Maple Story

Maple Story

17.10.2013 11:24:49
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Maple Story
FAQ: Beginner/Warrior FAQ
Copyright (c) 2006 by ssbman1991
Name: Bryan Nguyen
Username: ssbman1991
In-Game-Name: Aredin
Email for contact:
Hello fellow readers of my warrior faq. This here is an faq about how to
training lean, mean, fighting machines (warriors). Anyway, I am new about
making faqs, but I have been in for a while. So I thought 'why
don't I do something for a change?'. I will try my best to explain
I can. Whatever I can't do, I'll figure it out one way or another. Oh yes, I
realize that there is another guide about Warriors also for Maple Story. But
remember, everything in the world is unique and different.

I am not releated to Wizet or Nexon whatsoever. This FAQ is for your
use on Gamefaqs only. Do not copy and paste or use this guide on your
forum, etc. without my permission. Contact me if you wish to use this for
other uses.
Version 0.9
This version is the almost complete version of my FAQ. I've added anything I
need to add, like the basic stuff. I need to add the final categories such
Advice and Training for the 2nd Job advancement for the warriors. I will
complete that sometime because I am also working on my lvl 30 Spearman, my
mage, and my other warrior.

Version 0.91
Added "Improving Max HP increase" upgrade? So that 10,000 ppl don't email me
anymore about the same thing.

Version 0.92
Added the ASCII warrior pic above, also added Pros and Cons for warriors.
Placed Stat point adding for 1st and 2nd job advancement for warriors.
Completed Lvl 0-30 Beginner/Warrior Items.

Version 0.93
IM BACK! Full information on 2nd job advancement. 3rd job advancement to
come later on.

Version 0.95
Most info on 3rd Job advancement.
. Where to download the game
. About Perion
. Pros and Cons for warriors
. Beginning off as a beginner
. Training the beginner
. Advice
. Becoming a Warrior
. Stat Point Adding
. Choosing Skills
. Training
. Advice
. Upgrading your swordsman
. Choosing Skills
. Training
. Advice
. Stat Point Adding
. Items, Armor, and Weapons
. Conclusion
Go to to download the full game.
Before I begin teaching and tutoring about being a beginner. I would like to
explain about Perion to you future Warriors. Perion at the very north of
Victoria Island. It's a very large place, filled with alot of tree stump

From here, you can find Dances with Balrog located at the very top of the main
town. He will upgrade you when you are ready to become a warrior. I will
explain more detail about becoming a warrior later on.
+We have the most HP
+We withstand the most damage (excluding magic)
+We have a variety of weapons and armor. Spears, Pole arms,
+Some of our 3rd job skills just own.

-We get KSed often
-We are short range
-Low MP
-Not highest damage out of all classes.
After you have logged in, pick a world (I recommend ones that are not
full), and choose a channel. Since your just starting off, I would recommend
choosing a channel that's nearly empty, or not halfway full. Why? Because
you get more training that's why! =) Then,from there, you get to customize
your character, there aren't many options but image doesn't really do
anything to the game. Most of the time, you look exactly like another
person. After you're done doing the customizing, it's time to roll the dice.
As most veterans say, "keep on rolling that dice"because this determines
your outcome of your future character. Since this guide is for warriors,
I would recommend rolling the dice until you get at least 10 in STR, and
at least 5+ in DEX. You don't need to worry about the INT
and LUK, because that doesn't effect warriors in anyway. When you are happy
with your results, click on create and it's time to play the game. Yay!

Once you're in Maple Island, you are free to roam anywhere you want. But
you have to learn the controls. (If you already know how to control your
skip this paragraph).

Basic Controls
Move left and right: Left and Right Arrow keys
Crouch or Prone: Down Arrow Key
Climb up Ladders, ropes, etc, and enter teleports: Up Arrow Key
Jump: Alt
Attack: Ctrl
Sit or Rest: X
To pick up or gain an item: Z or 0
To use up a "use" item: Double click with your mouse

Hot Keys
Quest: Q
Party: R
Skill: K
Shortcut: [
Worldmap: W
Item: I
Minimap: M
Quick Slot: ]
Equipment Window: E
Stats: S
Chatting+: '

Face Expressions
F1: Frowning
F2: Smiling
F3: Whistling
F4: Crying
F5: Angry
F6: Confused
F7: What the...?
Try to add STR at every lvl (till lvl 10) until the STR is at the 40 mark.
After that, add everything into DEX. The SP distribution charts for
lvl 10-70 will be shown later. Try not to lvl past 10, or else you will
lose valuable SKP (skill points). DO NOT add any points into:
So now your in Victoria Island, now the next step for you is to reach
The the mountainous town in the north. You can reach there by talking to the
ticket guy near the ship and buying a ticket to Perion, or you can walk to
Perion. I would recommend buying a ticket because it's so cheap, and I'm
to walk so far. It's up to you, just make sure you don't lvl up. Once your
Perion, it's time to meet the Dances with Balrog. The DWB is at the very
top of Perion, all you have to do is jump and climb the ropes and you should
see a temple like area with a large stone door. Go inside and talk to the
native man inside. He'll check for your stats to see if you are strong
to become a swordsman. If you followed my guide, you should have 40 STR and
10+ DEX. If you do not have the necessary SP, then too bad for you. If you
then Sitting Bull will now upgrade you to a swordsman. He'll give you some
more HP and also give you a Skill Book with one SKP. Here is the skill list
so you know which skills to upgrade.
When most newbies or beginners start off playing the game, they won't kno
what stat points to add. Is it luk, str, int, or dex. Some will try to make
their stats even so that they will have there warrior even. Well they're
follow this guide and you will have a decent warrior.

