Call of Duty

Call of Duty

17.10.2013 08:24:24
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Game: Call Of Duty
Console: PC
Developer: Activision + Infinity Ward
Genre: World War Two First Person Shooter
Release: October 29, 2003 (USA)
November 7, 2003 (UK)
Author: Simon Elliott (Psy)
Contact Email:
Copyright 2004 Simon Elliott


[ C O N T E N T S ]


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CTLR+F and type "[0]" and the guide will take you straight to it.


[0] - Introduction

[1] - American Weapons
[1.1] - Introduction
[1.2] - Statistics
[1.3] - Information

[2] - British Weapons
[2.1] - Introduction
[2.2] - Statistics
[2.3] - Information

[3] - Russian Weapons
[3.1] - Introduction
[3.2] - Statistics
[3.3] - Information

[4] - German Weapons
[4.1] - Introduction
[4.2] - Statistics
[4.3] - Information

[5] - Misc Weapons
[5.1] - Introduction
[5.2] - Statistics
[5.3] - Information

[6] - Stationary Weapons
[6.1] - Introduction
[6.2] - Statistics
[6.3] - Information

[7] - Hidden Weapons
[7.1] - Introduction
[7.2] - Statistics
[7.3] - Information


[0] [ I N T R O D U C T I O N ]

This Guide is written to inform the reader about the weapons in Call Of Duty,
their strengths, weaknesses and power, as well as other things which will help
with gameplay of Call Of Duty. Official sources will be used to find the power
of the weapons, however I will use my own personal feelings towards each weapon
in this guide, and this means that what I say may be different to what someone
else feels. Afterall, it's a persons personal opinion about what they like the
most, I'm just helping out by giving them ideas.

The weapons in Call Of Duty are probably the main force behind the game.
Without weapons there is no way to fight a war, so if it wasn't for these,
there wouldn't be much of a game to be played. There are 26 different hand held
weapons in the game (according to the game data), but not all of them are
available during the game. Some of them are used for Germans in single player
who drop weapons where you won't be able to collect them. Their differences are
that they don't need you to reload them, there is no animation of the hand
reloading the weapons because the German will be out of sight, and so there is
no point in showing him reloading his gun. Some also appear to be the same as
the normal gun, however they may have been used in BETA testing and are still
in the game.

Along with that, there are 5 stationary weapons which can be used to wipe out
the Nazi force. All of these will be described in detail below.


[1] [ A M E R I C A N W E A P O N S ]


[1.1] - [ I N T R O D U C T I O N ]

The Americans have the largest selection or firearms in the game. Obviously
being one of the most advanced countries to enter the war, their weapons are
arguably the best, but you can decide on your own after studying all of the

The weapons you will come across which are American are:

- Colt. 45
- M1 Garand
- M1A1 Carbine
- Thompson
- Springfield
- M2 Frag Grenade


[1.2] - [ S T A T I S T I C S ]

This next section is the weapon statistics and strengths and weaknesses. I know
the game booklet has a number of these in, however I have tested all of the
weapons in the game and made my own guesses as to what the specs are of each
one. Each rating is out of a maximum of 100%.

Here is a list of what each statistic means. Remember these are in my own
opinion. They have been tested in multiplayer and single player.


Ammunition: How much ammo can be stored in one clip.
Damage: The amount of damage one bullet will do to the person it hits.
Reload Time: How quickly the gun reloads.
Firing Time: How quickly two bullets can be fired in a row.
Speed: How fast you can move while the weapon is being held.
Range: How far the bullet or projectile can be fired.
Accuracy: How likely the bullet is to hit what you aim at.
Iron Sight: How well the Iron Sight helps you hit your target.
Sound: How much noise the weapon makes.
Melee Time: Time taken to perform a Melee attack.
Overall: Taking all of these into consideration, the final rating.

With all percentages, the higher the percentage, the better it is.

If Damage is 50%, that means it takes off half of the players life - OK
If Sound is 20% this means that it makes a lot of noise - VERY BAD
If Accuracy is 100% it means you'll hit what you aim at - VERY GOOD

And so on.


Colt. 45

Ammunition: 7
Damage: 20%
Reload Time: 90%
Firing Time: 90%
Speed: 100%
Range: 70%
Accuracy: 60%
Iron Sight: 40%
Sound: 70%
Melee Time: 90%

Overall: 70%

M1 Garand

Ammunition: 8
Damage: 85%
Reload Time: 75%
Firing Time: 90%
Speed: 85%
Range: 90%
Accuracy: 80%
Iron Sight: 70%
Sound: 50%
Melee Time: 80%

Overall: 78.3%

M1A1 Carbine

Ammunition: 15
Damage: 25%
Reload Time: 80%
Firing Time: 85%
Speed: 80%
Range: 70%
Accuracy: 90%
Iron Sight: 95%
Sound: 65%
Melee Time: 90%

Overall: 75.5%


Ammunition: 30
Damage: 60%
Reload Time: 85%
Firing Time: 95%
Speed: 90%
Range: 70%
Accuracy: 45%
Iron Sight: 50%
Sound: 85%
Melee Time: 85%

Overall: 73.8%


Ammunition: 20
Damage: 85%
Reload Time: 40%
Firing Time: 90%
Speed: 30%
Range: 85%
Accuracy: 65%
Iron Sight: 80%
Sound: 55%
Melee Time: 70%

Overall: 66.6%


Ammunition: 5
Damage: 95%
Reload Time: 60%
Firing Time: 70%
Speed: 80%
Range: 100%
Accuracy: 70%
Iron Sight: 100%
Sound: 50%
Melee Time: 75%

Overall: 77.7%

M2 Frag Grenade

Ammunition: 1
Damage: 100%
Reload Time: N/A
Firing Time: 80%
Speed: 100%
Range: 75%
Accuracy: 30%
Iron Sight: N/A
Sound: 60%
Melee Time: 90%

Overall: 62.1%


[1.3] - [ I N F O R M A T I O N ]

Colt. 45

Weapon Type: Pistol
Semi Automatic: Yes
Fully Automatic: No

The Colt. 45 is a pistol which is given to all American and British soldiers.
It's used as a backup weapon in case the main weapon or weapons runs out of
ammunition, and is not very effective at taking down large numbers of men. It
is useful for quick running, and one on one combat, but with only 7 bullets in
a magazine, it won't keep you alive for very long if you try to take out a
whole team with it.

The best tactic with a Colt. 45 is to use your normal weapon, such as a Sub
Machine Gun, then when you need to reload, switch to your Pistol and use that
to finish off your enemy. It's also good for holding while you run fast if you
need to get somewhere quickly.

M1 Garand

Weapon Type: Rifle
Semi Automatic: Yes
Fully Automatic: No

The M1 Garand is a Semi-Automatic rifle. It's clip can hold 8 bullets and it
can only be reloaded after all of the bullets have been fired. This can be both
good and bad for the user. It's good because if two people are having a
shoot-out with rifles, the M1 Garand allows many more shots than the enemies
Kar98k, which means the user has more chance of killing and staying alive. The
gun does however have bad points, such as the fact that if you only have 1
bullet left in it, and you forget to fire it out and reload, you'll enter a
battle, fire a shot, then have to reload and that makes a large change of you
being shot down.

