Age of Empires

Age of Empires

16.10.2013 19:33:05
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Version History:
(v1.3) 4\90
Wow, I had thought I had lapsed after four daysà well, this update, I've added the next campaign (Expansion: Enemies of Rome), a new section on hotkeys, a scoring section and I've tested the remaining untested cheats. Just a few more campaigns and t& , one every day, as long as I feel like it.

(v1.0) 3\50
First Version of the FAQ. Right now, I only have the first two campaigns, but the others will be ready soon.

1: Civilization attributes
2: Buildings
3: Units
4: Technologies
5: Campaign Tips
6: Cheat Codes
7: FAQ
8: Scoring
9: Hot Keys
10: Credits

1. Civilization Attributes

Assyria: Archer units fire faster; Villagers are 30% faster

Babylon: Wall and tower HP doubled; Priests regain faith 30% faster; +30% stone mining speed

Carthage: Transport ships 30% faster; fire galley +25% damage; Academy + elephant units +25% hp

Chos: Long Swordman + legion +80 hp; +2 tower range; Priests cost 30% less

Egypt: +20% gold mining speed; chariots +33% hp; +3 conversion range

Greece: Academy units 30% faster; warships 30% faster

Hititia: Double HP for catapult units; archer units +1 damage; warships +4 range (not fire galleys)

Macedonia: Academy units +2 armor vs. missile weapons; non-ranged units +2 line of sight; siege weapons cost 50% less; units 4x resistant to conversion

Minoa: Ships cost 30% less; composite bowmen +2 range; farm production +25%

Palmyra: Tribute free; 2x gold per trade; villagers cost 50% more, have armor, and work 20% faster; camel riders 25% faster

Persia: +30% hunting speed; elephant units 50% faster; trireme +50% fire rate

Phoenicia: Elephant cost 50% less; +30 woodcutting speed; catapult trireme, juggernaught, and Flying Dutchmen +65% firing rate

Rome: Buildings except for towers, walls, and wonders cost 15% less; towers cost 50%less; swordsmen +33% attack speed

Sha: villagers cost 30% less; 2x wall HP

Sumeria: villagers +15 HP; catapult units +50% fire rate; farm production doubled

Yamoto: Horse archers, scout cavalry, heavy cavalry, and cataphract, cost 25% less; villagers 30% faster; ships +30% hp

2: Buildings
Technology buildings: (w=wood f=food g=gold s=stone)
Age Cost HP Purpose
Academy: bronze 200W 350 Train Military Units
Archery range: tool 150w 350 Train Archer Units
Barracks: stone 125w 350 Train Infantry
Dock: stone 100w 350 Build Ships
Gov. Center: Bronze 175w 350 Research Technologies
Granary: stone 120w 350 Hold Food; Research
Market: tool 150w 350 Give Tribute; Research
Siege Workshop: bronze 200w 350 Build Siege Weapons
Stable: tool 150W 350 Train Cavalry
Storage Pit: stone 120w 350 Hold w, g, s. Research
Temple: bronze 200w 350 Train priests; research
Town Center: Stone 200w 600 Train Villagers; Advance Ages

Non-Technological Buildings
Age Cost HP Attack Range
Ballista Tower: iron 150s 200 20 7
Farm: tool 75w 50 - -
Fortification: iron 5s 400 - -
Guard tower: iron 150s 200 6 7
House: stone 30w 75 - -
Medium Wall: Bronze 5s 300 - -
Sentry Tower: bronze 150s 150 4 6
Small Wall: tool 5s 200 - -
Watch Tower: tool 150s 100 3 5
Wonder: iron 1000w,s,g 500 - -

3: Units

Note: If something is 'Strong' against something, it both takes less damage from those sources and deals them more damage.

