Ultima 7 (The Black Gate)

Ultima 7 (The Black Gate)

14.10.2013 17:46:09
Ultima VII: The Black Gate Spell Listing FAQ
Version 1.0, 4/19/2000
Started on 4/11/2000
Copyright 2000 by Earthshaker

Anyone may reproduce this FAQ electronically, but do not sell it for
money. If you wish to place this on your website, do so with this
disclaimer intact, and be sure to contact me before you do so at
Earthq3846@aol.com. If you do not do so, I WILL find out, and there
will be some serious legal trouble!!! You can also email your
comments, questions, gripes, suggestions, etc. to the above address as
well. By the way, the most updated version of this FAQ will be found
at www.gameFAQs.com.

===========================TABLE OF CONTENTS===========================

1. Revision History
2. Introduction
3. Reagents
4. Linear Spells
5. Circle Spells
6. Repeat Copyright and a Quote from the Author

==========================REVISION HISTORY=============================

4/19/2000-Version 1.0- I've been so busy playing a rental Final Fantasy
Anthology that I haven't updated anything. Anywho, here it is,
completed (my first one finished!) And see the very end of this
document for a personal quoteà

4/14/2000-Version 0.95- Almost done! Now every reagent is listed.

4/13/2000-Version 0.9- All of the Circle Spells are now listed, but not
all of them have what reagents are necessary and what they do. That
will be tomorrow's update. And, to make this look better for AOL users
such as myself, I've changed all the single lines in the borders to
double lines. I'm also thinking about getting the prices of spells
around the world.

4/12/2000-Version 0.75- Some Circle Spells are here! I will now accept
any questions about this FAQ. Also, I noticed a minor problemà the
lines between sections overflowed into the next lines and screwed
things up, so I corrected that change (I noticed it too when I
transferred this file to my own computer.)

4/11/2000-Version 0.5- The first version of this FAQ. Circle spells
will come A.S.A.P.


Ultima VII has got to be my favorite game for the PC (mainly because I
do not have a very good one and can't get games that are very high in
memory.) But that's irrelevant: the question is, why am I writing this
FAQ? Mainly because when I went through the help file, I found that
some of the information was inaccurate, and some things didn't even
include the reagents needed! So, in this FAQ, I will describe all the
spells, as well as their usefulness, and the reagents needed to cast
them. And, as a bonus, I will describe what each reagent is generally
used for, so you know what to buy in excess if you want to cast
numerous spells. Let's begin.


There are eight reagents used for the spellcasting in Ultima VII.
Three of these reagents can be found in the wild, and one that
regenerates when not in the wild. I will say where these places are
located in each of the listings. Starting off...

Sulfurous ash looks like a yellow pile of dust. This reagent is used
in many fire spells, as well as any other spells that require a burst
of light or energy. Sulfurous ash is generally cheap to buy, but can
also be found south of Dungeon Destard, following the mountain range.

Ginseng is another common, cheap reagent, but cannot be found anywhere
in the wild. This reddish herb is used in many curative or protective
spells. In rare cases it is used for destructive purposes, such as in
the spell Mass Death.

Mandrake root is a powerful, expensive reagent. It can't be found
anywhere in the wild. This brown, five-pointed root is used in pretty
much every spell that uses the Vas runestone in its chanting or any
spell involving death, and since mandrake is highly poisonous, it is
used in poison spells like Poison and Poison Field. In rare cases, it
is used in helping spells, like Create Food.

Blood moss is a reddish moss that can be either expensive or cheap,
depending on who you buy it from. This reddish moss can't be found in
the wild, and is mostly used in spells that affect time, space, or the
earth. For example, blood moss is used in the all powerful Time Stop.

Garlic is a common kitchen element, and very cheap off of Mariah (1
gold per unit!) You can find garlic in a kitchen in Empath Abbey, and
it looks like what a normal clove WOULD look like (whitish, very like
an onion.) Garlic is used in any and all dispelling spells, as was
proved by the popular vampire stories. This dispelling can be of the
flow of time, or it can be the dispellation of disease and wounds.
Rarely, such as in Conjure or Summon, will it be used for non-
dispelling purposes.

