will no longer have an easy battle with the boss that
you should have fought before.

To make this long story shorter, you should play the levels in the order
suggested in this guide. If you do that, then you will always fight the dukes
using the best possible sword.

# Walkthrough #

Before I begin, here are a couple tips that apply to all levels:

* Energy Meters *

When you first enter a castle, your life and weapon power meters are only 6
blocks long. If you want to have any chance to complete the level, you will
want to find as many hidden jars as possible to increase the length of these
meters to as many as 10 blocks.

* Fencing *

Most of the enemies you encounter will attack by running towards you until they
are close enough to hit you with their weapon. Then, after swinging it a few
times, they move again, then swing some more, and so on. You can take
advantage of this pattern to keep them from hitting you as much. When the
enemy stops moving, immediately back away so you're just out of his range.
Then, wait while he takes a couple of steps towards you before hitting him
with your sword. Once you connect, quickly back out of his range again. The
later you hit him, the more time you will have to back away. Why? Because
scoring a hit makes him flash. He can't hurt you until he stops flashing!

Okay, enough general stuff...on with the walkthrough!


You begin the level on the outside of the castle. To open the gate, you must
hit the switch next to the torch on the right with either Cutrus or your sword.
Keep in mind that all doors in this game must be opened with a switch.

For each of the rooms inside, I will number them based on the order you will
enter them:

Room #1: A soldier with a small knife comes at you. Use the Fencing strategy
described above to take care of him, then climb the stairs and do the same to
the next guard (careful, his sword is longer). He'll give you a dagger.
While on this upper ledge, set Cutrus loose and have him attack the middle of
the wall to the right. If he hits the right spot, the brick with the hidden
item behind it will light up. Hit it again to reveal the prize. You'll find
your first Clue Scroll in this block. Attack it again to take it.

Room #2: Quickly move to the left to avoid the bat. Keep sneaking under it to
lure it down, dodge it, and attack. Jump from below the left side of the ledge
with the armored knight to easily hit him without taking damage. Collect the
Power Ball he drops, if you want it. Climb the half way up the long stairs and
stop. Turn around and send Cutrus towards the right wall at a height slightly
higher than the flame of the nearby torch. When he attacks the middle of the
wall, he should find a Blue Jar.

Room #3: You'll find another guard with a long sword here. Fence him to death,
then jump on a couple of blocks so that you're just below the upper ledge.
The archer will come to you, stopping to shoot arrows every once in a while.
Just wait for him to get close enough to hit. You only have to hit him once.

Room #4: Kill the first guard that attacks you to get the Ice Ball. MAKE SURE
YOU GET THIS ITEM! You'll need it for the boss. Also, I recommend that you
select the empty slot in your item list so you don't accidentally use up some
of your item power during the level. After the guard, send Cutrus to the wall
on the right and attack the middle of it for a Blue Jar (Speed tip: If you're
playing alone, the best way to attack a wall with Cutrus is to call him back
to Orin between hits. This will keep him from flying all the way across the
screen when all you want him to do is attack a wall). Climb the steps up to
where you can stab at the next enemy's feet. Wait for him there, so he can't
throw his daggers at you.

Room #5: Stab/avoid the flying skulls and climb up to the armored knight.
You'll have to fence with this guy, since he's too smart to just walk over to
the stairs. Use Cutrus on the middle of the wall here for another Blue Jar.

Room #6: Another long-sword solider. Deal with him, then send Cutrus to the
wall on the right. Once again, attack the middle of it. You'll get the last
Blue Jar (you should now have all 10 of your energy meter's blocks). Climb up
the steps. The archer there will not come to you, so just run at him as fast
as you can, stabbing at his arrows to try and block them. Keep your distance
from the second archer so you have some room to jump over the pair of blocks
in your way. Attack him on the other side of them. Drop down and take care of
the next soldier, then drop into the hole in the bottom. From here, you will
pass through the right sides of the rooms you have already been through.

Room #5: Nothing special here, just a knight with an axe.

Room #4: Try to block the first guard's daggers with your sword, just like with
the arrows. Climb down to face a very strange character that looks like he
belongs in a Tarzan movie. This guy is also special because Orin's sword does
not work on him. Quickly release Cutrus and attack him with the bird. He dies
with one hit.

Room #3: Even though you can avoid fighting the archer in the upper left, make
sure you kill him anyway. He leaves a Boomerang when he dies, which you'll
need later. Drop to the bottom and fence with the guard, then try some jumping
attacks on the left wall for a "C" Jar.

