

17.10.2013 09:14:58
The walkthrough was originally published in some issue of Nintendo Power. I
corrected a small omission and shamelessly ripped it off.

I. Armor

Name Rating Found at..
Tanned Hide +2 Leaf ($100)
Leather Armor +8 Brynmaer ($140)
Bronze Armor +10 Portoa ($600)
Platinum Armor +15 Amazones ($1800), Portoa ($2000)
Soldier Suit +18 Swan ($3000)
Ceramic Suit +24 Shyron ($5500), Swan ($6500) *Fire protect
Battle Armor +20 Oasis Cave (found) *Poison protect
Psycho Armor +32 Pyramid (found) *Restores life

II. Shields

Name Rating Found at..
Carapace Shield +2 Brynmaer ($70), Leaf ($80)
Bronze Shield +6 Brynmaer ($220)
Platinum Shield +8 Amazones ($1300), Portoa ($1500)
Mirrored Shield +12 Amazones ($2000) *Petrification protect
Ceramic Shield +18 Swan ($2500) *Fire protect
Sacred Shield +16 Shyron ($6000), Amazones ($9000) *Paralyze protect
Battle Shield +24 Shyron ($5000), Swan ($6000)
Psycho Shield +32 Cave of Styx (found) *Protects against all
special attacks

III. Walkthrough

Generally, be sure to keep your levels up while you're playing through the
game and you will not have too much trouble in fighting. Talk to everyone, be
sure to save your game before doing dangerous things, blablabla..

Area 1 - Wind Valley.

1 Enter the town of Leaf
- Enter the town of Leaf. Talk to the elder in the upper left house to get the
Sword of Wind. Talk to the man in the upper right house to receive $100,
then buy the Alarm Flute.

2 Get the Windmill key
- From Leaf, follow the western mountain wall all the way up to Zebu's Cave
and talk to him. When he asks you to start the windmill, travel to the
Windmill Cave in the upper right corner of the valley and use the Alarm
Flute to wake the sleeping man inside the cave. He will give you the
Windmill Key.

3 Get the Refresh spell
- Go to the Windmill and use the Key to start it. Return to Zebu's Cave and
get the Refresh spell.

4 Get the Ball of wind
- Go to the Sealed Cave in the upper left corner of the Wind Valley. Enter the
cave, follow the path to the upper right corner and climb down the stairs.
Follow the path across a bridge, down to the bottom right corner and take
the stairs. Go all the way to the right, all the way down, then open the
chest to find the Ball of Wind.

5 Defeat the Vampire to get the Rabbit Boots
- After you find the Ball of Wind, walk up and take the first left passage to
the end and take the stairs. Walk left past the stairs and
take the first passage up. Walk up, destroy the wall using the Ball of Wind,
and continue to the top. Walk right and take the stairs. Go all the way to
the right, all the way up, then fight the Vampire. Collect the Rabbit Boots
from the Chest.

Killing the vampire
- You must be to at least level 3 before you can defeat the vampire. Use the
sword of Wind to attack. It will take about 10 hits to kill him.

6 Go to Area 2
- Continue up from where you fought the Vampire and follow the path until you
exit the cave.


Area 2 - Cordel Plains

1 Go to the town of Brynmaer
- When you talk to Akahana, he will ask you to find his lost statue.

2 Find the Onyx statue and get the Gas Mask
- Exit the town and walk to the right until you find a river. Follow the river
up and right to the bridge. Cross the bridge and walk left into the deep
grass. Walk around in the grass until you find the Onyx statue. Return the
statue to Akahana to get the Gas Mask.

3 Find the town of Oak
- Exit the town, walk to the river, and cross the bridge again. Walk down and
right through the poison ground, then to the right until you reach the
mountains. Walk up and right and enter the Swamp Forest. Equip the Gas Mask.
Walk toward the right to the first path that goes up. Walk all the way up,
all the way to the right, and up into the town of Oak. Talk to everyone then
return to the Cordel Plains.

