Rose Online

Rose Online

18.09.2013 15:20:23
:: [ Rush ] [ Online ]
[ On ]
[ Seven ]
[ Episodes ]
:: [ Melee Hawker FAQ ]
:: version [ 3.00 ]
:: update [ final ]
:: created by [ xent121 ]
:: contact [ ]
:: creation [ 1:50 AM ][ Tuesday, May 30, 2006 ]
:: [ international site: ]

:: [ note ]

- File size: near 33 kilobytes
- Encoding: ANSI
- Editor: Notepad++ 3.5 (
:: [ disclaimer ]

This bunch of characters called a "guide" has a high statistical probability
of never being updated ever again.

I gave up these games due to the cost and the far-flung satisfaction, period.
(when will you get to level 160? And when you do, what now?)

If I do update it, it's probably of those spelling errors, but since people
won't read the guide anymore due to this stage of the game, why bother?

Peace out!

- End of preludes and pre-guide rants -

:: [ #0 :: TABLE OF CONTENTS ] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

1. FAQ Stuff
2. Introduction
3. Pros and Cons
4. Playing Styles
5. Stat Info
6. Skill Info
7. Leveling
8. Equipment
9. Extras
10. Q & A
11. Contacts
12. Credits
13. Legally Legal

:: [ #1 :: FAQ STUFF ] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: [ updatest sites ]

- These two contain the most updated versions of the guide, even though you
will find it in a variety of places

- (GameFAQs)
- (Neoseeker)
- (my site ^_^)
:: [ major guide changes ]


- Changed file encoding
- Reworded some sentences
- "Final" update slapped on it

:: [ #2 :: INTRODUCTION ] :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Welcome to my first (and probably only) guide. And yes, there is no excuse
for that. First impressions last, right?

This guide shows you what being a melee hawker is about. Some of the stuff in
this guide might be wrong, out-of-date, etc., but we're only human ^_^

If you wield a katar to slice, dice, shred, and chop or is a dual wielder who
can prove that two swords are more than one, welcome to the club.

Enough said. Drum roll please...

:: [ #3 :: PROS AND CONS ] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: [ Pros (or why you're stuck with this class by "accident") ]

- Great soloer (like 14+ hours without returning to town)
- You hit them, they can't hit you (most of the time). End of story.
- You can move at cart speed on areas where carts are not allowed (like in
Goblin Cave)
- You attack fast. 160+ aspd, too easy.
- Lots of debuffs to cast upon the enemy (and they cool down fast, too)
- Blood/Doom Attack, the skill you'll use and abuse
:: [ Cons (or why everyone plays the dealer/soldier/muse) ]

- HP is next to low/bottom/nonexistent/only-have-it-because-the-game-needs-
- Crap damage, you'll get access to 4-digits in the 60's while other classes
have been there, done that.
- Dodge doesn't always work.

:: [ #4 :: PLAYING STYLES ] :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: [ katar/knuckle ]

~ These people want it fast. And fast it is.

+ Claws are cool. Period!
+ Fast
+ You spit crits like mad
+ Don't neeed to spam skills much
+ Fast
+ Fast
+ And fast
+ Ever seen a Dark Ranger Glove with stats like: +8 aspd, +6 aspd, +6 aspd?
+ Once you hit 160+ aspd, you're never going down!

- Weak, weak, weak (other than staffs and wands)
- Katar lifespan drops like mad
- You need to fill up 2 skills to max its attack speed potential

* summary: for the speed freaks
:: [ dual wielding/shurikens ]

~ These guys prove that speed isn't everything.

+ Two swords are cool. Period!
+ Dual-wielding people (even in real life) are an elite few ^_^
+ Power
+ Power
+ Power
+ Look at the attack power of these babies
+ High hit rate
+ Without Howl, you're 3/4 of a soldier. With Howl, you pwn their stupid
metal a** (they litter the game in innumerable ways).

