Warcraft 2

Warcraft 2

15.10.2013 04:38:16
WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness and Beyond the Dark Portal Complete
Texts Compiled in 1999 by K'tav

All information in this file was compiled from "WAR2\DATA\STRDAT.WAR"


A.Introduction to the Game
B.Tides of Darkness Campaign texts
C.Beyond the Dark Portal Campaign texts
D.Apendix: WarCraft II Tips, Clans and Nations, Ranks, Unfinished Work

A.Introduction to the Game

Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness takes you to the next level of real-time
strategy games as the battle for the kingdoms of Azeroth continue over
land, sea, and air.

Having formed an alliance with the Human nations Elven and Dwarven
forces join the Human armies in a quest to free Azeroth and drive the
Orcs back through the mystic portal. By taking to the air with strange
flying machines the Alliance hopes to turn the tide of the war.
Invention and magic combines to create great sea going vessels to
combat the Orcish navies, and defend the shores of mankind against
further invasion. These ships may carry troops or weapons with which
to defeat the enemy and some are rumored to travel beneath the waves.
Many new structures have been created to assist in battling the Horde.
From the mysterious shack of the gnomish inventor, to the majestic
aviary that is home of both the great winged beasts and their riders,
these sites may prove vital to the ultimate outcome of the campaign
ahead. The ever present basics of society are still essential though
and prove to support and maintain the way of life that defines the
people of Azeroth. Whether it be farms to feed their bodies, or
churches to feed their souls, the core of human civilization remains
amidst the terrible conflict that rages on.

The Orcs have not rested upon their victories however and seek to
destroy all traces of humanity. By pressing the Trolls and Ogres into
service the Horde plans to become the true and final ruler over the
whole of Azeroth. The Orcish navy is one built on power. Destroyers
and Juggernauts ride the waves in search of Alliance ships to crush
under their mighty hulls and devastate with their weaponry. Although
some of their ships carry warriors the Orcs prefer to sink enemy ships
and then bombard weak coastal towns. From the solitary confines of
their scout towers, to the massive spires of their strongholds, the
Horde has constructed new buildings from which to mount their
offensive. These advanced structures and the support they will offer
should prove to be a constant thorn in the side of the Human forces.
As peons continue to support the armies by slaving in the forests and
mines, the farm and lumber mill remain staples in maintaining any
Orcish settlement.

Weapons will always need making and honing as will the military. Some
things never change. As the augmented forces of the Horde and the
Alliance meet in the field of battle, new units will sway the fight in
unique and unexpected ways. Support from the skies will play an
important part in many confrontations. The seasons and climates will
also come into play as the cold of winter cloaks the pitch in its icy
embrace. Machines of war and fortified battlements prove to make the
contest a careful balance of clever tactics and raw firepower. As the
tempature falls the importance of controlling the sea becomes apparent
as vital supply lines are cut short. Not even the bravest of warriors
can survive long without fuel for the furnace or gold to raise more

As victories amass and forces roll forward, fully rendered scenes tell
the tale of the struggle between the Alliance and the Horde. Whether
you achieve great success or fall prey to dismal failure, each aspect
is played out in both campaigns. Welcome to the world of Warcraft, a
place where even the impossible is achievable and the fantastic
becomes reality.

B.Tides of Darkness Campaign texts

Orc Campaign

Act I Seas of Blood


The Horde is preparing to launch an assault against the mainland of
Lordaeron. Orgrim Doomhammer - War Chief of the Orcish Hordes and
Ruler of the Blackrock clan - has ordered you to establish a small
outpost on Lordaeron's southern shores. To secure the Zul'dare region
as Doomhammer demands you will need to construct a Barracks and
several Farms to feed your troops. Your success may help us determine
the extent of the pathetic Human defenses and what resistance they can
offer against our forces.

-Build four Farms
-Build a Barracks


Our spies report that a band of Human soldiers have captured a war
party led by Troll commander Zuljin and have taken them to a secret
prison near the township of Hillsbrad. Seeing an opportunity to place
these captives in debt to the Horde, Doomhammer sends you to ransom
Zuljin and his Trolls and return them to their own encampment nearby.
The War Chief believes that this raid upon the unsuspecting prison
will strike terror into the hearts of those who would dare resist the

-Rescue Zuljin
-Return him to the Circle of Power


In preparation for a final strike on Hillsbrad, the War Chief directs
you to begin construction of facilities for the Orcish Armada near the
Southshore region. Zuljin and his Trolls, eager to take revenge upon
the Humans who imprisoned them, have agreed to aid the Horde by
supplying Axethrowers and Destroyers to assist in defending your
Southshore operation. A Shipyard must be constructed in order to build
our wave riders and you will need much of the black liquid known as
Oil to build your fleet. Our assault on Hillsbrad cannot begin until
your task is completed.

-Build a Shipyard
-Build four Oil Platforms


Now that the Armada is well supplied with the precious black substance
that your Tankers have amassed, Doomhammer feels it is time to make a
gruesome example of Hillsbrad. With the aid of new Foundry sites that
allow you to construct more advanced ships, you may build Transports
to deliver your forces across the channel to the cowering Human
settlement. All who oppose the Horde must be taught a harsh lesson -
leave no one alive!

-Destroy Hillsbrad
-Slaughter the Alliance's defenders

Act II Khaz Modan


The township of Hillsbrad has been decimated, and throughout the Human
kingdoms the rumors of impending doom spread like wildfire. War Chief
Doomhammer is pleased with your success and has deemed you worthy of a
more difficult task. Troubles have arisen in the Dwarven lands of Khaz
Modan. A taskforce of Stromgarde warriors have laid siege to Dun Modr
- a vital staging area for Horde troops. You are to retake Dun Modr
and then bring your forces to bear against Stromgarde's nearby island
citadel of Tol Barad.

