Diner Dash

Diner Dash

17.10.2013 10:10:06

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Diner Dash... Playing this game will sharpen your entrepeneur instinct. It shows
us how a business in a restaurant goes with a fixed system. However, this fixed
system can't be implemented perfectly at the real life due to the difference
between action and mind etc.
This game is not my most favorite, yet playing the first few stages of this game
is a lot of fun and also has a great potential of relieving our stress. But
finishing through the whole game can become the stress maker itself. This
FAQ/Walkthrough only covers technical stuff of the game, I won't spoil the
storyline. Finally, I hope that this walkthrough can be useful to all of you
who need a guide for this game.
This document is a hard work of mine. You should respect another people's hard
work. I only make it because no full walkthrough of this game currently
available at Gamefaqs. As for the other rules, many of you should know it better
than me. This document is protected by international copyright treaties, do not
post it as your own, do not sell it for profit.


A. Revision History
B. Rules
C. Tips
D. Walkthrough
E. Endless Shift
G. Special Thanks


Version 1.0 -- 10/10/2006
First release. All things about this game are completed and included.
Version Final -- 3/3/2007
Minor corrections have been made.


You get control of Flo who is a restaurant manager and waitress. The basic rules
of the game can be found in the Help option from the Main Menu and the tutorial
Tipping behavior:
1. Young lady:
- She gives maximum 110 pts. Every one addition to the group will add 10 pts to
the maximum point.
- Losing one heart costs you 10 pts.
2. Senior:
- He gives maximum 105 pts. Every one addition to the group will add 5 pts to
the maximum point.
- Losing one heart costs you 10 pts.
3. Business woman:
- She gives maximum 115 pts. Every one addition to the group will add 15 pts to
the maximum point.
- Losing one heart costs you 10 pts.
4. College student:
- He gives maximum 110 pts. Every one addition to the group will add 10 pts to
the maximum point.
- Losing one heart costs you 10 pts.
5. Mr. Hot Shot:
- He gives maximum 110 pts. Every one addition to the group will add 10 pts to
the maximum point.
- Losing one heart costs you 10 pts.
6. Food critic:
- She gives maximum 110 pts.
- Losing one heart costs you 10 pts.
1. Picking menu = 20 pts each action.
2. Serving food = 30 pts each action.
3. Giving the cheque = 50 pts each action.
4. Clearing the dishes = 40 pts each action.
5. Matching the color seat = 100 pts per person.
6. Serving crab sticks = 75 pts.
7. Serving bread = 100 pts.
8. Serving the pappadom or samossa = 150 pts.


1. If you want to conquer this game, fast finger is the key.
2. Chain all your doings to the maximum.
3. After the customer call you to pick their menu up or make out bills, run to
them immediately in order to increase their happiness.
4. Infinite tries strategy: If you fail to reach the goal, click pause before
the shift ends, select quit the game, Flo's Career and continue from that point.


Let's get started!

!Important to read before following the walkthrough!
This walkthrough mainly shows you the game facts from the beginning to the end.
I will also give you some strategy to complete all the shifts as well as
obtaining an expert score for the first 30 shifts.
If you fail to reach the goal, the game will give you a note. I'll make this
note as the goal completion strategy. The expert score strategy will be given by
me. Warning: You will only get an expert score from obtaining an expert score,
you won't gain anything else.

You'll see some kind of comic at first, click the -> arrow at the bottom right
corner, then you'll begin the tutorial stage. Enjoy your experience in the first
restaurant, it'll be easy and a lot of fun.


A. LEVEL 1-1

Goal: 100 pts.
Expert score: 500 pts.
Difficulty: 0/10.

Note from the game:
None. You will achieve the goal.

Tips for an expert score:
Follow the tutorial and you will get an expert score.

B. LEVEL 1-2

Goal: 1000 pts.
Expert score: 3000 pts.
Difficulty: 1/10.

Note from the game:
Remember: seat the customers, take the order, deliver the food, drop the check,
and clean the table.

