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Arcomage (PC) Guide - Version 1.00
Written by - Camden (
Copyright 2006, Ryan Blackmore


Table of Contents

1. FAQ History
2. System Requirements
3. Basic Information
4. List Of Available Options
5. Pre-set Parameters For Taverns
5.1.1 The Starting Parameters
5.1.2 On The House - Harmondale
5.1.3 Griffin's Rest - Erathia
5.1.4 Emerald Inn - Tularean Forest
5.1.5 Snobbish Goblin - Deyja
5.1.6 Familiar Place - Bracada Desert
5.1.7 The Blessed Brew - Celeste
5.1.8 The Vampyre Lounge - The Pit
5.1.9 The Laughing Monk - Evermorn Island
5.2.0 Fortune's Folly - Nighon
5.2.1 Miner's Only - Barrow Downs
5.2.2 The Loyal Mercenary - Tidewater
5.2.3 The Potted Pixie - Avlee
5.2.4 Grogg's Grog - Stone City
6. Card List
6.1 Quarry Cards
6.2 Magic Cards
6.3 Dungeon Cards
7. Credits
8. Copyright


1. FAQ History

Last Updated - October 9th, 2006

Version 1.1 - Updated the copyright and did some small fixes.

Version 1.0 - Covered all additional gameplay options as well as listing all
of the different tavern rules in the game. Nothing much else to cover, so this
is essentially final.

Version 0.7 - Completely finished up the card list. Every card in the game is
accounted for

Version 0.1 - Wrote out the basic information about the game as well as the
miscellaneous parts of the FAQ. Nothing really done.


2. System Requirements

Computer System - IBM PC and 100% compatibles
Operating System - Windows 95/98
CPU: - Pentium 90
Memory: - 16 Megabytes RAM
Free Hard Drive Space: - 12MB Megabytes free hard drive space
Sound Card: - All major DirectX compatible sound cards
Video Card: - Direct3D compliant video card
Peripherals: - Keyboard and mouse


3. Basic Information

Originally a card game played in taverns in Might and Magic VII: For Blood and
Honor and Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer, 3D0 released Arcomage on
it's own in 1999.

Arcomage is similar to Magic: The Gathering or Pokemon, but without monsters
or creatures and on a much smaller and simpler scale. There are fewer cards in
the game, and instead of making a deck you draw one card each turn at random
from every available card.

There's three different ways you can win a game of Arcomage.

1. Completely destroy your opponent's tower.
2. Build your tower up to the designated level.
3. Build up the designated amount of each resource.

The second and third option can be changed in the options screen, which I'll
cover later on.

There's eight statistics to keep track of in this game, and all of them are
easily found. The first two, also the most important two, are the size of your
wall and tower. While your wall acts as a shield for your tower and is just
there to soak up damage, ignoring it isn't a good idea. There are a lot more
cards that just do damage normally compared to how many straight out target
your tower, and it's also a lot easier to build up your wall than it is to
build up your tower.

Then there's the three boxes on each side of the screen which represent the
levels of your Quarry, Magic and Dungeon. Each turn, you gain one brick, gem
and recruit for each level you have in their respective section. Resources
serve two purposed in Arcomage. Attaining a set level of them can win the game
and, more importantly, you spend them to cast the cards in your hand.

When playing the game, don't waste too many turns just playing whatever cards
look nice. Choose which winning condition you think will be the easiest to
achieve based on what your levels are. Your blue cards are great at building
up your tower, but they're not nearly as great at dealing damage as your green
cards are. If you've only got one level in magic and four in dungeon, spend a
turn here or there discarding your blue cards in hopes of picking up some
stronger green cards.

Arcomage can be played against the computer and will keep track of your best
times, and can also be played online via MPlayer or TCP/IP. I'm on dial-up so
I haven't tried playing much online, but good luck finding someone over

Arcomage is a fun game to kill a short amount of time with. There's only two
screens before you get to the menu screen, both of which can be bypassed by
hitting enter, and once you get a feel for the game you won't spend more than
five minutes on each game. My personal best is 37 seconds.


4. List Of Available Options

Because the game is pretty one-dimensional to begin with, you're allowed to
change all different kinds of settings in the game to make matches more drawn
out, or even quicker if you want. I've listed all of the options and each
available parameter below.