-Retake Dun Modr
-Destroy Tol Barad


Doomhammer has sent word that the Ogre-Mage Cho'gall, chieftain of the
Twilight's Hammer clan, is personally inspecting the Refinery at Grim
Batol. Cho'gall and his convoy will be traveling through the badlands
of Khaz Modan, and an ambush by Stromgarde warriors is expected. The
War Chief expects you to safeguard Cho'gall and his minions through
this region. Should he die, your life will be forfeit as well. . .

-Escort Cho'gall to the Circle of Power at Grim Batol


Cho'gall reports that the Khaz Modan Refineries are well maintained and
fulfilling their quotas. The Horde will now have more than enough Oil
to mount a fierce campaign in the lands far to the north. Only the
troublesome Human defenders of Stromgarde remain to be dealt with
before sending the Horde on its next sojourn. The Human fleet has
captured a group of our Transports just south of Stromgarde. Recapture
these vessels and then lay waste to their capital.

-Recapture the Orc Transports
-Destroy Stromgarde

Act III Quel 'Thalas


Your forces have been assigned to an area along the southern border of
the Elven kingdom of Quel'thalas. Gul'dan, hoping to sow the seeds of
chaos among the Human and Elven allies, has located a mysterious Elven
artifact near the Keep of Caer Darrow. This huge, monolithic Runestone
is guarded by a Human Castle on the small island located in the middle
of Darrowmere lake. You must destroy the forces that guard this relic
and gain control of the Runestone for use by the Horde.

-Destroy the Human Castle
-Secure the Runestone


With the capture of the Elven Runestone, Gul'dan has been able to warp
the power it contains to mutate an entire legion of his loyal and
ruthless Ogres into wielders of arcane magiks. Along with this
transformation these Ogre-Magi have been granted deadly magiks and a
malicious cunning rivaling that of Gul'dan himself. You are to employ
the Ogre-Magi in the creation and defense of a Fortress at the mouth
of Tyr's Bay, cutting off the Human supply lines into Quel'thalas.

-Build a Fortress and a Shipyard on the island at the mouth of Tyr's


Stratholme, the chief source of Alliance Oil in the north, is preparing
to deliver massive amounts of Oil to the kingdoms in western
Lordaeron. You must sabotage their Refineries and Platforms to halt
this shipment. Once Stratholme's ability to gather and process Oil is
destroyed, proceed to crush any and all resistance offered by the

-Destroy all Oil Platforms
-Destroy Refineries
-Destroy Stratholme


With the destruction of Stratholme, the Alliance supply lines to
Quel'thalas have been severed. Only a handful of Human and Elven
defenders remain to safeguard the ancient Elf kingdom from the
onslaught of the Horde. The enchanted domain of the Elves has inspired
Gul'dan to unleash his most perverted creation - the Death Knights.
Formed from the corpses of the fallen Knights of Azeroth, these once
proud defenders of Humanity now serve the Horde in a blasphemous state
of eternal undeath. Conjuring dark spells of necromantic horror upon
their terrified foes, these Death Knights seek to unleash their wrath
upon any foolish enough to stand in their way.

-Destroy the Elven Stronghold

Act IV Tides of Darkness


The Northlands have fallen, and now only the western regions of
Lordaeron stand defiant before the ultimate supremacy of the Horde. As
the Orc clans prepare for their final, massive campaign against the
weakening Alliance, the War Chief sends you ill tidings. . . Gul'dan
and his Stormreaver clan have betrayed the Horde and coerced the
Twilight's Hammer clan to set sail and search for an ancient tomb said
to be buried beneath the waves. An infiltrator under the direction of
Doomhammer reports that Gul'dan has indeed raised volcanic islands
from the ocean floor and thus has opened a hidden vault. While it is
unknown what the great Warlock has released from this tomb, the War
Chief has issued this command - Destroy the renegade clans and return
with the head of Gul'dan.

-Destroy the Stormreaver clan
-Destroy the Twilight's Hammer clan


The hour of judgment is close at hand as the Orcish Hordes stand ready
to sweep across this domain like a pestilence and seize the capital of
Lordaeron. Standing vigilant above the plains like the descending arm
of twilight itself, is the Violet Citadel of Dalaran. The Citadel -
serving as sanctum and haven to the Mages of Lordaeron - is the last
barrier between the Orcs and their subjugation of Humanity. Manifested
in the combined magical prowess of all Mages within the Alliance, this
place must fall for the Horde to conquer Lordaeron. Fortunately,
Orgrim Doomhammer has saved his greatest weapon, ready to unleash it
upon the unsuspecting Alliance at just this moment - Dragons.

-Destroy Dalaran
-Destroy the Alliance's defenders


The alabaster parapets of Lordaeron's capital loom before you in the
distance. The proud, defiant armies of the Alliance stand resolute in
their final, fleeting moments. All that remains is the shrill, clarion
call to battle and the fulfillment of our destiny. The tides of
darkness are now at hand!

-Destroy all that you behold in the name of the Horde!

The victory pyres burn high into the twilight skies covering the ruined
capital of Lordaeron. Your success has led Orgrim Doomhammer - War
Chief of the Orcish Hordes - to elevate you to the station of Warlord,
thus giving you power and the command of your own clan. The Alliance
has finally been crushed, with all those surviving being slain and
cremated as is dictated by the rituals. At long last Azeroth and all
of its lands belong to the thunderous force known to those foolish
enough to stand in its way as the Horde!

