Feeble Files, The

Feeble Files, The

13.10.2013 06:54:33

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 23rd Jun, 2002 (First version)


1. Introduction


The Feeble Files is an adventure game by AdventureSoft, the company responsible
for the excellent Simon the Sorcerer series. The game features an alien named
Feeble who works for the Ministry of Galactic Uncertainty in space. The area of
space where he lives is ruled by the Omnibrain, an entity that has very strict
rules for keeping things in order. If any of the rules are broken, even the
most minor ones, the result could be a trip to the deadly Cygnus Alpha. And so
it is that Feeble, a well behaved and law-abiding citizen becomes involved with
the Freedom Fighters, who show him that the Omnibrain is not the kind ruler
that everyone thinks. As Feeble learns more about this new, evil side of the
Omnibrain, he sets out to destroy it.


2. Walkthrough



Enter the Ministry of Galactic Uncertainty. Get the doll. Use the doll with the
broken teleporter. Get the leather jacket from the big doll. Get the big doll.
Open the locker door near the holomail machine, and then get the helmet from
the open locker. Use the holomail machine and listen to all three of the
messages. One of the messages will be about a new bike which has just been
dilivered. Leave the ministry. Use the jacket and then use the bike.


Enter the bar. Talk to the protestor, and tell him that you'll read the
leaflet. Open Oracle, and look at the protest leaflet. Talk to the protester,
and ask to sign the protest leaftlet. Talk to Delores. Ask her what you have to
do, and then tell her that you would be honoured to help. Leave the bar. Use
the bike.


Enter the Ministry of Galactic Uncertainty. Use the protest leaflet with the
broken teleporter. Get the big protest leaflet. Leave the Ministry of Galactic
Uncertainty. Use the bike.


Enter Metro Prime. Use the teleporter. Go through the exit near the vid phone
booth, and continue right past the newsstand. Knock on the door to deliver the
package and receive some credits. Walk left and continue left past the
newsstand. Enter the pill shop. Talk to the shopkeeper, and choose any of the
three choices. Then tell him that you will take some. The shopkeeper will tell
you that he doesn't have any, but to come back later. Exit the shop. Walk right
and go up the path to arrive at the Ministry Headquarters.

Walk left, and enter the observation dome. Use the credits on the vending
machine three times, and Feeble will kick the machine. Exit the observation
dome, and walk right past the Ministry Headquarters. Enter the confession room.
Use the confessional, and Feeble will confess about kicking the vending
machine. Use the large protest leaflet with the Traitor Alert Station. Leave
the confession room. Leave Metro Prime. Go to the docking pad and use the bike.


Enter the bar. Talk to the pilot. Ask the pilot if he is a freighter pilot. Ask
the pilot what he is freighting. Ask the pilot to elaborate. Talk to the
enforcer. Ask him if there have been any directive updates, and then tell him
that you have some information. Take the docking pass from the table. Leave the
bar. Use the bike.


Use the docking pass on the Pilot and Docking Controller. Enter Metro Prime.
Use the teleporter. Enter the pill shop, and the shopkeeper will start talking
to you. He will ask you if you want the pills. Tell him that he can have the
300 credits for Charisma X. Tell him to give you the old pills. Exit the shop.
Walk right and go up the path. Enter the Ministry Headquarters. Open Oracle,
and use Charisma X. Talk to Molly. Leave the Ministry Headquarters. Leave Metro
Prime. Go to the docking pad and use the bike.


Use the vid phone booth and the guy will ask for a light wave soda. Enter the
bar. Talk to Dave, and ask for a light wave soda. Open Oracle. Use the old
pills with the light wave soda. Exit the bar. Use the vid phone booth, and
Feeble will give the guy the light wave soda. Use the bike.


Enter Metro Prime. Use the teleporter. Talk to the Unhappy Citizen. Use the lab
coat with the vid phone booth. Walk right and then go up the path. Enter the
Ministry Headquarters. Use the lift.


Every time Feeble gets hypnotised, he will arrive in a different area. After
arriving in the TV room, get the poster and wait to be hypnotised. Back in the
cell, use the sanitation unit. Open Oracle and use the tacks on the bed. When
Feeble is hypnotised this time, he'll wake up on the tacks. Get the tacks. Use
the bed. As soon as the warden enters the cell to close the sanitation unit,
walk out the door.

