ExtremeG Racing Association

ExtremeG Racing Association

01.10.2013 16:26:23
=- Extreme-G Racing Association (GCN) -=

Written By: Ryan "MetroidMoo" Ammerman

GUIDE TYPE ..................................... FAQ
FILE SIZE ................................... 117 KB
FIRST RELEASED ...................... March 29, 2004
LAST UPDATED .................... September 26, 2004
LATEST VERSION ................................ 1.01


<- table of contents ->

1) Version History
2) Introduction
3) Controls
4) Bikes

5) Weapons
6) Season 2080 ~ Invitation Class
7) Season 2080 ~ Subsonic Class
[7.1] Fobos: All Stars
[7.2] Inoca: Burn Off
[7.3] Twilight: All Weather
[7.4] Jentor: Pure Race
[7.5] Denser: Exotic
[7.6] Fobos: Destruction
8) Season 2080 ~ Sonic Class
[8.1] Heel: Burn Off
[8.2] Inoca: Extreme Weather
[8.3] Jentor: Endurance
[8.4] Patriot: Fall Out
9) Season 2080 ~ Supersonic Class
[9.1] Fobos: Championship
[9.2] Twilight: Endurance
[9.3] Jentor: Extreme Weather
10) Season 2080 ~ Ultrasonic Class
11) Tracks
12) Secrets
13) Contact/Legal Information


VERSION 1.01 - SEPTEMBER 26, 2004
Updated e-mail address.

VERSION 1.0 - MARCH 29, 2004
First (and complete!) version of the guide.

Welcome to the fourth installment of Acclaim's futuristic racer, Extreme-G!
Extreme-G Racing Association, or "XGRA," is a slightly above average racing
game marred by a few rather glaring flaws. Besides the typical "Get in first
place" scenario, XGRA features several other types, including Peace Keeper
(no weapons allowed) and Extreme Weather (weather hinders your vision), to
help keep things interesting.

XGRA focuses on a fast-paced, if not chaotic, arcade style of gameplay.
Collect weapon pickups along the track, and hit the speedstrips! The first
couple racing classes are not all that fast, but things begin to speed up
later on. In fact, you will probably break the sound barrier several times
in a single lap!

For the price, any Extreme-G fan should at least take a look at this title!

=- 3) CONTROLS -=
This section describes the basic controls.

<- setup a ->
Control Stick -> (Left/Right) Turn bike
(Up/Down) Adjust weapon crosshair

A -> Fire primary weapon

B -> Fire secondary weapon

X -> Dump secondary weapon

Y -> Change camera view

L -> Brake

R -> Accelerate

<- setup b ->
Control Stick -> (Left/Right) Turn bike
(Up/Down) Adjust weapon crosshair

A -> Accelerate

B -> Brake

Y -> Change camera view

Z -> Dump secondary weapon

L -> Fire secondary weapon

R -> Fire primary weapon

=- 4) BIKES -=
This section lists the bikes and their performance capabilities.

<- performance categories ->
Each bike comes with a set of "performance categories," indicating how well
(or poorly) a bike works in a particular area. Each stat is ranked on a scale
of one to five. These stats change depending upon what class you are planning
to race in!

Regeneration: This measures the bike's speed of recovering its weapon and
shield energy supplies.

Handling: How well the bike handles.

Speed: This measures the bike's top speed.

Acceleration: How quickly the bike reaches its top speed.

Shielding: This measures how much damage the bike's shields can sustain.

In addition, there are a few other stats to take notice...

Weapons: Bike's primary weapon. Can be Cannons, Energy, Bombs, Electrical, or

Handling: Bike's handling type. Can be Powerslide, Hybrid, or Tight. Power-
slide means the bike tends to slide while turning, Tight indicates
the bike has a strong grip on the road, while Hybrid is a combi-
nation of the two (naturally).

Sponsor: Company sponsoring a particular team. This plays a role in deciding
what sponsorship boards must be destroyed for Season 2080's mission

Contract: How difficult a team's contracts are. Generally, a better bike
means a harder season.

<- invitation ->
Weapons: Cannons (Invitation)
Handling: Powerslide Regeneration [1/5]
Handling [1/5]
Sponsor: N/A Speed [1/5]
Contracts: N/A Acceleration [1/5]
Shielding [1/5]

Description: These bikes are, in one word, garbage. All Invitation bikes have
the same bland, metallic gray color scheme, and their performance
isn't any better, considering all of the stats are at one unit.
Fortunately, you are only required to use it for three races
while in Season 2080 mode!

<- terranova ->
Weapons: Cannons (Subsonic) (Sonic)
Handling: Powerslide Regeneration [2/5] Regeneration [3/5]
Handling [2/5] Handling [3/5]
Sponsor: Fobos Speed [2/5] Speed [3/5]
Contracts: Easy Acceleration [2/5] Acceleration [3/5]
Shielding [1/5] Shielding [2/5]

(Supersonic) (Ultrasonic)
Regeneration [4/5] Regeneration [5/5]
Handling [4/5] Handling [5/5]
Speed [3/5] Speed [4/5]
Acceleration [4/5] Acceleration [5/5]
Shielding [3/5] Shielding [4/5]

Description: This team best suits beginners, offering a combination of good
handling and regeneration. Terranova is a U.S. company who also
makes commercial sport vehicles and are deemed by many to be the
rising star of North America.

<- vixen ->
Weapons: Energy (Subsonic) (Sonic)
Handling: Tight Regeneration [1/5] Regeneration [2/5]
Handling [1/5] Handling [2/5]
Sponsor: Inoca Speed [2/5] Speed [3/5]
Contracts: Easy Acceleration [1/5] Acceleration [2/5]
Shielding [2/5] Shielding [3/5]

(Supersonic) (Ultrasonic)
Regeneration [3/5] Regeneration [4/5]
Handling [3/5] Handling [4/5]
Speed [4/5] Speed [5/5]
Acceleration [3/5] Acceleration [4/5]
Shielding [4/5] Shielding [5/5]

Description: Once an all-girls team, Vixen has now opened its doors to all
sexes. These vehicles have excellent shielding and top speed,
making them tough to beat. Vixen is a pure racing team and is
heavily funded by Inoca.

<- palus ->
Weapons: Bombs (Subsonic) (Sonic)
Handling: Hybrid Regeneration [2/5] Regeneration [3/5]
Handling [1/5] Handling [2/5]
Sponsor: Twilight Speed [2/5] Speed [3/5]
Contracts: Easy Acceleration [2/5] Acceleration [3/5]
Shielding [2/5] Shielding [3/5]

(Supersonic) (Ultrasonic)
Regeneration [4/5] Regeneration [5/5]
Handling [3/5] Handling [4/5]
Speed [3/5] Speed [4/5]
Acceleration [4/5] Acceleration [5/5]
Shielding [4/5] Shielding [5/5]

Description: A runner up in last year's championship, this team really is one
to watch. Their vehicles boast good regeneration, acceleration,
and speed, making them good reliable workhorses out on the track.

<- starcom ->
Weapons: Electrical (Subsonic) (Sonic)
Handling: Tight Regeneration [2/5] Regeneration [3/5]
Handling [2/5] Handling [3/5]
Sponsor: Denser Speed [2/5] Speed [3/5]
Contracts: Medium Acceleration [1/5] Acceleration [2/5]
Shielding [1/5] Shielding [2/5]

(Supersonic) (Ultrasonic)
Regeneration [4/5] Regeneration [5/5]
Handling [4/5] Handling [5/5]
Speed [4/5] Speed [5/5]
Acceleration [3/5] Acceleration [4/5]
Shielding [3/5] Shielding [4/5]

Description: Last year's champions Starcom look set to rip up the track again
this year. Their vehicles are good all-rounders. Specializing
in speed and durability, Starcom are notorious for their violent
tactics and are definitely the crowd favorites.

<- talon ->
Weapons: Cannons (Subsonic) (Sonic)
Handling: Powerslide Regeneration [1/5] Regeneration [2/5]
Handling [3/5] Handling [4/5]
Sponsor: Heel Speed [2/5] Speed [2/5]
Contracts: Medium Acceleration [2/5] Acceleration [3/5]
Shielding [2/5] Shielding [3/5]

(Supersonic) (Ultrasonic)
Regeneration [3/5] Regeneration [4/5]
Handling [5/5] Handling [5/5]
Speed [3/5] Speed [4/5]
Acceleration [4/5] Acceleration [5/5]
Shielding [4/5] Shielding [5/5]

Description: Talon pride themselves on their state-of-the-art vehicles'
handling, unparalleled on short twisty tracks. This team re-
quires riders who can handle themselves well in battle, as their
durability is questionable.