Human Campaign

Act I The Shores of Lordaeron


Due to your position as regional commander of the southern defense
forces, Lord Terenas commands that you raise an outpost in the
Hillsbrad foothills. It is rumored that Orcish marauders have been
raiding coastal towns in the area, but whether these attacks are part
of a greater Horde offensive is, as yet, unknown. Your outpost is to
provide food and information for Alliance troops and, as such, should
be a community consisting of at least four Farms. You must also
construct a Barracks in order to safeguard the Hillsbrad operation.

-Build four Farms
-Build a Barracks


The mysterious Elves of Silvermoon have sent a contingent of Archers
south to survey the supposed Orcish threat for themselves. Our spies
report that shortly after passing through the Alterac grasslands the
Elves were ambushed by Horde troops. It is believed that these Elves
are now being held in a small prison camp near the northwest region of
Tarren Mill. Lord Terenas, fervently hoping to enlist the Elves into
the Alliance, has asked that you search for the missing warriors and
deliver them to safety. The Elves have sent a cadre of Archers to
assist in your quest. You will also be provided with plans to
construct an Elven Lumber Mill and the sylvan craftsman to operate it.

-Rescue a captured Elven Archer
-Return him to the Circle of Power


With the safe return of the Elves from the loathsome clutches of the
Orcs, the Council of Silvermoon has resolved to combine the armies of
Quel'thalas with those of the Alliance of Lordaeron. As a show of
their support, a mighty fleet of Elven Destroyers have been sent to
help safeguard the Lordaeron mainland. In preparation for the arrival
of these ships, Daelin Proudmoore - Lord of Kul Tiras and Grand
Admiral of the Lordaeron Fleet - has ordered that you begin the
construction of naval facilities near the township of Southshore.
There is some suspicion that the Horde has constructed a secret base
near the mainland, so it is imperative that you begin building your
defense with haste.

-Build a Shipyard
-Build four Oil Platforms


Having established some order in the region with a display of naval
power, Admiral Proudmoore advises that the time has come to search out
the secret lair of the Orcs. Scouts report that this base is located
somewhere within the Zul'dare region of the Channel Islands, just
south-east of Hillsbrad. Lordaeron artificers have completed designs
for a Foundry. With this new innovation, you will be able to construct
Transport ships that can ferry your troops across large bodies of
water. These vessels should provide great assistance in the completion
of your task.

-Destroy the Orc base

Act II Khaz Modan


Although the Horde has been driven from the shores of Lordaeron, it has
left the townships of Hillsbrad and Southshore in ruins. It is clear
that the war will cost the Alliance dearly... Impressed with your
victories against the Horde and the destruction of the Zul'dare base,
the High Command has decided to dispatch you and your troops to the
main battleground. The forces of Stromgarde and Kul Tiras are
stationed along the northern border of Khaz Modan, fighting to keep
the Orcs from advancing into southern Lordaeron. An Orcish outpost,
nestled near the ruins of the ancient Dwarven city of Dun Modr, has
repeatedly beaten back Alliance troops and ravaged the surrounding
farmlands. You must reclaim the nearby island Keep at Tol Barad and
then launch an attack upon the outpost.

-Reclaim Tol Barad
-Destroy Dun Modr


Following their defeat at Dun Modr, the Orcs were forced to retreat
south, across the Thandol Valley to a secondary outpost at Dun Algaz.
Lord Lothar, hoping to push the Orcs even further back into Khaz
Modan, has ordered that you destroy this newly discovered encampment.
To aid you in your mission, you will be able to employ Knights who are
eager to engage the Horde in glorious battle.

-Destroy Dun Algaz


Advance scouts report that they have located Grim Batol - the primary
base of the Horde's Refinery operations in Khaz Modan. Seeing a chance
to strike a decisive blow against the Horde, Lord Lothar has ordered
that you infiltrate Grim Batol and put an end to all Orcish activity
there. Once Grim Batol has been destroyed, Lothar believes that the
Orcs will have no further use for Khaz Modan, thus pulling their
forces back to the mainland of Azeroth. Victory could secure the
shores of Lordaeron and greatly impede the Horde offensive.

-Destroy five Oil Refineries

Act III The Northlands


With the destruction of Dun Modr and the downfall of Grim Batol, the
Orcs have completely withdrawn their armies from Khaz Modan. While
your victories have been notable, the menace of the Horde still hangs
over the head of the Alliance. Lord Lothar has stationed your troops
in the northlands to protect the borders of Quel'thalas. Troubles have
arisen in the township of Tyr's Hand, with the local peasant
population in a state of minor revolt. You must quell this uprising
and then summon the Knights of the Silver Hand to watch over the
populace. To maintain order in the region, you must search out all of
the Horde forces in the area and destroy them.

-Quell the peasant uprising
-Build a Castle
-Destroy enemy forces


With his Paladins keeping vigilant watch over the northlands, the
Archbishop's assistant Uther Lightbringer of Lordaeron has come to
offer comfort to those who are suffering the misfortunes of war. Lord
Lothar has entrusted you with the protection of the Paladins'
Commander and his entourage as they travel to the island township of
Caer Darrow.

-Escort the Lightbringer to the Circle of Power at Caer Darrow


Following the battle at Caer Darrow, a number of renegade Alterac
soldiers were captured. A crew of Alterac sailors were also caught
assisting the Horde during the battle and have been placed under close
guard. Under the edict of Lord Lothar, you are to restrain the
prisoners until they can be escorted to the capital of Lordaeron for

-Build transports at Stratholme
-Transport four Alterac traitors to the Circle of Power at Stratholme


Lord Lothar sends word that the Alliance has been betrayed. Lord
Perenolde - sovereign ruler of Alterac - has been working with the
Horde since the beginning of the war. It was Perenolde who provided
the Orcs with the routes of the Elven strikeforce passing through
Tarren Mill. The rebellion at Tyr's Hand was also started by Alterac
spies in hopes of concealing the Orcish mining facility located there.
The High Command has decreed that the nation of Alterac has committed
treason against the Alliance and their union with the Orcish Hordes
must be broken. You must free those unjustly held by Perenolde and
enlist their aid in launching an attack against Alterac's capital.

