Age of Wonders

Age of Wonders

17.10.2013 10:44:59
Age of Wonders: General Game Play FAQ 1.8
Started: 06/23/01
Copyright 2001 by AverMan

| Warning |
Anyone may reproduce this FAQ electronically, but don't sell it for money. If
you want to use this FAQ for your website you must ask my permission, email me
at, and you must not modify it in any way and do it with
this the Warning in it. Also specify that you want to use the Age of Wonders:
General Game Play FAQ in your email. If you do use it and I find out, trust me
I WILL, you'll be in some serious legal trouble!!! Thanks to all who cooperate.

Age of Wonders is a trademark of Triumph Studios

| Intro |
This is the moment every Age of Wonders fan have been waiting for, the Age of
Wonders FAQ for the overall game!! I made this FAQ because a lot of people
requested me to do it after I made the Battle Tactics FAQ. So here it is the
Age of Wonders FAQ! This FAQ contains all of the things you need to know about
the game and a walkthrough for the scenerios and the campaign. I tried to put
as much detail to help as many people with the overall portion of the game.

If anyone has any comments or suggestions on how I can make this walkthrough
better please E-mail me at I really want to hear what
people think of this FAQ so don't be afraid to speak up.

Now lets get down to business. YEAH!

||| Updates |||

| 7/07/01 |
- Minor Changes to the FAQ
- Updated the "Game Strategies For All Races" section
- Updated the "Structures" sections

| 7/13/01 |
- Updated The Cult of Storms Walkthrough
- Updated the "Know Your Leader" section

| 7/24/01 |
- Minor changes to the whole FAQ
- Updated Map Making Tips
- Updated Diplomacy
- Updated Know Your Leader
- Updated Game Strategies For All Races
Comments: Sorry for the delay but I've been away from my computer for a while.
Anyway I added the Map Making Tips section and updated some of the older ones.
I will soon be adding a list of locations that you can find this FAQ at. Thanks
to all who asked to use this FAQ. Plus I might be adding the "Scenario
Walkthrough" soon as well.

| 8/10/01 |
- Updated Map Making Tips
- Added "The List"
- Updated Game Strategies For All Races
- Major Changes to the Whole FAQ
- Updated Cheats
- Updated Diplomacy
- Updated Thanks, The List & The Warning!
Comments: I've been adding The List to all of my FAQs to make it easier for
people to find. You can always find the most updated versions of this FAQ at Anyway, I took a break from the hot summer heat and decided to
put in some major work on all of my FAQs. All most every section has been a
little revised or changed especially my Map Making Tips. I felt it was kind of
weak so I asked for a little help from an MSN community. Scroll down to my Map
Making Tips section for more info. It's a lot better now.

| 9/16/01 |
- Updated Cheats
- Updated The List
- Updated Game Strategies For All Races
- Added Scenario Walkthroughs
Comments: I finally got around to adding the Scenario Walkthroughs section.
Along with that I updated the Cheats, The List, and Game Strategies For All
Races sections.

| 8/01/02 |
- Added Map Relations to Diplomacy section
- Updated Know Your Leader
Comments: This FAQ is as done as it's going to be.

||| Table of Contents |||
1. The Story
2. Things to Know
3. People to Know
4. The Keepers Walkthrough
5. The Cult of Storms Walkthrough
6. Scenario Walkthroughs
7. Structures
8. Diplomacy
9. Know Your Leader
10. Map Making Tips
11. Game Strategies For All Races
12. Cheats
13. Thanks, The List & The Warning!

||| 1. Story |||
Here is the story of Age of Wonders as quoted from the website

Welcome to the Age of Wonders, once a time of magic and peace. An age swept
into the ravaging gale of chaos by the arrival of a single, uninvited race: the
Humans. The fragile balance that existed between the ancient races, Elves,
Dwarves, Orcs and others, has changed into a struggle for power and survival in
the wake of the turmoil the Humans have brought to the land.

||| 3. People to Know |||
These are all of the important people and groups you'll run into in the
campaign part of Age of Wonders. (The next section)

Inoich - The Emperor of the Elven Kingdom until he was slain by the humans. He
is the father to
Meandor and Julia.
Queen Elwyn - Inoich's second wife and the mother to Julia.
The Keepers - A peaceful group, lead by Julia, which seeks only peace with the
Meandor - Son of Inoich and leader of the Cult of Storms.
Cult of Storms - Created by Meandor, the Cult of Storms is a group that seeks
revenge on all humans for their acts.
Melenis - Meandor favorite wife ^^

||| 4. The Keepers Walkthrough |||

| Overall Objectives |
- Preserve harmony over the Earth and its inhabitants
- Accept humans and their presence
- Actively oppose the Cult of Storms
- Avoid bloodshed and conflict when possible

|| Playing the as the Keepers ||
When you play as the Keepers, you play the good guy. Most of the missions
involve finding people or places and protecting weaker races. When creating
your leader is suggest picking one of the fairer races like the Elves. When
customizing your leader in the beginning, build up your leaders stats. You'll
have plenty of time to give you leader abilities and spells casting abilities
later during the campaign.

|| Guide ||
Here is the guide for the maps in the Keepers campaign. Since most maps are
straight forward, I felt a step-by-step walkthrough wasn't needed. Instead I
listed things to do, what to get, and things to look out for. Here is the

| Map Name |
Races on Map:

| Goblin Rush |
Races: Goblins, Halflings, Elves
Objectives: Conquer the map
Tips: Enchant your leader with Bless or some other beneficial spell so he has a
better chance of fighting. It's best that he gains lots of experience now so
he's real strong at the end.
This map shouldn't take you a long time anyway but be sure to pick up some
items in a cave/castle for your Leader.

| Decisions |
Now that you've freed the Halflings and saved Flowshire from the Goblin raids,
you must now make a decision to save the United Cities: to take a subterranean
path or to take the Trade Route. I suggest taking the Trade Route because the
subterranean path is allot harder due to the many twists and turns underground.
Either way you'll have 20 days to reach the designated city.
Note: Be sure to choose your units with the most movement points.

| Northern Trade Route |
Races: Orcs, Halflings, Goblins, Dwarves
Objectives: Get to Lunaris in 20 days or kill the Orc leader
Tips: Just follow the road until you get to Lunaris. There is no time to waste
and battle the Orcs or explore. If you took your fastest units, just follow the
road, and you'll get there in no time. If you do decide to fight the orcs, find
their leader and kill him before time is up. This is another way of beating
this map. Fortunately you get a hero to help you along the way. Be sure to get
him to join you before you leave this map.