Black pearls rank up with mandrake root as an expensive reagent. Black
pearls look just like that: pearls that are black. Black pearls, being
small and lightweight, are easily thrown, and therefore used in spells
where you must transfer magic away from yourself (such as in projectile
spells or spells that must affect other people than yourself.)

Nightshades are rare reagents, and can either be found in small
quantities in a group of mushrooms near a lake, or bought for expensive
prices from mages. Nightshade is a black piece of fungus that is used
in spells that require hallucinatory or telepathic states (for example,
the nightshade used in the spell Wizard Eye allows you to see places
farther away than the line of sight of your character.)

Spider's silk looks like a miniature spider web, and can either be
bought for a moderate price or found in VERY large quantities west of
the Nightshade patch. Spiders rely on thin threads of spiderweb to
support their heavy weight, which shows spider silk's durability. This
durability is manipulated in spells that require a strong tie to be
kept (such as in the Resurrect Spell... the Spider's Silk keeps the
powerful magic from dispersing.) It is also used in binding spells
such as Charm, which needs the Silk to magically bind the opponent to
the caster.

And that's all for the reagents.

===========================LINEAR SPELLS===============================

Your first spellbook will always contain all eight linear spells.
Linear spells are unlike the Eight Circles of Magic, because they
require no mana points or reagents to cast them. Like each of the
Eight Circles of Magic, there are eight spells in the Linear Spell
level. They are as follows (along with their descriptions and overall

When you cast this spell, crosshairs appear, signifying that you must
select a target. When you click on a sleeping target, that target will
wake up and go about his normal business providing his/her hits are
above 0. It is useful, because with this spell, you don't need any
orange potions :-D

Casting this spell makes the crosshairs appear. If you select a lit
item such as a torch, sconce, or lamp, it will be extinguished. This
is an extremely pointless spell to cast, because light is good.

When you cast this spell, bright, colored lights dance around you. If
you have a high level and you are fighting a low level monster, you may
cause them to run away. Use this only if you dislike being bugged by
Gremlins or headlesses.

Using this spell eliminates the need for white potions, because a
glowing light will eliminate the darkness. This will not last for
long, however, unless you uncover a certain bug in earlier versions
that make this last indefinitely (like my version :-P) Thus, for these
earlier versions, this is DEFINITELY a great spell.

This useful spell teleports you to the throne room of Lord British.
Very useful, because it is like a Recall spell without using any
FIRST! And remember... Lord British will heal you for free.

This pointless spell is the exact opposite of Douse: cast it on an
unlit, unspent torch/candle/sconce/lamp/etc. and it will burst into
flames. Using the double click command is an all too easy replacement.

Thunder booms in the sky when you cast this spell, and outdoor
creatures may flee in fear of a storm. Strong ones won't, however.

Using this spell either causes a storm or stops one in progress. It is
useful only if you get annoyed by a darker screen or the whooshing of
the rainfall.

===========================CIRCLE SPELLS===============================

Circle spells are also found in the spellbook, but are different than
linear spells. For circle spells, you must at least be at the
experience level of the circle you wish to cast. Also, you must have
mana greater than equal to the circle of the spell you wish to cast.
Last, you must have the proper reagents, which are listed along with
the spell. And, in my tradition of formats, here it is


<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^FIRST CIRCLE^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>

You need Ginseng and Garlic to cast this spell.
-After you cast this spell, anyone in your line of sight will be woken
up, providing they have hits greater than zero.
-This is a pointless spell, because rarely will you find more than one
person asleep at a time (and if you do, it's easier to use the weaker
Linear Spell, Awaken.)

You need Ginseng, Garlic, and Mandrake Root in order to cast this
-Cast this spell, and a piece of food will appear at the feet of each
party member. It may be something REALLY filling, like green cheese or
ham, or it may be ultra crappy, like Silverleaf meal.
-If you don't have any food on hand, this is a great spell to have.
It's better to find Gremlins, Sheep, Cows, Rabbits, Horses, or Deer,
which always have food on their person, however.

