Total Distortion
TD FAQ 1.0.7b2
By Kevin Krejci & Ross A. Reyman
Compiled by Ross A. Reyman
December 1995
Note: This FAQ is designed to prompt you to find the answers, not flat
out TELL you the answers. To get more specific answers to puzzles, talk
to other gamers, EMail us directly and try to pry some answers from us,
or go get the Strategy Guide (available soon...) !!!
I. Introduction
- What is the object of Total Distortion?
- How long does Total Distortion take to play?
- What are those challenge setting slider knobs on the Control Panel
- How do you earn fame points?
II. General Tips
- What is the best advice for this game?
- How do I build up my Life Force?
- How can I boost my Mental Energy outside of the Tower?
III. Personal Media Tower
- How many different video treasures are there for making music videos?
- How many books are there and what are they for?
- How many different radio shows are there?
- What criteria do Stevie Groovie, Yuji Dude and Hans Kranger use to
your videos?
IV. Halls of Distortion
- How do I kill the Guitar Warrior?
- Is it possible to placate a Guitar Warrior by selling or giving him
VI. Sky Maze
- I've reached a door but I can't open it!
- Where can I find Card X?
VII. Vid Halls
- How do I get past the monitors without getting hurt?
- How do you access the Spiked Monitor?
- How do I swear allegiance to the Metal Lord?
- Do I need specific footage for the Spiked Monitor?
- What do I do with the blank TV after the VidHall monitors?
VIII. Cable Maze
- WHOA! What's this place all about?
IX. Hell's Garage
- What's the deal with this place?
- Why can't I move/go anywhere in Hell's Garage?
- What do I use the gasoline for?
X. LA Stage
- How do you sneak footage out of L.A. Stage?
XI. Sonic Cemetery
- Why can't I move/go anywhere in Sonic Cemetary?
XII. Misc.
- Easter Eggs? Did somebody say "easter eggs?"
I. Introduction
- What is the object of Total Distortion?
As an adventurous music video producer in search of whacked-out original
material for your videos, you blow millions of dollars on a Personal
Tower and teleport one-way to the Distortion Dimension. You risk your
conquering the dimension to gather valuable media treasures that
international TV producers back on earth are paying big bucks for. The
object of the game is your choice - wealth, fame, or both wealth and
- How long does Total Distortion take to play?
We've found that it takes the average player around two weeks or about
hours of game play to win their first round of TD on the Normal settings
(Wealth and Fame as goal, at difficulty and danger settings of 3). If
increase the challenge settings, or simply choose to enjoy the many
"diversions", one could have fun wallowing endlessly.
- What are those challenge setting slider knobs on the Control Panel
The levels you choose will impact your initial levels of physical
mental energy, life force, cash, food, and other vital equipment. For
instance, on the easiest setting you will be provided with a cheap
guitar. On the more difficult settings you'll have to buy your own
The challenge settings will also impact your Guitar Warrior battles. On
easier settings, you'll see colors, while the tougher settings force you
rely on your musical ears. Mr. Red will let you know his thoughts as you
out the different settings, but many choose to start easy, but go back
play their future rounds on the more challenging settings. Many other
are also affected, but you'll have to find those out on your own.....
- How do you earn fame points?
Fame points are earned when you successfully battle guitar warriors,
puzzling puzzles, and discover new areas in the dangerous outer depths
the Distortion Dimension.
II. General Tips
- What is the best advice for this game?
Save, save, save!!! Save your game often, and keep good track of your
- How do I build up my Life Force?
Ah, the question that has puzzled many. There are many rumours about
this mystery that is wrapped in an enigma. Some say certain foods and
drinks may help, others report that areas of the Distortion Dimension
may have the ability to replenish Life Force and yet others say that
there is no way to build up Life Force. The only proven way of building
up your Life Force is to get plenty of rest and stay healthy. Over time
your LF will increase...
- How can I boost my Mental Energy outside of the Tower?
Taking canteens full of mega-rich caffeine drinks may help. What's your
favorite coffee drink? Observe all signs and posters.
III. Personal Media Tower
- How many different video treasures are there for making music videos?
