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Orcs and Humans

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)
and Strategy Guide


Revision: v1.00
Last Updated: August 28, 1995
Written by: Jeff Kang (gkang@jupiter.sun.csd.unb.ca)
Chris Asher (xen@ind3x.dircon.co.uk)



The aim of this FAQ is to inform the public about WarCraft: Orcs and Humans
by Blizzard Entertainment. It is purely for informational purposes and
neither Blizzard Entertainment nor the authors of the FAQ (Jeff Kang, Chris
Asher) accept any responsibility for any harm or damage caused to anyone or
anything because of the content of this FAQ.


All specific names included herein are trademarks and are so acknowledged:
Blizzard Entertainment

Any trademarks not mentioned here are still hypothetically acknowledged.


This article is copyright 1995, by Chris Asher and Jeff Kang. All rights
reserved. You are granted the following rights:

I. To make copies of this work in original form, so long as the copies are
exact, include the copyright notice and give obvious credit to the
authors: Chris Asher and Jeff Kang.

II. To distribute this work in any form, as long as you do not charge a fee
for copying or for distribution and you request permission of the
authors if you wish to distribute it within a magazine, piece of
computer software or other commercial media.


.1. - Chapter 1 - (Introduction)
.1-1. - Introduction
.1-2. - About the FAQ
.1-3. - Revision History
.1-4. - Getting the FAQ
.1-5. - Submissions to the FAQ
.1-6. - Acknowledgments

.2. - Chapter 2 - (About WarCraft/Blizzard)
.2-1. - What is WarCraft?
.2-2. - Is Warcraft available on any other platforms?
.2-3. - Who are Blizzard Entertainment?
.2-4. - Has Blizzard written any other games?
.2-5. - Does Blizzard have an official FTP site or webpage?
.2-6. - How can I contact Blizzard?

.3. - Chapter 3 - (The different WarCraft releases)
.3-1. - How many different releases of WarCraft have there been?
.3-2. - What's the difference between them?
.3-3. - Where can I find the latest patch?
.3-4. - Where can I get the playable demo?
.3-5. - Are there any editors?

.4. - Chapter 4 - (Hints, Tips, Cheats)
.4-1. - Built-in Cheat Codes in WarCraft
.4-2. - What are the differences between the orcs and humans?
.4-3. - General tips
.4-4. - Getting loads of gold and lumber
.4-5. - Cheating in network play!
.4-6. - Tactics from the players
.4-6-1. - Unholy armour on a Daemon!
.4-6-2. - Mass destruction of catapults

.5. - Chapter 5 - (Level-by-Level walkthrough)

.5-1. - Human Scenarios
.5-1-1. - Level 1
.5-1-2. - Level 2
.5-1-3. - Level 3
.5-1-4. - Level 4
.5-1-5. - Level 5
.5-1-6. - Level 6
.5-1-7. - Level 7
.5-1-8. - Level 8
.5-1-9. - Level 9
.5-1-10. - Level 10
.5-1.11. - Level 11
.5-1.12. - Level 12
.5-2. - Orc Scenarios
.5-2-1. - Level 1
.5-2-2. - Level 2
.5-2-3. - Level 3
.5-2-4. - Level 4
.5-2-5. - Level 5
.5-2-6. - Level 6
.5-2-7. - Level 7
.5-2-8. - Level 8
.5-2-9. - Level 9
.5-2-10. - Level 10
.5-2.11. - Level 11
.5-2.12. - Level 12
.5-3. - Ending text
.5-3-1. - Human Ending text
.5-3-2. - Orc Ending text
.5-4. - End-of-game credits

.6. - Chapter 6 - (Statistics)
.6-1. - Unit Statistics
.6-1-1. - Human Unit Statistics
.6-1-2. - Orc Unit Statistics
.6-1-3. - Creature Unit Statistics
.6-2. - Building Statistics
.6-3. - Spell Statistics
.6-4. - Technology Statistics

.7. - Chapter 7 - (Bugs, Problems, Troubleshooting)
.7-1. What was the 'Human 7 bug'?
.7-2. Multi-player is sloooow! How can I speed it up?
.7-3. Why can I only select 4 men per group?
.7-4. The copy-protection doesn't match the manual!
.7-5. How would you know exactly how much gold was in a gold mine?
.7-6. Why do catapults auto-fire when they never hit anything?
.7-7. Why can't I tell my catapults to aim in front of moving targets?
.7-8. My peasant died before he reached his construction site!
.7-9. The #$%@ computer cheats!

.8. - Chapter 8 - (WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness)
.8-1. When is WarCraft II going to be released?
.8-2. Official press release information.
.8-3. Where can I get some screenshots?

++ Chapter One ++ (Introduction)

# -=1-1=- Introduction

Welcome to the WarCraft: Orcs and Humans Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
and Strategy guide.

The aim of this FAQ is to tell you as much as possible about WarCraft
- anything from the various releases and the add-ons available to the
cheat codes and tips on playing.

# -=1-2=- About the FAQ

This FAQ is written and edited by Chris Asher and Jeff Kang. Most material
in it has been written and/or compiled by us. Any information that we have
not written is by one of the people listed in section 1-5 :

# -=1-3=- Revision History

v0.5 April 7, 1995
v0.6 April 21, 1995
v1.0 August 27, 1995

# -=1-4=- Getting the FAQ

The Warcraft FAQ is available at


Kevin Lo's Homepage

Jeff Kang's Ultimax GamePage


ftp.wustl.edu \pub\MSDOS_UPLOADS\warcraft\

# -=1-5=- Submissions to the FAQ

If you have any information you wish to add to the FAQ then please send it
to gkang@jupiter.sun.csd.unb.ca (Jeff). Please note that any text send to us
for use in the FAQ becomes our property to change and edit as we wish. Full
credit will be given to the writer in the acknowledgements section (1-6).

If you have written a program to enhance WarCraft in some way then please
archive it and UUENCODE it to Jeff via email.

# -=1-6=- Acknowledgements

Thanks to all these people without whom
this FAQ wouldn't have been possible:

Blizzard Entertainment - Writing such a wicked game and replying
to us by email.

Tony Evans - Who helped by gathering information from the internet.

Mike Adshead - Helped us with the hints 'n' tips section and gave
encouragement when the FAQ was in it's early stages.

Roger Wong - The great ASCII logo.

Teri Tokamoto - Information about Blizzard and their email address.

** If anyone was left out then let us know and you'll be put on the list.

++ Chapter Two ++ (About WarCraft/Blizzard)

# -=2-1=- What is WarCraft?

WarCraft: Orcs and Humans is a point-and-click strategy game of 24 levels.
It was written by Blizzard Entertainment and published by Interplay.

The objective is to build a town that can create an army strong enough to
beat your opponent. It is possible to play either the computer or a human
player via serial link, network or modem.

It is incredibly addictive! :-)

# -=2-2=- Is WarCraft available on any other platforms?

WarCraft is available for the Macintosh.

# -=2-3=- Who are Blizzard Entertainment?

Blizzard Entertainment is an independent subsidiary of Davidson and
Associates. They have produced many console games, including, but not
limited to: Rock & Roll Racing, The Lost Vikings, Blackthorne, etc. They
were formerly known as Chaos Studios and Silicon & Synapse. Please call
their BBS (714-556-4602) and read the company info there for more

Here is Blizzard Entertainment's corporate background:

Blizzard Entertainment, formerly known as Chaos Studios, is a premiere
publisher of next-generation entertainment software. The company has
developed more than 30 titles for computer and cartridge systems since its
founding in 1990.

As a third party developer, Blizzard has developed entertainment software
for a variety of platforms including Sega, Nintendo, SNES and IBM PC in
CD-ROM and floppy disk formats. Some of the companies best known titles
include Rock 'n Roll Racing, The Lost Vikings, Blackthorne and The Death
and Return of Superman. The first multimedia computer title offered solely
under the Blizzard title is Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, a real-time fantasy
strategy game that was released nationwide in November 1994.

Blizzard combines several key components in its products including solid
game play, vivid graphics, exciting sound tracks, explosive sound effects
and extensive character interaction. Blizzard's titles have won three
consecutive "Best of the Show" awards at the Consumer Electronics Show for
the past two years, Video Games Magazine named the company "Best Software
Developer of 1993", and the company has recently won a "Technical
Innovations Award" from the sponsors of the Consumer Electronics Show, the
Electronics Industries Association.

Blizzard's products are developed at its headquarters in Costa Mesa, Ca.,
using the company's complete programming facilities. The Blizzard staff is
comprised of 25 designers, producers, programmers, artists and sound
engineers. Blizzard also maintains a technical support staff to answer any
consumer inquiries.

