Spellforce: Shadow Of The Phoenix

Spellforce - Shadow Of The Phoenix

17.10.2013 13:47:55
Final Version :

At least the second expansion pack is in my hand. This time you'll have to play
2 games in 1 according to the avatar you choose. This walkthrough won't be
longer than the other but you must know that i am playing both story at the
same time. So i may advance slowly for some of you.

Site : http://www.dimensions-sega.fr.st
E Mail : advanced_knight@yahoo.fr

Version 1.0 : The walkthrough is up to Empyria campaign for both story.
Version 1.1 : The walkthrough is up to Raven Pass campaign now for both story.
The review is up.
Version 1.2 : The walkthrough is up to the Zerbite Campaign.
Version 1.3 : The walkthrough is up to Darkwind Keep campaign. I added the
location of the fourth crimson sand piece in the Red Wastes campaign.
Final Version : The most complete guide possible for this game. Some details
will still miss but i am very close of the perfect.

Update (04/25/05) : Added lots of tips sent by people from the internet.
Look at the credit section.

Contents :

1 Review
2 The about section
3 Description of buildings and units
4 Your Avatars
5 Patchs and versions
6 Walktrough
7 List of all rune heroes
8 List of all main quest and side quest
9 Credits

1 Review :

It's time to do a review of the second expansion pack. At the time i wrote
those lines, i haven't yet completed the game. I am at the middle of the trip
but i think it's enough as the difference with the other expansion pack and the
original game is clear. This is practically a standalone game and not an add
on. Of course you'll need to have both prevous games to enjoy fully Shadow of
the phoenix butonly with order of dawn you will see how powerful this pack is.

Let's begin with the story. I thought that the rune fighter of Breath of winter
was the same summons years later but it is not the case. The 2 rune fighters
are completely different. After he was killed by Rohen, the first continue to
leave to protect the phoenix stone, which you obtain from Hokan, a ghost who
wished to have the Belial mask. Darius asks for his help. After the second rune
fighter saved the world from Aryn, he discovers that he was cursed by the
shadow sword. Then the masked man, which is in fact Hokan, tries to help him.
The story of Shadow of the phoenix is the sequel to both games.

The presentation is good. The FMV are shorter than in order of dawn but longer
than in Breath of Winter. The quality (graphics are thiner, animation is
smooth) is excellent in overall. The package of the game is even better than
the previous game is a detailed instruction manual and the so good design.

Graphically the game uses the same engine. The models looks better but the
mouths still didn't move. The decors are various and the area is also greater
than previously. All the maps are long to explore and have small secrets
sometimes heavily hidden. Also they are more original than in old Spellforce.
New monsters appear and the design is very good. There are more bosses (high
level monsters to be exact) to kill and also new buildings and plan to find.
The number of map is lower than in order of dawn, but the 2 CDs of this
expansion pack are used for wider map as i said earlier.

The animation is better. It was already the case in Breath of Winter, but it
seems that Shadow of the phoenix is more optimised, with less bug and a more
sensitive mouse. You mustuse the 2D view most of the time, but now to find some
secrets you will need to use the 3D engine. Also during the battle, the game
didn't slow (on my PC) despite the fact you can have a greater army than
before. The game is really smooth (60 to 70 fps and no slow down time) in
1024*768*16 with high details everywhere. I run the game in 1024*768*32 and
sometimes there are loading when i try to move too quickly the mouse.

The sound was excellent. Phenomic took old musics and add new ones for an even
better atmosphere. The voice acting (french, english and german) is excellent
with the same actors as in the previous version.

The controls are the same except for that you can summon more than 1 titan, and
also a small reinforcement unit as long as you have food for it.

Of course the best part of this revie concerns the interest of the game. The
programmers did a very good job. First of all, there are absolutely no bugs, ok
i have seen bugs in the name of some creatures but i don't think they will do a
patch to correct 2 names. The game runs perfectly. The 2 stories are different
and perfectly synchronized. I found it very excellent to play both of them to
see how each of my old characters can evolve. The shadow story seems a little
harder than the phoenix one because its root in the breath of winter and not in
the order of dawn. Let me explain. In order of dawn you had too much swords and
armors to help the avatar to progress, there were lots of sidequests to gain
exp and the monsters were easy to kill. The AI was cruel, if you die too much
it was impossible to win on a map. In breath of winter, you could summon new
heroes, the AI was less cruel but still cruel, there were few equipments and
sidequests and the game was very hard cause of less map available. You will
feel the same by playing each of your old avatar but this time you can add to
both games theupgrade of shadow of the phoenix. For OOD avatar, you will have
new heroes of different kind, an accurate AI and will gain easily exp and
levels. For BOTW one, you will have more equipments (different to the one you
can find in th other story), a new story (even if most of the events and
sidequests are the same), an accurate AI and lots of sidequests. In fact it's
magic. It seems that you have 2 games in one. The shadow story is harder
because the avatar has a less good equipment than the phoenix avatar. In the
shadow story you will use fully what you find. To behonest, in the phoenix
story i am looking for better equipment than in order of dawn, but there is
nothing for the moment (middle of the game).

To conclude this review, i will say that you need only 5 minutes to figure out
by yourself that you are playing with one of the best game ever made in the
genre. This time you will enjoy fully, action, action RPG, full RPG quests and
RTS phases. They are separated and well organized (that's why i said that the
maps were more original). The price is low so you won't even have this lame
excuse to not buy the game. With this expansion pack you have reached the near
future of RTS/RPG combination. Honestly i am ready for Spellforce 2, i can't
wait to have it in hand.

GRAPHICS : 19/20
SOUND : 19/20
CONTROLS : 18/20
INTEREST : 20/20

Double Rune Fighter ADK.

2 The about section :

This section will be in each guide i will product from now.

I know it's an awful one, but it's the only one i have. Correct me if you wish
that's the best you can do. I am kind enough to warn you so don't expect i
answer to hate mails or to a question like : "Is this your first language ?".
Correct me if you wish that's the best you can do.

Please write to me only for true questions. Most of the time, i know it by the
poor questions i received, you write to me just because you have seen my name
near the faq. You don't want to read my faq but you want a quick advice. Sorry
to say this but i'm tired of these mails.

This faq is basically dedicated to my own site and to gamefaqs. If you wish to
download it for your site, ask for the permission but it's not all misters and
misses webmasters. Think to update my faq because when i correct my english or
post an update with more informations, it's on gamefaqs but never on YOUR sites.

I receive questions about things that are in an update and some people continue
to ask me when i will complete the faq of Skies Of Arkadia...
Conclusion : if you download my faqs, be sure to download the updates as you do
for an emulator. It will work better for everyone.

3 Description of buildings and units :

This section is identical to both guide for Order Of Dawn and Breath Of Winter
except for the new buildings and armies added in the Shadow of The pohoenix
expansion pack.

Human Buildings :

Woodcutter Hut : Allow to extract the wood, cost 40 woods.
Quarry : Allow to extract the stone, cost 30 woods and 20 stones
Mine : Allow to extract Iron, cost 50 woods and 30 stones
Hunting Logde : Allow to hunt animals for food, cost 50 woods and 10 stones
Fisher's Hut : Allow to fish for food, cost 40 woods and 20 stones
Forge : Allow to recruit fighters, cost 40 woods and 30 stones
Crossbow Tower : Shot arrows to ennemy to prevent them from destroying the
camp, cost 80 woods and 50 stones
Breeding Farm : Allow to increase the food, cost 100 woods and 60 stones

Small HQ : Allow to increase the number of soldiers and workers, cost 50 woods
and 50 stones
There are 4 upgrades : once built give more 10 workers, 100 foods (15
soldiers), 200 foods (20 soldiers), 300 foods (25 soldiers), 400 foods (30

Dog Kennel : Cost 40 woods and 10 stones
Give 10 hounds to reinforce a position

All these buildings need the small HQ :

Food Store : Allow soldiers to auto regenerate, cost 60 woods and 90 stones
Smelting Works : Allow to double iron production, cost 75 woods and 75 stones
Aria Shrine : Allow to extract Aria, cost 20 woods and 60 stones
White hand : Heal a soldier near it, cost 50 stones and 80 arias
Agricol Farm : Allow to increase the food, cost 100 woods and 60 stones

Shooting Range : Allow to recruit archers, cost 150 woods and 150 stones
1 upgrade : double crossbow, cost 300 woods and 100 iron, the marksmen fires at
2 ennemies.

Temple of light : Allow to recruit clerics, cost 40 woods and 60 stones
1 upgrade : path of light, cost 200 irons and 100 arias, cleric receives a
shield and mana regeneration is increased

Medium HQ : cost 100 woods and 150 stones
There are 3 upgrades : give 10 workers once built, 1000 foods (40 soldiers),
1500 foods (50 soldiers)

All these buildings need the Medium HQ :

Star Monastory : Cost 80 woods and 100 stones
Give the stellar mage to destroy huge tower.

Academy : Allow to recruit casters and mentalists, cost 100 woods, 150 stones
and 100 arias
2 upgrades : Shock Wave, cost 600 arias, mentalist can cast shock wave on 3
ennemies simultaneously
Clarity : cost 400 arias, enchanter increases its mana regenration and reserve.

Master Armory : Allow to recruit paladins and armsmen, cost 150 woods and 200
1 upgrade : Fire blessing : cost 250 irons and 250 arias, paladin receives a
fire sword and high resistance to fire magic.

Large HQ : cost 250 woods and 250 stones
4 upgrades : give 10 workers once built, 2000 foods (60 soldiers), 2500 foods
(70 soldiers), 3000 foods (80 soldiers)
Griffon Rider, cost 500 irons and 300 arias
Upgraded Griffon Rider, cost 500 irons, 300 arias and 200 foods.