<- manta ->
Weapons: Energy (Subsonic) (Sonic)
Handling: Hybrid Regeneration [1/5] Regeneration [2/5]
Handling [2/5] Handling [3/5]
Sponsor: Jentor Speed [2/5] Speed [3/5]
Contracts: Medium Acceleration [2/5] Acceleration [3/5]
Shielding [2/5] Shielding [3/5]

(Supersonic) (Ultrasonic)
Regeneration [3/5] Regeneration [4/5]
Handling [4/5] Handling [5/5]
Speed [4/5] Speed [5/5]
Acceleration [4/5] Acceleration [5/5]
Shielding [4/5] Shielding [5/5]

Description: Manta is the incarnation of Bill Forceur, a five-time champion
who, with a group of similar minded petrol heads, has set up a
team to topple the big guns. An awesome all-rounder, the ve-
hicle's only weakness is its relatively low regeneration system,
requiring fast-reacting riders.

<- scarecrow ->
Weapons: Rockets (Subsonic) (Sonic)
Handling: Hybrid Regeneration [2/5] Regeneration [3/5]
Handling [2/5] Handling [3/5]
Sponsor: Patriot Speed [2/5] Speed [3/5]
Contracts: Hard Acceleration [2/5] Acceleration [3/5]
Shielding [2/5] Shielding [3/5]

(Supersonic) (Ultrasonic)
Regeneration [4/5] Regeneration [5/5]
Handling [4/5] Handling [5/5]
Speed [3/5] Speed [4/5]
Acceleration [5/5] Acceleration [5/5]
Shielding [4/5] Shielding [5/5]

Description: Previously a sponsor of the XGRA, this former weapons manufac-
turer has teamed up with Patriot Systems to create a vehicle that
simply dominates the field in all areas.

<- templar ->
Weapons: Rockets (Subsonic) (Sonic)
Handling: Tight Regeneration [2/5] Regeneration [3/5]
Handling [2/5] Handling [3/5]
Sponsor: Phase One Speed [2/5] Speed [3/5]
Contracts: Hard Acceleration [2/5] Acceleration [3/5]
Shielding [2/5] Shielding [3/5]

(Supersonic) (Ultrasonic)
Regeneration [4/5] Regeneration [5/5]
Handling [4/5] Handling [5/5]
Speed [4/5] Speed [5/5]
Acceleration [4/5] Acceleration [5/5]
Shielding [4/5] Shielding [5/5]

Description: A brand new addition to the XGRA team roster, Templar has no
weaknesses and as such only take the cream of the crop to pilot
them. The rider will have to do well all the whole way through
the classes to get the opportunity to ride one of these beasts.

=- 5) WEAPONS -=
This section gives an overview of the game's weapons.

<- primary ->
NOTE: To upgrade a primary weapon by one level, kill one opposing rider during
a race.

Vulcan cannons fire a spray of bullets across the screen. I have to say
this is probably the worst primary weapon out of the bunch, mostly due to its
light damage and difficult aiming. When you reach Mark III, it seems to con-
sume too much weapon energy too quickly to be helpful.

Mark I: Slow rate of fire and light damage.
Mark II: Faster rate of fire and moderate damage.
Mark III: Even faster rate of fire and heavy damage.

Energy weapons launch a barrage of lasers from the bike. These cannons,
though dealing lighter damage per shot, possess a fast rate of fire and make
them quite deadly when in the right hands.

Mark I: Small lasers and light damage.
Mark II: Medium lasers and moderate damage.
Mark III: Large lasers and heavy damage.

Being true to real-life, bombs are very powerful weapons to behold. This
tool lobs a group of explosives in front of the bike and unleashes powerful
blasts that damage any opponents. To make excellent use of this weapon, try
to fire so it the bombs directly hit the enemy biker.

Mark I: Two bombs.
Mark II: Three bombs.
Mark III: Four bombs.

Electrical weapons discharge a beam of lightning in front of your bike, and
anyone bumping into it is given a shocking experience. This weapons seems to
work best on straightaways, as hilly terrain and sharp turns tend to interfere
with the electric chain.

Mark I: Electric discharge against one opponent.
Mark II: Electric discharge against one opponent that arcs for a short range.
Mark III: Electric discharge against one opponent that arcs for a long range.

Rockets deploy a number of missiles out in front of the bike. This weapon
tends to inflict more harm than others, but the disadvantage lies in the fact
it consumes more weapon energy. A fully upgraded Rocket weapon is perfect for
destroying sponsorship boards, as well as opponents.

Mark I: Two medium rockets.
Mark II: Several smaller rockets.
Mark III: Several homing rockets.

<- secondary ->
NOTE: The Full Ammo, Rapier, Full Shields, Double Hit, Overlord, and Death-
strike weapons can only be unlocked through Season 2080 mode.

Surrounding the bike in a green barrier, the Vampyre saps weapon and shield
energy from the nearest opponent. This is a cheap method (only 1 icon needed)
to recover shield energy when your supply reaches critical levels.

Activating this secondary weapon drops several mines behind your bike. And,
naturally, anyone that happens to run into them will take quite a beating.
Until you can access the later weapons, mines are the best offensive strategy,
especially if there is at least one opponent tailgating you.

Self-explanatory. Accelerator gives you a temporary speed boost. Very
helpful in completing contracts that require you to attain a certain speed
or race time.

Again, this one is obvious. Your bike takes no damage to its shields for a
short length of time.

Full Ammo
Full Ammo completely refills your ammo supply. If you tend to use up your
primary weapon frequently, this is the item for you!

Rapier generates two laser spikes on both sides of the bike. While they do
a significant amount of damage, they require you to maneuver right beside an
opponent, which is usually easier said than done.

Full Shields
Identical to the Full Ammo, just for shield energy.

Double Hit
Double Hit, as the name may suggest, increases the primary weapon's rate of
fire by 200%; however, the bike ends up depleting weapon energy very quickly.

Despite its nuke-like appearance, the Overlord does not really cause much
damage to opponents. Its only advantage is causing damage over a wide field.

Deathstrike is the cheapest weapon ever developed in a racing game. Period.
This item targets the nearest opponent in your field of view, summons an ion
beam cannon, and instantly kills the racer. Why don't we just use nukes while
we're at it?

This section gives general information in Season 2080's Invitation class.

<- invitation class overview ->
Points Required To Advance: 12

Seeing as how this is the first class, don't expect too much here. With no
sponsors in sight, everyone is forced to drive the same low-end bike, but
there are no contracts to keep track of, either.

Take the time here to become used to XGRA's racing mechanics. Because all
racers operate identical bikes, you must take advantage of the speedstrips and
your natural driving ability to overcome opponents. Also note you cannot use
any weapons in the Invitation class.

------------ -------------
Point System Track Unlocks
------------ -------------
1st: 10 Deep Sea Anomaly (Anomaly 17)
2nd: 8 Culver's Reach (Hellas Ridge)
3rd: 6 Dunroths Folly (Dunroths Folly)
4th: 4 Scavenger City (City)
5th: 3
6th: 2
7th: 1
8th: 0

<- sinn open challenge [ vostok peaks ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
None Normal (2 Laps)

<- sinn open challenge [ mining dome ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
None Normal (2 Laps)
No Weather

<- sinn open challenge [ reactor ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
None Normal (2 Laps)
Clear Skies

This section gives general information in Season 2080's Subsonic class.

<- subsonic class overview ->
Points Required To Advance: 192

There is where things finally start to become interesting! In the Subsonic
class, you can select a team to join, each with its own unique bike; just note
you must drive that bike until the next class, so choose carefully.

Because you have a sponsor this time around, races now have contracts, or
secondary objectives. These are completely optional, but doing them helps to
unlock new weapons and other extras. You must acquire at least 192 points to
pass into the next class, so you may want to concentrate on getting in first
place until you gain enough skill to work on contracts at the same time.

This class also features all six race types, including...

Burn Off: All races are one lap shorter than normal.
Endurance: All races are one lap longer than normal.
Extreme Weather: Extreme weather conditions hinder your view of the field.
Peacekeeper: No primary or secondary weapons allowed.
Speed Limited: All speedstrips are deactivated, and the secondary item
Accelerator cannot be used.
Warmonger: Cannons are placed along the track and attack any racer.
Bonus points are awarded for killing opposing riders.