There are well over 1,500 clips total. A few are in your TDVS Sequencer
(brought with you from Earth), but it is highly recommended that you use
your video camera out in the Distortion Dimension to capture clips. With
so many clips to use as backgrounds, middle grounds, and foregrounds,
and so many scenes to put together, you
could potentially make billions and billions of distinctly unique
- How many books are there and what are they for?
There are nearly 50 books. Many of the books were stocked with the
Media Tower when you bought it, such as the books about all the
found on board. Others are puzzles that provide you with clues about the
Distortion Dimension. Some books are arcade type games that help you
experience emotional catharsis, or stress relief after dealing with
TV producers. Other books have magic powers that you must unlock. In
general, they are all there to simply enlighten and entertain you, and
you a break from the daily grind.
- How many different radio shows are there?
Who knows, it depends on the reception you get through your Radio
but most can sit through about 30 different programs before hearing any
- What criteria do Stevie Groovie, Yuji Dude and Hans Kranger use to
your videos?
There are a number of factors that influence the video producer's
of videos. A video needs to be a certain length to even be in the
The video producer's personal preferences have significant impact on
decision to accept or reject your videos. Reading their biographies will
give you insight in this area. Also, their mood will influence how
successful you are in selling your videos. Insulting the producers or
overdoing the flattery could backfire on you. Over time, the producers
get familiar with the type of work you produce. A history of presenting
with successful videos will positively influence their decisions in the
IV. Halls of Distortion
- How do I kill the Guitar Warrior?
Use your guitar to match the chords that the Guitar Warrior strikes at
you. Depending on the strength of your guitar, you will either diffuse
his chord, over-power his chord or suffer deconstruction!
- Is it possible to placate a Guitar Warrior by selling or giving him
Some guy named Stuart said that Guitar Warriors love Tupperware... I
don't think this is true.
VI. Sky Maze
- I've reached a door but I can't open it!
Capturing video of this area may reveal how to open doors...
- Where can I find Card X?
The location of Card X has been pin-pointed to the general vicinity of
the VidHall... Check ALL areas! Make a hard target search of every
doghouse, out-house and fixture in the area!
VII. Vid Halls
- How do I get past the monitors without getting hurt?
There is a control panel that may help assist you in surviving the jaunt
through the monitors area.
- How do you access the Spiked Monitor?
You must use your resources to get to the panel. Check your inventory
and think of what may help you. Beware of the flames! Be careful not
to get tourched!
- How do I swear allegiance to the Metal Lord?
Put your left hand over your heart and use your mental energy to pray to
the Metal Lord. No, not really!!! Don't worry, you'll get your
- Do I need specific footage for the Spiked Monitor?
Think of VidChips as keys. They "program" the monitors to affect
whoever walks through. Footage you put on VidChips may affect what
happens when you walk through.
- What do I do with the blank TV after the VidHall monitors?
Couch potatoes will know EXACTLY what to do at this juncture.
VIII. Cable Maze
- WHOA! What's this place all about?
It's a maze. Kinda mysterious, huh?
IX. Hell's Garage
- What's the deal with this place?
This is where the Devil does all his dirty work. There may be some cool
things in there!
- Why can't I move/go anywhere in Hell's Garage?
You don't really want to try to go near that place do you? What if
Satan comes out and takes your soul?!? Perhaps if you really want to
see what's in there, you may want to try to open the garage door.
- What do I use the gasoline for?
X. LA Stage
- How do you sneak footage out of L.A. Stage?
Hmm. If you only had a back-stage pass or a way to access L.A. Stage
XI. Sonic Cemetery
- Why can't I move/go anywhere in Sonic Cemetary?
You don't really want to try to go near that place do you? What if
Edgar Death comes out and takes your soul?!? Perhaps if you really want
to see what's here, you may want to try to get his attention.
XII. Misc.
- Easter Eggs? Did somebody say "easter eggs?"
Isn't the point of easter eggs to look and discover them yourself?
Explore this website and you will find easter eggs to the game...
Engl. FAQ
16.Octombrie 2013