Star Wars - Galaxies

Star Wars - Galaxies

16.10.2013 21:58:23


faq written by blue_moogle

___________________ ____________________
/ | \
| | |
| FAQ version | 1.01 |
| FAQ Type | Character FAQ |
| FAQ Date | 07/17/2003 |
| Game Platform | PC |
| Game Genre | MMORPG |
| Game Developer | SOE |
| Game Publisher | LucasArts |
| Language | English |
| Monthly Cost | $14.99 US |
| | |


1. Introduction/Updates

2. Legal/Disclaimer

3. starting Out
- Choosing a race
- Stat Migration
- Planet selection
- Overview of the scout

4. Choosing your Path
- Ranger
- Bounty Hunter
- Squad Leader
- Creature Handler
- Bio Engineer

5. FAQ
- General
- Requirements
- Non-scout related

6. Scout Strategies

7. Conclusion


Hey everyone! My name is blue_moogle. I'm a FAQ writer here at GameFAQs.
I basically wrote this FAQ since the manual that comes with the game is
already outdated. How so? Since SWG (Star Wars Galaxies) is an MMORPG, the
game world constantly evolves and changes as the players interact with it.
So, you need an updated help file to keep up with the times. Plus, everyone
likes information from other players... right? =)

Anyways, remember this. Not everyone has the latest and greatest browser,
so I'm just going to put a warning. If you think you have an older browser,
you browser might not show the updated versions of the FAQ everytime I
update. To fix this, simply press "Refresh" or "Reload".

Oh, feel free to contribute to the FAQ! You can tell me any errors, add
any tips for the elite professions, add scout strategies, ask a question to
put on the FAQ, or whatever you want. To contribue, e-mail me at or talk to me on MSN/WINDOWS messanger with the same

7/18/03 - Added two strategies


Alright, this is my FAQ. It's copyrighted by me under the international
copyright agreement. Anyways, here's the official way of saying it.

Copyright 2003 Alex Perce
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

I only give GameFaqs permission to use this FAQ. If you see any site using
this FAQ, please e-mail me at

If you disagree with anything and you think something in this FAQ is your
work, e-mail me at and we can try and work an


There are many races in SWG to play as. They all are great at every
profession, but some races gain special bonuses to certain ones. You can
choose to take advantage of these or not. Others even get a disadvantage
to certain things, and you can use this too if you like to play with a bit
of a challenge. (It's already pretty challenging, but it's up to you.)
Scouts normally want high action and high health pools with a low or medium
mind pools. Keep this in mind when choosing a race.

| Human | Average | Humans gain an average amount of bonuses and no |
| | | real disadvantages. They gain leadership bonuses|
| | | and experimenation bonuses as an artisian. They |
| | | will be the best Squad Leaders if you choose to |
| | | be one. |
| | | |
| | | |
| Bothan | Average | Bothans are quick, short, hairy humanoids that |
| | | gain huge bonuses to action stats and minor to |
| | | mind making them an ok scout. What shines is the|
| | | bonuses to both camouflage and cover, two things |
| | | that will be useful when you get the mask scent |
| | | ability. |
| | | |
| | | |
| Calmari | Very Hard | The Mon Calmari are thinkers. They gain huge |
| | | bonuses to their mind pools. They also get nice |
| | | bonuses for assembly. This is by far not the way|
| | | to go as a scout, but more as an artisian. |
| | | |
| | | |
| Rodian | Hard | Rodians are like Bothans, except they have a nice|
| | | improvement on the action bonuses, but lose the |
| | | mind improvements. They have no bonuses to scout|
| | | but do gain some nice melee combat ones. They |
| | | aren't the best choice, even with the stat bonus |
| | | since they are more geared toward fighting. |
| | | |
| | | |
| Doshans | Easy | Trandoshans gain many bonuses to unarmed fighting|
| | | and huge bonuses to health. This makes survival |
| | | easy and even easier if you hybrid as a TKA. They|
| | | get a nice regeneration bonus and can harvest |
| | | bone, hide, and meat easier then others. They |
| | | make excellent scout/brawler combos! |
| | | |
| | | |
| Zabrak | Hard | Zabrak are horned humans with large bonuses to |
| | | their main attributes, but none to the regen or |
| | | the defense attributes. This is an ok trade off,|
| | | but since they gain no bonuses to scout, they are|
| | | not the best choice. Their largest bonus is to |
| | | mind, which is worthless to us. They do get nice|
| | | anti-combat status conditions though. |
| | | |
| | | |
| Wookie | Easy | Wookies recieve ultra high bonuses to everything |
| | | espessially to action and health! Yay! They |
| | | even get mind bonuses which you can use as points|
| | | to migrate into action and health. L33t! Plus, |
| | | they make excellent creature handlers. The only |
| | | downfall is they can only speak their language. |
| | | Scouts are alone a lot, so that's not a problem, |
| | | and most people can learn how to understand them |
| | | early on. They also can't wear armor, but no |
| | | biggie, their stat bonus will cover that. |
| | | |
| | | |
| Twi'Lek | Very Hard | These humanoids are more suited for entertaining.|
| | | They do gain nice action bonuses, but less than |
| | | than Rodians extreme and Bothans average ones and|
| | | only get entertaing bonuses. Not really a good |
| | | choice at all. |