-Free the Mages and Peasants
-Destroy Alterac

Act IV Return to Azeroth


With the destruction of Alterac, the Orcish armies in the north have
staged a massive retreat. Admiral Proudmoore sends word that Gnomish
Submarines have located the Horde's main naval base near Crestfall.
Proudmoore believes that the Orcs plan to launch the remainder of
their armada and retreat to the mainland of Azeroth. Lord Lothar has
ordered that you destroy the base at Crestfall before the fleet can

-Destroy Orc Transports
-Destroy all Oil Derricks
-Destroy all Shipyards


The remnants of the routed Orcish fleet have managed to reach the
northern shores of Azeroth. Admiral Proudmoore believes that the Horde
will attempt to reinforce their main Fortress at Blackrock Spire.
Leading a large strikeforce of Lordaeron troops, Lord Lothar was sent
to attempt a parlay with the Orcish Chieftain Orgrim Doomhammer. No
reports have been heard in days. . . Assuming the worst, Admiral
Proudmoore and King Terenas agree that it falls upon you to stage a
final siege upon Blackrock Spire. The feral Dwarves of the Northeron
wildlands have offered the service of their Gryphon Riders to assist
in the decimation of the foul Orcs that have desecrated their homeland
and slain the leader of the Alliance forces.

-Destroy Blackrock Spire
-Eradicate any and all enemy forces


The Orcs have been driven from the Northlands as the hulking remains of
Blackrock Spire lay silent amongst the freed lands of Azeroth. The
battered remains of the once mighty Horde have rallied to protect
their last bastion of hope - the Great Portal. With Lord Lothar dead,
you have been given the duty of leading the forces of Lordaeron to
ultimate victory over the Horde - a victory that lies with the
destruction of the Great Portal itself. . .

-Destroy the Great Portal

Quiet settles over the Black Morass with the blackened, burning remains
of the cursed Portal serving as a solemn reminder of the evil that
once stood here. After the long and savage battle, you stand
victorious over the tattered remnants of the once mighty Orcish
Hordes. Those Orcs that survived the conflict have fled to the
northeast in hopes of escaping your vengeance. You allow them their
reprieve, knowing that the power of the Horde has been forever broken
and that the lands of Azeroth belong to its native sons and daughters
once again.

C.Beyond the Dark Portal Campaign texts

Orc Campaign

Act I Draenor, The Red World


Though the Elder Shaman Ner'zhul holds the rank of Warchief of Draenor,
your position as Slayer to the Shadowmoon clan places the duty of
leading their armies into battle upon your head. Ner'zhul has
discovered how the rift was first formed and now covets the idea of
not only reopening the gateway into Azeroth, but of creating new
Portals and seeking out even more worlds to control. You must
subjugate an order of Death Knights who have secured the knowledge
needed to rebuild the Dark Portal. The renegade Ogre-Mage Mogor, of
the Laughing Skull clan, has taken control of these dark soldiers and
is seeking to create a powerful spell with the aid of their
necromantic magic. His life is also forfeit. Although we have no
Dragons to command, we have learned that Grom Hellscream, leader of
the Warsong clan, has been captured by the Laughing Skull and is being
held prisoner. Free him and he will surely aid you in your battles.

-Destroy all the Death Knights and their Temple
-Grom Hellscream must survive


The skull of Gul'dan is a powerful artifact and essential for
resurrecting the Dark Portal. A pathetic Orc Captain of the
Bonechewer clan wears the skull as a symbol of his station and does
not know of its true power. Ner'zhul has sent the Ogre hero, Dentarg,
to influence warriors from the Thunderlord clan to join in the battle
against the Bonechewers. You will also be assisted by the warriors of
the Shattered Hand and their leader Korgath Bladefist. Move quickly to
the Thunderlord village and raise an army to crush the Bonechewer
Captain and win the Skull of Gul'dan.

-Recruit Thunderlords (V)
-Destroy Bonechewers (G)
-Rescue Shattered Hand (W)
-Keep your Heroes alive


Ner'zhul has met with opposition to his plans from the leaders of both
the Thunderlord and Bonechewer clans. They desire to journey to
Azeroth and have their clans triumph where Doomhammer had failed.
This is a vision not shared by your Warchief... You are to lead the
forces of Shadowmoon against the strongholds of both Bonechewer and
Thunderlord. Once these weak fools and their clans are removed, no
others will dare to interfere with the dark schemes of Ner'zuhl.

-Destroy the Thunderlord Clan (Violet)
-Destroy the Bonechewers (Green)

Act II The Burning of Azeroth


From the ranks of the Death Knights comes Teron Gorefiend. The death of
Gul'dan has placed these dark horsemen under the authority of no clan,
but Gorefiend shares the desires of Ner'zuhl to open numerous Portals.
He offers his influence over the Death Knights of Draenor in exchange
for a world that the Death Knights can claim as their own. Using the
knowledge gained at the defeat of the Ogre-Mage Mogor and the
necromantic powers of the Death Knights, Ner'zhul successfully awakens
the arcane energies of the mystic rift. As you lead the forces of
Shadowmoon into Azeroth, a human battlement that has been constructed
to keep the Portal closed stands before you. Destroy this Citadel and
claim the lands that surround the rift.

