Half-Life Firearms

Half-Life Firearms

19.09.2013 10:57:04
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#*##.###:.....:####''\_/ ##### Snaiperskaja Vintowka Dragunova
:#***'''''''''####' ##### ----
'* *####. Russia's Pride
Firearms RC2.8 Weapons / Equipment FAQ FINAL __________________________

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Content _______________________________________________________________

1. Introduction
2. Version History
3. Weapons
3.1 Machine Guns
3.1.1 M60
3.1.2 M249
3.1.3 PKM
3.2 Shotguns
3.2.1 Remington M870
3.2.2 12K
3.3 Grenade Launchers
3.3.1 M79
3.4 Pistols
3.4.1 1911A1
3.4.2 Anaconda
3.4.3 93R
3.4.4 92FS
3.4.5 Desert Eagle
3.5 Sub Machine Guns
3.5.1 Sterling
3.5.2 MP5
3.5.3 Bizon
3.5.4 UZI
3.6 Assault Rifles
3.6.1 AK-47
3.6.2 FA-MAS
3.6.3 G3A3
3.6.4 G63E
3.6.5 M16/M203
3.6.6 AK-74
3.7 Sniper Rifles
3.7.1 SSG3000
3.7.2 M82
3.7.3 Dragunov
4. Equipment
4.1 Armor
4.1.1 Light Armor
4.1.2 Medium Armor
4.1.3 Heavy armor
4.2 Items
4.2.1 Frag Grenade
4.2.2 Concussion Grenade
4.2.3 Claymore Mine
4.2.4 Bandages
4.2.5 N.V. Goggles
5. Custom Weapon Configs
5.1 Rusher
5.2 Sniper
5.3 Camper
5.4 Gunner
5.5 Bomber
5.6 Ninja
5.7 Assaulter
5.8 Ghost
6. Wishlist for FA 2.9
6.1 Weapons
6.1.1 FAL
6.1.2 P-90
6.1.3 PSG1
6.1.4 M14
6.1.5 SOCOM
6.1.6 Signal Grenades
6.1.7 Stielhandgranaten (Stick Grenades)
6.2 Equipment
6.2.1 LAM (Laser Aiming Module)
6.2.2 Diazepam
6.3 Miscellaneous
7. Contact
8. Copyright

1. Introduction _______________________________________________________

I wrote this FAQ because I only found one FAQ about Firearms on the two big
pages DLH.net and GameFaqs.com. And this one was even for RC2.5! So I
brainstormed my knowledge about the weapons featured in Firearms and put it
together to what you are about to read. Additionally, Firearms is the best mod
for the awesome Half-Life, followed by Counter-Strike (which I didn't play last
time due to Steam and my 56k modem) and Team Fortress Classic. Counter-Strike
1.6 is a farce and that's because i love the FA team for great apdates on the
RC2.5 (which i REALLY loved) to balance the weapons. I also want to say that
the last version I played is RC2.5, so don't wonder about sentences like "I
like the two new MGs, the M249 and the PKM, ..."
That's all, have fun with playing and reading.

p.s.: English is not my first language but German is, so i may built in some
typos especially the "," are difficult. ^^-o x_X

2. Version History ____________________________________________________

New Word Count: 7438

Monday 10, 2003 - v1.2
- new design
- added "Full Name" and "Manufacturer" for every weapon
- added "Wishlist for FA 2.9"
- added Dragunov SWD and M79 GL ASCII images and changed Firearms ASCII
- fixed some more typos

Wednesday 6, 2003 - v1.1
- corrected a lot of grammatical mistakes
- added "Version History"
- new ASCII image (selfmade)

Tuesday 4, 2003 - v1.0
- this great FAQ was written on a boring tuesday in 3 hours

3. Weapons ____________________________________________________________

3.1 Machine Guns ______________________________________________________

I like the two new MGs, the M249 and the PKM but they got nerfed with the
bipod, which is more realistic, but makes you REALLY stationary (you can't move
at all while bipod is unfolded).

3.1.1 M60 _____________________________________________________________

Full Name: M60
Manufacturer: Maremont Corporation
Credits: 18
Type: General-Purpose Machine Gun
Caliber: 7.62x51mm NATO
Capacity: Belt-fed, 100 round boxes
ROF: 500 Rounds Per Minute
When used prone to take advantage of it's bipod, the M60 is a highly effective
weapon, capable of turning any area into a lethal kill zone. Feeding from a
100 round belt,it makes an excellent choice for providing cover or suppressive
fire for a squad.

+ high damage
+ 100 rounds per box
+ less credits than M249
- much lower ROF (rate of fire) than M249 and PKM
- only accurate if lying prone and bipod unfolded
- can't fire while moving

The M60 is a fantastic corpse producer if used the right way. ONLY fire if
prone on the ground and bipod is unfolded, everything else will let your shots
go straight into the air.
-> only use at defense
-> wait for the enemy
-> if enemy camps, take another route or switch to another weapon with better
handling (accuracy while moving e.g. MP5)

3.1.2 M249 ____________________________________________________________

Full Name: M249 Minimi Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW)
Manufacturer: Fabrique Nationale (FN), Belgium
Credits: 19
Type: Light Machine Gun
Caliber: 5.56x45mm NATO
Capacity: Belt-fed, 200 round boxes
ROF: 1000 Rounds Per Minute
Although the M249 SAW, or Minimi, fires a considerably smaller calibre round
than the M60, it is equally capable of creating an effective base of fire
thanks to it's extreme cyclic rate. This has made it a popular support weapon
around the world.

