Interstate '82

Interstate '82

13.10.2013 19:50:44
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The Trip Walkthrough
Version 1.0 4/26/2001

Version 1.1 12/6/2001-Added a few details, music tracks.

Version 1.2 3/10/2002-Added a few details, car list.

Version 1.3 8/28/2002-Added a few details, Vehicles of Opportunity

Version 1.4 9/26/2002-Added a few details, quotes, Weapons, Shields, and Specials

Version 1.5 11/15/2002-Added information on Instant Action and Multiplayer

Version 1.6 2/8/2003-Added information on cars being featured in other media.

Version 2.0 5/18/2003-Complete revamp. Added game dialogue, poetry, nitpicking,
cast of characters

1.Table of Contents
1.Table of Contents
2.The Story and Those Involved
3.The Trip
4.The Cars
8.Instant Action
10.Car Sharing
Music tracks

2.The Story and Those Involved (The Characters)
Taurus-Taurus started fighting as a vigilante almost ten years before this game.
He originally came from New England and came out west after the deaths of his
wife and daughter. He fought crime in a Jefferson Sovereign he called Eloise
alongside Jade Champion. After Jade's death, Taurus trained her brother Groove
to fight. Taurus left the vigilante game in 1978 and was rumored to have
gone to Cleveland, driving a cab. He returns to the game after hearing of
Groove's disappearance.
CB Handle:Stampede
car:Fiarello 803GHBs (among others)

Groove Champion-Groove was a race car driver like most of his family. (Of course,
how can you go wrong with a name like Champion?) When his sister Jade was
killed in 1976, he was devastated. He joined forces with Jade's partner Taurus
and avenged her death. In the years that followed, Groove seems to have drifted
into drug use as he spends most of the game in a stupor. He also seems to have
descended into conspiracy theories involving aliens and the government. But is
he right?
CB Handle:Swinger

Skye Champion-Skye is the sister of Groove and Jade. She appears to be following
in her sister's footsteps as she has inherited Jade's CB handle. When Groove
disappears, Skye calls Taurus to help look for him.
CB Handle:Vixen
car:Courcheval El Paseo

Skeeter-Skeeter (real name unknown, maybe even to him) was Jade's mechanic when
she was racing and came with her when she turned vigilante. He may come across
as kinda goofy, but he knows what he's talking about when it comes to techinical
stuff. (Note:I really wish Activision had brought back Tom Kane to do Skeeter's
voice. Zook Norman just doesn't cut it.)
CB Handle:Monkeywrench
car:Phaedra Pickup

Rank Dick-Rank Dick is in charge of a group of Creepers known as the Dickies. He
is currently on the payroll of Mr. Big and the SSS. He has a knack for taunting
the vigilantes and calling someone "Mr. Tortoise". He also has Groove in his
personal custody.
car:Drill King Molemaster

Solarzano-She represents the Contras to Mr. Big. She also works with Rank Dick
to handle any threats to the organization.

Hinckley-Apparently, this is supposed to be the John Hinckley Jr. who in 1981
attempted to kill then President Ronald Reagan in an attempt to impress Jodie
Foster. (Reagan was seriously wounded, but joked to his wife Nancy that he
"forgot to duck.") In the game, he stooges for Mr. Big and gives Rank Dick his

Mr. Big-This is him. This is the guy in charge of the SSS and the whole shooting
match. He is...well, why don't you play the game and find out.
car:giant robot

The Gangs
Oklahoma Crude-The Oklahoma Crude are apparently from the Sooner State. (That's
Oklahoma, by the way.) This gang of homicidal freaks was mostly wiped out by
Groove's and Skye's sister, Jade, in 1974. They have recently upped their
membership and are looking for some payback.
encountered in:levels 1,2,3(?),8(?),14(?)
preferred cars:various
preferred gear:Light Machine Guns, Heavy Machine Guns, Rocket Launchers, Mortars,
Oil Droppers, Flares

Dickies-The Dickies, as their name suggests, stooge for Rank Dick. Rank Dick's
deal with the SSS gives them some higher-tech weaponry and equipment in
comparison to other Creeper gangs.
encountered in:levels 3(?),4,5,6,8(?),14(?)
preferred cars:various
preferred gear:Light Machine Guns, Rocket Launchers, Cannons, HaVIK Karpoons,
Oil Droppers, Mine Droppers, Fire Droppers, Paint Sprayer, Structo Bumpers,
Karbide Kutters, Nitrous Oxide, Surge Shields, Flame Shields

SSS-The Super Secret Service is a secret divison of the U.S. Government who
personally answer to Mr. Big. They have better technology than the Dickies due
to their government employment. They also have better training apparently.
encountered in:levels 9,15
preferred cars:Courcheval Royales (black)
preferred gear:Light Machine Guns, Heavy Machine Guns, Rocket Launchers, Dr.
Radar Missiles

Police-The Police, of course, are the various law enforcement groups you'll find
across the country. These aren't the usual hard-working, no-nonsense, friendly
boys (and girls) in blue you're used to. These guys have been paid off by the
SSS and Mr. Big. (Note:Cops in real life have not been paid off by Mr. Big and
the SSS. Please show them respect.)
encountered in:levels 10,16
preferred cars:Courcheval Cruisers
preferred gear:

Army-The Army is one of the branches of the U.S. military. (Specificly, they're
the ground forces.) The Army manages the base known as Area 49 and guards its
secrets. They use weapons reverse-engineered from UFOs (allegedly) and are
very well-trained. (Note:The real Army isn't like the fictionalized version in
this game. If you think the Army might be right for you, check them out.)
encountered in:levels 11,12,13,14(?)
preferred cars:Phaedra Clydesdales
preferred gear:Light Machine Guns, CHIP Karpoons, Cutting Lasers, LARS, Structo
Bumpers, Karbide Kutters, Fire Droppers, Fire Extinguishers

3.The Trip
The Trip is the Story Mode of "Interstate '82". As Taurus, you will piece
together this mystery as to why Groove has disappeared. The Trip is in
seventeen parts. I will detail them one-by-one as follows:

Stage#:Title, the number and title of the stage.
Story:What happens that brings this stage about.
Conditions:Time of day, weather, etc.
Music:The level's song. (I came up with these titles myself, except "Faster
and Faster".)
New:what's been added to the "store" before this mission.
Suggested:What weapons, shields, or specials you should bring.
Mission#:What's on your to-do list.
Solution:A suggestion on how to get through the stage. (Or you can just use
this as a guideline. I don't care. I'm just glad to help.)

Wave#:Cars in the groups that attack you.
Vehicles Of Opportunity:the unoccupied vehicles around the stages
Car name
Location:where it's at
Internal Settings:Engine/Transmission/Suspension/Brakes
Front:weapons and stuff mounted in the front
Internal:stuff mounted with the internals
Roof:weapons and stuff on the roof
Rear:weapons and stuff in the back
Comments:what I say. What you say is up to you.

Now that that's out of the way, let's go.

Stage1:Zircon Lounge
Story:Taurus wakes up from a nightmare to the news that Groove has
disappeared. He meets with Skye and they decide to look for Groove together.
On their way to Groove's favorite hangout, they're attacked by the survivors
of a gang Jade (Groove and Skye's sister) attacked years ago.
New:Can't access. (Can you believe I died on purpose to find this out?)
Suggested:Your configuration's already been decided.
Mission:Find Zircon Lounge

Skye:The Zircon Lounge. It's Groove's old hangout. Downtown, old Vegas. If he's
in this town, he's there. Over.
Taurus:Roger that. Okay, if we're gonna do this, you're gonna need a code name
for the radio. I'm Stampede. Always Stampede. Dig? What do you go by?
Skye:Vixen., you don't.
Skye:Dammit, Stampede! My sister would be proud. Besides, what better way to
cause fear in hearts of the Creepers if they think THE Vixen is alive?
Taurus:I'm getting way too old for this...Vixen.
Oklahoma Crude 1:Breaker 1-5, this is Oklahoma Crude One. Did someone out there
say "Vixen", over?
Skye:Oklahoma Crude?
Taurus:Oklahoma Crude is a mercenary gang. Bunch of homicidal freaks Vixen busted
in '74. I guess they're ready for some payback. Over.
Oklahoma Crude 1:Oh, we're back! Back to kick your ass from here to the
Taurus:Vixen, you do the dishes. I'll take out the trash.

Solution:After the cinema introduces the Oklahoma Crude, you should probably
do this: point the front end of your car at the Creepers and push whatever
button you've assigned to fire your weapons. This is the first stage, it's
that simple.
You should repeat this action when the second wave attacks you near the park.
They shouldn't pose too much of a threat.

Taurus:Well, look who's here.

Finally, the third wave can be dealt with in pretty much the same manner.
After you've dispatched them, you can go to the Zircon Lounge.

Skye:Hey, Stampede. The Zircon? Down the alley there.
Taurus:Taking care of business.

A couple more things: First, it's possible to get to the Zircon Lounge
without engaging the enemies. That's what I did the first time I played.
Second, there are two more cars driving around that show up on your radar in
green. Don't shoot them, they're normals. You'll actually lose money if you
destroy them.

Wave1:first street you're on
Internal Settings:1/3/2/2
Front:Rocket Launcher
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun

Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Front:Rocket Launcher
Roof:Rocket Launcher

Internal Settings:1/2/3/3
Front:Rocket Launcher

Internal Settings:2/1/3/3
Front:Light Machine Gun
Rear:Oil Dropper

Wave3:northernmost street
Internal Settings:1/1/3/3
Roof:Rocket Launcher

Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Rocket Launcher

Vehicles of Opportunity:
Location:southern parking lot
Internal Settings:2/1/2/1
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Rocket Launcher
Comments:Aha! So, you're not limited to the Fiarello. This and the Cavera are
your only other options (unless you want to try convincing one of the Oklahoma
Crude to lend you his car.) Between this and the Cavera, the only difference
(besides the model) is that the Pan Am has a higher top speed, but slower
acceleration. Take your pick.

Location:hospital parking lot
Internal Settings:1/3/2/1
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Rocket Launcher
Comments:This is your other choice (other than the Fiarello or one of the cars
of the Oklahoma Crude) to ride to the Zircon Lounge in. Frankly, it's just like
the Pan Am in weapons, handling, and braking. The only differences are in top
speed (which is lower than the Pan Am's), acceleration (which is better), and
model (which is just different.) Take any one you like.

Stage2:The Search for Groove
Story:Taurus and Skye have gotten some information on Groove's wherabouts and
search for Groove's trailer. On their way, they're attacked by more Creepers.
Music:"Cars on Fire"
New:Light Machine Gun, Heavy Machine Gun, Fire-Rite Rocket, Aim-Nien, MaGMA
Karpoon, Oil Slick, Mine Dropper, Mortar, Flare, Armor, Heat Shield
Suggested:Remove Oil Slick
Mission:Find Groove's trailer

Skye:Stampede, the bartender guy said we might find a trailer. Off the main
access road and into the watershed north of the one-sixty-eight. I'll let you
know when we get to the turnoff. Over.
Taurus:Roger that. Keep your radar on. Whoever hit us in Vegas will no doubt be
close behind. Over.
Skye:Hey, man. You ever hear of La Cabra or Senor Dick? Over?
Taurus:Nope. The way I figure, they're the cats who grabbed Groove.
Skye:Yeah, or maybe they don't have him yet and we're leading them right to him.
Taurus:Mmmmmm, let's move. Over and out.

Solution:Just follow the road a little ways. Ignore the Manta and Reliable.
They're normals. There's nothing going on for almost a minute. Then this:

Skye:Hey, I'm picking up a new signal. Over.
Taurus:Roger that, baby. Out.
Oklahoma Crude 2:Hey, VG dirtbags! This is Oklahoma Crude Two! And I'm gonna make
you pay for what you did to Tumor! And Rictus! And Patsy! And Leon!
Oklahoma Crude 2:Get 'em, boys!

After you've driven a little ways, you'll be attacked by three more members of
the Oklahoma Crude. They shouldn't be much harder than the guys in Vegas, but
the terrain's a little worse so it might be a little harder to get a decent shot.
Also, you have to worry about hitting Skye. Don't hit Skye.

Taurus:Vixen, you picking up any more signals? Over.
Skye:No, I'm clean.
(we see a punk hiding behind the fence. Then, a tower explodes and falls over.)
Taurus:The towers! These dudes are bringing down the power lines.
Skye:I see that, Taurus.

After they've been sent back to the panhandle, continue your journey. Shortly
after that, a brief cinema will show a punk hiding behind the fence. Then the
power lines will come down. You can easily avoid the first one or two. After
that, try to steer around any towers you can't make it under.
Just after that, you'll come to an intersection with a gas station on your
right. You'll see two Creepers trying to get to their cars at the gas station.
Waste them with your machine guns. If your car's too beat up, take the Manta.
After that, you'll come upon four more Creepers. Go after the Compacts first.
(The VMW, the Coupe, and the Messernacht) They have weaker armor than the
Kustom. After you've taken care of them, waste the Kustom.

Skye:According to my map, the turnoff is up here on the left. Over.
Taurus:Roger that. Over.

After the battle, take the turn Skye tells you about. You've found Groove's
burned out trailer.

Taurus:This must be it. Hmmm, does not look good.

Wave1:first part after bridge
Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Front:Light Machine Gun, Rocket Launcher
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun

Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Light Machine Gun

Internal Settings:2/2/1/1
Front:Rocket Launcher
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun

Wave2:gas station
Reliable J (unoccupied)
Comments:See Vehicles of Opportunity

Manta (unoccupied)
Comments:See Vehicles of Opportunity

Wave3:mesa area
Internal Settings:2/2/1/1
Front:Rocket Launcher
Roof:Light Machine Gun Turret
Rear:Oil Dropper

Internal Settings:2/2/1/1
Front:Rocket Launcher
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun

Internal Settings:2/3/1/1
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun, Flare

Internal Settings:2/3/2/2
Front:Rocket Launcher
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun, Flare

Vehicles Of Opportunity:
Reliable J
Location:gas station
Internal Settings:2/2/1/1
Front:2 Light Machine Guns
Comments:If you want this car, act quickly. The Creeper who owns it is on his
way back. After shooting or running him over, you can take this car. If you do,
you'd better be good with a mortar. The machine guns do a pretty good job, so
you're not limited to the mortar. I don't know why they gave you a flare. None
of the subsequent enemies have Aim-Niens.

Location:gas station
Internal Settings:2/2/1/1
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun, 2 Armors
Comments:This car is right next to the Reliable and must be obtained through
similar channels. Afterwards, it's probably a better grab than the Reliable
because of its better performance and weapons. Like the Reliable, it also has a
Flare which will not be used by the end of the stage.