The M1 Garand is best used on maps which require long distance shots, as it has
good range and is pretty powerful, but a bad point is the fact that it makes
a large amount of noise, so you will attract attention to yourself if used too
much. Head shots will be a one hit kill with this weapon, as will upper torso
shots. The best maps to use an M1 Garand on are "Hurtgen" and "Burnville".

M1A1 Carbine

Weapon Type: Rifle
Semi Automatic: Yes
Fully Automatic: No

The M1A1 Carbine is the first weapon you will use in Single Player. It can hold
15 bullets in each magazine which makes it the rifle with the biggest bullet
capacity, however the bullets are not as powerful as M1 Garand, so more shots
will need to be fired before a kill is made. This is obviously bad because it
will give away your position. The rifle is also Semi-Automatic, like the M1

This can be used best in close combat because if you're quick on the trigger
it can kind of be used like a Sub Machine Gun. Slightly powerful, and very
accurate if looking down the sight, the M1A1 Carbine is a good killing machine.
The M1A1 Carbine can be used to good effect on the maps "Carentan" and


Weapon Type: Sub Machine Gun
Semi Automatic: Yes
Fully Automatic: Yes

The Thompson is probably a runners favourite weapon in Call Of Duty. With 30
bullets in each magazine, and some good power behind them, the Thompson Sub
Machine Gun can wipe out countless Germans. Because of it's light weight
it allows the user to run very fast, and this makes it unbelievably useful in
close combat. It lacks power for long range, but in mid-range it can be turned
onto Semi-Automatic and used as kind of a Sniper rifle.

Best used for close combat, or times when a lot of Germans need to be cleaned
out. Some of the best maps to use the Thompson on are "Carentan" and


Weapon Type: Machine Gun
Semi Automatic: Yes
Fully Automatic: Yes

The Browning Assault Rifle packs a major punch. The gun's magazine can only
hold 20 bullets, however just one of these can take away life. The gun's
greatest point is that it is Semi Automatic and Fully Automatic over great
distances and when looking down the scope it can be used like a Sniper rifle
because of the zoom that looking down the sight gives you. Just match up the
top of the bar at the front of the weapon with your targets head and fire a
shot. Instant death. The down side to this great killing machine is that you
run extremely slowly while carrying one and it takes a long time to reload it.
It pumps the bullets out extremely fast, but they almost go too fast because
you'll find yourself reloading every few seconds if you are in heavy combat.

The BAR is best used when you have space between you and the enemy, and then
using the sight, it can take them out very easily. It can also be used in close
range, however you will usually find that the BAR's slowness leads to being
killed by Sub Machine Gunners. Some maps to use a BAR well are "Hurtgen" and


Weapon Type: Sniper Rifle
Semi Automatic: No
Fully Automatic: No

The Springfield is a scoped bolt action rifle which is obviously used for
snipers. It's one of the most powerful weapons on the game, however it's low
rate of fire can cause problems in close range. It can kill in one shot, almost
no matter where on the body it hits, and it's 4x zoom scope makes seeing what's
coming much easier, which is why many people use it. More problems arise
though, because of the fact that the weapon really has to be fired while lying
down or crouched for maximum accuracy. These problems are the fact that it
makes quite a large sound and muzzleflash, so any close enemy soldiers can pick
out your position easily. It also takes a slightly long time to reload it which
causes problems when you are under attack. The Springfield is however a very
well built rifle and can eliminate a large number of the enemy as long as it's
user knows how to keep themselves in cover.

The Springfield sniper rifle is best used when large distances are between the
Allies and Axis. It's usually used to pick off stationary enemies, because they
are easier to hit, so you'll want to find a good position and try to take out
the enemy Snipers before they get a chance to shoot you. Maps that the
Springfield should be used on are "Hurtgen" and "Rocket".

M2 Frag Grenade

Weapon Type: Grenade
Semi Automatic: No
Fully Automatic: No

The M2 Fragmentation Grenade is a Grenade which when exploding, will fire out
the fragments of red hot metal into anyone in range. This is very useful as
it's not only the blast that kills people, but if they are anywhere near it,
they will take damage from the tiny fragments. It's almost like the equivalent
of firing thousands of tiny bullets into anything around it. The Grenade is
useful because it allows you to run full speed, and can be thrown pretty far,
which adds to the force you will be able to use when taking out Germans. If a
large number of them are in one room, just 1 Frag Grenade will wipe them all

Grenades are best used for killing groups of Germans, such as in bunkers or
trenches, although they can be thrown over walls and into places where a large
amount of people will pass in the hopes that it will take down a few men.
A good idea would be to throw Grenades into the buildings on "Carentan" or into
the bunkers on "Hurtgen".


[2] [ B R I T I S H W E A P O N S ]


[2.1] - [ I N T R O D U C T I O N ]

The British have a decent selection of weapons, with one of each type, so they
can be used in most situations.

The weapons you will come across which are British are:

- Colt. 45
- Lee-Enfield
- Sten
- Bren LMG
- Springfield
- MK1 Frag Grenade


[2.2] - [ S T A T I S T I C S ]

This next section is the weapon statistics and strengths and weaknesses. I know
the game booklet has a number of these in, however I have tested all of the
weapons in the game and made my own guesses as to what the specs are of each
one. Each rating is out of a maximum of 100%.

Here is a list of what each statistic means. Remember these are in my own
opinion. They have been tested in multiplayer and single player.


Ammunition: How much ammo can be stored in one clip.
Damage: The amount of damage one bullet will do to the person it hits.
Reload Time: How quickly the gun reloads.
Firing Time: How quickly two bullets can be fired in a row.
Speed: How fast you can move while the weapon is being held.
Range: How far the bullet or projectile can be fired.
Accuracy: How likely the bullet is to hit what you aim at.
Iron Sight: How well the Iron Sight helps you hit your target.
Sound: How much noise the weapon makes.
Melee Time: Time taken to perform a Melee attack.
Overall: Taking all of these into consideration, the final rating.

With all percentages, the higher the percentage, the better it is.

If Damage is 50%, that means it takes off half of the players life - OK
If Sound is 20% this means that it makes a lot of noise - VERY BAD
If Accuracy is 100% it means you'll hit what you aim at - VERY GOOD

And so on.


