Alpha Centauri

Alpha Centauri

16.10.2013 13:26:09
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire
A Reference Guide and FAQ by Æther SPOON! - 176kb
Version 1.50 12-26-2002 -

/ Part 01: Table of Contents |
* 01................................................ Table of Contents *
* 02................................................ Original Factions *
* 03.................................. Custom Factions *
* 04..................................... Beginning SMAC Players Guide *
* 05............................................. Prototypes and Units *
* 06....................... General Strategies created by Æther SPOON! *
* 07....................... Alternate Strategies created by submitters *
* 08................................. Other Frequently Asked Questions *
* 09.................................................. Version History *
* 10.............................................. Closing Notes/Other *

/ Part 02: Original Factions |
* Original Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Factions *
* a....................................... Gaia's Stepdaughters *
* b............................................. The Human Hive *
* c....................................... University of Planet *
* d.......................................... Morgan Industries *
* e......................................... Spartan Federation *
* f....................................... The Lord's Believers *
* g........................................ Peacekeeping Forces *
* Original Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire Factions *
* h............................... The Cybernetic Consciousness *
* i........................................... Nautilus Pirates *
* j............................................ The Free Drones *
* k............................................ The Data Angels *
* l......................................... The Cult of Planet *
* m........................................ Manifold Caretakers *
* n.......................................... Manifold Usurpers *
> Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Section A <
* Gaia's Stepdaughters (aka Hippy Tree-huggers) *
* Leader: "Lady" Deirdre Skye *
* Background: Free Scotland, Unity Xenobiologist *
* Agenda: Green Democracy *
* Starting Tech: Centauri Ecology (Formers, the best single starting tech) *
* Starting Statistics: *
* Government Statistics *
* +1 to Planet ("Environmental safeguards; can capture mindworms"... *
* they like planet a whole bunch :P) *
* +2 to Efficiency ("Experience with life systems & recycling") *
* -1 Morale ("Pacifist tendencies".. Hippies, considered weakness) *
* -1 Police ("Freedom loving".. Hippies) *
* Other Statistics *
* +1 Nutrients in fungus squares *
* May not use "Free Market" economics *
* First mindworm you attack you control (they don't tell you that :P) *
* Ideal Victory: Transcendence, Conquer in some instances, Econ in others. *
* Strategy: *
* Well, as the Gaians, you do NOT want to be attacked early. You'd be *
* dead faster then you can say "What is that Morgan Needlejet doing?". *
* The trick with the Gaians is to stay alive early... unless you are on *
* a large landmass. Then, you should go hunting for Mindworm pets. You *
* have that advantage in SMAC, but don't try that in SMAC:SMAC- Cult can *
* kick your butt w/o flinching at it because of the +2 planet rating. *
* Once you get Mag Tubes and have your outstanding ease with Fungus, you *
* actually become the driving force in Planet's economy if you fungus *
* everything (like I normally do). Gaians CAN swarm with relative ease. *
* Recommended Strategies: Swarm, Chopper Assault, Fungal Economy *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: *** *
* Transcend: ******* *
* Diplomatic: **** *
* Economic: ** *
* Multiplayer partner- Morgan, Cult (SMACX), Caretakers (SMACX) *
> Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Section B <
* Human Hive (aka INGSOC, Thought Police (a la 1984)) *
* Leader: "Chairman" Sheng-Ji Yang *
* Background: Great China, Unity Executive Officer (Actually, in the story *
* he was a doctor on the Unity, but I digress...) *
* Agenda: Atheist Police State (Read: INGSOC, a la 1984 again) *
* Starting Tech: Doctrine: Loyalty *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +1 to Growth ("Rapid population growth"... what else is there to do *
* in this society OTHER then to have sex?) *
* +1 to Industry ("Brutal serfdom"... Read: Labor camps, a la 1984) *
* -2 to Economy ("Little political freedom".. the worst problem with *
* playing as Yang and single largest weakness in the game) *
* Other Stats *
* Free Perimeter Defense at each base ("Underground bunkers") *
* May not use Democratic politics *
* Immune to negative Efficiency stats. *
* Ideal Victory: Conquest *
* Other: "Einstein would turn over in his grave. *
* Not only does God play dice, the dice are loaded." - Yang *
* Strategy: *
* Don't play as Yang in SMAC. :) Anyways, if you are going to *
* try this out, make sure you put as much in research as possible since *
* your economy stat sucks majorly. Have a large military- it is the *
* GOOD thing about playing as Yang. That, and being able to Staple... *
* In SMAC:SMAC, you actually have a BETTER chance of success... but *
* only if you kill things and kill them fast :P *
* I need someone good with Yang to give me more strategies. *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: ***** *
* Transcend: ** *
* Diplomatic: **** *
* Economic: * *
* Multiplayer Partner- Morgan or University *
> Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Section C <
* University of Planet (Nerds Anonymous) *
* Leader: Dr. "Provost" Prokhor Zakharov *
* Background: Russian Commonwealth, Unity Science Officer and Ship's Drunk *
* Agenda: Research, free flow of information (they like research) *
* Tech: Information Networks (Network Nodes, another good starting tech *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +2 Research ("Brilliant research", this is Zak's greatest strength) *
* -2 Probe ("Academic networks vulnerable to infiltration"... now, *
* this is somewhat of a worry in normal Alpha Centauri, but a *
* huge worry in Alien Crossfire against the datajacks...) *
* Other Statistics *
* Free Network Node at every base (by far the best starting building *
* in the game- if you play Zak, get the Virtual World to give *
* yourself a free Node and Theatre in every town to counteract *
* the extra drones) *
* One Bonus Tech at beginning of game (handy at times, easier to get *
* Secrets of the Human Brain this way) *
* Extra Drone for every four citizens ("Lack of Ethics" my butt, they *
* do tests on humans :P See Cyborgs in Alien Crossfire...) *
* May not use Fundamentalist Politics (and if you did, I'd need to *
* shoot you :P) *
* High populations will only produce drones (something they don't tell *
* you about, but it always happens with Zak) *
* Ideal Victory: Transcendence *
* Other: "The first living thing to go through the device was a small white *
* rat. I still have him infact. As you can see, the damage was *
* as great as they say."- Zakharov, See how they run. *
* Strategies: *
* Pray you aren't near the believers? :P Actually, Zak is the *
* easiest to play as long as you AREN'T by the Believers at the *
* start of the game, then it is MUCH harder. Basically, make sure *
* that you NEVER let anyone have your tech, and kick butt when you *
* get Fusion Power. To help with this, get the "Secrets of" first. *
* To do this, orientate your search "path" towards them, or play *
* with the ability to see what you are researching (turning blind *
* research off). As Zak, ALWAYS get the Virtual World... Even if *
* you must commit atrocities to get it, GET IT!!! *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: **** *
* Transcend: ******* *
* Diplomatic: *** *
* Economic: ** *
* Multiplayer Partner- Morgan, Spartans, Hive, Believers *
> Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Section D <
* Microsoft... er... Morgan Industries (who did you think this was meant *
* for? Heck, two of the Secret Projects (one of them is the Network *
* Backbone) uses Microsoft slogans, such as "Where do you want your *
* node today? - Morgan Industries" and bundling. This is obvious.) *
* Leader: "CEO" Bill Gates.. er.. Steve Ballmer.. er... Nwabudike Morgan *
* Background: Microsoft Monopoly, Namibian Diamond Tycoon, Unity *
* Franchise Holder (also stowaway on the Unity according to the story) *
* Agenda: Free Market Economics, Pro-Industry *
* Tech: Industrial Base (not overly useful, but it works...) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +1 Economy ("Industrial Conglomerate"/Monopoly, the best part on *
* being a Morganite is definitely this.) *
* -1 Support ("Followers have expensive tastes"- Who cares?) *
* Other Statistics *
* Commerce (Treaties, Pacts, and Loans are leaned more in your favor) *
* Begin with 100 extra energy credits (Not useful whatsoever) *
* Need a Hab Complex to go above 4 population ("Creature comforts at *
* a premium"... the weakness of Morgan lies in his population.) *
* May not use Planned Economics (like anyone ever does...) *
* Target of all loan requests (I swear this is an attribute....) *
* Must constantly use Needlejets to attack enemy formers (every AI in *
* any game where I play against Morgan and he gets Needlejets he *
* does this... I swear, it's a requirement :P) *
* Ideal Victory: Economic Victory (I HATE that one!) *
* Other: "Where do you want your node today?.. Morgan." *
* Morgan and Morgan companies produce the best quotes in the game :) *
* Strategies: *
* I hate Morgan :P Actually, the biggest problem with Morgan is his Hab *
* Facilities... so make up for it by having tons of bases everywhere. *
* To do this on normal, you should direct your research towards obtaining *
* Doctrine: Flexibility and Doctrine: Initiative (Explore 2 and Explore 4 *
* , respectively)... Yes, this is a rather odd strategy, so hear me out. *
* Once you get this, make as many sea colony pods as you can and *
* establish many sea bases... all of which are at 4 population. See why *
* now? Note that this is something you should be wary on doing against *
* the Pirates of SMAC:SMAC. Anyways, this is a good intro strategy. *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: * *
* Transcend: ***** *
* Diplomatic: ** *
* Economic: ******* *
* Multiplayer Partners- Lal, Spartans, Drones (SMACX) *
> Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Section E <
* Spartan Federation (aka Utah Militiamen/women) *
* Leader: "Colonel" Corazon Santiago (First of two "American" leaders) *
* Background: Survivalist (Read: Leader of the Militia), Unity Security *
* Chief (but, in the story she was another stowaway and caused the Unity *
* to physically be broken apart and killed Lal's wife...) *
* Agenda: Right To Keep And Bear Arms (yes, that's how it is written down) *
* Starting Tech: Doctrine: Mobility (nice if you have large landmasses) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +2 Morale ("Well-armed survivalist movement"- not someone you want *
* meet in the back alley at night... the #1 feature of Sparta) *
* +1 Police ("Highly disciplined followers"... handy for the miliary) *
* -1 Industry ("Extravagant weapons are costly"- weakness of Sparta) *
* Other Statistics *
* Prototypes = normal priced (VERY nice on higher difficulty levels) *
* May not use Wealth value in Social Engineering (slight weakness) *
* Coolest battle music of any faction :) *
* Ideal Victory: Conquest *
* Strategies: *
* Kill. :) Seriously, enjoy the battle music and use your extra *
* mobility to your advantage. Sure, the Believers have an advantage *
* over you, but Spartans can actually live past 2400 if need be :P *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: ******* *
* Transcend: *** *
* Diplomatic: *** *
* Economic: *** *
* Multiplayer Partners- University, Cyborgs (SMACX), Usurpers (SMACX) *
> Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Section F <
* The Lord's Believers (Bible Thumpers at Large) *
* Leader: "Sister" Miriam Godwinson (tee hee hee... it's Sister even if *
* you are male :P) *
* Background: Christian States of America (gee, CSA... I wonder where *
* that acronym came from...), Unity Psych Chaplain (the only position on *
* the Unity that exists after landfall... see Drone Riots) *
* Agenda: Life of Religious Worship (What a surprise!) *
* Starting Tech: Social Psych (the WORST starting tech in SMAC...) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +1 Probe ("Devout believers difficult to brainwash"... obviously *
* not that hard to brainwash....) *
* +2 Support ("Citizens eager to defend faith"... the primary *
* advantage the Bible Thumpers have in the game) *
* -2 Research ("Suspicious of secular science"... more on that later) *
* -1 Planet ("Believe Planet is their promised land"- makes no sense) *
* Other Statistics *
* +25% Bonus when attacking enemies ("from strength of convictions"... *
* you want to talk about advantages...) *
* Accumulates NO research points until MY 2110 (it's bad enough that *
* most people combine their innate -50% to research with ANOTHER *
* -50% from the Fundamentalism that Thumpers tend to use, but you *
* also can't research until 2110?!? ugh.) *
* May not use Knowledge value in Social Engineering (at least they *
* can do Cybernetic Society, but then again...) *
* Inability to win a game that goes beyond 2400. (I swear, it is *
* impossible to win past this date with them... unless you have *
* Zak as a teammate in a multiplayer game...) *
* Ideal Victory: VERY early conquest *
* Strategies: *
* Get Zak to submit to you. This is key to ANY hope on a Believer *
* campaign that lasts longer then 2300. Otherwise just kill everyone. *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: ******** *
* Transcend: * *
* Diplomatic: ** *
* Economic: ** *
* Multiplayer Partners: University, Cyborgs (SMACX), Pirates *
> Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Section G <
* Peacekeeping Forces (The United Nations on Chiron... joy.) *
* Leader: "Peacekeeper" Commissioner Pravin Lal (no country of origin *
* according to the story, but it looks like he is from an Arab state) *
