Settlers 2

Settlers 2

16.10.2013 21:02:47


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[F]requently [A]sked [Q]uestions


Post-Release Version 1.1 - MINOR Revision
Last Updated April 2nd, 2006
Written By Alexandru '2 Bad' Duta



Hello. My name is Alexandru '2 Bad' Duta and I welcome you to the
unofficial Settlers 2 FAQ.

This FAQ was written to satisfy my need of writing about a game I truly
love, and fate have it, I chose Settlers 2. With this opportunity I want to
thank Blue Byte Software for their amazing work. This game is beyond its
time in both gameplay and graphics.

During the past years, three more games and a few add-ons were released but
none of them could surpass the marvel that is The Settlers II. I am truly
sorry that the Settlers concept has been destroyed. The Settlers III and IV
are pityful excuses for games that bear that name.

This is what I said back in July, 2003:

"Blue Byte should really consider returning to the old Settlers II system
when thinking of a fifth Settlers game... Enough said. I'll leave you to
your reading. Enjoy!"

In March, 2005, my worst fear happened. Blue Byte released another game,
another Settlers game, the fifth one. Settlers V: Heritage Of Kings, as it
is called brings new ideas and old ideas together, but fails to capture the
magic that was The Settlers. Graphically, it's not the best you've ever
seen, it's not even close. It's sort of Warcraft III, but with a more
detailed resource and micro management. And, in my opinion is not worth the
money. I would love to see a new and improved version of Settlers II, but I
am going to die of old age until that happens.

This is what I said back in June, 2005:

"On a final note, this is the last version of this FAQ. Maybe if I get some
really compelling e-mails I might do a follow-up, but, I stopped working on
this FAQ. I regret not being able to finish through the FANpaign and other
campaign maps. I am an asshole. Sorry again."

It is now April 2006 and roumor has it that Blue Byte is working on a 3D
remake of Settlers 2! YES! You read right, and I am pretty happy about it!
If they actually re-create the beauty that is the Settlers 2 in 3D, it's
going to be the best game ever. I'm actually going to buy it retail.

However, Blue Byte may only release it in German, and that will be awful.
I just hope that some nice people will translate it for the rest of us.

Naturally, I'm going to update the FAQ or maybe even write a new one when
the remake is released. I can't wait!



Part 1 - Introduction
1.1 - Legal Information
1.1.1 - Disclaimer
1.1.2 - Trademark Information
1.1.3 - Copyright Notice
1.2 - A Word From Alexandru Duta
1.3 - About The Unofficial Settlers II FAQ
1.4 - About The Unofficial Settlers II ASCII Logo
1.5 - Getting The Unofficial Settlers II FAQ
1.6 - Adding To The FAQ
1.7 - Acknowledgements/Credits
1.8 - Accurate Information
1.9 - Revision History
1.10 - Settlers II On The Web
1.10.1 - Download The Full Game
1.10.2 - Download Maps
Part 2 - The Basics
2.1 - About The Game
2.2 - General Useful Tips
2.3 - Free Game/Unlimited Play Mode Help
2.4 - Buildings
2.5 - Industry System
2.6 - Soldiers
2.7 - Civilisations/People
2.8 - The H.Q.
2.9 - Advanced Settling
2.10 - Cheating
2.11 - Bugs
2.12 - Keyboard Shortcuts
2.13 - The FANpaign
Part 3 - Roman Campaign Walkthrough
3.1 - Chapter I: Off We Go
3.2 - Chapter II: Initial Contact
3.3 - Chapter III: The Pass
3.4 - Chapter IV: On The High Seas
3.5 - Chapter V: In The Wasteland
3.6 - Chapter VI: Divided Country
3.7 - Chapter VII: The Snake
3.8 - Chapter VIII: Sea Routes
3.9 - Chapter IX: The Grey Island
3.10 - Chapter X: The Last Gate
Part 4 - [World Campaign Walkthrough]
4.1 - [Europe]
4.2 - [Africa]
4.3 - [North America]
4.4 - [South America]
4.5 - [Greenland]
4.6 - [Australia]
4.7 - [North Asia]
4.8 - [South Asia]
4.9 - [Japan]
Part 5 - Free Game/Unlimited Play Walkthrough
5.1 - Old Maps
5.1.1 - [The Dark Path]
5.1.2 - [The Ditch]
5.1.3 - [The Plateau]
5.1.4 - [In The Mountains]
5.1.5 - [The Triangle]
5.1.6 - [Sea Of Lava]
5.1.7 - [The Green Island]
5.1.8 - [Good Old Times]
5.1.9 - [Countryside By A River]
5.1.10 - [The Black Valley]
5.1.11 - [The Oak Forest]
5.1.12 - [Tortoise]
5.1.13 - [Island Of Hills]
5.1.14 - [Four Islands]
5.1.15 - [Plateau Of Dragons]
5.1.16 - [The Amulet]
5.1.17 - [Battle In The Middle]
5.1.18 - [Trough The Desert]
5.2 - New Maps
5.2.1 - The Ring
5.2.2 - Thor's Island
5.2.3 - The Pancake
5.2.4 - Paradise Island
5.2.5 - Green Meadow
5.2.6 - Cold Times
5.2.7 - Christmas
5.2.8 - Dead Land
5.2.9 - Scorpion
5.2.10 - Toe To Toe
5.2.11 - The Gathering
5.2.12 - Adventure Island
Part 6 - FANpaign Walkthrough
6.1 - [Stranded]
6.2 - [In Exile]
6.3 - [The Limes]
6.4 - [Deep Freeze]
6.5 - [Oceania]
6.6 - [Harbour Zone]
6.7 - [New Ways]
6.8 - [Desert]
6.9 - [Intermezzo]
6.10 - [Return To Rome]
Part 7 - [The Map Editor]
7.1 - [Getting Started]
7.2 - [Basic Rules]
7.3 - [Placing Resources]
7.4 - [Placing Enemies]
7.5 - [Clear Way]
7.6 - [Ratios]
7.7 - [Objectives]
7.8 - [Wrap Up]
7.9 - [Testing]
7.10 - [Publishing]
Part 8 - The End
8.1 - What's Next?
8.2 - Bye

Sections in brackets '[]' were never finished. I am a lazy fat bastard.


P A R T 1 - I N T R O D U C T I O N



Please take a moment to read the following important information. It is
designed and placed in this article to save my ass and, on some occasions,
to save your ass.

This statement has NOT been written by me, but taken out of a copyright
enforcement manual. You'd best not fuck with it. I might seem like a nice
guy, but if you fuck with me, I fuck with you!



This FAQ is to aid in informing the public about the game SETTLERS II by
Blue Byte Software. In no way should this promote your killing yourself,
killing others, or killing in any other fashion.

Additionally, Alexandru Duta claims NO responsibility regarding ANY illegal
activity concerning this FAQ, or indirectly related to this FAQ. The
information contained in this FAQ only reflects Blue Byte Software
indirectly, and questioning Blue Byte Software regarding any information in
this FAQ is not recommended.



All specific names included herein are trademarks and are so
acknowledged: Blue Byte Software, Settlers, Settlers II, Windows, etc. Any
trademarks not mentioned here are still hypothetically acknowledged.



This article is copyright 2004 by Alexandru Duta. All rights reserved.

You are granted the following rights:

I. To make copies of this work in original form, so long as
(a) the copies are exact and complete;
(b) the copies include the copyright notice and these paragraphs
in their entirety;
(c) the copies give obvious credit to the author, Alexandru Duta;
(d) the copies are in electronic form.

II. To distribute this work, or copies made under the provisions above, so
long as
(a) this is the original work and not a derivative form;
(b) you do not charge a fee for copying or for distribution;
(c) you ensure that the distributed form includes the copyright
notice, this paragraph, the disclaimer of warranty in their
entirety and credit to the author;
(d) the distributed form is not in an electronic magazine or
within computer software (prior explicit permission may be
obtained from Alexandru Duta);
(e) the distributed form is the NEWEST version of the article to the
best of the knowledge of the distributor;
(f) the distributed form is electronic;
(g) the author is notified of set distribution.

You may not distribute this work by any non-electronic media, including but
not limited to books, newsletters, magazines, manuals, catalogs, and
speech. You may not distribute this work in electronic magazines or within
computer software without prior written explicit permission. These rights
are temporary and revocable upon written, oral, or other notice by
Alexandru Duta.

If you would like additional rights beyond those granted above, write to
the author at "" on the Internet.



Sorry for taking SUCH a long time before I did this update. I had a lot to
do... like pass my mid-term and actually think about the future 'cos I'm
not gonna be writing FAQs 'till I hit 50.

It's not often a FAQ of mine gets to this point. I tried to write more than
five FAQs and until now, none of them made it this far. I keep boring
myself... and getting too lazy and never finishing anything. I really don't
know what came over me now. This FAQ got further than I ever expected. And
I thank you, the reader, for that.

I hope everyone likes this version of the FAQ. It has been updated and now
contains Settlers II and Settlers II Gold Edition information, the FANpaign
information and more.

Lately, I've been feeling that it's all gonna end soon. A couple of more
updates and my part will be over. The FAQ will cover just about everything.
I just hope that some of you will contact me to give me pointers on what to
do next.

Until the next revision, keep on settling!

- Alexandru "2 Bad" Duta



Welcome to the post-release v0.9 of The Unofficial Settlers II FAQ.

What does that mean? Post-release is after the game is released, version
0.9 is a minor revision written after 0.85, "Unofficial" means absolutely
nothing, SETTLERS II is the name of the game and FAQs are [F]requently
[A]sked [Q]uestions.

Here's how revision classification works. If a new version of the FAQ only
has a small amount of information changed or added, the version number is
increased by 0.1. This is called a "minor revision."

If a new version of the FAQ has a substantial amount of new information
changed or added, the version number is increased by 0.5. This is called a
"standard revision."

If a new version of the FAQ has a huge amount of added or changed
information, major parts of the FAQ are rearranged, or major parts of the
FAQ are rewritten, then the version number is increased by 1.0. This is
called a "major revision."

Currently we're still in the 0.x stage, meaning a very preliminary FAQ. As
soon as I have amassed sufficient info in here, I'll boost the version
number to 1.0.



The incredible ASCII logo was done by me and added in v0.2 of the FAQ.

Please keep in mind that, as is the rest of this document, the logo is
copyrighted. This FAQ may not be split into parts and distributed.
Therefore, the logo may not be used independently from the Unofficial
Settlers II FAQ.

Thank you for respecting global copyright laws.



There are a few places on the Internet where you can get the newest version
of this FAQ. It was designed to fit into the Dirty Little Helper database,
but it got into GameFAQs as well. Whatever the case, it will always be
accessible through my own website. Here are the links:

Dirty Little Helper:
GameSpot: (not approved)
AOL: (not approved)


I always check and update the GameFAQs and DLH.Net sites and provide
them with the newest version of the FAQ. Please note that other sites may
not have the latest FAQ version.

