04.10.2013 15:18:07
FlyFF Build Guide Version 1.1
By darkganja
E-Mail :
Date : 30th November 2005
Country : Philippines


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~ FlyFF ( Fly for Fun) is Copyright of Aeonsoft.


I. Introduction -------------------------------------------[IOM]
I.I >>Class Chart
I.II >>First Job Change
I.III >>Second Job Change
II. 20 Point Gap -------------------------------------------[2GP]
III. Knight Build -------------------------------------------[MKB]
IV. Blade Build -------------------------------------------[MBB]
V. Elementer Build -------------------------------------------[MEB]
VI. Psykeeper Build -------------------------------------------[MPB]
VII. Ringmaster Build -------------------------------------------[ARB]
VIII.Billposter Build -------------------------------------------[ABB]
IX. Skills -------------------------------------------[SFE]
X. Credits -------------------------------------------[CFE]

I. ~Introduction~ [IOM]

This is my very first gamefaqs I have submitted. I love playing games
specially MMORPG which FlyFF as one of the best game.I love writing
about games. I was a little disappointed that all the Faqs/guide that I
written where not yet edited and submitted because of my (sometimes)
laziness and I am a very busy guy, but now I have now submitted this Faqs.
This guide focus more on the FlyFF Philippine Server. There will be still
more updates to come for this guide.

But before we go into the world of Flyff, we need Status 101;

STR: Increase your attack rate, damage, and a little FP
STA: Increase your defense and max increase of FP
DEX: Speed of your attack increases, evasion and Hit Rate
INT: Increase your MP to max, and increase magic damage. MP regeneration

HP: Hit Point, if HP turns to 0, you're dead.
MP: Magic Point, It is only used to magic skills (like that of Magician)
FP: Fighting Power, It is only used for fighting skills (This obviously
excludes magicians, only the Mercenary and Assist can use this.)
EXP: Experience, if it turns 100% then you gain a level
(If you're not comfortable leveling up with a percentage, double click
the Status bar at far upper left corner)
PXP: It is the point needed to increase your skill. Whenever you got exp
from quest or gain from monsters, PXP will first gets the points then
after that the remaining will be distributed to EXP. PXP decrease if you
use skills.

But before you decide on which class to tackle, you have to know what you
will become and by knowing what class you will start, you ought to be a
magnificent player. Enjoy FLyff! ^_^

I.I~~[Class Chart]~~ There are 3 class to start after Vagrant

============================= Class Chart ================================
level 15
/ | \
Mercenary Magician Assist
| | |
| | |
level 60 level 60 level 60
| | |
_________ _________ _______
/ \ / \ / \
Knight Blademan Elementalist Psykeeper Ringmaster Billposter

Vagrant - The class you will start with. They're the ultimate beggars of
the game but don't be so down cause we all start with this. Of course,
one of the reason I love Flyff because after you change class your status
will "reset." Just beat all those monsters till you reach lvl 15 ^_^

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==Vagrant Build==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Just give it all, pure STR, it doesn't matter.
You can add some STA a little if you want.

I found out, a lot of people need a help to change job. So here I am
being a good samaritan ^_^. I hope this will help.
(I always find people asking me where and how to change their job)


I.II-{First Job Change}-
From vagrant, you take a further step. I know you're excited but we have
to take this step by step. First, decide what kind of class you want.

You need to be level 15 to change job.

Note: All the direction in this guide is base on in-game Map of Flaris
which can be acquired through a quest in the game. To get the map just
talk to the following NPC whether Jeff, Tommy, or Masa. Just talk to all
of them and the last one you will talk to will give you the Map of Flaris.

|>Vagrant to Mercenary<|
1. Go to Juria in town (Located at the center of town, she is the banker.)
2. go to Valin in upper left before the river bank. (You will see aibats
on the way, then you'll see a cottage.)
3. He will then ask you to go Losha to get his lunch. (Losha is located at
eastern side of flaris, the one selling foods.)
4. Valin will then ask you to go Boboko to get the Bravery Sword from him.
(Boboko is the shield seller located at the center of the town.)
5. When you talk to Boboko, he will then want you to get 20 vision stones
from Grownup Laywolf.
6. After you complete collecting then go back to Boboko, Boboko will then
give you the Blade of Bravery Sword.
7. Then go to Valin again and give him the blade, he will then forged it
into Bravery Sword. Congratulation! You are now a mercenary.