- A bit slow
- Still, you're faster than a soldier

* summary: for the patient type

:: [ #5 :: STAT INFO ] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Before you play around, you should know how to make your playing time as
enjoyable as possible, right?
:: [ str ][ strength ]

- Raise to a 3-digit amount, 100 I think for the Raider skills.
:: [ dex ][ dexterity ]

- Pump like nobody's business. It's never enough.
:: [ int ][ intelligence ]

- Touch it not!
:: [ con ][ concentration ]

- I've seen 130+ Raiders have 60-100 of these. Remember your hit rate
advantage. Regen bonus is almost negligible.
:: [ cha ][ charm ]

- Don't even think about it...
:: [ sen ][ sense ]

- DEX/STR is the way to go. You'll see its true potential in the 3-digits
(like all stats in this game), be sure you're going SEN if you're serious.
:: [ atk ][ attack power ]

- The more, the merrier.
:: [ matk ][ magical attack ]

- Are we mages now?
:: [ def ][ defense power ]

- Just wear something...
:: [ mdef ][ magical resistance ]

- Get a muse.
:: [ aspd ][ attack speed ]

- Katar: 120+ is nice, 140+ is good, 160+ is very fun, 170+ is heaven!
- Dual-wield: 100+ is okay, 130+ is wow, 150+ is "damn, two swords and he's
- Just watch your attack power. We want fast and strong slashes here ^_^
:: [ mspd ][ movement speed ]

- The higher this is, you move faster. Basically, not much of a problem,
as all your DEX will add up to this. Yes, this will reach to 700+ when you
max zephyr gait and have zephyr flow. That's passive.
:: [ hit ][ accuracy ]

- This will reach 200+ fairly quickly.
- Misses are *unacceptable*. That could've been damage already.
:: [ avo ][ avoid/dodge rate ]

- Raise like mad. It's your life!
- Armor dodge raises with upgrades.
:: [ cri ][ critical rate ]

- You know what these do.
:: [ hp ][ hit point count ]

- It will raise into a whopping amount (for a hawker) when you level up. Just
don't hesitate on using a potion/fruit when you need it.
:: [ mp ][ magic point count ]

- Don't spam skills too much.
:: [ stamina ]

- It WAS used for those blood scrolls, but now, don't worry. Might be used
in the future.

:: [ #6 :: SKILL INFO ] :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

According to the Wikipedia entry on ROSE Online, there are two different ways
on how the skill system works, depending on the game engine:

pROSE version (applies to naROSE, euROSE)
- 1 SP per skill. Uses zulie to raise the skills along with the skill point.

kROSE version (applies to jROSE, tROSE)
- the old way of skill building, you're given a lot of skill points, and
you raise them in a manner like raising stats: skills need more SP as they
raise in level.

- The bonuses shown are not always exact. They are the average bonus computed
from every non-beta ROSE servers known.
- Just one tip: don't scrimp on skills. Spend them immediately.
- Attack power before attack speed, attack speed before move speed.
- Dodge first before defense.
- You can always reset later ^_^

:: [ skill name ]_____
[ casting details ]__
[ short description ] (if I have the information. Stats are when maxed)

:: [ knuckle mastery ]
[ passive ]
[ +35 atk ]

- Increases attack power of knuckles/katars and dual-wields.
- Self-explanatory
:: [ sharpen sense ]
[ passive ]________________
[ +15% bow and katar aspd ]

- Increase attack speed. Works on katars only.
- Get it if you use katars, up to 2 if dual-wields (for Stealth)
:: [ zephyr gait ]
[ passive ]
[ mspd up ]

- Literally means "wind walk". Increase movement speed.
:: [ rousing ]
[ passive ]______________________
[ 20 hp recovery 10 mp recovery ]

- Adds to regen. It won't save you. Skip it.
:: [ toughness ]
[ passive ]________
[ +15% hp +10% mp ]

- Raises max HP and MP. 10 levels of extra life or another level 10 skill?
:: [ combat mastery ]
[ passive ]______________________
[ more aspd for katars and bows ]