+ high damage
+ insane ROF (HL engine has probs rendering the bullet cases thrown out so fast
it shoots)
+ 200 rounds per box
- most expensive MG (i.e. most credits needed)
- only accurate if lying prone and bipod unfolded
- can't fire while moving

The M249 is even better than the M60, due to its awesome ROF and bigger boxes.
This weapon is one fast and furious and when used in a defensive position
(e.g. observe a corridor), no enemy will get past you, believe me.
-> only use at defense
-> wait for the enemy
-> if enemy camps, take another route or switch to another weapon with better
handling (accuracy while moving e.g. MP5)
-> if couple of enemies storm your position, try to reposition and ambush them
(e.g. around a corner), but be fast, because you have to go prone and unfold
bipod; then tear them to pieces with 200 friends faster than the them

3.1.3 PKM _____________________________________________________________

Full Name: Pulemyot Kalashnikova Modemised
Manufacturer: Kalashnikov Izhmash JSC
Credits: 17
Type: General Purpose Machine Gun
Caliber: 7.62x54mm Rimmed
Capacity: Belt-fed, 100 round boxes
ROF: 700 Rounds Per Minute
With a high ROF and a heavy-caliber round, the PKM provides a great deal of
firepower in a very short period of time, at the expense of running through
ammunition very quickly.

+ high damage
+ high ROF (between M60 and M249)
+ 100 rounds per box
+ cheapest MG (i.e. least credits needed)
+ the sound (reminds me of RC2.5 M60; loved it)
- only accurate if lying prone and bipod unfolded
- can't fire while moving
- due to its high ROF and, compared to the M249, small boxes, ammo runs out

I really like the PKM, because of its kickass sound (and other pros ^^). for
ME, the only drawback is that because of the amount of credits (17), you will
have problems with making a config with 0 credits left (which works good with
M249 e.g.), and I don't like having 1 credit left.
-> only use at defense
-> wait for the enemy
-> if enemy camps, take another route or switch to another weapon with better
handling (accuracy while moving e.g. MP5)
-> try to have friends around you while defending, because you have to reload
more often than with M60 and M249

3.2 Shotguns __________________________________________________________

I have the feeling, that the Shotguns got stronger, didnt they? Now I like them
so much, I even made a new weapon config I often use, the "Ninja". Check them
out, especially the Saiga-12 can mess things up.

3.2.1 Remington M870 __________________________________________________

Full Name: Remington 870
Manufacturer: Remington
Credits: 8
Type: Pump-action Shotgun
Caliber: 12 Gauge, 3 inch buckshot
Capacity: 7 round tubular magazine
ROF: Pump-action
The M870 is ideal for close-range house-to-house or brush fighting, but suffers
at long range due to its spread and low velocity projectiles. Great for
engaging moving targets, and it's stopping power at close range is undeniable.

+ high damage in CQBs (Close Quarter Battles i.e. all pellets hit the enemy)
+ cheaper than Saiga, cheap gun overall
+ perfect handling (i.e. you hit where you shoot while moving, disregarding
spray of pellets)
- very low ROF
- low to none damage in mid to long range battles
- high reload time (you get killed twice before all 8 shots are reloaded)

I like this one (like all the other guns in FA ^^ developers did a good job),
because of its power in CQBs. A summary of the pros and cons would result in a
good backup weapon if using a long range rifle or the M79 GL (grenade launcher).
-> use as a backup weapon
-> get close to enemy before firing
-> aim well before firing because of slow pump action
-> makes a good ambush weapon (i.e. you get near enemy)

3.2.2 12K _____________________________________________________________

Full Name: Saiga-12
Manufacturer: Kalashnikov Izhmash JSC
Credits: 9
Type: Semiautomatic Shotgun
Caliber: 12 Gauge, 2.75 inch buckshot
Capacity: 7 round box magazine
ROF: Semiautomatic
The Saiga 12K is a semi automatic shotgun. Able to unload a full magazine of
buckshot as quickly as you can pull the trigger, it's the ultimate in
close-range firepower.

+ high ROF compared to Remington M870
+ high damage in CQBs
+ perfect handling
+ cheap
+ clip weapon (i.e. able to speed up reloading time with skill nomenclature)
+ it looks and sounds godly
- low to none damage in mid to long range battles
- runs out of ammo really quickly (this is the situation the enemy rips you to
pieces most of the time)

Power + ROF + cheap = LOVE IT. Really good gun, but not on all the maps. Pick
another weapon on wide-open maps. It is similar to Counter-Strike's XM1014, but
a lot better and everything else than a newbie weapon.
-> unlike the Remington, this is also a good primary
-> get close to enemy before firing
-> aim well before firing (best is going for the head)
-> makes a good ambush weapon
-> strafe (or side-step if you wish) a lot with this gun,because of its great

3.3 Grenade Launchers _________________________________________________

There is only one grenade launcher available unfortunatly, but a good one. The
American Army tore up some VCs with this one, I think. For the future I hope
there will be more GLs to chose from. BTW, the ASCII art at the end of this FAQ
shows a M79.