For a range of 5 lvls:
Every 3 lvls add all SP into STR
Every 2 lvls add all SP into DEX

I am assuming your warrior has 4/4 in luk and int.

Lvl 10 40 STR
Lvl 15 55 STR
Lvl 20 70 STR
Lvl 25 85 STR
Lvl 30 100 STR

When you are lvl 30-40. Some equipments require you to add more str. So
instead of STR for every 3 lvls. Add STR for every 4-5 Lvls by all means
necessary. My recommendation would be to add STR for 4 lvls, and DEX for
1 lvl. The equipment that you wear like your lvl 35 glove are 125 STR.
You should have 120 STR at lvl 35. With your equipment you should be able
to wear the glove. Keep the STR for 4 lvls and DEX for 1 lvl this way
forever.Or you could always add STR all the way till lvl 40. Then start adding
your DEX in. 3 STR, 2 DEX for each lvl. So you can fill in the DEX that you
missed from lvl 30-40.
Improving HP Recovery, Master Lvl 16: You can recover more HP when you are
standing or sitting on a bench.

Improving Max HP Increase, Master Lvl 10: While having a lvl up, if SKP's
used on Max HP, it raises the lvl for Max HP.

Endure, Master Lvl 8: When you are hanging on a rope or ladder, you gain HP.

Iron Body, Master Lvl 20: This skill increases your defense for a period of

Power Strike, Master Lvl 20: Use MP to deliver a killer blow to a monster
with your weapon you are holding.

Slash Blast, Master Lvl 20: Use HP and MP to attack every enemy around you
with a weapon.

Here is my recommendation for distributing your SKP.
5 in Improving HP Recovery
Max out Improving HP Increase
Max out Power Strike
Max out Slash Blast
Add 3 into Endure
Rest into Iron Body if possible
When I first started out as a warrior (my good one), I had troubles figuring
which places to train at. But now I know which place is good, and which
is bad. Here is a list of where you should train:

Lvl 10-20
Slime tree all the way. Its good exp.

Lvl 15-20
If you get bored along the way, try pig beach if you can afford pots

Lvl 20-25
Pig beach, i hope most know how to get there by now. Green Mushroom,
or blue horned mushroom. Don't go to Ant tunnel just yet, stay in the trees
in Ellina for now.

Lvl 25-30 (if you have good weapons)
Wild boars, located 1 map east of perion. Its in the big double doors
located below the map. Or Blue Horned Mushroom (ant tunnel).
After you have reached lvl 30, you have a choice between a fighter, page, or
spearman for your new upgraded occupation. Where to upgrade? First you have
go to the DWB and he will give you a letter for you to give to your
instructor. Go 2 maps left of Perion and head over to the 3rd teleport (or
very top teleport). Keep on travelling through the maps until you see a
pentagon on your minimap. Head over to the green pentagon and you will see
your new instructor. Talk to him to give him the letter, and when you are
ready, click yes to go into the hidden area. Once you are in the hidden
you have to kill the lupins and fire boars to recieve black marbles. Now all
you really have to do is have some luck so that when you kill the lupins and
boars, you will get the marbles. This is somewhat uncommon, so you won't
always get the marbles. Be sure to bring lots and lots of potions if you are
thinking of becoming a spearman, since those people carry little defense.
Still, even if you have high defense, bring white potions just incase. When
you have finished your task, talk to your instructor, then go back and talk
to the sitting bull. From there on he will ask you what you want to be, a
fighter, page, or spearman. Choosing your new job depends on your fighting
style. For example:
Fighters: Good 1v1 damage. It can take a battle on one enemy easily. But
the fighters (since they use swords and axes) don't have much crowd control
or range. When you are lvl 70+, fighters will have good combo damage like
you can attack the enemy multiple times. The weapons 1hd swords and 2hd swords
for example won't do as much dmg compared to the polearms and spears. I don't
find rage making alot of difference when you are low lvl, dmg difference isn't
noticible (maybe a hundred damage for lvl 40). But once you're higher lvl, then
you'll start seeing it.

Page: Pretty much the same as fighter, except they have magic attacks such
as threaten. Pages use maces and swords. Once you are lvl 70+, you will
get elemental attacks such as fire, ice, lightning charges. But Threaten is
rarely used, so pages are really a difference until lvl 70. I don't really
like power guard, even if you were to attack a strong monster, the damaged they
recieve isn't compared to your attack.