If you would like to post the FAQ on your website, please let me know so
that you'll be kept up-to-date and have the latest version available. Plus
your site will be listed here!



If you want something added to the FAQ, please send an e-mail to
"", explaining what your addition is. It will be
reviewed, and if accepted, added to the next FAQ version. In the e-mail,
please supply your name and e-mail address.

Please note that all submissions to the FAQ become the property of the
author (Alexandru Duta) and that they may or may not be acknowledged. By
submitting to the FAQ, you grant permission for use of your submission in
any future publications of the FAQ in any media. The author reserves the
right to omit information from a submission or delete the submission



In this section I will try to thank all those who sent me information that
actually made it into the FAQ. They will be forever remembered for their


Geoff Barnard (
Great guy. Really helped me out. His contributions can be seen throughout
the FAQ. Thanks man! The Settlers will never die!

Colin Attle (
Some guys actually do win. I would like to thank Colin for his submission
and for the fact that he put up with my late, late acknowledgement.

James Lowry (
The first guy who actually tried to tackle my chapter three problem. Thanks
man, but I finally got it working. I really appreciate your help. I really
like the "Black Belt! Hit Sir Armor of Gothic here until he stops thinking
conscious thoughts." bit.



An attempt has been made to make the information in this FAQ as
accurate as possible. To my best knowledge, all the information supplied in
this article is 100% accurate.

To this end, I keep reading and re-reading the FAQ, playing the game and
more to make sure that everything is perfect. If for some reason you
noticed something don't hesitate to contact me at



v0.1 - June 1st, 2003 - MINOR Revision

- first public release.

v0.2 - June 7th, 2003 - MINOR Revision

- added two more chapters to the walkthrough... Unfortunately my copy of
Settlers II is fucked up and I can't play chapter 3. I will try to add it
in the near future. Sorry.

- put my head together for a few corrections and alignments.

- got me a new ASCII logo. Worked on it for about 15 minutes. Cute, eh?

v0.3 - June 14th, 2003 - MINOR Revision

- added a few new rookie tips. I think that the Rookie section could get
renamed into something like "Game Tips"... or something; because some of
them are getting really technical. A rookie couldn't handle it.

- some more spell-checks.

- submitted the file to GameFAQs and DLH.Net. I hope it gets approved.

v0.4 - June 21st, 2003 - MINOR Revision

- I managed to add secondary information. I will finish the walkthrough as
soon as possible. I do have a life (not really, I'm just lazy).

- a lot of spell checks and corrections. I refuse to use a normal
spell-checker. They fuck up the FAQ.

- included some comments and suggestions recieved by e-mail.

- found the game to be abandonware ... anyone can get it for free!

- added Gold Edition information.

- FAQ is online at GameFAQs; yee!

v0.5 - June 28th, 2003 - MINOR Revision

- added to the walktrough. Gettin' really fussy 'bout it.

- spelling mistakes got waxed plus some fixation issues.

- corrected some minor problems: forgot to label some paragraphs.

- FAQ is online at NeoSeeker. They really know how to ask. Make you think
you wrote the best FAQ ever. Nice guys.

v0.666 - July 5th, 2003 - MINOR Revision

- completed some more chapters. Not much.

- got a whole bunch of feedback so I included that too.

v0.7 - July 12th, 2003 - MINOR Revision

- almost completed the FAQ. Not long now.

- miscellaneous corrections and additions.

- added FANpaign info.

- FAQ is online at DLH.Net! Bernd Wollfgramm himself asked for my
permission! WOW! I sent it to them a while ago but no reply. Now all of a
sudden the big honcho asks ME?! ...could be a typo. Or a "form" e-mail...
Really, really, really cool! Still, the FAQ is there :)

- FAQ's website is currently down. Makin' it look pretty.

- added the legal information.

v1.0 - June 1st, 2005 - MINOR Revision

- abandoned the rest of the FAQ. I'm sorry, it's just that I am a lazy fat
bastard. Hope you can do well with what you have here.



Because this game was released in 1996, there aren't a lot of fan-based
websites around. Even the official Blue Byte website leaves the Settlers II
out of the loop. No information about it is given at all. I did a search
but couldn't find more than a few reviews and some cheats...

Blue Byte Software:



Yes, it's true. The Settlers I and II are now abandonware! Download them
free of charge and enjoy! Even the Settlers II Gold edition is available.
The best site for abandonware is The Underdogs. Here are the links:

Settlers II Gold Full

Settlers II FANpaign

Settlers II Demo

Settlers II Gold Demo

Settlers II Mac Demo



I found only ONE website that still has downloadable Settlers II worlds.
The second one was suggested by Geoff; It's in german but you can handle
it. The third one was submitted by Colin.

Insider Settlers II -
Welt Siedler?! -
Settlers 4.Net -


P A R T 2 - T H E B A S I C S



The Settlers II is a strategy/economy game. It features real-time resource
management coupled with a well-designed economy system that can rival any
of today's 3D management sim. Another important part of the game is the
unique fighting technology.

Unlike other sims, where you get to build and provide an army but never get
to use it, in Settlers II you get to conquer enemy territory as ruthless as
possible. An entricate system allows the game to function as a whole,
uniting both types of gameplay into one package.

Is Settlers II a tactical real-time strategy game? Or is it an economy sim?
Like I said before: both game genres beautifully merged into one.

To succeed in the world of Settlers you will need to understand the system.
To build and train soldiers, you'll need a steady economy and ways to train
them. Shields, swords, beer and gold are just a small part of the numerous
requirements that you're going to have to fulfill.

Brace yourself for a ride unlike any other. And belive me when I say that
this will be a long ride. Only one chapter of the game can run for more
than 15 hours. No. Don't even think it. The Settlers II is not a slow game!
The game is carefully balanced to provide the best gameplay, even at such
seemingly long play-times.

Another aspect I must point out is the graphics. It is obvious that it does
not live up to today's 3D high-tech souped-up ultra graphics, but for a
production year of 1996, it really holds its own! 1024x768 hand-drawn frame
by frame animations really make this game a technological marvel.

Play this game, understand it... and you will soon love it.



In this section of the FAQ, I will try to point out certain mistakes that
rookie players may come across, and help some intermediate players go pro.

This section addresses people that have played, or have a somewhat
adequete understanding of the game system. If you do not, just advance down
to the walkthrough, and complete the first chapters... they're a tutorial!

* if you ever run out of wood something called "The Emergency Program" will
get activated. You will be notified in the messages box. This "Emergency
Program" gives you enough wood and stone to build a woodcutter and a
sawmill. Just WAIT for those to be built, so that the game can continue.

* if you find your soldiers disappearing from their chosen locations (these
can be Barracks, Guardhouse, Watchtower or Fortress), try looking around
for a Catapult. These things throw stones at close military locations and
kill a soldier per hit! To destroy a Catapult simply conquer the military
building next to/around it. HINT: If a military building is under fire
from a catapult, you will be notified in the messages window.

* `something's not right! I should be getting that particular resource but
it's not working!'. The only real answer to this one is: you screwed up!
The game is fully designed and bug-free (at least my version is). Maybe
you should check the industry chain to see whether you missed something.

* if you find it that your soldiers are all privates and the enemy's are
sergeants, officers or whatever... it means that you're gonna get your
ass kicked. Soldiers will fight better, resist more and serve you better
if they are higher in rank. They advance in rank if you get them gold
coins. Try to make them at the Mint.

* `a mine is exhausted. What now?' This is easy. There are only two things
you can do. Send a geologist there; he will analyze the mountain and tell
you in a few seconds if the entire mountain is dry, or if you need to
build another mine in another location. If the geologist comes up empty,
it means that the mountain has been bled dry of resources. Find another
one! P.S. Sometimes ALL THE MOUNTAINS are without minerals. Also, if a
mine gets exhausted, DESTROY IT, so that you don't lose more food on it.

* if you find that your opponent is capturing more and more of your
military buildings you can HALT his attacks by building catapults. These
kill off his soldiers BEFORE they get a chance to get out and attack. Try
it out. However, this will not last long. If he's not a moron, he'll
figure out a way to overpower your catapults. Always PRE-BUILD your army
to handle ALL kinds of attacks. If this is happening it's all YOUR fault!

* if you have all you need to make a soldier (beer, sword, shield) but he
is still not appearing, remember that you have to have A BEER, A SWORD,
A SHIELD and A HELPER (free guy) in ONE (the same) storehouse (H.Q.,
storehouse, harbor). Try restricting some of them so that everything goes
into one.

* remember to place flags as frequently as possible so merchandise traffic
can go A LOT faster. Also, note that flat ground is better than hills,
which SLOW UP your carriers. Always build a Donkey Breeder to speed up
congested roads. At one flag there can be a maximum of 8 items deposited.

* some people actually asked 'How can I attack?'. This is because the game
itself fails to explain some of the basic of actions. To attack another
player, simply click on his military buildings. A menu appears, that lets
you decide HOW the attack will unfold. After that, click on "attack" and
you'll see a battle take place.

* if you find the game too tiersome or demanding, it means that you're some
kind of a retard. Why are you asking me for advice? Delete the game and
go to sleep.



The Settlers II features two main game types. The "Campaign" mode and the
"Free Game" (original) / "Unlimited Play" (Gold Edition) mode.

The first one is carefully dealt with in part three of this FAQ. The latter
is the main attraction in part five. However, there are some aspects that
should be cleared up now.


When starting a new game in this mode, you are required to make selections.
These settings will greatly affect the game you are about to play. Here's
what you can chose, and what it does:

* Scenario - this determines what map you're about to play. There are 18
maps embedded into the game. They differ in size and player
capacity. In the gold edition you can select the first 18 maps
or the mission CD maps (12 maps) or player-created maps.

* Alliances - throughout the Campaign mode, your alliances are already set.
Well, in Free Game mode, you have the opportunity to change
who you're fighting with. There are several choices: "people
vs. people": every civilisation for itself (read section 2.7)
"human vs. computer": kinda simple to understand, "every man
for himself": need I say more?! Also NOTE that once someone
attacks an ally, all other allys of the attacked become your
enemies. Complicated at first, you'll catch on eventually...

* Objective - here's where you set up what you want to do. Again, you have
several choices. "None": which actually lets you do whatever,
"conquer 3/4 of map": you have to expand your territory, this
can be achieved without any fighting and "total domination"
where you have to be the ruler of all.

* Merchandise In H.Q. - how much stuff will be in your H.Q. when you start
the game. Can be: "low", "normal" or "a lot".

* Exploration - do you want to explore the enitre map, or do you want to
see everything from the start? You choose: "on" or "off".