------------ -------------
Point System Track Unlocks
------------ -------------
1st: 20 Deep Sea Anomaly (Anomaly 19)
2nd: 16 Vostok, Anarctica (Vostok Coast)
3rd: 12 Santarem, Barazilia (Torre)
4th: 8
5th: 6
6th: 4
7th: 2
8th: 0

<- [7.1] fobos: all stars [ dunroth's folly ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Beat 2 bikes. Speed Limited (2 Laps)
Vixen: Beat 2 bikes. Clear Skies
Palus: Beat 3 bikes.
Starcom: Beat 3 bikes.
Talon: Beat 4 bikes.
Manta: Beat 4 bikes.
Scarecrow: Beat 4 bikes.
Templar: Beat 3 bikes.

<- [7.1] fobos: all stars [ anomaly 17 ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Beat X in the race. Speed Limited (2 Laps)
Vixen: Beat X in the race. No Weather
Palus: Beat X in the race.
Starcom: Beat X in the race.
Talon: Beat X in the race.
Manta: Beat X in the race.
Scarecrow: Beat X in the race.
Templar: Beat X in the race.

<- [7.1] fobos: all stars [ reactor ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Get a best lap time (1 min 45 sec). Speed Limited (2 Laps)
Vixen: Get a best lap time (1 min 44 sec). Clear Skies

Palus: Get a best lap time (1 min 43 sec).
Starcom: Get a best lap time (1 min 42 sec).
Talon: Get a best lap time (1 min 41 sec).
Manta: Get a best lap time (1 min 41 sec).
Scarecrow: Get a best lap time (1 min 41 sec).
Templar: Get a best lap time (1 min 41 sec).

<- [7.2] inoca: burn off [ scavenger city ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Get a best lap time (1 min 9 sec). Burn Off (1 Lap)
Vixen: Get a best lap time (1 min 8 sec). Clear Skies
Palus: Get a best lap time (1 min 7 sec).
Starcom: Get a best lap time (1 min 6 sec).
Talon: Get a best lap time (1 min 5 sec).
Manta: Get a best lap time (1 min 5 sec).
Scarecrow: Get a best lap time (1 min 5 sec).
Templar: Get a best lap time (1 min 5 sec).

<- [7.2] inoca: burn off [ mining dome ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Beat 2 bikes. Burn Off (1 Lap)
Vixen: Beat 3 bikes. No Weather
Palus: Beat 3 bikes.
Starcom: Beat 4 bikes.
Talon: Beat 4 bikes.
Manta: Beat 5 bikes.
Scarecrow: Beat 5 bikes.
Templar: Beat 5 bikes.

<- [7.2] inoca: burn off [ vostok peaks ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Reach a high speed of 690 mph. Burn Off (1 Lap)
Vixen: Reach a high speed of 690 mph. Clear Skies (Night)
Palus: Reach a high speed of 690 mph.
Starcom: Reach a high speed of 690 mph.
Talon: Reach a high speed of 690 mph.
Manta: Reach a high speed of 690 mph.
Scarecrow: Reach a high speed of 690 mph.
Templar: Reach a high speed of 690 mph.

<- [7.3] twilight: all weather [ hellas ridge ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Kill at least one rider. Extreme Weather (2 Laps)
Vixen: Kill at least two riders. Storm
Palus: Kill at least two riders.
Starcom: Kill at least two riders.
Talon: Kill at least two riders.
Manta: Kill at least two riders.
Scarecrow: Kill at least two riders.
Templar: Kill at least three riders.

<- [7.3] twilight: all weather [ dunroth's folly ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Beat 3 bikes. Extreme Weather (2 Laps)
Vixen: Beat 4 bikes. Heavy Rain (Night)
Palus: Beat 4 bikes.
Starcom: Beat 5 bikes.
Talon: Beat 5 bikes.
Manta: Beat 6 bikes.
Scarecrow: Beat 6 bikes.
Templar: Beat 6 bikes.

<- [7.3] twilight: all weather [ torre ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Destroy 2 Vixen boards. Extreme Weather (2 Laps)
Vixen: Destroy 3 Terranova boards. Heavy Rain
Palus: Destroy 4 Scarecrow boards.
Starcom: Destroy 4 Templar boards.
Talon: Destroy 5 Manta boards.
Manta: Destroy 5 Talon boards.
Scarecrow: Destroy 6 Palus boards.
Templar: Destroy 6 Starcom boards.

<- [7.4] jentor: pure race [ anomaly 19 ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Beat the Vixen rider. Peace Keeper (2 Laps)
Vixen: Beat the Terranova rider. No Weather
Palus: Beat the Scarecrow rider.
Starcom: Beat the Templar rider.
Talon: Beat the Manta rider.
Manta: Beat the Talon rider.
Scarecrow: Beat the Palus rider.
Templar: Beat the Starcom rider.

<- [7.4] jentor: pure race [ vostok coast ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Get a best lap time (1 min 49 sec). Peace Keeper (2 Laps)
Vixen: Get a best lap time (1 min 48 sec). Clear Skies
Palus: Get a best lap time (1 min 47 sec).
Starcom: Get a best lap time (1 min 46 sec).
Talon: Get a best lap time (1 min 45 sec).
Manta: Get a best lap time (1 min 45 sec).
Scarecrow: Get a best lap time (1 min 45 sec).
Templar: Get a best lap time (1 min 45 sec).

<- [7.4] jentor: pure race [ anomaly 17 ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Beat X in the race. Peace Keeper (2 Laps)
Vixen: Beat X in the race. No Weather
Palus: Beat X in the race.
Starcom: Beat X in the race.
Talon: Beat X in the race.
Manta: Beat X in the race.
Scarecrow: Beat X in the race.
Templar: Beat X in the race.

<- [7.5] denser: exotic [ scavenger city ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Beat the Vixen rider. Endurance (3 Laps)
Vixen: Beat the Terranova rider. Clear Skies (Night)
Palus: Beat the Scarecrow rider.
Starcom: Beat the Templar rider.
Talon: Beat the Manta rider.
Manta: Beat the Talon rider.
Scarecrow: Beat the Palus rider.
Templar: Beat the Starcom rider.

<- [7.5] denser: exotic [ e.r.f. unit ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Destroy 3 Vixen boards. Endurance (3 Laps)
Vixen: Destroy 3 Terranova boards. No Weather
Palus: Destroy 3 Scarecrow boards.
Starcom: Destroy 4 Templar boards.
Talon: Destroy 4 Manta boards.
Manta: Destroy 4 Talon boards.
Scarecrow: Destroy 5 Palus boards.
Templar: Destroy 5 Starcom boards.

<- [7.5] denser: exotic [ vostok coast ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Beat 3 bikes. Endurance (3 Laps)
Vixen: Beat 4 bikes. Clear Skies (Night)
Palus: Beat 4 bikes.
Starcom: Beat 4 bikes.
Talon: Beat 5 bikes.
Manta: Beat 5 bikes.
Scarecrow: Beat 6 bikes.
Templar: Beat 6 bikes.

<- [7.6] fobos: destruction [ arabian ridge ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Destroy X. Warmonger (2 Laps)
Vixen: Destroy X. Clear Skies
Palus: Destroy X.
Starcom: Destroy X.
Talon: Destroy X.
Manta: Destroy X.
Scarecrow: Destroy X.
Templar: Destroy X.

<- [7.6] fobos: destruction [ e.r.f. unit ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Kill at least one rider. Warmonger (2 Laps)
Vixen: Kill at least one rider. No Weather
Palus: Kill at least one rider.
Starcom: Kill at least two riders.
Talon: Kill at least two riders.
Manta: Kill at least two riders.
Scarecrow: Kill at least two riders.
Templar: Kill at least three riders.

<- [7.6] fobos: destruction [ dunroth's rift ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Destroy the Vixen rider. Warmonger (2 Laps)
Vixen: Destroy the Terranova rider. Clear Skies
Palus: Destroy the Scarecrow rider.
Starcom: Destroy the Templar rider.
Talon: Destroy the Manta rider.
Manta: Destroy the Talon rider.
Scarecrow: Destroy the Palus rider.
Templar: Destroy the Starcom rider.

=- 8) SEASON 2080 ~ SONIC CLASS -=
This section gives general information in Season 2080's Sonic class.

<- sonic class overview ->
Points Required To Advance: 408

Aside from bigger and better bikes, Sonic class races are normally at three
laps (depending on the race type, of course) instead of two. That's about it.