Outside of the cell, go down the first set of steps and enter the door to the
canteen. Get a bowl. Open Oracle. Use the bowl on the dispenser to fill it with
gunge. Exit the canteen. Go down the next set of steps. Open Oracle and use the
gunge on the camera. Go down the rest of the steps to the red floor at the
bottom, and enter the lift at the bottom-left corner. After using the lift,
walk up the path and enter the domed building.

In the work room, throw the gunge at the camera which is located just left of
the sign with the number '2' on it. Continue right and look at the chute to
hear a familiar voice. Talk to the woman in the chute until Feeble tells her
that he'll try and find a way down there. Talk to her two more times, and
she'll tell you about a Rebel TV channel. Exit the work room and go back up to
the TV room.

In the TV room, use the cupboard. Use the VidScreen twice. Get the TV knob.
Quickly walk into the cupboard. Wait for the warden to enter the room and short
circuit, and then exit the cupboard. Exit the TV room. Go down the two sets of
steps and go back up the lift to the work room. Go over to the right side of
the room and use the lever to open the chute. Walk into the chute to land on a
pile of dolls near Delores.

When she talks to you, choose any of the discussion options, and she'll update
Oracle. Talk to Delores and ask her what she's fiddling with to receive a
modified doll. Stop talking to Delores. Get five dolls from the pile. Exit the
chute and exit the work room. Go down the lift and walk up the first set of
steps. Walk over to the vent at the left side of the door. Open Oracle. Use all
five traitor dolls on the vent. Open Oracle. Use the Reworked Doll on the vent
to blow a hole in it. Enter the vent to arrive in a room with a series of
tiles. Walk left to turn on the lights, which will make the tiles change. The
correct order is white - red - yellow - green. Use this order to cross the
tiles shown in the ASCII map below:

[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[28] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[27] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [02] [01]
[ ] [ ] [ ] [03]
[26] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [22] [ ] [04]
[25] [23] [ ] [11] [ ] [05] [ ]
[ ] [21] [12] [ ]
[24] [ ] [20] [ ] [10] [06] [ ]
[ ] [19] [13] [07]
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [09] [ ] [ ]
[18] [14] [08]
[ ] [ ] [15] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[17] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [16] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ]

On the other side of the tiles, walk through the arch on the left to enter the
ship. Use the cover near the seats on the right. Get the wires. Use the
ignition circuit just above the cover. Look at the ignition circuit. Open
Oracle. Use the wires on the input. In this puzzle, you have to connect the
input and output using the wires. The puzzle is random, but there is an easy
way of telling if you have connected the wire correctly: There will be a long
beep instead of a short one. Connect and reconnect the wires until you hear
four long beeps. The ship will then take off.


After the long cutscene, Feeble will be standing outside the ship and SAM the
robot will be off exploring in the forest. Walk right to enter the large forest
area. Go over the bridge and walk up the path at the far right side of the
area. Follow SAM down the path at the bottom-right corner to arrive outside an
area with a huge statue. Attempt to walk across the bridge. SAM will charge
onto the bridge and cause the Filbs to quickly shut the gate.

One Filb will escape. Get the spear that was dropped. Leave the statue area,
and walk west to return to the large forest area. You will now be able to
select between playing as SAM or Feeble. Select SAM and roll up to the log
north of the bridge. Destroy the log, and then cross the bridge. Select Feeble,
and cross the bridge to arrive near SAM. Trap the Filb on a path between Feeble
and SAM, and then walk up to him.

After arriving back on the ship, go through the door to be captured by Filbs,
who will take you to a laboratory. Filbert (Feeble's brother) will show up.
Talk to Filbert until he gets mad and leaves. Get the rope tied around Feeble.
Use the chemistry set. This puzzle is one of the more difficult ones of the
game. Fortunately, the puzzle is not random, and there is only one possible way
to complete it.

Follow this method to complete the puzzle:
Mix & Heat - Red, yellow and pink liquid.
Mix & Heat - Red, yellow and green liquid.
Mix & Heat - Yellow, pink and blue liquid.
Cold Mix - The three created vials.