Stage3:Inbound Creepers
Story:Finding Groove's burned out trailer convinces Taurus his friend is dead.
Skye asks him to train her in the ways of the vigilante so she can rescue her
brother, who she believes to still be alive. During their argument, Skeeter
shows up followed by more Creepers.
New:Turreted Light Machine Gun
Suggested:Strip your car, take Skye's
Mission:Defend the trailer

Taurus:Hide in the wreckage.
Skye:We're on it!
Taurus:And keep your damn heads down! Dig?
Skye:Stampede, we're inside and safe...for now. Over.

Solution:Before this mission starts, completely strip your car. That means you
should remove all weapons, specials, armor, and shields and reduce the internals
to their minimum.
As soon as you regain control, take Skye's El Paseo. She won't mind. Don't
waste time trying to take Skeeter's truck. You can't. (Must have the Club.)

Creeper:Hey, Stampede! You drive like a Manson...who's confused!

A few seconds later, the first wave will attack from the direction of the
road. Use your machine guns to whittle them down. After a few seconds, they'll
leave, but they'll be back.

Creeper:I'm angry. Very, very angry.
Creeper:Is that all you got...Stampede? Looks to me like you need to go back to

After they run, a Daisan and a Palomino will attack. First, shread the Daisan,
then waste the Palomino. The Reliable and Royale will return shortly, and this
time they'll only go if they're dead. Finish the job.

Creeper:Watch the birdie! The birdie!

It could take maybe half a minute, but you'll soon be set upon by a third
wave. You might want to hit the VMW first, since it's got the weakest armor.
Perforate the two muscle cars next.
Incidentally, if you damage a car badly enough to stop it, but not destroy
it, the driver will bail and he might take the car you came in with. Good
thing you stripped it.

Taurus:You can come out now.

Wave1:coming from North
Internal Settings:2/2/2/2
Front:Light Machine Gun, Rocket Launcher
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun

Reliable J
Internal Settings:2/2/2/2
Front:Light Machine Gun, Rocket Launcher
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun
Rear:Oil Dropper

Wave2:coming from North
Internal Settings:2/2/2/2
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun

Internal Settings:2/2/2/2
Front:2 Light Machine Guns
Roof:Light Machine Gun

Wave3:coming from West
Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Front:Structo Bumper, Light Machine Gun
Roof:Light Machine Gun, Rocket Launcher Turret
Rear:Mine Dropper

Internal Settings:2/2/1/1
Front:2 Light Machine Guns
Roof:Rocket Launcher Turret

Internal Settings:2/2/2/2
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun

Vehicles Of Opportunity:
El Paseo
Location:next to trailer
Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:2 Light Machine Guns
Roof:Rocket Launcher
Comments:You have to take this car. Strip whatever car you came in with and
take this one. It's Skye's car, but she won't mind. Hopefully, you're a good
shot with the rocket launcher because this has one. Also, if you made it this
far in the Fiarello, this car has more room. Afterwards, modify it to your

Stage4:Shopping Spree
Story:After the battle, Taurus and Skye have a talk. They're interupted by a
radio call from Rank Dick and a very much alive Groove. Taurus follows the
call to a shopping mall despite the Champions' warnings that it's a trap.
Music:"Beach Blast"
New:Turreted Fire-Rite Rocket, Structo Bumper
Mission1:Find a way into the mall
Mission2:Open the southern gate
Mission3:Take out generators and enter security office

Rank Dick:Splendid, Mr. Tortoise! Welcome to my mall! I hope you like it, because
it's the last thing YOU'LL EVER SEE!
Taurus:Where are you, Rank?
Rank Dick:Watching you from on high, Mr. Tortoise. Watching Mr. Champion watch
you die.
Taurus:I'm coming to get you, Rank.
Rank Dick:Not if my little Dickies get you first. Sic 'im, Dickies!

Solution:As soon as you regain control, target one of the enemies approaching
you. You should probably go after the VMW first because it has a HaVIK Karpoon
and an Oil Slick, either of which can be quite annoying. After you take out
the Cavera, go north and blast the trailer on the left. Use the ramp that
results to enter the mall.

Rank Dick:Not bad! Also kinda makes for such good telly. Mr. Champion has been
glued to the set...literally. Let's see how well you do against more ducky

After driving through the store, be prepared to take on an Estate Wagon.
After you take that out, a VMW will approach from the south. Take it out
immediately and head for the store called Elite.

Rank Dick:Not done! Ohhhhhh. You are making me so angry! I've got more than a wee
bit more in store for you, Mr. Tortoise.

After you find the back room at Elite and throw the switch, you'll be set
upon by four more Creepers. You won't even get out of the store by the time
the first two find you. There isn't much cover, so you can take them out. As
you're about to leave, a van comes in. Take him out too. Do so with the
Kustom that's driving around out there as well.
As soon as you drive through the gate, floor it. You can't hit the turrets
with your weapons (unless you have a turret or Aim-Nien) so keep moving. You
have to take out the generators to proceed, but you can take out the turrets
for an extra $300. Just take the Messernacht at the far east end of the maze
and use its missiles to take out the turrets. Then proceed to take out the
generators with your car.
After you see the door open, enter it, drive across the floor, go up the ramp,
and jump to the security office. After you land, get out and enter the office.

Rank Dick:This is Rank Dick to all Dickies. In light of recent setbacks in
dealing with the annoying Mr. Tortoise, I've decided to take Mr. Champion and
seek higher ground, so to speak. I trust that you'll deal with him accordingly.

Throw the switch and leave. Don't worry about the inbound Creepers, Rank Dick
was apparently bluffing.

Wave1:eastern parking lot
Internal Settings:4/1/1/1
Front:Light Machine Gun, Nitrous Oxide
Roof:HaVIK Karpoon
Rear:Oil Dropper

Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:2 Light Machine Guns
Roof:Rocket Launcher

Wave2:eastern half of mall
Internal Settings:4/1/1/1
Front:Light Machine Gun, Nitrous Oxide
Roof:HaVIK Karpoon
Rear:Oil Dropper

Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:2 Light Machine Guns
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun, Rocket Launcher

Wave3:western half of mall, after throwing switch
Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:2 Light Machine Guns
Roof:Rocket Launcher

Internal Settings:3/2/2/2
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Light Machine Gun, HaVIK Karpoon
Rear:Oil Dropper

Internal Settings:4/4/1/2
Front:Structo Bumper
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun, Light Machine Gun
Rear:Mine Dropper

Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:2 Light Machine Guns
Roof:Rocket Launcher, Heavy Machine Gun

Vehicles Of Opportunity:
Location:eastern parking lot
Internal Settings:1/3/2/1
Front:Light Machine Gun, Nitrous Oxide
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun
Comments:Now, here's a car. This car is a little more fragile than most other
vehicles and has less space to work with, but it's a little sportier. At the
moment, you can use it to take on the Dickies, a task for which it is very
capable. It also has Nitrous Oxide which can boost your speed if you need it.
However, you might like something else for the coming missions.

Location:eastern parking lot
Internal Settings:1/2/1/3
Front:Rocket Launcher
Internal:Surge Shield
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun
Comments:Okay, there's a lot of unused space in this vehicle and the weaponry is
rather limited, but it has something somewhat useful: a Surge Shield. The VMWs in
this stage are equipped with HaVIK Karpoons and can knock out your car with one
shot if you do not have one. Plus, if you survive the level, you have a lot of
room to put stuff.

Location:southern parking lot
Internal Settings:4/4/3/3
Front:Light Machine Gun, Nitrous Oxide
Roof:Aim-Nien, Armor
Comments:This car has many of the endearing qualities of the DeLandau, but the
heavy machine gun is replaced by a heat-seeker. Also, the internals are jacked
to the max! At the point where you get this car, you no longer have to worry
about other vehicles trying to destroy you, so the single gun should not be much
of a problem. You can also use the Aim-Nien to exact a little revenge on the
turrets (Bwa-Ha-Ha!) and make an extra $300.

Story:After the wild goose chase at the mall, Taurus and Skye set up a little
trap of their own. Taurus fakes a distress call and the Creepers come to finish
him off. But Taurus has a surprise for them.
Music:"Shake It"
New:HaVIK Karpoon, Nitrous Oxide, Fire-X, Surge Shield
Mission1:Cause a distraction to lure Creepers out of their cars
Mission2:Chase survivors
Mission3:Kill all Creepers

Skye:Great, Stampede! What should we do now? They'll be coming in numbers.
Taurus:I dig! You hide in the barn! Keep your head down! I'll cause a
distraction. Maybe I can lure those fools out of their cars and wax them when
they're on foot.
Taurus:I don't know yet! You hide in the barn, keep your heads down, and lay off
the radio!

Solution:Shooting the van is too easy. It doesn't move and its armor is

Dickie Leader:Dickie Leader to all Dickies. We're almost to the end of the road.
You got anything on radar return? Over.
Dickie1:Um, negative. Over.
Dickie2:Negative. Wait, wait! There, up ahead! Is that smoke? Over.
Dickie Leader:I believe it is, Dickies. Keep your eyes open. Out.
(The Dickies pull up to the farm and exit their cars.)
Dickie1:Is this it? Over.
Dickie2:Maybe. Let's check it out.

After you come out of the barn, start firing. Humans take fewer bullets than
cars. (duh) You should easily waste the Pan-Am driver and possibly the
Fiarello driver. The Palomino and Manta's drivers get back to their cars too

Dickie Leader:This is Dickie Leader to all Dickies. Run back to base and report
following. Situation critical. Request assistance. Hare Blossom road. Over.
Skye:Check your radar. We've got a runner. Stampede, don't let that Creeper warn
Rank. Follow him. Find out where the Creepers are hiding. Over.
Taurus:Roger that. Stampede out.

After two drivers have been killed (either in their cars or on foot), another
Creeper will signal a retreat. The survivors will be joined by a Kustom and
race back to their hideout. If you can help it, try to destroy the Kustom
first. It has a turreted gun and a paint sprayer, either of which is really
annoying. Shortly after you start, you'll come upon an overpass and your quarry
will turn left. Keep up the chase. After a while, the cars will make another
left right off the highway.
Along the way, you'll encounter a Daisan and a Moth truck. Don't
engage them, a battle will distract you from your real goal. Just whittle down
one or both of the drivers. After you pass through the ghost town, the car
you're pursuing will try to fake you out by turning left. He'll then cut back

Taurus:Breaker, breaker, 1-1. Vixen, I got a twenty on the Creeper hideout. Over.
Skye:I roger that, Stampede. Wax that fool before he can warn that Dick...guy.
Taurus:Roger that. Over and out.

When you reach the mine entrance, any survivors will be joined by a van and a
pickup. By now, you must be getting good at this. You know what to do. (Nail

Taurus:A dead Dickie is a good Dickie.

Wave1:at farm
Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:Rocket Launcher, Light Machine Gun
Internal:Flame Shield
Roof:Rocket Launcher, HaVIK Karpoon
Rear:Fire Dropper

Comments:See Vehicles of Opportunity

Comments:See Vehicles of Opportunity

Internal Settings:4/3/3/3
Front:Structo Bumper
Roof:Light Machine Gun, HaVIK Karpoon
Rear:Oil Dropper

Wave2:between farm and mine
Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:Structo Bumper, Light Machine Gun
Internal:Surge Shield, Flame Shield
Roof:Light Machine Gun, Light Machine Gun Turret
Rear:Paint Sprayer, Rocket Launcher

Internal Settings:

Internal Settings:

Wave3:in front of mine
Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:Structo Bumper, Light Machine Gun
Internal:Flame Shield
Rear:Oil Dropper, Light Machine Gun

Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:Light Machine Gun, Heavy Machine Gun
Internal:Flame Shield
Roof:Light Machine Gun, HaVIK Karpoon
Rear:Heavy Machine Gun, Fire Dropper

Vehicles Of Opportunity:
Location:At farm
Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:2 Rocket Launchers
Internal:Flame Shield
Roof:Rocket Launcher Turret
Rear:Mine Dropper
Comments:Rockets. Ah, rockets. The problem with rockets is that it's hard to
hit with them. On the other hand, when they do hit, they hurt. If you're a good
shot with a rocket launcher, take this car. If not, stick with what you had (if
possible) or try to jack another car. One of the launchers on this car is on
a turret, so that could help a little.

Location:At farm
Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:Structo Bumper
Internal:Surge Shield, Flame Shield
Roof:Light Machine Gun, HaVIK Karpoon
Rear:Oil Dropper
Comments:A Surge Shield and a Flame Shield? Cool! Incidentally, this isn't the
only car in the stage with a HaVIK Karpoon (the Palomino has one too) and a
couple of your opponents have Fire Droppers. On the other hand, this car has
weak armor and the machine gun only has a HaVIK Karpoon to back it up. The
Structo Bumper only helps if you can ram your opponent.

Location:near mine entrance
Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:Light Machine Gun, Heavy Machine Gun
Internal:Flame Shield
Roof:HaVIK Karpoon, Light Machine Gun
Rear:Heavy Machine Gun, Fire Dropper
Comments:This might be a better choice than any of the cars from the beginning
of the stage. Scratch that, this is definately a better choice than the cars
from the beginning of the stage. It's heavily armed and at this point, you've
probably reduced your enemy number to three. Unless you have a very good reason,
take this truck.

Stage6:Rank's Pit
Conditions:Day, Underground
Music:"Love Theme From I'82"
New:Fire Dropper, Paint Sprayer, Fire Shielding
Suggested:HAViK Karpoon
Mission:Enter mine and rescue Groove

Taurus:Okay, recap. Groove gets in deep with some bad elements. He decides that
he'd rather listen to the Knack and smoke dope than fight these creeps, it being
way too deep. So he tries to vacate the shindig, only to find that the
organization has other plans for him. Plans whose fruition require his demise,
so he calls sis for help. Sister Skye and, quote, friends show up to save his
sorry ass only to be attacked several times by local Creeper slug patrols who
happen to be in cahoots with said bad elements. Which leads eventually to the
mouth of a mysterious abandoned mine shaft. I bet you ten-to-one Skye wants to
go down there.
Skye:Hell yes, I wanna go in. Groove is down there. Over.
Taurus:Let me get this straight. You want we to drive my car down into this
abandoned mine tunnel?
Skye:That's where they went.
Taurus:Do you have any idea how deep this is?
Skye:Who knows? Deep.
Skeeter:Huh huh. Deep...mine...huh huh.

Solution:This stage could be a lot harder due to limited visibility. Just
remember to turn your lights on before entering the mine. And watch out for
holes. Falling into one is instant death.

Taurus:This place reminds me of one-sixty-third and Amsterdam.

The first chamber you enter is completely devoid of enemies.

Taurus:Groove must be down here somewhere.

The second one has a pair of cars hiding in the dark. Take 'em out. Oh, and
watch out for holes. Then, get out of the car and flip the switch. This will open
the door.

Taurus:Where did I leave my inhaler?

The third chamber has two more creepers. One has a mine dropper and the mines
are very hard to see. The other car has a Rocket Launcher, so watch out for that.
You'll find another switch and another closed door at the top of the ramp in
this chamber. Get out again and flip this switch.

Taurus:All this uranium, so little time.