Cost HP Attack Range Speed Special
Villager: 50F 25 3 - m build\gather
Priest: 125g 25 - 10 s -

Clubman: 50f 40 3 - m -
Axeman: 50f 50 5 - m -
Slinger: 40f10s 25 2 4 m Strong vs. missile
Short Sword: 35f15g 60 7 - m -
Broad Sword: 35f15g 70 9 - m -
Long Sword: 35f15g 80 11 - m -
Legion: 35f15g 160 13 - m -
Hoplite: 60f40g 120 17 - s -
Phalanx: 60f40g 120 20 - s -
Centurion: 60f40g 160 30 - s -

Bow: 40f20w 35 3 5 m -
Imp. Bow: 40f20g 40 4 6 m -
Comp. Bow: 40f20g 45 5 7 m -
Chariot: 40f70w 70 4 7 f Strong vs. Priests
Elephant: 180f60g 600 5 7 s -
Horse: 50f70g 60 7 7 f Strong vs. missile
H. Horse: 50f70g 90 8 7 f Strong vs. missile

Scout: 100f 60 3 - f -
Camel: 70f60g 125 6 - f Strong vs. Cavalry
Chariot: 40f80g 100 7 - f Strong vs. Priests
Sc. Chariot: 40f60w 120 9 - f Strong Vs. Priests*
Cavalry: 70f80g 150 8 - f Strong Vs. Barracks Units
H. Cavalry: 70f80g 150 10 - f Strong vs. Barracks + Missile
Cataphract: 70f80g 180 12 - f Strong vs. Barracks + Missile
W. Elephant: 170f40g 600 15 - s -*
A. Elephant: 170f40g 600 18 - s Strong vs. Walls + Towers*
*Adjacent enemy units take damage

Ships: All ships 2x resistant to conversion

Fish Boat: 50w 45 - - m -
Fish Ship: 50w 75 - - f -
Trade Boat: 100w 200 - - f -
Merc. Ship: 100w 250 - - f -
L. Trans.: 150w 150 - - m -
H. Trans.: 150w 200 - - f -
Scout S.: 135w 120 5 5 f -
War Galley: 135w 160 8 6 f -
F. Galley: 115w40g 200 24 1 f Weak vs. Missile
Trireme: 135w 200 12 7 f -
Cat. Trir.: 135w75g 120 35 9 f -
juggernaught: 135w75g 200 35 10 f -

Siegecraft: For speed, all are very slow.
Cost HP Damage Range Rate Damage Area Min. Range
S. Thrower: 180w80g 75 50 10 1/5sec small 2
Catapult: 180w80g 75 60 12 1/5sec medium 2
H. Catapult: 180w80g 150 60 13 1/5sec large 2
Ballista: 100w80g 55 40 9 1/3sec target 3
Helepolis: 100w80g 55 40 10 1/1.5sec target 3

4: Technologies

Storage Pit Research
Cost Benefit
Tool Working 100f +2 infantry attack
Metal Working 200f120g Same as above
Metallurgy 300f180g +3 Infantry attack; required for cataphract
Bronze shield 150f180g +1 infantry armor vs. slinger,archer, missile
Iron Shield 200f320g Same as above; required for A. elephant
Tower Shield 250f400g Same as above
L. Archer Armor 100f +2 armor for archer units
S. Archer Armor 125f50g Same as above
C. Archer Armor 150f100g same as above
Leather Barding 125f +2 armor for cavalry
Scale Barding 150f50g same as above
Chain Barding 175f100g same as above
L. Infantry 75f +2 infantry armor
S. Infantry 100f50g same as above
C. Infantry 125f100g same as above

Government Center Research
Architecture 150f175w -33% construction time; +20hp for buildings
Aristocracy 175f120g academy units 25% faster; required for centurion
Writing 200f75g allies share exploration
Logistics 180f100g barracks units count as 1\2 unit
Nobility 175f120g +15% cavalry hp; required for Scythe Chariot
Alchemy 250f200g missile weapons,siegecraft, slinger attack bonus
Ballistics 100f50g missile accuracy; required for Ballista tower
Engineering 200f100w +2 Siegecraft range; required for Juggernaught