4 Get the Telepathy spell
- Return to Brynmaer, then follow the mountains up past the cave and then to
the right until you reach Tornel's Training Studio. Prove yourself by
forcing Stom to the back wall, then receive the spell from Tornel.

5 Get the Insect Flute
- Return to the Town of Oak and talk to the mother in the bottom house. She
will ask you to find her lost boy. Exit Oak and walk all the way down. Go
right to the first path going down, continue all the way down then left.
When you find the small boy, return him to his mother in the Oak. She will
give you the Insect Flute in return.

6 Get the Sword of Fire
- Talk to the man in the upper house to get the sword.

7 Defeat the Giant Insect and get the Ball of Fire
- Exit the town of Oak. Walk down and to the first right path. Go all the way
to the right then up until you reach a large open space. Use the Insect
Flute to make the Giant Insect appear, then defeat it with the Sword of
Fire. You will receive the Ball of Fire when you beat it.

8 Proceed to Area 3
- Return to Brynmaer, stay at the Inn, and save your game. Exit the town and
follow the southern mountains to the entrance of Mt. Sabre in the lower left
corner of the Cordel Plains.


Area 3 - Mt. Sabre

1 Get the Tornado Bracelet
- On Mr. Sabre, follow the path to the left and up, then take the left path.
Continue left until you reach the second ice slide going up. Equip the
Rabbit Boots and deactivate or remove any spells, then hop up the ice slide.
Walk right across the bridge and enter the cave. Walk up and destroy the
wall with the Sword and Ball of Fire. Continue all the way up, all the way
to the left, all the way up, then right to the next wall of ice. Destroy the
wall and continue up. Open the chest to get the Tornado Bracelet.

2 Get the Teleport spell
- Exit the cave and return to the ice slide. From the bottom of the slide,
follow the path to the left, down and right to the cave entrance. Walk all
the way up, all the way to the right, then walk up and destroy the ice wall.
Continue up and follow the path to the end, then take the stairs. Walk up,
to the right, then down and break the ice wall. Go to the right and take the
stairs. Follow the path until it branches, then go up,
down two staircases until
you reach an ice wall. Destroy it and follow the path out of the cave. Talk
to Tornel to receive the spell.

3 Talk to Zebu
- Use the Teleport spell to return to Leaf. Exit it and work your way back to
Zebu's cave. Destroy the ice wall behind Zebu then talk to him. He will
instruct you to return to Leaf.

4 Return to Leaf
- Talk to the Rabbit inside the upper left woodshed to learn about the missing

5 Go to Mt. Sabre North
- Use the Teleport spell to return to Oak. Exit the Swamp Forest and go north
to the entrance to Mt. Sabre North. Follow the path to Nadare's inn. Stay at
the inn then follow the path until you find the guards. Draw them away from
the cave then enter it.

6 Find the Prison Key
- Go all the way up and take the stairs. Follow the path left then go all the
way down to exit the cave. Walk right and enter the next cave. Follow the
path to the right then all the way up and take the stairs. Follow the path
out of the cave. Take the path to the left and up, then enter the cave. Go
to the right and take the first path up. Take the stairs, then follow the
path until you exit the cave again. Go right and enter the cave. Go left,
break the second ice wall and continue up. Talk to the prisoners, break the
upper ice wall and collect the Prison Key.

7 Defeat Gen. Kelbesque and get the Flame Bracelet
- Go all the way down, back to the right, then break the ice wall. Continue
up, talk to the prisoners and break the next ice wall. Follow the upper path
until you are outside the cave. Go to the left and walk up the steps to find
General Kelbesque. Defeat him, then open the chest to get the Flame

Killing Gen. Kelbesque
- You must be at level 7 or higher. Use the Sword of Wind at any power. Hit
him quickly from the sides while you are dodging his shots.

8 Get the Paralysis spell and go on to area 4
- Enter the locked gate to find the elder and receive the Paralysis spell.
Continue past the elder and exit the cave. Go down the ice slide to begin
area 4.


