Jedi Knight 3 - Jedi Academy

Jedi Knight 3 - Jedi Academy

17.10.2013 22:17:51
Star Wars - Jedi Academy Guide
Orkimedes - Chris Hills
Copyright 2003 Christopher Hills

This is a basic walkthrough for Jedi Academy, complete with relevant
information about weapons, Force powers and secrets as I find them.

1 - Version number.
2 - Weapons (sort of).
3 - Force Powers.
4 - Walkthrough.
5 - Legal stuff.

1. Version History

Version 0.33 - (20/9/03) - Guide completed as far as Hoth. All core Force
powers, and most Light and Dark powers. Some secrets still to be found. I
know the game's only been out a day, but I've been playing (and completed) it
since 11am yesterday. Thank God for weekends and Pro Plus.

Version 0.5 - (22/9/03) - Second set of five missions added. More Light
and Dark powers listed.

Version 0.8 - (26/9/03) - Reached Taspir III. All Force powers listed.

Version 1.0 - (3/10/03) - Guide finished. Still need to complete secrets

2. Weapons

This section is kinda short.

Lightsaber - Your primary weapon. Generally superior to all other weapons,
there is no real reason why you should not go the whole game using just this.
This is also the most flavourful way to play it, and the large number of saber
battles later in the game makes constant weapon switching inconvenient. Use
the guns by all means, you just don't have to. In this guide I am using the
saber at all times unless otherwise noted.

Tenloss B rifle: Good for the occasional long range shot. Slow refire rate
can be a pain.
DEMP2: Very handy for taking out the assassin droids. Not used otherwise.

The only time I used any of the guns was for the occasional sniper shot, for
the droids mentioned above, and for the level where you do not have your
lightsaber. The weapons are the same as in Jedi Knight 2 though, so make your
own mind up about their usefulness. Someone who uses the guns will probably do
a better weapons review than I could.

3. Force Powers:

Your core powers will each increase by 1 rank at fixed points in the game -
you have no choice there. Over the course of the game you will get a total of
15 Force points to spend on Light and Dark powers (generally 1 after each
mission), so you can max out one side and still have 3 points left over for
the other side.
IMPORTANT TIP - Before you finish the first five missions, get a point in
Affect Mind regardless of the direction you want to go - it will make your
life easier in some future missions (you don't HAVE to, but I will point out
when it is really handy to have it).

Core Powers:
Jump - 1) You can jump 33% higher than normal.
2) You can jump six times higher than normal.
3) You can jump twelve times higher than normal.
Pull - 1) Pull an object or one enemy.
2) Pull weapons out of enemy hands.
3) Pull multiple enemies and their weapons.
Push - 1) Push one object or enemy. Can get out of Drain and Grip powers.
2) Push multiple objects or enemies in a limited arc.
3) Push multiple enemies and can do them damage. Can get out of Force
Grip and Force Drain.
Sense - 1) Sense people and invisible markers at short distances for 5 seconds
2) Sense people, invisible markers and objects at medium distances for
10 seconds.
3) Sense people, their health, objects and invisible markers at long
range for 20 seconds.
Throw - 1) Saber flies in a straight line and returns.
2) Can exert some control over saber as it moves.
3) You automatically steer saber towards nearby enemies.
Defence - 1) Deflect ranged and melee attacks in small arc in front of you.
Deflected ranged attacks go in random direction.
2) Deflect attacks in larger arc in front. Increased deflection
speed. Deflected ranged attacks go in general direction of origin
3) Even larger deflect area. Increased deflection speed. Projectiles
go back at attacker.
Offence - 1) 1 style. Can break locks and parrys of enemies of similar ability
2) 2 styles. Can break locks and parries of enemies of similar
ability. Will break locks and parries of enemies of lower ability
3) 3 styles. Can break locks and parries of enemies of similar
ability. Will break locks and parries of enemies of lower ability

Drain - 1) Drain life from another person in physical contact.
2) Drain life from another person at short distance.
3) Drain life from multiple people, and from a safe distance.
Grip - 1) Can hold one enemy immobile but undamaged for 5 seconds.
2) Can lift one enemy off the ground and do damage.
3) As 2) above, but can use enemy as a shield or smash them to the
Rage - 1) Take 50% less damage, have stronger attacks and cannot die. Lose
health rapidly, must have 25 health to use and must wait 10 seconds
to use again.
2) As above, but take 75% less damage, are 25% faster and lose health
3) As 1) above, but take 90% less damage, are 50% faster and loses very
little health.
Lightning - 1) Single blast directly ahead.
2) Can maintain sustained forward attack.
3) Can maintain a sustained forward arc, damaging all in front.

Affect Mind - 1) 1 target enemy is confused for 10 seconds. Reborn are
2) 1 target enemy confused for 15 seconds or distract multiple
3) Turn 1 enemy into an ally for 30 seconds or distract
multiple enemies.
Heal - 1) Heal slowly. You must remain stationary.
2) You do not have to be stationary to heal.
3) Increased healing speed.
Protect - 1) Protected against 25% of all non-Force damage.
2) Protected against 50% of all non-Force damage.
3) Protected against 75% of all non-Force damage.
Absorb - 1) Can absorb a small amount of Force power safely and gain a small
amount back.
2) Can absorb a moderate amount of Force power safely and gain a
moderate amount back.
3) Can absorb a large amount of Force power safely and gain a large
amount back.

