

16.10.2013 22:57:34
Gunbound - Lightning Guide v2.00
by EverNoob

May 14, 2005


Copyright 2005 Son-Hai Mai

Anybody is free to post this guide on their website, as long as it is kept in
its original format, and is credited to EverNoob.

I've been using Lightning (aka Lovebot) ever since my newbie days (maybe those
days aren't over yet), and have become fairly proficient with it. Seeing how
painful it was to for me learn how to use Lightning properly, I thought I'd
write a guide to make it easier for those who want to start using this mobile.
I know this guide is long. But I've tried to be as comprehensive as possible,
and Lightning is a complicated mobile. Take note that Lightning is most suited
for novices to experts players. This guide is written with the assumption that
the reader is an experienced Gunbound player.

No Love for Lovebot!

There are a large number of players out there who hold the opinion that
Lightning is weak. Do not believe them! This belief usually stems from not
understanding how this mobile really works. I can't blame them though, because
Lightning's strengths aren't immediately obvious, and it requires a different
way of playing. Lovebot is a strategic mobile, to be used by players who
understand delay, angle blocking, trickshots, etc...

Update 2.00
It's been a year since I posted version 1.00 of this guide. Since then many
things have changed for Lightning.

- general editing: Changed and corrected the text here and there.

- all true angle: At the time I wrote v1.00, Lightning's shooting angle was 22,
with 12 true angle. Now the angle is 32 all true, and it
looks like they raised it by 10 degrees or so. Therefore
Lightning no longer has a tiny firing angle. Thank you

- lower delay: In addition to raising and increasing Lightning's angle, its
delay was also lowered by 20! Shot 1 now is 730 delay, and shot
2 is 780. Not sure what the numbers for the SS is, but I'm
guessing it's 20 less as well, since it looks like they lowered
base delay. May seem like much, but it really does makes a big

- HP: Lightning's HP seems to be closer to 750 than the 800 posted previously.

- splash damage: Lightning's splash damage was always 76 for non-metallic bots,
but I had used 75 for the sake of simplicity. The correct
amount of 76 is used now.

- Section 2.3: Has been updated to describe how base damage and electric
damage are added.

- Added 2.6. Shot 2 land destruction

- Section 3.2: Having learned a few things since v1.00, I've changed this
section alot.

- Section 5: The whole section on avatar equipment has been scrapped. I've
given up on avatar-on games mainly due to the attitude of many
player on those servers :(

- Added Mobile specific strategy section

- Added a section devoted to weather

- Added Lightning formulas

Table of Contents

1. Basic Information

2. Lovebot Quirks

2.1. Non-solid tracer
2.2. Tracer trickshots
2.3. Base and electrical damage
2.4. Light projectile
2.5. Constant bunging
2.6. Shot 2 land destruction

3. How to Win with Lovebot

3.1. General Lightning strategy
3.2. Tactics
3.2.1. Putting the enemy in a hole
3.2.2. Shooting in heavy tailwind
3.2.3. Melee
3.2.4. Using dual and dual+
3.2.5. Defensive tactics
3.2.6. Using SS
3.2.7. Hitting multiple enemies

4. Formulas

5. Weather

6. Mobile Specific Strategy

7. Game Settings/Items

4.1. Maps
4.2. Game types
4.3. Items


9. Credits

1. Basic Information


- high defense and high total HP
- great damage to delay ratio
- good movement
- can hit multiple targets far apart


- requires *a lot* of accuracy
- hard to use attack items effectively
- can easily hit yourself or teammates
- can't hit enemies underground

Mobile type: shield
Weapon type: electricity, tracer
Natural enemies: Boomer, Turtle, Ice
Natural prey: ArmorMobile, RaonLauncher, Bigfoot, Aduka

HP: 750
Shield: 300
Shield regeneration: 20/turn

Firepower: average
Defense: high
Health: high
Movement: good
Climbing: average
Bunge: average

Shot 1 ---------------------------------

Angle: 32
Max damage: ~200
Delay: 730
Weight: light
Description: a single vertical lightning bolt strikes where the tracer lands.
Has a wide electrical splash damage area which does 76 damage to nearby bots.
On natural prey bots, shot 1 can consistently do ~220 damage. Requires high
accuracy to do maximum damage. Note the high damage for low delay.

Shot 2 ---------------------------------

Angle: 32
Max damage: 250-300 (on a single target)
Delay: 780
Weight: light
Description: this is the shot that makes Lightning complex. 2 bolts of
lightning strike diagonally roughly 45 degrees from the left and the right to
where the tracer lands, like a V. The left bolt strikes a fraction of a second
before the right bolt. For this reason, when you hit a speck of land, the bolts
will make a y instead of a V. In practice, damage is around 200-250 on
reasonably accurate shots. To do more damage requires you to land the tracer
ever so slightly to the right of your target with *pinpoint* accuracy and for
them to be sitting on a slope. Shot 2 has a wider splash area than shot 1,
which makes it good for double kills (dk).

