Movies, The

Movies, The

08.10.2013 14:09:31
The Movies, Premiere Edition
Game Guide / FAQ
Author: Madbird
Copyright 2006, Liam "Madbird" Humphries
Version 1.0

||Table of Contents||

i - Personal Rant
ii - Contact Info
iii - Copyright Info
iv - Version History

Part 1: Introduction

1 - Introduction

2 - Facilities
1. Compulsory
a. Stage School
b. Staff Office
c. Casting Office
d. Crew Facility
e. Production Office
f. Script Offices
2. Movies
a. Post Production
b. Publicity Office
c. Laboratory
d. Star and Script Selling Facility
e. Custom Scriptwriting Office
3. Stars
a. Makeover Department
b. Cosmetic Surgery
c. Rehab
d. Trailers
4. Studio
a. Bar
b. Resturant
c. Snack Van
d. Restrooms

3 - Sets
1. Rural
a. Field
b. Forest
c. Graveyard
d. Musty Cellar
e. Shack Exterior
f. Shack Interior
2. Sci-Fi
a. Alien World
b. Corridor 1
c. Corridor 2
d. Corridor 3
e. Starship Bridge 1
f. Starship Bridge 2
3. Suburban
a. Bathroom
b. Living Room 1
c. Living Room 2
d. Modern Jail
e. School Corridor
f. Street
4. Tropical
a. Beach
5. Urban
a. Alleyway
b. Bar
c. City Block Corridor
d. City Street
e. Modern Bank
f. Office
g. Plush Hotel Bedroom
h. Rooftop
i. Shabby Hotel Room
j. Subway Carriage
k. Subway Station
6. War
a. Battlefield
b. Bombed Street
7. Wild West
a. Bank
b. Desert
c. Jail
d. Saloon
e. Street

Part 2: Getting Started

4 - Starting a New Studio

5 - Making Movies
1. Scripts
2. Casting
3. Shooting
4. Release

6 - Keeping your Stars Happy
1. Work
a. Stress
b. Boredom
2. Status
a. Salary
b. Image
c. Trailer
d. Entourage
e. Looks
f. Physique
g. Fashion
3. Relationships
a. Acquaintances
b. Best Friends
c. Soul Mates

7 - Lot Prestige
1. Sanitation
2. Catering
3. Decoration
4. Lay Out

8 - The Charts
1. Studio Charts
2. Star Charts
3. Movie Charts

9 - Awards
1. The LMPA
a. Highest Charting Star
b. Highest Charting Newcomer
c. Best Direction
d. Most Prolific Star
e. Best Acting Performance
f. Highest Climbing Star
g. Highest Charting Movie
h. Highest Charting Studio
i. Highest Climbing Studio
j. Most Prolific Studio
k. Most Prestigious Studio Lot
l. Best Employer
2. Achievement Awards
a. Wannabe Big Cheese
b. Junior Studio Manager
c. Promising Studio Manager
d. Respected Studio Head
e. Celebrated Studio Head
f. Highflying Moivemaker
g. ?
h. ?
i. ?

Part 3: Wrapping Up

10- Tips and Tricks

11- FAQ

13- Final Words

|i - Personal Rant|
Hi, and welcome to my second walkthrough. I've always liked sim games, like
Simcity and Simgolf, so when I saw an ad for a movie studio simulator, I had
to get it. That was a week ago. Now, having played it mercilessly, I've
started this. Anyway, I hope you'll find this guide helpful and informative.

|ii - Contact Info|
If you need to contact me about anything, like suggestions or corrections or
questions, entitle an email "The Movies xxxxx", but just replace xxxxx with
'Suggestion' or 'Question' or whatever. See? It works!
Send them to and I'll see to it to the best of my
ability. By that I mean, if don't know the answer to your qustion, I'll try to
find out the answer with my supreme investigatory skills. But if I am unable
to, I will try to notify you, so please, use a current email. If you give me
information to put in the guide, that doesn't neccesarily mean it'll go in.
Don't email me saying "Hey, I gave you some info and you didn't put it in
the guide!" This really shits me, because it may not have been relevant, or
it might have been answered already in the guide, so please, read through the
entire guide before asking. If I get alot of emails about a single subject,
I'll make a new chapter in the guide. If I add your suggestion in the guide,
I will give you credit and won't change your information except to correct
spelling and grammer mistakes. That's about all. Make sure you tell me if I
can use your name or if you want to stay anonymous.