Human Units :

Recruit, need a forge, cost 50 irons
Scout, need a forge, cost 40 woods and 15 irons
Marksman, need a forge and shooting range, cost 30 woods and 50 irons
Cleric, need a forge and a temple of light, cost 40 irons and 20 arias
Enchanter, need a temple of light and an academy, cost 65 arias
Mentalist, need a temple of light and an academy, cost 100 arias
Paladin : need a forge, temple of light and a master armory, cost 60 irons and
30 arias
Armsmen : need a forge and a master armory, cost 70 irons
Hounds : need a dog kennel to have it, cost 60 foods
Stellar Mage : need a star monastory, cost 140 irons and 120 arias

Commentaries : The humans cost alot but their armies are strong. I regret that
the griffon rider is weak. A paladin with a fire sword is fantastic for melee.
I appreciate also the cleric who heals in battle, even if they don't have a lot
of mana to spend. The archer towers are inefficient and the archers not as good
as the one in Heroes of Might and Magic 3. This race is easy to control for a
debutant but you need aria for the best troops, and usually aria is rare. You
won't have many problems to reinforce your army with armsmen however.

Elf Buildings :

Woodcutters Hut : cost 40 woods
Gatherer Hut : Allow to extract berries, cost 50 woods
Hunting Lodge : cost 60 woods

Armory : 60 woods
1 upgrade : Shield, cost 300 woods, Warder receives a wood shield

Archer tower : cost 120 woods

Small HQ : cost 100 woods

Pixies house : cost 60 woods
Give 10 Pixies

All these buildings need the small HQ :

Lenyagatherer : Allow to extract the lenya, cost 80 woods
Forester : Allow to plant new tree in the area, cost 50 woods
Sawmill : Double the production of wood, cost 100 woods
Food Store : Allow soldiers to regenerate mana and HP, cost 150 woods
Frost Bringer : Throw iceballs to ennemies, cost 20 woods and 100 lenyas
Ailantery : Allow to recruit healers, cost 200 woods

Archery Hall : Allow to recruit windarchers, cost 30 woods
1 upgrade : Ice Strike, cost 100 woods and 200 lenyas, windarcher shoots ice
arrow and can freeze the ennemy and damage him.

Medium HQ : cost 250 woods

All these buildings need the medium HQ :

Shrine of wind : cost 200 woods
Give the Storm bringer to break through a fortress.

Hunter's Guild : Allow to hunt for more food, quick food reserve increase, cost
150 woods

Iron Armory : Allow to recruit wanderers and protectors, cost 400 woods
2 upgrades : Frost Shield, cost 100 irons and 300 lenyas, Wanderer receives an
ice dagger, the spell ice shield and high ice magic resistance.
Aryn's Wrath, cost 100 irons and 300 lenyas, Protector receives an ice sword
and high ice magic resistance

Hall of the Ancients : Allow to recruit wintermages and druids, cost 250 woods
and 100 lenyas
1 upgrade : Elen's gift, cost 500 lenyas, Druid, Wintermage and Healer spent
less mana in forest area

Large HQ : cost 500 woods
Elf Titan : cost 700 woods and 300 lenyas
Upgraded Elf Titan : cost 700 woods, 300 lenyas and 200 foods

Elf Units :

Ranger, need an armory and 50 woods
Warder, need an armory and 60 woods
Healer, need an ailantery and 55 lenyas
Windarcher, need an armory, an ailantery and an archery hall, cost 25 woods and
30 lenyas
Protector, need an armory and an iron armory, cost 80 irons
Wanderer, need an armory, an iron armory and an archer hall, cost 45 woods and
45 irons
Wintermage, need an ailantery and an archery hall, cost 70 lenyas
Druid, need an ailantery and a hall of the ancients, cost 100 lenyas
Pixies, need a pixie house and cost 60 foods
Storm Bringer, need a Shrine of wind, cost 140 woods and 120 lenyas

Commentaries : The elves are really interesting in the way of the magic. having
a healer and a wintermage is a real plus for an army. The windarchers upgraded
are also very impressive when they form a battle line to support the front one.
Best of all you can freeze up an ennemy who use a healing spell and they are
strong enough to fight in close range, even if they are weak. The titan is also
very good. The only negative point is the fighters. They need iron to be
create, which means you need another race to extract it and supply it. With
infinitely (virtually) woods thanks to the forester you can create every
building, but the lenya is not enough to supply reinforcements.

Dwarf Buildings :

Quarry : Allow to extract stone, cost 150 stones
Mine : cost 70 stones
Moonsilver Mine : Allow to extract moonsilver, cost 150 stones

Forge : Allow to reruit militias, cost 80 stones
1 upgrade : Whirl Axe, cost 100 irons and 100 moonsilvers, allow the warrior to
throw his axe to an ennemy

Pigfarm : to obtain foods, cost 120 stones
Small HQ : cost 100 stones

Stone aries : cost 40 stones and 10 irons
Gives 10 aries to protect a position

All these buildings need the small HQ :

Smelting works : cost 140 stones
Food store : cost 150 stones

Stonemason's hut : Double the stone production, cost 130 stones
1 upgrade : Art of construction, cost 300 stones, dwarf buildings resist more
to ennemies attack

Moonsilver Hall : Allow to recruit Elites and Elders, cost 300 stones
1 upgrade : lightsilver, cost 400 moonsilvers, elite and elder receives more
powerful weapon and resistance to black magic

Medium HQ : cost 250 stones

All these buildings need the medium HQ :

Hall of courage : cost 200 stones
Give assault troopers to break through a fortress

Great Armory : Allow to recruit elites, elders and demolishers cost 350 stones
1 upgrade : Throwing Hammer, cost 200 irons and 200 moonsilvers, defender throw
his hammer

Sanctuary : Allow to recruit battlepriests, cost 350 stones
1 upgrade : Willpower, cost 200 irons, battlepriest receives a shield and high
resistance to any type of magic

Large HQ : cost 500 stones
Dwarf Titan, cost 500 irons and 200 moonsilvers
Upgraded Dwarf Titan, cost 500 irons, 200 moonsilvers and 200 foods

Dwarf Units :

Milita, need a forge, cost 60 irons
Watchman, need a forge, cost 70 irons
Warrior, need a forge and a moonsilver hall, cost 25 moonsilvers and 50 irons
Defender, need a forge, a great armory and a moonsilver hall, cost 30
moonsilvers and 60 irons
Demolisher, need a forge and a great armory, cost 100 irons
Battlepriest, need a forge and a sanctuary, cost 80 irons
Elite, need a forge, a moonsilver hall and a great armory, cost 110 moonsilver
Elder, need a forge, a moonsilver hall and a great armory, cost 120 moonsilver
Aries, need a stone aries and cost 60 foods
Assault troopers, need a hall of courage, cost 140 moonsilver and 140 irons

Commentaries : The dwarf are really strong, so strong that they don't need
healers. However, you can destroy more but it can be a trap. You go so far in a
camp that sometimes it's hard to retreat and you can't wait the reinforcements.
I don't like the defender unit, these archers are weak and useless. The
demolisher, elite and elder are excellent. Usually dwarf are intelligent and
let a monument near sufficient stone resource so you can build everything. But
if your camp is attacked and destroyed you will have problems to rebuild it.
The titan is efficient but curiously less than the elf one. Supplying Iron is
usually hard and that's why i prefer the humans. You can summon reinforcements,
but you will have to manage efficiently a team because you can't really call
lots of reinforcements if your army falls. Also the pigfarm for automatic food
supplying is a cool feature.

Orc Buildings :

Woodcutter's hut : cost 40 woods
Mine : cost 100 woods
Hunting Lodge : cost 50 woods
Boar Breeding : Allow to breed boars and obtain food, cost 150 woods
Mace Carver : Allow to recruit fighters, cost 70 woods

Forge : cost 100 woods
1 upgrade : Scythespear, cost 200 Irons, Spearman receives a scythe blow that
can damage up to 3 ennemies.

Fisher's Hut : cost 50 woods
Firestarter : Throw fireballs on ennemies to defend the camp, cost 80 woods and
60 lenyas
Small HQ : cost 90 woods.

Boar House : Cost 40 woods and 10 irons
Give 10 savage boars to reinforce a position.

All these buildings need the small HQ :

Shaman's Hut : Allow to recruit totems, cost 110 woods
1 upgrade : Viper's Shield, cost 100 woods and 250 lenyas, Totems receives a
shield, more spell power and poisoned spear

Food Store : cost 140 woods
Croptent : Allow to extract lenya, cost 70 woods
Smelting Works : cost 200 woods

Hall of Glory : Allow to recruit drummers, cost 350 woods
1 upgrade : Glory of the Horde, cost 50 woods and 100 lenyas, drummers and
hornblowers have more influence during a battle

Medium HQ : cost 200 woods

All these buildings need the medium HQ :

Shrine of Fire : Cost 200 woods
Give inferno to break through a fortress.

Blood Shrine : Allow to recruit firemasters, cost 200 woods and 100 lenyas
1 upgrade : Firestorm, cost 300 lenyas, firemaster receives a wave of fire
spell that can damage up to 3 ennemies

Dark Forge : Allow to recruit Veterans, cost 450 woods
1 upgrade : Tunderstrike, cost 400 irons, veterans receives a tunderstrike that
can cause additional damage

Large HQ : cost 450 woods
Orc Titan, cost 400 irons and 400 lenyas
Upgraded Orc Titan, cost 400 irons, 400 lenyas and 200 foods.

Orc Units :
Thug, need a mace carver, cost 40 woods
Spearman, need a forge, cost 50 irons
Totem, need a mace carver and a shaman's hut, cost 15 woods and 30 lenyas
Firemaster, need mace carver, a shaman's hut and a blood shrine, cost 20 woods
and 50 lenyas
Fighter, need mace carver and a forge, cost 30 woods and 30 irons
Drummers, need mace carver, a shaman's hut and a hall of glory, cost 40 woods
and 15 lenyas
Hornblowers, need a forge, a shaman's hut, a dark forge and a hall of glory,
cost 50 irons and 40 lenyas
Veteran, need a forge and a dark forge, cost 80 irons
Boars, need a Boar House, cost 60 foods
Inferno, need a shrine of fire, cost 120 irons and 140 lenyas

Commentaries : This race is efficient in the way of construction, but very poor
when you come to the battle. The firemasters and totems are really useful if
you can form a distant line, they will be less good in hand to hand. Drummers
and hornblowers are useless and don't really fight. The spearmen are too weak
to be on the front. Fortunately,the orc titan and the veteran are corrects.
They both resist to fire magic. You will need them to collect resources and
help the trolls for example. Note that the drummers are bugged and you can
summon as many of them as you want. You will also note that when you have
enough lenya for another troops, the drummers, take 50 lenyas to be created and
not 15.