In the next chamber, you'll be attacked by three more Creepers. They're
grouped together, so fire at the targeting reticle and you'll damage two,
three if you're lucky. Don't stop firing until the targeting reticle changes
to another location or you see a cut scene.

Taurus:Where are you, Rank?
(the wall explodes and the Drill King drives out.)
Rank Dick:Hidey-ho there, Chuck! A BIT of news for you: your Groovy friend is in
here with me, but he's become quite a BORE! Here's the DRILL, mate: I'm gonna
fill ya full of holes! You'll get SHAFTED! I hope you don't MINE. Can you DIG it?
You'll become a more than useless living on BURROWED time!
Taurus:Shut your CHASM, Dick! It's about time I FILLED you in!

The cut scene in question introduces Rank Dick in a Drill King Molemaster.
It seems formidable, but it has a weakness. Fire the HaVIK Karpoon as soon as
the fracas starts, then switch back to your machine guns and start blasting.
By the time he gets his engine restarted, half his armor will be gone. Keep
firing and backing up and you'll claim victory over Mr. Dick (who screams a
lot like Goofy).

Taurus:I deserve a gold star.

Wave1:second chamber
Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Front:Light Machine Gun

Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Front:Karbide Kutter
Roof:Light Machine Gun Turret
Rear:Paint Sprayer

Wave2:third chamber
Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Front:Rocket Launcher

Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Rocket Launcher Turret, Light Machine Gun
Rear:Mine Dropper

Wave3:fourth chamber
Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Front:Light Machine Gun
Internal:Flame Shield
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun

Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Front:Rocket Launcher
Internal:Flame Shield
Roof:Cannon, 2 Armor
Rear:4 Armor

Internal Settings:4/2/2/2
Front:Karbide Kutter, Rocket Launcher
Internal:Flame Shield
Roof:Light Machine Gun, Heavy Machine Gun
Rear:Fire Dropper

Wave4:final chamber, Rank Dick
Drill King
Internal Settings:

Vehicles Of Opportunity:
Location:final chamber, before Rank Dick
Internal Settings:3/3/3/3
Front:Karbide Kutter, Rocket Launcher
Internal:Nitrous Oxide
Roof:Light Machine Gun, Heavy Machine Gun, 1 Armor
Rear:2 Fire Extinguishers
Comments:Remember, this is the Lisbon parked off to the side, not the one
attacking you. Since it doesn't have a HaVIK Karpoon, I didn't expect much.
After a round with Rank Dick, I was pleasantly surprised. I don't usually
recommend using a rocket launcher, but how can you NOT hit Rank Dick with one?
The machine guns can help a little. The Karbide Kutter might wear him down as
well, but I didn't try it. I didn't want to get that close. In short, good for
the situation.

Stage7:Boogie, Baby!
Story:Even with his Drill King reduced to a burning wreck, Rank Dick still
refuses to release Groove. After calling our hero Mr. Tortoise one too many
times, Rank falls victim to a gunshot from Taurus. Unfortunately, he sets off a
time bomb in the process and he and Groove must escape before the entire mine
comes tumbling down.
Conditions:Day, Underground
Music:"Faster and Faster"
New:Cannon, Fire-Fry, CHIP Karpoon, Karbide Kutter, Smell-So-Well Shield
Suggested:Homekeeper Cannon, Nitrous Oxide
Mission:Get out of the mine before it collapses

Taurus:Groove, keep your head down back there. Dig? I'm gonna get us outta here.
Groove:Move, dude. This place is rigged to blow big time.
Taurus:Word. Four minutes, we can do this.
Groove:I'm feeling confident?

Solution:First the good news: no enemies. Now, the bad news: you have a time
limit of four minutes to get out or the walls will come tumbling down. Your
car should be tuned for speed and handling. The cannon should be your main
(or only) weapon. It can blow open doors with one blast. Start with the one
marked "exit".
Soon after, you'll come upon a fork in the path, take the left one. After
that, take the right fork. Blast open any doors in your way. You'll soon
come upon a large chamber and you'll be on a high cliff. When you see a ramp
ahead, fire a nitrous burst. You'll save a lot of time. Speaking of time,
the three-minute mark should have passed by now.

Taurus:Three minutes. It's gonna be close.
Groove:Dude, I'm concerned!
Taurus:Mellow, man.

Keep navigating the maze and you'll soon come upon a round chamber with three
other doors. Once again, take the one marked "Exit". Take the Lightning if you
think you should, but remember that the machine guns take longer to blow open
doors than the cannon.
Keep going through the caves. Keep blasting doors until you reach one that
has a switch. Get out of the car and flip the switch. About this time, the
two-minute mark should occur. Try not to laugh at Groove's answer to your

Groove:Two minutes, man! Two! I don't wanna die here, man!
Taurus:Yo, chill out! Man, when did you become such a spaz?
Groove:I dunno!

Take the right tunnel in your escape attempt. Keep going until you reach a
large chamber with a severe drop-off. If the one-minute warning hasn't come
yet, you're okay.

Groove:We'll never make it in one minute!
Taurus:You're not being constructive!

If it occurs around this time, you still have nothing to worry about. Just
navigate the narrow ledge in the dark (sounds easy).

Groove:Thirty seconds!
Taurus:You have a stopwatch or something?

When you go down a steep incline, fire off a nitrous and jump the large gap.

Groove:Twenty seconds!
Taurus:I know! I know!

Now, drive through the tunnel.

Groove:Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One!

When you see daylight, you'll then see a cinema of the bomb going off. If you
made it, you'll also see your car escaping the blast just barely.


Wave:No enemies

Vehicles Of Opportunity:
Location:starting chamber
Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Front:Rocket Launcher
Rear:Nitrous Oxide, SuCCLeR
Comments:Cannon? SuCCLeR? NOS? Just perfect for getting out of a collapsing
mine. Remember, the Cannon can open TNT blocked doors with one shot. And the
Nitrous can help you fly over gaps. One problem: the vehicle handles very poorly
and spins out easily. Be careful.

Location:chamber in lower right hand corner
Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Front:Karbide Kutter, Rocket Launcher
Roof:Light Machine Gun, Heavy Machine Gun
Rear:Nitrous Oxide, SuCCLeR
Comments:This car handles a little better than the Coupe. To find it, follow
these directions: from the chamber with the jump, take the left tunnel and every
left fork until you see an "Exit" sign. The Lightning is parked next to the exit.
The machine guns take a little extra time setting off the TNT crates, but the car
is bigger and can hold more weapons and stuff in the coming missions.

Stage8:Stop the Flow
Story:Following his rescue, Groove weaves a story about government
conspiracies and hiring Contras as part of a private army. Taurus is about to
sever contact with the group when a group of Creepers approaches. He sets off
to stop them, but he's greatly outnumbered.
Suggested:Flame Shield, Nitrous Oxide
Mission1:Drop bridge, kill guards
Mission2:Collapse tunnel, kill guards
Mission3:Improvise roadblock, kill guards

Skye:Okay, here's the sitch. Looks bad. The truck's intake is in pieces. We ain't
going anywhere and there's a butt-load of inbound Creepers to the north. We're
even picking up their radio traffic. You gotta buy us some time. Over.
Taurus:How many are you tracking? Over.
Skye:Ten, twelve, maybe more! Over.
Taurus:That's more than I can handle!
Groove:Stampede, there's a bridge up there they gotta cross. Take it out! Over.
Taurus:Roger that, Swinger.
Skye:Get up there before they cross it or we're dead!
Taurus:Wish me luck. Over and out.

Solution:Just after the stage begins, go off-road to the right. It's a
shortcut that will save you some time. When you near the bridge, you'll see
your first guards. Ignore them and take out the bridge by shooting the
supports. Don't worry about the enemies, you have a Flame Shield. (You do,
don't you?) The two cars have flame-based weapons, so they can't hurt you.
After the bridge comes falling down, use your lead-based weapons to put them

Taurus:Vixen, this is Stampede. The bridge is out! But wait! They're heading
east! Swinger, what's over there? Over.
Groove:We're checking the map. Hold on. Hold on. Hold...right there! Yeah! The
road to the east curves around, turns south, and there's a tunnel, the only way
through on that side. Over.
Taurus:I'll try to bring it down, dig? Is Skeet working on the intake? Over.
Groove:Yeah! Yeah, he is. Good luck. Over and out.

Your next problem is the tunnel to the east. There's another (rather obvious)
shortcut in the form of a hiking trail. Follow the trail until you see yellow
caution signs, then fire off a nitrous to jump the chasm. When you come out of
the mountains and reach the road, go left until you reach the tunnel and its
two guards. From a distance, relieve the guards of their duty. After your
first pass, blast away at the tunnel supports (marked in black and yellow).
This could take a while. If the guards are still alive, erase them.

Taurus:Vixen, this is Stampede. The tunnel is down. Repeat, the tunnel is down.
Is there another way across? Over.
Groove:It looks like the road skirts the canyon to the west of your twenty, but
there's no tunnel and no bridge.
Taurus:Looks like I'll have to improvise a roadblock, dig? Over and out.

Now, you have to improvise a roadblock at location #3. Follow the road
(sorry, no shortcut) and make a left at the intersection. If you pass under
a bridge, you're going the right way. Also, you'll see blips on your radar.
The Messernacht will fall quickest, so target it first. Don't worry about the
Kustom, it has flame-based weapons. You'll also face a Cavera and a VMW. After
they're toast, head towards location #3. You'll see a pair of electrical
towers. Blast them until they fall and you're done.

Taurus:Breaker, breaker, 1-2. Vixen, Swinger, this is Stampede. You copy?
Groove:We gotcha, Stampede!
Taurus:The road is blocked. You guys got some time. I'm heading back. Over and

Before you reach point 3, your car may be really hurting. Don't worry. There's
an Estate wagon parked at the gas station. It is very heavily-armed and very
capable of taking the Creepers.

Wave1:near bridge
Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Internal:Flame Shield
Roof:Flamethrower Turret, 2 Armor
Rear:Fire Dropper

Reliable J
Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Internal:Flame Shield
Roof:Flamethrower Turret, 3 Armor

Wave2:near tunnel
Internal Settings:3/2/2/2
Front:3 Armor
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun Turret

Internal Settings:2/3/3/3
Front:Structo Bumper
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun Turret
Rear:4 Armor

Wave3:between gas station and towers
Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Rocket Launcher

Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Rocket Launcher

Internal Settings:4/4/3/3
Front:9 Armor
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun Turret
Rear:6 Armor

Internal Settings:2/2/3/3
Front:Karbide Kutter, 4 Armor
Internal:Flame Shield
Roof:Flamethower Turret, 4 Armor
Rear:Fire Dropper

Vehicles of Opportunity:
Location:at Mondo Burger
Internal Settings:3/2/2/2
Front:2 Rocket Launchers
Internal:Flame Shield
Roof:HaVIK Karpoon
Rear:Mine Dropper
Comments:Rocket Launchers, HaVIK Karpoon, Mines. All the things I prefer to do
without. It's hard to hit with these things and their stores are limited. On the
other hand, it has a Flame Shield, so you can take on the guards at the bridge
without serious injury. Otherwise, you'd better be a good shot.

Location:in chasm
Internal Settings:Who cares?
Comments:Even if someone has a gun to your head and is threatening to kill you
if you don't take this car, DON'T TAKE THIS CAR! It has no guns, no specials, no
shields, and I'm willing to bet it has no armor or internal modifications. Not
only that, it's in a very, very remote location so getting there is a huge waste
of time. On top of all that, IT'S A PONY! I got in it...once. I'm surprised a
skeleton didn't fall out the other side.

Location:gas station
Internal Settings:4/4/1/1
Front:2 Light Machine Guns
Roof:Rocket Launcher, Heavy Machine Gun
Comments:This is much better than that mean old Pony. Three machine guns all
pointing in the same direction and a rocket launcher (better than nothing). If
your car is no longer capable of surviving a firefight, this is a perfect grab.
The internal settings are great, too. Take it if you need it (or even if you
don't need it and you want it.)

Stage9:Catch a Creeper by the Toe
New:Turreted Heavy Machine Gun, Turreted Fire-Fry, Chaff
Suggested:Strip car, take Stag
Mission1:Kill attacking cars
Mission2:Chase down escaping car, but don't kill him

Taurus:How in the hell do they keep finding us? They found Groove hidden in the
middle of the desert, and they found us too. Over.
Skye:It's our tracks. Over.
Taurus:Negative, negative. No Creeper tracker is that fast. How's Groove?
Skye:Sleeping. In the truck with us.
Taurus:Good. I think we'd better get some hard cover before the Creepers hit us
Skye:There's some structures a couple clicks southwest, across the wash.
Taurus:Right. Skeeter, mount up.
Skeeter:I'm on it. Over and out.
Taurus:And kids, if we get hit again, this time, we take one of them alive, dig?
Skye:Stampede, I've got multiple incoming signatures. Over.

Solution:After you regain control, turn left and enter the gorge. Get out of
your car and get into the Stag. It is immune to Dr. Radar missiles and the
Royales have them. Remember where this gorge is. Falling in kills you.
Using the Stag's machine guns, rip through the first three Royales. Their
Dr. Radars should not pose much of a threat. This should be a piece of cake.
After that's done, two more Royales will approach. Take care of them in a
similar manner. Two more will come and they will prove no match either.

Skye:Check your radar. We've got a runner.
Taurus:Roger. But remember, don't kill 'im.

Soon, you'll be down to one Royale and he'll run. For some reason, the car
will be behind you. Turn around and chase him down. Fire on him until his
life bar is down to about fifteen percent. Then immediately stop firing! The
car will drift off to the side and the driver will bail out. You've got him.

Taurus:Chalk another victory up for the Stampede!

Wave1:Royales (3) (coming from South)
Wave2:Royales (2) (coming from South)
Wave3:Royales (2) (coming from South)

Version One
Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:2 Light Machine Guns
Roof:Heavy Machine Guns, Rocket Launcher

Version Two
Internal Settings:4/4/3/3
Front:2 Light Machine Guns
Roof:Dr. Radar Missile

Vehicles Of Opportunity:
Location:in tent
Internal Settings:4/4/1/2
Front:Structo Bumper
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun, Light Machine Gun
Rear:Mine Dropper
Comments:This vehicle is very well-equipped to take on the SSS. The machine guns
can do some decent damage and you have mines, too. The end of the mission will
require this vehicle's high speed setting and the Structo Bumper will probably
make a difference as well.

Location:next to drag strip
Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Rocket Launcher
Comments:This car helped me win the level once...barely. It's weapon systems are
rather sparse and the settings are pretty low. If you're good or lucky (like me),
you can probably pull off a victory with this car. Keeping up with the last guy
can be tough with this thing's low speed setting.

Location:in gorge
Internal Settings:4/1/3/3
Front:2 Light Machine Guns
Roof:Light Machine Gun, Light Machine Gun Turret
Comments:This is weird. When you use this truck against the SSS clowns, it has
a Radar Shield. But when you customize it afterward, the shield is gone. Strange.
Anyways, the Phantom Radar Shield is what makes this vehicle perfect for the
level. The four flippin' machine guns all pointing the same way are no slouch
either. And the vehicle is fast enough to keep up with the last guy. Sometimes,
it's just too easy.