4. Walkthrough:


Jump into the river and go through the reeds to the tree. Rosh will suggest
you cut the tree. Do so. Follow the river around to a door, killing the two
Howlers that attack. Through the door, the trail continues, with more Howlers
on the way. Do not go near them when they are howling (there is a white flash
around them when they do). You get to another choppable tree which you use to
get on the rocks. Follow the path until you reach the Stormtroopers. Kill them
and a Reborn will appear for your first saber battle. Kill him to end the


Go through the door in front to start training. You will have to face 5
remotes in succession. Follow Kyle's instructions for the next bit, then Rosh
releases a lightsaber training droid after you go through the hole. Destroy it
then go through the door at the end. Force Pull the lever, through the door
and down the stairs. Use Force Sense and look at the wall immediately to the
left of the door. Force Pull the glowing marks and jump up. Go through the
empty chambers, over the bridge and right at the crossroads. Use Force Speed
in the next section to get thrugh one of the doors (it doesn't matter which).
You may have to do a forward roll to get under the door as it closes (it looks
really cool too). Go through the next door to end the level.

You now have a choice as to which mission you do. You only need to do four,
but I recommend you do all five - for the extra Force point if nothing else.
You can do the missions in any order. You get your first Force point before
your first mission and one after each mission.


Go into the docking bay. There is a merc by one of the landing lights, one in
the far right corner, and one in the inset to your right. Go through the door
in the other inset. there are 4 mercs in here staggered on you left, right,
left and right going deeper into the room, some health and a gun charger. Open
the door opposite the gun charger and listen to the mercs. Kill them and go
through the door. There is a merc immediately on your right, one in the left
near corner of the bay, one on the other side of the crates he is near, and
one in the small inset on the far right. Kill them and two more will come out
of the door in the middle inset. Kill them for a cutscene and three mercs come
out of the small door in the wall, plus a grenadier on the wall. Through the
door the first two came out of is a shield charger, then go through the small
door. There are two mercs at the end of the corridor to your left. Through the
door, go to the small inset on your right for a Secret shield booster. Move
towards the other side of the docking bay for a cutscene. There are two mercs
to your left it ends. Through the doors you get to a room with tripmines in
front of you, a merc in the far left corner and two in the far right. On top
of the yellow crate is health and a shield. Go through the door then straight
back out to avoid the grenade. Kill the grenadier. At the top of the stairs,
there are two mercs on the left at the end of the room, and another round the
corner there. There is also a shield charger. As you go along the wall, a merc
comes out of the door ahead. Through there is a room with a merc on the right,
one on the left and a lift in the middle. Go up. Use the switch then go
through a door to find a Reborn. Use the other switch, then go down the lift
to meet back with Chewie. Back at the Falcon, there are two mercs in the
inset on your left (1 on each side of it), 2 in the next inset (1 on each
side), one at the far end next to the second inset and one behind the crates
next to him. Kill them all to finish the level.


Move around to your right to meet three Tuskens. Carry on round the path and 3
Tuskens come from behind the pillar next to the vaporator. Under the archway
five Tuskens will come at you. A Tusken will then shoot from the top of the
first archway. Snipe or avoid. As you look at the hut through the gap in the
rocks (there is a vaporator in the gap), snipe the Tusken to the right of the
hut. As you approach the gap, two Tuskens will attack and a third will shoot
from behind the rock. 2 more will approach from the right. There is health
by the wall to your right if you want it, but go in the hut to your left.
There are two Tuskens right inside and a further four under the archway. After
you clean out the large area, go through the left opening and through the door
for a Secret. When you reenter the large area five more Tuskens have arrived.
There is a shield there too. Go up the hill (two Tuskens on it, three at the
top) then through the door. There are two Tuskens immediately on the left,
three behind the hut on the left and one behind the hut on the right. There is
a shield in that hut. Go to the other side. There are three Tuskens behind the
middle hut and one on the hut at the back. Go into the cave on the far left.
There are four Tuskens behind the crates at the end of the corridor, two on
the left down the hill and three at the bottom of the hill. Outside is the
sandcrawler. Three Tuskens are left of the crawler, two at bottom of the ramp
and two at the top of the ramp. There is one on the next level, so snipe him.
Force Pull the tracked thing above the ramp, jump on and ride up. At the top
there is a Tusken on each side and a third on the gantry to the right. Kill
the lower ones first, then use the crates on the right to get on the gantry.
Press the switch and avoid the Tusken who comes onto the next gantry up. Go to
the other side of the cargo bay and Force Push the cart then enter the lift.
Kill the Tusken and go through the door. In the next room, look down and to
your left and throw your saber at the water leak. Jump down and go through the
door. There is a Tusken around the corner to your right and another behind the
flame on the second right. Jump over the flame (you may need Force Speed to
time it right) and kill the Tusken. Press the switch and go down the lift.
There are three Tuskens at the bottom. In the next room Force Push the cart
and kill the five Tuskens in the room. Force Push the other cart to find the
droid. Follow it out and kill the six Tuskens to end the level.


Go through the front door and use the monitor. Wait for the Imperial to finish
talking then scan through the other cameras to see the other bombs. When you
exit, a door will open and two troopers come out. Go under the stairs for a
Secret. At the top of the stairs are two more troopers. Through the door at
the top of the ramp is the first bomb (shoot the mines). Go through the door
at the bottom of the ramp. There are four stealth troopers in here (use Force
Sense to see them better). In the next room are two troopers. The corridor has
flames and steam to avoid and through the next door is a turret immediately to
your right and a stealth trooper down the ramp in front of a locked door.
Through the other door are some trip mines - it's easier to jump over them
(but you will have to shoot the last one). Through the door are two troopers
and an officer with a key. Go up the stairs to find two stealth troopers and a
bomb. Go back to the locked door - there are now three troopers in the trip
mine corridor. Through the door, there is a trooper on either side of the
door. Over the bridge, go left. There is a trooper in the distance. Follow
the path round to find two stealth troopers with detonators. Turn round and
go through the door behind the heavy blaster. There is a stealth trooper here.
Out the room and left are two stealth troopers, an officer with a key and a
bomb. Go around the cylindrical tanks for a Secret and look around for weapon
and shield chargers if you need them. Back to the heavy blaster, go down the
lift to the right of the door and follow the path round for a Secret. Go
through the locked door. There is a stealth trooper ahead of you and another
and a trooper up the lift (down the stairs is a shield). Through the door go
down the lift and through the next door to find a stealth trooper, a bomb and
a turret behind the bomb. Go up the lift and jump over to the stealth trooper.
Through the door are four stealth troopers, and four troopers through the next
door. Go back to the bomb room to find a stealth trooper and two troopers. Go
down the lift to the right, kill the stealth trooper and find the Secret
behind the generator at the end of the walkway. Jump down, go up the lift and
throught the door to the left. There is a trooper on the other side, another
trooper and a stealth trooper to the right and the last bomb. Through the door
to the left are two stealth troopers, then two troopers. Down the lift are two
more troopers. Out the door are two troopers to your left. Back to the bridge
and go in the other direction. There is a trooper round the corner. Open the
door and there is an explosion in front of you. 4 troopers and an officer with
a key attack. There is a stealth trooper down the corridor. Through the doors,
you are back in the first room. Out through the main entrance are four
troopers. Get back to your ship to end the level.


