

18.10.2013 05:02:28
Theme Park Inc. (SimCoaster) PC Walkthrough / FAQ
Copyright 2003 - 2004 Gregory Roche
Version No. 1.83
Made by Gregory Roche (e-mail
Last updated: 26.01.2004 (DD.MM.YYYY)

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private
use. It may not be distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use
of this guide on any other website or as a part of any public display is
strictly prohibited, and is a violation of copyright.

These sites are allowed to use my FAQ... (my website)

On the same note, if you feel I have violated copyright of any FAQ or book or
anything you have written, please contact me and I'll change the FAQ ASAP
(My e-mail address is

As seen in the title above, this is a walkthrough of the European version of
the game, as Theme Park Inc. is the name of the game in Europe. In America
(and possibly in other countries) this game is called SimCoaster. While this
walkthrough may help owners of copies of SimCoaster in America, please do NOT
e-mail me and tell me that parts of the guide do not work for SimCoaster.
However, if I have got something wrong in the European version of the game,
please DO e-mail me and in the next update I will change it accordingly and
mention you for your kindness. By the way, I will refer to this game as Theme
Park Inc. in this guide from now on. I will also use the English spelling of
some words (i.e. 'colour' instead of 'color').

A note of warning: this document contains spoilers all the way through. I say
this so people won't e-mail me saying 'Oh, I read your walkthrough and I got
the game spoiled for me and I hate you'. If you don't want the game spoiled,




1. Table of contents (you're already reading this!)

2. Introduction and Technical info.

3. Staff
3a. Cleaner
3b. Engineer
3c. Entertainer
3d. Guards
3e. Scientists
3f. Gardeners

4. Facilities
4a. Info Kiosk
4b. Litter Bin
4c. Research Lab
4d. Security Camera
4e. Staff Room
4f. Toilets
4g. Training Room

5. Shops
5a. Balloon Shop
5b. Candyfloss Shop
5c. Costume Shop
5d. Drinks Shop
5e. Fries Shop
5f. Gift Shop
5g. Hot Dog Stand
5h. Ice Cream Shop
5i. Restaurant
5j. Umbrella Shop

6. Rides
6a. Land of Invention
6b. Polar Zone
6c. Arabian Nights

7. Walkthrough

8. Challenges
8a. Land of Invention
8b. Polar Zone
8c. Arabian Nights

9. FAQ

10. Miscellaneous
10a. Extreme Weather
10a i. Heatwaves
10a ii. Rain
10a iii. Snowstorms
10a iv. Storms
10b. Cheats

11. Special Thanks

12. E-mail Policy




Welcome to Theme Park Inc.! A big-shot buisiness consortium has just bought
out Theme Park Inc. and you've landed the Assistant Manager role! The
President, a loveable old duffer, happens to think you're a better bet than
anyone on the Board of Directors to take the reigns when he retires! So, with a
little bit of effort, you're in prime position to become a Theme Park magnate!

If you can juggle the twin priorities of keeping your customers happy and
smashing ambitious targets set by the Board of Directors, you'll be in with a
chance of shinning up the slippery pole of Theme Park management.

With the ultimate aim of becoming the majority shareholder and snatching the
Presidency, there are sure to be many pitfalls along the road to ritches. One
thing's certain, though - it's going to be one hell of an adventure getting


Minimum specifications required to run the game...

Windows 95 / 98 / ME (Millennium Edition)
Intel Pentium I processor
360 MB of hard disk space
4x speed CD ROM drive
4MB graphics card
Direct 3D Accelerator
DirectX 7.0 (or higher) compatible sound card
Direct X version 7.0 (or higher)
A keyboard and a mouse.


I've had lots of e-mails saying that they have problems runing and installing
Theme Park Inc. / Simcoaster on their PCs and that they have Windows XP. The
only operating systems that Simcoaster and Theme Park Inc. are GUARANTEED to
work on are Wndows 95, 98 and ME (although I have Windows 2000 and it works
fine). Unfortunately, if you do have problems with the game and you have
Windows 2000, you'll just have to take your copy back to where you bought it
from and ask for a refund.




First, staff. They keep your park running smoothly for a slight fee. Well,
usually slight, anyway. There are six different types of staff, with different
jobs and different factors to getting the most work with the minimum of time.
You can also train your staff after you complete the first mission (see chapter
8 for more info), allowing you not only to complete objectives, but to help
with the smooth-running of your park. Remember that if you get a message saying
about a member of staff wanting a wage increase, RESPOND IMMEDIATELY. If you
don't you could be dealing with a strike; not a good thing! Anyway, enough
banter; lets get on with the info!

3a. Cleaners

Maximum Cleaners per Park: 30

Possible special training:

Rubble Removal

Cleaners do exactly what they say on the tin. They go around and if they see a
piece of litter, an empty ice-cream cone or a fresh puddle of sick, they will
get out the old brush and pan and get cleaning it up. This is important, as
a dirty park leads to visitor unhappiness, which leads to less money being
earnt. With sick, they can even start getting ill and start throwing up all
over the place, which leads to more sick, more illness... you get the hang of
it. Cleaners also empty bins and clean dirty toilets for the comfort and
convenience of your visitors.

Cleaners can also be trained in Firefighting, which comes in very useful when
a few roving pyromaniacs decide to set your bins or plants on fire. If you have
a bin on fire and you don't have a cleaner trained in Firefighting, you will
not be able to empty it until you do. Another training option is in Rubble
Removal, but that only comes in handy with completion of objectives.

3b. Engineers

Maximum Engineers per park: 15

Possible special training:

Ride Upgrading
Rock Blasting

Engineers are the guys (not to be sexist, but you cannot hire female staff...
I don't know why!) who keep your rides in a decent state for your visitors to
enjoy. Every time a ride breaks down, it loses some of its remaining life. When
its remaining life runs out, it gets destroyed and becomes condemned. Using
engineers makes sure that this never happens and you should liberally spread
them around your park. I usually have an engineer for every two or three rides
and mine have never been condemned.

Training wise, the only skill they can use around the park generally is Ride
Upgrading, which gives your engineers the skill to upgrade rides (funnily
enough). Not only can they make your ride safer when it is faster and hold
more people, but they can also add Photo Kiosks, which create a lot of extra
revenue for the park. You should place the Kiosk just on the exit of the ride,
and about two thirds of the users buy photos. All the other training options
only come in handy for objective completion.

3c. Entertainers

Maximum entertainers per park: 30

Possible special training: N.A.

Entertainers are the funny guys around your park and keep visitors happy while
they wait in queues and taste very salty fries. As soon as an entertainer
performs, people in the immediate vicinity turn round and have a watch. If
the visitor watches, their happiness bar goes to the max and their most
dominant thought becomes 'Happy'. However, entertainers don't make adults or
OAPs happy. To keep them happy, you should provide a healthy selection of
plants and sideshows.

Entertainers cannot learn special abilities, as you hire an entertainer to be
silly, not to learn quantum physics. Quite simple, really.

3d. Guards

Maximum guards per park: 15

Possible special training:

First Aid

Guards are fat men in white shirts and ties who chuck out naughty people. All
types of people can be naughty, although it's usually kids who do nasty things.
Kids can drop stink bombs, booby-trap toilets, set fire to bins and plants,
and even go on balloon-popping sprees! Adults tend to spread nasty roumers
and complain to your staff, but all make other people very unhappy. To stop
this, guards patrol the paths of your park, looking for trouble-makers. If
you see one yourself, you can click on that person and select 'Call Guard
for Discipline'. By discipline, they mean throwing them out of the park. Once
a guard sees or becomes aware of a trouble-maker, they go up to them, put
them in a brown sack and escort them out of the park. Security Cameras vastly
improve the security of the park as they dispatch guards if they see something
naughty going on.

Guards can be trained in First Aid, which is given to anyone feeling sick to
stop them throwing up. You should train every guard in First Aid, as it comes
in very handy. Besides, you can't train them in anything else, so you might as

3e. Scientists

Maximum Scientists per park: 10

Possible special training: N.A.

Scientists are the boffins of your park. Scientists work in the Research Lab,
trying to thing of new rides, sideshows, features and new ways to open up new
areas of the park. However, a scientist without a Research Lab is like a fish
without water; useless. The game doesn't let you hire any scientists until you
build a research lab.

Scientists cannot be trained in special abilities, as they serve one purpose
only; to think.

3f. Gardeners

Maximum gardeners per park: 30

Possible special training:

Water / Drainage

Gardeners wear green overalls and carry two watering cans. Whenever a gardener
sees a plant that is in desperate need of water, he waters it. Bear in mind
that plants cannot get water any way other than a gardener watering them. It
does sometimes rain in Theme Park Inc. when it has Extreme Weather
but when it does, the plants still need watering.

Gardeners are the only staff member that I assign patrol routs to. This is
because when something bad happens, like a ride nearly breaks down, it gets
closed and an Engineer comes to fix it. When a person is naughty, a Security
Camera sees them and tells a guard to stop him/her, etc, etc. However, when a
plant starts to need watering, a gardener will not be called. You only get
informed via the Message Centre when a plant has died, and then it's too late.
When a gardener sees a plant in his patrol area, he IMMEDIATLEY waters it,
where as with a gardener without a patrol area sees a plant needing water and
doesn't do anything, thinking that someone with that plant in their patrol area
will attend to it. So always assign gardeners patrol areas.

Gardeners are also used a hell of a lot in park objectives, and you will often
find yourself re-training gardeners for different objectives to save hiring
another gardener. However, gardeners don't have any abilities that come in
useful around the park generally.




Welcome to the Facilities section. Here will be listed each and every facility
in Theme Park Inc. Remember that unlike shops and sideshows, facilities do not
have a monthly running cost.