| Subterranean Path |
Races: Orcs, Dwarves, Goblins, Halflings,
Objectives: Get to Lunaris in 20 days or kill the Orc leader
Tips: The exit you're looking for is to the east. Keep heading east and watch
out for Orcs. If you manage to find the Orcish leader, take him out and you'll
beat this map.

| Between Game |
Now that you've taken the path to the United Cities, it is time to save them.
Be sure to take your hero with you and a few strong units.

| United Cities |
Races: Halflings, Frostling, Elves, Orcs
Objectives: Get to the United Cities then conquer the map
Tips: It is a must that you get to the United Cities. Without it, you'll
probably lose. So just follow the path toward the north, watch out for Orcs,
and you should be fine. With the United Cities to back you up and the other
Elven leader, you should be able to beat this map easily.

| More Decisions |
This is where you get to pick between Dwarves and the Lizards as allies. I'll
leave it up to you to pick which one you race you pick. Just keep in mind that
dwarven units are perfect fighter while Lizards have the advantage of walking
over water. Plus you get to pick two more magic spheres to pick from. If you
picked the Dwarves, you're supposed to pick up the remains of the Dwarven
Empire after the savage earthquake. If you picked the Lizards, you're trying to
prove to the Keepers that they are better allies than the Dwarves.

| Earthquake |
Races: Orcs, Dwarves, Humans, Goblins, Orcs
Objectives: Conquer Locations Delatar
Tips: This map is really long and goes REALLY deep underground. The target
you're supposed to conquer is Delatar, which is located on the surface. Be
careful because there are lots of Orcs and Goblins running around underground.

| Southern Marsh |
Races: Frostlings, Lizards, Orcs, Dwarves, Undead
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: The good thing about being a neutral race is that you can ally with any
one you want. Be sure to ally with the good & bad races because it's better to
convert them to your side then battle them.

| In Between Game |
If you're with the Dwarves, you are now heading to a Mining Outpost to help the
Dwarves get back on their feet. Unfortunately some Frostlings want the Mining
Outpost as well.

If you're with the Lizards then you're now heading to the Peninsula of Sobek.

| Mining Out Post |
Races: Dwarves, Frostlings, Goblins
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: This map should be kind of hard since you don't start off with a city and
the Frostlings have already taken over half of the map. It's best to get to a
level 4 city and build quick units. After you take over a good portion of the
map, then you should worry about taking on the Frostlings. Just so you know,
they're a many dwarves on the easternmost side of the map waiting for you to
lead them to battle.

| Peninsula of Sobek |
Races: Humans, Lizards, Dwarves, Orcs, Undead, Halflings, Elves, Goblins
Objective: Conquer the Map
Tips: This map will be a bit challenging because the humans have a strong hold
over the map. As well as the Dwarves and Orcs. Be sure to make peace with some
of the races until you can take them out.

| In Between Game / AWWWWW MAN |
After beating the last map, bring your strongest units for the next one. It is
filled with Goblins & Frostlings.

Too bad for you because your out of the Keepers now. Your efforts with the
Lizards caused this but don't worry; the Lizard will prove to be good allies

| Hall of Heroes |
Races: Dwarves, Dark Elves, Goblins, Frostlings, Orcs
Objectives: Find the Hall of Heroes
Tips: This map is very, very hard. You are practically outnumbered by Dark
Elves & Frostlings and not to mention that most of the neutral cities are
filled with Goblins or Orcs. Finding the Hall of Heroes is twice as hard.
You'll have to do lots of tunneling & exploring to find it. When you notice
allot of Karag attacking you, you know you're close. Here is a tip submitted by
Ryu Kalil on how to play this map.

When I went through the game, I built a pair of Green Drakes in the Earthquake
level, which I leveled to Gold using the coliseum near the Goblin size four and
then brought with me through the Mining Outpost level to the Hall of Heroes
level. I blessed them, enchanted their weapon, and most importantly, I hasted
them. I sent them through the cave entrance directly to the north and then
down the depths entrance nearby, southeast to the Drow size four city. I
targeted the leader, who they were able to get directly too because of Haste.
I finished the
Drow empire on the seventh turn, which made cleaning up the level a cinch. I
ended up surrounding the frostlings last city (which contained their leader)
with towers and Bombardiers so I didn't have to worry about them while I
explored the rest of the map. Anyhow, I hope that

| Serpent River |
Races: Lizards, Undead, Orcs, Azracs, Halflings, Elves, Dwarves, Humans
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: This map is made for the Lizards. Everything is close to a river so
dominating this map will take no time. Flood is a REALLY good spell to cast in
times like this.

| In Between Game |
Just bring your strongest units with you for both the Dwarves and the Lizards.
But if you with the Lizards your officially out of the Keepers.

| The Safeland |
Races: Orcs, Lizards, Dwarves, Frostlings, Elves, Humans
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: This map will take some time but it's not as hard as the last map. You'll
have to deal with many hostile races but keep your head up. There are many
good-neutral towns to get so don't worry. Try getting a good relation with
Humans because they are all over this map.

| Blackwater Lake |
Races: Lizards, Dwarves, Orcs, Humans, Undead, Halflings, Goblins
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: Try to use the water to your advantage and try to find all of the neutral
cities before everyone else does.

| OH NO! |
Unfortunately, Meandor has brought back his father, Inoich, and now undead are
plaguing the lands. This introduces the High Men. Here is where you get to
either continue and ally with the Elves or join the High Men.

If you're with the Lizards you have a choice of joining the Undead or High Men.

| Invasion |
Races: Undead, Elves, Halflings, High Men
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: The Undead are everywhere so be prepared for allot of battles. This map
isn't that big so it really isn't that hard. Plus there are plenty of good
aligned races to aid you. If you picked any life spheres, Turn Undead and Holy
Champion will help you allot. Undead have turned a good portion of the land to
wasteland so when you get an Earth Elemental, be sure to turn the land to
beautiful grassland. ^^

| Gabriel's Last Stand |
Races: Undead, High Men, Goblins
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: If you picked any life spheres, Turn Undead and Holy Champion will help
you allot. Plus the High Men have the ability to fight Undead so this map
shouldn't be too hard.

| The Skull |
Races: Undead, Dark Elves, Humans, Dwarves, Frostlings
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: Whoa! Skull Mountain really looks like a skull. Anyway this map isn't
hard. You should be able to beat this map easily.

| Back to School / Between Game |
After defeating the Undead, it's time to learn a little something. One of your
dwarven friends has heard of a Wizard College that will teach you a spell that
will solve all problems. So you decide to go check it out.