* Background: United Nations Space Authority, Unity Ship's Surgeon (in the *
* story he is second in command of the Unity as well) *
* Agenda: Humanitarian Ideals, Democracy (just like the United Nations) *
* Starting Tech: Biogenetics (Useless except for the fact that he is in *
* line to get The Secrets of the Human Brain first unless Zak gets lucky) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* -1 Efficiency ("UN Style Bureaucracy"- later on this isn't an issue) *
* Other Statistics *
* Extra Talent for every 4 people ("Attracts intellectual elite") *
* May exceed Hab Complex requirements by 2. (VERY handy...) *
* Receives DOUBLE votes in elections for Governor and Fearless... *
* er... Supreme Leader (Only useful if anyone is using the UN) *
* May not use Police State Politics (Gee, I wonder why....) *
* Ideal Victory: Diplomatic Victory, Conquest Victory (ironic, no?) *
* Other: "I loved my chosen. How then to face the day she left me? *
* So I took from her body a single cell- perhaps to love her *
* again." - Lal (the only somewhat good quote I found on him) *
* Strategies: *
* Get as large of a population on an easily defended area as soon as *
* possible, make peace with everyone, and become Council Leader... then *
* get Supreme Leader ASAP. Simple as that. *
* NOTE: This is the only faction I've pulled a 400+% on in SMAC. *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: ******* *
* Transcend: ***** *
* Diplomatic: ******** *
* Economic: *** *
* Multiplayer Partners: Caretakers (SMACX), Usurpers (SMACX), Morgan *
> Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire Section H <
* The Cybernetic Consciousness (Cyborgs rock, and she looks like fun :P) *
* Leader: "Prime Function" Aki Zeta-5 (aka Root of a Unix Shell... if you *
* know Unix, you know what I mean. Anyways, according to the story, she *
* is a Talent who was killed during an assault that was revived into the *
* "Consciousness", a program created by our friend Zak after planetfall) *
* Background: Subroutine Specialist under Unity Science Officer Zakharov *
* (nothing mentioned in the story about this part....) *
* Agenda: Rational Objectivity (in English, Mental Order) *
* Starting Techs: Information Networks, Applied Physics (huge advantage- *
* cyborgs start out with 2 techs, one of which gives you lasers) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +2 Research: ("Human research abilities enhanced by algorithmic *
* control"- same start as Zakarov's...) *
* +2 Efficiency ("Cybernetic biologicals extremely efficient"- see! I *
* told you they weren't running Windows! :) This is the same as *
* Gaia's starting ability... my two favorite SMAC factions :P) *
* -1 Growth ("Humans 'possessed by an algorithm' find reproduction *
* awkward"- the Manual just says uncomfortable with sex.... this *
* is the Cyborg's ONLY weakness.... and even that isn't large. *
* Other Statistics *
* Impunity to Cybernetic penalty ("Cybernetic social choice is *
* 'rational' and not dissented by citizens"- no weakness to Cyborg *
* society, but not that useful due to the SP that is identical *
* Can steal technology when capturing a base (not useful since you *
* should have what they have already) *
* May not make Fundamentalist choice in social engineering (see Zak) *
* Ideal Victory: Transcendence *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: **** *
* Transcend: ******* *
* Diplomatic: *** *
* Economic: **** *
* Multiplayer Partners: Drones *
> Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire Section I <
* Nautilus Pirates (aka the best faction in the game many times) *
* Leader: "Captain" Ulrik Svensgaard (it's Norwegian) *
* Background: Unity Astrogator (never heard of him in that position, but *
* but I know he HAD to branch off of the Spartans....) *
* Agenda: Pillage and burn (I like this guy!) *
* Starting Techs: Doctrine: Mobility, Doctrine: Flexibility *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics (all negative...) *
* -1 Efficiency ("Individualistic mentality opposed to central *
* organization".. this is the biggest problem with the Pirates) *
* -1 Growth ("Culture does not play high emphasis on family"... but *
* this is NOT an issue, as you'll have more bases then you can *
* handle easily... that's the problem (see efficiency) *
* Other Statistics (all positive...) *
* Free Naval Yard in every base (once you get the tech to do this that *
* is (Doctrine: Initiative). Kinda like Sparta this way. *
* Can build enhancements in trench squares when discovery of Advanced *
* Ecological Engineering occurs. (Second best feature of Pirates) *
* Sea colony pod & sea former prototypes free (cool) *
* Bonus mineral from ocean shelf squares (awesome) *
* All sea units have Marine Detachment (once you get the tech that is *
* (Adaptive Doctrine)... helpful) *
* YOU START OFF IN THE WATER (they actually never tell you that, but *
* this is the best part about the Pirates... if you are in an *
* area with 70% or more water, you must be stupid to lose. You *
* Have the entire sea all for yourself (which is the reason why *
* efficiency is the problem... too many bases), and you can *
* build on trenches... what more do you need? Invasion isn't *
* likely, and you can easily invade land. You can steal their *
* boats as a THIRD ability on a ship, and you don't need a land *
* base. What more could you ask for!!! They suck majorly when *
* you have a planet with low amounts of water though.... *
* Ideal Victory: Conquest, Diplomatic (!), Economic (!!!) *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: ******* *
* Transcend: *** *
* Diplomatic: ****** *
* Economic: ****** *
* Multiplayer Partners: Almost anyone. *
> Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire Section J <
* The Free (and stupid) Drones *
* Leader: "Foreman" Domai (Notice that there is only one name here? Domai *
* is actually considered a Drone... the only Drone leader, but *
* according to the story he was a Talent that had an accident and lost *
* part of his brain, but he can think better then most Drones anyways.) *
* Agenda: Emancipation of the prolatariat (working class- communistic) *
* Starting Tech: Industrial Base (same as Morgan) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +2 Industry ("Excellent craftsman and skilled workers"- one of two *
* GOOD things about the Drones...) *
* -2 Research ("Emphasis on productivity instead of 'blue-sky' *
* research"... this is bad, but at least they can make up for it) *
* Other Statistics *
* One less drone in every base (handy!) *
* Revolting bases join Drones (the other nice thing... happens 75% of *
* the time when the Drones are in the game and a base riots for *
* then one turn) *
* May not use Green economics (makes NO sense...) *
* Ideal Victory: Conquest or Diplomatic (!) *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: ***** *
* Transcend: *** *
* Diplomatic: ****** *
* Economic: **** *
* Multiplayer Partners: University, Cyborgs, Caretakers, Usurpers *
> Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire Section K <
* The Cult of the Dead Cow... er... Data Angels (1337 h4x0rz) *
* Leader: "Datajack" Sinder Roze (Free Mitnick?) *
* Background: MorganNet QA Manager (hey! I'm QA... wait a second, she is *
* a Quality Assurance engineer for Morgan/Microsoft... Microsoft QA are *
* considered to be the biggest pirates in the world... hmm....), Unity *
* Information Services Helpdesk (tech support... figures. Anyways, *
* according to the story, she was part of a huge probe team of Morgan's *
* when she voted for independence and won.. she is a hacker indeed :P) *
* Agenda: Free Flow of Information (oddly enough, same as Zak's Agenda) *
* Starting Techs: Information Networks, Planetary Networks (Probe Team) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +2 Probe ("Highly motivated computer specialists" (Read: Hackers)..) *
* -1 Police ("Decentralized, difficult to control"- just like hackers *
* Other Statistics *
* Gain well known (3 factions) tech (infiltration only- useless to me) *
* -25% cost to probe team actions (that's -75% now... and you can *
* actually bump it up to 100%... she's good with probe teams :P) *
* Free Covert Ops Center in every base (tech needed (Pre-Sentient *
* Alogorithms), and more Probe team goodness! :P) *
* UPDATE!: Seems that when you get +4 to Probe, you get dropped to 0 *
* instead. So, make sure you run Knowledge after you get Pre *
* Sentient Alogorithms. *
* May not make Power choice in social engineering (drat.) *
* Ideal Victory: Economic or Transcendence (kinda hard though...) *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: **** *
* Transcend: ****** *
* Diplomatic: **** *
* Economic: ***** *
* Multiplayer Partners: As strange as it sounds... Believers. *
* Other Info: As said above, this faction is bugged because of the high *
* Probe issue. *
> Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire Section L <
* The Cult of Planet (and you thought Gaia was radical?!? aka Nutcases) *
* Leader: "Prophet" Cha Dawn (REALLY strange kid... yes, kid- he is 6.) *
* Background: Born of uncertain parentage (in the story, it was a talent *
* woman and a fungus.... don't ask how it happened), found abandoned *
* in the fungus by Ecological Malcontents (yes, he was in the fungus..) *
* from Deidre's faction, who then split off into the cult to go more *
* radical. According to the story, his mom was an upper talent of *
* Gaian society, and the Cultists have a good relationship with *
* Drones (!) and Gaians. I mean, this kid is MESSED UP! *
* Agenda: Return Planet to its pristine state (after he becomes leader) *
* Tech: Centauri Ecology, Social Psych (awesome start) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +2 Planet ("Devoted to promoting native growth".. this is higher *
* then Gaia even!) *
* -1 Industry ("Reluctant to pollute environment". Whoop-de doo.) *
* -1 Economy ("Disinterested in wealth and its trappings"- weakness 1) *
* Other Statistics *
* Free Brood Pit in every city (when you get the tech Centauri *
* Genetics- this is one of the best parts about the Cult) *
* Mind Worms do double police duty (not bad... defending mind worms) *
* May not make Wealth choice in Social Engineering (weakness #2) *
* Start with a Mind Worm (this ROCKS for a start- not mentioned) *
* Players named "Æther SPOON!" typically assault everything with *
* Locusts while using the Cult (Brood Pit + high planet = mayhem) *
* Ideal Victory: Conquest (early OR late, not middle), Economic (!) *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: ******* *
* Transcend: ***** *
* Diplomatic: **** *
* Economic: ****** *
* Multiplayer Partners: Gaia, Morgan *
> Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire Section M <
* Manifold Caretakers (Alien version of Green Peace) *
* Leader: Caretaker/"Guardian" Lular H'minee *
* Background: According to the story, H'minee is a part of the "Caretaker" *
* side of the Alien Civil war- they want to make sure that planet does *
* NOT reach transcendence- Tau Ceti was another Manifold/Planet that *
* did this and it was an atrocity to that planet and surrounding *
* planetary systems. She (yes, SHE) is the exact OPPOSITE of Marr. *
* Agenda: Prevent Transcendence (simple enough...) *
* Starting Techs: Progenitor Psych, Centauri Ecology, Field Modulation, *
* Information Networks, Biogenetics (5 starting techs.... whoa...) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +1 to Planet ("Understand workings of Planet, the Sixth Manifold") *
* Other Statistics *
* +25% Defensive Bonus ("Can sense and manipulate 'Resonance' fields") *
* Alien Advantages and Disadvantages *
* Free Recycling Tanks at every base (yay!) *
* One additional Colony Pod at planetfall. *
* One Mk I Battle Ogre at planetfall (POWERFUL, but easy to kill) *
* "Energy Grid" based economy (more buildings at base = more $$$) *
* Possesses a physical scan of planet (yay!) *
* Directing research (YAY YAY YAY!) *
* Cannot be involved with UN/Council (BOO!) *
* Must research Social Psych to communicate with humans (boo!) *
* Wasting of human bases on invasion (population down to one) *
* Alien Victory possible (a few bases with a transmitter = win) *
* Constantly at war with other aliens *
* Cannot ally with humans who ally with aliens *
* Cannot speak with aliens AT ALL (bah!) *
* Cannot Transcend (BOO!) *
* Ideal Victory: Alien Victory *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: ***** *
* Transcend: Impossible *
* Diplomatic: Impossible *
* Economic: ??? *
* AVictory: ****** *
* Multiplayer Partners: Peacekeepers *
> Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire Section N <
* Manifold Usurpers (every time I see them I think "Beetleborgs".. dunno why) *
* Leader: Usurper/"Conqueror" Judaa Marr *
* Background: According to the story, Marr is a part of the "Usurper" *
* side of the Alien Civil war- they want to make sure that planet *
* reaches transcendence- with them on the planet at the time He (yes, *
* HE) is the exact OPPOSITE of H'minee. *
* Agenda: Subvert Planet for galactic domination (Transcendence) *
* Tech: Progenitor Psych, Centauri Ecology, Field Modulation, Applied *
* Physics, Biogenetics (opposite of Caretakers) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +1 Growth ("Abuse Planet's resources for their own gain"- meanies!) *
* +1 Morale ("Warlike culture"... similar to Believers) *
* -1 Planet ("Planet senses Usurper's dark intent"... ditto the last) *
* Other Statistics *
* +25% Offensive Bonus ("Can sense and manipulate 'Resonance' fields") *
* Alien Advantages and Disadvantages *
* Free Recycling Tanks at every base (yay!) *
* One additional Colony Pod at planetfall. *
* One Mk I Battle Ogre at planetfall (POWERFUL, but easy to kill) *
* "Energy Grid" based economy (more buildings at base = more $$$) *
* Possesses a physical scan of planet (yay!) *
* Directing research (YAY YAY YAY!) *
* Cannot be involved with UN/Council (BOO!) *
* Must research Social Psych to communicate with humans (boo!) *
* Wasting of human bases on invasion (population down to one) *
* Alien Victory possible (a few bases with a transmitter = win) *
* Constantly at war with other aliens *
* Cannot ally with humans who ally with aliens *