SS ---------------------------------

Angle: 32
Max damage: ~160 (on an isolated target)
Delay: 1280
Weight: light
Description: shoots a bird shaped projectile and creates a huge radius where it
lands. For every enemy inside the radius, a single vertical lightning bolt will
strike precisely where the bot stands. The bolts do splash damage, so that if
two enemies are near each other, they will each be hit for more damage than if
they were far apart. When 2 enemies are close they each get splash damage from
the lightning bolt of their neighbour as well. The SS will do more damage to a
group of enemies close together than to the same number of enemies further
apart. Teammates are not targeted and are only hit by splash damage. VERY good
for dk. Also, the SS projectile is slightly larger than the one for shot 1 and

2. Lovebot Quirks
Here are some unique characteristics of Lightning and how to deal with them
effectively. Most of them can be bad or good depending on usage, and the

2.1. Non-solid tracer ---------------------------------

When you shoot, you must remember that the projectile itself will go through
bots. The tracer only stops when it hits land. Likewise, the resulting
lightning bolt will also go through bots and only stop when it hits land.
That's why Lightning always bunges by the same amount, whether you hit a target
directly or not. You have to aim so that the tracer lands at the center of
where the target is standing, not the bot itself. This explains why shotgunning
with Lightning is rarely effective. Trying to hit a bot standing on a pixel can
be very frustrating. On the bright side, you can safely fire right through

2.2. Tracer trickshots ---------------------------------
Lightning is a tracer bot. Like A. Sate and Aduka, you don't necessarily have
to shoot where the target is to hit. So it can be really useful when you don't
have a direct shot at your enemy. But also, if there is land between your
target and the trajectory of the bolt, then the bolt will be blocked by the
land. Very annoying on "layered" maps like Stardust, Metamine B side, and
especially Nirvana B side.

Shot 1
The easiest trick shot to do. Simply fire so that the tracer lands directly
below your target, either at the chuck of land they are standing on, or at the
ground below them. If the land they are standing on is thin, fire at the ground
below. This is because a hit will bunge them, and they will fall straight down
to where the tracer landed. If you fire upwards to where they were standing and
they get bunged down, you will have to recalibrate your shot to hit them again.
But if you shot at the ground below, you won't need to recalibrate your shot,
since they get bunged down to where your tracer landed. Avoid using shot 1 when
there is land right above your target.

The shot 2 V
Since the shot 2 bolts come down in a V pattern, you can shoot a tracer
diagonal to a target and hit them. This is the most useful shot for hitting
multiple targets and getting a dk. It just takes abit of thinking to estimate
where the 2 bolts will strike. It's easier for you to see shot 2 for yourself,
and imagine how to hit multiple targets with it, than it is for me to describe
how to do it here. Not to be used when there is land blocking on both sides of
your target, such as when they are in a hole. It's also very easy to hit
yourself or teammates with this shot, splash damage isn't too bad, but a
direct hit of a bolt can do 200+. All it takes is abit of thinking before
shooting to use shot 2 effectively.

The shot 2 y:
Because the shot 2 left bolt strikes before the right bolt, if you fire on a
speck of land, the left bolt will destroy the land, and the right bolt will go
right through where the land used to be. This creates bolts in the shape of a
y, meaning that you can hit targets diagonally below and to the LEFT of where
your shot landed. This also explains why you do better damage by landing the
tracer slightly to the right of your target. Whenever you see this, it will be
in the shape of a y, never a reverse y. This trick also works well on ledges.
The situations where you'll have the opportunity and the need to use this y
effect are rare. But it's important to keep it in mind to avoid hitting
yourself or teammates.

2.3. Base and electrical damage ---------------------------------

Similar to JD and Aduka, Lightning shots deal electrical splash damage in
addition to their base damage. The way each bolt deals damage is roughly:
shot 1 = 125 base + 76 splash = ~200 total damage (against metallic bots splash
does 82). The splash part of the damage is not cumulative and only happens once
per shot. This means that a dual would not deal splash damage twice, it would
deal base damage twice and splash damage once: 125 base + 125 base + 76 splash
= ~325 total damage. Splash damage has a fairly wide area, and is useful for
damaging more than one enemy. On the other hand, in close combat situations you
might end up damaging yourself or your teammates. Note that the electrical
damage comes from the lightning bolt itself, and that the base damage comes
from the physical explosion of land caused by the bolt.

2.4. Light projectile ---------------------------------

Lightning is the only mobile that fires a light projectile. It actually has the
same weight as a teleport shot. This means that your shots are very sensitive
to wind compared to most other bots (except Boomer). On far shots, a difference
of *1 wind* will make you miss if you don't adjust your power and/or angle.
Wind going with (tailwind) or against (headwind) your shot can be good or bad
depending on the angle you can get. But mostly, it's better to have headwind,
so that your tracer comes straight down on your enemy. Even moderate tailwind
can make hitting opponents in holes impossible.

2.5. Constant bunging ---------------------------------

As described above, both the tracer and lightning bolt are non-solid, going
right through bots and hitting land. Your shots will always bunge by the same
amount, even on a direct hit on your enemy. The good side of this is that you
will constantly be changing your opponent's firing position and angle. The bad
side of this is that you will often have to readjust your shot if you want to
keep hitting your opponent. Especially at low angles, you'll have to decrease
your power, or adjust your angle. The most frustrating consequence of the
constant bunge is its effect on dual/dual+. You'll find that at low angles,
the first shot will hit and bunge, making the second shot miss. For this
reason, it's preferable to shoot so that your tracer comes down vertically on
your opponent. One way to do this is to use high angles. The second way is to
shoot into headwind. In those cases you won't need to re-adjust your shot every
time. A problem with shot 1 is that if your opponent doesn't move, they will
end up in a deep narrow hole. Again, to keep hitting your opponent in a hole,
you have to use a high angle, or shoot in headwind.