Tips for an expert score:
Do not make any customer leave and you will get an expert score.

C. LEVEL 1-3

Goal: 1500 pts.
Expert score: 3000 pts.
Difficulty: 1/10.

Note from the game:
Different colored customers means we have to seat them carefully to get the
seating bonus.

Tips for an expert score:
Do not make any customer leave and you will get an expert score even though you
must be a bit faster than before.

D. LEVEL 1-4

Goal: 3000 pts.
Expert score: 7000 pts.
Difficulty: 2/10.

Note from the game:
Let's be careful to use the four-top tables for big parties and two-top for
smaller ones.

Tips for an expert score:
You have to start to chain all your actions from picking the menu until cleaning
the table.

E. LEVEL 1-5

Goal: 3000 pts.
Expert score: 6000 pts.
Difficulty: 2/10.

Note from the game:
Use the coffee to make customers happier and earn bigger tips.

Tips for an expert score:
The same with before, chain all your actions. Try to seat them as well as
possible because the bonus will multiple each time you seat a customer

F. LEVEL 1-6

Goal: 4000 pts.
Expert score: 8000 pts.
Difficulty: 3/10.

Note from the game:
Let's take particular care of the food critic. Make sure she's really happy, and
don't let her leave mad.

Tips for an expert score:
Try to chain until minimum 3-4 customers. No dillydallying. Make sure you don't
let the Food Critic leave your restaurant because if you do so, she'll cut your
points by a whopping 4000 pts! The correct chair for Food Critic is the
colorless one.

G. LEVEL 1-7

Goal: 4000 pts.
Expert score: 8000 pts.
Difficulty: 4/10.

Note from the game:
Seniors will wait longer before they get mad, but they also take longer to
decide and eat.

Tips for an expert score:
Chaining will be a tad more difficult because seniors are slower than the young
ladies. Serve the coffee to the ladies if they have waited for too long. Also,
pay attention to the customers who call you, either for picking the menu or
giving the cheque. Serve them quickly, it'll increase their patience.

H. LEVEL 1-8

Goal: 6000 pts.
Expert score: 10000 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.

Note from the game:
We better keep an eye on the line and watch for angry customers.

Tips for an expert score:
The same with the previous shift.

I. LEVEL 1-9

Goal: 8000 pts.
Expert score: 14000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.

Note from the game:
Let's be careful about how we place customers. Color bonuses and good seating
can make a shift.

Tips for an expert score:
It'll be difficult. You must chain more. 5-6 customers are preferred. More
correct seating is required.

J. LEVEL 1-10

Goal: 10000 pts.
Expert score: 20000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.

Note from the game:
Remember that if we serve customers quickly, we can give them a happiness boost.

Tips for an expert score:
The same with level 1-9. Be careful because many big parties will come at the
end of this shift (considering you only have 2 four-top tables and 6 two-top


The second restaurant is a litle bit harder. You'll have three-color customers,
Red, Blue, and Yellow. Maybe some people can still enjoy taking all the shifts.
Don't try to get an expert score for all the shifts because it will be VERY

A. LEVEL 2-1

Goal: 3500 pts.
Expert score: 8000 pts.
Difficulty: 4/10.

Note from the game:
I guess three colors means more careful customer seating.

Tips for an expert score:
Try to chain all 4 customers at once. Many big parties will come at the end of
this shift makes you can't chain all of them.

B. LEVEL 2-2

Goal: 4000 pts.
Expert score: 8000 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.

Note from the game:
With only four-top tables, we'll need to be careful how we seat parties of one
and two.

Tips for an expert score:
About the same with before.

C. LEVEL 2-3

Goal: 5000 pts.
Expert score: 11000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.

Note from the game:
Don't forget to use the Tiki Drinks to make the customers happier.

Tips for an expert score:
Expert score starts to be very difficult to get. If you insist on obtaining it,
chain 5 customers at once, give Tiki Drinks for angry customers. The seat
matching is very annoying, just try to match them as well as possible.