Again just bring your best units.

| Wizard College |
Races: Elves, Dwarves, Goblins, Dark Elves
Objectives: Find the Wizard College
Tips: This is a really easy map. It allows you to gain a little more
experience, items, and spells. So just keep heading north and don't forget
about that spell.

| Unicorn Valley |
Races: Goblins, High Men, Elves, Goblins, Dwarves
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: Watch out for the Altars of Life and the Altars of Lightning that the
Elves control. Also beware of the many, many unicorns wandering around. They
will attack you as soon as they see you.

| Old Schools |
Races: Humans, Azracs, High Men, Undead, Frostlings, Dark Elves, and Lizards
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: There are many races to react with but it will be worth it when you get
to the wizard towers. By the way, this is well-constructed map.

| In Between Game |
Now that you've gained a few spells and figured out it was Melenis who lured
you to the Wizard College, you can now move on the bigger things.

| Upon the Rock of Sacrifice |
Races: Undead, Dark Elves, Humans, Lizards, Elves, Dwarves
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: You'll find many good aligned towns and units scattered around the map,
so look around. There are lots of human settlements so try to get them to join
your side. Tranquility might help.

| Garrison Supply |
Races: Frostlings, Undead, Dark Elves, High Men, Orcs, Goblins
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: Try to defeat the Frostling leader before he has time to get stronger. He
is directly east of the starting location. The Dark Elves & the Undead will be
another story. The Dark Elves have a very strong hold over the map so it might
take a while to beat this map.

| Opposition |
Races: Dark Elves, Undead, High Men, Elves, Dwarves, Goblins, Humans
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: This map will be a little bit challenging since most of the races hate
you. Try to make peace with the Dark Elves and maybe an alliance.

| In Between Game |
You're almost to the final battle. After this you will move onto the greatest
battle in Age of Wonders. Be sure to bring your strongest units with you.

| Isle of Last Goodbyes |
Races: Lizards, Dark Elves, Elves, Halflings
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: Find friendly cities fast before the Dark Elves take them over.

| Pass of Grief - High Men |
Races: High Men, Undead, Humans, Dwarves
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: You can easily beat this if you get all of the wandering humans to your
side and rebuild their cities. This will take time but, with the resources they
gave you in the beginning, this should be no problem. Dealing with the Undead
though is another problem. The leader has put poison clouds and such to make
getting to him harder. Healing Showers and Remedy will be the most effective
spells to help you.

| Pass of Grief - Undead |
Races: High Men, Undead, Humans, Dwarves
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: In this version, the High Men have allot more control over this map then
you do. Plus they have human allies so this map will be a real challenge.

| End Game |
This is the last map before the game is over. Bring the strongest of units with

| Valley of Wonders - Elves |
Races: Every race in the game is here except Azracs, Frostlings, and Lizards.
Objectives: Conquer the WHOLE MAP
Tips: This will be the toughest of all maps to beat. Take your time & don't
spread your armies too thin. Make sure your character or Julia doesn't die or
it's game over. Good Luck!!

| Valley of Change - High Men |
Races: Every race in the game is here except Azracs, Frostlings, and Lizards
unless you brought some.
Objectives: Conquer the WHOLE MAP
Tips: This will be the toughest of all maps to beat. Take your time & don't
spread your armies too thin. Make sure your character or Gabriel doesn't die or
it's game over. This map won't be as hard because you are allied to the humans.

| Valley of Wonders - Undead |
Races: Every race in the game is here except Azracs, Frostlings, and Lizards.
Objectives: Conquer the WHOLE MAP
Tips: This will be the toughest of all maps to beat. Take your time & don't
spread your armies too thin. Make sure your character or Inoich doesn't die or
it's game over. Be sure to use the Blood Shrine near you to your advantage.
Good Luck!! I really like this ending. ^^

||| 5. Cult of Storms Walkthrough |||

| Overall Objectives |
- Rid the world of both Humans and Keeper
- Rebuild the Elven Court in the Valley of Storms
- Resurrect the greatest Elven Lord, Inoich
- Restore order under their own law and power

|| Walkthrough ||
Playing the bad guy isn't that bad. You get to put down revolts and go
toe-to-toe with traitors and good guys. I suggest you customize your leader
and wait to give him abilities during the campaign. Give him the Unholy
Champion ability as soon as you can.

| Prelude to War |
Races: Elves, Goblins
Objectives: Assassinate Queen Elywn
Tips: Try to find the queen before she can get any stronger and you should be
able to beat he easily. If you think you could use more assistance there is a
4-Hex city on the northeastern part of the map.

| Between Game |
Be sure to take your assassins or the Goblin Beetle to the next mission. Also
be sure to take the Northern Trade Route, it's easier.

| Northern Trade Route |
Races: Halflings, Goblins
Objectives: Conquer Lunaris or defeat the Halfing leader
Tips: Get to Lunaris within 20 days isn't the hard part; it's conquering it. To
get their just follow the road. Find the hero on this map to help you out. If
you beat the Halfing leader, you'll save yourself sometime. He is located at
the northeastern part of the map.

| Subterranean Path |
Races: Orc, Goblins, Dwarves
Objectives: Conquer the Map or defeat the Dwarven leader
Tips: Make peace with the Orcs and have them make war with the Dwarves. Then
either find and defeat the Dwarven leader or get to Lunaris.

| In Between Game |
Be sure to bring your strongest units to the next map.

| United Cities |
Races: Goblins, Orcs, Elves, Halflings, Frostlings
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: Use your alliance with the Orc to you advantage because you in for a long
battle for the United Cities. Try to make peace with the Frostling and when
your threw with the Elves and Halflings, you should be able to take them out

| In Between Game |
Here you get two more spheres and you'll have two choices: join the Lizards or
continue the path with Meandor and join the Orcs. Keep in mind that the Orcs
are excellent fighters known for their brute strength while the Lizards have an
advantage over the water.

| Uniting the Clans |
Races: Orcs, Halflings, Dwarves, Azracs
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: There are many Goblin/Orc cities waiting to join you so find them fast.
Also try to take out the Halfling leader first since he is the closest and
weakest. Be sure to migrate the level 4 cities to orcs. This will help you in
this and the next map.