* Cannot speak with aliens AT ALL (bah!) *
* Ideal Victory: Alien Victory, Transcendence, Conquest *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: ***** *
* Transcend: ***** *
* Diplomatic: Impossible *
* Economic: ??? *
* AVictory: **** *
* Multiplayer Partners: Peacekeepers, Pirates, Cult *

/ Part 03: Custom Factions |
* NOTE: All of these custom factions listed are from the faction packs at *
* If you wish for me to update my FAQ with a *
* faction pack of your own, please read Part 10 for infomation on *
* contacting me. *
* Zeta Set - Progenitor Civil War Factions *
* a.......................................... Terran Federation *
* b................................................. Aggressors *
* c................................................. Dominators *
* d.................................................. Predators *
* e................................................. Developers *
* f................................................. Preservers *
* g................................................ Researchers *
* Iota Set - WaterWorld Factions *
* h..................................... Bringers of the Deluge *
* i........................................... Full Fathom Five *
* j......................................... Legion of Aquarius *
* k......................... Oceans Extraterritorial Commission *
* l........................................ The Hydra Institute *
* m............................................ The Multimakers *
* n............................................ The Triton Sect *
* Lambda Set - Second Mission Factions *
* o.......................................... The Briach Estate *
* p................................................... CerraGen *
* q............................................. Delgusia, Inc. *
* r................................................. Jorgenstad *
* s................................................... Obrioshi *
* t.................................. The Rensallir Corporation *
* u................................................. Serabollio *
* *
* Custom Faction notes: *
* Zeta Set: *
* After trying all three of the 'bundled' faction packs on *
*, I can honestly tell you that this one is my least *
* favorite. Why? Not as much depth to it... the other two actually had *
* more of a storyline to it, whereas in PCW only one faction (Terran Fed) *
* has anything of a storyline in it. The Progenitors all are copies! *
* Iota Set: *
* A nice faction pack with story. Use the map that was included with the *
* faction though... or a 70-90% water random map. Either work. *
* Lambda Set: *
* This has got to be one of the most balanced faction packs *
* I have ever seen. I even have a somewhat more challanging time when *
* playing as any of these factions! On top of it, it has a neat story to *
* it, as well as a fan fiction on (albiet a bit short) on *
* Second Mission... and I love storyline! :) *
* *
> Zeta Set - Progenitor Civil War Factions Section A <
* Terran Federation ("The Human survivors..." From the Starship Andromeda?) *
* Leader: Admiral Meithhan West (He DOES remind me of Kevin Sorbo!) *
* Background: "Old Earth Fanatic, Unity Security Officer" (he came from *
* Sparta... wow, I feel bad for Chiron already.) *
* Agenda: "Re-build Earth's power and glory at any cost." (In English: *
* Live through the Progenitors.) *
* Tech: Doctrine: Mobility (not too bad.... same as Sparta) *
* Starting Statistics (wow, time to give my fingers a workout....) *
* Government Statistics *
* -1 Economy ("Trade regulated by government" - Ngh.) *
* +2 Industry ("Capitalist Industrial Model"... but they just said *
* that the economy was regulated by the government... me thinks *
* the creator doesn't know what capitalism is...) *
* +2 Research ("Warfare boosts research" - They need it.) *
* +2 Support ("Trained troops require low support" - Huh?) *
* +3 Morale ("Highly trained military troops" - We have Santiago on *
* line one, she says that she wants you to train her troops) *
* +2 Police ("Followers approve military police" - We have Yang on *
* line two, he says you are too strict...) *
* -3 Planet ("No concern for Planet's ecology" - Make sense.) *
* Other Statistics *
* Fanatic Military Units: +25% Attack (WHOA! Morale AND this?!) *
* Free Starting Unit - Unity Rover (k.) *
* Ideal Victory: Economic, Transcend, Conquest *
* Victory Ratings: (NOTE: All ratings are dependent on the set it is in) *
* Conquest: Testing in Progress *
* Transcend: Testing in Progress *
* Diplomatic: Impossible. *
* Economic: Testing in Progress *
* Other Notes: *
* Yes, you read that right. Diplomatic victory is impossible since you *
* can never be elected to be the planetary governor in that set. Why? *
* "Council Deadlocked" since you are the only choice for governor. *
* Because of that stupid bug, in my opinion, this set is flawed. *
* Also, even if you could set yourself as PG, it wouldn't matter.. as to *
* win that way you need to have all Progenitors erradicated. Think. *
* NOTE: It isn't the set's fault, it is SMAC:SMAC. *
> Zeta Set - Progenitor Civil War Factions Section B <
* Aggressors ("Usurper survivors..." - Think Cha Dawn + Marr Just don't *
* picture the child of them (as that is sick).) *
* Leader: Hugos Korr ("Usurper General"... Judaa Marr was better). *
* Agenda: "To destroy all opposition." (Straight and to the point!) *
* Tech: Doctrine: Mobility (AGAIN?! Didn't the Terrans get this too?) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +1 Growth ("Soldiers are expendable" - Huh?) *
* +1 Morale ("Battle Glory" - Okay... that at least makes sense...) *
* +1 Planet ("Nature is the greatest camoflauge" - Barely makes sense)*
* +1 Support ("Flexible supply lines" - Huh?) *
* Other Statistics *
* Cannot use Free Market Economic choice (What the HELL?!!) *
* Ideal Victory: Economic, Transcend, Conquest *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: Testing in Progress *
* Transcend: Testing in Progress *
* Diplomatic: Impossible *
* Economic: Testing in Progress *
* AVictory: Testing in Progress *
* Other Notes: *
* Haven't finished them yet. Also, the AI uses Fundy/Power/TControl. *
> Zeta Set - Progenitor Civil War Factions Section C <
* Dominators ("Usurper survivors..." - Think Yang + Marr. Ewww...) *
* Leader: Unther Gorr (Wow, a name I can spell right the first time!) *
* Agenda: "Domination of Planet" (Again, straight and to the point) *
* Tech: Doctrine: Air Power (WHAT THE HELL!! D:AP STARTING? WTH?) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +2 Police ("ilitaristic Citizens" - Makes sense) *
* +1 Support ("Flexible supply lines" - Again, Huh?) *
* Other Statistics *
* Cannot use Green Economic Choice (What the HELL?!!) *
* Ideal Victory: Economic, Transcend, Conquest *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: Testing in Progress *
* Transcend: Testing in Progress *
* Diplomatic: Impossible *
* Economic: Testing in Progress *
* AVictory: Testing in Progress *
* Other Notes: *
* Haven't finished them yet. Also, the AI uses PState/Power/TControl. *
> Zeta Set - Progenitor Civil War Factions Section D <
* Predators ("Usurper Survivors..." Think Domai + Marr - Freedom) *
* Leader: Gerus Torr (What IS it with these people and similar last names)*
* Agenda: To be the Supreme Predator on Planet (Where are the Aliens?) *
* Tech: Doctrine: Flexibility (Mmmkay....) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +2 Industry ("Industrious citizens" - and that has to do with being *
* a predator how?) *
* +1 Support ("Flexible support lines" - Author: Creativity lacking) *
* Other Statistics *
* Cannot use Wealth social choice (Now this one makes sense....) *
* Ideal Victory: Economic, Transcend, Conquest *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: Testing in Progress *
* Transcend: Testing in Progress *
* Diplomatic: Impossible *
* Economic: Testing in Progress *
* AVictory: Testing in Progress *
* Other Notes: *
* Haven't finished them yet. Also, the AI uses Police State (stupidly) *
* as well as Planned (stupidly), Wealth (stupidly), and Eudiamonia. *
> Zeta Set - Progenitor Civil War Factions Section E <
* Developers ("Caretaker Survivors..." - Think Morgan + Hi'mnee) *
* Leader: Lelu H'Kinne (Stockbroker for the Caretakers... WTH?) *
* Agenda: To develop the Manifold (but isn't that opposite of the CTs?) *
* Tech: Industrial Automation (Not half bad!) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +1 Industry ("Solid Industrial Base" - Mmmkay....) *
* +1 Economy ("Economical Citizens" - Mmmkay....) *
* Other Statistics *
* Cannot use Power social choice (Now this one makes sense....) *
* Starts with 500 energy credits (the more I think about it, the more *
* this sounds like a powergaming faction set... I hate that.) *
* Free Energy Bank in every base (Nice.) *
* +25% Defensive Combat (Just like Caretakers) *
* Ideal Victory: Economic, Conquest, Alien *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: Testing in Progress *
* Transcend: Testing in Progress - Can they even Transcend at all? *
* Diplomatic: Impossible *
* Economic: Testing in Progress *
* AVictory: Testing in Progress *
* Other Notes: *
* Haven't finished them yet. *
> Zeta Set - Progenitor Civil War Factions Section F <
* Preservers ("Caretaker Survivors..." - Think Hi'mnee + ... um.. Hi'mnee) *
* Leader: Jela H'Dimme (Deidre of the Caretakers... aka, Hi'mnee) *
* Agenda: To preserve the Manifold (and the difference with CT is...) *
* Tech: Centauri Ecology (Not half bad!) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +2 Efficiency ("Waste weakens the Manifold" - Okay.) *
* +1 Planet ("Ecologically Minded" - Mmmkay....) *
* +1 Growth ("Attuned to Natural Rythms" (sic) - Unbalanced Faction) *
* Other Statistics *
* Half Terraform costs. *
* Free Recycling Tanks in every base (Nice.) *
* +25% Defensive Combat (Just like Caretakers) *
* Ideal Victory: Economic, Conquest, Alien *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: Testing in Progress *
* Transcend: Testing in Progress - Can they even Transcend at all? *
* Diplomatic: Impossible *
* Economic: Testing in Progress *
* AVictory: Testing in Progress *
* Other Notes: *
* Haven't finished them yet. AI will always use Dem/Green/Know/Cyborg. *
> Zeta Set - Progenitor Civil War Factions Section G <
* Researchers ("Caretaker Survivors..." - Think Zakarov + Hi'mnee) *
* Leader: Kala H'Simme (No creativity whatsoever it seems...) *
* Agenda: To preserve the Manifold (I think it is meant to say "research" *
* instead of "preserve"....) *
* Tech: Infomation Networks (Not too bad) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +1 Efficiency ("Well researched methods" - Okay. *
* +2 Research ("Brilliant Educators" - Mmm..pie...) *
* Other Statistics *
* +1 Energy in Fungus ("Research pays off" - Makes zero sense) *
* Free Research Hospital in every base (Nice.) *
* +25% Defensive Combat (Just like Caretakers) *
* Ideal Victory: Economic, Conquest, Alien *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: Testing in Progress *
* Transcend: Testing in Progress - Can they even Transcend at all? *
* Diplomatic: Impossible *
* Economic: Testing in Progress *
* AVictory: Testing in Progress *
* Other Notes: *
* Haven't finished them yet. AI will always use knowledge and cyborg. *
> Iota Set - WaterWorld Factions Section H <
* Bringers of the Deluge (AKA Ye gods I thought MORGAN was bad at Planet!) *
* Leader: "Mr." Thomas Brattman (Dunno, I keep thinking Sean Connory saying *
* "Brannon!" every time I see his name. Dunno why. *
* Agenda: Power at all costs (In other words, he wants to lead Planet) *
* Tech: Doctrine: Initiative (Whoa... the mid tech in the beginning) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* -5 Planet ("Openly antagonistic towards planet".. I'd say!) *
* +1 Industry ("Seeking Power at all Costs" Niiice bonus.) *
* +1 Economy ("Seeking Power at all Costs" Again, Niice bonus.) *
* +1 Morale ("Believe war to be unavoidable" Makes no sense to me...) *
* Other Statistics *
* +25% to Attack ("Fanatics" - I'd say just psycho) *
* Starts in the water. *
* Ideal Victory: Conquest, Economic (!) *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: ****** *
* Transcend: **** *
* Diplomatic: ** *
* Economic: ****** *
> Iota Set - WaterWorld Factions Section I <
* Full Fathom Five (Mermen) *
* Leader: "Seafather" Ka'Rin *
* Agenda: Sub-sea State *
* Tech: Doctrine: Flexibility *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* -1 Support ("Cannot breathe out of water." - Bah.) *
* -1 Industry ("Difficult to have heavy industry underwater") *
* -1 Economy ("Different needs and desires than others.") *
* Other Statistics *
* Free Perimeter Defense at every base (Underwater Bases). *
* Starts in the water. *
* Immunity to Efficiency (What is this, their ONLY good advantage?) *
* Cannot use a Cybernetic Society *
* Free Sealurk and Isle of the Deep at start. *
* Ideal Victory: Hell if I know... can they even win?!! *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: *** *
* Transcend: ** *
* Diplomatic: **** *
* Economic: * *
> Iota Set - WaterWorld Factions Section J <
* Legion of Aquarius (Peace loving researchers? I have no nickname for them) *
* Leader: "Star Daughter" Danya Hytchinsdottir (yes, it is spelled right) *
* Agenda: Peace and Enlightment (Looneyversity and UN?) *
* Tech: Social Psych *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +1 Growth ("Open Society"... in other words, they have sex a lot.) *
* -2 Morale ("Dislikes War") *
* -1 Efficiency ("Syphoned by strong social programs") *
* +1 Research ("Open-minded Research") *
* Other Statistics *
* +25% to ALL Psi ("Exploration of the Mind" - I'm sure a lot of males *
* reading this right now and looking at her would say "She can *
* explore my mind.." or something. Bah, humans. Pssh.) *
* Ideal Victory: Transcendence. *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: *** *
* Transcend: ***** *
* Diplomatic: **** *
* Economic: ** *
> Iota Set - WaterWorld Factions Section K <
* Oceans Extraterritorial Commission (OEC - Why do I think the Federation?) *
* Leader: "Commission Director" Alan Thompson *
* Agenda: Political Leadership on the Planet's Oceans (Think UN at sea) *