Troll Buildings :

Woodcutter's Hut : cost 30 woods and 10 stones
Quarry : cost 30 woods and 20 stones

Mace Carver : Allow to recruit Rowdies, cost 40 woods and 50 stones
1 upgrade : Heavy Club, cost 300 woods, smasher receives a bigger club

Hunting Lodge : cost 20 woods and 40 stones
Small HQ : cost 50 woods and 50 stones

Nest : Cost 40 woods and 10 stones
Give 10 metal birds

All these buildings need the small HQ :

Stonecutter : Allow to recruit devastators and throwers, cost 150 woods and 200
2 upgrades : Hail of Fire, cost 400 stones, thrower bashes hot stones for
additional damage
Tunderstrike, cost 200 woods and 300 stones, Devastator receives a tunderstrike
for additional damage

Corpse Collector : Allow to increase the food reserve, cost 30 woods and 30
Food Store : cost 80 woods and 80 stones
Stone Thrower : Throw stones on the ennemies, cost 100 woods and 200 stones

Ironhouse : Allow to recruit Hurlers and Bouncers, cost 300 sotnes and 400 irons
1 upgrade : Way of the North : Bouncer receives an ice club, Hurler throw ice
ball and both resist to ice magic.

All these buildings need the medium HQ :

Atelier : Cost 80 woods and 100 stones
Give the Alive fortress to break through a fortress.

Blacksmith : Allow to recruit destroyers and champions, cost 400 stones
1 upgrade : Chaos Weapon, cost 500 irons, destroyer and champion receive
special weapon.

Large HQ : Cost 250 woods and 250 stones
Troll Titan, cost 700 woods and 300 stones
Upgraded Troll Titan, cost 700 woods, 300 stones and 200 foods

Troll Units :

Rowdy, need a mace carver, cost 90 woods
Smasher, need a mace carver, cost 120 woods
Thrower, need a mace carver and a stonecutter, cost 120 stones
Devastator, need a mace carver and a stonecutter, cost 70 woods and 60 stones
Hurler, need a mace carver, a stonecutter and an iron house, cost 10 stones and
60 irons
Bouncer, need a mace carver and an iron house, cost 70 woods and 70 irons
Destroyer, need a mace carver, an iron house and a blacksmith, cost 80 woods
and 100 irons
Champion, need a mace carver, an iron house and a blacksmith cost 50 woods and
150 irons
Metal birds, need a nest and cost 60 foods
Alive fortress, need an atelier, cost 140 woods and 140 stones

Commentaries : The trolls are really stupid, you feel it as soon as you
controls them. Simple buildings, simple combinations to obtain powerful troops.
They are so stupid that in battle they will hit the ennemies but if you don't
stop them, they will attack you and then attack between each other (bug or
troll reality ?). You always need to give order and to do monitoring on the
troll army. They cost alot, it's hard to build a full troll army. The advantage
is that it's very powerful, the dwarf are helpless in comparison. They depend
also on another race, as the elves, for the iron.

Dark Elf Buildings :

Quarry : cost 50 stones
Mine : cost 80 stones
Breeder : Allow to obtain food, cost 150 stones

Forge : Allow to recruit assassins, cost 80 stones
1 upgrade : Dance of Death, cost 300 irons, The assassin can do a finishing
blow and when he dies, kill all the ennemies around him of same level or in
critical shape

Tower of Sorcery : Use a laser to defend the camp, cost 50 stones and 100 arias
Small HQ : cost 110 stones

Shadow Tower : Cost 60 stones
Give 10 Winged demons to reinforce a position

All these buildings need the small HQ :

Onyxshrine : Allow to extract Aria, cost 80 stones
Mindbreaker : Hypnotize the ennemy, cost 50 stones and 100 arias
Onyx Tower : Allow to recruit sorcerers, cost 140 stones
Food Store : cost 180 stones

Dark Academy : Allow to recruit Necromancers, cost 250 stones and 100 arias
1 upgrade : Redemption, cost 500 arias, the warlock changes into a poisoned
spider when he dies.

Moonsilver Mine : cost 160 stones
Fungus Farm : Allow to obtain food, cost 120 stones
Stonemason : Allow to double the production of stone, cost 130 stones

Medium HQ : cost 300 stones

All these buildings need the medium HQ :

Academy of Destruction : cost 200 stones
Give the Chaos bringer to break through a fortress

Shadowforge : Allow to recruit Deathknight, cost 350 stones
1 upgrade : Dark Bond, cost 400 moonsilvers and 200 arias, Havoc and
Deathknight will resist to high magic.

Moonsilver Armory : Allow to recruit battlemaster, cost 350 stones
1 upgrade : Sinister Blessings, cost 100 irons and 300 moonsilvers,
Battlemaster receives a multitude of magical effects.

Arkanum : Allow to recruit warlock, cost 200 stones and 150 arias
1 upgrade : Nor's Calling, cost 500 arias, Necromancer revives at midnight and
fight again.

Large HQ : cost 550 stones
Dark Elf Titan, cost 300 moonsilvers and 300 arias
Upgraded Dark Elf Titan, cost 300 moonsilvers, 300 arias and 200 foods

Dark Elf Units :

Assassin, need a forge, cost 100 irons
Sorcerer, need an onyx tower, cost 80 aria
Necromancer, need an onyx tower and a dark academy, cost 110 arias
Darblade, need a forge and an onyx tower, cost 70 irons and 20 arias
Battlemaster, need a forge and a moonsilver armory, cost 50 moonsilvers and 80
Deathknight, need a forge, an onyx tower and a shadowforge, cost 80 moonsilvers
and 40 arias
Warlock, need an onyx tower, an arkanum and a dark academy, cost 140 arias
Havoc, need a forge, an onyx tower, an arkanum, a shadowforge and a moonsilver
armory, cost 110 moonsilvers and 60 arias
Winged demons, need a nest and cost 60 foods
Chaos Bringer, need an academy of destruction, cost 140 irons and 140 arias

Commentaries : The Dark Elf is a powerful race, they don't fear the magic but
isee a lot of bad points. The titan is quick but weak, you need a lot of
different resources to recruit your troops but the most important thing to note
is that the unit are really long to create. It explains why you obtain them
near the end of the game. You need to be experimented in defending a camp,
because you need to protect a lot of buildings and sources. If you manage to
create a dark elf army with all the upgrades, you obtain a powerful army but
you don't forget that you can't summon quickly reinforcements.

4 Your Avatars :

Ok now, great news you can use both avatars you made in previous game. Ah, you
erase your old avatar of order of dawn after you regret you couldn't use it in
breath of winter. Too bad man. In any case, your avatar will be recognized if
and if only if you are at level 25. The instruction manual says that the game
will be hard to play if you are under level 30. I began with a level 2
character each time and i have no problems. The difficulty is accurate if you
have the best weapons and armors of the old games. You keep the rune heroes
equipped and also all your equipment. You lose the rest. The phoenix avatar
will have the phoenix stone, the shadow avatar will have the shadow sword in
his inventory.

If you play a new avatar the story will be the same as if you use an existing
one from previous game.

You must try both story and even if you advance slowly like me, play both story
simultaneously. You will enjoy 2 real different way to evolve in this game.

5 Patchs and versions :

So far the game is patched to 1.51 or around and no other patch is available.
It adds new maps for the free play and the Lan mode and erase all the bugs for
the previous game. Also if you wish to play order of dawn or breath of winter
again, once installed, you will use only Shadow of the phoenix game disc for
the 3 campaigns.

6 Walkthrough :



Sigfried (my hero from order of dawn) has received the message from Darius and
must find him.

1) Begin to save a guard. Now he joins you. Continue and open a chest. Continue
to find more creatures and then fight against a stone demon. The fountain here
will summon 6 demons before it closes. You can obtain valuable items and quick
level by fighting them. Fight against a giant frog and last save a second
guard. Note that if a guard dies he respawn automatically.

2) Head to the camp. The guard here say that you must save Urias. Your old
friend from order of dawn is being held hostage in a camp north. The camp is
easy to beat. Go there and beat the archers and then the chief. Focus then on
the 2 houses. urias wishes to go back to the camp. Switch on the bind stone and
kill the lonely skeleton. Enter the camp. urias asks you to find a ring that
can save the soldiers changed into skeletons.

3) Head south and kill 3 skeletons and a lonely one near a house. Take and
equip the ring. Now for each skeletons the avatar kills, he can earn one more
soldier. Advance slowly to the main camp and be sure to kill each small group
of skeletons and also open the chest south of the camp. Go to the camp for a
struggle not very hard. Use the avatar to destroy the archer towers and to kill
the bosses (the most powerful skeletons).

4) You must open all the chests and then you can follow the enemy, Ankthar to
the portal. Again switch on all the bindstones and if you wish summon your
heroes. At this point you can easily outnumber the skeletons in front of the
portal so it's useless. Now be sure to let your avatar fight the skeleton level
30 which is quite long because he hits also very hard your soldiers. Then kill
the fallen heroes and last the archers and soldiers. You can follow Ankthar to
the next map now. Don't forget to open all the chests. Your mission is to find
the dryad.


1) Begin to kill Ankthar. Now pass the door and kill the spiders here. Open the
chest. Click on the hero monument. There will be a scene.

2) It's time to build your town. As usual with the human begin with stone and
wood. Then build a small HQ and the forge. Build the archer building and also
upgrade it. Now with only 5 archers, 5 fighters and the new horde of 10 hounds
go to the first ork camp and destroy it. Don't go further as there is another
fountain behind the one you have destroyed.