3.3.1 M79

Full Name: M79 Grenade Launcher
Manufacturer: Colt Armaments USA
Credits: 9
Type: Grenade Launcher
Caliber: 40mm HE
Capacity: Breech-loaded, single shot
ROF: Single shot.
A skilled soldier equipped with an M79 can put a grenade virtually anywhere,
making this weapon ideal for flushing snipers, and clearing foxholes and

+ high damage if hit near enemy
+ splash damage
+ cheap
+ its design rox
- low amount of ammo (1+3, i.e. one in the GL and three in the backpack)
- high reload time
- can't be fired while moving

This one is good if used effectively. 40mm High Explosive will let you
triumphate over your enemies and let them vote for another map ^^-o x.X. I am
actually really good with this weapon on some maps, if I now where to shoot
(i.e. where enemy troppers are)
-> take along good secondary, like Sterling / Remington / Saiga (I prefere
-> DON'T rush into open battles
-> hide and shoot over obstacles in an appropriate (!) angle
-> learning by doing (stop reading now and set on a LAN game to practice, this
is an order, soldier!; or join an internet server if you have flatrate :)
-> get ammo in your base before going into combat (i.e. trouble) with 2 lousy

3.4 Pistols ___________________________________________________________

Five pistols to choose from, and some do actually pretty well (in 2.6 they got
big bonuses, I think). One is even a sniper hand gun. So let's see...

3.4.1 1911A1 ________________________________________________________

Full Name: Colt M1911A1
Manufacturer: Colt Armaments USA
Credits: 4
Type: Semiautomatic Handgun
Caliber: .45 ACP
Capacity: 7 round box magazine
ROF: Semiautomatic
The US Military sidearm until 1985, this heavy-hitting pistol is still found in
the holsters of many soldiers who value its reliability and stopping power.

+ high ROF (compared to Anaconda and Desert Eagle)
+ medium damage
+ fast reload
+ cheap
+ decent handling
- low ammo count (maximum of 8 in the gun, after merging magazines, I think)
- inaccurate (compared to Desert Eagle and Anaconda)

Hmmm, I actually don't like this gun's design and overall handling, but it can
inflict decent damage. So use it as it is meant for, a sidearm.
-> use it as sidearm if using a sniper weapon
-> don't try to crouch and hit
-> always run around when using it or you will be toast
-> save the credits for other stuff (e.g. a nice claymore mine; also 4 credits)
if you don't plan on fighting as a sniper

3.4.2 Anaconda ________________________________________________________

Full Name: Colt Anaconda
Manufacturer: Colt Armaments USA
Credits: 4
Type: Double-action Revolver
Caliber: .44 Magnum
Capacity: 6 round cylinder
ROF: Double-action.
Chambered for the powerful .44 Magnum, this heavy revolver is powerful and
accurate. Many shooters choose to mount a scope to allow for precision
long-range shots.
[To use the scope on the Anaconda, you must choose the "Marksmanship I" skill.]

+ high damage
+ cheap
+ can be scoped
- low ammo count (only 6 in the gun)
- very slow reloading
- slow ROF
- it's a revolver

I liked this pistol in 2.5 and many players used it, but despite its pros, the
cons are more important. A sidearm has to be fast coupled with medium (or even
high) damage. It is far too slow and the chamber is empty really fast. If you
want to nail enemies from the distance, try a real sniper rifle or even a G63E.
-> avoid CQB, you will always lose
-> avoid facing multiple enemies
-> use it as a secondary coupled with a very good close-range gun (SMGs,
Shotguns, GL)

3.4.3 93R _____________________________________________________________

Full Name: Beretta 93R
Manufacturer: Pietro Beretta Inc. Italy
Credits: 5
Type: Machine Pistol
Caliber: 9x19mm Parabellum
Rounds: 20 round box magazine
ROF: 1200 Rounds Per Minute
Designed to provide more close-up fire-power than a conventional 9mm, this
machine pistol has an extended magazine, and a folding front grip to help
control recoil when firing three-round bursts.

+ cheap
+ ability for burst shots
+ more ammo in clip than all other pistols
+ impressive 1200 rpm
+ decent handling
- weak
- inaccurate

The 1200 rpm made me fond of this sidearm at first, but in real combat it
actually sucks. If you want to spit out bullets fast, get a SMG.
-> decent sidearm for snipers
-> always use burst, if not, get other pistol
-> side-step a lot while firing, accuracy can't get even worse ^^

3.4.4 92FS ____________________________________________________________

Full Name: Beretta 92FS (M9)
Manufacturer: Pietro Beretta Inc. Italy, Beretta USA
Credits: 4
Type: Semiautomatic Handgun
Caliber: 9x19mm Parabellum
Capacity: 15 round box magazine
ROF: Semiautomatic
Favored by many soldiers and professional shooters, the M92FS is a well-
balanced, accurate handgun. This model may be equipped with a suppressor at
the shooter's discretion.
[To suppress this weapon, you must have the "Stealth" skill. Secondary fire
attaches and detatches the suppressor.]

+ cheap
+ suppressable
+ decent accuracy
+ decent handling
- weak
- you won't frag anyone with this handgun

This one is maybe the worst gun in Firearms. Its pros won't help you a lot when
facing an enemy who is carrying any gun but the 92FS. I also didn't see any
player who used it.
-> use it as a sidearm as a sniper
-> get stealth skill with this gun (nice backup weapon for the "Ghost" config)
-> sidestep a lot

3.4.5 Desert Eagle ____________________________________________________

Full Name: Desert Eagle .50AE
Manufacturer: Israeli Military Industries/Magnum Research Inc.
Credits: 5
Type: Semiautomatic Handgun
Caliber: .50 Action Express
Capacity: 7 round box magazine
ROF: Semiautomatic
Widely known as the largest semiautomatic handgun in the world, the Desert
Eagle's phenomenal power is unmatched by any other pistol.

