King's Quest 5 - Absence makes the Heart go Yonder

King's Quest 5 - Absence makes the Heart go Yonder

16.10.2013 17:58:30

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Point List
5. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 12th Mar, 2003 (First version)


1. Introduction


In King's Quest V, King Graham is the main character of the game. It starts
with Graham going for a walk in in the forest near Daventry. When he returns to
Daventry, he finds that his castle has disappeared. An owl named Cedric appears
on the branch of a tree and explains that a wizard named Mordack has taken the
castle, along with Graham's family, back to his island on the other side of the
snowy mountains. Mordack is friends with Manannan, the evil magician from
King's Quest III, and he needs Graham's son, Alexander, to transform the cat
back to the wizard. Cedric takes Graham to the land of Serenia, where they
prepare to journey across the mountains to Mordack's island.


2. Walkthrough



The game starts outside Crispin's house. South. South. East. Look in the barrel
at the left side of town and get the fish. Enter the tailor's shop on the
right. Exit the shop, and a coin will be visible in the street near the barrel.
Get the coin. West. West. Open the door to enter the bakehouse. Give the silver
coin to the baker to buy a pie. Exit the bakery. West. West. A bear will be
trying to climb a tree in this area. Give the fish to the bear. Get the stick
near the right side of the tree. Get the honeycomb from the beehive. North.
Give the stick to the dog. South. East. Use the haystack, and the ants will
give Graham the golden needle. West.


West. West. West. West. West. Use the oasis. South. West. West. Get the shoe.
North. East. East. Use the oasis. North. North. West. West. West. Walk behind
the left rock and wait for the riders to enter the temple. Use the oasis.
South. South. South. West. West. Use the oasis. South. South. South. West.
Enter the tent at the right side of the area.

Get the staff. Exit the tent. Use the jar near the campfire. East. North.
North. North. Use the oasis. North. North. North. East. East. North. Use the
staff on the door. Quickly get the bottle and the gold coin. Exit the temple.
South. Use the oasis. East. East. East. East. East. East. East. East. Give the
gold coin to the man. After the cutscene, Graham will receive an amulet. Use
the amulet on Graham. East. East. North.


West. A witch will shoot a spell at Graham in this area, but due to the amulet
it will have no effect. Use the brass bottle on the witch. East. North. Enter
the house. Open the drawer at the left side of the room and get the pouch. In
the inventory, open the pouch to find emeralds. Open the trunk at the right
side of the room and get the spinning wheel. Use the incense burner above the
trunk to find a key. Exit the house.

East. Use the key on the door of the tree. Get the golden heart. West. West.
Use the honeycomb on the path. Use the emerald on the path. Use the emerald on
the path. Use the emerald on the path, and Graham will find the elf. West.
West. The elf will give Graham his finest pair of shoes, and then Graham will
crawl through the tunnel to exit the forest.


West. Give the golden heart to the willow tree, and the princess will drop a
harp. Get the harp. West. Get the tambourine. South. East. Give the spinning
wheel to the right dwarf to receive the marionette. South. East. When the cat
and the rat appear, quickly throw the boot at the cat. East. East.


Enter the shoe shop at the right side of town and give the shoes to the
shoemaker to get the hammer. Exit the shop. Enter the toy shop on the left and
give the marionette to the toymaker to get the sled. Exit the shop. Enter the
tailor's shop at the left side of town and give the golden needle to the tailor
to get the cloak. Exit the shop. West. West. West. Enter the inn.


In the cellar, the rat will untie Graham. Get the rope. Use the hammer on the
door. Open the door. Open the cupboard at the top-right corner of the room and
get the leg of lamb. West.


North. East. East. Use the tambourine on the snake and it will leave the area.
East. Put the cloak on Graham. North.


Use the rope on the rock at the right side of the branch, and use the rope to
climb up to the ledge at the top. Use the rock outcroppings to cross the gap to
the path on the other side. Walk over the log. East. Use the leg of lamb on
Graham. Use the sled on Graham to slide down to the bottom of the slope. Use
the left-over leg of lamb on the eagle. North to enter Queen Icebella's palace.
When the wolves appear, quickly use the harp on Graham. Sir Greywolf will take
you to the domain of the yeti.

North. When the yeti appears, quickly use the custard pie on the yeti. Enter
the cave. Use the hammer on the crystal at the end of the path to get the
crystal shard. Exit the cave. West. Walk south to the wolf and he will take you
back to Isobella's palace. After the cutscene, Graham will return to the area
near the yeti's cave. South. Climb the tunnel to land in a giant bird's nest.
Get the locket. The eagle that Graham gave the leg of lamb to earlier will
arrive to take Graham to the beach.