* Start Position - the last thing you need to decide is the start position
of every player... yourself as well as the others. When
maps are made for Settlers II, the creator assigns
certain spots where the H.Q.s will be placed, so that
everyone has a fair chance. If you want this, choose "In
sequence". Otherwise, choose "random".



There are a lot of buildings in Settlers II. Most of them can be built. To
ensure a certain difficulty and to make things easier for the player, some
buildings are disabled in the first few chapters of the game. As chapters
progress, so will your knowledge of buildings.

Still I thought it was a good idea to quickly run through all the buildings
in the game... just so you know what's going on.

In Settlers II, there are three main types of buildings. Small, medium and
large, plus a special section: mines. To build something, just hit the
spacebar. Whoah! So many green buildings and so many flags! I know... Well,
now you can see what CAN BE built over that particular part of land. To get
on to building, simply click on a green marker, then select what building
you want to build.

In the world of the Settlers, you have to connect the new building to the
main hall, the H.Q., by roads. This is easily done. Click on the flag in
front of the soon-to-be-built building. Whoah! Circles and arrows! With 'em
you can build roads. Build a road to your H.Q. Good.

Now only one more thing. You can see that a builder and a carrier have come
out from your H.Q. This is good, but not THAT good. Why? Well, the building
materials are going awfully slow. Why? Beacuse the road is too long for one
carrier. You need to build flags ALONG the road, so that more carriers can
help to carry the materials.

Experiment with this and you'll quickly get the hang of it.

Also, remember that EVERY BUILDING needs to be occupied to work. That means
that you have to have THE RIGHT PERSON, with the RIGHT TOOLS and the RIGHT
SKILLS to fill the job. How can you do this? Using the metalworks to make
tools for the needed jobs. People will train themselves in their required
skills. If this sounds all too confusing, just play the game.

For more of a tutorial, read the Roman Campaign walkthrough.


WOODCUTTER: The most basic of structures. The woodcutter provides your
settlement with raw, uncut wood.

FORESTER: Pretty soon, you'll see your supply of wood drop. The forester
maintains the woodcutter's needs. IMPORTANT: 1 forester can plant
enough trees for 2 woodcutters! Also, NEVER build a forester next
to a farm! Farms need space around them to grow crops... but the
forester will plant trees ON THE CROPS, so the farm is useless.

QUARRY: This quaint little hut will supply you with another raw material:
stone. You will need stone to build medium and large buildings.
Build these next to stone deposits.

FISHERY: Placed near a water source, the fishery will secure you a good
supply of food. However, after a while, the fish will disappear,
rendering the building useless. IMPORTANT: This is a good source
of food early in the game!

HUNTER: This is the worst supply of food ever. I never build these huts
because pretty soon I find myself destroying them. Hunters provide
meat for a short, very short period of time... untill all the wild-
life in the area dies. After that he's completly useless.

* Geoff Barnard disagrees... *
* *
* ` were a bit unkind about the hunters too. I use them without any *
* great concern, no point at all to suggest that players shouldn't *
* bother. Yes, they don't produce a lot of food, but like the fish it's *
* free. As long as you replant woods where the wildlife originates, or *
* leave some woodland alone, then the wildlife never runs out. Or seems *
* not to. If a hunter and a fisher can be near your mines, then that's a *
* bit help. Of course, in some maps...' *

LOOKOUT TOWER: If you want to see beyond your territory, then the lookout
tower is for you. I never build these, they're useless. If
for some strange reason I want to explore without expanding,
I call my scout.

WELL: One of the most important buildings in the game is the well. This guy
will provide you with water, needed for pig farms, donkey breeders,
breweries, bakers and so on. IMPORTANT: Always build wells NEXT to
the building it's supposed to supply!


SAWMILL: To build you need building materials. The most important one is
made-to-measure planks. They don't just grow on trees... The
sawmill turns the woodcutter's logs into planks. For a normal game
you'll need about six woodcutters and three sawmills. IMPORTANT:
Build the sawmill close to the woodcutter to speed-up the process.

SLAUGHTERHOUSE: The pig farm supplies the slaughterhouse with live pigs, so
that they can become someone's meal. The slaughterhouse
turns pigs into meat for miners. This is a very good source
of food.

MILL: The grain harvested at the farm can be turned into flower...

BAKERY: ...which, along with water, gets turned into bread. This is another
steady source of food. IMPORTANT: Keep the mill next to the bakery,
and the bakery next to a well! It will significantly increase the
production speed.

IRON SMELTER: If you have a few mines going, you're probably extracting
iron ore and coal. The iron smelter takes these and turnes
them into iron. That is distributed to the armory or to the

ARMORY: This is where the weapons that your soldiers will carry get made.
It needs iron and coal to make shields and swords. IMPORTANT:
Usually, the shield/sword ratio is 1:1, but I have seen annomalies.

METALWORKS: Iron can also be used to make tools. The metalworks needs
processed iron and planks to function. IMPORTANT: The
metalworks eats up a lot of planks and iron that need to be
diverted to the armory. Close this building when its tools are
not needed.

MINT: If you started to extract gold from a gold mine, you need to convert
that gold into coins, so that you can start training your soldiers.
The mint makes gold coins from raw gold and coal. IMPORTANT: Always
give coal to the mint! More gold coins means better soldiers!

BREWERY: After you have a shield and a sword in your H.Q., a beer is all
that's needed to create a soldier (strange, I know). Beer is grain
and water.

STOREHOUSE: If you expand your territory a lot, you've probably noticed how
your H.Q. gets overburdened with materials. To take some of the
pressure off it, you can build a storehouse that will house all
the materials from that area of the territory and will act like
an H.Q.

SHIPYARD: In certain levels, you will be allowed to expand your territory
by discovering new lands. That can be done by riding the high
seas. For that, you need a ship... lots of ships. Supplied with
planks, the shipyard will build you ships. The shipyard
also builds boats which can be used to transport goods over small
areas of sea. IMPORTANT: When you don't need the ships, close
the shipyard! It builds ships even if they're useless. It wastes
the boards.

CATAPULT: To keep your borders safe, to prevent the enemy from moving too
close to your territory, you must build catapults. They throw
rocks at your enemies' military buildings, killing soldiers. They
are also useful in slowing down enemy attacks. IMPORTANT: Check
to see if your catapults have stone to throw. Make sure stone is
delivered to them!


FARM: One of the most important buildings in the game is the farm. It grows
crops of grain that are needed throughout the entire system. You'll
need lots of them if you're going to sustain such a powerful empire.
IMPORTANT: Always leave enough space around the farms for the crops
to grow, otherwise the farm's useless.

PIG FARM: Supplied with grain and water, this building will breed pigs,
that will later be turned into food.

DONKEY BREEDER: To help the carriers along the roads, donkeys can be used.
They need grain and water, but can prove very useful in
helping congested traffic around an H.Q. or storehouse.
IMPORTANT: Only build a donkey breeder if you have a stable
economy. It's not THAT important.

HARBOR: One of the most entricate buildings in the game, the harbor acts as
a storehouse/H.Q. The only thing that sets it apart is that this is
the place where expeditions start. This is where you'll send your
ships out to sea. After your shipyard builds you a ship, you need
a harbor to get it going. This will be explained more in the
walkthrough. IMPORTANT: DON'T build a harbor unless the mission
requires it! It really screwes up your material/merchandise traffic
along with your H.Q.!


BARRACKS: The simplest form of military building there is. It can hold only
two soldiers and can control a small area. IMPORTANT: Don't build
a barracks unless you have to. They don't prove to be useful.

* Geoff makes another point... *
* *
* `...I always build barracks. Yes, they are not so much use defensively, *
* but they are faster, and more economical. When I want to expand quickly *
* to get somewhere, I build barracks. Then, when I know where enemy are, *
* then I build the slower (more costly) types. If I do need bigger *
* buildings where barracks are, they can always be replaced. As in many *
* of the games, getting to the resources first is important, then *
* barracks seem a pretty good thing.' *

* James helps me a bit... *
* *
* '...I'll also admit that I've been skipping Barracks completely until *
* lately. Recently, I've been building a few as temporary structures *
* when I can't quite get at that 'perfect spot', and tearing them down *
* when when the 'real' building is done.' *

GUARDHOUSE: The most adequete military building for expanding. Until you
make contact with the enemy, it's the best choice. It can hold
up to three soldiers.

WATCHTOWER: This is a good strong-point military building. This is beacause
of its capacity to hold six soldiers. It is the best border
military building, if you made contact with the enemy. It can
handle attacks and can hold off until support arrives.
IMPORTANT: These buildings take a lot of time to build and they
use a lot of soldiers. Don't build them unless you need a firm

FORTRESS: The biggest, most advanced military building out there. If
properly supplied with trained soldiers, it can hold off a whole
army without any reinforcements, thanks to its capacity to handle
nine soldiers.

* James completes... *
* *
* '...It should also be noted that each larger size of building has a *
* control radius one greater than the preceding one. If I've got it *
* right, the Guardhouse has the same radius as the Headquarters. So while *
* the larger ones are slower to build, they are a bit more efficient from *
* a space management standpoint.' *


GOLD MINE/IRON MINE/COAL MINE/GRANITE MINE: When you happen to stumble upon
a mountain, build a road up to
it, place a flag then click it.
Send a geologist there to
inspect the area. If he finds
any deposits, build the
appropiate mine on the site.
For mines to work, they must be
supplied with food. IMPORTNAT:
If a mine gets exhausted,
quickly destroy it so that no
more food will be delivered to

There's much more to say about the buildings and the entire industry system
but you're going to have to read trough the walkthrough to find out.



There are several main industry systems in Settlers II. Here's a brief
overview. To discover and fully understand them all, just play the game.


FISH - Fishery
MEAT - Hunter/Slaughterhouse - Pig Farm/Well - Farm
BREAD - Bakery - Well/Mill - Farm


TOOLS - Metalworks - Iron Smelter/Swmill - Mines/Woodcutter - Food
SOLDIERS - Armory/Brewery/Mint - Iron Smelter/Well/Farm - Mines - Food

I'm sure there are more combinations but these are the only ones I could
think up... it's late and I'm really sleepy. If you can do this list better
go right ahead. I won't mind.



In Settlers II, you need soldiers to expand your territories and to protect
your H.Q. To create a soldier, you need a shield, a sword (Armory) and a
beer (Brewery).

In the game, there are several ranks of soldiers. A higher ranking soldier
will fight better and resist much longer on the battlefield. Here they are:


To advance in ranks, the soldiers need to be supplied with gold coins. They
can be made at the Mint, which makes coins from raw gold and coal. The
coins are then taken to military buildings, and after a while, the soldiers
in them will get promoted.

