Hopkins FBI

Hopkins FBI

04.10.2013 07:23:08


Solved by: Graham Jones AKA p1r4t8r (contributor name)
Game: Hopkins: FBI
Platform: PC
Version: v1.2
Last Update: 16/7/2002
E-Mail: graham_goss@hotmail.com
MSN: graham_goss@hotmail.com
Homepage: www.geocities.com/gf_p1r4t8r/sketches
Best viewed in Wordpad, at 1024 x 768.

-This is my first walkthrough for a game ever, so bear with me on
this one.
-If you have probelms solving any of the puzzles in the game, feel
free to e-mail me at the adress above.
-If there are any errors and/or misprints please inform me and I'll
update this guide immediatly and give credit to you for pointing it
-Go to www.hopkinsfbi.com for the latest patches and updates. If you
are using the UK version be sure to download the patch!

Copyright Legal Stuff
-This document is copyright 2002 Graham 'p1r4t8r' Jones. It is my property.
-The latest updates can be found at www.gamefaqs.com and
www.gamenemesis.com ONLY! If you find this document on any other site
PLEASE notify me by e-mail using the above address.
-Feel free to save this guide to your computer, but if you would like
to use it on your site or whatever, please e-mail me for permission first.

Hopkins: FBI is copyright 1998 by MP Entertainment. This is an unofficial
walkthrough and I am in no way affiliated with MP Entertainment (much as
I wish I was :)

-15/7/2002, changed contributor name to fit new details, fixed peronal
website link.
-16/7/2002 Changed hosting details, now hosted at www.gamenemesis.com
as well.

Im putting the credits at the top so EVERYONE READS THEM!
First off
-Becky, AKA Karpah. Thanks for always listening to my insane
ramblings on both GameFAQS Parasite Eve 2 board and on MSN. You rule!
-CJC, for hosting this guide on his EXCELLENT site. This guide
wouldn't even exist without him.
-www.gamenemesis.com for offering to host my guide as well.
-MP Entertainment for creating this great game.
-All the other people I annoy on MSN, and the GameFAQS Parasite Eve 2

And now, to the guide. (at last!)

You will start the game in Agent Hopkins Apartment.
Look underneath the TV to find a holstered gun. Take the gun.
Walk to the left of the screen and taker take the screwdriver off the
Search the couch in the left hand corner to find a set of keys.
Exit the apartment.
Talk to the man holding a newspaper. Explore all the dialogue options.
Talk to the woman waiting for a cab. Ask her everything.
Use the car keys on the car.

Bank Robbery.
You will now be on the town map.
Click anywhere on the map and you will get a message from dispatch
informing you of a bank robbery.
Go to the bank to the left of the screen.
You will arrive outside the bank. Show your FBI badge to the
two police officers.
Ask them both everything.
One of them has a megaphone.
Ask for his megaphone.
Use the megaphone on the entrance to the bank.
Explore the dialogue till you get the option to be taken in
exchange for the hostages.
You awake on the rooftop.
Take the piece of paper, it read MLR.
Go back inside.
Search the shelves to the left, you will get a wire cutter.
Move the garbage bin on the left of the screen.
You will find a box, look at it.
Use the screwdriver on the lock.
Use the wire cutter on the wires in the top right hand corner in
this order, Middle, Left, Right. This diffuses the bomb.
Talk to Anderson, the nurse and the journalist.
Leave the bank.

Once you are on the town map you will recieve a call from dispatch
regarding the helicopter.
Head to the empty lot in the bottom left hand corner.

Look at the corpse.
Talk to the coroner.
Search the garbage bin, you will get a piece of meat.
Take the bottle next to the helicopter.
Check the piece of paper on the floor.
Move the paper, it reveals a piece of a shoelace.
Take the piece of shoe lace.
Exit the lot.

Head to the FBI labratory, to the left of the FBI HQ in the top right
hand corner.
Talk to the doctor.
Give the doctor the piece of shoelace.
Leave the Labratory.