Room #2: Make sure you JUMP off of the ledge you start on, instead of using the
steps or simply walking off the edge to fall down. The bat on the right will
hit you if you follow the stairs and if you don't jump, you'll stumble down
them! The knight here is an easy kill. Climb down to leave this room and go
back up again to keep fighting him. You want to fill up your item power to the
top before you reach the end.

Room #1: Another longsword fighter and another archer. You should be used to
these guys by now.

Boss: This guy isn't that tough, as long as you have your item power full. Get
out your Ice Ball and hit him with it. When he's frozen, you can get in about
three sword blows. When he moves again, throw another ball right away (don't
worry if you miss...the ball will roll away, bounce off the wall, and come
back). If you run low on life power, climb the stairs and have Cutrus attack
the wall on the right. You'll find an "S" Jar. DON'T take it using Cutrus.
The only way Orin will get the power is if he takes it himself. Use the
Boomerang to reach it.

Once you defeat the boss, you can collect your first jewel and...WAIT A MINUTE!
Why on earth is Orin having coffee with the guy he just killed?! And why would
anyone drink what was given to him by a skeleton?! In a word, bizarre.


Before entering this castle, stand below the leftmost statue. Jump and stab to
the left to reveal an "S" Bowl. The door switch is that gray square touching
the right side of the door.

Room #1: The first skeleton is unarmed (don't get used to it). He leaves an
Ice Ball behind when he dies. Climb the steps and fence with the skeleton that
can actually fight back. Go to the right wall and attack the bottom of it to
get a Blue Jar. Try not to get hit by too many bats while you're doing all of

Room #2: Take the moving platform to the left (don't worry about falling into
the pit...that will take you back to Room #1, but it won't kill you) and climb
the steps. Take care of the next skeleton, then head to the right. When you
reach the end of the upper ledge, you should see the blocks on the ceiling form
a triangle shape that points down. Set Cutrus loose and have him attack the
tip of this figure to get a Clue Scroll. The little hooded guy below has a
Boomerang for you. Hurry to the steps after you kill the next skeleton. If
you take too long, another one will attack from the doorway.

Room #1: The steps you took lead to the far side of this room. Deal with the
skeleton and race to steps, as before.

Room #3: Drop to the bottom and use Cutrus to kill the green monster (only he
can hurt this thing). Jump and stab the right wall for a Blue Jar, then make
your way to the left. You can get a Power Ball from the second monster, but
you probably won't need it.

Room #4: The mud monster on the left has a Molotov Cocktail, but this really
isn't that useful either. Stand on the doorway and jump-attack the overhanging
wall. There's another Blue Jar here, which should max out your energy meters.
Run and jump to the right, taking care not to fall to the watery level on the
bottom. If you fall, you will be attacked by some rather mean-looking fish (go
back to the left to get out of here). Kill the mud man, then send Cutrus to
the left to hit the door switch while Orin waits by the door (Orin can hit
the switch too, but the door might close before he could get to it. Later on,
you won't have a choice but to use Cutrus, so it's good to get in the practice

Room #5: Drop down, duck, and take care of the panther. He'll jump around and
probably hit you a couple of times, but that's okay. Jump and attack the left
side of the ledge that's 3-blocks long for an "S" Jar. Jump over the holes in
this room (unless you WANT to go back to Room #3...didn't think so). The guy
with the hammer dies with one hit (odd, he looks a lot stronger than that, but
then again, so did the green monsters).

Room #6: There are some blue ghost-like enemies in this room that behave like
bats (they start from the ceiling and swoop down when you approach them). Make
one of them come to you, and when it touches the floor, crouch and stab it
until dead. It will shrink after the first hit, but shouldn't have too much
trouble. Once they're gone, set Cutrus loose before climbing the steps. Have
the bird hit the switch while you're on the steps, so you have enough time to
reach the door.

Boss: You'll face a rather agile old wizard in this room. He'll run and jump
around while shooting little flames from his staff. No problem, as long as you
have enough item power to use your Ice Ball. Of course, if Spain wasn't the
last level you played, this fight will be rather difficult.


If you've made it through both Spain and Egypt, your skills should be good
enough to tackle the rest of this game. The gameplay of 8 Eyes tends to repeat
itself, so no one level is really more difficult to survive than another.

On the outside, jump and strike the flame of the torch on the right to get an
"S" Bowl. I assume you know how to open doors by now, because there are a lot
of switches in this level.