-Destroy the Humans
-Teron must survive


When the Horde was driven back into the Black Morass, we were able to
only take a small portion of our forces through the Dark Portal before
it was destroyed. With the Dragon Queen Alexstrasza rescued and the
Dragonmaw clan captured by the Alliance, we were no longer able to
command these great winged beasts. While securing the rift and
beginning construction of a new portal, your encampment is approached
by a haggard Grunt. His uniform marks him as a warrior of the
Bleeding Hollow. He tells how those of his clan who did not return
through the Portal have eluded capture and imprisonment by the
Alliance armies. You also learn that many of the Dragons that were
once enslaved have continued to feed upon Humans and are now roosting
at Blackrock Spire. If you can break through the Human defenses and
gain the trust of these creatures, perhaps you can bring Ner'zhul
powerful allies.

-Capture as many dragons as possible
-Capture the dragon roost nestled high in the mountains


Finding the survivors of the Bleeding Hollow clan and gaining the
Dragon Deathwing as an ally has strengthened your position in Azeroth.
Your success has not gone unnoticed by Ner'zhul. He rewards your
victories by assigning you a dangerous mission. Gorefiend has sensed a
focus of arcane energies within a Castle that has been raised upon the
foundations of Stormwind Keep. Ner'zuhl believes that this can only
be the fabled Book of Medivh. Only a fool would leave such power
unguarded, so your assault upon this New Stormwind castle will be a
bloody one...

-Destroy everything
-Teron must survive

Act III The Great Sea


After taking the Castle of New Stormwind, you search in vain for the
Book of Medivh. As you sift through the rubble of the fallen human
fortress, you discover the corpse of a Footman with a Human dagger in
his side. The spies of the Bleeding Hollow clan have confirmed that
this blade was crafted by the weaponsmiths of Alterac. These humans
are the same that were willing to betray their own brothers, and it
may be that they have stolen the Book of Medivh for their own
purposes. They will regret their decision... To journey to Alterac,
you must first establish naval superiority over the warships of the
Alliance. The base at Kul Tiras has always been the human's key to
the might of their armada. You must establish a strong presence in
the Great Sea in order to destroy Kul Tiras and prepare your way into

-Build five shipyards
-Destroy all enemy ships


Now that you have cleared a path to the island of Kul Tiras, you must
send your wave riders against the core of the Human fleet. With the
naval forces of the Humans defeated, the Horde will have free reign of
the Great Sea. We have also learned that Admiral Proudmoore is no
longer a member of the Alliance and does not have the support of their
armies. Remove his armada and Kul Tiras will fall.

-Destroy Kul Tiras' navy
-Destroy the Human settlement of Kul Tiras (Green)


Now that the Great Sea is once again under the dominion of our wave
riders, Ner'zhul has come upon a plan to increase the powers of the
Dark Portal. While he was the tutor of Gul'dan, the Shaman bound
their souls so that he could keep watch over his disciple. Even
though Gul'dan knew that this link would serve to inform Ner'zhul of
the Warlock's studies with the spirits that dwelt in the Twisting
Nether, he was too arrogant to care. Ner'zhul has ordered you to lead
a small band to the tomb in order to find the Jeweled Scepter of
Sargeras. The remains of the Stormreaver and Twilight's Hammer
encampment surround the entrance to the tomb and the howling of their
tortured souls fill the air. Although the inhabitants of this place
died long ago, their bodies have been torn from earthen graves by the
vile magiks of the Daemons and made to stalk this region for all

-Raze Ner'zhul's Mystic Sanctum
-Slay the Daemon who holds the Jeweled Sceptre

Act IV Prelude to New Worlds


Your capture of the Jeweled Scepter has greatly pleased Ner'zhul. Word
has come that you are to entrust it to the remaining warriors of the
Bleeding Hollow clan as they are to return it to Draenor at all haste.
Deathwing and his Dragons deliver you to the Keep at Alterac. While
you could easily bring these curs to their knees, they have hidden the
tome you seek. They are also cunning enough to strike a bargain,
knowing it is their only salvation. Should they tell you the location
of the Book, however, they fear the retribution of the Nations of
Lordaeron and Stromgarde. They would be willing to exchange the Book
of Medivh for the destruction of these forces that sit along their
borders. You must eliminate the military outposts maintained by
Lordaeron and Stromgarde. Then seal your pact by entering into
Alterac, contacting the Human Mage who guards the Book, and escorting
him to safety.

-Destroy the enemy Human settlements
-Rescue the Mage from Alterac, and return him to the circle of power


With the Book of Medivh in your control and the Jeweled Scepter
delivered to Ner'zhul, only one artifact remains to be won. The Mages
of Dalaran have created a device to focus their magiks in an effort to
reconstruct the Violet Citadel. Ner'zhul desires this Eye of Dalaran
to focus the dark powers of the underworld for the creation of his
portals. Teron Gorefiend has traveled to the stronghold of the Human
Mages at Cross Island, where they now rebuild their towers amid heavy
fortifications. You must break through their shoreline defenses,
establish a base, and capture the Eye of Dalaran. No walls will
protect them from the vengeance of the Horde.

-Destroy all Mage Towers
-Destroy all of Dalaran (Violet)


As the burning remains of your victims fill the air with acrid smoke,
the sky fills with a figure as black as night. Deathwing descends,
exhausted from his long journey from Grim Batol, bearing grave news
from his brothers at Blackrock Spire. The Alliance has sent a host of
warriors to the Black Morass and has engaged the forces of Warsong and
Shattered Hand at the Dark Portal. You must rally the forces of
Shadowmoon to break through this siege and return the artifacts you
have secured to Draenor. Only then can Ner'zhul's plan of opening
portals to new worlds be realized. Succeed and you will command vast
armies as they ravage untold worlds. Fail and be slaughtered.