| Southern Marsh |
Races: Frostlings, Lizards,
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: The good thing about being a neutral race is that you can ally with two
sides instead of just one. Be sure to ally with the neutral & bad races because
it's better to convert them to your side then battle them.

| In Between Game |
For the next mission, bring your strongest orc units.

| Goblin Revolt |
Races: Orcs, Goblins, Dwarves, Halflings
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: You'll be going against the Goblins but when you defeat the Goblin
leader, the Goblin cities will join you. He is located in the center of the
map. Once you take care of him then you should focus on the Halfingns and the

| Peninsula of Sobek |
Races: Humans, Lizards, Dwarves, Orcs
Objective: Conquer the Map
Tips: This map will be a bit challenging because the humans have a strong hold
over the map. As well as the Dwarves and Orcs. Be sure to make peace with the
Orc until you can take them out. If you don't have one already, you'll get a
hero at the beginning of round 1.

| In Between Game |
You should have a few Orc Warlords or a Red Dragon by now. These will help out
in the next map.

Be sure to take plenty of strong Lizard units with you to the next map.

| Ashen Steppe |
Races: Humans, Orcs, Azracs
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: This map is pretty small. Most of the cities are clustered together so
taking them over will be no problem. Beating the humans will be no problem but
the Azracs will provide a little problem.

| Serpent River |
Races: Lizards, Undead, Orcs, Azracs, Halflings, Elves, Dwarves, Humans
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: This map is made for the Lizards. Everything is close to a river so
dominating this map will take no time. Flood is a REALLY good spell to cast in
times like this.

| Facing A Legend |
In the next map you'll be facing Bromac, a dwarven legend. He is pretty strong
but don't worry. Your leader should be about level 10-13 and you should have
some level 3/4 units with gold experience.

| Facing a Legend |
Races: Lizards, Humans, Orcs, Dwarves
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: You'll have to cross to a river in order to get to Bromac or you can take
the fast underground route. Watch out for the Lizards though if you decide to
the river. First you should take over the Human cities toward the north and,
when your ready, cross the river and find a city to take over.

| Blackwater Lake |
Races: Lizards, Dwarves, Orcs, Humans
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: Try to use the water to your advantage and try to find all of the neutral
cities before everyone else does.

| Immortality / Desicions |
After defeating Bromac, you'll face two decisions: Join the Undead or join the
Dark Elves. Keep in mind the Undead have many immunities and regenerate every
turn. The Dark Elves have a variety of units and high resistances. You'll also
get to pick two more spheres to worship.

After freeing all of the Lizards land, you'll have to make two choices: Join
the Undead or the Highmen and pick two new spheres.

| From the Depths of Earth |
Races: Dark Elves, Undead, Elves
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: As you move up on the map, you'll face different enemies. When you reach
the caverns level you'll face the Undead. When you reach the surface you'll
face the Elves. When you get to the caverns, don't leave until you've beaten
the Undead. It'll be easier to deal with one leader at a time. Be sure to
produce the Dark Elves strongest units.

| The Skull |
Races: Dark Elves, Undead
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: Whoa! Skull Mountain really looks like a skull. Anyway this map isn't
hard. You should be able to beat this map easily.

| Gabriel's Last Stand |
Races: Undead, High Men
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: If you picked any life spheres (which I doubt), Turn Undead and Holy
Champion will help you allot. Plus the High Men have the natural ability to
fight Undead so this map shouldn't be too hard.

| In Between Game |
I hope you produced the Dark Elves strongest units because you'll need them.

Now that you've experienced the Undead/High Men units, bring the strongest ones
to the next map.

| Noble Treachery |
Races: Azracs, Dark Elves, Frostlings, Lizards
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: You'll have to move fast to defeat your opponents. You'll be fighting a
battle against three opponents on three sides. Move quick to take out at least
one leader and you'll be fine.

| Old Schools |
Races: Humans, Azracs, High Men, Undead, Frostlings, Dark Elves, and Lizards
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: There are many races to react with but it will be worth it when you get
to the wizard towers in the middle of the map. By the way, this is
well-constructed map.

| Unicorn Valley |
Races: High Men, Elves
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: Watch out for the Altars of Life and the Altars of Lightning that the
Elves control. Also beware of the many, many unicorns wandering around. They
will attack you as soon as they see you.

| In Between Game |
You're almost down with the campaign and the maps only get harder.

| Inioch Touch |
Races: Undead, High Men, Dark Elves
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: This map will be hard since you'll have no city to start off from. You
can try to make peace with the Undead until your empire is big enough. Toward
the north, there are some Dark Elf settlements. Try to get to the before the
Undead or Highmen get them.

| Opposition |
Races: Human, Dark Elves, High Men, Elves, Undead
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: There are allot of Undead cities underground so start looking. You'll be
facing allot of hostile races in this map. Just take them on one at a time and
you'll be fine.

| Garrison Supply |
Races: Frostlings, Undead, Dark Elves, High Men, Orcs, Goblins
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: Try to defeat the Frostling leader before he has time to get stronger. He
is directly east of the starting location. The Dark Elves & the Undead will be
another story. The Dark Elves have a very strong hold over the map so it might
take a while to beat this map.

| In Between Game |
Bring your strongest units to the next map.

| The Storm |
Races: Dwarves, Elves, Dark Elves, Highmen, Halflings
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: Again we find ourselves outnumbered. This time it's even worse since you
can't even offer peace until you're strong enough. Don't worry stay above
ground and you'll find a few friendly races. Take over the Dwarves empire first
because they are the weakest. They are located toward the east. Be sure to
protect your cities because your opponents will swarm you quick.

| Pass of Grief - Undead |
Races: High Men, Undead
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: There are many human cities to get so build quick units so you can get to
them before the High Men do.

| Pass of Grief - High Men |
Races: High Men, Undead
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: There are many razed human cities and many wandering human units so
convert them and don't forget to bring some builders. Just follow the wasteland
to find the leader.

| In Between Game |
The final battle is here so bring only the strongest units.

| Valley of Wonders - Dark Elf |
Races: Dark Elves, High Men, Elves, Undead, Humans
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: This will be a hard map but nothing harder than you already played. The
humans have a strangle hold on the map. Try to take them out last but don't let
them get too strong.