------------ -------------
Point System Track Unlocks
------------ -------------
1st: 30 Deep Space E.R.F. Station (E.R.F. Unit)
2nd: 24 Culver's Reach (Arabian Ridge)
3rd: 18 Dunroth's Folly (Dunroth's Rift)
4th: 12
5th: 9
6th: 6
7th: 3
8th: 0

<- [8.1] heel: burn off [ torre ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Get a record race time (3 min 48 sec). Burn Off (2 Laps)
Vixen: Get a record race time (3 min 48 sec). Clear Skies (Night)
Palus: Get a record race time (3 min 47 sec).
Starcom: Get a record race time (3 min 47 sec).
Talon: Get a record race time (3 min 46 sec).
Manta: Get a record race time (3 min 46 sec).
Scarecrow: Get a record race time (3 min 45 sec).
Templar: Get a record race time (3 min 45 sec).

<- [8.1] heel: burn off [ anomaly 19 ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Reach a speed of at least 800 mph. Burn Off (2 Laps)
Vixen: Reach a speed of at least 800 mph. No Weather
Palus: Reach a speed of at least 800 mph.
Starcom: Reach a speed of at least 800 mph.
Talon: Reach a speed of at least 800 mph.
Manta: Reach a speed of at least 800 mph.
Scarecrow: Reach a speed of at least 800 mph.
Templar: Reach a speed of at least 800 mph.

<- [8.1] heel: burn off [ mining dome ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Get a best lap time (1 min 16 sec). Burn Off (2 Laps)
Vixen: Get a best lap time (1 min 16 sec). No Weather
Palus: Get a best lap time (1 min 15 sec).
Starcom: Get a best lap time (1 min 15 sec).
Talon: Get a best lap time (1 min 14 sec).
Manta: Get a best lap time (1 min 14 sec).
Scarecrow: Get a best lap time (1 min 13 sec).
Templar: Get a best lap time (1 min 13 sec).

<- [8.2] inoca: extreme weather [ dunroths rift ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Destroy 3 Vixen boards. Extreme Weather (3 Laps)
Vixen: Destroy 3 Terranova boards. Heavy Rain (Night)
Palus: Destroy 4 Scarecrow boards.
Starcom: Destroy 4 Templar boards.
Talon: Destroy 5 Manta boards.
Manta: Destroy 5 Talon boards.
Scarecrow: Destroy 5 Palus boards.
Templar: Destroy 5 Starcom boards.

<- [8.2] inoca: extreme weather [ reactor ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Beat 4 bikes. Extreme Weather (3 Laps)
Vixen: Beat 5 bikes. Heavy Rain
Palus: Beat 5 bikes.
Starcom: Beat 6 bikes.
Talon: Beat 6 bikes.
Manta: Beat 6 bikes.
Scarecrow: Beat 6 bikes.
Templar: Beat 6 bikes.

<- [8.2] inoca: extreme weather [ arabian ridge ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Beat X in the race. Extreme Weather (3 Laps)
Vixen: Beat X in the race. Storm
Palus: Beat X in the race.
Starcom: Beat X in the race.
Talon: Beat X in the race.
Manta: Beat X in the race.
Scarecrow: Beat X in the race.
Templar: Beat X in the race.

<- [8.3] jentor: endurance [ outlands ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Destroy X. Endurance (4 Laps)
Vixen: Destroy X. Clear Skies (Night)
Palus: Destroy X.
Starcom: Destroy X.
Talon: Destroy X.
Manta: Destroy X.
Scarecrow: Destroy X.
Templar: Destroy X.

<- [8.3] jentor: endurance [ anomaly 17 ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Beat X in the race. Endurance (4 Laps)
Vixen: Beat X in the race. No Weather
Palus: Beat X in the race.
Starcom: Beat X in the race.
Talon: Beat X in the race.
Manta: Beat X in the race.
Scarecrow: Beat X in the race.
Templar: Beat X in the race.

<- [8.3] jentor: endurance [ hellas ridge ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Get a best lap time (1 min 33 sec). Endurance (4 Laps)
Vixen: Get a best lap time (1 min 33 sec). Clear Skies (Night)
Palus: Get a best lap time (1 min 32 sec).
Starcom: Get a best lap time (1 min 32 sec).
Talon: Get a best lap time (1 min 31 sec).
Manta: Get a best lap time (1 min 31 sec).
Scarecrow: Get a best lap time (1 min 30 sec).
Templar: Get a best lap time (1 min 30 sec).

<- [8.4] patriot: fall out [ arabian ridge ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Destroy 3 Vixen boards. Warmonger (3 Laps)
Vixen: Destroy 4 Terranova boards. Clear Skies
Palus: Destroy 4 Scarecrow boards.
Starcom: Destroy 5 Templar boards.
Talon: Destroy 5 Manta boards.
Manta: Destroy 5 Talon boards.
Scarecrow: Destroy 5 Palus boards.
Templar: Destroy 5 Starcom boards.

<- [8.4] patriot: fall out [ vostok coast ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Kill at least one rider. Warmonger (3 Laps)
Vixen: Kill at least two riders. Clear Skies (Night)
Palus: Kill at least two riders.
Starcom: Kill at least three riders.
Talon: Kill at least three riders.
Manta: Kill at least three riders.
Scarecrow: Kill at least four riders.
Templar: Kill at least four riders.

<- [8.4] patriot: fall out [ torre ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Destroy the Vixen rider. Warmonger (3 Laps)
Vixen: Destroy the Terranova rider. Clear Skies
Palus: Destroy the Scarecrow rider.
Starcom: Destroy the Templar rider.
Talon: Destroy the Manta rider.
Manta: Destroy the Talon rider.
Scarecrow: Destroy the Palus rider.
Templar: Destroy the Starcom rider.

This section gives general information in Season 2080's Supersonic class.

<- subsonic class overview ->
Points Required To Advance: 792

Bikes are faster, and there are more events to race!

------------ -------------
Point System Track Unlocks
------------ -------------
1st: 40 Scavenger City (Outlands)
2nd: 32
3rd: 24
4th: 16
5th: 12
6th: 8
7th: 4
8th: 0

<- [9.1] fobos: championship [ e.r.f. unit ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Beat X in the race. Peace Keeper (3 Laps)
Vixen: Beat X in the race. No Weather
Palus: Beat X in the race.
Starcom: Beat X in the race.
Talon: Beat X in the race.
Manta: Beat X in the race.
Scarecrow: Beat X in the race.
Templar: Beat X in the race.

<- [9.1] fobos: championship [ scavenger city ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Reach a speed of at least 655 mph. Peace Keeper (3 Laps)
Vixen: Reach a speed of at least 655 mph. Clear Skies
Palus: Reach a speed of at least 655 mph.
Starcom: Reach a speed of at least 655 mph.
Talon: Reach a speed of at least 655 mph.
Manta: Reach a speed of at least 655 mph.
Scarecrow: Reach a speed of at least 655 mph.
Templar: Reach a speed of at least 655 mph.

<- [9.1] fobos: championship [ dunroths folly ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Beat X in the race. Peace Keeper (3 Laps)
Vixen: Beat X in the race. Clear Skies
Palus: Beat X in the race.
Starcom: Beat X in the race.
Talon: Beat X in the race.
Manta: Beat X in the race.
Scarecrow: Beat X in the race.
Templar: Beat X in the race.

<- [9.1] fobos: championship [ anomaly 19 ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Get a best lap time (1 min 37 sec). Peace Keeper (3 Laps)
Vixen: Get a best lap time (1 min 37 sec). No Weather
Palus: Get a best lap time (1 min 36 sec).
Starcom: Get a best lap time (1 min 36 sec).
Talon: Get a best lap time (1 min 35 sec).
Manta: Get a best lap time (1 min 35 sec).
Scarecrow: Get a best lap time (1 min 34 sec).
Templar: Get a best lap time (1 min 34 sec).

<- [9.2] twilight: endurance [ vostok peaks ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Destroy 4 Vixen boards. Endurance (4 Laps)
Vixen: Destroy 4 Terranova boards. Clear Skies
Palus: Destroy 5 Scarecrow boards.
Starcom: Destroy 5 Templar boards.
Talon: Destroy 6 Manta boards.
Manta: Destroy 6 Talon boards.
Scarecrow: Destroy 6 Palus boards.
Templar: Destroy 6 Starcom boards.

<- [9.2] twilight: endurance [ dunroths rift ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Kill at least two riders. Endurance (4 Laps)
Vixen: Kill at least two riders. Clear Skies (Night)
Palus: Kill at least three riders.
Starcom: Kill at least three riders.
Talon: Kill at least three riders.
Manta: Kill at least four riders.
Scarecrow: Kill at least four riders.
Templar: Kill at least four riders.

<- [9.2] twilight: endurance [ mining dome ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Destroy the Vixen rider. Endurance (4 Laps)
Vixen: Destroy the Terranova rider. No Weather
Palus: Destroy the Scarecrow rider.
Starcom: Destroy the Templar rider.
Talon: Destroy the Manta rider.
Manta: Destroy the Talon rider.
Scarecrow: Destroy the Palus rider.
Templar: Destroy the Starcom rider.