You can see the items you need to get when outside by using Force Sense - the
items show up blue. It's fine to walk on the sand briefly. You have about two
to three seconds before the sandworm attacks.
The Power Converter is in the cockpit of the large ship (that the merchant was
The Energy Cell is straight forward from the entrance to your shuttle. When
you reach the lighter coloured rock, get off it quickly and onto the next rock
as it sinks into the sand rather quickly. After getting the cell, go back via
the pillars (they sink into the sand too, so be quick). The cell goes in the
passenger compartment of the shuttle.
For the Power Coupling, go back to the cockpit of the merchant vessel. Stand
in the hole in the wall and Force Pull the wreckage to the left. Jump across
to the large metal panel on its side, go along it and onto the roof. Jump over
to the large girder to the right and from there down to the coupling. Get back
by going up the large pillar in front of you.
For the Damper, go to the back end of the merchant vessel and jump on the
crates on the right. From there jump along the wreckage trail to the damper.
When you get there, avoid the light coloured rock when you jump down as you'll
need it to get back up onto the large rock. Get back via the same route.


Jump onto the roof then onto the next car. There is a merc there and one at
the front of the car. Jump down and go inside. Two mercs came out of the
alcoves. Continue into the next car, kill the merc and press the switch. You
can now walk on the red tubes. Go over to the third car and to the next car
beyond. Use the crates to get up and kill the two mercs (one on each end of
the car). Jump over to the next roof where there is a Reborn - you will
probably crash through the floor during the fight (there is a merc down here).
Use the pipes to get out. Onto the next car and through the door. There is a
merc to the right, another comes out of an alcove and a third through the door
at the other end. On the roof are two mercs, health and a shield. Watch out
for the merc on the next roof. Go around that car and onto the next one. Go
around to the right, kill the merc and go through the door. There are two
mercs inside. Up the lift is a force field. Destroy the red panels on both
sides of it then kill the mercs. Jump up the barrels and onto the roof. Go
across the double pipes then the single pipe. Get the health if you want, then
drop down and take out the two mercs. there is a merc at the top of the ramp
and another along the pipes. Jump down onto the next car and kill the two
mercs. Go inside and disarm the bomb - a merc and a Reborn will have run in as
you did so, but they will activate the bomb if you do not disarm it
immediately. There is a shield charger here too. Outside, there is a merc on
left, two more on the next car and four more on the car after that. Outside
the final car are two mercs and a Reborn. There is another merc inside. Press
the switch to end the level.

Before going back to the Academy, you will be praised if you have mostly Light
Force powers, but warned to be careful and rethink if you have mostly Dark
Force powers.


Right at the start, turn around and go into the cave. Use Affect Mind on the
Wampa if you have it, as they are very tough to kill. At the end of the cave
is a Secret. Outside, ride a Tauntaun until you see the Imperials. Follow the
lights, killing Snowtroopers along the way. One of them will run towards a
heavy blaster, so Speed up and take him out first. In the cave is a Wampa.
Straight ahead from the entrance is an alcove with a Secret. Outside, there is
a single trooper. Turn right to find two troopers and a Probe Droid. Left are
two troopers behind some crates, then an open space with 6 troopers and an
AT-ST. There is also a heavy blaster. Activate the blaster and turn round to
shoot down the appoaching AT-ST. Use the crates to the right of the wall to
jump over the wall (there is a trooper here, and more attack through small
holes in the wall). Over the wall are three troopers and a Probe droid. Enter
the building - there are three troopers in the first room. Go up the lift to
the right. In this room are three troopers and an officer. Use the switch and
the shield charger if you need to, then Force Push the broken glass for a
Secret. When you go back, jump over the lift shaft and destroy the grille for
another Secret. Go down this and the next lift. Kill the three troopers here
and go through the door. Listen to the conversation then go through. There
are two troopers ahead of you, and two to the left (one in a command pit).
Through the door is a trooper in front of you and one to the left. Through
the next door and straight ahead are three troopers and around the corner are
two more. In the next room are two troopers and a shield charger. Up the lift
are three troopers (two ahead, one on the right). Through the door you are
back outside. Run forwards to the heavy blaster and mow down the charging
troopers. Follow the beacons. You will be shot at (badly) by a heavy blaster.
Go to it and kill the user, the nearby trooper and the probe droid. Follow
the cliff around to find a Secret. Back at the heavy blaster, there is a hole
in the structure it is on - inside are two troopers. Down the next hole are
three more troopers. Go to the door at the far end to enter Echo Base.