- Sharpen Sense on steroids. It's listed here because the skill tree lists
it in the Hawker section.
:: [ weaken guard ]__
[ enemy targeted ]
[ enemy def down ]

- Reduces enemy defense for a time.
- If you want to invest in this skill, max it or it's pretty useless. Can be
used to call enemies when Mystic Slash cools down though ^_^
:: [ weaken threat ]
[ area effect ]

- Reduces enemy critical rate and hit rate (look at the enemy heads: a blue
coin and the hit rate down debuff).
- If you are a people person and party, go train some mobs and hit this.
If you're the stoic soloer (like me ^_^), don't bother. Mass Blood Attack
ditches mobs the same.
:: [ sprint ]

- Level 1 of this is given for free when you change to a hawker
(hit ALT-S and you should have this in the active skill list)
- Stealth is better.
:: [ double/triple slash ]
[ enemy targeted ]

- 2 fast attacks, three if triple attack is reached
- Fast cooldown rate, traded by damage.
- Damage or speed?
:: [ poison slash ]__
[ enemy targeted ]_____________
[ +480 atk, poison, mspd down ]

- First attack skill (Double Slash is too weak at first) you'll get.
- Decently fast cooldown.
:: [ hit support ]
[ area effect ]__
[ +15% hit rate ]

- Works on you, and works on others, but why share >:)
- When you hit level 18, GET IT. Even 2 points of hit is nice, considering
it lasts for 20 minutes (1200 seconds divided by 60 seconds per min)
- Let's you dodge more by shoving extra points to DEX, AND still hit.
:: [ hawker spirit ]
[ self-casted ]____
[ 12 secs aspd up ]

- I didn't get it.
:: [ stealth ]____
[ self-casted ]_________
[ 70% mspd, camouflage ]

- Makes you run fast, dang fast.
:: [ cloak ]______
[ self-casted ]__________________________________
[ 20 secs, perma-camouflage, enhanced crit rate ]

- Attack while hidden for a very short duration.
- I didn't get it either. Mass Blood Attack + Poison Slashes works for the
Captains for me ^_^
:: [ mirror phantasm ]
[ self-casted ]____________________
[ 25 seconds, double def and mdef ]

- Before thinking about kissing the floor in Eldeon jungles, think about
this skill.
- Use with Stealth when passing dangerous areas, as an insurance.
:: [ mental force ]
[ area effect ]
[ mdef up ]

- Increase magic resistance temporarily.
- Didn't get it. Never will. Get a muse ^_^
:: [ blood attack ]__
[ enemy targeted ]__________
[ critical damage, uses HP ]

- Nice fast cooldown. I want to see your hawker *always* using this skill.
There is no reason not to use it. You lose HP faster, you level faster.
:: [ mystic slash ]__
[ enemy targeted ]_____________
[ 14-meter range, 1 sec sleep ]

- Powerful, is a magic attack so toughy soldy armor is nothing, and a musey's
magical things is business.
- Yeah, it's ranged. Nice to hit a shuriken on a running enemy ^_^
:: [ charging/rushing beat ]
[ enemy targeted ]______________
[ insane damage stunning skill ]

- Ridiculously stuns, ridiculously long cooldown, ridiculously the most
powerful skill a hawker can have. Its ridiculous!


Sooner or later, they will patch the game. Some level 130-something Raider
taught this to me. It worked XD. So enjoy it while it lasts!

Tip: Have zulie (4 million, I think) for 2 stat resets in hand. Reset your
stats to 100 STR and 100+ INT. Get the skills you need. Reset back to
your DEX/STR build. Now you have Manifest Longinus with 15 INT ^_^

Note: Like the skill list, this is not complete.
Basically, they are mostly more powerful versions of hawker skills.