Now, you may have chosen a race that gets bonuses to things you don't need
or want. Or, you may get bonuses you need, but care to split it up to some
that are also needed but are suffering. If you stat migrate, remeber this:
Focus a lot of points on HEALTH, a little less on ACTION, and near nil on
MIND. Keep regen stats low since we can have long resting times since we'll
just camp and gain EXP from these long resting times. Plus, if you put them
into high defense pools, you won't lose your already insanely high action
and health so quickly! Basically, follow this scale for points (based on
human, so everyone should get it.) You can alter this scale, but consider
it your base. Also note, if you're not a human, you'll have left over
points, so use them whatever way you like.

___________________ ____________________
/ | \
| | |
| Health | 1100 |
| Strength | 600 |
| Constitution | 450 |
| Action | 850 |
| Quickness | 550 |
| Stamina | 400 |
| Mind | 650 |
| Focus | 400 |
| Willpower | 400 |
| | |


There are many planets to start on. Some are geared towards certain types
of professions/players. If you like a challenging start, certain planets
are for you. If you like a place with a heavy population (which doesn't
matter to scout since you'll be playing solo most of the time), others are
for you. Anyways, the planets.

| Naboo | Easy | Naboo is the closest looking to Earth of all of |
| | | them. It is not lightly populated or heavily, so|
| | | it makes it a nice lag free environment, but with|
| | | plenty of opprotunities to hang out with friends.|
| | | Naboo is appears to be both rebel and imperial. |
| | | |
| | | |
| Tatooine | Average | Tatooine is a huge desert planet. Gets boring to|
| | | look at quickly. It's also heavily populated and|
| | | very laggy. Almost every city on the planet is |
| | | Imperial, making it a heaven for Imperial players|
| | | and a heck for Rebel ones. |
| | | |
| | | |
| Correlia | Average | Literally the opposite of Tatooine. It's has |
| | | few players on it, most of which are fist time |
| | | players. Correlia is also a great place for the |
| | | Rebels, though the Imperials do have an influence|
| | | |
| | | |
| Talus | Hard | Even more dead than Correlia and has a harder |
| | | wild life. Only two cities are on Talus, and I'm|
| | | not sure about their faction alliance. This a |
| | | good spot to visit for a slightly experienced |
| | | scout. |
| | | |
| | | |
| Rori | Very Hard | Rori is the hardest of all the planets. It has |
| | | basically 2 people playing on it and it's wild |
| | | are tough. There also only 2 cities on Rori. |
| | | Be wary, Rori is heavily populated by Gungans and|
| | | and I'm unsure about faction alliance. |
| | | |

Later in the game you can even visit the harder planets like Lok, Endor,
and Dantooine! You'll probably visit every planet in the game eventually,
but your first one is important, as it may or may not make your life hard.


Finally! We're now on our planet with our scout. S/he is pretty weak at
the moment. Also, being a new character, you have many things you should
take care of before working on getting EXP. Here's a list of objectives you
should take care.

- Get another profession
- Explore your starting city
- Put up waypoints at important locations (mission terminals, med center)
- Get a job
- Explore the wilderness/get more jobs

First on our list is to get another profession... huh? Why would you need
another profession? Many of the professions scout can turn into require
experience in other fields, not just scout experience. While you can train
this experience up later, it's best if you do at the same time since you
will be given the chance. The only two professions that don't require other
experience is Creature Handler and Ranger. Use the table below to find what
profession to train in. (it's recommended you get brawler/marksman training
for a while to get certain scout exp, but you can unlearn these professions
later if you so choose.)

