Elder Scrolls 3 - Morrowind

Elder Scrolls 3 - Morrowind

17.10.2013 18:07:40
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Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
Bestiary FAQ V1.0
By Stevmill
This file is Copyright (c)2003 Steve Miller. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

Section 1: Authors Note
Section 3: What's New
Section 2: How to Navigate This Guide
Section 4: Creatures
Section 5: Deadra
Section 6: Humanoids
Section 7: Undead
Section 8: Revision History
Section 9: Credits
Section 10: Copyright
Section 11: Contact Information

Section 1: Authors Note

With so many enemies in the game I thought it would be useful to have a
compendium telling you all the information about them. With this guide you
can find out all of an enemies stats, spells, abilities, and extra
information. I hope you find this information useful. If you find any
incorrect or incomplete information please send me an email so I can edit and
fix my guide, you will be credited in the Credits section as the new revision
is released. Thank you for reading and enjoy.

Section 2: How to Navigate This Guide

The easiest way to locate the sections in this guide is as follows:

Step 1: Highlight the section you want to find from the table of contents and
hit Ctrl-C

Step 2: Hit Ctrl-F

Step 3: Place your cursor in the find field and hit Ctrl-V

Step 4: Hit the find next button until you are at the section you want to

Or if you want to find a certain baddie, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Hit Ctrl-F

Step 3: Place your cursor in the find field and type the name of the enemy
you want to find in the field

Step 4: Hit the find next button until you are at the enemy you want to
Read about (there may be more than one enemy with the same name, but
they are differentiated by the object ID)

Section 3: What's New

9-13-2003 v 1.0 The first draft of the guide.

Section 4: Creature

Object ID: alit
Level: 3
HP: 30
SP: 75
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 20
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-9 Attack 2: 1-9 Attack 3: 1-9
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 40 AGI: 50
SPD: 42 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Betty Netch
Object ID: netch_betty
Level: 10
HP: 113
SP: 75
Fatigue: 500
Soul Value: 75
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 10-30 Attack 2: 10-30 Attack 3: 10-30
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 50
SPD: 80 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Betty Netch
Object ID: netch_betty_ilgn
Level: 10
HP: 45
SP: 20
Fatigue: 500
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 60 Stealth Skills: 60
Attack 1: 1-20 Attack 2: 1-20 Attack 3: 1-20
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 50
SPD: 80 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Quest Related Breeding Netch

Betty Netch
Object ID: netch_betty_ranched
Level: 10
HP: 113
SP: 75
Soul Value: 75
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 10-30 Attack 2: 10-30 Attack 3: 10-30
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 50
SPD: 80 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Blighted Alit
Object ID: alit_blighted
Level: 7
HP: 105
SP: 75
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 25
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 7-21 Attack 2: 7-21 Attack 3: 7-21
STR: 75 INT: 30 WIL: 30 AGI: 65
SPD: 42 END: 30 PER: 200 LUC: 30
Spells: Alit Bite: Poison on touch, 1-2 points for 5 sec
Notes: Can give you Black-Heart Blight: Drain Strength and Endurance 20-40

Blighted Cliff Racer
Object ID: cliff racer_blighted
Level: 8
HP: 90
SP: 20
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 20
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 6-18 Attack 2: 6-18 Attack 3: 6-18
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 40 AGI: 50
SPD: 255 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Blighted Game Rat
Object ID: rat_cave_hhte2
Level: 4
HP: 45
SP: 10
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 4-12 Attack 2: 4-12 Attack 3: 4-12
STR: 25 INT: 25 WIL: 0 AGI: 30
SPD: 8 END: 70 PER: 100 LUC: 75
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Black-Heart Blight: Drain Strength and Endurance 20-40

Blighted Kagouti
Object ID: kagouti_blighted
Level: 8
HP: 90
SP: 10
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 20
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 8-24 Attack 2: 8-24 Attack 3: 8-24
STR: 90 INT: 30 WIL: 40 AGI: 75
SPD: 45 END: 67 PER: 100 LUC: 30
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Chanthrax Blight: Drains Speed and Agility 20-40 points

Blighted Kwama Warrior
Object ID: kwama warrior shurdan
Level: 7
HP: 60
SP: 30
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 30
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 7-21 Attack 2: 7-21 Attack 3: 7-21
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 18 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Spark: Shock Damage on target, 2-20 points, 1 sec, 5 area
Notes: Can give you Chanthrax Blight: Drains Speed and Agility 20-40 points

Blighted Nix-Hound
Object ID: nix-hound blighted
Level: 6
HP: 68
SP: 10
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 6-18 Attack 2: 6-18 Attack 3: 6-18
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 40 AGI: 50
SPD: 28 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Black-Heart Blight: Drain Strength and Endurance 20-40

Blighted Rat
Object ID: rat_blighted
Level: 4
HP: 45
SP: 10
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 4-12 Attack 2: 4-12 Attack 3: 4-12
STR: 25 INT: 25 WIL: 0 AGI: 30
SPD: 8 END: 70 PER: 100 LUC: 75
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Black-Heart Blight: Drain Strength and Endurance 20-40

Blighted Scrib
Object ID: scrib blighted
Level: 4
HP: 30
SP: 12
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 20
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 4-12 Attack 2: 4-12 Attack 3: 4-12
STR: 30 INT: 30 WIL: 10 AGI: 30
SPD: 13 END: 30 PER: 30 LUC: 30
Spells: Scrib Paralysis: Paralyze on touch, 1 point for 6 seconds
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Blighted Shalk
Object ID: shalk_blighted
Level: 10
HP: 80
SP: 30
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 30
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 10-30 Attack 2: 10-30 Attack 3: 10-30
STR: 30 INT: 30 WIL: 40 AGI: 30
SPD: 20 END: 30 PER: 30 LUC: 30
Spells: Shalk Firebite: Fire Damage on touch for 3-6 points, 1 sec, 5 area
Notes: Ability- Immune to Fire
Ability- Weakness to Frost 60 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight: Drain Intelligence and Willpower 20-40

Bull Netch
Object ID: netch_bull
Level: 4
HP: 45
SP: 100
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 4-12 Attack 2: 4-12 Attack 3: 4-12
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 100 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Poisonbloom: Poison on target 1-20 points, 5 sec, 10 area
Notes: None

Bull Netch
Object ID: netch_bull_dead
Level: 4
HP: 0
SP: 20
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 60 Stealth Skills: 60
Attack 1: 1-20 Attack 2: 1-20 Attack 3: 1-20
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 100 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Bull Netch
Object ID: netch_bull_dead_2
Level: 4
HP: 0
SP: 20
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 60 Stealth Skills: 60
Attack 1: 1-20 Attack 2: 1-20 Attack 3: 1-20
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 100 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Bull Netch
Object ID: netch_bull_ilgn
Level: 4
HP: 45
SP: 20
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 60 Stealth Skills: 60
Attack 1: 1-20 Attack 2: 1-20 Attack 3: 1-20
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 100 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Quest RelatedBreeding Netch

Bull Netch
Object ID: netch_bull_ranched
Level: 4
HP: 45
SP: 20
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 60 Stealth Skills: 60
Attack 1: 1-20 Attack 2: 1-20 Attack 3: 1-20
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 100 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Cave Rat
Object ID: rat_cave_fgrh
Level: 3
HP: 23
SP: 10
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 25 INT: 25 WIL: 0 AGI: 30
SPD: 8 END: 70 PER: 100 LUC: 75
Spells: None
Notes: None

Cave Rat
Object ID: rat_cave_fgt
Level: 3
HP: 23
SP: 10
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 25 INT: 25 WIL: 0 AGI: 30
SPD: 8 END: 70 PER: 100 LUC: 75
Spells: None
Notes: None

Centurion Sphere
Object ID: centurion_sphere
Level: 5
HP: 75
SP: 70
Fatigue: 800
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 75 INT: 25 WIL: 70 AGI: 75
SPD: 70 END: 75 PER: 10 LUC: 50
Spells: Shock Shield: Lightning Shield 3 points on self, 20 sec.
Notes: None

Centurion Sphere
Object ID: centurion_sphere_hts2
Level: 5
HP: 75
SP: 70
Fatigue: 800
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 75 INT: 25 WIL: 70 AGI: 75
SPD: 70 END: 75 PER: 10 LUC: 50
Spells: Shock Shield: Lightning Shield 3 points on self, 20 sec.
Notes: None

Centurion Sphere
Object ID: centurion_sphere_nchur
Level: 5
HP: 75
SP: 70
Fatigue: 800
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 75 INT: 25 WIL: 70 AGI: 75
SPD: 70 END: 75 PER: 10 LUC: 50
Spells: Shock Shield: Lightning Shield 3 points on self, 20 sec.
Notes: Quest Related Nchurdamz quest

Centurion Sphere (summoned)
Object ID: centurion_sphere_summon
Level: 5
HP: 75
SP: 70
Fatigue: 800
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 75 INT: 25 WIL: 70 AGI: 75
SPD: 70 END: 75 PER: 10 LUC: 50
Spells: Shock Shield: Lightning Shield 3 points on self, 20 sec.
Notes: Summoned Creature

Centurion Spider
Object ID: centurion_spider
Level: 3
HP: 38
SP: 20
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-9 Attack 2: 1-9 Attack 3: 1-9
STR: 25 INT: 25 WIL: 60 AGI: 75
SPD: 7 END: 50 PER: 25 LUC: 50
Spells: Poisonbloom: Poison on target 1-20 points, 5 sec, 10 area
Notes: Ability- Immune to poison

Centurion Spider
Object ID: centurion_spider_nchur
Level: 3
HP: 38
SP: 20
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 3-9 Attack 2: 3-9 Attack 3: 3-9
STR: 25 INT: 25 WIL: 60 AGI: 75
SPD: 7 END: 50 PER: 25 LUC: 50
Spells: Poisonbloom: Poison on target 1-20 points, 5 sec, 10 area
Notes: Ability- Immune to poison

Cliff Racer
Object ID: cliff racer
Level: 4
HP: 45
SP: 20
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 20
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 3-8 Attack 2: 3-8 Attack 3: 3-8
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 50
SPD: 255 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Object ID: guar_llovyn_unique
Level: 3
HP: 38
SP: 5
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 20
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 3-9 Attack 2: 3-9 Attack 3: 3-9
STR: 255 INT: 50 WIL: 40 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Dead Guar
Object ID: guar_hrmudcrabnest
Level: 3
HP: 0
SP: 0
Fatigue: 500
Soul Value: 5
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 3
Attack 1: 10-25 Attack 2: 5-10 Attack 3: 5-8
STR: 255 INT: 50 WIL: 40 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Dead Rat
Object ID: dead rat
Level: 1
HP: 0
SP: 50
Fatigue: 200
Soul Value: 25
Combat Skills: 80 Magic Skills: 25 Stealth Skills: 90
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 25 INT: 25 WIL: 0 AGI: 30
SPD: 6 END: 70 PER: 100 LUC: 75
Spells: None
Notes: None

Diseased Alit
Object ID: alit_diseased
Level: 3
HP: 30
SP: 75
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 25
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-9 Attack 2: 1-9 Attack 3: 1-9
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 40 AGI: 50
SPD: 42 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Alit Bite: Poison on touch, 1-2 points for 5 sec
Notes: Can give you Ataxia Disease: Drain Strength and Agility for 10 points

Diseased Cliff Racer
Object ID: cliff racer_diseased
Level: 4
HP: 45
SP: 20
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 20
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 3-8 Attack 2: 3-8 Attack 3: 3-8
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 50
SPD: 255 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Helljoint disease: Drain Agility and Speed 10 points

Diseased Kagouti
Object ID: kagouti_diseased
Level: 4
HP: 45
SP: 10
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 20
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 4-12 Attack 2: 4-12 Attack 3: 4-12
STR: 90 INT: 30 WIL: 50 AGI: 75
SPD: 45 END: 67 PER: 100 LUC: 30
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Yellow Tick Disease: Drain Strength and Speed 10 points