Stage10:Fuzzy Bear
Story:Questioning the SSS agent turns up nothing, but Skeeter finds a
tracking device hidden in Groove's tooth. Taurus decides to get to the
bottom of it by keeping the tracking device and putting the tooth in the
agent's car. Right about then, the police show up under SSS orders.
Conditions:Day, Snowing
Music:"Beach Blast"
New:Dr. Radar, Radar Shield
Suggested:Strip car, take Daisan
Mission:Rendezvous with others

Taurus:Vixen, this is Stampede. Get outta there! Whatever happens, don't shoot
the fuzz. Over.
Cop:Pull to the side of the road. I repeat. Pull to the side of the road, stop,
and exit your vehicle, or we will be forced to open fire.
Taurus:Breaker, breaker, niner. This is Stampede to the Fuzz. Why you bothering
us, man? Over.
Cop:Um, because of that fire y'all started at the Bishop
Taurus:Oh, that fire! I almost forgot about that. Man, there's no chance we can
just talk about this? We're, uh, we're being framed. Over.
Cop:Oh! Well, in that case, why don't you just pull over to the side of the road
so I can give you a cookie? Over.
Taurus:Do you like being a wrench?
Cop:A wrench?
Taurus:Yeah, a tool. You are getting used, pig. Over and out.

Solution:After the cinema, immediately turn to the right to avoid the turrets.
Drive along the road a little and try to avoid the cops' gunfire. Soon, you'll
come upon a hairpin turn. Negotiate it as well as you can and go up the hill.
After you pass the turrets and police cars up here, you'll see a sign with
hikers. Turn onto this path and keep going until you find the Daisan. Take the
Daisan, return to the road, and keep going. When you reach the jump, fire a
nitrous and you'll make it over easily.
Continue your journey. You'll soon come upon another roadblock. Use the
SuCCLeR to boost over it. Shortly afterward, you'll come upon a fork in the
road. Take the left fork if you want a van. Take the right fork if you just
want to get out of there. If you're driving the Daisan, hit nitrous and then
SuCCLeR to boost over this massive roadblock. If you took the van, drive up
the cliff on the side to make it past. Not too far before you're done.

Taurus:Good, nice. Now, let's see if you can get this tracking thing working.
See where the SSS cat went. Over.
Skye:Roger that, Stampede. Over.

Remember two things:First, your car has better traction on the road than the
snow. Second, DON'T SHOOT THE FUZZ!

Waves:Cruisers (lost count) (everywhere)

Vehicles Of Opportunity:
Location:in grove just before jump
Internal Settings:4/4/2/2
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun
Rear:Nitrous Oxide, SuCCLeR
Comments:If you neglected to bring a Nitrous equipped vehicle to the party,
don't worry. You can use this rad ride. The Nitrous is absolutely essential to
make the jump just after you find this car. The SuCCLeRs will help too. If you
find yourself approaching a barricade, you can just boost over it. If you use
Nitrous before you use the SuCCLeRs, you won't believe the jumps you can make.

Location:next to farmhouse
Internal Settings:4/1/1/1
Front:2 Rocket Launchers, 4 Armor
Roof:Cannon Turret
Rear:Oil Dropper
Comments:This isn't a van, it's a tank! Very well-armed and somewhat
well-armored, this can be used to...oh wait, you can't shoot the fuzz in this
level. Well, the armor should help you survive long enough to rendezvous with
the others. In the next level, you can practically replace the Moth Truck with
this vehicle.

Stage11:Trench Run
Conditions:Night, Raining
Music:"Shake It"
New:Turreted Homekeeper Cannon
Suggested:Mines or Flame-Droppers
Mission:Destroy tower at end of trench

Taurus:Well, kids, here's the scoop. I did a little scouting up ahead. Looks like
the canyon is crawling with emplacements. Skye, are you sure this is the only way
Skye:This is the Nellis Test Range. We're right on the wire. According to the
map, this is the only way in. Still read that signal?
Taurus:Dead ahead. Anyone know what it's like in there?
Skeeter:Uh, that there is a top secret military installation in there. They got
black projects going on. Creepy stuff, aliens. They call it "Area 49".

Solution:Soon after you start, you'll come upon a gate with a switch. You know
what to do.

Taurus:Vixen, I think the safest way past the emplacements is to maintain your
speed. Go as fast as you can. We're going in. We're going in there open throttle.
Skye:Right behind you, Stampede.
Groove:Stampede, at that speed, will you be able to handle the curves?
Taurus:It'll be just like Boxcar Canyon back in Lubbock. Over.
Skye:We'll stay behind you, cover your butt. Over.

Before Taurus tells you to do so, drive past the turrets as fast as you can.
If you have a few control problems, be careful. This should only take a minute
or two. Don't worry about the others, they'll be fine. (This seems familiar.)

Skye:I got the tower defense on radar. That's our objective. Kill the tower, kill
the guns. Are you sure your weapons can cut it?
Taurus:Watch out! Lorries!
Groove:What about the tower?
Taurus:I'll worry about that tower. You worry about those Creepers.
Skye:Hurry, Stampede. They're coming in real fast. I caaaaaaan't deal. Sorry.
Dark Rider:Ignore the truck! Stay on Stampede!
Taurus:Get clear, Vixen. You can't do much back there.
Dark Rider:There is a strength in you, young road warrior.
Taurus:Who're you?
Dark Rider:Stampede, I am your fa-(crackle)
Taurus:Uh, say again?
Dark die.

When you reach the halfway point, you'll be approached by three Clydesdales.
As soon as the cinema ends, they'll fire at you with lasers and rockets. Start
zig-zagging immediately. When you see metal walls, start looking for a gap and
drive into it. The Clydesdales will get tied up on the walls. When you find
the Loadmaster, get into it and take out the Clydesdales. Then, proceed. (This
really seems familiar.)
When you come upon the next wave of Clydesdales, ignore them. (If you have any
Aim-Niens left, take them out from a distance.) After that, you'll come upon
the tower. Ignore the Clydesdales (unless you have more than two Aim-Niens on
your racks, then you may take them out) and blast the tower.

Taurus:This kinda reminds me of the trench run at the Death Station in that
movie "Space Wars".

(Oh, that's why this seems familiar.)
One last thing, if you manage to steal one of the trucks chasing you, it'll blow
up. Don't steal one of their trucks.

Wave1:Clydesdales (3) (after halfway point)
Wave2:Clydesdales (2) (first clearing)
Wave3:Clydesdales (2) (second clearing around tower)

Rank and File
Internal Settings:4/4/3/3
Roof:Light Machine Gun Turret, 4 Armor

Vehicles Of Opportunity:
Location:in shortcut
Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Front:Light Machine Gun, Aim-Nien, 2 Armor
Internal:Flame Shield
Roof:2 Aim-Nien
Rear:Aim-Nien, 7 Armor
Comments:Take this truck and I pity the fool who messes with you. You're not
misreading this, the truck actually does have three Aim-Niens pointing in the
same direction and therefore fire-linked. The rear missile can be used to remove
some of the turrets in your way and the armor helps too. With this truck, you'll
definately reach the end of the stage.

Location:western end of clearing at end of trench
Internal Settings:3/2/1/2
Front:Laser, Flamethrower
Internal:Flame Shield, SuCCLeR
Roof:Laser, Rocket Launcher Turret
Rear:Fire Dropper, Paint Sprayer, SuCCler
Comments:This could be the most heavily armed vehicle in the game. You might
want to ditch the Loadmaster for this car. It has only slightly less carrying
capacity and better handling. The weapons equipped on it when you find it are
nothing to sneeze at either. You might be able to take out the rest of the guards
with this baby.

Stage12:Area 49
Music:"New Wave Goodbye"
New:Cutting Laser
Suggested:Aim-Niens or lasers
Mission1:Find SSS car
Mission2:Kill attacking trucks

Taurus:This is it. The tracking device says this is it. Let's look around. Go
slow. Over.
Skye:Stampede, look. I keep nodding off. I can't keep my eyes open. I haven't
slept in...a long time. Skeeter's gonna drive. Over.
Taurus:I don't know about that, Vixen.
Groove:Relax, man. I've got thish under control. Over and Audi.
(The truck takes a wild turn.)
Skye:Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Gimme that! Skeeter's gonna drive.
Groove:Whatever! Stop! Touching! Me!
Taurus:You guys okay over there?
(The truck makes another wild turn.)
(Sounds of fighting between Skye, Groove, and Skeeter.)
Taurus:What's going on over there?
Skye:We had to restrain him. He's acting like he's hopped up on goofballs or
something. Over.
Groove:I just ate something I found. Like, I found out there. What? What!?
Taurus:Let's check out those hangars.

Solution:Start looking for the Royale. It's in one of the hangars. Try to be
facing the runway when you find it.

Taurus:Let's get this over with. This place gives me the creeps! Over.
(The gates open and a squadron of Clydesdales drive through.)
Groove:Behind us? Where did they come from?
Taurus:I don't know, man!
Groove:They're attacking my mind! Oh!..oh.
Skeeter:Hey! Let go of the wheel, Groove!

After you find the car, Clydesdales will come out of the woodwork. Use your
Aim-Niens to take them out. Remember to face them to get a lock-on. Also, try
to make sure they're not behind anything or you'll hit that instead of them.
After the first wave is gone, a second wave is on the way.
After that's over, you'll be treated to a cinema of the pickup driving around.

Groove:Day 27. Rations are gone. Dr. Winthrop and Suzie haven't returned from the
windward side of the island. Losing hope. Last of the lamp oil gone. Overcome by
fatigue. Must...sleep. Must...uh...(sounds like he's throwing up.)
Skye:Oh! Oh! Oh god, Groove!
Skeeter:That smells! Huh huh. Huh huh. That smells! Ew!

Wave1:Clydesdales (coming from west)
Wave2:Clydesdales (coming from west)

Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:Structo Bumper, Laser
Roof:Laser, Laser Turret

Vehicles Of Opportunity:none

Stage13:Kill Solarzano
Story:The Vigilantes have found a helicopter disguised as a UFO and a set of
passports inside. Just then, they're ambushed by Solarzano. A shootout occurs
and Skye is hit.
Music:"Shake It", "Mystery"
New:Turreted Cutting Laser
Mission1:Kill Solarzano
Mission2:Kill reinforcements

Groove:Stampede, this is Swinger! We've got Skye stabilized. What should we do?
Taurus:Keep her cool...While I deal with this witch! Dig?
Groove:Roger! Hurry up, Stampede, or she'll die! Over and out!
Taurus:No sh-!

Solution:Brace yourself, because this could be the hardest mission in the game.

Solarzano:Mr. Taurus. I hope you can clearly see that I have achieved a finite
tactical advantage over you. A wise combatant would consider a strategic retreat.
Such terms, normally quite unpalatable, are so easily tempered by the current
circumstances, no? Over.
Taurus:Your point, and right about current geometric relationships, appeals to my
sense of siligy. But at the same time, I can't help thinking how much fun it
would be to wipe my - with your head, no? Over.
Solarzano:I consider that a challenge, Mr. Taurus. Over and out.

Apparently, the only things that will hurt Solarzano are missiles, Aim-Niens in
particular. Mount three facing forward and one rear. Back them up with smaller
weapons like light machine guns and lasers.
When the stage begins, drive into the pit and face the "cage". After you get a
lock-on, hit her with your missiles. If you're lucky, it'll only take two shots.

Solarzano:You fight well, Mr. Taurus. I can see now why Mr. Dick had so much
trouble with you. Over.
Taurus:Mr. Dick's dead, baby. Just like you. Over.
(the fight continues)
Taurus:Hey, Solarzano. A wise combatant should consider a strategic retreat. Such
terms, normally auite unpalatable, are so easily tempered by me kicking your
mercenary butt.
Solarzano:It may indeed be my time to go, Mr. Taurus. I am prepared. Are you?
Taurus:Hell, no.

Don't relax just yet, because she returns from the dead as a helicopter. Cruise
over to the other side of the pit and keep hitting her with missiles. Three
appears to be the minimum here.
Now, you have the reinforcements to deal with. Use whatever missiles you have
remaining on them. If you run out, use the rear missiles and other weapons to
finish them off.

Taurus:Swinger, this is Stampede. Bring Skye and meet me on the tarmac. Over.
Groove:Roger! Out.
Taurus sings to himself.
Taurus:I must be losing my mind.

Wave1:UFO/Helicopter (Solarzano) (in cage)
Wave2:Clydesdales (coming from west)
Wave3:Clydesdales (coming from west)

Version One
Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:Structo Bumper, Laser
Roof:Laser, Laser Turret

Version Two
Internal Settings:3/3/3/3
Front:Light Machine Gun, CHIP Karpoon, 3 Armor
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun Turret, Fire Extinguisher
Rear:Fire Dropper, 7 Armor

Vehicles Of Opportunity:none

Story:After Solarzano's failure to destroy the vigilantes, Mr. Big tells Mr.
Hinckley to use LARS.
Music:"Ska Pretender"
Suggested:Strip car, take Clydesdale
Mission:Reach highway without being hit by LARS

Taurus and Skye are chased by a pair of Pan Ams.
Taurus:They're still back there! Man, I'm tired of this!
Taurus pulls over.
Taurus:Listen to Taurus, you black-car-driving, wussy spaz motorsuckers! I am so
tired of being chased! I am going to come over there, reach into your lungs,
past your teeth, and crush your souls with my hands!
"Hands" echos throughout the level.
The Pan Ams drive off.
LARS hits the ground behind them.
Taurus:You smell something?
Taurus drives.
Skye:I know what this is.
Taurus:Oh yeah?
Skye:It's an SDI weapon. Y'know? Star Wars Defense?
Taurus:You mean we're being shot at from orbit?
Skye:You got it. You know what this means?
Taurus:Yeah! I!
Skye:There's only one man with the power to use SDI. It's the President. He wants
us dead.
Taurus:We'll race to the freeway. He'll never use this thing near people.

Solution:Luckily, LARS is the only weapon in computer game history that's
actually more effective in the player's hands than the computer's. As you drive
down the road, try driving in a zig-zag pattern. If the laser beam appears in
front of you, steer around it. If you're close but it doesn't hit you directly,
you'll still take slight damage.
When you reach the campground with the small barns, church, and Estate wagon,
you can take the Estate if your ride has taken too much damage. After leaving
the campground, you might notice a road going off to your right. Don't take it,
stay on the main road. Steer around the laser beam as needed. Soon, you'll come
to a gas station with a Cavera. Take it if you need it, but its engine is set
very low. You'll need nitrous to make the upcoming hill.
Eventually, you'll reach a bridge. Unfortunately, there's a bus blocking the
other end. Slow down and hit it with machine guns. Ram it if you're impatient.
There are Creepers in Clydesdales around but luckily LARS is on a break.
A little down the road, you'll come to a farm with a Clydesdale parked out
front. I highly recommend taking it because it has a Reflect-O-Shield and LARS
is back. The Creepers are driving similar Clydesdales, so they're also immune
to LARS.
If you decided to take out the Creepers, just drive to the highway when you're
done. No problem.