Drop down until you reach the crates. Listen to the conversation then drop
down and take out the two troopers. Go to the other side of the room, where
there is a trooper by a heavy blaster. Through the door is a corridor with
three troopers behind some crates. Go round the corner and listen to the
conversation. Two troopers come up the ramp, leaving two down in the pit. Go
down the corridor to the right to find three troopers and a Secret. Round the
corner of the other corridor are three troopers, one with a heavy blaster.
Force Speed is the best way to get to them. In the next room are two troopers,
with four more in the Bacta room through the archway and one more at the end
of the room. There is a shield charger in the corner. Continue thrugh to the
round room and take out both troopers. On the right just before the round room
is an alcove with a Secret. Go up the lift. The second room along is a med bay
with four troopers and a shield. Follow the corridor to a room with two
troopers - one has a heavy blaster but he has to turn it around first. There
are three troopers in the next room. Follow the path round, there are three
troopers down the small stairwell and to the left and two in the next room,
but five more run in from the room beyond. There is a trooper at the bottom of
the next flight of stairs and three more in the corridor beyond. Follow the
corridor (there is a shield charger down here) and go down the lift. Turn
round as the lift goes down, there are two troopers at the bottom and two more
run in, There is another down the corridor and four more round the corner. Go
into the next room for a cutscene. Kill the Reborn then go down the corridor
and deal with the Wampa in the next room (you do not have to save the
Tauntaun). Continue on for a cutscene then you have to fight Alora.
With enough damage she will run away and the level ends.

You are now able to select a second Lightsaber combat style, either Fast or
Strong - and your core Force powers go up to level two.

You now have another selection of five missions. Again, you only need to do
four, but I recommend you do all five.


For the duration of this mission, you will be without your lightsaber. Time to
scratch that trigger finger! Jump out of the cell and pick up a gun from the
office. Outside to the left are four troopers, and a fifth will run into view.
Move round to the left for a cutscene. The commander will fire four shots then
leave, so stay hidden. Go through the small door. There are two troopers
behind the force field and one at the end of the corridor. Through the door to
the right is a trooper, an officer with a key and a shield charger. Go past
the force field and through the locked door - there are two troopers to the
right and one on the left under the stairs. Up the stairs is a trooper and a
switch. Go back down, up the lift and kill the trooper. Go through the doors
to the large Commander's office, there are three troopers at the back of the
room. Press the switch on the desk. Through the large door are two troopers in
alcoves up ahead. Take the first right, then left. Through here is an officer
on the left, and an officer and two pilots on the right. Through the door,
there are two troopers immediately on the right, two further up on the right,
two down to the left, and another further round that side. There is an officer
on the other side of the room. Destroy one of the force fields and two
troopers and an officer come out. Take any gear you need and back out the
large door. Go down either of the lifts next to you then through the large
door next to you - there is an officer ahead and two troopers to the right.
Back out and through the door opposite the locked door. Look up and to your
right. Shoot the exploding crate and jump up and over for a Secret. Through
the door, press the switch then use the heavy blaster to shoot a hole in the
wall. Go out the hole and Force Speed over to the window ahead of you, shoot
the crates as you run towards them. Jump through the now-open window, then
turn left and destroy the crates. Kill the officer and press the switch. Jump
out and press the switch by the main door. Turn round, go through the door and
get into an AT-ST. Use it to destroy the enemy AT-ST and the troopers. Put the
AT-ST back where it was, get out and go through the door to the right and up
the stairs. Move forward and duck behind the crates. Kill the stealth trooper
that attacks, then shoot the commander (use the heavy blaster or your guns,
but be aware that he is very accurate and his gun is very powerful). There are
three troopers down the path. Through the door, there is a stealth trooper
on the left. Move round to the right and on the other side of the square are
two stealth troopers and a shield charger. Keep moving round and through one
of the doors. There are two pilots, two troopers and a stealth trooper in
here. Go through the door at the end and kill the two officers. Press the
switch and through the door. Go through the TIE hangar. After the cutscene you
face the commander. You have to get up to the top of the chamber to reach him.
He is still very accurate and his gun is still very powerful, so keep moving.
When you jump up to each level, it is probably best to move to the end before
turning, to get the extra movement. Use Force Speed at the top or he will kill
you before you can reach him. Kill him to end the level.


Go behind your ship and jump down. Round the ledge are four mercs. As you get
to the third and fourth, another merc attacks from a floating platform. Avoid
him until you finish off merc number five, then jump over. On the other side,
kill the two mercs to the right, then go left. Round the corner are three
mercs. Jump down to the next level. Round the corner to the right in the
alcove are two mercs, in the next alcove are two more and one at the end of
the path. There is a grenadier above the second alcove, so watch out. Jump
onto the ledge he was on, turn round and jump onto the next ledge. Follow it
round for a Secret. Drop down and get out the DEMP2. Behind the crate on the
right is an assassin droid. Back to the saber, drop onto the next platform.
There are two mercs ahead. Round the corner are two more. Face so the doorway
is in front of you and go up the lift. There is a merc at the top. On the
bridge, there are two mercs on the right and one on the left. Over the bridge
are two mercs and an assassin droid (use the DEMP2). Through the force fields
and kill the merc, there is another behind the crate at the end. Round the
corner to the left is a merc and a shield charger. Back round, and in the
first alcove is a merc. In each of the next two are two mercs, with two more at
the end. Shoot the droid from up here then jump down. Behind the crates at the
end is a shield, then jump over the gap and through the main door. There are
two Reborn in here. One has a lightsaber and fights as normal. The other has
no saber and uses loads of Force powers instead (Absorb is very handy against
these guys). This will be a very common pairing in the later levels. Switch to
the DEMP2 then go up the lift. After the cutscene, destroy the droids to end
the level.