You need Ginseng and Garlic to cast this spell.
-This is a targeted spell. Once you cast it, select a target with a
green (poisonous) aura around them. That aura will disappear, and the
character will no longer take random damage. It has the same effect as
a red potion, so you don't have to waste your money on that. It's also
good to remove curses, charms, and paralysis.
-Sometimes, its best to let poison run its course and fade away, but if
a character gets strongly poisoned, its best to cure him so he/she
doesn't fall unconscious and get left behind (in rare cases, severe
poison may kill a character!) Also, when you fight ghosts and
corpsers, this comes in handy. So, this spell is useful.

Spider's Silk and Nightshade are required to cast this spell.
-Cast this spell and any DISARMABLE traps in your line of sight become
-Traps that can be disarmed are only found on chests, so you can use
this spell to detect them, but this is pointless, since any trapped
chest you find can be broken open instead.

Garlic and Spider's Silk are needed to cast this spell
-Cast this spell and any lamps/candles/torches in your line of sight go
out. It's a larger version of the Linear Spell Douse.
-Why would you want to put out torches and stuff? Light only benefits
you. Therefore, this spell is pointless.

Sulfurous Ash and Spider's Silk are necessary in the casting of Great
-The direct opposite of Great Douse, this spell lights all the
lamps/candles/torches in your line of sight.
-Unless you are totally lost in a blackout and there is a torch nearby
you can't light manually, this spell is also pointless, and serves only
to fill your spellbook.

Sulfurous Ash is all that is needed to cast this spell! Isn't that
-This stronger version of the Linear Spell Glimmer lasts longer, and
may also push the buttons of the lighting bug.
-This is actually pointless, because the next light spell works much

Another spell with one reagent, this only requires nightshade.
-Casting this spell reveals your current latitude and longitude.
-Pointless, like most of the other First Circle spells. A sextant is
much easier, and doesn't waste precious nightshade.

<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^SECOND CIRCLE^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>

Sulfurous Ash and Blood Moss are needed in the casting of this spell.
-If you know where a disarmable trap is, and you cast this spell there,
it is destroyed (surprise!)
-See the note on the First Circle spell Detect Trap to see how
pointless this magic is.

This spell requires Black Pearl and Mandrake Root to cast.
-Once you cast this, targeting crosshairs appear. Click on a bundle of
arrows or crossbow bolts and they will become Magic Arrows or Magic
Bolts. This affects every arrow/bolt in a bundle.
-This is downright useful, especially since one of the characters who
joins your party later on (Tseramed) is an archer, plus Iolo is a
crossbowman, so you'll have a great time throwing this spell around.

Englufing enemies in flames require Sulfurous Ash and Black Pearl.
-The first offensive spell, Fire Blast fires a ball of flame at your
target. If you set the spellbook to your hand with the buckle selected
to this spell, you will automatically cast this spell so long as you
have enough mana and reagents.
-If you are offensive minded without using weapons, this is a very good
spell to use. However, fire wands work better.

Sulfurous Ash and Mandrake Root are required in the casting of Great
-Great Light creates light for roughly around 2.5-3.5 times greater
than the First Circle spell Light.
-If you don't have the lighting bug in your game, then this spell is

Mass Cure requires a Mandrake Root, a clove of Garlic, and some Ginseng
to cast.
-Not to be confused with the Fourth Circle spell Mass Curse. Ever find
three to eight members of your party poisoned while walking through an
icky swamp? Worry no more, simply cast this spell, which casts one
Cure spell on each member of the party, including yourself.
-If you're on a quest to get the Magebane without using a carpet, then
this is great to use after you walk through the swamp. It's also great
any time you find a few poison fields you don't want to waste Dispel
Field on.

To protect party members, you'll need Sulfurous Ash, Ginseng, and
-This spell sets up a purple (protection) aura around the selected
target. That target will take less or no damage from magical traps,
and will be harder to hit and damage in combat.
-Purple potions are more common and much easier to use, and fountains
sometime give you the purple aura. Therefore, this is an ALMOST
pointless spell.