Starting Conditions
Tower Levels: 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 50
Wall Levels: 0 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 50
Quarry Levels: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Magic Levels: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Dungeon Levels: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Brick Quantities: 0 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 50
Gem Quantities: 0 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 50
Recruit Quantities: 0 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 50

Play Conditions
Automatically Get Number Of Bricks: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5
Automatically Get Number Of Gems: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5
Automatically Get Number Of Recruits: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5
Number Of Cards In Hand: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Computer AI To Play Against: Random | Defense | Attack

Victory Conditions
Tower Victory: 25 | 30 | 50 | 75 | 100 | 125 | 150 | 200
Resource Victory: 50 | 100 | 150 | 200 | 300 | 350 | 400 | 500 | 1,000


5. Pre-set Parameters For Taverns

Besides the ability to change the options manually, there are thirteen sets of
options for you to choose from as well. These are all specific sets of rules
found in the taverns of Might and Magic VII and Might and Magic VIII. They're
listed by tavern name and the location of the tavern.

[The Starting Parameters]
Starting Conditions
Tower Levels - 20
Wall Levels - 10
Quarry Levels - 2
Magic Levels - 2
Dungeon Levels - 2
Brick Quantities - 5
Gem Quantities - 5
Recruit Quantities - 5

Play Conditions
Automatically Get Number Of Bricks - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Gems - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Recruits - 0
Number Of Cards In Hand - 5
Computer AI To Play Against - Random

Victory Conditions
Tower Victory - 50
Resource Victory - 100

[On The House - Harmondale]
Starting Conditions
Tower Levels - 15
Wall Levels - 5
Quarry Levels - 2
Magic Levels - 2
Dungeon Levels - 2
Brick Quantities - 10
Gem Quantities - 10
Recruit Quantities - 10

Play Conditions
Automatically Get Number Of Bricks - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Gems - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Recruits - 0
Number Of Cards In Hand - 5
Computer AI To Play Against - Random

Victory Conditions
Tower Victory - 30
Resource Victory - 100

[Griffin's Rest - Erathia]
Starting Conditions
Tower Levels - 20
Wall Levels - 5
Quarry Levels - 2
Magic Levels - 2
Dungeon Levels - 2
Brick Quantities - 5
Gem Quantities - 5
Recruit Quantities - 5

Play Conditions
Automatically Get Number Of Bricks - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Gems - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Recruits - 0
Number Of Cards In Hand - 5
Computer AI To Play Against - Defense

Victory Conditions
Tower Victory - 50
Resource Victory - 150

[Emerald Inn - Tularean Forest]
Starting Conditions
Tower Levels - 20
Wall Levels - 5
Quarry Levels - 2
Magic Levels - 2
Dungeon Levels - 2
Brick Quantities - 5
Gem Quantities - 5
Recruit Quantities - 5

Play Conditions
Automatically Get Number Of Bricks - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Gems - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Recruits - 0
Number Of Cards In Hand - 5
Computer AI To Play Against - Attack

Victory Conditions
Tower Victory - 50
Resource Victory - 150

[Snobbish Goblin - Deyja]
Starting Conditions
Tower Levels - 25
Wall Levels - 10
Quarry Levels - 3
Magic Levels - 3
Dungeon Levels - 3
Brick Quantities - 5
Gem Quantities - 5
Recruit Quantities - 5

Play Conditions
Automatically Get Number Of Bricks - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Gems - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Recruits - 0
Number Of Cards In Hand - 5
Computer AI To Play Against - Attack

Victory Conditions
Tower Victory - 75
Resource Victory - 200

[Familiar Place - Bracada Desert]
Starting Conditions
Tower Levels - 20
Wall Levels - 10
Quarry Levels - 3
Magic Levels - 3
Dungeon Levels - 3
Brick Quantities - 5
Gem Quantities - 5
Recruit Quantities - 5

Play Conditions
Automatically Get Number Of Bricks - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Gems - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Recruits - 0
Number Of Cards In Hand - 5
Computer AI To Play Against - Defense