Blizzard Entertainment was founded in 1990 under the name of Silicon &
Synapse by president Allen Adham and Vice President Michael Morhaime. In
February of 1994, Blizzard became an independent division of Davidson &
Associates, Inc., a leading publisher of multimedia educational software.

# -=2-4=- Has Blizzard Entertainment written any other games?

Blizzard has mainly produced console games in the past. These games include,
but are limited to: DC Fighters, Rock & Roll Racing, Justice League. Their
only other games for the PC are Lost Vikings and Blackthorne.

# -=2-5=- Does Blizzard have an official FTP site or webpage?

They plan to have one by the end of September 95.

# -=2-6=- How can I contact Blizzard?

Blizzard Entertainment
P.O. Box 18077
Irvine CA 92713

Tel: 800-953-SNOW (Sales)
714-556-5740 (tech support)

Fax: 714-556-5572

Email: blizzrdent@aol.com
tloving@blizzard.com (Tymothi Loving)

BBS: 714-556-4602

Messages posted to: alt.games.warcraft, comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic
are read, and responded to by Blizzard personnel.

++ Chapter Three ++ (The different WarCraft releases)

# -=3-1=- How many different releases of WarCraft have there been?

Here are all the different versions publicly released:

1.21, 1.20, 1.16, 1.15, 1.14, 1.13, 1.12 (original version)

# -=3-2=- What are the differences between them?

1.21 - Full install copy protection removed in CD version
WarEdit included

1.20 - Unknown

1.16 - Added command line option for enhanced connectivity
Copy protection enhancement

1.15 - Enhanced direct link and modem connectivity
Fixed bug affecting scores over 12,000
Improved copy protection for ease of use
Gravis UltraSound support added

1.14 - Fixed speech bug

1.13 - Replaced CD-ROM copy protection with floppy copy protection
Fixed human level 7 bug
Updated DOS 4/GW extender

1.12 - Original version

# -=3-3=- Where can I find the latest patch?

The 1.21 patch can be found at ftp.cdrom.com

# -=3-4=- Where can I get the Warcraft playable demo?


1.4 MB in size

# -=3-5=- Are there any editors?

Unit editor
Included with 1.21 patch - see section 3-3

Map editor (windows)
wuarchive.wustl.edu /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/warcraft/warcedit.zip
ftp.cdrom.com /pub/games/new/warcedit.zip

Save game editor
ftp.uml.edu /pub/msdos/games/editors/wartrn.zip (unconfirmed)

++ Chapter Four ++ (Hints, Tips, Cheats)

# -=4-1=- Cheat codes in WarCraft

There is a Master Code which needs to be activated before the other codes.
To use the cheat codes, first press to bring up the message box for
Two-Player games, then type in the code and press again to activate
the cheat. The codes do not require the Master Code to work are preceded by
a double asterisk **.

Note that in Two-Player games, the codes affect both sides.

Master Code: Corwin of Amber

Code Effect


Takes player to the requested level (i.e. ORC12)
This cheat works only in Campaign Mode


Takes player to the victory sequence
This cheat works only in Campaign Mode


Takes player to the loss sequence
This cheat works only in Campaign Mode


Takes player to the finale sequence for the current campaign
This cheat works only in Campaign Mode


Adds 10,000 gold and 5,000 lumber to your reserves


Upgrades your magic users with all spells


Upgrades all technologies immediately


Displays the entire map area


All buildings, units and upgrades are built/trained at an accelerated rate


All of your units are invulnerable except by a catapult hit or rain of fire
spell and inflict 255 points of damage per hit.

# -=4-2=- What are the differences between the Orcs and Humans?

For the sake of play balance, the orcs and humans are quite similar. The
only major differences are in the magic each side wields. There is much
argument over which side is stronger magic-wise. Some believe that the
healing magic of the humans make their units last longer, while others
insist that the unholy armour spell of the orcs make their units invincible
on the battlefield. Some people prefer daemons over water elementals, and
others vice versa. The game designers made both sides as equal as possible
for the balance of play, giving both sides advantages and weaknesses. It is
up to the individual player to decide which race is more enjoyable to play.

# -=4-3=- General tips

1. Scout the map using scorpions or skeletons - they cost nothing to
create and are expendable, plus they can tie up a few of the enemy
units for a while. Farseeing is also extremely useful early on in a
game. Not only does this give you the location of the enemy buildings,
but acts as an early warning for the build up of enemy forces prior to
an attack.

2. Later in the game, build up a unit of four sorcerers and have them
summon four elementals to attack as one unit. They are virtually
undefeatable. :)

3. Lines of eight or more archers/spearmen are invaluable but they need
the support of a few foot troops to prevent attackers reaching the
archer line. Behind the archers should be at least two catapults and
two clerics.

4. When attacked by elementals, send 2 - 3 knights at them and bombard the
lot with catapults. The sacrifice is worth it! Make sure you've got
enough barracks to quickly replace them though.

5. The enemy's mages take time to summon elementals so attack them as soon
as you can, and deny them that power.

6. The computer ain't stupid. If you build up an extremely strong force at
one place it will not waste troops by attacking there. It will more
often attack your weakest side, so try to keep things pretty balanced.

7. Use skeletons or scorpions to lure enemy units within the range of your
archer/catapult line.

8. Do not forget the importance of peasants/peons, with no economy you're
dead in the water. If an enemy attack gets through to your village have
the peasants run away as soon as possible - even if you save only _one_
peasant, it's enough to enable you to acquire enough gold to re-train

9. Attack catapults with mounted troops. You can get them into combat
quickly enough to keep them out of range of your main body of troops.

10. If you're being attacked by catapults early on in a game, make sure you
keep your troops spaced out so that a shot from the catapult will only
kill a single troop.

# -=4-4=- Getting loads of gold and lumber

1) Save the game
2) Quit to DOS
3) Load a suitable hex editor such as Norton Disk Edit.
4) Edit the save game file (save?.sav / save?.net)
5) Modify the offset as follows:

00607 50
00608 c3
0061b 50
0061c c3

You will then have 50,000 coins, and tons of Lumber

# -=4-5=- Cheating in network play!

1) Save the game in multi-player mode
2) Quit to DOS
3) Load a suitable hex editor such as Norton Disk Edit
4) Edit the save game file (save?.net)
5) Modify the offset as follows:

0002E 00

6) Rename the save game from save?.net to save?.sav
7) Load WarCraft
8) Load the appropriate save game.
9) Hit and type SALLY SHEARS and hit again

You now know exactly where your opponents village is!

Now all you have to do is find a way to stop the game half-way
through. :-)

In theory you should be able to convert normal 1-player games to
2-player games by reversing this tactic but I haven't tried it.

# -=4-6=- Tactics from the players

# -=4-6-1=- Unholy armour on a Daemon

This was posted by someone named Kelvin Lim in
com.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic. We hope he doesn't
mind us including in as it explains *exactly* what
is so good about casting unholy armour on a Daemon. :-)

---------- Cut
Had a game against a human player. Scenario : I played Humans and he played
the orcs. Everything was enabled and the only rule to our game was that THERE

The map was forest ... good I thought the mine was just next to my city..
we both had a complement of footmen and archers as our initial line of
defense so I decided to go straight and direct ... research for invisibility
and summon elemental.

OOOOH.. I was soooo close to having my first cleric having full manna when
I see a Daemon heading my city.. we both had already guessed the other's
location and had line up a by-then strong line of defense.

I was particularly confident of my defense which had 8 knights , 15 archers
and 5 catapults... I mean not even the CYBERDEMON and the ARCHVILLE can pull
through this line-up.

So I thought to myself ... no problem .. my soldiers are maxed out and
strategically placed.. just let me send invisible water elementals down into
the heart of his city and I will be laughing all the way to the bank.

I'm gonna enjoy watching his daemon vanish when he comes smack into my
defense ... BTW what an ugly creature the Daemon was.

Then the inevitable happened.. what occurred was not an Eat-daemon fest. BUT

My catapults and archers were firing away non-stop at that ugly thing and my
knights were just bashing at it.. but I don't see that sucker go down..!
I saw my knights going "uuggghh" when that thing started drawing first

And after killing my knights, that Daemon went for my archers.. and all
this time the catapults and archers were engaging it!!! So after, having
the starters and the main course that damn thing decided to have catapults
for dessert.. sh**! In the background I could occasionally hear the sound of
cast magik.. but never thought of it till my opponent sent me this dumb

"Not bad for a daemon with unholy armour, huh?"