D. LEVEL 2-4

Goal: 5000 pts.
Expert score: 10000 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.

Note from the game:
Remember, if we stand at the podium until the heart fills up, it will make
everyone in line happier.

Tips for an expert score:
The podium makes expert score more possible to get. Stand at the podium when
the seated customers are eating to increase the patience of the waiting

E. LEVEL 2-5

Goal: 6000 pts.
Expert score: 9000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.

Note from the game:
Remember: The longer we do the same action, the bigger the chain bonus!

Tips for an expert score:
Now what? Chaining only makes you complete the shift from now on. You must
even better in chaining the customers and doing anything else perfectly such as
standing at the podium at the right time, and pay attention to calling customers
for an expert score.

F. LEVEL 2-6

Goal: 6000 pts.
Expert score: 12000 pts (not 9000 pts).
Difficulty: 7/10.

Note from the game:
We should serve these business women quickly. They get mad quickly, but they tip

Tips for an expert score:
The expert score is higher than it must be. Guess what? I can't get the expert
score because business women are the most loathful people on the planet *Runs*

G. LEVEL 2-7

Goal: 6000 pts.
Expert score: 11000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.

Note from the game:
Chains of four, five, or even higher are the key to big earnings. Keep chaining!

Tips for an expert score:
Chaining five customers is a must. Stand at the podium as soon as the shift
begins and when the customers are eating. Watch for the seat matching especially
for the six-top table because the bonus can be sky high. No idle action even for
a second!

H. LEVEL 2-8

Goal: 6000 pts.
Expert score: 10000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.

Note from the game:
With all the business women, we're going to have to stay on our toes.

Tips for an expert score:
You must start to plan all your actions. Chain them in this order: 4 5 5 3.
Stand at the podium when sitting the customers and when they are eating, and do
everything else correctly so that NONE of them leaves your restaurant mad.

I. LEVEL 2-9

Goal: 7500 pts.
Expert score: 15000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.

Note from the game:
If we get customers eating at the same time, we can score big chains and have
time for the podium.

Tips for an expert score:
It's the same difficult as before. Here's the chaining plan:
Customer | Chaining number
3 seniors | 1
4 business women | 1
2 young ladies | 1
3 young ladies | 2
2 seniors | 1
6 seniors | 1
2 young ladies | 2
3 business women | 2
5 business women | 2
2 seniors | 2
2 seniors | 2
2 young ladies | 2
5 young ladies | 3
2 business women | 3
3 seniors | 3
2 business women | 3
3 business women | 3
3 business women | 4
6 young ladies | 4
2 business women | 3
3 business women | 4
4 young ladies | 5

J. LEVEL 2-10

Goal: 10000 pts.
Expert score: 17000 pts.
Difficulty: 8/10.

Note from the game:
The time when lots customers are eating is the best time to stop at the podium.

Tips for an expert score:
When many customers are on the line, seat the business women first, then the
young ladies, and let the seniors wait.
Customer | Chaining number
6 business women | 1
4 young ladies | 1
2 seniors | 1
2 business women | 1
4 young ladies | 1
2 seniors | 4
6 seniors | 5
5 young ladies | 2
3 business women | 2
2 young ladies | 2
2 business women | 2
3 young ladies | 3
3 business women | 2
3 young ladies | 4
2 business women | 2
2 young ladies | 2
2 young ladies | 3
2 seniors | 3
5 young ladies | 4
2 business women | 3
6 business women | 3
3 business women | 3
2 young ladies | 3


The third reataurant will start to cause your stress instead of mitigating it.
The customers now have 4 colors, Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green. And starting
from now on, every customer leaves your restaurant mad will cut your points by
750. I recommend you to focus on the goal only, do not bother about the expert
score. But, I still give some strategy to get an expert score for you who are
still interested to get them.

A. LEVEL 3-1

Goal: 3500 pts.
Expert score: 7000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.

Note from the game:
Four colors makes the seating harder, but color bonuses are a big part of our

Tips for an expert score:
Just as usual, chain to the maximum. More careful seating is needed.