Money Information taken from Prima's Official Strategy Guide to Theme Park Inc.
(see Chapter 10 for details).

On we go!

4a. Info Kiosk

Land of Invention cost: $ 800
Polar Zone cost: $1000
Arabian Nights cost: $1200

Info Kiosks are an easy way of getting visitors to go to rides, sideshows or
shops. Info Kiosks are most effective at attracting visitors to rides, and not
so effective as getting them to sideshows. They are highly ineffective at
drawing people most types of shops, as a visitor, for example, would only want
to visit a Hot Dog Stand if they were hungry. However, shops like Balloon shops
or Costume shops do get a good result when they are advertised, as they do not
take bad attributes away from the visitor (food shops take hunger away, drinks
shops take thirst away, etc).

I have a theory that for each Info Kiosk advertising a ride, that ride gets
about three to four extra users a month. There are lots of other factors, like
where the ride is, where the Info Kiosk is, how much the ride costs to get in,
etc, etc, but that is my basic theory. It does seem to work, but if you have a
better idea, e-mail it me. If this info is correct, it shows that Info Kiosks
aren't worth buying, as they don't give you profit overall. However, Info
Kiosks are vital for challenges where you need to get a certain number of
people to do something, and they do get an extra few visitors to rides, so they
can't be too bad really.

4b. Litter Bin

Land of Invention cost: $150
Polar Zone cost: $125
Arabian Nights cost: $250

Litter Bins are very useful. If a visitor has some litter and sees a litter
bin, they will automatically go to the bin and put their rubbish into it. If
they can't find a bin, they just drop it on the floor. Because of this, you
should put a litter bin next to every food and drink shop, and outside every
pair of toilets (I don't know why, but they seem to fill up very quickly when
they are outside toilets...).

4c. Research Lab

Land of Invention cost: $500
Polar Zone cost: $500
Arabian Nights cost: $750

Research Labs are where your scientists hang out and put their rather brainy
heads together to develop new rides, shops, sideshows, ride upgrades and,
occasionally, the odd park expansion project or two. Remember that you can only
have one Research Lab per park (although you only need one). Research Labs can
only hold 10 scientists, but the maximum that you can have in your park is 10,
so you don't need more than one anyway. Try to place the Research Lab out of
the way of the main traffic flow of the park but quite close to a Staff Room so
that when your scientists do get knackered they spend less time walking to and
from the Research Lab and more time researching.

4d. Security Camera

Land of Invention cost: $250
Polar Zone cost: $100
Arabian Nights cost: $300

Security Cameras are a godsent. You cannot run a park well without Security
Cameras. Their concept is simple: if a Security Camera sees someone being
naughty then it immediatly sends the nearest guard to come and escort the
individual out of the premises. Each Security Camera guards four squares around
it. This is best shown in this diagram.

S = Security Camera
C = Security Camera coverage


If a prank happens anywhere where there is a C then the Security Camera will
see it and send a guard to stop the prankster.

I have a system that I use that after a while becomes foolproof. Whenever a
visitor does a prank I put a Security Camera near to where it happened. If a
visitor sees a Security Camera he is less likely to prank around, so eventually
you get hardly any pranks at all!

4e. Staff Room

Land of Invention cost: $500
Polar Zone cost: $500
Arabian Nights cost: $750

This is a facility that you absolutely MUST have. Staff Rooms are where your
staff kick back and take a rest. Each staff room can fit 10 staff members
inside them at any one time. If you decide to give your staff patrol areas then
make sure that their patrol area contains at least one staff room (if possible,
two, but it's not vital). Remember that if you get too many staff who can't get
to a Staff Room then you WILL get strikes frequently. As a general rule, make
sure that there are at least two Staff Rooms in each fully developed area.

4f. Toilets

Land of Invention cost: $200
Polar Zone cost: $200
Arabian Nights cost: $250

Toilets are the other facility that you absolutely must have if you want your
visitors to stay in your park. Toilets basically let your visitors relieve
themselves. You will see that you can charge entry price for your visitors to
use the toilets, but I would strongly recommend NOT doing this as most visitors
will just not use the toilets and leave the park so they can go and use the
toilets at home.

You will notice that toilets come in male and female buildings. Always make
sure that whenever you build one type of toilet you build the other type quite
close by. Finally, if you decide to set your cleaners with patrol areas, then
make sure that each one has a pair of toilets in their patrol area. Remember
that if a toilet gets too dirty visitors start getting sick and vomiting all
over the place. Vomit makes other visitors sick if they get too close to it. So
keep your toilets clean! You know when a toilet is making other visitors sick
when you can see green smoke around the base of the toilet.

4g. Training Room

Land of Invention cost: $500
Polar Zone cost: $500
Arabian Nights cost: $750

A Training Room is where your staff go to get trained in special abilities (to
see special abilities for each staff member check section 3). Like the Research
Lab, you can only have one Training Room at a time. This can be a bit annoying,
as the Training Room can only hold three members of staff at a time. Again,
like the Research Lab, keep the Training Room out of the way of main visitor
traffic (although you don't need to worry about putting it next to a Staff




Now time for shops. We have three categories this time; 'Building Cost',
'Monthly Running Cost', and 'Research Needed?' Each of these values are usually
different depending on which zone you are building the shop in. Finally,
remember that you can only get the Candyfloss Shop in the Land of Invention,
and you can't get the Ice Cream in the Land of Invention.

Money info for this section was taken from the Prima Official Strategy Guide
to Theme Park Inc. (see Special Thanks section for more details)

On with the info!

5a. Balloon Shop

Land of Invention Building Cost: $ 700
Polar Zone Building Cost: $ 900
Arabian Nights Building Cost: $1000

Land of Invention Monthly Running Cost: $20
Polar Zone Monthly Running Cost: $30
Arabian Nights Monthly Running Cost: $40

Research Needed?: No

Balloon shops sell, funnily enough, balloons. Unlike most other shops, visitors
don't get too disheartened if they can't find any balloons, so you don't really
need any Balloon Shops. However, when used correctly, they can give you piles
of extra cash. However, Balloon Shops can only give you that kind of fabulous
income if you place them RIGHT NEXT TO THE ENTRANCE. The only other place that
you can put them it somewhere that there is always a constant, heavy flow of
visitor traffic. Keep quality high and prices pretty high and you should get a
fabulous profit.

5b. Candyfloss Shop

Land of Invention Building Cost: $600

Land of Invention Monthly Running Cost: $20

Research Needed?: Yes

Candyfloss shops are much like Balloon shops, so see above for some placement
info. However, Candyfloss Shops do have one extra feature; if you put the
maximum amount of sugar on each of your candyfloss helpings, kids who eat it
will be hyper and crave more fast and exciting rides. They will try to get on
a lot of rollercoasters and fast rides. Remember that adults don't buy

5c. Costume Shop

Land of Invention Building Cost: $ 800
Polar Zone Building Cost: $1100
Arabian Nights Building Cost: $ 950

Land of Invention Monthly Running Cost: $30
Polar Zone Monthly Running Cost: $40
Arabian Nights Monthly Running Cost: $50

Research Needed?: Yes

Costume Shops give kids a chance to dress up as their favourite character
relating to the area which they bought it in. In the Land of Invention, they
dress up as a robot, Polar Zone kids get an eskimo costume, and in Arabian
Nights they have a sort of Sphinxy outfit. Again, like shops before, Costume
Shops only give a profit (if any at all) if they are placed in high-traffic
areas. Remember that costumes are very unpopular in heatwaves, so close them
to stop you paying the Monthly Running Cost, or delete them and build new ones
after the temperatures drop again.

5d. Drinks Shop

Land of Invention Building Cost: $500
Polar Zone Building Cost: $700
Arabian Nights Building Cost: $900

Land of Invention Monthly Running Cost: $20
Polar Zone Monthly Running Cost: $25
Arabian Nights Monthly Running Cost: $35

Research Needed?: No

Drinks Shops are essential to the smooth running of your park. You need to have
about two or three drinks shops in each area coupled with a food shop to make
your visitors happy. Remember to build extra drinks shops during heatwaves and
to bump up the prices to extortionate levels as the visitors will still come in

5e. Fries Shop

Land of Invention Building Cost: $500
Polar Zone Building Cost: $700
Arabian Nights Building Cost: $950

Land of Invention Monthly Running Cost: $20
Polar Zone Monthly Running Cost: $30
Arabian Nights Monthly Running Cost: $40

Research Needed?: No

Fries Shops are the worst kind of food you can get. They're better than
nothing, but only just. The one redeeming feature of this shop is that you can
crank up the salt on the fries. This costs a bit extra, but it will make the
visitors thirsty so they will buy more drinks. At the start of the game have
one of these next to each Drinks Shop, but as soon as you get the Hot Dog
Stand, delete each Fries Shop and replace it withn a Hot Dog Stand.

5f. Gift Shop

Land of Invention Building Cost: $ 750
Polar Zone Building Cost: $ 900
Arabian Nights Building Cost: $1200

Land of Invention Monthly Running Cost: $40
Polar Zone Monthly Running Cost: $50
Arabian Nights Monthly Running Cost: $60

Research Needed?: Yes

Gift Shops are where discernable visitors come to buy souveners of their
fabulous trip to your Theme Park. This is why it is pointless buying Gift Shops
unless your park is very advanced. Like many other shops, Gift Shops are not a
necessity, so you have to put them in a high flow of visitor traffic to get any
profit from the damn things. Worth bothering with? I say no.