Area 4 - The capital of water

1 Get the Flute of Lime
- Talk to the fortune teller in the upper right building. Enter the queen's
castle in the upper left corner of Portoa. Go through the center door, talk
to the queen, then exit the castle. Go back and talk to the fortune teller
again. Return to the castle. When you walk in the first door, quickly step
to the left and paralyze the guard before he can block the door. Enter the
queen's chamber, then exit through the back. Go back to the fortune teller,
then return to the queen again. She will give you the Flute of Lime.

2 Get the Sword of Water
- From the town of Portoa, work your way up and right until you find a
waterfall. Walk behind the waterfall and follow the path until it branches
in three directions. Take the right path and follow it to the stairs. Walk
up and right to the stone people. Use the Flute of Lime to restore them to
normal, then take the stairs. Go all the way up, then follow the right hand
path until you reach an ice wall. Destroy the wall and continue up. Follow
the path to the river, then go up and take the first path to the right.
Destroy the wall and open the chest to find the sword.

3 Get the Shield Ring
- After getting the Sword of Water, walk left to the river, head down, then
take the first path to the right and follow it to the stairs. Take the
stairs, and continue following the path until you reach a three-way
intersection. Follow the left hand path to the ice wall. Destroy the wall
and continue up. Go all the way up, all the way to the right, all the way up
and open the chest to get the Flute of Lime. Go back down and take the first
path to the left. Walk left, take the first path leading up, then use the
flute to return Akahana to normal. Get the ring from Akahana before he

4 Get the Ball of Ice
- Exit the Waterfall cave and return to Portoa. After staying at the inn, exit
the town and walk right to the bridge. Cross the bridge, walk down to the
mountains, then follow them to the right. Walk down through the mountains,
then continue following them to the left. Eventually, you'll reach a path
heading down and left. Take the path, then walk toward the upper left corner
until you find the Lime Tree Lake. Rage will give you the Ball of Ice.

5 Get the Recover spell
- Return to Portoa, buy a medical herb, then enter the castle. Exit into the
caves behind the queen's chambers. Follow the river until you see a narrow
spot in the river below you. Use the Sword of Water to build a bridge, then
cross the river and continue right. Take the passage down, enter the second
door, and walk back up to the river. Build a bridge above you and cross the
river again. Enter the doorway to the right of the bridge and talk to Asina
to get the spell.

6 Get the Shell Flute
- From Asina's room, walk all the way to the left, all the way up, and build
a bridge above you. Cross the bridge and continue up to the sick dolphin.
Make sure that you are completely healed, then use a medical herb to cure
the dolphin. He will give you the Shell Flute.

7 Get the Fog Lamp
- Return to Portoa, exit the town, then walk right until the river blocks your
path. Go up a few steps and build a bridge across the narrow spot in the
river. Continue walking to the right then enter the cave. Walk all the way
up and all the way to the left. Continue your way up and take the first path
to the right. Go all the way to the right, all the way down, then take the
stairs. Step right and go down the stairs. Go all the way to the right, all
the way down, go left and take the first path going down. Go all the way
down, head all the way right, then take the stairs. Go all the way left, all
the way up(stairs)
, then right and take the first path down. Work your way past two
rock walls, go right, then follow the path until you find a chest. Open it
to find the lamp.

8 Get the Kirisa Plant
- After you find the lamp, find your way out of the cave. Return to Portoa and
stay at the inn. Exit the town, walk right to the bridge and down across the
river. Walk down and right, then take the passage down through the
mountains. On the other side of the passage, walk along the river until you
find a place to build an ice bridge. Cross the river, continue walking right
and enter the cave. Follow the path to the end and take the stairs. Go right
and take the first path going down. Walk all the way down, all the way to
the left, and climb the stairs. Follow the path to the end and take the
stairs. When you are outside, walk around in the upper right patch of bushes
to find the Kirisa Plant.