Victory Conditions
Tower Victory - 75
Resource Victory - 200

[The Blessed Brew - Celeste]
Starting Conditions
Tower Levels - 30
Wall Levels - 15
Quarry Levels - 4
Magic Levels - 4
Dungeon Levels - 4
Brick Quantities - 10
Gem Quantities - 10
Recruit Quantities - 10

Play Conditions
Automatically Get Number Of Bricks - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Gems - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Recruits - 0
Number Of Cards In Hand - 5
Computer AI To Play Against - Defense

Victory Conditions
Tower Victory - 100
Resource Victory - 300

[The Vampyre Lounge - The Pit]
Starting Conditions
Tower Levels - 30
Wall Levels - 15
Quarry Levels - 4
Magic Levels - 4
Dungeon Levels - 4
Brick Quantities - 10
Gem Quantities - 10
Recruit Quantities - 10

Play Conditions
Automatically Get Number Of Bricks - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Gems - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Recruits - 0
Number Of Cards In Hand - 5
Computer AI To Play Against - Attack

Victory Conditions
Tower Victory - 100
Resource Victory - 300

[The Laughing Monk - Evermorn Island]
Starting Conditions
Tower Levels - 20
Wall Levels - 10
Quarry Levels - 5
Magic Levels - 5
Dungeon Levels - 5
Brick Quantities - 25
Gem Quantities - 25
Recruit Quantities - 25

Play Conditions
Automatically Get Number Of Bricks - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Gems - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Recruits - 0
Number Of Cards In Hand - 5
Computer AI To Play Against - Random

Victory Conditions
Tower Victory - 150
Resource Victory - 400

[Fortune's Folly - Nighon]
Starting Conditions
Tower Levels - 20
Wall Levels - 10
Quarry Levels - 1
Magic Levels - 1
Dungeon Levels - 1
Brick Quantities - 15
Gem Quantities - 15
Recruit Quantities - 15

Play Conditions
Automatically Get Number Of Bricks - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Gems - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Recruits - 0
Number Of Cards In Hand - 5
Computer AI To Play Against - Attack

Victory Conditions
Tower Victory - 200
Resource Victory - 500

[Miner's Only - Barrow Downs]
Starting Conditions
Tower Levels - 20
Wall Levels - 50
Quarry Levels - 1
Magic Levels - 1
Dungeon Levels - 5
Brick Quantities - 5
Gem Quantities - 5
Recruit Quantities - 25

Play Conditions
Automatically Get Number Of Bricks - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Gems - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Recruits - 0
Number Of Cards In Hand - 5
Computer AI To Play Against - Random

Victory Conditions
Tower Victory - 100
Resource Victory - 300

[The Loyal Mercenary - Tidewater]
Starting Conditions
Tower Levels - 10
Wall Levels - 20
Quarry Levels - 3
Magic Levels - 1
Dungeon Levels - 2
Brick Quantities - 15
Gem Quantities - 5
Recruit Quantities - 10

Play Conditions
Automatically Get Number Of Bricks - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Gems - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Recruits - 0
Number Of Cards In Hand - 5
Computer AI To Play Against - Attack

Victory Conditions
Tower Victory - 125
Resource Victory - 350

[The Potted Pixie - Avlee]
Starting Conditions
Tower Levels - 10
Wall Levels - 20
Quarry Levels - 3
Magic Levels - 1
Dungeon Levels - 2
Brick Quantities - 15
Gem Quantities - 5
Recruit Quantities - 10

Play Conditions
Automatically Get Number Of Bricks - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Gems - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Recruits - 0
Number Of Cards In Hand - 5
Computer AI To Play Against - Defense

Victory Conditions
Tower Victory - 125
Resource Victory - 350

[Grogg's Grog - Stone City]
Starting Conditions
Tower Levels - 50
Wall Levels - 50
Quarry Levels - 5
Magic Levels - 3
Dungeon Levels - 5
Brick Quantities - 20
Gem Quantities - 10
Recruit Quantities - 20

Play Conditions
Automatically Get Number Of Bricks - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Gems - 0
Automatically Get Number Of Recruits - 0
Number Of Cards In Hand - 5
Computer AI To Play Against - Random

Victory Conditions
Tower Victory - 100
Resource Victory - 300


6. Card List

There are 102 cards in Arcomage of differing strengths and uses, exactly 34 in
each color. I've sorted them here by color and cost, and then alphabetically
as well.