* Tech: Doctrine: Flexibility *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* -1 Efficiency ("Bureaucracy" - Think UN again) *
* -1 Police ("Pacifists" - What the UN should have had) *
* Other Statistics *
* +1 to Commerse Income (Everyone trades with the Federation!) *
* Free Pressure Dome at every base. *
* Free Subsea Trunkline (With Planetary Economics) in every base (in *
* more apt words... HOLY #$!@%@#%!) *
* Free Deep Pressure Hull (With Nanometallurgy) (you have subs. Lots) *
* Enhancements may be built in ocean and trench squares (When you *
* discover Advanced Ecological Engineering - Think Pirates) *
* Bonus mineral from ocean shelf squares. *
* Starts in the water. *
* Ideal Victory: Economic. *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: **** *
* Transcend: *** *
* Diplomatic: *** *
* Economic: ****** *
> Iota Set - WaterWorld Factions Section L <
* The Hydra Institute (Mermaids) *
* Leader: "Hydra" Aquafina del Manta (... That's Mrs. Mermaid to you!) *
* Agenda: Have the hydra rule the high seas (Think Pirates) *
* Tech: Doctrine: Mobility, Doctrine: Flexibility (high in tech!) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* -1 Efficiency ("Individualistic mentality opposed to central *
* organization") *
* -1 Growth (Culture does not place high emphasis on family - Pirates) *
* +1 Industry ("Great at ship building") *
* Other Statistics *
* Free Naval Yard (With Doctrine: Initiative) at every base. (Pirates) *
* Enhancements may be built in ocean and trench squares (When you *
* discover Advanced Ecological Engineering - Think Pirates) *
* Marine Detatchment ability free (With Adaptive Doctrine - Arr Matey) *
* Repair Bay ability free (With appropriate tech - Niice...) *
* Free Recycling Tanks at all bases. (Almost useless due to water) *
* Free Transport Foil and Sea Former at start. *
* Immune to negative energy stats (huh?) *
* Starts in the water. *
* Ideal Victory: Conquest, Transcendence. *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: ***** *
* Transcend: **** *
* Diplomatic: ** *
* Economic: ** *
> Iota Set - WaterWorld Factions Section M <
* The Multimakers (Gaia of Water I guess... only FAR worse) *
* Leader: "Admiral" Odyssena de Marineo (Wow, that is actually a good name) *
* Agenda: Protect the Oceans of Planet (Algae hugger?) *
* Tech: Doctrine: Mobility, Doctrine Flexibility (high in tech!) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics - Now, I don't normally comment, but... WHY?!! *
* -1 Economy ("Little interest in trade" - Feh.) *
* -1 Efficiency ("Great distances over the sea" - double Feh.) *
* -1 Growth ("Lack of space and nutrients" - triple Feh.) *
* +1 Planet ("Protection of the Oceans"-Is this their ONLY advantage?) *
* Other Statistics *
* Enhancements may be built in ocean and trench squares (When you *
* discover Advanced Ecological Engineering - Think Pirates) *
* Marine Detatchment ability free (With Adaptive Doctrine - Arr Matey) *
* Bonus mineral from ocean shelf squares. *
* Starts in the water. *
* Ideal Victory: Ugh. Too much. *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: *** *
* Transcend: **** *
* Diplomatic: ** *
* Economic: * *
> Iota Set - WaterWorld Factions Section N <
* The Triton Institute/Sect ("Cult of the Sea" - isn't that a kind of tuna?) *
* Leader: "High Priest" Alexander Ceristen (say THAT 5 times fast!) *
* Agenda: To Protect the Seas (Even though this is the "Believer"/"Hive") *
* Tech: Doctrine: Flexibility *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +1 Police ("Strict Police Force" - A la Yang.) *
* +1 Support ("Fanatical Army" - A la Miriam) *
* -2 Research ("Little interest in Technology" - A la Miriam...) *
* Other Statistics *
* Free Pressure Dome in all bases (yay...) *
* Cannot choose the "Knowledge" social value (CRAP!) *
* Ideal Victory: Conquest, Diplomatic. *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: ****** *
* Transcend: * *
* Diplomatic: **** *
* Economic: ** *
* *
> Lambda Set - Second Mission Factions Section O <
* The Briach Estate ("The Wealthy" In other words, the hoity toity) *
* Leader: "Lord" Wilson Briach (Not as good as "BRATTMAN", but still good) *
* Agenda: A Private and Wealthy Society (But if everyone is rich...) *
* Tech: Applied Physics (How the HELL does that equate to high society??) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +2 Morale ("Highly Trained Specialists" - Yes, this is their only *
* government advantage. A nice one at that.) *
* Other Statistics *
* Starts with 400 energy credits (Niice..) *
* Cannot use FUNDAMENTALIST politics (Oh darn.) *
* Free colony pod at the start of the game (you know, this is good..) *
* Ideal Victory: Conquest, Diplomatic *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: ****** *
* Transcend: *** *
* Diplomatic: ***** *
* Economic: **** *
* Other Notes: This has got to be the strongest faction in Second Mission *
* Update! (12/22/2002): After playing the rest of them, I'm revising *
* that rather false statement. If this was against any other faction *
* series, they would be the best. However, all of these guys are *
* really good, and the AI plays them well. My favorite set! *
> Lambda Set - Second Mission Factions Section P <
* CerraGen ("The Bio-Engineer" - does that mean it can't spell GATACA? I *
* mean, everyone knows that Engineers can't spell, right?) *
* Leader: "Director" Tim Corbal (You can call me... Tim....) *
* Agenda: To better the human race through genetic alteration (Genejack?) *
* Tech: Biogenetics (cool, half way to secrets of human mind) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +2 Growth ("Genetically enhanced Reproduction" - YIPES! Very high) *
* +1 Research ("Science aids genetics" - Ye gods, I'm in love...) *
* -1 Economy ("Other factions find the CerraGen suspicious" - Crap.) *
* Other Statistics *
* Free BIOLOGY LAB at every base (AWESOME!) *
* Cannot use EUDAIMONIC future society choice (Crap.) *
* Free ability - Nerve Gas Pods (**** - see below) *
* Free ability - Soporific Gas Pods (**** - see below) *
* Ideal Victory: Conquest, Diplomatic, Transcend *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: ***** *
* Transcend: ***** *
* Diplomatic: ****** *
* Economic: *** *
* Other Notes: Well, first off the free abilities are bugged in *
* Alpha Centauri/Alien Crossfire, as when I played I did not get those.. *
* instead, I got something better - Police unit. VERY handy. Secondly, *
* If you are wondering about the abnormally high scores, it is because *
* of the +2 Growth. CerraGen got me my highest SMAC score (not counting *
* Future techs) on the first try. *
> Lambda Set - Second Mission Factions Section Q <
* Delgusia, Inc. ("Military Industrialists" - AKA, Weapons Dealers.) *
* Leader: Maria Falcao do Ferro (Looks like an admiral in the portrait) *
* Agenda: Arms Sales and Manufacture (heh. Weapons Dealers.) *
* Tech: Industrial Base (Bah.) ) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +1 Support ("Corporate Mentality" - Huh?!) *
* +2 Industry ("Chief Business" - Makes sense. Not bad...) *
* -3 Planet ("Profit before ecology" - Ah crap... That sucks. *
* Other Statistics *
* Fungus Bonuses ("Quick to exploit natural resources" - Weird.) *
* Cannot use EUDAIMONIC future society choice (Crap.) *
* 75% Hurry Cost ("Extremely Efficient" - NICE!) *
* Drone every 4 citizens ("Unethical sales of weapons" - TripleCrap) *
* Ideal Victory: Um... Economic? Being crappy isn't a victory condition.. *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: ** *
* Transcend: *** *
* Diplomatic: *** *
* Economic: **** *
* Other Notes: These guys suck. Badly. Can't see why you would play them.*
* Well.. they wouldn't suck for normal SMAC, but they suck in 2nd Miss. *
> Lambda Set - Second Mission Factions Section R <
* Jorgenstad ("The Techie" - Um... isn't CerraGen better?) *
* Leader: "President" Hans Schmidt ("It's HANZEL UNT GRETZEL!" - okay.) *
* Agenda: Technology and Electronics (Run! They are EE MAJORS!) *
* Tech: Nonlinear Mathematics (Whoa.. high level tech...) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +1 Industry ("Automated Factories" - Interesting...) *
* +1 Research ("Technology Company" - Duh. I'd hope so...) *
* -1 Police ("Citizens refuse to take orders" - Whopdee Do...) *
* Other Statistics *
* Free SUBSPACE GENERATOR at every base (WHAT THE HECK is the point?) *
* Cannot use POLICE STATE politics (... no comment.) *
* Free ability - Cloaking device (SWEET! This is by far the best one)*
* Ideal Victory: Conquest, Transcend *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: ****** *
* Transcend: ***** *
* Diplomatic: *** *
* Economic: *** *
* Other Notes: Wow... now that I know it works, neat... I'd say this is *
* one of the better factions to play in multiplayer, since more stealth *
* is needed against a human. However, for single player, stick with *
* CerraGen for the tech. *
> Lambda Set - Second Mission Factions Section S <
* Obrioshi ("The Energy Techs" - Who can say no to the happyface? :) ) *
* Leader: Akioshi Yakishi (The COOLEST portrait in the game!) *
* Agenda: Ecological Harnessing of Energy Sources (What.. the.. hell..) *
* Tech: None (yes, you read that right... no starting tech at all.) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +2 Efficiency ("Efficiency means success" - why can't I work for *
* this corporation? I mean, they got it right....) *
* +1 Research ("Study encouraged" - Rock on!) *
* -1 Growth ("Ecologically aware" - Their worst part. Not too bad.) *
* Other Statistics *
* Free Energy bank at every base (AWESOME!) *
* Cannot use POWER social value. (Who actually uses it?) *
* Starts with 75 energy (Every little bit helps) *
* HURRY costs increased set to 133% (bleh.) *
* Penalty: Probe ("Open Management System") *
* Ideal Victory: Conquest, Economic, Transcend *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: ***** *
* Transcend: ***** *
* Diplomatic: *** *
* Economic: ****** *
* Other Notes: It appears that Akioshi is the exact opposite of Tim... *
* Now that I've played more, yes, exact opposite. I prefer CerraGen. *
> Lambda Set - Second Mission Factions Section T <
* The Rensallir Corporation ("The Aeronaut" - Does this mean that I might *
* finally have a swarming FACTION?!! YAY YAY YAY!) *
* Leader: "President" Jacques Cousteau.. er.. Alato. (Reminds me of him) *
* Agenda: To get a better faction portrait! :P *
* Tech: Ethical Calculus (Oxymoron, but start with a Democracy! YAY) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +1 Industry ("Industrial structure carefully planned" - Psh.) *
* Other Statistics *
* Free Recycling Tank at every base (This does not exist) *
* Cannot use POLICE STATE politics (who does?) *
* Free Vehicle ("Aeronautics Corporation"?- See the advantage below) *
* Hidden Statistics *
* Free starting unit - Unity Chopper (Slightly bugged, see below.) *
* Free Aeronautics Complex at every base (... See below.) *
* Ideal Victory: Conquest, Transcend. *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: ***** *
* Transcend: ***** *
* Diplomatic: *** *
* Economic: *** *
* Other Notes: Buggy faction. Now that I have had a chance to play them, *
* I can honestly say that this is the first faction where I'd rather be *
* playing them just so someone else DOESN'T. Do you realize how hard it *
* is to swarm against someone who has Aerospace Complexes in every base, *
* ON TOP OF the AAA Trance garrison? Ye gods, I think I even saw a 50 *
* defensive power rating at one point! *
* On the bugs: The Free Vehicle is a Unity Chopper, which in of itself is *
* bugged. If you have "search for a starting city" on, the chopper will *
* take fuel damage at the start of the first turn. Not a big bug *
* (especially with the Aerospace Complex in the starting city), but one *
* nonetheless. Also, the Aerospace Complex... this is also a bug. *
* In all of the rest of SMAC, when they start with a building that is *
* something other then an early game tech, you get the improvement after *
* the tech, right? Not in this case. He actually has the improvement *
* without the tech. Kinda unfair in my opinion, but still kinda a minor *
* point. Finally, a reminder: You can't update the Unity Chopper. *
> Lambda Set - Second Mission Factions Section U <
* Serabollio ("The Chic" and the chick as she is the only female fac leader) *
* Leader: "Director" Gina Serabollio (Pompus little... *ahem*) *
* Agenda: Expression of art and fashion (Not starving artists?) *
* Tech: Centauri Ecology (How the heck is that art or fashion!?!) *
* Starting Statistics *
* Government Statistics *
* +1 Economy ("Sale of art and fashinos generates high income") *
* -2 Morale ("Trained for creation, not destruction" - what the heck) *
* Other Statistics *
* Free Paradise gardens in every base (+2 talents... at start...) *
* +1 Talent every 2 population (HOLY #%%$! Automatic Golden Age!) *
* May not use FUNDAMENTALIST politics in Social Engineering (but *
* artists CAN be fundimentalist... ah well) *
* Ideal Victory: Diplomatic, Economic, Transcend, Conquest *
* Victory Ratings: *
* Conquest: ***** *
* Transcend: ****** *
* Diplomatic: ****** *
* Economic: ****** *
* Other Notes: Yes, you read that rating scale correctly. This is the *
* best faction in all of this addon pack. Hands down. Easiest. *
* "But what about CerraGen?" Well, I said easiest, not the faction with *
* the highest SMAC score. Let me tell you something. When you don't *
* need a single improvement to handle drones in a transcend game, the *
* game just got easier. Also, notice the +1 Economy with only -2 Morale?*
* No planet harm, no research harm, no support harm, no restriction on *
* Democracy, and no efficiency harm... meaning that this easily knocks *
* Morgan out of the water for money. I usually run her Demo/Green/Wealth*
* JUST for the +1 to industry.. heck, sometimes I run Demo/Planned! *
* Also, if you get the Cloning Vats, say hello to max pop size. Quickly.*
* Due to the huge number of talents, you'll never have drone riots. *
* Finally, if you noticed that I added the +1 Talent for every 2 pop, *
* and you are wondering where it came from, it was an observation. No *
* way would +2 talents cause a base of 9 to have all talents in it... so*
* I'm thinking the game glitched and it is really +1 per 2 pop... *