| Valley of Wonders - Undead |
Races: Dark Elves, High Men, Elves, Undead, Humans
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: This map is huge and filled with hostile races. You'll have slight
advantage in battles if you have any Reapers. Just be wary about the High Men
since they are built to fight Undead. They are located to the north.

| Valley of Opportunity - High Men |
Races: Dark Elves, High Men, Elves, Undead, Humans
Objectives: Conquer the Map
Tips: You'll have a clear advantage when coming into this fight because of the
humans. Try to take out the Undead first since High Men can beat them easily.

||| 6. Scenario Walkthroughs |||
This is the scenario section. The scenarios are the major events that lead up
to the campaign section of the game. For each scenario, I gave my opinion on
the many scenarios and some strategies you should use on each of them. Here is
the format:

Size/Number of Cities/Number of Players
Races: -----

After the Fall
XL / 80 / 12
Races: All of them
Strategies: This map is pretty evened throughout the all of the race but a few
races have advantages. The Lizards have the greatest advantage because there is
water all over the whole map. A flood spell should be enough to give them total
domination. Humans also have an advantage because, on the southeastern part of
the map, there is a huge human settlement. If you can get to there before
anyone else, you will have a big advantage. The only race I would think you
would have a problem beating this map with is the Undead. When I played it with
the Undead, I found that most of the cities were either good or neutral.

Barondir Bay
M / 23 / 4
Races: Humans, Azracs, Lizardmen, Frostlings
Strategies: This is another possible map for the Lizardmen to dominate. They
start out in the middle of the map so access to other races is very easy. Plus
it makes it harder for them to get to you. For the Humans, you'll have to rely
on the flying Galleon to get your units from place to place. This is the safest
method. The Frostlings should use their drakes and the Frost Queens to take
over the waters. The Azracs are just going to have to struggle. Since all of
the races are on different island, be sure to conquer all cities on your island
before engaging enemies.

Blood Isle
M / 15 / 4
Races: Humans, Azracs, Goblins, Dwarves
Strategies: This fairly small map is fair for all races. The only advantages I
see are that the Humans and Azracs can ally and take over the map. Since there
is no underground, the Goblins and Dwarves are at a disadvantage.

Cold Fusion
M / 21 / 2
Races: High Men & Undead
Strategies: Cold Fusion is a simple map: Destroy the enemy. The only thing that
could be a problem is the many neutral Frostlings. With the High Men being pure
good, the Undead being pure evil, it is almost impossible to win them over. Use
the arenas to train your units and heroes and use the items you get from the
ruins to help you out.

Diplomacy with Dragons
L / 24 / 4
Races: Orcs, Lizard Men, Frostlings, Elves
Strategies: For this map, you should see what you could find in the blackened
area where the dragons are. Be aware because they will attack without warning.
Bring some ballista's and other ranged attackers to take them out. When you
decide to go after the other races, just use the tactics you're used to using.

First Conflict
L / 34 / 4
Races: Orcs, Elves, Haflings, Goblins
Strategies: In this map, you should try to ally with the other race of your
alignment. I always say this because it's one less race to worry about. Also
you might want to take out the Syrons guarding the Altar of Death to increase
your control of the area.

Heartwood Forest
L / 44 / 4
Races: Orcs, Goblins, Elves, Halflings
Strategies: This is one of my favorite maps because the effects used. There is
a fire that rages for many days cutting off the Elves from the Haflings. If you
play as the Orcs or Goblins, you should take advantage of this. The only thing
that you should be aware of is the serpents that travel the sea.

Honeyvale Falls
M / 22 / 4
Races: Frostlings, Halflings, Undead, Orcs
Strategies: This map has Frostlings written all over it. Since about 50% of the
map is snow, units with snow concealment can benefit from this greatly. For the
other races, just try to use your usual tactics.

L / 41 / 4
Races: Humans, Frostlings, Dwarves, Undead
Strategies: This map is filled with unfriendly units. When exploring the area
be sure to take at least 4 or 5 units. There is a small area guarded by Syrons,
be sure you really want to go there.

Igor's Folly
L / 23 / 2
Races: Orcs, Dwarves
Strategies: For the Orcs, this map won't be that hard. This is because you can
easily get the Undead to join your cause. For the Dwarves, it will be a little
harder. Since the Undead and the Orcs are unfriendly, you will have to rely on
your cities to pump out many dwarves for your cause. You should check the
caverns for treasures to help you.

Kin Slayers
M / 24 / 4
Races: Elves, Dark Elves
Strategies: This map is, for me, the most fun when played by the Dark Elves.
The chance to play as the unexpected race and to take over the above world. You
should use the fog to conceal your units and the underground passages to launch
surprise attacks. For the Elves, you're going to have to contend with the above
world enemies early on. Be aware of the Lizards and Humans because they will
have control of powerful altars early in the game.

Love Thy Neighbor
L / 23 / 4
Races: Dark Elves, Undead, Orcs, Goblins
Strategies: This map is filled with all the evil races, which makes for good
fun. There are a lot of level 4 cities but they are filled with HighMen. Get as
many of them as you can. If you feel like it, make allies a race, and then
stab them in the back. This is one of the dirty tactics you can use to show
your love for you neighbor. ^^

Mine All Mine
S / 16 / 3
Races: Dark Elves, Orcs
Strategies: This small map is really fun. It isn't as small as you think
because it stretches to the caverns, where you'll find the Dwarves. The only
thing I didn't like about it is when I got one mine, the Orcs or Dwarves took
another one back.

Mountain Clash
S / 13 / 2
Races: Halflings, Goblins
Strategies: This is a straightforward map. You will have to plan out your moves
very carefully. Try to take as many towns as you can before the enemy can.

Oracle's Eye
XL / 72 / 12
Races: All of them
Strategies: This is another one of my favorite maps. I found that it is easier
to play this map as a good race other than an evil one. As soon as possible,
you should take control of all the Altars. Each of them can be targeted at the
home of a leader. This map took me days to beat due to the size and the things
to explore.

Reedfin Canal
L / 34 / 4
Races: Humans, Azracs, Elves, Orcs
Strategies: With this map, you can use the full building potential of the
shipyard. In order to even beat this map your going to need a very powerful
navy. Build Galleons and Dragon Ships is a must in this one. If you want to
take a different approach, you can take the underground. It has many cities to
conquer so give it a try.

Reign of Chaos
L / 36 / 6
Races: Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Dark Elves, Orcs, Goblins
Strategies: Good vs. Evil in this map. It's best if you ally with the races of
your relations and focus on the other three races. Be aware that the
underground passages are filled with independents. It is also filled with lots
of goodies though.