Colt. 45

Ammunition: 7
Damage: 20%
Reload Time: 90%
Firing Time: 90%
Speed: 100%
Range: 70%
Accuracy: 60%
Iron Sight: 40%
Sound: 70%
Melee Time: 90%

Overall: 70%


Ammunition: 10
Damage: 85%
Reload Time: 75%
Firing Time: 75%
Speed: 85%
Range: 90%
Accuracy: 80%
Iron Sight: 70%
Sound: 60%
Melee Time: 80%

Overall: 77.7%


Ammunition: 32
Damage: 30%
Reload Time: 95%
Firing Time: 95%
Speed: 90%
Range: 60%
Accuracy: 70%
Iron Sight: 70%
Sound: 80%
Melee Time: 85%

Overall: 75%

Bren LMG

Ammunition: 30
Damage: 80%
Reload Time: 55%
Firing Time: 85%
Speed: 30%
Range: 80%
Accuracy: 55%
Iron Sight: 60%
Sound: 70%
Melee Time: 40%

Overall: 61.6%


Ammunition: 5
Damage: 95%
Reload Time: 60%
Firing Time: 70%
Speed: 80%
Range: 100%
Accuracy: 70%
Iron Sight: 100%
Sound: 50%
Melee Time: 75%

Overall: 77.7%

MK1 Frag Grenade

Ammunition: 1
Damage: 100%
Reload Time: N/A
Firing Time: 80%
Speed: 95%
Range: 65%
Accuracy: 30%
Iron Sight: N/A
Sound: 60%
Melee Time: 90%

Overall: 74.2%


[2.3] - [ I N F O R M A T I O N ]


Colt. 45

Weapon Type: Pistol
Semi Automatic: Yes
Fully Automatic: No

The Colt. 45 is a pistol which is given to all American and British soldiers.
It's used as a backup weapon in case the main weapon or weapons runs out of
ammunition, and is not very effective at taking down large numbers of men. It
is useful for quick running, and one on one combat, but with only 7 bullets in
a magazine, it won't keep you alive for very long if you try to take out a
whole team with it.

The best tactic with a Colt. 45 is to use your normal weapon, such as a Sub
Machine Gun, then when you need to reload, switch to your Pistol and use that
to finish off your enemy. It's also good for holding while you run fast if you
need to get somewhere quickly.


Weapon Type: Rifle
Semi Automatic: No
Fully Automatic: No

The Lee-Enfield is a high powered rifle used often by the British soldiers.
It can hold 10 bullets (2 clips of 5), which gives it's user more chances to
hit their target. Unlike the M1 Garand, this can be reloaded before every
bullet is fired, however the only chance to reload is after 5 bullets or all
10. This can confuse the user and end up in them not reloading and running
out of ammo mid-battle. It is very powerful, so a carefully aimed shot can
easily get a one hit kill, however it makes a rather large sound when firing
and will give away your position.

Like all rifles, the Lee-Enfield is best used at long range, because of the
distance it can fire. Many people favour it instead of a Sniper rifle because
of the ammunition it can contain. Some of the best maps to use it on are
"Depot" and "Chateau".


Weapon Type: Sub Machine Gun
Semi Automatic: No
Fully Automatic: Yes

The Sten Sub Machine Gun is literally a pipe with a firing device attached.
It's very light and can be fired and reloaded very fast. Because of the cheaply
made weapon however, the accuracy of it's shots suffers greatly. It can hold
32 bullets in it's magazine, so the majority of those can hit it's target
making it's accuracy not too important, but the bullets aren't too high powered
so a number of shots will have to hit the target before falling over dead.

It's best for close combat, like all SMG's, but it also very good for running
with because of it's light framework, which makes the Sten a popular choice
for people who don't want to camp in one place all the time. It's very good for
clearing out trenches and bunkers because of it's ammunition. The Sten can be
used to good effect on "Rocket" and "Chateau".

Bren LMG

Weapon Type: Machine Gun
Semi Automatic: Yes
Fully Automatic: No

The Bren Light Machine Gun is a high powered machine gun used for taking out
large numbers of enemies. It is best for it's accurate shooting, and high
damage rounds of ammunition, however it's slow reload time and very slow
moving speed bring down the rating of this weapon. 30 bullets in each magazine
gives this weapon 10 shots more than the American BAR, although in WWII the
magazines would only be filled up with 28 bullets to prevent jamming.

The Bren LMG is best used in medium range combat, but works well at long range
and close range. It's melee attack takes a long time to execute, however is
probably the most powerful in the game. Recommended use on "Depot" and


Weapon Type: Sniper Rifle
Semi Automatic: Yes
Fully Automatic: No

The Springfield is a scoped bolt action rifle which is obviously used for
snipers. It's one of the most powerful weapons on the game, however it's low
rate of fire can cause problems in close range. It can kill in one shot, almost
no matter where on the body it hits, and it's 4x zoom scope makes seeing what's
coming much easier, which is why many people use it. More problems arise
though, because of the fact that the weapon really has to be fired while lying
down or crouched for maximum accuracy. These problems are the fact that it
makes quite a large sound and muzzleflash, so any close enemy soldiers can pick
out your position easily. It also takes a slightly long time to reload it which
causes problems when you are under attack. The Springfield is however a very
well built rifle and can eliminate a large number of the enemy as long as it's
user knows how to keep themselves in cover.

The Springfield sniper rifle is best used when large distances are between the
Allies and Axis. It's usually used to pick off stationary enemies, because they
are easier to hit, so you'll want to find a good position and try to take out
the enemy Snipers before they get a chance to shoot you. Maps that the
Springfield should be used on are "Hurtgen" and "Rocket".

MK1 Frag Grenade

Weapon Type: Grenade
Semi Automatic: Yes
Fully Automatic: No

The MK1 Fragmentation Grenade is a Grenade which when exploding, will fire out
the fragments of red hot metal into anyone in range. This is very useful as
it's not only the blast that kills people, but if they are anywhere near it,
they will take damage from the tiny fragments. It's almost like the equivalent
of firing thousands of tiny bullets into anything around it. The Grenade is
useful because it allows you to run at almost full speed, and can be thrown
pretty far, which adds to the force you will be able to use when taking out
Germans. If a large number of them are in one room, just 1 Frag Grenade will
wipe them all out. The British version, the MK1 Frag Grenade is slightly
heavier which makes the distance it can e thrown and the speed at which it can
be carried slightly less, but it still does the same damage.

Grenades are best used for killing groups of Germans, such as in bunkers or
trenches, although they can be thrown over walls and into places where a large
amount of people will pass in the hopes that it will take down a few men.
A good idea would be to throw Grenades into the buildings on "Carentan" or into
the bunkers on "Hurtgen".


[3] [ R U S S I A N W E A P O N S ]


[3.1] - [ I N T R O D U C T I O N ]

The Russians made the best of what they had, and that wasn't much. They have
some well build weapons, but they didn't have much selection.

The weapons you will come across which are Russian are:

- Luger
- Mosin-Nagant
- PPSh
- Scoped Mosin-Nagant
- RGD-33 Stick Grenade


[3.2] - [ S T A T I S T I C S ]

This next section is the weapon statistics and strengths and weaknesses. I know
the game booklet has a number of these in, however I have tested all of the
weapons in the game and made my own guesses as to what the specs are of each
one. Each rating is out of a maximum of 100%.