|>Vagrant to Magician<|
1. Go to Juria in town (Located at the center of town, she is the banker.)
2. Go to Mule in upper right before the bridge in
eastern town of flaris.
3. Click then class change. He will then ask you to get a book from
4. Go to Marche to get the book (She is in the eastern part of flaris,
she is the seller of magic items)
5. Go back to Mule. Mule will then ask you to go back to Marche to get a
Wand Making Book.
6. Go back again to Marche. She will then tell you recover the 10 missing
pages from Demians.
7. Kill Demians to get 10 missing pages (can be found at the Middle
Eastern Part of the Map Flaris.)
8.After you complete collecting then go back to Marche, Marche will then
give you the Wand Making Book.
9. Take the book back to Mule, he will then give you a wand.
Congratulation! You are now a Magician.


|>Vagrant to Assist<|
1. Go to Juria in town (Located at the center of town, she is the banker.)
2. Go to Rooney in northwest of the center of flaris, just follow the
brown path and little west from it.
3. Click then class change. He will then ask you to deliver a letter to
his brother Lui (Lui is the General Merchant located at the center of
town, just near Juria's place)
4. After delivering the letter to Lui go back to Rooney.
5. Rooney will then ask you to collect Vision Stones.
6. Get 10 from Captain Pukepukes, 8 from Captain Doridama, and 3 from
Grownup Laywolves.
7. After you complete collecting then go back to Rooney. Rooney will then
give you a Stick. Congratulation! You are now a Assist.


I.III-{Second Job Change}-
Phew! At last, your already lvl 60. After facing the horrors of leveling
up and testing your patience you are then rewarded to advance to your
second job class.

This quest can be a little tiring specially with those traveling in one
place to another and many things to do, but still the reward is greater
as expected.

|>1st Job To 2nd Job<|
1. Go talk to Bordeay and he will tell you something. He is located at
Saint Morning market.
2. Go to Radion and ask you what job you want. He will then give you a
receipt and also lead you to Ancimys. Radion can be found near the Mars
Dungeon in Flaris.
3. Talk to Ancimys and he will play with you in Rock, Paper and Scissors
Game. If you win you get a 500 penya and a Trace of Hero. You need to get
6 of each Trace. Ancimys could be found in the floating island of Flaris
above and near the Grownup Laywolf area.(He is the talking box alone in a
floating island)
4. After you get the 6 of each trace then go back to Radion and will lead
you to Venken.
5. Speak to Venken and he will ask you to give a ribbon to Luelli. Venken
is located just after the entrance to the forest. Blink to Darkon 2 and
go northwest to get into the forest part.
6. Give the ribbon to Luelli and she will then ask you to deliver
something. Luelli can be located in a vine just near Venken.
7. Talk to Dien and she will ask you to get 6 Soulstones. You get
Soulstones from Drillers.
8. After getting all the Soulstones go back to Dien.
9. Dien will then ask a book from High Priest Kheymerhan. Talk to
Kheymerhan and grab the book you need from him. Kheymerhan can be located
on northeast island of Saint Morning, near the Pranksters.
10. Go back to Dien and she will then let you see your Clerics depending
on what job you want to be. I'll give the list of names of Clerics below
that you need to go depending on what job you choose.
~Job~ ~Cleric Name~
Knight Tubearto
Blade Febeitoe
Billposter Ruenphare
Ringmaster Shyrilepe
Psykeeper Hondurel
Elementer Pasteil
11. Talk to your clerics. The cleric will then ask for 10 Grrbandages
and 5 Dump Tires.
12. After you got the following items then go back to your cleric. Your
cleric will then ask for signatures from the following NPc:
~NPC~ ~Location~
Losha Flaris
Armor Dude Saint Morning
Banker Darkon 2
13. Go back to your cleric and he will then let you see your guardians
depending on what job you want to be. I'll give the list of names of
Guardians below that you need to go depending on what job you choose.
uardian Name~
Knight Bonaper
Blade Sensiri
Billposter Capape
Ringmaster Lomboed
Psykeeper Shaynip
Elementer Wendien
(Guardians can be found at the tip below of Darkon 3)
14. Speak to your guardian and they will ask you to kill a Venel Guardian.
Venel Guardian can be found near the guardians place just below them in
the underground cube. Get the book the Venel drop when you kill it.
15. Go back to your guardian. Phew! At last it's finish. Congratulations!
You are now in Second Job Class and you will also get a lvl 60 sword. Psst!
Stop, there is one thing you need to do last. Go back to Bordeay and give
him the book to get your reward money. This quest gives you a total of
4 Million Penya.