<- [9.2] twilight: endurance [ hellas ridge ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Destroy X. Endurance (4 Laps)
Vixen: Destroy X. Clear Skies
Palus: Destroy X.
Starcom: Destroy X.
Talon: Destroy X.
Manta: Destroy X.
Scarecrow: Destroy X.
Templar: Destroy X.

<- [9.3] jentor: extreme weather [ outlands ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Beat 5 bikes. Extreme Weather (3 Laps)
Vixen: Beat 6 bikes. Heavy Rain
Palus: Beat 6 bikes.
Starcom: Beat 6 bikes.
Talon: Win the race.
Manta: Win the race.
Scarecrow: Win the race.
Templar: Win the race.

<- [9.3] jentor: extreme weather [ vostok coast ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Get a record race time (4 min 39 sec). Extreme Weather (3 Laps)
Vixen: Get a record race time (4 min 39 sec). Snow (Night)
Palus: Get a record race time (4 min 38 sec).
Starcom: Get a record race time (4 min 38 sec).
Talon: Get a record race time (4 min 37 sec).
Manta: Get a record race time (4 min 37 sec).
Scarecrow: Get a record race time (4 min 36 sec).
Templar: Get a record race time (4 min 36 sec).

<- [9.3] jentor: extreme weather [ reactor ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Reach a speed of at least 800 mph. Extreme Weather (3 Laps)
Vixen: Reach a speed of at least 800 mph. Heavy Rain (Night)
Palus: Reach a speed of at least 800 mph.
Starcom: Reach a speed of at least 800 mph.
Talon: Reach a speed of at least 800 mph.
Manta: Reach a speed of at least 800 mph.
Scarecrow: Reach a speed of at least 800 mph.
Templar: Reach a speed of at least 800 mph.

<- [9.3] jentor: extreme weather [ arabian ridge ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Beat X in the race. Extreme Weather (3 Laps)
Vixen: Beat X in the race. Storm
Palus: Beat X in the race.
Starcom: Beat X in the race.
Talon: Beat X in the race.
Manta: Beat X in the race.
Scarecrow: Beat X in the race.
Templar: Beat X in the race.

This section gives general information in Season 2080's Ultrasonic class.

<- ultrasonic class overview ->
Points Required To Advance: 1142

Again, nothing terribly new for this class. These bikes are the best of the
bunch, so get ready for some true speed racing!

------------ -------------
Point System Track Unlocks
------------ -------------
1st: 50 None
2nd: 40
3rd: 30
4th: 20
5th: 15
6th: 10
7th: 5
8th: 0

<- xgra: global [ vostok peaks ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Destroy 5 Vixen boards. Extreme Weather (4 Laps)
Vixen: Destroy 5 Terranova boards. Snow (Night)
Palus: Destroy 6 Scarecrow boards.
Starcom: Destroy 6 Templar boards.
Talon: Destroy 7 Manta boards.
Manta: Destroy 7 Talon boards.
Scarecrow: Destroy 7 Palus boards.
Templar: Destroy 7 Starcom boards.

<- xgra: global [ mining dome ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Beat X in the race. Endurance (5 Laps)
Vixen: Beat X in the race. No Weather
Palus: Beat X in the race.
Starcom: Beat X in the race.
Talon: Beat X in the race.
Manta: Beat X in the race.
Scarecrow: Beat X in the race.
Templar: Beat X in the race.

<- xgra: global [ outlands ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Win the race. Normal (4 Laps)
Vixen: Win the race. Clear Skies
Palus: Win the race.
Starcom: Win the race.
Talon: Win the race.
Manta: Win the race.
Scarecrow: Win the race.
Templar: Win the race.

<- xgra: global [ dunroths rift ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Beat X in the race. Burn Off (3 Laps)
Vixen: Beat X in the race. Clear Skies
Palus: Beat X in the race.
Starcom: Beat X in the race.
Talon: Beat X in the race.
Manta: Beat X in the race.
Scarecrow: Beat X in the race.
Templar: Beat X in the race.

<- xgra: global [ torre ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Destroy X. Speed Limited (4 Laps)
Vixen: Destroy X. Clear Skies (Night)
Palus: Destroy X.
Starcom: Destroy X.
Talon: Destroy X.
Manta: Destroy X.
Scarecrow: Destroy X.
Templar: Destroy X.

<- xgra: global [ anomaly 19 ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Get a best lap time (1 min 30 sec). Normal (4 Laps)
Vixen: Get a best lap time (1 min 30 sec). No Weather
Palus: Get a best lap time (1 min 29 sec).
Starcom: Get a best lap time (1 min 29 sec).
Talon: Get a best lap time (1 min 28 sec).
Manta: Get a best lap time (1 min 28 sec).
Scarecrow: Get a best lap time (1 min 27 sec).
Templar: Get a best lap time (1 min 27 sec).

<- xgra: global [ arabian ridge ] ->
Contracts Conditions
--------- ----------
Terranova: Kill at least three riders. Normal (4 Laps)
Vixen: Kill at least three riders. Clear Skies
Palus: Kill at least four riders.
Starcom: Kill at least four riders.
Talon: Kill at least four riders.
Manta: Kill at least five riders.
Scarecrow: Kill at least five riders.
Templar: Kill at least five riders.

=- 11) TRACKS -=
This section covers XGRA's tracks and tips for each one.

<- santarem, barazilia [ reactor circuit ] ->
Location: Amazon Basin
Length: 7.8 km

Track Map
xxxxxxxxx Landmarks
(1) xxxxxxxxxxxxx (2) ---------
xxxxx xx 1. Santarem Stadium
START xx xxxx 2. Jurua Ridge
xxxxxx xxxxxxxx 3. 4G Curve
xxxxx xx xx 4. Jormundanger's
xxxxx xx xx Revenge
xxxxx xxx xx 5. Cranberry & Fell
xxxxx (9) xxxxxxxx Factory Complex
xxxxx xx xxxx 6. SiNN Jump
xxxxx xx Substation
xxxxx xxxx 7. Sonic Boom Alley
(8) xxxxx xxxx 8. Deadman's Corner
xxxxx xxxx 9. Refinery
xxxxx xxxx
xxxxx (3) xxx
xxxxx xxxx
xxxxx xxxxxxx
xxxxx (7) xx xx x
xxxxx (4) xx xx x
xxxxx xxxx xx xx
xxxxx xx xxxxx xx
xxxxx xx xx xxxx
xxxxx xx xx xxxx
(6) xxxxx xx xx (5)

Track Description
From the start, you travel up a hill with three speedstrips and then immed-
iately head straight down into a halfpipe littered with more strips. Over the
next hill, hang left for a boost, and drop down onto the track.

Here, a group of speedstrips have been positioned at the 4G Curve in the
usual alternating pattern (left, right, left). The track splits into three
separate paths following the previous landmark. The two high ramps merge into
the same route; however, there are two other options if you continue forward.
Regardless of where you decide to go, these paths criss-cross with each other
several times!

After going off into the sky, alternating speedstrips are found around Sonic
Boom Alley, making it a great place to pick up speed for the upcoming ramp
that takes you back to the starting line.

Track Tips
1. On the second hill, position your bike to the track's left side to be sure
you do not miss the upcoming speedstrip.
2. Center your bike while going off the ramp before the finish line. Doing so
nets you several weapon icons!
3. You can gain extra air after jumping the final ramp by tilting your bike
into a fence barricade.

<- santarem, barazilia [ torre circuit ] ->
Location: Amazon Basin
Length: 10.9 km

Track Map
xx (7) Landmarks
xx xxx ---------
xx xx x 1. Santarem
xxx x x Stadium
xxx x x 2. Jurua Ridge
(6) xxx x x 3. Jurua Basin
xxx xx x 4. The Blazeaway
xxx xx x x 5. Quad Switch
xxx xx x 6. Cranberry &
x xx Fell Logistics
x x xx (8) Centre
(4) x xxxx 7. Tigriss
xxxx xxx xx Suspension
(2) xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx xx Bridge
xx xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx xx 8. Bellise Juan
xx xx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx xx Basin
xxxx xx (5) xxx xx xx (9) 9. Supression
xx xxxx (1) xxx xxxx Pool Straight-
xx xxxxx xxx aways
xx xx START xxx 10. Refinery
xxxx xxxx xxx
(3) xxxx xxx
xxxx xxx
xxxx xxx
xxxx (10)

Track Description
The beginning of the Torre Circuit is nearly identical to the previous
Reactor Circuit... Boost up the hill, and down into a halfpipe. This is
where things begin to feel different!