Here is a list of what each statistic means. Remember these are in my own
opinion. They have been tested in multiplayer and single player.


Ammunition: How much ammo can be stored in one clip.
Damage: The amount of damage one bullet will do to the person it hits.
Reload Time: How quickly the gun reloads.
Firing Time: How quickly two bullets can be fired in a row.
Speed: How fast you can move while the weapon is being held.
Range: How far the bullet or projectile can be fired.
Accuracy: How likely the bullet is to hit what you aim at.
Iron Sight: How well the Iron Sight helps you hit your target.
Sound: How much noise the weapon makes.
Melee Time: Time taken to perform a Melee attack.
Overall: Taking all of these into consideration, the final rating.

With all percentages, the higher the percentage, the better it is.

If Damage is 50%, that means it takes off half of the players life - OK
If Sound is 20% this means that it makes a lot of noise - VERY BAD
If Accuracy is 100% it means you'll hit what you aim at - VERY GOOD

And so on.



Ammunition: 8
Damage: 20%
Reload Time: 90%
Firing Time: 90%
Speed: 95%
Range: 70%
Accuracy: 60%
Iron Sight: 60%
Sound: 70%
Melee Time: 90%

Overall: 71.6%


Ammunition: 5
Damage: 85%
Reload Time: 85%
Firing Time: 75%
Speed: 85%
Range: 90%
Accuracy: 85%
Iron Sight: 95%
Sound: 70%
Melee Time: 80%

Overall: 83.3%


Ammunition: 71
Damage: 15%
Reload Time: 75%
Firing Time: 100%
Speed: 95%
Range: 40%
Accuracy: 50%
Iron Sight: 65%
Sound: 90%
Melee Time: 85%

Overall: 68.3%

Scoped Mosin-Nagant

Ammunition: 5
Damage: 95%
Reload Time: 70%
Firing Time: 70%
Speed: 80%
Range: 100%
Accuracy: 80%
Iron Sight: 100%
Sound: 80%
Melee Time: 85%

Overall: 84.4%

RGD-33 Stick Grenade

Ammunition: 1
Damage: 100%
Reload Time: N/A
Firing Time: 80%
Speed: 80%
Range: 50%
Accuracy: 30%
Iron Sight: N/A
Sound: 60%
Melee Time: 85%

Overall: 69.2%


[3.3] - [ I N F O R M A T I O N ]



Weapon Type: Pistol
Semi Automatic: Yes
Fully Automatic: No

The Luger is a pistol which is used by German and Russian soldiers.
It's used as a backup weapon in case the main weapon or weapons runs out of
ammunition, and is not very effective at taking down large numbers of men. It
is useful for quick running, and one on one combat, but with only 8 bullets in
a clip, it won't keep you alive for very long if you try to take out a whole
team with it.

The best tactic with a Luger is to use your normal weapon, such as a Sub
Machine Gun, then when you need to reload, switch to your Pistol and use that
to finish off your enemy. It's also good for holding while you run fast if you
need to get somewhere quickly.


Weapon Type: Rifle
Semi Automatic: No
Fully Automatic: No

Say hello to the greatest weapon in the game (in my opinion anyway). The
Mosin-Nagant is a bolt action rifle with great accuracy, and an amazing iron
sight. Looking down the sight basically gives it's user a "hit what you aim at"
skill, which proves very great for killing enemy troops. It has a decent reload
time as it reloads 5 bullets at once in a clip, and is pretty light, thus
allowing it's user to run fast while carrying it. The rifle doesn't make much
sound when firing either, so you will be safe from enemies hearing your shot
and finding you. Obviously with bolt action rifles, the problem occurs with the
rate of fire. After one shot the gun has to be reloaded, which takes a valuable
half a second or so which usually proves costly against the blaze of machine
gun fire.

The Mosin-Nagant can be used on almost all Russian maps to great effect as it
can be used in all range combat, but the "Harbor" and "Pavlov" are some good
maps to try out it's great power.


Weapon Type: Sub Machine Gun
Semi Automatic: Yes
Fully Automatic: Yes

The PPSh is a sub machine gun in a totally different league to the Thompson,
Sten and MP40. The main differences are the fact that it can hold a staggering
71 bullets in each magazine, which means constant fire until an enemy is dead
is easily possible. Along with that is the extremely light weight of the gun,
which is almost lighter than the Luger handgun, which allows full speed running
while being used. Unstoppable right? I mean with all those bullets and speed?
Not really. The bullets are extremely weak and usually need 25 before killing
the target. The accuracy is also very poor, and the fact that you will be
running around with bullets blazing everywhere will only draw attention to

The PPSh is best used for close combat because of it's bad accuracy, and is
very useful for wiping out rooms of enemies, such as on "Pavlov" or the
"Harbor". This should only be used by people who aren't too skilled at aiming
because of it's amount of ammo which will give the user a lot of time to hit
their target, however people skilled with a rifle will probably do better.

Scoped Mosin-Nagant

Weapon Type: Sniper Rifle
Semi Automatic: No
Fully Automatic: No

Almost exactly the same as the Mosin-Nagant rifle, only with a scope, this gun
scores very highly. It has a small reload time as a 5 bullet clip is reloaded
in half a second, and is very powerful, however a large sound is made when the
weapon is fired and it is not very useful in close combat because of it's
bolt action mechanism. It allows fast running, however being a sniper rifle,
it's not intended to be moved too far as snipers rarely change position.

The Scoped Mosin-Nagant will work best on maps where a large distance is
between the enemy and the allies, such as "Pavlov" and "POW Camp", however
won't work too well on the map "Harbor" because of it's close combat

RGD-33 Stick Grenade

Weapon Type: Grenade
Semi Automatic: No
Fully Automatic: No

The RGD-33 Stick Grenade is a Grenade which when exploding, will fire out
the fragments of red hot metal into anyone in range. This is very useful as
it's not only the blast that kills people, but if they are anywhere near it,
they will take damage from the tiny fragments. It's almost like the equivalent
of firing thousands of tiny bullets into anything around it. The Grenade is
useful because it allows you to run at almost full speed, and can be thrown
pretty far, which adds to the force you will be able to use when taking out
Germans. If a large number of them are in one room, just 1 Stick Grenade will
wipe them all out. The Russian RGD-33 Stick Grenade is slightly heavier than
the German equivalent, which reduces the distance it can be thrown, and
decreases the speed at which it's carrier can run, however it seems it's blast
radius is bigger than all other grenades.

Grenades are best used for killing groups of Germans, such as in bunkers or
trenches, although they can be thrown over walls and into places where a large
amount of people will pass in the hopes that it will take down a few men.
A good idea would be to throw Grenades over the walls on "Harbor" and
"POW Camp".


[4] [ G E R M A N W E A P O N S ]


[4.1] - [ I N T R O D U C T I O N ]

The Germans have probably the second best set of weapons. Throughout the war
they were defending places, so they needed some decent fire power.

