Fire Prowrestling D

Fire Prowrestling D

18.10.2013 00:39:38
==Fire Prowrestling D Character Guide: Bret "The Hitman" Hart==
== ==
==By: ViperMask ==
==Version: 1.19 ==
== ==
==System: SEGA Dreamcast (R.I.P. Dreamcast) ==
==Publisher: Spike ==
==Developer: Vaill Corporation ==
== ==
==Creation Date: April 13, 2002. ==
==Completion Date: April 24, 2002. ==
==Last Update: October 04, 2003. ==


1. Revision History
2. The History of Bret "The Hitman" Hart
3. Skill and Parameter Stats
4. Move list
5. Strategy
5.1. General Strategy
5.2. Strikes
5.3. Grapples
5.4. High Flying Moves
5.5. Opponent Down Moves (Submissions and Opponent Down Strikes)
6. Re-Editing Bret Hart
7. Links
8. Thanks and Special Thanks
9. Other FAQs By Me
10. Copyright

==1. Revision History==

10/04/03 - 1.19 - Added the new information box, added new notes on
Wrestlemania 10, Survivor Series 97, Bret's stroke to the history section. I
have also posted a 79 character limit, a note in the High Flying Moves, more
FAQs by me, a link to, and I have finally posted a link to
Bret's website too.

09/30/03 - 1.10 - Some grammer corrections in the history section, a note in
the strategy section, and copyright updated.

1.08 - Added new FAQ to the "Other FAQs By Me" section.

1.07 - Major update. AxxB once again sends some info for the History section
and Strategy. Both sections have been updated. Correction in the history
section (Fatal Four Way, In Your House PPV 1997). Thanks to J Man 2000 of the
FPD GameFAQs board for telling me.

04/24/02 - 1.00 - First release.

==2. The History of Bret "The Hitman" Hart==

I watched Bret Hart wrestle since I was a kid. Always referring himself as
"The Excellence of Execution", he was my favourite wrestler along with The
Undertaker at the time. All of the Canadian kids looked up to him as a
Canadian hero, and he helped paved the way for other Canadian wrestlers like
Chris Benoit, and Chris Jericho.

Born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Bret and his brothers were trained
by his father, the legendary Stu Hart when they were kids. They trained in
their basement which was called "The Dungeon."

He then went on to wrestle for his father's promotion: Stampede Wrestling. He
also wrestled in New Japan Prowrestling. Then after his dad signed a deal with
Vince McMahon, he then went on to wrestle in the WWF.

From there, Bret started to wrestle in singles for a full year. He hardly ever
made TV, but when he did, he was always advertised as 'plus one other match'.
After that he was in a heel tag team with Jim Neidhart, known as "The Hart
Foundation". They held the WWF tag titles a few times (mostly as faces), but
then they broke up and Bret Hart became a superstar. His first singles titles
belt was the WWF Intercontinental Title, defeating "Mr. Perfect" Curt Henning.

After many Intercontinental Title matches, he finally moved on to win the WWF
World Heavyweight Title on November 12th, 1992, at a WWF house show in
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, from Ric Flair (WHOOOO!). However at
Wrestlemania 9, he lost to Yokozuna when Mr. Fuji threw salt in his eyes in a
heel (and racist in my opinion) type fashion. But Yokozuna was defeated by
Hulk Hogan for the title! Yes blame Hogan's ego and back stage politics.

Anyways to stay on topic, Vince McMahon created the "King of The Ring" pay per
view tournament as a stepping stone to main event status. He used it to
elevate Bret Hart into a main eventer, since Hogan lost to Yokozuna, and JUMPED
SHIP to WCW. Bret Hart won the tournament, defeating Bam Bam Bigelow.

However Vince McMahon decided to have Bret feud with his late brother Owen. At
Royal Rumble, 1994, Bret and Owen teamed up against the Quebecers. The ending
was this: One of Bret's Knees was too injured but he still put on the
Sharpshooter on one of the Quebecers but he collapsed so Earl Hebner rang the
bell and said the Quebecers won the match via ref stoppage. This pissed off
Owen and he kicked Bret's knee out. Owen was upset that Bret didn't tag him
and in a interview he said that Bret was "too damn selfish." Owen concluded
the interview by saying: "...and that's why I kicked your leg out from under
your leg!"