5g. Hot Dog Stand

Land of Invention Building Cost: $ 650
Polar Zone Building Cost: $ 850
Arabian Nights Building Cost: $1000

Land of Invention Monthly Running Cost: $20
Polar Zone Monthly Running Cost: $30
Arabian Nights Monthly Running Cost: $40

Research Needed?: Yes

Hot Dog Stands are a fabulous food outlet, bettered only by the Restaurant.
Remember that they don't sell drinks, so put a Drinks Shop next to everyone you
build. Finally, remember that Hot Dog Stands generate the most amount of
rubbish, so putting Litter Bins next to every Stand ensures that your park
should remain reasonably clean.

5h. Ice Cream Shop

Polar Zone Building Cost: $800
Arabian Nights Building Cost: $900

Polar Zone Monthly Running Cost: $25
Arabian Nights Monthly Running Cost: $35

Research Needed?: Yes

Ice Cream Shops are only useful in Heatwaves, where visitors will practically
be begging for a cone of the creamy white stuff. When a Heatwave occurrs, put
Ice Cream Shops all over your park. You can make the prices outrageously
expensive and people will still come to get some ice cream. Finally, like the
Candyfloss Shop, you can max out the sugar in the ice cream to make your kids
get hyper and go on loads of roller coasters.

5i. Restaurant.

Land of Invention Building Cost: $ 800
Polar Zone Building Cost: $1000
Arabian Nights Building Cost: $1150

Land of Invention Monthly Running Cost: $40
Polar Zone Monthly Running Cost: $50
Arabian Nights Monthly Running Cost: $60

Research Needed?: Yes

The restaurant, simply put, is the best food shop there is. Once you research
these, get rid of all your food and drink shops and replace them with one of
these babies. Remember that Restaurants serve food and drink, so no need for
Drink Shops ever again! (except for in Heatwaves; build loads of them then and
watch the profits rake in.) Just the one bad point; Restaurants are terribly
unpopular in Heatwaves, so close them and re-open them after the sun subsides.

5j. Umbrella Shop

Land of Invention Building Cost: $ 800
Polar Zone Building Cost: $1000
Arabian Nights Building Cost: $ 950

Land of Invention Monthly Running Cost: $25
Polar Zone Monthly Running Cost: $35
Arabian Nights Monthly Running Cost: $45

Research Needed?: Yes

The Umbrella Shop is only useful when face with Snow, Rain or Storm extreme
weather. Place these in abundance round your park during the extreme weather
and keep prices high. Eventually you will see a huge amount of brightly-
coloured umbrellas littering your screen. Remember to close or delete them
after the freak weather is over.




Now we get to the exciting bit; RIDES. In this chapter, I will describe the 66
different rides in Theme Park Inc., in alphabetical order. However, at the end
of the normal rides listed I will list the 4 Special rides in order of
appearance in the game. Here will also be listed what you need to activate the

In the description of the ride I will put the average safe capacity of the ride
at each of its levels ('Level 1' means that it hasn't been upgraded yet). If
you can get any extra ride upgrades to a ride (like the 'Tunnel' on Miniature
Dreadnaughts, for example) then I will note those. Also I will put the average
excitement, reliability and working life (seen in the screen where you buy the
ride) out of ten, as it is listed as a bar in the game.

Just as a note: I was going to include the safe speed for each of the rides at
each of the levels, but they are exactly the same for each ride, so instead of
wasting document space, here they are.

Level 1: 60
Level 2: 75
Level 3: 100

6a. Land of Invention

Name: Bellows Bouncer
Type of ride: Bouncy castle
Cost: $1,000

Excitement: 6
Reliability: 6
Working Life: 4

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 5
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 6
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 8

Name: Dizzy Droid
Type of ride: Vertical swinger
Cost: $1,400

Excitement: 7
Reliability: 6
Working Life: 7

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 8
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 12
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 16

Name: Freefaller
Type of ride: Vertical drop
Cost: $1,800

Excitement: 8
Reliability: 5
Working Life: 9

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 5
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 7
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 9

Name: Fundustrial Revolution
Type of ride: Horizontal swinger
Cost: $2,200

Excitement: 7
Reliability: 9
Working Life: 9

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 8
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 12
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 16

Name: Goldmine
Type of ride: Suspended roller coaster
Cost: $11,000 + track

Excitement: 8
Reliability: 8
Working Life: 9

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 2
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 3
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 4

Name: Gravitor
Type of ride: Rocker
Cost: $2,400

Excitement: 9
Reliability: 8
Working Life: 9

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 5
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 7
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 9

Name: HypnoClock
Type of ride: Ferris wheel
Cost: $1,200

Excitement: 2
Reliability: 8
Working Life: 10

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 16
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 20
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 24

Name: InvenTiVe World
Type of ride: Simulator
Cost: $1,200

Excitement: 5
Reliability: 8
Working Life: 10

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 10
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 12
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 15


Name: Magnetizer
Type of ride: Horizontal swinger
Cost: $1,800

Excitement: 7
Reliability: 8
Working Life: 10

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 5
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 7
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 8

Name: Manic Mechanic
Type of ride: roller coaster
Cost: $13,000 + track

Excitement: 9
Reliability: 7

Working Life: 10

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 5
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 10
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 12

Name: Miniature Dreadnaughts
Type of ride: Go-cart track
Cost: $3,700 + track

Extra ride upgrades: Jump

Excitement: 8
Reliability: 8
Working Life: 9

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 6
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 8

Name: Ocean Motion
Type of ride: Bumper boats
Cost: $1,600

Excitement: 7
Reliability: 5
Working Life: 6

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 3
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 5

Name: Power Station
Type of ride: Suspended roller coaster
Cost: $12,000 + track

Excitement: 9
Reliability: 9
Working Life: 10

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 2
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 3
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 4

Name: Revolver
Type of ride: Vertical spinner
Cost: $1,300

Excitement: 7
Reliability: 7
Working Life: 7

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 15
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 17
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 20

Name: Rocking Rocket
Type of ride: Roller coaster
Cost: $9,000 + track

Excitement: 7
Reliability: 9
Working Life: 10

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 6
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 7
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 8

Name: Splashomatic
Type of ride: Log flume
Cost: $11,000 + track

Excitement: 8
Reliability: 9
Working Life: 9

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 1
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 2
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 2

Name: Steamer
Type of ride: Vertical drop
Cost: $1,400

Excitement: 7
Reliability: 7
Working Life: 7

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 7
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 9
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 12

Name: The Observatory
Type of ride: Slide
Cost: $1,100

Excitement: 2
Reliability: 8
Working Life: 10

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 1
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 1
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 1

Name: Wheel Deal
Type of ride: Water track
Cost: 1 Golden Ticket; 1 Gardener (Water/Drainage)

Extra ride upgrades: Drop

Excitement: N.A.
Reliability: N.A.
Working Life: N.A.

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 3
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 5

Name: Great Lake
Type of ride: Bumper boats
Cost: 1 Golden Ticket; 2 gardeners (1 Water/Drainage, 1 Landscaping)

Excitement: N.A.
Reliability: N.A.
Working Life: N.A.

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 6
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 7
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 8

Name: Thrill Mill
Type of ride: Log flume (and I mean 'log')
Cost: 1 Golden Ticket; 1 gardener (Logging)
1 engineer (Tunneling)

Excitement: N.A.
Reliability: N.A.
Working Life: N.A.

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 1
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 2
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 2

Name: High Flyer
Type of ride: Aerial tour
Cost: 1 Golden Ticket; 1 gardener (Logging)
1 engineer (Construction)

Excitement: N.A.
Reliability: N.A.
Working Life: N.A.

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 6
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 8
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 10

6b. Polar Zone

Name: Alpine Ace
Type of ride: Roller coaster
Cost: $12,000 + track

Excitement: 9
Reliability: 7
Working Life: 10

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 12
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 14
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 16

Name: Arctic Adventure
Type of ride: Simulator
Cost: $1,500

Excitement: 5
Reliability: 8
Working Life: 9

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 7
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 9
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 11

Name: Canoe Dig It?
Type of ride: Ferris wheel
Cost: $1,400

Excitement: 2
Reliability: 9
Working Life: 4

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 5
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 6

Name: Crazy Skates
Type of ride: Bumper cars
Cost: $2,600

Excitement: 6
Reliability: 8
Working Life: 9

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 3
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 5

Name: Eskimotion
Type of ride: Water track
Cost: $4,200 + track

Extra ride upgrades: Icebergs

Excitement: 5
Reliability: 8
Working Life: 9

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 3
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 5

Name: Iceblast
Type of ride: Roller coaster
Cost: $15,000 + track

Excitement: 10
Reliability: 7
Working Life: 10

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 2
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 3
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 4

Name: Krazy Kayaks
Type of ride: Water track boat ride
Cost: $2,200

Excitement: 3
Reliability: 7
Working Life: 7

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 6
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 7
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 8

Name: Octopus Revolver
Type of ride: Merry-go-round
Cost: $2,500

Excitement: 5
Reliability: 9
Working Life: 8

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 5
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 6

Name: Pelican Airways
Type of ride: Aerial Tour
Cost: $

Working Life:

Level 1: Safe Capacity:
Level 2: Safe Capacity:
Level 3: Safe Capacity:

Name: Snow-Go
Type of ride: Roller coaster
Cost: $11,000 + track

Excitement: 8
Reliability: 5
Working Life: 9

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 2
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 3
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 4

Name: Snowstorm
Type of ride: Horizontal + vertical spinner
Cost: $1,700

Excitement: 8
Reliability: 4
Working Life: 4

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 6
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 7
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 8

Name: Sub-Zero
Type of ride: Horizontal spinner
Cost: $1,600

Excitement: 4
Reliability: 5
Working Life: 5

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 5
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 6

Name: Super Sailcarts
Type of ride: Go-kart track
Cost: $4,200 + track

Extra ride upgrades: Jump, Tunnel

Excitement: 7
Reliability: 8
Working Life: 8

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 6
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 8

Name: The Cold One
Type of ride: Log flume
Cost: $13,000 + track

Excitement: 7
Reliability: 7
Working Life: 9

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 2
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 3
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 3

Name: The Froster
Type of ride: Bouncy Castle
Cost: $1,500

Excitement: 7
Reliability: 9
Working Life: 10

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 7
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 8

Name: The Tentacle
Type of ride: Horizontal spinner
Cost: $2,800

Excitement: 9
Reliability: 6
Working Life: 7

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 6
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 8
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 10

Name: The Yeti
Type of ride: Roller coaster
Cost: $14,000 + track

Excitement: 9
Reliability: 8
Working Life: 10

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 6
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 8

Name: Tide Rider
Type of ride: Log flume
Cost: $14,500 + track

Excitement: 9
Reliability: 7
Working Life: 9

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 1
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 1
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 2

Name: Drop in the Ocean
Type of ride: Vertical drop
Cost: 1 Golden Ticket, 3 engineers (2 Rock Blasting, 1 Construction)

Excitement: N.A.
Reliability: N.A.
Working Life: N.A.