Note:All these are just suggestion and may change depending on your liking.


Before you start to read the guide I will first give you all my basic rule
in building your mercenary which is the 20 point gap. This is for creating
a balance build on which a 20 point gap is needed like for example:
having a str=50 then you need at least dex=30. So in this kind of style of
building up your mercenary you need 2 points in str, and in the next level
you need 1 point str and 1 point dex, and after another level then
2 points str and etc.



III. Knight Build [MKB]:

Knight, one of the well known and used characters of all the MMORPG.
Knight can be a little slow but with its greater strength it can damage
greatly who are on his way. They can be the greatest helper in the game
for they have great defense that can almost survive any blow from enemies.
They greatly help a party who are need of a tanker.

~ For those who want a strong build for mercenary who wants to become
a knight then I suggest you put more on str and sta and give at least
20 point gap of str and sta on which the str is higher than the sta.
Also if you want you could put 30 dex to your build for more speed in
killing the enemies.

~ There are also build of sta and dex and NO str at all and I suggest
also to always remember a 20 point gap of your build. This build is
more likely good in PVP.

~ Here comes the pure str build which I don't really recommend because
it may kill enemies easily but your defense sucks and you frequently
need more pots to revitalize, and this build sucks at PVP.


IV. Blade Build [MBB]:

Blade, one of the deadliest characters in game. Through his swiftness move
it can kill anyone in a single silent blow. Blade is much more likely well
known as the assassins in the game. They deal deadly attacks to enemies,
so when you challenge them think first.

~ For those who want to become a blade then I suggest you put more on
dex and str and don't forget the 20 point gap. Also it can be dex and
sta which is also be like a knight build.

~ For those who want pure dex, it is said that this build is greater
than pure str. I'm not yet sure what pure dex have in power but to the
people I knew in other country told me that pure dex is faster and
enemies miss frequently which is in your advantage.



V. Elementer Build [MEB]:

Elementer, the great sorcerer who deals greater damage to anyone that
comes along his path. It use and summons the power of elements that
surround them. They can almost destroy anything with one blow.

~ Pure int are what most elementer builds. Pure int really sucks at
defense but the higher level you are the powerful you are. Elementer is
one of the most powerful damage creator when it comes to pure int.

~ Aside from pure int, you could also put a little sta for a little
defense. This will help a lot especially that pure int sucks at defense.


VI. Psykeeper Build [MPB]:

Psykeeper, given with the power of psychic ability they can destroy
enemies with the use of their own mind. They can make enemies suffer and
become weak, and not only they can weaken monsters but they can also
protect from themselves with their own abilities.

~ One of the builds for psykeeper is more sta than int on which we can
apply the 20 point gap. Psykeeper are said to be one of the soloist that
can easily kill boss specially with a good build and a right equipment.

~ Pure int can be also applied with psykeeper but the problem with this
build as many magicians do is that it's very hard to level up because you
get low hp and you need at least to have a party.



VII. Ringmaster Build [ARB]:

Ringmaster, one who helps and aids the needy. They have the divine powers
to help anyone. They are the best companion in a party, they let you
borrow magnificent power to help defeat enemies easily.