The weapons you will come across which are German are:

- Luger
- Kar98k
- MP40
- MP44
- Scoped Kar98k
- Stielhandgranate


[4.2] - [ S T A T I S T I C S ]

This next section is the weapon statistics and strengths and weaknesses. I know
the game booklet has a number of these in, however I have tested all of the
weapons in the game and made my own guesses as to what the specs are of each
one. Each rating is out of a maximum of 100%.

Here is a list of what each statistic means. Remember these are in my own
opinion. They have been tested in multiplayer and single player.


Ammunition: How much ammo can be stored in one clip.
Damage: The amount of damage one bullet will do to the person it hits.
Reload Time: How quickly the gun reloads.
Firing Time: How quickly two bullets can be fired in a row.
Speed: How fast you can move while the weapon is being held.
Range: How far the bullet or projectile can be fired.
Accuracy: How likely the bullet is to hit what you aim at.
Iron Sight: How well the Iron Sight helps you hit your target.
Sound: How much noise the weapon makes.
Melee Time: Time taken to perform a Melee attack.
Overall: Taking all of these into consideration, the final rating.

With all percentages, the higher the percentage, the better it is.

If Damage is 50%, that means it takes off half of the players life - OK
If Sound is 20% this means that it makes a lot of noise - VERY BAD
If Accuracy is 100% it means you'll hit what you aim at - VERY GOOD

And so on.



Ammunition: 8
Damage: 20%
Reload Time: 90%
Firing Time: 90%
Speed: 95%
Range: 70%
Accuracy: 60%
Iron Sight: 60%
Sound: 70%
Melee Time: 90%

Overall: 71.6%


Ammunition: 5
Damage: 85%
Reload Time: 85%
Firing Time: 75%
Speed: 80%
Range: 90%
Accuracy: 85%
Iron Sight: 80%
Sound: 55%
Melee Time: 80%

Overall: 79.4%


Ammunition: 30
Damage: 30%
Reload Time: 85%
Firing Time: 90%
Speed: 95%
Range: 50%
Accuracy: 65%
Iron Sight: 55%
Sound: 75%
Melee Time: 85%

Overall: 70%


Ammunition: 32
Damage: 40%
Reload Time: 70%
Firing Time: 85%
Speed: 60%
Range: 90%
Accuracy: 85%
Iron Sight: 80%
Sound: 90%
Melee Time: 85%

Overall: 76.1%

Scoped Kar98k

Ammunition: 5
Damage: 95%
Reload Time: 65%
Firing Time: 80%
Speed: 80%
Range: 100%
Accuracy: 80%
Iron Sight: 100%
Sound: 60%
Melee Time: 85%

Overall: 82.7%


Ammunition: 1
Damage: 100%
Reload Time: N/A
Firing Time: 80%
Speed: 100%
Range: 70%
Accuracy: 30%
Iron Sight: N/A
Sound: 60%
Melee Time: 85%

Overall: 75%


[4.3] - [ I N F O R M A T I O N ]



Weapon Type: Pistol
Semi Automatic: Yes
Fully Automatic: No

The Luger is a pistol which is used by German and Russian soldiers.
It's used as a backup weapon in case the main weapon or weapons runs out of
ammunition, and is not very effective at taking down large numbers of men. It
is useful for quick running, and one on one combat, but with only 8 bullets in
a clip, it won't keep you alive for very long if you try to take out a whole
team with it.

The best tactic with a Luger is to use your normal weapon, such as a Sub
Machine Gun, then when you need to reload, switch to your Pistol and use that
to finish off your enemy. It's also good for holding while you run fast if you
need to get somewhere quickly.


Weapon Type: Rifle
Semi Automatic: No
Fully Automatic: No

The Kar98k is a decent rifle which was used very often by Axis forces during
World War Two. It is reloaded with a 5 bullet clip which makes it's reloading
time very short, which is obviously good, however it's bolt action mechanism
makes it like all rifles, very ineffective at close combat. While looking
down the sight it can be used as a sniper weapon, although without the zoom,
and with it's quite quiet firing sound, should protect you from any nearby
enemies. The Kar98k would not be anyones rifle of choice if they had an option
however it can be used effectively to take out enemy soldiers in the distance.

The Kar98k is best used while prone, although when looking down the sight,
makes a very effective killing device. It's problems with close range combat
are a down side, although there isn't a bolt action rifle which is good in
close range. The Kar98k is best used on the maps "Hurtgen" and "Rocket" is no
sniper rifles are available.


Weapon Type: Sub Machine Gun
Semi Automatic: No
Fully Automatic: Yes

The MP40 is a fairly average Sub Machine Gun. It can hold 32 bullets in a
magazine which is a decent amount of firepower, and is pretty light which
allows it's user to run quite fast while carrying it. It has a quick reload
time and very little sound which makes it good for picking off enemies one by
one. It is however fairly inaccurate, not too powerful and it's range is not
too good either, so it's best for cleaning out enemies at close range.

The MP40 is best used in trenches or bunkers to clear rooms or enclosed areas
because of it's poor accuracy at long range. I suggest using it in the bunkers
on "Rocket" and throughout the houses on "Carentan".


Weapon Type: Machine Gun
Semi Automatic: Yes
Fully Automatic: Yes

The MP44 Machine Gun looks almost like a Sub Machine Gun because of it's small
body, however it is fairly obvious it's not when you try to run with it. It's
weight pulls you down, literally. It is a very good gun as it's bullets are
powerful, it is pretty accurate and while used in prone, looking down the iron
sight, it can be a very useful rifle type weapon. With the ability to switch
it to Fully Automatic or Semi Automatic the accuracy of shots can improve even
more. It is quite good for long range shooting, especially while prone, and it
is very good in close range combat because of it's powerful, accurate shots.

The MP44 is best used when there is a mixture of distances between the enemy
and yourself. In other words, maps where you will experience close combat and
long range combat. Maps like this are "Rocket" and "Hurtgen".

Scoped Kar98k

Weapon Type: Sniper Rifle
Semi Automatic: No
Fully Automatic: No

Another of the rifles which has been fitted with a scope, the Scoped Kar98k
works very well indeed. It's reload time isn't too good as the bullets are
reloaded one by one, but it is very light and allows very quick moving for
those times when your position has been compromised. Like all sniper rifles, it
is very powerful, but a medium sound will be heard when it is fired. It is not
very useful in close combat because of it's bolt action mechanism.

The Scoped Kar98k will work best on maps where a large distance is
between the enemy and the allies, such as "Rocket" and "Hurtgen", although if
close combat is taken into consideration, it would probably be better to use a
different weapon capable of quicker fire.