After solving the puzzle, open Oracle. Use the chemicals on the water cover.
Open Oracle. Use the remote control. Playing as SAM, exit the ship. Go right to
the large forest area. Exit the forest area at the right side and go right
again to the large statue area. Roll onto the bridge and go through the gate to
arrive near the statue. Look at the statue. Get the gem from the eye.

Select Feeble. There are buttons at the right side of the teleporter. Press the
green button. Select SAM, and roll into the teleporter. Select Feeble. Press
the blue button, and SAM will arrive in the lab. Look at the directory on the
table. Use the telephone and say "I want to cancel my unlisted number status".
The phone will ring, and Filbert will walk into the lab. After the cutscene, go
back up the path to the the laboratory and get the God Costume near SAM. Open
Oracle. Use the God Costume on the projection machine.

Select SAM. Exit the lab. Go up the path to the mountain top. There is a big
bird flying around. Shoot the bird, and go back down the path. Get the bird
near the entrance to the lab. Enter the lab.

Select Feeble. Exit the lab. Walk down the path to the broken bridge. Open
Oracle. Put the bird on the flat rock just before the bridge. Exit the bridge
area. The Filbs will rebuild the bridge. Cross the bridge and go across the
large forest area to the ship. Enter the ship, and Delores will give you a
book. Exit the ship. Open Oracle. Use the spear on the cover. Get the battery.
Go right across the large forest area and return to the lab.

Look at the directory. Use the telephone and say "Connect me to Free Call Laser
Relays". Exit the lab. Go up the path to the mountain top. Delores will be
waiting for you. Open Oracle. Use the battery, gem and laser relay on Delores.
After a long cutscene, Feeble, Delores and SAM will be back in the rebel base
on Metro Prime.


Look at the filing cabinet. Get the dress. Get the old newspaper from the wall.
Exit the base. Walk left to the newsstand, and Feeble will find out that he is
wanted by the Company. Open Oracle. Use the dress. Exit the base. Walk left to
the newsstand. Get a newspaper from the pile, and the newspaper seller asks you
to put them back. Open Oracle, and put the old newspaper back on the pile. Walk
left and use the teleporter. Enter the arcade. When the virtual attendant
appears and talks to you, say: I'll just have some tokens, please. Go upstairs.
Use the Simon the Sorcerer arcade machine.

This arcade machine has six rounds, some easy, some difficult. The rounds are
random each time you play them, so I can't give a walkthrough on completing
them. Here are the number of tokens you get from winning rounds:

Win 1 Round - 5 tokens
Win 2 Rounds - 20 tokens
Win 3 Rounds - 100 tokens
Win 4 Rounds - 200 tokens
Win 5 Rounds - 500 tokens

Play the game until you have at least 240 tokens, and then leave the machine.
Look at the Super Virtua Machine. Go down stairs and use the kiosk to make the
vitual attendant appear. Ask about the big new machine. Ask to have a go on the
Super Virtua Challenge 4 machine. After the cutscene, go down stairs. Use the
kiosk, and the attendant will give you a ticket to the zoo. Stop talking to the
attendant. Open Oracle. Use the tokens on the grabber machine. Grab the red
fish. Open Oracle and use the tokens on the grabber machine again. Grab the
wild cat doll. Exit the arcade.

Walk left and open Oracle. Use the zoo ticket on the zoo entrance. In the zoo,
walk right and talk to the tourist, who will ask you to take a picture. Use the
flash control five times, and then press the red button. Exit the zoo. Exit
Metro Prime and return to the docking pad. Go up to the docking pad and attempt
to use the bike to find that it has been clamped. Enter Metro Prime and go back
to the base where Delores is still trying to fix SAM. Talk to Delores and tell
her that the space bike has been clamped. Delores will tell you that Gardum is
around somewhere. Exit the base.

Walk left past the newstand. Walk right and go up the path to Ministry
Headquarters. Gardum is barely visible above the right statue. Talk to him.
Walk left and enter the observation dome. Go left and enter the airlock. Press
the blue button. Press the green button. Enter the airlock. Open Oracle, and
use the camera on the porthole. Exit the airlock. Exit Metro Prime and return
to the docking area, where hundreds of Warbles will be bouncing around. Walk up
to the docking pad. Use the saddle on the bike to collect a Warble.