|iii - Copyright Info|
This game is Copyright 2005 Activision and Lionhead Studios, All Rights
This document is copyrighted 2005 by US and Canadian and Australian Laws.
This FAQ is for personal use only. This is not to be used for commercial or
personalgain. Websites publishing this guide without permission will face
punishment under the law. No site except is allowed to host this
walkthrough without my permission.

|iv - Version History|

Version 0.1 [12/1/06]
Started second guide.
* Finished 'Table of Contents'
* Finished 'Personal Rant'
* Finished 'Contact Info'
* Finished 'Copyright Info'
* Finished 'Introduction'
* Started 'Facilities'

Version 0.2 [20/1/06]
Been on holiday in New Zealand. 40 degree days down here in Australia, so most
of the time I'm sitting around in my boxers. Oh, by the way, if you have to go
into therapy because of that little piece of information, sorry.
* Finished the basic set out
* Continued 'Facilities'
* Finished the permanent part of the 'Final Words'

Version 0.5 [21/1/06]
Submitted skeleton version to gameFAQs. Submission pending.
* Started 'Sets'
* Started 'Starting a New Studio'

Version 0.7 [22/1/06]
Submission rejected. Apparently it was TOO skeletal. I've re-submitted.
* Finished 'Facilities'
* Finished 'Lot Prestige'
* Continued 'Starting a New Studio'

Version 0.8 [24/1/06]
Submission accepted! I'll update it every other version from now on.
* Started 'Awards'
* Continued 'Starting a New Studio'

Version 1.0 [26/1/06]
Australia Day! AND my birthday! Let the good times roll! Updated GameFAQs
* Started 'Keeping Your Stars Happy'

Version 1.1 [27/1/06]
After finishing Call of Duty 2 and sitting around eating Doritos, I'm ready to
continue the noble cause of walkthrough... writing... ness...
* Continued 'Starting a New Studio'
* Continued 'Awards'

|Part 1: Introduction|

||1 - Introduction||

The Movies is a movie studio simulation game. In it, you are the Manager of a
fledgling studio in the 1920's, the dawn of the movie industry. You'll have to
build the studio, hire the staff, make the movies, win the awards and make the
stars. You'll research the technology and build the sets. In short, you'll
have to do everything you can to survive in the fast paced world of

||2 - Facilities||

|1. Compulsory|
Compulsory facilities are the buildings that all studios need for making
movies. These should be the first things you build.

|a. Stage School|
Cost: $5000
Description: The Stage School should be the first thing you build, as it's the
only place where you can hire actors, directors and extras. People looking for
work will line up outside the building, next to the sign. You can only build

|b. Staff Office|
Cost: N/A
Description: The Staff Office isn't technically a facility, as it is already
built when you start a new game, and you can't build extras. You hire Builders
and Janitors. You can only build one.

|c. Casting Office|
Cost: $5000
Description: The Casting office is where you take scripts so you can assign
actors and directors to the movie. Crew and Extras may be needed and - provid-
ing you have them - will automatically appear in the building, so there's no
need to assign them. After a period in the Casting Office, the rehersal will
be over and you can move the script into the 'Shoot It' room.

|d. Crew Facility|
Cost: $4000
Description: The crew facility is the building that you use to hire crew to
work the cameras, microphones, etcetera. You can only build one.

|e. Production Office|
Cost: $6000
Description: The Production Office is where you take the movie to release it.
After a while, the movie will stop making money. That's what the Archive room
is for, just drop the movie in there to archive it. You can drop stars, movies
or the info icon into the Reviews room for the reviews for the star, movie or
your studio respectively. You can only build one.