3) Complete your camp and build the best soldiers and a great army. This
fountain will be annoying to reach and destroy because there will be waves from
more further fountain. You will be attacked by both orks and hazims fighters.
The hazims are even stronger because they poisoned you. The idea is to build an
army of 40 soldiers to reach this fountain and destroy it.

4) Now you will have to run against the time. North of the second fountain is
an iron mine. Build it and use it. You must protect it from a, isolated warrior
or a spider sometimes. Once it's done visit the house north of the mine to
learn information about the poisoned pond.

5) Build an army but you must know that they will serve as decoy. Build also 10
to 15 towers to protect your camp from invaders. After you destroyed 2 or 3
enemies waves you can go to the third magic fountain. In order to destroy it,
you need to destroy 3 buildings. To do this i suggest you send a decoy army
against the ork while you awake your heroes. Once awaken, use them as decoy
while you destroy the buildings. Now the fountain is stopped and it is a matter
of time before you conquer the last ork camp.

6) It's time to build an army of 60 soldiers to fight the waves you have seen
in the cinematic. Fight it using archers and fighters. When you pass, i hope
you'll have some remaining soldiers. Summon again your hero very quickly and
run to the next problem.

7) You see a chest, a bindstone and a human monument. Cool, but it is guarded
by 5 or 6 fountains. Curiously the fountain are not active for the moment. Run
to the buildings to stop them all. Then you will see a large wave of foes. fall
back to your camp with your soldiers and use the archer towers to kill this
wave. The game will calm down a little.

8) Go to the second hero monument. You need 15 archers and 20 soldiers + your 5
heroes to fight the horde that protects the entrance of the village. Enter the
village and talk to Tario. You learn of the story of Tantaro. At the same time,
a dragon will attack the hero monument. Kill it to obtain a pair of gauntlet.
Now go back to the poisoned pond and talk to Tantaro. Kill him and free the
pond from the curse. Talk to Tario to obtain a reward. Now summon archers and
soldiers to explore the map. Avoid the waves from the last fortress (let them
go dying to your camp against the archer towers) and explore the map. You will
fight hazim soldiers.

9) You can find some chests on this map, a boss named Gora and on the west a
pond protected by fire creatures. There is a tree cut in pieces but for the
moment you have no clue on what to do to here. Forget this place. Go back and
go south then west to a camp. You can free a dwarf. He offers you 2 choices :
you have an easy way to enter the fortress (answer 2) or you can have more
resources (answer 1). If you choose the second answer, you'll have difficulties
to build an army and if you choose the first answer you will have resources but
a part of your army will be killed before it reaches the entrance of the camp.
I have chosen the first answer. Also when you arrive in the village, Tario will
offer to choose between a special help and the resources. If you choose the
special help you get a honey stick. With it, go to the Bear Gora if you haven't
killed him and he will become your friend. Else you kill it because you have
chosen the resources.

10) In this camp there are 6 or 7 fountains to destroy, but the hazims
buildings are easy to destroy. Begin to close the fountain and then only kill
the soldiers and destroy the tower. I suggest that you build an army of 70
soldiers composed by 20 archers, 15 priest, 15 fighters, 10 mentalists and 10
sorcerers. Awake the titan and build all the supply building (shop and other
building). Be sure to let a horde of dogs near the 10 towers to protect your
camp. Heal them with a white hand. Meanwhile all your 70 soldiers and your 5
heroes must go to the hazim camp, west of the huge fortress.

11) They must arrive there safely and without fighting anyone because they are
weak against the hazims. When everyone will be ready at the west hazim camp,
use your avatar and heroes to fight the first soldiers that are guarding the
fortress. Then fall back. You must wait that the 10 archers of the first
fountain go to your human camp. When they have passed, call your army and with
your heroes concentrate on the magic fountains of the camp.

12) Send your heroes destroying the first 2 towers, your archers must covers
the warriors and priests and your avatar and the titan can destroy building. If
you play well you can destroy at least 5 of the 7 fountains. You won't be able
to win because the last fountain will summon too much soliders to protect the
camp. Fall back with your avatar to save the exp earned. Now the horde that
must protect the hazim fortress will goon its way to your human camp.

13) Use your avatar and Urias to access to the fortress and destroy the towers
that fires on the path near the fortress. With your avatar you can destroy the
sixth fountain and run (only one building to destroy) because Urias will serve
as decoy.

14) Now with a last army of 40 soldiers, go to the last fountain and destroy
this fortress. You can open a chest east of the portal to Empyria. Then Pass
the portal. You learn that the other rune soldier have betrayed the masked man
(cool !) and also that the emperor is against you.


1) Go to the town. Talk to the guard and then to Alyah. Urias leave the team.
You must find an old friend, Flinck Mc Winter to help Alyah. Then she will help
you to enter the palace and find the dryad. Talk to the guard that protects the
entrance of the town. As you know he works with Alyah, he lets you pass. Find
Flinck. During this map you will have to deal with Nandini. The only
interessant item she has is a zerbite tear. Be sure to buy it after you refuse
the most expansive deal. You can buy it for 40 gold coins. I obtain it only in
the shadow story, not in the phoenix one.

2) Talk to Flinck. He will run, follow him. You must chase him in the town. The
first time he will teleport himself and let you kill 2 robbers. Then you will
find him near the first place and you will fight 3 robbers. Then he is near a
chest and you will find him in a fourth place. Now talk to him and give him 10
gold coins. Go to Alyah and you will solve this sidequest. Talk to Alyah, and
she will explain that if you wish to pass a door you need to lure the guard. In
town you can talk to Shazan and Ishtar. You learn that some young girls have
been kidnapped and that Ishtar is looking for a guy, Brigor.

3) The first thing you can do is talking to Uzakahn. He likes cognac and vine,
you can find them both in a shop in this part of the town. Give the cognac to
Uzakhan. Talk to Tak and Kahled. Answer 2 and kill them. Talk to Uzakahn and
answer 1, he invits you in an arena to train you. You have access to the
district of the circus, the bank and also the arena now. Go to the arena. Fight
Uzakahn to earn some exp.

4) You find a guard named Jarod in this area. Talk to him and go back to the
arena. You will fight for him. Talk to Bostios and fight 2 kithars. Go back to
Jarod and he lets you pass. I suggest you try to open the other doors to earn

5) Talk to Tuomi and she will give you a quest concerning the zerbites. Talk to
Jyla and she will give you a letter for her husband, Endo. Give the letter to
Endo, he asks you to find a jewel lost on the east in the swamp. Kill 3
creatures and bring it back to him. Go to the locked door after he goes away
and open it. Note that when you will find a zerbite tear, you can show it to
Tuomi and she will give you her zerbite tear.

6) To open the part with the temple, talk to Flinck and he will become the
decoy you need to open the gate. Then kill the guard and open the chest. Go to
the last locked door and open it. Kill the guard near. Ok, all the gates are
opened. Now find a priest named Lyrio. He is suffering. Talk to the fallen hero
and he will ask for red vine from Borus and sand dream. Buy the sand dream to
the seller in the part where Alyah is. Buy all that you can. Give it to the
fallen hero, let him prepare at least 2 dream vine and give the rest to Ishtar.
Try to buy again some sand dream but you can't and you must kill the merchant.
Now go south to find 3 robbers, kill them. You find Brigor. You can let him
escape against a secret about the bank or kill him and receive 10 gold coins.
It's bad but i let him go. It gives a new sidequest. Of course with a level 50
you can beat the level 45 golem, but you will have more exp with another quest
to solve.

7) Now in the merchant part of the town. Talk to the cloth seller. He asks you
to find rares pieces of cloth for him. Talk to Lafouine and then to Zanzabar.
Use the second answer. Go back to Lafouine and do the same. Now you must find
Borgo. He is in the east part of the downtown. Kill him to solve this quest.
There is an alternate way, talk to Flinck and he asks you to find a cursed
coin which is in red wastes (one of the enemy abandons it after its death).
Then come back and talk to Flinck and then to Borgo. This way is quite buggued.
There are 2 gates you can open to enter the palace. To the left, a guard claim
for a good thing to drink, give to him the red vine, in fact put it on the
table on the left and go away, all the guards will drink it and to the right,
the guard tells that he was a "super hero" (you will understand by yourself).
Talk to Boron in downtown and he will kill this guard for you. You can open
both door. In this part you find Niamh. In fact don't accept to repair the
weapons. It is a part of another quest involving the zerbite treasure.

8) Advance toward the palace. Kill the guard and go to the left. Don't waste
time to talk to the level 45 guard, go south of them and kill some hound. Now
Continue around the garden to open a chest. Last come back and enter in the
garden by using the crack in the wall. Now advance to the bindstone and kill
the guards here to collect a key. This key open the way to the garden of the
dryad. Pass the portal.


1) Kill 2 guards and summon your 5 heroes. Follow the way, open the chest and
kill everyone on the way. Go to the door and open it with the key. Follow the
way to the dryad. Talk to her. Now follow the way to the elf and switch on the
bindstone. She comes with you.

2) Now continue to follow the way. You will discover that the enemi is the king
of the spider. Now it's a ghost. Destroy everything on the way and watch the
scene between the emperor and the ghost. Now beat the ghost (level 40) and the
spiders. You obtain an antidote. Use to purify the root. The dryad is safe now.
Talk to her, she will show a letter from Darius.

3) Talk to the dryad of everything, because you will obtain important side
quest : a quest to save her, and how to conitnue the main quest. Before you
pass the portal to the palace of Empyria, go left and all around the portal.
You will find a skeleton with the first seal of the bank. It is hidden on the
right but you can see a light shining on it. Now pass the portal to Empyria at
the end of this map. You can find a chest on the left hidden by the tree. To
reach it, you can refuse to use the portal and then pass through it without
being teleported. Open the chest and approach of the bindstone.


1) Switch on the bindstone and teleport yourself to somewhere else on this map.
Talk to Alyah. You learn alot about her. Before you talk again to her, talk to
Urias. You will have to visit again the blackwater coast to find the soldiers
of Urias. Talk to Serbio and he will free the Irfit only if you bring him the
robot of the city of souls.