2.6. Shot 2 land destruction and damage ---------------------------------

Because the shot 2 left bolt strikes before the right one, if you look closely
you'll notice that the hole it makes is *always* the same. It's always slanted
downward to the left, with a tiny overhang on the left side. This means that
if the opponent is sitting in the hole, their shot to the left is blocked, but
*not* their shot to the right. Unless you had shot with Thor or thunder weather
effects, they'll be able to climb out however. The orientation of the hole is
important to know because it'll determine what your enemy will do. If your
opponent wants to shoot left, he has to climb out of the hole, whereas he
doesn't need to climb out to shoot right. This makes a difference on how you
want to block someone's angle (see Section 3.2.4.).

Another unusual characteristic of shot 2 is that its damage varies depending
on terrain, supposing both bolts hit. It tends to do more damage on targets
sitting on a incline going upwards to the right. It could either be a slight
slope, or the right side of an indentation they're leaning on. On metallic bots
it can do up to 300 damage. For creature bots it can reach around 270 or so,
which is pretty awesome for 780 delay!

2.7 The Avatar-on Juggernaut ---------------------------------

Shot for shot, Lightning is unquestionably the strongest bot in avatar-on.
The combination of high defense, low delay, and defense ignoring splash damage
might make it seem really unfair to other mobiles. However crafty non-Lightning
players have a few options to beat a Lightning in avatar-on. First is to use
tunneling tactics with Bigfoot or Boomer. Second is to use a Nak to shoot from
underground when he eventually holes you. Using Mage might seem like a good
idea, but in reality isn't that strong against Lightning in avatar-on.
Lightning's delay and angle raping eventually catches up with Mage.

3. How to win with Lovebot
Alright, now that you have a good background on how Lightning works. You must
now learn to win!!! In this section I'll outline Lightning's general strategy,
and tactics for specific situations. Basic Gunbound strategy also applies to
Lightning, but this being a Lovebot guide, I won't cover them.

3.1. General Lightning strategy ---------------------------------

The key to Lightning is low delay, so be sure you understand how to control
delay. Combined with accuracy, Lightning has the best damage to delay ratio of
any mobile. Shot 1 does 200 for 730 delay. Shot 2 does 225-250 for only 780
delay! In theory, you could effectively play a game with only shot 1. The only
way for other bots to keep up with your low delay is to use shot 1. In that
case you will do more damage than they will. Low delay combines well with your
shield regeneration (+20/turn). In general, make sure you have at least 1 turn
for every turn your opponent has. Occasionally you'll be able to lap a turn as
well. Also, if you're ahead on delay (meaning you have less), you can use items
without your opponent lapping a turn. Lightning's natural high defense and high
total HP also helps you last long enough for your accumulated lead in delay to
become effective.

Keep in mind the low dual damage when trying to finish someone off with dual or
dual+. This forces you to use a dual/dual+ abit later than other bots to finish
off. If you are ahead enough in delay, you can use dual+ safely even if it
won't finish them off. Don't use a dual if it won't finish them off! The damage
is simply not worth the delay. Try to use an item only if you are ahead enough
in delay to cover it. Meaning that even if your enemy fires a shot 1, they
won't be able to go twice in a row. Although you'll find that you can sometimes
win games without using any items at all.

3.2. Tactics ---------------------------------

3.2.1. Turn Lapping

With the proper delay control, it is a certainty that you will lap turns on
your opponent at least once unless they only shot 1. There are only 3 bots you
may not lap turns on, JD, Bigfoot, or another Lightning. This extra turn makes
up for the your low dual damage. Two shots in a row is very important to
Ligthning's overall strategy. It lets you put opponents in a hole without using
duals while allowing you to do maximum damage. Your shields also benefit from
an extra turn of regeneration. Sure it's not alot, but in a close game every
point of life counts.

3.2.2. Putting the enemy in a hole

This can be accomplished with a simple shot 2. Although it won't be deep enough
to prevent them from climbing out. The most effective method is to use dual+
shot 2. The shot 2 puts them in the initial hole, and then shot 1 makes it
deeper, all the while keeping the hole narrow. Multiple shot 1 can also be
used, if your opponent doesn't move. Dual shot 1 can also be used, but not
recommended due to the low damage/high delay. It's important to keep in mind
that putting your enemy in a hole can be very bad for you, since it will become
harder to hit them. In general, only put your enemy in a deep hole if you have
a high enough angle to keep hitting, or you have headwind.

3.2.3. Shooting with heavy tailwind/low angles

Heavy tailwind or a low firing angle can create alot of problems for Lovebot.
Hitting someone on the opposite side of a slope or even in a shallow hole can
prove to be impossible. In those cases you have 3 options:
1) go for a trickshot;
2) destroy the land directly in front of them;
3) shoot at someone else.
A trickshot is only limited by the situation or your imagination. For example,
opponents in shallow holes can sometimes be hit with a shot 2 y if you land the
tracer on the right edge of the hole. Destroying the land directly in front of
them will clear a path for your next shot, however this only works if they
don't have shelter to move back to on their turn. If all else fails, remember
that Gunbound is a team game, so if you really can't hit someone don't waste
turns trying and shoot someone more accessible. You can always swap targets
with your teammate.

3.2.4. Planning ahead

While it's important with any mobile to plan ahead before shooting, there's an
extra factor to think about when using Lightning. That factor is the constant
bunging. Each time you shoot, you have to think about your next shot. Will your
current shot bunge and make your next shot harder, or even impossible? This is
especially important when shooting with heavy tailwind or at low angles.