Back in the docking area, walk left and go through the arch. Walk through the
red door to enter the office. Open the locker door. Open Oracle, and use the
Warble with the locker. Use the Wild Cat Doll with the locker. Close the locker
door. When the docking controller has been sucessfully covered with Warbles,
get the keys and exit the office. Enter the docking area and go up the steps to
the docking pad. Open Oracle and use the keys on the bike to leave Metro Prime.


Talk to the guard. Ask why the area is restricted, and the guard will give you
a card. Use the bike.


Use the trunk and Feeble will get a bicycle pump and a space hopper. Use the
bike. Click the Broken Down Biker and Feeble will tow him to Dave's Space Bar.


Ask the salesman about the Miracle Mud, and then ask him what it does to get a
free sample jar. Use the Salesman's bike three times, and the salesman will
enter the bar. Get the tow cable which can be found just above the step of the
salesman's bike. Use Feeble's bike.


Open Oracle and use the bicycle pump. Open Oracle again and use the metal bar
on the doors. Enter the OmniClub. Use the DJ console. Use the master control.
Press the blue spotlight control until the blue filter falls out. Open Oracle.
Use the tube on the broken handle. Use the bar light master switch on the
console. Press the play button to make the light flash on the stools. When the
light is on the second stool, press the stop button. Leave the DJ console. Get
the loose stool. Exit the OmniClub. Use the bike.


Enter Metro Prime. Go left and enter the teleporter. Walk right and go through
the red doors to the confession room. Use the confessional, and confess to
being the wanted escapee Feeble. Exit the confession room. Walk left and enter
the teleporter. Walk right and walk over to the air supply. Open Oracle. Use
the valve on the space hopper to make it compatible with the air supply, and
then use the space hopper on the miracle mud to fix the leak.

Use the space hopper on the air supply. Wait for the first announcement, saying
that Feeble has won a prize. Don't go anywhere just yet. Wait for the second
announcement, saying that Feeble has collected the prize. Use the teleporter.
Walk right and enter the confession room. Get the jumper from the confessional.
Exit confession room. Go up the slope and walk left to enter the observation
dome. Go left and walk into the airlock.

Open Oracle. Use the bar stool on the Stand Here Spot on the floor. Open
Oracle. Use the space hopper on the stuff. Open Oracle. Use the jumper on the
stuff. Open Oracle. Use the new newspaper on the stuff. Open Oracle. Use the
prison uniform on the stuff. Press the red button on at the left side of the
airlock door. Use the blue filter on the porthole. Press the blue button. Exit
the airlock. Exit the observation dome. Walk past the ministry. Walk down the
slope and go left past the pill shop to the vid phone booth. Open Oracle. Use
the bounty hunter's card on the vid phone booth. Exit Metro Prime. Go to the
docking pad and use the bike.


Enter the Ministry of Galactic Uncertainty and use the holomail machine. Listen
to both messages and leave the Ministry of Galactic Uncertainty. Use the bike.


Use the tomb and Feeble's grandfather will speak to him. Use the drawer on the
wall to get a piece of paper and a can of spray paint. Leave the tomb.


Enter Metro Prime and go left to the transporter. Use the transporter and go
through the entrance to the newsstand. Walk past the newsstand to arrive
outside the base. Open Oracle, and use all three adverts on the boxes. Open
Oracle, and use the spray paint on the symbol above the adverts. Open Oracle,
and use the piece of paper on the symbol. Exit Metro Prime. Go to the docking
pad and use the bike.


Open Oracle, and use the paper on the symbol on the floor. After a cutscene,
you will receive a screwdriver and a magnetic swipe card. Exit the tomb.


Enter the Enter the Ministry of Galactic Uncertainty. Open Oracle, and use the
magnetic swipe card with the drawer to open it. Get the coin and the photo.
Exit the Enter the Ministry of Galactic Uncertainty. Use the bike.


Enter Metro Prime. Walk left and enter the teleporter. Walk right and go up the
slope. Walk left past the the Ministry Headquarters and enter the observation
dome. Walk left to the security pass vending machine. Open Oracle and use the
souvenir coin on the vending machine to receive a credit coin. Walk over to the
starmap vending machine on the right. Open Oracle and use the credit coin on
the machine to receive a starmap and an activity pack. Exit the dome.

