Heart de Roommate

Heart de Roommate

16.10.2013 12:24:43
Heart De Roommate

Complete FAQ/Walkthrough

By YuSaKu

This H-Game is intended for Mature Audiences ONLY!!!
It includes a LOT of f'ing, (Involving a lot of underage girls).
It also contains a hefty ammount of hardcore, uncensored,
ALL-OUT f'íng, so if this offends you, or you are not old
enough to be looking at a girl's wet, juicy cunt, then go
away. Go on, shoo. AND PUT THAT THING AWAY, you'll
go blind. ;)

If you're still reading this, that means you're a sick-ass
pervert like the rest of us. Welcome brothers!!!
If you really enjoy this guide, please visit the Gamefaqs Contribution rating
page (http://www.gamefaqs.com/contribute/contrib_ratings.php) and give
me a few good reviews. I appreciate it in advance.

Table of Contents

I. Game Description
II. Cast of Characters
III. Episode Titles
IV. Walkthrough
V. CGI Gallery Completion
VI. Locations
VII. Contact Information
VIII. Other Works

I. Game Description

Yusuke Sawada has just transfered to a new school, but due to a series
of unfortunate incidents, he is left without a place to live. All alone in an
unknown land, he suddenly runs into his childhood friend Asumi. Misunderstanding
a prior incident, the always-hyper Asumi tells Yusuke that she intends to repay
her debt to him. She then forcibly takes Yusuke back to her all-girls' dorm and
announces to her astonished roommates that Yusuke will be living with them!
Life for Yusuke is not that easy, however, as Asumi orders Yusuke to take
care of all the cleaning, prepare meals for the girls and she even forces
him to wear a girl's uniform when they go to school, to hide their secret
of course...and all the while, he's living in a closet! Tough luck for
Yusuke, but he starts to enjoylife with his cute roommates. What he never
expected was his ever-growing passion towards these girls...

"Heart de Roommate" is a command selection adventure game. This game utilizes
a multi-ending system, where the story unfolds and changes according to
the commands selected. That means it's entirely up to you how the story unfolds.

But, rather than just being like every other CS game, this one has its own
unique twist. The entire game is presented in "episodes", Just like an Anime
series. There are 25 of these "episodes", and then the finale.

So, just imagine you're watching Love Hina, except you get to make all of the
choices as to what Keitaro does. Sound cool? We'll see...
II. Cast of Characters

Yusuke Sawada

Yusuke is the tragic hero of this story. His trek begins when he loses a place
to live on the very first day he transfers to a new school. He's not the manly
type, and he's quite becoming in a girl's uniform.

Asumi Hirota

A sprited, energetic girl. Her belief is "enjoying youth to the fullest
without any remorse." She is a bit self-centered and sometimes gets out
of control because of her eccentricity.

Tomoe Katsuragi

Tomoe is one of Asumi's roommates. She's mild mannered and very gentle.
Because of her kindness, she sometimes can't say "no" when people force
tasks upon her. Tomoe's family runs a famous hot spring hotel.

Marumu Ogamayama

Marumu is another roommate of Asumi. She's very quiet, but she occasionally
starts mumbling all of a sudden. Nobody knows for sure what she's thinking.
A very mysterious girl. *Note* It's everyone's favorite emotionless girl,
from Jungle Wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu, Guu-sama!! I'd recognize that
voice from anywhere.

Namiki Honjo

Namiki is our hero's cousin. She likes to take care of people and behaves
like a big sister. She also loves watching out for Yusuke and becomes quite
the rival to Asumi.

Yoshiko Yagami

A beautiful, kind teacher with a charming pair of glasses. Her kindness
results in her having to coach ten different school clubs, as well as
being a dormitory manager.


Toshibo is a big, fat stray cat. He's Tomoe's bodyguard/friend. Only
Tomoe can communicate with him.

III. Episode Titles

Episode 1 - "The Beginning"

Episode 2 - "Transformation"

Episode 3 - "The Name is Toshibo"

Episode 4 - "Emergency Meeting at the Hot Springs"

Episode 5 - "My Savage Sister!"

Episode 6 - "Code Name: U-SUKE"

Episode 7 - "U-SUKE Exposed!"