Room #1: The little hooded guy has a Boomerang. Before you go through the
door, go past it to the wall on the right and jump-attack it for a Blue Jar.

Room #2: Use jumping attacks on the far right wall to find the Clue Scroll for
this level. The cloaked one will give you a Dagger.

Room #3: Get the Ice Ball from the first guard, then attack the left wall for
at the same height as the switch for a Blue Jar. Get to the other side and
take care of the other guards before worrying about the switch (use Cutrus).

Room #4: Careful when fencing with the guy with the pitchfork, he has a longer
attack range that it looks. Cutrus is the only one who can kill the guys with
the whips. After climbing down the steps, have Cutrus attack the blocks below
the stairs for a Blue Jar.

Room #5: When you first enter this room, send Cutrus out to the left and have
him attack the leftmost block on the level you're standing on. There's another
Blue Jar there (you probably don't need it, since your energy meters should
already be ten-blocks long). Near the door switch, you'll face your first
pile of bones. These things shoot out some powerful fireballs (did someone
say this game was a Castlevania clone? Wasn't there an enemy like this in
those games too? Nah, must have been something else...). However, you can
block the shots with your sword and then kill it with only one hit.

Room #6: Drop to the bottom and kill the panther using good timing during its
jumps (it will leave a Gun behind). When you reach a 3-block floating ledge,
attack the left side of it for a very important "S" Jar. Release Cutrus before
you climb the steps so he can hit the door switch when you're ready.

Boss: This boss is weird. He throws cards at you while his pet panther jumps
around in your face. The panther is stronger than the others you have faced,
but you don't have to fight it to win the battle. Still, it will get in the
way if you don't. Once it's gone, attack the overhanging part of the wall on
the right to reveal a "G" Jar. Don't take it until the boss enters the screen
from the left. When he does, use your invincibility to do as much damage as
you can, then get out your Ice Ball and finish him off while he's frozen.


Room #1: Climb the steps and fight the knife thrower (unlike other ones, this
kind must be hit several times). Once he's gone, head right and hit the block
on the end of the ledge for a Blue Jar. The cloaked one has a Dagger for you.

Room #2: More of the same in here. The hooded guy has an Ice Ball this time.
There's a Blue Jar hidden within the floor above to the right of the stairs
(five blocks from the top of them). As usual, release Cutrus near the bottom
so he can hit the switch, while Orin stands by the door.

Room #3: Let the bird fly right away, so he can attack the man with the mace,
as only he can kill him. After killing the panther and a fire-breathing guy,
attack the overhanging wall in the upper right corner for an "S" Jar. Make
this energy last! This is the only refill you'll get in this level!

Room #4: Make sure the man with the pitchfork is over to the left before you
try to jump the hole in the floor. There's a gap in the ledge above you, as
well. Send Cutrus up to attack the right side of the hole to get a Blue Jar
(don't worry, you can still jump across the hole and land on the empty space
you make by taking the item). Remember to use the bird on the man holding the
whip. The second pitchfork guard has a Boomerang.

Room #5: The rock thrower will give you a Molotov Cocktail. If you want
another Blue Jar, have Cutrus attack the right edge of the floor above you.
Once you're up there, stand as far to the right as you can to scroll the door
switch far enough on the screen for Cutrus to hit it.

Room #6: Before climbing the steps here, stand on the first block below them
and attack the second one to find a Clue Scroll.

Boss: Another magician, only this one can disappear if you get too close to
him. Quickly send the bird up and attack the bottom of the overhanging ledge
above you to get a "Z" Jar, to double your sword's strength. Get out your Ice
Ball (as usual), so you can freeze the boss before he can vanish.


Africa and Germany get extra marks for difficulty, compared to the other
castles in the game, since they're mazes. You have multiple paths to choose
from, and only one of them is right. Taking wrong turns forces you to go
through places you've already been to. Still, you'll should still be fine, as
long as you follow the path described below.

Room #1: No choice, but to fall through the hole in the floor.

Room #2: Go to the wall on the right. Duck and stab it to get a Blue Jar.
To get out of this "endless" room (every path you take will lead back here),
leave the screen by climbing the steps (doesn't matter which direction, but if
you go down, the birds won't hit you). Next, fall off the screen through the
hole in the lower right. Finally, fall through the same hole again.

Room #3: Drop to the bottom and have Cutrus attack the middle of the blocks
that form a staircase. You'll find a Blue Jar. The bird is the only one who
can kill the guard next to these steps, as well. After you he's gone, fall
through the hole next to him.