/ Part 04: Beginning SMAC Players Guide |
* Welcome to Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri! This is a turn based strategy game *
* from the mind of Sid Meier and Brian Reynolds- creators of Civilization, *
* Civ 2, Masters of Orion, Masters of Orion 2... you get the idea. They *
* rock in my opinion on turn based strategy games, and almost all compeditors *
* try to emulate these guys. Anyways, I'll be using the Sid Meier's Alien *
* Crossfire interface when dealing with how to play the game and such, but it *
* is virtually identical to the Alpha Centauri interface. Alien Crossfire is *
* the expansion for Alpha Centauri, and is one of the rarer games for the PC *
* now that it is no longer sold. You can still find it in the rare shop *
* online, or if you want to run Linux. From what I hear, the UK sells it. *
* *
* When you first start up SMAC, you are shown an intro movie display *
* explaining some of the plot behind SMAC. Yes, you Civilization veterans *
* heard right - this TBS actually has plot, and quite a bit of it too! In *
* fact, there are a lot of fan made stories along with the standard SMAC *
* plotline (which was expanded in the expansion). Anyways, your options... *
* *
* Start Game *
* Yes, this is how you start a game. :P This opens the "Start Game" *
* menu. *
* Quick Start *
* Loads the exact same settings as the last game. If you loaded a map *
* last, this would ask you to load a map also. *
* Scenerio *
* These are custom made scenerios created using the SMAC scenerio editor. *
* Wasn't too popular. Opens Scenerio menu. *
* Load Game *
* Opens the saved game list so you can open a game. *
* Multiplayer *
* This allows you to start or join a multiplayer game. The online *
* services (AlphaHQ) are down now, but you can still play a game through *
* TCP/IP or hotseat (SMACX only) *
* View Credits *
* Duh. *
* Exit Game *
* Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you. *
* (Exits the game. Duh.) *
* *
* Anyways... for my little tutorial-like thingy, lets choose Start Game. *
* Now you are given more options. *
* *
* Make Random Map *
* Creates a random map the size that you wish to have. It will randomly *
* choose the water layout, fungus, clouds, and stuff like that. *
* Customize Random Map *
* Identical to "Make Random Map", only it asks you more questions on *
* things like land density, fungus cover, clouds, and erosion patterns. *
* Actually, mostly technical stuff. I'm not getting in to this yet. *
* The Map of Planet *
* The scenerio the plot follows uses The Map of Planet or Huge Map of *
* Planet. One is smaller then the other, go figure. *
* Huge Map of Planet *
* Ditto. *
* Load Map File *
* Loads a precreated map created using the scenerio/map editor. *
* *
* For this, I'm going to use the Huge Map of Planet. Now, you are given a *
* list of difficulty levels. Starting with the easiest (Citizen) to the *
* hardest (Transcend). On the highest difficulty levels, the AI actually *
* cheats, so watch out. :) I personally play on Transcend constantly, but *
* since this is a tutorial-like thingamabobber, lets choose Citizen. *
* *
* Now a rules page is loaded. You have a choice of playing with Standard *
* rules, the rules you last used, or customized rules. Since this is a *
* tutorial, lets choose standard rules. However, if a Civilization veteran *
* wants to play something like what he/she/it is used to, choose Customize *
* Rules and uncheck "Blind Research". Most people play without BR. *
* *
* Now you should be in the faction display menu. This shows all of the *
* factions that you can play with. In Alien Crossfire, this menu looks *
* NOTHING like it does in Alpha Centauri. However, for the tutorial, I'm *
* using an Alpha Centauri world. So, if you are using Alien Crossfire, click *
* to the left most "set" of pictures. You are given an option between *
* Deidre, Yang, Zak, Morgan, Santiago, Godwinson, and Lal. If you are using *
* the Alien Crossfire expansion, the "Info" button allows you to see what *
* they do and such. Good button, should have been in the first SMAC. :P *
* Anyways, in my FAQ all of this info is listed, so even if you are playing *
* Alpha Centauri, you can just look it up. See the section called *
* "Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Factions." Anyways, for this tutorial I'm *
* going to use Zakarov (University of Planet). For new players, I recommend *
* playing the University (if you are research hungry), Sparta (if you are war *
* hungry), or Gaia - those three are the easiest for new players to play. *
* The story line, however, mainly follows if you are playing as Gaia. *
* Indeed, when I first started playing, I lost many a game from playing as *
* Gaia. :) For this tutorial, let us choose the University of Planet. *
* Anyways, Zak is the "White Unit" faction (no, it isn't racist, it is the *
* way it is). You can change his name and stuff, but I tend to leave it *
* alone. Click on "Okay" to continue. Now you get your Planetfall message. *
* YAY! Lets go! *
* *
* Welcome to Chiron *
* First thing you see is a pod landing on to the land and a box saying "Enter *
* a name for your first base." By default for the University it is *
* "University Base". Click on OK. *
* Now, you'll notice tutorial messages as long as you picked either of the *
* first two difficulties. These are your friends. Go through the entire *
* tour, as I'm not going to explain all of that to you. :P It gives you a *
* basic interface explanation, and points to things - something I can't do in *
* this little txt file. :) *
* *
* Now, you'll notice a couple of things. First off is something in the *
* middle of the screen that says "University Base". This is your first base, *
* congratulations! Underneath that should be something that says *
* "Gov: Colony Pod" (or something like that). This is what is happening *
* right now. The Governor of your city (AI) is having the city build a *
* colony pod. Click (left click once) on the base. Now take the next *
* tour. :) This introduces you to the governor. If you have played Civ 2, *
* you know that the governor took basic actions when there was a riot from *
* unhappy citizens. In SMAC, the governor does FAR more then that. He can *
* even run the base for you... but I don't like that personally. I make *
* sure the governor is turned off as I prefer controlling ALL of my bases. *
* All your base are belong to me. Now to explain a few things it didn't *
* explain. This is the base screen. The governor options are at the top *
* (and were explained already). On the left column of the base display is... *
* *
* Nutrients on the top - this is how much food is stockpiled. When the box *
* completely fills, a new worker, talent, or drone is created in the base *
* (more on that later). Where it says "Growth: 20 turns" is how long it *
* would take to fill the box at the current speed. This is the same as it *
* was in Civilization if you have played it, and nothing has really changed *
* when it comes to this for the beginning SMAC game. *
* Beneath that it should say "Commerse". It only says this if you are *
* playing a non-alien faction (don't worry, if you are in this tutorial of *
* mine, you aren't playing an alien faction). This is the amount of trade *
* you get with other bases. This is roughly the equivilent of Caravans from *
* Civ 1/2, only you never actually need them. I'm actually not 100% sure how *
* this is figured, but my guess is that the energy collected by this base *
* increases the chances that you will see commerse from treaty or pact *
* members (see alliances later). You don't need to be connected to them at *
* all (unlike Civilization 3). *
* Below this is the MY (Mission Year), current Energy stockpile (most likely *
* 11), and EcoDamage. EcoDamage is the reading of how much environmental *
* damage you are doing to Planet (not "The Planet" - SMAC refers to it as *
* "Planet" because that is its name). The damage is increased from *
* population and resources produced, and decreased by planting forests in the *
* city radius or building improvements all across your nation/empire. *
* *
* On the right side you see a column labled "Base Facilities". These are *
* the improvements your base has. The first improvement listed should be *
* Headquarters. This only shows up in your capital city (unless you build *
* it elsewhere, but then the capital changes with it), and is used for *
* figuring out corruption. Don't worry about that yet. As you are starting *
* as the University, you should also see "Network Node" listed there. This *
* is the equivilent of Civilization's Library, but it has other effects as *
* well.. never leave home without a node. :) *
* In the upper center area of display there is a map showing the base area *
* with little numbers on things and stuff. Let me explain. *
* The White box with a black number is the size of your base. This is the *
* thing that increases when you get another talent/worker/drone. This is *
* in 10s of thousands, so your base population of "1" is actually a base *
* 10,000 citizens strong. YAY! or something. *
* The Green/Blue/Orange number thingys are where your people are working. *
* You can move these around, but I'll get to that in a moment. The square *
* that the base is built on will ALWAYS have the three sets of numbers. *
* Other squares may have 3 numbers, two numbers, one number, or even no *
* numbers. *
* A green number with a green circle around it is the nutrients provided *
* by that square. *
* A blue number surrounded by a diamond is the minerals provided by that *
* square. *
* A orange number surrounded by a sun-like orange thingy is the energy *
* provided by that square. *
* You should see two sets of these - one on your base, and one somewhere *
* else. The one "somewhere else" is actually your current 10,000 population. *
* If you get another 10,000 people (from population growth), another one of *
* these will be on the map. *
* Below the map are three buttons, one of them highlighted. The one *
* highlighted is the resource map, which is the map you are looking at now. *
* Click the "Support" button. This is a map of where all of the units built *
* by this base are. Right now, it is a small world that you see. :P Now *
* click the "Psych" button. Eventually, all of your population will be *
* listed in here and if they are talents/workers/drones/specialists. By *
* now, you are most likely wondering what I mean by that. Well, let me *
* explain. *
* Talents (Happy people in Civ) - These are the intellectual elite. They *
* are (according to the story) the highest of the high. Researchers, *
* government workers, teachers, these people are VERY happy. They are *
* White. They also increase the amount of energy you get from them if *
* I remember right, and can cause a "Golden Age" in the city if there are *
* more of them then the Workers. However, if there are less talents then *
* drones, you have a drone riot. *
* Workers (Content people in Civ). The average people. Nothing special. *
* If there are less workers then Talents and no drones, you have a *
* "Golden Age". Yellow in color. *
* Drones (Unhappy people in Civ). Drones are not good. These are the *
* people that were dropped as children. They are always angry about *
* SOMETHING, and usually treated as slaves to boot. If there are ANY *
* drones, a "Golden Age" will not occur. If there are more drones then *
* Talents, then a Drone Riot will occur - all base production and energy *
* stops, along with some other nasty effects I'd rather not get in to. *
* They also decrease the amount of energy given if I remember correctly. Red *
* in color. *
* Specialists (same name in Civ). These count as content people, and modify *
* the amount of Economy, Labs, or Psych from the base (more on that later), *
* but do NOT work the land. *
* Anyways, this Psych list shows the things that modify the *
* Talents/Workers/Drones to be what they are. Things that modify it include *
* a police force, a military, base improvements like "Recreation Commons", *
* and Secret Projects such as the "Human Genome Project". *
* Anyways, below that is the resource bar section. This shows the nutrients, *
* minerals, and energy this base is getting. How this is figured out depends *
* on which resource you are looking at. Note that this is identical to Civ 1 *
* and 2. *
* Nutrients are determined by the number of nutrients gained from working the *
* land (among other things) minus the amount of nutrients being used by your *
* workers (2 nutrients per 10,000 population). If this is negative, you are *
* starving and have negative growth. If this is positive, you are increasing *
* in population. If this equals zero, your population levels are remaining *
* the same. *
* Minerals are determined by the number of minerals gained from working the *
* land (among other things) minus the amount being taken up from your *
* military being supported (depending on what your "support" rating is). If *
* this is positive, things in your build queue (more on that later) will be *
* built adding that surplus to the queue every turn. If this is negative, *
* the build queue will start to have resources taken away.. and when the *
* queue reaches zero, units will start to be destroyed until it is zero *
* again. If you have zero surplus minerals, nothing is built. Always keep *
* a surplus of at least 2. *
* Energy is determined by the amount of energy gained from solar stations on *
* the land (among other things) minus the energy stolen by the corrupt *
* politicans in the government. No, I'm actually not joking. Efficency *
* (the political stat - yes, more on that later) modifies this, as does the *
* number of bases you have and how far away they are from your headquarters. *
* Your headquarters, however, will ALWAYS have no corruption in the *
* government (unlike in life). This value is always either 0 or positive. *
* Speaking of energy, below that is your energy allocation. This is based *
* on the tax rates by your government mainly. The energy you have in *
* surplus is put in to the Energy allocation area then divided up based on *
* your taxes. Until you change them, your taxes are 50% economy and 50% *