-Capture the Dark Portal
-Destroy all Humans

Ner'zhul holds the ancient scepter of Sargeras in the air and intones
the final words of the Spell of Conjuration. The air about you begins
to swirl and presses down upon the assembled masses of the Horde.
Above you, the crimson skies break open and reveal the chaotic
pathways of the Twisting Nether. As Ner'zhul deploys his remaining
forces towards the new portals, you glimpse the Shattered Hand and
Warsong clans awaiting orders on the other side of the Dark Portal.
"Master," you ask. "Should we not recall all of our forces from
Azeroth?" "No," the ancient Shaman replys coldly. "They have served
their purpose. From this point on, all that we gain will be our's
alone." Ner'zhul gives a wicked grin as you unquestioningly follow
him into the swirling madness of the Twisting Nether.

Human Campaign

Act I A Time for Heroes


Lord Khadgar, Keeper of the Eternal Watch and master of the mystic
Citadel of Nethergarde, has sensed a dark power gathering around the
remnants of the rift that lies within the Black Morass. He believes
that a new Orcish invasion is imminent, and has urged the Alliance to
act. The Elven Ranger Alleria, and a small band of her elite guard,
have been sent as escort so that you may gather reinforcements to
counter this threat. Your travels to the Castle of New Stormwind will
lead you across the paths of both the Paladin called Turalyon and a
mercenary captain known as Danath. Engage their aid during your
journey, as their leadership may be needed by the Alliance in the dark
days ahead.

-Rescue Heroes and return all three to the circle in New Stormwind


A great host of Orcs have reconstructed the Dark Portal and now lay
siege to the Citadel of Nethergarde. The Horde still maintain their
hold over the great winged dragons of Azeroth. A faction of these
creatures, seeming to have grown to crave the taste of battle, have
become willing allies with the Orcs under the leadership of a great
Black Dragon known only as Deathwing. Danath has been asked to raise
an army from New Stormwind to relieve the beleaguered forces at
Nethergarde and drive the Horde back towards the Portal. You must
lead the forces of Azeroth in an attempt to break the vanguard of the
invading Horde, for unless their assault is stopped, they will gain
dominion over the Black Morass.

-Destroy all enemy forces
-Danath must survive


Having broken the momentum of the Horde offensive at Nethergarde, the
time is ripe for a decisive counter attack. The High Command agrees
that a strong assault upon the fortress that the Orcs have raised near
the Dark Portal may well end the conflict before it has rightly begun.
The Arch-Wizard Khadgar, however, believes that the Orcish Hordes may
not be here for the sake of mere conquest. He believes that if the
Portal can be captured, and not destroyed, he can uncover the purpose
for the Horde's present invasion into Azeroth.

-Destroy all strongholds and fortresses
-Turalyon must reach the Dark Portal alive

Act II Draenor, The Red World


Elven scouts bring chilling news from Azeroth. A tearing of shadows
heralded the arrival of the mighty Orc Shaman Ner'zhul and his guard
of Death Knights within the Royal Library of New Stormwind.
Unleashing their black magiks, they slaughtered all who opposed them
and then fled into the night with their prize - the Book of Medivh.
This serves to confirm what Khadgar has gleaned from the Battle of
Nethergarde. He is convinced that the Horde is attempting to learn
how the great sorcerer opened the rift between our world and that of
the Horde, known in the Book of Medivh only as Draenor. With countless
domains to plunder, the Horde would become an unstoppable power. The
High Command believes that our only recourse is to venture through the
Portal - both to reclaim the Book of Medivh and to ensure that the
Horde can never again threaten Azeroth.

-Erect a castle to protect the Portal
-Destroy all enemy forces


Having fortified your position on the Hellfire Peninsula where the
Portal is located, the time has come to establish a fleet to attack
the surrounding clans. The Orcish shipyards of Zeth'kur lie nearby,
and for our plans to progress you must destroy them and the ships of
war that are stationed there. While the Horde has been stunned by the
ferocity of your attack, our presence here has driven the clans to new
heights of fury. You will be unable to maintain this foothold for
long against their numbers, so your victories must be daring and

-Build three Shipyards
-Destroy all Orcish Shipyards


Kurdran - Gryphon Rider of Northeron - has returned from his patrol
with vital news. He has located the hidden Fortress of Auchindoun and
the battlements that serve as stronghold to the Bleeding Hollow clan.
Alleria's Rangers also report that they have seen a massive force
moving towards the North, and suspect that these troops are staging
for another attack upon Azeroth. Although the Orcish army is too large
for your forces to battle alone, you may be able to launch a raid
against Auchindoun. Should your strike succeed, you would force their
army to retreat - or be cut off and destroyed. Raze the Fortress of
Auchindoun and retreat before their forces can rally against you.

-Turalyon and Danath must return to the Circle of Power after
destroying Bleeding Hollow (Orange)

Act III War in the Shadows


The arcane powers that surround the blazing ruins of Auchindoun have
made urgent the summoning of Khadgar to the dark lands of the Orcs.
The destruction of the Bleeding Hollow clan was not without great
price, however, for both Kurdran and his mount Sky'ree were captured
by the Horde. While examining the remains of the great fortress, the
Arch-Wizard has learned not only the location of the Book of Medivh,
but also that another artifact is needed for Ner'zhul's plans to reach
fruition - the Skull of Gul'dan. Khadgar believes it will be possible
to destroy the Portal and permanently seal the rift created by Medivh
if he can acquire these artifacts. A great mountain isle lies to the
northeast, atop which the Black Dragon Deathwing dwells. The Skull of
Gul'dan lies within his lair. Alleria and Khadgar have agreed to aid
you in stealing away the Skull and - if possible - destroy the great
Dragon. It is rumored that Orcish tribes live on this island and offer
captives from the Great War as sacrifices to Deathwing. If you can
rescue them, they may know of some weakness in the creature...