To become a psychic, you need some Blood Moss, a Mandrake Root, and a
Black Pearl.
-Cast telekinesis and target a lever or switch. That lever or switch
will activate, even if it is through a wall!
-Telekinesis is necessary to get in certain, non plot-related areas,
such as the giant orrery. It is also easy to cheat and get deep into
Buccaneer's Den by targeting a switch behind Fellowship Hall. It's
pointless otherwise

Use Nightshade, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash, Black Pearl, and Spider's
Silk to cast Wizard Eye.
-The moment after you cast this spell, the movement arrows move your
line of sight in the pressed direction. It will only last for a short
-The telescope in Moonglow is indefinite, and a better bet. Using this
is only useful to see danger if you know you are getting close to an
area where dangerous monsters appear.


To cast Curse, you need some sulfurous ash, a nightshade, and some
-Targeting with curse surrounds a person with a yellow aura, which is
the direct opposite of Protection. They will be hit more often and
take more damage in combat. They will also have lower statistics.
-If you are facing a powerful enemy, this could be useful. Otherwise,
it's great to avoid it.

To invoke healing powers, you need some Ginseng, Garlic, and Spider's
-This is exactly like a yellow potion: the target will gain back a few
of his/her hit points.
-One of the most useful spells! If you swipe any yellow potions, you
should use them first, but if not, this is great!

Spider's Silk and Nightshade are needed to cast this spell.
-The targeted person is surrounded by a dark blue aura, which stops
them in their tracks. It disappears after a short time, or after usage
of a Cure spell or red potion.
-Paralyze works even better than sleeping the target, so this is a
great spell to use.

Peer requires Nightshade and Mandrake Root.
-Peer brings up a map of the world, and a yellow crosshair shows your
position on it.
-Using Peer is the same thing as using a Map with a sextant in your
inventory outside. Therefore, the spell is also pointless (as far too
many have been.)

This requires some Nightshade, Blood Moss, and a Black Pearl.
Casting this and targeting someone surrounds them with the green aura.
They will slowly take damage (or rapidly, depending on how many times
you repeat castings.)
-Green potions are much easier to use. Also, many creatures are immune
to poison. Therefore, this spell is pointless.

This requires Sulfurous Ash, Ginseng, Garlic, Mandrake.
-Same thing as a Protection Spell, except it surrounds every member of
the party in a purple aura.
-You may not use this a lot, but it is good if you are facing a strong
monster (such as Spektran's Stone Harpy) and don't have the patience
for many purple potions.

To put someone in Dream Land, you need some Nightshade, Spider's Silk,
and a Black Pearl.
-A targeted person will immediately fall unconscious on the ground.
You can use this opportunity to beat down on that person.
-Since Paralyze works the same way, and does not use the Black Pearl,
Sleep is pointless (but if you'd rather not use magic, you can always
use sleeping powder or a blue potion.

Bug someone using Nightshade, Mandrake Root, and Blood Moss.
-Cast this, and many, many insects will appear and fight for you. No
matter how many die, they will keep coming back until the binding
effect wears off.
-The Fourth Circle Spell Conjure and the Eight Circle spell Summon are
much better summoning magics, so ignore this spell.

<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>FOURTH CIRCLE<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>

To exploit wild animals, you need Spider's Silk and Mandrake Root.
-Cast this spell in the wild or in a dungeon and several weak monsters
will come to aid you. They will fight for you until their binding
ends, or until they die.

Electrocution requires Black Pearl, Sulfurous Ash, and Mandrake Root.
-The second attack spell, cast this and a lightning bolt will fly from
your hand and strike your target. Armor will not stop this damage.
-This is a very good attack spell, so use it until you find Lightning

Mark yourà errà I mean THE territory with Mandrake Root, Black Pearl,
and Blood Moss.
-Cast this spell on a colored stone and you will mark it. The location
you are currently standing on will be remembered, and you will teleport
there if you cast a Recall spell.
-This is a REALLY useful spell, because it saves time from crossing

Teleport using the same ingredients as the Mark spell: Mandrake Root,
Black Pearl, and Blood Moss.
-Target any of the eight colored stones and you get teleported to where
the Mark spell was cast on it. Notice, that if you don't cast a Mark
spell on a stone and target it, you will be transported to:
Red Stone- The Shrine of Valor
Blue Stone- The Shrine of Honesty
Yellow Stone- The Shrine of Compassion
Orange Stone- The Shrine of Sacrifice (beware of the Liche, sometimes.)
Green Stone- The Shrine of Justice
Purple Stone- The Shrine of Honor (beware of harpies!)
Black Stone- The Courtyard of Lord British's Castle (pointlessà use
White Stone- Greg's Tools, in Britain.
-See the usefulness note on Mark.