Diseased Kwama Worker
Object ID: kwama worker diseased
Level: 2
HP: 30
SP: 8
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 8
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 2-6 Attack 2: 2-6 Attack 3: 2-6
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 50
SPD: 14 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Droops disease: Drain Strength 10-30 points

Diseased Mudcrab
Object ID: mudcrab-Diseased
Level: 1
HP: 15
SP: 5
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 5
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-5 Attack 2: 1-5 Attack 3: 1-5
STR: 15 INT: 15 WIL: 10 AGI: 15
SPD: 6 END: 15 PER: 75 LUC: 30
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Swamp Fever Disease: Drain Strength and Endurance 10-20

Diseased Rat
Object ID: rat_diseased
Level: 3
HP: 23
SP: 10
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 40
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 2-6 Attack 2: 2-6 Attack 3: 2-6
STR: 25 INT: 25 WIL: 0 AGI: 40
SPD: 8 END: 70 PER: 100 LUC: 30
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Witbane Disease: Drain Agility 10-40 points

Diseased Scrib
Object ID: scrib diseased
Level: 1
HP: 8
SP: 12
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-3 Attack 2: 1-3 Attack 3: 1-3
STR: 30 INT: 30 WIL: 0 AGI: 30
SPD: 13 END: 30 PER: 30 LUC: 30
Spells: Scrib Paralysis: Paralyze on touch, 1 point for 6 seconds
Notes: Can give you Droops disease: Drain Strength 10-30 points

Diseased Shalk
Object ID: shalk_diseased
Level: 6
HP: 38
SP: 400
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 30
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 6-18 Attack 2: 6-18 Attack 3: 6-18
STR: 30 INT: 30 WIL: 30 AGI: 30
SPD: 20 END: 30 PER: 30 LUC: 30
Spells: Shalk Firebite: Fire Damage on touch for 3-6 points, 1 sec, 5 area
Notes: Ability- Immune to Fire
Ability- Weakness to frost: 60 points
Can give you Collywobbles Disease: Drain Strength, Endurance, and
Speed 10 points

Diseased Shalk
Object ID: shalk_diseased_hram
Level: 5
HP: 15
SP: 10
Fatigue: 100
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 30 Stealth Skills: 30
Attack 1: 1-5 Attack 2: 1-5 Attack 3: 1-5
STR: 30 INT: 30 WIL: 30 AGI: 30
SPD: 20 END: 30 PER: 30 LUC: 30
Spells: Shalk Firebite: Fire Damage on touch for 3-6 points, 1 sec, 5 area
Notes: Ability- Immune to Fire
Ability- Weakness to frost: 60 points
Can give you Collywobbles Disease: Drain Strength, Endurance, and
Speed 10 points

Object ID: dreugh
Level: 5
HP: 60
SP: 75
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 75
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 60 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Dreugh Warlord
Object ID: dreugh_koal
Level: 20
HP: 200
SP: 100
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 75
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 75 Stealth Skills: 75
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-120 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 75 INT: 75 WIL: 80 AGI: 75
SPD: 60 END: 75 PER: 75 LUC: 75
Spells: None
Notes: None

Game Rat
Object ID: rat_cave_hhte1
Level: 4
HP: 38
SP: 10
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 4-12 Attack 2: 4-12 Attack 3: 4-12
STR: 25 INT: 25 WIL: 0 AGI: 30
SPD: 8 END: 70 PER: 100 LUC: 75
Spells: None
Notes: None

Giant Bull Netch
Object ID: Netch_Giant_UNIQUE
Level: 4
HP: 250
SP: 120
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 60
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 60
Attack 1: 8-20 Attack 2: 8-20 Attack 3: 8-20
STR: 70 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 70
SPD: 100 END: 70 PER: 50 LUC: 60
Spells: None
Notes: None

Object ID: guar
Level: 3
HP: 38
SP: 5
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 20
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-9 Attack 2: 1-9 Attack 3: 1-9
STR: 255 INT: 50 WIL: 40 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Heart of Lorkhan
Object ID: heart_akulakhan
Level: 1
HP: 1000
SP: 0
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 0 Magic Skills: 0 Stealth Skills: 0
Attack 1: 0-0 Attack 2: 0-0 Attack 3: 0-0
STR: 0 INT: 0 WIL: 0 AGI: 0
SPD: 0 END: 0 PER: 0 LUC: 0
Spells: None
Notes: Need Keening and Sunder to destroy

Hive Scrib
Object ID: dead_scrib
Level: 1
HP: 0
SP: 10
Fatigue: 100
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 30 Stealth Skills: 30
Attack 1: 1-5 Attack 2: 1-5 Attack 3: 1-5
STR: 30 INT: 30 WIL: 0 AGI: 30
SPD: 13 END: 30 PER: 30 LUC: 30
Spells: None
Notes: None

Hive Scrib
Object ID: scrib _0hp
Level: 1
HP: 0
SP: 12
Fatigue: 100
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 30 Stealth Skills: 30
Attack 1: 1-5 Attack 2: 1-5 Attack 3: 1-5
STR: 30 INT: 30 WIL: 0 AGI: 30
SPD: 13 END: 30 PER: 30 LUC: 30
Spells: None
Notes: None

Hive Scrib
Object ID: scrib _dead
Level: 1
HP: 0
SP: 12
Fatigue: 100
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 30 Stealth Skills: 30
Attack 1: 1-5 Attack 2: 1-5 Attack 3: 1-5
STR: 30 INT: 30 WIL: 0 AGI: 30
SPD: 13 END: 30 PER: 30 LUC: 30
Spells: None
Notes: None

Object ID: kagouti
Level: 4
HP: 45
SP: 10
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 20
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 4-12 Attack 2: 4-12 Attack 3: 4-12
STR: 90 INT: 30 WIL: 50 AGI: 75
SPD: 45 END: 67 PER: 100 LUC: 30
Spells: None
Notes: None

Object ID: kagouti_hrk
Level: 4
HP: 45
SP: 10
Fatigue: 500
Soul Value: 200
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 20 Stealth Skills: 80
Attack 1: 10-25 Attack 2: 10-25 Attack 3: 10-25
STR: 90 INT: 30 WIL: 50 AGI: 75
SPD: 45 END: 67 PER: 100 LUC: 30
Spells: None
Notes: None

Kwama Forager
Object ID: kwama forager
Level: 2
HP: 23
SP: 15
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 15
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-3 Attack 2: 1-3 Attack 3: 1-3
STR: 30 INT: 50 WIL: 10 AGI: 20
SPD: 5 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 30
Spells: None
Notes: None

Kwama Forager
Object ID: kwama forager blighted
Level: 6
HP: 45
SP: 100
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 15
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 6-18 Attack 2: 6-18 Attack 3: 6-18
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 20 AGI: 50
SPD: 5 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Kwama Forager
Object ID: kwama forager_tb
Level: 2
HP: 23
SP: 8
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 8
Combat Skills: 1 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-3 Attack 2: 1-3 Attack 3: 1-3
STR: 30 INT: 50 WIL: 10 AGI: 50
SPD: 5 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Kwama Queen
Object ID: Kwama Queen
Level: 6
HP: 68
SP: 30
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 30
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 6-18 Attack 2: 6-18 Attack 3: 6-18
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 5 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Kwama Queen
Object ID: Kwama Queen_Abaesen
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Kwama Queen
Object ID: kwama queen_ahanibi
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Kwama Queen
Object ID: kwama queen_akimaes
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Kwama Queen
Object ID: kwama queen_eluba
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Kwama Queen
Object ID: kwama queen_eretammus
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Kwama Queen
Object ID: kwama queen_gnisis
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Kwama Queen
Object ID: kwama queen_hairat
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Kwama Queen
Object ID: Kwama Queen_HHEM
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Kwama Queen
Object ID: kwama queen_madas
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Kwama Queen
Object ID: kwama queen_maesa
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Kwama Queen
Object ID: kwama queen_matus
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Kwama Queen
Object ID: kwama queen_mudan
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Kwama Queen
Object ID: kwama queen_mudan_c
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Kwama Queen
Object ID: kwama queen_panabanit
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Kwama Queen
Object ID: kwama queen_sarimisun
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Kwama Queen
Object ID: kwama queen_shurdan
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Kwama Queen
Object ID: kwama queen_shurdan_c
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Kwama Queen
Object ID: kwama queen_sinamusa
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Kwama Queen
Object ID: kwama queen_zalkin
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Kwama Warrior
Object ID: kwama warrior
Level: 3
HP: 45
SP: 12
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 20
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 3-9 Attack 2: 3-9 Attack 3: 3-9
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 18 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Kwama Warrior
Object ID: kwama warrior blighted
Level: 7
HP: 60
SP: 30
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 30
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 7-21 Attack 2: 7-21 Attack 3: 7-21
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 18 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Spark: Shock Damage on target for 2-20 points, 1 sec, 5 area
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Kwama Worker
Object ID: kwama worker
Level: 2
HP: 30
SP: 8
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 8
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-6 Attack 2: 1-6 Attack 3: 1-6
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 50
SPD: 14 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Kwama Worker
Object ID: kwama worker blighted
Level: 6
HP: 60
SP: 8
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 8
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 6-18 Attack 2: 6-18 Attack 3: 6-18
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 40 AGI: 50
SPD: 14 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Can give you Ash-Chancre Blight: Drain Personality 20-40 Points

Kwama Worker
Object ID: kwama worker entrance
Level: 2
HP: 30
SP: 8
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 8
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 2-6 Attack 2: 2-6 Attack 3: 2-6
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 50
SPD: 10 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Mating Kagouti
Object ID: kagouti_mating
Level: 5
HP: 45
SP: 10
Fatigue: 500
Soul Value: 200
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 20 Stealth Skills: 80
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 90 INT: 30 WIL: 50 AGI: 75
SPD: 40 END: 67 PER: 100 LUC: 30
Spells: None
Notes: None

Object ID: dead_mudcrab
Level: 1
HP: 0
SP: 5
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 5
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-5 Attack 2: 1-5 Attack 3: 1-5
STR: 15 INT: 15 WIL: 0 AGI: 15
SPD: 6 END: 15 PER: 75 LUC: 90
Spells: None
Notes: None

Object ID: mudcrab
Level: 1
HP: 15
SP: 5
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 5
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-1 Attack 2: 1-1 Attack 3: 1-1
STR: 15 INT: 15 WIL: 0 AGI: 15
SPD: 6 END: 15 PER: 75 LUC: 30
Spells: None
Notes: None

Object ID: mudcrab_hrmudcrabnest
Level: 1
HP: 15
SP: 10
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 20
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 3 Stealth Skills: 75
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 15 INT: 15 WIL: 0 AGI: 15
SPD: 6 END: 15 PER: 75 LUC: 30
Spells: None
Notes: None

Object ID: mudcrab_unique
Level: 1
HP: 20
SP: 5
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 5
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-5 Attack 2: 1-5 Attack 3: 1-5
STR: 15 INT: 15 WIL: 0 AGI: 15
SPD: 6 END: 15 PER: 75 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Mudcrab Merchant

Object ID: nix-hound
Level: 2
HP: 23
SP: 10
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-6 Attack 2: 1-6 Attack 3: 1-6
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 50
SPD: 28 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Old Blue Fin
Object ID: slaughterfish_hr_sfavd
Level: 2
HP: 68
SP: 10
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 5
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 20 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-25 Attack 2: 1-25 Attack 3: 1-25
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Pack Guar
Object ID: guar_pack
Level: 3
HP: 38
SP: 5
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 20
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-9 Attack 2: 1-9 Attack 3: 1-9
STR: 255 INT: 50 WIL: 40 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Object ID: Rat
Level: 2
HP: 23
SP: 10
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-2 Attack 2: 1-2 Attack 3: 1-2
STR: 20 INT: 25 WIL: 0 AGI: 20
SPD: 8 END: 70 PER: 100 LUC: 30
Spells: None
Notes: None