Predictably, my opponent sent 2 more daemons to mop up the operation.
---------- Cut

# -=4-6-2=- Mass destruction of catapults

Sometimes you find enemy catapults all bunched up together in a
small little area. For example, in level human12, there were four
catapults or so surrounding each of the barracks. If you could only
get a couple of clean shots through with one of your own catapults.
Here's a tactic posted to comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic on
August 9, 1995 by Pat Traynor.

---------- Cut
I wanted to attack a group of enemy catapults. There were five of
them huddled inside enemy walls. If I sent one of my catapults, I
could take out one of theirs, but mine would be destroyed also. So
I did this: I sent out a raider and a catapult. While still out of
range, I instructed my catapult to attack the most distant of the
enemy catapults (within that huddle). This would put it within range
of all of the others. While my catapult was advancing, I sent my
raider ahead and kept him moving. The enemy catapults kept firing
at my raider (and of course missed because he was moving), and my
catapult took out all of the enemy ones at its leisure. The trick
was to keep my raider closer to the enemy than my catapult was.
---------- Cut

++ Chapter Five ++ (Level-by-Level walkthrough)

# -=5-1=- Human Scenarios

These level walkthrough take you through each scenario and give you level-
specific tactics and hints. They are not guaranteed to work, as Warcraft
require skill as well as strategy. However, I have had much success using
them. They may not be the easiest or fastest method of passing each
scenario, but they should help you complete the ones which you are having
trouble with.

# -=5-1-1=- Human level 1

As a test of your abilities the king has appointed
you as regent over a small parcel of land. Since
we must keep our armies in the field well supplied,
you are to build the town into a farming centre of no
less than six farms. Construction of a barracks for
defence is also advised, as our scouts have reported
Orc patrols in the area.


The first level is fairly simple. There is a gold mine directly to the right
of your starting position. That and your starting gold is enough for you to
build the five extra farms (you already have one to start with), and one
barracks. The left over money you can spend training two more peasants to
speed up the building process. The are 8 orcs scattered around the map. They
will not come looking for you so if you don't explore, you won't even meet
one. You might accidentally attract one's attention with your peasants so
have your footmen nearby. The safest place to harvest wood is to the
Northeast, so get your two new peasants to chop there while your first
peasant mines gold. Conserve your gold, do not build more roads unless you
want to fight it out with the orcs for another gold mine.

# -=5-1-2=- Human level 2

The Orcs around Grand Hamlet are becoming increasingly
brazen in their attacks, and our spies inform us that
they are amassing a large army to march against the
town. The King is sending you, along with a small
detachment of troops, to rally the people and defend
the town against all opposition.


You should train another peasant right away so that the construction of a
barracks and then a lumbermill can begin as soon as possible. There are gold
mines to the southeast, northwest, and far to the southwest. This first one
is the safest and closest to your city and should last a while. Cover your
peasants with your archer and have your footman stay close to your town. The
16 orcs will attack your town one at a time at regular intervals, so there
is no need to explore until your first mine goes. Once the lumbermill is
finished, just pump out as many archers as you can afford, while building
enough farms to feed them. At this point you may want to upgrade your arrow
strength and train another peasant or two. After that, just wait for the
enemy to walk up to your town and be mowed down by your archers. When the
16th orc dies, the level is completed

# -=5-1-3=- Human level 3

With Blackhand's raiding parties routed, now is the
time for us to secure a lasting peace in the area
around Grand Hamlet. You must seek out the Orcish
outpost of Kyross that lies deep within the Swamps
of Sorrow, and destroy it.


Start by getting your peasants to mine gold and harvest lumber to the south
of your town. Then get one footman to start exploring. There is a swamp
which lies between you and the enemy town to the north west. Have your
footman completely explore around the swamp because the enemies have to walk
around it to get to your town. Depending on which way they come around the
swamp, they either appear to the southwest or northwest of your town. Post
guards at both ends. Once you have explored in a circle around the edge of
the swamp, you will be able to determine which side the attack will come
from and then have time to divert the bulk of your defences to that one end.
Build some more archers as your gold comes in to reinforce your defences at
both ends. Archers are much more effective than footman so try to have four
or more archers for each footman. Train more peasants as needed. By the time
your first mine runs out, you should have a sizable army and upgraded arrows
completely. This is the time to advance. Move your defences to the far
northwest corner of the swamp to intercept attacks before they reach your
town. This will also make two other mines safe for your peasants. Enemy
grunts and necrolytes shouldn't even hurt you, and since archers have
greater range than spearman, if you have enough archers, they won't bother
you either. Now you can use a footman to walk into the enemy city and lure
the defenders out to your waiting archers. Repeat this tactic to empty the
enemy town and then send in your archers to mop up the buildings.

# -=5-1-4=- Human level 4

It has been some twenty months since Sir Lothar,
one of the crown's greatest heroes, led an expedition
into the Dead Mines to search for the Lost Tome of
Divinity. They were never heard from again. However,
the great knight has recently appeared to the Abbot
of Northshire in a vision - battered and pleading
for assistance. King Llane has ordered you to lead
a detachment of warriors and healers into the mines
in an attempt to find Sir Lothar, heal him, and bring
him and any other survivors back alive.


Formation is the key in the dungeon type missions. This is one which is
very successful:

C A C C F: footman
A A A A A: archer
F F C: cleric


Have your footman facing the front to fend off the ogres while your archers
kill them from a distance. The front footman explores ahead so that the
archers can react when ogres come into range. The two footman in the back
are to protect your clerics who are vulnerable to attack from the rear.
As soon as you detect an ogre, usually by it attacking your front footman,
make the unit run back to your archers. The archers will take out the
offending ogre and you have not suffered any losses. Use your clerics to
heal your injured and continue down the tunnel. Never split up, even if
there is an fork in the tunnel, stay together and you will always come out
on top in the ogre confrontations. After you reach Lothar, stay there until
he and the other injured (5 archers) are completely healed, then make your
way out of the dungeon with a much stronger force.

# -=5-1-5=- Human level 5

The forest of Elwynn is a strategic key to securing
the Borderlands. An outpost near the southeast edge
of the forest will serve as your stronghold. The King
has assigned one of his knights to aid you, so that
your task of ridding the area of Blackhand's dark
minions may be more readily completed.


There are mines to the north and south. Begin by training another peasant
to chop wood to the south making a path the second mine. Have your initial
two peasants mine gold to the north. Explore westward with a footman, but
stop when you find a small opening in the trees going northward. The enemy
town lies further that way. Enemies start coming right away in groups of
2-3, so ready your defences. Find a small patch of trees close to your town
which resembles a triangle and position your units there. As soon as you can
afford it, build a barracks and then a woodmill. While your woodmill is
being constructed, make a couple of footmen to replace those that died. Once
the woodmill completed though, train nothing except for archers for a while.
During this time you should train a couple of extra peasants when you have
the gold. While you train archers, begin saving up for a church. When you
have 8 archers, train 2 clerics and upgrade arrows to the full. Don not
research far-seeing yet, use your available money to build a blacksmith.
Once this is done upgrade your armour. At this point you should have about 5
peasants, 3 footmen, 8 archers, 2 clerics, now it is time to think about
advancing. Go to the opening in the tree you found earlier and position your
archer around it, have a couple of footman by your archers in case a raider
or something gets through. Have your clerics as far back as possible but
able to heal your troops when it is needed. When you feel comfortable with
your position here, research far-seeing, upgrade swords, train more archers
as you see fit. With far-seeing you can explore and find the enemy town
without risking anyone. Once you have found the enemy defensive positions,
use your footman to lure a couple of enemy at a time to your archers. Do
this until the town is deserted except for a few peons, and send in your
main force.

# -=5-1-6=- Human level 6

The monks of Northshire abbey are under siege by a
band of warriors that have been convinced by enemy
agents to fight against the crown. You will be given
a complement of knights to lead to the abbey, which
is already under attack. Ride hard and fast, as you
must prevent its destruction. When you have secured
the abbey and beaten back these treacherous curs, you
must then move to destroy the enemy at their source.