Room #1: You're now on the right side of the hole you fell through at the
start. Attack the blocks to your left to get a Clue Scroll. Set the bird
loose again and attack the guard that comes from the right. Take the stairs
down from here.

Room #2: Although this room looks exactly the same as the endless room you went
through before, this really is a different place. Crouch and attack the left
wall for another Blue Jar (same location as in this room's "twin"). The spear-
thrower has an Ice Ball for you. Go back up the way you came.

Room #1: This is a good place to build up your item energy for the boss. Climb
up the stairs from here, when you're done.

Room #4: From the upper level, go left and fall down. Jump-attack the left
wall down there for an "S" Jar. Leave using the only steps available.

Room #1: Drop into the hole on the left.

Room #2: This is the "endless" room again. Proceed as shown above to get out.

Room #3: Climb the steps you land next to.

Room #2: This is the right side of a room you've been to. There are no new
items, but you need to go up from here. You'll get a Dagger from the guard.
IMPORTANT: If you leave this room using the steps in the lower right and come
back in using the same steps, you will need to leave and re-enter this room
from the lower left, in order to reach the boss.

Room #3: Finally! You've found a way to the door that leads to the boss. Send
Cutrus through the wall to hit the switch.

Boss: Climb over the first pile of blocks and attack the left side of it for a
"G" Jar. Then quickly attack the axe-throwing boss while you can't be hurt.
Use the Ice Ball, if the power wears off.


Another maze. Try not to pay too much attention to the room numbers here. I
have put them in for the sake of completeness, but they don't help much when
you're constantly moving from room to room.

* These first three steps are optional *

Room #1: Climb the steps and kill the axe-thrower for a Gun. Climb up to the
next room.

Room #2: The knight in this room has a Boomerang. You can't do much here
except climb up again.

Room #3: Dead end. Climb back down to Room #1. (I told you this part was
optional! I only put it in so you can see how some of the rooms are connected,
which is something you won't see too often in this castle.)

* End of Optional Part *

Room #1: Drop into the first hole on the left.

Room #4: The demon with the pitchfork has the Ice Ball. Climb the steps.

Room #5: Kill the first guard you see, then jump-attack the wall on the right
to get a Blue Jar. Go back down the way you came.

Room #4: Drop down the hole on the left.

Room #2: If you took the optional path, then you've been here before. Go down
from here.

Room #1: Fall into the middle hole of the three (the thinnest one).

Room #2: Crouch and hit the wall on the right for another Blue Jar. The only
way forward fall through the next hole.

Room #4: Do NOT fall in the hole next to you! This will take you back to Room
#1 and you'll have to back up a couple of steps. Instead, jump over the hole,
kill the big guy with the whip using Cutrus, then attack the left wall for a
Clue Scroll. Hit the switch and go through the door.

Room #6: Jump the hole and climb the steps. Jump-attack the left wall for a
Blue Jar. This is a good room to build your item power in by leaving and
re-entering it from the top. You can easily take care of the guards around
here. Fall into the hole.

Room #1: Ignore the door switch. Just drop to the lower level and jump-attack
the left wall for a very important "S" Jar. Fall into the hole.

Room #4: Work your way down and drop into another hole.

Room #2: Yet another hole to fall through.

Room #5: Jump across the gap and climb the steps. If you fall, take the steps
down to go back to Room #6. Then follow the guide from there.

Room #3: Watch out for the axes thrown by the orange knight. Fall into the
hole on the left.

Room #3: The hole takes you to the top of the same room! If you really care,
you can attack the right wall for another Blue Jar, but obviously you won't
need it. Use Cutrus to hit the door switch and enter.

Boss: Jump up onto the first block below the stairs. Crouch and attack the
block there to get a "Z" Jar. Quickly use the Ice Ball to freeze the mage,
so you can attack him with your increased sword power.


The worst part is over now. This castle is still difficult, as some powerful
enemies take the place of the mazes you just got past. Orin tends to take a
beating in this castle, especially with the armies of skeleton guards that will
come through the doors. Worse yet, you don't get too many power-ups, so take

Room #1: There are two guards on the upper level, along with a cloaked guy.
One of the guards shoots some arrows that can be dodged, but not blocked. The
other guard doesn't attack you, but can only be killed by Cutrus. The cloaked
guy has a Dagger ("cloak and dagger"...how appropriate is that?!). Use the
bird to attack the left edge of the upper ledge to get a Blue Jar.