Rollie the Guar
Object ID: guar_rollie_unique
Level: 3
HP: 38
SP: 0
Fatigue: 500
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 3
Attack 1: 10-25 Attack 2: 5-10 Attack 3: 5-8
STR: 255 INT: 70 WIL: 40 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Quest related

Object ID: scrib
Level: 1
HP: 8
SP: 12
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-2 Attack 2: 1-2 Attack 3: 1-2
STR: 20 INT: 30 WIL: 0 AGI: 20
SPD: 13 END: 30 PER: 30 LUC: 30
Spells: Scrib paralysis: Paralyze on touch, 1 point for 6 seconds
Notes: None

Object ID: shalk
Level: 6
HP: 38
SP: 30
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 30
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 6-18 Attack 2: 6-18 Attack 3: 6-18
STR: 30 INT: 30 WIL: 25 AGI: 30
SPD: 20 END: 30 PER: 30 LUC: 30
Spells: Shalk Firebite: Fire Damage on touch for 3-6 points, 1 sec, 5 area
Notes: Ability- Immune to Fire
Ability- Weakness to Frost 60 points

Shock Centurion
Object ID: centurion_shock_baladas
Level: 8
HP: 150
SP: 150
Fatigue: 800
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 75 INT: 25 WIL: 70 AGI: 75
SPD: 70 END: 75 PER: 10 LUC: 50
Spells: Shock Shield: Lightning Shield on self 3 points for 20 sec.
Shockbite: Shock Damage on touch 35-45 points for 2 sec
Shockball: Shock Damage on target for 2-40 points 1 sec, 10 area
Notes: Quest related

Object ID: slaughterfish
Level: 2
HP: 23
SP: 10
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-6 Attack 2: 1-6 Attack 3: 1-6
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Small Slaughterfish
Object ID: Slaughterfish_Small
Level: 2
HP: 15
SP: 10
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 40 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 10
Attack 1: 1-5 Attack 2: 1-5 Attack 3: 1-5
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 20 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Sphere Centurion
Object ID: centurion_fire_dead
Level: 6
HP: 0
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 70 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Spider Centurion
Object ID: centurion_spider_tga1
Level: 3
HP: 38
SP: 50
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 5 AGI: 50
SPD: 7 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Part of Ald-ruhn Defenses

Spider Centurion
Object ID: centurion_spider_tga2
Level: 3
HP: 38
SP: 50
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 5 AGI: 50
SPD: 7 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Part of Ald-ruhn Defenses

Object ID: golden saint_staada
Level: 22
HP: 350
SP: 755
Fatigue: 700
Soul Value: 400
Combat Skills: 90 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 25-65 Attack 2: 25-65 Attack 3: 25-65
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 100 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Shock Shield: Lightning Shield on self 3 points for 20 sec
Dispel: Dispel on self 100 points for 1 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Ability- Resist Shock 50 points
Ability- Resist Frost 50 points
Ability- Resist Fire 50 points

Steam Centurion
Object ID: centurion_steam
Level: 10
HP: 150
SP: 30
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 10-30 Attack 2: 10-30 Attack 3: 10-30
STR: 100 INT: 25 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 12 END: 100 PER: 25 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Resist Fire 75 points
Ability- Resist Shock 75 points
Ability- Resist Poison 75 points
Ability- Resist Frost 75 points

Steam Centurion
Object ID: centurion_steam_dead
Level: 10
HP: 0
SP: 50
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 12 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Steam Centurion
Object ID: centurion_steam_exhibit
Level: 10
HP: 150
SP: 30
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 10-30 Attack 2: 10-30 Attack 3: 10-30
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 12 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Resist Fire 75 points
Ability- Resist Shock 75 points
Ability- Resist Poison 75 points
Ability- Resist Frost 75 points

Steam Centurion
Object ID: centurion_steam_hts
Level: 10
HP: 150
SP: 30
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 10-30 Attack 2: 10-30 Attack 3: 10-30
STR: 100 INT: 25 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 12 END: 100 PER: 25 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Resist Fire 75 points
Ability- Resist Shock 75 points
Ability- Resist Poison 75 points
Ability- Resist Frost 75 points

Steam Centurion
Object ID: centurion_steam_nchur
Level: 10
HP: 150
SP: 30
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 10-30 Attack 2: 10-30 Attack 3: 10-30
STR: 100 INT: 25 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 12 END: 100 PER: 25 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Resist Fire 75 points
Ability- Resist Shock 75 points
Ability- Resist Poison 75 points
Ability- Resist Frost 75 points
Nchurdamz Centurians quest related

Steam Guardian
Object ID: centurion_Mudan_unique
Level: 18
HP: 280
SP: 60
Fatigue: 700
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 100 Stealth Skills: 40
Attack 1: 10-30 Attack 2: 10-30 Attack 3: 10-30
STR: 75 INT: 75 WIL: 75 AGI: 75
SPD: 12 END: 75 PER: 75 LUC: 75
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Resist Fire 75 points
Ability- Resist Shock 75 points
Ability- Resist Poison 75 points
Ability- Resist Frost 75 points

Tarvyn's Guar
Object ID: guar_pack_tarvyn_unique
Level: 3
HP: 38
SP: 5
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 20
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 3-9 Attack 2: 3-9 Attack 3: 3-9
STR: 255 INT: 50 WIL: 40 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Unique Creature

Telvanni Sewer Rat
Object ID: rat_telvanni_unique
Level: 2
HP: 23
SP: 10
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-6 Attack 2: 1-6 Attack 3: 1-6
STR: 25 INT: 25 WIL: 56 AGI: 30
SPD: 8 END: 70 PER: 100 LUC: 75
Spells: None
Notes: Quest related

Telvanni Sewer Rat
Object ID: rat_telvanni_unique_2
Level: 2
HP: 30
SP: 10
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-6 Attack 2: 1-6 Attack 3: 1-6
STR: 25 INT: 25 WIL: 56 AGI: 30
SPD: 8 END: 70 PER: 100 LUC: 75
Spells: None
Notes: None

The White Guar
Object ID: guar_white_unique
Level: 3
HP: 38
SP: 0
Fatigue: 500
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 100 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 200
Attack 1: 10-25 Attack 2: 5-10 Attack 3: 5-8
STR: 255 INT: 50 WIL: 40 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Quest related

Object ID: scrib_vaba-amus
Level: 1
HP: 12
SP: 12
Fatigue: 100
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 30 Stealth Skills: 30
Attack 1: 1-5 Attack 2: 1-5 Attack 3: 1-5
STR: 30 INT: 30 WIL: 0 AGI: 30
SPD: 13 END: 30 PER: 30 LUC: 30
Spells: None
Notes: None

Object ID: vivec_god
Level: 100
HP: 3000
SP: 10000
Fatigue: 2000
Soul Value: 1000
Combat Skills: 100 Magic Skills: 100 Stealth Skills: 100
Attack 1: 100-400 Attack 2: 100-400 Attack 3: 100-400
STR: 100 INT: 100 WIL: 100 AGI: 100
SPD: 70 END: 100 PER: 100 LUC: 100
Spells: Wrath of Vivec: Damage health, Fire Damage, Shock Damage, Frost
Damage on target 50 points for 1 sec
Hand of Vivec: Damage health, Fire Damage, Shock Damage, Frost
Damage on touch 50 points for 3 sec
Notes: Ability- Fortify Strength 100 points
Ability- Fortify Attack 50 points

Wild Guar
Object ID: guar_feral
Level: 3
HP: 38
SP: 5
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 20
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-9 Attack 2: 1-9 Attack 3: 1-9
STR: 255 INT: 50 WIL: 40 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Yagrum Bagarn
Object ID: yagrum bagarn
Level: 40
HP: 400
SP: 200
Fatigue: 800
Soul Value: 200
Combat Skills: 20 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 0-0 Attack 2: 0-0 Attack 3: 0-0
STR: 20 INT: 70 WIL: 70 AGI: 20
SPD: 20 END: 50 PER: 80 LUC: 100
Spells: None
Notes: Unique Creature, creates alternate wraithgaurd

Section 5: Daedra

Object ID: dremora_ttmg
Level: 9
HP: 75
SP: 100
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 2-14 Attack 2: 2-14 Attack 3: 2-14
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Quest Related

Object ID: clannfear
Level: 7
HP: 113
SP: 100
Fatigue: 500
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 100
Attack 1: 6-18 Attack 2: 6-18 Attack 3: 6-18
STR: 110 INT: 20 WIL: 70 AGI: 80
SPD: 14 END: 255 PER: 60 LUC: 20
Spells: None
Notes: None

Clannfear (summoned)
Object ID: clannfear_summon
Level: 7
HP: 113
SP: 100
Fatigue: 500
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 100
Attack 1: 6-18 Attack 2: 6-18 Attack 3: 6-18
STR: 110 INT: 20 WIL: 70 AGI: 80
SPD: 14 END: 255 PER: 60 LUC: 20
Spells: None
Notes: None

Object ID: scamp_creeper
Level: 5
HP: 60
SP: 100
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 30 Stealth Skills: 40
Attack 1: 1-20 Attack 2: 1-20 Attack 3: 1-20
STR: 20 INT: 20 WIL: 70 AGI: 20
SPD: 6 END: 20 PER: 20 LUC: 20
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to Normal Weapons

Object ID: daedroth
Level: 12
HP: 180
SP: 195
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 195
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 12-36 Attack 2: 12-36 Attack 3: 12-36
STR: 75 INT: 75 WIL: 80 AGI: 75
SPD: 14 END: 75 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Shockbloom: Shock Damage on target 1-25 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Poisonbloom: Poison on target 1-20 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Third Barrier: Shield on self 30 points for 30 sec
Regenerate: Restore health on self 1-5 points for 20 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons

Object ID: daedroth_az
Level: 12
HP: 180
SP: 195
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 195
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 12-36 Attack 2: 12-36 Attack 3: 12-36
STR: 75 INT: 75 WIL: 80 AGI: 75
SPD: 14 END: 75 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Shockbloom: Shock Damage on target 1-25 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Poisonbloom: Poison on target 1-20 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Third Barrier: Shield on self 30 points for 30 sec
Regenerate: Restore health on self 1-5 points for 20 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons

Object ID: daedroth_baladas
Level: 12
HP: 200
SP: 195
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 195
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 12-36 Attack 2: 12-36 Attack 3: 12-36
STR: 75 INT: 75 WIL: 80 AGI: 75
SPD: 14 END: 75 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Shockbloom: Shock Damage on target 1-25 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Poisonbloom: Poison on target 1-20 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Third Barrier: Shield on self 30 points for 30 sec
Regenerate: Restore health on self 1-5 points for 20 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons

Daedroth (summoned)
Object ID: daedroth_summon
Level: 12
HP: 180
SP: 195
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 195
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 12-36 Attack 2: 12-36 Attack 3: 12-36
STR: 75 INT: 75 WIL: 80 AGI: 75
SPD: 14 END: 75 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Shockbloom: Shock Damage on target 1-25 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Poisonbloom: Poison on target 1-20 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Third Barrier: Shield on self 30 points for 30 sec
Regenerate: Restore health on self 1-5 points for 20 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons

Dead Scamp
Object ID: dead_scamp
Level: 5
HP: 0
SP: 100
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 30 Stealth Skills: 40
Attack 1: 1-20 Attack 2: 1-20 Attack 3: 1-20
STR: 20 INT: 20 WIL: 70 AGI: 20
SPD: 6 END: 20 PER: 20 LUC: 20
Spells: None
Notes: None

Dead Scamp
Object ID: scamp_dead
Level: 5
HP: 0
SP: 100
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 30 Stealth Skills: 40
Attack 1: 1-20 Attack 2: 1-20 Attack 3: 1-20
STR: 20 INT: 20 WIL: 70 AGI: 20
SPD: 6 END: 20 PER: 20 LUC: 20
Spells: None
Notes: None