Attack the enemy as fast as you can and you might only lose two buildings.
Pick off the enemy archers with your knights and use you archers and footmen
to kill the enemy knights and footmen. As this is happening, begin training
a peasant. After the initial attackers are gone, you peasant should almost
be ready and you can start to rebuild. Train a cleric when you have the
money because some of your units are probably badly injured. The enemy town
is to the north, on the other side of the lake. Most attacks will come from
the west side of the lake and will appear north of your town. However, once
in a while a group of two enemy knights and a cleric will go the other way
and attack your town from the east. Put one knight there to protect your
peasants who may be working there. Use another knight to explore along the
western edge of the lake northward, do not go more than half-way up the
screen or he will be killed by enemy archers. Make sure to explore the
eastern lake edge as well till you reach a mine. This will let you know when
attacks are coming. Attacks usually come in the form of a knight, 1+ archers
plus a warlock or cleric. The enemy clerics will heal the attackers as they
get injured, so pick them off with your own archers. After an attack, be
careful of enemy catapults. Because of their slow speed, they arrive after
the main attack. Send out one knight or footman to deal with it. If you were
lucky, your woodmill might have survived from the beginning, if not rebuild
it. After that, spend a while just training archers. Station 3 at the
eastern edge of your town to defend against attacks from that way. Place the
rest with your other defenders. Be sure to spread your men out some, just in
case an enemy catapult catches you off guard. Rebuild your blacksmith while
training another peasant. This will allow you to train catapults which
really help out, especially when are you attacked by multiple enemies. Then,
when you have sufficient funds, upgrade your arrows, armour, swords,
preferably in that order. At this point, the level becomes like any other,
just use the same lure technique explained in previous levels to clear out
the defenders and send in your main force.

# -=5-1-7=- Human level 7

A Raiding party has completely overrun the village of
Sunnyglade. Our scouts report that the survivors have
been taken to a hidden Orcish compound to serve as
slaves. You must take a detachment of warriors and
rescue the group of peasants that are imprisoned
somewhere in the Orc camp. Our intelligence confirms
that all of the prisoners are together, and that you
must destroy the enclosure to open a path for their
escape. The rebuilding of Sunnyglade is also of the
utmost importance, as you will need their assistance
in destroying the Orcish slavers.


This is one of the harder levels. Especially if you have a version of
WarCraft before 1.21 (see section 7-1). You don't start out with much, and
you don't get more anytime soon. Leave a cleric and a knight at the town to
defend it. Move the rest of your men to the bridge at the centre of the map.
Place them is a formation similar to this:

,,,,,, K ,,,,, c = cleric
[ C A] C = catapult
bridge --> [ A A] A = archer
[ K K A] K = knight
~~~~~ ~~~~~ e = oncoming enemy
e e

Use the middle knight to explore into enemy territory. As soon as you meet
an enemy, run back to the bridge. The enemy town is in the southeastern
corner of the map, and the pen in which your peasants are held is north
of the that. In between are trees and enemy spearman. Use your cleric
who is back at the town to find all of the enemy defenders using far-seeing.
Then use your knight to lure them back to the bridge to be killed
by your catapult and archers. Heal your severely injured with your cleric.
If your knight catches the attention of a lone catapult, do NOT run back to
the bridge, try to destroy it where it is. If however, it is defended,
retreat the bridge, the other enemy units will arrive before the catapult
and as soon as most of these are dead. Charge to the enemy catapult and
destroy it before it gets any closer the bridge. Before the orc defences are
killed, do not destroy a section of the pen wall surrounding your peasants
or heal them. If you activate them, by healing them, etc, it will make them
targets for the orcs to destroy. After all of the orcs near then pen are
dead, send a knight to rescue the peasants. Destroy the northern side of the
pen wall and make your knight walk up to the peasants to revive them. As
soon as they are revived, send them northward along the eastern edge of the
map and then along the northern edge of the map back to the safety of the
town. If you have an earlier version of Warcraft, this will trigger a
massive attack from the orcs which is VERY difficult (but not impossible) to
survive. I suggest you get the 1.21 patch. Once your peasants are safely
home, you can build up your army and crush the orcs as in the previous

# -=5-1-8=- Human level 8

A new crisis has arisen that threatens to end the
lives of all who would serve the King. The evil
warlock Medivh has begun draining the soul of the
land itself to increase his dark powers. You must
take a party into his tower and destroy him. Beware
his mastery of the black arts, for legend speaks of
his ability to command daemons of hell.


Pretty much the same as the previous dungeon level. An organized formation
is the key to victory. Use something similar to this:

F F F K F = footman
F C C F C = cleric
A A A A A A = archer
K K K K = knight
^ k = knight*
k e = enemy

e e e

Use knight* to scout ahead. When he finds an enemy, run back to the main
group and enter a position between one of the other knights. Your archers
and the knights in the front should finish off any enemy without problems,
including the one daemon. Advance your formation as the tunnels ahead
are cleared of enemy. The daemon and dungeon spiders do not seem to use up
magical energy, so there is no sense to wait for them run out of mana and
die. Medivh is at the end of the tunnels, surrounded by a group of his
own spiders. He is constantly using up his magical energy to replace these
spiders as they die. He has a very long range fireball attack, so when you
meet him, rush in with your knights to finish him off quickly. This level is
as simple as that, as long as you stay organized.

# -=5-1-9=- Human level 9

The time has come to take the battle into Blackhand's
own domain. King Llane has ordered a full assault
upon the Orcs, demanding that this plague that
spreads across the kingdom be eradicated. To the
east of the borderlands lies the Black Morass where
the Orcish hordes make their encampments. You are to
lead an army into this foul region and destroy every
trace of their dark presence.


Deploy your peasants and then use a footman to explore northward. About
halfway up the map, there is a bridge leading to the west. As you approach
the bridge you will probably catch the attention of three grunts. Have them
chase you back to your town and let your archers kill them. Now that the
bridge is clear of orcs, you should make it your first priority to secure a
defensive position around the bridge since all attacking enemies must first
cross it. The cities are positioned like so:

___ ___
| O | | | O - orc city
| | | | H - human city
~#~ | | # - bridge
|~ ~| | |
| # |
| | | |
| O | | H |
--- ---

Not allowing orcs to cross the bridge will also protect your city from
poison cloud attacks. With your footman, explore a 7-square block around
the enemy side of the bridge, this will give your archers time to fire at
approaching orcs. If your footman encounter orcs, retreat back to your main
force. By this time, your should have a woodmill, so start training more
archers to beef up your bridge defenses. Your present defenders should last
a while but not forever without the ability to heal. After you have 6
archers at the bridge, start the construction of a church. As this being
done, train another peasant to steady your money-flow. Train a cleric and
heal your bridge-crew. As your cleric makes use of his healing powers, begin
construction of a blacksmith. Once this is done, do not upgrade anything
yet, first train a couple of catapults. These catapults will greatly
help your defences at the bridge and will tone down the brunt of most
attacks. This should give you some breathing room, and time to expand.
Train another peasant if you want, and build a tower and stables when you
have the resources. Reinforce your defences at the bridge when it is
necessary. When you feel that you have a solid defense, begin using the
lure technique to empty the first orc town. Completely destroy the first
town before starting on the next. Experiment with your rain of fire spell,
but make sure you don't hurt your own guys in the havoc.

# -=5-1-10=- Human level 10

Runners have arrived and informed you of grave news.
King Llane lies dead this day, assassinated by the
treacherous Garona, at Stormwind Keep. His last
command was that you should assume the mantle of
War Leader, and end this battle that has drained the
land of its resources, and now its king. Scouts
report that deep within the Black Morass lies one
of Blackhand's darkest seats of power --- The Temple
of the Damned. No peasants dare approach the vile
temple, and only the bravest of your soldiers have
agreed to accompany you on this mission. You must
strike boldly and without error, for there will be
no reinforcements.


This level is actually pretty easy. You have a very large force to begin
with and if you strike fast, you should complete this level without any
problems. Summon some scorpions to explore fast and find the enemy city
which is to the west. Get into a good defensive formation, with your
knights at the front, behind them the archers and catapults, and then the
clerics and conjurers at the rear. Every few minutes you will be attacked by
a large swarm of spiders, there is no need to be intimidated. If your units
are in formation, the spiders won't even scratch your defensive line. Once
you have found the enemy town, send a group of scorpions inside the town.
This should catch the computer's attention immediately. Retreat your
scorpions to your main forces and EVERY orc attacking unit will follow. Be
prepared for this huge attack, your catapults should finish off most before
they even reach your lines, those that do get through, should pose no
problems either. The only thing which can seriously damage your formation is
the orc poison cloud, kill warlocks on sight and don't give them that
opportunity. The good part is that, the enemy city does not have a tower,
and therefore dead warlocks can not be replaced. Once you survive this
attack, the rest is simple. Just send every guy into the orc town, killing
the peons and sacking the buildings.

# -=5-1-11=- Human level 11

Here beats the diseased and malevolent heart of
Blackhand's plagued lands. The sister towns of
Rockard and Stonard are all that stand between the
forces of the kingdom and Blackhand's stronghold -
Black Rock Spire. After conferring with your warchiefs,
the path to victory lays clear. You must destroy Rockard
and Stonard, thereby cutting off all lines of support
and supplies, so that the final offensive can be made
upon Black Rock Spire.


Magic finally begins to play a major role in battle. However, before you
can research spells or train magic-users, you must first survive the orc
attacks. Enemies come from two direction, sometimes at the same time so you
must be ready at both fronts. Use the conjurer you start out with to train
a couple of scorpions to explore. To the west of your town is a swamp.
This is one direction which attacks comes, enemies make their way around the
bottom of the swamp. This is not too hard to defend against since they have
to walk along a very narrow stretch of land, especially once you get another
catapult to station there. Use more scorpions until you have a good-sized
portion of the map explored, especially around the swamp and trees in which
enemies lurk. As the exploration is being carried out, train some more
archers with your starting-out funds. You will be able to finish a couple
before the first attack comes, position two archers and a knight to the
bottom left-corner of your town to defend against orc attacks there and the
rest to the north of your town. You should have ample notice of orc movement
with the exploration done by your scorpions. Summon scorpions to attack
enemy warlocks (red robes) as soon as you see them. Their poison cloud
can really hurt. Continue building up your defenses until you feel
comfortable that you can repel attacks of 3-4 enemies. This is easily
accomplished by have a catapult to aid your archers and knights. Start
construction of a tower, and research major summoning afterwards. Water
elementals make up the brunt of your attacks in the later two levels. Train
additional conjurers until you have 6 in total. Spread them out, so that a
lucky poison cloud attack won't kill too many of them. Have one stand near
your defensive position, so that you can summon a water elemental to aid you
other unit in a large enemy attack. Have the other four conjurers do nothing
except summon water elementals and send them in groups of four into the
enemy towns. This costs you nothing and does major damage to the orcs. Watch
out for catapults though, one shot can finish a water elemental. Try
attacking at one end of the town to divert the enemies there, and then send
the other 3 to attack the other end. Once you are inside the enemy town, the
enemy catapults won't fire in fear of damaging its own buildings. Repeat
this until no orcs remain.

# -=5-1-12=- Human level 12

Black Rock Spire stands before us! the skies above
the reeking swamp fill with the gathering thunderheads
that spell doom for the loser in this final
confrontation. Tension hangs like a heavy cloak on
your shoulders as your troops prepare for the battle
ahead. Above the din and chaos that swirls about the
battlefield stands the Castle of Blackhand, its gaze
sweeping down upon the battlefield where the destiny
of the land will be decided. Destroy the stronghold
and those who would seek to defend it, and Azeroth
will be freed from Blackhand's poisoned grip forever!


You've made it this far, so you must be doing something right. That's why
I've decided to let you find the best strategy for this one. It's not
hard... compared to the orc last level.

Basic tips:
1) You start out with a conjurer and a water elemental spell. (hint hint...)
2) All daemons are created by one single orc warlock, if you find him and
kill him - no more ugly daemons to worry about.
3) Walls keep daemons out, at least for a few critical seconds in which
your defenders with ranged attacks can finish it off.

If you've played this level more than 20 times, and are still stuck, you
can email Jeff for more tips, see title for address.