To curse multiple opponents, use some Sulfurous Ash, Nightshade,
Mandrake Root, and Garlic.
-Instead of a single target, this spell will surround any targets
within your line of sight with a yellow aura.
-This is much more useful than the single curse.

You need some Sulfurous Ash and Blood Moss to cast this spell.
-Cast this spell and any invisible chest, bag, or person will appear.
-This is somewhat useful, because sometimes, in Dungeon Destard,
dragons disappear. You can't attack them at that time, so use it!

Initiate a sÚance using Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Spider's
Silk, and Sulfurous Ash.
-When you have to travel to the gloomy isle of Skara Brae, cast this
spell. You will be able to talk with the ghosts there for a limited

Sulfurous Ash and Blood Moss is all that is required to use this magic.
-Cast this spell on a door with a glowing handle, and the glow will
disappear, allowing you to open the door.
Nicodemus's house without it.)

These will be updated laterà

<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^FIFTH CIRCLE>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>

To cast this spell you need Black Pearl, Nightshade, and Spider's Silk.
-Cast this spell on an enemy and a pinkish aura surrounds them. That
aura will cause the enemy to fight for the side of the caster, until it
fades away.
-If you find a liche or a mage, this could be a great spell to cast on
them. Pity it doesn't last long, because that gives it the semi-useful

Dance requires Mandrake Root, Garlic, and Blood Moss for its casting.
-Cast this spell and you shout "everybody DANCE now!" Everyone outside
the mages party will do so, if they are able to (for example, acid
slugs don't have feet, how can they dance?)
-This is good for entertainment value, especially in Fellowship Halls.
Not very useful otherwise.

Get rid of magic fields with Garlic, Black Pearl, Sulfurous Ash, and
Spider's Silk.
-See the reagents? Targeting a magic field with this spell will cause
it to die.
-This spell is convenient to use, because nobody wants to be walking
through fire if they can help it. It's also necessary, if you wish to
get into some of the hidden areas of the game (such as a mountain cave
in the southeast part of Ambrosia- simply cast Time Stop before
approaching and cast this on the energy fields.)

Blow up something with Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash, Black Pearl, and
Blood Moss.
-Another useful attack spell, this launches a bolt of flame at the
target, which explodes on contact. Be careful, as it may damage your
party, as well!
-Once again, if you are attack-minded, then this is a great spell. If
not, it's pointless.

Magic fire uses Black Pearl, Sulfurous Ash, and Spider's Silk.
-Cast this spell on the ground and flames will erupt. These flames
will heavily damage anybody who walks through them.
-Flaming oil is cheap, and has the same effect as this magic if you
attack with it. Therefore, this is a pointless spell.

Removing the wounds from a character requires some Ginseng, Spider's
Silk, a Mandrake Root, and a clove of Garlic.
-As the name implies, this restores more hit points than the Third
Circle spell Heal.
-It's a must have, because yellow potions can only restore a few hit

Disappear with Nightshade and Blood Moss.
-Target either yourself, a party member, or anyone else, and they'll
disappear. No enemy can see them, and therefore cannot hit them with a
physical attack. If the character targetted is inside your party, they
will still be visible, but be completely gray and transparent to show
they are invisible.
-Black potions are much easier to obtain, so this spell is pointless.

Go nighty-night with Ginseng, Nightshade, and Spider's Silk.
-Everyone in your line of sight will fall on the ground, unconscious.
-Since blue potions are very cheap, and you can use as many as you need
to without any time passing in the inventory screen, this spell is also

<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^SIXTH CIRCLE<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>

Make everyone scream with Mandrake Root, Nightshade, and Garlic.
-Cast this spell and everyone in sight, human, animal, or other beast,
will shriek and then run/slither/ooze away from you as fast as they
-If you want to avoid battles, this is the spell for you!!