* Geoff completes... *
* *
* 'It is FAR more efficient to promote them in a fortress than a barracks *
* I've sort of worked out again the table I had regarding gold coin *
* consumption for military promotion. The way it seems to work (given a *
* start point of all privates) is that the first coin promotes one *
* soldier one step. The second coin promotes two soldiers one step each, *
* the third three soldiers, the fourth 4 soldiers. By now the first *
* soldier is a 'general', so the next coin promotes the next 4 by one *
* step. And so on. So, the table is as follows, for promotion of eighteen *
* privates all the way to Generals: *
* *
* Soldiers Buildings Coins per Bldg Total Coins *
* -------- --------- -------------- ----------- *
* *
* Fortress 9 2 12 24 *
* Watchtower 6 3 9 27 *
* Guardhouse 3 6 6 36 *
* Barracks 2 9 5 45 *
* *
* As a rule I would very rarely let gold go to the two smaller buildings, *
* as they are so much less efficient. A watchtower is not much less *
* efficient, so will not be any problem.' *



Throughout the game you will be faced with the meeting of other races. They
will be your allies or they may be your foes. You can tell them apart by
their appearance, and by the fact that each civilisation has their own

Here is the list of civilisations and their leaders:

ROMANS: Octavius, Julius, Brutus
VIKINGS: Erik, Knut, Olaf
JAPANESE: Yamauchi, Tsunami, Hakirawashi
AFRICAN: Shaka, Todo, Muga Tscha

There are NO differences between the races. The buildings and the people
are the same... unfortunatley. They may look different but the economic
system is identical.


2.8 - THE H.Q.

The center of your settlement will always be the Headquarters. The H.Q. is
a building, the only building you have when you start a new chapter/game.
From there, the settlement will start.

The H.Q. can hold virtually everything in the Settlers II world. From every
type of person (woodcutter, carpenter, stonemason, etc.) to donkeys, grain,
gold and soldiers. Everything can be stored here.

You clearly understand now that the loss of the H.Q. means a terrible blow,
even if not fatal. Destroying an enemy H.Q. will completely disorient him
and leave his economy crippled.

This can also happen to you, so remember to build storehouses that can take
over the role of H.Q. Also remember that when an H.Q. is destroyed, all the
merchandise that was in it will get destroyed. The people, soldiers and all
will not perish, they will run around the surrounding territory looking for
a storehouse. If there is one IN THE NEAR VICINITY, they will be saved, if
not they will slowly DIE.

To access the H.Q., click on it. A menu will appear that reveals everything
it can hold and their amounts. There are NO LIMITS to how much merchandise
the H.Q. can store.

Playing the game will reveal more about the H.Q. and its importance.



To better control your world and industries, you are given the chance to
survey and adapt them to your needs. This can be achieved at the "Main
Selection" menu (bottom, second button from the left). Here's what you can


Foodstuff - Here you can decide: Where is the food taken? Which mines get
the most of it?

Grain - There are several industries based on grain. Here you can chose
how much grain each of them gets.

Iron - Both the Armory and the Metalworks require iron made in the Iron
Smelter. You can chose which of them gets more. IMPORTANT: Always
give the iron to the Armory! Only supply the Metalworks if it's
absolutely needed!

Coal - One of the most needed resources is coal. It is used to make iron,
swords and shields and gold coins. IMPORTANT: When available, always
get the coal to the Mint!

Boards - A basic need of the settlement is wood. Processed lumber is needed
by the Metalworks as well as the Shipyard. However, it is wise to
only supply them when they need it. If not, leave it all for

Water - This is a pretty straight-forward requirement. Changing this is not
needed, because it's much wiser to just build more wells.


Ever notice how the carriers always know what to pick up from the ground?
There's an order of importance, of what items are needed more and should be
transported first. Here is where you make that list. Here's what you can
chose: - coins; and here's what I recommend: - coins;
- weapons; - weapons;
- beer; - beer;
- iron; - gold;
- gold; - coal;
- coal; - food;
- iron ore; - boards;
- boards; - stone;
- stone; - iron;
- logs; - iron ore;
- water; - tools;
- food; - logs;
- tools; - water;
- boats. - boats.


In this menu, you can decide what tools should be built by the Metalworks.
Here's what you have to choose from: tongs, axe, saw, pick-axe, hammer,
shovel, crucible, rod and line, scythe, cleaver, rolling pin, bow.

* James has a bit of advice... *
* *
* 'It should be noted that if you don't like Hunters (I avoid using them) *
* then it is wise to turn off bow production on the tool production menu, *
* as they're the only ones who use them.' *


This is where you can make adjustments to all military matters. The upper
value corresponds to the recruiting rate of your army. The higher it is,
the more inhabitants are recruited as soldiers. Below this is the setting
to protect your huts. If this value is set at maximum, your huts are
defended by the strongest unit. To raise the number of attackers leaving
your huts per attack, choose the next setting. The number of defenders who
counter the enemy in the event of an attack is shown by the fourth display.
The final three values correspond to the occupation of your huts in the
interior, in the center of the country and on its borders.

The best idea is to max them all out. Put as many soldiers as you have; if
you have them.


There are some more menus present in the "Main Selection". They're all just
statistics and such. Browse through them to see what they're for. Some are
quite useful and some are just... crap.



This is a section I would've rather not added. But it's already so obvious
that people are gonna cheat. It's our nature. Since I want this FAQ to be
one of the best ones out there, I have to cover this too. Enjoy.

Cheats taken from Dirty Little Helper, without permission.

1. Type THUNDER while playing the game, you will see an exclamation mark
and this enables some cheats:

[Alt][F7] - Reveals the entire map
[Alt][1] through [Alt][6] - Changes the speed of the game.

If you have version 1.51 (Gold Edition) use WINTER instead of THUNDER.

2. You can edit the .rtx files in the directory SETTLERS2\DATA\ MISSIONS as
per below:

!ADD_WARE 0 20 - change it to - !ADD_WARE 0 199
!ADD_WARE 1 50 - change it to - !ADD_WARE 1 199
!ADD_WARE 2 46 - change it to - !ADD_WARE 2 199
and so on...

!ADD_PEOPLE 0 100 - change it to - !ADD_PEOPLE 0 199
!ADD_PEOPLE 1 4 - change it to - !ADD_PEOPLE 1 99
!ADD_PEOPLE 2 2 - change it to - !ADD_PEOPLE 2 99
and so on...

Notice you can change people 0 (unemployed guys) to 199 OK!

You'll start with some 298 privates and 99 of the other soldiers due to
the 199 swords and shields being allocated to the 199 unemployed guys.

3. EditCheat:

Go to the Settlers II savegame directory and edit the "mission.dat" file
to play all the missions: Remove everything from the file... type in
1111111111 and save it. You'll now be free to chose whatever chapter you

4. Play Settlers 2 in "Campaign mode", start a game, save it. Then start a
Free Game and DISABLE (off) exploration. Reload the previously saved
game and you'll be able to see the whole map.


2.11 - BUGS

This is a new section that is currently under development. There are a few
bugs in the game, especially in long games (many hours) with lots of
players. I didn't (have the nerve to) find any but...

* Geoff noticed some... *
* *
* 'One I have hit on a number of occasions (in bigger games) is where a *
* battle has taken place over a building, which is now empty. A soldier *
* (of either side) is just about to re-enter the building, either to *
* capture it or to re-occupy it. Just as he is at the flag, the building *
* is destroyed. The game seems to 'lose' the soldier, but also lock the *
* flag-point so you cannot do anything else with it. The soldier stays *
* frozen at that point. The rest of the game continues OK. *
* *
* Another (again in bigger games) is that you build a building, and it *
* never gets occupied. The person to occupy it is certainly there, so *
* it's not lack of tool etc. The game has just 'lost' the event. If you *
* slow down other activity in the game, destroy the new building and then *
* re-build, then it gets occupied. I think there is a maximum capacity *
* on the Event Pending list, and sometimes it just overflows. Maybe the *
* 'New Occupy' is a low priority amongst the other events.' *

* ...and so did James. *
* *
* 'I have on occasion encountered a crash bug that terminates the game. *
* I generally don't know what causes it, but in a recent game I did find *
* that something had happened to kill the message queue. That is, *
* whenever I looked at it, the game died. This was especially annoying *
* at the end of a long game...' *

Geoff also spotted the fact that the computer DOES NOT send out geologists.
It already knows exactly where the minerals are. Seems the computer has a
small advantage.



Taken from the game's readme file, without permission.

Normal Keyboard Layout

P - Pause.
H - Go to the Headquarters.
B - Go back to previous position.
N - Opens the messages window.
L - Shows map.
M - Main selection menu.
SPACE - Switches construction aid function on or off.
C - Display building names.
S - Shows status of houses.
Z or Y - Zoom current window.
V - Acceleration (turbo mode) on or off.
I - Info window.
ALT-W or ESC - Closes active window.
ALT-Q - Exit from game.
F1 - Load game menu.
F2 - Save game menu.
F8 - Readme "Keyboard layout".
F9 - Readme "What's new".
F10 - CD Audio Player. (can crash the game)
F11 - Midi Player. (can crash the game)
F12 - Option window.
Cursor Keys - Scroll the main map.

In The Messages Window

DELETE - Deletes the current message.
G - Go to site of event.
+/- - Next/previous message.



When Geoff and I first started to talk he mentioned something about another
Settlers II campaign. I had never heard of it. It seems that a while back,
in 1998, some big Settlers II fans started to do another massive campagin
with worlds they created to be VERY challenging. This seems interesting.

Another 10 missions filled with intreaguing riddles? New puzzles and sea-
worthy challenges? And it's just 2 megs to download? Wow!

The FANpaign was created to be VERY difficult, to present seasoned Settlers
II fans with almost unsolvable maps that would keep them busy for a fairly
long time. So, to help people out and to have the best Settlers II FAQ, I
decided to include a walkthrough for it too.

If you don't have the FANPAIGN there is a link to it in the 1.10.1 section.

The FANPAIGN walkthrough is part six of the FAQ.


P A R T 3 - R O M E C A M P A I G N W A L K T H R O U G H


Boardlog of Octavius, captain of the Tortius. The morning entry for the
12th day in the month of Mars in the fourth year of the god-like emperor
Travianus Augustus Caesar. The Tortius is on course, driven by a wind from
the southwest. Tomorrow we will have crossed the treacherous Sea of Storms,
if all goes well, we will have reached the Latonic Provinces in four days.

The second entry on the evening of the same day. Clouds are gathering on
the horizon. We are still on the sea of storms and I am praying to all the
gods, we are expecting a long and dark night.

The morning entry for the 18th day in the month of Mars. The storm pounced
upon us like a predator in the night, and I had to throw out the drag
anchor. For four terrible nights the wind drove us deep into the darkness.
The lookout was the first to notice the danger, when a lightning bolt
illuminated the fighly close rocks.

The Tortius no longer exists. What remains of my trusty ship is now
driftful on the sandy coastal beach of this unknown island. The stars tell
me that we are nowhere near the familiar Trading Rocks. We cannot hope to
be found soon, but let the gods be thanked we are still alive, and the
island appears to be fruitful. We still do not know if we are the only
people here...