Market Research
Woodworking 130f75w +1 missile range; +2 woodcutting speed
Artisanship 170f150w same as above
Craftsmanship 240f200w same as above
Stone mining 100f50s +3 stone mining speed
Siegcraft 190f100s same as above; villagers can attack walls and towers; required for heavy catapult
Gold mining 120f100w +3 gold mining speed
Coinage 200f100g same as above; tribute is free
Domestication 200f50w +75 farm production
Plow 250f75w same as above
Irrigation 300f100w same as above
Wheel 175f75w villagers 30%faster; required for chariots

Temple research
Astrology 150g Conversion 30% more effective
Mysticism 120g Priest hp doubled
Polytheism 120g priest moves 40% faster
Fanaticism 150g Priest regains faith 50% faster
Monotheism 350g Priests can convert enemy priests and buildings
Afterlife 275g +3 conversion range
Jihad 120g + villager attack, hp, speed; - gathering speed
Martyrdom 600g Press delete to instantly convert (not priests)
Medicine 150g increases healing speed

5: Campaign Tips


1: Birth of Rome
Build your towers to the north first. Build a storage pit on the cliff side for quick stone gathering. Also be sure to build a dock on the shore north of your city to reach the LAST two towers built. Do not expect much interference once your tow& 8e men and a catapult. Take them out immediately. Th& tern side, expect to run into several priests, catapults, chariots and towers. Expect more of the same in the center. On the western side, however, you only had the barge itself. Interestingly, the ships only attack when attacked or when a ship dray and archers. Good Luck!

1: Crossing the Alps
Looking for the Scouts? On the map, there will be two yellow areas you can see to begin with. One of them is an area where your 'scouts' (villagers) are being held. You can order them to attack the walls without fear, because the town will be bra t mbat the academy units, siege equipment and towers protecting the Government Center. The Governmentome stealthy DARK RAIN
Control animals, not men GAIA
Horse archers become black riders BLACK RIDER
Invincible units* ZEUS
Juggernauts can move on land FLYING DUTCHMAN
Priest have 600hp, speed6 HOYOHOYO
Rocket launching car BIGDADDY
Kill all opponents DIEDIEDIE
Kill select opponent KILL <1 - 8> (ex. kill5)
Soldier with laser PHOTON MAN
Soldier with nuclear bombs E=MC2 TROOPER
Quit game RESIGN
Instant building** STEROIDS
Upgrade balistae (range=100) ICBM
Upgrade heavy catapults BIG BERTHA
Win scenario HOME RUN

* Does not work on the Gold Version (but, it is not displayed as a chatà very interesting)
** Effects opponent as well

*Tip* When typing in a cheat, to enter it multiple times, highlight it, and press ctrl+c. Then press ctrl+v and enter, over and over again.

7: FAQ
Q: The Cheats aren't working for me. What's wrong?
A: First, the cheats won't work in a multiplayer game, only single player. Second, the ZEUS cheat does not work on the gold edition, and it doesn't effect cheat units. Finally, see if your cheat is being displayed as a chat message. If it is, you rt big that it stresses your video drivers. If worsrt4 for the cheat codes section.
Finally, I would like to thank for posting this. (hopefully)

Of course I'd like to thank ME for taking an entire day out of my life to write this FAQ.

Reasons to e-mail me:
1. You have a question not answered anywhere in the FAQ.
2. You like my work and would like to give me 'props'.
3. You have a VALID criticism. (if it is invalid, I have some methods of vengeance that aren't ethical, but incredibly legal)
4. You would like to place my FAQ on your WebPage.
5. You are sending me some chain letter because you have no friends to send it to. (remember those methods? so far I've come up with sending you a blank e-mail twenty times, a copy of this FAQ, twenty times, and the chain letter \ 'criticism' twentyrt

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