This taxing spell requires Sulfurous Ash, Spider's Silk, Blood Moss,
Ginseng, Nightshade, and Mandrake Root.
-It's Dolly's revenge! Cast this spell on any target and they become
an unarmed clone of the target, which will fight for the same side.
-Mostly, this spell is for fun. One good thing to do is clone yourself
than kill it, just to see what the Avatar corpse looks like without
activating Debug mode.

Circular fire requires Sulfurous Ash, Black Pearl, and Blood Moss.
-Make the target have no way out by casting this spell on him. Many
fire fields will surround him in a tight circle. Of course, this is
good for protection, too, as enemies will have to walk through the
flames to hit you.
-I recommend other spells for the offensive minded, because your party
members will also stupidly walk through the flames to attack. However,
it is the perfect defensive spell.

Sulfurous Ash, Black Pearl, and Blood Moss are required to smite out
enemies with flame.
-More fire fields!!! Cast this, and any man, woman, or beast in sight
will have a hot foot- a fire field will appear under their feet!
-Really damaging, because the creation of the field is more damaging
than walking through it. Therefore, its extremely useful.

Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash, and Blood Moss are used to
create a cataclysmic storm.
-Cast this and the sky will grow dark. Bolts of lightning will then
strike everyone in your line of sight, as well as one or two screens
away. The lightning is very damaging, and can kill creatures after
several hits.
-This is one of my favorite spells. This spell is really useful,
especially for attacking through walls.

Spiraling swirls of poison require Nightshade, Spider's Silk, and Black
-A green, swirling cylinder will appear at the spot you cast this spell
at. If someone walks through it, they become poisoned (if they can be
poisoned, that is.) It disappears once that happens.
-A really pointless spellà you can just use green potions.

Use Ginseng, Spider's Silk, and Black Pearl for this magic.
-A concentrated group of blue lines will appear on the spot you cast
this magic on. Anyone who walks into it falls unconscious. It
disappears after someone does so.
-Also pointless. Blue potions are much better.

Shake the earth with Blood Moss, Sulfurous Ash, and Mandrake Root.
-Casting this spell will make the earth shake. Everyone other than
your party will double over, while you can still move (albeit rather
slowly.) You can use this opportunity to attack.
-I wouldn't recommend using this spell, but it is partially useful.
Unfortunately, the graphics may freeze up a low-grade computer (such as


Practice the art of alchemy with Mandrake Root and Spider's Silk.
-Cast this spell on a block of lead, and it will become a gold nugget.
-Since the reagents cost as much as the price of a gold nugget, this
spell is worthless (odd, considering the name.)

Kill someone off with Black Pearl, Sulfurous Ash, and Nightshade.
-One of the most powerful offensive spells, this spell will send a
lethal bolt of energy at the target. Without interference, this magic
will most likely cause the target to fall unconscious and near death.
-Another great spell for the mage, but this is pretty pointless,
considering the most powerful spell takes only one more mana point.

Threeà twoà oneà KABOOM! Cast this with Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash,
Black Pearl, Blood Moss, and Spider's Silk.
-Yet another powerful offensive spell. This will send a slow moving
fire bolt at the target. While this happens, RUN AWAY! When the bolt
connects, it will explode, and deal massive damage to anyone nearby.
-This is pointless, because Horance's Firedoom Staff has an unlimited
supply of this spell (as far as I know.)

Block off an area with Mandrake Root, Spider's Silk, Black Pearl, and
Sulfurous Ash.
-Contrary to what the help file says, this spell does NOT damage anyone
who walks through it. As a matter of fact, it is IMPOSSIBLE to walk
through this field.
-This spell is also pointless, mainly because there is cheaper magic
used to escape from spells, and they are more effective.