Weapon Type: Grenade
Semi Automatic: No
Fully Automatic: No

The Stielhandgrente is a Grenade which when exploding, will fire out
the fragments of red hot metal into anyone in range. This is very useful as
it's not only the blast that kills people, but if they are anywhere near it,
they will take damage from the tiny fragments. It's almost like the equivalent
of firing thousands of tiny bullets into anything around it. The Grenade is
useful because it allows you to run at almost full speed, and can be thrown
pretty far, which adds to the force you will be able to use when taking out
Germans. If a large number of them are in one room, just 1 Stick Grenade will
wipe them all out. The German Stielhandgrenate is the lightest Grenade in the
game, which increases greatly the distance it can be thrown, and
also increases the speed at which it's carrier can run.

Grenades are best used for killing groups of enemies, such as in bunkers or
trenches, although they can be thrown over walls and into places where a large
amount of people will pass in the hopes that it will take down a few men.
A good idea would be to throw Grenades over the walls on "Harbor" and
"POW Camp".


[5] [ M I S C W E A P O N S ]


[5.1] - [ I N T R O D U C T I O N ]

Along with each teams weapons, there are some which can be found throughout the
levels. Most of these are 'actually' German weapons, however they are not
selectable in Multiplayer, so they will go here, in the Misc section.

The weapons you will come across which are Misc are:

- FG42
- Panzerfaust 60


[5.2] - [ S T A T I S T I C S ]

This next section is the weapon statistics and strengths and weaknesses. I know
the game booklet has a number of these in, however I have tested all of the
weapons in the game and made my own guesses as to what the specs are of each
one. Each rating is out of a maximum of 100%.

Here is a list of what each statistic means. Remember these are in my own
opinion. They have been tested in multiplayer and single player.


Ammunition: How much ammo can be stored in one clip.
Damage: The amount of damage one bullet will do to the person it hits.
Reload Time: How quickly the gun reloads.
Firing Time: How quickly two bullets can be fired in a row.
Speed: How fast you can move while the weapon is being held.
Range: How far the bullet or projectile can be fired.
Accuracy: How likely the bullet is to hit what you aim at.
Iron Sight: How well the Iron Sight helps you hit your target.
Sound: How much noise the weapon makes.
Melee Time: Time taken to perform a Melee attack.
Overall: Taking all of these into consideration, the final rating.

With all percentages, the higher the percentage, the better it is.

If Damage is 50%, that means it takes off half of the players life - OK
If Sound is 20% this means that it makes a lot of noise - VERY BAD
If Accuracy is 100% it means you'll hit what you aim at - VERY GOOD

And so on.



Ammunition: 20
Damage: 80%
Reload Time: 70%
Firing Time: 85%
Speed: 75%
Range: 85%
Accuracy: 20%
Iron Sight: 100%
Sound: 50%
Melee Time: 75%

Overall: 71.1%

Panzerfaust 80

Ammunition: 1
Damage: 100%
Reload Time: N/A
Firing Time: N/A
Speed: 25%
Range: 55%
Accuracy: 50%
Iron Sight: 70%
Sound: 70%
Melee Time: 85%

Overall: 65%


[5.3] - [ I N F O R M A T I O N ]



Weapon Type: Scoped Machine Gun
Semi Automatic: Yes
Fully Automatic: Yes

The FG42 is a very powerful weapon which has been fitted with a 4x zoom scope.
Along with the fact the weapon can be used with Semi Automatic of Fully
Automatic properties, it makes it a very good killing machine. There is one
huge problem with this gun though, when firing more than one shot at a time,
it's accuracy is extremely bad. Using the gun in fully automatic is sure to
miss a target right in front of you, and end up in your own death. It has very
damaging bullets, but they cannot be fired automatically PERIOD or you will
miss your target.

The FG42 is best only if you do not have a different scoped weapon. Use it in
Semi Automatic mode and fire single shots at your target like a sniper rifle.
If you are VERY close to it, then you can fire all 20 bullets in Fully
Automatic, although you will probably rocket all of your bullets out and miss,
then get killed while reloading. Not a very good weapon at all. Best used on
"Rocket" and "Carentan".


Weapon Type: Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher
Semi Automatic: No
Fully Automatic: No

The Panzerfaust translates to "Tank Fist" in English. This is because the
weapon will deliver a hell of a punch to a tank if it makes contact, the same
thing will happen to a person, although with more fatal effects. The
Panzerfaust is the heaviest weapon in the game which means you run slowest
while carrying it, however when you pull the trigger, the rocket propelled
grenade will fly through the air and wipe out anything withing a few feet of
where it explodes. Panzerfaust's are not only great for stopping tanks, but
they can wipe out a whole room of enemy soldiers before you even enter, just
fire it at a wall!

Panzerfausts are best used as stated above, for clearing out large areas where
you may be in danger. They will explode on impact and kill anything within a
few feet, so just fire one in the general direction of your enemy and prepare
to watch them fly through the air on a cloud of dust. Panzerfausts are
best used on all levels where they are available, but in particular try
"Rocket", especially when explosives are being planted, and "Depot" for the
same thing.


[6] [ S T A T I O N A R Y W E A P O N S ]


[6.1] - [ I N T R O D U C T I O N ]

Finally the last lot of weapons in the game are those which cannot be moved,
but provide very good demolition in taking out Germans.

The weapons you will come across which are stationary are:

- MG42
- Flak 88
- Flak Gun
- Anti-Tank Rifle
- Tank Cannon


[6.2] - [ S T A T I S T I C S ]

This next section is the weapon statistics and strengths and weaknesses. I know
the game booklet has a number of these in, however I have tested all of the
weapons in the game and made my own guesses as to what the specs are of each
one. Each rating is out of a maximum of 100%.

Here is a list of what each statistic means. Remember these are in my own
opinion. They have been tested in multiplayer and single player.


Ammunition: How much ammo can be stored in one clip.
Damage: The amount of damage one bullet will do to the person it hits.
Reload Time: How quickly the gun reloads.
Firing Time: How quickly two bullets can be fired in a row.
Speed: How fast you can move while the weapon is being held.
Range: How far the bullet or projectile can be fired.
Accuracy: How likely the bullet is to hit what you aim at.
Iron Sight: How well the Iron Sight helps you hit your target.
Sound: How much noise the weapon makes.
Melee Time: Time taken to perform a Melee attack.
Overall: Taking all of these into consideration, the final rating.

With all percentages, the higher the percentage, the better it is.

If Damage is 50%, that means it takes off half of the players life - OK
If Sound is 20% this means that it makes a lot of noise - VERY BAD
If Accuracy is 100% it means you'll hit what you aim at - VERY GOOD

And so on.