Taurus:Got away!

Wave1:Clydesdales (4) (around bridge)

Internal Settings:

Vehicles Of Opportunity:
Location:at campground
Internal Settings:4/4/1/1
Front:2 Light Machine Guns
Roof:Rocket Launcher, Heavy Machine Gun
Comments:I dare you to make it through the entire stage with this car. It's
basicly the same Estate you found at the gas station in "Stop the Flow", only
here. Unfortunately, it doesn't fare as well in this level. It has a very good
chance of driving off a cliff while trying to avoid LARS and can be easily
chewed up by the Creepers. Take it if you need it.

Location:at gas station
Internal Settings:3/4/3/3
Front:2 Light Machine Guns
Roof:Rocket Launcher Turret
Rear:Nitrous Oxide, SuCCLeR
Comments:It's a little easier to reach the highway with this car than the
Estate, mostly because it doesn't have as far to go. But it suffers from some of
the same problems. It's very easy to drive off a cliff while avoiding LARS as
well. Despite its speed setting, it also has some trouble climbing the hills.
Take it if you need it.

Location:at farm
Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Front:Rocket Launcher, Heavy Machine Gun
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun
Comments:This is perhaps the best vehicle to swipe for the rest of the stage.
The Reflect-O-Shield is the single biggest reason for this. If you take this
ride, you can take out the Creepers without having to worry about LARS. (You can
worry about LARS if you want, but you don't have to.) After this stage, you can
ditch the shield (LARS won't be making a return appearance) and load up the SFV*
with whatever you want.
*Sport Futility Vehicle

Location:blocking bridge
Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:2 Light Machine Gun
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun, Rocket Launcher
Comments:How ironic! The very vehicle that was supposed to stop you cold can be
used to make it through the level. It's even armed. At the point where you find
the bus, LARS will take a break for a minute or two, so you're somewhat safe. The
rest of the stage will have you trying to avoid LARS in wide, open stretches, so
you can easily maneuver around the light blasts.

Stage15:Septic Journey
Conditions:Night, Underground
New:L.A.R.S. Uplink, Reflect-O-Shield
Mission1:Open gates in sewers
Mission2:Destroy generators to kill turrets
Mission3:Throw main switch
Mission4:Pass through sewers

Taurus:Hmmmm. Breaker, breaker, one-four. This is Stampede. Swinger, you got your
ears on? Come back.
Groove:Go ahead, breaker. This is Swinger.
Taurus:What's your twenty, Swinger? Over.
Groove:One-two-zero miles north of Vegas up the ninety-three. Pigs are all over
up here. They even got a bear in the air. What's your twenty? Over.
Taurus:Just north of Vegas. Fuzz got a roadblock down here. Any ideas? Over.
Skeeter:Try the aqueduct. Over.
Taurus:That's crazy. Over.
Skeeter:I know! Huh huh. See you in Vegas!
Groove:Yeah, man! See you in Vegas!
Taurus:Thank you guys!

Solution:Drive into the giant raingutter and keep going until you reach the
gate. Open the gate and proceed to the next one.

Taurus:Hmmmm, broken gate. I'm sure I can find a way up to the streets from here.
Skye:But the gate. How can you open it?
Taurus:I'll go ahead and look around. There's gotta be a way to open it from
inside. Sit tight and wax any fools who step up.
Skye:(groan) Come back soon.

This one's switch is broken,
so you'll have to find the master switch. Start looking by running through the
opening and heading into the control room. Pull the second switch from the left
(as you enter) and prepare to hijack a car.

Ranger Allen:But why do we have to kill them?
SSS Agent:Because they're Russians.
Ranger Scott:Oh, yeah, right! Leave it to us!
SSS Agent:Be careful, men. They're one couple of crafty russkies. Circus folk,
both of them. Speak perfect English. Trained killers. One may even look wounded.
Take care, mister.
Ranger Allen:Right. Got it. Russians, killers, speak good English, circus folk.
We'll get 'em. My pleasure.
Taurus:Uh oh!

Luckily, the rangers aren't too bright, so you can just sneak up and steal one
of their cars with no trouble.

Ranger Allen:Ranger Scott, let's go down there and gut those russkies! Over.
Ranger Scott:Don't think I'm any less excited about getting to kill some Russian
spies than you are, Ranger Allen. Over.
Ranger Allen:I'm so psyched to do what I've always dreamed of: unjustified use
of deadly force! Over.
Ranger Scott:Yup! Me too, me too. I love you, Ranger Allen. Over.
Ranger Allen:I love you too, Ranger Scott! Let's do this.

Waste the other one, but be careful. He also has mines and a HaVIK Karpoon.
After he's toast, proceed down the tunnel that's open and go right at the fork.

SSS Agent:Miscreant! Interloper!

Soon, you'll come upon three more Creepers in Royales. Nail the first one that
attacks, but the other two will sneak through the tunnel in the back. Just point
the front end of the car into the tunnel and fire when they show up. Then, go
over the bridge.
Later, you'll come upon a closed gate. Turn left and keep going until you
reach another control room. The only switch that does anything is in the back on
the left as you enter. Throwing the switch opens all the gates, but also lets
in four more SSS Agents.

SSS Agent:You there! Halt!
SSS Agent:Freeze, nutbag!
Taurus:Freak me!

They have one weakness: their cars have no rear weaponry. Also, they're not very
good fighters, so they are quickly defeated.
After that battle, go into the tunnel opposite the one you came out of and
turn left at the intersection. You'll find a closed gate with a lot of turrets
on the other side.

Taurus:Hmmmm, ten to one says these turrets could be deactivated.

Go back the way you came and go right when you reach a fork
in the tunnel. You'll find four of the twelve generators you have to destroy
and another Creeper in a Royale. After you flatten him and the generators,
two more will come. Handle them similarly, then proceed to the upper level to
remove the rest of the generators.
When the turrets are history, go back to the gate and run through the opening.
The side of the gutter looks steep, but you can make it. Throw the switch on
the right and you'll open every gate in the level. Go back to your car and
head back to the car with Skye in it. On your way, there is one last Royale
hiding in a tunnel. Take him out if you want to. When you get back to Skye,
get in and take any path you want to get out.

Skye:Those two didn't see me back here when they tried to hot-wire the ride.
Taurus:Nice. Now get in the back, killer.

One last thing: don't try to leave with any vehicle except the one you came in
with. If you do, another Royale with lasers rips you apart. Even if you destroy
it, you still can't leave.

Taurus:Okay, baby. We made it. Just hold on so I can get you to the hospital.

Wave1:first chamber
Estates (2)
Comments:See Vehicles of Opportunity

Wave2:Royales (3) (near bridge)
Wave3:Royales (4) (around controls)
Wave4:Royales (3) (around generators)

Front:2 Light Machine Guns
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun, Rocket Launcher

Vehicles Of Opportunity:
Location:in first chamber
Front:Light Machine Gun, Heavy Machine Gun
Roof:Light Machine Gun, HaVIK Karpoon
Rear:Mine Dropper
Comments:You have to take this vehicle. No, seriously. Taking it is required to
pass the level. Take either one, they're equipped the same. Once you do that,
the car is very competent in this arena. After you've opened all the gates, go
back to the vehicle you entered the level with. You'll be killed if you try to
take this car to the next level.

Stage16:SSS Duck Party
Music:"Love Theme From I'82"
Mission1:Get Skye to the hospital
Mission2:Go to Robot Robot hotel to confront Mr. Big

Taurus:Swinger, this is Stampede. I'm in the city. I'm heading for the hospital
to drop Skye off. Over and out.
Groove:One more thing, Vegas is crawling with the fuzz and probably SSS goons
too. Ten-to-one those freaks got your rap sheets and mugs hanging from their
rearviews. Over.
Taurus:Baby, stay low. Looks like I'm gonna have to bust some roadblocks.

Solution:Unlike "Fuzzy Bear", you can shoot the cops if you want to. You'll
come across two almost immediately. They're tough, but you can probably take
them. You can ignore them if you want.
Here's how to get through the maze without having to destroy any turrets or
jump any roadblocks: turn left after you start, then right, then right again.
When you come upon the street with no turrets or barriers, turn left on it.
When you reach the next roadblock, turn right and loop around the block.
You'll be on the street with the Zircon Lounge. Follow it until it ends and
turn left. Turn right at the roadblock and keep going until you see the
white building. Turn left and drive into the emergency entrance of the
If you want a shortcut, make sure you have Nitrous and SuCCLeRs. After the
left, then right, make a left instead of the second right. Pop off a
nitrous, then a SuCCLeR to leap over the roadblock. If you need a second
jump, do it.

Taurus:Here we are, baby. Get in there.
Skye:How in the hell you gonna get out of this one, Taurus?
Taurus:Leave that to me.
Skye:Where you gonna go?
Taurus:I'm gonna drop in on the president. That motorsucker is staying at the
Robot Robot.

You can't drop off Skye if there's a cop or two around, so get rid of them
before you deliver the patient. After that, your job's not done yet. Now,
you have to go to the Robot Robot Hotel to meet with Mr. Big. You can take
either route I mentioned above. The Robot Robot is right about where you
started the mission.

Wave1:Cruisers (2) (on first street)
Wave2:Cruisers (2) (near hospital)

Vehicles Of Opportunity:none

Stage17:Shoot dat Robot
Story:After dropping Skye off at the hospital, Taurus goes after Mr. Big
himself. After Skeeter dispatches his guards, he takes matters into his own
hands and it's up to Taurus.
Music:"New Wave Goodbye"
Suggested:Machine guns, cannons, or Fire-Rites
Mission:Destroy the giant robot.

Mr. Big:You look so small down there, Mr. Tortoise. Driving around. You remind me
of Princess Grace just before we eliminated her.
Taurus:That was you?
Mr. Big:Well, yes that was me. How about the untimely passing of Leonid Brezhnev?
Cold war had to end some time.
Taurus:You killed Brezhnev?
Mr. Big:Alex Hague was going to spill the beans. He chose resignation over a
shallow grave. Commendable. How about you, Mr. Tortoise? What's it gonna be?
Resignation or shallow grave?
Taurus:Man, shut up. I'm gonna spank your white butt from here to the
Washington Monument.
Mr. Big:Have it your way! But they're gonna find you, just like they found
Taurus:I have a new mission in life.

Solution:For the final mission, it's pretty straightforward. Just follow the
robot and fire on it with your guns. Only one catch: it has every shield in the
game and can only be damaged by machine guns, Fire-Rites, mortars, cannons, and
closely-fired guided missiles. Don't follow directly behind either. It drops
mines. If your car takes too much damage, don't worry. There are other cars you
can take. The robot has thick armor, but you can shut him down with patience and
good driving.
Once it falls, give yourself a pat on the back. You also get an ending of
some kind.

"I love it when a plan comes together."

Wave1:Giant Robot(Mr. Big) (around)

Vehicles Of Opportunity:
Location:southern parking lot
Front:2 Rocket Launchers
Rear:2 Fire Droppers
Comments:This is a very big vehicle and can take a lot of abuse. Try to get
a good shot when you use the rocket launchers. The Fire Droppers are useless in
this battle.

Reliable J
Location:hospital parking lot
Comments:The Cannon is easier to hit with than the rocket launchers and you have
more ammo.

Location:southern parking lot
Roof:Dr. Radar
Comments:The missiles can do a lot of damage to the giant robot. They'd probably
do more if they'd lock on, but they can't due to the robot's Radar Shield. Get in
close, and watch out for mines.

Location:west of Zircon Lounge
Front:Karbide Kutter
Roof:Flamethrower Turret
Rear:Fire Dropper
Comments:This vehicle might seem useless because its weaponry is all flame-based
or contact-based, but it's not. If you can get in close, you can use the Karbide
Kutter to shred him. I've actually defeated Mr. Big this way. The flame weaponry
and shield are useless, though.

Location:east of Zircon Lounge
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun Turret
Comments:This just might be the ideal vehicle for this battle. Not only is the
car fast, but the weapon is turreted and is not negated by any of the robot's
shields. Circle him and fire away.

4.Cars (Shake it up! Ooh, ooh! Shake it up!)
"Here in my car, I feel safest of all."
The following vehicles were tested at the Action Mall against another vehicle
from the same size with the same weapons. Those list as follows:

Compact (Test opponent:Daisan 420x)
weapons layout:
Front: OOOOO




Roof: OOO

Rear: O

'32 Phaedra Coupe (Ford Deuce Coupe)
Trip Encounters:3
Vehicles of Opportunity:1

'65 Charpanet 3WC (Citroen 2CV) (not in USA)
Trip Encounters:0

'68 Lansell 600cc (Morris Mini) (not in USA)
Trip Encounters:0

'73 Phaedra Pony (Ford Pinto)
Trip Encounters:3
Vehicles of Opportunity:1

'80 VMW 813s (BMW 318i)
Trip Encounters:5

'81 Messernacht (Porsche 911)
Trip Encounters:6
Vehicles of Opportunity:2

'82 Daisan 420x (Datsun 280ZX)
Trip Encounters:5
Vehicles of Opportunity:1

'82 DeLandau (Delorean DMC-12)
Trip Encounters:4
Vehicles of Opportunity:2

'82 Fiarello 803GHBs (Ferrari 308GTB)
Trip Encounters:2

Stein Pappkarton (Trabant 601) (not in USA)
Trip Encounters:0

Mid-Size (Test opponent:Courcheval Manta)
weapons layout:
Front: OOOOO




Roof: /

Rear: OO

'68 Phaedra Palomino (Ford Mustang)
Trip Encounters:5

'69 Courcheval Cavera (Chevrolet Camaro)
Trip Encounters:6
Vehicles of Opportunity:2

'69 Courcheval El Paseo (Chevrolet El Camino)
Trip Encounters:1

'73 Courcheval Manta (Chevrolet Corvette Stingray)
Trip Encounters:4

'80 Picard Reliable J (Plymouth Reliant K)
Trip Encounters:6
Vehicles of Opportunity:1

'82 Brunetti Perrigrina (Lamborghini Countach)
Trip Encounters:2
Vehicles of Opportunity:1

'82 Potomac Pan Am (Pontiac Trans-Am)
Trip Encounters:3
Vehicles of Opportunity:1

Full-Size (Test opponent:Dover Lightning)
weapons layout:
Front: OOOOO




Roof: /

Rear: OO O

'40 Phaedra Pickup (Ford Pickup)
Trip Encounters:3
Vehicles of Opportunity:1

'50 Picard Kustom (Plymouth Special)
Trip Encounters:7
Vehicles of Opportunity:1

'59 Adirondac Lisbon (Cadillac Seville)
Trip Encounters:4
Vehicles of Opportunity:2