Go through the door. There are three troopers and a pilot here (one behind the
crate on your left). Look up before you go up the lift and destroy the turret.
Kill the pilot then go up the other lift. Through the door is a zero G
trooper. Try and lure him into the doorway so he can't fly away easily (zappy
Force powers are good against these guys, as is Protect). Over the bridge and
plant the beacon. Plant the next beacon. Turn round and use the pipes to get
back on the roof. Jump over to the Barracks roof and plant the beacon. Go back
into the hangar and use the crates to drop down. Go through the door on the
right. Four troopers attack from the other end of the walkway. Go through the
door and up the lift. Up here are a trooper, two officers and two turrets.
Best way is to use Force Speed to kill the Imperials, then hide in the corner
next to the shield charger to safely change to a gun to take out the turrets.
Though the door to the right of the lift and kill the three troopers, then
left, right past the lift and left through the door. Immediately through the
door are two troopers. Go up two levels (two troopers, then one trooper).
Press the green switch and smash the glass. Go right and drop down onto the
walkway (dropping the whole way costs 40 health, so drop a level at a time if
you can). Over at the comm array is a zero G trooper. Kill him and plant the
beacon. Jump on the ledge left of the lift. Follow it round and along the pipe
for a Secret. Go back and down the lift. Go back in the tower and go down
instead. There is a Reborn here. Through the door is a trooper on either side
and another at the end of the walkway. Down the lift and plant the beacon.
Back up the lift are two zero G troopers waiting. Go back to the command
centre (the room with the turrets) to find a Reborn. Plant the last beacon.
Work your way around the four tanks. Eack has two to three troopers and a
stealth trooper guarding the bomb. On your way back to your ship, there are
five troopers and a Reborn in the hangar. Back to your ship to end the level.


There is very little in terms of a detailed walkthrough that can be done for
this level, just general advice.
Race along until you get to a large wall, where you have to get out and jump
over for a cutscene. After that, just race along at top speed taking a swipe
at anybody who gets too close. There are some large open areas, but there is
only one path. Don't bother trying to kill all the mercs, they just keep
coming. The turbo boost is the Alt-fire key. Don't try and do a Luke and try
to attack while standing on the ground as you'll just get run over. You will
get chances to replace your speeder if it gets too badly damaged but be quick
about it. There isn't much else to say - just keep burning along at top speed.


You should really have Affect Mind for this one. Go through the grate ahead to
the left. Through the grate ahead are two mercs. There are two more to the
right, another at the end of the corridor and two more around to the left. Go
back and into the room with the green pylons and smash the grate to the right
for a Secret. Follow the path round, watching for the grenade that gets
thrown. Round the corner is the grenadier and three other mercs. Further round
is a merc with a key - you are now back where you started (all this allows the
prisoners to escape). Go to the end of the corridor and left then up the lift.
Through the door there is a merc ahead and two to the right. Look at the
camera then press the switch and jump out into the arena for a cutscene. You
can either keep running away from the Rancor (I haven't managed to kill it
yet) or you can Affect Mind it and have done with it. Keep an eye on it while
the prisoners escape so you can get it again when it recovers. Follow the
prisoners to get a key from them. Back in the room with the lift, go through
the locked door. Down the lift there are two mercs ahead with three around to
the right. Through the door and up the lift to the left. Up here are three
mercs. Again, use the camera, press the switch and distract the rancor. Go to
the betting hall again. There are four mercs here now. Through the door,
forwards and kill the three mercs. At the end go right. Round the corner are
three mercs, one behind cover. Up the lift are three mercs. Follow the same
procedure with the switch and rancor then back to the betting hall. There are
now tripmines and a single merc. Through the door are two mercs. To the end of
the corridor and left up the lift. Switch, rancor etc. Once the prisoners have
escaped three mercs will attack. Get to the tunnel to end the level.

After this, if you have mostly Light powers you gwill be told how promising a
Jedi you will be. If you have mostly Dark powers you will get a stern warning
to change your ways before you fall to the Dark side.


It it really handy to have Force Protect on this level to avoid the acid rain.
If you don't, you'll just have to rely on Force Speed. Right at the start a
Power trooper will appear. There is another under the cover ahead. Up the ramp
and straight forward. There are two power troopers under the cover (without
Protect it's probably easier to shoot these guys). Down the ramp and ahead are
three troopers. Through the door ahead are two troopers and an officer. To the
right are two officers. Through the door is a Reborn and ahead are three
troopers. Both left and right go outside, with a power trooper on each side
and one on the roof - you don't need to go out there. Through the door ahead
is an officer and two troopers. Up the ramp to the right are six troopers. Go
through the door and follow it round until you get to a large door with a
power trooper in it. Through the doors outside and down the ramp. Go from
cover to cover until you get to the large lit archway. There are three
troopers to the right, one with a heavy blaster. Go through the archway and
immediately turn right. Jump between the rock and the structure for a Secret.
Face the heavy blaster and go left. When you reach the barrels to the right,
three power troopers will appear. Carry on round. when you reach the two
bridges go straight on ahead for a Secret. Turn round and go over the first
bridge. Turn left at the end and jump round on the rocks. After the cutscene,
head for the door. Three troopers come out. Behind the pillar ahead is an
officer, and round the corner is a power trooper. Outside and up the ramp are
two troopers, with two more to the left. Carry on down the path and through
the door to find four troopers. Go down the corridor, and when you reach the
pillar two Reborn attack. Carry on and you reach a room with two officers to
the right and five troopers ahead. Keep going and you get a cutscene. A
Reborn attacks, then the door opens. Go out and destroy the TIEs then go down
the lift. Carry on past the TIEs and through the door to end the section.


Make your way to the opening ahead for a cutscene. Jump out of the garbage
masher and through the chute. At the top behind you are three troopers and an
officer. Press the switch then go through the door. Through the next door you
find Kyle fighting three Reborn. Head back to the locked door in the previous
room and Kyle opens it. There is a cutscene, then Force Push the three red
pumps on the wall to the right of the switch then follow Kyle into the hole.
Round the corner is a seeker droid. Ride up the wind tunnel to the opening
above and destroy the seeker droid. Use Speed to get past the beam.
Immediately through the hole are four troopers (three left, one right). Use
the spinning forks to jump up and meet Kyle. Go through the door to the left.
There are four troopers ahead, one to the left and two up the stairs to the
left. Through the door, there is an officer to the left and three troopers
come through the other door (watch out for the hole in the middle of the
floor). Through the other door there is a trooper on either side of the door,
and a trooper and two Reborn down the stairs. Back in the circular room with
the green beam, there is a hole in the wall. Go through it for a Secret. Go
back to the control room where the officer was. In the back wall are two small
circular lifts. There are two officers and four troopers up here - one has a
missile launcher. Go through either door to find two troopers. Through the
next door there is a zero G trooper on either side. Stay under the cover and
wait for them to come to you. Jump on top of the covered area with the crates
on and use them to get up to the next level. Force Pull each of the four
mirrors to end the section.