-Destroy Deathwing and his lair
-Khadgar, Alleria and Kurdran must survive.


Seeking out the artifacts needed to seal the rift has given the Horde
time to mount a strike against us. A great Orcish armada threatens
the coasts that you have captured, and the armies of the Alliance have
been hard pressed on many fronts. Our only chance for victory now lies
in obtaining the Book of Medivh. All knowledge of the Portal rests in
the keeping of Ner'zhul and his Order of Death Knights at the Fortress
of Shadowmoon. You must storm and raze the strongholds that guard the
coastline of his lands so that our forces may be brought to bear in an
effort to isolate and destroy his cursed sanctuary.

-Destroy all enemy forces


The towering spires of Shadowmoon reach upwards as obsidian blades to
cleave the hostile amber skies above. The corrupt heart of the mighty
Shaman's power is within reach. Press your attack and the bane of
Ner'zuhl and his Order of Death Knights will be wiped from the face of
Draenor, forever. By destroying this dark fortress and claiming the
Book of Medivh, Khadgar will be able to close the rift and Azeroth
will be rid of the Orcish Hordes once and for all!

-Destroy the Shadowmoon Fortress (Black)

Act IV The Measure of Valor


Although the Fortress of Ner'zuhl has been destroyed and the Death
Knights scattered, neither the Shaman nor the Book of Medivh has been
found. As Khadgar and Turalyon use their magiks to search the ruins
for some clue as to the location of the mystic tome, a Gnomish flying
machine descends, bringing news from the Hellfire Peninsula and the
Portal. A multitude of Orcs have laid siege to the fortifications at
Hellfire. Although the attacking warriors are not well equipped,
their sheer numbers may spell the downfall of our forces there. You
must take command of the Alliance armies at Hellfire and break the
siege before our troops are pushed back through the Dark Portal. We
must withstand their charge long enough for the Book of Medivh to be
recovered and the rift forever sealed.

-Hold out until the besieging Orcs retreat
-All your Heroes must survive the siege


You have proven your strength in battle, but none can stand against the
combined might of the Horde. We of the Laughing Skull clan, however,
seek advantage from the turmoil of this war. With the aid of your
strongest warriors, our clan can gain dominance over the northern
clans of Draenor. Do not show surprise, Human - only the strongest
survive within the Horde. You must secure the passes across the
Blade's Edge Mountains and destroy the stronghold of the Thunderlord
clan that dwell there. We will supply you with warriors and supplies
culled from our villages. In return, we will give you the Book of
Medivh, which we seized from Ner'zhul's stronghold before your armies
could destroy it.

-Destroy all enemy forces
-All your Heroes must survive


Khadgar has discovered that although the Book of Medivh was stolen from
Ner'zhul, the ancient Shaman has learned enough of its secrets to
conjure his darkest spell. Over the blood red skies of Draenor, huge
dimensional rifts appear, crackling with the cosmic energy of the
Twisting Nether. Alleria's scouts report that Ner'zhul and his
followers escaped through the largest of the new rifts as Draenor felt
the first of its death throes. The tremendous energies emitted from
the converging rifts have succeeded in breaking down the fabric of
reality in Draenor; unleashing massive earth quakes and tidal waves
upon its shores. Unless the Dark Portal is closed on both worlds,
Azeroth will be subject to an enormous backlash of energy resulting
from Draenor's catastrophic discorporation. Using the combined powers
of the Book of Medivh and the Skull of Gul'dan, you must return
Khadgar to the Dark Portal and seal the rift between Azeroth and the
doomed world of Draenor, forever.

-Destroy the Dark Portal
-Only Khadgar can destroy the Portal
-Khadgar must survive

As the flames die to embers and the arcane energies that once bound two
worlds slowly fade, the Dark Portal crumbles into dust as its powers
subside and dissolve. The finality of what has been done here becomes
manifest. The moment is shattered as volcanoes erupt in fiery fury as
the earth begins to shake beneath your feet. The world of Draenor is
dying... Khadgar motions toward the remaining rifts created by
Ner'zhul and beckons you to follow him. The warriors of Azeroth under
your command gaze upon the rifts with uncertainty - but to remain
would be suicide. Knowing that their beloved Azeroth is safe from
harm, they gather up weapons and wounded companions alike as you lead
them into the swirling, unknown reaches of the Twisting Nether.

