

13.10.2013 10:50:29

Complete FAQ/Walkthrough

By YuSaKu

This H-Game is intended for Mature Audiences ONLY!!!
It includes a LOT of f'ing (Involving a Dr. Jeykll/Ms.
Hyde scenario, a rape bus, and dickgirl sex). It also
contains a hefty ammount of hardcore, uncensored,
ALL-OUT f'íng, so if this offends you, or you are
not old enough to be looking at a girl's wet, juicy
cunt, then go away. Go on, shoo. AND PUT THAT THING
AWAY, you'll go blind. ;)

If you're still reading this, that means you're a sick-ass
pervert like the rest of us. Welcome brothers!!!
If you really enjoy this guide, please visit the Gamefaqs Contribution rating
page (http://www.gamefaqs.com/contribute/contrib_ratings.php) and give
me a few good reviews. I appreciate it in advance.

Table of Contents

I. Game Description
II. System Requirements
III. Cast of Characters
IV. Walkthrough
V. Locations
VI. Contact Information
VII. Other Works

I. Game Description

Takuya Aihara is a normal, everyday Japanese guy living out his high school
life. Most people tend not to notice him because he's, well, a nerd. His only
interest in school seems to be the chemistry club. Accidents during chemistry
experiments have happened to Takuya in the past, but the next one just will
change his entire life forever. An accidental chemical spill somehow changes
his Y-chromosome into an X-chromisome, thereby turning him into a woman!

As a girl, everything changes for Takuya. suddenly he (she?) is the center
of everyone's attention at school. His locker becomes filled with love notes
from guys who want to date him (her?). As a high school guy, he is naturally
curious about sex, but just how far is he willing to take it? Will he ever
find a way to change back into a man? Furthermore, does he even want to?

X-Change is a menu-based adventure game. That means that it is up to you
to make the right choices to get Takuya back on the path to manhood. Will
he get the girl? Will he get the guy? Will he be cursed to live life as a
dreaded dickgirl? Each decision you make will effect Takuya's fate, so
choose wisely.

II. System Requirements

OS: Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me/2k/XP/2k3

Processor: Pentium I - 90 mhz or greater

Memory: 32Mb RAM or higher

Display: 640x480 and 16-bit medium color

Disc Drive: 2x CD-ROM or higher

Pointer Device: Microsoft compatible mouse

HDD: 60 MB of HDD space or greater

*A note about XP Comaptibility*

When you run the game under Windows XP
and your color scheme is set to 24-bit High
color or True color, you will get an error box
that states that the game will not run in 256
color mode. This is true on all OS' except XP.

Once you clear the box, the game *will* run,
provided that you have checked the box under
compatibility mode that says 'Run in 256
color mode'.

III. Cast of Characters

Takuya Aihara

As a guy, Takuya was a wimpy science nerd, but as a girl, he has a perfect
10 body, and every guy in the school knows it. After garnering all of the
attention, will Takuya want to change back into a guy? How will this effect
his relationship with Asuka?

Asuka Katakiri

Ever since they were children, Asuka has always looked out for Takuya.
Naturally, she's very uneasy about Takuya's new body, but she continues to
try and support him throughout the ordeal. With her tough facade, its
hard to tell how she really feels about the whole situation.

Asami Satoh

Asami and Takuya are the only members of the chemistry club. Satoh was
the founder, which makes her the president. She's smart, but she's more
than a little strange. She often uses Takuya as a test subject for her
weird experiments. Did she really do this to Takuya? More importantly,
can she or will she help him to change it?

Mr. Miyagi

Wax on! Wax off! ...Okay, this is not *that* Mr. Miyagi. This Mr. Miyagi
is the art teacher at Takuya's school. He's a nice guy who gets along
very well with all the students. Not surprisingly, he's very
sympathetic to Takuya's awkward situation, almost overly sympathetic,
but he does what is necessary to make Takuya comfortable with his
new body.

Keiko Matsunaga

The school's nurse. From the way she dresses, tight tops and short
skirts, she doesn't exactly look the part though. She's really
helped to comfort Takuya in the past. Exactly what kind of support
will she offer Takuya for his newest dilemma?

Mr. Terada

The gym teacher at Miyanomori Junior College. When Takuya was a guy,
he was always bullied by the coach, but maybe now since he is a girl,
he can gain some sympathy points....


Takuya's unholy bitch of a step-sister. She's a bit older than Takuya,
and up until now, has pretty much had nothing to do with him. However,
after the change, Natsumi has taken perverse delight in torturing her
new "sister".


Natsumi's boyfriend. He's extremely bad news, but with Natsumi all over
Takuya, it's becoming difficult to avoid him and his lecherous attitude.

Koji Kudo

Takuya's classmate. He's the shy kid at school. While most of the other
guys have noticed Takuya's new attributes, Koji has become enamored with
his new 'attributes'.

This a straight up spoiler-filled walkthrough for the game. I have listed each
ending and (One of) the correct routes that you must follow in order to obtain
it. This game can be a real bitch sometimes, as a lot of people become confused
as to which choices will advance you towards a different ending. All of the
choices that you make prior to exiting the Rape Bus the first time are exactly
the same, it's the choices that you make AFTER that point which affect your
ending. There are seven endings in all. Enjoy.