Enter the Ministry Headquarters. Open Oracle and use the activity pack on the
guard. Get the OmniCofe cup on the desk. Open Oracle and use the miracle mud
with the OmniCofe cup. Use the lift. After the cutscene, open Oracle and use
the magnetic swipe card on the encoder. Enter the numbers:

ID Code - 7829353
Data Code - 2130778

Press the exit button on the encoder. Exit Ministry Headquarters. Exit Metro
Prime. Go to the docking pad and use the bike.


Open Oracle and use the tow cable on the car. Open and use the magnetic swipe
card on the door. Enter the junk ship to arrive in a room with a big magnet.
Use the lever to turn off the magnet. Exit the junk ship, and Feeble will jump
into the car.


Walk left to the salesman's bike. Open Oracle and use the screwdriver on the
numberplate to get it. Open Oracle, and use the numberplate on the car. After a
long cutscene, Delores will get a gun. Shoot the guards that appear from behind
the pillars, and Delores will eventually enter the ship. After another
cutscene, Feeble will go to the base complex.


Exit the room by the left door, and then go left again to the next area. Use
the icy bunk. When Feeble wakes up, he discovers that the base has been
deserted and that Major Benson is a Company official. Try to exit the door on
the right to find that it's locked. SAM will try to shoot through the door,
leaving metal discs on the floor. Get the small metal discs, and then go
through the left door. Open Oracle, and use the small metal discs on the
strange machine to get an empty can. Go right, then go through the door on the
right. Feeble will enter the car and fly to Aldoria Major.


Exit the screen on the right and continue right to the rear entrance. Walk
right from the rear entrance to see two class 13 robots: PEG on the left and
WCDF on the right. After a long discussion, PEG will go on patrol. From the
rear entrance, walk left. Open Oracle, and use the empty can on one of the
posts. Walk right to return to the rear entrance. When PEG goes on patrol this
time, he will stop to shoot the can off the post. Quickly open Oracle and use
the screwdriver on him.

Look at PEG to see his circuit board. Get the green circuit board (slot 4) and
the blue circuit board (slot B). Exit the screen. Use the screwdriver on SAM.
Look at SAM. Get the blue circuit board (slot D) and the green circuit board
(slot 2). Exit the screen. Look at PEG. Open Oracle and use SAM's green circuit
board in slot 4. Open Oracle and use SAM's blue circuit board in slot B. Exit
screen. Use Newlook Sam. SAM will go to the turbolift entrance. Use the
turbolift. On the map, select the Maintenance Area.

Use the lever three times. Select Feeble. Walk left and use the two vents along
the path to close them. Continute left and return to the car. Use the final
vent by the car and it will explode, creating a deep hole. Select SAM. Use the
lever once. Select Feeble. Use the deep hole. Feeble will land in the
ventilation system. Go forward twice, left once and forward twice to arrive at
the vent outside of the Maintenance Area. In a cutscene, SAM will have a fight
with WCDF and will be left in pieces. Walk over the bridge on the left and get
the jacket at the right side of the desk. Use the lift. Go to Interrogation.

Talk to the Gakky rebel, and he'll tell you about Gardum. Talk to Mandarin and
he'll ask for water. Enter the turbo lift. Go to the brain room. Walk right and
get some brain slime, which comes with a chain. Exit the brain room. Go to the
interrogation room. Open Oracle and use the brain slime on Mandarin to get a
key. Use the turbo lift. Go to Research and Testing. Get the fire extinguisher.
Use the antimatter weight. Get the antimatter weight. Exit Research and
Testing. Go to the surface. Walk left twice. Go up the path to the car, where
Gardum is waiting. Use the car to return to the base.


Walk left and enter the complex. Walk left to the hallway. Open Oracle and use
the key on the cabinet to receive a stretchy rope. Go right twice and use the
car to return to Aldoria Major.


Open Oracle and use the fire extinguisher on Gardum to freeze him. Use frozen
Gardum with the deep hole. Walk right three screens to the turbolift and enter
it. Go to the Maintenance Area. Go right and walk up the steps to enter the
ventilation system. Look up, move up, turn around and go forward twice to
arrive near a grill. Open Oracle and use the stretchy rope on the grill. Open
Oracle and use the chain with the grill. Go back, move forward, turn left, move
forward twice to exit the ventilation and arrive in the Maintenance Area. Walk
across the bridge and use the turbolift. Go to the Brain Room.