+ high damage
+ decent accuracy
+ decent handling
+ imho the oly pistol worth its credits
- slow ROF
- low amount of ammo in the clip

This is the best pistol, because its pros are these I expect from a handgun.
You can actually kill someone at full health if you are a good shooter.
Prefered pistol for everyone who needs one (not me, btw).
-> best sidearmfor snipers
-> aim well berfore you shoot
-> sidestep->shoot->sidestep (i.e. try to stand still or even crouch while

3.5 Sub Machine Guns __________________________________________________

I like ALL the SMGs featured in FA, because all of them have crazy ROFs
coupled with good handling. The perfect rush instruments.

3.5.1 Sterling

Full Name: Sterling L2A3
Manufacturer: Sterling
Credits: 8
Type: Sub Machine Gun
Caliber: 9x19mm NATO
Rounds: 34 round box magazine
ROF: 800 Rounds Per Minute
This lightweight, fast-firing weapon evolved from the WWII Sten. Although not
very accurate, it's high ROF makes it useful in close quarters. Often chosen
as a backup weapon for snipers who may find themselves closer to their enemies
than they had planned on being.

+ very high ROF
+ good damage potential in CQBs
+ very good handling
+ even a good primary
+ cheap
+ looks cool
- lacks a bit accuracy in long-range fighting
- runs out of ammo really quickly (like all the SMGs)

This is my prefered secondary for the "Bomber" config, and a GL coupled with a
Sterling makes an AWESOME combination. I also saw someone who (s)killed through
the enemy lines with it as a primary weapon (and he even had a higher FC [frag
count] than i had). Most people underestimate the power of this baby, but these
are the ones who get 0wn3|) by it.
-> search CQBs
-> never fight at long ranges
-> sidestep a lot
-> don't try to burst-shoot; let loose

3.5.2 MP5 _____________________________________________________________

Full Name: HK MP5A2
Manufacturer: Heckler & Koch GmbH
Credits: 10
Type: Sub Machine Gun
Caliber: 9x19mm Parabellum
Capacity: 30 round box magazine
ROF: 900 Rounds Per Minute
The closed-bolt MP5A2 is known for its accuracy and reliability. A shooter
with the correct parts on hand may reconfigure it as a suppressed MP5SD2 for
when a stealthy approach is needed.
[To suppress this weapon, you must have the "Stealth" skill. Secondary fire
attaches and detatches the suppressor.]

+ insane ROF
+ good damage potential in CQBs
+ almost perfect handling
+ it's german
- costly (compared to Sterling and UZI)
- lacks a bit accuracy in long-range fighting
- runs out of ammo very quickly

Being the prefered weapon for the "Rusher" and "Ghost" configs, this weapon is
an awesome piece o' metal (yes, it is actually polymers and kevlar but metal
sounds cooler). Its insane ROF let's you win almost all CQBs until running out of
ammo, facing a skilled Saiga killer (like me) or simply being stupid ^^.
-> search CQBs
-> never shoot at long ranges
-> sidestep a lot to prevent from getting shot
-> always go full-auto

3.5.3 Bizon ___________________________________________________________

Full Name: Bizon-2
Manufacturer: Kalashnikov Izhmash JSC
Credits: 10
Type: Sub Machine Gun
Caliber: 9x19mm Parabellum
Capacity: 66 round helical magazine
ROF: 600 Rounds Per Minute
The Bizon's unusual helical magazine gives the user a massive amount of fire-
power between reloads, without adding much to the bulk of the weapon.

+ good damage potential in CQBs
+ a lot of ammo per mag (66 rounds)
+ good handling
+ like the name...
- low ROF compared to the three other SMGs
- lacks a bit accuracy at long ranges
- costly (compared to UZI and Sterling)

I don't really like the design of this weapon,but the name reminds me of being
a skilled Street Fighter ^^. But the big drawback is the relatively low ROF.
When buyng a SMG, high ROF is axactly what you want. So leave this one on the
shelf and pick the MP5, for example.
-> search CQBs
-> avoid long-range fighting
-> sidestep
-> always full-auto

3.5.4 UZI _____________________________________________________________

Full Name: UZI
Manufacturer: Israeli Military Industries, Fabrique Nationale (FN)
Credits: 9
Type: Sub Machine Gun
Caliber: 9x19mm
Rounds: 25 Round Magazine
ROF: 600 Rounds Per Minute
The Uzi is built for close-quarters combat, it's ROF making it controllable yet
deadly. When equipped with a suppressor, it's also exceedingly quiet, making it
an ideal choice for stealthy operations.
[To suppress this weapon, you must have the "Stealth" skill. Secondary fire
attaches and detatches the suppressor.]

+ good damage potential in CQBs
+ good handling
+ suppressable
+ cheaper than MP5 and Bizon
- less bullets per magazine (compared to other SMGs)
- relatively low ROF
- lacks a bit accuracy at long ranges

The UZI is the terrorists' weapon, so go for it if you feel like one. I like
its design and the pros also speak for the UZI. But Sterling and MP5 are
better imho.
-> search CQBs
-> avoid long-range fighting
-> sidestep
-> always full-auto
-> makes also a good backup weapon

3.6 Assault Rifles ____________________________________________________

The assault rifles are the core of Firearms, they rule the battlefields. By
#"rule" I mean most people use ARs as their backup weapon. Most of them ignore
the qualities of the other arms. But now let's take a look at them...