Bret was also scheduled to appear in the actual Royal Rumble itself. Late in
the match when a number around 16-19 was suppose to come out. No one appeared.
The WWF made us think it was Bret that didn't came out. But later we found
out it was none other than a man that appeared on Wrestlecrap: Bastion Booger!
He became sick after eating some kid's WWF Ice Cream bar. In the early 20's
the horn blasted in the air. BRET HART came out to a huge mark out from the
crowd. He later went on to "tie" the Royal Rumble with Lex Luger when they
both became eliminated. It was a test made by Vince to see who was more over
with the fans: The "American Hero" Lex Luger, or Bret Hart. The two referees
were complaining on who won. First Earl Hebner said it was Lex. Lex had some
face heat. Then the other referee (Robert Marella, the late son of the late
Gorilla Monsoon) said Bret Hart won, and when Bret's music played the crowd
gave a HUGE ovation to The Excellence of Execution: BRET HART!

So we go to Wrestlemania 10 at Madison Square Garden. Lex gets the first title
shot because he won the "Coin Toss" in February. They played the Owen vs. Bret
feud and that would be the first match on the card. An excellent match but
Owen won the match by countering's Bret Avalanche style Hurracarana into a
forward prawn hold.

So Lex Luger went on to lose the title match in a screw job type finish where
guest referee "Mr. Perfect" disqualified him for "abusing a official."

We go to the main event. Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna with "Hot Rod" Rowdy Roddy
Piper was the guest referee. Bret went on to win the match dispite
interference from Jim Cornette and Mr. Fuji. Later, Owen came out looking at
Bret. Shaking his head. He was jelious because he defeated Bret earlier, but
Bret was the world champion and a ICON around the world. He felt that he
should be champion because he defeated his brother cleanly!

R.D. Reynolds from said it was one of the best setups for a
feud. It just made sense and it was simple. None of this soap opera crap the
WWE has been using lately. This brilliant piece of booking lead to the
infamous "Brother vs. brother" feud, with countless matches between Bret and
Owen. It was a classic feud.

Bret also had a small feud with the psychopath version of Bob Backlund, where
Backlund "injured" Bret after holding him in the Cross Face Chicken Wing for
around 10 minutes.

After many feuds where some of them made no sence (especially the Isacc Yankem
and Hakushi feuds). We go to his feud: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Bret "The
Hitman" Hart!

Steve Austin used to be in WCW, with his tag team partner "Flying" Brian
Pillman. They were best known as the "Hollywood Blondes." Austin was fired
after being disgruntled and joined ECW where he was famous for his anti-WCW
shoots and skits. He then joined the WWF as the Ringmaster (WHAT!?) He was
managed by The Million Dollar Man: Ted DiBiase (WHAT!?) He had a small feud
with former WWF wrestler and jobber: Savio Vega where he jobbed to him (WHAT!?)
He then became Stone Cold Steve Austin and became known for his beer drinking
and cussing, something he copied off of ECW (WHAT!?) He then had a classic
feud with Bret Hart (THANK GOD!!!)

Bret's first match against Austin was at the Survivor Series where Bret won the
match, but the feud wasn't over, and Austin was becoming more popular with the
fans when he brought his watered down version of the ECW gimmick and promo

Then at Royal Rumble 1997, Austin was eliminated from the rumble, but the
referees didn't see it so he jumped back in and eliminated Bret and the others
and was declared the winner. Bret then got pissed and was yelling at Vince
McMahon, and destroyed some equipment.

But, then, WWF president Gorillia Monsoon made the "Instant Replay" rule and
said that there will be a fatal fourway match for the #1 contendership match
for Raw between Steve Austin, Undertaker, Bret Hart, and Vader. Bret won the
match, but on Raw, Austin interfered and Bret lost.

We go to Wrestlemania 13. One of the worst Wrestlemanias in history! But
where was ONE good match: Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin! Bret won the match but
kept the Sharpshooter on Austin. Austin "passed out" and guest referee, Ken
Shamrock suplexed Bret to break the hold after the match. Austin then got up
on his own and gave a official the stunner and walked out on his own. Bret
became a heel and Austin became a face.

Then Bret became anti-American, and rebuild the Hart Foundation with his
brother Owen, the British Bulldog, Jim Neidhart, and Brian Pillman. This
stable got over as heels and got over as faces in Canada. But down the road,
the WWF-Bret Hart relationship will crumble.