:: [ skill name ]_____
[ casting details ]__
[ short description ]_________________________
[ base hawker skill from w/c this is...based ]
:: [ martial arts mastery ]
[ passive ]_______________
[ melee weapon attack up ]
[ knucke mastery ]

- Max it. 'Nuff said
:: [ zephyr flow ]
[ passive ]
[ mspd up ]
[ zephyr gait ]

- More move speed
:: [ rapid twitch ]_
[ self-targeted ]
[ mspd up ]
[ sprint ]

- Sprint part 2
:: [ wizard eye ]
[ self-casted ]
[ atk up ]_________
[ mirror phantasm ]

- Well, someone said to be it raises ATK by a short duration. Can some rich
raider/scout confirm this? ^_^
:: [ manifest longinus ]
[ self-casted ]
[ hit rate up ]
[ hit support ]

- Hit Support chapter 2. It needs INT, by the way. Use the "cheat" above on
how to get this and still have your original build ^_^
:: [ refresh ]____
[ self-casted ]_______
[ restores HP and MP ]
[ mirror phantasm ]

- If you played RO, this skill is similar to Magnificat (speeds up HP/MP
regeneration), you really don't have to get it unless you're kicking major
a** and have the SP to waste.
:: [ batrachotoxic sting ]
[ enemy targeted ]
[ insane poison ]
[ poison slash ]

- Poison slash exaggerated to the point of insanity.
:: [ finishing beat ]
[ enemy targeted ]________________________
[ major stun, major pain, major cooldown ]
[ rushing beat ]

- The "death blow" of raiders. If charging beat was fun, this is hilarious.
:: [ prism knife ]___
[ enemy targeted ]_____
[ ranged enemy rapist ]
[ mystic slash ]

- Prism Knife with more damage. It's the 2047 damage Mystic Slash
:: [ doom attack ]___
[ enemy targeted ]___
[ death comes to ye ]
[ blood attack ]

- Takes a LOT of your HP, takes a TON of the enemy's HP ^_^
:: [ afterimage slash ]
[ enemy targeted ]_________
[ slice, dice, and err... ]
[ triple slash ]

- The skill is after triple slash. Never seen it yet, though XD.

:: [ #7 :: LEVELING ] :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: [ my general solo strategy ]

Pots here doesn't just refer to potions itself. It could be fruits, etc.

- 200+ pots per travel (before returning to town), 60+ MP pots, 3 town
scrolls, 1 cart fuel, about 20 strong pots (for emergencies)
- Fruits should heal at least 1/3 of your max HP (doesn't apply in the
higher 120+ levels). Match MP juices/pots less than your max MP
- Net at least 10% EXP before returning to town. My gaming addiction led me
to carry 1998 meat (2 x 999) and gained 8 levels by staying in Goblin Cave
before returning XD
- Don't do what I did. That took more than 12 hours. Playing for more than
4 hours at the PC is bad not just for the health, but you won't get any
cute friends of the opposite sex anymore. One or the other ^_^

General Enemies (orange/yellow/recently green)

1. Call enemies with Weaken Guard
2. Attack a bit
3. Spam Blood Attack, Poison Slash at most twice per enemy.
All potions/fruits cool down after using one, so an HP-using skill while
your eggs are doing it's HP-regen job is a heaven's gift.
4. Rinse and repeat.
5. If you get mobbed by 4+ enemies, run.

Ranged Enemies (non-spellcasters)

1. Easy to dispatch. Save your MP. Spam Blood Attack.

Toughies/Captains (red)

1. Call enemies with Mystic Slash. While stunned, cast Weaken Guard. Then let
everything loose.

Mega-toughie (purple)

1. See Toughies for Step 1.
2. Spam every skill in the block. Never stop using fruits/pots if they do
mega damage.
3. Don't do that again.
:: [ stat building ]

100 STR
60-100 CON
stick the rest in DEX
:: [ skill building ]

A long long beta time ago, we had 5 Screw Attack, max Combat and Battle
mastery, get Hawker Spirit, and level your a** up to 70, saving points, then
when you get to change, max Screw Attack, then Prime Hit. Done.

Skill build: Be yourself. Skills have level requirements so you can't max it
right away.

But these "essential" guys must be maxed...