* labs. So, as an example, if your surplus energy was 2, you would have one *
* energy in Economy (makes you money, pays for city improvements) and another *
* in labs (researching new tech). You would have 0 energy in Psych *
* (increases the number of Talents in the city). Note: It takes 2 energy in *
* Psych to make one worker (well, 10,000 workers really) in one base become *
* Talents. It is the same for one drone to become a worker. However, you *
* don't need to worry about that. Anyways, the Bonus column is for things *
* like city improvements, specialists, and other stuff like that. If you *
* are playing the University like I said, you will notice that if you have 1 *
* energy in Labs, you have 1 in the bonus also. That is because the Network *
* Node gives you 50% (rounded up) more labs then you put in to it. This is *
* added to the total, and what you get at the end is what the city produces *
* in Economy, Labs, and Psych. Economy and Labs stuff carries over to your *
* entire empire/nation. Psych doesn't. Remember this. *
* *
* FINALLY, below all of this is the build area. To the left is the item *
* currently being built (chances are, Colony Pod). This can be a unit *
* (Colony Pod is a unit), base structure (Network Node is a base structure), *
* or Secret Project (The Virtual World is a Secret Project). To the right *
* of that is the build queue. You can set up to 8 items in the "queue" for *
* the city to build after it finishes the current one. This is a GoodThing© *
* :) Above the queue is the queue button, and below it are the Change and *
* Hurry buttons. The Hurry button speeds up whatever the city is building, *
* but it costs a LOT of money to hurry something. Don't use this constantly. *
* Anyways, the Change button changes what is currently being built, and the *
* queue button changes what will be built. Lets click on the queue button *
* now. *
* Instead of the map display, you now see the build display. You should see *
* at least a Scout Patrol, a Colony Pod, and "Stockpile Energy". A Scout *
* patrol is a unit, as it a colony pod. Units are ALWAYS listed first. Then *
* you may see other units there, you may not - all depends on what *
* technologies you have. As an example, I also have a "Probe Team" listed. *
* After that are the base improvements. You may see things like Energy Bank, *
* Perimeter Defense, stuff like that... or you may see nothing at all like I *
* do. Again, it depends on the tech you have (kinda like in Command and *
* Conquer where you have to have things before you get new things - just in *
* this case it is tech before you get other things). After that is the *
* famous "Stockpile Energy". This is what you use if you have nothing to *
* build... of course, that should never happen and I would brain you if you *
* used it this early. :P You get 1 energy for every... 2 or 3 minerals *
* you put in. Not every efficient, but it is free money (Sorta). Finally, *
* after all of that, you will see secret projects. Only one secret project *
* of the same name can be built in the entire world... you may not see any *
* there, but again, depends on tech. I see "The Virtual World" as an *
* example. *
* *
* Now, to explain each thing, let me give some examples. *
* *
* Scout Patrol *
* (Image of unit) *
* 5 turns *
* 1-1-1 *
* *
* To explain this... first off, the top is the label of the unit. That is *
* what it is called. Duh. :P *
* The picture is what the unit actually looks like. *
* Below that is the number of turns (at your current resource surplus level) *
* that it will take to finish something. In this example, it will take 5 *
* turns. I have a 2 resource surplus, so that means it costs a total of 10 *
* resources to build - which is VERY cheap. *
* Finally, on the bottom, are the unit stats. This is in the order *
* Attack-Defense-Movement*reactor. You can ignore the reactor part for now, *
* as that won't show until you get Fusion power anyways. In my example, the *
* scout patrol as 1 attack (the lowest that a unit can have but still *
* attack), 1 defense (which is no armor - kinda like walking out in to a *
* medieval battle wearing denim), and 1 movement (meaning they can move one *
* square per turn in most situations). *
* Now, a second example of a unit. *
* *
* Probe Team *
* (Image here) *
* 15 turns *
* 0-1-2 *
* *
* The unit is called a probe team. They look kinda cool looking. :P It *
* takes 15 turns to build (at 2 resources per turn, that means he costs 30 - *
* this is fairly low still), and is... uh-oh. 0 attack, 1 defense, 2 *
* movement. What does that mean? Well, anyone with a 0 attack is considered *
* to be a non-combatant... meaning they can't attack, and can't invade. *
* However, that also means they ALWAYS have special powers. In this case, a *
* probe team is a spy - they can infiltrate an enemy base, buy off units, *
* plant nuclear warheads in bases, find NinjaBurger, the works... Another 0 *
* power unit that you most definitly have is a Colony pod - they can build *
* bases. Anyways, the 2 movement means they move 2 squares (unless something *
* causes it not to) per turn instead of 1. Not too hard, right? I know, *
* this isn't easy... but once you get used to it, you won't even think about *
* this at all. Now, lets go after something bigger, shall we? *
* *
* The Virtual World *
* (Square symbol) *
* 150 Turns *
* Network Nodes Help *
* Drones *
* *
* Yes, that is exactly what it says... now you are confused, right? Well, *
* I'm here to help. :) The name of the Secret Project is *
* "The Virtual World". By the way, this style of the little square thing is *
* also used for base improvements - I just chose this one. Anyways, it will *
* take 150 turns to finish! That is 300 minerals... quite a lot. Base *
* improvements usually cost more then units do, and secret projects ALWAYS *
* cost more then base improvements. This is why you don't want to build *
* SProjects constantly. :) Below the turns is a short summary of what it *
* does. You can look up base improvements and secret projects in the *
* Datalinks (for the Civers, this is just like the Civilopedia, only FAR more *
* advanced). *
* ANYWAYS, the buttons on the bottom are fairly obvious, lets select a Colony *
* Pod and click the "Help" button now. This is the design workshop. You *
* don't need to come here the first few times you play, but eventually this *
* is heaven. :) Take the tour. However, to correct something... the *
* prototype thing mentioned in the tour will not show up if you are playing *
* on the "Citizen" difficulty level anyways. Anyways, this helps a bit in *
* understanding the unit attack/defend stuff. Hit cancel to go back to where *
* you were. If you choose help on a base structure, it will open up the *
* Datalinks with a complete explanation of the structure. Again, hit Exit to *
* go back where you were. Now, lets hit cancel one more time to go back to *
* the base screen. *
* To explain the rest... The middle area shows the base name. The two *
* arrows to the left and right of it will sift through your bases (when you *
* have more then one). Below that is the current population (showing drones, *
* workers, talents, specialists, and pants). Alllll the way to the right of *
* that though is the Nerve Staple button. Don't use that. Trust me. *
* Below that are the units currently in your base. *
* All the way to the right edge are the "Forces Supported". These are the *
* things built by the base (or at least call this base home). Right now, *
* this is blank. That is because the base was just made! :) *
* *
* Whew! A lot on that screen, eh? Well, I'll finish this guide more *
* later... my fingers hurt! :P *
* *

/ Part 05: Prototypes and Units |
* a.................................... How to Build Prototypes *
* b..................................... Suggested Custom Units *
* c................ The Little Former that Could - Terraformers *
* d.......... Crawling through the wastes of society - Crawlers *
> How to Build Prototypes Section A <
* All right, you have your base, you can build buildings, and you can use *
* all of the preconstructed units you want, what more do you need, right? *
* Wrong. *
* Preconstructed units are fine in some instances, but for multiplayer play *
* or even for single player late game play, precons suck. Big time. So, *
* here is a guide on how to build unit prototypes and some suggestions. *
* *
* Step one for creating units: Figure out what you need. I don't know about*
* you, but when I play SMAC or SMAC:SMAC, or any of the packs, I never use *
* artillery, do you? If you don't, retire the existing ones and never build *
* another artillery again! It is just cluttering up your build queue, and if *
* for some odd reason you use governors, they will build them. BLEH! *
* Step two for creating units: Get rid of what you don't need. Retire or *
* make them obsolete. As I said above, don't clutter up your build workspace.*
* Step three for creating units: Garrison. ALWAYS have some garrison. See *
* the suggested garrison further down in the section for some suggestions. *
* Step four for creating units: Formers. Again, see the suggestions *
* section for more details. Just keep in mind you want at least one for land *
* and at least one for sea... sorta. *
* Step five for creating units: Colony Pods. See formers. *
* Step six for creating units: Resource Crawlers. Now, this is where it *
* gets very unusual for unit creation. As opposed to most units, you may NOT *
* want this as cheap as possible. In fact, the ideal crawler for a base to *
* build is the most expensive crawler they can build... in one turn. Towards *
* the beginning of the game, that is not possible. However, once your cities *
* start having more then 30 resources made, new crawlers may be a good thing. *
* Also, remember that crawlers can be any chassis type except Chopper and *
* Missile - I love Gravship Crawlers myself on island hopping maps. If you *
* do not use crawlers, ignore this completely. *
* Step seven for creating units: Probe. The single rule for probeteams is *
* that they need to do their job. See my recommendations towards the bottom. *
* However, there is a catch to probe teams... they never move one movement *
* square by default - it is two usually. I think it is a bug, but I do not *
* know for sure. If you do not use proves, ignore this completely. *
* Step eight for creating units: Missiles. I personally rarely use them, *
* but they do serve a purpose. You can only have x missile types, so don't *
* worry! If you do not use missiles, ignore this completely. *
* Step nine for creating units: Ground Pounders. The best assaulting units *
* for the ground. Make sure you have a good balance of drop and non-drop (or *
* amphibious and non-amphibious, depending on time of game). *
* Step ten for creating units: Air and Sea. Can't give too much advice. *
> Suggested Custom Units Section B <
* Name of Unit (aaxx-bbxx-cc*d, alpha, beta) *
* aa = Attack Power | bb = Defense Power | cc = movement | d = reactor *
* *
* <> *
* Fission Generation: *
* Scout Patrol (1-1-1) - Infantry [10] *
* Garrison (1-b+-1, ECM) - Infantry [30] *
* Air Garrison (1--1, AAA, ECM) - Infantry [50] *
* Fusion Generation: *
* Sentinels (1-b+t-2*2, ECM, Trance) - Speeder [30] *
* Air Sentinels (1--2*2, AAA, Trance) - Speeder [50] *
* Rush Sentinels (1^-b+-2*2, Drop, ECM) - Speeder [50] *
* Quantom Generation: *
* Patrollers (5-b+t-1*3, ECM, Trance) - Hovertank [50] *
* Air Patrollers (5--3*3, AAA, Trance) - Hovertank [80] *
* Rush Patrollers (5^-b+-3*3, Drop, ECM) - Hovertank [90] *
* Singularity Generation: *
* Quick Defenders of the Faith (13-?-3*4) - Hovertank [60] *
* Quick Defenders of the Shield (8-b+t-3*4, ECM, Trance) - Hovertank [60] *
* Defenders of the Skies (-1-12*4, SAM) - Gravship [80] *
* Defenders of the Shield (8-bt-3*4, Clean, Trance) - Hovertank [110] *
* Defenders of the Locusts (?-4-14*4, SAM, Nanocell) - Gravship [110] *
* Defenders of the Faith (13-?-3*4, Clean, Police) - Hovertank [120] *
* Defenders of the Victims (13^-?-3*4, Drop, Clean) - Hovertank [140] *
* <> *
* Basic Fission (a-1-10) - Chopper [20-40] *
* Basic Fusion (a-1-12*2) - Chopper [30-50] *
* Complex Fusion (a-1-12*2, Gas, Wave) - Chopper [60-100] *
* Clean Fusion (a-1-12*2, Clean, Wave) - Chopper [70-110] *
* Basic Quantom (a-1-14*3) - Chopper [50] *
* Complex Quantom (a!-1-14*3, Blink, Wave) - Chopper [100] *
* Clean Quantom (a-1-16*3, Clean, Nanocell) - Chopper [100] *
* Basic Singularity (a-1-16*4) - Chopper [60] *
* Complex Singularity (a!-1-16*4, Blink, Wave) - Chopper [120] *
* Clean Singularity (a-1-16*3, Clean, Nanocell) - Chopper [120] *
* <> *
* Assault Deathsphere (a-1-16*4, Blink, Wave) - Gravship [120] *
* Psi Deathsphere (?-4-16*4, Blink, Wave) - Gravship [120] *
* Locusts of Earth (?-?-16*4, Wave, Nanocell) - Gravship [240] *
* Explaination: *
* Should seem fairly simple. These are what I use for defense in my bases.*
* *
* <> *
* Tank Force Step 1 (aa^-1-4*3/4, Drop, Grav) - Hovertank [100/120] *
* Tank Force Step 2 (aa-1-4*3/4, Grav, Trained) - Hovertank [90/110] *
* Tank Force Step 3 (aa-1-3*3/4, Trained, Gas) - Hovertank [90/110] *
* Tank Force Step 4 (aa-1-3*3/4, Gas, Wave) - Hovertank [100/120] *
* Tank Force Step 5 (aa!-1-3*3/4, Wave, Blink) - Hovertank [100/120] *
* Explaination: *
* This is my Tank Force series. I usually have Quantum power and lasers *
* when I use my "Lock and Load" strategy that this is a part of. Each step *
* can upgrade to any other step at any time, all of them costing the same *
* amount of money (meaning cheap upgrade cost). Step 1 is the initial *
* invasion step, as it has drop pods and antigrav struts, making the tanks *
* need less time to recoup then normal when invading (as in they can start *
* far away if they wish). After all of the units land you upgrade them to *
* Step 2 through the workshop. Assuming proper morale, this will cause the *
* units to become Elite or close to immediately, meaning they will have a *
* movement of 5 - great when moving towards the enemy bases. Upgrading to *
* Step 3 usually occurs when you reach the invasion area. You slow down a *
* bit (4 movement instead of 5, or 3 instead of 4), still have high morale, *