Go across to the right side of the room and then go up to enter a new area. Use
the rope and chain to attach it to the hook. Open Oracle and use the antimatter
weight with the rope and chain. Use the rope, chain and weight to create a
bungee rope. Use the bungee rope, and then use the weight to land on the vent
above. Use the lever to close the vent. Walk right. Walk left and enter the
turbolift. Go to the Maintenance Area.

Open Oracle and use the screwdriver on the mangled robot. Use the red lever
twice. Get the nearby grenades. Enter the turbolift. Go to Research and
Testing. Walk right and use the button to stop the vent in the top-right corner
of the room. Open Oracle and use the grenades on the firing range until a gas
grenade has been thrown. Walk left and enter the turbolift. Go to the
Maintenance Area.

Cross the bridge and go up the steps to enter the ventilation system. Look up,
move up and then move forward to arrive near a fan. Open Oracle and use the
metal plate with the fan. Go back, turn right and move forward to exit the
ventilation system. Cross the bridge and use the lever twice. Enter the turbo
lift. Go to Interrogation.

Walk left and get the class A pass that the creature on the right is holding.
Go right and enter the turbolift. Go to the Temple. Get the book on top of the
chest. After a cutscene in which Feeble reads the book, use the chest to
collect the axe. Walk right to find the OmniBrain. Open Oracle and use the axe
on the OmniBrain. Major Benson will appear. Quickly use the OmniBrain. After
the glass has been smashed, use the OmniBrain to go down to the Founder's room.
Talk to the Founder, and then use the computer to complete the game.


3. Item List


Found after using the credit coin in the right vending machine at the
observatory in Metro Prime. It is used on the guard in the Ministry
Headquarters in Metro Prime.

Found in research and testing at Aldoria Major. It is used on the stretchy

Found in the chest in the temple at Aldoria Major. It is used on the

Found after using the spear on the cover outside the ship on planet Filb. It
is given to Delores on the ship.

Found in the car on the Junk Ship. A metal bar is found by looking at the
bicycle pump in Oracle.

Found by using the doll on the broken teleporter in the Ministry of Galactic

Found on the mountain top on planet Filb. It is put on the flat rock near the

Found by using the blue spotlight control on the master control in the
OmniClub. It is one of five items used in the airlock of the observation dome
in Metro Prime.

Found in the canteen on Cygnus Alpha. It is used on the dispenser in the
canteen to get the gunge.

Found in the brain room at Aldoria Major. It is used on Mandarin in the
interrogation room to get the key.

After the warbles have appeared in Metro Prime, the card can be found by
talking to the guard outside the Ministry of Galactic Uncertainty. It is used
on the vid phone booth in Metro Prime.

Found by picking up the brain slime in the brain room at Aldoria Major. It is
used on the grill in the maintenance area at Aldoria Major.

Bought from the pill shop in Metro Prime. They are used in Ministry
Headquarters in Metro Prime before talking to Molly.

Found after using the souvenir coin in the left vending machine in the
observatory. It is used in the right vending machine at the observatory in
Metro Prime.

Found by delivering the package to the area east of the newsstand in Metro
Prime. They are used on the vending machine in the observation dome in Metro
Prime. They are also used to buy Charisma X and the old pills from the pill
shop in Metro Prime.

Found on the table of Dave's Space Bar after the enforcer has been told about
the freighter pilot. It is given to the docking controller in Metro Prime.

Found in the Ministry of Galactic Uncertainty. It is used on the broken
teleporter to create the big doll.

Found on the pile at the bottom of the chute on Cygnus Alpha. They are used
on the vent on Cygnus Alpha.

Found in the cabinet of the base in Metro Prime. It is used before Feeble
leaves the base.

Found in research and testing at Aldoria Major. It is used on Gardum.

Found in the eye of the statue on planet Filb. It is given to Delores on the

Found in the maintenance area at Aldoria Major. They are used on the firing
range in the maintenance area.

Found in Cygnus Alpha by using the bowl on the dispenser in the Canteen. It
is used on the cameras on Cygnus Alpha.

Found in the locker in the Ministry of Galactic Uncertainty. It is used to
ride the bike.

After the announcement has said that Feeble has collected the prize in Metro
Prime, the jumper can be found in the confession room in Metro Prime. It is
one of five items used in the airlock of the observation dome in Metro Prime.