Learn to maniputlate your opponent's terrain to your needs. For example,
suppose your target is sitting on the opposite side of a slope in heavy
tailwind and you can't get a high angle.

--> wind -->

bad guy
you ____
/ \ *
# / \*
# / \--------------

In this situation, hitting directly using your low angle is impossible. A
trickshot with shot 2 also won't hit well. So you start with a shot 2 on your
side of the hill at the bottom, splashing him for 76. More importantly, you've
made a small hole at the bottom of the slope as well as put a small dent to the
right of the peak.

/ \__ *
# / \*
# \ \--------------

Now your opponent can choose to move or not. If he chooses to stay so he can
keep his original angle and firing position, then he is open for a shot 2
trickshot. All you have to do is fire a shot 2 into the small hole you made at
the bottom of the slope and the right bolt will hit fully. This will deepen
your "shooting hole" even more, making your next shots even easier to control.
The same thing applies if he chooses to move up towards the peak of the slope.
If instead he moves down the slope to flat ground, then that just solves your
original problem.

That was just *one* possible scenario. So plan ahead, terraform your opponent's
land, and be creative.

3.2.5. Angle blocking/messing ('angle raping')

Properly used, Lightning is a master at angle raping. At the very least, a hit
messes whatever angle they had since you're constantly destroying land. This
puts pressure on them since they have to move and recalibrate their shot. It
also makes them waste time and causes extra delay. Ideally what you want is to
block their shot completely, forcing them to waste turns digging themselves
out. In normal circumstances shot 1 is the best way to block shots. Here's the
general procedure (warning: I suck at ASCII art):

you bad guy

# *

Suppose your opponent is on relatively flat ground and terrain allows you to
get a decently high angle. You start with shot 1.

you bad guy

------------------------------ * --------

Your opponent now has 2 options, stay in the indentation (usually for angle),
or climb out. Suppose he stays, or even better you lapped turns on him. Now you
have different choices depending on what direction your opponent wants to shoot
(remember Gunbound is a team game, just because someone is shooting at you,
doesn't mean you have to shoot back at them to win the game). If you want to
block his shot to the left, the best method is a single shot 2. Because he is
already in an indentation, a shot 2 will make a hole deep enough so that he
can't climb out. And because shot 2 makes downward slanted holes to the left,
his shots to the left will be blocked. Although depending on wind, mobile, and
distance, they might be able to do a backshot by leaning on the right wall.

you bad guy

------------------------------ --------
| |
/ * / <---- left side blocked

But suppose you wanted to block their right side now. This requires an extra
turn. Most opponents will lean be leaning on the right side of the hole in
order to shoot. So what you need is to land a shot 1 on the bottom right of the

you bad guy

------------------------------ --------
| |
/ * \ <---- right side blocked

Now their right side is blocked, they may be able to shoot left though. But
nevertheless, you still forced him too use a different angle for each of his
shots, greatly increasing the chances of him missing.

This tactic works best if you control your delay so that you lap turns. Or else
they will be able to keep moving and avoid getting holed. If you don't use any
items and stick to shot 1, you will be able to lap turns as soon as they use
shot 2. The only exceptions are JD, Lightning, and Bigfoot, who can be viably
be played using only shot 1. In these cases you may have to use a dual+, the
tradeoff is doing less damage per hit. Also, you need favorable wind and a
decently high angle to execute this tactic since it requires landing a shot 1
into the hole. But if you really can't get that shot 1 in, an SS does the trick
too, at the cost of more delay (SS usage is described in more detail later on).

There's other ways to block angles as well, but the general procedure is to
immobilize them in a hole, then use a properly placed shot 1. How you want to
block shots is very dependent on the mobile your opponent is using. Mobiles
with a low firing point like Armor, Sate, and Aduka are by far the easiest
ones to block. A single properly aimed dual+ usually rapes their angle. The
only bot immune to this tactic is Boomer. In that case just forget about angle
blocking and concentrate on doing maximum damage. For bots with a high firing
point like Turtle and Mage it takes a slightly deeper hole to block their
shots since they can backshot.

3.2.6. Melee

For melee situations, shot 1 must be used because it has a smaller splash area.
Smart opponents will try to exploit your splash damage and stay close to you,
so that you will splash yourself when you shoot them. There are 3 possible
solutions to this: teleport, walk away, or put them in a hole. Teleporting is
sometimes the best option, it allows you to put yourself in a better firing
position, ie: higher angle or shooting against the wind. Since Lightning has
good movement, walking away is also a good option, terrain permitting. The only
mobile that can outrun you is JD, but JD also needs a minimum distance to
shoot. Usually the preferred option is to put them in a hole so they can't walk
towards you. It also has the added advantage of making shots harder for your

3.2.7. Using dual and dual+

The different ways to use dual/dual+ with Lighting vary a lot depending on the
terrain, wind, and firing angle. You have to imagine where the second shot
would land after the first shot has slightly bunged your opponent. Ideally,
you'd want the tracer to come straight down on your target, so that both shots
land in the exact same spot. For most situations, I recommend dual+ over dual,
since the damage dealt it essentially the same, for much lower delay.