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 2
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 3
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 4

Name: Whale of a Time
Type of ride: Vertical drop
Cost: 1 Golden Ticket, 1 gardener (Water/Drainage)

Excitement: N.A.
Reliability: N.A.
Working Life: N.A.

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 6
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 8

Name: Reindeer Run
Type of ride: Vertical spinner
Cost: 1 Golden Ticket, 1 gardener (Logging)

Excitement: N.A.
Reliability: N.A.
Working Life: N.A.

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 6
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 8

Name: Hasty Husky
Type of ride: Mini fixed coaster
Cost: 1 Golden Ticket, 3 engineers (2 Rock Blasting, 1 Construction)

Excitement: N.A.
Reliability: N.A.
Working Life: N.A.

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 5
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 6

6c. Arabian Nights


Name: Bassam's Spiral
Type of ride: Slide
Cost: $2,500

Excitement: 4
Reliability: 7
Working Life: 4

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 1
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 1
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 1

Name: Cruise the Nile
Type of ride: Water track
Cost: $6,000 + track

Excitement: 8
Reliability: 8
Working Life: 9

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 3
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 5

Name: Enrapture
Type of ride: Bouncy castle
Cost: $2,000

Extra ride upgrades: Statues

Excitement: 7
Reliability: 5
Working Life: 7

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 5
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 6
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 7

Name: Eye of Horus
Type of ride: Roller coaster
Cost: $15,500 + track

Excitement: 9
Reliability: 5
Working Life: 9

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 6
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 7
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 8

Name: Flight of the Phoenix
Type of ride: Aereal tour
Cost: $4,200

Excitement: 4
Reliability: 5
Working Life: 7

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 5
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 7
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 9

Name: Gardens of Babylon
Type of ride: Roller coaster
Cost: $17,000 + track

Excitement: 9
Reliability: 5
Working Life: 9

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 12
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 14
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 16

Name: Ghost Palace
Type of ride: Fixed coaster
Cost: $3,900

Excitement: 6
Reliability: 5
Working Life: 6

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 1
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 2
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 2

Name: Magic Carpet
Type of ride: Vertical + horizontal flipper
Cost: $3,500

Excitement: 8
Reliability: 9
Working Life: 10

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 15
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 18
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 20

Name: MeaniGenie
Type of ride: Ferris wheel
Cost: $3,600

Excitement: 8
Reliability: 6
Working Life: 6

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 6
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 8

Name: Mighty Sinbad
Type of ride: Log flume
Cost: $14,600 + track

Excitement: 7
Reliability: 8
Working Life: 9

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 1
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 2
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 2

Name: Snake Charmer
Type of ride: Vertical drop
Cost: $2,900

Excitement: 8
Reliability: 8
Working Life: 9

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 6
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 8

Name: Terror Cotta
Type of ride: Log flume
Cost: $16,000 + track

Excitement: 7
Reliability: 4
Working Life: 9

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 1
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 1
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 1

Name: The Curse
Type of ride: Horizontal spinner
Cost: $2,400

Excitement: 8
Reliability: 7
Working Life: 6

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 2
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 3
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 4

Name: The King
Type of ride: Suspended roller coaster
Cost: $13,000 + track

Excitement: 9
Reliability: 7
Working Life: 9

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 6
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 7
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 8

Name: The Revenger
Type of ride: Vertical spinner
Cost: $4,100

Excitement: 9
Reliability: 3
Working Life: 8

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 8
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 10
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 12

Name: The Seven Seas
Type of ride: Water track boat ride
Cost: $4,000

Excitement: 3
Reliability: 6
Working Life: 7

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 6
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 7
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 8

Name: Valley of the Kings
Type of ride: Simulator
Cost: $2,600

Excitement: 5
Reliability: 7
Working Life: 7

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 10
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 12
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 15

Name: Whirling Dervish
Type of ride: Horizontal spinner
Cost: $3,600

Excitement: 6
Reliability: 7
Working Life: 8

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 2
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 3
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 4

Name: The Scarabs
Type of ride: Go-cart (or rather, Go-beetle) track
Cost: 1 Golden Ticket, 1 engineer (Stonemasonry)

Extra ride upgrades: Jump, Tunnel

Excitement: N.A.
Reliability: N.A.
Working Life: N.A.

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 6
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 8

Name: Spin Djinn
Type of ride: Horizontal + vertical flipper
Cost: 1 Golden Ticket, 1 gardener (Excavation)

Excitement: N.A.
Reliability: N.A.
Working Life: N.A.

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 8
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 10
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 12

Name: Palace of Delights
Type of ride: Roller coaster
Cost: 1 Golden Ticket, 3 engineers (2 Stonemasonry, 1 Construction)

Excitement: N.A.
Reliability: N.A.
Working Life: N.A.

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 5
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 6

Name: The Scorpions
Type of ride: Bumper cars (or rather, Bumper scorpions)
Cost: 1 Golden Ticket, 1 engineer (Construction), 2 cleaners (Rubble Removal)

Excitement: N.A.
Reliability: N.A.
Working Life: N.A.

Level 1: Safe Capacity: 3
Level 2: Safe Capacity: 4
Level 3: Safe Capacity: 5




Remember, this walkthrough only covers what you have to do to complete the
objective, nothing more. It doesn't tell you the best way to design a park, as
there isn't a best way. It is a lot easier and more fun to design the park the
way you want to. It also doesn't tell you how to complete the challenges, as
that is described in the 'Challenges' section later on.

Operation Expand

Objective: Get 40 people in the park at once.

At the start of the game, you are thrown into your first Themed Land; Land of
Invention! You start off with one ride (a Dizzy Droid), a boulder, a vent pipe,
and a bit of path. If it is your first time, it would be a good idea to keep
these and add a few more rides, etc. However, if you are a more experienced
player, I advise that you delete everything and design the park a bit more
squashed together. Remember to build a Fries and Drink shop, a few toilets and
some sideshows for the grannies.

Getting 40 people into the park isn't a huge challenge, just provide the basic
amenities and your park should thrive. However, I've found that it's almost
impossible to get 40 people in unless you have a roller coaster. The only one
avaliable is the Rocking Rocket so go ahead and build. If you are a novice, it
might be a good idea to get the pre-built version. Just remember either way you
build it to make sure that it doesn't block of an entrance to another area of
the park. After you have everything, sit tight and you should be over the 40
visitor mark easily and a new area will be unlocked!

Operation Plughole

Objective: Research an expansion project to drain the lake.

Now that the first area is open, you get given the Research Lab! This is a
place where scientists put their brains together and come up with new stuff for
the park. First, you have to build one. Try to put it out of the way of visitor
traffic flow but quite close to a Staff Room. After you build one, you need to
hire some scientists to work there. I would suggest 2 at this point in time,
but feel free to get a few more (or less) depending on your bank account.

After hiring some scientists, get them researching. There should never be a
time when researchers aren't researching, so get them trying to invent
something. To pass the objective you need to research Park Expansion, but you
can research new rides and ride upgrades if you wish.

After Park Expansion has been researched, you will see a short cut-scene where
the lake will be cordoned off. Now you need to actually drain the lake. To do
this, you need to train a gardener in Water/Drainage using your newly-
awarded Training Room. Once one of them has been trained, click on Objectives
in the Park menu, click on Proceed, and your new area becomes avaliable!

Operation Manager

Objective: be promoted to Manager

The President is ready to open up Polar Zone for you, but first you need to
be promoted to Manager. To do that, you need to complete the Safety Review
challenge. For details of how to complete the challenge, go to the 'Challenges'
section and all will be revealed...

Warning: once you complete the challenge, when you click Proceed, you will
automatically be taken off to Polar Zone. Make sure that Land of Invention is
in a decent state before you leave it, as we will be coming back later to open
up those other two areas. By decent state I mean no strikes, decent amount of
money in the bank, etc.

Operation Fillup

Objective: Research an expansion project to fill the swamp.

We now have a new area! Start building up your park as before, remembering to
put a Research Lab and a Training Room. Once you have a bit of a park, open
the gates; money (for me, anyway) often gets short in Polar Zone so you need
some visitors giving you some money. You need to research Park Expansion again,
and once you have a solution you need 2 gardeners to be trained. You need 1 in
Landfill and 1 in Landscaping. Once you have the trainees ready, proceed and
voila! Your new area!