Head to the FBI HQ.
Talk to the punk out the front. Explore all the dialogue options.
Head inside.
Talk to everyone inside.
Head into the office on the left.
Search the top drawer of the desk, you will recieve a key.
Use the key on the cupboard of the desk.
Take the grenades.
Use the computer, password: Hopkins. Read all files.
Exit office.
Use elevator to the right.
Talk to your boss. Ask him everything.
Exit the boss' office.
Ask the switch operator if you have any new messages.
She will tell you you have a phone call. Number
Go into your office. Use the telephone.
Call the number. Ask everything.
Exit your office.
Enter the office on the right.
Talk to Samantha.
You will find out you are having dinner with her at her place at
8 PM.
Exit the office.
Exit the FBI HQ.

On the town map head to the forest to the bottom left of the map,
next to the empty lot.
Take the rope from the boat.
Use the rope on the piece of wood on the other side of the river.
Use your gun on all the men who appear.
After a few screens you will arrive at a cabin.
Use the hand-grenade on the door.

Watch the scene.
You are now in heaven. Talk to the man in white.
Talk to the "corpses" is you so desire.
Go to the room to the left.
Talk to everyone.
Take the darts from the dartboard.
Use the dispencer to get some peanuts. Head to the room to the right.
Take the wig and clothes from the shelves on the left.
Use the wig and clothes.
Head back to the room with the man in white.
Go through the door at the top of the screen.
Talk to the guard.
Give the guards the peanuts.
Ask him if he wants a drink.
Open the door ahead of you.
Flick the lever to the right.
Walk into the teleporter, then use the darts on the switch next to
the lever.

Welcome back to the real world.
Pick up the $20 bill on the ground.
Leave the forest, using the same tactic to kill all the men who

You sould be back on the town map now.
Head to Samantha's house, near the lower right corner of the map.
Search the bottom drawer to get a lighter.
Search the blue vase, you will recieve some chewing gum.
Eat the chewing gum, this gives you a foil wrapper.
Open the fusebox.
Use the gum wrapper with the empty fuse slot on the right.
Use your gun on the door.
Enter the door.
Take the rag hanging in the bathroom.
Search the drawers to recieve some sleeping pills.
Open the shower curtains.
Take the mirror on the wall.
Examine the corpse
Read the message in blood.
Leave the apartment.

Go the FBI HQ.
Talk to the boss.
Go into your office.
Take the package on your desk.
In your inventory examine the package. You will recieve a video
Leave FBI HQ.

Go to Samantha's house again.
Turn on the TV.
Turn on the video recorder.
Use the video with the recorder.
Look at the TV.
You will have your first clue; 'Where man has fins, your reflection
will float'
Leave the apartment.

Head over to the swimming pool in the bottom right-hand corner of
the screen.
Use the meat on the dog.
Pick up the jerry-can of petrol.
Use the mirror on the pool.
You will find the first corpse.
Examine the corpse.
Look at the corpse and the injury.
Look at the note pinned to the dead woman's leg.
You now have your second clue; 'hot will be the king, checkmate shall
he be'
Leave the swiming pool.

Go to the museum, at the top of the screen, towards the middle.
Go over to the wax figurine of the king and his wife.
Use the jerry-can with the empty bottle.
Use the bottle with the rag.
Use the lighter with the bottle.
There you have it, your very own molotov cocktail. (Don't try this at
home kids!)
Use the bottle with the fire place.
The statue will melt revealing another corpse.
There is another message next to the dead womans head.
This is the third clue. It reads; 'Star for a day she will be.'
Talk to the security guard.
Ask about the king's statue.
Leave the museum.

Drive to the movie theatre, infront of the bank.
Show the usher your $20 Bill.
He will let you through.
Go through the door to the right upstairs.
Look at the powerpoint on the far right, next to the door.
The power is disconnected. Use the cord and power will be restored.
Press the button on the projector.
Flick the switch on the left of the projector.
Go downstairs. Go into the theatre.
The curtains will be open, revealing ANOTHER corpse.
Look at the corpse. Examine the message written in paint.
This is your fourth clue; 'Hit the bull's-eye. Five and you get the
Talk to the lady in red.
Leave the theatre.