Welcome to the world of Settlers II. "Off We Go" is a chapter that is
designed to familiarize you with the basic knowledge needed to survive.
It teaches you the basics of buildings, roads, industries and expansion.

After a few seconds, the Diary of Octavius will appear on the screen. DO
NOT CLOSE IT. This window appears only once and gives you information on
what you have to do next. Here's what the first one says:

* Diary of Octavius, Fourth Day after Shipwreck *
* *
* Yesterday all the survivors met in order to discuss the situation. *
* Because there is no prospect of an early rescue, we decided to settle *
* on this foreign island. The items salvaged from the ship will be a *
* great help to us. The most important thing is to make use of the raw *
* materials on the island in order to establish a settlement. We urgently *
* need accommodations for a woodcutter, carpenter and stonemason. *

Click on continue and let's move on. As Octavius said and as common
knowledge it may be, you need to get your basic industry going. Build a
woodcutter on the left, next to the trees. Then build a sawmill next to the
H.Q. Connect everything with roads and remember to place flags to make
things go quicker. On the right, a little low, there are some stone
deposits. Build the quarry there.

After it's all built, Octavius will have some more to share with you...

* Diary of Octavius, Eight Day after Shipwreck *
* *
* The basic requirements for building up our settlement have been met. *
* However, the supply of trees will not last long. We need a forester *
* to ensure a long-term supply of timber. Build a forester. *

Well, as he so delicately puts it, build a forester. Try to build it on the
upper-left side of the territory, next to the woodcutter.

* Diary of Octavius, Eleventh Day of the Second Month after Shipwreck *
* *
* We are still not sure whether we are the only people on this island. *
* As a precautionary measue we should erect a barracks on our exposed *
* border towards the interior of the island. Build a barracks on the *
* northern border of your settlement. *

I guess it's pretty obvious what you have to do. Just pick a spot somewhere
north and build a barracks. Notice how when it's done, the builder will
leave and a soldier will emerge from your Headquarters and take station in
the barracks. When he enters it, your territory will expand.

* Diary of Octavius, Fifth Day of the Third Month *
* *
* Our territory has spread as far as the moutain in the north. Our *
* geologist will carry out a land survey there. In the long term we need *
* fuel and building materials as well as weapons and coined gold. We must *
* therefore find a source of iron ore, gold, coal and granite. Build a *
* road to the mountain and send your geologist there. *

Again this is pretty straight-forward. You just have to build a road to the
top (!) of the mountain and send a geologist. To do that, erect a flag,
connect it to the road, then click on the flag again and click on the "call
geologist" button. In a few seconds, a yuppie grey haired old man will come
out of your H.Q. and move to the mountain. He will start to analyze the
ground. If he finds any mineral deposits, you will be notified in the
messages window. Also, he will plant a small sign on the ground with the
symbol (color: brown, gray, yellow and white) of the metal that's present

* Diary of Octavius, Sixteenth Day of the Sixth Month *
* *
* We have found iron ore and are now able to produce weapons. There are *
* now no obstacles to further exploration of the island. First we must *
* construct both an iron mine and an Iron Smelter. An armourer can then *
* start to produce swords and shields. We must also provide the miners *
* with food, our stocks are almost exhausted. We need hunters and *
* fishermen. Build an iron mine, an Iron Smelter and an Armory. *

Next you have to build a mine where the geologist found the ore deposit. To
do so, just click on the ground and build the mine just like a normal
building. Connect it to the road and erect flags. After the mine is built,
a miner will come and occupy it. He will then procede to extract iron ore
from the ground. However he can accomplish this ONLY if he is supplied with

Food in the early stages of a game can be found in the ocean: fish. A good
supply is a fisherman, who can remove almost 50 fish before depleting his
area. Another answer is the hunter who can kill every living thing around
his area and turn it into meat. This choice however is only for a very very
short-term. In a matter of minutes the wild-life in the area will be gone
and the hunter will be left there doing nothing.

So build the mine, build the Fishery next to the water, build the Iron
Smelter then build the Armory.

* Diary of Octavius, Last Day of the Eight Month after coming ashore *
* *
* There is an open, fertile plain to the north of our new border post. *
* This will provide lots of new opportunities for expanding our *
* settlement but we need more soldiers to do this. Go to the northern *
* plain and continue expanding the border. *

It's now time to expand. Enlarge your territory by building another
barracks at the north border. Just after the barracks gets occupied and you
aquire more land, Octavius comes on...

* Diary of Octavius, Twelfth Day of the Ninth Month *
* *
* After advancing further north we have finally found enough space to *
* construct larger buildings and farms. We now intend to search for raw *
* materials in the surrounding mountains. Search for new raw materials *
* and secure a supply of food. Explore the entire island. *

Take a look at your territory. See the big empty space up north, where you
just built the barracks? Well, that should now become farming land. To
sustain mines, you must have food, and the best way to long-term food is
the farm. However, remember that it requires SPACE AROUND IT so that it can
grow its crops!

Also, build another barracks at the north-west part of the settlement, up
high in the mountains. Trust me and do it.

You only have one last thing to do. Make roads to the western mountain and
send some geologists there so that they can discover other raw materials.

What comes now is a chain reaction of findings. You'll discover coal, gold,
granite and you'll have the chance to build bakers, mills, pig farms and
slaughterhouses. Here are the messages you'll recieve...

* Construction of our first grain farm has been completed. The grain can *
* either be processed into flour in a mill, or used to feed pigs. The *
* food supply situation should now continue to improve. *
* *
* The windmill can supply a baker with sufficient flour for baking bread. *
* *
* Our new pig farm can supply animals to a butcher. *
* *
* We have discovered a gold vein and can now produce valuable coins in a *
* mint. This will make life here almost as comfortable as home. *
* *
* We have mined the first gold coins and can now pay for the training of *
* our soldiers. *
* *
* We have ensured a fuel supply for the metalworks by finding coal in the *
* western mountains. Now we can process our metal ores without any *
* problems. Everything is going extremely well. *
* *
* Geologists have found granite deposits in the mountains, this will *
* provide a fresh supply of stone for the time being. *

By now you should have a Mint, a Slaughterhouse, a Pig Farm, a few Farms, a
Mill and a Bakery built. But for the Pig Farm and Bakery to produce you'll
also need water. In Settlers II water can be obtained from Wells. Right now
you can not build a Well. To get the ability to build it, you have to find
a nice green spot on the map (could be next to your H.Q.) and send a
geologist there. He won't find gold or anything, but he'll turn up a spring
and the game will let you build a Well. You'll also get a message...

* Our geologist has found a spring. We are now able to supply fres water *
* to our settlement. *

Now that you have a good supply of food and a few working mines, it's time
to build another quarry next to the two stone piles to the upper right of
the map, but more important, build another barracks to expand your land up
in the north-western part of the map.

Continue expanding your territory into the west until...

* Our scouts have discovered a strange object. It looks like a gateway. *
* We are obviously not the first humans on this island. They have even *
* found an inscription on the gateway in Latin. It is bizare and *
* contradictory, perhaps it is a riddle: "Consiste ut procederas!" - *
* "Settle down in order to make progress." What can this mean? *

Yes, you're amazed. I know. Things are not what they seem. Danger lurks
around, but you must press on. Build another barracks to expand your
territory once again. If your controlled territory engulfs the gateway,
you've done it! Here's what you get...

* Diary of Octavius, Second Day of the Thirteenth Month after coming *
* ashore *
* *
* The second year began yesterday and we seem to have succeeded in *
* settling this island. The scouts report strange goings on near the *
* gateway. It appears that a path has opened up that can lead us from *
* this island. This seems to be the meaning of the riddle: we must settle *
* in order to move on. We shall take a look, perhaps all roads really do *
* lead to Rome. *

You can now choose to enter the gate or to continue playing on this map.
Anyway you choose, the chapter is complete, and you have enabled the next
one. By entering the gate you go to the next chapter, but if you decide you
want to stay and play a little longer, you'll have to end the game manually
and then start the next chapter.

This first mission has been the basic tutorial of the game, to get you
familiar with all the industries involved in Settlers II. This will NOT be
dealt with in the next chapters! Hope you remember what you learned 'cuz
you're gonna need it.

* You have successfully completed chapter 1. *



Welcome to the second island and chapter two of the Settlers II saga. First
off, you'll notice that your H.Q. looks different. Yes, you've advanced in
technology and everything you have discovered in chapter 1 can be used.

* Diary of Octavius, Third Day of the Second Year *
* *
* We have reached a second island which appears to be uninhabited. The *
* stock of tools belonging to the good old Tortius is slowly being used *
* up. We desperately need a metalworks to make new tools. *

This is all Octavius has to say, so we should do what he says. But first,
set up your settlement. Get your basic industry going: woodcutter, forester
sawmill and quarry. Put more if you want.

Now, head over to the west mountain and plant a flag. Time for a geologist.
He will tell you that there's coal and iron to be found, so get going with
a few mines. After that, build the metalworks and iron smelter required by
the game... but don't keep it going too long. Despite what Octavius says,
there are PLENTY of tools in the H.Q.

Quickly expand to the north of the map with a military building and build a
Armory to start making swords and shields. One more thing needed to breed

* We advanced a short distance northward and came across a fellow *
* countryman. He was the only survivor of another shipwreck and he is *
* very happy to see other humans again. We were also pleased; the man is *
* a brewer. If we ever get into warlike disputes, beer will lift the *
* courage of our people. A soldier needs much more than just a shield and *
* a sword! The man also tells us of ruins that he has discovered on the *
* island. I fear that before long we will need to be more careful. *
*************************************************************************** I know it sounds strange, but that's the way this game works. So
get up and use your new found land to get some farms going, get a good
supply of food going to feed the miners and have some grain for the new

Take note that there's another mountain to the east. We will need to reach
that if we're going to build a great army. Why? Well, upon expanding in
territory, you'll come across...

* We have found the ruins. They contained building plans for a *
* watchtower. Now we should consider building fortifications. I am more *
* convinced than ever that we are not alone on this island. *
* *
* We have found the ruins. They contained building plans for a *
* watchtower. What is the origin of these structures? Who built them? I *
* fear that peace will soon be at an end. *
* *
* Whoever is or was on this island knows all about the building trade. We *
* found the ruins of a mighty fortress of exemplary construction. Our *
* architects have already drawn up a building plan. *

By now, you should have reached the eastern mountain. Send a geologist, and
start to extract gold, coal, granite and iron. Also, try to refrain from
using barracks anymore. Build Guardhouses and Watchtowers, especially when
advancing north.

* Our territory is expanding and transportation routes are becoming *
* larger and longer. We must build a storehouse so that we can respond *
* more quickly to the needs of our people. *

As the diary mentiones, you're going to need a storehouse. Two actually.
One on the north side of the settlement (try to place it as close to the
border as possible) and one on the eastern side (again, try to build it
next to the border). If you have advanced enough north...