2) Talk to Alyah and she will ask you to go with her to the red Wastes. Follow
her to the portal. The messenger will die. Open the chest and pass the portal.


1) You will meet Bario. He offers his help if you help him to kill 2 brothers.
Switch on the bindstone and then talk to him. You can accept or refuse, i have
accepted to help him despite it seems bad.

Don't go any further as you can complete now some sidequests for precious exp.

A) Go to the merchant place in Empyria and give the 4 frog leather to Barbadar
the cloth seller.

B) Go to the blackwater coast. You will find several groups of skeletons. Kill
them all. Talk to the lord in the village and you complete the sidequest for
Urias. Now search on the map and near the camp a ghost named Gurim and a chest.
Open the chest and talk to the ghost. First, kill Sheeha and second kill Andar
on the same map. Go back to Gurim and talk to him. Now you can fight Zandar and
then Iridon. Iridon will be hard to kill, i suggest you run away from his golem
and concentrate then on him. Once he is dead, kill the golem and then the ice
spirit. Last run quickly to Laurin. When he creates double of himself, touch
the draconic rune to stop the double. You will have to kill them all, but focus
first on the original. If he kills the dwarf it is over. When the original
dragon dies, kill the double. Now leave this map.

C) Go to Onyx Shores and purify the first root. It is north west of the huge
hazim camp and it is guarded by red demons.

D) If you are at level 36, talk again to Uzakahn to do the intermediate level
of battle training in the arena. Now return to the main quest. The next level
of training is level 40.

2) The goal is to wait that the 2 bosses Trokan and Trakan comes to the circle.
Talk to Azyo and he will ask the bosses to come. When they are in the trap,
press the lever. If they run before you can activate the trap, wait that they
come again the next night.

3) Without building anything, destroy the 2 camps now. By doing this you will
find 3 of the 4 pieces of the red sand needed, the second ingredient for
Barbadar. The fourth piece is guarded by a Hazim warrior. He is hidden in a
very small path to the north and east of the beginning of the map. Go to
Empyria and give the four crimson sand pieces to Barbadar.
In theory you must talk to Bario when it's done, but for now build an
entire ork camp with the best soldiers, you need at least 40 soldiers, 20
magicians and 20 fighters plus the titan. Place them in front of the door of
the djinns. Talk to Bario and when the door opens, kill all the mummies. But
that's not all, with the remaining soldiers kill also other horde of mummies on
the way to the south and to the west. Once the second horde of the way is
destroyed, go back and run to the set of stairs to find the crypts and stop the
fountain. You will obtain the third and last ingredient for Barbadar the cloth
seller, the dark silk by killing four claw Mummies. Talk to Bario to obtain a

4) On this map you can purify a second area to help the dryad. Then kill the
last foes, the red demons and the insects. To the south of the map you find a
bindstone and the portal to Raven Pass. You can pass it now, but if you explore
this map to the east, near the necropole you can find a bindstone and the
portal to the City of Souls. It appears as a bonus map in this story.


1) For the moment, visit what you can. You find the head and the parts of a
golem. You cannot approach of the 3 dark towers because they kill you

2) You find monument with a gargoyle in the center and also guardians level 40
each. You will have to stop here as you cannot beat them now. Go to the raven
pass by using a bindstone.


1) Alyah abandons you to ask the Kathai some reinforcements. You can see that
the fortress is guarded by Rohen and lots of dead soldiers.

2) On the right you'll hear a giant complaining about himself. Talk to him. Go
south and kill the goblins. Talk again to the giant. You'll have 3 choices. I
recommend to use the second one. The giant will put rocks on most caverns so
the skeletons won't attack you. The event is still not perfect as there will
be a minimum of 2 caves the giant won't block.

Note : It's a bug, if you are quick enough, you can ask the giant to come with
you and then to put rocks on the caverns. You will see 2 giants, one doing the
stuff, the other coming with you and then the other giant will disappear. You
must be very quick in pressing the buttons on your keyboard to obtain this

3) Build a powerful army of 10 birds and 30 trolls soldiers (10 launchers and
20 fighters). Build the atelier, you obtain a thrower. Build 2 of them. They
are the only one able to destroy the giant dark tower that are guarding the
entrance of the fortress. Don't destroy those tower now however. To help you,
there are 2 carts full of resources near the bindstone.

4) When your army will be ready, you will go in front of the tower. Wait here
and stop an enemy unit from attacking your camp. Now destroy both tower. A
group will emerge from the darkness. Send the avatar alone and retreat so you
can fight a smaller horde less protected by skeletons archers. Once this one
is destroyed, kill the archers and remaining foes. If you have done well, you
still have an army of 32 soldiers (including the birds). Now advance to the
left and let your avatar advance to the right.

5) To the left your army will occupe the horde of dead men, to the right your
avatar will come to destroy the 3 crypts and stop the magic fountain. Urias
will attack the guys that will shoot you. Curiously he seems stronger on this
map. When the fountain is down, kill the remaining foes. Meanwhile the Ai sent
something to your camp. Eliminate them with the birds and some soldiers you
can summon.

6) Open all the chest. On one of the corps you find a key to open the jail of
a dwarf. Talk to Jarl. He will come with you. Go to the next fortress and ask
Jarl to open a way in for you. Now you will fight a horde of undead. The
fortress is yours now. To reach the next step of this campaign, you'll have
to switch on the monument. Upgrade all buildings and with your orc army prepare
to attack the skeletons.

7) Build a dark elf army if possible (10 winged demons and other soldiers when
the orcs will die, you can also summon the dark elf titan upgraded). Advance
in the mountain and kill the skeletons. You must find a way to enter the third
fortress. From the door, go north in the mountain and find a dark Elf you
already know from Order of Dawn. Talk to him then kill the 2 assassins. Now
pass the portal.

8) See it as a mini game, you must push all 5 levers in the order you wish
to open the double door of the fortress. Avoid the monsters here as they are
level 50. It's as in Metal Gear, infiltration. You must wait so they won't
see you. Pass the portal back and go to the third fortress. Conquer it and
switch on both monument. Summon reinforcements while you go to the fourth

9) The fourth and final fortress awaits. From the double door of the entrance,
go south to find the exit and the way to the final fortress. Kill on the way
and stop in front of the fortress. Send a chaos bringer or an alive fortress
to destroy the huge tower and thenenter the final fortress. It is simple,
advance and kill. You will encounter in a huge place 2 dragons level 50. Kill
one and wait before attacking the other. When all the reinforcements are up,
send them to the fortress.

10) Now you are ready to kill the second dragon. Kill it. You will watch a scene
where Rohen will come using a gigantic horde. You will receive reinforcements
from the Kathai but they are few. Count on yourself to kill the foes. Try to
attack Rohen only when he will be alone or with few soldiers. After this tough
battle you will finish the campaign.

11) After Rohen is defeated, don't pass the portal to Kathai to the south. Go
west and you find a unit of ork. They are guarding a chest and a rune hero, Ump
the ork, level 33. You can use him only at level 41. You also find another
bindstone and another portal to the Blazing Stones. It appears as a bonus map.


1) Talk to the ork. He will come with you. First he asks for your help.
He wants you to save 5 princesses that are cursed and changed into frog.
This is an action RPG map. From the beginning go to the south. You will fight
some rippers and then you will find 2 princesses guarded each by 3 guardians
level 35. Save them. You will find a third princess to the south. Then the
road is blocked. Go all the way back to the north and continue north this

2) Follow the way and after some rippers you encounter a trio of guardian. That
makes 4. The last princess is to the south, again follow the way, no secrets or
chests, and kill 4 guardians this time. Switch on the bindstone now and wait
that the fifth princess pass the portal.

3) Talk to the ork and pass the gate that opens. Your goal is to detroy some
wolf camps. The first is near your own possible dark elf camp. The second is
north west of the first. The third is north east of the second. If you are
around level 39/40 like me, i suggest you handle it alone as you won't gain much
exp by building a full dark elf camp. Find the fourth camp to the north east.
This one will be hard to destroy. There is a fifth one to the north heavily
guarded. It's long but you can handle them alone.

4) You won't be alone anymore. Near the sixth camp is the hero monument. There
is also the seventh camp near the obelisk. After them you will be ale to proceed
tothe next step of this map. For the moment let's focus on the sixth camp. To
finish this one, i suggest you use a trick. Switch the dark elf monument and
then a horde of wolves will abandon it. Go to the camp and finish it with your
avatar. Now that your heroes are with you, kill the horde (10 wolves) and then
finish the seventh camp.

5) Now all the camps are destroyed, a giant, Utrur, level 40 will appear. Kill
him. Talk to Arganum and he will open the second gate. In the last area of this
map the first thing to do is to destroyed the beast camp and to avoid the
Let them run and break into many groups of 2 to 4 goblins and then you will be
able to kill them. Follow all the possible roads to destroy the beast camp,
they are easy to handle. Talk to Arganum and he will open thegate to the
colosseum for you. Don't pass it now.

6) In this area you will find a chest with an arya crystal in it (as in raven
pass). You will also see skeletons and lava monsters. Go to them and kill the
skeletons first. You obtain a first part of the mosaic. Follow this way.
Insert the first part. Kill the new horde. You obtain a second part of the
mosaic. Insert it. Now the problem comes from the 3 mummies that are guarding
the mosaic. Another problem is that the skeleton hordes for the third and
fourth part will be very huge. I suggest you build a dark elf and/or a complete
elf camp (on the goblins land) to complete this map.

7) Attack the third horde and win. Now, be sure to have at least 30
necromanicans, 40 fighters, the titan and the heroes near the avatar before
he input the last fragment of the mosaic. Input it and kill the foes. Last,
eliminate the horde by attacking small waves one after the other. Again the
problem will be the mummies level 41 in the third and fourth horde. Look at
your inventory, you have found the best equipment in the game by solving this

8) You have probably notice the presence of fire golems on the map. Find them
and kill them all. You will find near them, the second seal of the bank. The
map is complete now and you have just to pass the portal to the Colosseum.


The things are very simple here. This is an arena. Talk to Zerbo but don't
begin the fight now. Go all around the place and buy a cyclop for 5000 gold.
Now go Zerbo and ask for a first fight.