* and you knock the enemy's morale down quite a bit - good when fighting *
* forces that are not inside of a base. After awhile you upgrade to Step 4 *
* when you become Elites naturally, and then up to step 5 when the enemy *
* exhausted all of its good units, and then you start attacking the cities. *
* Weapons should be upgraded when you can afford them. *
* Reactor should always be (Reactor of Enemy Defense +1) or Quantom, which *
* ever is higher. *
* Defense should be avoided due to high costs. *
* *
* More Examples to come.... *
> The Little Former that Could - Terraforming Section C <
* *
* As this section is under VERY heavy construction, I'll be brief about *
* terraforming. Everyone knows on Chiron that you need formers, right? *
* However, everyone has a different way of 'forming, so I'm going to present *
* to you my way of terraforming. Mmmkay? *
* *
* Note: Works best when you have a positive planet rating, as this keeps *
* ecodamage VERY low... great for those who care, not for those who *
* already have 100 ecodamage in each base. *
* Note: This works from the Early stage up to Middle to Late stage. It *
* also works great for those that aren't +2 or higher in Planet at the *
* end of the game, or for those without Alien Crossfire. *
* Required Technologies.... are you ready? Centauri Ecology. Yep, that is *
* right. No fancy terraforming is even needed until you get the higher *
* techs, and even then it is usually not even needed except in rare *
* circumstances. What is this miracle method? Forests. *
* I know what you are thinking. "How are those 1-2-1 pieces of crap any *
* good?" Hear me out. Forests provide 1-2-1 on ANY TERRAIN. Rolling, *
* Flat, sea level, 3500m above. Always the same everywhere. On top of *
* that, forests are the only land ecological improvement that not only *
* costs nothing in Ecodamage, but actually reduces the impact of it! Also *
* keep in mind that each base, as it progresses, should have the Tree Farm *
* and Hybrid Forest ANYWAYS since it reduces the ecological impact of *
* minerals... meaning you are utilizing base improvements you should have *
* in all of your bases eventually anyways. Lets analyze this for a second.*
* *
* 1-2-1 2-2-2 2-2 3-1-2 0-6-6 *
* Forest TFarm Farm/Mine Farm/SColl Borehole *
* Any non-rock Any non-rock Rain/Roll Rain/1000m Flat *
* *
* Now, if you think about that, Farm/Mine is inferior to all forests with *
* tree farms right from the getgo - no reason to have that, AND it causes *
* ecodamage as well as requiring moist/rolling. So, we have left Borehole *
* and Farm/Solar Collector. F/S is a great combonation if you are having *
* high and wet ground... which in many cases is very rare oddly enough. *
* Boreholes require no slope, and cause the most ecodamage in the game, *
* and can never provide any food... again, not good. TFarms, averaging, *
* perform better then F/S, and more cleanly then Boreholes. Now... *
* *
* 3-2-3 4/1/5 0/6/6 4/1/8 *
* Hybrid Enr/SCol/Mirr Borehole Enr/SCol/Mirr *
* Any non-rock Rain/2000m/Rolling Flat Roll/Rain/3km/River *
* +1 Eco -4 Eco, -8 Elsewhere -8 Ecology -4 Eco, -8 EW *
* *
* Look at that... looking at it just like that, you can see why I prefer *
* Forests, can't you? Mind you, above is not including road or tube *
* ecodamage. Even including, that is -1 for Forests, -10 for bores, and a *
* -5 per E/S square and a -8 for building the Mirror. Even the rivered *
* 'perfect' version has a -5/-8, AND takes forever to engineer. Forests *
* take two turns with a SuperFormer, and the perfect one takes FOREVER... *
* It isn't until endgame that you start seeing reasons not to use forests. *
* *
* 3-2-3 3-4-5 *
* Hybrid Fungus *
* Any Non-rock Anywhere *
* +1 Eco 0 eco *
* *
* Now THAT is a bit different. That is with all of the SPs, and a +3 Pla. *
* rating.. (SMACX). That is the only time when Fungus superseed Forests. *
* In conclusion, for land teraforming, choose Fungus unless you happen to *
* be on an area that a E/S works out better... but don't build it up. *
* Also, F/S might be a good idea to lay down if you are just building up an *
* early city while you build your tree farm. *
* Sea Forming: Oddly enough, I actually automate this. *
> Crawling through the Wastes of Society - Crawlers Section D <
* *
* Purposes of Crawlers: *
* 1) Transfer minerals from one base to another. -1 mineral per turn from *
* the source, +1 mineral per turn for the destination. *
* 2) See #1, replace minerals with energy. *
* 3) See #1, replace minerals with food. *
* 4) Harvesting squares. You move the supply crawler to a square that is *
* unused (noone working it in a base, noone working it with a crawler - *
* easier done if outside of base range), move to it and hit 'o'. It *
* will extract Minerals, Energy, or Nutrients (your choice) from that *
* square as though it was in your base area - like a forest would give *
* 1 nutrient, 2 with a tree farm, or 3 with a hybrid forest. *
* 5) Rushing secret projects. The minerals are 1::1 when moving a supply *
* crawler to a base - as in for the 30 minerals you put in the crawler, *
* that base gains 30 minerals on the secret project. REALLY handy to *
* finish a project in one turn later on in the game. *
* *
* To be finished at a later date.... *

/ Part 06: General Strategies created by Æther SPOON! |
* Phases: Every good strategy game such as chess has thinkers thinking in *
* phases, or areas in which you have a set strategy. Well, to give *
* people some ideas (as each person should have their own phase), here *
* is the beginning of my phase list. This will be updated soon (maybe) *
* Phase 1: Initial Start. *
* During this phase, I expand out as far as I can on my little continent. If *
* I am alone, I take up all of the coastal areas as quick as possible, *
* sacrificing building improvements for colony pods. *
* Building orders for new bases in Phase 1 if alone or with friendly AI: *
* Garrison *
* Former *
* CPod *
* Former *
* CPod *
* Network Node *
* Children's Creche *
* Recreation Commons *
* CPod *
* Tree Farm *
* If I'm not alone, I make as many cities along the border (if I'm friendly) *
* to their lands and investigate. If I'm at war, I immediately go in to *
* conquer them without giving them time to bring up defense. *
* Building orders for new bases in Phase 1 if attacking: *
* Garrison *
* Garrison *
* Attacker - 4/1/2 usually at this point, or ?/?/1 (mindworm), depending *
* on how much fungus is near the enemy. *
* Former *
* CPod *
* Former *
* CPod *
* Network Node *
* Creche *
* Tree Farm *
* Most of my army is made of Mindworms anyways, so I train those constantly, *
* providing the money I need. Democratic/Green/Knowledge options (unless if *
* I'm playing a faction that has a bonus to economy or efficiency, then I go*
* D/G/Wealth. Also, if I play a faction with more then -1 Planet, I go *
* Demo/Free/Wealth or Demo/Planned/Knowledge). *
* *
* Phase 2: This is my weakest phase, and occurs after I regain my continent *
* and start going in to secret projects. My growth has caught up to me (more*
* forests then tree farms), but I'm still not out. None of my bases are *
* higher then pop 5, nor do I want them to be. By what I tend to do, when I *
* get a hab complex built in a base (low priority), I'll be at pop 7. My *
* first Seabases should be online now. I NEVER attack in Phase 2, I only *
* defend. *
* Building orders for new bases in Phase 2: *
* Garrison *
* Garrison *
* Former *
* Former *
* Network Node *
* SeaCPod *
* CPod *
* Tree Farm *
* Creche *
* Recreation *
* *
* Phase 3 is reached when I get my first fliers. My older bases should be *
* building SProjects or 'Copters at this point, taking every single sea base *
* they have. My building orders are the same as Phase2. *
* *
* Phase 4 is when I get locusts. ALL of my powerful bases are churning these *
* babies out by now if the enemies do not have fusion, and I take over the *
* world. However, if they do have fusion, I just build some to take bases *
* only (as they are the first air unit that can take bases), and I swarm *
* either way. Again, same as Phase 2 building. *
* *
* Phase 5 is my next real growth period. Starts after I destroy the first *
* faction (or they submit to me), and lasts (Building wise) until I get a *
* Cloning Vats. *
* Building orders for new bases in Phase 5: *
* Garrison *
* Former *
* Tree Farm *
* Network Node *
* Sea Former *
* Hab Complex *
* Creche *
* Recreation *
* SeaCPod or CPod, depending on the situation *
* Garrison *
* To be finished at another time... *
* *
* Okay, first off, you will notice in the game that strategies depend on *
* what time frame you are in- Early, Mid-Early, Middle, Mid-Late, and Late *
* Game. Let me define these locations in terms of this FAQ first. *
* *
* Early Game: Before Doctrine: Airpower (Explore 5) or Doctrine: Initiative *
* (Explore 4) if you are playing a game that involves the Pirates. *
* Social Group Advantages: Believers, Spartans, Planet Cult (MAJOR) *
* Social Group Disadvantages: Morganites. *
* Early to Mid Game (the shortest group): Doctrine: Airpower (Explore 5) or *
* Doctrine: Initiative (Explore 4) to Fusion Power (Explore 6). *
* Social Group Advantages: Spartans (still), Manifold Usurpers, Data *
* Angels, Nautilus Pirates (big time...), Peacekeepers (barely...) *
* Social Group Disadvantages: Manifold Caretakers, Cyborgs. *
* Mid Game: Fusion Power (Explore 6) to NanoMiniaturization (Build 8). *
* Actually, more appropriate would be the first drop hovertank built. *
* Social Group Advantages: University, Cyborgs, Pirates (still), Cult *
* (MAJOR advantage), Gaians, Morganites, Caretakers, Data Angels. *
* Social Group Disadvantages: Believers, Drones *
* Mid to Late Game: NanoMiniaturization (Build 8) to either Quantum Power *
* (Discover 11) or Singularity Mechanics (Discover 12). Yes, you can *
* get Singularity Engines before Quantum Engines... *
* Social Group Advantages: Hive (?), Spartans (!), Morganites, Usurpers *
* , University, Cyborgs (MAJOR advantage). *
* Social Group Disadvantages: Believers, Drones (again), Peacekeepers *
* Late Game: Quantum Power (Discover 11) or Singularity Mechanics (Discover *
* 12) to Transcendent Thought Infinity (Discover 16) *
* Social Group Advantages: University, Gaians, Cyborgs, Cult, Usurpers, *
* Caretakers (!), Peacekeepers (!!), Pirates, and Morganites. *
* Social Group Disadvantages: Believers (aren't they dead yet?), Angels *
* *
* Early to Mid Game and Mid Game strategy: *
* "Here comes a chopper to chop off your head..." - 1984 by Orwell *
* As you can guess, this strategy is about choppers and needlejets. *
* REQUIREMENTS: Mind Machine Interface (Conquer 6) (Choppers, SBA, Drop) *
* Doctrine: Airpower (Explore 5) (Needlejets) *
* Centauri Genetics (Explore 7) (Locusts, optional) *
* Doctrine: Initiative (Explore 4) (Cruisers, optional) *
* Note: SkyBase Academy (SP, Mind Machine Interface [Conquer 6]) *
* isn't exactly required, nor are choppers, but they are FAR more *
* effective. This technique uses both, but can be adapted to NJs) *
* Now, you may be thinking like I once did- Choppers have no *
* redeeming quality about them- they need fuel and have to return *
* to base at the end of the turn or they get damaged. This is 100% *
* true, but if you use them right you will never need to worry *
* about running low on fuel. Why? Because your refueling station *
* and healing station is right near by you. *
* How to pull this off: *
* First off, use your choppers (build them first) to REALLY piss *
* off your enemy by using the choppers to kill 4-5 formers a turn- *
* the SkyBase Academy does WONDERS in helping out there. Also, *
* having all of the choppers elite gives them even more fuel. To *
* do that, change to a Fundamentalism (if you can, if not, power) *
* until end of turn or something. Anyways, once they are pissed *
* off from you kicking over the ant hills, ready their sea bases *
* for an invasion. At this point, you should be getting close to *
* producing your first Locust or prototyping your drop unit, and *
* have a cruiser near by ready. Ready for what? You are going to *
* knock out their biggest defenses with Needlejets (they will *
* defend in the order of strongest to weakest), then clean up with *
* 6-7 chopper attacks. Make sure you do NOT run out of fuel, keep *
* it at 1 fuel on one chopper at least, then take the base with *
* the cruiser. After that, have the chopper rest inside of that *
* captured base, and if you have the SkyBase Academy, it will heal *
* after one turn too :) Anyways, if you are playing an alien *
* faction and conquering a human base (or the other way around), *
* use a chopper to kill all of the pods. During the "down turn" *
* that squad (Crusier, choppers, and NJs), heal yourself and buy *
* the garrison in that base so you can move on next turn. *
* Switching between 2 or more "squads" is a good idea as well. *
* By the time you mop up the sea bases, you should be ready to *
* use either your Locust of Chiron, or your drop unit. Use your *
* choppers (if they aren't elite by now, you have some serious *
* morale problems) and Needlejets to take out the defenses, and *
* invade with your drop unit. Make sure your drop unit has high *
* defense, and you might want to make it AAA as well (or, if you *
* are fighting someone who uses natives, Trance). *
* If you use two squads, you should pick up at least one base per *
* turn. For every two squads, add another base. You can actually *
* successfully attack ALL factions at the same time this way- I've *
* done it several times. Just make sure you are somewhat good *
* at the game first, and make sure they all do not have Busters :P *
* Mid Game Strategy AND Late Game Strategy: *
* "When the angel blows his trumpet, the apostle sees a key given to a *
* falling star. This is used to open a pit. From it a smoke ascends, and *
* the heavens are filled with darkness; from out of the smoke there emerge *
* swarms of locusts that descend upon the earth to devour." *
* This is my rather famous "Swarm" strategy mentioned earlier in the guide. *
* The basic premise is simple- build loads of locusts and swarm the globe. *