* Diary of Octavius, 26th Day of the Third Month of the Second Year *
* *
* My fears have been given further confirmation. My men found a rag doll *
* and two spear tips of the type customarily associated with the Nubian *
* tribes. These artifacts do not appear very old. *

...a little bit more...

* Diary of Octavius, Fourth Day of the Fourth Month of the Second Year *
* *
* It was only to be expected: we came across the Nubians. At first *
* everything was friendly. They even told us about their relic and it *
* quickly became obvious that it was one of the gateways. They denied us *
* access to their holy relic, we shall have to fight to obtain access. *
***************************************************************************'ll stumble across a new civilisation: the Nubians. They are a
friendly nation and will not attack you... untill you kill them. But before
you can assault their territory, you have to ensure that you have a
powerful army. A well-trained, numerous army.

To do this, get your Armory, Iron Smelter and Brewery to work better so
they'll produce more soldiers. However, these soldiers are poorly trained
and will quickly secumb to their adversaries. To train soldiers, you need
to pay them. Build gold mines, smelt the gold in a Mint and distribute the
gold coins to your military buildings, where the soldiers stationed there
will train and advance in ranks.

Remember to use the deposits in the mountain on the upper-left north side
of the map.

When you have a powerful army, make an assault on the Nubians' military
buildings. Once such a building (Barracks, Guardhouse, Watchtower and
Fortress) is captured, the land it maintained will turn over to you.

* The Nubians are lousy fighters but they have a catapult which we must *
* destroy. Perhaps then we shall be able to capture plans showing how to *
* build such a weapon. *

To find out what a catapult does in Settlers II, read the buildings
section of the FAQ (2.4).

Slowly but surely advance trough Nubian controlled territory towards the
north-east side of the map. That's where you'll find the gateway.

* Diary of Octavius, 27th Day of the Ninth Month *
* *
* We were victorious in battle and the island is ours. The gateway has *
* become active again. I am excited by the prospect of where our journey *
* will take us now. The inscription on the gateway is in Latin. I hope *
* that we will retrace the steps of our legendary predecessors when they *
* journeyed to Rome... *

This has been your first encounter with another civilisation. Even though
you proved to be the better leader, the upcoming levels will have much
more agressive and greater skilled adversaries. Be prepared!

* You have completed this mission. The third chapter awaits you... *



Welcome to the third chapter of Settlers II. In this mission you will learn
how to deal with dangerous enemies and more. First off, Octavius has some

* Diary of Octavius, 17th Day of the Third Month of the 3rd Year *
* *
* We have now created something of a routine in establishing a viable *
* settlement. Everything should now work like clockwork. We came across *
* another castaway. He warned us against hostile Nubian tribes in the *
* east of the island. The mountains in the east also allegedly have large *
* quantities of gold. The man knew nothing about a gateway but he was *
* only familiar with a small part of the island. *

Don't worry. The hostile tribe of Nubians is a long way from you and they
won't do anything... yet. As a matter of fact, there are two separate
tribes of Nubians. One's red and the other one's yellow. What you have to
do now is expand.

Build a basic settlement consisting of the always-present woodcutter and
the sawmill, quarry, forester and so on. Also, start expanding your
territory to the north and east. Pretty soon, you'll bump into a few
mountains. I counted about four of them, two in the east and two in the
north. One of the mountains located to the north of your starting position
has (to the west) another (smaller) ridge. That is where most of the gold

Continue pressing on to the north until you reach the sea, then keep going

* Diary of Octavius, 23rd Day of the 12th Month of the 3rd Year *
* *
* We came into contact with the Nubians. Their behavior is very *
* threatening but not openly aggressive. Their behavior will probably *
* change before long. We should build a lookout tower so that we can keep *
* a closer eye on their lands. The reports of rich gold deposits seem to *
* be true. The Nubian chieftain struts around in his gold jewelry like a *
* peacock. Search for the gateway. *

If you advance even more, you'll stumble across the second tribe...

* Diary of Octavius, First Day of the Second Month of the 4th Year *
* *
* The tribe in the north is blocking our path to another gateway. They *
* also regard it as their holy relic. We have no alternative but to *
* fight. Obtain access to the gateway in the north. *

The way is now clear. Neither of the two tribes will attack you first. But,
once you attack one of them, both will come after you. And they both have
a big army with many well-trained soldiers. To defeat them, you must build
an even stronger army and train even more soldiers.

DO NOT attack any of them now. You need more time. Mine EVERY mountain
on the island. Mine every little inch of land! Bleed it dry. And when you
think that there is nothing left to do, mine even more.

When all the resources have been used up, you are finally ready. As you
probably have already figured out, the gateway is to the north east of the
island, blocked by the northern tribe. There is no reason to attack the
southern guys, so just leave them alone and concentrate ALL your attacks up

The battle will be harsh, and you will probably lose a lot of soldiers, but
after a while you will prevail. The battle will be yours.

* We have reached the gateway and activated it. We know not where our *
* next step will take us, but we shall go on. *

You now managed to finish yet another chapter in the Settlers II. You are
truly a man set on breaking the game... leading your people to the ultimate
goal: Rome.

* You have successfully completed chapter three. *



Congratulations on reaching the fourth chapter. This is one of the most
beloved missions thanks to the fact that this is when you'll start sea
travelling. Expeditions will make you reach distant islands and enlarge
your territory. Let's begin...

* Diary of Octavius, 9th Day of the Ninth Month of the Fourth Year *
* *
* Yesterday we met a stranger of truly frightening appearance. He is huge *
* in size, has light blue eyes and glowing golden hair. Long ago in a *
* Roman harbor tavern I once heard stories of such people who live in the *
* far north. How did he get here? He is suspicious and refuses to talk to *
* us. We shall treat him as our guest for a few days (the poor fellow *
* appears to be starving). Perhaps then he will change his attitude. *

Take a look around the map. Your H.Q. is in the upper-left corner. You now
need to build up a steady settlement. Build the already common woodcutter,
forester, sawmill and such and get a GOOD supply of boards. Expand your
territory to the east and south.

* Diary of Octavius, 16th Day of the Ninth Month of the Fourth Year *
* *
* Well, what wonders a little generosety can achieve. The blond giant *
* told us that he is a member of a race that calls itself the "Vikings". *
* He says that they lived on a large island not far to the east but they *
* were conquered by a hostile tribe. His name is Erik. What a strange *
* name! If we are to believe him, he is a shipwright by trade. My heart *
* beats faster at the prospect of soon being able to board a ship again, *
* hearing the waves under the keel, the cries of the seagulls and the *
* wind in the sails... But first we must construct a shipyard and a *
* harbor. *

You must now expand to the east. If you reached the island to the south, a
new message will appear...

* On a small island in the middle of a archipelago, we discovered an *
* enormous whale graveyard, in which there were hundreds of gigantic *
* skeletons. What an imposing sight. At first we were unable to *
* understand how these creatures got there. Erik explained that his *
* people lived off these creatures and whorshipped them as holy animals. *
* This was why their bones were brought to this sacred place after they *
* were caught. Erik is uneasy, he wants to leave because he is afraid of *
* the spirits of the dead creatures. *

If you have a steady food source (Farms, Mills, Bakers, Pig Farms, etc.)
and a good supply of boards you are ready to build a shipyard and a harbor.
The shipyard can be built almost anywhere, preferably next to water. The
harbor is a little tricky; you have to place it in certain designated
places. You'll see these when pressing the spacebar. A symbol for a castle
or large building with an anchor means that it's a good spot for a harbor.

After building a harbor and the shipyard builds you A FEW (two is ok) ships
you're ready to go on your first expediton. By now, you've found something
called a "Ship Register". That's the place where all your ships are listed,
and also the place where you'll control expeditions. Click on the harbor.
Notice the button on the bottom right. Click it. Now, the harbor begins
gathering materials needed for the expedition: boards, stone and a builder.
When everything is ready to go, you will be notified in the messages box.

Now you're ready to set sail. Click on the ship that's loaded up with
materials. On the left there are some arrows. Each sends the ship to a new
locations, pre-defined for exploration (no, you can NOT chose ANY spot on
the map).

When you reach the place you want to settle, just hit the anchor button and
the boat will land and start building a new harbor. That's all the supplies
and manpower you brought with that first boat. Now start building a
military building NEXT or REALLY close to the harbor. Because there are no
building materials available AFTER the new harbor is built, your boats will
start to make trips delivering the needed supplies.

When the military building (always build a guardhouse or better) is built
and gets occupied you're ready to start the new settlement. Do and build
whatever. The game is programmed in such a way that everything needed will
be taken by ship. It's like the new settlement was directly connected to
your H.Q. Experiment with this.

Now, you should push to the east. Expand your territory as much to the east
as possible. You'll come across a few mountains, two hold coal deposits and
one has gold. Unfortunately none has iron. That's going to be a problem.

On this chapter, you face two enemies: yellow and red. BOTH of them are A
LOT more developed than you and both have strong military capabilities. You
won't be able to defeat them with your current army. You will need to send
an expedition to the south island, to find the iron ore deposit so that you
can breed more soldiers. There are three islands to the south that you can
settle. One directly down your main island, which holds a mountain filled
with gold, another one that's small and has stone deposits and the third
and final one, which has the iron you need.

Extract the iron, breed over 50 soldiers, give 'em coins so that they'll
advance in rank. By now, you should've reached the yellow player to the
east. When I played the level, I also sent an expedition to the south-east
and reached the red player too. Build about 10 catapults along the border
to exterminate some of your enemies' soldiers.

Now that you have your army ready, charge in full force. Destroy the yellow
player. The red player has a better army and he will charge some of your
military buildings, but if you did what I told you, he won't be able to
capture any of them.

The gateway is in the middle of the east island, between the yellow and red
player. Normally, it's not necessary to defeat the red player too, just
capture your way through, all the way to the gatway.

* We have reached the gateway and activated it. The way is now clear. *

Congrats! You've passed another test... the last one. The first four
chapters in the game are more of a tutorial rather than real missions. From
now on, everything will get A LOT more difficult. Be ready for the worst.

* You have successfully completed chapter 4. *



It's time for some serious settling. Welcome to the fifth chapter of the
game. It's a miracle you made it this far. Not a lot of people have the
patience for this. You seem to really like the game. Good for you.

* We are surrounded by nothing but barren wilderness. The edges of this *
* world seem to be either impenetrable mountains or lava flows. It is *
* impossible to keep track of time here. A dim, perpetual twilight hangs *
* over everything and there is neither sunlight nor starlight. What *
* wonders and dangers lie hidden here? *

This level is by far the worst you've encountered until now. You must be
very careful on what you build, where you build it and for what. On this
map you are against two other computer rivals. They have ALL the advantages
and you only have your wisdom to defeat them. Hopefully with my help,
you'll do fine.