Ammunition: Infinite
Damage: 30%
Reload Time: N/A
Firing Time: 100%
Speed: N/A
Range: 85%
Accuracy: 70%
Iron Sight: 70%
Sound: 20%
Melee Time: N/A

Overall: 62.5%

Flak 88

Ammunition: Infinite
Damage: 100%
Reload Time: 20%
Firing Time: 20%
Speed: N/A
Range: 90%
Accuracy: 85%
Iron Sight: 85%
Sound: 70%
Melee Time: N/A

Overall: 67.1%

Flak Gun

Ammunition: Infinite
Damage: 100%
Reload Time: N/A
Firing Time: 100%
Speed: N/A
Range: 90%
Accuracy: 85%
Iron Sight: 85%
Sound: 60%
Melee Time: N/A

Overall: 86.6%

Anti-Tank Rifle

Ammunition: Infinite
Damage: 100%
Reload Time: 70%
Firing Time: 80%
Speed: N/A
Range: 90%
Accuracy: 85%
Iron Sight: 85%
Sound: 80%
Melee Time: N/A

Overall: 84.2%

Tank Cannon

Ammunition: Infinite
Damage: 100%
Reload Time: 20%
Firing Time: 20%
Speed: N/A
Range: 90%
Accuracy: 85%
Iron Sight: 85%
Sound: 60%
Melee Time: N/A

Overall: 65.7%


[6.3] - [ I N F O R M A T I O N ]



Weapon Type: Heavy Mounted Machine Gun
Semi Automatic: No
Fully Automatic: Yes

The MG42 is almost the ultimate stopping machine. In the game it has infinite
ammo and almost no recoil, so you just aim and squeeze the trigger and you
will kill your target in split seconds. In real life however the gun would need
to have it's barrels changed out, however it could still fire continually for
something like 80 seconds. There are good and bad points about it in Call Of
Duty though, firstly it can kill whatever you aim at which makes it good,
however you cannot move while carrying it and while using it you are exploding
yourself to attacks from the left, right and back. It also makes a very big
sound when firing, so anyone who knows where the MG42 is will be able to make
their way around and know that you'll be there.

The MG42 is best used in short bursts but for killing large numbers of enemies,
as many people will remember from Saving Private Ryan, the MG42 caused great
devastation to on coming troops. It's best used while being fired from the
bunkers on "Hurtgen" and to stop advancing enemies on "Carentan" although it
can really be used at any time, just make sure you get in cover as soon as you
finish shooting.

Flak 88

Weapon Type: Anti-Tank / Aircraft Gun
Semi Automatic: No
Fully Automatic: No

The Flak 88 was a very powerful Anti-Aircraft gun which had large amounts of
power behind it's shots. In Call Of Duty it's used for the same thing; stopping
aircraft. You only get to use this gun on the missions "Pegasus Night",
"Pegasus Day" and "Hurtgen". It can blow up tanks in one shot depending on
where it hits, and can kill a rather large group of enemies if they are close
to each other. It's power is it's only really good point, because of it's few
down sides. Firstly it cannot be moved, so you are prone to attack while on it.
Next it will turn very slowly so if you are being shot from two places at once
you will not be to turn around quickly and return fire. After that, the gun
takes a few seconds to reload after every single shell has been fired, so if
you miss your target, you'll probably be dead before you can shoot again.

Because the Flak 88 is only used on 3 missions, and often as the 'Bomb' on
"Search And Destroy", the best tactic is to just use it to wipe out the tanks
you will be facing while you are on it. "Pegasus Night" contains 1 tank for you
to eliminate, "Pegasus Day" has about 7, and "Hurtgen" has two.

Flak Gun

Weapon Type: Anti-Aircraft Gun
Semi Automatic: No
Fully Automatic: Yes

The Flak gun was also a very powerful Anti-Aircraft gun which had large amounts
of power behind it's shots. In Call Of Duty it's used for the same thing;
stopping aircraft. You only get to use this gun on the mission "Airfield".
It can blow up Aeroplanes in one shot, although with it's constant rate of fire
it can take out anything in range. It can kill a rather large group of enemies
because of it's extremely powerful, and large ammunition. Much like the Flak 88
it has some down sides. It cannot be moved, so you are prone to attack while on
it. Next it will turn pretty slowly so if you are being shot from two places
at once you will not be to turn around quickly and return fire. The main thing
that the Flak gun was useful for was it's constant rate of fire with large
ammunition. It can keep shooting, and as soon as a plane flew through it, it
would be shot down easily.

The Flak Gun is only used on one mission, but it can be used to cause lots of
devastation. You can use it to destroy boxes, trucks, people and aeroplanes,
so just keep shooting and make sure you keep your sides covered.

Anti-Tank Rifle

Weapon Type: Anti-Tank Rifle
Semi Automatic: Yes
Fully Automatic: No

The Anti-Tank Rifle is almost a Semi Automatic Panzerfaust. It fires shells
at tanks and after a few hits, the tank will be nothing more than a steaming
pile of rubble. The Anti-Tank Rifle is only used on one mission, the hardest
mission on the game, "Pavlov", but it proves to be very useful to you and your
allies. I haven't read much about these being used in World War Two, however
from the looks of the game, they would have been very useful tools. They cannot
be moved though, because of their weight, but turn pretty fast and can launch
out RPG's in semi automatic mode. It's power is pretty good too, because it can
blow up tanks in two or three shots, so it's really the same as a panzerfaust,
but it can be fired in semi automatic, so it's probably better.

The Anti-Tank Rifle is best for... taking out tanks. Use it to kill a few tanks
on "Pavlov", and maybe some foot soldiers. Seeing as it can only be used on one
single player mission, thats all the stuff I can say about it.

Tank Cannon

Weapon Type: Tank Cannon
Semi Automatic: No
Fully Automatic: No

The Tank Cannon is used on two Single Player missions. They are "Tank Drive
Country" and "Tank Drive Town". It proves very useful, as a carefully
positioned shot can take out an enemy tank in one, however it takes a rather
long time to reload, which costs you, although luckily your team's tanks will
absorb the rockets fired at you. It can't be moved in theory, but in reality
the actual tank provides the movement. That isn't the weapon though, so it
can't be included here. It's shells are very powerful, but it has a long
reload time. It also makes a large sound while firing, but that usually doesn't
matter as there will be enough enemy tanks coming at you for no one to care
about the sound that they make.

The best use for the Tank Cannon is to aim for enemy tanks Turrets. If you hit
it you can wipe out the tank in one shot. This is only used in 2 missions, so
having any more tips is pretty pointless unless someone makes a mod to let you
play in Tanks.


[7] [ H I D D E N W E A P O N S ]


[7.1] - [ I N T R O D U C T I O N ]

Infinity Ward used some clever techniques when making the game, such as having
Germans who are out of sight, not reload their gun which will make the game
have to load less things and run smoother for everyone. Some of these are also
BETA weapons which were removed, they are mainly no different to the normal
weapons, however they can only be gotten through cheating.

The weapons you will come across (If you cheat) which are Hidden are:

- 30cal
- Kar98k
- M1A1 Carbine
- Sten
- Mosin-Nagant Ammo


[7.2] - [ S T A T I S T I C S ]

This next section is the weapon statistics and strengths and weaknesses. I know
the game booklet has a number of these in, however I have tested all of the
weapons in the game and made my own guesses as to what the specs are of each
one. Each rating is out of a maximum of 100%.

Here is a list of what each statistic means. Remember these are in my own
opinion. They have been tested in multiplayer and single player.