'69 Dover Lightning V/X (Dodge Challenger)
Trip Encounters:3
Vehicles of Opportunity:1

'80 Phaedra Clydesdale (Ford Bronco)
Trip Encounters:
Vehicles of Opportunity:1

'81 Phaedra Estate (Ford LTD Colony Park)
Trip Encounters:6
Vehicles of Opportunity:3

'82 Courcheval Cruiser (Chevrolet Caprice Police car)
Trip Encounters:

'82 Courcheval Royal (Chevrolet Caprice)
Trip Encounters:
Vehicles of Opportunity:1

'82 Dover Stag Truck (Dodge Ram Pickup)
Trip Encounters:1
Vehicles of Opportunity:1

Truck/Other (Test opponent:Courcheval Van)
weapons layout:
Front: OOOOO




Roof: /

Rear: OO OO

'79 Greens-Queen (Golf Cart)
Trip Encounters:0

'80 Drill King Molemaster (Drilling Machine)
Trip Encounters:1

'81 Courcheval Van (Chevrolet Van)
Trip Encounters:5
Vehicles of Opportunity:2

'82 Moth Cab-Over (Mack CH600)
Trip Encounters:2

'82 Moth Dudehauler (Bus)
Trip Encounters:2
Vehicles of Opportunity:2

'82 Moth Loadmaster (Mack Cargo Truck)
Trip Encounters:1
Vehicles of Opportunity:1

'82 Moth Tanker (Mack CH600 Tanker)
Trip Encounters:0

"Yeah, it's a 50 caliber. They used to use it to hunt buffalo with. Up close!
It's only legal in two states. This isn't one of them."
In a perfect world, you can just finish each level just by asking the Creepers
"Please let me by." Alas, this is not a perfect world and that's why you need
guns. These list as follows:

Weapon name:What it's called
Type:What type of damage it causes
Footprint:How much space it takes up and how
Cost:How much it costs
Weight:How much it weighs
Max. Ammo:How many shots you can fire before it becomes useless
Firing Pause:How much time passes between shots
Hits to Kill:How many shots are required to kill something
Countermeasures:What you can use against it

Small: Normal Turreted

Medium:Normal Turreted

Large: Normal Turreted

Karpoon: O

Dropper: O

Contact weapons have individual footprints.

Weapon name:Light Machine Gun
Footprint:Small (Turret available)
Max. Ammo:500
Firing Pause:none, Automatic
Hits to Kill:

Weapon name:Heavy Machine Gun
Footprint:Medium (Turret available)
Max. Ammo:600
Firing Pause:none, Automatic
Hits to Kill:

Weapon name:Cannon
Footprint:Large (Turret available)
Max. Ammo:100
Firing Pause:1 second
Hits to Kill:

Weapon name:Rocket Launcher
Footprint:Small (Turret available)
Max. Ammo:25
Firing Pause:none, Automatic
Hits to Kill:

Weapon name:Aim-Nien Missile
Max. Ammo:10
Firing Pause:2 seconds
Hits to Kill:
Countermeasures:Flare, Heat Missile Shield

Weapon name:Dr. Radar Missile
Max. Ammo:8
Firing Pause:2 seconds
Hits to Kill:
Countermeasures:Chaff, Radar Missile Shield

Weapon name:Flamethrower
Footprint:Small (Turret available)
Max. Ammo:12
Firing Pause:Automatic
Hits to Kill:
Countermeasures:Fire Extinguisher, Flame Shield

Weapon name:Mortar
Max. Ammo:25
Firing Pause:1 second
Hits to Kill:

Weapon name:HaVIK Karpoon
Max. Ammo:5
Firing Pause:13 seconds
Effect:Stalls target with electrical surge (SURGE!)
Countermeasures:Surge Shield

Weapon name:MaGMA Karpoon
Max. Ammo:5
Firing Pause:10 seconds
Effect:Attracts guided missiles.

Weapon name:CHIP Karpoon
Max. Ammo:5
Firing Pause:13 seconds
Effect:Injects noxious gas into car's interior, forcing driver to bail. Driver
may re-enter after five seconds.
Countermeasures:Smell-so-Well Shield

Weapon name:Oil Dropper
Max. Ammo:14
Firing Pause:none, Automatic
Effect:Causes target to lose traction.

Weapon name:Mine Dropper
Max. Ammo:20
Firing Pause:2 seconds
Hits to Kill:

Weapon name:Paint Sprayer
Max. Ammo:14
Firing Pause:none, Automatic
Effect:Splatters target with paint and reduces vision.

Weapon name:Fire Dropper
Max. Ammo:8
Firing Pause:none, Automatic
Hits to Kill:
Countermeasures:Fire Extinguisher, Flame Shield

Weapon name:Structo Bumper
Max. Ammo:unlimited
Firing Pause:n/a
Hits to Kill:varies depending on speed

Weapon name:Karbide Kutter
Max. Ammo:unlimited
Firing Pause:n/a
Hits to Kill:varies

Weapon name:Cutting Laser
Footprint:Small (Turret available)
Max. Ammo:unlimited
Firing Pause:none, Automatic
Hits to Kill:

Weapon name:LARS Uplink
Footprint:Large (Turret only)
Max. Ammo:unlimited
Firing Pause:7 seconds
Hits to Kill:1 !

Mounting Guide
Small-(Light Machine Guns, Rocket Launchers, Flamethrowers, Cutting Lasers)
Front:One can be mounted on the front of a Compact. Two can be mounted on
the front of anything else. They may also be paired with Medium weapons,
Karpoons, and Contact weapons on Full-Size vehciles and Trucks.
Roof:One can be mounted on the roof of a Compact or Mid-Size car. Two can
be mounted on the roof of a Full-Size vehicle or Truck. One can be paired with a
Karpoon on a Mid-Size or larger vehicle. One can also be paired with a Medium
non-turreted weapon, Small Turreted weapon, or Karpoon on a Full-Size vehicle or
Rear:One can be mounted on the rear of a Mid-Size or larger vehicle. Two
can be mounted on the rear of a Truck. One can be paired with a Dropper on a
Full-Size vehicle or Truck. One can be paired with a Medium weapon on a Truck.

Small(T)-(Light Machine Guns, Rocket Launchers, Flamethrowers, Cutting Lasers)
These can only be mounted on a vehicle's roof and only one can be
mounted on a vehicle. One can be mounted on a Mid-Size or larger vehcile. One can
be paired with a Small non-turreted weapon on a Full-Size vehicle or Truck. One
can be paired with a Medium weapon or a Karpoon on a Truck.

Medium-(Heavy Machine Guns, Aim-Nien Missiles, Mortars)
Front:One can be mounted on the front of a Full-Size vehicle or Truck.
One can be paired with a Small weapon on either.
Roof:One can be mounted on the roof of a Compact, Mid-Size, or Full-Size
vehicle. Two can be mounted on the roof of a Truck. One can be paired with a
Small weapon on the roof of a Full-Size vehicle or Truck. One can be paired with
a Karpoon or Small Turreted weapon on a Truck.
Rear:One can be mounted on the rear of a Full-Size vehicle or Truck. One
can be paired with a Dropper on either. One can be paired with a Small weapon on
a Truck.

Medium(T)-(Heavy Machine Guns)
These can only be mounted on a vehicle's roof and only one can be
mounted on a vehicle. One can be mounted on a Mid-Size or larger vehicle.

Large-(Cannon, Dr. Radar)
Front:One can be mounted on the front of a Truck.
Roof:One can be mounted on the roof of any vehicle.
Rear:You can't mount one on the rear.

Large(T)-(Cannon, LARS Uplink)
These can only be mounted on a vehicle's roof and only one can be
mounted on a vehicle. One can be mounted on a Truck.

Karpoon-(HaVIK Karpoon, MaGMA Karpoon, CHIP Karpoon)
Front:One can be mounted on the front of a Full-Size vehicle or Truck.
One can be paired with a Small weapon.
Roof:One can be mounted on the roof of any vehicle. One can be paired
with a Small non-turreted weapon on any vehicle. One can be paired with a Medium
weapon, Small Turreted weapon, or Karpoon on a Truck.
Rear:One can be mounted on the rear of a Full-Size vehicle or Truck. One
can be paired with a Dropper on either. One can be paired with a Small weapon on
a Truck.

Dropper-(Mine Dropper, Oil Dropper, Fire Dropper, Paint Sprayer)
These can only be mounted on the rear of a vehicle. One can be mounted
on a Compact or Mid-Size car. Two can be mounted on a Full-Size vehicle or Truck.
One can be paired with a Small weapon, Medium weapon, or Karpoon on either.

Contact Weapons-(Structo Bumper, Karbide Kutter)
These can only be mounted on the front of a vehicle and only one
can be mounted on a vehicle. One can be mounted on any vehicle. One can be paired
with a Small weapon on a Full-Size vehicle or Truck.

"Now, this device, the Oscillator..."
"The Oscillation Overthruster."
These are the little things that make your battle a little more bearable. These
can be used to negate specific forms of damage or boost your car's performance.
All specials take up two spaces in your car either horizontally or vertically. In
Multiplayer and Instant Action games, your car is limited to two Specials. All
Specials have five shots.

Cost:how much you'll pay for it
Weight:how much it weighs
Effect:what it does

Effect:Wards off heat-seeking missiles. Use after lock-on.

Nitrous Oxide
Effect:Gives an extra burst of speed. Aids acceleration.

Fire Extinguisher
Effect:Extinguishes fires. (duh)

Effect:Ejects your car into the air. You can clear a van with this.

Effect:Wards off Radar-guided missiles. Use before lock-on.

This is what you use to protect yourself from enemy attacks. The small armor
points help to reduce damage from most attacks...a little. The other shields
will prevent specific types of damage from occuring to your car. In Multiplayer
and Instant Action, choose wisely. In those games, you can only mount one shield
(not counting Armor Points) on your car. Armor points only take up one space in
your inventory each while the other shields are all four spaces wide.

Cost:how much you'll pay
Weight:how much it weighs
effect:what it protects against

Armor Point
effect:Reduces all types of damage...a little.

Heat Missile Shield
effect:Prevents Heat-Seeking missiles from locking on.

Surge Shield
effect:Prevents HaVIK Karpoons from stalling engine.

Fire Shielding
effect:Prevents Flamethrowers and Fire Droppers from damaging car.

Smell-So-Well Shield
effect:Prevents CHIP Karpoons from injecting gas into interior.

Radar Missile Shield
effect:Prevents Radar-guided missiles from locking on.

effect:Prevents lasers from damaging car.

8.Instant Action
Think of this as Multiplayer without the extra players. You can use this for
specialized training. For example, if you need help using the flares, just set up
a battle where your car has flares and your opponents have Aim-Niens. For fun,
you can also try one of seven in-game battles.
Only seven maps are available to you in Instant Action. These maps are also
available in Multiplayer. These read as follows:

Map:What the battlefield is called.
Teleporter location:Where the teleporter is found. Drive into it to recharge your
weapons and health. (You'll default to whatever car you started the battle in.)
Trip differences:How the map differs from how it appeared in The Trip. (NA means
it did not appear in the Trip.)
Default enemies:Who you'll face in the in-game battle.
VOO:Vehicles Of Opportunity, cars and trucks you'll find on the map.
Suggestions:Some Multiplayer ideas for what you can do in the level. (Other than
Help:How to stay alive. (Just a suggestion.)

Area 49 Surface
Teleporter location:Southern runway, west of plane.
Trip differences:The gate at the western end is now gone. There is now a ravine
heading out to the east similar to the one to the west. The gates to the
underground are now closed. The turret atop the tower is gone.
Default enemies:
Location:in cage
Front:Laser, Structo Bumper
Roof:Laser, Laser Turret
Comments:Unlimited ammo? Me likey. Seriously, this vehicle can be a pretty good
alternative to whatever you enter the battle with. If you'd like it, take it.

Suggestions:Drag race on the runway(s).
Enter with unarmed vehicles and see who can get the Clydesdale first.
Have someone hide in one of the sheds and the first player to find
him gets to kill him.
Race across the level. Go through the ditch or over the cliffs to
spice things up.

Help:-Don't try to drive under the plane, it's impossible.
-If your opponents use missiles or LARS, you'll be safe in the hangars.
-Be careful around the "cage" (where the Clydesdale is parked). Sometimes,
you'll spin.

Circus Brawl
Teleporter location:At the end of the road.
Trip differences:Just enemies and vehicles of opportunity.
Default enemies:
Location:in tent furthest from chasm
Front:2 Light Machine Guns
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun, Rocket Launcher
Comments:This is a pretty good investment for your trouble. The rocket launcher
is a good backup for the machine guns. If you're suddenly without wheels and
closer to the tent than the chasm, take it.

Location:in chasm
Front:2 Light Machine Guns
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun, Rocket Launcher
Comments:This car is a lot like the Clydesdale above, except being an Estate, it
has better armor. (I think.) If you lose your wheels and you're closer to the
chasm than the tent, take this car.

Suggestions:Have someone hide somewhere in the level. Hint: try the secret
passage near the road.
Race around the train tracks.
Try to jump the chasm. (Nice knowing you.)
Drag race on the stunt track.
Come in with unarmed vehicles and try to get to the Estate or

Help:-Be careful around the chasm.
-There is a shortcut to the teleporter. It's right next to the chasm.
-Be careful around the chasm.
-There is a secret passage near where the road meets the railroad.
-Be careful around the chasm.
-You're safe from missiles and LARS in the train tunnel and the circus

Action Construction Site
Teleporter location:On a hilltop at the end of an elevated roadway with a jump.
Trip differences:NA
Default enemies:
Location:under bridge, next to crashed plane
Front:2Rocket Launchers
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun, HaVIK
Rear:Fire Dropper
Shield:Heat Missile
Comments:If your car develops some kind of problem (like too many hits), you
could try to reach this rig. Finding this puppy is a must if your opponent has
Aim-Niens. The rocket launchers can do some damage as well. The HaVIK can be used
to steal your enemy's ride (if he doesn't have a Surge Shield).

Location:in sheds
Rear:Oil Dropper
Specials:Nitrous Oxide, SuCCLERS
Comments:Okay, this machine only has an Oil Dropper as a weapon. However, it has
one advantage the Stag doeesn't: it can make the jump in the elevated highway. If
someone already found the Stag, this is your best bet. Just take one of the two
and run for the teleporter. One is in the lower right-hand corner of the map, the
other is in the shed between two others.

Suggestions:Go in with unarmed vehicles and see who can get the Stag first.
Race on the overpass.
Go in with unguided weapons and try to hit each other.

Help:-Missiles and turrets are highly recommended due to the severity of the
-Missiles and LARS cannot hurt you under the overpass.
-Try not to get hit (which shouldn't be too hard on this map) because to
reach the teleporter,
1)you have to drive up on one hill in the upper-righthand corner,
2)drive an overpass that covers almost the length of the map, and
3)jump a gap that requires a certain level of performance from your car.
-Destroying some trailers reveals ramps.