___________________ ____________________
/ | \
| | |
| Ranger | nothing |
| Creature Handler | nothing |
| Bounty Hunter | marksman |
| Squad Leader | marksman |
| Bio Engineer | medic |
| | |

Second, we need to explore our city. This gives us our perfect chance
to find the trainer to train us on our second profession. As you find
places of interest, put a waypoint up by pressing and clicking the
new waypoint button at the bottom left corner. Then, rename the waypoint
to the location - place of interest. Like "Bestine - Medical Center".
While exploring, look for the scout trainer, whatever second trainer, the
cantina, the shuttle port, bank, and medical center and make waypoints at
those locations. Then, when pressing you activate/deactivate them
to help you find your way around town. For more detailed explaination of
waypoints, consult the manual.

Since we did both the second and third object in the last paragraph, we
can now get a job. There are two types of jobs, destroy and delivery. They
break down in more subjobs too. Basically, if you're character got the
marksman training, do destroy missions as it will raise his marksman
experience. If you didn't, do delivery missions, as they will just give

Destroy missions can be two things. A monster destroy mission, which
means you have to go destroy some animals homes. This gives excellent exp
for scouting and battling since you can harvest the creature afterwards. The
othe type is intelligent being destroy missions. These send you out to
destroy a camp full of people that work for a faction that you have negative
points in. Such as, if you killed many Jabba henchman, you can take a few
mission to kill them. While you'll get improved combat exp, you won't get
any scout exp from these types.

Delivery missions also can be two things. A close range one are very low
paying missions, always under a 100 credits. They send you from side of the
town to the other. Not so hard, not so rewarding. The other is long range
ones, which can go to pretty high prices. They will require you to walk
from town to town, or spend money to buy a shuttle ticket. Both missions
only give cash, no exp for combat or scout. So, follow the recommendation
above and get a combat profession just for a while, unless you don't want
to progress.

After doing your job (which may or may not take a while), you have
basically entered the cycle of gaining scout exp. But what about the other
two types of exp, wilderness survival and trapping? To get trapping exp,
you have to throw a trap at an enemy, which will make them easier to fight.
To get wilderness survial exp, you just have to make a camp and sit in it
for a while (about 15 minutes for full exp if you're by yourself. If two
or more are present, divide 15 by the number of people to show how many
minutes you have to wait.) If you don't have a combat profession, the only
real way to survive is in groups, which will benefit the survival part.
You can throw traps to make enemies easier for your partners to kill, and
harvest the creatures after they kill them. And, when its time to rest,
you make a camp. The only problem is, you may be competing with other
scouts for the precious resources and camp making.

Which brings me to my next tip. All the exp you gain will help the others
out. You gain scouting exp from harvesting resources, which you use to
make traps and camps with your general crafting tool. These traps make
it easier to kill enemies, thus making it easier to get scouting exp. The
camps don't go back into the cycle, but they are very helpful if a medic
is in the group, since he can heal you. Basically follow this combination
of things to succeed as a scout (it will take a long time, but oh well.)

Find group - do destroy missions - harvest resources - make traps -
help out buds with traps - make camps - rest in camps - do more missions.

___/ RANGER \

Now that you know the process of being a scout, it's time to set your
goals. If you plan on becoming a master scout, and an even better on at
that, RANGER is your goal. A ranger is basically a beefed up scout, doing
the exact same things as a scout, only better. He can make better camps,
better traps, and can hide from enemies better. He can walk over hills
and mountains better than scouts, and way better than average players. The
ranger requires experience in all 4 scouting fields, being one of the harder
scouting classes to get. Ranger is also excellent for those that prefer
to run than fight. They sadly give no bonuses for player verse player
combat, but great ones for player vrs enemy. So, if you don't plan on do
many duels, but many attacks on tuskens, this is great for you!

- Master scout

- When going up the trapping tree, throw all the traps you can at enemies.
You can throw more than just one trap.
- Focus on wilderness survival first, since it can be finished in a day if
you rest the entire time.

- Improved traps
- Larger camps that give more exp and heal people better.
- Can run over terrain better
- Has way better chances when hiding from enemies
- Larger amounts of resources/multiple types of resources extracted.
- Will make big bucks selling bone/hide to tailors and armorsmiths!

- Bothan have the increased hiding bonus, making them even better rangers.
- Trandoshans have increased harvesting bonus, making them great resource

- Rangers are adept to running and hiding, not fighting. Use a ranged
weapon and no armor, since armor will slow you down and lower your stats.
Being a ranged weapon user that can hide, enemies should reach you


Ah yes, the bounty hunter. Getting here will be the hardest of all scout
elite professions. It'll require mastering all the skills in both scout
and marksman, a long process. Bounty Hunters are also one of the strongest
classes in the game and make excellent PvP and PvE people. They will also
make big amounts of cash. If you like the idea of being paid to hunt down,
kill, and be rewarded, then this is the profession for you!