6.1 Quarry Cards

Name: Brick Shortage
Cost: 0 Bricks
Effect: Each player loses eight bricks.

Name: Earthquake
Cost: 0 Bricks
Effect: Each player's Quarry level is reduced by one.

Name: Lucky Cache
Cost: 0 Bricks
Effect: Each player receives two bricks and two gems. Play an additional card.

Name: Strip Mine
Cost: 0 Bricks
Effect: Increases your wall by ten. You receive five gems. Your Quarry level
is reduced by one.

Name: Friendly Terrain
Cost: 1 Brick
Effect: Increases your wall by one. Play an additional card.

Name: Rock Garden
Cost: 1 Brick
Effect: Increases your wall and tower by one each. You receive two recruits.

Name: Basic Wall
Cost: 2 Bricks
Effect: Increases your wall by three.

Name: Innovations
Cost: 2 Bricks
Effect: You receive four gems. Each player's Quarry level increases by one.

Name: Work Overtime
Cost: 2 Bricks
Effect: Increases your wall by five. You lose six gems.

Name: Foundations
Cost: 3 Bricks
Effect: Increases your wall by three. Increases your wall by an additional
three if your wall was at 0 when you played this card.

Name: Miners
Cost: 3 Bricks
Effect: Increases your Quarry level by one.

Name: Sturdy Wall
Cost: 3 Bricks
Effect: Increases your wall by four.

Name: Collapse!
Cost: 4 Bricks
Effect: Reduces your opponent's Quarry level by one.

Name: Mother Lode
Cost: 4 Bricks
Effect: Increases your Quarry level by one. Increases your Quarry level by an
additional one if your Quarry level was lower than your opponents when you
played this card.

Name: Big Wall
Cost: 5 Bricks
Effect: Increases your wall by six.

Name: Copping the Tech
Cost: 5 Bricks
Effect: Increases your Quarry level to match your opponent's Quarry level.
This does not lower your Quarry level if you're Quarry level is higher.

Name: Flood Water
Cost: 6 Bricks
Effect: The player or players with the lowest wall take two damage to their
tower and their Dungeon levels are reduced by one.

Name: New Equipment
Cost: 6 Bricks
Effect: Increases your Quarry level by two.

Name: Dwarven Miners
Cost: 7 Bricks
Effect: Increases your wall by four. Increases your Quarry level by one.

Name: Forced Labor
Cost: 7 Bricks
Effect: Increases your wall by nine. You lose five recruits.

Name: Tremors
Cost: 7 Bricks
Effect: Deals five damage to all walls. Play an additional card.

Name: Reinforced Wall
Cost: 8 Bricks
Effect: Increases your wall by eight.

Name: Secret Room
Cost: 8 Bricks
Effect: Increases your Magic level by one. Play an additional card.

Name: Crystal Rocks
Cost: 9 Bricks
Effect: Increases your wall by seven. You gain seven gems.

Name: Porticulus
Cost: 9 Bricks
Effect: Increases your wall by five. Increases your Dungeon level by one.

Name: Barracks
Cost: 10 Bricks
Effect: Increases your wall by six. You gain six recruits. Increases your
Dungeon level by one if your dungeon level is lower than your opponent's
Dungeon level.

Name: Harmonic Ore
Cost: 11 Bricks
Effect: Increases your wall by six. Increases your tower by three.

Name: Mondo Wall
Cost: 13 Bricks
Effect: Increases your wall by twelve.

Name: Battlements
Cost: 14 Bricks
Effect: Increases your wall by seven. Does six damage to the enemy.

Name: Focused Designs
Cost: 15 Bricks
Effect: Increases your wall by eight. Increases your tower by five.

Name: Great Wall
Cost: 16 Bricks
Effect: Increases your wall by fifteen.

Name: Shift
Cost: 17 Bricks
Effect: Switch your wall with the opponent's wall.

Name: Rock Launcher
Cost: 18 Bricks
Effect: Increases your wall by six. Does ten damage to the enemy.