Operation Promote

Objective: Get promoted to Senior Manager and complete two Polar Zone

There are two parts to this next operation. I would tackle the two Polar Zone
challenges first and then get the Promotion, as if you get promoted your firing
line status drops to zero. Pick and choose any two (get details for them in the
Challenges section) and then head back to Land of Invention. Here, you need to
open the Special Ride 'The Great Lake', then complete the Pranks + Customer
Satisfaction challenge. For info stroll on over to the Challenges section.
Then head back to Polar Zone to unlock your third and final Zone: Arabian

Operation Rock

Objective: Research an expansion project to shift the rocks.

Again, a new park, so get building before you think of starting the expansion
project. When you are ready, research Park Expansion and and train some staff.
You'll need 4 engineers, an overwhelming amount, so make sure you don't pay out
of the nose for them. You will need two of the engineers trained in Rock
Blasting, two in Stonemasonry, and a cleaner in Rubble Removal. Get them all
trained up and you will have access to another area!

Operation Across

Objective: Research an expansion project to get over the chasm.

You will need that huge amount of engineers again for the next objective.
First, as always, research Park Expansion. Your scientists think that the best
way to get over the chasm is with a bridge. How clever they are. To build that
bridge, you will need 2 engineers trained in Rock Blasting, 2 in Construction,
and a cleaner in Rubble Removal. When the workforce are ready, advance on over
the bridge to another area.

Operation Return

Objective: Get $50,000 in your bank account.

Before you try it NO you CAN'T just take out a loan. That would be too easy.
You have to accumilate $50,000 the hard way: taking it off people.

This is hard. You need to carefully moniter your rides, shops and sideshows. If
they consistently show negative profit, either move them to a more accessible
place, promote them with the Info Kiosk, or simply delete them. If a shop is
doing well, see if when you raise the price up a bit higher it stops people
buying from there. And check the Visitor Opinions of a ride; if the majority of
people think tha your ride is a bargain, raise the price!

Also remember that you need 4 Golden Tickets to advance. Completing a few
challenges can easily get you some if you need them, and some also award cash
bonuses, useful for a boost if you are a few dollars short of $50,000. Stick
with it and eventually you will be given a new objective back in Land of

Operation Wood

Objective: Research an expansion project to get past the fallen trees.

Back in the Land of Invention, there's some more work to do before you can open
up your next area. First you need to research the Park Expansion and then train
some staff. You need 2 gardeners trained in Logging, 2 in Landscaping and one
cleaner to help with the Rubble Removal. Also remember that you need 1 Golden
Ticket to advance. Once the team is ready go ahead and click Proceed to move
the logs and gain a new objective.

Operation Wet

Objective: Research an expansion project to get over the river.

Just one more area to go and Land of Invention will be huge! However, first you
need to build a bridge over that annoying river to the East. As always, get
researching Park Expansion. Once the boffins have worked out how to build the
bridge, you need some trainees to build it. In this case, you need 2 engineers
trained in Construction, and 2 gardeners trained in Excavation. Again, you
need a Golden Ticket to round it off. Once you have everything, Proceed to your
hardest objective yet!

Operation Onwards

Objectives: Get promoted to Assistant Managing Director, get 200 people into
Land of Invention at once, boost your Land of Invention bank
account balance to $80,000.

Right, now it gets hard. First, you need your Promotion. To get it, head back
over to Arabian Nights and open up the Spin Djinn special ride in the west. You
need to train 1 gardener here in Excavation and also have a Golden Ticket handy
to open it. Once you do, you will get a new challenge; Sickness Problem. For
info on how to complete it, head on over to the challenges section.

Once you complete the challenge, head back to Land of Invention. Now is the
really hard bit. To get 200 people in the park is a real challenge. Put at
least one roller coaster in each section and have lots of rides and attractions
to bring lots of people in. With a large amount of people should come a large
amount of revenue, but if your bank account is fading, check some of the out-
of-the-way shops and sideshows and make sure that they are making profit. Don't
forget that you also need 4 Golden Tickets which can be gained in challenges.
Eventually you will get enough people, money, and Golden Tickets to advance.
Say bye-bye to Land of Invention for the moment; we will need to come back a
little bit later to get a promotion. However, the next objective lies in Polar
Zone, so go there next.

Operation Crossover

Objective: Research an expansion project to get over the river.

Back in Polar Zone we have a lot of work to do opening new areas. Remember that
you need a Golden Ticket each time you open up a new area so get to work on
some challenges. However, at the moment our focus is on getting over that river
to the North-West. First, research Park Expansion and your scientists will give
designs for a bridge. To build it, you need 2 engineers trained in
Construction, 1 gardener trained in Excavation, and another gardener trained in
Water/Drainage. After you Proceed, you can get to work on your next objective.

Operation Mole

Objective: Research an expansion project to get under the river.

Now to get rid of the eyesore that is the abandoned mine. Your scientists will
come up with a way to clear it after you research Park Expansion. This time,
you need to train 2 engineers in Tunneling, 2 gardeners in Excavation, and a
cleaner in Rubble Removal. Don't forget the old Golden Ticket, and you will
charge on to open the last area of Polar Zone!

Operation Demolish

Objective: Research an expansion project to get past the abandoned house.

To get rid of the house blocking the path between you and several hectaires of
land, you need to research the good old Park Expansion. The boffins finally
decide that the best way to get rid of the house is by blowing it to kingdom
come. To do this, you need to train an engineer in Demolition (funnily enough),
a gardener in Landfill, another gardener in Landscaping, and a cleaner to get
rid of all the rubble with Rubble Removal. You also need a Golden Ticket. Once
everything is sorted, Proceed to get the final Polar Zone objective!

Operation In-Charge

Objectives: Get promoted to Managing Director, get 200 people into Polar Zone
at once, boost your Polar Zone bank balance to $90,000.

Now it's back to Land of Invention to get promoted to the almighty Managing
Director of Theme Park Inc.! To do so, you need to open up the Thrill Mill ride
in the North-East. Once you do so, you get given the Customer Satisfaction
Drive challenge. Head over to the Challenges section to se how best to tackle

Once you have completed the challenge, it's back to Polar Zone to boost that
visitor number and the bank balance. To do this, check back to the Land of
Invention objective 'Operation Onwards' info for tips on getting to the magic
$90,000. Once you do, it's off to Arabian Nights. You're very close to
completing the game now!!

Operation Cliff

Objective: Research an expansion project to get past the cliff.

Back in Arabian Nights, the objectives start to get very hard. To get the
expansion plans, you need to research Park Expansion. The scientists will chose
a nice area situated just to the east of the park gate. To get the cliff out of
the way you will need 2 gardeners trained in Excavation, an engineer in Rock
Blasting, another engineer able to do a spot of Stonemasonry, and a cleaner to
Remove all the Rubble afterwards. You also need 3 Golden Tickets, which is a
huge amount, so go back and complete a few challenges to get the required
amount. Proceed and it's onto your final expansion objective!

Operation Tunnel

Objective: Research an expansion project to get through the caved-in tunnel.

Time for the final area to be opened up. First, you have to research Park
Expansion for the last time. The scientists come up with the perfect way to
demolish the rocks. To do this, you will need to train a gardener in
Excavation, 3 engineers (one in Tunneling, one in Rock Blasting, and one in
Stonemasonry) and, finally, a cleaner who can do a bit of Rubble Removal.
Again, you will need three Golden Tickets. Once you have the required amount
you can Proceed to the final objective!!

Operation Boss

Objectives: (Deep breath...) Get 200 people into Arabian Nights at once, boost
your Arabian Nights bank balance to $100,000, Get at least 51%
shares, obtain 6 Park Awards.

Ohhh dear. This is VERY hard. First, try to get the 51% shares. To do this, you
need to complete lots of challenges that will get you shares. Not only will you
increase the share price by 4% each time, but you can also get a few hundred
shares bringing the percentage up a bit. Remember to save before you attempt
each challenge, as if you fail it not only could you get fired but you will
lose some share percentage. If you do fail a challenge, jus quit but DON'T SAVE
and re-load the game to just before the time you attempted the challenge. If
you do this then you should congratulate yourself as you have finished the
hardest part in the game.

Next, you should try to obtain 6 Park Awards. If you don't know, these are
awards that you recieve for getting outstanding achievements in your park.
Listed below are the 8 Park Awards. You can pick and choose any that you like,
but remember that you need at least 6. By the way, getting Park Awards does NOT
give you extra money, shares or anything else.

- Highest Roller Coaster: Build a coaster that has one support at least 361
feet high. To do this, you need to build a track
support on a cliff as high as you can and then put
another one as low as you can at the bottom of the

- Fastest Roller Coaster: Build a coaster that reaches a speed of 100 mph.

- Cleanest Park: In a park with at least 3 zones open, have 90% of the
park litter free.

- Best Security: In a park with at least 3 zones open, have 25% of the
park covered by guard patrol areas and / or Security

- Best Decorative In a park with at least 3 zones open, have 15% of the
Features: park covered by decorative features.

- Best Staff Training: In a park with at least 3 zones open, have 50% of
your staff trained in special abilities.

- Fastest Go-cart Track: Have a go-cart ride with a straight section of track
at least 5 tiles long.

- Longest Water Track: Have a water track ride (not a log-flume) that is at
least 50 tiles long.

Now all you have to do is get 200 people in the park at once, and get a
staggering $100,000 in your bank account. For tips on how to do this, see the
information for the objective 'Operation Onwards' in Land of Invention. Once
you manage to do everything above, you will get a special e-mail from the
President, and a lovely Congratulations screen.

Well done - you've just completed Theme Park Inc.!