# -=5-2=- Orc Scenarios

# -=5-2-1=- Orc level 1

Blackhand has assigned you to an outpost in the
Swamps of Sorrow. Your task is simple enough
that even the War Chief feels you are capable of
it. Construct at least six farms, so that we may
keep our troops well fed and ready to do battle.
Only a fool would leave his treasures unguarded,
so you must also build a barracks for the defense
of these farms.

BUILD: 5 FARMS (you start with one), 1 BARRACKS

The levels don't get any easier. All you have to do is build five farm and a
barracks. If you don't explore and attract the enemies' attention, you won't
even be attacked. The closest gold mine is to the north. It has enough gold
for you to construct all of the neccessary buildings and two additional
units. Conserve your money and you won't need to fight it out with the
humans for more gold mines. Do not build any roads because it wastes money
and city layout is not important yet. Start by training another peon to chop
wood to the south. Once your gold mine runs out of gold, start building the
necessary constructions. Once that is done, the level is finished.

# -=5-2-2=- Orc level 2

Like the stinging of a wasp, the attacks from the
humans grow more and more bothersome. You have been
assigned to a small outpost on the Borderlands of
the Swamps of Sorrow. You are to defend our lands
from the incursions of these ravenous dogs by
crushing any opposition that you encounter.


Start by training another peon to speed up the gathering of resources. Then
use a grunt explore a small area around your town, this will give you
advance notice of the attacking humans. Do not explore too far, or you will
be attacked by humans. They are 20 of the them scattered around the map,
and they attack your town one at a time, every few minutes. As soon as you
can afford it, build a barracks and then a woodmill. By this time, the human
attacks should have begun. Your two grunts and one spearman should be able
to kill the first couple. After that, you will need to train more units to
replace your injured soldiers. Remember that spearmen and much more
effective than grunts so have 6 spearman or so for every grunt. Your first
mine should take you to your 5th-7th spearmen with fully upgraded spears.
These spearmen should kill all oncoming footman without any difficulty. The
next closest mine is to the southeast, however, you need you post a grunt
and a spearman to guard the mining route your peons use. Once this gold mine
is secure, train as many spearman as you can. Place them around your town
and then wait for the humans to come. After the 20th one dies, the level

# -=5-2-3=- Orc level 3

The Humans are growing strong in Grand Hamlet. An
outpost will be placed under your dictatorship to
use as you see fit. You must then prepare and lead
a force to destroy Grand Hamlet and all that dwell
there. Blackhand will brook no survivors - these
Humans must be taught a hard lesson in the ways of


Begin mining gold, and harvesting lumber to the southeast of your town.
Explore with a grunt and locate the bridge to the east of your town and
place half of your defences there. Place the rest of your defences by the
opening in the trees near the goldmine. Here is a rough representation of
the map:

____ ____
| O | | m | O - orc town
| m # | H - human town
| | | | m - goldmine
| | ~~#~ # - bridge
| | |~~ ~|
| | | |
| | | H |
|m # m |
|____| |____|

Do not rush and build a temple just yet. First, concentrate on training
some spearmen. To do this, you need to build a barracks and then a woodmill.
As your spearmen are trained, assign them to your two defensive positions.
After you have about eight or so, upgrade your spear technology. Continue
training spearmen to strengthen your defences. After your first mine runs
out, move your defenders to bridge north of the human town. Kill all of the
human units around the bridge and secure a position there. Place another
group of spearmen and grunts by the bridge near the bottom of the map, this
will prevent human peasants from mining gold down there and eliminates any
chances of humans approaching your town. Construct a temple and train a
couple of necrolytes. After the humans finish mining their first mine,
peasants will try to get past your bridge defences to the other gold mines.
Your spearmen should have no problems dealing with these, and the human
peasants will give you a constant source of bodies to raise into undead. Use
skeletons to scout further into human territory and lure humans to your
defences. Use grunts to assist in luring if you find that your skeletons are
destroyed too quickly. After the human defenders are dead, send your army
into the human town and burn it to the ground.

# -=5-2-4=- Orc level 4

You are wakened from your nights sleep by a runner
from the War Chief. Blackhand's daughter Griselda
has run off with the outlaw Turok's band of Ogres.
Our wolfriders have tracked them to the dungeons
hidden beneath the Dead Mines. Find Turok's band of
rebellious pigs and kill them all --- including
Griselda. She must not disobey the commands of her
father ever again.


You must have a solid defensive formation in order to survive. Because you
can't heal, every hit inflicted against you counts. Here is a formation
which works well:

G G R R - raider
S N N G S - spearman
S S S N - necrolytes
R R e - enemy

e e e

Use a raider(r) to scout ahead. When he finds an enemy, retreat him back
into position beside the other raiders. Single ogres should not even hurt
you and groups of them should not pose a problem either. Just move your
formation down the tunnels and eliminate all enemies which you find. Do not
split up your force for any reason, there is safety in numbers. Once you
find Griselda, she should be easy to finish off. She cannot fight back and
will only run. A raider can easily catch up to her, just watch out for her
ogre bodyguards.

# -=5-2-5=- Orc level 5

On your return from the Dungeon, you receive word
from advance scouts that the recently establish
outpost near the Red Ridge Mountains is under siege.
A group of raiders have been dispatched to assist
you in taking back the outpost and crushing the
Human opposition. Your secondary objective is to
seek out and completely destroy their encampment,
putting an end to this threat for good.


Race as fast as you can to your city to save as many buildings as you can.
Attack the enemy with your raiders and grunts while your spearmen damage
them from a distance. Once the initial attackers are dead, train a peon
before anything else. Form your remaining troops into a defensive formation
just above your town to fend off attacks while you rebuild. Your woodmill
should still be intact and so should your barracks, this allows you to train
additional spearmen immediately. Once you have about eight spearmen, 4 peons
and fully upgraded spears, locate the two bridges leading northwards to the
human town. If you attract the attention of some human archers, retreat back
to your spearmen lines and kill the archers there. Once you have explored to
the bridges, you will be forewarned of any attacks. Now replace the spearmen
who were killed by the human archers, if any, and add four more, making
a total of twelve. Build a blacksmith and fully upgrade armour. Split your
twelve spearmen into two groups, one of five and the other seven. Post the
group of seven by the bridge on the left, and the other five by the bridge
on the right. Make sure you have a couple of grunts or raiders by each group
for backup. This cuts off all enemy access to your side of the map and
allows the other gold mines to be used by your peons. Now that you city is
safe from attack, you can build a kennel and temple. If you have the gold,
you can upgrade swords and then wolves. Use a raider to enter the human town
just to the northeast of the left bridge and lure the defender back to your
bridge defences. Once the human city defenders are dead, the rest is simple.

# -=5-2-6=- Orc level 6

The Humans of Sunnyglade have become fat and lazy
with their prosperity. The town is like a ripe
plum waiting to be plucked. You will march upon
their weak Human armies and smash them to pieces.
Somewhere in the town is a tower that you must keep
intact so that we may study how their magiks are
created. Fail me, and I will have your head on a
pike at the gates of Black Rock Spire.


Begin mining to the east and use a grunt to explore. Train another peon
right away to speed up production. Although the enemy town is to the north,
attacks come from the north, east and west. Position your army along the
top of your town, and place a raider beside your gold mine to protect your
peons. Build barracks, followed by a woodmill. This will allow you to
train spearmen; train seven of them, putting three at the mine and the other
four by your town. Train another peon, and upgrade your spears completely.
After this, build a blacksmith, but don't upgrade axes or shields just yet.
Train two catapults, and then four more spearmen to supplement your
defences. After this build a temple, and then train a couple of necrolytes
to use dark vision and locate the human town, defenders and the bridge
leading northward. Use a grunt to lure the human archers by the bridge to
your defensive line and be killed. Then secure the bridge using your units
to cut off enemy access to your side of the map. Use a formation similar to
(human town) C - catapult
S - spearman
|===| R - raider
|===| (bridge) N - necrolyte


This will stop almost any attack without taking much damage. By blocking off
the bridge you cut off all enemy access to your side of the map, therefore
your troops at the gold mines and town are no longer needed and can be
diverted to positions by the bridge. This will also make two more gold mines
safe for your peons. At this point you can build a kennel and fully upgrade
axes, shields and wolves. Use a raider to lure the humans in the town to the
bridge and destroy them. Then send in your army to destroy the town. Be sure
to keep the tower intact, so keep it out of the range of your catapults
and spearmen.

# -=5-2-7=- Orc level 7

The time has come for you to seize control of the
Orcish hordes for yourself. Blackhand has become
foolish in the deployment of his personal troops,
and has left an opening that you can now exploit.
A key outpost in the Black Morass is the core of
Blackhand's supply lines - not only to his foremost
battle groups, but to his castle at Black Rock
Spire, as well. The complete destruction of this
outpost will disrupt his power base long enough for
you to secure his overthrow.


Orc vs Orc. Start mining to the west. Position your defenses to the north
of your town and place a raider by the gold mine. Use a grunt to explore,
but do not venture too far. If you attract the attention of humans, they
will kill you. For now stay in the bottom half of the map. Begin training
another peon and the construction of a barracks and then a woodmill. Train
4 spearmen, leaving two at the city defenses and the other two at the mine
with your raider. Build a blacksmith so you can train a catapult. Be sure
that your defenses are spread out so that a enemy catapult will not do too
much damage. They usually roll in after an attack because of their slow
speed, so watch out. Use a single grunt or raider to destroy it before it
gets close to your town. Build a temple and train a couple of necrolytes,
use one to cast dark vision and the other to raise dead. Skeletons are good
for scouting ahead, they can also draw fire away from your more valuable
units if you place a couple in front of your defenses. At this point you can
begin thinking about offensive, so train four more spearmen. Use a raider to
