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The Usual:
This document is mine. Please don't rip it off or take credit for it. That
being said, feel free to post it on any site you want, provided you a)
don't make any changes to it, and b) don't charge money for it. You
don't even have to get my permission to post it (as long as it remains
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(joylock @ hotmail.com).
Some Comments:
I decided to make a health/reflex booster location FAQ for the FEAR expansion
pack. Of course, while I probably found most of them, I doubt that the FAQ
is complete as it is. If anyone could point me in the direction of more
boosters, that would be great.
Be aware, the guide contains moderate *SPOILERS* (but nothing too major).
Reflex Booster 1:
WHEN: Before you go into the church.
WHERE: To the right of the church entrance is a dark alley, next to
a crashed fuel truck. Go into the alley, you should see the booster's yellow
glow at the end.
Health Booster 1:
WHEN: At the beginning of the level.
WHERE: Smash the "Property of Armacham Inc" crate in the room where you
start out.
Health Booster 2:
WHEN: After the psychic vision of the blue light in the center of the black
WHERE: After the vision, you'll enter a wine cellar room with some
supplies on a table. The booster is on a shelf to the right.
Health Booster 3:
WHEN: At the beginning of the level, when you first enter the warehouse.
WHERE: In the first garage room with a truck trailer in it (just before
you fight the Replicas), the booster is behind a crate in the back, near a
dead employee.
Reflext Booster 2:
WHEN: After Fettel attacks you, and Alma opens the garage door for you.
WHERE: Go through the garage door, and the booster is behind a red ammo
box on the flat trailer in front of you.
Reflext Booster 3:
WHEN: Just before you meet the hiding civilian and flip the switch to lift
the cargo container.
WHERE: Go all the way up the stairs to a small, dark kitchen area. The booster
is behind the counter.
Health Booster 4:
WHEN: In the courtyard where you fight a large squad of Tactical Replicas,
just before Holiday starts following you on foot.
WHERE: Inside the armored truck, along with deployable turrets and medikits.
No Boosters Found
Reflext Booster 4:
WHEN: Immedietely after the fight with the Power Armor.
WHERE: A stack of boxes next to a fence on the path leading out to the
street. Jump on the boxes to get behind the fence and get the booster.
Health Booster 5:
WHEN: Immedietely after the cutscene where Alma kills the Replica Elite.
WHERE: When you exit the vent, you'll enter a room with a large hole
in the floor. Climb down a ladder into the hole, and the booster is on
a shelf in the corner.
=Orange Line:=
Health Booster 6:
WHEN: Just before Alma slaps you on the ladder.
WHERE: After you fight some Replicas in a basement-type area, you'll
break a grate and drop down to a lower level. Turn around and break
the large explosives crate behind you to find the booster.
Health Booster 7:
WHEN: A little after your first fight with a Heavy Minigunner
WHERE: On a table, in the room where two Replicas on the balcony are
having a conversation about the Pointman.
=The L:=
Health Booster 8:
WHEN: In the room where you turn a valve to raise the water level.
WHERE: On a barrel behind a generator, slightly hidden behind some
horizontal pipes. There's also a large stack of Cheezy Pooz bags
here, suggesting the presence of Norman Mapes.
Reflex Booster 5:
WHEN: After the big Pillar Room Fight, you'll fight two Replicas
on a catwalk inside a huge sewer drainage room.
WHERE: Take the ladder to the bottom of the room. The booster is
on a barrel in the corner.
Health Booster 9:
WHEN: In the last big subway fight, in the room with 3 subway cars,
just after your 2nd Heavy Minigunner fight.
WHERE: Inside the subway car on the right.
Reflex Booster 6:
WHEN: Same location as previous Health Booster.
WHERE: Same location as previous Health Booster.
Health Booster 10:
WHEN: In the elevator shaft, after the fight with the Laser Elite squads.
WHERE: In the elevator shaft, climb the ladder going up instead of the ladder
going down to find the booster, some armor, and a Minigun.
Health Booster 11:
WHEN: Immedietely after the fight with the 2 Heavy Armors and the Heavy
WHERE: Through the door the Minigunner blew up is a reception desk. The
booster is laying on it.
=Dark Heart:=
Reflext Booster 7:
WHEN: After young Alma and old Alma "merge".
WHERE: The booster is lying on the floor in one of the corridors on the way
out. It's impossible to miss.