Travel to the shooting range, on the left of your apartment.
Look at range 5.
Use your gun on the target.
Use the lever to bring the target forward.
There is blood on it. Take the target.
You find Samantha. Take the key from around her neck.
Take the video from her belt.
Talk to the lady behind the desk.
Leave the shooting range.

Go to Samantha's house. Use the new video on the video recorder.
Look at the TV.
Leave Samantha's house.

Go to FBI HQ.
Talk to your boss.
Leave the boss' office.
Go into Samantha's office.
Use the key on the cupboard next to the computer.
Read the piece of paper.
It reads, 328MHZA. This is the password to Samantha's computer.
Use the computer on the left.
Enter Samantha's password.
Read all the files.
Leave Samantha's office.

Go to the boss' office again.
Talk with him. Eventually you will get the option to ask to go to
Condor Island.
Leave the boss' office.

Go to the airport in the top right hand corner.
Talk to the man there.
Watch the scene.

You arrive on Condor Island.
Move the rock near the crab, it reveals some gold coins.
Take the gold coins.
Go to the screen to your left.
Talk to the tourists on the table to the left.
Ask them if you can join.
Give them the gold coins.
You will win $70.

Go to the third building across towards the left.
Look at the fishing rod.
Use your $70 with the fishing rod.
You now have a fishing rod.
Leave the shop.

Take the shovel leaning against one of the buildings.
Talk to everyone in each building if you want.
Click the upper right of the screen to go back to the beach.
Use the shovel with the sand.
Use the shovel 3 times, and you will get a worm.
Use the worm with the fishing rod.
Go back to the screen to the left.

This time click the lower right of the screen.
You will arrive on a pier.
Use the fishing rod on the ocean.
You will get a fish.

Head over to the factory, the furthest screen to the left.
Talk to everyone.
Use your fish with the cat on the trash can.
The cat will run off, the dog chases, knocking the scientist off his
feet into an oil puddle.
The scientist leaves.
Leave this area and head back a screen.

Go to the building with the tourists outside it, this is the bar.
Talk with the scientist who's now in a brown coat.
Put sleeping pills in his drink.
Wait a few moments and he should fall asleep.
Take the piece of paper from his pocket.
Go over to the dry cleaners, next to the bar.
Use the piece of paper with the owner.
You will recieve a white lab coat.
Search the lab coat, you will get an ID badge.
Leave this area.

Go back to the factory entrance.
Show the guards your ID Badge.
They will let you through.

Go into the factory.
Talk to the switch operator. Ask her everything.
Ask about her boss. When she asks who you are answer how you like.
Go to the elevator and look at the control panel. Select '1'

Go through the door closest to you. There should be a man leaning
against a window.
There is a piece of paper on the desk.
Look at the paper.
You will find there is a paper clip on it.
Take the paperclip.
Leave the office.
Use the elevator to go to floor 2.

Go through the door.
You will be in another office.
Search the drawers to find a box of matches.
Leave the office.
Use the elevator to get to floor 4.

Take the furthest door on the right.
You are in a lab.
Take the gloves from next to the plant.
Leave the lab.
Use the elevator to get to floor 2.

There is a vacuum cleaner on this floor.
Take the cord from the socket.
Use the gloves from your inventory, Hopkins will put them on.
Use the paper clip with the socket.
Now go into the office.
Use the matches on the bin.
Exit the office.
Call the elevator.
Watch the scene.
Go to the third floor.

Go through the door.
Take the Security ID from the end of the table on the left.
Go back to the elevator.
Use the card on the cardslot.

You will go through a secret passage behind the elevator.
Examine the screen on the right.
Look closely underneath the screen for a cardslot.
Use the keycard with the slot.
Enter the elevator that appears.
Watch the scene.