~ Pure int can also be applied for ringmaster but the problem with this is
that you need always to have a party member to gain a level. It's a little
bit hard to level up specially when you can't find a party members.


VIII. Billposter Build [ABB]:

Billposter, use there divine power to increase there own abilities. They
are much like a monk who focus there power to gain power or share the
powers with other to defeat enemies.

~ A good build for Billposter is to balance your str, sta and dex. Put
more str , and secondly sta and lastly a little dex to develop a balance
and powerful billposter. It's more likely a mercenary build.

~ I learn also that pure sta is also good for those who want to be
Billposter cause in the later levels you could use a good skill to match
all enemies. The problem with this is that on you early levels you quite
level up slowly and you also quite miss often with your enemies.

~ The str and dex build, a build that looks like blade build with a little
twist. The problem with this build is that you can easily be killed by
monsters with critical damage specially monsters with higher level than


IX. Skills [SFE]:
|> Vagrant <|
~Skills~ ~Requirement~
Clean Hit Level 5

|> Mercenary <|
~Skills~ ~Requirement~
Splmash Level 15
Keenwheel Splmash lvl4, Level 18
Blindside Keenwheel lvl6, Level 24
Special Hit Blindside lvl8, Level 30
Bloody Strike Splmash lvl3, Level 20
Reflex Hit Bloody Strike lvl8, Level 25
Guillotine Reflex Hit lvl10, Level 30
Protection Level 15
Pan Barrier Protection lvl3, Level 18
Sneaker Pan Barrier lvl10, Level 20
Empower Weapon Protection lvl5, Level 20
Smite Axe Empower Weapon lvl4, Level 25
Axe Mastery Smite Axe lvl9, Level 30
Blazing Sword Empower Weapon lvl9, Level 25
Sword Mastery Blazing Sword lvl9, Level 30

|> Magician <|
~Skills~ ~Requirement~
Mental Strike Level 15
Fire Boomerang Mental Strike lvl3, Level 18
Hot Air Fire Boomerang lvl5, Level 25
Fire Strike Hot Air lvl7, Level 30
Sword Wind Mental Strike lvl5, Level 20
Strong Wind Sword Wind lvl5, Level 25
Wind Cutter Strong Wind lvl7, Level 30
Ice Missile Mental Strike lvl3, Level 25
Water Ball Ice Missile lvl5, Level 25
Spring Water Water Ball lvl7, Level 30
Lightning Ball Mental Strike lvl5, Level 18
Lightning Palm Lightning Ball lvl5, Level 25
Lightning Shock Lightning Palm lvl7, Level 30
Spike Stone Mental Strike lvl2, Level 18
Rock Crush Spike Stone lv5, Level 25
Looting Rock Crash lvl7, Level 30
Blink Pool Mental Strike lvl3, Level 30

|> Assist <|
~Skills~ ~Requirement~
Heal Level 15
Patience Heal lvl3, Level 18
Resurrection Patience lvl4, Level 20
Circle Healing Resurrection lvl4, Level 25
Prevention Circle Healing lvl4, Level 30
Quick Step Heal lvl3, Level 18
Haste Quick Step lvl3, Level 25
Cat's Reflex Haste lvl4, Level 28
Cannon Ball Cat's Reflex lvl4, Level 35
Mental Sign Heal lvl3. Level 18
Heap Up Mental Sign lvl4, Level 20
Beef Up Heap Up lvl4, Level 25
Accuracy Beef Up lvl4, Level 30
Tamping Hole Heal lvl3, Level 20
Stonehand Tamping Hole lvl4, Level 25
Burst Crack Stonehand lvl4, Level 28
Power Fist Burst Crack lvl4, Level 35

|> Knight <|
~Skills~ ~Requirement~
Charge Sword Master lvl3, Level 60
Pain Dealer Axe Mastery lvl3, Level 60
Guard Level 60
Earth Divider Charge lvl4, Level 65
Power Stump Pain Dealer lvl4, Level 65
Rage Guard lvl5, Level 65
Pain Reflection Rage lvl4, Level 70
Power Swing Pain Reflection lvl7, Level 70