9 Go to the Angry Sea
- Return to Portoa and enter the building on the far left side of town. Give
the Fog Lamp to the man at the top of the room. Go outside and hop into the
boat. You'll ride to area 5.


Area 5 - The angry sea

1 Find the Love Pendant
- While you are on the beach, use the Shell Flute to call the dolphin and ride
it along the mountains on your left. Follow the mountains up, to the left,
down, then back to the right. Enter the cave that you find there. Ride all
around on the dolphin while you are inside the cave until you find the Love

2 Go to Joel
- Return to the beach hut then ride the dolphin straight up until you find an
island. Land on the beach and enter the cave on the south end of the island.
Take to Ralph, the elder of Joel, in the upper left building.

3 Get the Iron Necklace
- Exit Joel, call the dolphin, and ride it up and left to Evil Spirit Island.
Enter the cave on the south side of the island, and ride to the beach on the
right side of the cave, then take the stairs. Follow the path to the river,
walk all the way down, then right to the narrow spot in the river. Build a
bridge above you and cross the river. Walk all the way to the left, all the
way up, all the way to the right, then down to the narrow spot in the river.
Make a bridge to your right and cross the river. Go all the way up, then
left to the third path going up. Follow the path to the end and take the
stairs. Walk all the way to the left, all the way down, all the way to the
left, then follow the path to the stairs. Go left to the river, all the way
down, then build a bridge to your left. Cross the river, walk up and open
the chest to get the necklace.

4 Find the zombie town
- After getting the necklace, go back and take the stairs. Go all the way to
the left, all the way down, all the way to the right, then up to the first
path going right. Walk all the way to the right, all the way up, then head
right to the first path leading down. Work your way down across the moving
platform, all the way to the left, and all the way down. Go left and take
the stairs to enter the town.

5 Get the Broken Statue
- Work your way to the top of the zombie town and enter the castle. Walk up to
the four-way intersection, go all the way to the right, then continue up to
the vampire's room. Defeat the vampire then take the stairs. Walk up and
take the first path going left. Go all the way to the left, all the way
down, all the way to the right, then go up and take the stairs. Continue up
and attack the woman in the first room (it's Sabera in disguise). Don't
continue up or you will be trapped! Defeat Sabera to receive the statue.

Killing the vampire
- You must be at least to level 10 to hurt him. Use the Sword of Wind at any
power while dodging the bats and hit him 7-12 times. Once he's defeated,
open the chest to get a Fruit of Power.

Killing Sabera
- You must be at least to level 11 to hurt her. Use the Sword of Fire at any
power while dodging her fireballs and hit her 3-9 times. Once she's
defeated, open the chest to get the Broken Statue.

6 Get rid of the whirlpool
Leave the castle and talk to everyone in town. Clark (in the basement in
the only house you can enter) will give you his Eye Glasses. Teleport
back to Joel and buy an alarm flute.

Enter the shack next to the elder's house, and use the
glasses. A secret door will appear; take the door, which leads to the
lighthouse. Inside is Kensu who is sleeping; wake him and he'll go away,
leaving the Glowing Lamp. Use it immediately and it'll turn your Broken
Statue into the Statue of Gold! Ride the dolphin to the upper-left corner
of the map. You'll find an island with a little structure on it; head in
the structure and use the Statue of Gold. The Angry Sea will be calmed.
Head due north of the island and go in between two rocks (where a
whirlpool previously was). You'll get the Barrier magic from Asina and
will go on to the next section.


Area 6 - A port town

1 Find Swan
- After finishing area 5, ride the dolphin to the upper right area of the sea.
When you find a beach, land on the shore and walk up between the rocks to
find the town. In Swan rest at the inn and save your game.

2 Get the Change spell
- Talk to Stom in the woodshed next to the inn to learn about Kensu. Enter the
pub and talk to the only soldier standing still. Use Paralysis on him and
talk to him again. When he disappears, enter the building on the far right
side of town. Use Paralysis on the person in the lower left corner, then
talk to him. When he reveals himself as Kensu, give him the Love Pendant to
receive the Change spell.