- Master Scout
- Master Marksman

- Use the same tips as ranger since you still need to master scout.
- To gain combat exp, find groups at first and hunt large hard animals.
- When you get stronger, use abilities such as warning shot and threaten
shot to scare away enemies preventing them from hurting you. This will
making soloing much easier and will give you better exp.

- Bounty hunters will be proficient at a wide range of weapons. Pistol,
carbine, and even some lighter versions of heavy weapons that commandos
- The carbine knockdown technique prevents enemies from even move if used
over and over. You could fight DARK JEDI with this move all by yourself.
- Bounty hunters gain access to those special, forbidden bount hunter
mission terminals!

- All the recommended scout races would make perfect bounty hunters.

- Get a carbine so you can use that carbine knockdown move!
- Any armor will do, but while getting scout exp, don't wear it!


As of now, Squad Leader is simply similar to a General. He can issue out
commands to his fellow groupmates. If you did a lot of grouping as a scout,
you'll have made plenty of friends which you will benefit from being a squad
leader. He won't get any combat or scout improvements, but he does make
others fight better and walk over terrain better, which will help a fighting
and an escaping party. Plus, with the plans of the space expansion, squad
leaders would most likely fill the roll of being the lead pilot in a space
fighter team. If you like the idea, squad leader is for you!

- Exploration IV: Alien Environment Training (scout)
- Survival IV: Special Techniques (scout)
- Ranged Weapon Support Ability Specialist (marksman)

- Squad leader is an easy profession to solo into, so do destroy missions
by yourself to raise your marksman exp and just harvest from creatures.
- If it isn't obvious, don't waste time raising trapping or wilderness exp.
- When you do make Squad Leader, give out commands with system group
message, since only the group can see it. (and it will be obvious as it
appears in the same format so those that appear when you complete a

- When in a group with you, everyone will walk faster
- When in a group, you can force people following you to walk in certain
formations, making them look more army like!
- Can send specialized messages like system ones to group.
- Can make group fire all at once, fire with improve accuracy, and similar

- Humans make the best squad leaders with their leadership bonus.

- You're more of a General, so you'll be targeted by enemy players. Wear
protective armor with a deflector shield.
- Your weapon is optional, but if you do choose to fight, use a ranged
weapon since you won't risk being up front and a nice target.


OOO boy, the creature handler. These guys are very strong, as they can
command the very creatures they once were killing for resources. They can
make giant, man-eating rancors do their bidding. Or, they can command tiny
little dernis (SWG bunnies, basically) be their pet. If you like the idea
of commanding creatures to fight and play, this is your class. If you can
think of Pokemon and SWG combined, this is what results from it. But,
don't take them lightly, as they have unmatchable strength in the battle

- Exploration IV: Alien Environment Training (scout)
- Survival IV: Special Techniques (scout)

- Hmm... there really isn't anything special here about getting creature
handler. The only thing I can think of is getting some combat skills
to speed it up.
- Once you do reach creature handler, remember to ALWAYS mask scent, or the
baby will run away to it's parents and the parents might attack you.
- ALWAYS, ALWAYS, try to get the baby away from the parents, or they might
attack you while you're taming the baby.
- If hostile creatures are what you're into for taming, use warning shot
to scare way the parents to make the baby easy to get too.
- When taming, the baby will do one of three things. It will be tamed, it
won't be tamed and run to it's parents, it won't be tamed and will attack
and it's parents will attack. The better taming skills you have, the
more likely it's the first option, the less taming skills, the more of a
chance it's the last option.

- Creature Handlers get 3 pets, compared to people who use droids that only
get 1.
- Creatures can basically fight for you, letting you sit and relax while
sending out orders to your creatures.
- You gain resistence to creature attacks and such.

- Wookiees get a creature taming bonus, letting you tame creatures with a
way better success ratio.

- While taming hostile creatures, you'll want all the protection you can
get, so get the best armor you can.
- You shouldn't need a weapon, even when taming, since your scout skills
will let you just run away.


Hmm, bio engineers are creature handlers best friends. They get the
ability to harvest one more resource from creatures, DNA. This allows them
to clone, edit, and creature DNA, making even stronger creatures. If you
become both a Bio Engineer and a Creature Handler, you'd be one tough guy.
Plus, since they come from a medical backround, you will also gain the
ability to heal others when you're resting in one of the camps you'll create
as a scout!