Get the iron bar. North. Use the beeswax in the boat. Use the boat. South.
East. East. East to the island. While the harpies are talking, quickly use the
harp on Graham. Get the fish hook. West. Get Cedric. West. Get the conch shell.
Use the boat to leave the island. West. West. West. West to the beach. Use the
bell and give the conch shell to the man. In the cutscene, Graham will follow
the mermaid to Mordack's island.


Get the fish. North. Use the crystal shard on the statue of either serpent.
North. Walk down the trail at the left side of the castle. Use the iron bar on
the grate. Use the grate to enter the labyrinth.


Walk to Dink. Use the tambourine on Dink, and he will drop the hairpin. Get the
hairpin. Walk back to the grate which was used to enter the labyrinth. South.
West. North. West. East. North. East. West. North. West. North. East. Walk to
the door in the labyrinth and use the hairpin to unlock it. Open the door to
enter the castle.


Open the cabinet at the left side of the room and get the bag of dried peas.
North. Give the locket to Cassima. A blue beast will take Graham to a cell.
Look at the mousehole. Use the fish hook in the mousehole to get the cheese.
Cassima will appear at the left side of the cell. Go through the hole and
follow Cassima through the labyrinth to the door. Open the door to enter the
castle. North. East. East. Use the bag of peas on the blue beast.

South. West. North. West. Give the fish to the cat. Use the bag of peas on the
cat. Read the book on the table. Wait at either side of the doorway, and
Mordack will soon appear in the bedroom. North. Get the wand from the table
near Mordack. East. East. Climb up the steps. East. Use Crispin's wand on the
contraption. Use Mordack's wand on the contraption. Use the piece of cheese on
the contraption. Get Crispin's wand.

When Mordack transforms into the dragon, use Crispin's wand on Graham and
transform into a tiger. When the dragon increases in size, use Crispin's wand
on Graham and transform into a rabbit. When Mordack transforms into the snake,
use Crispin's wand on Graham and transform into a mongoose. When Mordack
transforms into the fire, use Crispin's wand on Graham and cast the raincloud
to complete the game.


3. Item List


Given to Graham by Madam Mushka in the wagon in Serenia. It is worn by Graham
to protect him from the witch in the forest.

Found in the cupboard after exiting the labyrinth in Mordack's castle. It is
used on the blue beast and the cat in Mordack's castle.

Found in the beehive in Serenia. It is used in the hole in the boat on the

Found in the temple in the desert. It is used on the witch in the forest.

Found in the incense burner above the trunk in the witch's house. It is used
in the door of the tree in the forest to get the golden heart.

The tailor in the tailor's shop will give Graham the cloak for the golden
needle. It is used on Graham at the mountains.

Found on the beach of the island with the harpies. It is given to the man in
the house on the beach near the mountains.

Available at the start of the game. It is used on the contraption in
Mordack's castle.

Found in the yeti's cave. It is used with the statue of either serpent on
Mordack's island.

Bought from the bakehouse. It is thrown at the yeti on the mountains.

Found in the pouch. They are used on the path west of the witch's house in
the forest.

Found in the barrel near the tailor's shop in the town of Serenia. It is
given to the bear to save the bees.

Found on the beach of Mordack's island. It is given to the cat in Mordack's

Found on the island with the harpies. It is used on the mousehole in the cell
in Mordack's castle.

Found in the temple in the desert. It is given to the man outside of Madam
Mushka's wagon in Serenia.

Found in the tree east of the witch's house in the forest. It is given to the
weeping willow tree for the harp.

The ants will help Graham find the golden needle in the haystack after he
saves them from the dog. It is given to the tailor in the town of Serenia.

Found after the tambourine has been given to Dink in the labyrinth under
Mordack's castle. It is used to unlock the door to the castle.

The shoemaker in the shoe shop will give Graham the hammer for the pair of
shoes. It is used on the cellar door of the inn. It is also used to get the
crystal shard from the yeti's cave.

The weeping willow tree will give Graham the harp after she is given the
golden heart. It is played at Queen Icebella's palace as the wolves walk
toward Graham. It is also played near the harpies on the island.

Found in the beehive in Serenia. It is used on the path west of the witch's
house in the forest.

Found on the beach after the mountains. It is used to open the grate at the
left side of Mordack's castle.

Found by eating the leg of lamb at the mountains. It is given to the eagle.

Found in the cupboard in the kitchen of the inn. It is used on Graham on the

Found in the bird's nest. It is given to Cassima in Mordack's castle.

The right gnome outside the gnome house will give Graham the marionette for
the spinning wheel. It is given to the toymaker the town of Serenia.

Found on the table in Mordack's bedroom after he falls asleep. It is used on
the contraption in Mordack's castle.