|f. Script Office|
Cost: $6000 > $29,000 > $33,333 >
Levels: Basic > Intermediate > Proficient > First Class
Description: This is where the scripts are written. You hire scriptwriters to
do the hard work for you of course. The better the office, the better the
script. So, for example, a Proficient office will make a better script than a
Basic or Intermediate office.

|2. Movies|
These facilities aren't required for making movies or for your studio, but are

|a. Post Production|

Cost: $39,000
Description: Post Production is where you can add subtitles to your finished
movies, or even a custom made soundtrack.

|b. Publicity Office|
Cost: $44,444
Description: Once you finish a movie, you can put it in the Publicity Office
and get the public excited about it. Once you build a Publicity Office, money
symbols will appear in the release room. Place the finished movie on the
desired amount of money, in conjunction with the amount of public awareness
in concern to the movie.

|c. Laboratory|
Cost: $24,000
Description: The Laboratory is where your scientists research new technology,
sets, facilities, and costumes, as well as other things. All studios get new
research packs in time, but its faster if you research it.

|d. Star and Script Selling|
Cost: $3000
Description: This is where you can sell your hard work for some cheap money,
be it a script or star. The selling price depends on the star rating of the
star or script. You don't get much money anyway, so I don't really use this

|e. Custom Scriptwriting Office|
Cost: $11,111
Description: You can make your own scripts here, by picking out the scenes.
You have a lot of control over how many extras there are, the props, the
costumes etc., but it takes longer than just getting a scriptwriter to write

|3. Stars|
These are the facilities that help your stars, be it making them more
comfortable, rehabilitating drunks, etc.

|a. Makeover Department|
Cost: $7000
Description: The Makeover Department is where your stars get to sit back and
be pampered. There are two sorts of makeover; Auto and Manual. Auto makeovers
take longer than manual makeovers, but your star gets to choose the most
fasionable clothes to wear. In a Manual makeover, you decide what they wear.
A makeover raises the star's fashion and image bars, and makes them less
stressed... I think...

|b. Cosmetic Surgery|
Cost: $60,000
Description: The Cosmetic Surgery clinic is where your stars can get
liposuction, breast or ab implants or a nip & tuck. Nip & Tucks raise a star's
Looks, Implants raise a star's Physique. I'm not sure what Liposuction does..

|c. Rehab|
Cost: $22,000
Description: If you send your star to the bar or resturant too much, they will
develop an addiction to drink or food respectively. To get rid of their
addiction, you need to stick them in Rehab. Only one star can be in a rehab
clinic at a time, and the process takes ages to finish, but once it is, their
addiction is gone.

|d. Trailers|
Cost: $7000 > $24,000 > $45,000 > $75,000
Levels: Rickety > Cheap > Comfortable > Plush
Description: After playing for a little while, your stars will start wanting
their own trailers to stay in. You get better trailers as you process through
the game.

|4. Studio|
These facilites are there to raise Prestige and help your employees.

|a. Bar|
Cost: $8000
Description: A bar is a place where your stars can unwind and knock a few back
while spending time with friends. However, if they go there too much, they'll
develop an addiction.

|b. Resturant|
Cost: $30,000
Description: A resturant is a great place for your stars to unwind, chat with
friends and develop addictions to Spaghetti.

|c. Snack Van|
Cost: $3000
Description: The snack van is the first facility you have available designed
specifically to relaxing your guests. It's also the first plave you'll
encounter addictions.

|d. Restrooms|
Cost: $3000 > $12,000 > $20,000
Levels: Small > Large > VIP
Description: Restrooms raise the sanitation rating of your studio, therefore
raising the Lot Prestige rating. I recommend you have one small restroom for
every five employees you have or, if you're using large restrooms, one every
ten. Make sure to scatter a couple of VIP restrooms across your lot, for your
stars. Also make sure that you surround restrooms with ornaments to cover for
the stench of piss and shit.

||3 - Sets||

|1. Rural|
Need I say more?