* However, it is easier said then done... *
* Mid Game: Centauri Genetics (Explore 7) *
* Late Game: Graviton Theory (Explore 13) *
* Mid game: Centauri Psi for Dissociative Wave (Gravship only) *
* You might be asking me, why Graviton Theory? Answer: GravShips. *
* Locusts are just simply Psi/Psi Fission Gravships that cost less anyways. *
* The strategy is obvious- Swarm the world. Preferably all at the same *
* time due to the major weakness- Empath AAA Garrison rips up Locusts. *
* Anyways, my suggestion is to build up around 3 units per base you intend *
* to capture (so, if you want to take 25 bases around the world, build 75 *
* Locusts). If you are using this late game, make 2 gravships per. *
* Also, There are weaknesses to this strategy. If you are fighting against *
* President Altoids.. er... Alato and his Rensillir, you are in for it. *
* When I first tried to swarm him with my 20 Singularity Gravships, I lost *
* 19 of them on the same base. THE SAME FREAKING BASE! If you notice that *
* happening, immediately go to the "Lock and Load" strategy listed below. *
* *
* Mid Game Strategy that works well 24/7: "Lock and Load" *
* "All right you alien assholes--in the words of my generation--up yours!" *
* -Russell Casse, Independence Day. *
* This is the strategy that I use when I get pissed off. And when I mean *
* pissed off, I mean VERY pissed off. It never is unsuccessful when used *
* in the right circumstances, and if you use it in the wrong circumstances *
* you are a moron for using hovertanks against Sea Bases. :) *
* Mid Game: NanoMiniaturization (Build 8) for Hovertanks *
* Early to Mid game: Mind/Machine Interface (Conquer 6) for Drop pods *
* Early game: Doctrine: Initiative (Explore 4) for Fish Pods *
* Early game: Intellectual Integrity (Explore 3) for High Morale *
* Early to Mid game: Bio-Engineering (Build 5) for the Clean Reactor *
* Late game: Matter Transmission (Build 13) for Blink Displacer *
* Mid to Late game: Frictionless Surfaces (Discover 10) for Cloaking *
* Note: Playing Jorgenstad works too. :P *
* Late Game: Graviton Theory (Explore 13) for the Antigrav Struts *
* ???? Game: [Unknown tech] for drop pods to gain orbital insertions. *
* Secret Project: The Space Elevator works as a good subsitute. *
* Early Game: Bioadaptive Resonance (Conquer 4) for Soporific Gas Pods*
* Late Game: String Resonance (Conquer 16) for String Disruptors. :) *
* Got the strategy figured out yet? No? I'm shocked. It isn't *
* all that difficult. In fact, I'd say it is easy - annihilate the *
* pure living snot out of them with multiple attacks. This works the *
* best when you have a small military of these things (more on that) *
* going after a large island of "Charlie" (enemies). *
* The execution of this, however, isn't as obvious. *
* I normally start this when I am against someone who has adapted to *
* the Swarm and Chopper Assault, after I get orbital insertions (to *
* make the task even easier), and before I just transcend instead. *
* See the unit prototypes Tank Force Steps 1-5 for more info on this. *
* *
* Late Game Strategy: *
* Secret Project combos *
* Ever notice how a couple secret projects "fit" together? For instance *
* the SPs that give +2 to (insert statistic here) work GREAT *
* together. Well, there is one "set" that hardly anyone thinks *
* about. *
* REQUIREMENTS: Eudaimonia (Explore 12) (TMatrix) *
* Biomachinary (Build 7) (Vats) *
* Cloning Vats and Telepathic Matrix. If you think about it long *
* enough, it will come to you. *
* A reminder on them: *
* Cloning Vats basically puts your bases - ALL of them - into a *
* state of population boom, which is good. However, at the same *
* time, the population boom is bad. Why? Drones. When you boom *
* with a golden age, you have more talents then citizens... which *
* means that the moment a drone appears, the boom is over. With *
* the vats, you KEEP GETTING drones as long as you have food... *
* When they start to riot in 4-5 bases at once, it is a HUGE issue- *
* especially if the Free Drones are on the map (and you are not *
* playing as them- perish the thought!). So, to counter act the *
* vats, most times players either run themselves out of food, or *
* not build the correct hab facilities in a promptly manner. There *
* is just one problem- this kind of counteracts the entire benefit *
* of the vats, and actually HAMPERS your growth. What to do? Here *
* is the second part of the combo.... *
* Telepathic Matrix is seemingly a useless SP (+2 to Probe... not *
* like Probe teams do anything at this point), but has one good *
* side that most people do not see unless they read the itty-bitty *
* print- drones do not riot. Yep, that's right. You can have all *
* of the drones you ever wanted, and they will not riot (I guess *
* because they are staring at all of the beautiful women/men in the *
* secret project or something). Although this seems to not be too *
* big of a benefit (oh joy! Now I don't need to build a rec dome!) *
* , it is HUGE when paired with the vats. Now, you can have a pop *
* boom and NOT have to worry about the drones... and you can *
* withdraw most of your psych, put it in to research or tax, and *
* launch yourself ahead of the competition! *
* Something else that works as well- Punishment domes (the ONLY *
* time I ever use them is in this case), and being Serabollio. *
* *
* *
* Multiplayer Strategies *
* As of right now, I only have one strategy since I FINALLY got multi *
* to actually work- start of with a huge world. Otherwise, you will *
* be squished since you (most times) won't conquer your ally. *

/ Part 07: Alternate Strategies created by submitters |
* You know, it helps for people to send me strategies.... GIMME! *
*, I'll give full credit to those with *
* strategies. *

/ Part 08: Other Frequently Asked Questions |
* Dear Æther SPOON!- *
* In Alien Crossfire, why would you ever use a standard faction? *
* -MB poster, GameFAQs *
* Dear MB Poster (yeah, I know, cheesy :P)- *
* In Alien Crossfire, the factions have many more upsides.. and stronger *
* downsides as well. For instance, the Pirates net a -2 average with their *
* government stats, but happen to be my favorite faction to play with. *
* *
* Dear SPOON!- *
* Do you know of any websites for factions or other things to download? *
* -Email *
* Dear Email- *
* No, I do not. However, if people will email me ones that are still up, *
* I'll post them in my FAQ. :) *
* Update: MiraiTrunks83 informs me of some sites. Thanks MiriaTrunks83! *
* (hasn't been updated in a while, but *
* it's got some decent info) *
* (good one, has strategies, custom *
* factions, links, etc) *
* <- the best SMeier Game resource out there. *
* Update: Wow.. found this from the SMAC board on GameFAQs. This is *
* definitly worth a looking at, as some of my FAQ will now be devoted to *
* this site: Has some great new factions. *
* *
* Dear Almighty SPOON! *
* What is your favorite faction pack? -Unknown *
* *
* Dear Unknown- *
* As of right now, the Second Mission factions from *
* *
* (NEW!) *
* Supply Crawlers? How do you use them, and are they worth it? - grendel03 *
* *
* Dear grendel03 [this was posted on the GameFAQs message board for SMAC] *
* Multiple uses exist for the supply crawler. *
* 1) Transfer minerals from one base to another. -1 mineral per turn from *
* the source, +1 mineral per turn for the destination. *
* 2) See #1, replace minerals with energy. *
* 3) See #1, replace minerals with food. *
* 4) Harvesting squares. You move the supply crawler to a square that is *
* unused (noone working it in a base, noone working it with a crawler - *
* easier done if outside of base range), move to it and hit 'o'. It *
* will extract Minerals, Energy, or Nutrients (your choice) from that *
* square as though it was in your base area - like a forest would give *
* 1 nutrient, 2 with a tree farm, or 3 with a hybrid forest. *
* 5) Rushing secret projects. The minerals are 1::1 when moving a supply *
* crawler to a base - as in for the 30 minerals you put in the crawler, *
* that base gains 30 minerals on the secret project. REALLY handy to *
* finish a project in one turn later on in the game. *
* For more infomation, see my Crawler section of the FAQ. *
* *
* (NEW!) *
* Where can I buy Alpha Centauri or Alien Crossfire at? - Various emails *
* *
* Dear everybody- *
* Windows 9x version: *
* EA/Firaxis has discontinued production of Alien Crossfire. It is *
* currently classified as a 'rare' game, meaning really expensive eBay *
* prices. You can try to find a "Buy it now!" link on eBay to find it, or *
* you can try a different country... I hear the UK still has a few for *
* sale online. As for Alpha Centauri, EA has it as one of their classics *
* and I think you can still buy it in many places. *
* Macintosh version: *
* Check Firaxis' website. As of this writing (12/26/2002), it is still *
* for sale on EA's website through the Firaxian link. *
* Linux version: *
* The publisher/porter of the Linux version is Loki games, which went *
* under a short time ago. If anyone has any clues as to the areas in *
* which you can purchase either Alpha Centauri or Alien Crossfire for *
* Linux, please contact me so I can update this! *
* *
* (NEW!) *
* Where can I download Alpha Centauri/Alien Crossfire at? - 'Friend' *
* *
* Dear 'Friend'- *
* I'm not telling. Do not email me about this, as you will be rudly *
* answered. *
* *
* (NEW!) *
* Does Alpha Centauri work under Windows ME, 2000, or XP? If so, how? *
* *
* Yes, Alpha Centauri does work under all three of those operating systems. *
* For Windows ME, just treat it like any other game. *
* For Windows 2000, again, just like any game but with these suggestions: *
* 1) Turn off DirectDraw. (DirectDraw=0 in Alpha Centauri.ini) *
* 2) Turn off possible resolution shifts. (DisableOpeningMovie=1 in Alpha *
* Centauri.ini, turn off SP movies in game options. *
* 3) Enable standard Windows open box. *
* NOTE: These are just suggestions and are not needed. *
* This will allow SMAC to run under a normal 32 bit color. There is a *
* patch created recently by Firaxis in order to help. Check EA's technical *
* support website for more infomation. However, there is one known bug *
* that I have heard under 2000 that has not been fixed - a capital Á is *
* consistantly thrown in the single player infomation display box. *
* Annoying, yes, but it doesn't really affect anything. *
* For Windows XP, see above. The "Á" does not exist under Windows XP. *
* *
* (NEW!) *
* I'm getting an error at startup running Alpha Centauri/Alien Crossfire *
* and I have an Intel Pentium 4 processor. HELP! - Various. *
* *
* Set "ForceOldVoxelAlgorithm" equal to 1 in the Alpha Centauri.ini file. *
* *
* Have any questions for the SPOON!? See the "Other" section at the bottom *
* of this guide. *

/ Part 09: Version History |
* Version 1.50- Rearrangement of all sections, *
* redecorating, reorganizing, and general *
* updating pretty much everywhere. :) ............12-26-2002 *
* Version 1.45- Added Formers section....................12-26-2002 *
* Version 1.40- Added Crawler section....................12-26-2002 *
* Version 1.36- Fixed typos, altered stats...............12-26-2002 *
* Version 1.35- Added Zeta Set...........................12-25-2002 *
* Version 1.30- Finished Lambda Set, Added Prototypes....12-22-2002 *
* Version 1.11- Fixed Typos - AGAIN......................10-16-2002 *
* Version 1.10- Fixed Typos..............................10-12-2002 *
* Version 1.09- Added Phases.............................10-12-2002 *
* Version 1.08- Added Second Mission.....................10-12-2002 *
* Version 1.00- Begun process of analyzing *
* fan made factions from *
* Also created "New User" guide. MAJOR change.....08-03-2002 *
* Version 0.74- As more people switch to Civ 3, my FAQ *
* is winding down. So, here is another update.....04-13-2002 *
* Version 0.51- MAJOR update with another section *
* and yet another strategy. Over 50% complete.....10-18-2001 *
* Version 0.09- Even more strategies, and more!..........08-09-2001 *
* Version 0.08- Added some more strategies...............07-22-2001 *
* Version 0.07- Added some details on Timelines..........07-02-2001 *
* Version 0.06- Added basic strategies for SMAC factions.06-25-2001 *
* Version 0.05- Corrected Minor Errors...................06-21-2001 *
* Version 0.04- Added quote at bottom....................06-21-2001 *
* Version 0.03- Parts 3 and 4 partially filled out.......06-21-2001 *
* Version 0.02- First Content of FAQ ....................06-17-2001 *
* Version 0.01- Creation of FAQ Layout ................. 06-16-2001 *

/ Part 10: Closing Notes/Other |
* Any website may post this FAQ (and ONLY this FAQ), but *
* will always be current as that is the only site I personally will request *
* updated. If you wish to use this FAQ, I request that you email me that you *
* will be posting the FAQ (you don't need a response), and post the FAQ *
* exactly how it is on GameFAQs in a text file or in a
 tag that has not *
* been modified. *
* ©2001-03, Robert Shivers, all trademarks are of their respective companies. *
* Some of the information came from the online story posted on Firaxis' *
* website ( at the time of this posting), some of it is typed *
* off of the misc. game screens in game, but much of this is out of the *
* warped little mind of the almighty Æther SPOON! *
* This FAQ was created in Metapad and looks ideal with "Courier" font. *
* *
* If you wish to contact me about adding a faction pack to this FAQ, please *
* follow the following guidelines: *
* 1) Full faction packs only. That means 7 or 14 factions at once. *
* 3) No changes in any of the config files required except for *
* adding the faction in the alpha/alphax.txt file. The only *
* exception to this is a complete modification (like the DS9 *
* modification found on the web). *
* 5) Please make sure that the factions are complete. I don't want *
* to look at a faction with Deidre's face on it. *
* 6) Include in the email subject "SMAC Factions". *
* If you wish to contact me about any other Alpha Centauri matter, as long *
* as it is not covered in this FAQ, just place in the email subject "SMAC". *

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