3.6.1 AK-47 ___________________________________________________________

Full Name: Avtomat Kalashnikov-1947
Manufacturer: Kalashnikov Izmash JSC
Credits: 14
Type: Assault Rifle
Caliber: 7.62x39mm Russian
Capacity: 30 round box magazine
ROF: 600 Rounds Per Minute
Developed shortly after WWII, this sturdy, ultrareliable assault rifle fires a
heavier cartridge than most, and has an attached bayonet for close combat.

+ high damage
+ pin-point accuracy with single-shot
+ bayonet
- low ROF
- low accuracy while going full-auto

Before RC2.6, this weapon was the best AR in Firearms. High damage coupled with
high accuracy even in full-auto mode made it the king on the battlefields (if
AUG was banned ^^). But even in 2.8 it is a great weapon despite the fact I
d't use it very often.
-> use single-shot while fighting at long ranges
-> "spray-and-pray" in CQBs
-> stand still / crouch while firing atlong ranges
-> sidestep in CQBs

3.6.2 FA-MAS __________________________________________________________

Full Name: Fusil Automatique Manufacture d'Armes de St. Etienne
Manufacturer: Manufacture d'Armes de St. Etienne
Credits: 13
Type: Assault Rifle
Caliber: 5.56x45mm NATO
Capacity: 25 round box magazine
ROF: 1100 Rounds Per Minute
Jokingly called "le Clarion" ("the Bugle") by the French troopers issued it, the
FA-MAS's very high cyclic rate makes it difficult to control on full-auto, but
gives it a lethal advantage at close range.

+ insane ROF
+ high damage potential in CQBs
+ high accuracy in single-shot mode
+ cool design
- low accuracy in full-auto mode
- ammo runs out REALLY quickly
- relativly costly

I liked this one in 2.5, because it worked as a perfect backup due to its low
cost, but in 2.8 it is much more expensive. But its insane ROF makes you
unstoppable in CQBs. I used the "Assaulter" config a lot last time because it
rox on a lot of maps without plains/fields but with a lot of corners. This
makes sure you engage CQBs most of the time.
-> search CQBs
-> always use full-auto
-> sidestep a lot
-> avoid long-range fighting

3.6.3 G3A3 ____________________________________________________________

Full Name: HK G3A3
Manufacturer: Heckler & Koch GmbH
Credits: 13
Type: Battle Rifle
Caliber: 7.62x51mm NATO
Capacity: 20 round box magazine
ROF: 600 Rounds Per Minute
This full-power battle rifle is very accurate, and it's heavy round will
penetrate much better than a 5.56mm. However, it's heavy recoil and limited
ammunition capacity make good fire control a necessity.

+ high damage
+ high accuracy in single-shot mode
+ it's german
+ decent handling
- low ammo count per magazine
- relativly low ROF
- inaccurate in full-auto mode
- ammo runs out quickly

This weapon is best discribed as an "Oldie but Goldie". With it's power and
accuracy it's a nearly perfect assault rifle. This one is for the skilled
-> try to go single-shot EVERYTIME
-> crouch while shooting to gain accurcy
-> use marksmanship skills with this gun to make it accurate even in full-auto

3.6.4 G63E ____________________________________________________________

Full Name: HK G63E
Manufacturer: Heckler & Koch GmbH
Credits: 13
Type: Scoped Assault Rifle
Caliber: 5.56x45mm NATO
Capacity: 30 round box magazine
ROF: 600 Rounds Per Minute
Although it's integral optical scope allows for precision shots at longer
ranges, the low rate of fire of the G36E makes it less than ideal for
close-quarters fighting.

+ high damage potential especially at long ranges
+ highly accurate in single-shot mode
+ scoped
+ it's german
- inaccurate in full-auto mode
- relatively low ROF

This weapon is really good, even 2.8. In 2.5 it was one of the feared brothers
AUG and G36E but only the AUG got banned on many servers, despite the fact that
the G36E worked almost axactly like the AUG. In 2.8, far less players use it,
due to balancing measures by the FA team.
-> kill enemies from far away
-> use single-shot in scoped mode
-> use full-auto in CQBs to kill enemies quite effectively

3.6.5 M16/M203 ________________________________________________________

Full Name: M16/M203
Manufacturer: Colt Armaments USA
Credits: 13
Type: Assault Rifle / Grenade Launcher
Caliber: 5.56x45mm NATO / 40mm HE
Capacity: 30 round box magazine
ROF: 800 Rounds Per Minute
The M16A2's accuracy is favored by many, although its restriction to
semiautomatic and burst-fire only can be somewhat of a draw-back in heavy
fighting. Grenadiers may use an underbarrel M203 grenade launcher with this
weapon, adding flexibility and firepower to their squad.
[To equip and use the M203, you must choose the "Artillery I" skill.
Secondary fire switches between the M16A2 and the M203.]