Knuckle Mastery
Sharpen Sense (10 for katars, 2 for dual-wields)
Blood Attack (raise at every opportunity)
Mystic Slash (main ranged anti-tank killer)

These are the "recommended" section

Poison Slash (you started with it, you'll quit ROSE with it ^_^)
Charging Beat (it kinda sucks when you miss, so get nice CON)

PS: it's your character anyway ^_^

:: [ #8 :: EQUIPMENT ] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: [ today, not yesterday ]

- To access the 4 quick-bars quickly, press ALT + # (1-4). Or maybe it's
CTRL + #. I can't remember. Try it for yourself.

- Don't change sets too much. This is not a fashion show. Even if you look
weird, function over fashion. If the equipment is getting long in the
tooth (like still wearing the orange ranger hat now that you're level 95),
find a more suitable replacement.

- If the server quest allows, get the Junon Mask. It gives 7 charm, 5 ap, and
is free (a quest reward). Then if you're rich, get an ap mask/glass.
:: [ equipment attribute priority ]

Again, read the disclaimer. It's a guide, not a living will to be followed
to the letter.

Highest priority -- attack power/dexterity (dex gives less ATK, but dirt
cheaper, and has free dodge)
attack speed (on one equip only)
hit rate (make sure it's greater than +10)
critical rate
other stat bonuses (CON, SEN, CHA)
defense/max HP/max MP
Lowest priority --- movement speed

:: [ some equipment tips ]

- Saint gears do not just make you look 10 levels higher, they last 10 levels
longer too, with the right bonuses ^_^

- Remember, the best equipments come from other players, and you use
NPC-bought accessories as "transition" equipment, or when below level 50.

- Always repair your weapons at the NPCs if you can so as not to lose

- Buy overupgraded weapons only if you're going to use them a long time
(60's up is a nice time).

:: [ #10 :: EXTRAS ] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: [ equipment prefixes ]

Some names are colored in blue, and prefixed by one of these. Those are rare
stuff. Sell all yellow stuff to the NPC, sell all unneeded blue stuff to

Saint - minus level 10 requirement (works only for stuff below level 100*)
Demon - critical rate
Dark - attack speed
Golden - max HP
Elven - max MP (if this isn't interchanged with golden)
Grand - minus 5 level requirement, random bonuses

* it means that if you find Saint XXX Armor with a level requirement of 110,
it would still be worn at 110. Imagine how difficult it is to level from
100 to 110, and a random level 100 jerk walks with 110 gear...
:: [ hawker jobchange quest ]

1. Talk to Warren and ask to be a Hawker (must be level 10 and have the
Identification of course!)
2. He'll tell you to talk to Shannon. He's in the Valley of Luxem Tower
in the middle island between some rocks and the bridges.
3. Shannon tells you to do the dirty work for him by finding 20 Crystal Dews.
4. Kill Mother Choropies (Spotted Choropies are too powerful) to get
Crystal Dews. Check on your quest log how many you have already got.
They are found in Adventure Plains behind some of those big trees.
5. Talk to Shannon after that, he'll give you an earring, and some gear.
You get more the faster you do it.
6. Get to Warren, remove all your gear, and be a Hawker!
:: [ raider jobchange quest ]

Do it yourself. You're old enough now.
:: [ rose online bare-bones system requirements ]

This is if you get satisfaction from a single number called the "level" and
don't care if your character looks like a male or female XD

- 1 GHz processor
- 256 MB RAM (any lower and you'll get crashes)
- A 64 MB video card
- Windows 98 SE, fully updated
- A 256 kbps Internet connection
:: [ rose online recommended system requirements ]

This is for smooth, decent playing.