As the track gradually turns to the right, three alternating speedstrips
appear and lead you into a rather sharp left turn. Dash through a red-lit
tunnel, another hard turn, and then a second red tunnel. In this sector,
the catwalk is partially destroyed, leaving a gaping hole in the middle of the
track that is very easy to fall into. Continue through the corridor (and take
note of the steel pipes above the track).

While driving through the next open field, sticking to the upper level
allows you to choose between one of two routes, but if you are on the bottom,
there is only one way to go! The option you select here determines how high
you are at the upcoming drop-off. Naturally, being at the top lets you hit
the most speedstrips. The next hill holds two boost strips and takes you
back to the start.

Track Tips
1. Like the previous track, put your bike on the track's left side to be sure
you do not miss the upcoming speedstrip at the second hill.
2. Shortly after the last tip, veer to the left to hit another boost.
3. After passing the first red tunnel, direct your bike to the white lights in
track's center to help avoid collision with the walls.
4. The hole in the catwalk can be dodged by driving off to the right side.
5. While in the corridor, shoot the iron pipes to break them, releasing a
stream of fire down upon the track. (Just don't touch the fire yourself!)
6. Again, you can gain more height in your jumps by kicking off a side wall.

<- culver's reach [ hellas ridge circuit ] ->
Location: Araxes Tholus, Mars
Length: 8.1 km

Track Map
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (5) Landmarks
xx xxxx ---------
xx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx 1. Hoplon Crater
xx xx xxxxx xxxx 2. Garrett's Cove
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx 3. Rover Canyon
xxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 4. Elevation Twist
xxx xxxxx xxx xxx 5. Braided Maze
xxx xxxxx xxxxx xxx 6. Araxes Plateau
xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx Stand
xxx xx 7. Deepeeka Drop
xxxx xx
(6) xxxx xx
xxxx xx
xxxx (4) xx
xxxx xx
xxx xx
xx xx
xx xx
xx (7) xxxx
xx (2) xxxx
xx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xx xx xx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxSTARTxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxx
xx xxxxxxxx
(1) xx xx xxxxxxxx (3)
xx xx xxxxxxxx
xxxx xxxxxx
xxxx xxxx
xxxx xxxx
xxxx xxxx

Track Description
Swing through the beginning curve, and then boost downhill onto a ramp. If
you brake before approaching the ramp, you can access an underground shortcut
containing speedstrips and weapon icons. If you miss the secret, you are
forced to deal with a couple sharp turns.

Once the two routes merge, the next landmark is Rover Canyon, an open area
retaining several gun towers and an oil pipeline. Certain sections of the
piping can destroyed, releasing a huge puddles of oil on the field. Speed up
the hill, and enter a cavern with a three-way split. None of the paths are
terribly challenging and offer anything unique. After making a few more turns
similar to the beginning of the track, the road leads you back to the start.

Track Tips
1. As mentioned above, slow down before the ramp to fall into a shortcut.
2. While in the canyon, blast away certain parts of the pipe to create an oil
spill. Shooting the pipe again ignites the oil, and the flames severely
damage anything that runs into them.

<- culver's reach [ arabian ridge circuit ] ->
Location: Araxes Tholus, Mars
Length: 11.2 km

Track Map
xxxxxxxxxxx (4)
xxxxx xx
(3) xxxxx xx
xxxxx xx
xxxxx xxxxx
xxxxx xx xx
xxxxxxx xx xxx
xx xx xx
(2) xx xx (5) xxxxxxxxxxx
xx xx xxxxxxxxxxxx
xx xx xxxxxxxxxxxx
xx xx xxxxx xxxxxx
xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx Landmarks
xx xx xx xxxxxx ---------
xxxx xx 1. Arabian Ridge
xxxx xxx Stadium
xxxx xxx 2. Tipple Turn
xxxxxxxxxxxx 3. Rare Earth Mines
(6) xxxxx xxxx 4. Comm Plateau
xxxxx xxxx 5. Dust Bowl
xxxxxx xxxx 6. Rover Canyon
xxxxxx xxxx 7. Karlstown
xxxxxx xxx (1) 8. Eos Basin
(7) xxxx xxx 9. Founders Gulley
xxxx START
xxxx xxx
xxx xxx
xxx xxxxxxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxx
xxx xxx xxxxxxxxx xxx xxx
xxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx
(8) xxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx
xxx xxxx (9) xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxx xxxxxxx

Track Description
The beginning is straightforward (literally). Pass over the two gigantic
speedstrips to encounter a fork; one has speedstrips over it, while the other
contains weapon icons. Generally, going for the strips is the best choice.

Shortly after the mining cavern lies the Dust Bowl, a dusty field split in
two by a gigantic rock formation. Stick to the right if you are looking for
several icons. One important thing to note here is meteors sometimes crash
down in the Dust Bowl, and it won't look pretty if your bike is blown to bits!
If you happen to spot a plummeting rock, get out of the area before you take
any damage.

Immediately afterwards, cruise down a hill and into another canyon, similar
to the one in the last track. And, yes, you can shoot the oil pipeline!
Continue through a series of curves and a third open field to find the finish

Track Tips
1. Take a right at the fork to go over several speedstrips.
2. At the Dust Bowl, the path to the right has more weapon icons for you to
collect than the left one.
3. The oil pipes can be destroyed and ignited at Rover Canyon.

<- scavenger city [ city circuit ] ->
Location: Sea of Okhotsk
Length: 7 km

Track Map
xxxxxx (2)
Landmarks xxxx xxxx
--------- xxxx xxx
1. Phaedar Straight xxxx xxx
2. Rico's Run xxx xxx
3. Rico's Tunnel xxx (1) xxx
4. Razora Curve xxx xxx
5. Splinter Straight xxxx xxx
6. Refinery Run xxxx xxx (3)
7. Red Star Curve START xxx
8. Primary Band xxxx xxx
xxxx xxx
xxxx xxx
xxx xxx
xxx xxx
(8) xxx (4) xxx
xxx xxx
xxx xxx
xxx xxx
xxxx (5) xxxx
xxxx xxxx
xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxx
xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxx xxxx (6)
xxx (7) xxxx
xxx xxxx

Track Description
Welcome to XGRA's easiest track!

And as such, there isn't too much to Scavenger City. Speedstrips seem to
lie at every single turn, making this race go by quickly. One interesting
fact is this track is entirely flat (no hills, etc.). Yeah, that's about it...

Track Tips
1. When approaching a turn, try to stay towards the inside. Doing so helps to
make your bike stay on the road and avoid sliding off into a wall.

<- scavenger city [ outlands circuit ] ->
Location: Sea of Okhotsk
Length: 9.1 km

Track Map
xxxxxxxxxxx Landmarks
xxxx xxxx ---------
xxxx xxxxx xxxx 1. Alpha Bend
(1) xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 2. Grinder
xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx Tube #1
xxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxx 3. Outland
xxxx xxxx xxx xxx 4. Aegypta
START xx xxx xxx Wreck
xxxx xx xxx xxx 5. Grinder
xxxx xx xxxx xxx Tube #2
xxxx xx xxxx xxxx 6. Maruader
xxx xx (7) xxxx xxxx Straights
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx 7. Primary
xxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx Split
xxx xxx xxxxxx xxx (2) 8. Omega Curve
xxx xxx xxxx xxx
xxx (8) xxxx xxxx (6) xxx
xxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx
xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx
xxx xxxx xxxxxxx
xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
xxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
xxx (4) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(5) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (3)
xxxxxx xxxxxx

Track Description
Fortunately, this Scavenger City circuit isn't nearly as boring and generic
as the last one! As you proceed through the first couple tunnels, take notice
of the weapon icons off to the sides (they are somewhat difficult to see due
to the tunnel's lights). The AI almost never grabs them, so why don't you?

Before leaping off onto the Outland, stay in the track's center to gain
two weapon icons. Crash down, turn to the right, and watch out for the two
tanks here if you are playing a Warmonger race. Return to the tunnels after
going through the next bend.

The remainder of the track is like the City Circuit, so you should not have
any problems handling that (hopefully!).

Track Tips
1. Veer to the tunnels' sides to collect weapons, if you need them.
2. When it's possible, stay towards the inside of turns while boosting to
avoid loss of control.