Country Club
Teleporter location:Between the water hazards.
Trip differences:NA
Default enemies:
Location:on green
Specials:Nitrous Oxide, Fire Extinguisher
Comments:This vehicle is a lot like the DeLandaus from the Construction Site
map, only slower. However, there are a lot of these around the level, so finding
one should be easy. Since they're only equipped with Oil Droppers, your best bet
is to run for the teleporter.

Suggestions:Race on the access road.
Drag race in the parking lot.
See how many flags you can run over in a given time.

Help:-Turrets and missiles are recommended due to the severity of the terrain.
-LARS and missiles have open season here. There is no cover from them.
-When driving across the map at high speed, watch out for trees.

Action Mall
Teleporter location:Around the western fountain.
Trip differences:The security building is gone. The walls have moved. All gates
are open. The door to Lady Mr. Large Guy doesn't open. And, oh yeah, the upper
left corner of the map is there.
Default enemies:
Location:in store
Front:Structo Bumper
Roof:Light Machine Gun, Heavy Machine Gun
Comments:If you're in the neighborhood, go for this vehicle. That is, if you
don't have one. It is well-armed and can be used in a pinch. You can find it in
the long store just north of the two-story building in the lower left hand
corner of the mall. (Just above the parking lot.)

Location:in store
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun
Specials:Nitrous Oxide
Comments:You can find this in the store with windows on opposite sides. You just
might like it. It performs very well and is relatively well-armed. The nitrous
helps too.

Location:in store
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun
Comments:This car can be found in the store where you find the switch for the
southern gate. (The one with the courtyard.) If you value firepower over
horsepower, you'll prefer this over the DeLandau. However, the performance is
rather weak in comparison.

Location:eastern parking lot
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Light Machine Gun, HaVIK
Comments:If you lose your ride in or near the eastern parking lot, here's your
salvation. It's pretty well-armed and the HaVIK can help you steal someone else's
car. You'll find it near the gate to the outside.

Location:eastern parking lot
Comments:This thing is unarmed! However, you can probably use it to reach the
teleporter. It's rather tough and can take a lot of punishment. On the other
hand, it has lackluster performance and cannot drive through buildings.

Suggestions:Race from one parking lot to the other. Race back if you want.
Go in unarmed and try to grab one of the vehicles of opportunity.
Have someone hide in one of the stores and try to find him.
See if you can break all the windows, take out all the seats at
Mondo Burger, and run down all the clothing racks and manneqins.
Using SuCCLers, try to enter the courtyard in the building where you
flipped the switch for the south gate.

Help:-LARS and missiles cannot hurt you in the stores.
-If you have SuCCLers, you can jump the walls.

Action Sewers
Teleporter location:In the alcove.
Trip differences:THEY'VE SHRUNK! Sort of. This map only consists of a tiny corner
of the Trip map.
Default enemies:
Suggestions:Drag race in the tunnels. (And that's about it.)
Help:-Missiles and LARS cannot hurt you in the tunnels.

Vegas, Baby
Teleporter location:In the park.
Trip differences:The barriers from "SSS Duck Party" are gone. Other than that,
it's the same.
Default enemies:
Suggestions:Street race.
Have someone hide somewhere in the city and everyone else looks for
Try to jump the barriers to the Zircon Lounge.
See if you can find ANY vehicles of opportunity.

Help:-Missiles are only good if there's a clear line of sight. LARS is deadly
anywhere except the gas station and the rear entrance of the hospital.
-Alleyways make good hiding places if you cut your engine.

Default enemies
These guys are listed on the A.I. lists when you set up a match. The names might
sound familiar. Some were in the AVG registry in the "Interstate '76" manual.
Some are parodies of 80s television characters. A few are new. Here they are:

I'76 Veterans
Blue Llama
Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Front:Light Machine Gun, 3 Armors
Internal:Surge Shield
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun

Chef, The
Internal Settings:2/2/2/2
Internal:Flame Shield
Roof:Light Machine Gun, Heavy Machine Gun
Rear:4 Armors

Dr. Wrinkles
Internal Settings:1/1/1/1
Front:Karbide Kutter, Light Machine Gun
Internal:Heat Missile Shield, 2 Armor
Roof:Nitrous Oxide, Flare, Armor
Rear:2 Oil Droppers, Armor

Griffin Farquar
Internal Settings:4/4/3/3
Front:Light Machine Gun, Nitrous Oxide, Flare
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun, Armor
Rear:Fire Dropper

Ice Trey
Internal Settings:4/1/1/1
Internal:Flame Shield
Roof:Flamethrower Turret
Rear:Fire Dropper, 4 Armor

Lillian Chill
Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Internal:Radar Missile Shield
Roof:Light Machine Gun Turret, Armor
Rear:Flare, Chaff

Mr. Citrus
Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Front:Laser, Nitrous Oxide
Internal:Surge Shield
Roof:Laser, Armor

Radiator Mother
Internal Settings:2/2/1/1
Front:Light Machine Gun, Fire Extinguisher, Armor
Internal:Radar Missile Shield
Roof:Cannon Turret
Rear:9 Armor, Nitrous Oxide

Romeo Dare
Internal Settings:2/2/2/2
Front:Rocket Launcher
Rear:Mine Dropper

80s Parodies
A Group, The
Internal Settings:3/3/3/3
Front:Heavy Machine Gun, 2 Armor
Internal:2 Armor
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun
Rear:Nitrous Oxide, Flare, Armor
Parody of:"The A-Team"

BDJ and the Boar
Internal Settings:4/4/3/3
Front:Structo Bumper, Laser, Armor
Roof:Mortar, 6 Armor
Rear:Nitrous Oxide, Fire Extinguisher, Armor
Parody of:"BJ and the Bear"

Magram Private Dick
Internal Settings:4/3/2/3
Front:Nitrous Oxide, Flare
Parody of:"Magnum P.I."

Night Writer
Internal Settings:4/2/3/3
Front:2 Light Machine Guns
Roof:Heavy Machine Guns, SuCCLer
Rear:Nitrous Oxide
Parody of:"Knight Rider"

Internal Settings:3/1/1/1
Front:2 Flamethrowers, Armor
Internal:Flame Shield
Roof:Flamethrower, HaVIK Karpoon, Armor
Rear:Nitrous Oxide
Parody of:Crocket from "Miami Vice"

Internal Settings:3/3/2/2
Front:Laser, Nitrous Oxide
Internal:Surge Shield
Roof:Laser, Armor
Parody of:Tubbs from "Miami Vice"

Internal Settings:4/4/3/3
Front:Nitrous Oxide, SuCCLer
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun, Armor

Internal Settings:4/4/3/3
Front:Nitrous Oxide, SuCCLer
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun, Armor

Internal Settings:4/4/3/3
Front:Nitrous Oxide, SuCCLer
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun, Armor

Ping Envy
Internal Settings:2/2/2/2
Internal:Flame Shield
Roof:Light Machine Gun, Heavy Machine Gun
Rear:4 Armor

Internal Settings:4/2/3/1
Front:Nitrous Oxide, Heat Missile Shield
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun
Rear:Oil Dropper

This is probably the reason you got the game. To play multiplayer, you must be
hooked up to a LAN (Local Area Network) or the Internet (whatever that is). Try
to make sure your connection is sound. Also, try the server with the lowest ping
There are three modes of Multiplayer:
1)Kill Fest: Just as it sounds. Kill anything that moves.
2)Capture the Trout: Your base is on one side of the map and your opponent's
base is on the other. Your mission is to grab the fish in his base and take it to
3)Hot Potato: One driver gets an explosive potato (a Bomb De Terre) at the start
of the match. This 'tater has a timer and when it runs down, it's vigilante Au
Gratin. Pass the spud to someone else by ramming him so you blow him to Idaho.
(Sorry for all the potato jokes.)

You just get together with a couple of friends and blow the snot out of each
other, right? Not necessarily. Be creative and you might come up with some good
ideas for Multiplayer activities. I came up with these:
1)Live your life a quarter mile at a time. That is, street race. See who can get
from point A to point B the quickest. The winner gets to kill the losers.
2)Play hide and seek. Someone volunteers to be "IT", parks somewhere in the
level, and cuts his engine. Whoever finds him first gets to blow him away and
3)Everybody goes in with unarmed vehicles and tries to find a vehicle of
opportunity. They then try to kill everyone else with it. (Only on maps with
vehicles of opportunity of course.)
4)Play "Capture the Trout" on foot.
5)Go in armed only with contact weapons and have a demolition derby.

And now, a word about hacking: DON'T. My reasons:
1)It's not fair to the other players. How would you feel if you had absolutely
no way of defeating an opponent no matter what?
2)If you're not careful, (and maybe even if you are) you might screw up your
computer. This is only good news to your opponents and computer repairmen. And...
3)"To feel the thrill of victory...there has to be the possibility of failure.
Where's the victory in winning a battle you can't possibly lose? We humans learn
more from a failure or a mistake than we do from an easy success."
-Dr. Katherine Pulaski
"Star Trek: TNG"
Elementary, Dear Data

If you should should spot a hacker, report him. Signs of hacking include:
1)Multiple turrets or weapons that normally wouldn't fit on the car (like a LARS
Uplink on a Compact car),
2)Multiple shields (you can only mount one in Multiplayer),
3)An all-green life bar (no yellow portion),
(If you know of any more, e-mail me)
As I said in the Instant Action section, all Instant Action maps can be used in
Multiplayer. The following are Multiplayer exclusive (thus, no default enemies

3 the Hard Way
Teleporter location:Dead center.
Trip differences:NA
Location:next to farmhouse
Front:Rocket Launcher, HaVIK
Roof:Rocket Launcher, Heavy Machine Gun
Rear:Fire Dropper
Shield:Heat Missile
Comments:Hmmm, I think this is the same truck from the Construction Site. It has
the same weapons and the Heat Missile Shield. That said, the same strategies
apply. The rocket launchers are rather powerful and the machine gun and Fire
Dropper back it up nicely. You can also use the HaVIK in an attempt to jack some
fool's ride. (Whoa, where'd that come from?)

Location:eastern chasm
Comments:First, the bad news: no armaments. (Thank you, John.) Now, the good
news: this vehicle is not as useless as the Pony from "Stop the Flow" (again, I
insult the useless piece of junk!). If you find this, (big if, since it sometimes
doesn't appear) you can use it to race to the teleporter or the Stag.

Location:western chasm
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Rocket Launcher
Comments:This car is slightly better than the Coupe. The armaments are rather
light, but if you're without wheels, it's better than heels. If you can't make
use of the sparse weapons, you can use the car to reach the teleporter or Stag.

Suggestions:Race along the road.
Have someone hide somewhere in the level and have the others hunt him
Go in unarmed and try to get to the Stag or Fiarello first.
Try to jump the canyons. (Nice knowing you.)

Help:-Watch your speed on the turns.
-Missiles are largely ineffective due to the large number of mesas.
-Don't try to jump the canyons. It's not worth it.

Area 49 Brawl
Teleporter location:Southern runway, west of plane.
Trip differences:The gate to the west is gone. The turret atop the tower is gone.
Location:on cliff
Front:Laser, Structo Bumper
Roof:Laser, Laser Turret
Comments:Unlimited ammo? Me likey. Seriously, this vehicle can be a pretty good
alternative to whatever you enter the battle with. If you'd like it, take it.

Location:in chamber
Front:Light Machine Gun, Heavy Machine Gun
Roof:Light Machine Gun, HaVIK
Comments:Sometimes this car doesn't appear in the match. It also tends to jump
from chamber to chamber. If you manage to find one, you'll find it very much like
the Estates from Fecal Infraction. You can use this one as such.

Suggestions:Drag race on the runway(s).
Enter with unarmed vehicles and see who can get the Clydesdale or
Estate first.
Have someone hide in one of the sheds or the maze of tunnels and the
first player to find him gets to kill him.
Race across the level. Go through the ditch or over the cliffs to
spice things up.
Race from one series of tunnels to the other.

Help:-Don't try to drive under the plane, it's impossible.
-If your opponents use missiles or LARS, you'll be safe in the hangars and
-Be careful around the "cage" (where the Clydesdale is parked). Sometimes,
you'll spin.
-Remember that the western end of the map is different from the one on Area
49 Brawl.

Circle of Death
Teleporter location:Under the bridge. (I don't ever wanna I did that
Trip differences:NA
Suggestions:Race around the track. (Duh)
Jump to the mesa and try to knock each other off.
Drag race off the jump.
Help:-Watch your speed on the turns near the mesa.
-Jumping to the mesa is pretty much a one-way trip. Jumping off is almost
always fatal.

Construction Site
Teleporter location:On top of a hill at the end of an elevated roadway with a
jump. (Sorry.)
Trip differences:NA
Location:under bridge, next to crashed plane
Front:2Rocket Launchers
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun, HaVIK
Rear:Fire Dropper
Shield:Heat Missile
Comments:If your car develops some kind of problem (like too many hits), you
could try to reach this rig. Finding this puppy is a must if your opponent has
Aim-Niens. The rocket launchers can do some damage as well. The HaVIK can be used
to steal your enemy's ride (if he doesn't have a Surge Shield).

Location:in sheds
Rear:Oil Dropper
Specials:Nitrous Oxide, SuCCLERS
Comments:Okay, this machine only has an Oil Dropper as a weapon. However, it has
one advantage the Stag doeesn't: it can make the jump in the elevated highway. If
someone already found the Stag, this is your best bet. Just take one of the two
and run for the teleporter. One is in the lower right-hand corner of the map, the
other is in the shed between two others.

Suggestions:Go in with unarmed vehicles and see who can get the Stag first.
Race on the overpass.
Go in with unguided weapons and try to hit each other.

Help:-Missiles and turrets are highly recommended due to the severity of the
-Missiles and LARS cannot hurt you under the overpass.
-Try not to get hit (which shouldn't be too hard on this map) because to
reach the teleporter,
1)you have to drive up on one hill in the upper-righthand corner,
2)drive an overpass that covers almost the length of the map, and
3)jump a gap that requires a certain level of performance from your car.
-Destroying some trailers reveals ramps.

Mall Brawl
Teleporter location:Around the west fountain.
Trip differences:The upper left corner of the mall is now present. The walls have
moved around. The security building is gone. The gate to Lady Mr. Large Guy no
longer opens.
Location:in store
Front:Structo Bumper
Roof:Light Machine Gun, Heavy Machine Gun
Comments:If you're in the neighborhood, go for this vehicle. That is, if you
don't have one. It is well-armed and can be used in a pinch. You can find it in
the long store just north of the two-story building in the lower left hand
corner of the mall. (Just above the parking lot.)

Location:in store
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun
Specials:Nitrous Oxide
Comments:You can find this in the store with windows on opposite sides. You just
might like it. It performs very well and is relatively well-armed. The nitrous
helps too.