Name: Dragon's Heart
Cost: 24 Bricks
Effect: Increases your wall by twenty. Increases your tower by eight.

6.2 Magic Cards

Name: Bag of Baubles
Cost: 0 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by one. Increases your tower by an additional one
if it's lower than your opponent's tower when you played this card.

Name: Rainbow
Cost: 0 Gems
Effect: Increases each player's tower by one. You receive three gems.

Name: Quartz
Cost: 1 Gem
Effect: Increases your tower by one. Play an additional card.

Name: Amethyst
Cost: 2 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by three.

Name: Gemstone Flaw
Cost: 2 Gems
Effect: Does three damage to your opponent's tower.

Name: Prism
Cost: 2 Gems
Effect: Draw one card and then discard one card. Play an additional card.

Name: Smoky Quartz
Cost: 2 Gems
Effect: Does one damage to your opponent's tower. Play an additional card.

Name: Power Burn
Cost: 3 Gems
Effect: Does five damage to your tower. Increases your Magic level by two.

Name: Ruby
Cost: 3 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by five.

Name: Spell Weavers
Cost: 3 Gems
Effect: Increases your Magic level by one.

Name: Gem Spear
Cost: 4 Gems
Effect: Does five damage to your opponent's tower.

Name: Quarry's Help
Cost: 4 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by seven. You lose ten bricks.

Name: Solar Flare
Cost: 4 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by two. Does two damage to your opponent's tower.

Name: Apprentice
Cost: 5 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by four. Does two damage to your opponent's
tower. You lose three recruits.

Name: Discord
Cost: 5 Gems
Effect: Does seven damage to all towers. Each player's Magic level is reduced
by one.

Name: Lodestone
Cost: 5 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by eight. This card can't be discarded.

Name: Crystal Matrix
Cost: 6 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by three. Increases your Magic level by one.
Increases your opponent's tower by one.

Name: Emerald
Cost: 6 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by eight.

Name: Crumblestone
Cost: 7 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by five. Your opponent loses six bricks.

Name: Harmonic Vibe
Cost: 7 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by three. Increases your wall by three. Increases
your Magic level by one.

Name: Parity
Cost: 7 Gems
Effect: Increases the each player's Magic level to that of the highest
player's Magic level.

Name: Crystallize
Cost: 8 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by eleven. Reduces your wall by eight.

Name: Shatterer
Cost: 8 Gems
Effect: Does nine damage to your opponent's tower. Reduces your Magic level by

Name: Pearl of Wisdom
Cost: 9 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by five. Increases your Magic level by one.

Name: Sapphire
Cost: 10 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by eleven.

Name: Lightning Shard
Cost: 11 Gems
Effect: Does eight damage. If your tower is greater than your opponent's tower
when this card is played, it does eight damage to your opponent's tower

Name: Crystal Shield
Cost: 12 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by eight. Increases your wall by three.

Name: Fire Ruby
Cost: 13 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by six. Does four damage to your opponent's tower.

Name: Empathy Gem
Cost: 14 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by eight. Increases your Dungeon level by one.

Name: Sanctuary
Cost: 15 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by ten. Increases your wall by five. You receive
five recruits.

Name: Diamond
Cost: 16 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by fifteen.

Name: Lava Jewel
Cost: 17 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by twelve. Does six damage to the enemy.

Name: Phase Jewel
Cost: 18 Gems
effect: Increases your tower by thirteen. You receive six recruits and bricks.

Name: Dragon's Eye
Cost: 21 Gems
Effect: Increases your tower by twenty.

6.3 Dungeon Cards

Name: Full Moon
Cost: 0 Recruits
Effect: Increases each player's Dungeon level by one. You receive three

Name: Mad Cow Disease
Cost: 0 Recruits
Effect: Each player loses six recruits.

Name: Faerie
Cost: 1 Recruit
Effect: Does two damage. Play an additional card.

Name: Moody Goblins
Cost: 1 Recruit
Effect: Does four damage. You lose three gems.

Name: Elven Scout
Cost: 2 Recruits
Effect: Draw one card and then discard one card. Play an additional card.

Name: Gnome
Cost: 2 Recruits
Effect: Does three damage. You receive one gem.