lure the enemy spearmen by the bridge to your own spearmen line. With the
bridge clear, you can move you guys there and cut off enemy access to your
side of the map. This will give you some more breathing room and also make a
couple more mines safe. Form a long line of spearmen in front of the bridge
and place raiders at either side and catapults behind them. This puts you in
a better position to fend off enemy catapult attacks. Be sure you have a
large area on the enemy side of the bridge explored so you have adequate
time to respond to attacks. Now you can build a tower and train a warlock or
two. Use them to summon spiders and lure the enemies out of their town and
to the bridge. Repeat this until the enemy town is empty of defenders. The
rest is simply a matter of destroying the enemy buildings.

# -=5-2-8=- Orc level 8

The destruction of Blackhand's outpost has left him
in a weak position. The Shadow Council, sensing your
rise in power, orders the assassination of Blackhand
and elevates you to the position of War Chief. A
wolfrider brings you news that our best spy, the
half-orc Garona, has been discovered by the Humans
of Northshire Abbey and imprisoned there. She has
valuable information concerning new and powerful
magiks that would aid you in the destruction of your
counterpart - King Llane. Trusting no one to complete
this vital mission in time, you must find her, and
then completely destroy the abbey to protect her


Set the speed to slowest for the first few minutes because the action begins
right away. Your raiders are attacked within seconds of starting the game
and if you have the game speed set too high, you won't be able respond.
After the initial attackers are defeated, Place your units in a formation
like so:
e e
| |
|GRG| | - dungeon wall
|SNS| G - grunt
|SNS| R - raider
|RGR| S - spearman
| | N - necrolyte
| | e - enemy

Your formation will be attacked every once in a while, but you shouldn't
have any problems repelling attacks. You might experience some difficulty
killing archers because of their range, but there are only about seven of
them. Garona's cell is in the top-right corner of the map and is guarded
by a fire elemental. Make your way through the dungeon while keeping in
formation. If you find peons, just leave them where they are. If you bring
them with you or send them to the entrance they will probably be killed.
When you find the Garona's cell, do not approach her. If you do, the fire
elemental will kill her. Lure the fire elemental away from Garona and kill
it. Them walk up to Garona to activate her. Put her in the centre of your
formation and make your way out of the dungeon. If you want, you can save
the peons, but it is not neccessary.

# -=5-2-9=- Orc level 9

With your new found magiks, the time is ripe to burn
the Human occupation from our lands. There are two
Human outposts to the south that pose the greatest
threat to our security. Reports from scouts near
these towns show that the key to your success in
this confrontation is to hold back the Human forces
at their bridges while you strengthen your attack
force. The glories of combat will be yours as you
personally lead the armies that will reclaim your


The nearest gold mine is to the southeast, however, the safest way to access
it is to cut a narrow path through the trees and approach it from it's
top-left corner. Use a grunt to explore out the area around your town, so
that you will have a forewarning of attacks. Here is a rough representation
of the map:

|~~~~~~| |~~~~~~~~~~~~| O - orc town
| # m O | H - human town
| m | | m | m - gold mine
| m | | | # - bridge
| H | |_________ __|
| | _________#__
| | | m |
| | |m H |
| # |
~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
The enemies must cross bridge to the west and south to reach your town, so
place your units at the southwest corner of your town. Do not place your
defenses too far from your town, because invisible enemies will get by your
units and attack your town. Kill conjurers as soon as you see them because
their rain of fire spell can be very destructive. Construct a woodmill and
train four spearmen, then build a blacksmith and train a catapult. These
additions should hold off most attacks for a while. Build a temple and
train a necrolyte to cast dark vision, use this to locate the bridges and
the enemy towns. Upgrade your spears while training some more spearmen.
Stop when you have 15 spearmen in total. Now upgrade your shields and train
a couple of grunts. Form two task forces with the following units: 6
spearmen, 2 grunts, 1 catapult, 1 necrolyte. Use the remaining units to
guard the town. Capture the bridge on the top-left and place your first task
force in a position away from the bridge in enemy territory. If you put
them too close to the bridge, they will be open to catapult attacks. Now
capture the bridge to your south and form a defensive position there. This
should make the other mine on your side safe for your peons. Train some
more spearmen to strengthen both of your task forces. Now build a kennel
to train some raiders and upgrade wolves. If you have the money, research
unholy armour as well. Defeat the towns one by one using the lure technique
to kill the defending humans and then destroying the buildings.

# -=5-2-10=- Orc level 10

You have tasted victory, and the craving for more
is upon you. It is clear that one decisive blow to
the humans will make the total and complete
domination of this race a simple matter. Your spies
have gathered intelligence that points to an
encampment near the centre of the Human lands where
their knights and soldiers are sent to train. Although
they will not be expecting an attack, they should
prove a good fight. The destruction of this site would
greatly weaken their forces, and etch your position
as War Chief in stone. None shall survive!


This level may seem hard, but it is actually quite simple. You start out
with a HUGE army and as long as do not become separated or allow the humans
to slowly wear you out, there is no way you can lose. Use your necrolytes
to locate the enemy city at the top-right corner and summon some spiders
to scout out your route.

|~~~| |~~~~~| H - human town
| # H | O - orc starting position
|_ _| |___ _| # - bridge
# #
|~ ~~~~~~~ ~|
| O |

Now throw caution to the wind and attack the town with ALL of your units.
Target the human clerics first so they can not cast healing on anyone. Do
not worry if some of your units die, just cast raise dead and continue. You
should have the entire town conquered in a few minutes.

# -=5-2-11=- Orc level 11

The final march to King Llane's home, Stormwind Keep,
is at hand. Only two pathetic settlements stand in the
way of the awesome juggernaut your cruel leadership
has created. The Humans have proved to be amusing
opposition, but the hour of doom has come for them.
The complete and utter destruction of the twin cities
Goldshire and Moonbrook will sever the lifeline between
the king and his people, making him a figurehead
waiting to be lopped off.


The closest mine is to the east, there is another one to the north,
surrounded by trees. Put two grunts by the mine to protect your peons and
use another to explore around the town. Keep your other units close to the
town because invisible humans come non-stop. Keep training spearmen to
strengthen your defense. Upgrade your spears fully after you have ten
spearmen. Then build a blacksmith, train one catapult and build a tower.
Train a warlock and then research major summoning. Make sure that your units
are not clumped together, or a rain of fire spell can do a lot of damage.
Summon some spiders to explore a large area around your town. As soon as
you see a conjurer, kill it as fast as you can to deny him the opportunity
to cast spells. When you your warlock has full magic power, summon a
daemon and clear the area around the opening leading northward of enemies.
Move you defences there and block off the entire opening with your spearmen.
This will protect your town from invisible enemies as well as the rain of
fire spell. Use that daemon to explore a larger area around the opening,
killing any humans he meets. This will give your catapult and spearmen time
to react to attacks. Train some more warlocks and keep them in a safe spot.
When you are attacked by a water elemental, summon a daemon to keep it
busy while your spearmen finish it off. When you have 5 warlocks in total,
build a temple. Train some necrolytes and make sure you have the unholy
armour spell researched. Now send in unholy-armoured daemons in groups of
four into the human towns. It shouldn't take too many attacks like this to
destroy all of the humans.

# -=5-2-12=- Orc level 12
Stormwind Keep is ours to take! The Orcish hordes
gather like buzzards to the carrion, as the moment
of destiny is close at hand. A low growl fills the
air as your wolfriders whirl their savage mounts into
a frenzy. The earth shakes as catapults are loaded
and moved into position. The fires of the burning
rubble about you dance in your eyes as you gaze upon
the pristine, white towers of castle stormwind. White
that will soon be washed with the red of King Llane's
blood. With his fall, all of Azeroth will be yours!


Sorry no walkthrough here. (You didn't expect me to help you through the
entire game, did you?) IMHO, this is the most difficult level in the entire
game. Many are simply overwhelmed by the sheer number of invisible enemies
and water elementals. However, with some practice, this level is not
impossible. Here are some things to remember while you play.

1) If you block off both bridges, enemy units, (including the invisible
ones) can not get past to attack your town.
2) One on one, a daeman will defeat a water elemental.
3) Spearmen have more range than water elementals.
4) A direct catapult hit will destroy a water elemental.
5) Walls do a good job of keeping pesky invisible enemies at bay.

If you are absolutely convinced that you are stuck and desperately need more
help, you can email Jeff for more tips. See title for address.

# -=5-3=- Campaign ending text

# -=5-3-1=- Human ending text

The fall of Black Rock Spire spelled final victory
for the forces of Azeroth. With Blackhand slain and
their stronghold destroyed, the few scattered Orcs
that remained were quick to bow before your might.
A celebration ensued that lasted for many days and
many nights, with music and joyous festivities
resounding throughout the land. The people of the
kingdom have come from miles around to gather at
Stormwind Keep, and are delighted by a display of
mystic sights and sounds provided by the court
conjurers while being treated to a feast of unequaled
splendour. Amidst the celebration, your ascension to
the throne is acknowledged by your new subjects, and
you are given the honorarium Defender of the Crown.
As the evening's celebration continues into the
early hours of the morning, you retire to the
sanctity of your throne room...

The duty of ruling Azeroth is an awesome responsibility,
and should prove to be your greatest challenge yet.
Learning the intricacies of court politics alone will
be like sailing in uncharted waters. King Llane was
renowned for ruling with a fair and just hand, and you
resolve to be as proficient as he was. There is also
the matter of discovering the exact location of where
the Orcish hordes entered into this world, and divining
a way to end the threat of another invasion forever -
but that is a story for another time...

# -=5-3-2=- Orc ending text

With the decimation of the Human forces, the
sacking of their castle was a simple matter. They
offered little resistance once you ran their weak
leader through with your war blade and toppled his
body into the moat. The taking of Stormwind has kept
your warriors in good spirits, and the offerings of