Ammunition: How much ammo can be stored in one clip.
Damage: The amount of damage one bullet will do to the person it hits.
Reload Time: How quickly the gun reloads.
Firing Time: How quickly two bullets can be fired in a row.
Speed: How fast you can move while the weapon is being held.
Range: How far the bullet or projectile can be fired.
Accuracy: How likely the bullet is to hit what you aim at.
Iron Sight: How well the Iron Sight helps you hit your target.
Sound: How much noise the weapon makes.
Melee Time: Time taken to perform a Melee attack.
Overall: Taking all of these into consideration, the final rating.

With all percentages, the higher the percentage, the better it is.

If Damage is 50%, that means it takes off half of the players life - OK
If Sound is 20% this means that it makes a lot of noise - VERY BAD
If Accuracy is 100% it means you'll hit what you aim at - VERY GOOD

And so on.



Ammunition: 20
Damage: 85%
Reload Time: 40%
Firing Time: 90%
Speed: 30%
Range: 85%
Accuracy: 65%
Iron Sight: 80%
Sound: 55%
Melee Time: 70%

Overall: 66.6%


Ammunition: 5
Damage: 85%
Reload Time: 85%
Firing Time: 75%
Speed: 80%
Range: 90%
Accuracy: 85%
Iron Sight: 80%
Sound: 55%
Melee Time: 80%

Overall: 79.4%

M1A1 Carbine

Ammunition: 15
Damage: 25%
Reload Time: 80%
Firing Time: 85%
Speed: 80%
Range: 70%
Accuracy: 90%
Iron Sight: 95%
Sound: 65%
Melee Time: 90%

Overall: 75.5%


Ammunition: 32
Damage: 30%
Reload Time: 95%
Firing Time: 95%
Speed: 90%
Range: 60%
Accuracy: 70%
Iron Sight: 70%
Sound: 80%
Melee Time: 85%

Overall: 75%

Mosin-Nagant Ammo

Ammunition: 5
Damage: N/A
Reload Time: N/A
Firing Time: N/A
Speed: 100%
Range: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Iron Sight: N/A
Sound: N/A
Melee Time: N/A

Overall: 100%


[7.3] - [ I N F O R M A T I O N ]


The next lot of "weapons" can only be obtained by using the cheat command
"give all". That will give you all weapons in the game, and when you scroll
through them you will notice these weapons which weren't in the normal game.

For information on how to enable cheats check out:



Weapon Type: Machine Gun
Semi Automatic: Yes
Fully Automatic: Yes
What Is It: The BAR With A Different Name
Differences: None, Exactly the same as the BAR

The 30cal (BAR) packs a major punch. The gun's magazine can only hold 20
bullets, however just one of these can take away life. The gun's greatest point
is that it is Semi Automatic and Fully Automatic over great distances and when
looking down the scope it can be used like a Sniper rifle because of the zoom
that looking down the sight gives you. Just match up the top of the bar at the
front of the weapon with your targets head and fire a shot. Instant death. The
down side to this great killing machine is that you run extremely slowly while
carrying one and it takes a long time to reload it. It pumps the bullets out
extremely fast, but they almost go too fast because you'll find yourself
reloading every few seconds if you are in heavy combat.

The 30cal (BAR) is best used when you have space between you and the enemy, and
then using the sight, it can take them out very easily. It can also be used in
close range, however you will usually find that the 30cal's (BAR's) slowness
leads to being killed by Sub Machine Gunners. Some maps to use a 30cal (BAR)
well are "Hurtgen" and "Brecourt".


Weapon Type: Rifle
Semi Automatic: No
Fully Automatic: No
What Is It: The Kar98k, however there are two of them.
Differences: After firing a shot the player does not use his hand to
reload it, the used shell just pops out by itself. Probably
used by a German in single player who wasn't very visible to
cut down un-needed actions being run by the game.

The Kar98k is a decent rifle which was used very often by Axis forces during
World War Two. It is reloaded with a 5 bullet clip which makes it's reloading
time very short, which is obviously good, however it's bolt action mechanism
makes it like all rifles, very ineffective at close combat. While looking
down the sight it can be used as a sniper weapon, although without the zoom,
and with it's quite quiet firing sound, should protect you from any nearby
enemies. The Kar98k would not be anyones rifle of choice if they had an option
however it can be used effectively to take out enemy soldiers in the distance.

The Kar98k is best used while prone, although when looking down the sight,
makes a very effective killing device. It's problems with close range combat
are a down side, although there isn't a bolt action rifle which is good in
close range. The Kar98k is best used on the maps "Hurtgen" and "Rocket" is no
sniper rifles are available.

M1A1 Carbine

Weapon Type: Rifle
Semi Automatic: Yes
Fully Automatic: No
What Is It: The M1A1 Carbine
Differences: None, Exactly the same as the M1A1 Carbine.

The M1A1 Carbine is the first weapon you will use in Single Player. It can hold
15 bullets in each magazine which makes it the rifle with the biggest bullet
capacity, however the bullets are not as powerful as M1 Garand, so more shots
will need to be fired before a kill is made. This is obviously bad because it
will give away your position. The rifle is also Semi-Automatic, like the M1

This can be used best in close combat because if you're quick on the trigger
it can kind of be used like a Sub Machine Gun. Slightly powerful, and very
accurate if looking down the sight, the M1A1 Carbine is a good killing machine.
The M1A1 Carbine can be used to good effect on the maps "Carentan" and


Weapon Type: Sub Machine Gun
Semi Automatic: No
Fully Automatic: Yes
What Is It: The Sten
Differences: None, Exactly the same as the Sten.

The Sten Sub Machine Gun is literally a pipe with a firing device attached.
It's very light and can be fired and reloaded very fast. Because of the cheaply
made weapon however, the accuracy of it's shots suffers greatly. It can hold
32 bullets in it's magazine, so the majority of those can hit it's target
making it's accuracy not too important, but the bullets aren't too high powered
so a number of shots will have to hit the target before falling over dead.

It's best for close combat, like all SMG's, but it also very good for running
with because of it's light framework, which makes the Sten a popular choice
for people who don't want to camp in one place all the time. It's very good for
clearing out trenches and bunkers because of it's ammunition. The Sten can be
used to good effect on "Rocket" and "Chateau".

Mosin-Nagant Ammo

Weapon Type: None
Semi Automatic: No
Fully Automatic: No
What Is It: Ammo that you get on the mission "Stalingrad".
Differences: None

You will be given the Mosin-Nagant ammunition on the mission "Stalingrad". Much
like the movie "Enemy At The Gates" you wait in line for a rifle, but end up
getting the bullets which can't be used, although you could try throwing them
at the enemy... =P


Copyright 2004 Simon Elliott (Psy).
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

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Dt. Munitions- und Waffentrainer

17.Октябрь 2013
Weapons Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Октябрь 2013
Multiplayer FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013
Weapon Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Endsavegame

17.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für Gesundheit und Munition

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018