Location:in store
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Heavy Machine Gun
Comments:This car can be found in the store where you find the switch for the
southern gate. (The one with the courtyard.) If you value firepower over
horsepower, you'll prefer this over the DeLandau. However, the performance is
rather weak in comparison.

Location:eastern parking lot
Front:Light Machine Gun
Roof:Light Machine Gun, HaVIK
Rear:Oil Dropper
Comments:If you lose your ride in or near the eastern parking lot, here's your
salvation. It's pretty well-armed and the HaVIK can help you steal someone else's
car. You'll find it near the gate to the outside.

Location:eastern parking lot
Comments:This thing is unarmed! However, you can probably use it to reach the
teleporter. It's rather tough and can take a lot of punishment. On the other
hand, it has lackluster performance and cannot drive through buildings.

Suggestions:Race from one parking lot to the other. Race back if you want.
Go in unarmed and try to grab one of the vehicles of opportunity.
Have someone hide in one of the stores and try to find him.
See if you can break all the windows and take out all the seats at
Mondo Burger.
Using SuCCLers, try to enter the courtyard in the building where you
flipped the switch for the south gate.

Help:-LARS and missiles cannot hurt you in the stores.
-If you have SuCCLers, you can jump the walls.

On High
Teleporter location:Atop the mountain at the end of the road.
Trip differences:NA
Suggestions:Race on the roads.
Have someone hide and have the others try to find him. Hint: Find the
area at the bottom of the hill.
Help:-There is an area at the bottom of one hill.
-One area has an inescapable pit. Watch out for it.
-Try not to get lost. Or bored.

Rank's Pit
Teleporter location:None. (WHAT?)
Trip differences:The door to Rank's chamber is gone. (We'll never get him now.)
Suggestions:Race from the end of the road to the bottom of the mine.
Have someone hide in the darkness and have the others try to find
Jump the holes.
Any of the above, only turn off your lights.
At the bottom of the pit, kill the lights and attack with unguided
Help:-Try to preserve your life as much as possible. THERE IS NO TELEPORTER HERE!
-Watch out for holes.
-It might be easier with your lights on.
-LARS and missiles are largely ineffective.

Urban Riverbed Brawl
Teleporter location:Center, around the pumps (or whatever they are).
Trip differences:The turrets are gone. A section of floor is missing. (This
allows you to drive behind some walls.) All gates are open.
Suggestions:Race from one end of the sewers to the other. Race back if desired.
Have someone hide somewhere in the sewers and have everyone else hunt
him down. Note: Hide behind the wall.
Try to jump to the top of the walls. (Just watch out for the hole.)
Race around the tunnels with your lights off.
Help:-LARS and missiles are largely ineffective.
-It is possible to jump to the top of the walls. You need nitrous and
SuCCLers. Be careful on the southeast wall. There is a very deep hole there.
-There is a section of floor missing in the upper right hand corner of the
map. You can use it to drive behind the walls.

9.Car Sharing
This is a general interest section.
You might guess that not all these cars are unique to this game. In this
section, I will mention where you might have also seen these cars. Because this
is an Interstate '82 FAQ, I will limit this list to cars from this game.
*-car was in Interstate '76/Nitro Pack
T-a Transformer changed into one.
G-a Gobot changed into one.
M-a MASK vehicle changed into one.
VC-car was in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
CR-car was in one or more of the Cannonball Run films. (CR-Cannonball Run 1,
CR2-Cannonball Run 2, SZ-Speed Zone, GR-Gumball Rally)
Other sources will be noted as well.

Adirondac Lisbon
really:'59 Cadillac Seville

Brunetti Perrigina
really:Lamborghini Countach
T-Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Red Alert, Breakdown
CR-Jill and Marcie's car (CR), Jill and Marcie's car (CR2), Valentino's car
Other sources too numerous to list!

Charpanet 3WC
really:Citroen 2CV

Courcheval Cavera*
really:'69 Chevrolet Camaro
The hero drove one in Better Off Dead.

Courcheval Cruiser*
really:Chevrolet Caprice police car

Courcheval El Paseo
really:'69 Chevrolet El Camino

Courcheval Manta*
really:'73 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray
CR-first DNF (GR)

Courcheval Royal*
really:Chevrolet Caprice

Courcheval Van*
really:Chevrolet Van
CR-Polish Racing Team's van (CR)

Daisan 420x
really:Datsun 280ZX
T-Prowl, Bluestreak, Smokescreen

One was turned into a time machine in Back to the Future.

Dover Lightning*
really:'70 Dodge Challenger
One "starred" in Vanishing Point.

Dover Stag*
really:Dodge Ram

Drill King Molemaster
really:drilling machine

Fiarello 803GHBs
really:Ferrari 308GTB
CR-Blake and Fenderbaum's car (CR)
Tom Selleck drove one on Magnum P.I.

really:golf cart
They were all over in the Caddyshack movies.

Lansell 600cc
really:Mini Cooper
These figured prominently in The Italian Job.

really:Porsche 911
G-Baron Von Joy

Moth Cabover
really:Mack CH600

Moth Dudehauler

Moth Loadmaster*
really:Mack cargo truck

Moth Tanker
really:Mack CH600 tanker

Phaedra Clydesdale*
really:Ford Bronco

Phaedra Coupe*
really:Ford Deuce Coupe

Phaedra Estate
really:Ford LTD Country Squire
Chevy Chase drove one in National Lampoon's Vacation.

Phaedra Palomino*
really:'68 Ford Mustang

Phaedra Pickup
really:'41 Ford Pickup

Phaedra Pony*
really:'73 Ford Pinto

Picard Kustom
really:'49 Mercury Coupe
VC-Hermes, Cuban Hermes

Picard Reliable J
really:Plymouth Reliant K

Potomac Pan-Am
really:Pontiac Trans-Am
T-Runabout, Runamuck
KITT was one on Knight Rider.

Stein Pappkarton
really:Trabant 601

VMW 813s
really:BMW 318i
VC-Sentinel, Sentinel XS

10.Taurus' (Bad) Poetry
As many of you know, Taurus is a poet. You can hear some of his work by pressing
"P" during a mission. (Note: it doesn't work in every mission.) More of his
material is in the game manual. What I could hear is here:

She cuts the fury like a lick of flame.
I can see the fire from the lights.
I can see the flash of sparks and
the flare of gas fires at night.
I see all these things.
Her deeds,
her skills.
All that she is has been caged
in the darkness of my memory.
Now Jade comes to me
with the lighting of a match
and is gone with its pinching.
Skye fights like her sister.

Tonight, there is a chill, stale air
rising off the dead, black asphalt.
Glass and chrome reflect the incandecence
of a thousand thousand bodies.
Bulbs which beckon with brightness.
Gleaming mousetraps baited by the scent of greenbacks.
Cheese of the foolish.

The wave comes from your memory
crashing onto the rocky shore of today.
It starts in an instant,
a node in history's void
and stirs the past
into the daylight of the now.
It hangs momentarily
like a disembodied heart.
A life force
chromed and gleaming like a
ball of beltline train whistle.
In one sliver of a moment,
once struck, this gong's power
reverberates forever.
Ready to pierce the present,
enwrapping you in waves of deafening pain,
or unreeling magic.
You cannot stop its coming.
But it can be delayed,
by only the strongest of mental breakwaters.
And even then,
the crumbling rock wall comes down on top of you
with the rushing flood.

The warrior has gone into the night.
Under a tar-arched dome of stars, he drives and drives
through the crisp desert night.
Behind him, the demons gather,
lurking at the edges of his headlights' beams,
fueled by exhaust fumes and his fear.
They leap like a thousand Savannah scavengers
and rip, tear, claw into his car's metal hide,
prying towards the prize,
this ride's fleshy, succulent occupant.

The uncovered bulb hangs in this small room,
and with a gentle sway, illuminates the space.
It defines its world in shadow shapes,
darkening the places beyond its reach,
and painting what it touches with incandecence.
The photograph is wedged into the metal edge of the mirror,
where it has sat for years.
Its edges curl, the image in shades of musty gray
define an instant.
It is a lone, tangible capture.
All that is left.

I stand here in this vast court,
subject to the stars.
Alone and small, yet somehow central.
so much is beyond my grasp.
I have only this thin sand to clutch and
these dry twigs to snap between otherwise empty fingers.
The fire-dotted sky is far, but not far.
I am here, and not here.
I have wandered on these feet far
and so now I must rest.
Paths girdle the world you said,
but no path can take me to you.

The rain falls in frozen sheets.
It hits my face with conviction.
Drenched, I plod northward on foot.
I swim in the stiffling blackness,
squinting to fend off the murderous deluge.
Step by step, I cut the water wall,
skirting the edge of the asphalt to maintain my bearings.
The forest makes canyon walls to my left and right.
Its ink-black shade blocks out all but the smallest crack
of cold black sky.
The rain on the pavement of the road sounds
like an invasion.

A person can die in an instant.
Does perception end in the cataclysmic terminus,
like a train whose arrival causes its own demise?
Does it mercifully rob all memory with its coming?
Or does it take all else and leave only the stuff that would
make us otherwise grieve upon passing?
The memories of a life,
a life filled with pleasure and sorrow, elation and pain, and loss.
A memory is life.
To take life and leave memory is torture beyond torture.
If there is a God, then heaven must be filled with souls
blissfully ignorant of those left behind.
And if so, is hell a heaven for souls who aren't allowed to forget?

Inside eight identical cylinders are
eight alike pistons and
eight individual rods connect to
one fine balanced crank
which turns a timing chain
that runs the cam
that lifts the lifters
and rocks the rockers
and impels the valves
which bares the bore to the
gas/air mixture
which when ignited by
the coil, burns like hellfire
whose oxidation causes expansion
inside identical cylinders.
(page 5 of manual)

I kneel in the dark near her.
The desert air blows cold
on her warm wounds.
Mist rises from them like winter's breath.
She is dying.
Her soul escapes these careless vents
in a twisting gossamer helix.
(page 6 of manual)

I was behind the wheel waiting.
They came out of the bank, shot the guards and ran to their ride.
I gunned them down-all four,
never saw it coming.
They were my first.
I hit them going sixtyfive and was gone before the casings dropped.
(page 19 of manual)

It is tangy and synthetic
it curls and pops inside my nose like a
polyvinyl-chloride circus.
It is joy few can attain more
than once or twice in a lifetime.
That new car smell.
(page 23 of manual)

When I was a child
there was a cave two towns down
behind the hills and beyond the
cranberry bogs.
We walk to it on train tracks and slide
the September wet slope to its mouth.
It smells dank and earthy.
Once inside we creep in a steady semi-shower of water from the cave roof
where a million wet fingers pierce the darkness above-reaching tendrills
of plant life, hidden from the top walkers' sight, known only to us,
(page 34 of manual)

It is satin not glossy
smooth to the touch and slightly sparkly.
It is black and sometimes chipped but
it is mostly majestic and deeply divine.
This skin absorbs light, cuts color and
flattens the sun light's bold blades with folds
of the blackest of blackest anti-bright coal-soaked rust-choked-
Primer-the never-done un-paint.
(page 38 of manual)

Pure plum 1969 Cavera GT
single scrounged-Nam vintage
Bruding-Nanger M61
belt fed-zeroed in at 50ft.
Iron sights, no dynamic compensation
of any kind.
Rigged up armor plate on the inside
"Convoy style" with-you know-slots
to see out of.
A big bull on the hood.
(page 42 of manual)

It's never too late for them to rip
into the fruit of our labor.
Their ink tipped claws tear and shred
leaving the juiciest of juices
to desiccate amid the dust and spilled oil of the
cold concrete garage floor.
They do it in the name of profit.
Each hiding behind the others carving into the
most succulent with the casual ease of
seasoned smiling surgeons without the vaguest taste
for the fruit they cut.
(page 64 of manual)

We all make mistakes. So did the makers of this game. Granted, the mistakes do
not exceed those in "Raiders of the Lost Ark", but they're there. They fall into
the following catagories:
Continuity-This is when something inexplicably changes when it shouldn't. (For
example:Skye has her shades on in one shot, then they're off in the next.)
Plot Holes-This is when an error occurs in the narrative structure. (For
example:Groove asks why they're going somewhere when it was him that suggested
going there.)
Anachronisms-This is when something comes up before it actually did. (For
example:Skeeter references the movie "Top Gun" which wasn't released for another
four years.)
Factual Errors-This is when something happens that violates the laws of nature
or science. (For example:Taurus puts a sticker on his car and increases the
horsepower without doing anything to the engine.)

Opening Sequence
Zircon Lounge
The Search for Groove
Inbound Creepers
Shopping Spree
Rank's Pit
Boogie, Baby
Continuity-After Taurus shoots him, we see a good portion of Rank Dick's back.
After Groove tells Taurus to check the body, he does so and we see a bomb that
wasn't there earlier.
Plot Holes-Taurus gets out of his Fiarello after the battle with Rank Dick no
matter what vehicle he uses to win the battle.
Stop the Flow
Plot Holes-Taurus engages eight guards at the bridge, tunnel, and power lines.
Why didn't these guys go to kill the Vigilantes?
Continuity-After Taurus drops the tunnel, Groove tells him that the road curves
to the west. It actually curves to the east.
Catch a Creeper By the Toe
Continuity-When Taurus takes the Stag truck in the chasm, it has a Radar
Missile Shield. When the player customizes the truck, there's no shield.
Fuzzy Bear
Trench Run
Area 49
Kill Solarzano
Anachronisms-Skye refers to LARS as an SDI weapon. Ronald Reagan didn't
announce SDI until the following year.
Septic Journey
SSS Duck Party
Shoot dat Robot
Anachronisms-The ending depicts an event that occured the previous year.
Plot Holes-What happened to the roadblocks? And where did all these Vehicles
of Opportunity come from?

Music tracks (on game disk)
1.Game data
2."Faster and Faster" by Devo (I didn't name this one)
3."Beach Blast" (sounds like beach music)
4."Cars on Fire" (I called it that because it sounds like "Girls on Film")
5."Mystery" (Becasue it sounds mysterious)
6."Kaboom" (listen and you'll see)
7."Love Theme from I'82" (heard on opening screen)
8."New Wave Goodbye"
9."Shake It" (kinda sounds like "Shake it Up")
10."Ska Pretender" (kinda sounds like a ska version of "Don't Get Me Wrong")
11."Party Time" (not heard in game)

Thanks to blairjerome (wizkid) for telling me about the Kustom in "Shoot Dat
Robot" and inspiring me to look for more vehicles of opportunity. (Speaking of
which, who on Earth is modifying these cars and leaving them in the middle of
nowhere? I think it was Skeeter.)

I'd also like to thank you for reading through this FAQ. I hope I helped you
with whatever was bugging you. If you have any comments, questions, etc, my
e-mail is I prefer to be e-mailed, not IMed, so please don't
send me an Instant Message.

Good luck and keep it rockin'.

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