gold and jewels that they bring to your are ample
tribute to your leadership. Wine flows like blood,
and the smell of freshly cooked meats fills you with
satisfaction as you begin your victory feast. The
countryside is ablaze with bonfires as groups of
battle hardened Orcs celebrate your dominion of
this land with songs of war and victory. You have
finally assumed your rightful place as ruler of
this realm, and as War Chief of the Orcish Clans...

What new conquests will await you in this place? The
Shadow Council has begun to bring you information
concerning the lands across the great sea that are
as yet untouched by Orcish rule. The Warlocks also
seek your permission to resume their experiments with
the portal, their intent being the subjugation of
other worlds. With the power you now possess your
choices are limitless - but these are choices for
another time...

# -=5-4=- End-of-game credits

Game Design
Blizzard Entertainment

Patrick Wyatt

Executive Producer
Allen Adham

Patrick Wyatt
Bob Fitch
Michael Morhaime
Jesse McReynolds

Stu Rose
Samwise Didier
Ron Millar
Mickey Neilson
Brian Sousa
David Berggren
Roman Kenney

3D Artists
Joeyray Hall
Ron Millar
Duane Stinnet

Music & Sound
Glen Stafford
Gregory Alper
Rick Jackson
Chris Palmer

Bill Roper

Manual Design & Layout
Bill Roper

Manual Illustrations
Stu Rose
Samwise Didier
Roman Kenney
Brian Sousa
Mickey Neilson
David Berggren
Chris Metzen
Nick Carpenter

Public Relations
Susan Wooley
Linda Duttenhaver

Kathy Carter
Steve Huot
Burkley Hanes
Debbie Caton
Fernando Paez

Russel Nishida
Aprile Penhall
Helen Moriyama

Quality Assurance
Robert Louden
Tymothi Loving
Mark Menter
Larry Smith

Registered Beta Testers
Derek Arasi
David Bevik
Jeff Cassens
Shane Dabiri
Robert Djorjevich
Doug Gauss
Sina Ghaboussi
Tim Gossard
Mark Pearce
Vic Larson
Issac Matarasso
John Teichrow
Andy Thorson
Stuart Venable Jr.

Special Thanks To
Bob & Jan Davidson
John Patrick
John Goodman
Jeff Beaumont
Ralph Becker
Mike Albanese
John Sosoka
Pam Drake
Jenny Toney
James Phinney
Bobo the Wonder Orc
Suzanne States
Ronald Millar Sr.
Private Pabst
Salty Dog
The "Batman"
Frank Pearce
Shannon and her white chocholate grapes
Pretty Princess Gwendolyn
Susan Bezzina
Darlene & her hair
The Memphis Blues
Christina Cade
Jason "God of Thunder" Thor
"Dangerous" Damian Russell
Shahram Dabri
The Mang Mang
Vic's Car
The Poxy Boggards
Ray the Soda Man
The Kitchen Sink & you for reading this.

++ Chapter Six ++ (Statistics)

This section contains all the statistics of things in the game such as hit
points of creatures, how long buildings take to build, how long it takes to
research spells and various other details. Read on...

# -=6-1=- Unit Statistics

# -=6-1-1=- Human unit statistics

Unit Attack Armour Hit Minimum Random Time Gold Lumber
Range Points Pts Damage Damage Train Cost Cost

Footman -- 2 60 1 9 600 400 --
Peasant -- 0 40 -- -- 750 400 --
H Catapult 8 0 120 -- 255 1000 900 200
Knight -- 5 90 1 13 800 850 --
Archer 5 1 60 4 0 700 450 50
Conjurer 3 0 40 6 0 900 900 0
Cleric 1 0 40 6 0 800 700 0

# -=6-1-2=- Orc unit statistics

Unit Attack Armour Hit Minimum Random Time Gold Lumber
Range Points Pts Damage Damage Train Cost Cost
Grunt -- 2 60 1 9 600 400 --
Peon -- 0 40 -- -- 750 400 --
O Catapult 8 0 120 -- 255 1000 900 200
Raider -- 5 90 1 13 800 850 --
Spearman 4 1 60 5 0 700 450 50
Warlock 2 0 40 6 0 900 900 0
Necrolyte 2 0 40 6 0 800 700 0

# -=6-1-3=- Creature unit statistics

Unit Attack Armour Hit Minimum Random Decay
Range Points Pts Damage Damage Rate
Ogre -- 0 60 1 12 --
Spider -- 0 30 1 3 45
Slime -- 10 150 1 0 --
Fire Elemental -- 0 200 0 40 --
Scorpion -- 0 30 3 0 45
Brigand -- 4 40 1 9 --
Orc Skeleton -- 1 40 1 4 45
Dungeon Skeleton -- 2 30 1 9 --
Daemon -- 0 300 0 65 45
Water Elemental 3 0 250 40 0 45

# -=6-2=- Building Statistics

Building Hit Time Gold Lumber
Pts Build Cost Cost
Farm 400 1000 500 300
Townhall 2500 1000 400 400
Barracks 800 1500 600 500
Lumbermill 600 1500 600 500
Blacksmith 800 1500 900 400
Stables/Kennels 500 1500 1000 400
Church/Temple 700 2000 800 500
Tower 900 2000 1400 300
Castle 5000 -- -- --
Goldmine 25500 -- -- --

# -=6-3=- Spell Statistics

Spell Research Research Spell
Cost Time Range
Healing 750 120 8
Far seeing 1500 120 --
Invisiblity 3000 120 8
Minor summoning 750 140 --
Rain of fire 1500 140 9
Major summoning 3000 140 --
Raise dead 750 120 5
Dark vision 1500 120 --
Unholy armour 3000 120 8
Cloud of poison 1500 140 9

# -=6-4=- Technology Statistics

Technology 1st Upgrade 2nd Upgrade Research
Gold Cost Gold Cost Time
Shields 750 1500 120
Arrows/spears 750 1500 140
Swords/axes 750 1500 120
Horses/wolves 750 1500 140

++ Chapter Seven ++ (Bugs, Problems, Troubleshooting)

# -=7-1=- What was the 'Human 7 bug'?

There is a massive attack that happens when you activate a peasant (either by
touch or by healing them). This is a mis-activation of a section of code
that is only meant to be activated in dungeon scenarios. This bug has been
fixed in the 1.21 patch.

# -=7-2=- Multi-player is sloooow! How can I speed it up?

The 1.21 patch speeds it up. Other than that you can try:

- disabling emm386.exe
- playing without the music
- using 16550 uarts
- disabling automatic error correction
- disabling data compression

# -=7-3=- Why can I only select 4 men per group?

In an earlier, pre-release version, you could select as many men as you
wanted, but it made the game too easy and boring. You'd build for a while,
then select all your men to attack, go get some coffee, and start the next

# -=7-4=- The copy protection doesn't match the manual!

There are two reasons for this:

1) If you have the Europeon version of the game (says Interplay on the
box/cd), they screwed up in their manual printing. If you've registered
you game, contact them for a new corrected manual.

2) You aren't counting all the headings, titles, etc. as lines.

# -=7-5=- How would you know exactly how much gold is in a gold mine?
Especially ones you haven't even touched!

If you mean, how come you can see the #'s, it's our LTTLWRFTSOGP
(License To Take Liberties With Reality For The Sake Of Game Play)

# -=7-6=- Why do catapults autofire when they never hit anything moving?

You should position your catapults in a place where they can fire at
a choking point where the enemy has to stop, even if it's only for a few
second. If you place a whole bunch of catapults in various places, they are
much harder to avoid, however, you might have some units killed by friendly-

The catapult is best used for defending against large enemy attacks. Even
though it doesn't kill its initial target, three or four enemies marching
behind him get splattered.

# -=7-7=- Why can't I tell catapults to aim in front of moving targets?

This would make catapults much more powerful and unbalance the gameplay.
With complete human control, the catapult would never miss.

# -=7-8=- My peasant died before he reached his contruction site!

Don't worry, get the peasant, or a different one if he was killed, and
'repair' the construction site.

# -=7-9=- The #$%@ computer cheats!

Actually, the computer does not cheat, it just plays by a different set
of rules. The computer economic system is entirely different, based on
pre-set values rather than game accomplishments.

The computer does not actually use gold or lumber. The peasants harvesting
wood and mining gold are just for show (and to take away from your potential
resources.) The computer starts off with a thriving city and a full
complement of defenders and workers. Random attack units appear at regular
intervals. These are sent to attack the human city after a certain number
of units has been reached, this number is higher in the later levels. The
defenders do not move from their stations unless an enemy enters their
range. When defenders are killed, they are not replaced. Workers, however
are replaced as soon as they are killed. Note that when you have destroyed
every computer unit except for a peasant and a townhall. That peasant needs
to cut down one tree or mine one gold before he can start reconstructing
other buildings, or other units can be built.

++ Chapter Eight ++ (Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness)

# -=8-1=- When is Warcraft II going to be released?

The current scheduled release Date is Christmas '95.

# -=8-2=- Official press release


The battle between Orcs and Humans continues
as the two forces wage war by land, sea and air

COSTA MESA, Ca., March 27, 1995: Blizzard Entertainment, developer of award-
winning entertainment software, today announced Warcraft II: Tides of
Darkness, the much anticipated sequel to the award-winning fantasy-strategy
game, Warcraft: Orcs and Humans.

The game is expected to be available by Christmas 1995.

Warcraft II is the continuation of the ruthless clash between the Orc and
Human civilizations. After the long and bloody war in the kingdom of
Azeroth, the Humans ventured across the Great Sea to escape the cruelty of
the Orcish hordes and to rebuild their empire. Eager to engage in battle
again, the Orcish army constructed sea vessels and summoned flying creatures
to follow the Humans and attack their unsuspecting coastal encampment.

As the commander of either the Orc or Human forces, players must
successfully construct and rule their medieval empire while engaging in
real-time tactical warfare by land, sea and air. The game allows players to
compete in a one-player mode by completing a series of integrated scenarios
or play head-to-head against opponents using the game's multiplayer option.

"The second in our fantasy-strategy series, Warcraft II offers players a
completely different gaming experience than Warcraft: Orcs and Humans," said
Allen Adham, president and founder of Blizzard Entertainment. "The game
boasts added features such as tactical combat by land, sea and air;
increased multiplayer options; enhanced artificial intelligence; and a wide
array of new units and weapons. Gaming enthusiasts will find Warcraft II
just as addictive as the first title of the series."

Key features in Warcraft II will include:

* Tactical combat over land, sea and air.

* Separate story lines for Orc and Human campaigns with two
dozen scenarios.

* A dozen veteran scenarios for advanced players.

* Multiplayer capabilities supported via modem, direct link
and network. As many as seven players can compete through
network play.

* New units including dragons, griffons, battleships,
submarines, Elven archers, Dwarven inventors and zeppelins.

* SVGA enhanced graphics with rich three-dimensional rendered

* Map, scenario and unit editor to allow players to customize
game play.

* Unique "spawning" technology that allows two players to
compete head-to-head using just one copy of the program.

Warcraft II is expected to be available by Christmas 1995 in DOS CD-ROM
formats at most computer and software retail chains nationwide for
approximately $50.

Blizzard Entertainment is a premiere publisher of next-generation
entertainment software. The company has developed more than 30 titles for
computer and cartridge entertainment systems. Blizzard is an independent
division of Davidson & Associates, Inc. (Nasdaq: DAVD), a leading publisher
of multimedia educational software.

# -=8-3=- Where can I find some screenshots?

Screenshots can be found at:
ftp.cdrom.com \pub\games
ftp.wustl.edu \pub\MSDOS_UPLOADS\warcraft\warc2pcx.zip

Also at Kevin Lo's Warcraft page

-=- -=- -=-

That's it people, this is The End of the FAQ. You can all go back to playing
Warcraft now. :) Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of the game.
All corrections, criticism, questions and additions are welcome.

Jeff Kang
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