Simon the Sorcerer 2

Simon the Sorcerer 2

17.10.2013 08:54:25
WCB's Simon 2 FAQ (with over-the-shoulder assistance by Quadralien)
Submitted 28/4/03 - Version 1.0 (Complete)
Written and (c) by David Newton ("Wong Chung Bang")
Feel free to post this wherever you like, as long as I'm credited.

(Well, what a bland title. Decreases the file size, at least.)

Quick Plot Summary

After the events in the first game - in which Simon killed the evil wizard
Sordid and saved the good wizard Calypso - a boy called Runt dabbles in the
hidden arts of magic, with the disapproval of his father (who looks vaguely
like Brian Blessed). He acquires Sordid's book of magic, which contains his
spirit, and he helps Sordid to get a new body and also a Fortress of Doom
(mandatory for villains these days). Sordid sends a wardrobe in to the real
world to capture Simon and bring him to Sordid, but instead Simon appears
outside Calypso's magic shop. The wardrobe requires Mucusade to make another
journey, and Calypso sends Simon out to find it. The quest begins. You now have
permission to skip the intro sequence by pressing F5 - although why you'd want
to skip anything in this game first time round is beyond me.

Part One - Escape from the City

A word about the postcard first. When you use it, you can save or load a game,
and also quit the program. This is your menu. You have eight icons - they will
be referred to as Move, Examine, Talk, Wear, Open (or Close), Take, Use, Give.
For the moment, walk straight back in to Calypso's shop.

Take the dye from the right hand side of the screen and the baseball bat from
the box next to the wardrobe. If you're having trouble finding any items,
remember that you can press F10 at any time to highlight the objects that you
can use or interact with in the scene - a very nice feature that I haven't seen
in any other adventure game as yet. For a bit of a laugh at Simon's lack of
subtlety, talk to Alix, though she doesn't give you any useful information yet.

Go out of the shop and examine the poster, then leave the area to get to the
map of the town. Select the Town Square, near the left hand side.

Here, you'll find a group of Morris dancers. Try to talk to them and one of
their sticks will break. Fortunately, you have a replacement - give them the
baseball bat. Watch the hilarious but painful sequence that follows, then leave
the town square. Head to the Three Bear's Cottage - it's at the North, just to
the left of the huge MucSwampling's building.

Open the letterbox and take the letter. Close the letterbox again if you're
tidy. Attempt to open the door, then go to the Loan Office, just Southwest of
where you are at the moment.

Spare a moment to talk to the jester, then head on in. Talk to the secretary
and ask to get one of the four loans - it doesn't matter which one you choose.
Open the door and go in to the office, to find that the boss is none other than
Mike Woodroffe! First, ask about where the tube leads, then ask about the loan.
While he's searching for the application form, quickly use the letter from the
cottage on the In-tray. He'll send you out of the office after checking through
his desk.

Leave the loan office, and the trolls on the roof will put a hole through the
Three Bear's Cottage for you. Go back there now, and walk on in.

Go inside and go to the right hand side of the area, breaking the computer on
the way. Take the rubber gloves, then move the tap to turn it off. A short
sequence of events will land you in the fountain at the east side of the city.
Use the dye on the fountain, then leave and go all the way across the city to
the castle.

What you're interested in here is getting information about money from the
guards - you need this to work out something coming up. This is the information
you're given:

256 pence make one dollar.
16 pence make one groat.
64 pence make a crown.
2 crowns make a Queen's Shilling.
3 crowns make a King's Shilling.
5 dollars make one Silver Sovereign.
3 Silver Sovereigns make a Gold Sovereign.
45 dollars make one Royal Crest.

So the values of the different coins, in pence, are:

Pence: 1
Groat: 16
Crown: 64
Queen's Shilling: 128
King's Shilling: 192
Dollar: 256
Silver Sovereign: 1280
Gold Sovereign: 3840
Royal Crest: 11520

I'm not entirely sure if that helps, but it might.

Go to the Street of Traders in the centre of the town, and look at the poster
then take it. Talk to the blacksmith twice and he'll eventually ask you about
money - this is, of course, where you need to use the information given above.
If you're lazy, the answers are Fifteen, One and Three. You'll get a left-
handed crowbar for your troubles. Now go to the left hand side of the docks to
the South.