- 1 GHz processor or higher, unoverclocked (it is a slow death for the
processor no matter how much cooling you've got)
- 512 MB of RAM or higher
- at least 3 GB free hard disk space, have the drive defragmented
- a popular 128 / 256 MB / 512 MB graphics card (I say popular like ATI and
nVidia chipsets, so driver updates aren't a hassle)
- anythin' with a mouse wheel so you can zoom out
- any connection above 384 kbps
- Windows XP Professional so you don't have to restart after a crash

* Run the game in 1280x1024, 32-bit color , full quality. Turn that annoying
music off, and enjoy! It won't lag, and attacking/walking is smoooooth.
:: [ rose online extreme system requirements ]

This will run any PC game ever created in existence, and every game made
4 years after these. Even Halo 2 for the PC ^_^

- Two or more 3.5+ GHz dual-core, hyper-threaded processors
- A server-model motherboard that supports more than 2 processors
- 2 GB of DDR2 RAM or higher
- Your hard disk is an entire refrigirator-size tower separate from the PC.
Capacity: more than 2 terabytes
- Two nVidia PCI-Express 512 MB video cards in an SLI setup (two video cards
running one monitor)
- A 50" or greater plasma TV. Hook it to your refrigerator PC.
- A 1 gigabit-per-second or more server blade (a server's equivalent of a LAN
- A direct fiber-optic link to the Internet exchange on your country,
bypassing all ISPs.
Bandwidth: 1 gigabit-per-second or more, depending on location.
- Windows 2003 Server
- A custom, hand-crafted, mahogany-made, throne chair ^_^
- Liquid nitrogen for the cooling
- Someone to hold the mouse and keyboard, and follow your supreme orders
- Someone to feed you
:: [ tips and tricks ]

Narrowed down to four basic premises.

- don't sit
- spam skills A LOT (you'll see how fast it will gain you EXP)
- healing items are cheap, use and abuse
- wings (like +15 ap wings) are nice, but a high dodge backshield is nice too
:: [ planetary details ]

1. Junon

Starting town: Adventure Plain
Planetary theme: part grassland, part desert, lots of water, annoying music

2. Lunar

Starting town: Eucar (one and ONLY town in this big ball of ice)
Planetary theme: snow and ice, annoying Christmas music

3. Eldeon

Starting town: no idea, I'm not 150+ yet, and I quit
Planetary theme: gigantic trees, a jungle, annoying jungle music

:: [ # 9 :: Q & A ] :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Q : You don't play online games anymore?
A : Yes, I swear. Check out my site, the links under the Gaming section.

Q : The [insert site here] plagiarized your guide!
A : Read the Bible's book of Psalms, chapter 34, verse 21. Every sin never
goes unpunished. Do you really want to burn in hell for eternity just
because you ripped off some person's ideas and called it your own?

Q : Can I translate this guide?
A : Add the answer to the next question below, and just because I don't know
your language doesn't mean you go plagiarize it or something. The safest
and best way to translate is just add "translated by" to the heading, do
your thing, and don't fix what isn't broken (like chapter banners)

Q : Can I put the guide on TV, magazines, blogs, my cat's litterbox or
A : What's e-mail for? I need to know where this dang thing will get posted
(for archival purposes).

Q : Can I...
A : If it will cause you trouble, don't.

Q : Who's your daddy?
A : ME

Q : What does ROSE mean?
A : Read the topmost part of this guide.

Q : Why didn't you answer my e-mails?
A : Maybe it's a stupid question, or I didn't check my e-mail yet.

Q : How do you build a Hawker?
A : Read chapter 7 again. Nod, and don't ask again.

Q : Yo guide suckzz! I hate you!
A : Make your own.

Q : Yo guide rockzz! I love you!
A : Err...right. Cut the crap and go level or something.

Q : I'm pure, raw, unadulterated DEX and I ownzz otherz! Haha!
A : Well, good for you. It's your style.

Q: Where are you from?
A: You're sending me flowers, right?

Q: I get owned in PvP by everyone, despite the build. what should I do?
A: Actions speak louder than words: ask the player where he lives (99% of the
time it's a he), then go stab him with a steak knife if you can find him.
You win. XD XD XD

No kids, don't do that. It's bad. You play for fun, not to kill, but if
that's your fun...