B. LEVEL 3-2

Goal: 5000 pts.
Expert score: 10000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.

Note from the game:
Let's use those drinks and podium to keep those customers happy.

Tips for an expert score:
It should be easier than 3-1 because you have drinks and podium now.

C. LEVEL 3-3

Goal: 7000 pts.
Expert score: 12000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.

Note from the game:
When so many different size groups, we have to be careful not to choke up the
big tables.

Tips for an expert score:
Starting from this level, goal score and expert score is getting closer. That's
why I suggest you to concentrate to reach the goal score only.
The line is very suitable for easy chaining, you just need fast finger.

D. LEVEL 3-4

Goal: 8000 pts.
Expert score: 11000 pts.
Difficulty: 8/10.

Note from the game:
Be sure to use customer types to our advantage. Use particular pacings to set
things up.

Tips for an expert score:
Below is my chaining suggestion. As for the seat matching, you just need to pay
attention to one customer, don't take too long at matching them.
Customer | Chaining number
6 seniors | 1
3 young ladies | 1
4 business women | 1
2 young ladies | 1
2 seniors | 1
6 business women | 1
3 seniors | 4
2 young ladies | 2
3 young ladies | 2
2 business women | 2
3 seniors | 4
3 business women | 2
6 young ladies | 3
2 young ladies | 3
2 business women | 2
2 seniors | 4
4 young ladies | 3
5 young ladies | 4
2 business women | 2

E. LEVEL 3-5

Goal: 8000 pts.
Expert score: 11000 pts.
Difficulty: 8/10.

Note from the game:
When customers are asking for crab sticks, we better deliver them quickly. Keep
an eye our for requests.

Tips for an expert score:
Crab sticks surely make life harder. Luckily, this time we only get seniors and
young ladies as our customers and the line is not very crowded. The best
chaining order is 5 6 6 customers. Wait for all customers to put the menu on the
table before picking them and wait for them finish eating before giving their
cheque to chain them all.

F. LEVEL 3-6

Goal: 7000 pts.
Expert score: 9500 pts.
Difficulty: 8/10.

Note from the game:
Few tables means that we have to use the podium more to keep people happy.

Tips for an expert score:
Crab sticks request can hinder you from long chaining. Just don't expect you
will chain all of your actions perfectly. Oh, and also double click to the
crab sticks will result in taking two of them.
Chaining suggestion for this level:
Customer | Chaining number
4 young ladies | 1
3 business women | 1
6 seniors | 1
5 young ladies | 1
2 seniors | 1
6 seniors | 3
3 business women | 2
2 young ladies | 3
5 seniors | 3
2 young ladies | 3
3 business women | 2
1 food critic | 3
5 business women | 2
3 seniors | 3
6 business women | 2
2 business women | 2
2 young ladies | 3

G. LEVEL 3-7

Goal: 8000 pts.
Expert score: 11000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.

Note from the game:
Remember that college kids are very impatient in line, but once we seat them,
they're pretty slow.

Tips for an expert score:
The customers are only young ladies and college kids. It's about the same with
the last shift. Suggested chaining order is 5 6 5.

H. LEVEL 3-8

Goal: 9000 pts.
Expert score: 12000 pts.
Difficulty: 8/10.

Note from the game:
Lots of tables means the potential for really long chains. Let's try to get the
customers in sync.

Tips for an expert score:
All types of customer mixes together adds the trouble. This is the example of
chaining order which can make it.
Customer | Chaining number
3 seniors | 1
5 young women | 1
2 business women | 1
3 college kids | 1
2 seniors | 1
6 college kids | 1
5 business women | 2
2 young ladies | 2
3 college kids | 2
2 young ladies | 2
5 seniors | 2
3 college kids | 2
2 young ladies | 3
2 business women | 2
2 seniors | 3
5 college kids | 3
3 young ladies | 3
6 seniors | 3
3 college kids | 3
3 young ladies | 3

I. LEVEL 3-9

Goal: 9000 pts.
Expert score: 11000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.