Talk to Um Bongo, then give him the poster when the opportunity arises. Go to
the left and talk to Goldilocks, then use the crowbar on the crate and take the
rubber dinghy and wig that she leaves behind. Now go back to the Three Bear's

Give the wig to Pa Bear during the conversation and you'll get porridge in
return. Go to the Tattooist in the Southeast, move the ladder to bring it down,
then open the door. Talk to anyone you like here, but the important one is the
Frying Pan Man. After trying to talk to him, use the notepad you're given on
him. After being told there's a vacancy, wear the porridge. You'll get a Junk

Once outside, look at the bag and you'll find money, a bungee rope and a wedge.
Leave and go to MucSwampling's, and after the conversation go all the way to
the left hand side of the screen (not inside). Take the fishing rod from the
dustbin by looking at it, then talk to the swampling mascot again. Get a
balloon and voucher from him, then go inside.

Talk to the Tattooist and the Anorak Man, then go up to the counter and order a
meal with the voucher - it doesn't matter what milkshake you choose. Look at
the Kiddie Meal bag and you'll find a maggot, swampling model and swamp gum.
Leave this place and go back to the Street of Traders.

Use the balloon on the railings - this won't do anything yet, but it becomes
important later on. Go in to the joke store on the left hand side and talk to
the joke seller, then go back in when Simon leaves. Ask if he can make you a
Swampling costume, and Simon will give him the model. End the conversation and
pick up the joke book from the counter while the joke seller has the ape
costume on his head - otherwise he'll notice you.

Leave the joke shop and go to the right hand side of the Street of Traders,
then talk to the fat bloke. Agree to do him a favour and you'll be taken to a
cave. Walk to the right then pick up any of the lamps. When you have the right
one, talk to the cave entrance to get out, and you'll get a roll of white
cloth. Take this to the Fountain and use it on the basket, then wait until the
washerwoman dyes it green. Pick it up again and go to the loan office.

Give the joke book to the jester that you met earlier and you'll get a bladder
in return. Now go back to the Street of Traders and give the green cloth to the
joke seller. You'll get the Swampling costume. Go back to the Town Square where
you were near the beginning of the game, and talk to Um Bongo. Simon will give
him the bladder to make a new drum.

Go back to MucSwampling's and wear the costume while you're inside. Simon will
go through to the kitchen. The Phew Brothers are totally useless. Go upstairs
instead and meet the Swampling, and you'll get a bucket. On your way out, get
another balloon from the mascot. Use this on the railings in the Street of
Traders again, then go down the stairs to the pet shop.

Talk to the inventor, then when he leaves use the rubber gloves on the turtle
in the cage to pick it up. Put it in the right hand side of the combiner, then
press the button (not the lever). This splits it in to eels and a turtle. Take
the turtle, which is now on the left, and replace it by picking up the glow
worms and placing them in the cage next to the eels. Set the lever to the right
and press the button again. This will result in a jar of powerful glow-worms.

You now have to get to the swamp, but if you try to click on it from the map,
Simon can only get as far as the Loan Office. You have to go underneath the
wall. Use the crowbar on the drain cover and go down. When Simon tells you he
can't go any further, use the glow-worms, then continue. Go up at the far end
and you'll be at the swamp.

Head to the right and use the bungee rope on the railing, then the bucket on
the mud. Go to the left and talk to the Lady of the Lake, then use the fishing
rod on the lake while you're standing on the small bridge. You'll catch a fish.
Go all the way back to the Loan Office, then out to the map screen, then
MucSwampling's. Wear the costume again and give the swamp mud to the swampling

You now have a jar of swamp stew. Again, get a balloon from the mascot when you
leave, and go to the Street of Traders. This time, don't tie the balloon to the
railing - leave this until later. Instead, go in to the joke shop and give the
swamp stew to the joke seller to get a stink bomb.

Take this to the magic competition, which is the tent near Calypso's. Talk to
the clerk to enter, then go in to the tent and use the stink bomb. This clears
the tent of everyone except one wizard who has a cold. Go back inside and take
the spell book, then pour the swamp shake down the wizard's ear trumpet (use it
on him). Eventually, you'll be awarded the Official Royal Wizard card. Go back
to the castle.

Pay the guards to let you past, and you'll get past the gate as well with the
card. Talk to the prince on your way inside, then open the door and go through
the corridor, taking the cymbals. Ignore the doors for now and go to the left
to speak with the King. Once you've been told to get the baby to sleep, walk to
the left and use the fish on the seal to entice it in to your hat, then leave
the room and open the door on the right.