Object ID: dremora
Level: 9
HP: 160
SP: 100
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 80 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 9-27 Attack 2: 9-27 Attack 3: 9-27
STR: 55 INT: 50 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Second Barrier: Shield on self 20 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Abibity- Reflect 20: Reflect on self for 20 points

Object ID: dremora_gothren_guard1
Level: 9
HP: 135
SP: 100
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 9-27 Attack 2: 9-27 Attack 3: 9-27
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Second Barrier: Shield on self 20 points for 30 sec
Bound Shield: Bound shield on self for 60 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Abibity- Reflect 20: Reflect on self for 20 points

Object ID: dremora_gothren_guard2
Level: 9
HP: 135
SP: 100
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 9-27 Attack 2: 9-27 Attack 3: 9-27
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Second Barrier: Shield on self 20 points for 30 sec
Bound Shield: Bound shield on self for 60 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Abibity- Reflect 20: Reflect on self for 20 points

Dremora (summoned)
Object ID: dremora_summon
Level: 9
HP: 160
SP: 100
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 80 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 9-27 Attack 2: 9-27 Attack 3: 9-27
STR: 55 INT: 50 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Second Barrier: Shield on self 20 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Abibity- Reflect 20: Reflect on self for 20 points

Dremora Lord
Object ID: dremora_lord
Level: 12
HP: 280
SP: 200
Fatigue: 500
Soul Value: 200
Combat Skills: 90 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 12-36 Attack 2: 12-36 Attack 3: 12-36
STR: 75 INT: 70 WIL: 80 AGI: 70
SPD: 50 END: 75 PER: 70 LUC: 70
Spells: Fourth Barrier: Shield on self 40 points for 30 sec
Fire Storm: Fire damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Abibity- Reflect 20: Reflect on self for 20 points

Flame Atronach
Object ID: atronach_flame
Level: 7
HP: 75
SP: 105
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 105
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 7-21 Attack 2: 7-21 Attack 3: 7-21
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 32 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Firebloom: Fire damage on target 1-25 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Abibity- Reflect 20: Reflect on self for 20 points
Ability- Immune to Fire
Ability- Weakness to frost 60 points

Flame Atronach
Object ID: atronach_flame_az
Level: 7
HP: 75
SP: 105
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 105
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 7-21 Attack 2: 7-21 Attack 3: 7-21
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 32 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Firebloom: Fire damage on target 1-25 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Abibity- Reflect 20: Reflect on self for 20 points
Ability- Immune to Fire
Ability- Weakness to frost 60 points

Flame Atronach (summoned)
Object ID: atronach_flame_summon
Level: 7
HP: 75
SP: 105
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 105
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 7-21 Attack 2: 7-21 Attack 3: 7-21
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 32 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Firebloom: Fire damage on target 1-25 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Abibity- Reflect 20: Reflect on self for 20 points
Ability- Immune to Fire
Ability- Weakness to frost 60 points

Flame Atronach
Object ID: atronach_flame_ttmk
Level: 7
HP: 100
SP: 105
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 105
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 7-21 Attack 2: 7-21 Attack 3: 7-21
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 32 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Firebloom: Fire damage on target 1-25 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Abibity- Reflect 20: Reflect on self for 20 points
Ability- Immune to Fire
Ability- Weakness to frost 60 points
Quest related

Frost Atronach
Object ID: atronach_frost
Level: 9
HP: 105
SP: 135
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 138
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 9-27 Attack 2: 9-27 Attack 3: 9-27
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 80 AGI: 50
SPD: 14 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Frostbloom: Frost damage on target 1-25 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Abibity- Reflect 20: Reflect on self for 20 points
Ability- Immune to Frost
Ability- Weakness to fire 50 points

Frost Atronach (summoned)
Object ID: atronach_frost_summon
Level: 9
HP: 105
SP: 135
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 138
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 9-27 Attack 2: 9-27 Attack 3: 9-27
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 80 AGI: 50
SPD: 14 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Frostbloom: Frost damage on target 1-25 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Abibity- Reflect 20: Reflect on self for 20 points
Ability- Immune to Frost
Ability- Weakness to fire 50 points

Frost Atronach
Object ID: atronach_frost_ttmk
Level: 9
HP: 140
SP: 135
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 138
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 9-27 Attack 2: 9-27 Attack 3: 9-27
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 14 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Frostbloom: Frost damage on target 1-25 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Abibity- Reflect 20: Reflect on self for 20 points
Ability- Immune to Frost
Ability- Weakness to fire 50 points
Quest related

Golden Saint
Object ID: golden saint
Level: 20
HP: 250
SP: 755
Fatigue: 700
Soul Value: 400
Combat Skills: 80 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 20-60 Attack 2: 20-60 Attack 3: 20-60
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 100 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Dispel: Dispel on self 100 points
Shock Shield: Lightning shield on self 3 points for 20 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Reflect 20 points
Ability- Resist Frost 50 points
Ability- Resist shock 50 points
Ability- Resist fire 50 points

Golden Saint
Object ID: golden saint_summon
Level: 20
HP: 250
SP: 755
Fatigue: 700
Soul Value: 400
Combat Skills: 80 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 20-60 Attack 2: 20-60 Attack 3: 20-60
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 100 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Dispel: Dispel on self 100 points
Shock Shield: Lightning shield on self 3 points for 20 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Reflect 20 points
Ability- Resist Frost 50 points
Ability- Resist shock 50 points
Ability- Resist fire 50 points

Object ID: daedroth_fg_nchur
Level: 12
HP: 200
SP: 195
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 195
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 12-36 Attack 2: 12-36 Attack 3: 12-36
STR: 75 INT: 75 WIL: 75 AGI: 75
SPD: 14 END: 75 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Shockbloom: Shock Damage on target 1-25 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Poisonbloom: Poison on target 1-20 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Third Barrier: Shield on self 30 points for 30 sec
Regenerate: Restore health on self 1-5 points for 20 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Quest related

Object ID: hunger
Level: 11
HP: 170
SP: 250
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 250
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 11-33 Attack 2: 11-33 Attack 3: 11-33
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 80 AGI: 50
SPD: 45 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Disintegrate Weapon: Disintegrate Weapon on target 6-25 points, 1 sec
Disintegrate Armor: Disintegrate Armor on target 6-25 points, 1 sec
Paralysis: Paralyze on touch 1 point for 5 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Immune to shock
Ability- Immune to poison
Ability- Immune to frost
Ability- Immune to fire

Object ID: hunger_audenian
Level: 11
HP: 170
SP: 250
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 250
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 11-33 Attack 2: 11-33 Attack 3: 11-33
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 80 AGI: 50
SPD: 45 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Disintegrate Weapon: Disintegrate Weapon on target 6-25 points, 1 sec
Disintegrate Armor: Disintegrate Armor on target 6-25 points, 1 sec
Paralysis: Paralyze on touch 1 point for 5 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Immune to shock
Ability- Immune to poison
Ability- Immune to frost
Ability- Immune to fire

Object ID: hunger_az_01
Level: 11
HP: 170
SP: 250
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 250
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 11-33 Attack 2: 11-33 Attack 3: 11-33
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 80 AGI: 50
SPD: 45 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Disintegrate Weapon: Disintegrate Weapon on target 6-25 points, 1 sec
Disintegrate Armor: Disintegrate Armor on target 6-25 points, 1 sec
Paralysis: Paralyze on touch 1 point for 5 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Immune to shock
Ability- Immune to poison
Ability- Immune to frost
Ability- Immune to fire

Object ID: hunger_az_02
Level: 11
HP: 170
SP: 250
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 250
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 11-33 Attack 2: 11-33 Attack 3: 11-33
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 80 AGI: 50
SPD: 45 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Disintegrate Weapon: Disintegrate Weapon on target 6-25 points, 1 sec
Disintegrate Armor: Disintegrate Armor on target 6-25 points, 1 sec
Paralysis: Paralyze on touch 1 point for 5 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Immune to shock
Ability- Immune to poison
Ability- Immune to frost
Ability- Immune to fire

Object ID: hunger_fghl
Level: 1
HP: 50
SP: 50
Fatigue: 50
Soul Value: 50
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 45 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons

Hunger (summoned)
Object ID: hunger_summon
Level: 11
HP: 170
SP: 250
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 250
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 11-33 Attack 2: 11-33 Attack 3: 11-33
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 80 AGI: 50
SPD: 45 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Disintegrate Weapon: Disintegrate Weapon on target 6-25 points, 1 sec
Disintegrate Armor: Disintegrate Armor on target 6-25 points, 1 sec
Paralysis: Paralyze on touch 1 point for 5 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Immune to shock
Ability- Immune to poison
Ability- Immune to frost
Ability- Immune to fire

Object ID: dremora_ttpc
Level: 6
HP: 225
SP: 400
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 200
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 50 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 80 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Fire Bite: Fire damage on touch 15-30 points for 1 sec
Second Barrier: Shield on self 20 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Reflect 20 points

Lord Dregas Volar
Object ID: dremora_special_Fyr
Level: 18
HP: 300
SP: 350
Fatigue: 550
Soul Value: 200
Combat Skills: 90 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 12-36 Attack 2: 12-36 Attack 3: 12-36
STR: 100 INT: 85 WIL: 85 AGI: 85
SPD: 50 END: 85 PER: 85 LUC: 85
Spells: Fourth Barrier: Shield on self 40 points for 30 sec
Fire Storm: Fire damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Bound Dagger: Bound dagger for 60 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Reflect 20 points
Has Daedric Crescent

Object ID: lustidrike
Level: 8
HP: 75
SP: 100
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-25 Attack 2: 1-25 Attack 3: 1-25
STR: 40 INT: 20 WIL: 100 AGI: 40
SPD: 6 END: 20 PER: 20 LUC: 20
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Resist shock 50 points
Ability- Resist frost 50 points
Ability- Resist poison 75 points
Ability- Resist frie 50 points

Menta Na
Object ID: daedroth_menta_unique
Level: 20
HP: 350
SP: 250
Fatigue: 500
Soul Value: 350
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 95 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 20-50 Attack 2: 20-50 Attack 3: 20-50
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 14 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Quest related

Molag Grunda
Object ID: winged twilight_grunda_
Level: 20
HP: 260
SP: 250
Fatigue: 800
Soul Value: 350
Combat Skills: 90 Magic Skills: 110 Stealth Skills: 50
Attack 1: 20-55 Attack 2: 20-55 Attack 3: 20-55
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 100 AGI: 50
SPD: 8 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Quest related

Nomeg Gwai
Object ID: atronach_frost_gwai_uni
Level: 12
HP: 160
SP: 150
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 160
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 100 Stealth Skills: 30
Attack 1: 10-30 Attack 2: 10-30 Attack 3: 10-30
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Quest related

Object ID: ogrim
Level: 11
HP: 170
SP: 165
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 165
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 11-33 Attack 2: 11-33 Attack 3: 11-33
STR: 100 INT: 50 WIL: 80 AGI: 50
SPD: 20 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Regenerate: Restore Health 1-5 points

Object ID: ogrim_az
Level: 11
HP: 170
SP: 165
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 165
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 11-33 Attack 2: 11-33 Attack 3: 11-33
STR: 100 INT: 50 WIL: 80 AGI: 50
SPD: 20 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Regenerate: Restore Health 1-5 points

Ogrim Titan
Object ID: ogrim titan
Level: 15
HP: 220
SP: 180
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 70
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 12-40 Attack 2: 12-40 Attack 3: 12-40
STR: 100 INT: 50 WIL: 90 AGI: 50
SPD: 20 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Regenerate: Restore Health 1-5 points

Object ID: scamp
Level: 5
HP: 45
SP: 100
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 20 INT: 20 WIL: 70 AGI: 20
SPD: 6 END: 20 PER: 20 LUC: 20
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Resist shock 50 points
Ability- Resist poison 75 points
Ability- Resist frost 50 points
Ability- Resist fire 50 points