Round 1 : versus 4 gladiators level 35.
Round 2 : versus 8 divine beasts level 38.
Round 3 : versus 4 draconians level 45
Round 4 : versus 2 Uroks and 2 ogres level 45 and 42.
Round 5 : versus 4 spirits level 45
Round 6 : versus 10 dark elf level 44 and 45.
Round 7 : versus 4 elemental golems level 48.
Round 8 : versus 8 skeletons level 44 and 45.
Round 9 : versus 6 blade soldiers level 25 and 48.
Round 10 : versus 4 red demons level 50.

It's over for the colosseum and now you have to go back to the main quest.
Teleport back to the portal to Kathai. If you are level 40 or higher go to
Uzakahn to fight him. If you are at level 44, go again to fight him.


1) You can wipe out lots of camp now that youhave played the colosseum. Go to
the monument and switch on the bindstone. Open the chest. With the help of the
NPC chase the insects here. You will find a mentalist with some spiders. Kill
him and you will obtain his rune (he is located to the west of the map). Go

2) By going down you will discover some of the skeletons camp and also chests
guarded by Sha fighters (lizards). Continue to the south to find the hero
monument. Summon them. You have now 5 powerful heroes (the one you earn in the
colosseum and the one you just found) and 4 NPC. Believe me, this is enough to
conquer all the skeletons and even the mummies camp. Each time let the heroes
take care of the mummies, the NPC attack the skeletons and your avatar destroy
the building. There is a huge oasis in this part of the map, to the south west
is the skeleton that hold the third seal of the bank.

3) When all the camps will eventually be destroyed, you will want to pass the
portal to the city, south of the hero monument. Save Khal and talk to him. Now
find the hero monument here and summon them. Once again, no need of an army,
you can beat everyone by yourself. Talk to the Uru and she will give you some
reinforcements. Kill everyone here and open all the chests. Now kill the key
master in front of each of the 3 doors and open them.

4) Talk to the Uru. You'll have to find 2 gons. Go to the 2 skeletons unit
and kill them to obtain the gons. Go back to the Uru and talk to her. Choose
an ally (i suggest Urias) and beat Xalabar and his healer. Exit. The king of
Empyria will come. After the scene, Urias will die. Run to the dwarf monument
and switch it on. Summon a dwarf army to fight the king army.

5) Your mission is to summon some dwarves and the titan asap by using the
monument to the north. Use also the stone ram. In fact you don't really need
them but it will be easier to win with a small army of 20/25 soldiers. Begin
to fight the horde in town (easy) then fight the commander of the north gate.
Then a reinforcement will come. Now the north gate is free. Using the titan,
the heroes and your avatar kill the giant of the front gate and let your army
kill the rest of the soldiers. Again kill the reinforcement. There is another
unit in town, find it to the south and kill it. Last find the unit that is
guarding the south gate and finish it. Be sure to let your heroes and a small
army (10 soldiers) because during the next cutscene they will fight the
reinforcement. Don't worry, they are able to win.

6) Now you have just to leave this map and go to the Clockwork crypt, another
very original campaign.


1) Advance. The Uru appears. Talk to her and she will give you the combination
to open the door (random, so write on a paper). Enter and watch the scene. Use
then the same combination as Xalabar.

2) The combinations are not random :

To the north they are :

right left right
right left right
right left right

For the first trap,

right right left
right left right
right left right

Open the chest and then check the traps south for the good way. Take the
tongue from the stone head with you.

To the south :

right left right
left right left
right left right

(combination of the cutscene),

right right left
right right right
left right left

For the second.

Begin by the trap to the south and open all the chests, then check the one
to the north. Talk to Uru and she says that you must open the chests without
being seen by the guardian level 45. The chests are on the right.

3) You can look at the chests but you won't be abme to open them. You need a
red key, which you have not.

Here are the chests :

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

You must check them in this order : 5, 1, 8, 2, 4, 3, 6, 7, 9

You find the staff for Tuomi. You have also an air coin.

From this room you can go up, east and south.

4) Go up. You will see an obelisk in the middle of a place. Click on it and
redo the same sequence with the torch. You free 3 of 6 titans. There is
maybe a combination to free all 6 titans. On the right you will find a hero
monument and a bindstone. Summon Ankthar. A zerbite ghost appears. Talk to
him and give him the rune of Ankthar. He becomes friendly with you.

5) With your 5 heroes and 3 titans go to the place with the guardian. This
time go west. Kill all the spiders. The one with a level 45 gives a key. you
can open the door on the north of this area. Note that you have only titan of
the light.

6) You arrive in a strange place where you can use the stone tongue to hear
all the messages the stone heads can deliver. You find also obelisks that
opens the way for you to the treasure room. Be sure to kill the demons and
to switch the bindtsone near the gate to the treasure room. You find the
key to the skeletons camp which is west of the room of the guardian.

Here is a representation of this room :

demons obelisk for hand and sword obelisk for sword and crown demons

Crown obelisk for crow and frog Mace
obelisk for Storm /demons obelisk hammer,shovel demons/ obelisk for Saber
Saber Dagger obelisk for dagger and diamond crow

7) you'll be happy to learn that there is an intellectual way to reach this
room too. Go back to the room of the guardian and go south this time.

The first thing to do is to open some chests using the obelisk here to
lighten some torchs. they are represented like this




The correct order for the one on the left is A, G, E and B
The correct order for the second one is E, C, H and B

8) Now go down, avoid the light to not summon mummies and open the chest.
When it's done, go right to the next riddle. You will see 2 chests and
7 switches. To open one of the chest, you need to lighten all the torchs and
to open the other you need switch off all of them. The combination is simply
impossible to describe. You need to open them to obtain the air coin inside.

If it can help you, be sure to light only the torch in the middle, then light
the one up and the one down. All the torches will bright.

Here are some tips from John Fowler :

"Torch configuration:


2 3


5 6


Torch Toggles
# Torches
1 5, 7
2 1, 4
3 2, 6
4 1, 6
5 4, 7
6 3, 5
7 2, 3

Because each torch controls 3 points and I'm a visual person I found it
easiest to memories the 'triangle' shapes and location each torch
'effects'then find a way to cover or uncover all the points by adding or
removing these imaginary triangles to open each of the 2 chests.

From this point, you can switch off all of them."

Submitted by Jerome Sermadiras :

"In the clockwork crypts, the solution to the opening of the chests at
step 8) is as follows (torch number configuation is from top to bottom
and left to right, as you suggest) :

Light all torchs by activating 4 then 1 then 7 (as you said) :
open the left chest

Then activate all torchs in turns from 1 to 7 : they are all turned off,
open the right chest"

9) Go north and here is the last riddle. A zerbite ghost is playing with the
levers and tries to forbid you to pass the trap. Believe me, it works really
good. If you succeed, you have very few seconds to send your heroes. They
must pass the trap and the ghost will die.

From Deon and Melissa Heydenrych :

"My husband worked the code for me.

It is as following. What you have to do is pull the levers so that the
combination is:

Left right Left
Right right right
Left right left

But seeing as the one lever is broken you pull all the others and wait
for the ghost to pull the broken one. Then all the eyes close and you
have quite a while for you hero's to run over."

Now input the air coin to open the way. To open the chest here you need
3 air coins. Input them. You obtain a star pendant.

10) Go back to the guardian room and this time search for an obelisk on the
west. Use the key of the dead to open the way. Kill all the skeletons. Now
advance. You arrive in front of some stairs. Never walk on a skeletons or on
the blood. Beat the demons and switch on the obelisk.

11) You find another hero monument here. Summon them if you necessary. Advance
and you meet Xalabar. Talk to him. Accept to find the wand for him, then talk
again and kill him. Now go back south of the treasure room. You find a
binstone and a gate. Open it to enter the stone maze.

12) Summon your heroes here and kill all the foes. You have for the moment 3
portals at your disposal.

Portal to the north :
a) You click on an obelisk, it opens the way south of the hero monument.
b) There is one stone head. To activate it, simply walk near and don't move.
Later you will have to use all 5 heroes, as in the city of soul to open the
gate to the treasure room.

Portal to the east :
You find only a stone head.

Portal to the south :
You find an obelisk with written on it, erbitia, vani, susp, mania. These
are zerbites names on the chest that you will have to open later in the
treasure room. Switch on the bindstone and notice that there is a locked gate.
You need star coins to open it and you don't have any so far.

Now go south of the hero monument, kill and touch the obelisk on the west. It
opens the way near the stone head you can reach by using the east portal.
a) Continue on this path to find another portal to 2 obelisks. Touch the one
on the left and you open a path south of the first obelisk you can reach by
using the north portal.
b) Touch the one on the right and you open the way near the portal to the

Go to this way (near the north portal). You can reach 2 more portals. To the
east, you can touch an obelisk and open a way inside the locked way to the
south of the hero monument.

Pass the portal to the north to open this locked way.

Explore this way and now you must be able to place all 5 heroes to open the
treasure gate.

13) Go to the treasure room. Search for the chests with the name that contains
the four words you read earlier. It's not an obligation. Open first these
chests and then open all the remaining chests. The one to the north can be
opened only if you have 5 fire coins which you found in the other chests. You
must open the chest in the correct order.

_____chest 1_________________chest 2
_____________chest 13 (The one with the fire coins)
_____chest 3_________________chest 4

chest 5___________________________chest 6
chest 7___________________________chest 8

_____chest 9_________________chest 10
_____chest 11________________chest 12

The combination is :

You lose only one chest but it has a jewel inside, not very useful. The most
important items are the 11 fire coins you can obtain.

14) If you open the chest with 3 air coins, you can open the portal with the
star coin and find new puzzles. Kill the beast and collect the earth coin.
Pass the portal and you arrive in a treasure room with 2 other portals and 2
demons level 48. Kill them (very long). Don't touch the chests now.