Survivor Series 1997 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Bret Hart vs. Shawn
Michaels. It was suppose to be a finish where it ends in a draw. But Earl
Hebner called for the bell as Bret tried to reverse Shawn's version of the
Sharpshooter. Earl said Bret tapped out. Everyone witnessed the infamous
Montreal screwjob. Bret yelled at Vince and spit on him, and then he smashed a
WWF announcer's table. Things got worse backstage. Bret Hart confronted Shawn
about the incident, and Shawn said he had nothing to do with it and even "swore
to god." that he no involvement (which is ironic since he converted to
Christianity and still lies infront of his own god.) Vince even tried to
settle things with Bret, but they argued and got into a fight, Bret punched
Vince out and during the process, Bret broke his thumb. Many wrestlers were
supporting Bret Hart and they said they would boycott the Raw is War show in
Ottawa the next day. But Bret told them that they had morgages to pay off and
familes to feed and that they should do the show. However, Owen Hart and Mick
Foley were so upset about the incident, they just went home. From there on,
Bret left for WCW with the British Bulldog and Jim Neidhart. Owen stayed in
the WWF.

Later, on a interview with a Canadian sports show called Off The Record with
Michael Landsberg, on TSN, Vince admitted that he screwed Bret over. If anyone
has what Vince said, or a transcript of that particular show, please e-mail me.

While Bret appeared on WCW Nitro, he got a nice reception and went on to feud
with the nWo. But he turned heel and joined them in a senseless move. And
from there on, he was pretty much treated just as badly as Vince treated him!
He was stuck jobbing to Roddy Piper, and even got into a feud with Mad TV's
Will Sasso!

In March on the first WCW Nitro in Canada (it was in Toronto), in a angle, Bret
Hart said something that he should of done LONG AGO: "Hey Bischoff, I QUIT!"
All of the Canadian fans cheered him and Bret, well he just went on a long

May 23rd, 1999 in Kansas City, WWF: Over The Edge, on pay per view. Bret's
brother; Owen was being treated like crap. He was being punished by WWF booker
(and retard) Vince Russo for refusing to do a "sleeping with Debra" angle so he
can feud with his tag team partner: Jeff Jarrett. So Owen was given back his
old crappy Blue Blazer gimmick as punishment. Vince Russo had him booked to be
lowered from the ceiling. The device suddenly got loose and Owen plunged to
his death.

Bret was obviously upset. Especially how the WWF Raw is War "in memory of Owen
Hart" was just a excuse to get ratings, and to be honest, I somehow agree with
him. Rumors say that he was even more upset on how Vince McMahon came up to
him at Owen's funeral and said "Bret, I have big plans for you if you come
back." After all of that, Bret still stayed in wrestling. He had a memorial
match on Nitro in Kansas City against Chris Benoit. But the fans were not into
the match, they only cared about the finish and not for the wrestling product

When Vince Russo joined WCW, he tried to "make up" for his booking error in a
half-assed way. At WCW Mayhem in Toronto, Chris Benoit and Bret Hart would
face each other in a tournament final for the WCW Championship. Bret won the

A few months later, Bret was then scheduled to face Goldberg at WCW Starrcade,
and reinact the Montreal screwjob. This time Bret was going to be the "Shawn
Michaels" of the match. But during the match, Goldberg landed a stiff kick to
the side of Bret's head, which later caused major health problems. After the
match and on Nitro, Bret made the NEW nWo with Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Scott
Hall, and Jeff Jarrett.

Bret was suppose to face Sid for the WCW Title, but he had to leave on injury
leave because of the kick from Goldberg. Bret suffered headaches, blackouts,
and some memory loss. He had to vacate the title and from there on, only made
a few appearances before quitting and retiring.

In the Spring of 2003, Bret Hart was riding his bike, but while riding, he
unfortunatley suffered from a stroke and was taken to hospital. Countless
numbers of fans were sending him get well cards and other gifts. In a weird
twist of fate, the first person to call Bret after the stroke was none other
than Vince McMahon. Bret and Vince had worked a few things out and they were
on speaking terms again.