+ high damage potential
+ high accuracy in single-shot mode
+ M203
+ high ROF
- no full-auto mode
- can't make use of its high ROF

In 2.5,this weapon was a kickass gun, due to the fact that the GL could be
fired without using artillery skill and tapping the 2nd fire button.
Additionally, it was able to shoot in full-auto mode highly accurate. So this
gun got nerfed BADLY, and I used it only once and switched back to the "Bomber"
config. The burst restriction only sux.
-> avoid CQBs
-> crouch while shooting
-> get artillery skill no matter what
-> use M203 GL to kill enemies who are hiding behind obstacles

3.6.6 AK-74 ___________________________________________________________

Full Name: Avtomat Kalashnikov-1974
Manufacturer: Kalashnikov Izmash JSC
Credits: 14
Type: Assault Rifle / Grenade Launcher
Caliber: 5.45x39mm Russian / 30mm HE
Capacity: 30 round box magazine
ROF: 800 Rounds Per Minute
Although its relatively light 5.45mm round isn't the ideal manstopper, the AK-74
makes up for this with a good rate of fire and by being reasonably controllable
on autofire. Grenadiers may use an underbarrel GP-25 grenade launcher with this
weapon, adding flexibility and firepower to their squad.
[To equip and use the GP-25, you must choose the "Artillery I" skill.
Secondary fire switches between the AK-74 and the GP-25.]

+ high damage
+ high accuracy in single-shot
+ high ROF
+ GP-25
- low accuracy in full-auto
- looks bulky and odd

I don't like this weapon, the Russians did a better job with the AK-47. But the
pros of this weapon are quite impressive, so that I recommend it over the
-> crouch and single-shot at distance
-> sidestep and full-auto at CQBs
-> get artillery skill
-> use GP-25 to hit hidden enemies

3.7 Sniper Rifles _____________________________________________________

Three sniper rifles to choose from, one odd, one deadly and one cool.

3.7.1 SSG3000

Full Name: Sauer SSG3000
Manufacturer: Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft Arms/J.P. Sauer & Sohn
Credits: 15
Type: Bolt-action Sniper Rifle
Caliber: 6.5mm
Capacity: 5 round box magazine
ROF: Bolt-action
This well-tuned Swiss rifle is a fine example of modern gunsmithing. Capable
of putting all five rounds inside of a one-inch circle at 100 yards, the
SSG3000is an excellent choice for the sniper who knows how to pick his shots.

+ highly accurate in scoped mode
+ high damage
+ cheaper than M82
- low ammo count per magazine
- low ROF
- inaccurate without scope
- looks odd

This is the odd one. It looks like a gun kids are playing with. Some sort of
special, so I would beg the FA team to take it out. Instead of this one PLEASE
build in the PSG-1 again.
-> always use it on zoomed mode from a distance
-> try to find a good spot with a higher view on enemy base
-> zoom out to spot enemies
-> aim well before shooting, because of low ROF

3.7.2 M82 _____________________________________________________________

Full Name: Barrett M82A1
Manufacturer: Barrett Firearms Manufacturing
Credits: 17
Type: Semiautomatic Antimateriel Rifle
Caliber: .50 BMG
Capacity: 10 round box magazine
ROF: Semiautomatic
This massive rifle fires the same .50 caliber round used in heavy machineguns
and thetail guns of the B-52 bomber. Although intended to be fired on armored
vehicles and airplanes, there is no denying it's effectiveness against "softer"

+ very high damage potential
+ highly accurate with scope
+ bipod reduces recoil (I think so)
+ stunning effect against the unaware enemy (gets hit -> looks for shooter ->
shooter is lying prone a mile away -> enemy dead with next shot)
- costly
- low ROF
- inaccurate without scope

This is the deadly one. It has highest damage among all the weapons in FA. And I
like the FA 2.8 Barrett more than in version 2.5.
-> always use it on zoomed mode from a distance
-> try to find a good spot with a higher view on enemy base
-> zoom out to spot enemies
-> aim well before shooting, because of low ROF
-> use second zoom to try headshots on distance

3.7.3 Dragunov ________________________________________________________

Full Name: Dragunov SVD (Snaiperskaja Vintowka Dragunova)
Manufacturer: various
Credits: 15
Type: Semiautomatic Sniper Rifle
Caliber: 7.62x54mm Rimmed
Capacity: 10 round box magazine
ROF: Semiautomatic
With lineage traceable back to the WWII SVT-40, the rugged SVD is an accurate
sniper rifle still in use today, ideal for the marksman who may need a quick
follow-up shot.

+ highly accurate in scoped mode
+ high damage
+ cheaper than M82
+ looks cool
+ highest ROF among all the sniper rifles
- inaccurate without scope

This is the cool one. The symbiosis of the old Dragunov design with the modern
scope and black texture only rules. Use it if you want to be a cool sniper
(btw it is also REALLY deadly).
-> always use it on zoomed mode from a distance
-> try to find a good spot with a higher view on enemy base
-> zoom out to spot enemies
-> aim well before shooting, make a quick follow-up shot
-> don't necessarily aim for the head, some quick shots to the chest also work
well (the stopping power let's you take aim after first hit)

4. Equipment __________________________________________________________

The equipment section consists of the the different types of armor and helping
items for the battlefield.

4.1 Armor _____________________________________________________________

4.1.1 Light Armor _____________________________________________________

Credits: 0
Type: Armor
Being the lighest armor available provides very little protection but it's
light weight gives the user a longer endurance.

+ most endurance
+ most credits for weapons and equipment
- provides only little protection (e.g. against 9mm bullets)

I never use this armor because it doesn't protect very well and medium armor
doesn't cost a world.
-> only use light armor when going on kamikaze

4.1.2 Medium Armor ____________________________________________________

Credits: 5
Type: Armor
Provides moderate protection against bullet penetration while giving a the
user a decent endurance.