Chest 1 = 3 fire coins Chest 2 = fire, water and earth coin
(hadeko puppets, archmage) (rune fighter Ygor level 38 and skull coin)

Chest 3 = 3 earth coins
(mask of whisper)

Chest 5 = fire, air and earth coin Chest 4 = fire, water and earth coin
(helm for Tuomi) (no valuable item)

Chest 6 = 3 water coins Chest 7 = locked by a code (330 red and 13 black)
(Robe for Tuomi) (Shield for Tuomi)

For the moment pass the portal to the left (to the black chests).

You can see 6 pillars, 2 chests, 1 obelisk and 1 demon level 47.

the value of the pillars are :

16 1 32
8 2 4

If you wish to open the 3 chests you need to do an addition. The value of the
3 chests are : 26, 5 and 8. The value to free the demon are : 5, 24 and 12.

8 is easy, 5 is 4+1, 21 is 16+1+4 in this order. If you do 16+8 you will fight
the demon.

Before you leave this place light the following torches : 8+4+1 = 13 black.

You can exit and pass the portal to your right to the red chests.

This time you will do multiplication. The value of the pillars are :

5 13 3
11 7 2

The value to open the chests are 66, 7 and 130
The value to free the demon are : 2, 33 and 10

7 is easy, 66 is 11*2*3 and 130 is 13*5*2

Before you leave switch these torches : 3*2*5*11 = 330 red.

Now open all the chests and leave this place.

That's all for the zerbite campaign. You can exit by the portal near the
room where you killed Xalabar. Pass the portal and then teleport yourself to

16) Talk to Uzakahn if you are at level 48 and complete the training quest.

17) You can complete the quest for Tuomi. I suggest you kill her and don't
give the equipment. The reason is simple, you will find her in the crypt
playing a new mini game. The problem is that you can only do draw game with
her. I think that the Zerbite legacy is not clearly defined. That's why you
cannot win. Maybe later, in Spellforce 2 who knows. You can also talk to
Niahm and complete her quest if you have all 6 zerbites tears;


1) After the scene, go north and then left to find the hero monument. Summon
all your heroes. you have just to follow the way and kill the enemies. You
will find the fourth sanctuary you need to purify to help the dryad. Now the
book suggests you pay a visit to her but you will do it later. Continue to
follow the way into the jungle and kill the monkeys.

2) Stop here as you will see the central army. Go all the way back to the
hero monument and force the way to the gate to Kathai. Kill the keymaster and
open the gate. Jenquai, Alyah and 20 kathai will come to help you. Use them
to free both monument but don't attack yet the small horde to the south.

3) Open the chests of this area and go to a bindstone. Teleport yourself to
the dryad. Talk to her and she will give you the location of the fifth
sactuary to purify. It is in the city of souls. Now go to Empyria.

4) In empyria, fight Uzakhan (level 44 if not done and then 48). Talk to
Shazam and tell him the truth. He is happy that his girl can play outside
again. Go to Niahm and give to her 3 zerbites tears. Repair either (or both)
the shield or the staff. you cannot do more for the moment. Go to the city
of souls now.


1) Now is your chance to do it. First run to the door and all the gargoyles
will die. Now to kill a guardian you must wait that the clock gargoyle point
toward the good direction. Once it's the case, kill the guardian.

2) Activate and summon the heroes. Open the chests and kill the other medusas.
You will see a root of water. Fill the vessel the dryad gave to you with it.
Now run to the left and give the water to the flower near the door. Do this 2
times (kill also the spirits for exp) and the door will open.

3) Pass that door and purify the last sanctuary. You will give the good news to
the dryad later. Continue to visit this place. Kill the ghouls and find a door
to open with the rune key (near the water root). You can also use the diamond
sword to break the crystals in the giant watch.

4) Kill some skeletons. Talk to a girl and answer 1. Find the dream robber level
45. When you fight him, be sure to fight oustide of the mist. Else he'll regain
all his HP. When he dies, talk to the girl and she says to beware of a gnome.

5) To the south you find a bindstone. Pass the second door and activate the
hero monument and the bindstone. You find the mecanical creature on the ground.
Take it. You will exchange it against the Irfit. To the east is a demon
fountain. First kill a demon, then another one, then 3 of them. It continues
but it's hard. I call this the demon root. It's here to help you to reach the
level 50.

6) Explore the rest of the map near the hero monument. You find the gnome. I
can't really explain how to beat him but kill the first gnome, then go left
and talk to Hirin. Other gnomes will attack, while they hit you go to the first
gnomes you fight (near the chest) and the true gnome will die with his evil
doubles. Then a black skeleton will attack the bindstone. Defend it.

7) After some hordes of skeletons he will teleport himself and open the door
to the spirit root. Before attacking them, attack the mummies and follow the
way in the mountain. You find the fourth seal of the bank. Kill the last spirits
near the chest they are guarding and then go to the black skeleton.

8) Kill him and fight some spirits. It opens the door to a table. It is a mini
game, the Hadeko. You will use the puppets you have found during the game. The
rules are simple : the hero can beat everyone but he dies after the round. The
mage can kill the archmage and the guardian. The guardian can kill the shadow.
The shadow can kill the mage. The jester has random effect but it's good to
keep him for the final battle. Zerbo gives his helm to you if you win, a jewel
if you lose.

9) Technically you can't go any further in the city of souls. There are 2 magic
fountains of monsters that cannot be stopped. It is here to help you to reach
the level 50. Now is the good time to leave this map and close this campaign.

10) Complete some sidequests now. Go to Serbio in Empyria and free the Irfit.
Go to the Dryad Cove and talk to the dryad. Buy 3 mortars in Empyria and give
3 aria crystals or 3 hearts to the Irfit. He will come with you even if you
change of map. Go back to Darkwind Keep to continue the campaign.

11) As you are in Empyria, talk to the puppet master in the shrine area. He'll
offer to join the guild of assassin and also to buy your hadeko puppets. Accept
to join the guild. He asks you to kill Seth Dundred, an old pal from order of
dawn. Go to Seth and talk to him. You can kill him or help him. If you help him
the mission is to kill Yrmir. He is waiting for you in the east part of the
palace. Kill him and say it to Seth. Talk again to Seth and he will thank you.
Talk again to him and give him 2000 gold to heal him. Last, talk to the puppet
master and he will Seth leave.

12) Go to the bank and place the four seal you have found. Open the chest. You
find strange tablets with the name of some of the programers. You can input them
into 2 statues north of the temple of Lyrio, the guy you healed with the dream
vine. If you note the message, you can go to raven pass, open the console and
input the message you have noted. Go to the troll monument and surprise ! You
now go back to Darkwind Keep. I won't say more about this event, it is an easter


1) Back here, i guess you wil want to finish the magic fountain before building
a complete dwarf and elf town. Wait a little while you try to kill the horde in
the center of the map and you will hear jenquai saying that they have found
another entrance to attack you. Let the horde pass.

2) Finish the monsters in the center of the mpa and reach the monuments and the
bindstone south of it. You can see an army. Go all the way to the sanctuary you
had purify earlier and on the way you will see that the rock has been removed.

3) Now follow this long way through the jungle and kill everyone. The monkeys
are guarding 2 chests near the cavern. The second chest is hard to see.
Completely to the south you will find 2 monuments and also an easy access to
the magic fountains of this map. With your avatar and your heroes destroy the
4 fountains.

4) The enemy is seriously weakened. Build your town with both dwarf and elf.
Combine an army and kill all the beasts and the blades. They are numerous
and the battle will be long.

5) While you are building the 2 towns, be sure to have the pixies, the aries,
the 5 heroes and your avatar to defend your camp. Build the dwarf town first
and use the elf to build some archer towers (4 at least). You will fight a huge
horde. After this one, only 7 enemies will come and then you will have all your
time as the magic fountain are all closed.

6) With 30 dwarves, attack the central horde. After the victory, go up and some
kathai will come to help you and to finish the monsters. Victory at least. Now
it's important to not switch on the 3 other monuments. The game will be easier,
else it will bug as you have not found them in the correct order. You won't be
able to talk to Craig in this case. Build the full army, 80 soldiers and 2

7) If the avatar goes near the door, there will be a scene. Alyah leaves the
team. We learn that in fact she loved Urias. With your giant army invade the
last part of the map. Go south first and block the first cave. To block a cave
you need only one fighter in it while the other attack the blades. This fighter
mustn't move until you finish this map. You will then fight a beast level 50.

8) There is chest on the east of this part of the island. Continue to the west
to find the second cave (very easy) and block it. Continue to the north. Stop
near the chest, open it and then send your avatar to the small path that goes
in the mountain. You will go north, find an altar for the beast you have killed
and a chest. Come back to your army.

9) Go north and block the third cave. Continue north and block the fourth and
final cave. You can now focus on the magic fountains. Curiously the monsters
don't respawn. Destroy them all. Once you win the battle, talk to Craig and give
the seal of the Norcaine, and then talk to the other rune fighter. At least the
shadow and the phoenix are unified.

10) It's not over yet. If "the beast", a boss level 50 didn't come to you, kill
it near a cavern south. Open all the chests here. Try to reach the portal to
the gorge. A horde of blade soldiers come. After you defeat it, each of the rune
avatar understand that they need each other to beat Hokan. You can now pass the

11) Teleport yourself to Empyria. Talk to Alyah and then to the dark elf in the
shrine area. You will fight him and 4 assassins. Craig will appear in town. Talk
to him and the sidequest will be over.

12) If you have not done this before, talk to Uzakhan and beat him (level 48).
You can also ask to Niahm to repair one of the 2 zerbites weapon because you
have 3 zerbites tears for now.


1) Switch on the bindstone, open the chest and wait for the 4 undead level 42.
Kill them. You can go left now and use the hero monument.

2) You must be smart on this map to win. Build a very basic troll camp. I mean,
build the small HQ, Medium and large to obtain an upgraded Titan. Build the
nest to hunting lodge to have enough food to produce the metal birds, build the
atelier and last build 2 alive fortress. Close the monument now. All the workers
die but the titan and the alive fortress stay with you.