Dual shot 1 - 1330 delay - 325 damage
This is the easiest shot to land and the one that does the most reliable
damage. A good shot does around 325, which is 125 base + 125 base + 75 splash.
It's also nice for putting enemies in a narrow hole that can block their shot,
depending on the mobile. However, it has very high delay for only 325 damage.
The first situations that I recommend using it would be either to finish
someone off. The second is to put them in an angle-blocking hole, which will
require them to waste a shot opening up the hole. In the second case, make sure
that the hole you dig will block their shot, or else it's not worth using dual
shot 1.

Dual shot 2 - 1380 delay - 200-450 damage
From experience, I've found that this shot is almost never worth it. The damage
is much too variable and the delay too high. Because shot 2 bunges more than
shot 1, the second shot of the dual shot 2 is less likely to land in the right
spot to do full damage. Also, the first shot usually puts the enemy in a hole,
blocking the incoming bolts of the second shot. It might be ok to use it if
your target is standing on top of a hill or bump. Theoretically, dual shot 2
could deal (125 base x 4) + 75 splash = 575, but I haven't been able to
consistently get anything higher than 250-325. That's less damage than dual
shot 1! One time I saw someone deal a lucky 450. One time. For bunging
situations, dual shot 2 is better than dual shot 1 if you can get all 4 bolts
to hit. But for damage purposes, just avoid it.

Dual+ shot 1 - 980 delay - 325-400 damage
A good low delay way to deal damage. However it can only be used if they are
on flat land or high ground. Since the initial shot 1 bunges, possibly blocking
the following shot 2. Shot 1 bunges less than shot 2, so you can use dual+ shot
1 with a lower angle than dual+ shot 2 for the same amount of damage. A good
hit does consistently around 300-350 damage. This shot works best when shooting
from left to right. Since the initial shot 1 will bunge slightly, making the
following shot 2 land slightly to the right of your target.

Dual+ shot 2 - 1030 delay - 325-400 damage
Another good way to deal damage for low delay. As opposed to dual+ shot 1, this
can be used to hit mobiles already in a shallow hole. On the other hand,
because the initial shot 2 bunges a lot, it requires a higher angle compared to
dual+ shot 1 for good damage. This is the best method for putting them in a
narrow hole they can't walk out of, and usually does around 300-350 on a good
hit. This shot works best shooting from right to left (opposite of dual+ shot
1). Since you have to aim the initial shot 2 abit to the right of your target,
the bunge will cause the following shot 1 to land dead on.

Creative dualing
Here are a few trickshots to make players unfamiliar with Lightning scratch
their heads (these shots have been personally tested already). Not always
necessary, but great for showing off :)

Double y shot

|| <--- high angle dual shot 2 here
* ||
------------------/ \--------------
bad guy

Pixel Madness

evildoer 1

O <-- pixel Dual+ shot 2 at the pixel, angled so the
shot 1 portion lands there your evildoer
#2 is. The initial shot 2 hits #1 directly
and #2 with a y, then the following shot 1
* # hits #2 directly.
evildoer 2 you

Pixel Madness Special

evildoer 3

O <-- pixel Dual+ shot 2 at the pixel, angled so the
shot 1 hits evildoer #2. A shot 2 y hits
evildoer #1, then the following shot 1
# * * hits #2. This is my dream shot. I've only
----------------------------------- had to opportunity to do this with #1 and
you evildoer 1 evildoer 2 #2 in position. #3 was missing :(

3.2.8. Defensive playing

If you want to win against good players, you must learn the basic Gunbound
tactics for minimising the damage you take. These include blocking their shots
and seeking cover. I've already covered shot blocking with Lightning above.
One of Lightning's strengths is its good movement, so use it to your advantage
to seek cover or to put yourself in more favorable positions. What you do with
your movement really depends on what mobile you're are facing. For example,
against JD you should usually get closer, and against Nak you should try to
walk away. The type of cover you seek is also a function of the bot shooting at
you. These defensive tactics aren't unique to Lightning, but unlike other bots
your good movement rate really helps position yourself more favorably.

In solo and tag games, Lightning has an advantage in that it can fire right
through dead mobiles' bodies. As a result, you can take cover behind bodies
very easily, and bodies will offer no protection to your opponents. This tactic
can be so effective that it is sometimes worth teleporting next to a body for

Defensive play could be a whole FAQ in itself and isn't unique to Lightning, so
I won't go too deeply into it.

3.2.9. Using SS

Lightning's SS is very different from other mobile's. The first thing to
remember about the SS is that it is NOT used to deal high damage. On a single
target, it deals less damage than shot 1. The true power of the SS lies in its
huge hit radius. It has the largest radius in the game. The most obvious use
for it is getting a dk or hitting a group of enemies. If you can hit at least
3 enemies at once with SS, then you should probably do it. The combined damage
usually reaches 500. There are also more subtle tactical uses for the SS.

The first tactical use for SS is blocking the shot of an enemy sitting in a
hole. When an enemy is in a deep hole, it gets progressively harder to hit them
with normal shots. This is because most opponents will lean on the side of the
hole closest to you in order to get an angle to hit you. Hitting an enemy in
such a position can become impossible depending on your angle and wind
conditions. An option is to fire an SS nearby. This will cause a lightning bolt
to come straight down on their position and destroy the portion of the wall
that they were leaning on, causing that side of the hole to curve inwards.
Most mobile's shot will be blocked this way. Be careful though, some bots may
still be able to do a backshot. The high delay from the SS may allow your
opponent to lap a turn, but is worth it if they need to waste a turn unblocking
their shot.