+ more endurance than heavy armor
+ more credits for weapons and equipment than heavy armor
+ more protection than light rmor
- less protection than heavy armor

This is the armor I use almost all the time, because heavy armor is simply too
costly. Medium armor is the best middle between endurance and protection.
-> use it for all common tasks

4.1.3 Heavy Armor _____________________________________________________

Credits: 10
Type: Armor
Provides the maximum protection against bullet penetration with the sacrifice
of costing alot to the user's endurance.

+ most protection against enemy fire
- least endurance
- least credits for equipment and weapons

Like the light armor, I use it almost never. It is too costly but provides best
protection. So get it if you want to make a SMG or a Shotgun as your primary
and/or if you don't need grenades and mines.
-> if SMG, Pistol or Shotgun is your primary, consider heavy armor as your

4.2 Items _____________________________________________________________

4.2.1 Frag Grenade ____________________________________________________

Credits: 2
Type: Explosive (2 grenades)
The M54 grenade consists of 3 metal shells packed with high explosive. Upon
detonation the shells shatter into sharp fragments, ripping everything up
within a short radius.

+ high damage potential
+ splash damage
+ very cheap
- none

There are no drawbacks with these two eggs, get them and use them. With only 2
lousy credits, they are really cheap, so everyone should come by with them.
-> lob them over obstacles or against walls
-> try to throw them over quite a distance so they explode in chest height

4.2.2 Concussion Grenade ______________________________________________

Credits: 1
Type: Explosive (2 grenades)
Upon exploding, the concussion grenades deploy two submunitions, which also
explode. The resulting concussion distracts and disorients nearby soldiers.

+ blinds
+ makes one hear a high-pitched sound
+ cheap
- none

The Flash Grenade is done very well in FA, better than in all other mods. I
advise to get them because 1 credit is like nothing. They are essential for
fast room clearing.
-> throw one into a room where enemies could camp
-> then rush theses blinded fools
-> get rush weapons like the MP5 or Saiga

4.2.3 Claymore Mine ___________________________________________________

Full Name: M-18 Claymore
Manufacturer: US Department Of Defense contract, Thiokol Corp of Louisiana USA,
Day & Zimmerman Inc of Pennsylvania
Credits: 4
Type: Explosive (1 mine)
This remote-detonation mine uses a C4 charge to send some 600 ball bearings
into its blast zone, doing phenomenal damage to anything in their path. The
M18A1 is ideal for ambushes, and can be used as a booby trap when set to "trip"
[To set an M18A1 on "trip" mode, use your secondary fire command. Once set
for "trip," you will not be able to switch back to manual detonation.]

+ VERY high damage
+ big splash dmage
- costly
- experienced players won't step on trip-detonation mines most of the time

I love this BOOM-BOOM package if only for the laughs you have for a triple
kill with a remote cobtrolled claymore. Even on tripmode you can get some
kills, but only if you plant it behind some sort of shrub. Use it this way
if you don't want to wait for the enemy at a particular place.
-> always try to hide claymore
-> place it around a corner or behind a bush
-> use trip mode if you don't want to wait for the enemy

4.2.4 Bandages ________________________________________________________

Credits: 1
Type: Medical
Stops bleeding from wounds sustained in battle.

+ stops bleeding
+ cheap
- can be found on all maps

Always take along some bandages because you won't always find some on the map.
Before on shot kills you because of bleeding, get some bandages for 1 lousy
-> use these if no enemy is in sight
-> don't use them immediately if fighting an enemy, even if you are bleeding
-> it takes a while to bandage yourself (see above)
-> makes a "zip" sound so hide when bandaging

4.2.5 N.V. Goggles ____________________________________________________

Credits: 3
Type: Item

Allows you to see in the darkest of dark areas. This beauty amplifies any light
it gets turning night into day! The only drawback, the green glow from the eyes
of the goggles allows the enemy to see right where your head is for an easy
headshot, so be careful when using these things, they can hurt, just as much
as help.

+ you can see a bit better in dark areas
- your head glows green (other enemies see you easily)
- it's an eyesore 0_o
- no real help

I only used it once to see the effect, then never again. Theses goggles only
suck, imho you you see even worse.
-> don't use it

5. Custom Weapon Cofigs _______________________________________________

You can easly customize the "custom one.cfg", "custom two.cfg" and so on with
your own config names and equipment. Only the file name has to be the same.
Before starting, open the "quick config tokens.cfg". There are all the
explanations you will need. The following custom configs are the ones I made
and use. They work pretty well, so try them out. You can copy and paste them
as well as edit them as you wish. I won't explain the configs any more, the
names say enough I think.

5.1 Rusher ____________________________________________________________


5.2 Sniper ____________________________________________________________


5.3 Camper ____________________________________________________________


5.4 Gunner ____________________________________________________________


5.5 Bomber ____________________________________________________________


5.6 Ninja _____________________________________________________________


5.7 Assaulter _________________________________________________________


5.8 Ghost _____________________________________________________________


6. Wishlist for FA 2.9 ________________________________________________

This is a list of features I want to see in 2.9. These additions/changes would
make Firearms even better.
Some information on the features listed are suggestions (e.g. credits).