This is where the rumors of Bret Hart making a come back to the WWE started.
And they were actually true, but the chances of him making a come back has been
reduced. In a episode of RAW in Montreal in July, they just HAD to bring up
the Montreal screwjob again. This time it involved Chris Jericho and Shawn
Michaels. Michaels said that the fans should move on and not dwell on it, and
that he apologized to Bret many times. There was also a bunch of other things
that were just plain stupid. Jericho slamming Shawn for his crimes infront of
the Canadian crowd, THEN turns heel while trying to make Shawn look like the
face. And this help lead to create the Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels feud
again. Of course Bret wasn't happy one too bit. On his website the fans DID
move on until Vince and his writing team brought it up again, and that he NEVER
got a apology from Shawn Michaels, and that Shawn was lying to god once again
(some Christian.) Bret said that he felt betrayed again (though not as bad as
before) and that he was in talks with Vince about another come back, but would
probably not do it after the sketch on RAW.

That's the career of Bret Hart. Unfortunatly, it had a very bad ending when
the "darkside" of wrestling showed in the face of Vince McMahon, Vince Russo,
Shawn Michaels and WCW.

==3. Skill and Parameter Stats==

Real name:.....................Bret Hart
FPD Name:.....................Blood Beat
Promotion:...Retired (Put him in Legend)
FPD Promotion:.......................WWC *
Height............................184 cm (6 ft.)
Weight............................110 kg (243 lbs.)
Birthdate.......................7.2.1958 (July 2nd, 1958)
Offensive Skill.................Orthadox
Return Skill....................Orthadox
Critical Type...................Finisher
Special Skill...........One Hit Reversal
Recovery (when bleeding)..........Medium
Respiratory (when bleeding)........Below
Awareness (when bleeding).........Strong
Neck Strength.......................High
Arm Strength......................Medium
Waist Strength......................High
Foot Strength.....................Medium
Movement Speed....................Medium
Ascend Speed......................Medium
Ascend Skill...................Can Climb

* For some reason, Vaill left him in WCW.

Parameter - Offense Parameter - Defence
=================== ===================
Punch.............6 Punch.............7
Kick..............3 Kick..............7
Suplex............6 Suplex............7
Submission........5 Submission........6
Stretch...........6 Stretch...........8
Power.............6 Flying............7
Instant Power.....7 Crush.............8
Arm Power.........6 Vs. Lariat........7
Technical.........9 Technical.........9
Rough.............7 Rough.............6
Ground............3 Ground............5

Total Skill Points (on a scale from 0-300): 191

==4. Move list==

NOTE: All of the move names were taken from Du Vong's Microsoft Word Format
Move List.

Specialty moves are marked with [S]. Finisher is marked with [F].

Standing (X)...........................................Punch
Standing (A)........................................Toe Kick
Standing (B) + d-pad...........................Lariat Attack
Standing (B)..........................Spinning Once Dropkick
Standing (X) + (A).................Flying Rolling Prawn Hold
Running (X)......................................Clothesline
Running (A).........................Jumping Neckbreaker Drop
Running Counter (X).............................Cyclone Whip
Running Counter (A)...........................Shoulder Throw
Running to corner................................Monkey Flip

Grapple (X).....................................Face Scratch
Grapple (X) + Up...................................Body Slam
Grapple (X) + Left/Right............................Arm Whip
Grapple (X) + Down..................................Crab Nip
Grapple (A).........................................Headbutt
Grapple (A) + Up.........................Jumping Brainbuster
Grapple (A) + Left/Right.................................DDT
Grapple (A) + Down............................Manhattan Drop
Grapple (B)...............................SMALL PACKAGE HOLD [S]
Grapple (B) + Up................................Chin Crusher
Grapple (B) + Left/Right..............SIDE RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP [S]
Grapple (B) + Down........................JUMPING PILEDRIVER [S]
Grapple (X) + (A)................................GROIN PUNCH [S]
Back Grapple (X).........................Back Brain Headbutt
Back Grapple (A)........................Pendulum Backbreaker
Back Grapple (B)...................................Backslide
Back Grapple (B) + Up/Down.......................Atomic Drop
Back Grapple (B) + Left/Right...........Carry Style Backdrop
Back Grapple (X) + (A).........................Backdrop Hold
Back Grapple Counter (X)..........................Elbow Butt
Back Grapple Counter (A)................Bulldogging Headlock

Opponent Down Moves
Opponent Face Up at Head (A)..........Double Hand Press Fall
Opponent Face Up at Head (B)................Knee Stamp (Arm)
Opponent Face Up at Feet (A)....SASORI GATAME (SHARPSHOOTER) [F]
Opponent Face Up at Feet (B).............Groin Headbutt Drop
Opponent Face Down at Head (A)......Japanese Leg Roll Clutch
Opponent Face Down at Head (B)...............Guillotine Drop
Opponent Face Down at Feet (A)........Back Single Prawn Hold
Opponent Face Down at Feet (B)...............Stomping (Back)
Running at Downed Opponent (B)............Jumping Elbow Drop