Now for a bit of in-depth information about the many challenges that will be
set for you throughout Theme Park Inc. by the Board of Directors. Remember that
my way of completing the challenges is usually not the only way of completing
them; if you have a better way then feel free to e-mail them to me (my e-mail
address can be found at the top of the document).

The information for each challenge will be set out like this:


Availability: when the challenge becomes available to you
How to win: basic challenge info
Promotion earned?: Y (yes) + what you get promoted to. Or N (no)
Cash award?: Y (yes) + amount of cash. Or N (no)
Golden Tickets awarded: number of Golden Tickets awarded
Shares earnt?: Y (yes) + no. of shares awarded. Or N (no)

How to complete challenge.

8a. Land of Invention


Availability: build a hot dog stand
How to win: sell 30 hot dogs in 60 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $5000
Golden Tickets awarded: 1
Shares earnt?: N

This challenge is easy if you know how to do it. First, find some hot-dog
stands that are out of the way and promote them with an Info Kiosk. Make the
quality high and put the price of each hot dog $1 over the price that it costs
to make them. Now put a little trick I know into practice. Build a few more
hot dog stands quite near the general flow of customer traffic. When you build
anything new then people automatically get drawn to using it. Right after you
build a few hot dog stands, activate the challenge. Make the settings on the
new hot dog stands as I describe above. People should start flocking to the new
stands wanting to buy a few hot dogs. After a few days the challenge should be
completed. Remember afterwards to delete some hot dog stands if they show
negative profit. You should also make the hot dogs a bit more expensive to get
bigger profits.


Availability: research 2 new sideshows
How to win: keep average sideshow satisfaction above 40% for 60
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $3000
Golden Tickets awarded: 3
Shares earnt?: N

This is an incredibly easy challenge that can net you 3 Golden Tickets very
easily. Simply make all sideshows have 100% on the 'Chance of Winning' bar and
make the prize $2-3 above the cost to play. Customer satisfaction should go
through the roof. Afterwards, change the sideshows back to normal to get some


Availability: start 'Operation Manager' objective
How to win: Keep all staff above 30% happiness for 30 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $5000
Golden Tickets awarded: 2
Shares earnt?: N

This is hard. It is best to come back to this challenge a bit late in the game.
To do this, you need a high amount of money. Go to all your staff, and increase
their wages like this.

Engineers and Scientists: $200 per month
Every other staff type: $100 per month

A few days after this every staff's happiness should hit very close to 100%.
However, have a quick check around every staff member to check that no-one is
very unhappy. If they are, check that they have the relevant wage shown above.
If they do, check that if he has a patrol area it includes at least 1 Staff
Room (you may think that this should be obvious. Well, it is, but when
re-designing your park you might have accidentally demolished a Staff Room.
This might also be a reason to why some people's staff strike all the time).
If they have, then fire them. Sometimes staff members just get unhappy for no
apparent reason. If this happens to your staff, just sack them and hire new

Remember that while the challenge is going on Miss Moody will keep tabs on the
staff member that has the lowest happiness percentage. If they are close to 30%
then check all the above factors, or fire them and hire a new staff member.

After the challenge, you might want to make the staff members' wages down a bit
if it damages your bank account too much.


Availability: start 'Operation Manager' objective
How to win: keep all rides above 10% State of Repair for 30 days
Promotion earnt?: Y Manager
Cash award?: N
Golden Tickets awarded: 2
Shares earnt?: Y 1900

There are two ways to complete this challenge: the hard (but benificial) way or
the easy (but non-benificial) way.

The hard way is to make sure that all your rides are covered by Engineer patrol
areas and that you have roughly 1 engineer to every 2 or 3 rides. Make sure
that you have plenty of Staff Rooms to go around and that your engineers are
all relatively happy. Sit tight and make sure that your engineers work hard.

The easy way is to look at the Challenge screen every now and then. Miss Buckle
will keep tabs on the ride with the lowest State of Repair. If she shows a ride
with 30% or less call an engineer to it. Keep this up for 30 days and the
promotion will be yours.


Availability: have 50 visitors in the park at one time
How to win: keep average visitor hapiness above 60% for 30 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $5000
Golden Tickets awarded: 3
Shares earnt?: N

A lot of "Micro-management" is needed for this challenge. Makes sure that you
hire a few extra cleaners and set patrol routs for them, as messy bathrooms and
litter bin fires all decrease visitor hapiness.

Next, make sure that your visitors aren't hungry or thirsty; if they are,
re-locate existing food and drink shops to busier areas. Also consider
upgrading Fries shops to Hot Dog Stalls if your visitors are very hungry. While
on the subject of shops, place a few Balloon Stalls in busy areas. Lower the
prices a few dollars on ALL of your shops.

Next, place some vegetation, especially around exits to big rides. Make sure
you have enough Gardeners, and that their patrol routs are small and include a
Staff Room. Train a few cleaners in Fire Extinguishing and make sure all your
guards are trained in First Aid.

Finally, hire a few Entertainers and make them patrol around the lines to your
busiest rides. Decrease the entrance price to your park. Lastly, make sure you
do not attempt the challenge during Extreme Weather, as visitor hapiness
plummets around these times. Leave the challenge for about a month (game time)
and see if your visitor hapiness stays above 60%. If it does, go for it!


Availability: have three of each kind of staff (i.e. 3 engineers,
3 gardeners, etc)
How to win: Ensure no strikes occurr in 90 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $4000
Golden Tickets awarded: 2
Shares earnt?: N

This is an incredibly easy challenge. If you have never had any strikes by the
time you are given this challenge then it should be an absolute breeze. You
can have it going away in the background and forget about it.

However, if you do have strikes sometimes then it might be because some of the
staff are unhappy about low pay, not having a staff room on their patrol route,
etc. Check before hand and make sure no-one is desperately unhappy. If you get
a message saying that a group of staff are going to go on strike then just make
sure that everyone has staff rooms readily avaliable and mabie add another
staff member to lighten the load. This is an easy way to get a lot of share
price and some quick money, so make sure you do this challenge as early as


Availability: open the 'Thrill Mill' special ride
How to win: keep Thrill Mill satisfaction above 50% and excitement
above 60% for 30 days
Promotion earnt?: Y Managing Director
Cash award?: N
Golden Tickets awarded: 1
Shares earnt?: Y 3000

This is quite easy. To keep the customer satisfaction high make sure that the
price is low and the ride capacity is high. To keep excitement high make sure
it has lots of drops and curves and is very fast. However, make it too fast and
customers won't like it and satisfaction will drop. Keep the speed at around
75 - 80 and you shouldn't have a problem.


Availability: open the 'Wheel Deal' special ride
How to win: get 20 visitors on the ride in 30 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $500
Golden Tickets awarded: 1
Shares earnt?: N

This challenge is very hard. First, heavily develop the area around Wheel Deal
to entice people in (a roller coaster should do the job). Liberally spread Info
Kiosks around the park to encourage people onto the ride. Try not to make the
ride overly long, although it doesn't matter a great deal. Crank the speed up
to max, capacity to full and make the ride free to encourage a few extra
punters. Keep trying this one over and over, and if you can, start the
challenge immediatly after activating the ride to get a few extra people in (as
they get attracted to new rides).


Availability: open the 'Great Lake' special ride
How to win: keep customer satisfaction on the ride above 20% and
have no pranks in the area of the ride for 30 days
Promotion earnt?: Y Senior Manager
Cash award?: N
Golden Tickets awarded: 1
Shares earnt?: Y 2000

Keeping the satisfaction over 20% should be no problem (just make sure people
actually go on the ride or it will drop to 0%), but stopping the pranks is a
bit harder. When I mean 'area' I mean the zone where Great Lake is. Place
Security Cameras all over the place and assign some guards a patrol area that
covers the area. This should stop anyone mis-behaving. Don't change anything
after you have completed the challenge; there will never be any pranks there
ever again!!!


Availability: open the 'High Flier' special ride
How to win: get 25 visitors on the ride in 30 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $500
Golden Tickets awarded: 1
Shares earnt?: Y 400

Again a very hard challenge. Develop the zone around High Flier a lot, make the
ride free, get capacity to max and ride length to a minimum, and advertise it
a lot with Info Kiosks. Again, keep trying it and you will do it eventually.

8b. Polar Zone


Availability: get 15 visitors in the park at one time
How to win: keep 40 visitors in the park for 30 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $5000
Golden Tickets awarded: 2
Shares earnt?: N

Ha! This is the easiest challenge in the whole game! Try attempting it while on
Operation In Charge and you will have no problems whatsoever. Absolutely
simple, and an excellent way of getting lots of money and Golden Tickets really


Availability: complete 'Operation Mole'
How to win: make sure no children cause trouble for 20 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $6000
Golden Tickets awarded: 2
Shares earnt?: N

This is one of the easier challenges. Simply hire a few extra guards, blanket
the park with Security Cameras, and sit tight and hope that kids don't start
getting angry. Hiring a few extra entertainers helps, too.


Availability: have 35 visitors to the park since it opened
How to win: sell 30 drinks in 60 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $5000
Golden Tickets awarded: 2
Shares earnt?: N

This is hard. Buy lots of extra drinks shops, make the drinks $1 more that what
it costs to make them, and advertise far away drinks shops with Info Kiosks.
Don't be surprised if you fail it as this is a hard challenge. Another trick is
to put lots of salt on your fries to make your visitors thirsty.