Jump up. There is a zero G trooper, three troopers and an officer up here.
Through the door are two Reborn. Up the lift is another Reborn. Go through the
door and four troopers come out of the door opposite. As you approach the door
a Reborn comes out. Through the door to the right are two troopers and a roof
turret. Up the lift and to the right are four troopers. Through the door is a
Reborn. On the other side of the large pillar are three troopers and two
Reborn. Up the lift in the pillar are two more Reborn. Destroy the crate in
front and drop down for a zero G trooper and two Reborn. Head for the far left
corner and through the door to find two Reborn. Go up the crates to get to the
next door and go through, there is a Reborn with two sabers here. Enter the
large room and press the button. Two IT-0 droids come out. Destroy them and
two seeker droids come out. Switch to the DEMP2 and kill the assassin droids,
then back to the saber for the lightsaber training droids. After all this,
some alcoves will open with health and shields and a door. Go down the lift.
To the right are two Reborn with blasters. Through the next door is a Reborn.
Up the ramp, through the door, kill the Reborn and through the next door.
Follow around for your first Reborn with a double-bladed saber. Through the
door for a cutscene. Ignore Rosh and concentrate on killing the two Disciples
first. They use lots of Force powers on you, but while they are alive, Rosh
is pretty much invulnerable. Once they are dead defeat Rosh to end the level.

You now have the option of using a single saber (with the three different
styles - you have just gained the third), two sabers or a double bladed saber
(both of which have only one style). I would say that the saber staff is the
best, followed by the single saber. Personally, I reckon that the twin sabers
suck, but that's just me.
Your core Force powers have gone to level 3.

There is now another choice of five missions to do. Again, try and do all of


Force Push the rock in front of you. A Reborn drops down and attacks. Move to
the right and listen to the conversation. Drop down and kill the guards. Two
Reborn will jump over. Jump over the broken bridge for a shield then over to
the platform the Reborn were on. Go left and drop down. The ledge will
collapse so quickly jump over to the solid ground. There is a Reborn and three
guards here (one next to you and two over the bridge). Look up and to the left
and you will see a platform with a guard on it. Snipe the guard then use the
doorframe to get up to that platform then down the ramp for a Secret. Back
down and through the other door. A guard destroys the bridge so jump over and
go up the stairs. In the chamber are three Reborn. Keep to the left and you
can take out the first one without involving the others. Use Force Sense then
Force Pull the symbol on the door. There is a Reborn down the stairs and
another further down. Drop down to the broken bridge. There is a Reborn on
this side and two more on the other. You will have to jump from one of the
pillars to make it over. Go down the first part of the ramp. Jump onto the
ledge with the light then onto the next ledge for a Secret. Drop down for
more gear if you need it. Back to the middle part of the ramp and drop down to
the right. There are two Reborn down here. Go left and round the tower to find
a Reborn. Use the doorframes to drop down and follow the path round to the
right. Jump the gap for a guard and two Reborn. Jump up and kill the guard on
the platform, then over to the bridge for another guard and two Reborn. Go
into the temple for two Reborn and another by the coffin. Use Force Sense and
press the two buttons under the symbols, then run out and over the bridge.


You will need Force Speed a lot in this mission. There are quite a lot of
Reborn dotted around this level, and you want to avoid them if possible and
leave them to the Rancor. I will only point out those Reborn that you can't
really avoid. Right at the start, run away to the left. Head for the opposite
corner, jump onto the platform and press the switch. There are two Reborn
here. The crane will slowly lift a crate, so you will have to avoid the rancor
while it is being lifted. When it is, go in the passage that is revealed to
find two Reborn. This passage is safe from the rancor. Immediately outside the
passage are two Reborn. Head for the opposite far corner. There is a Reborn
down here. When the Rancor approaches, the door at the end will open and a
Reborn comes through. Go through and head for the other end of the corridor.
Press the switch on the left then jump over the crates to the right. Go
straight ahead to the door and press the switch on the left just in front of
it. Through the door and immediately left up the ramp. There are two Reborn in
here and another to the right up the next ramp. When the rancor is on the
conveyor belt, press the switch to end the level.


Head over the bridge. There is a Noghri through the door and two more in the
next room. Their shots leave behind a gas that will hurt while in it. Both to
the left and right are two Noghri and three troopers. Wait, then clean up the
survivors. In the tower are two Noghri. Go left. Through here are two
troopers ahead and three to the left. Go down the lift to find three troopers.
Through the next door are two troopers and an officer, with another trooper
down the end. Press the switch and go back up and through the fan. Go up and
there are two Reborn in the next room. Through the door is another Noghri and
trooper fight. Straight on are two Reborn, to the left are two Noghri and a
shield charger. Through the door are two Reborn, and another next to the fan
to the left. Jump up the fan. There are five troopers in the next room - three
ahead and one each to the left and right. Through the door a Reborn drops down
and five troopers and three Noghri are fighting up ahead. In the tower is a
Reborn and a shield charger. There are two more Reborn on each of the next two
levels. Through the door are three Noghri and two Reborn fighting. Go round
the tower and up the lift. At the top is a Reborn, with another Reborn and two
Noghri fighting. There are two Noghri round the other side. Plant the charges
to end the level.