Object ID: scamp_mg_apprentice
Level: 5
HP: 60
SP: 100
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 30 Stealth Skills: 40
Attack 1: 1-20 Attack 2: 1-20 Attack 3: 1-20
STR: 20 INT: 20 WIL: 70 AGI: 20
SPD: 6 END: 20 PER: 20 LUC: 20
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons

Scamp (summoned)
Object ID: scamp_summon
Level: 5
HP: 45
SP: 100
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 20 INT: 20 WIL: 70 AGI: 20
SPD: 6 END: 20 PER: 20 LUC: 20
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Resist shock 50 points
Ability- Resist poison 75 points
Ability- Resist frost 50 points
Ability- Resist fire 50 points

Storm Atronach
Object ID: atronach_storm
Level: 15
HP: 200
SP: 195
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 150
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 15-45 Attack 2: 15-45 Attack 3: 15-45
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 90 AGI: 50
SPD: 9 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Shockbloom: Shock damage on target 1-25 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Shock Shield: Lightning Shield on self 3 points for 20 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Immune to shock
Ability- Reflect 20 points
Resist poison 75 points

Storm Atronach
Object ID: atronach_storm_az
Level: 15
HP: 200
SP: 195
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 150
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 15-45 Attack 2: 15-45 Attack 3: 15-45
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 90 AGI: 50
SPD: 9 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Shockbloom: Shock damage on target 1-25 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Shock Shield: Lightning Shield on self 3 points for 20 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Immune to shock
Ability- Reflect 20 points
Resist poison 75 points

Storm Atronach (summoned)
Object ID: atronach_storm_summon
Level: 15
HP: 200
SP: 195
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 150
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 15-45 Attack 2: 15-45 Attack 3: 15-45
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 90 AGI: 50
SPD: 9 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Shockbloom: Shock damage on target 1-25 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Shock Shield: Lightning Shield on self 3 points for 20 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Immune to shock
Ability- Reflect 20 points
Resist poison 75 points

Storm Atronach
Object ID: atronach_storm_ttmk
Level: 13
HP: 200
SP: 195
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 150
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 15-45 Attack 2: 15-45 Attack 3: 15-45
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 9 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Shockbloom: Shock damage on target 1-25 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Shock Shield: Lightning Shield on self 3 points for 20 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Immune to shock
Ability- Reflect 20 points
Resist poison 75 points

Winged Twilight
Object ID: winged twilight
Level: 15
HP: 220
SP: 210
Fatigue: 800
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 15-45 Attack 2: 15-45 Attack 3: 15-45
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 100 AGI: 50
SPD: 8 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Ability- Resist shock 50 points
Ability- Resist Poison 75 points
Ability- Resist frost 50 points
Ability- Resist fire 50 points

Winged Twilight (summoned)
Object ID: winged twilight_summon
Level: 15
HP: 220
SP: 210
Fatigue: 800
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 15-45 Attack 2: 15-45 Attack 3: 15-45
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 100 AGI: 50
SPD: 8 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Ability- Resist shock 50 points
Ability- Resist Poison 75 points
Ability- Resist frost 50 points
Ability- Resist fire 50 points

Section 6: Humanoid

Ascended Sleeper
Object ID: ascended_sleeper
Level: 25
HP: 300
SP: 300
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 400
Combat Skills: 80 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 25-75 Attack 2: 25-75 Attack 3: 25-75
STR: 100 INT: 100 WIL: 100 AGI: 100
SPD: 20 END: 100 PER: 100 LUC: 100
Spells: Dagoth's Bosom: Drain fatigue on target 20 points for 30 sec
Shockball: Shock damage on target 2-40 points for 1 sec, 10 area
Frost Storm: Frost damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Fire Storm: Fire damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Paralysis: Paralyze on touch for 5 sec
Notes: Can give you Ash-chancre Blight disease: Drain personality 20-40
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and Wilpower
20-40 points
Can give you Chanthrax Blight disease: Drain agility and speed 20-40
Can give you Black-heart Blight disease: Drain strength and endurance
20-40 points

Ash Ghoul
Object ID: ash_ghoul
Level: 15
HP: 220
SP: 280
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 250
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 15-45 Attack 2: 15-45 Attack 3: 15-45
STR: 100 INT: 100 WIL: 100 AGI: 100
SPD: 30 END: 100 PER: 100 LUC: 100
Spells: Spark: Shock damage on target 2-20 points for 1 sec, 5 area
Earwig: Sound on target 3-8 points for 5 sec
First Barrier: shield on self 10 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and Wilpower
20-40 points

Ash Slave
Object ID: ash_slave
Level: 5
HP: 60
SP: 100
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 100 INT: 100 WIL: 80 AGI: 100
SPD: 30 END: 100 PER: 100 LUC: 100
Spells: Spark: Shock damage on target 2-20 points for 1 sec, 5 area
Earwig: Sound on target 3-8 points for 5 sec
First Barrier: shield on self 10 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and Wilpower
20-40 points

Ash Zombie
Object ID: ash_zombie
Level: 8
HP: 90
SP: 100
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 80 Magic Skills: 60 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-20 Attack 2: 1-20 Attack 3: 1-20
STR: 100 INT: 20 WIL: 60 AGI: 20
SPD: 25 END: 20 PER: 90 LUC: 20
Spells: None
Notes: None

Ash Zombie
Object ID: ash_zombie_fgaz
Level: 8
HP: 120
SP: 100
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 80 Magic Skills: 60 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-20 Attack 2: 1-20 Attack 3: 1-20
STR: 100 INT: 20 WIL: 60 AGI: 20
SPD: 25 END: 20 PER: 90 LUC: 20
Spells: None
Notes: None

Corprus Stalker
Object ID: corprus_stalker
Level: 5
HP: 60
SP: 50
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 60 AGI: 50
SPD: 7 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Regenerate: Restore Health on self 1-5 points for 20 sec
Notes: None

Corprus Stalker
Object ID: corprus_stalker_berwen
Level: 5
HP: 40
SP: 50
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 75 Stealth Skills: 40
Attack 1: 1-5 Attack 2: 1-5 Attack 3: 1-5
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 60 AGI: 50
SPD: 7 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Regenerate: Restore Health on self 1-5 points for 20 sec
Notes: None

Corprus Stalker
Object ID: corprus_stalker_danar
Level: 5
HP: 60
SP: 50
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 60 AGI: 50
SPD: 7 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Regenerate: Restore Health on self 1-5 points for 20 sec
Notes: Quest related

Corprus Stalker
Object ID: corprus_stalker_fgcs
Level: 5
HP: 60
SP: 50
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 60 AGI: 50
SPD: 7 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Regenerate: Restore Health on self 1-5 points for 20 sec
Notes: None

Corprus Stalker
Object ID: corprus_stalker_fyr01
Level: 5
HP: 60
SP: 50
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 60 AGI: 50
SPD: 7 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Regenerate: Restore Health on self 1-5 points for 20 sec
Notes: None

Corprus Stalker
Object ID: corprus_stalker_fyr02
Level: 5
HP: 60
SP: 50
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 60 AGI: 50
SPD: 7 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Regenerate: Restore Health on self 1-5 points for 20 sec
Notes: None

Corprus Stalker
Object ID: corprus_stalker_fyr03
Level: 5
HP: 60
SP: 50
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 60 AGI: 50
SPD: 7 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Regenerate: Restore Health on self 1-5 points for 20 sec
Notes: None

Corprus Stalker
Object ID: corprus_stalker_morvayn
Level: 5
HP: 60
SP: 50
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 60 AGI: 50
SPD: 7 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Regenerate: Restore Health on self 1-5 points for 20 sec
Notes: Quest related

Dagoth Aladus
Object ID: dagoth aladus
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 420
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dagoth Araynys
Object ID: dagoth araynys
Level: 30
HP: 400
SP: 500
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 360
Combat Skills: 80 Magic Skills: 100 Stealth Skills: 100
Attack 1: 1-100 Attack 2: 10-50 Attack 3: 15-15
STR: 60 INT: 100 WIL: 100 AGI: 100
SPD: 4 END: 60 PER: 80 LUC: 100
Spells: Hand of Araynys: Damage Health on touch 20-30 points for 1 sec
Damage Fatigue on touch 20-30 points for 1 sec
Damage Agility on touch 20-30 points for 1 sec
Damage Speed on touch 20-30 points for 1 sec
Wrath of Araynys: Damage Health on target 20-30 points for 1 sec
Damage Fatigue on target 20-30 points for 1 sec
Damage Agility on target 20-30 points for 1 sec
Damage Speed on target 20-30 points for 1 sec
Notes: Quest related
If killed, lowers Dagoth Ur's stats: Strength -5
Willpower -5
Speed -5
Health -50
Fatigue -50
Magicka -250

Dagoth Daynil
Object ID: dagoth daynil
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dagoth Delnus
Object ID: dagoth delnus
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dagoth Drals
Object ID: dagoth drals
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dagoth Draven
Object ID: Dagoth Draven
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dagoth Elam
Object ID: dagoth elam
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dagoth Endus
Object ID: dagoth endus
Level: 30
HP: 300
SP: 500
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 360
Combat Skills: 80 Magic Skills: 100 Stealth Skills: 80
Attack 1: 10-30 Attack 2: 20-50 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 60 INT: 100 WIL: 100 AGI: 60
SPD: 4 END: 60 PER: 80 LUC: 80
Spells: Hand of Endus: Summon Flame Astronach for 90 sec
Summon Storm Astronach for 90 sec
Disintegrate Armor on touch 10-20 points for 3 sec
Disintegrate Weapon on touch 20-30 points for 3 sec
Wrath of Endus: Summon Flame Astronach for 90 sec
Summon Storm Astronach for 90 sec
Disintegrate Armor on target 10-20 points for 3 sec
Disintegrate Weapon on target 20-30 points for 3 sec
Notes: Quest related
If killed, lowers Dagoth Ur's stats: Strength -5
Willpower -5
Speed -5
Health -50
Fatigue -50
Magicka -250

Dagoth Fals
Object ID: dagoth fals
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dagoth Fandril
Object ID: dagoth fandril
Level: 20
HP: 280
SP: 340
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 330
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 95 Stealth Skills: 35
Attack 1: 10-15 Attack 2: 10-33 Attack 3: 10-15
STR: 100 INT: 70 WIL: 50 AGI: 100
SPD: 20 END: 255 PER: 100 LUC: 45
Spells: Paralysis: Paralyze on touch for 5 sec
Drain Health_Fatigue: Absorb health and fatigue on touch 5-30 points
for 30 sec
Poison Powerfull: Poison on target 2-15 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Fire Storm: Fire damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Frost Storm: Frost damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Shockball: Shock damage on target 2-40 points for 1 sec, 10 area
Notes: None

Dagoth Felmis
Object ID: dagoth felmis
Level: 20
HP: 280
SP: 340
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 330
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 95 Stealth Skills: 35
Attack 1: 10-15 Attack 2: 10-33 Attack 3: 10-15
STR: 100 INT: 70 WIL: 50 AGI: 100
SPD: 20 END: 255 PER: 100 LUC: 45
Spells: Paralysis: Paralyze on touch for 5 sec
Drain Health_Fatigue: Absorb health and fatigue on touch 5-30 points
for 30 sec
Poison Powerfull: Poison on target 2-15 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Fire Storm: Fire damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Frost Storm: Frost damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Shockball: Shock damage on target 2-40 points for 1 sec, 10 area
Notes: None

Dagoth Fervas
Object ID: dagoth fervas
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dagoth Fovon
Object ID: dagoth fovon
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dagoth Galmis
Object ID: dagoth galmis
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 420
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dagoth Ganel
Object ID: ash_ghoul_ganel
Level: 14
HP: 260
SP: 280
Fatigue: 750
Soul Value: 280
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-11 Attack 2: 1-11 Attack 3: 1-11
STR: 100 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 80
SPD: 30 END: 20 PER: 90 LUC: 20
Spells: None
Notes: None