<- vostok, antarctica [ vostok peaks circuit ] ->
Location: Southern Indian Ocean
Length: 11.8 km

Track Map
(5) xxxxxx xxxx
xxxx xx xxxx xxx
xxxx xx START xxx
xxxx xxxx xxx
xxxxx xxxx xxx
xxx xxxx (4) xxxx xxxxxxx
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx
xxx xxxx xxxx Landmarks xxx
xxx (3) xxxx xxx --------- xxx
xxx xx xx 1. Reverend's Rim xxx
xxx xx xx 2. Rodchenko's Split xxx
xxx xxxxx 3. Gagarin Orbital Bridge xxx
xxxxx 4. Geodesic Village xxx
xxx 5. Carla's Ridge xxxx
xxx xxxx
xxx xxxx
xxxxx xx xx xx
xxxxx xx xx xx
xxxxx xx xx xx
xxxxx xx xx xx
xxxxx xx xx xx (1)
xxxxx xx xx xx
(2) xxxxx xx xx xx
xxxxx xxxxxx
xxxxx xxxxxxxx

Track Description
This arctic track immediately drops you off into a series of curves with
speedstrips scattered on both sides and eventually empties into a three-way
split. I would say your best bet would be to pick the right path, and then
veer off to the other sidepath. Regardless of what you may choose, there are
speedstrips on all of them.

Up ahead lies a rather steep ramp. If you succeed, you can either land onto
one of two catwalks that takes into a cave with a few weapon icons. And if
you fail, you must take the low road and miss out on the weapons.

The next segment has many speedstrips that slowly inch towards the inside of
the turn, so it should not be too challenging to hit all of 'em. After you
pass through a loop, continue on your way through yet another cave, and pass
over the finish line following the hill.

Track Tips
1. At the split, go right, and then select right again. Perhaps it's just
personal preference, but I tend to get a faster time on this path (not to
mention more weapons!).
2. Angle your bike completely straight when leaping off the ramp to fall onto
a piece of track with a very long speedstrip.
3. The speedstrips at the orbital angle gradually move towards the inside of
the turn, so adjust your bike accordingly.

<- vostok, antarctica [ vostok coastal circuit ] ->
Location: Southern Indian Ocean
Length: 10 km

Track Map
(7) xxxx
Landmarks xxx xxx
--------- xxx xxx (6) xxxx
1. Vostok Harbour xxx xxx xxxx xxxx
2. Bernardo's Span xxx xxx xxxx xxx
3. Indian Ocean xxx xxx xxxx (5) xxx
4. Vernadski Shallows xxx xxx xxxx xxx
5. Old Vostok xxx xxxx xxx
6. Bunker xxx xxx
7. Shukhov II xxx xxx
xxx xxx
xxx xxxxxxx xxxx

xxxx xxx xxx xxx xxxxx
xxx xxxx xxx xx xxx xxxxxxx
xxx xxxx (1) xxx xx xxx
xxx xxxx xxx xx xx (4)
xxx xxxx xxx xxxx
xxx xxxx xxx xxx
xxxxx xxx xxx
xxxxx xxx
xxxxx xxx
xxxxx xxx
xxxxx (3) xxxx
(2) xxxxx xxxx
xxxxx xxxxx

Track Description
The track starts off with a straightaway, but it doesn't take long before
it throws curves at you. A hidden sidepath is placed at the sharp right turn
and offers a handy shortcut littered with weapons and plenty of boosting.
If you miss out on it, you can find extra speed on the incline on the main
road that drops you off at a small speedstrip.

A different section of track splits your path in two, the left containing
a weapon icon, while the other has a speedstrip. Naturally, go for speed!
You can find the same exact thing right after the previous one.

The two incoming forks follow the same formula. Going into the dark tunnels
allows you gain velocity on their speedstrips, while the "normal" road grants
you more weapon icons if you're really desparate for them. Next, you enter a
gradual left turn directing you through two more caverns.

Once you exit the second cave, brief speedstrips alternates on the sides of
the track, and the following set of strips advance towards the inside of the
turn, much like the previous Vostok circuit. Fly down the hill and back into
the stadium.

Track Tips
1. A hidden shortcut can be found during the first sharp right turn. Leap off
the ramp found there, and continue along your merry way.
2. The majority of the splits on this track grant you one of two things:
speedstrips or weapons. Generally, you should go for the boosts.
3. When you encounter the incredibly short speedstrips, try to gently rock
your bike back and forth to hit as many as you possibly can.

<- dunroths folly [ dunroths folly circuit ] ->
Location: South East Asia
Length: 10.4 km

Track Map

Landmarks xxxxxx
--------- xxxx xxxxx
1. Stadium of xxxx xxxxx
Shadows xxxx xxxxx
2. Ruins of Irid xxxx (8) xxxxx
3. Meta Gorge xxxx xxxxx
4. Berylos Mines xxxx xxx
5. Snake River xxx xxx
Straight xxx xxx (7)
6. Agua Bendita Dam xxx xxx
7. Kerukera Falls xxx xxx
8. Torfeus Towers xxx xxxx
9. Tytoona Caverns xxx xxxx
xxx xxxx
xxx xxxxx
xxx xxxx
xxx xxxxxxxxx
(9) xxxxx (6) xxxx
xxxxx xxxx
xxxxxx xxxx (5)
xxx xxx xxxx
xxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxx xxx xxxx xxx
xxxxx xxx xxxx (4) xxx
xxxxx xxxxx xxx
xxxxx xxxxxxx
xxxxx xxxx xxxxxx
xxxxx (2) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxx
xxxxx xxx xxx xxx
START xxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxx
xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx (3) xxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
(1) xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx

Track Description
In the ruins area, stay to the outside of the mammoth pillar to acquire
a couple weapon icons, and ignore the ramp since it tends to slow you down
more than anything else. The cave, with weapons and strips scattered about,
spews your bike out in a jungle setting.

When you come across yet another cave, steer to the right and then to the
left to nab the four weapons (or what's left of them). The track begins to
straighten after the series of curves, and there are three alternating speed-
strips you should definitely pass over.

The remaining part of the track isn't too bad, although the game tosses a
few sharp turns your way. Just remember you DO have brakes on your bike!

Track Tips
1. Build up your weapon arsenal at the very beginning by going to the outside
of the stone pillar.
2. In the cave where the path criss-crosses, take a right, and then a left to
gain the most weapons.
3. Stay to the inside of the turn in the second ruins area. You are just
wasting precious time if you don't!

<- dunroths folly [ dunroths rift circuit ] ->
Location: South East Asia
Length: 10.7 km

Track Map

Landmarks xxxxxx
--------- xxx xxxx (1)
1. Sun Stadium 6. Cacique's Hallway xxx START
2. Sapa Inma Gorge 7. Archer's Revolution xxx (2) xxxx
3. King Vulture Valley 8. Agua Bendita Dam xxx xxxx
4. Dunroth Harbour 9. Kerukera Falls xxx xxxx
5. Meta Gorge 10. Erebia Gorge xxxx xxxx
xxx (3) xxxx
xxx xxxx
xxx xxxx
(7) xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx
xxx xxx xxx xx xxxx
xxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxx (10)
xxxxxxx xxx xxx
xxxxxxx xxx xxx
xxxxxx (6) xxx xxxx xxx xxx
xxxxxxxxx xxx xxxx (8) xxx
xxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxx
xxxx xxxxx xxx xxx xxxx xxx
xxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxx xxx (9)
xxxx xxx xxxx xxx
xxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxx xxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxx xxx
xxxx xxxx xxx xxx
(5) xxxx xxxx xxx xxx
xxxx xxxx xxx xxx
xxxxxx (4) xxxxxxxx

Track Description
As you drive away from the starting line, you are faced with a curve covered
in speedstrips, which means you will probably hit the wall at least once. The
gradual left turn ushers you into a subterranean tunnel and then the harbor
area (be sure to hit the speedstrips there!).

The jungle/cave combination here should be familiar to you if you looked at
the previous circuit! The only part that has been edited is the short section
right before the finishing line. Instead, it's a turn with a few boosts.

Track Tips
1. Remember any strategies you may have used on the previous track, consid-
ering around 50% of this circuit is the same thing.

<- deep space e.r.f. station [ mining dome circuit ] ->
Location: Saturnian Asteroid
Length: 8.9 km

Track Map
xxxx xx xxxx
(7) xxxx xx xxx (6)
xxxx xx xxx
xxxxx xx xxx
xxxxxxx xx xxx
xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxx xx xx
xxxxx xx xxxxx (5)
xxxxxxxxxx xx
xxxxx xx xxxxxx
(8) xxxxxxxxxx xxx Landmarks
xxxxx xxx xxxx (4) ---------
xxxxx xxxx 1. Cassini Stadium
xxxxx xxxx 2. O.C. Hydrogen Mining Dome
xxxx xxxx 3. Hyperion Helix
xxxxx xxxx 4. Titan Helix
xxxxx (3) 5. Mimas Straight
xxxxx xxxxx 6. Space Port
xxxxx xx xxx 7. Tethys Straight
START xx 8. Cassini Divide
(1) xxxxxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx
xxxxxx xxxxx
xxxxx (2) xxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx

Track Description
After boosting around the first corner, you have two options of driving
through the mining dome. You may travel on top of the hill (on the inside of
the turn) for weapons, or you could also stick to the ground level and run
over the speedstrips. In any case, the track takes you into the Titan Helix.

