Legends of Zelda 2

Legends of Zelda 2

04.10.2013 06:53:52
Zelda II - The Adventure of Link

Firstly, some odd tricks.

You can quit your game by pausing (pressing start) and prsesing Up+A on
control 2.

Fast experience: You need at least one character in your cart who has beaten
the game. Have the old character beat a castle, then quit the game (pause and
press Up+A on control 2). Save the game, then immediately begin playing with
your new player. When the game starts, his experience will ZOOM up.

Odd warp: In any palace, find a room with falling blocks that would normally
build a wall filling up the entire screen. What you need to do is get to the
very top of this brick wall. When you do, use FAIRY, then press Up. You will
be transported to the first palace. =-o

Now for the FAQ (I hope)

Q: Where's the hammer?
A: At the bottom of Death Mountain. Go down from the town of Ruto, where
you'll find a cave. Walk to the right along that river to a bridge and a
path that leads down. Go across the bridge to Saria. At the end of town,
you'll find the guy who says "Only townspeople may cross the bridge."
Leave and go back across the bridge. Just ahead is a small section of
trees. Walk through these trees and you'll find Bagu's place. Talk to
him and return to Saria. The bridge will appear; cross it and you'll be
in Death Mountain. Take every right-hand cave until you reach the bottom
of Death Mountain; there you'll fnid a large rock with a cave to its
right. Enter the cave and you'll find the hammer.

Q: How do I beat the horse guy in the first palace?
A: First off, try to increase your life/attack to level 4 or greater.. after
that, just jump and sword, jump and sword.

Q: WTF is that big statue after the boss?
A: That's the statue where you need to place the crystal so you can complete
the level. Just touch the statue.

Q: So which levels should I be working on: life, attack, or magic?
A: Depends, really. If you're starting out, concentrate on life and attack
for the most part (although admittedly this takes a while). Later on,
magic becomes important..

Q: Where can I find the downthrust power?
A: In a church in the town of Mido. Use the jump magic, enter the church
tower, and you find it.

Q: What's the deal with the king's tomb?
A: Stoopidhead, remember that guy in mido? "South of the King's Tomb there
lies a secret." So do that and you'll fall into a cave that leads to the
third palace.

Q: Well, I did that and now there's this bigass wall I can't jump over..
A: Oh, right, you need the fairy magic. Go back to Mido and find the woman
with a sick daughter. She'll give you the fairy-magic if you bring her
the sacred water, which is located in the cave south of Ruto (use the
hammer to access it).

BTW the fairy magic is also very useful when you want to get past locked
doors without using any keys.. =)

Q: So where's the lost child?
A: Go to the island on the right in hyrule. In its upper right corner you'll
find a bridge to another island; Maze Island.. Go to the lower right
corner of Maze Island to find the hold where the child is.

Q: Where's the upthrust power?
A: Inside Darunia, northwest of Nabooru. Inside that town, hit all the doors
with yer sword until you get the message "There is something behind this
door." Use magic to jump to the roof of that building, and go down the
chimney. Inside you'll fing the upthrust power.

Q: How do I get past that black spider below Nabooru?
A: You need the flute from palace 5. kupo

Q: Where's the hidden town of Kasuto?
A: Go to three eyed rock. Walk north. You'll go through a forest and come to
a rocky cliff. On the cliff are two caves. Enter the right cave and walk
through it. When you exit you'll be in a small forest area. The hidden
town is under one of the trees, so start chopping

Q: Where's the magic key?
A: In the town of New Kasuto there's a man who'll give you the spell power
if you have eight magic containers. Go to the edge of the town and you'll
find a wall. Use the new spell there and the vault that has the magic
key will rise up.

Q: But I donut have eight magic containers.
A: Oh. well, you start with four; the fifth is in a cave just under where you
start the game; the sixth is at the bottom of Death Mountain, under the
rock by the cave with the hammer; the seventh is on the left side of Maze
Island, and the eighth is in the hidden town of Kasuto.

Q: How do I get up to the final palace?
A: sigh.. ok. First off be sure you've placed all the crystals in the palaces
and the palaces are all destroyed. Now you need to build up lives and
points. The best place to do this is in the spider fields all around
Nabooru (use the fire magic on 'em). Build up all yer levels to 8, and keep
on going until you have around 15 or 20 extra men. Now, just walk up the
path; when you get into a fight, just fairy magic your way through the
fight. If you die, just continue on.

Q: How do I get through the last palace, then?
A: From the start:
- go left as far as you can go
- take the elevator down
- go right to another down elevator
- take that elevator and go right
- go right to the next elevator
- go down and go right again
- and so on and so on until you can no longer go right.
- move left and you'll see some bricks on the floor; downthrust them and
you'll fall through the floor
- walk right until you come to a collapsible bridge over lava. Walk across
until you see a shaft; fall down the shaft and walk to the right to the
final boss.