|> Blade <|
~Skills~ ~Requirement~
Silent Strike Sword Master lvl3, Level 60
Spring Attack Axe Mastery lvl3, Level 60
Armor Penetrate Level 62
Blade Dance Silent Strike lvl5, Level 65
Hawk Attack Spring Attack lvl5, Level 65
Berserk Armor Penetrate lvl4, Level 65
Sonic Blade Berserk lvl7, Level 70
Cross Strike Sonic Blade lvl7, Level 75

|> Elementer <|
~Skills~ ~Requirement~
Firebird Fire Strike lvl7, Level 60
Stone Spear Looting lvl3, Level 60
Void Wind Cutter lvl7, Level 60
Thunder Strike Lightning Shock lvl7, Level 60
Iceshark Spring Water lvl7, Level 60
Burning Field Firebird lvl5, Level 65
Earthquake Stone Spear lvl5, Level 65
Wind Field Void lvl5, Level 65
Electric Shock Thunder Strike lvl4, Level 65
Poison Cloud Iceshark lvl5, Level 65
Fire Master Fire Strike lvl7, Level 70
Earth Master Looting lvl3, Level 70
Wind Master Wind Cutter lvl7, Level 70
Lightning Master Lightning Shock lvl7, Level 70
Water Master Spring Water lvl7, Level 70
Meteor Shower Burning Field lvl6,
Earthquake lvl5, Level 70
Sandstorm Wind Field lvl6,
Earthquake lvl5, Level 70
Lightning Storm Wind Field lvl6,
Electric Shock lvl5, Level 70
Avalance Poison Cloud lvl7,
Earthquake lvl7, Level 75

|> Psykeeper <|
~Skills~ ~Requirement~
Demonology Level 60
Psychic Bomb Mental Strike lvl10, Level 60
Crucio Spell Mental Strike lvl10, Level 60
Satanology Demonology lvl3, Level 65
Spirit Bomb Psychic Bomb lvl6, Level 65
Maximum Crisis Crucio Spell lvl7, Level 65
Psychic Wall Satanology lvl4,
Spirit Bomb lvl7, Level 70
Psychic Square Psychic Wall lvl7,
Maximum Crisis lvl5, Level 75

|> Ringmaster <|
~Skills~ ~Requirement~
Protect Heap Up lvl6, Level 60
Holycross Level 60
Gvur Tialla Prevention lvl4, Level 60
Holy Guard Protect lvl3, Level 65
Spiriture Fortune Level 65
Heal Rain Gvur Tialla lvl3, Level 70
Geburah Tiphreth Holy Guard lvl4,
Spiriture Fortune lvl7, Level 75
Merkaba Hanzelrusha Heal Rain lvl4, Level 80

|> Billposter <|
~Skills~ ~Requirement~
Belial Smashing Power Fist lvl5, Level 60
Asmodeus Level 60
Bloody Fist Belial Smashing lvl2, Level 65
Baraqijal Esna Asmodeus lvl3, Level 65
Piercing Serpent Blood Fist lvl5, Level 70
Bgvur Tialbold Baraqijal Esna lvl5, Level 70
Sonichand Piercing Serpent lvl7,
Bgvur Tialbold lvl6, Level 65
Asalraalaikum Sonichand lvl7, Level 80


X. ~Credits~ [CFE]:

First of all I'd like to give a big thanks to my GF Michelle,
Aka Chex2 for continue support of this project. Thanks also to some of
the friends in FlyFF ( I can't name them all because there are tons
of them).

I also thank my sister ReikaSaito for editing parts of the Faqs.

Thanks to Musashi (Penjun) of Oro Christian Grace Shool.

And especially
For reading this faq

Your comments and suggestions are welcome ^_^
E-mail me at
[DarkGanja, the super adict MMORPG player]
[ReikaSaito, the ever best sister of DarkGanja]

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