3 Get the Bow of Moon
- Use Teleport and return to Brynmaer. Exit the town, walking east until you
reach the river. Follow the river downstream. When you find a place to make
an ice bridge, cross the river and continue down to the mountains. Walk
through the break in the mountains to enter the town of Amazones. Use Change
to turn into a female. Enter the building on the far right side of town and
talk to the queen (Aryllis).
Give her the Kirisa Plant to get the Bow of Moon.

4 Get the Blizzard bracelet
- After talking to the queen, take the stairs that are behind the throne. You
will find the bracelet in the chest downstairs.

5 Exit Swan
- Use Teleport to return to Swan. Use Change to turn into a soldier. Exit the
left side of town and walk up past the guards. Continue left one more screen
to begin area 7.


Area 7 - Mt. Hydra

1 Find Shyron
- After exiting Swan, work your way down and left to the entrance of Mt.
Hydra. Follow the path left and up until the path splits, then continue left
to the river of lava. Use the Sword of Water to build a bridge over the lava
and walk left to the cave. Follow the path to the end and take the stairs.
Use Change to turn into Stom (the first man you can turn into). Walk left
past the guards and into the town of Shyron.

2 Get the Key of Stxy (oooops.. i mean Styx)
- Work your way to the top of Shyron and enter the building. Change back to
yourself and talk to Zebu to receive the key.

3 Get the Sword of Thunder
- Exit Shyron, walk to the right and enter the cave. Follow the path to the
end and exit the cave. Walk right across the river of lava then take the
path leading up. Follow the path to the end and enter the cave. Work your
way up then to the left and take the stairs. Follow the path across the
bridge, up, and back to the right. Build an ice bridge across the river of
lava and follow the path until it splits. Take the left path and follow it
to the stairs. Climb the stairs and use the Key of Styx to open the gate.
Enter the cave and walk up past the shooting statues. Go to the left then up
the stairs and defeat the witch who is blocking the door. Continue up until
you reach the green river. Go left and follow the river until you find a
place to build an ice bridge. Cross the bridge and follow the river down
until you find the next place to build an ice bridge. Cross the river and
follow the path to the stairs. Walk left, then go up and take the first
path until you reach the spikes. Equip the rabbit boots and hop across the
spikes, taking the first path on the right. Continue right and open the
chest to get the sword.

4 Enter the fortress of Goa
- Exit the Mt. Hydra area, work your way up and right, then enter the castle.
Go straight up through the town of Goa and enter the fortress. Walk up past
the shooting statues to the large stone face. When you receive the message
that Shyron is under attack, return to Shyron.

5 Get the Ball of Thunder
- When you return to Shyron, go to the top of the town and kill Mado. Open the
chest that appears to receive the Ball of Thunder.

Killing Mado
- Make sure that you have reached at least level 11 before you attempt to
fight Mado or you won't be able to damage him. Use the Sword of Water at any
power level while you are avoiding his rolling attack. If you hit him 10-13
times, he will be defeated.


Area 8 - A fortress city

1 Get the Power Ring
- Exit the town of Goa and walk straight south to the mountains, then walk
left to a passage that leads south to the desert. Follow the mountains to
the left until you find an oasis. Enter the cave south of the oasis, walk
up, take the first path to the right and take the stairs. Walk right to the
river, then work your way up to the first place where you can build an ice
bridge. Cross the river, walk down and take the first path right. Walk
right to the river, then then up to the first place where you can build an
ice bridge. Cross the river, walk up, continue to the right, then build
another ice bridge. Cross the river and continue down, all the way to the
right, then go down to the next place to build an ice bridge. Cross the
river, walk all the way down then left to the first path going up. Walk up,
take the stairs, and continue up until you reach the face in the wall.
Destroy the face with the Sword of Thunder and open the chest to receive the

2 Get the Leather Boots
- From the entrance to the oasis cave, walk up and take the first right to the
stairs. Walk right to the river, then up to the first path going left.
Follow the path all the way to the end and open the chest to get the boots.