Mount Moves
Mount Position (X).......................Mount Knuckle Arrow
Mount Position (A)...............................Collar Hold
Mount Position (B)..............Sasori Gatame (Sharpshooter)
Mount Position Counter..............................Arm Lock
Front Facelock Attack (X).........................Face Punch
Front Facelock Attack (A)....................Front Neck Lock
Front Facelock Attack (B).........................Piledriver
Front Facelock Attack Counter.....................Hammerlock
Back Mount Position (X).............Back Mount Knuckle Arrow
Back Mount Position (A).....................Back Mount Elbow
Back Mount Position (B)........................Choke Sleeper
Back Mount Position Counter.....................Under Escape

Post and Apron Moves
Post (X)...................................Diving Elbow Drop
Post (A)....................................Diving Knee Drop
Post (B)........................................Sledgehammer
Post (X) + (A).................................Diving Lariat
Run-Up Post vs Standing (X).............................None
Run-Up Post vs Downed (A)...............................None
Corner Grapple (B) + Up.......Top Rope Avalanche Brainbuster
Corner Grapple (B) + Left/Right.........Kushi-zashi Shoulder
Corner Grapple (B) + Down............Kushi-zashi Hammer Blow
Front Avalanche Counter.........................Face Scratch
Back Avalanche Counter.............................Body Fall
Apron Grapple From Inside............Ring Inside Brainbuster
Apron Grapple From Outside...........Brainbuster Drop-Behind (Reversal)
Running to Out of Bounds................................None
Slingshot to Outside.........................Plancha Suicida
Slingshot to Inside.......................Flying Body Attack

Double and Triple Team Moves
Two Platon Front Grapple.......................W.Brainbuster
Two Platon Back Grapple...........................W.Backdrop
Two Platon Corner.......................High Jack Piledriver
Three Platon Front Grapple................Triple Hammer Blow
Three Platon Back Grapple.................Triple Hammer Blow
Three Platon Corner............................Triple Impact

Analog Stick Left................Wrist Check with Single Arm
Analog Stick Right............................Surrender Pose
Analog Stick Up............................Finger Spinning 1
Analog Stick Down....................Finger and Head Shaking

==5. Strategy==

5.1. General Strategy

Because Bret became a heel late in his career, he ended up using a lot of heel
moves (well in WCW he did), thus Vaill gave him a Orthadox stat. Which in my
opinion completely SUCKS. One advantage that he has is that he has high stats,
but he has two weaknesses. They are: When he is bleeding, he has a low
respiratory. And his major one: HE CANNOT CRITICAL AT ALL! Even his FINISHER
can't Critical! I have no idea why the developers didn't program the
Sharpshooter to "CRITICAL!" But it does SUCK!

When playing against the Hitman, just try to put on a good match. You really
can't fear him when it comes to Criticals because he can't land a Critical like
I said above. Just fight him with all you got!

AxxB wrote this in his e-mail: "Dropkicks are most/only effective when
countering chairshots, I find. The distance is the same, but the dropkick is
faster than the weapon swing so you always hit... and if you somehow miss, it
doesn't matter because you can't be hit with a chair whilst on the floor."

5.2. Strikes

Bret Hart was never a striking person. But one thing to note is that the toe
kick is a slow move, so get more distance before trying to hit this move on
medium range. The punch is a good, quick, short range strike so use that when
your opponent is close. When your opponent is dazed, that's the when you
should use the spinning once drop kick and lariat attack. But if you have a
hard time with distance on moves, use the lariat attack. It's easier to set up
than the drop kick. When it's late in the match, try using the flying rolling
prawn hold for the win!

5.3. Grapples

This is where Bret Hart shines in real life. But like I said before: "Because
of the Orthadox fighting style, there is really no grapple strategy." However,
some of his "technical" moves like the crab nip, and small package are B moves,
so you can use those to your advantage. Oh yeah, land that Side Russian Leg
Sweep. It wouldn't be a Bret Hart match without it! :)

5.4. High Flying Moves

I would avoid using them to be honest. You can use them them but I prefer to
use the Sharpshooter when the opponent is down. However if you re-edit him to
a technical wrestler, I would use them since they would be rated B instead of
C. They can be effective moves if you have him as a technical instead of a
orthadox wrestler.