Found by using the brain slime on Mandarin at Aldoria Major. It is used on
the cabinet at the base complex to get the stretchy rope.

Found on the docking controller in his office when he finds the warbles. They
are used on the bike.

Made by using the leaflet on the broken teleporter in the Ministry of
Galactic Uncertainty. It used with the Traitor Alert Station in the
confession room of Metro Prime.

Found after using the telephone in the laboratory on planet Filb. It is given
to Delores on the ship.

Found by talking to the protestor in Dave's Space Bar. It is used on the
teleporter in the Ministry of Galactic Uncertainty to make the large leaflet.

Found on the big doll. It is used to ride the bike.

Found in Dave's Space Bar. It is given to the guy in the vid phone booth.

Found in the OmniClub. It is one of five items used in the airlock of the
observation dome in Metro Prime.

Found in the tomb after the symbol on the paper has been put on the floor in
the tomb.

Found by looking at the bicycle pump in Oracle. It is used to open the doors
to the OmniClub.

Found in the base complex after SAM shoots the door. They are used on the
strange machine in the base complex.

After the warbles have appeared in Metro Prime, the miracle mud is found by
talking to the salesman outside of Dave's Space Bar. It is used to fix the
leak on the space hopper. It is also used on the OmniCofe cup in the Ministry
Headquarters in Metro Prime.

Found by talking to Delores at the bottom of the chute on Cygnus Alpha.

Found by using the newspaper from the base with the pile of newspapers on the
newsstand in Metro Prime. It is one of five items used in the airlock of the
observation dome in Metro Prime.

Found on the wall of the base in Metro Prime. It is used with the pile of
newspapers on the newsstand in Metro Prime to get the new newspaper.

Found by using the screwdriver on the salesman's bike outside Dave's Space
Bar. It is used on the car. It is used to open the drawer in the Ministry of
Galactic Uncertainty.

Bought from the pill shop in Metro Prime. They are used in the light wave
soda in Dave's Space Bar.

Found on the desk of the Ministry Headquarters in Metro Prime. It is used
with the miracle mud.

Delores will give Feeble the package in Dave's Space Bar. It is delivered to
the area east of the newsstand in Metro Prime for the credits.

Found in the drawer in the tomb. It is used on the symbol outside the base in
Metro Prime. It is put on the floor in the tomb.

Found in the TV room on Cygnus Alpha. The tacks are on the poster.

Found after Feeble changes into the dress in the base. It is one of five
items used in the airlock of the observation dome in Metro Prime.

Found in the grabber machine in the arcade in Metro Prime. When found, the
wild cat doll is revealed.

Found in the tomb after the symbol on the paper has been put on the floor in
the tomb. It is used to get the number plate from the salesman's bike outside
Dave's Space Bar.

Found in the drawer in the Ministry of Galactic Uncertainty. It is used in
the left vending machine at the observatory in Metro Prime.

Found in the car on the Junk Ship. It is used on the valve of the air supply
in Metro Prime. It is one of five items used in the airlock of the
observation dome in Metro Prime.

Dropped by the Filb near the village on planet Filb. It is used to open the
cover of the ship.

Found in the drawer in the tomb. It is used on the symbol outside the base in
Metro Prime.

Found after using the credit coin in the right vending machine at the
observatory in Metro Prime.

Found in the cabinet at the base complex. It is used on the antimatter

Found on the poster from the TV room on Cygnus Alpha. They are used on the
bed on Cygnus Alpha.

Found by talking to the attendant in the arcade after riding the Super Virtua
Challenge 4 machine. It is used to enter the zoo in Metro Prime.

After the warbles have appeared in Metro Prime, the tow cable is found on the
salesman's bike outside of Dave's Space Bar. It is used on the car on the
Junk Ship.

Found in the TV room on Cygnus Alpha. It is taken to short circuit the

After the warbles have appeared in Metro Prime, a warble can be found under
the saddle of the bike. It is put in the locker of the docking controller's
office in Metro Prime.

Found in the grabber machine in the arcade in Metro Prime. It is put in the
locker of the docking controller's office in Metro Prime.

Found in the ship on Cygnus Alpha. They are used on the input in the ignition


4. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2002-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.
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