|a. Field|
Cost: $11,000
Description: This is basically an empty paddock in the country. Good for
'Signs' rip offs.
Genre: Sci-Fi

|b. Forest|
Cost: $22,222
Description: An eerie forest. That's all.
Genre: Horror

|c. Graveyard|
Cost: $61,000
Description: A country graveyard. Scary.
Genre: Horror

|d. Musty Cellar|
Cost: $5000
Description: A dank, musty cellar in the country. Paedophiles, anyone?
Genre: Horror

|e. Shack Exterior|
Cost: $67,000
Description: The outside of a small shack in the forest.
Genre: Horror

|f. Shack Interior|
Cost: $29,000
Description: The inside of the same shack above.
Genre: Horror

[Section Incomplete]

|Part 2: Getting Started|

||4 - Starting a New Studio||

All right! I've made it this far. I'm impressed by myself. This chapter will
instruct you on starting a new studio, and getting it running smoothly up
until 1950. This chapter will be updated as I get further into the game. If
you notice anything incorrect or wrong about some facts in it, let me know.

Ok. You should know how to start a new game, but just in case you don't...
Click on GAME and then on NEW GAME. Here, you can choose the studio logo, then
name your studio and the manager [you]. Then you can choose to skip the
tutorial that automatically is on. For this chapter, the guinea pig will be
Nuclear Winter Studios, under the management of Sparky Michaels. Naturally,
the logo is the mushroom cloud near the end, and the tutorial is turned off.

1920-1925; The First Years
Right. The opening will come up, with some guy's voice reading the stuff
scrolling across the screen. You can skip it if you wish. Anyway, once the
game starts, you'll be looking down at the studio gates and the Staff Office
to the left of them. There is also a line of people looking for work as
janitors or builders, usually around 6-10 of them. Hire three or four as
builders and the rest as janitors.

With that done, pause the game for a moment and decide how you're going to
lay out your studio. There are two regularly used approaches, both with pros
and cons. The first approach involves extending the road that comes through
the gates to areas where a lot of facilities or sets are. A good example of
this approach is when you go to sandbox mode and select a 'pre-build studio
lot'. The lot will automatically have roads leading to the most important
buildings. The roads don't actually have any practical use, but they make the
studio look more professional and therefore makes your Lot Prestige go up. The
bad stuff is that it takes longer to do than the second approach, and is more

The second approach involves just blocking off the road with path and
connecting everything by individual paths. This is quicker than the first way,
but not as Prestigious looking. So, it's up to you. If you're still a little
new to the game, I would suggest the second approach.
When you've decided, hit play and go to the facilities menu. Choose the Stage
School and build it near the studio gates, connecting it to a road by paths or
to the paths next to the studio entrance. The builders will head over and
start constructing it. While they're doing that, drop a Crew Facility, Casting
Office and Production Office down nearby and connect them to the main path or
road or whatever. It'll take a while for the builders to finish all of them,
so you can go ahead and hit the fast-forward button for a while. The building
should be complete by July if not sooner. Once that's done, a line of hopefuls
should form outside the Stage School, probably four or five of them. Move your
cursor over each of them in turn. Watch for traits such as 'Laid back', 'Eats
to Live' or 'Not Easily Bored'. Beware of 'Stresspot', 'Heavy Drinker',
'Easily Bored' traits. Find a couple of people who have good traits and hire
one or two actors and one director. I ended up hiring a hopeful actress by
the name of Sophie Goode and a director by the name of Ben Barker.
Move across to the Crew Facility and hire three of the people in the line.
Now drop a Basic Script Office down nearby. While the builders are earning
their pay, go into the Set menu and buy two of the sets there. The best
combination is probably the Stage and the WW: Saloon sets that you buy in the
tutorial. Plonk them down somewhere nearby to the stage school.