Q: Wait, I think I need some boss help..
A: All right, all right. First, activate thunder and the boss will turn from
red to blue. Use shield to increase strength, and then jump up and hit
the boss's face until he dies. up/downthrusting doesn't work; there's a
safespot on the far right side.

Q: Hey, it's that shadow thing again!
A: Yep. kneel in the center of the screen and sword away. The shadow walks
right into the sword and gets damaged. If the shadow jumps over you, turn
and face it and -stay- kneeling! keep it up and he'll die.

And now, boys and girls, it's time for a complete listing of items and stuff
in the game.

Bagu - Lives in the woods in a log cabin. You can't see the cabin.. you walk
around the woods until you get moved there. Stay on the north side
of the river above Saria; you'll see dark green trees. Walk around the
trees to find Bagu. Bagu gives you a note letting cross the bridge
in Saria.

Boots - In the fourth palace. Walk on water! To find them, you need to fairy
magic over a hold in the floor, turn around, fall into the hole, then
hold Right on your controller as you fall to get to a ledge leading
to the boots.

Candle - In the first palace. Lights up the dark places, kupo

Cross - In the sixth palace. Lets you see all those invisible enemies in old
kasuto and so on. In palace 6, you will find a fake floor.. where
you seem to keep on falling, going left and going in circles. Jump
over the floor, and kill the horse-knight at the other side. Keep
going for the cross.

Downthrust - In Mido. Use jump or fairy magic to jump onto the church's bell
tower. Press Down to enter, and you have it.

Fairy - (magic) In Mide. Above Saria you'll see a cave with a hammerable
stone blocking it. Enter the cave and find the sacred water. Take it
back to the lady with the sick child in Mido, and she gives you the
fairy magic, good for evading fights, getting to high places and
getting through locked doors.

Fire magic - In Nabooru. Hit B when at the east fountain in town to get some.
Go to the thirsty woman, and she'll give you Fire, good for
doing mass killing in an attempt to get extra guys.

Flute - in palace 5. Find the wall where you're able to see a key on the
other side, go one floor down, and walk through the wall to the
right. The flute, used to kill off the spider blocking the path below
Nabooru, is there.

Glove - easy to find in palace 2.

Hammer - In Death Mountain. Be sure you have at least level 5 attack power,
it's a bit of a long haul.

Jump magic - In Ruto. Exit Ruto and go east, then north. Enter the cave and
get the stolen statue. Return to Ruto and collect your reward -
the jump magic.

Life magic - in Saria. Enter the sixth house from the left, hit B at the
table, and you'll find the mirror. Take it to the woman who lost
the mirror and she gives you the life magic.

Life containers:
You start with four.
5. Go down from palace 1 and follow the shore along the narrow path
6. From Rauru go south, then turn east. Hammer the rock and enter the
cave to find it.
7. You need the boots for this. Go east from Nabooru, walk out on the
water, and search for a secret trail on top of the water that takes
you directly north of the water palace (this bit is a lot like finding
Bagu in the forest; you need to walk around till you find it).
8. From three-eyed rock go straight east and explore the shoreline.

Link dolls - extra guys! yay!
1. right by the cave where you found the sacred water
2. exit the big graveyard on the west side and search the coastline
3. Under the Maze Island bridge; search the coastline
4. Go to the second small graveyard near the path to the final palace
(don't enter it). Go east and then north through marshland.
5. Inside palace six
6. Inside palace seven

Lost child - On Maze Island; travel the paths to the southwest corner of the
island. Go straight up and you'll fall in a hole.

Magic key - In New Kasuto. Travel to the dead end at the end of the town, and
use the "spell" magic..

Magic containers:
You start with four.
5. In the cave just below where you start the game
6. At the bottom of death mountain. Get the hammer and hit the rock just
above the hole you got the hammer in.
7. In Maze Island; walk on the paths on the west side of the island
8. In New Kasuto. Once you have seven magic containers a woman will do
the familiar "walk into my house" thing to give you the eighth one.

Raft - easy to find in palace 3.

Reflect - (magic) Your reward for finding the lost child. Once you find the
kid, go to Darunia to claim the reward.

Sacred water - Go south from Ruto and go in the cave. Then break the boulder
and enter the cave which has the sacred water that takes
care of the child in Mido.

Shield - (magic) in Rauru. Just enter the second house from the left and
visit the basement.

"spell" - (magic) In New Kasuto. Visit the ninth house from the left, press
B near the fireplace, and enter it to get the "spell" magic that
you then use when you're at the dead end in this town.

Thunder - (magic) In Old Kasuto. Enter the first house, and visit the

Trophy - Go straight north from the game's start point, and enter the cave.
The trophy is what the guy in Ruto wants.

Up-thrust - in Darunia. Find the sixth house from the left and use the jump
spell to go on the rooftop. Then jump over to the eighth house,
stand on the chimney and press Down. There you'll get the up-

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