Name: Spearman
Cost: 2 Recruits
Effect: Does two damage. Does one additional damage if your wall is greater
than your opponent's wall when this card is played.

Name: Goblin Mob
Cost: 3 Recruits
Effect: Does six damage. You take three damage.

Name: Minotaur
Cost: 3 Recruits
Effect: Increases your Dungeon level by one.

Name: Orc
Cost: 3 Recruits
Effect: Does five damage

Name: Berserker
Cost: 4 Recruits
Effect: Does eight damage. Does three damage to your tower.

Name: Goblin Archers
Cost: 4 Recruits
Effect: Does three damage to your opponent's tower. You take three damage.

Name: Dwarves
Cost: 5 Recruits
Effect: Does four damage. Increases your wall by three.

Name: Imp
Cost: 5 Recruits
Effect: Does six damage. Each player loses five bricks, gems and recruits.

Name: Slasher
Cost: 5 Recruits
Effect: Does six damage.

Name: Little Snakes
Cost: 6 Recruits
Effect: Does four damage to your opponent's tower.

Name: Ogre
Cost: 6 Recruits
Effect: Does seven damage.

Name: Rabid Sheep
Cost: 6 Recruits
Effect: Does six damage. Your opponent loses three recruits.

Name: Shadow Faerie
Cost: 6 Recruits
Effect: Does two damage to your opponent's tower. Play an additional card.

Name: Troll Trainer
Cost: 7 Recruits
Effect: Increases your Dungeon level by two.

Name: Spizzer
Cost: 8 Recruits
Effect: Does six damage. Does ten damage instead if opponent's wall was at
zero when this card was played.

Name: Tower Gremlin
Cost: 8 Recruits
Effect: Does two damage. Increases your wall by four. Increases your tower by

Name: Unicorn
Cost: 9 Recruits
Effect: Does eight damage. Does twelve damage instead if your Magic level is
higher than your opponent's Magic level.

Name: Werewolf
Cost: 9 Recruits
Effect; Does nine damage.

Name: Elven Archers
Cost: 10 Recruits
Effect: Does six damage. Does six damage to your opponent's tower instead if
your wall is greater than your opponent's wall.

Name: Corrosion Cloud
Cost: 11 Recruits
Effect: Does ten damage. Does seven damage instead if your opponent's wall was
at zero when this card was played.

Name: Rock Stompers
Cost: 11 Recruits
Effect: Does eight damage. Reduces your opponent's Quarry level by one.

Name: Thief
Cost: 12 Recruits
Effect: Reduces your opponent's gems by ten. Reduces your opponent's bricks by
five. You gain half of that amount, rounded up.

Name: Warlord
Cost: 13 Recruits
Effect: Does thirteen damage. You lose three gems.

Name: Succubus
Cost: 14 Recruits
Effect: Does five damage to your opponent's tower. Your opponent loses eight

Name: Stone Giant
Cost: 15 Recruits
Effect: Does ten damage. Increases your wall by four.

Name: Vampire
Cost: 17 Recruits
Effect: Does ten damage. Your opponent loses five recruits. Reduces your
opponent's Dungeon level by one.

Name: Pegasus Lancer
Cost: 18 Recruits
Effect: Does twelve damage to your opponent's tower.

Name: Dragon
Cost: 25 Recruits
Effect: Does twenty damage. Your opponent loses ten gems. Reduces your
opponent's Dungeon level by one


7. Credits

CJayC -
I need somewhere to post my reviews and my first faq at, and my webpage
building skills aren't exactly up to par.

3D0 -
Don't worry about clicking; 3D0 is no longer in business. Outside of Arcomage,
3D0 also published quite a few other games, most notably the Might and Magic
and Heroes of Might and Magic series from subsidiary New World Computing.

Michael Sarich
For the copyright below.


8. Copyright

This entire document is (C) 2006 Ryan Blackmore. All trademarks are property
of their respective owners. No section of this guide can be used without my
permission. This includes, but is not limited to posting on your website,
making links to my guide, including parts of my guide in your own, or making
reference to any material contained within.

All the sites mentioned below have permission to do the above. Please email me
at to enquire about gaining permission to use this document.
Anyone else who asks.
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