By now, the script office should be finished. Pick up one of the people lining
up outside of it and hover him over one of the genre rooms. A bubble will come
up showing the public's genre intrest. At the moment all the genres should be
equal, so I have to refer to the experience of my actress and director. They
both have a little experience in comedy, so I drop the scriptwriter into the
Comedy room. He heads to the script pool and starts writing. Now, pick up the
other scriptwriters outside and drop them into the sript pool as well. While
they are writing the script, I drop Sophie and Ben into the Stage set, to get
some more comedy experience.
While all this is happening, you should be nearing the start of 1921. It's
time to give the studio some ornamentation. Drop some trees and flower beds
around your facilities. As the game progresses, you'll have to add more
ornamentation. For now, ten trees and flowerbeds with a couple of benches
ought to be enough. You should notice green dots around the ornamentation.
This means that the aura of that area is good. Red dots show that the aura is

Once you're done putting down ornaments, head over to the production office
and move the 'i' icon into the reviews room. By this point, there are probably
reviews saying stuff about ammonia smelling rivers because of the lack of
restrooms, and something about the catering. Drop one or two restrooms down
on the opposite ends of the studio, and a snack van. Don't put the snack van
near a restroom cos, as the game says, some smells don't mix well. Drop a few
trees around the restrooms to cover over the bad aura. Go back to the
Pruduction Office and have another look at the reviews. Now there should be
reviews saying 'It's rumoured that white gloved butlers wipe your ass at this
studio'. That's good, by the way.

The script should almost be finished by now. If there are any more people
looking for work at the Script Office, drop them in the script pool. The more
scriptwriters you have, the faster they write. Anyway, my script is finished,
a one star comedy called 'Billy Bayonet'. Drag the script icon on the right
side of the screen into the 'Begin Casting' room in the Casting Office. Drag
your actor/actress into the 'Lead Actor' room and your director into the
'Diector' room. Crew will automatically fill in the neccesary crew places.
Hire a couple of extras at the Stage School if you need them. After a little
bit of rehersing, the movie will be ready to shoot. Pick it up and drop it in
the 'Shoot It' room.

The director, the actor, extras and the crew all assemble on set and shooting
begins. Look in the 'Making Movies' section for specific stuff on movie making
By the start of 1922, depending on the length of your movie [mine was four
scenes] shooting should be finished. Head over to the Production Office and
you'll see that it's outside. Drag it into the 'Release' room. A screen will
come up showing the script rating, the performance of actors and directors,
the movie rating, the rating of star relationships, crew work, technology,
a whole lot of shit and then the final movie rating. The Script Rating, Movie
Rating and Final Movie Rating for my movie where one star all round. You can
watch your movie by clicking the eye icon down the bottom.
The second screen shows how much stress your stars took, how much experience
your stars, crew, extras and scriptwriters gained and how much the whole
production cost. The last screen shows the movie reviews for your movie. I
got no bad reviews. A-mazing.

Now that your studio's first movie is out, you'll start generating revenue as
people go to see your movie. By this point I'm down to roughly $25,000 [yeah,
I like making my lot look proffessional]. If you're running below $30,000,
just hit the fast forward button for a few months. Once you're ready, build a
Makeover Department and the Rural: Musty Cellar set. While they're under
construction, get your stars chatting to raise their relationships. If they're
opposite sexes, don't let them get too friendly unless you want them to have
a private socail life. Just try to get them up to the 'Best Mates' point.
Once the Makeover department is done, drop your stars into the Auto room and
leave them to it. This will raise their image and fashion scores.

||5 - Making Movies||

[Section Incomplete]

||6 - Keeping Your Stars Happy||

To be a good manager, you have to know how to keep your stars happy. A happy
star will perform better in movies than a manically depressed star. Your
star's happiness depends on a range of things, from what they wear to how many
people you pay to lie about how good they look [assistants]. This chapter will
explain these things and how to keep them satisfied.

|1. Work|

|a. Stress|
This is probably the most important bar there is when it come to your star's
mood. Stress can stem from many things; making too many movies, unwanted press
attention, et-cetera, et-cetera. The little line on the Stress bar is the
star's Stress Threshold. If the bar drops below that line, they go... well,
insane to put it frankly. They abandon the set if they are in a movie, and
they are impossible to deal with socailly.
The best ways of relaxing a stressed star is to dump them in an expensive
trailer. The bar or resturant is a good way too, but there's the risk of
addictions there. However, if you have the Party On award bonus, or you only
have Rickety trailers, the resturant is a good alternative.

|b. Boredom|
This is not nearly as important as Stress. A star who's bored will.. actually,
I don't know what it does. I've never had a really bored star before. That
goes to show just how dangerous it is. Most of the time, my stars are in
movies or loving it up. Heh.
If you're stars are bored, stick them in a set to do some practise, or get
them to start a relationship with someone. A good manager's stars will never
be bored. Don't take that to mean that you're a bad manager if yours are.

|2. Status|

|a. Salary|
This is an easy one to manage. Every now and again, drop the Info Icon in the
Production Office into the 'Finance' room. Just raise the salaries of all the
unhappy stars until their bars are all full. If you're earning enough, the
amount you'll end up dishing out won't matter much.