The elf in the forest will give Graham the pair of shoes after he stands on
the honeycomb. It is given to the shoemaker in the town of Serenia.

Found in the mousehole in the cell in Mordack's castle. It is used on the
contraption in Mordack's castle.

Found in the drawer at the left side of the witch's house in the forest. It
is opened to find the emeralds.

Found after the rat appears in the cellar of the inn. It is used on the rock
at the mountains.

Found near the skeleton in the desert. It is used to save the rat from the
cat outside the bakehouse.

Found outside the tailor's shop in the town of Serenia. It is used to buy a
pie from the baker in the bakehouse.

The toymaker in the toy shop will give Graham the sled for the marionette. It
is used to slide down the slope at the mountains.

Found in the trunk at the right side of the witch's house in the forest. It
is given to the gnome in Serenia.

Found in the bandit's tent in the desert. It is used to open the door of the

Found near the beehive in Serenia. It is thrown for the dog to save the ants.

Found at the clearing west of the willow tree after she has been given the
golden heart. It is used on the snake on the path south of Crispin's house.
It is also used on Dink in the labyrinth under Mordack's castle.


4. Point List



2 2 Get the fish from the barrel.

4 2 Get the silver coin.

6 2 Buy a pie from the bakehouse.

10 4 Give the fish to the bear.

12 2 Get the stick near the beehive.

14 2 Get the honeycomb from the beehive.

18 4 Give the stick to the dog.

20 2 Find the golden needle in the haystack.

22 2 Use the oasis in the desert.

24 2 Get the shoe in the desert.

27 3 Find the temple in the desert.

29 2 Hide from the bandit's outside the temple.

32 3 Find the camp in the desert.

34 2 Get the staff from the tent.

36 2 Use the staff to open the temple door.

38 2 Get the brass bottle from the temple.

40 2 Get the gold coin from the temple.

45 5 Get the amulet from the fortune teller.

47 2 Enter the forest.

51 4 Give the brass bottle to the witch.

53 2 Get the pouch from the drawer.

55 2 Get the spinning wheel from the trunk.

57 2 Get the brass key from the incense burner.

60 3 Use the brass key on the door of the tree.

62 2 Get the golden heart from the tree.

66 4 Use the honeycomb on the path.

72 6 Use the three emeralds on the path.

76 4 Get the pair of shoes from the elf.

80 4 Give the golden heart to the willow tree.

82 2 Get the harp.

84 2 Get the tambourine.

88 4 Give the spinning wheel to the gnome.

92 4 Throw the shoe at the cat.

96 4 Give the pair of shoes to the shoemaker.

100 4 Give the marionette to the toymaker.

104 4 Give the golden needle to the tailor.

106 2 Get the rope from the cellar of the inn.

110 4 Use the hammer on the cellar door.

112 2 Get the leg of lamb from the inn.

115 3 Use the tambourine on the snake.

119 4 Wear the cloak at the mountains.

124 5 Use the rope on the rock.

126 2 Jump across the rock outcroppings.

130 4 Eat the leg of lamb at the mountains.

135 5 Use the sled on the slope at the mountains.

138 3 Give the left-over leg of lamb to the eagle.

140 2 Enter Queen Icebella's palace.

144 4 Play the harp in Queen Icebella's palace.

148 4 Throw the custard pie at the yeti.

152 4 Get the crystal shard from the yeti's cave.

156 4 Get the locket from the bird's nest.

158 2 Get the iron bar from the beach.

163 5 Use the beeswax in the boat on the beach.

166 3 Sail to the island with the harpies.

170 4 Play the harp near the harpies.

172 2 Get the fish hook.

175 3 Get Cedric.

177 2 Get the conch shell.

184 7 Give the shell to the man on the island.

186 2 Get the fish on Mordack's island.

191 5 Use the crystal on the statue of the serpent.

195 4 Use the iron bar on the grate.

198 3 Use the tambourine on Dink in the labyrinth.

200 2 Get the hairpin.

204 4 Use the hairpin on the door in the labyrinth.

206 2 Get the bag of dried peas from the cupboard.

210 4 Give the locket to Cassima.

212 2 Find the cell in the castle.

216 4 Get the cheese from the mousehole.

219 3 Use the bag of dried peas on the blue beast.

222 3 Give the fish to the cat.

224 2 Use the bag of dried peas on the cat.

227 3 Get Mordack's wand from the table.

231 4 Use Crispin's wand on the contraption.

235 4 Use Mordack's wand on the contraption.

240 5 Use the piece of cheese on the contraption.

244 4 Get Crispin's wand from the contraption.

260 16 Defeat Mordack using the four spells.


5. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2003-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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