Ending #1

About teachers
Morning's dream
Just sleepx3
Lower shelfx2
Middle shelfx4
Upper shelfx5
Wash beakerx3
Wash test tubex3
Wash flask
It's a trickx2
It's a mistakex2
Examine furtherx3
One more time

Rape Bus sequence

Think about the situationx6
Look aroundx4
Take the case
Move away
Take the case

Talk to Miyagi-sensei
Restrain yourself

Rape Bus, Take Two

Look around the bus
Get off the busx3

Letter with picture of seax4
Letter with picture of penguinx2
Pink letterx2
Go to sister's room
Go to chemistry room
Look at green medicinex2
Look at red medicinex2
Choose the red medicine
Don't choose Satoh-san

Ending #2

About teachers
Morning's dream
Just sleepx3
Lower shelfx2
Middle shelfx4
Upper shelfx5
Wash beakerx3
Wash test tubex3
Wash flask
It's a trickx2
It's a mistakex2
Examine furtherx3
One more time

Rape Bus Sequence

Think about the situationx6
Look aroundx4
Take the case
Move away
Take the case

Talk to Miyagi-sensei
Restrain yourself

Rape Bus, Take Two

Look around the bus
Get off the busx3

Letter with picture of seax4
Letter with picture of penguinx2
Pink letterx2
Go to sister's room
Go to chemistry room
Look at green medicinex2
Look at red medicinex2
Choose the red medicine
Choose Satoh-san

Ending #3

Talk to Miyagi-sensei
Restrain Yourself

Rape Bus, Take Two

Look around the bus
Get off the busx3

Letter with picture of seax4
Letter with picture of penguinx2
Pink letterx2
Go to sister's room
Go to chemistry room
Look at green medicinex2
Look at red medicinex2
Choose the green medicine

Ending #4

Talk to Miyagi-sensei
Restrain yourself

Rape Bus, Take Two

Look around the bus
Get off the busx3

Letter with picture of seax4
Letter with picture of penguinx2
Pink letterx2
Don't go to sister's room
Give up and endure
Go to art room

Ending 4 complete!

Ending #5

Talk to Mr. Terada
Explain it to him
Show him proofx2
Go for it

Rape Bus, Take Two

Look around the bus
Get off the busx3

Letter with picture of seax4
Letter with picture of penguinx2
Pink letterx2

Ending #6

About teachers
Morning's dream
Just sleepx3
Lower shelfx2
Middle shelfx4
Upper shelfx5
Wash beakerx3
Wash test tubex3
Wash flask
It's a trickx2
It's a mistakex2
Examine furtherx3
One more time

Rape Bus sequence

Think about the situationx6
Look aroundx4
Take the case
Move away
Take the case
Talk to Nurse Matsunaga
Go for it

Rape Bus, Take Two

Look around the bus
Get off the busx3

Letter with picture of seax4
Letter with picture of penguinx2
Pink letterx2
Go to sister's room

Ending #7

About teachers
Morning's dream
Just sleepx3
Lower shelfx2
Middle shelfx4
Upper shelfx5
Wash beakerx3
Wash test tubex3
Wash flask
It's a trickx2
It's a mistakex2
Examine furtherx3
One more time

Rape Bus sequence

Think about the situationx6
Look aroundx4
Take the case
Move away
Take the case
Talk to Nurse Matsunaga
Go for it

Rape Bus, Take Two

Look around the bus
Get off the busx3

Letter with picture of seax4
Letter with picture of penguinx2
Pink letterx2
Don't go to sister's room
Cry out for help

After this, your CG room should be complete.


Walkthrough guides for:

X-Change 2 (Done)

X-Change 3 (Done)

Yin-Yang! X-Change Alternative (Done)

V. Locations Authorized to Display This FAQ

http://www.text-heaven.com/faqs.html - The original home of my FAQs

Gamefaqs.com - http://www.gamefaqs.com

Neoseeker - http://www.neoseeker.com/

DLH - http://dlh.net/

Supercheats - http://www.supercheats.com/

Justin's Website - http://ircanime.cjb.net/


If you want to display this FAQ on your website E-mail me at:


VI. Contact Information

http://www.myspace.com/ Display Name Milkywhitefaerie

AIM: Yusakuchan3, ToxicPuffyLips, MuunDreamerJem
Yahoo: Queenetteashley, Milkfaerie, MuunDreamerJem
MSN: Yusakuchan


/msg YuSaKu or /msg K0S-M0S

Text Message:

VII. Other Works
Look for my other H-Game FAQs:

3 Sister's Story
Come See Me Tonight
Come See Me Tonight 2
Divi Dead
Do You Like Horny Bunnies?
Do You Like Horny Bunnies? 2
Fatal Relations
Heart De Roommate
Hitomi - My Stepsister
I'm Gonna Serve You! 4
Kana ~Little Sister~
Kana ~Little Sister~ Endings
Let's Meow Meow!
Nocturnal Illusion
Runaway City
Seasons of the Sakura
Snow Drop
Sweet Apricot*
The Sagara Family
Tokimeki Check-in!
Virgin Roster
X-Change 2
X-Change 3
Yin-Yang! X-Change Alternative

and of course my other FAQs:

The Adventures of Willy Beamish - Sega CD
Chrono Cross - PSX*
Earthbound - SNES*
Final Fantasy VII Dissertation
Gundam Battle Online - DC
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town - GBA*
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment - PSX*
Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire - GBA*
Pokemon XD - GCN
Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom - NES*
Tecmo Secret of the Stars - SNES*
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY Edition - Xbox
WWE Smackdown!: Here Comes the Pain - PS2
WWE Smackdown!: Shut Your Mouth - PS2*
Xenosaga Perfect Works*

* = Only available on my personal FAQ website
©2003-Present YuSaKu
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Engl. FAQ

13.Octombrie 2013
Lösung im PDF-Format
Engl. Lösung

18.Octombrie 2013
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