[Section Incomplete]

||7 - Lot Prestige||

Lot Prestige is basically how nice looking, well kept and set out your studio
lot is. It depends on four things; Sanitation, Catering, Decoration and Lay
Out. The more Lot Prestige you have, the higher your studio will be on the
charts. There's also an award in the Lionhead Motion Picture Awards for the
Most Prestigious Studio Lot.

|1. Sanitaion|
Sanitation depends on how much litter there is in the studio lot and how many
restrooms you have. Janitors clean up litter, so having lots of them is always
a good thing. As for restrooms, one small restroom to five employees or one
large restroom to ten is always a good strategy. Make sure to have one or two
VIP restrooms scattered across the lot for your actors and directors.
|2. Catering|
Catering depends on how many snack vans, resturants or bars you have in your
studio. A good strategy is two or three snack vans scattered across the lot
and one or two bars and resturants. Catering isn't as influential on the
Lot Prestige rating as the other ones, but it still makes a difference.

|3. Decoration|
The Decoration score is influenced by the ornamentation in your studio lot,
like trees or flower beds etc. I try to have at least four trees around any
one facility or set and at least five flowerbeds along any given path, as
well as a scattering of benches along the paths.

|4. Lay Out|
Lay Out depends on how well laid out your facilites and sets are around your
studio. If you have so many paths that your stars can't find their way to the
bathroom, then your lay out score isn't going to be very high. Try to have one
main path or road that everything else attaches to.

||8 - The Charts||

[Section Incomplete]

||9 - Awards||

|1. The Lionhead Motion Picture Awards|
The LMPA is the main award in the game. The first ceremony is in January, 1925
and then every five years. New awards are added every ceremony for quite a
while, and give a variety of prizes. This is a list of the awards I've found
so far.

|a. Highest Charting Star|
How to get: Having a star at the top of the Star Charts is the easiest way to
get this, though sometimes someone in second or third will win it.
Prize: Trend Setter - The public likes your movies no matter what genre they

|b. Highest Charting Newcomer|
How to get: To get this award, you have to have hired a new star and gotten
him/her pretty high up on the charts.
Prize: Quick Learner - Your stars and staff gain experience faster.

|c. Best Direction|
How to get: When you release a movie, on the second part of the release forms
is a few bars relating to the performance of the stars and director. This
award depends on how much a director gets in that bar.
Prize: Midas Touch - Ups the quality of any movie made by the award winning

|d. Most Prolific Star|
How to get: To get this award, a star has to be in as many movies as possible
without going below his/her stress threshold. The easiest way to do this is
make five or six scripts at the custom scriptwriting office with only one or
two scenes and then filming them one after the other. If they have a full
stress bar at the start, they should be fine.
Prize: Perfect Fit - Your stars fit any role, no matter their appearance or
age, so a sixty-year-old can be in a hot, steamy romance.

|e. Best Acting Performance|
How to get: Exactly the same as 'Best Direction', except it depends on how
much your star's bar fills up.
Prize: Super Star - Ups the quality of the performance of the award winning

|f. Highest Climbing Star|
How to get: to get this award, your star has to climb about five places in the
charts since the last award ceremony.
Prize: No Worries - Lessens the effects of stress and boredom.

|f. Highest Charting Movie|
How to get: Having a movie at the top of the Movie Charts is the easiest way
to get this, though sometimes one in second or third will win it.
Prize: Easy to Please - Your stars are easier to please.... duh.