Dagoth Garel
Object ID: dagoth garel
Level: 20
HP: 280
SP: 340
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 330
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 95 Stealth Skills: 35
Attack 1: 10-15 Attack 2: 10-33 Attack 3: 10-15
STR: 100 INT: 70 WIL: 50 AGI: 100
SPD: 20 END: 255 PER: 100 LUC: 45
Spells: Paralysis: Paralyze on touch for 5 sec
Drain Health_Fatigue: Absorb health and fatigue on touch 5-30 points
for 30 sec
Poison Powerfull: Poison on target 2-15 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Fire Storm: Fire damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Frost Storm: Frost damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Shockball: Shock damage on target 2-40 points for 1 sec, 10 area
Notes: None

Dagoth Gares
Object ID: dagoth gares
Level: 14
HP: 220
SP: 280
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 280
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 80
SPD: 30 END: 20 PER: 90 LUC: 20
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Quest related
Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points
Gives you Corprus Disease when you kill him

Dagoth Gilvoth
Object ID: dagoth gilvoth
Level: 30
HP: 400
SP: 500
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 360
Combat Skills: 100 Magic Skills: 100 Stealth Skills: 80
Attack 1: 15-15 Attack 2: 10-50 Attack 3: 5-75
STR: 100 INT: 100 WIL: 100 AGI: 60
SPD: 4 END: 100 PER: 80 LUC: 80
Spells: Hand of Gilvoth: Damage Health on touch 20-30 points for 1 sec
Damage Fatigue on touch 20-30 points for 1 sec
Damage Intelligence on touch 20-30 points for 1 sec
Damage willpower on touch 20-30 points for 1 sec
Wrath of Gilvoth: Damage Health on target 10-20 points for 1 sec
Damage Fatigue on target 10-20 points for 1 sec
Damage Intelligence on target 10-20 points for 1 sec
Damage willpower on target 10-20 points for 1 sec
Notes: Quest related
If killed, lowers Dagoth Ur's stats: Strength -5
Willpower -5
Speed -5
Health -50
Fatigue -50
Magicka -250

Dagoth Girer
Object ID: dagoth girer
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dagoth Goral
Object ID: dagoth goral
Level: 20
HP: 280
SP: 340
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 330
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 95 Stealth Skills: 35
Attack 1: 10-15 Attack 2: 10-33 Attack 3: 10-15
STR: 100 INT: 70 WIL: 50 AGI: 100
SPD: 20 END: 255 PER: 100 LUC: 45
Spells: Paralysis: Paralyze on touch for 5 sec
Drain Health_Fatigue: Absorb health and fatigue on touch 5-30 points
for 30 sec
Poison Powerfull: Poison on target 2-15 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Fire Storm: Fire damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Frost Storm: Frost damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Shockball: Shock damage on target 2-40 points for 1 sec, 10 area
Notes: None

Dagoth Hlevul
Object ID: dagoth_hlevul
Level: 18
HP: 280
SP: 340
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 330
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 95 Stealth Skills: 35
Attack 1: 10-15 Attack 2: 10-33 Attack 3: 10-15
STR: 100 INT: 70 WIL: 50 AGI: 100
SPD: 20 END: 255 PER: 100 LUC: 45
Spells: Paralysis: Paralyze on touch for 5 sec
Drain Health_Fatigue: Absorb health and fatigue on touch 5-30 points
for 30 sec
Poison Powerfull: Poison on target 2-15 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Fire Storm: Fire damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Frost Storm: Frost damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Shockball: Shock damage on target 2-40 points for 1 sec, 10 area
Notes: None

Dagoth Ienas
Object ID: dagoth ienas
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dagoth Irvyn
Object ID: dagoth irvyn
Level: 20
HP: 280
SP: 340
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 330
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 95 Stealth Skills: 35
Attack 1: 10-15 Attack 2: 10-33 Attack 3: 10-15
STR: 100 INT: 70 WIL: 50 AGI: 100
SPD: 20 END: 255 PER: 100 LUC: 45
Spells: Paralysis: Paralyze on touch for 5 sec
Drain Health_Fatigue: Absorb health and fatigue on touch 5-30 points
for 30 sec
Poison Powerfull: Poison on target 2-15 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Fire Storm: Fire damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Frost Storm: Frost damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Shockball: Shock damage on target 2-40 points for 1 sec, 10 area
Notes: None

Dagoth Malan
Object ID: dagoth malan
Level: 20
HP: 280
SP: 340
Fatigue: 450
Soul Value: 330
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 95 Stealth Skills: 35
Attack 1: 10-15 Attack 2: 10-33 Attack 3: 10-15
STR: 100 INT: 70 WIL: 50 AGI: 100
SPD: 20 END: 255 PER: 100 LUC: 45
Spells: Paralysis: Paralyze on touch for 5 sec
Drain Health_Fatigue: Absorb health and fatigue on touch 5-30 points
for 30 sec
Poison Powerfull: Poison on target 2-15 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Fire Storm: Fire damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Frost Storm: Frost damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Shockball: Shock damage on target 2-40 points for 1 sec, 10 area
Notes: None

Dagoth Mendras
Object ID: dagoth mendras
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dagoth Molos
Object ID: dagoth molos
Level: 20
HP: 280
SP: 340
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 330
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 95 Stealth Skills: 35
Attack 1: 10-15 Attack 2: 10-33 Attack 3: 10-15
STR: 100 INT: 70 WIL: 50 AGI: 100
SPD: 20 END: 255 PER: 100 LUC: 45
Spells: Paralysis: Paralyze on touch for 5 sec
Drain Health_Fatigue: Absorb health and fatigue on touch 5-30 points
for 30 sec
Poison Powerfull: Poison on target 2-15 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Fire Storm: Fire damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Frost Storm: Frost damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Shockball: Shock damage on target 2-40 points for 1 sec, 10 area
Notes: None

Dagoth Mulis
Object ID: dagoth mulis
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 420
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dagoth Mulyn
Object ID: ash_ghoul_mulyn
Level: 14
HP: 260
SP: 280
Fatigue: 750
Soul Value: 280
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-11 Attack 2: 1-11 Attack 3: 1-11
STR: 100 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 80
SPD: 30 END: 20 PER: 90 LUC: 20
Spells: None
Notes: None

Dagoth Muthes
Object ID: dagoth muthes
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dagoth Nilor
Object ID: dagoth nilor
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dagoth Odros
Object ID: dagoth odros
Level: 30
HP: 440
SP: 360
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 360
Combat Skills: 90 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 100
Attack 1: 3-34 Attack 2: 1-100 Attack 3: 2-20
STR: 80 INT: 80 WIL: 100 AGI: 100
SPD: 4 END: 80 PER: 80 LUC: 100
Spells: Hand of Odros: Damage Fatigue on touch 60 points for 1 sec
Absorb agility on touch 3-6 points for 120 sec
Burden on touch 30-40 points for 60 sec
Wrath of Odros: Damage Fatigue on target 60 points for 1 sec
Absorb agility on target 3 points for 120 sec
Burden on target 20-30 points for 60 sec
Notes: Quest related
If killed, lowers Dagoth Ur's stats: Strength -5
Willpower -5
Speed -5
Health -50
Fatigue -50
Magicka -250

Dagoth Ralas
Object ID: dagoth ralas
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dagoth Rather
Object ID: dagoth rather
Level: 20
HP: 280
SP: 340
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 330
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 95 Stealth Skills: 35
Attack 1: 10-15 Attack 2: 10-33 Attack 3: 10-15
STR: 100 INT: 70 WIL: 50 AGI: 100
SPD: 20 END: 255 PER: 100 LUC: 45
Spells: Paralysis: Paralyze on touch for 5 sec
Drain Health_Fatigue: Absorb health and fatigue on touch 5-30 points
for 30 sec
Poison Powerfull: Poison on target 2-15 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Fire Storm: Fire damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Frost Storm: Frost damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Shockball: Shock damage on target 2-40 points for 1 sec, 10 area
Notes: None

Dagoth Reler
Object ID: dagoth reler
Level: 20
HP: 280
SP: 340
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 330
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 95 Stealth Skills: 35
Attack 1: 10-15 Attack 2: 10-33 Attack 3: 10-15
STR: 100 INT: 70 WIL: 50 AGI: 100
SPD: 20 END: 255 PER: 100 LUC: 45
Spells: Paralysis: Paralyze on touch for 5 sec
Drain Health_Fatigue: Absorb health and fatigue on touch 5-30 points
for 30 sec
Poison Powerfull: Poison on target 2-15 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Fire Storm: Fire damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Frost Storm: Frost damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Shockball: Shock damage on target 2-40 points for 1 sec, 10 area
Notes: None

Dagoth Soler
Object ID: dagoth soler
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dagoth Tanis
Object ID: dagoth tanis
Level: 20
HP: 280
SP: 340
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 330
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 95 Stealth Skills: 35
Attack 1: 10-15 Attack 2: 10-33 Attack 3: 10-15
STR: 100 INT: 70 WIL: 50 AGI: 100
SPD: 20 END: 255 PER: 100 LUC: 45
Spells: Paralysis: Paralyze on touch for 5 sec
Drain Health_Fatigue: Absorb health and fatigue on touch 5-30 points
for 30 sec
Poison Powerfull: Poison on target 2-15 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Fire Storm: Fire damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Frost Storm: Frost damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Shockball: Shock damage on target 2-40 points for 1 sec, 10 area
Notes: None

Dagoth Tureynul
Object ID: dagoth tureynul
Level: 30
HP: 300
SP: 500
Fatigue: 900
Soul Value: 360
Combat Skills: 80 Magic Skills: 100 Stealth Skills: 80
Attack 1: 10-30 Attack 2: 20-50 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 60 INT: 100 WIL: 100 AGI: 60
SPD: 4 END: 60 PER: 80 LUC: 100
Spells: Hand of Tureynul: Damage Fatigue on touch 50 points for 1 sec
Damage Strength on touch 20-30 points for 1 sec
Damage Endurance on touch 20-30 points for 1 sec
Wrath of Tureynul: Damage Fatigue on target 10-20 points for 1 sec
Damage Strength on target 10-20 points for 1 sec
Damage Endurance on target 10-20 points for 1 sec
Notes: Quest related
If killed, lowers Dagoth Ur's stats: Strength -5
Willpower -5
Speed -5
Health -50
Fatigue -50
Magicka -250

Dagoth Ulen
Object ID: dagoth ulen
Level: 20
HP: 280
SP: 340
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 330
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 95 Stealth Skills: 35
Attack 1: 10-15 Attack 2: 10-33 Attack 3: 10-15
STR: 100 INT: 70 WIL: 50 AGI: 100
SPD: 20 END: 255 PER: 100 LUC: 45
Spells: Paralysis: Paralyze on touch for 5 sec
Drain Health_Fatigue: Absorb health and fatigue on touch 5-30 points
for 30 sec
Poison Powerfull: Poison on target 2-15 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Fire Storm: Fire damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Frost Storm: Frost damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Shockball: Shock damage on target 2-40 points for 1 sec, 10 area
Notes: None

Dagoth Ur
Object ID: dagoth_ur_1
Level: 35
HP: 300
SP: 300
Fatigue: 500
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 100 Magic Skills: 100 Stealth Skills: 100
Attack 1: 50-75 Attack 2: 25-100 Attack 3: 60-60
STR: 100 INT: 100 WIL: 100 AGI: 100
SPD: 80 END: 100 PER: 100 LUC: 100
Spells: Wrath of Dagoth: Damage Health on target 5-50 points for 3 sec
Damage Strength on target 1-3 points
Damage Speed on target 1-3 points
Damage Endurance on target 1-3 points
Damage Agility on target 1-3 points
Damage Willpower on target 1-3 points
Damage Luck on target 1-3 points
Notes: Quest related
First incarnation of main boss
Ability- Fortify strength 100 points
Ability- Fortify attack 50 points
Stats lower when certain Ash Vampires are killed