Go through the lower green lit door. There is a trooper to the right and two
pilot, a trooper and an officer to the left. There is a roof turret opposite
the second window. Round the corner are three troopers and two pilots. Through
the door, immediately turn right and follow the officer through the door. Go
round into a room with a trooper and another officer with a key. The trooper
under the turret will most likely follow you. From here you can take out the
turret safely. Go through the locked door and up the lift. Listen to the
conversation and kill the two troopers. Round the corner and straight ahead
are three troopers, while left is a trooper and two power troopers. Go left
and through the door. Kill the two officers and press the switch. Go back the
way you came and through the door opposite the lift. Round the corner are five
troopers and a turret, with two troopers near the force field ahead. Destroy
the field to find a rocket trooper and two normal troopers. Through the door
and round the corner are three troopers. Through the door to the left are two
troopers and two officers. Down the other stairs are three troopers. Through
the next door and ahead to the left are two power troopers and two troopers to
the right. Go up the lift. Ther are two troopers and an officer to the left, a
trooper to the right, then round the corner to the left are four troopers and
an officer, then down the corridor ahead are three troopers and an officer. In
the large room are three troopers on the lower floor and two on the upper
floor (the lift is at the bottom of the stairs). Use the gun up here to shoot
the TIEs. When Kyle tells you to go back, do so. There are three troopers and
an officer at the top of the long lift. At the bottom through the door are
three troopers. Carry on round and down the stairs. Through the door are two
troopers and an officer on your level and six troopers on the lower level.
Kill them all to end the level.


You have a map for this level (press TAB), which gives better directions than
I could. The only enemy on this map is Boba Fett who has a scriptal
immunity and as such is unkillable. You have to hit him a few times to make
him fly away. He will hover around and use his blaster mainly, but he will
occasionaly use his guided rockets. The blaster you can just deflect (but it
is so rapid that you cannot block them all), but the rockets you just have to
Force Speed away from and jump a lot until he lands. When you get close he
uses his flamethrower which is lethal. Even with Force Speed you will only
have time to get one swipe in. Lightning helps a lot against him. Use Speed to
zip between the weapons fast to minimise your dealings with him. After the
weapons have been destroyed (the cache on the top right of the map is on the
upper floor) you just have to defeat Fett again by your ship to end the level.

You will get another verdict now, based on your choice of Force powers.


Go over the middle bridge. There are two troopers and a zero G trooper at the
end. The door will open and there are two more troopers there, with another
two further in. Through the door to the left are two more. Go out through the
left hand door at the end of the room and down the ramp. Press both switches
then go over the bridge and kill the power trooper, then go left and press the
switch. Back up the ramp into the room with the orange pillar. To the left is
a trooper and the door is now open. Go up the lift. There is a stealth trooper
to the left, an officer on the right and three troopers at the other end of
the room. Through the door ahead is a shield, while through the other door are
two Reborn ahead and a stealth trooper to the right. Over the bridge are two
troopers. On the other side of the door are two Reborn, with two troopers
further in and two more round to the left. Through the door and up the lift.
There are two troopers round to the left, an officer and two troopers further
round and a stealth trooper behind the crates. Force Push the crate by the
door and use it to jump through the hole in the ceiling. Follow the corridor
round to find two troopers and an officer with a key. Go through the door to
find a Reborn. Go down the ramp. There is a zero G trooper at the bottom. Move
along and two more zero G troopers attack. Snipe the stealth trooper on the
high platform and go through the door. There are two officers ahead and two
troopers to the left. Up the stairs is a Reborn and two more Reborn further
up. Move on and one more will drop down. At the top is a zero G trooper. There
is a Reborn in the alcove to the left and an officer to the right. Through the
door ahead are two Reborn, then five troopers and an officer in the next room.
Over the bridge are two Reborn, with a zero G trooper in the distance. Follow
the path round for two more zero G troopers. Through the door are two troopers
straight ahead and a stealth trooper to the right. Down the stairs is a Reborn
with another further on. As you go down, two stealth troopers come through the
door. Through the door are two Reborn, with two more through the next door.
Outside, hide behind the far bridge end, and wait for the six power troopers
to come to you up the right bank. The best way is to Speed out, slice up one
and then get back behind the bridge to recover. The rooms they came out of
mostly have health, but the far left room has a shield. Through the door at
the end there is a Reborn ahead and another immediately to the right. Through
the door and over the bridge are two Reborn. There are five troopers in the
room beyond. Up the lift there is a trooper and an officer to the left, and
three troopers and a Reborn around to the right. Through the door to the right
is health and a shield. Through the other door is a zero G trooper and a
stealth trooper. Through the door are two troopers to the left and a stealth
trooper to the right. Through the door to the right is a Reborn and a shield
charger. Back in and follow round for an officer and two troopers. Go through
the door ahead and up the lift. There is a Reborn straight ahead of you.
Behind the crates ahead is a stealth trooper. Round the corner to the right is
another Reborn. Through the doors to the right is an officer and a Reborn. On
the bridge through the door is a Reborn. Through the door to end the section.