|g. Highest Charting Studio|
How to get: If your studio is in first place on the charts, you've won this
Prize: Half Price - You only have to pay your stars half of their salary. I'll
clear this up; only half of the total salary is deducted
from your capital. You don't have to manually decrease
their salary.

|h. Highest Climbing Studio|
How to get: To get this award, your studio has to climb about five places in
the charts since the last awards ceremony.
Prize: Party On - No matter how much food your stars eat, or drink they...
drink, they won't form an addiction.

|i. Most Prolific Studio|
How to get: Your studio has to have made heaps of movies, at least five, since
the last award ceremony.
Prize: Free Love - Your stars are more likely to become 'Loved Up'.

|j. Most Prestigious Studio Lot|
How to get: Have ornaments. Lots of ornaments. Lots and lots of ornaments.
Prize: Age of Discovery - Scientists research faster.

|k. Best Employer|
How to get: Make sure you have enough catering and sanitation for your staff,
and keep your stars happy.
Prize: Brainwasher - Your movies look new no matter how many others you've
ripped off.

|2. Achievement Awards|
Achievement awards are awards you gain by meeting the requirements of money,
movies or stars. The reward is usually an upgraded facility.

|a. Wannabe Big Cheese|
Requirements: - Make 5 Movies
- Earn $500,000
- Make Movies with a Combined Rating of 5 Stars

Prize: Custom Scriptwriting Office

|b. Junior Studio Manager|
Requirements: - Star Reaches 2-Star Milestone
- Release a 2-Star Movie
- Studio Reaches 2 Stars

Prize: Forest [RURAL SET]

|c. Promising Studio Manager|
Requirements: - Have $1,000,000 in your Bank
- Recieve 2 LMPA Awards
- Release 5 2-Star Movies

Prize: Proficient Scriptwriting Office

|d. Respected Studio Head|
Requirements: - Star Reaches 3-Star Milestone
- Release a 3-Star Movie
- Studio Reaches 3 Stars
- Make 15 Movies

Prize: Publicity Office

|e. Celebrated Studio Head|
Requirements: - Earn $7,000,000
- Make Movies with a Combined Rating of 35 Stars
- Have $4,000,000 in your Bank
- Recieve 8 LMPA Awards

Prize: Wall Section [URBAN SET]

|f. Highflying Moviemaker|
Requirements: - Release 5 3-Star Movies
- Star Reaches 4-Star Milestone
- Release a 4-Star Movie
- Studio Reaches 4 Stars

Prize: First Class Scriptwriting Office

|Part 3: Wrapping Up|

||11 - Tips & Tricks||

These are some hints and tricks that you can use to your advantage in the
movie business. Friends, romans, countrymen, send me your hints! And I'll put
them here.

||12 - FAQ||

This is the FAQ where I will put questions people email to me. I will not
alter your question at all, except to fix grammer and spelling mistakes and
maybe get rid of a little obcenity. Let me know if you don't want me posting
your name and/or email.

Q: I'm going through your faq right now. Just bought The Movies, and was
wondering if you knew of a way to delete an object. I want to upgrade my

A: To sell structures, pick up a builder and hover him over the structure you
want to sell. you should yellow circles around the outside of the building,
most with wrenches. There are two circles right next to each other
somewhere around it. There is a Move cross in one, and two circles in the
other. Hold the builder over the two circle one and the outer circle will
fill up. Once it has filled, drop the builder and the structure will be
gone, with your bank account slightly fuller.

||13 - Final Words||

Well, it's been quite a journey. A long, gruelling, annoying, blood-encrusted
journey. Kind of ruins the moment, eh? Thanks for reading my guide, and I hope
it helped you do whatever you may have needed help in.

These are the people who have contributed tips, strategies, etc.

None so far

These are the websites that have permission to host my guide.

Other Walkthroughs
These are my other walkthroughs. Check them out if you have the games!

Star Wars: Battlefront II - GameFAQs

And now, some words of my own wisdom.

Life is like an ocean... Swim in it until the water is gold with urine and so
contaminated that the fish have legs and breathe fire.

Game on.
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Engl. FAQ

13.Octombrie 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

08.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

15.Octombrie 2013
Geldtrainer (für v1.1)

17.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
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