This is the nursery. Pick up the klaxon and football rattle, then use the wedge
on the cradle to stop it rocking. Take the cog from the wall. You can't get it
to sleep at the moment, so leave and go to MucSwampling's again.

Wear the Swampling costume to get past the counter again, then use the cog on
the clock mechanism in the kitchen. This makes the tatooist go back to his
shop, so go there now.

Once inside it doesn't matter which tattoo you choose - you won't be able to
afford it. Simon gets a flier on his way out, though, so give this to the
Anorak Man at MucSwampling's. Back at the tattoo parlour, you'll see him
leaving, and once you go inside you become the 1000th customer. Take the
obvious choice of tattoo (the enchanted one, in case you were wondering) and go
to the Swamp.

You can now talk to the Lady of the Lake again, and as you have the Royal Seal
you'll be allowed in to the lake. Take the diving equipment she leaves behind,
and use the air tanks on the rubber dinghy to inflate it. Use the dinghy to
paddle across to the island.

Pull the sword out of the rock - you can only do this with the tattoo. Take it
all the way back to the castle and give it to the prince in return for his pea-
shooter and a pea, then go inside and open the left door.

Use the pea on the mattress to wake the princess, then ask about how to keep
the baby quiet and take the lolly she throws you. Go in to the nursery and give
it to the baby - unfortunately it'll throw it out the window. You can collect
it again from the courtyard where the prince is hacking away at the dummy. Take
it to the top floor of MucSwampling's and give it to the Swampling children in
exchange for a bottle of milk.

Go all the way back to the castle with the milk and give it to the baby to get
it to sleep. Now you can go through the door at the back of the throne room.
When you're thrown down the stairs by the demons, go back up the stairs again
and use the swamp shake on the pentagram. All you have to do now is go to the
Street of Traders and use the final balloon on the railings to float to the

The Mucusade is in the lower room - stand on the rug to get there. Pick it up
and go out again, then go back to Calypso's shop to complete this part of the

Part Two - Long Johns Silver

It doesn't matter what you say to Silver at the start of this part. Once he's
gone, use the spell book to get rid of your chain, then pick up the eyepatch on
the skull. Talk to Mr T if you want, then go up the stairs.

When you're in the cabin, read the diary to get a Kalimari postcard then take
one of the stuffed parrots. Go out of the cabin and talk to the pirate on the
left with the sunglasses. Ask to exchange your eye patch for the sunglasses and
he'll give them to you. Further left, there's a pirate working on the plank.
Move him to push him off the side, then take the plank and the tools.

Go in to the left hand door and ask Mr T if he has a welding torch. Take it
from him and go back to the deck, then go across to the right hand side of the
ship again and go into the door on the right. Take the knife from the dartboard
in the centre, then use it on the hammock and take the tinderbox.

Leave the room and attempt to use the welding torch on the chain. Silver will
come out and stop you, so when he goes back in to the room you left use the
plank on the door to board it up. Use the welding torch on the chain again and
open the door, then take the Mucusade and go back up again.

Go to the upper deck on the right where the Bosun is, and use the stuffed
parrot on the real one. Use the Swamp Gum to stick it in position and go back
down. After the cut-scene, you'll find that you're still at sea, so use the
rigging to climb to the crow's nest.

Put the postcard on the end of the telescope, then go back to the poopdeck and
talk to the Bosun, then move the parrot. Climb back down and watch the second

Part Three - This Is My Island In The Sun

You start off with no inventory apart from the postcard. Pick up the shovel and
go to the right. You can talk to the beachcomber, but there's no way to get the
Mucusade from him at the moment. Pick up the towel instead.

Go in to the jungle using the path on the left, and give the balloon to the kid
(you don't have to pick it up first). He'll give you a shell. Take the wooden
pole from underneath the sign as well, then go back to the beach.

Use the wooden pole on the shovel, then use the shovel. Simon will build a
sandcastle, leaving behind a hole in the process. Use the towel on this hole
then use the shell on the towel to make the Trap, then talk to the beachcomber
again. Take the Mucusade and head in to the jungle.

Take the topmost path and pick the dog up, then go back to the sign and take
the lower path to the left. Talk to the dealer and pick up the whistle lying on
the path, then go further in to the jungle (in to the screen) and talk to the
man tied to the rock. Keep going left, use the dog on the generator and then
use the whistle.