Note from the game:
Everyone this shift is asking for snacks, so we may have to drop chains to keep
everyone happy.

Tips for an expert score:
Everyone in this shift will ask for crab sticks when they're looking at the menu
and eating. Chaining should be easier because their actions are more
predictable. Always carry the snack in both of your hands because of the
numerous demands. If you carry it too many, you can simply dispose it into the
bus station. While the customers are eating, stand at the podium and ignore
all the snack requests.
Customer | Chaining number
3 business women | 1
2 young ladies | 1
3 college kids | 1
6 seniors | 1
2 seniors | 1
3 college kids | 1
6 business women | 1
3 young ladies | 2
3 college kids | 2
2 young ladies | 2
2 seniors | 3
5 young ladies | 3
3 young ladies | 3
2 business women | 2
5 college kids | 2
2 young ladies | 2
2 seniors | 3
5 business women | 2
4 young ladies | 3

J. LEVEL 3-10

Goal: 9000 pts.
Expert score: 12000 pts.
Difficulty: 9/10.

Note from the game:
Using the initial seat colors could be an easy way for us to get some color
bonuses going.

Tips for an expert score:
This shift is one of the "trap shift". The seniors come first, then followed
by business women and college kids. Supposed you take care of the seniors first,
it would be too late for you to take care of the business women and college kids
behind because the seniors are asking for crab sticks.
So, this is the strategy: Stand at the podium for a very long time at first
and seat all the business women, college kids, and young ladies first and then
take care of all the seniors last. You can get a sky high points by doing this.
This strategy also works very well for the rest of the shifts.
Customer | Chaining number
2 seniors | 3
6 seniors | 3
3 seniors | 3
5 seniors | 1
3 seniors | 3
2 young ladies | 1
2 business women | 1
3 college kids | 1
3 college kids | 1
6 business women | 1
2 business women | 1
4 college kids | 1
2 young ladies | 2
3 seniors | 3
2 young ladies | 3
2 college kids | 2
3 business women | 2
2 college kids | 2
5 young ladies | 2
2 young ladies | 2
6 college kids | 2
4 young ladies | 2


The fourth restaurant is very luxurious. Here is the final addition to
customers' color: Violet. Starting from this restaurant, I do not give any
expert score strategy because I don't have any more strategy to tell you, all
the above tips are enough to take on the whole game. Besides, reaching the goal
starting from this level can be considered as an expert already. And also, your
money will be taken by 1000 for each leaving customer.

A. LEVEL 4-1

Goal: 4000 pts.
Expert score: 9000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.

Note from the game:
Without a podium or drink station, we'll need to move quickly to keep everyone

B. LEVEL 4-2

Goal: 7000 pts.
Expert score: 13000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.

Note from the game:
Use the podium to calm the line and the wine to save customers who are about to

C. LEVEL 4-3

Goal: 5000 pts.
Expert score: 12000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.

Note from the game:
When customers ask for bread, we better deliver it fast or else they'll get

Extra tips: You may ignore all customers who come early and begin to seat seven
last customers slightly before the restaurant is closed. Chain all of them and
you'll reach the goal safely.

D. LEVEL 4-4

Goal: 5500 pts.
Expert score: 12000 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.

Note from the game:
We can use the bar to seat different size groups. That should help us when we
run out of tables.

E. LEVEL 4-5

Goal: 6000 pts.
Expert score: 10000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.

Note from the game:
Colored seats worked the same at the bar, so we should be careful how we seat
customers there too.

F. LEVEL 4-6

Goal: 7000 pts.
Expert score: 14000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.

Note from the game:
We have to seat that bar carefully to leave seats for big groups, but also to
make color matches.

G. LEVEL 4-7

Goal: 7000 pts.
Expert score: 14000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.

Note from the game:
Hot shots are very patient on line, but be sure to serve them quickly when
they're seated.

H. LEVEL 4-8

Goal: 6000 pts.
Expert score: 12000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.