D.APENDIX: WarCraft II Tips, Clans and Nations, Ranks, Unfinished Work

WarCraft II Tips

You can get additional tips by selecting NEXT TIP right now, or you can
get help later by clicking on the MENU button in the upper left of the
screen and then choosing the HELP menu. You can create additional
peasants in your Town Hall. You can select a group of units by holding
down the left mouse button while dragging. You can then issue commands
to the whole group. You can use the Right Mouse Button to issue
Auto-Commands to a selected unit. Units can be ordered to move,
attack, harvest, mine, or repair with a single click. You can adjust
the game speed, mouse speed, and other speed settings in the SPEED
menu. In some scenarios, you must return specific units to a
particular location designated by the runic Circle of Power. To
restart a scenario use the END SCENARIO menu. Scenario objectives can
be checked at any time in the SCENARIO OBJECTIVES menu. Most commands
in the game have hot keys. These keys are denoted by the highlighted
letter in the text of the command. You can toggle the terrain
information on and off in the mini-map by pressing . Combat units
standing still are assumed to be on guard. If they see an enemy unit
they will automatically engage them. You can use the MOVE command to
force your units to move to a particular destination. They will ignore
enemy units along the way. In this way, you can also use the MOVE
command to retreat. You can use the ATTACK command to force your units
to move to a particular destination, however unlike the move command,
they will engage enemy units if attacked. You can speed up or slow
down the game by pressing the '+' or '-' keys. You must construct the
Shipyard, the Oil Refinery, and the Foundry on a coastline. You can
remove an individual unit from a group by holding down the shift key
while selecting that unit. You can select a unit from within a group
by clicking the unit's portrait in the info bar. By holding down the
shift key, you can also deselect a unit. You can load up to 6 units
onto a transport by commanding your units to MOVE onto the transport.
The transport will pull into shore and automatically load your units.
You can unload units from a transport by selecting the UNLOAD button
and designating a destination on the shore. You can also click on the
portrait of the specific unit you want to unload. You can adjust the
sound, music, and speech in the SOUND menu. You can designate targets
for your commands (MOVE, ATTACK, HARVEST, etc.) using the mini map. In
this way, you can send units on long voyages without having to scroll
the main view. Clicking and dragging in the minimap will enable you to
drag the current screen view around rapidly. If you hold down the ALT
key while selecting a unit, it will automatically select the entire
last group that unit was a part of. Submarines can only be seen by
fliers, towers, and other subs. Fliers can only be attacked by
archers, destroyers, guard towers, and other fliers. You can use
sappers and demo squads to blow up almost anything, including rocks
and trees. SAVE your game frequently, so that if you back yourself
into a corner you can LOAD a game where you were in a better position.
Never pet a burning dog. Clicking the right mouse button during a
command will cancel it. To build your own maps and edit unit variables
you can use the Windows 95 Warcraft Editor supplied with Warcraft II.
You can install your own sound effects using the Sound Editor supplied
with Warcraft II. You can turn off unit responses in the SOUND menu.
Building a Lumber Mill increases the amount of lumber you produce from
each load your Peasants bring in. When building a Lumber Mill, try to
place it close to a forest. When your Peasants are done chopping wood,
they will return it to the closest site available. Never spit into the
wind. Building an Oil Refinery increases the amount of oil you produce
from each load your Transports bring in. You can use the PATROL
command to setup a two point patrol route for your units. While in
patrol mode, your units will attack any enemy units that they see.
Always proceed with caution when driving through a blind intersection.
The STAND GROUND command is used to force your units to stay in place.
Even if attacked, your units will not move. They will however fight
back if the enemy is within their range. You can setup convoys by
selecting your escorts and telling them to MOVE onto the unit you want
escorted. They will then follow the designated unit. You can turn off
the Fog of War in the PREFERENCES menu. Always wear bright clothing
when riding a bicycle at night. To send messages to your opponent
during multiplayer games, press , type in your message and
press again. You can form alliances during a multiplayer game
using the ALLIES MENU in the upper right. In a multiplayer game, an
alliance can declare an allied victory if all members of the surviving
alliance check the allied victory box in the ALLIES MENU. Never talk
to strangers. The lumber mill will allow you to upgrade your archers'
arrows. If your keyboard gets stuck press the Backslash ('') key to
reset the keyboard. If the screen gets garbled when switching back and
forth between Windows and Warcraft try pressing the key
to fix the problem. When building a Town Hall, place it close to the
gold mine or forests you plan to harvest. When your Peasants are done
chopping wood or mining gold, they will return it faster, making your
community more efficient. Remember to change your underwear daily.
Pressing will toggle the sound on or off. will
toggle the music on or off. To save your current position on the map
and instantly return to it later, press to save the
location, and to recall it at any time. There are three available
slots for saved positions: , and . To Surrender during a
campaign or multiplayer game use the END SCENARIO menu. Keep the path
between the Townhall and available resources clear. Obstacles slow the
rate at which resources can be returned. Send out groups containing
varied unit types rather than a single type. As a mixed group, they
will be better equipped to handle numerous threats. Tell all your
friends to buy Warcraft II.

Clans and Nations

The Clans

Stormreaver Clan
Dragonmaw Clan
Blackrock Clan
Bleeding Hollow Clan
Black Tooth Grin Clan
Twilight's Hammer Clan
Burning Blade Clan
Horde Traitors
Flowerpicker Clan
Shattered Hand Clan
Warsong Clan
Bonechewer Clan
Shadowmoon Clan
Thunderlord Clan
Bleeding Hollow Clan
Laughing Skull Clan

The Nations

Nation of Azeroth
Nation of Lordaeron
Nation of Stromgarde
Nation of Kul Tiras
Nation of Gilneas
Nation of Dalaran
Nation of Alterac
Alliance Traitors



War Chief


Grand Admiral

Unfinished Work???

Stuff that apears to be from a mini-campaign or tutorial that doesn't



-Build four farms
-Build a barracks
-Build a lumber mill


-Build a shipyard
-Build four oil rigs


-Destroy the Human base at Lordaeron



-Build four farms
-Build a barracks
-Build a lumber mill


-Build a shipyard
-Build four oil rigs


-Locate the Orc base
-Destroy the Orc base

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Character Quotes
Engl. FAQ

16.Octombrie 2013

13.Octombrie 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Octombrie 2013
The Dark Saga

15.Octombrie 2013

14.Octombrie 2013
Mehr Geld, Holz und Öl

17.Octombrie 2013
Engl. Hinweise

15.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
Engl. Hinweise

02.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Octombrie 2013
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17.Octombrie 2013
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