6.1 Weapons ___________________________________________________________

6.1.1 FAL _____________________________________________________________

Full Name: Fabrique Nationale Fusil Automatique Leger
Manufacturer: Fabrique Nationale (FN), Belgium
Credits: 14
Type: Assault Rifle
Caliber: 7,62x51mm NATO
Capacity: 20 rounds
ROF: 650-700 rounds per minute

I would like to see the FN FAL in FA because this weapon rox. High damage and a
good ROF would make it a better alternative to the G3A3 as an accurate storm
rifle. Furthermore, its look and sound are great. 14 credits are my suggestion,
please realize this baby for me ^^.

6.1.2 P-90 ____________________________________________________________

Full Name: FN P-90
Manufacturer: Fabrique Nationale (FN), Belgium
Credits: 10
Type: Sub Machine Gun
Caliber: 5.7x28mm SS190
Capacity: 50 rounds
ROF: 900 rounds per minute

Also manufactured by FN, the P-90 would render a great addition for the SMG
section of FA. High ROF, equal damage as the HK MP5A2, low accuracy in
full-auto mode and an exotic look would surely make it an often used SMG.

6.1.3 PSG1 ____________________________________________________________

Full Name: Präzisionsscharfschützengewehr 1
Manufacturer: Heckler & Koch GmbH
Credits: 15
Type: Semiautomatic Sniper Rifle
Caliber: 7.62x51mm NATO
Capacity: 5 rounds
ROF: Semiautomatic

I beg the FA Team to build the PSG1 in again in exchange for the crappy-looking
SSG3000. I suggest the same damage as the SSG3000 but with a lot higher ROF,
like the Dragunov or even faster. This one wast the first choice for the
skilled sniper who didn't want to be labeled as a lama (like with M82A1).

6.1.4 M14 _____________________________________________________________ ___________/

Full Name: M14
Manufacturer: Entreprise Arms, Gun Parts Corporation, Rock Island Armory, Springfield Armory, SARCO Inc
Credits: 13
Type: Assault Rifle
Caliber: 7.62x51mm NATO (.308 Winchester)
Capacity: 20 rounds
ROF: 700-750 rounds per minute

This one would fit in very well primarily because of its stylish old look and
wild manner. I would like it as a good middle between FN FAL / G3A3 and FA-MAS
with good single-shot accuracy and great CQB abilities.

6.1.5 SOCOM ___________________________________________________________

Full Name: HK Mk23 SOCOM (Special Operations Command)
Manufacturer: Heckler & Koch GmbH
Credits: 5
Type: Semiautomatic Handgun
Caliber: .45
Capacity: 12 rounds box magazine
ROF: Semiautomatic

This handgun would change my mind to carry a sidearm. High accuracy (like
Anaconda in scoped mode) and great stopping power would make it the best
sidearm with the Desert Eagle. BTW, it looks godly.

6.1.6 Signal Grenades ________________________________________________

I think these should replace the Artillery Markers. These could be thrown to
reveal a yellowish smoke which works as a target for the mortars. This is far
more realistic than the small flags, which I disliked since 2.5 (first version
to play). These Signal Grenades shall come by with the Artillery I/II skills.

6.1.7 Stielhandgranaten (Stick grenades) ______________________________ ___________________________________________/

Credits: 3
Type: Explosive (2 grenades)

BAD, BAD FA Team took them awy from me in 2.6 :(. How I loved these german
Stick Grenades. They made a much bigger BOOOOOM than the M45 Fragmentation
Grenades. I suggest 2 of these and (like in 2.5) 3 normal M45 Grenades. And I
like its look. Additionally, one could throw them further because of their
special shape (this is physics ^^-o X_x).
PLEEEEEAAAAASE add them again.

6.2 Equipment _________________________________________________________

6.2.1 LAM (Laser Aiming Module) _______________________________________ _________________________________/

I would like this as an optical indication for those with the Marksmanship
skill. They could switch it on and off, like the silencer with the Stealth
skill. The LAM should be a graphical highlight primarily.

6.2.2 Diazepam ________________________________________________________

Credits: 1
Type: Anti-Tremble Medicine (yes, german IS my first language ^^)

This would be really cool. Diazepam stops the shaking of the sniper scope (for
some time, e.g. 1 minute). Maybe you know it from Metal Gear Solid. This adds
some coolness to sniping (imho).

6.3 Miscellaneous _____________________________________________________

- new animations for the player models (these from 2.5 were better, but also
not perfect), soldiers shall walk like soldiers, not like special ops or something like that (in other words: the actual walking animation SUX)

- bigger and louder explosions

- left-handed weapon models (I am a left-hander obviously)

7. Contact ____________________________________________________________

Contact me if you think this FAQ could be better, if you found typos or if you
wanna play FA (rhyme!).

E-Mail: gib_mir_ein_j_gib_mir_ein_v@web.de
ICQ: 247502075

8. Copyright __________________________________________________________

Text, Design and ASCII arts (c)Jonas Villmow, 2003. All rights reserved.

If you want to post my FAQ on your site, e-mail me. Then I'll decide whether you get my permission.

You can find this FAQ on
- http://www.dlh.net
- http://www.mogel-power.de
- http://www.gamefaqs.com

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'### *#| .#'
*' *##*' M97 Grenade Launcher
Lets kick some asses
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Using The Barrett M-82A1 Sniper Rifle
Engl. Leitfaden

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Weapons/Equipment FAQ (für v2.8)
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