Here, speedstrips alternate on the lane's sides, and a single weapon can be
found on the opposing side of every strip. It's also interesting to note how
nearly everything becomes silent here (seeing as you how you're in space).
When you discover the fork, you have the typical selection of speed versus
weapons, but I would suggest the left for the speedstrips. Immediately after
that, dash through another helix, and cross the finish line.

Track Tips
1. Pass over the speedstrips in the mining dome instead of going on the hill.
2. The helix regions are great places to pass opponents because they never
go over every single speedstrip.
3. Veer to the left at the fork for speed.

<- deep space e.r.f. station [ e.r.f. unit circuit ] ->
Location: Saturnian Asteroid
Length: 8.5 km

Track Map
Landmarks (5) xxxxx xxxx
--------- xxxxx xxxx
1. Huygen's Stadium xxxxx xxxx
2. Environmental Recycling Farm xxxxx xxx
3. Voyager Descent xxxxxx (4) xxx
4. Promethius Crater xxxxxx xxx
5. Pandora's Canyon xxxx xxxxxx xxx
6. Hydrogen Vent Core xxxxxx xxxx xxx
7. Janus Local Mining Dock xxxxxxxx xxxx xxx
xxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxx
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx
xxx xxxxxxx xxx
xxx xxxxx xxx
xxxxx (7) xxx (6) xxx
xxx xxxx xxx xxx
xxx xxxx xxx xxx
xxx xxxx xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
xxxxxx xxx xxx (3)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxx
xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxx
xxxx xxxxx xxx xxx xxx
xxxx xxx xxx xxx
xxxx (2) xxx xxxx
xxxx START (1)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx
xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxx
xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx
xxx xxx xxxxx

Track Description
This circuit splits off at the very beginning, and the track design becomes
rather messy. If you want to go for maximum speed, make two left turns, and
you will hit the most speedstrips of all the paths.

The abrupt dropoff contains a couple strips before throwing you out into the
depths of space. After passing the myriad of weapon icons, the track attacks
you with some very sharp turns, so be prepared to brake/powerslide your way
through! Hybrid/powerslide handling types are perfect here.

This second dropoff reveals three boost squares and then taunts you by
forcing you into a hairpin turn (yikes!). Unfortunately, there is really no
possible way to avoid hitting the wall... Boost through the next few curves
to find the starting line once again.

Track Tips
1. During the track's starting fork, pick left and then left a second time to
go over the most speedstrips.
2. Position your bike to the left side of the road before the first dropoff.
This ensures that you will hit the speedstrip stashed there.
3. While in space, a bike with either hybrid or powerslide handling will make
the sharp turns there much easier than a grippy bike.

<- deep sea anomaly [ anomaly 17 circuit ] ->
Location: Atlantic Ocean
Length: 8.3 km

Track Map

xxx xxxx xxxxxxx Landmarks
xxx (6) xxxx xxx xxx ---------
xxx xxxx xxx xxx 1. Angels Rise
xxx xxxxxx xxx 2. Baleen Caverns
xxx xxxxx xxx (5) 3. Bismarck Curve
xxx xxxx 4. Question
(7) xxx xxxx 5. Customised
xxx xxxx xxx Turtle
xxx xxxxxxxx 6. Mach 5 Straight
xxx xxx 7. Answer
xxx xxx 8. Deep Five Dive
xxx (4) xxx 9. Deep Sea
xxx xxxxx xxx Anomaly Trench
xxx xxxx xxx xxx
(8) xxx (3) xxxx xxx xxx
xxxx xxxx xxx xxx
xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxx
xxx xxxxx xxxxx xxx
xxx xxxxx xxxx
xxx xxxxx
xxx xxx
xxx xxxx
xxxxxx xxxx
xxxxxx (1) xxxxxxx (2)
(9) xxxxxx xxx

Track Description
Similarly to the Scavenger City tracks, Anomaly 17 is hardly complex. Much
of your time will be spent inside a tunnel shifting from side to side to hit
the speedstrips.

However, you should note the fork. As if you couldn't guess by now, one
path contains all of the speedstrips, whereas the other holds weapons. How
many times must they do this?

Track Tips
1. Several speedstrips are cleverly placed on the insides of turns. Try to
make wider turns to hit these.
2. While at the fork, go left for more speed, or right for weaponry.

<- deep sea anomaly [ anomaly 19 circuit ] ->
Location: Atlantic Ocean
Length: 12.1 km

Track Map
(4) xx
Landmarks xx xx
--------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
1. Deep Sea xxx xxx xx xxx xxx
Anomaly Trench xxx xxxxxxx xxx xxx
2. Sartek Bend xxx xxx xxx
3. Bismarck Curve xxx xxxx
4. Stormbringer Split xxx xxxxxx xxx
xxxxx xxxx xxx
xx xxxxx xxx xxxx
xxxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxxx
xxx xxx xxx xxxxxx xxx xxxx
xxx xxx (5) xxx (3) xxx xxxxx
xxx xxx xxx xxx
xxx (9) xxx xxx xxx 5. Titanic Wreck
xxx xxx (10) xxx xxxx 6. Dakar's Revenge
xxx xxxxxx xxx (1) xxx (2) 7. Bright Nova
xxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxx Canyon
xxx xxxxxx xxx xxx START 8. No Shotgun
xxx xxx xxx xxxx Straight
xxx xxx xxx xxxx 9. F.H.T. Abyss
xxx xxxxxxxx 10. Deep Five Dive
(8) xxx xxx xxxx
xxx xxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx
xxx xxx xxxx xxx
xxx xxxxxx (6) xxx
xxx xxx
xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx
xxx xxxx (7) xxxx xxxx
xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxx xxxx

Track Description
Although different from the previous circuit, Anomaly 19 is done in a sim-
ilar style (fun, eh?). These track features two splits in the same general
area, and again, one path is for weapons and one is for boosts. Do you see
a theme developing here?

Track Tips
1. If you wish to get the best race time, head right at the first split, but
remember to switch over to the other path by going left. You will probably
have to make a wide turn to be sure you won't miss it.

=- 12) SECRETS -=
This section lists the secrets found in XGRA.

<- contract rewards ->
As you progress through Season 2080 mode, completing your mission contracts
unlock several things, including...

NOTE: Items within a category are unlocked in a specific order. For example,
your first secondary weapon unlock is Full Ammo, then Rapier, etc.

1. Character concept art
2. Track concept art
3. Bike concept art
4. Additional concept art

Secondary Weapons
1. Full Ammo
2. Rapier
3. Full Shields
4. Double Hit
5. Overlord
6. Deathstrike

1. Faster weapon and shield energy regneration.

<- access templar in season 2080 ->
To drive the traditional Extreme-G superbike, you must (within a class)
place first and complete all contracts in every race. The Templar bike will
then be accessible at the bike selection screen.

<- cheat menu codes ->
At the Cheat Menu, enter the following codes:

MUNCHKIN -- First secret message in game credits
EDDROOLZ -- Second secret message in game credits
EDDIEPOO -- Third secret message in game credits
FREEPLAY -- Unlock all Season 2080 classes
WIBBLE -- Unlock all tracks
UCANDO -- Unlocks "O2 Liveried" (blue bike designs)

Copyright Information
(c) Copyright 2004 Ryan "MetroidMoo" Ammerman

This FAQ cannot be distributed in books, magazines, etc. or in any other
form of printed or electronic media (CDs, etc.) in any way. It may not be
given away as some sort of prize or bonus with a purchase, and it may not be
used for promotional or profitable purposes.

Any characters, names, or other objects are copyright their respective
companies. This document and its author are in no way affiliated with any
company involved with this game.

E-mail Information
E-mail Address: ryanammerman[at]gmail[dot]com

Before you e-mail me a question, make sure you've looked through the FAQ to
see if your question is answered. If you send me a question that is answered
in the FAQ, it WILL be ignored.

Posting Notice
If you wish to use this guide on your site, you may post it without my
permission as long as this document is **NOT** changed in any way, shape, or
form. The latest version of this guide can always be found at GameFAQs

--End of Transmission
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