Rise of the South
L / 43 / 6
Races: Humans, Elves, Orcs, Azracs, Dwarves, Goblins
Strategies: This map is best played as the Azracs for role-playing purposes.
This map is made for the Azracs to rise up and take the land that the want. As
I played, I found that the Humans expand and build up their empires quickly.
It's best to forge an alliance with them and convince them to fight your
enemies. Toward the underground, there are lots of treasures but lots of undead
to get in your way.

River of Life
L / 37 / 8
Races: Humans, Azracs, Elves, Halflings, Dwarves, Dark Elves, Orcs, Goblins
Strategies: In this map, a winding river goes straight down the middle of the
map. Whichever race you pick, taking control of the few level four cities is
crucial. With these cities you can pump out units very quickly. If worse comes
to worse and you have the water spheres, flood the whole map. This should cause
lots of mayhem and chaos.

Rocky Hollow
L / 27 / 5
Races: Dark Elves, Humans, Frostlings, Orcs
Strategies: Use the fact that all four races start at the four corners of this
map to your advantage. Conquer the surrounding area until you meet up with
other races. Hold your ground; move in when your ready, and this map should be
no problem.

Thinreed Lake
L / 27 / 4
Races: Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Dark Elves
Strategies: You should team up with the other race of your alignment to make
this a little easier. If you haven't noticed, most of the independent towns are
belong to the humans. Thy to build up many armies to take these towns. Also you
should use the Blood Shrine/Healing Pools to your advantage.

Toadstool Vale
M / 18 / 4
Races: Dwarves, Orcs, Goblins, Halflings
Strategies: For the Orcs and Goblins, this map will be a tough one. There are
many Elven and Halfling units wandering the area. There are also Elves and
Halfling cities for the Dwarves and Halflings to take advantage of. Don't
forget to check the underground for lots of treasures.

||| 7. Structures |||
This section describes all of the structures in Age of Wonders including types
of cities to Wizard Towers. Most of them are in some type of category but the
ones that don't are listed first.

| Wizard Towers |
- Can give you new spells that you can't research at a price
- They can also gives you spells that you can't cast or don't want
| Monster Lair |
- You have no control over these but when you enter them only 8 units can come.
The reason for entering on of these is to get the items inside and most of the
time it's worth it.
- Other variations of these are Castle ruins and Ziggurats
| Dungeons |
- These are the same as Monster Lairs but instead of gaining items you get
| Teleporter |
- These teleport units from one teleporter to another.
- Sometimes a teleporter will take you to places at random so be careful.
| Reflecting Pool |
- Allow you to see the area around other reflecting pools.
| Tower |
- These allow you to see more of the surrounding area than your normal units
- Very good if you want to see enemies from far away.

|| Income Producing ||
These structures give you gold or mana every turn. They are very valuable so
keep a close eye on these structures.

| Mine |
- Gives you 10 gold every turn
- Try to have as many of these as possible
| Farms |
- Produces 10 gold every turn
- If they are located in a wasteland they will produce nothing
| Builder Guilds |
- Produces 12 gold
- Constructs special very useful machines
| Power Nodes |
- Try to have as many of these as possible to give you lots and lots of mana
without any requirements.
- Gives you 10 mana every turn
- Are very useful in casting spells

|| Unit Effecting ||
These structures effect your units when passed over. Each structure has some
kind of benefit but the only lasts so long. The Spring of Life and Blood Shrine
are good examples of these. The Arena can train your units but it will cost
allot to do so.

| Blood Shrine |
- Gives units attack and damage bonuses
- This only lasts three days.
| Arena |
- Trains any unit up to a gold badge for a price.
| Magic Sanctuary |
- Protects units from overland spells
| Spring of Life |
- Heals all units that pass through and gives them ability bonuses. This only
lasts three days.

| Altars |
These structures are very powerful and very useful to anyone who controls it.
Each of them cause damage on a global scale. The Altar of Life, the Altar of
Ice, and the Altar of Death are the most powerful because of their wider range
for damage. They also change the type of land after they are fired. The Altar
of Pestilence makes a cloud of poison, which is only so effective. The Altar of
Fire and the Altar of Ice have don't cover many hexes but they are still very
effective. You should always get control of any of these Altars. If worse comes
to worse, raze them so enemies won't get control of them. All Altars have the
same firing time usually 10 or so turns. After you fire it once, you'll have to
wait for it to recharge. Here are the types of Altars.

| Altar of Life |
- Shoots a blast of holy energy at a certain area.
| Altar of Death |
- Shoots a blast of death energy at a certain area.
| Altar of Pestilence |
- Creates a cloud of poison at a certain area.
| Altar of Fire |
- Shoots a blast of fire energy at a certain area.
| Altar of Lightning |
- Shoots lightning at a certain area.
| Altar of Ice|
- Shoots a blast of ice energy at a certain area.

|| Special Nodes ||
These nodes are very different from the regular node. These node only produce
mana if you have control the certain sphere. On special occasions these nodes
will produce a unit for whoever controls the nodes. These events are when a
Mastery is cast. Example: If someone casts life mastery, then a Golden Dragon
will appear at the node under the control of the nodes owner.

| Life Nodes |
- Gives you 20 mana every turn only if you control the life spheres
| Earth Nodes |
- Gives you 20 mana every turn only if you control the earth spheres.
| Air Nodes |
- Give you 20 mana every turn only if you control the air spheres.
| Fire Nodes |
- Gives you 20 mana every turn only if you control the fire spheres.
| Earth Nodes |
- Gives you 20 mana every turn only if you control the water spheres.

|| Cities ||
These are the varying types of cities. From the small 1-Hex cities to the huge
4-Hex cities each city produces a different income depending on the race & size
of the city. Example: A Dwarven 3-Hex City produces an income of 41 gold while
and Undead 3-Hex City produces and income of 33 gold. So when migrating cities
pick the race that will provide you with the most income.

| 1-Hex City |
These are the smallest of towns that only take up 1-Hex on the global map. They
don't produce a fair amount of income but most produce more than any farm or
mine can.
- Can only produce level one units
- Can't be upgraded
| 2-Hex City |
These cities take up two hexes on the global map.
- Can only produce level one and two units
- Can be upgraded once
- Produces level one units faster
| 3-Hex City |
- Can only produce level one, two, and three units
- Can be upgraded up to two times
- Produces level one faster
| 4-Hex City |
- Can produce all levels of units
- Can be upgraded up to three times

||| 8. Diplomacy |||
Diplomacy very vital to beating multiplayer and even solo campaigns and
scenarios. Making the right allies and enemies determines how and who you
fight. In this section describes ways of dealing with the many races of Age of

| Race Alignments |
Knowing the alignments of each race is important when making peace or war. Good
races naturally hate Evil races and vice versa. Neutral races on the other hand
can make war and peace with whomever they want. These are the alignments of
each race.