The second tactical use is as a test shot that will guarantee a hit. If I have
enough lead in delay (about 600 lead), I move to a new position, then fire SS
as my test shot. I use SS in this way if conditions make judging shots
difficult. In more favorable shooting conditions, a regular test shot with shot
1 or shot 2 is better since it still does splash damage on a miss, while at the
same time conserving my lead in delay. There are tons of ways to use the SS,
just be creative! Just 3 things to remember about it, first it requires open
space above your enemy for a hit, second it doesn't target teammates, and third
its projectile is slightly larger than your normal shots.

3.2.10. Hitting multiple enemies

It is obvious to any good player that if you can hit more than one enemy at a
time, then you should do so. Therefore in situations where a shot 1 will do,
but a shot 2 would hit more than one enemy, then use shot 2. Just remember to
concentrate your damage on at least one mobile. Splashing many opponents for
only 75 is generally less effective than doing a full 200 on a single target.
It'll require some imagination on your part to exploit situations where you can
hit multiple enemies.

4. Formulas
Now that Lightning's angle is larger, fixed power formulas have become more
useful. Remember that Lightning's strategy is based on delay, so don't take too
much time aiming.

This information belongs to creedo. Note that he says that he hasn't personally
tested these out, so the numbers may be 0.5 off. If anybody has in fact tested
these out, please email me so that I can post the corrections, if any. For
instructions on how to use a windchart and formulas refer to his website at

With Lightning's need for great accuracy, the 30 parts formula is best. At
close range you may not be able to get the 80+ angle necessary, so you may have
to use another aiming method for opponents within 1/3 screen distance.

1/4 screen distance shots (0 wind)

60, 1.1 (fixed angle 60)
30, 1.1 (fixed angle 30)
83, 2.2 (fixed power, 30 parts to 1 screen)
85, 2.6 (fixed power, 20 parts to 1 screen)

1/3 screen distance shots (0 wind)

60, 1.3 (fixed angle 60)
30, 1.3 (fixed angle 30)
80, 2.2 (fixed power, 30 parts to 1 screen)
83, 2.6 (fixed power, 20 parts to 1 screen)

1/2 screen distance shots (0 wind)

60, 1.6 (fixed angle 60)
30, 1.6 (fixed angle 30)
75, 2.25 (fixed power, 30 parts to 1 screen)
80, 2.7 (fixed power, 20 parts to 1 screen)

2/3 screen distance shots (0 wind)

60, 1.95 (fixed angle 60)
30, 1.95 (fixed angle 30)
70, 2.25 (fixed power, 30 parts to 1 screen)
77, 2.75 (fixed power, 20 parts to 1 screen)

3/4 screen distance shots (0 wind)

60, 2.1 (fixed angle 60)
30, 2.1 (fixed angle 30)
67, 2.3 (fixed power, 30 parts to 1 screen)
75, 2.75 (fixed power, 20 parts to 1 screen)

1.0 screen distance shots (0 wind)

60, 2.3 (fixed angle 60)
30, 2.3 (fixed angle 30)
60, 2.3 (fixed power, 30 parts to 1 screen)
70, 2.8 (fixed power, 20 parts to 1 screen)

4. Weather
Because Lightning's shots are unique, the way weather affects it is also
unique. Unfortunately, weather effects don't help Lightning as much as other


As with any other mobile, Thor helps alot with dual/dual+. Just remember that
your opponent will be bunged more than usual, so you need a higher angle to
make both shots land properly. Be really careful about using dual+ shot 1, the
extra bunge may block your 2nd hit with shot 2. A good dual/dual+ does around
400. Interestingly enough, Thor can actually hurt you more than help. A badly
positioned Thor can prevent you from angle raping someone at a crucial moment,
allowing them to dual you with Thor. A low angle in front of your opponent is
usually bad for you:

O <--- good Thor!

# *
you evildoer

o <--- so so Thor

# *
you evildoer

o <--- bad Thor! In this case, Thor eats away at
the land right in front of your
opponent, opening up a clear shot
# * for him.
you evildoer


Do NOT stand behind a force beam! Since your damage comes from the lightning
bolts, Force does NOT help you. To Lightning, Force is a real pain in the ass.
It's important to look at upcoming weather to see if Force is coming and plan
accordingly. Try to rape your opponent's angle so that he has no shot while
Force is up.


This one only increases your damage slightly, because the thunder electrical
splash isn't cumulative with your own splash. So only the physical damage
portion of thunder is added. Your bunge will be increased considerably however.
Shot 1 works better with thunder than shot 2. Since shot 2 does better damage
when aimed abit to the right, the thunder bolt will miss slightly. Shot 2 looks
cooler though! You can see 3 lightning bolts coming down :)


A nado only affects how your tracer lands, not how your lightning bolt strikes
(unlike Sate). Hitting someone really close to a nado is very difficult. The
nado will tend to carry the tracer right through and past them, since your
tracer doesn't make contact with mobiles.

4. Mobile specific strategy
In a real 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4 game, you'll never really face one single bot at a
time. Often more than one person will be shooting at you and you'll have
teammates to help you, since team play is an important part of Gunbound. But
here are some general guidelines for 1v1 situations against specific mobiles:

This mobile suffers too many weaknesses against Lightning. Being metallic and
using a laser weapon (Thor), Aduka is a geared against hit damage creature
mobiles such as Boomer, Ice, and to a lesser extent Turtle. The very qualities
that make it a decent bot against creatures make it a horrible bot against
Lightning. Not to mention that it has a low firing point, making it more
vulnerable to shot blocking. A single well shot dual+ can accomplish this.