Room #2: This is almost a mirror image of the first room. The exact same
enemies are in here, only they're on different levels. The cloaked one has the
Ice Ball here, so don't miss it! This time, using Cutrus on the RIGHT edge of
the upper level will net you a Blue Jar.

Room #3: Jump-attack the first wall you come to for another Blue Jar. Wait for
the skeleton to go left before climbing down the stairs. That way, you can
just run away from him and attack the bone pile that's shooting fire at you.
If you kill the skeleton first, another one will come through the door to take
his place.

Room #4: Attack the right side of the ledge above you with Cutrus to get the
final Clue Scroll (if you're playing alone, the best place to release him is
four blocks from the left side of the level you're on, facing right). Wait for
a clear jump before heading left. If you get hit by a bat, you'll probably
fall back down into Room #3. Duck to avoid the fireballs from the bone pile,
but hurry to his ledge before it can reach the edge of it. Otherwise, you
won't be able to hit him until he backs off (not good).

Room #5: You'll probably need some energy right about now. Help is on the way,
if you made it this far. There's and "S" Jar in the middle wall on the lower
part. Ride the moving platform, then fall onto the blocks below to reach the
wall from the right side. Watch out for skeletons behind the wall...they can
hit you from there! If one comes, jump back a few blocks and he'll back off.
You can attack any enemies coming from above by using jump-attacks from one
of the blocks. Remember to conserve energy!

Room #6: The first wall you come to has another Blue Jar, if you want it.
Release Cutrus BEFORE climbing down the stairs. You'll need him up there to
hit the door switch.

Boss: Nothing much here. Just another big guard with a sword and some throwing
knives. Get out your Ice Ball and take care of him. If you're desperate for
energy, there's a "C" Jar in the wall on the right (jump-attack to get it).

The House of Ruth

Finally, you've reached the last stage! Unfortunately, this game doesn't
exactly end with a bang, as this level is quite easy. Unlike in other castles,
you start with all ten energy blocks available, along with ALL of the possible
weapons! All you have to do is defeat the bosses from the other levels again,
with the help of a ton of power-ups (why are these guys after you again? You
just had a drink with each of them!). Also, each time you win a battle, your
life is refilled. Anyway, here's what you need to know about this place:

Room #1: The boss from Spain is in here. Get out the Ice Ball and go to work
as you would normally. Since your sword isn't strong against this boss
anymore, it will take more hits to kill him. Still, freezing him should give
you enough of an advantage. Once you have more energy than he does, you can
just keep hacking at him. He'll die before you. If you get into trouble,
climb the steps. Send Cutrus out and attack the left edge of the upper level
to get an "S" Bowl to recharge all of your life and item power. You'll find
one of these bowls in EVERY room of this castle! Once your enemy dies, the
door to the next room will automatically open.

Room #2: Up next, the guy from Egypt. The "S" Bowl is on the left edge of the
platform you start on. Take it when you've used up your most of your life and
item power, so you'll get more mileage out of it. You'll be using the Ice Ball
for this, and all battles from here on out (as if you haven't been all along).

Room #3: The Arabian duke is in here. Jump-attack the upper right corner to
reveal the "S" Bowl, but of course you come back to take it when you need it.

Room #4: Now for the card-thrower from Italy and his panther. Since the cat is
stuck on the top level, while the boss is on the bottom, you can ignore it.
The "S" Bowl is below the steps, three blocks up from the bottom.

Room #5: In here, you'll find the mage from India. The "S" Bowl is in the
group of blocks hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room. Have
Cutrus attack the right side of the row of blocks that is three-blocks long.

Room #6: The last "old" boss is the guy from Africa (why the seventh boss from
Germany is missing, I have no idea). The "S" Bowl in here is below where you
come in. Jump-attack the left wall.

Boss: We're in "The House of Ruth", so this must be Ruth, I guess. The last
boss of the game presents no real challenge, just a lady with a whip and some
kind of animal's skull for a hat. The "S" Bowl is inside the leftmost block
on the ledge you start on. Use it effectively and you should have no trouble.

After your drink with the lady, head for the final puzzle!

# Altar of Peace (Final Puzzle Solution) #

So here you are, you've beaten all eight of the evil dukes and recovered the
8 Eyes. Now, what do you do with them? You have to place them on the altar in
the correct order to restore peace to the world, but what is it? Well, if you
recovered all of the Clue Scrolls, you should have all of the information you
need to puzzle things together.

This puzzle is kind of fun to solve, if you don't already know the answer.
I'll try to drag this part out a little. That way, if you don't want any extra
help, you won't see the complete solution right away.