3 Find and kill Gen. Kelbesque
- Return to Goa and enter the fortress at the top of the town. Defeat the
stone face inside using the Sword of Thunder. Continue up and take the left
path. Follow the path past four staircases and take the next path that goes
to the left. Follow the path, then take the next set of stairs. Walk right,
then up, all the way to the right, and down to the first path going right.
Walk right, take the path going down and follow it all the way to Gen.
Kelbesque. Open the chest that appears to get the Opal Statue.

Killing Gen. Kelbesque
- Make sure that you have reached at least level 13 before you fight him, or
you'll be unable to damage him. If you use the Sword of Wind along with the
Power Ring, it should take 4-6 hits to kill him.

4 Find and kill Sabera
- After defeating Kelbesque, continue up the stairs. Talk to Zebu to regain
your strength and continue up to the stairs. Follow the path until you
reach the river of lava. Follow the river down, to the right, then all the
way to the right and build an ice bridge. Cross the river to the right,
continue to the right, then go up and build an ice bridge. Cross the river,
walk down to the left, all the way up to the left, then all the way up.
Continue to the right, then go down and build an ice bridge. Walk up, then
left to the first path going up. Walk up, destroy the stone face, then
continue to the stairs. Walk to the top of the room and kill Sabera. Open
the chest that appears to get the Fruit of Repun.

Killing Sabera
- Make sure that you are at least to level 13 before fighting her or she won't
be hurt by your shots. Hit her 4-6 times with the Sword of Fire while using
the Power Ring to finish her off.

5 Find and kill Mado
- After defeating Sabera, continue up and talk to Tornel to regain your
strength, then walk up and take the stairs. Continue up and take the first
path to the right. When you reach the spiked pit, equip your Leather Boots,
walk up through the spikes, then follow the path to the stairs. Walk left
and down, then ride down across all three moving platforms. Go to the left,
then up past a moving platform and take the stairs. Walk to the top of the
room and kill Mado. Open the chest that appears to get the Sacred Shield.

Kililng Mado
- You must be at least to level 14 in order to damage him. Use the Sword of
Water along with the Power Ring to beat him in 6-8 shots.

6 Find and kill Karmine
- After killing Mado, continue up and talk to Asina to regain your strength,
then walk up and take the stairs. Follow the path to the three way
intersection. Take the path to the right and follow it to the stairs. Walk
up, to the right, then go down and take the stairs. Follow the path and take
the next set of stairs. Go up, to the right, up and left to the first path
going up. Destroy the stone face with the Sword of Thunder and continue all
the way up. Walk to the right and take the stairs. Walk left to the third
spiked pit, then work your way to the top of the pit and take the stairs.
Walk up past the shooting statues and kill Karmine. Open the chest that
appears to get the Ivory Statue.

Killing Karmine
- You are unable to damage him until you reach level 14. Hit him 8-10 times
with the Sword of Thunder and the Power Ring.

7 Find the Storm Bracelet
- After killing Karmine, walk all the way to the top of the room and open the
chest to receive the bracelet.

8 Find the Flight spell
- Walk back down from Karmine's room, past the statues, and take the stairs.
Walk down across the spikes and take the stairs on the left. Walk to the
right and take the first path up. Walk up and talk to the blue blob. Use the
Ivory Statue to return Kensu to normal. In return, he'll give you the spell.

9 Find the Warrior Ring
- Return to Goa and enter the building in the upper right. Use Change to turn
into Akahana, then talk to the man inside. He will give you the ring.