Episode 8 - "Clash of the Titans! Asumi vs. Namiki"

Episode 9 - "A Girl under the Moonlight"

Episode 10 - "The Baseball Fanatics"

Episode 11 - "Close Encounter of the Two Sisters"

Episode 12 - "Shaking Heart: Part 1"

Episode 13 - "Shaking Heart: Part 2"

Episode 14 - "The 'All Girls' Secret Meeting"

Episode 15 - "A New Semester & a Transfer Student"

Episode 16 - "Love Storm"

Episode 17 - "One Fine Day-Off"

Episode 18 - "The Day the Earth Falls"

Episode 19 - "Then the Three Meet"

Episode 20 - "The First Arranged Marriage Meeting"

Episode 21 - "The Adventures of Toshibo"

Episode 22 - "The New Life"

Episode 23 - "Fading Friendship"

Episode 24 - "Harmony of Minds"

Episode 25 - "Our Bright Youth"

Episode 26 - FINALE - "Roommates Forever"

IV. Walkthrough
This a straight up spoiler-filled walkthrough for the game. I have listed each
girl in the order you should attempt them, and I have labled each ending in
parenthesis with what type it is. There are only three bad endings, one involves
the Trio de Bitches, one involves Hikaru, and the other is just Yusuke being
indecisive. I split them up and included them in the other walkthroughs so that
you can save, then go back and get the bad ending without having to sit through
the whole game again.


(Good Ending)

See what happens next
I don't want to spend the night outside!
Have a seat
Talk to Tomoe
What the hell! Face it!
Search for Toshibo with them
Sure, I'll join you
I'd better keep quiet
I just give up
Asumi is the best
Leave without saying anything
Search some more
Leave her alone
Protect Ms. Yagami
Sorry, I did
I should vote for Asumi.
Think about it a little more
Get close to her quietly
Talk to her
Comfort her
Watch over the beautiful sight
Take her lesson
I'd better go home now
Don't ask him
It's Asumin!
Don't answer
Of course I'm a man!
Nod without a word
Declare my love for Asumi
Think of an excuse
Remain calm

(Bad Ending #1) (Overall Bad Ending)

See what happens next
I don't want to spend the night outside!
Have a seat
Talk to Tomoe
What the hell! Face it!
Search for Toshibo with them
Sure, I'll join you
I'd better keep quiet
I just give up
Asumi is the best
Leave without saying anything
Search some more
Leave her alone
Protect Ms. Yagami
Sorry, I did
I should vote for Asumi.
Think about it a little more
Get close to her quietly
Talk to her
Comfort her
Watch over the beautiful sight
Take her lesson
I'd better go home now
Don't ask him
It's Asumin!
Don't answer
Of course I'm a man!
Nod without a word
Declare my love for Asumi
Think of an excuse
Have sex with Hikaru


(Good Ending)

Run away from her at once!
I'm freezing. Could you warm me up?
Have a seat
Talk to Tomoe
What the hell! Face it
Search for Toshibo with them
No thanks
Admonish Asumi
I just give up
Tomoe is the best
Leave her without saying anything
Search some more
Help Tomoe
Protect Ms. Yagami
Sorry, I did
Tomoe could be a good leader!
Talk to Namiki
Get close to her quietly
Remain silent
Comfort her
Quickly cut them for her
Take her lesson
Stay and listen to her
Ask him
It's Moe-Moe!
Explain to her
Of course I'm a man!
I can't say anything
Declare my love for Tomoe
Think of an excuse
Remain Calm

(Bad Ending #2)

Run away from her at once!
I'm freezing. Could you warm me up?
Have a seat
Talk to Tomoe
What the hell! Face it
Search for Toshibo with them
No thanks
Admonish Asumi
I just give up
Tomoe is the best
Leave her without saying anything
Search some more
Help Tomoe
Protect Ms. Yagami
Sorry, I did
Tomoe could be a good leader!
Talk to Namiki
Get close to her quietly
Remain silent
Comfort her
Quickly cut them for her
Take her lesson
Stay and listen to her
Ask him
It's Moe-Moe!
Explain to her
Of course I'm a man!
I can't say anything
Declare my love for Tomoe
Apologize to her


(Good Ending)