Dagoth Ur
Object ID: dagoth_ur_2
Level: 35
HP: 1000
SP: 1000
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 100 Magic Skills: 100 Stealth Skills: 100
Attack 1: 50-75 Attack 2: 25-100 Attack 3: 75-75
STR: 100 INT: 100 WIL: 100 AGI: 100
SPD: 80 END: 100 PER: 100 LUC: 100
Spells: Wrath of Dagoth: Damage Health on target 5-50 points for 3 sec
Damage Strength on target 1-3 points
Damage Speed on target 1-3 points
Damage Endurance on target 1-3 points
Damage Agility on target 1-3 points
Damage Willpower on target 1-3 points
Damage Luck on target 1-3 points
Notes: Quest related
Second incarnation of main boss
Ability- Fortify strength 100 points
Ability- Fortify attack 50 points
Invincible until the Heart of Akulakhan is destroyed
Stats lower when certain Ash Vampires are killed

Dagoth Uthol
Object ID: dagoth uthol
Level: 30
HP: 300
SP: 350
Fatigue: 900
Soul Value: 340
Combat Skills: 90 Magic Skills: 100 Stealth Skills: 60
Attack 1: 10-15 Attack 2: 10-50 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 100 INT: 75 WIL: 50 AGI: 100
SPD: 4 END: 50 PER: 100 LUC: 255
Spells: Hand of Uthol: Absorb Agility on touch 2-4 points for 120 sec
Damage Fatigue on touch 20-30 points for 3 sec
Wrath of Uthol: Damage Health on target 10-20 points for 1 sec
Damage Fatigue on target 10-20 points for 1 sec
Damage Magicka on target 10-20 points for 1 sec
Waekness to Magicka on target 10-20 points for 1 sec
Notes: Quest related
If killed, lowers Dagoth Ur's stats: Strength -5
Willpower -5
Speed -5
Health -50
Fatigue -50
Magicka -250

Dagoth Uvil
Object ID: dagoth uvil
Level: 20
HP: 280
SP: 340
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 330
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 95 Stealth Skills: 35
Attack 1: 10-15 Attack 2: 10-33 Attack 3: 10-15
STR: 100 INT: 70 WIL: 50 AGI: 100
SPD: 20 END: 255 PER: 100 LUC: 45
Spells: Paralysis: Paralyze on touch for 5 sec
Drain Health_Fatigue: Absorb health and fatigue on touch 5-30 points
for 30 sec
Poison Powerfull: Poison on target 2-15 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Fire Storm: Fire damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Frost Storm: Frost damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Shockball: Shock damage on target 2-40 points for 1 sec, 10 area
Notes: None

Dagoth Vaner
Object ID: dagoth vaner
Level: 20
HP: 280
SP: 340
Fatigue: 600
Soul Value: 330
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 95 Stealth Skills: 35
Attack 1: 10-15 Attack 2: 10-33 Attack 3: 10-15
STR: 100 INT: 70 WIL: 50 AGI: 100
SPD: 20 END: 255 PER: 100 LUC: 45
Spells: Paralysis: Paralyze on touch for 5 sec
Drain Health_Fatigue: Absorb health and fatigue on touch 5-30 points
for 30 sec
Poison Powerfull: Poison on target 2-15 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Fire Storm: Fire damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Frost Storm: Frost damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Shockball: Shock damage on target 2-40 points for 1 sec, 10 area
Notes: None

Dagoth Velos
Object ID: ash_ghoul_fgr
Level: 14
HP: 220
SP: 280
Fatigue: 750
Soul Value: 280
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 80
SPD: 30 END: 20 PER: 90 LUC: 20
Spells: None
Notes: None

Dagoth Velos
Object ID: dagoth velos
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 420
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dagoth Vemyn
Object ID: dagoth vemyn
Level: 30
HP: 300
SP: 360
Fatigue: 900
Soul Value: 360
Combat Skills: 100 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 80
Attack 1: 9-20 Attack 2: 20-50 Attack 3: 15-15
STR: 100 INT: 60 WIL: 80 AGI: 80
SPD: 4 END: 100 PER: 80 LUC: 80
Spells: Hand of Vemyn: Damage Health on touch 10-30 points for 1 sec
Damage Fatigue on touch 20-30 points for 3 sec
Absorb Strength on touch 3-6 points for 120 sec
Wrath of Vemyn: Damage Health on target 10-20 points for 1 sec
Damage Fatigue on target 10-20 points for 3 sec
Absorb Strength on target 1-5 points for 120 sec
Notes: Quest related
If killed, lowers Dagoth Ur's stats: Strength -5
Willpower -5
Speed -5
Health -50
Fatigue -50
Magicka -250

Lame Corprus
Object ID: corprus_lame
Level: 8
HP: 90
SP: 160
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 160
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 8-24 Attack 2: 8-24 Attack 3: 8-24
STR: 100 INT: 100 WIL: 70 AGI: 100
SPD: 10 END: 100 PER: 100 LUC: 100
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Regenerate: Restore Health on self 1-5 points
Can give you Black-heart Blight disease: Damage Strength 20-40 points
Damage Endurance 20-40

Lame Corprus
Object ID: corprus_lame_fyr01
Level: 8
HP: 90
SP: 160
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 160
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 8-24 Attack 2: 8-24 Attack 3: 8-24
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 10 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Regenerate: Restore Health on self 1-5 points
Can give you Black-heart Blight disease: Damage Strength 20-40 points
Damage Endurance 20-40

Lame Corprus
Object ID: corprus_lame_fyr02
Level: 8
HP: 90
SP: 160
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 160
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 8-24 Attack 2: 8-24 Attack 3: 8-24
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 10 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Regenerate: Restore Health on self 1-5 points
Can give you Black-heart Blight disease: Damage Strength 20-40 points
Damage Endurance 20-40

Lame Corprus
Object ID: corprus_lame_fyr03
Level: 8
HP: 90
SP: 160
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 160
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 8-24 Attack 2: 8-24 Attack 3: 8-24
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 10 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Regenerate: Restore Health on self 1-5 points
Can give you Black-heart Blight disease: Damage Strength 20-40 points
Damage Endurance 20-40

Lame Corprus
Object ID: corprus_lame_fyr04
Level: 8
HP: 90
SP: 160
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 160
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 8-24 Attack 2: 8-24 Attack 3: 8-24
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 70 AGI: 50
SPD: 10 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Regenerate: Restore Health on self 1-5 points
Can give you Black-heart Blight disease: Damage Strength 20-40 points
Damage Endurance 20-40

Lame Corprus
Object ID: corprus_lame_morvayn
Level: 8
HP: 90
SP: 160
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 160
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 8-24 Attack 2: 8-24 Attack 3: 8-24
STR: 100 INT: 100 WIL: 70 AGI: 100
SPD: 10 END: 100 PER: 100 LUC: 100
Spells: None
Notes: Quest related
Ability- Regenerate: Restore Health on self 1-5 points
Can give you Black-heart Blight disease: Damage Strength 20-40 points
Damage Endurance 20-40

Section 7: Undead

Ancestor Ghost
Object ID: ancestor_ghost
Level: 1
HP: 23
SP: 400
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-5 Attack 2: 1-5 Attack 3: 1-5
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 50
SPD: 18 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Ghost Curse: Drain Endurance on touch 5 points for 30 sec
Drain Fatigue on touch 10 points for 30 sec
Damage Health on touch 1-10 points for 1 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to poison
Ability- Immune to Frost
Ability- Immune to disease
Ability- Ghost ability: Chameleon 50 points
Ability- Immune to Normal weapons

Ancestor Ghost
Object ID: ancestor_ghost_summon
Level: 1
HP: 23
SP: 400
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-5 Attack 2: 1-5 Attack 3: 1-5
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 50
SPD: 18 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Ghost Curse: Drain Endurance on touch 5 points for 30 sec
Drain Fatigue on touch 10 points for 30 sec
Damage Health on touch 1-10 points for 1 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to poison
Ability- Immune to Frost
Ability- Immune to disease
Ability- Ghost ability: Chameleon 50 points
Ability- Immune to Normal weapons

Ancestor Guardian
Object ID: ancestor_guardian_fgdd
Level: 4
HP: 220
SP: 280
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 280
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 80
SPD: 18 END: 20 PER: 90 LUC: 20
Spells: None
Notes: None

Beldoh the Undying
Object ID: skeleton_Vemynal
Level: 14
HP: 200
SP: 30
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 200
Combat Skills: 90 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 10-30 Attack 2: 10-30 Attack 3: 10-30
STR: 75 INT: 70 WIL: 70 AGI: 75
SPD: 50 END: 65 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Resist shock 50 points
Ability- Immune to frost
Ability- Immune to disease
Ability- Immune to poison

Object ID: bonelord
Level: 8
HP: 90
SP: 400
Fatigue: 500
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 8-24 Attack 2: 8-24 Attack 3: 8-24
STR: 100 INT: 100 WIL: 80 AGI: 50
SPD: 40 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Grave Curese Speed: Drain Speed on target 2-4 points for 60 sec
Second Barrier: Shield on self 20 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Resist Shock 75 points
Ability- Resist poison 75 points
Ability- Resist Frost 75 points

Bonelord (summoned)
Object ID: bonelord_summon
Level: 8
HP: 90
SP: 400
Fatigue: 500
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 8-24 Attack 2: 8-24 Attack 3: 8-24
STR: 100 INT: 100 WIL: 80 AGI: 50
SPD: 40 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Grave Curese Speed: Drain Speed on target 2-4 points for 60 sec
Second Barrier: Shield on self 20 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Resist Shock 75 points
Ability- Resist poison 75 points
Ability- Resist Frost 75 points

Object ID: bonewalker
Level: 4
HP: 60
SP: 80
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 75
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 4-12 Attack 2: 4-12 Attack 3: 4-12
STR: 100 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 12 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Grave Curse Endurance: Drain Endurance on target 2-4 points for 60
Grave Curse Strength: Drain Strength on target 2-4 points for 60 sec
Notes: Ability- Resist poison 75 points
Ability- Resist Shock 75 points
Ability- Resist frost 75 points
Can give you Brown Rot disease: Drain Strength and Personality 10

Object ID: bonewalker_dead
Level: 4
HP: 0
SP: 80
Fatigue: 350
Soul Value: 75
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 4-12 Attack 2: 4-12 Attack 3: 4-12
STR: 100 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 12 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Grave Curse Endurance: Drain Endurance on target 2-4 points for 60
Notes: Ability- Resist poison 75 points
Ability- Resist Shock 75 points
Ability- Resist frost 75 points
Can give you Brown Rot disease: Drain Strength and Personality 10

Bonewalker (summoned)
Object ID: bonewalker_summon
Level: 4
HP: 60
SP: 80
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 75
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 4-12 Attack 2: 4-12 Attack 3: 4-12
STR: 100 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 12 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Grave Curse Endurance: Drain Endurance on target 2-4 points for 60
Grave Curse Strength: Drain Strength on target 2-4 points for 60 sec
Notes: Ability- Resist poison 75 points
Ability- Resist Shock 75 points
Ability- Resist frost 75 points
Can give you Brown Rot disease: Drain Strength and Personality 10

Crippled Skeleton
Object ID: skeleton_weak
Level: 3
HP: 30
SP: 20
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 10
Combat Skills: 30 Magic Skills: 70 Stealth Skills: 10
Attack 1: 1-8 Attack 2: 1-8 Attack 3: 1-8
STR: 40 INT: 40 WIL: 40 AGI: 40
SPD: 50 END: 40 PER: 40 LUC: 40
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to frost
Ability- Immune to disease
Ability- Immune to poison
Ability- Resist shock 50 points

Dagoth Baler
Object ID: dagoth baler
Level: 16
HP: 240
SP: 300
Fatigue: 420
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 65 Magic Skills: 85 Stealth Skills: 25
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 10-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 55 WIL: 35 AGI: 85
SPD: 30 END: 30 PER: 95 LUC: 30
Spells: Ash Feast: Drain health on touch 3 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Reflect 20 points
Can give you Ash Woe Blight disease: Drain intelligence and willpower
20-40 points