:: [ #10 :: CONTACTS ] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: [ e-mail ]

xent121 (aht) gmail (dat) com
ouzeldotnet (aht) yahoo (dat) com

- Anything which doesn't look like e-mail will get trashed, like multiple
exclamation marks as a subject.
:: [ yahoo messenger ]

- The ID is listed above
- If you want to add me to your list, please identify that you found the ID
from this guide so I won't reject the invitation.
:: [ msn messenger ]

- none
:: [ aol instant messenger ]

- I'm not in America so I don't use AOL.

:: [ #11 :: CREDITS ] :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: [ people ]

God - for everything
Me - for obvious reasons
You - for reading this
April - a friend's angelic voice is all you need to control your addiction to
online games, and for some contributions
Everyone else I forgot to mention - for [insert your contribution here]

Senders of fan mail - always appreciated
Senders of hate mail - proves we're only human
:: [ utilities ]

Notepad++ - I like those line numbers, color-coded brackets, and the
adjustable vertical line that serves as your "margin".
the ADSL bridge/modem - without whom none of this is possible
:: [ online ]

GameFAQs - for posting this, most updated version here
CJayC - GameFAQs admin, for accepting this guide
Neoseeker - for their nice tweak guide, and some hardware stuff - an old fan site that inspired me to make this guide - a mix of old and new guides, decent market lists
the other ROSE online guides - for more inspiration to make one
:: [ corporate stuff ]

Triggersoft - for making a great game (minus the level grind and stuff)
Gravity - for publishing such a great game after a great game
(without those 48-hour hack-slash marathons ^_^)
nProtect - for their anti-hacking measures to ensure fair play
- they're so good, banks hire them to protect their systems!
Level-Up Philippines - for promoting (and delaying the launch of) ROSE Online
The US Copyright Office - for the nice law, even if I'm not in the US.
:: [ games ]

ROSE Online - without ROSE, there's no guide
Seven Hearts Online - the original name of ROSE
Ragnarok Online - for teaching me the value of kill-stealing and lag
Halo - committing extraterrestial genocide has never been this fun
:: [ non-player characters ]

Mairard - for giving me fruits while I was still a Visitor
Alphonso - for making travel to Luna possible nowadays
The goblins in that cave - for my cart ^_^
:: [ players ]

Everyone who plays this game - too many to mention, but you know who you
are ^_^
Everyone who doesn't play this game anymore - for seeing the truth!
A raider who gave me a sporty cart - maybe he was just plain kind

:: [ #12 :: LEGALLY LEGAL ] :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: [ copyright stuff ]

Copyright © 2005-2007. All Rights Reserved.

Rose Online are registered trademarks of Gravity Corp. and Triggersoft.
All other trademarks and copyrights are owned by their respective owners.

I own my real name and this guide, no bad corporate man will take it away
from me. Except maybe for a 5-million-dollar bribe >:)
:: [ points to ponder ]

1. It's my guide, and others translate it. If you can prove me wrong, you
just won a ticket to hell!
2. Respect is paramount. An e-mail will save you trouble.
3. There is a great MMORPG out there, with ultra-realistic graphics, sound,
no respawn, lots of equipment, lengthy leveling system, and where you can
do literally anything. It's called "Real Life." This is a game you SHOULD
definitely play for your entire life.
4. Alcohol causes dry skin. Think about it. Don't drink.
5. Don't race your ass off to level 100. Have fun, take it slow, unless it's
a 2x exp/drop event that no second should be wasted ^_^. Spell it, GAME.
Not end-of-the-world-tomorrow-must-get-second-job-now activity.
6. In any MMORPG, never sit unless you're waiting for someone.
7. When making a guide, enter the copyright as a series of years, not just
the current year, so your old work won't even be plagiarized. Other than
that, it just looks cool.
8. If you're smoking, you might as well stab yourself or hit some cocaine or
something. God doesn't like suicidal people. That proves you are weak.
9. After online games: use the Warcraft III World Editor to make your own
one-man, free, zero-lag, RPG. Feed your own addiction, like what I did.

~ ciao! ~

--- END OF FILE ---
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