See what happens next
Lend me some money for food and a place to stay
Go out of the room with Ms. Yagami
Get miffed
No way, Just run away!
Make an excuse
Sure, I'll join you
I'd better keep quiet
Run away!
Marumu is the best
Talk to Ms. Yagami
Give up and go home
Leave her alone
Wake her up
No, I didn't
I have to vote for Namiki
Think about it a little more
Talk to her
Talk to her
Push her
Quickly cut them for her
Take her lesson
I'd better go home now
Don't ask him
It's Marutan!
Don't answer
I can't answer with much confidence
Nod without a word
Declare my love for Marumu
Think of an excuse
Remain calm


Run away from her at once!
I'm freezing. Could you warm me up?
Go out of the room with Ms. Yagami
Talk to Tomoe
What the hell! Face it!
Search for Toshibo with them
Sure, I'll join you
I'd better keep quiet
I just give up
Namiki is the best
Talk to Ms. Yagami
Give up and go home
Leave her alone
Protect Ms. Yagami
Sorry, I did
I have to vote for Namiki
Talk to Namiki
Get close to her quietly
Talk to her
Comfort her
Watch over the beautiful sight
Take her lesson
Stay and listen to her
Don't ask him
It's Asumin!
Don't answer
Of course I'm a man!
Nod without a word.
I still don't know my true feelings

The game will end after Episode 13, but
Namiki's ending will be unlocked in the
CG Room.


Run away from her at once!
I'm freezing. Could you warm me up?
Go out of the room with Ms. Yagami
Talk to Tomoe
What the hell! Face it!
Search for Toshibo with them
Sure, I'll join you
I'd better keep quiet
I just give up
Namiki is the best
Talk to Ms. Yagami
Give up and go home
Leave her alone
Protect Ms. Yagami
Sorry, I did
I have to vote for Namiki
Talk to Namiki
Get close to her quietly
Talk to her
Comfort her
Watch over the beautiful sight
Take her lesson
Stay and listen to her
Don't ask him
It's Asumin!
Don't answer
Of course I'm a man!
Nod without a word.
I still don't know my true feelings

The game will end after Episode 13, but
Yoshiko's ending will be unlocked in the
CG Room.

V. CG Gallery Completion

Once you unlock all of the endings with Asumi, Tomoe, Marumu, Namiki, and
Yoshiko, plus get the overall bad ending (choose "Have Sex with Hikaru" on
Episode 24), you will unlock Asumi's "True" ending, thus completing the CG

VI. Locations Authorized to Display This FAQ

http://www.text-heaven.com/faqs.html - The original home of my FAQs

Gamefaqs.com - http://www.gamefaqs.com

Neoseeker - http://www.neoseeker.com/

DLH - http://dlh.net/

Supercheats - http://www.supercheats.com/

Justin's Website - http://ircanime.cjb.net/


If you want to display this FAQ on your website E-mail me at:


VII. Contact Information

http://www.myspace.com/ Display Name Milkywhitefaerie

AIM: Yusakuchan3, ToxicPuffyLips, MuunDreamerJem
Yahoo: Queenetteashley, Milkfaerie, MuunDreamerJem
MSN: Yusakuchan


/msg YuSaKu or /msg K0S-M0S

Text Message:

VIII. Other Works

Look for my other H-Game FAQs:

3 Sister's Story
Come See Me Tonight
Come See Me Tonight 2
Do You Like Horny Bunnies?
Do You Like Horny Bunnies? 2
Fatal Relations
Hitomi - My Stepsister
I'm Gonna Serve You! 4
Kana ~Little Sister~
Kana ~Little Sister~ Endings
Let's Meow Meow!
Nocturnal Illusion
Runaway City
Seasons of the Sakura
Snow Drop
Sweet Apricot*
The Sagara Family
Tokimeki Check-in!
Virgin Roster
X-Change 2
X-Change 3
Yin-Yang! X-Change Alternative

and of course my other FAQs:

The Adventures of Willy Beamish - Sega CD
Chrono Cross - PSX*
Earthbound - SNES*
Final Fantasy VII Dissertation
Gundam Battle Online - DC
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town - GBA*
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment - PSX*
Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire - GBA*
Pokemon XD - GCN
Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom - NES*
Tecmo Secret of the Stars - SNES*
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY Edition - Xbox
WWE Smackdown!: Here Comes the Pain - PS2
WWE Smackdown!: Shut Your Mouth - PS2*
Xenosaga Perfect Works*

* = Only available on my personal FAQ website
©2006-Present YuSaKu
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