You are now using a submarine. This section is just a maze.
Follow these directions to find the secret base.
Forward, Left, Forward, Right, Right, Forward, Forward, Left, Forward.
Watch the scenes

After a few short scenes you will be in a cell with laser wires infront
of you.
Search the trash can to get a diamond ring.
Use the diamond ring on the middle laser wire. This creates a hole in
the wall.
You character will automatically step through the newly created hole in
the wall.
Look at the coffin.
Use the coffin, your character will hide in it.
Someone will come to collect the coffine, and take you to the mortuary

Search the shelves to find a syringe.
Take the bottle next to the drawers.
Push the button underneath the capsule holding Samnthas body (the middle
Take the blue flask off the drawers.
Leave the room.

You are now in a 'DOOM' style shooting section.
CTRL shoots, Left right up and down control movement, space bar opens
sealed doors.
Go into the sealed doors to heal. Different sectors have number signs
next to them.
Here's a map of the complex.


000000000000000 0000000000000000
000 OFFICE 0000 0 Bernies room 0
000000000000000 0000000000000000
l l
l l
l l
l 00000000000000 l
lllllllllll00 Sector 1 00lllllllllllll
^ l
Lab l
00000 l 00000
0 S 0 l 0 S 0
0 E 0 l 0 E 0
0 C 0llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll0 C 0 < Control Room
0 T 0 0 O 0 l 0 O 0
0 R 0 l 0 R 0
0 4 0 l 0 2 0
00000 l 00000
00 SECTOR 3 00
Resurection Room

You will start in sector 4.
Kill all the guards, and go through the door infront of you.
Kill all the guards and go through to sector 2.
Once you open the door there will be another directly ahead of you.
Enter the room.

You are now back in the 'point and click' mode.
This is a control room.
Push the red button of the console in the middle of the room.
Go into the inventory screen and use the blue flask.
Use the red gas bottle with the empty slot next to the button.
Poison gas is now flowing through the base, mind you the guards are
still there :(
Leave this room.

Back to the 'DOOM' style game.
Kill all the guards and go to sector 1.
Enter the sealed room straight ahead of you.

Point and click again.
There is a console to the right, on it is a slot for a syringe.
Use your syringe in your inventory.
Use the blood filled syringe on the slot.
This creates a clone of you, who dies due to the poison gas. :P

And you arrive in heaven, AGAIN!
Go to the shower room to the far right.
You'll find Samantha here.
Talk to her. Explore all dialogue options.
Eventually you will get the option to take her back to Earth.
Watch the cutscene.
Click on the portrait in the top right hand corner.

You are now back to the real Hopkins.
Exit the room.

Back to the 'DOOM' style game.
Kill all the guards.
Head to sector 3.
When you reach sector 3 go through the sealed door straight ahead
of you.

Use the switch on the right hand panel to bring Samantha back to life.
Ok, it gets a little complicated here.
Click on Samanthas portrait to flick to her.
Leave the room.

You now play the 'DOOM' ripoff as Samantha.
Kill all the guards and go into sector 1.
Follow the path to the right to find a sealed door.
Open the door.

Click on the portrait to flick back to Hopkins.
Go to where Samantha is.
Once there click on the Hopkins potrait (Hopkins in Heaven)

Go back to the room with the 'corpses'
Talk to the man whose been stabbed.
Ask if the knife is real.
Ask for the knife.
Go back to the teleporter room.
Use the knife on the cable in the bottom left corner.
Click on Hopkins portrait again.

Press the button on the console to the right.
Click Samantha's potrait.
Press the button on the console on the left.
A hole in the floor will open.
Flick back to Hopkins.
Jump in the hole.
Watch the scene.
You now get an anti-climax ending.
Congratualtions, you just completed Hopkins: FBI.

Copyright 2002 Graham 'p1r4t8r' Jones.
Hope you liked it!

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