Gib im ersten OPTIONS-Menü ein:
cup of choice Alle Cuprennen auswählbar
that takes me back Rückwärts-Modus
i have the key Alle Strecken und Autos auswählbar
Diese Cheats funktionieren nur, wenn Du schnell genug bist, um auf der
Highscore-Liste zu erscheinen, die CHECKPOINTS-Option muß aktiviert
knacked - Kehre die Strecken um
whoooosh - Nitros (drücke die Hupe während des Rennens)
mjcim.rc - Kleine Autos
sausage - Bonus-Autos
Go to the first OPTIONS menu and type:
cup of choice --This unlocks all cup races!
that takes me back --This enables backwards mode!
i have the key --This unlocks all cars and tracks!
Other Cheat Codes:
To use these codes you must be fast enough to have your time entered
on the high score screen (make sure to turn checkpoints on from
OPTION screen.)
knacked - Reverse tracks
whoooosh - Nitros (press HORN while racing)
mjcim.rc - Tiny cars
sausage - Bonus cars
Note: After entering the codes make sure you save your game.
Otherwise, you will have to run this each time you play.
Also, if you use the Nitro code don't try it until you're in second
or higher gear. Otherwise you'll spin out.
17.Octombrie 2013
17.Octombrie 2013
17.Octombrie 2013
engl. Cheats
10.Octombrie 2013
PAL Patch für die europäische PAL Version.