Take a look at the terrain. Different right? Well, this is the wasteland
mentioned in the title. Get your basic industries running. Boards and stone
are essential, especially stone which you have plenty of... but you'll soon
find out why.

Get some farms going and start making food. Expand south and secure some of
the mountains (the more the better, everything is south). To the west you
will see some trees engulfed by a huge wall of stone. That's one of the
ways to reach the gateway. I've read another FAQ which mentions another way
trough the east. Supposedly, you should advance east and reach a location
for a harbor, from where you'll launch an expedition towards the gateway. I
tired it but couldn't make it work. But let's get back to the other (my)

In this level, charging your enemy's army is foolish. They both have more
and better trained men. You're going to have to learn to methodically use
the Catapult. Settlers II has provided you with a NON-VIOLENT way of
advancing trough enemy territory and vaporizing his army at the same time,
without him being the wiser! Yes, it's true. Building a catapult close to
the border with someone else, and supplying it with stone will get it to
throw boulders at your enemy's military buildings (only the ones in close
proximity). He loses soldiers, one by one, until the last one. When the
final rock hits the final soldier, the military building will be destroied.
And the best thing about this, is that the computer doesn't take this as
aggresion, and DOES NOT ATTACK YOU. He still thinks you're best friends!

In this chapter, you'll have to base your entire strategy on this catapult
theory. You're going to have to advance TROUGH his territory WITHOUT making
a clear attack on his buildings. Why? If you would attack any one of the
two computer players, both of them would attack and DEFEAT you beacuse of
their big and well-trained armies.

I hope you understood how the catapult tactic works, 'cuz you'll need it.
You should now have a few mines going, a steady food supply and be half-way
trough piercing the huge stone deposit to the west. Now's the time to meet
your opponents. Red first.

* We have met humans of much stranger appearance than our Viking *
* shipwright. They call themselves "Sons of Nippon". They are short and *
* thin but obviously skilled and tenacious. Their strangest feature is *
* their skin color. It is yellow ochre and their eyes are just small *
* slits. They act in a friendly manner although they are unsettling to *
* behold because of thier strange appearance. *

If you expanded your territory to the west like I told you, you'll soon
meet the yellow (and the most dangerous) opponent.

* The "Sons of Nippon" in the south have relatives in the north. Their *
* relationship with each other appears very friendly. War with one race *
* means war with the other. We must consider the prospect of war *
* carefully. *

There isn't much more I can say about this chapter. If you've learned how
to do the catapult thing, you're set to win. If not, you'll have to learn
it because there's no way you can face both these opponents without using
the catapult.

Mine ALL the mountains to the south. You'll find some gold (not enough),
a lot of coal, some iron and a little granite. Your military strength (the
number of soldiers, check the ADVANCED SETTLING section - 2.9) should be
near 400. The gold production will be lacking though. You won't be able to
surpass the yellow player.

Build lots of catapults and wait. If you built them right, they'll start
killing off the computer's soldiers while yours stay put. When you've
slaughtered enough, go and attack. It would be best if the stone deposits
to the west were gone, so that you could directly attack the yellow player.

Attack and attack, but do not go for total domination. Don't conquer all
of your enemy's military buildings. Go straight for the gateway. Which way?
Directly west. Hopefully, you'll reach it without too much casualties.

* We have found the gateway and occupied it. We can go through it *
* whenever we want! *

Well, if you've made it this far, you probably are a good and seasoned
player. Settlers II is a game designed for you and you had little trouble
adapting to it. You're ready to take on bigger challenges! Rome is in
your grasp!

* You have completed this mission. The sixth chapter awaits you... *



The shit finally hit the fan. Welcome to your worst nightmare. This
chapter is a real bitch. You start off normal, but Octavius brings the
bad news to you...

* Diary of Octavius, Last Day of the Fifth Year *
* *
* Rock carvings suggest there is an island in the southwest. It appears *
* there are large gold deposits there. *

The idea of the level is that everyone ALREADY IS your enemy; you gotta get
prepared for the hit. You face two enemies, red and yellow, both of which
have a good supply of soldiers and gold. When starting, you get some gold
and a few (already) trained soldiers. Why? To get you trough the first wave
of attack.

Establish a basic settlement and advance to the east. The mountain down
there is perfect for cover against the red player. DO NOT use guardhouses
or barracks. You need serious power against him. Build Watchtowers and
maybe a Fortress and cover them all with lots of catapults.

It is very important to build the catapults near the military buildings for
they will be a very important part of your defense. Build the defense wall
fast, 'cuz soon enough, it'll be put to the test.

Now build a harbour and set up an expedition for the south island which, as
Octavius said, has lots of gold... and you're gonna need it all.

By the time you get your mining done, the red player will advance to your
position over at the east mountain. He will attack you without notice, but
this will prove to be useful in the long run. Your defense wall might
suffer, but don't despair. This is actually the plan. His army will
decimate over time while yours quietly grows; or at least that what's
supposed to happen.

After a while, he'll run out of attacking soldiers. Now it's time for your
move. Build a few catapults right up to your border with him. If placed
right, those catapults will slowly kill his soldiers stationed in the
near-by military buildings. He will reinforce them with what he can, but
after some time he'll run out of them too... and you will be left with an
incapacitated enemy.

* The Vikings have a settlement behind the large mountain range on the *
* east of our island. From the peaks of the mountains, one can see *
* another very large land mass in the northeast. We have not yet found *
* any trace of a gateway and the prisoners of war claim they know of no *
* such thing, but they are poor liars. We have captured the small area *
* of land beyond the mountain chain from the Vikings. We took further *
* prisoners who told us where the gateway is. As we already suspected, it *
* is in the far northeast. Apart from a small area in the south of the *
* land mass, it is entirely in the hands of the Vikings. We must quickly *
* build a harbor there and acquire fresh supplies. *

Time to take the battle to them. Now that your army grew thanks to the
mining of distant islands and his army destroied by smart placing of
catapults YOU are ready to KICK ASS. Rip trough his territory and go
straight to the east, where you'll finally meet the yellow player.

I've read in other FAQs that the way you defeat the yellow player is by
building another harbour and getting to him by sea. I never tried it. I
always go straight for him; always to the east, you can actually get to
him. Again, attack STRAIGHT through his territory, towards the northeast,
where you'll find the gateway.

Puncture through his land and do it fast. If your supply of soldiers runs
out, you're out of luck. All the resources at your disposal are already
exhausted... and tryin' to mine your enemy's mountains won't do any good;
they dried it up. Attack swift and straight. Don't stop for anything. Go
directly for the gateway.

* We have found the gateway and occupied it. *

Has this chapter been a real pain in the ass? Did thoughts of quitting the
game ever occur to you? Maybe you should take a break. Have a beer and
chill. After a few hours, and possibly a little sleep, give the game
another chance. It's all for the best.

* You have completed the sixth chapter. Good work! *



This level is really going to be a pain. Prepare yourself for another gut-
wrenching ride through the Settlers world. Chapter seven is desigend to
break down your whole perspective on the game.

Until now, the game has been relatively easy. A few close-calls here and
there, but none-the-less easy. All the levels were designed to give you a
fair chance of winning, and you seemed to take full advantage of it...
until now.

* Diary of Octavius, The Fourth Day of the 11th Month of the Sixth Year *
* *
* It appears that our peninsula is linked to the rest of the continent *
* only by two narrow valleys. Tracks suggest there is a barbarian race *
* of Vikings in the south. Search for the gateway. *

Build up your settlement. Establish a decent wood production and start
advancing south. You'll come across a thick layer of trees laced with stone
that are going to have to be dispatched of. Cut the trees down, build
quarries to take care of the stone and continue advancing south.

The level faces you with two enemies that you're going to meet pretty soon.
A yellow player to the right and a red player to the left; both Vikings and
both very dangerous.

To the east, masked by mountains and sea, lies the yellow player. He is a
strong fighter with lots of trained soldiers thanks to the supply of gold
he found near his H.Q.

* A captured Viking told us that another extremely wealthy tribe lives on *
* the peninsula to the west of us. They have large stocks of Gold. Access *
* to their region to the west of the large bay is heavily fortified. More *
* precise details could not be obtained. *

The red player is not so close... you're going to have to advance some
distance to reach him in the west. He is GREATLY fortified and a direct
attack on him would mean certain death for you. He has your gateway. After
some time you will find him and by using the 'catapult' strategy, you will
decimate his army quietly.

The game will procede as normal. None of the computer players will attack,
so you have the time to build up your army. Mine all the mountains to get
the coal and iron but DO NOT use it all up. Remember to save some coal by
stopping the Iron Smelter's production. Why? Because the mint will need it.
The only thing that's missing is the gold. When you advance enough to the
west, Octavius will let you in on where the gold is.

* Diary of Octavius, 19th Day of the Fourth Month of the Seventh Year *
* *
* The Vikings appear to be extremely strong. Somehow we must gain access *
* to their fortress. It is interesting that this tribe also has a whale *
* graveyard on a small peninsula to the north of their gold mines. I *
* wonder if they are afraid of the spirits of the whales as well? *

Yup, you guessed it. There's your gold. Steadily advance using the over
popular 'catapult' strategy and start mining like there's no tomorrow. If
you were a smart guy and saved up some coal, you now have enough coins to
train all your soldiers.

Before attacking, make sure you build one fortress at the edge of your
border with the yellow player. He doesn't have the gateway so you won't
need to attack him, but when you attack the red player, our yellow friend
will start attacking. He won't do much damage if you placed your
fortifications right.

Now you are ready to take on the red player. Hopefully, a big part of his
army was decimated by your catapults, so you will be able to take him out
without much of a battle. Advance to the west and a bit south and there it
is... the gateway.

* We have found the gateway and occupied it. *

Weeee!. You're one step closer to Rome. Almost ready to return home. Just
three more challenges and you're homebound. Good luck.

* You have completed this mission. The next chapter awaits you... *



Are you ready to run? You're gonna have to if you want to get over this
level! Fortunately for you, Octavius tries to help and warn you about the
inevitable danger...

* Scouts have told me of a mighty enemy in the west. We must try and stay *
* here as long as possible. In an emergency we can always escape to the *
* east or by sea... *

Well, the emergency will arrive in a few minutes. The map is occupied by
two computer players: yellow and red. The yellow is the strongest and will
attack you directly in great force.

FORGET about your basic settlement and just concentrate on advancing to the
west. At a short distance, you'll stumble upon a mountain. That's the cover
you will use for the defense wall. Build watchtowers and catapults and
prepare for a heavy assault.

In the meantime, advance eastwards and build up your settlement... wood,
farms and all. The peninsula holds iron and coal so start breeding some
soldiers. Now all you need is gold.