Pure Evil - Undead
Evil - Orcs, Goblins, Dark Elves
Neutrals - Frostlings, Lizards, Azracs
True Neutral - Humans
Good - Elves, Halflings, Dwarves
Pure Good - High Men
Note: It's easier for good races to make peace with other good races. It's the
same for the evil and neutral races as well.

| Race Statuses |
There are different statuses whenever you deal with other races. Here is the
list of them.

Peace - Two players decided to not to attack each other but not work together.
War - Two players have decided to attack each other.
No Contact - When you haven't made any contact with another race. This is the
starting condition for all races.
Unknown - Two characters have met but haven't made any diplomatic actions.
Alliance - To characters have made an alliance. Allies can fight battles
together, fight battles together, and, if it is enabled, win maps together.

| Reacting With Other Races |
When you are trying to win over or destroy a race there are many action you can
take. These options are available when you make contact to the other race. Here
is a list of them.

>> Offer Peace <<
Makes peace with the other race. If they accept the peace offer, you cannot
attack them and they can't attack you. Always try to make peace during the
beginning of the game so you have a better chance of increasing the size of you

>> Proposing Alliance <<
This offers an alliance with another race. You can only propose an alliance
when you are at peace with the target race. If they accept, you now can see
what they can see on the map and it will be the same for them. You should
always try this when you're at peace with a race. It is very helpful.

>> Break Alliance <<
This breaks the alliance you've made with the other race. Be sure you really
want to do this before doing it. After you break the alliance you go back to
peace status.

>> Break Alliance with Other Player <<
You ask the player if they will break an alliance with the other race they are
allied to.

>> Declare War <<
This declares war on the target race. You can now attack them but they can also
attack you. Make sure you can handle fighting the race you declare war on.

>> Declare War on Another Player <<
You ask the player to declare war on another race.

>> Threaten to Attack <<
Threatening to attack someone is an attempt to get them to support you. You can
only use this when at peace or have an alliance with another player.

>> Make Tribute <<
Gives mana/gold to target race. You usually do this to make a race like you
better. Sometimes these can be declined.

| Map Relations |
This is a list of events that can happen when traveling around the map.

>> Cities <<
When you find a friendly city, you'll have a few options to choose from. You'll
know it's friendly when you see two heads talking to each other when you
highlight the city. If it isn't friendly, you'll see two swords highlight over
it, and the only way you'll get in, is to fight. Here are the options:

Accept - Accept the deal between you and the city. It usually is a money
agreement or they will follow you loyally.
Attack - Attacks the city. You'll have to go in combat, if you win you get the
Cancel - Cancels the first two options.

>> Wandering Units <<
If you find some wandering units you'll have a few options to choose from.
You'll know its friendly when you see two heads talking to each other when you
highlight the unit(s). If it isn't friendly, you'll see two swords highlight
over it. Here are the options:

Accept - Accept the deal between you and the city. It usually is a money
agreement or they will follow you loyally.
Attack - Attacks the units. You usually do this if you can't afford the unit(s)
or you don't want the unit(s)
Cancel - Cancels the first two options.

||| 9. Know Your Leader |||
Creating your leader for any campaign or scenario is very important. If you
pump up your leaders/hero stats and not spells and abilities, you'll have a
strong leader/hero that can't really do anything else. But spells and abilities
are just as important. Plus the race you pick plays a role. Here are a few tips
in creating and managing yet leader.

| Creating A Leader |
When creating a leader, you'll go threw several options. First you pick a
picture and a name, skill assessment, and assigning of the magic sphere. When
going threw this process, think of the pros & cons of having lots of abilities
or having high stats.

>> Step 1: Customizing <<
In this step, you'll pick a picture and a name. A default picture and name will
be provided for you but you can change any of them to whatever you want.

>> Step 2: Assign Skill Points <<
Here is where you assign your leaders skills. Sometimes you'll have some skill
points to get other abilities but most of the time you don't. You can change
your leaders statistics or add/remove abilities.

>> Step 3: Assign Spheres <<
Here is where you assign the magical spheres. You can pick from 3 to 7 spheres,
depending on the map. The spheres you pick can give you a big advantage over a
map, so pick wisely.

| Advice |
Here are the tips for your leader.

Train - In order to get your leader/hero stronger, you'll need to fight battles
to gain experience. Pick battles that you know you'll win without suffering to
much damage. Use spells with other side effects to help you out. Example: Chain
Lightning has a chance of stunning a unit causing it to skip a turn.

Be Aware - You should also be aware of which race your leader is. Some races
get different abilities and starting stats then others do. Example: Humans
leaders get no abilities or immunities while Azrac leaders have a lower defense
and fire protection.

Get an Item - If you want to focus on giving you leader/hero abilities, I
suggest getting him/her a few items first. Crypts and Castle Ruins are the best
place to get some good items. A good item gives your leader/hero abilities and
boost stats.

Enough is Enough - When should you stop boosting your leader/hero's abilities
and stats? You should really stop when your movement is about 41 or so and
attack, damage and defense at 10. Items will really help you achieve this.

||| 10. Map Making Tips |||
One of the best features in Age of Wonders is the map editor. I was very
impressed when I first started using it because they layout and how everything
is so easy to use. It is the best editor I had the pleasure to use. Here are
some tips on making maps gotten from an AOW MSN Map Making Community.

Is Map Making Complicated??

Honestly? It is and it isn't. Like anything else that involves creativity, it
takes a touch of inspiration and a lot of hard work. But let me tell you that
once you get your map out there and it plays good, you will feel like you're on
top of the world. It isn't complicated because the editor is in fact, pretty
easy to use and understand.
It's also easier if you are very familiar with the game, so you know what
different objects and units can do and affect the game.