Note from the game:
We do best if we handle customers according to type. Use each group's patience
to our advantage.

Extra tips: Mr. Hot Shots don't add our troubles. Just let him wait along with
the seniors and concentrate to the other customers.

I. LEVEL 4-9

Goal: 9000 pts.
Expert score: 14000 pts.
Difficulty: 8/10.

Note from the game:
Watch the line carefully. If an impatient customer is close to leaving, we
should seat them right away.

J. LEVEL 4-10

Goal: 11000 pts.
Expert score: 14000 pts.
Difficulty: 9/10.

Note from the game:
Sometime it's worth it to break a chain for bread, and sometimes it's better to
let them get upset.

Extra hint: The same with level 3-10. Very hard if you handle them straightly.


And now, the final restaurant, and you're changed into a Waitress God with four
hands sitting on a Kintoun Cloud-like thing. Faster action and more chaining is
expexted here because the line will be more and more crowded. Your points will
be reduced by 2000 for each leaving customer.

A. LEVEL 5-1

Goal: 5000 pts.
Expert score: 10000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.

Note from the game:
With four arms, I can carry so much more. That should help since there's no
podium or drinks.

B. LEVEL 5-2

Goal: 7000 pts.
Expert score: 13000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.

Note from the game:
Things are harder now, but the basics are the same: podium for breaks, and
drinks to save groups.

C. LEVEL 5-3

Goal: 9000 pts.
Expert score: 14000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.

Note from the game:
The pappadom works just like the bread, but now that I have four arms, we can
always carry some.

D. LEVEL 5-4

Goal: 10000 pts.
Expert score: 16000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.

Note from the game:
Lots of tables and a bar, but with this many customers, we have to be careful
how long we chain.

E. LEVEL 5-5

Goal: 10000 pts.
Expert score: 20000 pts.
Difficulty: 8/10.

Note from the game:
Two different snacks means we have to be prepared for both requests all the

Extra tips: The game begins to go crazy here. If you want to fulfill all the
snack requests, double click to both the snacks. Also note that you can't make
out bills while your arms are full of snacks. And, you can't chain the drinks.
Strategy for high score remains the same. Stand at the podium for very long
time. Seat according to this priority: business women, college kids, young
ladies, hot shots, and last, seniors then chain to the maximum. Concentrate to
the podium and ignore snack requests for first few chains. You may start to give
them snacks when the line is only filled with seniors. Doesn't that make this
game become a piece of cake? (Eh, this strategy doesn't work for level 5-8)
Customer | Chaining number
3 young ladies | 1
2 seniors | 4
6 hot shots | 2
2 young ladies | 1
4 hot shots | 3
3 business women | 1
2 seniors | 4
2 college kids | 1
2 young ladies | 1
6 hot shots | 3
4 business women | 1
3 young ladies | 1
2 seniors | 3
2 young ladies | 2
5 college kids | 1
2 seniors | 2
6 young ladies | 2
3 seniors | 3
2 young ladies | 2
2 college kids | 2
4 business women | 2
2 seniors | 2
3 young ladies | 2
3 hot shots | 3
2 young ladies | 3
2 seniors | 4
5 hot shots | 3
2 business women | 3

F. LEVEL 5-6

Goal: 10000 pts.
Expert score: 20000 pts.
Difficulty: 8/10.

Note from the game:
Customers are asking for a lot of snacks, so we need to decide when we can
afford to break chains for them.

G. LEVEL 5-7

Goal: 16000 pts.
Expert score: 19000 pts.
Difficulty: 9/10.

Note from the game:
The line is coming in big spurts, so we'll have to figure out the right rythm to

H. LEVEL 5-8

Goal: 20000 pts.
Expert score: 30000 pts.
Difficulty: 10/10.

Note from the game:
These customers are eating especially fast, so we'll have to move really fast
not to lose them.