10 Find the Bow of Sun
- Return to Mt. Hydra and follow the path until it splits. Follow the path
that leads up and enter the cave. Walk up and left, then take the stairs.
Follow the path as it winds around the mountain. When the path splits, go
right and enter the cave. Walk up then left to the stairs. Continue to the
left, up, then all the way to the right and take the stairs. Follow the path
to the stairs, destroying the wall that blocks your way. Walk right and
follow the path until you exit the cave. Continue to the left, using the
Flight spell to cross the chasm. Open the chest to get the bow.

11 Find the Psycho Shield
- Return to the entrance to the Cave of Styx located at the top of Mt. Hydra.
Walk up past the shooting statues, all the way to the right, all the way up,
then defeat the witch. Continue walking up until you reach a green river. Go
all the way to the right, then go up until you can see a path to the left
across the river. Fly across the river, continue left and open the chest to
find the shield.


Area 9 - Death Desert

1 Find the Desert Plains
- Exit the town of Goa and walk south until you reach the mountains. Walk to
the left, then take the passage south through the mountains and into the
desert. Continue walking south until you reach the cave that's blocked by
whirlpools. Use the Flight spell to enter the cave, then follow the path
until you exit the cave.

2 Get Deo's Pendant
- As soon as you enter the cave, use Change to turn into Stom. Talk to all of
the rabbits outside the cave. When you find the rabbit Deo, he will give you
the pendant.

3 Find and kill Draygon
- Continue south into the town of Sahara. After talking to everyone, exit the
town to the right and enter the cave. Travel through the cave then exit into
the desert. Walk down and right then use Flight to enter the Pyramid.
Inside, walk all the way up, all the way to the left, then take the stairs.
Continue to the right, then down to the third path that goes to the right.
Walk to the right and take the first set of stairs above you. Continue up
and fight Draygon. Open the chest that appears to get the Psycho Armor.

Killing Draygon
- You must be at least level 15 to damage him. Hit him 2-8 times with the
Sword of Thunder and the Power Ring to kill him.

4 Get the Bow of Truth
- After killing Dragonia, fall down the hole that appears and talk to Azteca.
He will give you the bow.

5 Kill Draygon (again)
- Exit the Pyramid, then use Flight to travel north to the Basement entrance.
Follow the path to the end. When you encounter the two dog statues, use your
bows to defeat them. Shoot the dog with the moon above it with the Bow of
Moon and the dog with the sun above it with the Bow of Sun, then take the
staircase that appears. Walk up, take the path that goes to the right and
follow it to the spiked pit. Continue up through the pit and take the
stairs. Go all the way up, all the way to the left, and down through the
spiked pit. Continue to the right, use Flight to work your way to the top,
then take the stairs. Walk up and kill Draygon.

Killing Draygon (again)
- You must be at level 16 to kill him. Hit him with the Bow of Truth to reveal
Dragonia's true form. Equip the Power Ring and charge up the Sword of
Thunder. Hit him with the thunder when the gem in his chest begins to glow.
If you time it right it should only take 2-3 shots to kill him.


Area 10 - The tower in the sky

1 Enter the tower
- After you have defeated Draygon you will automatically enter the base of
the tower.

*** NOTE: If you save the game in the tower you cannot go back! ***

2 Work your way to the top of the tower
- Equip the Warrior Ring and the Sword of Thunder. Walk back and forth on the
first floor, defeating all the robots that appear. When you've killed
enough robots, the screen will flash and a tone will sound;
walk to the far edge of the floor and take the stairs that appear.
Repeat this process for each floor as you work your way up the tower. If you
run low on MP, wait on the stairs while wearing Deo's Pendant to refill your

3 Get the Crystalis Sword
- When you reach the top floor, enter the far right doorway. You will
automatically drop your swords and Mesia will combine then into the
Crystalis Sword.

4 Destroy DYNA
- Exit Mesia's room and take the stairs on the right to the top of the tower.
When you enter the computer room, equip the Crystalis Sword and the Warrior
Ring. Shoot the blue eye of the computer as fast as you can whenever it
opens. When you destroy the computer the game is over!

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17.Octombrie 2013
engl. FAQ

17.Octombrie 2013
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