There are a few things that needs thinking about...

| Detail |
Use all the tools and graphics that the editor has. Those trees, those flowers,
those rocks, those cracks (in the underground levels). Does the map reflect
what's happening in the world you created?

| Balance |
Does each side have a equal chance of winning? Resources, accessibility to
cities, nodes, starting units, are just some of the things that can affect

| Playability |
Is this map fun? Does it make someone just want to keep on going to see what
you've got in store for them?

| Single/Multiplayer maps |
Balance is a particularly important issue when making maps designed to be
played by a few people. The AI isn't perfect, so some CMMs give the AI more
advantage by setting them to Emperor or King levels, or by giving it higher
starting level or stronger starting units. There are a few more tricks used to
make the AI more challenging.

| Story |
Not everyone thinks that having a story is important - but a good story helps
the player understand what's happening and why he's fighting. Even though the
story only appears at the beginning of the game, if the map "works" well, the
story can tell itself. The epic unfolds during the gameplay. (of course, there
are some story enhancing tricks...)

Well, there isn't any more than these. Nobody can tell you EXACTLY how to place
the cities, the resources, the units - there's more than one way to make a
really good map and everyone's got their own style. As long as the map is fun
and playable, you've got your goal. Here's the MOST IMPORTANT PART!!!

You'll never know if it all works until you actually play the map you've made
(and that's where you're going to learn stuff). So PLAYTEST, PLAYTEST,
PLAYTEST!!! (This can never be emphasized enough).

|| Want More?? ||
There are plenty of AOW map-making tips and tools at their site. Here is the
It is very good sites so don't forget to visit it. It has everything you need
to make a map.

||| 11. Game Strategies For All Races |||
This is list of tips and strategies you can use for all races and for
scenarios. You don't have to play each game like how I described though.

| Beginning Game Strategies |
Expand - At the beginning of the game, you should use all available units to
explore your surroundings. Try to use units with the most movement points. This
helps you find valuable mines and farms plus an ally or two. Try to expand
until you meet up with another race. You don't have to declare war if you don't
want to. Just keep expanding until you can't and try not to make too many units
because gold is kind of tight in the beginning of the game.

Convert - During your expansion, you'll meet up with many different races. If
you notice that many of the towns are occupied by a single race, try taking
over a few, fortify and upgrade them, and the rest are sure to follow you but
for a price. When doing this try getting the level one cities first. By then
the race relation should be good enough for them to follow you. This works best
when a good/bad race is trying to win over a neutral race and when a neutral
race is trying to win over a good or bad.

Researching - In the beginning of the game, you'll only have a few spells.
Usually the most useless ones. Consider at lease one enhancement spells then
when your finished with that spells, research an attack spell. To research
spells faster, you should put enough mana into it so that your mana income is
+1. Once you've researched the spells you wanted, you can set all your mana to
spells. Here is a list of spells you should research.

Life - Bless, Solar Flare, Holy Champion, Divine Storm, Gold Dragon
Death - Dark Gift, Black Spider, Death Ray, Unholy Champion, Animate Dead,
Terror, Black Dragon
Air - Chain Lightning, Vaporize, Wind of Fury, Air Elemental
Earth - Stone Skin, Entangle, Gold Rush, Stoning, Earth Elemental
Fire - Flame Arrow, Call Flames, Fire Halo, Fire Ball, Sacrificial Flame,
Water - Healing Water, Ice Shards, Frost Beam, Great Hail, Flood

| Mid-Game Strategies |
Control - By now you either have a fairly big empire or a very small one. You
also should have run into a few heroes as well. If you empire is pretty big
than start producing those level 3 and 4 units. Also keep a few groups 8 of
units laying around just in case enemies try take over. Try to make peace when
possible because you don't want to have allot of hostile races to fight at one
time. If you are losing then find a 3 or 4-Hex city and take control of it.
Produce as many units as you can and attack neighboring races until you built
up a big enough empire.

Explore - You probably have some extra units and are looking for ways to make
your leader stronger. Exploring ruins are your best bet. If you're worried
about what's inside a ruin just send a unit you don't really care about to
check it out. I may seem cruel but at least you know what your up against!

| Finishing the Game |
Finishing Up - This is the hard part of the game. How do I know when it's close
to the end of the game? When most of the other leaders are dead and your leader
and your heroes have become a lot stronger. Unfortunately they other leaders
have become stronger too. In order to take them out bring groups of mostly
level 3 and 4 units to the battle in which you fight the leader. Use spells
that have other effects as well like Holy Bolt or Entangle on the enemy leader.

||| 12. Cheats |||
This is how the legendary beatrix cheat works. First find the shortcut you use
to play Age of Wonders. For windows users, right click on the icon you use to
get into Age of Wonders, and then click properties. Click on the shortcut tab
and behind the target command line, right after the "...\aow.exe", type in
"beatrix". This is how mine looks: "C:\...\...\Age of Wonders\AoW.exe"
beatrix. Be sure to leave a space between beatrix and the command line. Now
open Age of Wonders with the shortcut you just edited and press Control-Alt-C
at the same time and you should here a sound if you did it right. After that
type in any of the following codes:

Gold - Gives 1000 gold
Mana - Gives 1000 mana
Win - Beats the level your on
Lose - Loses the map your on
Fog - Turns fog on/off
Explore - Makes you see the whole map
Freemove - Lets you move around without losing any movement points
Spells - Gives you all spells
Research - Gives you the ability to research all spells

Note: Please cheat responsibly. If you use these cheat too much then the game
will not be a challenge or any fun. Just remember, I warned you. ^^

||| 13. Thanks, The List & The Warning! |||
Thank you to everyone who reads or uses this FAQ.
Thanks to everyone who asks to use this FAQ.
Big thanks to the AOW Community that provide the map making tips ^^
Big thanks to for keeping my FAQ updated!!

| The List |
These sites are where you can find this FAQ. Updated versions of this FAQ can
always be found at &

A2ZWeblinks -
Age of Wonder Heaven -
Cheat Code Central -
CheatPlanet -
Code5 -
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General Game Play FAQ in your email. If you do use it and I find out, trust me
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Age of Wonders is a trademark of Triumph Studios

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General Game Play FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Octombrie 2013
Battle Tactics FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013
Trainer starten und INFO drücken

17.Octombrie 2013
Unendlich viel Mana und Coins

14.Octombrie 2013
Cele mai MostPopulare
13. Decembrie 2013
30. Decembrie 2013
01. Decembrie 2014
11.Februarie 2016
30.Ianuarie 2018
24.Februarie 2018
04.Martie 2019