Motes of light surround you with Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous
Ash, and Blood Moss.
-Cast this on you or another party member and yellow lights will dance
around them. Anyone they touch will be mildly damaged.
-The Eighth Circle spell Death Vortex is much more effective. But, if
you aren't at level 8, then this is a good spell to use.
Become loved with Black Pearl, Nightshade, Spider's Silk, and Mandrake
-See the Fifth Circle spell Charm, and apply it to every non-party
member in sight.
-Charming many creatures causes them to fight themselves, which makes
this a useful spell.

Become strong with Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, and Ginseng.
-Upon casting this spell, everyone in the party gains some strength,
dexterity, and intelligence. It's sorta like using silver serpent
venom on every member of the party, with no negative effects!
-Need to overpower something? Then this is a very useful spell!

Ginseng, Garlic, Sulfurous Ash, and Mandrake Root are required in the
casting of this spell.
-Cast this spell, and every party member becomes fully healed and
-The best healing spell aside from Resurrect. This is as useful as you
can get!

<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^<^>EIGHTH CIRCLE<^>^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>

Cast this surprise with every reagent.
-Make sure you save before you cast this spell! This massive spell
causes many tremors, and after them, EVERYONE on the planet except you,
Lord British, Batlin, and the Ferryman will die. Actually, it's kinda
fun walking through a rainy wasteland.
-Good for novelty value, but nothing else.

Black Pearl, Sulfurous Ash, and Nightshade cast Death Vortex.
-See the description of Energy Mist, and change two things: first,
change "yellow lights" into "black cloud". Second, change "will be
mildly damaged" to "will die."
-Confronted with many enemies, and without a moment to spare, this is a
useful spell.

Make everyone disappear with Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Blood Moss, and
Black Pearl.
-Another mass spell. This casts Invisibility on the entire party.
-The invisibility doesn't last long, so you might want to use black
potions instead. And that, of course, would make this spell pointless.

"Redrum! Redrum!" Use this with Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root,
Nightshade, and Blood Moss
-Casting this spell will cause your screen to turn red, and once the
red completely fades, everyone in sight (with few exceptions) that is
outside your party falls dead.
-This spell takes a crucial moment to cast, so Death Vortex may be more
useful. It still is a great spell, though.

Reverse "Redrum!" Reverse "Redrum!" with Garlic, Ginseng, Spider's
Silk, and Sulfurous Ash.
-Cast this on a corpse and that corpse will come back to life.
-This spell is almost necessary, because you AREN'T always near Lord
British and Jaana CAN'T resurrect that often, unless you make her leave
the party, and THEN you have to pay an ABSURD amount of gold. Besides,
what happens if Jaana dies?

Bring forth powerful creatures with Mandrake Root, Blood Moss, and
-Remember the fourth circle spell Conjure? Well, this is even better.
This spell will summon many powerful creatures, maybe even dragons!
They will fight for you and doubtlessly obliterate any foe.
-What a great spell! This is definitely useful.

Magic swords appear with Black Pearl, Nightshade, and Mandrake Root.
-This is supposedly the most powerful offensive spells available. Many
swords will appear around the target and slice into them. If that
doesn't kill them in one hit, then you are facing one strong enemy!
-Very useful for the magically offensive.

Cast this spell with Mandrake Root, Garlic, and Blood Moss.
-Cast this, and the passage of time will be stopped for a shortà period
of time. Of course, you and your party can still move.
-This spell can end a battle really quickly. But it is also useful for
finding secret places (because it prevents the magic dust that prevents
magic from being cast from appearing in certain places.)


Ultima VII: The Black Gate Spell Listing FAQ
Version 1.0, 4/19/2000
Started on 4/11/2000
Copyright 2000 by Earthshaker

Anyone may reproduce this FAQ electronically, but do not sell it for
money. If you wish to place this on your website, do so with this
disclaimer intact, and be sure to contact me before you do so at
Earthq3846@aol.com. If you do not do so, I WILL find out, and there
will be some serious legal trouble!!! You can also email your
comments, questions, gripes, suggestions, etc. to the above address as
well. By the way, the most updated version of this FAQ will be found
at www.gameFAQs.com.

And now a word from the authorààààà

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IT'S FINALLY OVER!!!!!!!!!!!

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18.Octombrie 2013
Autor: Andrew Simpkins
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18.Octombrie 2013
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14.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013

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