This mobile has 2 weaknesses that Lightning can capitalize on. First is the
*huge* delay it has, and second its low firing point. Like Aduka, Armor is
very vulnerable to getting its angle raped by a single dual+. Your delay
advantage over Armor is simply amazing. It's really an uphill battle for Armor
to fight a correctly used Lightning. I honestly think Softnyx intended
Lightning to be THE Armor killer. After thoroughly owning an Armor user, expect
him to pick Mage for the next game. This happens all the time.

There are a few notable characteristics of Bigfoot to keep in mind. First off
unlike most other mobiles, Bigfoot's main weapon is shot 1 (760 delay) so your
delay advantage will be much less effective. Its main weaknesses are its small
and low firing angle and its inability to deal alot of damage at long range.
So blocking some of his missiles should be fairly easy using the standard shot
blocking tactics. Putting some distance between him and you is also a good
idea. And of course, watch out not to get bunged! On a side note, some good
Bigfoot players may try to use tunneling tactics against you. What they do is
start digging tunnels underground and shoot at you from below. Once he gets
underground it gets impossible to hit because there is land above him. This is
usually only a problem if you're playing 1v1 or if you're using an all
Lightning team, both of which are generally a bad idea. It's important to have
teammates who can hit enemies that you can't hit.

This is probably the toughest mobile to beat with Lightning in a 1v1. The main
problem is that Boomer isn't vulnerable to normal shot blocking tactics. So the
best thing to do is concentrate on doing maximum damage and to seek abit of
cover if you can. Being familiar with how Boomer shoots also helps induce him
to miss. Players are usually more used to adjusting their shots horizontally
than vertically, so changing Boomer's elevation with a dual/dual+ works
sometimes if he's using hooks or backshots. If it's 0-1 wind then it's going to
be a really tough battle. On top of that, Boomer can also use some of the same
tunneling tactics as Bigfoot to some degree. In a team game, you should
probably ask another teammate to "take care" of Boomer for you while you shoot
someone else.

In many way, this mobile is Lightning's brother. Both are shield bots, both use
electrical weapons, both have good movement, and most importantly both have
good delay. While most players think of JD as a bunging bot with its shot 2
"suction", it can also be used to put people in holes and block shots. The best
strategy is usually to use dual/dual+ to immobilize him, then block his shot.
Don't expect to lap turns on him too much. In general be prepared for tactics
similar to your own.

Well...the odds of meeting a good Grub player are very low. The odds of
battling a team that can properly setup an SS situation for their Grub player
is even lower. Use standard angle raping tactics and avoid being in positions
that give him an easy shot 2 or SS.

This is an anti shield bot mobile, and Lightning is a shield bot. A perfectly
shot SS does 500 damage, not to mention that Mage's shot are very predictable
and easy to aim. Mage also has a relatively high firing point and a generous
angle, so it takes abit more work to block his shot. Mage's effectiveness
against you hinges mainly on the SS. At the beginning of the game try to stay
close to an enemy shield bot if you can so that they too would get hit by the
SS radius. At least until your shields are depleted from getting hit normally.
The optimal "script" for a Mage playing against a Lightning is, SS, shot 1,
dual shot 2 (barring weather). It's crucial that you block his angle before he
can get his dual shot 2 in. The good news is that a good Mage player is very
predictable. If you go before him you can start off with a dual+ and predict
that he will not lap a turn on you because he will shoot an SS on his turn.

Nak Machine
A battle against Nak can either be really easy or really hard all depending on
terrain. Your strategy against Nak depends on whether he'd be able to shoot you
from underground if you were to hole him. If he wouldn't be able to hit you
from underground, then you can proceed with the standard angle raping tactics.
Nak has a low firing point, so a good dual+ can block his shot. However, if
underground shots are possible, standard angle raping tactics won't work so
avoid putting him in a hole (ie: avoid using dual/dual+). Instead concentrate
on doing maximum damage. Nak's weakness is its high delay, so take advantage of
that. Lightning can also move alot more than Nak, so if you keep walking away
from him you can put some distance between the 2 of you and he won't be able to
catch up. It's important that you avoid a melee situation.

A. Sate
The main weaknesses of this one is its short effective range, and its low
firing point. Like Armor it can dish out alot of damage if it has a clear shot,
but without the huge delay. Your priority will be to block his shots. Also,
Sate has the hardest time digging itself out of deep holes, so try to make
your holes abit deeper than usual if you can. Sate also has a hard time getting
a clean hit if you can get any amount of land between you and his satellites,
so look for ledges to hide behind or cover on top. As with Aduka and Armor,
Sate can get angle raped by a single dual+.

Other mobiles coming soon!

5. Game Settings/Items
As with other mobiles, certain maps, game settings, and items, can affect the
effectiveness of Lightning.

5.1. Maps ---------------------------------
I haven't mentioned other maps here simply because there's nothing special
to write about in relation to Lightning.

Nirvana B-side

The all-time worst map for Lightning. Against players who exploit your
weakness, it is almost impossible to win. Smart opponents will simply move
under the many little "islands", rendering you completely helpless. Choosing
Lightning to play on this map is suicide.

Stardust and Metamine B-side

Stardust and Metamine B-side are difficult, but manageable. In fact, you can
hold the advantage in these two maps if you manage to get below them and do
tracer trickshots. You just have to know when to use shot 1 or shot 2.