Go to the right again, to the torture machine, move the lever and blow the
whistle again. Now that you've seen the effect, go right and then left to reach
the limbo contest. Talk to the man with the megaphone, then blow the whistle
for a third time. Simon will jump over the bar while everyone is distracted,
and you'll get a prize of three Bungas. Go a screen right and talk to the
dealer again, and get the caffeine tablets from him.

Now go in to the cafe - it's just beyond where you got the dog. Talk to the
waitress and get a mug of decaf, then use the caffeine tablets on it. Go in to
the cave next to the sign and try to pick up the bottle. After talking to the
genie for a while, use the coffee with added caffeine on the bottle and wish to
be back at Calypso's shop.

Part Three And A Half - Back In The City

Just walk in to Calypso's shop - I did try wandering around the city, but
nothing's changed since when you were last here, as far as I can see.

Part Four - Sordid's Fortress

First of all, click anywhere to get up and talk to Alix. Try to open the door
and she'll give you a hairgrip to pick the lock. You'll be rescued by another
Simon - you'll find out more about this later on. For the moment, leave the
goblin camp where you materialise and go to the Dark Woods.

Move along to the right and look at the antiques, and talk to the woodworm that
emerge until you're asked to go and find some wood. Keep going right and go in
to the cave, scaring the cat out while you're there. After the conversation
with the witches, go to the Secluded Hut.

The cat is now here. Before doing anything else, close the door. When you walk
over to the cat it'll knock itself out by trying to escape, so pick it up. Take
the hanky and some soda while you're here, and go to the Volcano Rim.

Take the Chemical Sprayer and the Plant Spotter's Guide, then give the cat to
the huge plant. Fortunately, Simon isn't that cruel, but the plant will
salivate at the sight of it. Use the drinking straw on the soda, then use the
empty bottle to pick up the plant dribble.

Go back to the Goblin Camp and use the dribble on either of the goblets, then
talk to the goblins. They'll fall asleep after drinking it. Pick up the Conch
Horn from behind the bigger of the two goblins, then head on in to the camp.

Talk to the elf in the cage to get a perfume bottle. Inside the tent, you can
pick up some food rations and pepper. Go back to the secluded hut and take some
more soda, then take this to the Dark Woods.

Give the food rations to the Kid, followed by the soda. Take his magnifying
glass. Go back to the Secluded Hut and pick up another bottle of soda, this
time using it on the perfume bottle.

Back at the goblin camp, use the pepper on the elf then give him the hanky. Now
give him the soda-filled perfume bottle - he can't smell that it isn't genuine.
You'll get the block of wood from him. Now go back to the woodworm in the Dark

Give them the block of wood and they'll make a set of false teeth out of it.
Keep going right until you're back at the witches again and give them the three
items to cure them: false teeth for the one who can't speak, a conch horn for
the deaf one and the magnifying glass for the short-sighted one. In return
they'll offer you the magic potion - use an empty soda bottle on the cauldron
to get it.

Use the potion on the role-players in the Secluded Hut, and take the resulting
dog and another bottle of soda. Use this on the fire at the Goblin Camp, and
while there's smoke in the goblins' eyes take some of the stuff. A fight will
break out and you'll be able to pick up the loaded dice. Go back to the
Secluded Hut and talk to the role-players again, then join the game. Use your
own dice when you're given the option. You'll win a decorator's catalogue. Go
back to the Goblin Camp with this and walk all the way left to the fortress
entrance, and convince the pigs that you're a decorator to get inside.

Once inside the fortress, take the tapestry from the wall and walk down the
Eerie Passage. After the conversation with Unpronounceable, go back out - you
can't get past him yet as he'll wake up if he sees, smells or hears you.

Instead, go down the stairway and use the tapestry on the pool of sweat. Use
the sweat-soaked tapestry on the chemical sprayer, then pull the lever to put
the lights out. Go back to Unpronounceable's room, then use the chemical
sprayer and (wait for it) wear the dog. Simon will turn it into a pair of furry
shoes, which you should wear to get past the monster.

You're nearly done now - go through the left door and up to the tower. The last
puzzle in the game is fairly simple compared to everything that's happened
before. Take the screwdriver from the jar and use it on Sordid's Hand to get
it, then put the hand on the palm print identifier. Pick up the Time Stick and
attempt to exit the room, then watch the lengthy end sequence...

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