Extra tips: And now the crowds can devour all the food at once and don't ask
for any snacks (luckily). I choose this shift as the hardest shift of the game
because it needs a different strategy from all the other shifts that we must
think again. Moreover, you have to concentrate more and move really fast. Don't
try to chain to the max especially if there're many business women on the table.
The difference is only that you shouldn't concentrate to the podium anymore.
Take care of all people sitting on the table then you may move to the podium.
You may just ignore all color bonuses for this shift.

I. LEVEL 5-9

Goal: 20000 pts.
Expert score: 30000 pts.
Difficulty: 8/10.

Note from the game:
Without the color bonuses, chaining is going to be critical for us to pass this

J. LEVEL 5-10

Goal: 45000 pts.
Expert score: 55000 pts.
Difficulty: 8/10.

Note from the game:
This shift is a marathon! We may lose some customers, but we have to keep going
no matter what.

The final shift is just about the same with before, but it is a very long one.
After finishing it, you'll own the whole game.


Easier level offers more patient customers and lower goal target. The higher
level you go, the more impatient the waiting customers become. But once you
seat them, they will become nicer.

Easy level:
Level 1 goal: 400 pts.
Level 2 goal: 1200 pts.
Level 3 goal: 2700 pts.
Level 4 goal: 4700 pts.
Level 5 goal: 8200 pts.
Level 6 goal: 13200 pts.
Level 7 goal: 19200 pts.
Level 8 goal: 26700 pts.
Level 9 goal: 35200 pts.
Level 10 goal: 43700 pts.
Adds 8500 pts per next level up.

Medium level:
Level 1 goal: 2000 pts.
Level 2 goal: 5000 pts.
Level 3 goal: 11000 pts.
Level 4 goal: 18000 pts.
Level 5 goal: 26000 pts.
Level 6 goal: 36000 pts.
Level 7 goal: 47000 pts.
Level 8 goal: 59000 pts.
Level 9 goal: 72000 pts.
Level 10 goal: 85000 pts.
Adds 13000 pts per next level up.

Hard level:
Level 1 goal: 3000 pts.
Level 2 goal: 8000 pts.
Level 3 goal: 15000 pts.
Level 4 goal: 23000 pts.
Level 5 goal: 32000 pts.
Level 6 goal: 42000 pts.
Level 7 goal: 53000 pts.
Level 8 goal: 65000 pts.
Level 9 goal: 78000 pts.
Level 10 goal: 91000 pts.
Adds 13000 pts per next level up.

1. New Table
= Add a new table to the restaurant.
2. Transistor Radio, Bookshelf Stereo, Surround Sound System
= Increases patience of seated customers.
3. Bobcat Running Shoes, Serve Masters, Mercury Air Racers
= Makes Flo move faster.
4. Super Oven
= Food appears fast.
5. Oven X-Treme
= Food appears faster.
6. Super Oven X-Treme
= Food appears fastest.
7. Drink Station
= Give your customer coffee for a mood boost.
8. Podium
= Stand at the podium to chat with waiting customers for a mood boost.
9. Apprentice Juggler, House Performer, Master Mime
= Increases patience of waiting customers.
10. Podium Deluxe
= Podium can be used sooner and gives more mood boost.
11. Podium Cruiser 2000
= Podium charges up faster.
12. Podium Elite Cruiser
= Podium gives more of a mood boost.
13. Drink Master Ultra
= Makes coffee faster
14. Ultra Drinkmaster Max Pro
= Makes better coffee that gives more mood boost.


Q: I'm stuck in level [this-that]. Please help.
A: That's what this guide made for.

Q: Please help for Diner Dash: Flo On The Go.
A: I can't do anything for this question. Maybe I will write the
FAQ/Walkthrough for this game also in the future, but I can't guarantee
anything since I don't have the required support (yet).


Gamefaqs. Because I always use an FAQ when I play a game.
Playfirst(TM). For creating this game.
My friend, Andi. For lending me this game.
You. For reading this.
God. For the judgement day to this world (hopefully).

This is final version, dude! No more questions or anything regarding this game.
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