Availability: make a profit of $550 in one month
How to win: keep monthly profits above $1,000 for 62 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: N
Golden Tickets awarded: 2
Shares earnt?: N

Ohhhhh dear. This is the hardest challenge in the game, so don't expect to
complete it first time round. You have to keep a profit of $1,000 for 62 days.
However, that means that what you earn must accumilate more than $1,000 over
what you spend. Of course, that means that YOU MUST NOT PURCHASE ANYTHING
DURING THE CHALLENGE. If you do, I will guarantee that you will fail (unless it
is something very small like a tree or a litter bin). However, it does mean
that it will make the challenge a lot harder.

To complete this challenge, you need to prepare your park well before you
accept the challenge. Try to make as much money as you can on everything.

Firstly, check your rides Opinion Summary. Here they will say how many of the
users on the ride thought that it was too expensive, too cheap, too scary, etc.
Check how many people thought that the ride was a bargain. If it is over 50%,
raise the price of the ride by about $5, reset the history and come back in a
month or so to check it again. Sometimes visitors will like the ride so much
that they won't mind paying out of the nose to go on the ride. Also check that
some people actually go on the ride. Some rides way out of the way don't
attract many (or any) visitors. If this happens, either promote the ride with
an Info Kiosk or scrap it.

Next, check your staff. If you have too many staff it can be a blow on your
bank account, so don't be afraid to give some people the sack if there are too
many of one staff type. Make sure that you aren't paying out too much on wages,
especially earlier on in the game, when no-one should be earning more than $100
a month.

Now check your sideshows. Make sure that they are earning profit. If they
aren't, try to promote them with a few Info Kiosks or scrap them if they
consistently show negative profit.

Next, have a look at your shops. Again, make sure you are getting some profit.
If they aren't, delete them and/or move them to a better position in your park.
Don't bother trying to use Info Kiosks on shops unless there are a large amount
of them promoting it.

Finally, have a look around your park generally. Raise the entrance price a
bit, and also charge a small amount to get into toilets. I say small as if you
charge too much the visitors will refuse to use them and go home earlier
needing the loo, thus spending a less amount of time in your park. about $2-3
is about right, but no more than $5. Also, if you hear about a heat wave coming
soon, attemt the challenge, build a huge amount of drinks and ice cream shops
and charge ridiculous amounts of money for each one. The visitors will all buy
one as they are so hot, and you should see profits rise to about $4000!!!!


Availability: research and build a Shooting Gallery
How to win: get 20 visitors to use the Shooting Gallery in 1 month
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $3000
Golden Tickets awarded: 2
Shares earnt?: N

To complete this challenge you need to keep the sideshow in a very busy area.
Use an Info Kiosk to promote it, set the prize cost $1 above the cost to play,
and make it almost impossible to lose. You should get enough visitors easily.
Remember to make the sideshow a bit more profitable after the challenge.


Availability: sell 5 costumes
How to win: keep 15% of children in costumes for 60 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $5000
Golden Tickets awarded: 3
Shares earnt?: N

This is a very hard challenge. Build a huge amount of costume shops and promote
the far away ones. Make the costumes the same price as what it costs to make
them, and you should be OK. Also make sure that the costumes are of a high
quality or kids will be put off buying them.


Availability: open the 'Drop in the Ocean' special ride
How to win: keep repair level above 10% and have 25 visitors use
the ride in 30 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $500
Golden Tickets awarded: 1
Shares earnt?: Y 400

This is easy. Promote the ride with a few Info Kiosks, make the ride free,
capacity at max and duration as short as possible. To make sure the ride
doesn't drop below 10% repair level, have an engineer fix the ride just before
you attempt the challenge.


Availability: open the 'Whale of a Time' special ride
How to win: keep 'happy' in the top 3 visitor thoughts for 30 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $500
Golden Tickets awarded: 1
Shares earnt?: Y 500

This is very hard. First, hire about 10 extra entertainers and set patrol areas
around ride queues and sideshows. Add lots more greenery to the park and lower
prices for everything a few dollars. Finally, don't attempt the challenge until
'happy' is in the top 3 visitor thoughts for a while to make sure everyone is
quite pleased.


Availability: open the 'Reindeer Run' special ride
How to win: get 10% of visitors in the park to use the ride
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $500
Golden Tickets awarded: 1
Shares earnt?: Y 650

Ironically, this challenge gets harder the better your park is doing. So, as
soon as you get the challenge, accept it. This is because if you only have,
say, 100 people in your park when you accept it, you only need 10 people to go
on the ride, as 10% of 100 is 10. However, if you are closer to 200 people, you
need 20 people to get on it, etc, etc. Anyway, to complete the challenge,
simply put loads of Info Kiosks promoting Reindeer Run all over the park, make
the ride free to go on, and put capacity to max. You should be able to complete
it easily.


Availability: open the 'Hasty Husky' special ride
How to win: get 20% of ride users to buy a photo in 30 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $500
Golden Tickets awarded: 1
Shares earnt?: Y 700

This is qiute easy. First, you have to make sure that at least 5 people use the
ride. To do this, get some Info Kiosks to promote it. Then, build a Photo Kiosk
and put quality at max. Make sure that the Photo Kiosk is situated right on the
exit to Hasty Husky and you should get quite a few photos sold.

8c. Arabian Nights


Availability: research and build a new shop
How to win: keep 'messy' out of the top 3 visitor thoughts for 30
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $5000
Golden Tickets awarded: 3
Shares earnt?: N

This is very hard. To combat litter, use copious amounts of cleaners to sweep
the muck away. You should also make sure that a litter bin is placed at the
exit to every shop. Also make sure that ALL your guards are trained in First
Aid to stop unhealthy visitors throwing up all over the place. This one might
take a few tries, as all it needs is for 'messy' to creep in for just a second
to scuttle the challenge.


Availability: complete 'Operation Cliff'
How to win: have no adults misbehave in 30 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $5000
Golden Tickets awarded: 2
Shares earnt?: N

To keep adults happy, make sure that there are plenty of sideshows and that
there is plenty of greenery. Also set some guard patrol areas around busy spots
of your park, and add a few Security Cameras to stop adults thinking they can
misbehave. This shouldn't be too hard.


Availability: sell 5 balloons
How to win: sell 30 balloons in 20 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $5000
Golden Tickets awarded: 2
Shares earnt?: N

Balloons are hard to sell, so this is a very hard challenge. Make sure to place
lots of Balloon shops all around your park and to promote far-away shops with
Info Kiosks. Make the balloons very cheap and of a decent quality and you
should be able to defeat the challenge.


Availability: first heatwave occurrs
How to win: get at least $1,500 profit from drinks and ice cream
during the heatwave
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: N
Golden Tickets awarded: 2
Shares earnt?: N

Ha! This is the second easiest challenge in the whole of the game! Simply buy
about ten Drinks shops and ten Ice cream shops and spread them around the park.
Put everything at max, make ice-creams $60 each and drinks $80 each and you
should get the $1,500 profit in about half a month. Keep the settings the same
until the end of the heatwave and you will find yourself about $5000 better off
at the end of it!!


Availability: build a hot dog stand
How to win: keep hungry out of the top 3 visitor thoughts while hot
dog stands are closed
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $4000
Golden Tickets awarded: 2
Shares earnt?: N

While the challenge is underway all your hot-dog stands will be closed. Make
sure at least a Fries shop is placed near every hot dog stand, and a few more
placed elsewhere, as fries are less satisfying than hot dogs. If you have
researched the Resteraunt, even better, place a few of those around your park.
Set quality to max and make everything a bit cheaper and you should breeze
through the challenge easily.


Availability: have 50 visitors to the park since it opened
How to win: make sure no-one misbehaves for 30 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $5000
Golden Tickets awarded: 1
Shares earnt?: N

To keep visitors from being naughty, blanket the park in Security Cameras and
hire a few extra guards. Hire some more entertainers to keep everyone happy and
put extra sideshows and greenery for older people.


Availability: open 'The Scarabs' special ride
How to win: keep ride excitement above 75% and repair level above
25% for 30 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $500
Golden Tickets awarded: 1
Shares earnt?: Y 450

This is quite difficult. 75% excitement is a lot, so crank the speed up to 100
and add a few Jump upgrades to get that adrenaline pumping. To keep the repair
level above 25% get an engineer to repair the ride before you start. The ride
will also be very unreliable so drop the capacity of the ride to 6 or less.


Availability: open the 'Spin Djinn' special ride
How to win: keep ride excitement as high as possible and keep
'messy' out of the top 3 visitor thoughts for 30 days
Promotion earnt?: Y Assistant Managing Director
Cash award?: N
Golden Tickets awarded: 2
Shares earnt?: Y 2,500

First, put the ride speed up to 100 and a pretty long duration (say 3 or above)
to take care of the excitement factor. Place lots of shrubbery outside the ride
and get lots of cleaners to clean up the huge amounts of sick that will start
appearing. Make sure that litter bins are outside every shop and hire a few
extra cleaners to make sure that messy doesn't stray into the top three visitor


Availability: open the 'Palace of Delights' special ride
How to win: upgrade the ride fully and make sure it has 3 loops
within 60 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: N
Golden Tickets awarded: 2
Shares earnt?: Y 600

This is easy. Simply incorporate three loops into the coaster when you build it
and upgrade it to level 3 before you start the challenge to complete it easily.


Availability: open 'The Scorpions' special ride
How to win: get 25 visitors on the ride in 30 days
Promotion earnt?: N
Cash award?: Y $600
Golden Tickets awarded: 1
Shares earnt?: N

As with all these challenges, vigorously promote the ride, make the capacity
max and duration minimum, and the challenge should be completed quite easily.




Q: Is Theme Park Inc. out yet?

A: Yes, it is in England and America, although I don't know about anywhere

Q: How do I get people to walk across bridges gained after completing

A: Just place paths on both sides of the bridge to allow people across it.
Remember to put some attractions on the other side of the bridge or no-one
will want to go over!