To the south-east there is a spot where you can build a harbor. From there
you can send expeditions to the two other islands down south that hold
all the resources you'll need. Mine everything and strenghten your army.

When you think you have amassed sufficient soldiers, start the attack. The
yellow player will fall pretty fast beacuse he used up most of his soldiers
when he attacked you.

Now make your way to the south-west of the island, where you'll find the
gateway. Don't mind the red player, for he is just scenery.

* We have found the gateway and occupied it. When will we reach our *
* destination? *

It seems that you passed another level. Good for you. This was another
tough chapter that needed your fine touch. Your followers are quite proud
of their leader. Everyone is now confident that you have the ability to
lead your men back to Rome.

* You have completed this mission. The next chapter awaits you... *



Your journey has brought you to the wasteland again. Nothing around you but
desolate land and foul smells. Your only hope is reaching the gateway...

* Once again we find ourselves in a world that consists of ash and lava. *
* The atmosphere carries the putrid smell of sulphur. It all originates *
* from the nearby volcano which bellows out its vile contents across the *
* land. My men are insisting we leave soon; I can only hope that the gods *
* will guide our steps. *

This level isn't quite simple, but it's not that hard. You have plenty of
time to build up your settlement. Again, you face two enemies. This time,
they both are Japanese... and they both are against you.

The map may seem tricky but it's not. Slowly make your way to the east. Use
all the mountains that you come across and prepare for an assault. I've
heard that it's possible to build a harbor and send an expedition. I never
tried it.

This is a pretty straight-forward chapter. There are no riddles or secrets,
and there isn't someone who'll come and attack you in the first few minutes
of the game. You have all the time in the world and all the space to do it
in... mostly.

Defeat the two adversaries and claim the gateway. It lies in the south-east
corner of the map.

* We have found the gateway and occupied it. Let us remain here no longer *
* than is necessary. *

Wow! I have to say: wow! I didn't think you'd make it this far. When
I first started writing the FAQ, I got e-mails from people who were still
at chapter eight... and now, look at you! You made it way past nine! Rome
is getting ever more closer. Step through the gateway and start the final

* You have completed this mission. The next chapter awaits you... *



This is it! The last chapter. The final island and the last gate you're
going to face. As always, Octavius comes on... but this time, he's more
enthusiastic about it.

* The air is filled with anticipation and even a little reluctance, as we *
* prepare to embark on the final and most dangerous chapter of our long *
* journey home. Will we ever see Rome again? We must summon all our *
* strength because this island seems to be our best chance... *

The tenth and final chapter puts you in front of two enemies: red and
yellow. The first one you're going to have to worry about is red. You have
some time before he advances down to your position, but when he does, he'll
attack without warning and tear through your territory.

What you have to do now is prepare for that attack. Start doing the basic
settlement thing and slowly move to the north-west. When you reach the
mountain, don't waste any time! You don't have a big army so you need to
improve it. Get a few mines working and start making soldiers.

If you advance enough to the north-west, you're gonna meet the yellow

* Diary of Octavius, The 17th Day of the Sixth Month of the 10th Year *
* *
* Romans are actually standing in front of the tenth gateway. They are *
* not at all friendly. Perhaps they are the other side of the coin, the *
* enemy brother Remus. Maybe their g ateway is the one that will take us *
* back to our beloved Rome. As the old legend says: "For the sake of Rome *
* brother shall fight against brother." For almost ten years we have been *
* constantly dreaming of our homeland. We shall not give up now. Muster *
* all of your forces in order to break through! Capture the gateway! *

The yellow player is NOT aggressive towards you, only the red player is.
When you attack red, yellow will come to his rescue and vice-versa. Ummm...
actually, the red player will attack you no matter what you do.

If you're good at Settlers, and you must be by now, you'll manage to keep
the red player at bay WITHOUT attacking him directly. Use the 'catapult'
strategy and concentrate on getting as close to the yellow player as

Mine all the mountains (even those to the west... the mountain range is
shaped like a horseshoe) and build up your army. There's plenty of gold and
coal, so that's not going to be a problem. When you think you're ready to
take on the might of the Roman empire? ...well, just a very small part of

The yellow computer player has a lot of catapults built up, so you have to
speed up your attacks. Go straight through his territory, stoping for
nothing. Fast and swift. Head on north-east after entering the horseshoe
mountain range and you'll soon bump into the final gateway.

* Diary of Octavius, Last Day of the 10th Year Last entry of Octavius *
* in this Diary *
* *
* We have succeeded. Tomorrow we shall return to Rome exactly ten years *
* after becoming castaways on this island. Ten years during which we *
* traveled in the footsteps of our forefathers. Ten years during which we *
* learned what made Rome so great. We shall offer a great feast of thanks *
* to the gods and will see our families and friends again. I can hardly *
* wait. You have succeeded! *

Many people have failed where you have just succeeded. No need to thank me.
You did it all. You are the Settlers master! Go to Rome and claim that
which is yours. You have just finished The Settlers II. Congratulations!


P A R T 4 - W O R L D C A M P A I G N W A L K T H R O U G H


4.1 - EUROPE

Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.


4.2 - AFRICA

Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.


4.9 - JAPAN

Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.




5.1 - OLD MAPS

In the original Settlers II there were 18 free game maps. Since the release
of the Map Editor and the Gold Edition with the Misson CD, more Settlers II
worlds are available. These original 18 worlds are now the old maps.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.


5.1.2 - THE DITCH

Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.


5.1.6 - SEA OF LAVA

Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.


5.1.12 - TORTOISE

Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.


5.1.16 - THE AMULET

Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.


5.2 - NEW MAPS

The Settlers II Gold Edition features twelve Free Game maps, taken from the
Settlers II Mission CD. These worlds are called the new maps.


5.2.1 - THE RING

Map Name : The Ring
File Name : Map01.wld
Size : 112x128
No. of Players : 4
Map Type : Green


This is a fairly simple map. If you managed to finish the Roman campaign,
you should have no problems with this map.



Map Name : Thor's Island
File Name : Map02.wld
Size : 64x64
No. of Players : 2
Map Type : Winter


When I first played this map, I thought it was very very hard. It's a very
enclosed space and if you don't move fast, you're gonna get your ass kicked
by the computer. However, it's just as easy for you to defeat him... if
you're fast enough.



Map Name : The Pancake
File Name : Map03.wld
Size : 128x128
No. of Players : 3
Map Type : Lava/Wasteland


Another pretty simple map. It is quite big for three players so you won't
have much to worry about a quick attack. Build up your forces and try to
take 'em out one by one.



Map Name : Paradise Island
File Name : Map04.wld
Size : 112x112
No. of Players : 3
Map Type : Green


Nothin' special. Just go play.



Map Name : Green Meadow
File Name : Map05.wld
Size : 112x112
No. of Players : 4
Map Type : Green


This map always made me enjoy the game. It's very well balanced and proves
to be very entertaining.


5.2.6 - COLD TIMES

Map Name : Cold Times
File Name : Map06.wld
Size : 80x80
No. of Players : 4
Map Type : Winter


This is the exact same map featured in the Settlers II Gold Edition Demo.
It's not easy but it's not impossible. Intermediate players should feel at
home with this one. Beginners would get their ass kicked and experts would
win in 15 minutes :)

It's nice how everyone starts out equal.



Map Name : Christmas
File Name : Map07.wld
Size : 160x160
No. of Players : 7
Map Type : Winter


Now this starts to get tricky. It's like those old Lemmings games where you
first see the level and think it's easy... well, this is one of those. But
it's not easy. 'Christmas' is a huge map, but faced with seven players, you
will quickly run for cover.

The idea is that you gotta be quick in gettin' to the gold. The game starts
you off with 52 soldiers, all privates. Never mind building up your army!
Trainin the soldiers you already have, and THEN start producing more.

You'll get the idea once you play.


5.2.8 - DEAD LAND

Map Name : Dead Land
File Name : Map08.wld
Size : 96x96
No. of Players : 4
Map Type : Lava/Wasteland


Tierd of snow? This'll cure ya. 'Dead Land' isn't such a complicated map so
there's not much I can say. Just go play it.


5.2.9 - SCORPION

Map Name : Scorpion
File Name : Map09.wld
Size : 144x144
No. of Players : 3
Map Type : Green


Now this is a really interesting map! Not as much as it is a challenge, but
it has a quirky design! It's a triangle with each of the players placed at
each corner. It's really fun playin' this map.


5.2.10 - TOE TO TOE

Map Name : Toe To Toe
File Name : Map10.wld
Size : 64x64
No. of Players : 4
Map Type : Green


Now here's a demanding map! You start off next to each of your enemies. All
four of you have an equal chance. To defeat them all in a "every man for
himself" game can be a real pain. Watch out beacuse there aren't enough
resources for each of the players!



Map Name : The Gathering
File Name : Map11.wld
Size : 144x144
No. of Players : 6
Map Type : Winter


Just like the above, only there are six players and there is A LOT more
space to expand... and A LOT more resources. Good luck... you'll need it
for this one!



Map Name : Adventure Land
File Name : Map12.wld
Size : 112x112
No. of Players : 4
Map Type : Green


The last map is kind of a simple one. Lots of space, four players and an
equal starting position. Couldn't be more perfect!


P A R T 6 - F A N P A I G N W A L K T H R O U G H


NOTICE: The English used by the authors of the FANpaign may not be
the best you've ever seen. The authors are german so... I'm sorry,
but I'm not going to modify it. You're just gonna have to take it.


Welcome Settlers! These 10 new missions were created by fans. FANpaign.
Again the gods have burdened Octavius and his men with taxing tasks.

Credits: Heiko Bieger, Ralf Eggeling, Astrid Kessler, Thomas Roth, and
Wolfgang Zauner created the maps. Jurgen Nagel provided the needed tools!
Sven Liebich's excellent Settlers-Forum allowed us to meet and without it
this collection wouldn't have been born.

Enjoyable settling to all of you!

Achim Ruziczka, Editor

Partly these missions are very tricky to play, but all of them can be
solved, even if that doesn't seems to be possible at the first glance...



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.


6.2 - IN EXILE

Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.


6.7 - NEW WAYS

Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.


6.8 - DESERT

Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.


P A R T 7 - T H E M A P E D I T O R



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.


7.6 - RATIOS

Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.


7.8 - WRAP UP

Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.



Unfortunately this section of the FAQ was never completed.


P A R T 8 - T H E E N D


8.1 - WHAT'S NEXT?

The FAQ is coming to an end. I really can't think of more to add. If you're
clever, send me an e-mail with what to do next.


8.2 - BYE

Well, that's enough for now... Boy am I tired! ...and I'm going to have
to start work on a new FAQ. Why can't I just take a break and forget about
games? ...'Cuz I love 'em. Heh. Cya.


© 2003-2005 - Alexandru '2 Bad' Duta - All rights reserved - End of file.

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