- Hunting IV: Unconventional Methodolgy (scout)
- Organic Chemistry IV (medic)

- I recommend becoming a creature handler on the side
- I also recommend becoming a medic on the side
- Group with people so you can get DNA from the really tough creatures with
considerably less harm.

- You get the new resource, DNA.
- You can make improvements for creatures, clothes, food, and armor, which
you can then sell to armorsmiths, creature handlers, chefs, and tailors.

- Mon Calamari would actually work for this profession if you plan on
healing a lot.

- Same as Creature handler, except you need armor for collecting DNA, not

___/ General \

1. What is meat used for?
A. You can sell meat to chefs. They need it to make certain foods. You
can also sell hide to tailors/chefs/armorsmiths and bone to armorsmiths.

2. The enemies are way to hard to kill! Help me!
A. Now, really isn't a question, but I can help. Get a combat profession.
As you level in that, you get better with the weapon you're leveling in.

3. Who gives the best scouting exp?
A. If it takes a group to kill, it'll give great exp.

4. How many times can I throw a trap at an enemy?
A. You can throw as many traps as you want at an enemy.

5. How much should I sell resources for?
A. I recommend 4 credits per unit of the resource. If you can find a buddy
that'll give you deals at his shop if you sell him resources for a
smaller price, do so! I saved a L-O-T of credits buying stuff from my
armorsmith buddy!

___/ Requirements \

1. How much RAM do I need?
A. 256 is on the box, but that'll be horrible. 512 should be the bare
mininum, and 1 gig would be more than enough.

2. What video card should I get?
A. I use a Geforce 4 TI-4200, and it works great for me. You could use
one of the super ATI/nvidia cards, but no need if something cheaper is
just as good!

3. Will my computer work with...?
A. Check for the mininum specs. IF your computer
can atleast meet those, it'll work, but maybe not very well.

4. How do I find my computer specs?
A. Many tools well tell. Go to start/run and type in dxdiag for a lot of
information, or you could explore the hardware manager.

5. Will 56k modems work?
A. Yes, the only lag you should experience is from your computer.

___/ Non-Scout related \

1. What do the colors of peoples name mean?
A. Blue = Another player
Purple = Another player from the same faction
Red = Bad guy player / enemy npc
Yellow = neutral npc, can be attacked
White = neutral npc, can't be attacked
Light Purple = npc from your faction
Pink = group leader
Green = fellow group members

2. What does that little circle next to peoples name mean?
A. Green = this enemy is EASY, one hit kill
Blue = Easy enemy, you should win unless ganged up apon
White = Equal strength as you
Yellow = Stronger than you
Red = Instant death for you!

3. How do I become a Jedi?
A. The path to become a jedi is different for everyone, so no one KNOWS!


by: Carl (

1. To speed harvesting up, make a harvesting macro. Press ctrl+a and go
to the macros page. Click new and name is harvest or something. Pick
an icon and type in /harvest bone or /harvest hide for the macro's
command. Then drag the macro into on of the Function key slots to make
harvesting faster and easier!

2. When hunting, get two easy missions in the same direction. Start by
attacking the surrounding creatures, then the nest they belong to.
When the nest is half way dead, hit the peace button and kill all the
creatures that spawn. Then walk over to the next nest and do the same
thing. After you get that nest half way down, return to the original
one and it's health will be full with more creatures to kill. Repeat
the process to get many kills off of one nest! That's a lot of exp!

3. When grouping, find out if there are other scouts. If so, make an
order so you take turns harvesting. Sometimes they won't listen and
it's just a good idea to go alone. If others are harvesting simply
for the hide/bone and not for the xp, tell them you'll harvest the
resources and give it to them. That way they still get resources and
you get exp!

by: Darkgear (

Darkgear suggests that you go to a popular city, such as Mos Eisly and
use the /shout command saying something along the lines "Selling hide/bone
for low prices!" Many artisians will be interested and will try to work
out a deal with you. He recommends not selling it for 1 credit a unit,
but atleast 2-4 credits.


Wow, you got this far? Thanks for reading all of it! I'd like to hear
your comments on my FAQ! E-mail them at blue_moogle@hotmail or use the same
address to talk to me on MSN/WINDOWS messanger! I hope this FAQ helped you
become a master scout and one of the many scout elite professions. Now go
have fun! Oh, if you want to talk to me in game, you can reach me at one
of these characters!

___________________ ____________________
/ | \
| | |
| Atakalla | Naritus |
| Socrotes | Starsider |
| | |


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Engl. FAQ

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30.Июнь 2014
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30.Декабрь 2013
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24.Февраль 2018