Q: Where is the info about Park Awards?

A: That information is included in the walkthrough to the final objective
(Operation Boss) in Arabian Nights, as you don't need to know anything about
the park awards until that point.

Q: Is there a cheat to repay outstanding loans?

A: No, you have to do lots of micro-management (tweaking prices on shops and
getting extra revenue from them) to get the money to repay the loan.
Alternatavely, you can start another game and use the cheat in the Cheats
section to start off with lots of money. See that section for details.

Q: How do you go from one park to the other?

A: First, click on the 'Maps' button in the bottom right-hand corner of the
toolbar at the bottom of the screen. Then, click on 'Overview Map' on the
submenu that pops up. The Overview Map screen will pop up and show the park
you are currently playing in. Switch between parks by clicking the arrow
keys in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Once the park you want is
showing, click on a part of it that you have unlocked and you will be taken

Q: I am having performance problems / my game keeps crashing / my game doesn't
load up and I am running the game on Microsoft XP. How do I stop this

A: Unfortunately a lot of people are having problems between SimCoaster or
Theme Park Inc. and Windows XP. Unfortunately, the box doesn't say that the
game is comptible with Windows XP so you might not even be able to take the
game back to the shop for a refund! There may be a patch out there somewhere
to allow the game to work with XP but I haven't found one yet. If you are
having problems like that it would be worth searching the net but
unfortunately that's as much help as I can offer you!

Q: How do I research shops like the Restaurant and the Gift Shop?

A: Some of the better shops, rides and sideshows are only avaliable to research
later in the game. To be able to research these, you need to complete all of
the first missions for the Land of Invention. When you complete some of the
missions for one park, you will recieve missions in the other parks. When
you go back to that park with another objective, the better items will be
avaliable for research.

Q: How do I create a back-up of a file?

A: To create a back-up of a file, follow these instructions...

1. Choose a place where you will store the backed-up file (the Desktop or My
Documents is fine).

2. Go to the file you want backing up and make a note of the filename, and the
exact location of where it is.

3. Right-click on the file and select "Copy".

4. Go to the place where you have decided you will keep the back-up. Right-
click in an empty area of that place and choose "Paste".

You can now change the file that you wanted to change and save it. If you
try to start Theme Park Inc. and something doesn't work, go to the backed-up
file and copy it. Then delete the saved file and put the backed-up copy back
in its place.

If you have a question, e-mail me at and I will
include the question in this section AND reply personally to your e-mail. So
get e-mailing!




This section deals with stuff that can't be put into any other section. If you
can think of something that I haven't covered that could go here, e-mail me
(but read the E-mail Policy section first!)

10a. Extreme Weather

You may have seen me using the phrase 'Extreme Weather' throughout this
document. Extreme weather is when, periodically, special weather effects
happen. With each of these weather types - Heatwaves, Rain, Snow and Storm -
comes advantages and disadvantages. These are mainly in the form of rides, that
get more or less attractive with each weather type. All types of extreme
weather go on for three game months, and the Advisor gives you a warning about
the weather effect one month before it starts.

10a i. Heatwaves

Heatwaves are when the Sun becomes extra strong and temperatures rise. This is
the best type of Extreme Weather, but it does have its drawbacks, as you will
see below. Heatwaves are most common in Summer, and least common in Winter.
They have about an equal chance of happening in Spring and Autumn.


1. Loads more people come to your park.

2. Visitors will want to buy lots of drinks and ice creams.

3. Generally, high rides and rides with water will be a lot more attractive.


1. Visitor happiness levels plummet.

2. Anywhere indoors, and rides that are hot or have TV screens become a lot
less attractive.

10a. ii. Rain

Rain is when a load of torrential rain comes along. Rain is most common in
Spring, least common in Summer, and about equal in Autumn and Winter.


1. Visitors will want to buy umbrellas.

2. Visitors will want to buy lots of hot food.


1. Hardly any people will come to your park.

2. Visitor happiness levels will plummet.

3. Rides with water will be very unpopular, and track rides will be closed due
to a risk of flooding.

10 a iii Snowstorms

Snowstorms are when it snows constantly and heavily. Snowstorms are most common
in Winter, least common in Summer, and about equal in Autumn and Spring.


1. Visitors will want to buy umbrellas.

2. Visitors will want to buy lots of hot food.

3. Generally, rides that are hot and Roller coasters in Polar Zone
will be a lot more attractive.


1. Hardly any people will come to your park.

2. Visitor happiness levels will plummet.

3. Rides with water will be closed due to a risk of freezing.

10a iv Storms

Storms are when it is very stormy, funnily enough. Storms are most common in
Autumn, least common in Summer, and about equal in Spring and Winter.


1. Visitors will want to buy umbrellas.

2. Visitors will want to buy lots of hot food.


1. Hardly any people will come to your park.

2. Visitor happiness levels will plummet.

3. Roller coasters, Log Flumes and all other rides that go high will be closed
due to a lightning risk.

10b. Cheats

Welcome to the cheats section! At the moment, there are no push-button cheats
for Theme Park Inc. that I know about, but as soon as I find out about them
(if there are any) I will post them here.

However, there are a few 'cheats' that you can use by actually changing the
game's internal files. However, this can be very dangerous as this can muck up
the game or even your computer. Please read the note just before the cheats
itself to get the full story.

The file you need is very difficult to get to. Computer-literate people: here
is the file path that it is located at.

C:\Program Files\Bullfrog\Theme Park Inc\Data\levels\Standard.sam

If you are not as computer-literate as other people, this is how to get to the

1. Double-click on My Computer.

2. Double-click on your C: drive.

3. Double-click on Program files.

4. Some operating systems might hide you from the program files. If you have
one of those operating systems, click on Show Files in blue writing on the
left-hand side.

5. Double-click on Bullfrog.

6. Double-click on Theme Park Inc.

7. Double-click on Data.

8. Double-click on Levels.

9. There will be a file called 'Standard'. This is the file you need. There is
also a file called 'Online Standard'. You don't need this for the cheats.
To open the 'Standard' file, use a text editor (Notepad is best, but it
doesn't really matter a lot).


Mucking around in Program Files can be disasterous. It can damage your game
and/or even your computer itself. If you do want to go snooping around in the
Program files, ALWAYS MAKE A BACK-UP OF THE FILE YOU CHANGE. That way if you do
accidentally make the game broken, you can restore the file to how it was

I cannot be held responsible if your game or computer gets broken and/or
changed beyond repair. If you change the program files, you do so AT ENTIRELY

OK, now on with the cheats! There are practically thousands of ways you can
make the game easier or harder, so don't e-mail me about anything new unless
it really is very good.

1. More money to start off with.

Find the line which says 'BankAccountInfo.InitialCash' and then a bit of space
and some numbers. Those numbers represent how many dollars you have to start
off with in each zone. Change them to however high (or low) you want, save and
they will be active.

2. No more pranks... ever!

Find the line which has a # and then 'Pranks'. Just below that line is a line
that says PeepInfo.PrankeryLikelihood' and then a bit of space and a number.
This number shows how many people, out of 100, turn into pranksters if their
hapiness gets too low. Change this to 0 to get absolutely no pranksters ever!

3. No strikes... ever!

Find the title that has a line of #'s, then '# Strike constants', then another
line of #'s. Below there, change the number after each of the lines below
to 0 to have no strikes ever!


4. No limit on number of staff in park

Find the line that says 'StaffPoolInfo.MaxHandymenInPark'. Change this to a
really high number and you will not be able to hire more that that amount of
cleaners. Do the same for each of the staff types to be able to hire as many
staff as you like!

5. No extreme weather ever again... or, always extreme weather from now on!

Find the title that says '# Weather stuff'. Below is the percentage chance that
extreme weather of each type can appear in each season (0 = Spring, 1 = Summer,
etc). Change each number to 0 if you hate extreme wether, or change one type of
each extreme wether into 100 to get that type of weather all the time!




Firstly, thanks very much to Bullfrog and EA Games for making the great game.

Secondly, to for posting my VERY FIRST FAQ ON THEIR SITE!!

Thirdly, to Mark Cohen, the author of the Prima's Official Strategy Guide of
Theme Park Inc., as I got some money information out of his book.

Also, thanks to all these people...

Jocelyn Lambert
Michelle M
R Jackson
Matthew Yap
Steven Halliday
Lisa (akissfromme2u)
Tom Morand
Fuuma Hashimoto
Texaschick777 and...
Akshay Gupta

...for e-mailing me about the FAQ.

And finally, thanks to YOU for reading my FAQ! Any comments, suggestions or
questions, e-mail me them on




Please DO email me if...

1. You notice I have incorrect info in the guide anywhere. I will change it and
put your name in the FAQ in the Special Thanks section (unless you say that you
don't want your name in).

2. You have a question for the FAQ section. I will not only put it in the
section but send you a reply with the answer to the question. (if I know the

3. You want to compliment me on my FAQ. I am always open to fan mail and I
greatly appreciate it.

4. You have any suggestions on how to make the FAQ better. If I do decide to
do what you suggest, I will put your name in the Special Thanks section.

Remember if you are going to e-mail me about my FAQ, please put 'Theme Park Inc
FAQ' or something in the title. If you don't, I might pass it off as junk mail
and delete it.


Please DO NOT e-mail me if...

1. You have the American version of the game and you spot a mistake. This FAQ
is based on the European version of the game, so I don't want any American
info of the game. You know if you have the American version of the game because
it will be called 'SimCoaster' as opposed to 'Theme Park Inc.'

2. You want to fob off my FAQ. That's just nasty and I'll ignore it and any
future messages from you.

Thanks for reading my FAQ!
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