Go left and up the lift then through the door. There are two Reborn through
here. Through the next door are two troopers. Through the next door and after
the cutscene, two Reborn attack. Through the door and down the lift to find
two Reborn. Go through the doors and jump onto the generator for a cutscene.
There are two Reborn above on the walkway. Go through the door to the right.
To the right of the large radar dish is a Reborn. In the large room, there are
three troopers to the right (one has a rocket) and two to the left. Through
the door to the right are two Reborn. Two more drop down into the sunken part,
and in the corridor to the left is another. Through the door and kill the
trooper directly ahead. Press the switch then use Speed to get through the
force field for a cutscene. Get to the other end avoiding the steam then drop
down to the right onto the next conveyor. Use the platforms to get down to the
door and go up the lift. Kill the trooper. You now have to get to the other
end of the conveyor again, but you have to time things well to avoid the
steam. Jump onto the platform. Round the corridor are two Reborn, with two
more and a trooper through the door. Get into the alcove across to the left.
Follow behind a block. Jump through while the crushers are opening (but do not
touch them as they are electrified) and get onto the metal thing just above
the belt. You may need to use Speed to get through. You are safe on this small
platform. Next, drop behind a block as it comes through, then use Speed to get
over and through and into one of the small alcoves to the side before the
crusher comes down. Again, wait for a block then Speed through past the last
crusher and kill the two troopers in the room. Go down the ramp to the right
of the crusher for a Secret. There is a Reborn through the door. Carry on
round for a cutscene and a Reborn. There is a shield charger in the far
corner, but you need to jump up to the right of the door, from there onto the
moving platform and then onto the platform Alora was on for a cutscene. You
now have to make a choice. If you kill Rosh, you will fall completely to the
Dark side and decide to take the scepter for yourself. If you do not kill him,
you will stay firmly on the Light side and tell Alora where to go. The Force
powers you have chosen make no difference here - only your choice at this
point does. Whatever you choose, you then have to defeat Alora to end the

From this point on, there will be both Jedi and Reborn in the levels. If you
are Dark, you will have to fight both. If you are Light, you only have to
fight the Reborn. The enemies are slightly different as well. Generally, at
certain points Reborn are replaced with Jedi if you are dark, but the number
of people does not change (obviously, if you are dark, you have to fight more
of them).


There are two Jedi by your ship. Go round to the left to find a Reborn on the
stairs. Down the stairs are a Jedi and a Reborn, then a Jedi and two Reborn
at the bottom. Carry on to the next room. There is a Reborn ahead and one each
to the left and right. Force Push the four statues and go down the stairs.
There are two Reborn down here, then go down either flight of stairs. There is
a Reborn about halfway down. In the main room at the bottom there are three
Reborn and two Jedi. Go up the stairs next to the door you came out of. Stand
at the edge and face the door. Use Force Sense and press the three buttons
with the matching symbols (middle left, top right, bottom right). Through the
door down the stairs are four Jedi or four Reborn. Through the archway, look
to the left and Force pull the three light coloured blocks. Use
them to jump up to the top of the tower. There is a Reborn up here. Go through
the doorway. Halfway down are two Jedi or Reborn, with two Jedi and two Reborn
at the bottom of the stairs. Drop down the hole and follow the tunnel. At the
end are two Jedi and four Reborn. Go round to the right. As you turn the
corner, two Reborn drop down and there is another up ahead. There are four
Reborn through the arch. In the next room are three Reborn and a Jedi. Go
down a ramp on the side of the room to find three Reborn down here. Go through
the hole in the back wall and jump up the pipes to find a Secret at the top.
Drop down to the bottom and go through to find two Jedi or Reborn. Down the
stairs are two more Jedi or Reborn. Avoid the lava in the next room and go up
the stairs. There are two Reborn to the right and one to the left. There is
another behind the large block on the right and two more behind the archway.
Destroy the brown pillars under the white block, then destroy the two chains
behind you and jump back up into a familiar large room. There is a Reborn on
each side. Go round to the door behind you and kill the Reborn guarding it to
end the section.


There is a shield in the room and through the arch ahead are two Jedi and two
Reborn. Go down the ramp and go left. When you reach the three pillars, a
Reborn will attack. Two more Reborn attack by the next pillar. When you get to
the ravine drop down onto the rock below and go left for a Secret. Get back up
and over the ravine and go right. There will be three Reborn (dark) or one
(light) and a shield by the wall. Force Push the pillar and go over. There are
two Reborn here. Drop into the hole and go through the tunnel. Jump up onto
the platform above to the left then over to the other platform and down the
corridor. (Light) There are five troopers to the left over the gap, five more
by the shuttles and four troopers, two Jedi and two Reborn further on. The two
troopers at the far end both have rockets, so Speed over and take them out
first. (Dark) There is a Jedi over the gap to the left and two more by the
shuttles. Ahead there are two Jedi and two Reborn. Either way, head back and
use the rubble to get up onto the structure with the pillars then from there
onto the other structure. There is a Jedi or Reborn up here and a Secret at
the end. Drop down and go up the ramp by the shuttles. If you are Light there
is a Reborn at the top. There is a Reborn in the room at the bottom of the
next ramp and two more on the other side of the doorway (one on each side).
There are another two on the walkway. There is health and a shield on either
side of the next door, then go through for a cutscene. You now have to defeat
Tavion. When you do, one of two things will happen:
Light - Ragnos will possess Tavion's body and you have to defeat her (Ragnos)
again, but she is more powerful this time. Some Mon Cal cruisers will arrive
and destroy the Star Destroyer. Your life as a Jedi has just begun.
Dark - You kill Tavion. Kyle arrives and tries to talk you out of it. Defeat
him and you take the staff, initiate a hostile takeover of the Star Destroyer
and head off. Much evil no doubt ensues. Kyle goes after you, determined
to turn you back.

Jedi Knight IV anyone?

Finished (yay!). I still need help finding secrets that I missed, useful
advice and cheats (in each case I will credit the first person to send me each
one). Thanks all,

(Orkimedes just about everywhere)

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Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013
Master Desann sehr stark machen

17.Октябрь 2013
Force Powers/Weapons FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Zwei neue Schwerter für Jedi Academy u.a. Doppelklingenschwert zum Werfen

18.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Moves

18.Октябрь 2013
Multiplayer & Storyline FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013
Lightsaber Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013
Multiplayer Duel Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

16.Октябрь 2013
Saber Dueling Strategy Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für unendlich viel Munition, Schilde und God Mode

17.Октябрь 2013
Megatrainer für die Machtkräfte

17.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für Force, Munition, Gesundheit und Schutzschild

18.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für Force, Gesundheit und Schutzschild (für die Betaversion)

18.Октябрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018