5.5. Opponent Down Moves (Submissions and Opponent Down Strikes)

Well as you know already, his finisher is the Sharpshooter. But like I said in
the past; Submission moves are ineffective! So, use moves like the groin
headbutt, stomp, etc. when it's early in the match. Then after you land a
Russian Leg Sweep, go for the Sharpshooter and see if your opponent will tap

==6. Re-Editing Bret Hart==

I'll be honest. I want to edit Bret Hart and get rid of his heel moves and
restore him to the way he WAS. Using technical wrestling, being the Excellence
of Execution, a non-heel Bret Hart!

If anyone has extra re-edit info or a template of the Fire Prowrestling S: 6
Man Scramble version of Bret Hart let me know.

This is all I know about re-editing Bret.

- First of all, change his Wrestling Style (Offensive Skill) to Technician, but
leave the Return Skill alone. I forgot about adding this!

- Change the Sharpshooter to Riki Choshu's version of the Scorpian Deathlock,
because that move looks identical and it actually lands a "CRITICAL!"

- Get rid of his damn heel moves. Not sure what to replace them with though.

AxxB also wrote this in his e-mail to me: "As far as re-editing him, one of
the 'Four moves of Doom' was a Bulldog headlock, and Bret Only has that move
out of a rear grapple counter, so maybe put that in place of the Groin punch or
something. And his style should be technical rather than Orthodox."

==7. Links==

Bret Hart's Official Site - - This is his official
site, plus it has a link to an article written by Dave Meltzer about Survivor
Series 1997. I got some info from that article.

Calgary Hitmen - - This used to be the WHL hockey
team that Bret owned.

Stampede Wrestling - - The wrestling promotion
of the Hart family. - - You can download moves here and this is where
I got the Stats. Du Vong's move list is also available here.

WrestleCrap - - This is R.D. Reynolds' site that I
have mentioned in the history section.

==8. Thanks and Special Thanks==

Thanks goes to...

The Fire Prowrestling community and Puroresu fans all over the world.

A Very Special Thanks goes to...

Bill Wood for letting me use part of his format.

"IceMaster" Frank James Chan - The man who started the North American Fire
Prowrestling Revolution. Whatever he is doing now I wish him the best of luck
and success.

The original members of Human Entertainment for creating the best wrestling
games in the world.

Spike for keeping the tradition of Fire Prowrestling alive by hiring most of
the original members.

Vaill for creating Fire Prowrestling D.

Bret "The Hitman" Hart for opening the path for Canadian wrestlers.

Special Thanks goes to...

Hisaharu Tanabe, the Puroresu expert on this side of the Pacific Ocean.

All of the sites up above.

==9. Other FAQs By Me==

PC - Fallout 2 - The CAR FAQ.

SEGA DREAMCAST - Fire Prowrestling D - Tigermask Character Guide.

SEGA DREAMCAST - Fire Prowrestling D - Toshiaki Kawada Character Guide.

ARCADE - Initial D: Arcade Stage Guide.

ARCADE - Poker Ladies Guide.

SONY PLAYSTATION 2 - Initial D: Special Stage Guide.


==10. Copyright==

Fire Prowrestling D is copyrighted by Vaill Corporation and their parent
company Spike Co., Ltd.
March 1st. 2001 - 2002.

Fire Prowrestling D: Bret Hart Character Guide Version 1.00 and future versions
of this FAQ is copyrighted by ViperMask, 2002, 2003, and so forth.

This FAQ is for private and personal use only. Retail use is prohibited.

This FAQ can only be used with PERMISSION by ME; VIPERMASK.

Also this FAQ is ONLY AVAILABLE on these sites:,,

If anyone sees another site other than the list above using my FAQs, please
tell me.

If anyone sees anyone ripping off this FAQ (like converting it to HTML), please
tell me.

For permission to convert the FAQ into another language, contact me first.

Contact Information: Contact ViperMask at
r3m0v3XxxDownward_Spiral_SoldierxxX@r3m0v3yahoo.comr3m0v3 (remove the r3m0v3)
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Character Guide: Bret "The Hitman" Hart
Engl. Hinweise

18.Октябрь 2013
Character Guide Toshiaki Kawada
Engl. FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Character Guide Tigermask
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018