Anyway, here's how to piece together the clues:

There are eight positions on the altar, and they start out empty, like this
(using "X" for an empty slot):

X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X

* Black is on the far right *

This is the best clue to start with, since it directly points out the location
of one of the jewels. So, we'll just take the Black jewel and put it into

X, X, X, X, X, X, X, Black

* Black is next to Red *

With Black in place, we can easily put Red next to it:

X, X, X, X, X, X, Red, Black

* Purple is next to Red *

Purple is the next one we can put down:

X, X, X, X, X, Purple, Red, Black

* Between Green and Purple are two jewels *

Now that we know where Purple is, there must be exactly two jewels separating
Purple from Green:

X, X, Green, X, X, Purple, Red, Black

* White, Orange, and Purple are all separated *

At this point, we have four jewels left (White, Orange, Yellow, and Blue).
Looking at this clue, we can't tell anything for sure, but we can narrow things
down. We know that Purple must not have White or Orange next to it, leaving
either Yellow or Blue to fill that position.

X, X, Green, X, (Yellow OR Blue), Purple, Red, Black

* Between Black and White, there is no Yellow *

The way we have things set up, if Yellow was the jewel next to Purple, then
White would have to be to its left, which would violate this rule, so we know
that Yellow must be somewhere else. With that, we know where Blue is.

X, X, Green, X, Blue, Purple, Red, Black

* White is next to Yellow *

Since there's only one pair of empty slots left and neither one of these two
jewels have been placed yet, we know that they go there. To make sure that
Yellow is not between White and Black, Yellow goes on the left side.

Yellow, White, Green, X, Blue, Purple, Red, Black

Only Orange is left now, so guess where it goes? With that, the solution to
the final puzzle is...

Yellow, White, Green, Orange, Blue, Purple, Red, Black

When you're placing the jewels, you will always have to put them down in the
same order (White first, then Green, Yellow, Red, Purple, Black, Orange, and
Blue last). To help speed things up, here's the solution again, showing the
numbers 1-8 that will tell you where to put the next jewel after each

Yellow3, White1, Green2, Orange7, Blue8, Purple5, Red4, Black6

If you place the jewels on the altar like this, you will win the game!

# Additional Quests #

But...Wait! You're not done yet! Once you win, you'll get a password to play
the game on a new difficulty level. All of the items in the castles are
exactly the same as in the first quest, except that the Clue Scrolls are gone
(don't worry, the final solution is the same). The only noticeable change in
the gameplay is that all of the enemies move MUCH faster than before. You'll
have to have your fencing skills down pat, in order to survive!

Here's the password you get when you beat the first quest:


If you use this and complete the game again, the game will hint that you might
not be finished yet. Still, for some reason, it doesn't come out and give you
the code for Round 3. That one was supposed to be hidden, I guess. At any
rate, to play 8 Eyes on the hardest difficulty setting, use this password:


If you can beat the game on this level, consider yourself good, because it is
not easy, even when you know everything about the game! Good Luck!

# Passwords #

For those of you who are used to games that have a save feature and don't like
writing down passwords, this section is for you. Below is a list of passwords
for each level of every quest:

* First Quest *

Plus Germany: NAAOHOHABE

* Second Quest *

Plus Germany: BIBOHAAAJC

* Third Quest *

Plus Germany: NPCOHAAAND

# Game Genie Codes #

For those of you who have a Game Genie, here are a few codes I have come
across while playing this game:

GXOUSUSE = Orin immune to most attacks
GXNGNOSE = Cutrus immune to some attacks
AGVXGXYZ = Orin starts with more life
AGVXIXYZ = Cutrus starts with more life
YZVXTZAE = Start with item energy
GXSLKVSE = Never lose item energy
VTOVNTVA = Start with Dagger

# Acknowledgements/Copyright Info. #

8 Eyes and its characters are registered trademarks of Taxan. Most of the
basic information came straight from the instruction manual, unless that
information was incorrect. I have listed my own passwords for the game, but
the Game Genie codes can be found in many places on the web.

Please do not post this FAQ on your web site without my permission. This is
supposed to be a free guide, so don't sell it. I don't mind if you copy and
paste this information for personal use, but if you want to use it for any
other purpose, you need to contact me first. It took many hours to write all
of this, so I'm very protective of my work. Thanks!

# Feedback #

Do you have any feedback on this FAQ? Is there something I missed? You can
contact me at 'Strider0077@aol.com' with any questions.
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