Dahrk Mezalf
Object ID: Dahrk Mezalf
Level: 10
HP: 120
SP: 200
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 400
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-20 Attack 2: 5-20 Attack 3: 5-20
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 30 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Grave Curse Luck: Drain Luck on target 2-4 points for 60 sec
Grave Curse Willpower: Drain Willpower on target 2-4 points for 60
Frostbloom: Frost damage on target 1-25 points for 5 sec, 10 area
Frost Bolt: Frost damage on target 10-50 points for 2 sec, 10 area
Frost Storm: Frost damage on target 1-10 points for 10 sec, 10 area
Notes: Ability- Chameleon 60 points
Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Reflect 20 points

Dwarven Spectre
Object ID: dwarven ghost
Level: 5
HP: 60
SP: 75
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 200
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 30 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Grave Curse Luck: Drain Luck on target 2-4 points for 60 sec
Grave Curse Willpower: Drain Willpower on target 2-4 points for 60
Notes: Ability- Chameleon 60 points
Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Reflect 20 points

Dwarven Spectre
Object ID: dwarven ghost_jeanne_U
Level: 5
HP: 60
SP: 75
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 200
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 30 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Grave Curse Luck: Drain Luck on target 2-4 points for 60 sec
Grave Curse Willpower: Drain Willpower on target 2-4 points for 60
Notes: Ability- Chameleon 60 points
Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Reflect 20 points

Gateway Haunt
Object ID: gateway_haunt
Level: 1
HP: 220
SP: 280
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 280
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 80
SPD: 18 END: 20 PER: 90 LUC: 20
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons

Ghost of Galos Heleran
Object ID: ancestor_guardian_heler
Level: 4
HP: 40
SP: 280
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 80
SPD: 18 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 20
Spells: Ghost Curse: Drain Endurance on touch 5 points for 30 sec
Drain Fatigue on touch 10 points for 30 sec
Damage Health on touch 1-10 points for 1 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to poison
Ability- Immune to Frost
Ability- Immune to disease
Ability- Ghost ability: Chameleon 50 points
Ability- Immune to Normal weapons

Greater Bonewalker
Object ID: Bonewalker_Greater
Level: 7
HP: 100
SP: 75
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 75
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 100 INT: 50 WIL: 60 AGI: 50
SPD: 18 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Grave Curse Endurance: Drain Endurance on target 2-4 points for 60
Grave Curse Strength: Drain Strength on target 2-4 points for 60 sec
Notes: Ability- Resist poison 75 points
Ability- Resist Shock 75 points
Ability- Resist frost 75 points
Can give you Brown Rot disease: Drain Strength and Personality 10

Greater Bonewalker
Object ID: Bonewalker_Greater_dead
Level: 7
HP: 0
SP: 75
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 75
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 100 INT: 50 WIL: 60 AGI: 50
SPD: 18 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: First Barrier: Shield on self 10 points for 30 sec
Notes: Ability- Resist poison 75 points
Ability- Resist Shock 75 points
Ability- Resist frost 75 points
Can give you Brown Rot disease: Drain Strength and Personality 10

Greater Bonewalker (summoned)
Object ID: Bonewalker_Greater_summ
Level: 7
HP: 100
SP: 75
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 75
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 5-15 Attack 2: 5-15 Attack 3: 5-15
STR: 100 INT: 50 WIL: 60 AGI: 50
SPD: 18 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Grave Curse Endurance: Drain Endurance on target 2-4 points for 60
Grave Curse Strength: Drain Strength on target 2-4 points for 60 sec
Notes: Ability- Resist poison 75 points
Ability- Resist Shock 75 points
Ability- Resist frost 75 points
Can give you Brown Rot disease: Drain Strength and Personality 10

Kanit Ashurnisammis
Object ID: ancestor_mg_wisewoman
Level: 8
HP: 220
SP: 280
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 280
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 80
SPD: 18 END: 20 PER: 90 LUC: 20
Spells: None
Notes: None

Lesser Bonewalker
Object ID: bonewalker_weak
Level: 3
HP: 45
SP: 60
Fatigue: 300
Soul Value: 65
Combat Skills: 40 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 10
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 80 INT: 40 WIL: 40 AGI: 40
SPD: 12 END: 40 PER: 40 LUC: 40
Spells: Grave Curse Endurance: Drain Endurance on target 2-4 points for 60
Grave Curse Strength: Drain Strength on target 2-4 points for 60 sec
Notes: Ability- Resist poison 75 points
Ability- Resist Shock 75 points
Ability- Resist frost 75 points
Can give you Brown Rot disease: Drain Strength and Personality 10

Mansilamat Vabdas
Object ID: ancestor_ghost_vabdas
Level: 1
HP: 220
SP: 280
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 280
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-10 Attack 2: 1-10 Attack 3: 1-10
STR: 100 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 80
SPD: 18 END: 20 PER: 90 LUC: 20
Spells: None
Notes: Quest related

Skeletal Corpse
Object ID: skeleton hero dead
Level: 3
HP: 0
SP: 30
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 75 Stealth Skills: 40
Attack 1: 1-5 Attack 2: 1-5 Attack 3: 1-5
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Object ID: dead_skeleton
Level: 3
HP: 0
SP: 30
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 75 Stealth Skills: 40
Attack 1: 1-5 Attack 2: 1-5 Attack 3: 1-5
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 30 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: None

Object ID: skeleton
Level: 3
HP: 38
SP: 30
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 30
Combat Skills: 40 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-9 Attack 2: 1-9 Attack 3: 1-9
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to frost
Ability- Immune to disease
Ability- Immune to poison
Ability- Resist shock 50 points

Object ID: skeleton entrance
Level: 2
HP: 38
SP: 30
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 30
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 3-9 Attack 2: 3-9 Attack 3: 3-9
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 20 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to frost
Ability- Immune to disease
Ability- Immune to poison
Ability- Resist shock 50 points

Skeleton (summoned)
Object ID: skeleton_summon
Level: 3
HP: 38
SP: 30
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 30
Combat Skills: 40 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 1-9 Attack 2: 1-9 Attack 3: 1-9
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to frost
Ability- Immune to disease
Ability- Immune to poison
Ability- Resist shock 50 points

Skeleton Archer
Object ID: skeleton archer
Level: 3
HP: 38
SP: 30
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 30
Combat Skills: 50 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 90
Attack 1: 3-9 Attack 2: 3-9 Attack 3: 3-9
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to frost
Ability- Immune to disease
Ability- Immune to poison
Ability- Resist shock 50 points

Skeleton Champion
Object ID: skeleton champ_sandas00
Level: 10
HP: 200
SP: 0
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 200
Combat Skills: 90 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 10-30 Attack 2: 10-30 Attack 3: 10-30
STR: 50 INT: 25 WIL: 10 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 75 PER: 0 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to frost
Ability- Immune to disease
Ability- Immune to poison
Ability- Resist shock 50 points

Skeleton Champion
Object ID: skeleton champ_sandas10
Level: 10
HP: 200
SP: 0
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 200
Combat Skills: 90 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 10-30 Attack 2: 10-30 Attack 3: 10-30
STR: 50 INT: 25 WIL: 10 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 75 PER: 0 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to frost
Ability- Immune to disease
Ability- Immune to poison
Ability- Resist shock 50 points
Rise when Sandas Ancestral Chest is used

Skeleton Champion
Object ID: skeleton champion
Level: 10
HP: 150
SP: 30
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 200
Combat Skills: 80 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 10-30 Attack 2: 10-30 Attack 3: 10-30
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to frost
Ability- Immune to disease
Ability- Immune to poison
Ability- Resist shock 50 points
Rise when Sandas Ancestral Chest is used

Skeleton Warrior
Object ID: skeleton warrior
Level: 7
HP: 80
SP: 30
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 30
Combat Skills: 70 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 7-21 Attack 2: 7-21 Attack 3: 7-21
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 40 AGI: 50
SPD: 50 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to frost
Ability- Immune to disease
Ability- Immune to poison
Ability- Resist shock 50 points

Skeleton War-Wizard
Object ID: skeleton_aldredaynia
Level: 20
HP: 185
SP: 500
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 300
Combat Skills: 75 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 40
Attack 1: 1-5 Attack 2: 1-5 Attack 3: 1-5
STR: 70 INT: 80 WIL: 75 AGI: 60
SPD: 50 END: 70 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: None
Notes: Ability- Immune to frost
Ability- Immune to disease
Ability- Immune to poison
Ability- Resist shock 50 points

Worm Lord
Object ID: worm lord
Level: 16
HP: 230
SP: 70
Fatigue: 1000
Soul Value: 0
Combat Skills: 90 Magic Skills: 90 Stealth Skills: 75
Attack 1: 1-8 Attack 2: 1-8 Attack 3: 1-8
STR: 75 INT: 75 WIL: 75 AGI: 75
SPD: 50 END: 75 PER: 75 LUC: 75
Spells: Summon Skeletal Minion: Summon skeletal minion on self for 60 sec
Dread Curse Strength: Damage Strength on touch 5-12 points for 1 sec
Disintegrate Armor: Disintegrate Armor on target 6-25 points for 1
Black Hand: Damage Health on touch 5-12 points for 1 sec
Poison on touch 5-12 points for 1 sec
Notes: Can give you brown Rot disease: Drain Strength and Personality 10

Wraith of Sul-Senipul
Object ID: wraith_sul_senipul
Level: 10
HP: 200
SP: 400
Fatigue: 400
Soul Value: 100
Combat Skills: 60 Magic Skills: 80 Stealth Skills: 20
Attack 1: 3-10 Attack 2: 3-10 Attack 3: 3-10
STR: 50 INT: 50 WIL: 50 AGI: 50
SPD: 30 END: 50 PER: 50 LUC: 50
Spells: Ghost Curse: Damage Endurance on touch 5 points for 30 sec
Drain Fatigue on touch 10 points for 30 sec
Damage Health on touch 1-10 points for 1 sec
Grave Curse Strength: Drain Strength on target 2-4 points for 60 sec
Grave Curse Fatigue: Drain Fatigue on target 2-4 points for 10 sec
Notes: Ability- Immune to normal weapons
Ability- Immune to frost
Ability- Immune to poison
Ability- Immune to shock
Can give you Brown Rot disease: Drain Strength and Personality 10

Section 8: Revision History

9-13-2003 v 1.0 The first draft of the guide.

Section 9: Credits

I would like to thank Bethesda for creating such a huge and involving game,
as well as taking the time to create such a diverse cast of enemies to

The names of people who send in information will be added here in later
revisions of this guide.

Section 10: Copyright

The Elderscrolls, Morrowind, and creature names are copyright by Bethesda

This file is Copyright (c)2002 Steve Miller. All rights reserved. This file
was entirely written by me, unless otherwise noted in the Credits section of
this file. This file may NOT be posted, or sold (complete or in part), on ANY
website or media without express written consent from myself. This file May
not be altered in any way by anyone other than myself without express written
consent. If this copyright is broken, action will be taken.

Section 11: Contact Information

If you need to contact me you may do so at the following email address...

Stevmill [at] yahoo [dot] com

Email Rules:

Do not send spam, chain letters or anything similar

Do not ask me where a book is located, I am going to add that information in
a later revision, if you ask I will ignore your email.

Do not add me to your email address book, I have been getting tons of virus
laden messages from people that have been infected with KLEZ like viruses.

Do send information that is pertinent to this guide that you would like to
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Dt. Megatrainer (für v1.6.1820 Steam)

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Legendary/Famous Artifacts in Morrowind
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Dt. Einsteigertipps im rtf-Format

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Pre-generated Character Class List
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Fighters Guild Guide
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The Shopping List FAQ
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Walkthrough and FAQ
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18.Октябрь 2013
Alle dt. Cheats als Word-Dokument

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Pilgerreise Hinweise

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30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
11.Февраль 2016
24.Июль 2014
25.Июнь 2019
22.Октябрь 2014