3) Go near the bindstone and hide there until the Sha look at the camp to see it
is dead. They won't destroy the buildinh and will return to their camp. Now
begin the campaign. Go to the center of the map and kill the blacksmith of the
soul. There are 4 of them and 4 scorpions near a giant tower. Use the alive
fortress to destroy the fortress and finish the other creature.

4) Wander all around this map to find the six sha temples. Kill the Sha and
switch off the torch. When all the Sha temples are done, it's time to go back to
your town and build a complete troll and orc camp. Attack the horde to the
open all the chests and pass the portal to the final world, The bone temple.


1) This map is very long but very easy if you know what to do. Open the chests.
You can go north to talk to a wise man. He can help you to heal from the mummy
curse. Accept or not he comes with you. You have 2 choices to the right.

2) Use the path south right to destroy a mummy crypt. Go back to your camp. Use
the path north right to destroy a mummy crypt and 3 towers. I suggest you do
this and run of the mummies. They are long to kill. Go to the bindstone,
yourself on another map and then come back here. All the mummies have

3) Use the path south right to destroy a tower and some sha fountains. This
part of the map is cleared. Use the path north right and advance to discover
the rest of the map.

4) You will find 2 towers, then a camp, another tower and you will reach the
first bindstone of the map. Open the chest here. The bindstone is protected by
some camps, destroy them all. Continue south west to find 2 towers and then go
south east and then to the west. You will find the second monuments. Don't use

5) On the other side of the river is a group of monkeys guarded by some
nightmare blades level 48. Kill the guardian and open the jail. The little
monkey will offer to open the way to the temple. After the scene you can notice
an island of skeletons that have the names of the programers, as for the
tablets. Go back to the first monument and build the 2 titans of your choice,
and the building destroyers of your choice (storm bringer etc...). Build also
the reinforcements like pixies. Switch off the monument.

6) Now go back to the second monument on the map and this time attack the giant
lizard. Afer killing some of them, you will arrive in the blades camp. Destroy
the nexus to stop the fountains of monster and use the building destroyer to
destroy the huge dark towers.

7) You will eventually come to the third bindstone. After destroying some other
nexus, you arrive near Darius. Talk to him and free him. Kill the last blade
soldiers and pass the portal to the final battle.

8) the road is very long in the bone temple, summon your heroes and fight your
way to the second hero monument and the bindstone on the west of it. To the
of the hero monument, you will find the final boss after killing some nightmare
blades level 48.

This fight is not hard and you have a great advantage on Belial, you are
immortal. Fight Belial and when his HP goes down he will summon the ghost of the
mage of the circle. Kill them before attempting killing Belial again. When they
all die beat Belial to watch at the ending sequence.



Alanna (my heroine of breath of winter) has followed the man with a mask in
order to heal herself from the curse of the shadow sword.

1) Begin to kill some monsters and find the hero monument on the east. Summon
all your 5 heroes. Now your purpose is to deposit each of them in front of a
mist portal so the root of evil stops to send skeletons.

2) Run all around the city and deposit each of your heroes. Be sure they won't
be attacked and go to the next root. Once it will be done, you will see that
they form a pentagram.

3) Now you feel alone right ? ok, enter deeply in the city. Your next mission
is to find 5 souls who will help you to kill the Fial Darg (despite the fact
you don't need them at all). Visit each of the district of the town. The soul
are cool because they respawn if they are killed. Once you have all 5 souls go
to the Fial Darg. In theory you have beaten all the monsters on the map.

4) Equip yourself with the shadow sword and kill the Fial Darg. It will do 50
to 60 damage points. After your victory take the jar inside the tomb. Now run
to the east of the map because some horde of level 35 dead soldiers will attack
you. Once east, switch on the bind stone and deposit all the souls in front of
their tomb. They will let some items for you.

5) Go to the masked man and offer the jar. He gives a rune (the one of Ankthar)
and order you to kill a dryad. Pass the portal to the next map.


1) Kill the spiders and then switch on the human monument. This mission will be
the same as for the Phoenix story. You will have the same side quests and also
the same enemies.

2) The progression will be different and the map appear to be easier when you
follow the shadow and not the phoenix. The enemies respawn slowly. Read the
advice above to win the battle.

3) The cut scene is different. You will see the masked man killing the tall
tree spirit to help his rune slave toprogress to the dryad. You will also
watch Rohen in the cut scene and this time he announces that he has found the
last member of the circle. Then pass theportal to Empyria.


1) When you arrive here go to the soldier and talk to him. He tells you to find
Alyah. Find Alyah north west of the guard in the town and talk to a merchant.
You can buy a pointless ring (don't accept the first offer and answer 2, then
buy it). Now talk to Alyah. She asks you to find Flinck. Go to the guard in
front of the door and talk to him. Pass the door and switch on the bindstone.
During this map you will have to deal with Nandini. The only interessant item
she has is a zerbite tear. Be sure to buy it after you refuse the most
expansive deal. You can buy it for 40 gold coins. I obtain it only in the
shadow story as i said previously.

2) Do the same as for the Phoenix story to access to Dryad Cove.


1) Follow the way to the dryad. You won't kill her but you will help her as the
phoenix fighter did. She also says that she will send messenger to find him for

2) Complete this map and go back to Empyria. You must go to the red wastes
after you talk to Alyah. Alanah meets Urias. This is the first time they can
talk. The dialogue are different. Even if you don't see the scene, (a bug i
think) Haran the kathai messenger will be killed.

3) You can complete the sidequests now but there will be some change for the
blackwater coast.


1) It's a new map in the shadow story. Go to Onyx Shores and the way to the
portal to the coast is opened now. Pass it.

2) Follow the way and free the hero monument and alsothe bindstone from the
skeletons. They are weak (level 20 or around) on the contrary of the phoenix
story. Kill them all.

3) Talk to the lord in the village and then to the ghost, Gurim, to complete
the sidequest with the dragons. Now go to the red wastes.


The campaign is the same as in the phoenix story. The sidequests are the


Explore the new area and find the 3 pieces of the golem. If you wish you can
try to kill the horde of zombies that are roaming in the city. I suggest you
wait a little before doing this. Go to Raven Pass now.


1) The scene is the same as in the phoenix story. You begin with Urias and
you can switch on the bindstone.

2) The bug with the giant works also in this story. Don't forget to use the
carts full of resources. The rest of the campaign is the same as in the
phoenix story. Go to the blazing stones and the colosseum before you go to


Same as in the phoenix story.


Same as in phoenix story.


Same as in phoenix story.


Same as in the phoenix story.


Same as in the phoenix story.


Same as in the phoenix story.


Same as in the phoenix story.


Same as in the phoenix story.


Same as in the phoenix story.

7 List of all rune heroes :

Medusa :

Xyallah archer level 36

Troll :

Ump fighter level 33

Dwarf :

Glamrig fighter level 30

Necromancer :

Ankthar sorcerer level 26

Archer :

Saija level 39
Ulme level 36
Thrasylon level 33
Corey level 26

Mentalist :

Gaukur level 38
Catlan level 31
Ada level 25

Priest :

Siri level 40
Virginie level 37
Roluf level 33
Benvy level 31
Lukios level 25

Mage :

Lemuel level 43
Uska level 37
Halvar level 34

Sorcerer :

Falk level 39
Sinistro level 35
Nuala level 29
Orvo level 26

Fighter :

Chandi level 43
Ygor level 38
Syrene level 36
Inke level 34
Turvar level 32

You can maybe find more in shop but i doubt of that.

8 List of all main quest and side quest :

Global main quest for both story :

In the shadow of the phoenix

Main quest :

The order of the masked man (shadow story)
The black coast (phoenix story)

Breaking through Empyria
In the palace of Empyria
The last of the dryads
Departure to Kathai
Through the red wastes
The battle of Raven Pass
The first curse : the 5 princesses
The second curse : the lava ruby
The third curse : The robbers of the wind children
The colosseum of the gods
Going through the clockwork crypt
Toward the fortress of Darkwind Keep
Where the gods leave
In the gorge
The last battle

Side quest :

The staff and the shield
The poisoned water
Captain Ishtar sorrow
The zerbites legacy
The ingredients of Barbadar
Merchant quarrel
The money of Protection
The four seal of the bank
The Irfit
The sacred places
Urias men
Laurin the fooler
Endless pain
The last draconian
Battle at the colosseum
The sacred well
The victim
The hadeko
Assassins guild

Not listed side quest :

Easter egg :
1) Canary the NPC (the tablets).
2) The island of the programers in the Bone Temple map :
Time based quest related to your progression on the final map.

Collecting all 15 skull coins to open the chests in the bone temple map :

Thanks to Deon and Melissa Heydenrych for the location of the 15 skull
coins :

"1 :At portal go Blazing Stones in Raven Pass, in a chest.
2 : Blazing Stones From the giant Surt (the one that walks around after
you kill all the wolf camps)
3 - 5 : 3 Coins from the last skeleton in Blazing stones.
6 : From Zerbo in Colloseum after beading the Heads.
7 : From Zerbo in Colluseum after beating Demons.
8 - 9 : In Clockwork Crypts at the lights that you have to switch on
and off.
10 : Not sure where I got this one. In the Clockwork Crypts somewhere.
11 : At the Invinceables in the Clockwork Crypts. Those two very hard
to kill demons!
12 : From the Gnomeling in the City of Souls
13 : Ashbone in City of Souls
14 : A chest in the last map near the Bone Temple.
15 : Steel this one in Empyria."

Selling Hadeko puppets to the puppet master.

9 Credits :

Thanks to Thorsten Röpke, QA lead at Phenomic, who provided me the expansion

Thanks to the whole Phenomic Team and Jowood for this second expansion pack
which is quite impressive.

Thanks to the guys of the french forum of spellforce ood, tbow and sotp.

Thanks to John Fowler for the tips in the clockwork Crypt.

Thanks to Deon and Melissa Heydenrych for the tips they submitted.

This walkthrough is copyrighted 2004. Ask for my permission to post it on your

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Dt. Megatrainer (für v1.52, v1.52.64763 Platinum/Universe, v1.52.64763 Platinum/Universe, Steam und v1.54.75000 Steam, Retail)

20.Май 2014
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