Since everyone starts out very close to each other on this map, you have to be
careful about hitting your teammates with splash damage. Then again, it's also
very easy to hit multiple opponents as well. If you have smart teammates who
stay outside the radius of your shots, you should have no problems. Cave B-side
is your best friend. The loads of item locks really work in your favour.

5.2. Game types ---------------------------------

Score and Solo

In general, I have found that Lightning does better on smaller games, 3v3 and
less. This is for two reasons: 1) the most popular sudden death setting is
double death 40, and since Lightning does less damage on dual shots, other
mobiles will deal more damage than you when double death comes around; 2)
smaller games are less crowded, giving you more room to maneuver around the
map. In a 4v4 game with double death 40, you will have fewer turns before
sudden death than other games. The more turns you get before double death, the
better. Likewise, because in solo you have the chance to kill your opponents
before double death comes around, it is better than playing score. If I had my
way, I would choose the other types of sudden death settings. It's just that
other people don't like playing anything other than double death 40. Very
boring, IMO. In 3v3, double death 40 is fine. Just try to win before double
death comes. I'm not saying 4v4 score double death 40 should not be played with
Lightning. It's just that it will require superior skills in order to gain an
advantage over your opponents during double death.


I haven't played tag very much, but when I do, I like to pick Grub as my tag
mobile. Grub complements Lightning's hole digging abilities. Narrow holes are
excellent for Grub SS. Other mobile I sometimes choose is Armor, but that's
simply my preference. Any other mobile with a "normal" shot would do, in case
of situations where land blocks your lightning bolts.


In jewel games you will need to be very accurate to kill jewels. SS can be used
kill a group of 5s. A well aimed shot 1 is effective for 10s. 25s can only be
killed with a very well aimed dual or dual+. I really enjoy playing jewel with
Lightning, since you have the ability to kill multiple jewels with SS or shot

5.3. Items ---------------------------------
I prefer to have games with ALL items open, because the variety makes very
interesting and strategic games. However, the most common items that people
leave open are dual+, teleport, and dual. In a solo game 1 of each of those
items is usually a good idea. It allows you to be more versatile, although
taking 2 dual+ and 1 teleport is good as well. In score games you can forget
the teleport and take 2 dual+ and 1 dual. If heals are open I suggest taking
1 medkit or 2 bandages. Note: with Lightning's larger and higher angle,
teleport has become less important.


As described above, avoid using duals. However, there are times when an
opponent is in a deep hole, and a dual shot 1 is needed to finish them off.
Don't pack more than 1, unless it's the only item available.


The best item to pick with Lightning. Always pack at least 1 dual+, since
you'll need it to dig enemies into holes. Not effective on opponents in deep
holes unfortunately.


Can be quite effective, especially since Lightning depends on low delay. It
takes off 8% of your HP, and since Lightning is a shield mobile, it takes off
less life than it would on non-shield mobiles. I'm not sure if it takes 8% of
your total HP, or current HP. If it were only current HP, it would make sense
to use blood later in the game, after you've been shot a few times. In that
case, you'd sacrifice less HP to blood. Blood shot 1 does 275 damage usually.
I haven't tried it much with shot 2.

Power up

If possible, choose dual+ over power up. The extra delay from power up isn't
worth the relatively small increase in damage. Dual+ has 100 more delay, but is
also used to trap enemies in holes. Does the same damage as blood, obviously.


I haven't tried shovels with Lightning yet. But it would seem to me a bad item
to use. Bunging your opponents more will make it harder to hit them, and wider
holes will also make it easier for them to shoot out of the hole. Although,
when I have the chance, I might try putting someone in a hole without the
shovel first, then shoot a shot 1 shovel, to see if it blocks their angle. It
might make a bottle-shaped hole?


While it will increase bunge somewhat, and up damage very slightly, there is no
reason to choose thunderbolt over dual+. With shot 2, you will see a third
vertical lightning bolt come down. With shot 1 you won't be able to see it, but
it's there. Thunderbolt is only good for mobiles that fire multiple projectiles
at once.

Energy 1 (bandage)

For some reason, most players believe heals to be cheap noob items. I don't
share that view. It simply requires a slightly different strategy to play
against. With that said, I usually don't open up heals because it scares other
players away. But if you get the chance, pack 2 bandages over a dual, even if
heals are less effective for shield mobiles.

Energy 2 (medkit)

Same as bandage, although I'm not sure which would be better, 2 bandages or 1
medkit. I probably won't get the chance to find out since most good players
simply refuse to play in a room with heals on. Packing no more than 1 medkit
seems to be effective the few times I've been able to try. I would definitely
choose a medkit over a dual, but not over a dual+.


A very practical item to have. Changing tailwind into headwind can save your
game. Also good to screw up Boomer's shots.


As I noted above, teleport is less crucial with Lightning's new and improved
firing angle. But is still useful for moving to a better position if wind is
unfavorable or your opponent is in your face. This item is more important in a
solo/tag game.

Team teleport

Errrrr, well what can I say. Use this like you would with any other mobile.


- this guide certainly doesn't offer exhaustive info on Lightning.

- The mobile specific strategy section isn't finished yet, other bots coming

- still need to cover underground tactics

7. Credits

- Basic Information comes from the main Gunbound site (, and
the now closed GB-HQ site (

- SS angle screwing idea and the y effect is from the GB-HQ forum.

- Thanks to creedo for his permission to include his formulas in this guide.

----- The End :) -----
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Symbols Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

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Ice/Mammoth FAQ
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