Spearman: Does very good damage with their weapons. They can't carry a
shield though. So good damage, bad dmg range, good attk range. Hyper body
is a very good party booster. Ive gotten crazy HP and i like it!!

Fighters use swords (highly recommended) and axes (not recommended).
Why:I just think that i see lots of fighters with swords, so its more
common. And they look cooler too. Swords have stable damage, while axes do
not. Its hard to find axe sellers and axe scroll sellers. Swords are more
on demand.

Pages use swords (highly recommended) and maces (not recommended).
Why:You will have a tough time trying to find a seller that's selling
maces when you are high lvl.

Spearmans use spears (recommended) and pole arms (highly recommended).
Why: Pole Arms and spears are both good. It's just easier to find a pole arm
seller then a spear seller. Pole arms are more expensive though.
Basically, the first 6 skills for each warrior is the same. Like sword
and mace mastery. They do the same effect, except for different weapons.

Sword Mastery, Master Lvl 20: This skill increases your sword mastery and

Axe Mastery, Master Lvl 20: This skill increases your axe mastery and

Final Attack: Sword, Master Lvl 30: With a certain success rate, another
attack follows after an attack skill. This only works with a one handed or
handed sword in hand.

Final Attack: Axe, Master Lvl 30: Same as above but this time it works for
one handed or two handed axes in hand.

Sword Booster, Master Lvl 20: You use HP and MP to boost the speed of the
sword you are carrying.

Axe Booster, Master Lvl 20: Same as above but applies to axes.

Rage, Master Lvl 20: Temporarily boosts the weapon attack of everyone in
party around the area, but there is one downfall. It also decreases the
weapon defense.

Power Guard, Master Lvl 30: Returns a portion of the damage recieved from
enemy. Can't return more than 10% of the enemy's Max HP at once.

The first 6 skills above are exactly the same for pages except it applies
maces and swords. But I will explain their special skills.

Threaten, Master Lvl 20: Use MP to temporarily decrease the attack and
of all the enemies around you.

Power guard, Master Lvl 30: Same skill as Fighter's Power guard.

Once again, the spearman has the first 6 skills exactly the same as the
fighter and page. Except their skills apply to spears and pole arms.

Iron Wall, Master Lvl 20: Temporarily increases the lvl of weapon and magic
defense on every member of the party around your area.

Hyper Body, Master Lvl 30: Temporarily increases the Max HP and Max MP of
members of the party around your area.

Here is my recommendation chart for SKP
Max "sword/axe/polearm/spear" mastery. ONLY CHOOSE ONE!
Max Final Attack
Max Rage
Max booster
Rest into power guard
10 in Rage
20 in Final Attack
Max Rage
Max Final Attack
Max booster
Rest into power guard

Max Final Attack
Max Booster
Max Power Guard
Rest into Threaten

Max final attack
3 into Iron Will
then Max Hyper body
Max Booster
Left over add into Iron will if you are usually fighting in partys.
left over add into iron body if you are usually fighting alone.

I will now tell you in my opinions where to train your fighter/page/spear-
man. Once again, you may train wherever you wish.
Lvl 30-40
Wild Boars.
Lvl 30-35.
Blue Horned Mushrooms and Zombie Mushrooms.
Lvl 35-40.
KITTIES. Or Jr.Grupins, Lioners, etc. Kitties is just the nick that
they have.
Lvl 40-50.
KITTIES again.
Cursed Eyes or Evil Eyes are good.
Lvl 50-60
Jr Yetis.
Dark Stone Golems
Lvl 60-70.
Jr.Balrog and Mushmom (for item).
Yetis and Zombies.
Anything you want in Victoria Island.
From lvl 30 and on. The SP distribution is a bit different.
Lvl 30-40, you should either add all STR or 4 STR and 1 DEX. This
is so you can equip your items freely, or equip your items with your
armor boosts.
Lvl 40+ If you chose to go all STR from lvl 30 to 40. I recommend
you to start adding DEX for a few lvls from lvl 40-50. So go back
to the process of either adding 3 STR and 2 DEX. Or add all DEX
every few lvls or so. You should have 75-80 dex by lvl 50. If you
didn't do the all STR from lvl 30-40, then continue on with your
same 4 STR and 1 DEX distribution.
I hoped you liked my guide and faq! If you find any problems or things I
should do next time so I don't do it again. Plz contact me. I won't
them. This is my first time doing an faq, so take it easy on me when you do
send a complaint or suggestion. There might be some spelling errors, so if
find some, contact me and I will change them in my next version.

Stupid Notepad! It should have a spelling check.

Special Note: I came back into playing MS again. Since February
2006. I will continue updating my guide ASAP. Sorry for the frozen
FAQ. I will make up for the lost time, sorry guys! But thanks all
who have been asking me questions.

Copyright (c) 2006 by ssbman1991

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Warrior Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

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30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
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